The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 26, 1897, Image 3

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Soft White Hands with Shapely Nails, I.nxn--jf&bt
Jlalr wltli Clean, Wliplesomo Bcalp, pro
duced by Cutioora Boap, tho most cltcctlvo
kin purifying and beautifying soap In the
'VqJ''!' ns well aa purest and sweetest, for
tmlot, bath, and nursery. Tho only prevcntlvo
- cf InflaramaUon and clogging of tho Porm.
8or la old throughtmlth worM. roTTiR Dfl0
Cnau. Co nr.. Bolt Prop., Boston, V. 8. A.
y-MUow to Purifr and Betatif lh, Bkln, Be-vlp,
and Htlr'mtllid frt.
Piles or Hemorrhoids
FlMUi-es & Fistulas.
, Burns & scaiae.
-Jlfls Wounds & Bruises.
' s V io m kwa was
B'- Eczomy.'& ;Ejruintoris. .
Sp&.j Salt Rh'sum & Tetters.
f Chappet' Hands.
C Fever B Sisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
SjO' Corns & Bunions.
Inns fc Bites of Insects.
,n.K " .... . '
jhr,iifcs, ijS$. and Sx.oo.
J Void by druggtiU, or t eitpost-paM on receipt of prloo
HUM TUB H8 MID. CO , 1 1 1 1 1 3 .TUUm St., NtwTcrk.
Atwaa nramnt snti r.lUbte. AinAii ImitftfWHt.
On ('ATon'iTiirir PiLLSind lira bioiits.
Atriruir starts, or tiit tllrrct fitMitdl. nrle. 61.
Catihc fftc Co , IloitoD, Mut. Oar book, 4c
For sale at Klrlln's druj? store and Shenandoah
drujr store.
jLf It jftrvoua ituta railing mem
or. Jmpotnc7',8Ieeple8DeM,to.,cAU8ed
by Abuw and othar Excesses and Ind'i't
cretlons. Thru rjuiektv ani urefv
rwtorw Lost VHalitr in old or roung, and
tit a zntn for Btndy,bulne or marriage,
PrKtnnt Innnnflr end (Vintm mutton If
taken In time. Their no enows immediate lmprore
ment ai.d tiffeata a CURE where nil others tall. In
JLK npou havrna the genuine AJax Tablets. Thar
are oared thou Binds and will euro yoa. We sue a
poaitiTo written ffuuraniee 10 ctiool a cure in eacii caw
or nfand the money. Price 60 cent? per package, or
alzpaokaffea (fall treatment) for VlGO. Br malt in
(lain wrapper, upon receipt of price. Gircmar f re.
ajax Remedy co., "tt"
For sals In Shenandoah, Fa., at A. Wasley'a
md Klrlln's, Druggists.
Corel central or special debility, wakeful
t,.'ss. epcrmatorhffia, emissions, Impotency.
ratals, etc. Corrects functional disorders,
a iued by errors or excesses, quickly restoring
a ost Mauhood In old or young, giriug vigor and
rength where former weakness prevailed. Coo-
lent y ' simple, effectual, and leKillrmte
Cur o Quick and.Thorouci C
VvK't itceivfd cy imitations: 1iiim or
CATON'S Vltallzers. Sent sealed if your dm
f ivt dock not have it. Price $ I per pVpe, 6 lor $5,
y 'th written guarantee of complete cure.
1 rinatlan, rclercncrs, etc, free and confidential.
ild us statement of case and 25 cts. for a week'
tmi trc'attycAn Cfoe only sent to each person.
old atKlrJIn'i druc store, Shenandoah, Fu
HSaf: and eure. stm Ac. for"honh a sat r
aTKKWaUA'-!' Wiurox QPECiric Co,Pmiu-P-
,Foi at PoYlnaky's drug store, Ea
J ' Centre street.
hssaOagKygy luaSiiOnct.
i ii' i - 1
Guess it must have been a lazy
man who first thought of using
for a bed they're so comfort
able just the thing to suggest
an eaSyvtime.
Fbr'sale by dealers everywhere.
ArtnatronB Cok Co., Pittsturtr, Pa.
Christ. Schmidt,
, Agent and Bottler of . .
Porter and Weiss Beer.
203 W. Coal Street,
H .ir
mi nurn nrrnn
mm Him
Tho Answor HaB Not Readied tho
Washington OffioialB.
Dr. llritnnor, n Sanitary Innpootor of
Our Marino lloapltnl Sorvlco, Do
dcrlbos tho Itnrrowlnir Conditions
Kxlstlnit In Thcao Dcndly Sections.
Washington, Oct. 2G. Up to the close
of office hours yestorday Spain's reply
on the Cuban question had not readied
the president or state department. It
was stated also In other quarters, by
those In a position to know what had
occurred at Madrid, that the answer
had not been delivered to Minister
Woodford. It has been approved by tho
cabinet, however, and Is to be com
municated to Minister Woodford today.
A denial was made by an authorita
tive source that Minister Dupuy de
Lome had Intimated to the state de
partment that Spain would resort to
the search and seizure of suspected
American vessels on the high seas If
filibustering expeditions continued to
leave this country. The reports, It Is
believed, grew out of visits made by
the minister to the state department
last Monday and Thursday. At these
Visits he called the attention of the
olllclalB to the circumstances of the de
parture of the alleged filibuster Silver
Heel, after the authorities were put
in possession of explicit Information
of the plans of the vessel.
Kegret was expressed by the minister
at this occurrence, as it was felt that
it would create a bad impression at
Madrid at a time when the govern
ment was maturing its policy. Beyond
this, however, the minister made no
reference to retaliation upon American
vessels, or as to searches on the high
seas. It is said a prerequisite to such
action would be an announcement by
Spain of the blockade of all the ports
of Cuba, and certainly no step along
such radical lines has been proposed
thus far.
The diplomatic procedure in connec
tion with Spain's reply to the Wood
ford note Is that it will be communi
cated to him by the minister of foreign
affairs at Madrid. It will not be sent
to Minister Dupuy de Lome, as it is
distinctly a part of communications be
tween Minister Woodford and the
Madrid officials, and is not an exchange
of notes between the state department
and the government of Spain.
In his last weekly report to Surgeon
General Wyman Sanitary Inspector
Brunner, of the Marine hospital service,
reports seven deaths from starva
tion In Havana for the week ended Oct.
7, and 21 for the week ended Oct. 14.
He also reports a rapid Increase in in
testinal diseases due to the contracted
food supply, estimating that two-fifths
of the total deaths of the city are duo
to this cause.
Dr. ISrunner calls attention to Los
Fosos, a place set aside for the country
people sent to Havana, which Is, he
says, a pesthole. It Is a large wooden
building, IDOxGO feet In size, situated
In an enclosure, which Is used for stor
ing the carts of the municipality. Dr.
Brunner says:
"There were BOO people found In and
around this building, and of that num
ber over 200 were found lying on the
floor sick and dying. I saw no child
under ten years of age who could be
considered In good health. The emacia
tion of their bodies was startling. This
place is not a hospital, but simply a
place of residence for these people,
but a conservative estimate of the
death rate of these people would be
about ten per day. The number Is re
cruited by fresh accessions from the
country. There were over 150 children
below the age of 10 years, and I did
not observe one whose chance for liv
ing 30 days, under the existing condi
tions, was good. There are two other
such places in the city where tho same
conditions exist. The hospitals, civil,
are refusing patients. One of them,
capable of holding 200 patients, now
has nearly 600, and haB refused to admit
any new patients until that number
can be reduced.
Stands at the Head.
Aug. J. Rogcl, tho leading druggist of
sureveport, la., says: Dr. King s New Dis
covery in the only thing that cures my cough,
and it Is tho best seller I have." J. F. Camp
bell, merchant of Saflord, Ariz., writes: "Dr.
King's New Discovery Is all that is claimed
for it; it never fails, aud is a sure cure for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I cannot
say enough for its merits." Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds
is not an experiment. It has been tried for
n quarter of a century, and to-day stands at
the head. It never disappoints. Free trial
buttles at A. Wasley drug store.
Movlnc'l'tiriilturo Out In lionts.
Mlllvllle, N. J., Oct. 20. The big tides
In the Maurice river have flooded all
the oyster houses at Maurice River
Station and Bivalve, and several houses
have been blown over on the meadows.
The oyBter boats are dragging on the
meadows and much damage Is being
done to the vessels. Telegraph wires
are all down, and the people are mov
ing their furniture out In boats. The
Oceoji City, Sea Isle and Maurice
River branches of the West Jersey
railroad are all submerged.
Household Necessity
Cascareta Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, act gently and
positively on kldnoys, liver and bowels,
cleansing tho entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. I'leiiso buy and try a box of
C. 0. 0. to-day; 10, 25, CO cents; Sold and
guaranteed to cure liy all druggists.
Will I.piwo lio l'reHl.vtrlun' Church.
Princeton, N. J., Oct. 26. Professor
GharlM W. Shields, of Princeton uni
versity, authorises the statement that
in consequence of the "unjust, uncon
stitutional and defamatory notion" of
certain prsebyterlee and synods he has
decided to separate hlmslf from the
Presbyterian church In a constitutional
manner. Thin refers to th granting
of a liquor license to the Princeton Inn,
Profetfsor Shields being one of the
signers of the petition.
Kiel) and poor alike suffer the tortures that
come with that terrible plague, Itching Piles;
rich and poor aliko And Instant relief aud
permanent cure in Dean's Oiutment. Your
doaler keeps it.
Whole Family Hound nud nobbed.
Indianapolis, Oct. 20. Sunday night
four men wearing masks drove up to
the Hicks home, near Monrovia, and
entered, demanding money. The six
members of the Hleks family were se
curely tied by the robbers, who pro
ceeded to rob the house. They secured
about JIM in cash, and drove away.
Uacklen'a Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cats,
t i ... i , .i. ... ... .
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all -VI.. A.ftn- -n nruiltlwlw ...... tl
or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to give
penoci satin action or mony rorunaoa. rrlce
uo cents per box. 4 or sjliq uy a, waaiey.
It la Foolish to Neglect Any Form of files,
Cure Them at the Beginning.
Piles are simple in the beginning and easily
cured. Theyoan bo cured even In the worst
stages, without pain or loss of blood, quickly.
surely and completely. There Is only ouo
remedy that will do it Pyramid Pllo Cure.
It allays tho inflammation immediately,
lioals tho irritated surfaco and with contin
ued treatment reduces the swelling and puts
tho membranes into good, sound healthy
condition. Tho euro Is thorough and per
Here are some voluntary and unsolicited
testimonials wo havo lately received :
Mrs. M. C. Hlnkly, 001 Mississippi St..
Indianapolis, Iud snys: llavo been a suf
ferer from the pain and annoyance of Piles
for fifteen years, tho Pyramid Pile Cure and
Pyramid Pills gave mo Immediate roliof and
in ft short tltno a complete euro.
Major Dean of Columbus, Ohio, says : I
wish to add to tho number of certificates as
to tbe bonefils derived from tho Pyramid
Pllo Cure. I suffered from piles for forty
years and from itching piles for twenty
years and two boxes of tho Pyramid Pile
Curo havo effectually cured me.
Most druggists soli Pyramid Pllo Cure or
will got It for you if you ask thom to. It Is
ono dollar per packago and is put up only by
tho Pyramid Drug Co., Albion, Mich.
The Florida Limited Will Again Itun on
the Southern Railway,
Tbe Florida Limited, which is tho syn
onym of all that Is elegant in modern rail
way trains, and which during its former
service has been a prime favorite for tourist
from tho North seeking tho mild cllmato of
Florida, will bo placed in sorvlco by the
Southern Hallway about tho first week in
January. 1893. With its return to servioo this
train, which will bo solid Pullman vestibuled
between New York, Philadelphia and St.
Augustlno will present features in tho way of
luxurious and comfortable appointments not
heretofore presented, and which will bo
destined to add still further to its already
wen cstaDUsnou popularity.
The Southern Railway is having built for
tho Florida Limited service threo traius.oach
containing a dining car, two drawing room
sleeping cars, a compartment car and a
library and observation car, each car 00m
ploto in all its appointments and equipped
with tho very latest devicos and appliances
for the comfort and convenience of the pas-
sensors. While no schedule has as yet been
announced, it can be stated that it will bo the
quickest ever arranged betwoon Philadelphia
and St. Augustine, and will be so planned
that passengers can leave Philadelphia at
some convenient hour during the day and ar
rive at St. Augustine before nightfall of tho
following day. Philadelphia Kocord.
Notlco. Applications for further informa
tion addressed to Jno. M. Ileal), District
Passenger Agent, Southern Railway, 828
Chestnut street, Philadelphia, will recelvo
prompt attention. 10-25-tf
There is no need of little children bcinz
tortured by scald head, eczema and skin
eruptions. Dewitt's Witch Hazel Salvo gives
instant relief and curcs-permanently. V. II.
Tim Wt'utlVor.
For eastern Pennsylvania: Threaten
ing weather, with showers, In eastern,
fair In western portion; northeasterly
winds, probably decreasing In force.
For New Jersey and Delaware: Show
ers; northeasterly winds, high on the
coast. For Maryland: Threatening
weather, with showers, In eastern por
tions; probably fair In western por
tions; northeasterly winds, brisk to
algh on the coast.
Bicycle riders, football players and
athletes, generally, find a sovereign rcniody
for the sprains and bruises and cuts to which
they are constantly liable, in Dr. Thomas'
Eclcctrlc Oil.
lMnirroo to t?ne Hid JtMlrnnds.
Detroit, Oct. 26. Governor Pingree
will begin a mandamus suit to compel
the Michigan Central and the Lake"
Shore roads to sell mileage tlcEets,
good for the purchaser and family for
two years, at $20, according to the
terms of the law recently declared valid
by the state Bupreme court. The Mich
igan Central sells mileage tickets for
$30, but requires many details in pur
chasing them. The Lake Shore re
fuses to sell mileage tickets of any
"An ounco of prevention is hotter than a
pound of curo." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup prevents consumption by curing colds,
and all similar lung troubles.
Only Is possible, whether an a teat of
excellence in journalism, or for to
measurement of quantities, tlmo or value
Record . . .
After a career of nearly twenty years o
uninterrupted growth Is Justified In claim
lug that the standard llmt established by
Its founders Is the one true test of
A Perfect Newspaper
To publish ALL THE NEWS nromntlv and
succinctly and In the most readable form,
without elision or partisan bias; to discuss
Its significance with frankness, to keep AN
beetdee a complete record of current
thought, fancies and discoveries In all de-
Strtmants of human activity In Its DAILY
DITIONSof from 10 to 14 FAQBS, and to
pruviue sue wnoie lor lis patrons as ine
nominal price of ON1C CKNT-Tliat was
from the outset, and will continue to be the
aim of TUB ItUCORD.
The Pioneer
One tent morning newspaper In the United
States, Tlio Kecord, fitill LKAlM WJIRRK
Witness Its unrivaled average dally circulation
exceeding 160,000 atopies, and an average
exceeding 130,000 copies tor Its Sunday
editions, while Imitations of Its plan uf
publication In every Important city of the
country teatify to the truth of theawtert'on
that In the quantity and quality of tU con
tents, and In the price at which it Is sold
The Kecord has established the standard by
which excellence In journalism must be
The Daily Edition
Of The Record will be sent by mall to any
address for $3.00 per year or as cents per
The Daily and Sunday
Editions together, which will five Its readers
the beat and freshest information of all that
la going on In the world every day In the
rear Including holidays, will be sent tor
1.00 year or 83 cents per month.
Record Building,
Philadelphia, Pa.
ia for womon'a dlsmnos and Irregu
larities. It curps everything tlint ia
commonly called a ' 'female troublo."
It nebs directly upon all the distinctly
fominino organs of generation, driv-
i) itig out wenknesB and Importing
l elwm-llii ali.nnit.1. ........ I .. 1 .1 .... I n
C3b.U.Jlll, Oluu JJltlj ,1111.(1,11, 411. VllUltlO,
and regulating the monthly flow
In every instance. It mnlces sickly
nnd -woalcly women strong nnd well
,) again. i a noiue at urtig stores.
onu lor a neo uook nnout it.
Colored (tlaMsjind containing corks.
Wo lmvo a large stock on litmd wliioh
wo will soil reasonable.
17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah,
If we can soil von
one 2c. package oil
tins admixture
we'll be satisfied.
You'll buy more
for it will touch
the spot. Grocers
luve fcEELlQ'S.
has added
Vlg's to ordinary
rcoucc Knows a
rrand drink Hint
K wm pieasc ncr Husband.
FOR rtTnF.u SEX.
Thin remedv liclnir In-
lecteil tllrcctlv to tho
G jflB& seat of tliono dlsenses
O or the Gcnlto-Urlnary
Al MM Organs, requires no
Uff WLH change or diet. Care
-SS-W guaranteed In 1 to 8
days, rimall plain pack
TT "B3S W "Ce '' mull, 81.00,
Lc J JftJEaHoia only by
S. P. KIRXIN, Shenandoah.
Side Entrance on Green St., PHILADELPHIA, PA.
I Young, old, sIn?lo or married & those con
) tcmplatlngmarrlftKe, ifyon nre a victim of
IPrlVQla nicD9a thosedestroyersoftTie
rlliaiQ UloDQiOi human race wtitchdc-
'itrov mind and body, and unfit vou for tho
duties of life, call or write and be saved. Hours:
Dally, !3t eVgs, fl-Of Sun., Send lOets. In
Ft amps for Book wltli sworn tnitlmnnlnla
xpoiinBtiinoKi UUU iukq jnsiuuies.
Successor to
105 S. Main Street.
Headquarters for a full and com
plete line of groceries.
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvety Boftness of the Bkln Is inva
riably obtained by tbore who use Pouoiti'a
Complexion fowder.
Trains leave Shenandoah ns follows :
For New York via Philadelphia, week ilnys.
210, 580. 7 03 9 51a.m., 121)3, 810 and 0 07 p
m Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week days.
5 SB. 7 05a. m.. 12 83 and 8 10 p. m.
For Heading: and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, S 80, 7 05, 0 51 a,m., 12 33, 3 10 and 0 07 1. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a. ra.
For Pottdvllle, week days, 2 10, 7 05, 0 51 a. in.,
12 83, 8 10, S 07 and 7 25 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. ro,
For Tamaqun and Mahnnoy City, week days
210.5 80, 7 05, 9 51 a. in., 12 88, 8 10 and 007 p. m.
Sundays. 2 10 a. m
For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Iwlsbure,
week days. 8 25, 5 80, 11 80 a, m.. and 7 25 p. m
Sundays, 8 25 a. m.
For Mahano IManc, weekdays, 2 10. 8 25, 5 86,
7 05. 9 51, 11 80 a. in., 12 38, 8 10, 0 07, 7 28, 9 H and
1140 p.m. Sundays, 2 10, 8 25 a. m.
For Aahland'andShamokln, week days, 8 25,
580,705, 1180, a. in., 607, 725 and ,65 p. m.
Sundays. 3 25 a. m.
For Ualtlmore, Washington and the West via
II. & O. 11. It., through trains lea'! Keaiilncr
Terminal, Philadelphia, (1. &. It. 1 X.) at 3 20,
755, 1120 a. m 810 and 7.27 p. La. Sundays,
8 20,7 00, 1128 a. m., 8 and 7 27 p.m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m, 12 20,
12 11 8 0 p.m. Sundays, 1 38, 8 28 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, veek
days. 12 15, 4 80, 8 00 a. m., and 1 80, 4 80, 9 00 p.
m. Sundays, 5 00 p. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, i 80, 9 10 a.'m.. 1 80 and 4 IS in. m.
leave i'lillaaelolila. iceaaincr Terminal. nlf
days, i 20, 8 85, 10 10 a. m. and 1 42, i 05, 6 80, 11 00
p. in. DniiunyB, ll ou p. IU.
Leave Itendlng.week days, 1 85, 7 10,10 08, a, m.
12 00 m., 4 1, 00 and 8 SO p. in. Sundays, 186
Leave rottavllle, week days, 2 88, 7 40 a. m.,
12 80 and 812 p.m. Sundays, 2 88 a. m.
Leave Tamauua, week days, 8 18, 8 48, 11 28 a.
m., 1 80, 5 51, 7 20 and 9 48 p. m. Sundays, 8 18
a. m.
T f M .. MUl. .In.... I.M O 1W
9 12 11 47 a. m., 2 17, 5 U, 6 17, 7 41 and 10 08 p. m.
Sundays. 12 25, 8 45 a. m.
Leave Mabanoy Plane, week daya, 12 38, 2 40,
4 00 880,9 38. 10 26. 1159 a. in., 3 , 5 32 6 38
7 67, 10 22 m. Sundays, It 40, 2 40, 4 00 a. m.
Leave Wllllamsport, week ilaya, 7 42, 10 20 a
iu., w mm ii ou p. m. uunuays, H uu p. ra.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street war and
South street wharf for Atlantic C.llv.
weeKuoya Bxpreea, duo a. m., zoo 4 00,
u w p. iu. Aceoinmounuon, B w a. m., o liu p. m.
Sundays Express, 900, 10 00 a. m. Accommoda
tion. 8 00 a. m.. 4 45 n. m.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, corner
Atlantlo and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays HxpreM, 7 35, 9 00 a. in., 3 80, 5 30
p.m. Accommodation, 8 15a. m., 405 p. m.
Sundays Expreea, 4 00, 7 80 p, ru. Aooom-
mouation, lint, m., 4 10 p. in.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
For further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket agent
or aaurees
T A Qwntifilun Viuinw T
Qen'l Sunt., Oen'i I'ass'r Agt.,
neaaing 1 erminai, j-nuaaeipnia.
UJantofi-ftn Irion SPsaffaffiS
BUIiluu nil iuuu tUngiopVtentr
Protect your Idi-as; they may brine you wealth.
Write JOHN WKUUKKBlmN 4 CO., Patent Attor
neys, Washington, D. C, for their Sl.SUU prise otter
and list of two hundred uiTeutloua wanted.
Eeportod to Bs Ono of tho Fiorooat
in Toars.
Xlio Famous City by tlio Sea Cut Oft
From tho Outatrto Worlil by tits
Wnlilii(r Away of All tlio llullrond
Trnoks Tho Dainntrn at Cnpo Mny.
Cap May, Oct. 26. One of the fiercest
northeast sales of years has swept the
Jersey coast and up the Delaware bay
for tbe past SO hours. Many vessels
have been stranded, and there Is an un
confirmed report that a ship went down
off shore yesterday morning. A fleet
Is riding at anchor within the harbor,
unable to proceed either way, and the
meadows are so Inundated that rail
road travel to the coast resorts Is
praotlcally suspended.
The tide here Is abating; somewhat,
but the wind til niRtntalnlng a velocity
of 30 miles. Portions of the boardwalk
have been swept away, as well as cot
tage porches and fences, and the dam
age is estimated at thousands of dol
lars. From Mlllvllle comes the report that
the big tides In the Maurice liver have
flooded all the oyster houses, and sev
eral have been blown down. The Ocean
City, Sea Isle and Maurice River
branches of the West Jersey railroad
are submerged. Nearly a mile of the
Reading tracks have been washed
away near Egg Harbor City, and the
mall coach between that place and
Tuokerton was held up by flooded
Much damage has been done In the
vicinity of Lewes, Del. The schooners
Little Falkanburg;, Sarah I. Vaughn,
H. W. Laws and Annie L. Ponder went
aBhore on the beach there Sunday
night. The crews were safely landed.
The schooner Emma L. Cottingham,
from Kali Itlver for Philadelphia, Is
ashore near Delaware City. She lies
on a stone pile well up the beach.
The schooner Elizabeth Lee, Phtladel
phia for Gloucester, Mass., broke from
the tugs which had her yesterday and
drifted on the point of Cape Henlopen.
She is In a bad position, and may go
to pieces at any moment because of her
cargo of' coal. The crew was taken
aboard the tugs. A number of dredges
and barges are also ashore.
At Bowers Iieach, Del., William
Spencer and his wife are in the second
story of their cottage, which Is sur
rounded by water, and help cannot
reach them. Many animals have been
drowned there.
Itnllrond Hods Wnsliod Away nnd Train
Service Cut OIT.
Atlantic City, Oct. 2C The northeaBt
storm still prevailing Is probably the
most severe In many years. In point
of high tides It has not been equalled,
It is stated, since 1844.' The damage
done thus far does not equal that of the
storm of 1889, but If It does not abate
soon it promises to exceed it. The prin
cipal damage accomplished has been
by the wind. It blew over at least three
houses In course of erection nnd a row
of two more Is threatened.
At the Inlet a section of. the yacht
men's wharf was carried away by the
breakers pounding against It, also one
end of John Mehrer's Inlet pavilion.
Bolton Parsons' houses, on Grammercy
Place, nearly completed, were blown
over, while two brick houses owned by
the Moore Brothers were laid low.
The three railroad beds haye been
washed out for a considerable distance,
thus shutting the city out of train
service either way. The tracks of the
Philadelphia and Beading railroad
were picked up by the surging waters
and carried up against the telegraph
poles, a distance of about ten feet.
At Chelsea about six squares of
boardwalk were washed away and sev
eral valuable bulkheads were wrecked.
One, In front of the Catholic convent,
was damaged to the extent ot $500. The
government life crew has received
special Instructions to be watchful, as
It Is feared that there may be some
In the back part of the city houses
bordering on tho meadows are sur
rounded by water. The residents have
to use topboots to reach their homes.
The county court term had to be post
poned because the Judge and jurymen
cannot leave the city, there being no
trains leaving.
Cliosnpenko Hay Storm Damntro.
Ocean City, Md., Oct. 2G. The storm
of the laBt two days was the worst In
the memory of the oldest inhabitant.
The wind attained the proportions of a
hurricane, and the surf ran four feet
deep across the beach Into SInepuxent
bay. T)ie boardwalk south from Tem
per's hotel Is entirely washed away for
some distance, and north from the
sanie point Is wrecked In places. The
large porches of Congress IIallt Trim
per's.tha' Eastern Shore hotel. Cropper's
pavilion, Atlantic hotel and Meyer cot
tage are completely wrecked. The im
mense fish pound ot the Ocean City
Fishing company was carried out to
sea. The Cambridge hotel was nearly
wrecked. A large two masted eohooner
was mink in theTiay after being driven
against the dnajybridga. The damaee
Jll reach thousands of dollars.
Nnvlfcatlifir tho Strests In Boats,
Highlands. N. 3., Oct. 26. Owing to
the heavy wind and sea the fishing
village of Seaside, formerly Parker
town, Is under water. The villagers
are rowing through the-streets In boats.
The government trestle Is badly dam
ftgad. The trestle connects the main
land, with Sandy Hook, and all freight
Cor thftt place passes over It. About
0Q ftt,Tvas lifted oft the piling and
Washed to one side, and It will he some
time before it can be repaired. A large
piece of Kay's new, bulkhead was
washed away, and the property there
Is In danger. The bulkhead was built
last winter at a large expense. The
sand bar Is closing the west channel,
and If the storm continues the Shrews
bury river will be closed to navigation.
Two Storm Dmithn In Norfolk,
Norfolk, Va., Oct. 26. The heavj
northeaster developed early Sundaj
night Into a full fledged hurricane,
which haB, however, done less dam
nge to shlpptfiaT than was threatened.
Water got Into two lime houses and
started a. Ore among the lime, and a
serious conflagration was narrowly
averted. Claude Young, colored, was
handling a telephone in the office of
his .employer. When he grasped the
lever he dropped to the floor dead. An
other negro, named Hernshaw, saw a
parted wire in the street. He picked
one end up, whan 1,690 volts of elec
triolty shot through Iilm and he tell
Wabninq: Persons who suffer from
couahi and colds should heed tbe warnings
ui uangw aim nve inomteive, auaerlug and
fatal result by using One Mluutc Cough
Cure. It lean infallible remedy for corebs,
oolds, croup aud all throat and lung troubles.
j. 11. uagenuueu.
When the appetite fails there is no use in
Irying to tempi the palate with delicate rood.
Nil matter bow good and well cooked nnd
"BVetMnff" th food may be, It cannot
Hive ally nourishment unless the stomach Is
able to digest it. Nature indicates the state
of the conatitutinn by the loss of appetite.
Tbia is an unfailing indicator. It show
that something is fundamentally ionR
with the nutritive funclimii.
The only true natural relief mint be ns
searching and fundamental ni the trouble it
aims to overcome It i-. the thorough loi p
seari-hing rharaeter of I)r Pierce's Coldt n
Medical Discovery, which causes the mnr
velotiH efficacy in all bilious and digestive
difficulties. It creates that healthful vitalitv
of the entire digestive and nutritive organ
ism which produces both the natural disir
for food and the organic capacity to assmii
late and transform it into nuuiishing, rtviv
ifying blood and healthy tissue. It gives
appetite, digestion and sound sleep, and
builds up solid muscular strength and
vital nerve -energy
11. 11. Thompson, Esq., of r O. Box 4. Hippie,
ninrr Co., Penn'a, writes- " I had been troubled
vJth extreme vomiting in summer season, al
RT.ys after eating; had to tw very carelul at times
to iret anvthlnff to fitnv nn mv clnmorh f nil l,nj
been taking other medicines, but without 1 (feet.
I heard a Irlend speak of Dr. ricrce'i. Golden
Medical Discovery, and thought I would give it a
trial. I used about five bottles of it and think it
is the only medicine that did me any good, as I
n b Bpienuia ppniie now, ana am not using
any medicine at all and don't think 1 need any
A man who Is suffering from tbe evil
effects of constipation doesn't feel like
work, and can't even enjoy his leisure
hours. I)r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are a
sure, swift, safe, and permanent cure for
constipation. They are tiny, sugar-coated
granules. One little "Pellet" is a gentle
laxative, and two a mild cathartic. They
never gripe. Dishonest druggists try to
get you to take a substitute for the sake
of the added profit.
jyt. W. II. YINOST,
Graduate and Late Resident House Surgecr ol
the University State of N. Y.
Headquarters: Hotel Frnney, Shenandoah
Calls night or day promptly responded.
jy- M. BURKE,
Ofllce Egan building, of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre streets.
Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Having studied under some of the host
masters in London and Paris, will glvo lessons
on the violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address In care of Strouao,
the jeweler Shenandoah.
Tho famous Appliance nnd Remedies of
tho Erie Medical Co. now for tho Urst tlmo
puereu on trial wnnoucoxpenso to liny
honest man. IVot n ilollni- In l nnl.l
lu advance. Curo Effects of Errors
ir ixcesflOH lniimnr vnunir. ninnhnni .
Fully Restored, now to Enlarge nnd
Strengthen Weak, Undeveloped Portions
of Body. Absolutely unfailing Home
Treatment. NoC. ti, I), or other scheme.
a jnuiu oiior oy u urin or uign standing.
IIIU llll.UIUni.UU. IJUrfAL.U, rs. Y.
A gonuiuo welcome waits you at
Cor. Haiti and Coal Sts.
JMnesi TOUiakeyfl, beers, porter and
confitantly on Ian. Choice emDerance ilr
and clears.
CelebnttAil Fenisl
I'owdora Dover fall
liljUui LsiliMOMiiaM 'thsa
Mfaandiure faftsr faUhtt
' with Ttnsy riri Pennyroyal JIUs and ouW Ukf
Aiinji uu- inn van mau bvuiu uimi-
pvnor 10 on otoera. jMiurn
raiucurs, a as. ut.b.1;
I'l'iiimiiii i ii i 1 1 1 1 1 it iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 mi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 it i i-m
in i he
ami fall
BiminHnHrmniuiiiiniir ininiMimtiiiiiiiinmHiiwHuiiiHHiiiMiwiHiii
BomsttatsneeU a reHsbK, monthly, regnlaUng medicine. Only harattta-OaVl
the purest drugs skeald be aaea. lfjou want the be.i. get
Dr. Peal's
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drue Store, Shenandoah, ra.
25 50
iRSfll.lITRI.Y rilUH iKTRRH 10 rur'
- w-....., v inf. n,i-r
pie tad boaltlet free. id. STKUMMi HKHKDV
OitoskB 1, 1M7.
Train is III leare Hlienaodoah after the afcovt
date for Wlgnns, CHIbortOfl. Fmokvllle, Dark
Water, M. Ckilr, 1'ottarllle. Hamburg, Retdlar
PolWown, Phoentsvlile, Norrtstown and Pi ll
adelphlalllrond street sVitsem) at 6 OH and 11 08
a. ns. and I 20 p m. on week dors. Sundays,
6 0". a. m , S 10 p. to. For Pottarllle and Inter
mediate station only 9 It a. ra. week daya.
ftundays, 9 45 a. to.
Train lean PrnekrtUle for Shenandoah al
1040 a. m. awl ttn, 1, 75 and 10 47 p. .
8nndsty, 11 U a. at. ami B 41 p. m.
Leave PotterlUe fur ShenandoAh at 1018
a. m. and 12.05, 6 18, T K find 10 20 p. ra. Sunday
10 40 a. m., 5 IB p. no.
Leave IMilWelpWau (Brood street station).
Shenandoah at 8 R7, SSnnd 10 19 a. m., 4 10 and
p. ro. week days. Sundays leave at 8 50 a. m.
Leave Broad street ataMen. FklluMphiit, iu.
Pea dirt, Asburj- Park. OeeM Orove, Loni
p. inch, and intermediate stations, 8.S0
11 If, a. m.,B.M and 4.00 p. m. week-days.
I eave Hrnad street Station. Philadelphia,
F.spmw, week-days 1120, 4 On, 4 50 5 15, 8 SO,
7 -), x , m, 9 50, 10 21 (Dining (Tor), 1100 a m,
I2O0 noon, 28ft (Limit.-.! 1 00 nod 4 22 p.m.
Dining Cars). 1 40. 200 (IHnlng Car) 320, 850.
4 00, 100, 5 58 (Dining Car). 8 00. 7 02. 7 48, 1000
i in., 12 01, night. Sundays. 8 20,4 08,4 90 5 15,
K 20, H V 80, 10 21, 1 1)1 lug Car), 1185 a. m.,
I2.'!ft, 108 Dining Car) 2 80 (Dining Car), 4 00
(Limited 4 22 Dining Carl, 8 20, 8 58,(llnilig Oar)
HOT. 7 02, 7 13. 10 OH p in. 12 01 night.
Express for Boston without change, 11 00 a m..
week-days, aud 7 48 p. in., dally.
For Baltimore and Vi nahington, S SO, 7 20, 8 82,
10 20, 1128, a. m., 12 09, 12 81 (Di.dne
Car), 1 12, 8 18, 4 41, 6 19 Congres
sional Limited, Dining Car, 817. 855 Din
ing Car, 7 81 Dining Carl p. in , and 1205
night week days. Sundays, 8 50, 7 20. 9 12, 11 38,
a. m., 1209, 1 12, 4 41. 1515 Oongrowlonal Lim
Itevl, Dining Car, 8 SB Dining Car, 781 (Din
ing Car p m. and 12 05 night.
Leave Broad street station via Delaware river
bridge Kxpreen, 7 08 p. m. dally.
Leave Market Street Warf Express, 8 SO
2 00, 4 00,500 p. in. Sundays. 8 45. 9 45 n. m.
(accommodation 4 80 and 500p. m.)
For Cape May, Auglcaea, Wlldwood and Holly
Bench, Sea Isle city, Occ,n City, Avalon and
Stone Harbor Kx press, 900 n. m., 400, p. m.
week days. Sundays, 9 00 a. m.
For Somera Point Express, 880, a. m , 3 00,
400, 500, p. rn. week days Sundays, 8 45 a. m.
J. B. Ilu rv iiikhom, J. B WOOD,
Oen'l Manager. Oen'l Paoe'g'r Agt
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
a Twenty Coupons of tho HERALD -S
Jt; will pay for the Workmanship of a -js
beautiful life-size, free hand crayon, IS
Taken from any dla "35
niii.uiu.uu, 1MKVII irUII
-- tlnct photograph, tintype or
jf type at M. Hecker's Studio,
(tontriv Mtreet. Klionntwlitali
i, tintype or uagerreo-
- ,.. .....v., i,rni,imuail, m. All
we require is 50 cents tor material. jS
-.i L. . UI.. I I , . . . .
Those who purchase frameB pay -
; or frames from $1.80 up. -3E
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardm SlC
nro nrogre Ave and keep Informed of 2
the orld'd Progress. Tlie well in-
formed and thrifty llouso-wlfe wills
always keep S
House, ae a atAndard remedy for
on ioa 1
v,nno nuu JMUIJU
Prtoa 25 cU. and 60 cU. pr botlU.
' we raw I (1 VW,, rWWWpill,
PenBiroyal Pills
f eoaatlaHn. faseareU art the Hr.l Ijiv..
rrln or erta. Itt . u,. I . ., v ...
U.. ftilraso, Muntrul. Caa.. or New lork. ' tit