The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 25, 1897, Image 3

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RrsTOT Celt Tbiathxst for tortortBir, dlag
ring, Itchlne, burning, o1 icsly skin and scalp
dlieuet with lots orbalr Wrm baths with UU.
Ticust Boir, gentle apptlcittl of Uutktcxa
(ointment), and fall dotes or Ctirtoosi Rstot
TSXT.gresteit ol blood pailllcri and humor cares
or " How lo Cart ftehlna Skin DIumm, fN.
C Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Soaldfj.
M Wounds & Bruise.
Cuts cSc Sores.
3olls & Txmsors.
Eofnjo, & Eruptions.
Snft' Rh iUm Sc Totters.
EChappec' Hands.
Fever Bilstors
SOro Lipts & Nostrfjs.
Corns & Bunions;
Stings .fe Bites of ift'seots,
Three Siies, 35c, 50c. and $W-
oldbydrUOTtoUjortu'..rt-paMonrcodptof pric
ucxriiEitH' ,;u nsmunst.,tTiri.
a. t.i.. irn WOMAN'S RELIEF.
AtwitsDrufnittaiidrrlisbU. Arvitt ImiUttmnM,
H.. l!ir(i.ltllllT PtLLSand SAT It OIKTI
' . .1 - ..... .lt rualatrta nrlM. I.
Fo sale At Ktrlln's drap store and Shenandonh
urujf store.
AJAX TABLETS rosiTiVEL,x uuius
by Auuu and other Excwwea and Indiscretion-.
Thru quldtlu ana lurelu
rMtore uan vuauirin om or imog, uo
fit a Din for atndy, tnvlneaa or marriage
. UMant Inaanttv find Clonanmotlon if
takealoclrna. Their ma thowa immediate iraprojo.
scant and offaata a CUBE whore all others fall. In.
letopot. hiring tho Kennlna AJax Tablets. They
tare cured thonaanda and will onro you. we Bin a
poaltlro written guarantee to effect a euro In each case
or refund the money, l'rloa 00 cento per nackaae, or
Ir paekactM Itnll treatmentl for $2-K, Br mall, in
For sale In Shenandoah, Pa., at A. Wesley's
and Klrlln's, Druggists.
Cures central or special debility, wakeful-r..-M,
spcrmatcrhma, emissions, Impotency
paresis, etc Corrects functional disorders,
ciused by errors or excesses, quickly restoring
1 oat Manhood In old or young, giving; vigor and
strength where formerweakneas prevailed. Con.
t 'lient pn' ' v.. eimple, effectual, and legitimate
Inslbi ur
I'S Vltallzcrs.
Sent sealed if your drur.
rut doc not have it. Price S I per piece. 6 lor $3.
with written guarantee of conrplete cure.
.mation, references, etc., free and
b . nd us statement of case and 25 its, tor a eelc'
inal treatment. One only sent to each person,
Bold at KlrJln'a druif store, ISbenandoab, Ta
CSUAP"" Wlrnx Spkcifio Co,PhiuuP
at Porlnsky'a drug store,
Centre street.
Guess it must have been a lazy
man who first thought ot using
for. a bed they're so comfort
able just the thing to suggest
an easy tune.
For sale by dealers everywhere,
Armstrong Cork Co.,' Pittsburg, Fa.
Christ. Schmidt,
. . . Agent and Bottler of
Porter and Weiss Beer.
203 W. Coal Street,
T. Mid Ihrotlfliont tilt world. PotTM
in ,
Spain Will Got Along Without Un
do Sam's Holp.
Accortllntr to tlio Vtnwn ot flpnnlMi
Nowpnpeiff 'Wliloli UnaitlmouHly
Siipiiort tho (Jovoi'iiinont'H Attltttdo.
rropusotl Homo Iltito Vor Cubn.
Madrid, Oct. 26. In the special note
to United States Minister Woodford,
the government declares that Spain has
done all In her power to end the war In
Cuba and cites many sacrifices which
have been made by the nation, the
number of troops sent to Cuba and the
reforms which are to be carried out in
the island, which are fully described.
The note ends with the statement that
"Spain will not admit the right of any
foreign power to Interfere in any of her
There is no doubt that the govern
ment's reply will represent the deep
feeling of the nation. The note dwells
at length on filibustering and "other
material and moral assistance which
has chiefly contributed to tins' rise and
duration of the rebellion, and which in
turn has damaged American interests."
It clearly intimates that Spain can
not continue the "forbearance shown
by Senor CanoVas del Castillo and the
Duke of Tetuan during the past two
years," and that she now calls upon the
Amerioan government to "fulfill more
strictly In the future the rules ot
international law," because "the sue
cess of the new home rule policy and
the speedy pacification ot Cuba chiefly
depend upon the conduct of the United
The Spanish press unanimously sup
ports the attitude of the government.
which It calls eminently sober and dig.
nlfled, but the impression is that the
controversy with the United States has
reached a critical stage which may be
the prelude to a rupture. Three mom'
hers of the cabinet who were inter
viewed contended that Spain has the
right, after her tremendous sacrifices in
Cuba, to demand the observance of In
ternatlonal neutrality by other nations.
One of them added: "The gordlan knot
is the United States, without whose
help the rebellion would long ago have
been suppressed. We do not want war,
but every European nation will ap
prove our defence of our International
The Spanish naval forces In the
Caribbean sea will be strengthened on
the pretext of a necessity for increased
vigilance on the Cuban coast.
General Weyler hag cabled a denial
of the report that Mr. Hughes, the cor
respondent of Black and White, was
robbed. He says Hughes died of syn
cope and appeals to the testimony of
the British consul at Havana for proof
of his statement.
According to a dispatch from Ha
vana, Lieutenant Oeneral Weyler has
ordered the abandonment of demon
strations that were being prepared
there In his favor and against the gov
Mrs. Woodford, the wife of the United
States minister, has arrived here. Gen
eral Woodford has not yet taken an
official residence, but will continue to
occupy apartments at the Hotel De
A member of the cabinet declares
that the government Intends to give
Cuba complete local government, with
universal suffrage to elect municipal
and provincial councils, and an Insular
parliament. The latter will be com
posed of upper and lower chambers,
having entire control of taxation and
tariff. The responsible government will
be composed of five ministers, whose
councils will be presided over by the
governor general.
Senators and deputies for Cuba will
continue to sit in the Spanish cortes,
and the Imperial government will still
control the army, navy, police, tri
bunals and foreign affairs of the col
ony, exactly as the program of the au
tonomists demanded. The government
has received promise of the support of
both the autonomists in Cuba and of
those residing in France and the United
States, and expects no opposition from
the other colonial parties.
The same minister says that the gov
ernment does not believe the Spanish
note will cause friction with the United
States, because it Is couched In a
friendly tone and virtually shows that
Spain Is doing what the United States
has repeatedly advised.
Stands at the Bead.
Aue. J. Botrel. tho leading druggist of
Slirovcport, la., says: "ur. .hung s new dis
covery is the only thing that cures my cough,
and it is tho best seller I have." J. F. Camp
bell, merchant of Bafford, Ariz., writes: "Dr.
Kind's Now Discovery Is all that is claimed
Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I cannot
sav enouch for its merits." Dr. King's Now
Discovery for uonsumpuon, mugnsana ixuus
is not an experiment. It has been tried for
a quarter of a century, and to-day stands at
tho ncatl. it never aisappoints. croo inui
bottles at A. Wasloy drug store.
'lluruliu-s Loot a llnnlc.
Webster City, Iowa, Oct. 25. Three
masked burglars robbed the State bank
of Bialrsburg yesterday morning at 3
o'clock. They used dynamite, and tno
explosion shattered the large plate
class window ana uauiy wrecKeu me
bank bul ding. They secured t,uuu
worth of securities and a small amount
of cash. The explosion awoke half the
town. James Conners" yells frightened
the burglars and although they had
prepared the dynamite for a second ex
plosion they leaped irom me buck
window. Seeing Edward Gllllcon, who
waB one of their pals, advancing to
ward them and mistaking him for an
officer, shot him twice. He was cap
tured and Is not expected to live. The
other two escaped.
Household Necessity
Case rets Candy Cathartic, tbe moat won'
dorful medical discovery of tho age, pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, act gently and
positively on kidneys, liver and bowels.
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. Please buy and try a box of
0.0,0. to-day; 10, 98, CO conts. Sold and
guaranteed to, euro by all druggists.
Jury ,nia,tintM u Murder.
Kansas City, Mo.. Oct. . SS. John
Schlegel, who one afternoon in July
last. In the center ot the olty, shot and-
killed Dr. A. I. Berger, one of the most
nromlnoilt local men in his profession,
was aoaultted at noon yesterday,
Schlegel In a German grocer, whose
wife charged Dr. Berger, their physt
clan with criminally assaulting her on
July 8.
Dout clvo them tea or coffee. Have you tried
the now food drink oalledl Qrain-OT It is
delicious and nourishing and takes tho place
ef coffee. The more Qraiu-0 you give the
children tho mora health you distribute
through their systems. QraIn-0 is mado of
pure grains, aud when properly prepared
tastes like the choice grades of coffee bnt
costs about I as much. All grocers sell it.
15o aud 86c,
"Tears, Idle tar, I
know not what they
mean, " wrote me poet
Tennyson .
Hut tetm al
ways mean
There are
tears of mel
ancholy, tenr
h despair, and
those saddest
most pathetic
tears of the
nervous over
wrought wo
man who has
been bearing
up as bravely
ns she may
under a daily
burden of
weakness and dragging, torturing pain.
No wonder women weep. The wonder is
that they are not oftener in tears for all they
have to bear and sulTer : and the saddest
thing about it is how little their sufferings
are understood. , Itven the doctor, nine
times in ten says'; "Oh, a little nervous
neiw, that's all " on" neuralgia," or "Insom
nia," or "dyspepsia." If he suspect the
realcause he insists upon examinations and
local treatment, about the very worst thing
possible to a nervous, overwrought woman.
There is no need of these repugnant
methods. Any woman may insure health
and strength in a womanly way by the use
of Dr. Pierce's I'avorite Prescription. It
cures the weaknesses and diseases of the
feminine organism absolutely and com
pletely. It was devised for this special
purpose by one of the most eminent and
experienced physicians in this country; an
expert specialist in women's diseases.
For nearly 30 years Dr. Pierce has been
chief consulting physician of the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, Ilufialo, N. Y.
Any woman may consult him by letter, free
of charge. Her letter will be answered not
by a mere nurse or uneducated, unscientific
person, but by the most competent medical
authority anywhere obtainable.
All women should read Dr. Pierce's thousand-page
illustrated book, "The People's
Common Sense Medical Adviser." It con
tains more clear and comprehensive advice
on medical subjects than any other book
ever published. A paper-bound copy sent
free for twenty-one one-tent stamps to pay
the cost of mailing only. Or cloth-bound
for thirty-one stamps.
THE TIMES I( the most extensively
circulated and widely read newspaper pub
lished In Pennsylvania. Its discussion of pub
lic men and public measures is In tho Interest
of public integrity, honest government and
prosperous Industry, and It knows no party
or personal allegiance in treating public
Issues. In the broadest and best senso a
family and general newspaper.
THE TIMES alms to havo the largest
circulation by deserving It, and claims that It
la unsurpassed In all the essentials of a great
metropolitan newspaper. Specimen copies o!
nny edition will be sent free to any one send
ing their address.
1 EIWIO-DAILY. 13.00 ccr annum: tl.00
for four months t 80 cents per month; de
livered bv carriers for A cents rer week.
SUNDAY EDITION, 82 large, handsome
pages zza columns, eieganuy uiusirntcu,
beautiful colored supplement 82.00 per an
num; S cents'-ner cotiv. Dallv and Sum
3.00 per annum ; SO cents per month.
Address all letters to
Colored Glass anil containing corks.
Wo have a largo stock on hand which
we will sell reasonable.
7 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah.
nillions of Dollars
Go up in smoko every year. Take nc
risks but get your houses, stock, far
nlture, etc., Insured in first-class re
liable companies as represented by
Also Life and Accidental Oompanl est
Only la possible, whether as a test of
excellence In journalism, or for to
measurement of quantities, time or valuef
Record . . .
After a career of nearly twenty rears o
uninterrupted growth is Justified in claim
Ing that the standard first established by
lis (ounuers is tno one true test 01
A Perfect Newspaper
To nubllsh ALL TIIE NEWS nromntlv and
surcincuy nnu in me most reauauie iorm,
without elision or partisan bios; to dlscusa
Its significance with franknoss. to keep AN
OPEN EYE KOIt l'UHI.IO A11U8H8. to clve
besides a complete record of current
thought, fancies and dlsooverlea In nil de
partments of human activity In Its DAILY
EDITIONS of from 10 to It PAGES, and to
provide tne wnole tor us patrons at me
nominal price of ONE CENT That was
from the outset, nnd will continue to be tbe
aim of TIIE ItECOItD.
The Pioneer
One cent morning nerrspatter in the United
States, The lteoord, still LEADS WlIKltK
Witness Ita unrivaled average dally circulation
exceeutng iou,uuu copies, aim an average
exceeding 120,000 copies for Its Sunday
editions, wblle Imitations of Us plan of
publication In every Important city of the
country testify to the truth ot the assertion
that in the quantity and quality of Ita con
tents, and In the prloa at which It la sold
Tho lteoord has established the standard by
which excellence In Journalism must be
The aily Edition
Of The lteoord will bo sent by mall to any
address for (3.00 per year or 3b cent per
The Daily and Sunday
Editions together, which will five Its renders
the best and freshest information of all that
Is going on In the world every day In the
year Including holidays, will be sent lur
11.00 a year or DO cents per month.
Record Building,
, Philadelphia, Fa,
1 o--f
A Scrnntoii Citizen is Fortunate A
Point of Public Interest.
'In every dy life we will do things in
"Nick of time." Of coarse these "narrow
shavos" don't tend to lengthen life, sod still
'tis better that wsy than to fall. Our repre
sentative called nt 910 Mifflin Avenue,
Semnton, and ittn. 111. F. Wolfe, who resides
there told hiin in the course or conversation
that slio 1ms been safTering Tram kldnoy
complaint, taking the form of sharp piercing
pains in the lack, shooting like a knife thrust
in the small of the back when evor she
stooped over or lifted anything. Sometimes
It was only a ratrli, as It were, that lasted for
a minute ; then there were headaches that
wore very severe. Urinary trouble Misted
as well, and it was necessary on this Account
torlseduring the night, thus breaking the
natural rest ; the symptoms whon in a moder
ate way might he called kidney annoyances,
hut If they are neglected for any length of
time tbe consequences assume a terioas
nature. This is demonstrated lu tho case of
Mrs. Wolfe, for her heart became affected
and did not act properly. Kidney troubles
produee droiny, Bright's disease. Diabetes
and many other complications; dropsical
conditions produce a pressure on the heart
from the unnatural accumulations of water
aud overyone knows that when the heart's
action is Interfered with 'tis a serious matter.
So thought Mrs. Welfe, aud hearing of Hie
llttlo wonder worker, Dottn's Kidney
Pills, alio began taklug them, and "Just in
the nick of time, too." Tho results obtained
from Dean's Kidney Pills were Just the same
as every where they have been used. Mrs.
Wolfe says the pain, trouble and annoyances
have entirely left her, and Blie is pleased to
inform others what to use for Kidney dis
orders. Dean's Kldnoy Pills aro sold by all dealers.
Price 50 conts per box or 0 boxes for $2.50.
Sent by mail on receipt of price, l'oster-
MilburnCo. Uufflilo, N. Y., sole agents for
the U. 8.
If we can sell you
one 2C. package of
in is admixture
we'll be satisfied.
You'll buy more
for it will touch
the spot. Grocers
have SEEL1CTS.
has added
llg'S to ordinary
coffee knows a
, erand drink that
twill please her husband.
Steel Pennyroyal Treatment
is tho original nnd only FRENCH
Rnfn Ami rnlialiln enre on tiie mnr.
ket. Price. $t.(Kl; sent by mail.
uenuioo sola oniy uy
S. P. KIRLIN, Shenandoah.
Side Entrance on Green St., PHILADELPHIA, PA.
I templallng inarrlaEe, iryou are a victim of
.Private Diseases human rnce which de-
' Jttrntr ml ml nnd bnd v. nnd unfit votl for the
duties nt life, call or write and he saved. Hours:
Dally, lKll ''Vpfi. fl-Ot Sun., Bend lOcts. In
pt am pa for Boole with ntvorn tct 1 mon tula
JElxpoa In? Quncki and fitko Institutes
lO N. Main Street.
... PRICE LIST. ...
Collars ac
Collars, Ironed 2c
Cuffs, per pair 4c
New Shirts 10c
Shirts, washed and Ironed 10c
Shirts, starched and Ironed 8c
Wight Shirts 10c 1
Undershirts 7c
urawers 7b
Socks 3c
Handkerchiefs ci
Vests 15c to 20c
Ties 3 to 10c
Laundry done up dally. Mending free
tor regular customers.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows
For Now York via Philadelphia, week da
iu, oso, tin u ai a. in., 12 bj, a iu anarjU7
a. , - .1 In . ...
ill nunuajn. t. .v ....
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week da
5 86. 7 05 a. m.. 12 83 and 8 10 I), m.
For Readlmr and Philadelphia, week dav
2 10, 5 86, 7 05, 0 81 a.m 12 33, 8 10 and 6 07 p. nl
i - I nm. m 1
OUIIUI,., . IU U. Ml.
For l'ottsvllle, weeK aays, z 10, 7 03, 0 51 a. ml
1283,8 10, 6 07 and 7 25 p.m. Sundays, 2 10 a. n,vorlc ln 'he Lelth mines, south of town,
ItApTfiniu.iin anil llfnlinnnv CUv nul. ,lfl..l'nl.iln, ..!..,,. T T f . - '
Sundays. 2 10 a. m
ror wiiuamsport, Hunuury and Lewlsburg,!"0'"5" lu ueam uy a rail or the roof
week days. 8 20, 6 00, 1180 a. m.. and 7 23p.m.hey were buried beneath tons of slate
t u. w, ii Kin. m., tzaj, a iu, ouv, 7 za, u do anulwlu wc uuh uli- twin were married
it w p. in. ouiiuuvB, a iu, o 2o a. m.
For Ashland and Sharaokln. week dava. 8 96.
5 36,7 03, 1180 a. m., 8 07, 7S5 and W p. ml.
i. Wasblncrton and the Weat vln
It. A O. It. K.. ihroueh trains lea-i Ileadlnir
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & B, It K.) at 8 20,
7 85, 11 28 a. m., 810 and 7.27 p. i. Sundays
3 20 7 00.1128 B.m.. 8 46 and 7 27 p. m. Addl-
nonai trains xrora i weniy-iourili ana Unest-
nm streets suction, wees aays, iu au a. m. 12 20.
t 10 O U f.IU. DUUUttfB, 1 iXJ, O I, Ul.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, wnalr
days, 1215, 400, 800a. m., and 1 00, 4 90, 9 00 p.
m. Sundays, G 00 p, m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 SO, 9 10 a.m.. 1 80 and 4 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week
days, 4 20, 8 85, 10 10 a. m. and 1 42, 4 05, 8 80, 11 80
p.m. Sundays, 11 80 p. m.
iave lieaainR.weeic uaya, 1 uo, 1 iu,iu uu, a, m.
12 00 m 4 W, 6 00 and 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 136
a. ro.
Leave l'ottsvllle, weeK days, 1 Us, 7 40 a. in.,
12 80 and 6 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 85 a. m.
Leave Tarn aqua, week days, 8 18, 8 48, 11 28 a,
m., 1 86, 5 51, 7 20 and 9 43 p. m. Sundays, 8 18
a. m
Leave Mahanoy City, week days. 12 30. 8 45.
9 12 11 47 a. m., 2 17, 6 18, 6 17, 7 41 and 10 08 p. m.
Sundays. 1Z as, a 49 a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 12 36, 2 40,
4 00 680,926. 1025, 1159 a. ra., 2 32, 532, 638
7 57, 10 22 p m. Sundays, 12 40, 2 40, 4 00 a. m.
iave wiinamspori, weeK aays, 'in, low a
m 4 00 and 11 00 p. m, Sundays, 11 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street war
South street whaif for Atlantic City.
weesaays iszpreas, v uu n. in., zuu,
4 00,
i. in.
8 00 p. in. Accommodation, 8 00 a. m., 6 30 p. m.
davs Express. 900. 10 00 a. in. Accommoda
tion, auu a. ra., 4 48
Returning leave Atlantic Olty depot, corter
Atlantlo and Arknuaaa avenues,
Weekdays Kx press, 7 38, 9 00 a. in., 8 00, 6 30
p.m. Accommodation, 8 18 a. in., 408 p. in.
Sundays Express, 4 00, 7 80 p. in. Accom
modation, 7 15 a. ra., 4 15 p. ra.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
For further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket agent
or addreas
I. A. SwraoAnn, EnsoH J. Wkkks,
Gen'l Sunt., Gen'l Poss'r Agt.,
Heading Terminal, Philadelphia.
Wanted-An Idea SSsB
Proteet your tdasst Uwr may bring jou wealtb.
Write JOHN WKIiDEHBUBN ft OO.. Patent Attor
neys, Washington, I). 0,. for thalr ll.tiuj prixe oEer
aiiitUit ot two hundred Utvanttoaa wanted.
FleoingFromthe Klondiko tit'&ml
Impending Stimticfife ,'
' '
Hut Tlioro Is Not an Inoh of tTltftttlltetl
O roti nil 011 the Klondike ntlrt Clolrt
Seokors Who Go There Must 800k
Gold Vor Others.
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 2B. The steamer
h Humboldt arrived Saturday night with
five man from Dawson Olty, leaving
there Sept. 3, and three men from
ailrtonk and other point on the Yukon.
TUy r no gold will ootn out this
rail, an this steamer has taken the, last
of those who have 00QM down the
Yukon. Tire river Is atftwdy frown
hard, and beats are laid ud to winter.
Of the 6,000 or G,J0pbpU ill Dawson
and vicinity at least 1,000 will be
obliged to flee from flfi pending starva
tion. Up to Sept, t, when the Miller
party left Dawson, new atala num
bered from three to 20 people dally,
and there Is no doubt that that ratio
will be continued all winter. Three
hundred men were working the gulches,
and in the hills were several prospect
ors, all of whom knew nothing of the
shortage and were depending on the
company stores for provisions. One
way of relief is open to the miners.
Five hundred or 1,000 could winter at
Circle City, 100 miles below Dawson,
and draw their supplies by dog trafn
from Port Yukon. Circle City has S00
houses, and Is said to be the largest
log cabin town in the world.
John F. Miller says there will not
necessarily be starvation, but certainly
miners will suffer from privations.
Five hundred men Intend to come down
the river, but that Is closed and they
cannot' get out. There Is no doubt that
the people of Dawson have been alive
to the situation for six weeks.
"Our leaving," says SlmB, "was the
beginning of a stampede for grub.
Transportation companies at St. Mich
aels and Fort Yukon claim the liquor
trafllo has no appreciable effect on the
supply of provisions. Not more than 30
tons of liquor, they say, has gone Into
the country. "With the blockade of the
Yukon every possibility vanishes of
treasure by the s'teamer Portland. No
gold will come out this year. There is
any amount of gold at Dawson. It is
not unusual to see horses loaded with
dust. But the mines are owned by men
who know their value. One sees it on
every hand. It seems plentiful, but you
must remember it is more plentiful In
the United States treasury, and is Just
as hard to get. People who flock to the
mines expecting to pick up gold In the
grass roots do not realize what they
are up against."
There is no doubt that a large amount
of treasure will come from the Yukon
basin next year If the miners can get
enough to eat to continue mining dur
ing tho winter. Gold sent out early this
year will not be a circumstance to next
spring's output of the sluice boxes.
Mr. Miller says nothing of considerable
value has been found this summer.
Thore Is not an Inch of ground un
staked on the Klondike. The following
named creeks have been located: "Sul
phur, Quartz and Moosehlde, for In
stance, for 12 miles above the mouth;
Henderson, Dominion and Victoria
Gulch, Henderson creek Is 12 miles
above Stewart river and Victoria Gulch
is 12 miles below Stewart river.
Tho steamer Farrallon arrived from
Dyea and Sknguay nt 1:30 yesterday
afternoon, brfnglng 125 passengers, 12
of whom are from Dawson City. They
report that nearly all tho restaurants
there are closed on account of tho
food shortage. More than half of the
food in the warehouses has been sold,
but the company refuses to distribute,
although It (s paid for, until It Is learn
ed for certain whether more provisions
will be brounht up the river. In case
no mors arrives the entire stock will
be rationed among the residents, to
prevent possible starvation. There has
been jio starvation yet, but there will
urely be atshortase. People are leav-
dg dally. N(7ewRtrv7!'svhavG been
made at Dawson, and only thiTOge own
ers that have food for their mTP will
oe aDie to do much work this
'for thoso who will go to-day and trot a nack.
uuaiw-u. it takes tho nlacn nf
coHeo at about 1 the cost. It is a food drink.
full of health, and can bo givon to the
children as well as tho adult with groat
benefit. It is mado of puro grains and looks
fi" me uuesi grauos or Mocha or
WJava coffee. It satisfies overyone Acun of
"''" uuncr lor ine system than a
.tonic, because its benefit is permanent. What
1 .. r i - i , . . . -
coueo oroaKS uown Uralu-O builds up. Ask
your grocer lor uraiu-U. 15c. and 25c
Hurled Under Tons oT Slnto.
Unlontown, Pa Oct. 25. While nl
mutuiusiuii, ui mis place, wre
na it was several hours before they
m leave lamiues.
iMumuuuuit utin prevent cvoat mia.
left. De Witt's Littln KnrW Tllr
all nllla In bIia hut w .(7
Vojiting the meat serious fnrm. f lL
ram.h rri of Hvor
jfn?f ,1 ? ,! Tllef oure const pa-
fr"Tr , "WV vuiw ing oowois.
PropoHed Sower I'lpo Combine'-;
jUiiburg, Oct. 28. Preliminary steps
ueen taken to form a colossal
ne of sewer pipe and terra cotta
manufacturers of the United
US, with a capital of $11,000,000. The
id combine will be controlled by
capitalists. It is proposed. If
manufacturers sign, to appoint
rs wno will appraise each plant
country. If they do not all sign
iu the new company will not
Bicyclist's Best Friend" is a familiar
ur iimii s wittui uasel Salve, al
ady for emeraaiiAiM WMla n D.,.u.ti..
H, t also Instantly relieves aud cures
.ruisea. Bait rnaiiin. Mwma nn.i ..11
In ui mo sain, u never rails. O. II,
rued tho -i UtnllMm" Giimo.
York, Oct. 25. Willard Walker.
s old, said by the police to be an
endcr, who staled that his home
uffalo, and John F. Ellis, 41 years
this city, were arraigned ln the
on Market police court yesterday
id with worklnsT a "flimflam"
on men leaving; for Europe on
mips or tne Anchor line. The
t Is alleged, get the eattlemen to
Spurious bonds, telling them they
i oe casneo in eitner London ur
Uucklou'a Arulcu Salve,
best salve in tho world for outs.
, sores, ulcere, saltrhewn, fever sores
ihapped hands, chilblains, corns, and!
eruptions, and positively ourea piles
ty required. I tin cmannt .';'
satisfaction or monv ntfiind ii...
b per box. For sale by A, Waaioy.
Over Studied.
Was Ovftr-ambiiious and Went Bayoncl Hsr Strength.
Constant Pain and Misery Her Critical Condition.
Pram the pmoerat, ShetbteOU, Jhtf.
In one of the main idrwN of PrnlhTvi)l the pills. Th first dote helped her, and
Indiana, resides Mrs. Knulv Kdvuinls nnd niter tin- firt box had been taken, she was
her seventeen year old daughter. Torn. Tin- a d'AWeiit girl. She continued with tins
young lady is 0110 of the charming niiws id r- . I .c-itte nml when she had taken eight
ihi. ! I i,r kiinuii lur iii r hi'antv 1, fs'i louiiili'ti' pure bad been effected.
nnd perfect health. '
"Although etijnying good health now,"
said her mother to a reporter riTontly, "Im
has not always been in fWtumilc. I uppn,.
Cora, until two yrari ago luat March n
healthy and strong as any girl of her hi?'.
She was attending school nnd was hIihIviu
hard. Perhaps she waa too studinus, fur we
noticed that the hpaltliy color in her check wn
rapidly dlssppeerlng, and alio wai becoming
roue ami muow. iwric. swollen circles t.
can to appear Under her eyes, and she rapidly
became worse, we were living in rraiikiin,
Iudiana, at the time, and Cora would have l
graduated that Spring. She stopped atleml
Fng school and endeavored to get a rent, hut
her health kept (ailing. Her blood was color- I
lets and impure. Phe would also have sick j
headache, oonld scarcely eat or sleep, and
was almost continually in pain. Nothing
which we did for her seemed to do any good.
" Different physioians treated and pre
scribed for her, but she kept getting worse.
Site had formerly weighed 108 ponnds, but
during her illness her weight had dwindled
down to 79 pounds. We begin to thinh
there was nothing we could do for ber bene
fit, when I happened to notice an article in
a paper regarding tho merits of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Palo People. I thought that
if there was ever a pale person it was cer
tainly Cora, so I decided to buy a Ik.t. ol
the pills and let her try them. It was the
first of lust May when she began, and near
the middlo of June when she stopped using
pn. W. II. YINOST,
Graduate and Late Resident House Surgep ol
tho University State of N. Y.
IIJ3ADQ.UARTER8 ! Hotel Franey, Shenandoah
Calls night or day promptly responded.
Office Kgnn building, cor. er of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah,
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre streets.
Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Having studied under some of tho best
masters li? London and Paris, will give lessons
on tho violin, manuoiin, guitarand vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address In care of Strouso
the Jeweler Shenandoah.
tlcrfnl appliance nnd scientific rem
edies scut on trial to nny rellublo
man. A world-wldo Tcputntlon back ot
this offer. Every obatnelo to happy married
life removed. Pull strength, development
nnd tone given to every portion of tho body.
Palluro impossible ; ago no barrlor.
No C. O. D. scheme .
A gonuino wolcomo waits you at
Cor. naln and Coal Sts?
PtliMl whl.W.. 1 . .
Celebrated Feiintle
l'omlers never fall
with Tim. e-Ml Pennyroyal I'lllt and Mh.r iff!
ZTS.ra?f1'e)-. AJwayibuvtao bnt and avoid dlun.
olntaent. Guaranteed turwrtor to all olhera. 1mA1vUi
LV,kKr&fiii Dr.
... ti o
I to all!
1 'W i
r .. i wwx uaiuiu ol,
"" ,l,,,lllll,ll''""miiiiiilMiiiiiii7,,,,lllllilluu-:.ii) 1
im""""""imiL"""","y UlltfMllllllllliiiiNMmtiRinT.T.T.I?...
. "tasi- M
vigor to the whole being. All driuit and
'.For Sale ai kirtin-c r,...
, , ufc
i in i
T nniliii : -iaalW
nr. t&mwMmHmmmmi all
I W sad U.M,t fre,L id. hTKUMNQ yiy,, 1,
I ' it " ti'tigcr, can cat morr, sleeps
Ii, er. mi l weighs more lhan she did before
she win t.iken sick. I am Mire too mm It
cannot be aaul nbout Dr. Williams' Pink
I' IN fir Pale IVnjile in her case, as they
in, laul.iedly fmel In t life. We have re
cofuiii tnl. d'lliem lo u number of sufferers."
'1 he ymng hnly, end a word of approval,
nml tlr'it "lie felt irv grateful (Wr the bene
lit riciiml thrmiizh" Dr. Williams' Pink
1'ills f,.r 1'iile People. "I agree with my
pni d slip. " that I would not be liv
ing t,, ,1 iv hud I tint used these niils."
To 1. ,ic no doubt as to the truthfulness
nf In r Mi.ry Mri. 11 wards cheerfully mude
the follov. nig tithdin il :
SitKi.nYvn.i.T?, Tnti., May lit, 1897.
This is to certify that the above story con
cerning the illness and subsequent recovery
of my daiiffhter, Cora, is an exact and truth
ful representation of the facts in her case.
Mm. Emily En wards.
SHKLBTVIX.LB, INP., May 13, 1S97.
Snlncribed aad sworn to before me this
13th day of May, 187.
I C. MAT, Yotory Public
Dr. WillianB' Pink Pills for Pale People
contain all the elements necessary to give
new life and richness to the Wood and re
store shattered nerves. They are sold in
boxes (never in loose form, by the dnren or
hundred) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for
$2.50, and mny be had of all druggists or
directly by mail from Dr. Williams' Medi
cine Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
October 1, 1897.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after tlm ahnn
date for WlRHans, Ollberton, Kraokvllle, Dark
Water, St Clair, l'ottsvllle. Hamburg, Reading
Pottstown, Phoenlxville, Norrlstown aad Phil
adclphlA (Ilroad street station) at 80S and HOS
a. m. anti 4 p m. on weeic nays, ntindays,
6 08 n. m., 3 10 p. m. For Pottsvllle and Inter
mediate stations only 9 17 a. m. week days.
Sundays, 0 45 a. m.
Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah at
10 40 a. m. anu 12 hi, 8 41, 7 52 and 10 47 p. m.
Sunday. 11 IS a. m. nnd 5 41 d. m.
love l'ottsvllle for Hueoanaoan at
a. m. and 12:35, 6 15, 7 25 and 10 20 p. m.
i iu 4U n. m., o 10 p. m.
Leave I'ldladelDlifa. tBroad street statlonl. fo
Shenandoah at 5 57, 8 35 ami 10 19 a. m., 4 10 and
7 ' p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 50 a. m.
Leave Broad street station, Philadelphia, lor
Sea Girt, Asbury Park. Ocean Orove, Lout
Branch, and intermediate stations, 8.70
11.14, a. m. 8.80 and 4.00 p. m. week-days.
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Express, week-days, 3 20, 4 00, 4 50 5 15. 6 50,
7 83, 8 20, 8 33, 9 80, 10 21 (Dining Car), II 00 a. tn,
12 00 noon, i2i (Limited 100 and 4 22 p.m.
Dining Cars), 1 40, 2 30 (Dining Car) 3 30, 3 50.
4 00, 5 00, 5 56 (Dining Car). 600, 702,743, 1000
p. m., 12 01, night. Sundays, 8 20, 4 Of), 4 50, 5 15,
8 20 "33,9 50, 10 21, (Diilng Car), 1185 s. m.,
12 35, luu Dining Car) ?fr (Dining Car), 4 00
(Limited 4 22 Dui'ng f r), 5 20, 5 56,0)inlng Car)
6 31, 7 02, 7 43, 10 Offji. m.. 12 01 night.
Express for Boston without change, 11 00a m.,
week-dnys, and 7 43 p. m., dally.
For Baltlmoro nnd Washington, 3 50, 7 20, 8 32,
1020, 1128, a. m., 12 09, 1231 (Diul.lg
Car), 112, 318, 4 41. 519 Congrea
slonnl Limited, Dining Car, 6 17. 655 Din
ing Car, 7 31 Dining Carl p. m., and 1205
night week days. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23,
a.m., 1209, 112, 4 41, 1515 Congressional Lim
ited, Dining Oar, 6 815 mining Car, 7 31 Din
ing Car p. tn. and 12 06 night.
Loavo Broad Btreet station via Delaware river
bridge Express. 7 05 p. m. dally.
Leave Market Street Warf Express, 8 50
2 00, 4 00,500 p. III. Sundays, 8 45, 9 45 a. ra.
(accommodation 130 nnd 5 00 p. m.)u.
ITnr flnnn M nv. AnirlMMi Wllilirnnil nwW TTttllv
Bench, Sen Isle City, Ocean City, Avalon and
Stone Harbor Exprese, 9 00 a. m., 400, p. m.
week days. Sundays, 9 00 a. m.
For Somers Point Exnrewg. 8 50. a. m- 2 00.
4 00, 5 00, p. m. week days Sundays, 8 45 a. m.
I. B. Hutchinson.
it. w
Gon'l Manager.
Gen'l Paas'g'r Agt
Livery and
I nsrt t j
nrog,e-,va tl kocii
"im rmcress. TIim
now, at, n HtttmtaK) rainwiv
Pries ets. sud 60 ctsxijerfc,!.
They have atood the teat ofyctrs.
aud have cured thouiandf of
V"", "uui uiaealei, such
sa DebOity. Duimaaa. Sleeplau.
oea, and Vancocel,Atrophy,x.
They clear tbe brain, alrenMhen
the circulation, make digestion
- wx, sua SVC UVCSII0u
loatea ... !.. 5'ec'' "d ime" healthr
J L. L1?" C,N3 co- "nrj, o.
omit, oucnanaoan, ra.
h7 Tou i'Xi "ITtin'ut.