The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 16, 1897, Image 4

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Sweet Greetings that
Keep the Home
It Is Hard to Smile When the
Body Is Racked With
It's bard to smile wtu-n the hack Is aohlngL
head throublnir.
I the body is full of
pain. The thing to do
s tci rid nursslt of tha
aches nn.l i-a u, and MuO-
ynn will help you do tt.
The Munyon Humeo
oathlc Homa
Remedies, made
tip tif discoveries
and combinations
in medicine, a
veiitabl. boon to
mankind. The
world Is rapidly
being converted
by truth and evi
dence, and soon
the Munyon
schoolof medicine
will be accepted
and recognized as
the onit
nly school
flint is safe and sure.
SI mlv it
Here's proof.
Will you
Mr. T. F. Thompson, Beal House, Ches
ter. Va.. Bays: For rtx weeks 1 suf
1 suf-
mm tortures with rheumatism
In my
limbs. 1 was compelled to aive UD my
vw'ik ami t
'k to mv bod for part of
the time. 1
tried several remedies ree-
(iinmenucu m me. but tney ua
ii 11. f. Flnnlly I called at MunymV of
fl'c in Philadelphia, and the doctor there
d'senosed niy case and prescribed Mun-
hi s Rheumatism Cure. 1 began taking
Ii, imo felt relieved from the beginning.
Knur hotileH have made a complete
i tiro '
M'mvun I is a separate cure for each disease
) in ..iii- h rufMfints, mostly t.s cents a bottle
V in dmibt write to Professor Munyon at
1 hiiactulpliiii. Pa.. and get medical advioe free.
Ifelil Por Assnnlt.
Frank Walnklwica, of West Cherry street,
i,h lii fore Justice Shoemaker last night
' larK'. iI with assault and battery upon his
lindlnrd. Patrick Ganglian, and the latter's
I'liightir. Mrs. Mcllale. Walnkiwicz was
iUu charged with tearing down chicken
i luji-. .aid other stiui'liirc- put up by the
laiiU'iril. The accused furnished 300 bail
hit tll.ll.
Tor Infants and Children.
tlmlla It n
Deitiocrats Organtre.
Ths local Democrats held a meeting in
l;nkawie's hall last nibt and organized
for the fall campaign. W. A. Marr, l'.sq., of
(-Maud, and Deputy District Attorney Mc-
J.oughlin, of Pottsvillo, were in attendance
and made addresses. The following officers
were elected : President, M. M. Burke, Esq. ;
Secretary, M. J. Lawlor ; Treasurer, Michael
The Lavelle 1'iilr.
The Ijtvelle fair will be held ou Oot.
1!', -20, -21 und 2. The grounds are Ixutti
tifully located and well supplied- with
.til conveniences for the comfort and
pIc.iMtic- of both exhibitors and visitors.
n excellent liatnl will lie present mid
-niiiiitli inuslv, $1.S50 will be given in
pi i d premiums and' f!!R0 in bicycle prizes.
in Tuesday, the opcnlnu day, the bicycle
r.ti rh will take place. Wednesday, Thurs
day and Fridasvill be devoted to horse rao
int: Vi lij)-ltvill beadniitteri to the grounds
i'c-Ard 10-lB-8t
are more practical every day.
and every day there are more
tablets used more people
fiiul what patience and time
savers they are. They are
made for the neat and for the
careless ; for the traveler and
the stay-at-home. 3 cents
for the poor grade ; 5 and 10
cents for the better, and up.
- North Main
fat and juicy cove
oysters direct from
Maurice River. ,
75c to (1.00 ler
Large Quinces, 15
25 cent pel
Produce of Every Description.
1 ocal Dealers fupplled at Wholesal Kates.
36 S
outh fVlatln Strs
Undertaking in - -
- - all its Branches.
Open Day and Night.
Cor. White 1 Mansion
and Lloyd
I House
Shenandoah. J
Floor and Table 011 Olotlu.
E. B. FOLEY, 37 M
.. -Vll In .1
James ililbort visited friends at Ma nanny
Plane last pveuiag.
Mm. Emily Itatxburg has become tbo
mother of hmini inn baby buy.
Dr. hfton Hfibbins bus returned from
ttnnd:iiM i- il t hi- Itliiiiuisburu fair.
"Mrs, John boglnborgcr, (if Wont Centre
st-eet, mi visitor to Tusoarom to-day.
Joint, win of Charles Waste?, of Ksst ' nk
street, is dangerously ill with typhoid fever.
Ham-WeidensaulwjdHon.T.,1. HiKiiins
attended a meeting of tha Klks at Ashland
last evening.
Robert llintilug has returned to town
after an extensive commercial trip through
the Western states.
"Mrs. Jabcr. Powell and daughter, Miss
Mlunie, arc spending a ftw days as gncsts of
friends at I'ottsville.
W. (1. Gregory and wife, T. B." Edwards
and Mrs. T. J. lirongball attended the
slineral of Mrs. Hanson at Makanoy Plane
Robert Lawson has gone Jo' Bloomsburg
to witness the fair. He will return this
evening in company with his sister, Annie,
who has been spending the week there.
"William A. Marr, Esq., of Ashland, was a
visitor to town last evening. Mr. Marr is the
Democratic county chairman and was here to
attend a caucus of the faithful in Hynkle
wlcr.'s hall.
Chronic constipation is the fore-runner of
many serious diseases. Keep your bowels
regular with that non-griping remedy, Dr.
Hull's Pills, and avoid sickness. 10 and 28
cents. .
Knialns Hruttglit Here.
The remains of Charles McXies, a victim
of the terrible explosion of gas at the Kaska
wiUiam colliery yesterday, were brought to
town this morning and taken to the borne 'of
his brother, Anthony, on East Raspberry
alley. Deceased was a member of the 1.1th
nnnian Citisent Society, 1). K. L. A.
Physicians recommend Dr. Wood's Norway
Piuo Byrnp because of its prompt, positive
action in all cases of lung trouble. It is a
positively reliable cure for coughs and colds.
Ohlld's IIhiiiI llumed.
An infant daughter of 11. A. Friedman, the
West Centre street grocer, had the linger of
Its right hand scalded yesterday afternoon
by putting then) into a tub of hot water.
A Grateful Mothsr Writes thl3 Letter
Tells all nbot't Hor Troubles when
Baby Drol:s with 3crsfu!a Sores.
"At the atre of two months, my baby
began to have sores break nut. his right
ebeek. We used otl tin ractei-nal ap
plications that wo could think or hear of,
to no avail. The aorea spread all over one
side of his face. Wo consulted a physi
cian and tried Ms medicine, and in a week
the soro was gone. Bat to my surprise In
two weeks more another scrofulous look
ing sore appeared on baby's arm. It
grew worse and worse, and when lie was
three months old, I began giving him
Hood's Snrsaparilla. I also took Hood's
Saraaparilla, and before the first bottle
was ffnlsiied, the aores were well and have
never retar.ied. He is now fonryeargold,
hut he 1 . . vor had any eign of those
Bcrouilo..H Mien since he was cured by
Hood's Barsaparilla, for which I feel very
grateful. My boy owes his good health
and smooth, fair skin to this great med
icine." Mrs. 8. 8. Wroten, Farming
ton, Delaware. Get only Hood's.
ij M r'ii are prompt, efllcicni and
nOOCl S PIUS easy iu effect. IB rents.
OST. Itetweeu Slrenandoah und Turkey
Hun, small white bjutket eoiitaimnir a
pockt't hook in which was tiiL-lowed 11 receipt on
the First National Hank. Tliu Under will re
ceive a reward of $2.00 by roturnUitf same Ui the
UkjialI) ofnue. KMrWK
IitOl'ND.-A rabbltt bound, on tbo 1Mb Inst.
? Owner can have itame by proving projiertv
and paying all cipetise Ineurrefl
ciali at oau
Juneiierry alley, itc-nanooaii.
T7IOH KENT. -The flue dwelling. No, 217 West
Xj Cherry street, with all modern Improve,
incuts. Four rooms on each lloor, large attic
and good cellar, t.os throughout, iteut reason
able. Apply at No. 2! N. Main street. 10-U-lw
IOU SALE A valuable property, X and 29
1 West Coal street, Shenandoah, Pa., la
offered for sale. Double block, boose and
ptublc on the rear. Apply to Samuel Koberts,
West (.'berry street, Shenandoah, l'u. Ww
I.IOK KENT. Store ami dwelling. Two show
1 windows. No. 120 North Jfaln street.
Apply to C. W. Newhouser, 122 North Main
street. 9-27-tf
OK SALK. Cheap, a de.ln.ble
tironertv no Kut Centrti street.
M. M. Hurke, Attorney, Kgsn bullilliin.
"7 ANTED. To borrow $1,000 ou first niortg-
u. Inquire at this office. 10-8-tf
Attentive and skillful tonsorial artists always
in attendance.
rMtt Shop In Town.
W. G. DUSTO, Prop.
Ferguson House Block
One 100 Gents' '97 Ranger wheel, good as new.
Or.e StlO Ladles' or Misses' Crescent wheel,
good condition.
: KeHHOtiable : Offer : lleftism.
403 West Cherry St., Sheiund(jh, Pa
(Bliseler s Old Stand. )
Pimt-cloM work
polite attendants
guaranteed. 1'ruiaU aw
Ilair ontting a speelaUy.
Headquarters for
.... Commercial Travelers
J. OR A NT MOVER, Prop.,
Cor Coal and Main streets, Shenandoah, Fa.
Terms; fl.00 uer day-
tttaullng facilities unsuriMwcu.
Hoarders ooiufortably accommodated by wi-ck
or luonth.
Wanted - An Idea J
Wbo ran think
iiontt) tiniiDM
it i ' ur lil
Wi sliliint
n Tit1 v I
lirln ' V"U wi .tlih
ir $ mi r ci ofTujr
A rll
Wlif; ran measnro
the intlupiire of n
It lusts through all -!?i"t
and enters the i
con linen of eternity. I
With what cure,;
tiien-rnre, siiotiiusim
be RiinrdtMl anil how
jrreat, the effort he to
make her life happy.
makes ohild-blrth
I w eany, assists nntlire l
in its sublime effort, leaves the Mother
a aso CTiaarisuio rum ii ivm CD iiiu uiuviiui
stronger after than before confinement,
ana rans lite trying nouroi its terror.
No Mother can afford to neglect Its use.
Of druggists at l.Ml, or scut by mall on receipt
of price. Write for book containing valu.
Mn Information for all Hot Iters, mailed free.
Tk KrsdftsM HsfsUler do.. Atlanta. fla.
Clemency for lllsetibower
Prom the Miners' Journal.
Counsel for Theodore Eisenhower, con
victed la the Criminal Court of Schuylkill
county of murder in tho first degree, and
sentenced to be hanged on the Hlh of the
present month, will appear before the Hoard
of Pardons ou Wednesday next in an applica
tion for commutation of sentence. There
are mitigating circumstances in this ease
which Governor Hastings took cognisance of
when he granted a respite of skxty days in
order to give the opportunity to the counsel
for an appeal to the Pardon Hoard. The
facts in the case have Iwcomo familiar by
frequent publication during the trial and
subsequent action of the Governor in grant
ing the respite. Counsel will he enabled
from these facts to make a strong plea for
clemency, and a favorable decision of the
Hoard of Pardons would meet with very
general approval.
When you want good roofing, plumbing,
gas fitting, or general tlnsmltliliig dnuo call
on B. F. Gallagher )8 West Centre street
Dealer tc stcns i-tf
West JlHlmnoy Troubles Agulii.
Recent developments go to show
that the
United States postal authorities ate taking a
hand iu tho West Mahauoy school district
scandal. Postal Iuspector (lormati was in
Pottsvillo yesterday iu coiistiltatloti with V.
S. t'ommhjdotier Woltjen. Although the re
sult of the conference can not lie learned it
is hinted that the authorities will lir.tkc a
thorough investigation In reference' to the
circulation through the mails of the circulars
defaming the character of Thomas II. Dee.
It will be remembered that a young man
named John K. Hurke was arrested and
charged with affixing his initials to the
circular which was sent through the mails to
jurymen, court officials and others. It is be
lieved the circular contained matter that the
postal laws prohibit, and complaint wis
made to tho authorities. The development
are anxiously awaited by the residents of the
Just try a 10c box of Gwcarete, the finest
Ijver and bowel regulator ever made.
Shot by mi Airgun.
Elmer, a fouiteen-yoar-old son of John
Snedden, was shot In tho left eye by the
bullet from an air gun iu the bonds of John
Ilamage, in last Apple alley. Sneddon had
liecn peeping through a knot holo !u tho
feuce when ltamage fired. The bullet pierced
the upper eyelid, but did not enter the eye
ball. It caused a hemorrhage which Will de
prive the boy of his sight In tho injured eye
for several days. He wat attuutlod to by Dr.
Frank Woiuer.
It's Queer How Quick
Pan-Tina cures coughs und colds. 25c. At
Glruhler Ilres., drug store. .
Itnllroudors Ouurrnl.
Jonathan Spongier and Charles Lake, of
Dulano. and employed as hrakctnen ou the
Lehigh Valley railroad, quarreled about
filling a sand box of an engine and Snangler
Jhrust ajculfe blade into tbo calf of Lake's
right leg. Spongier 'as arretted anil gave
$600 bail at Mahanoy City for trial at couit.
Wrist Fractured. ,
dolph Fisher had .his right wrist frac
tured while assisting iu unloading timber at
tbo Maplo Hill colliery this morning. The
victim resides at Jlahanoy City . I
Friday, October 22nd, 1 897,
At Nelswenter's Sale and Exchange Stables, Shenandoah, Pa
The horses are all well seasoned and can be put into harness
immediately upon purchase, without encountering any sickness which is
generally the' case with all hor6 not acclamated.
If every horse sold is not as exactly represented, the money will be
refunded to the buyer. Every horse sold is guaranteed, avoiding all
risks at the hands of the bidder.
Every horse must and will be sold to the highest
bidder on day of sale.
Happenings Tltrmsgltout the Country
tlhrmilnleit Inr Hasty Varusal.
I'otntoesare spiling In Oilherton at 73 cents
per bushel,
The Ashland night schools will open on
the iMh, inst.
The collieries worked to-day, making a
full week. They will resume Monday.
The Empire silk works, of New York,
have decided to locate their plant .it. Sha
inokin. Tlie Thirteenth Pennsylvania Cavslry
Reglmont held a reunion at llarrisburg last
Tax Collector llnrke yesterday made pay
went to i
ment to the Connty Treasurer on bis 'irr
Holland agents propose to sell 70,000 tons
of steel in that country for the Carnegie
Company next year.
1'nre Food Agent James Terry has under
taken the large task of preventing oleomar
garine sales in Pittsburg.
The Pennsylvania Asphalt Company of
Philadelphia Is the lowest bidder, at $8.01)
per square yard, to pave Perklometi.
Toronto, (Out.) Presbytery has unanimous
ly sustained the call of Chalmers Prehyterian
church. Toronto, to Pastor MeCloinents, of
The mammoth breaker liclug erected for
the T-ehlgh Valley (Vial Company at Centralia
is expected to he ready for operation ou No
vember 1. -"Victor,"
a bay horse, which F. J. Bren-
nati purchased from 8. A. floddall about a
year ago, died this morning. The horse was
a valuable one.
Heading and Philadelphia capitalists are
said to have combined to elect Water Com-
uttutlmirM 111 Mia fnrmiir e4t.Y wtt.h & view to
I purcliasiug or leasing the city's water works.
I ltev. Father Hoyinski, who for some time
has had charge of St. Joseph's church, of
Mt. (Jamie), has been sent to Shamnkiii and
Hcv. Father Stine, of Bhamokin, sent there
to succeed him.
Curd to the Public
Otvlug to the recent Improvements I have
been making around my property I have
neglected my patrons In the tailoring tie
tut fluent and also my saloon business. My
1 l"Rce "l ""ess is now almost nnisneti auu
again prcirou i csw-r w uij cim-
lotuors to ine oest. or tneir wauts. in inr
tailoring branch I .will state that my fall
slock of goods is equal to any in town, as
are also the prices of the goods, which do not
coiillict with the high tariff. They were all
purchased liefore It went into effect. Trust
ing tho public will excuse my negligence I
again solicit their lutrniiage and remain,
Yours truly,
John Mkldaizis,
Tailor and ltestntirateur,
lil-ll-lOt 120 and 133 S. .Alain St.
Sbiunoklii lloroiigli tVlni.
The case of the Sbamokiti Street Jtailway
Comisiuy vs. Shamokln Uorougli, was tried
in Sunbury, and a verdict for the borongh for
JtW7.17 was rendered. The case was one an
apeal, In which the company refused to pay
its proportionate part of tho paving of Sha
inokin street.
Youuk I-iI'h Tall.
A painful accident befell Annie, adult
daughter of Mrs. John Kugleberger, at her
residence on Wast Centre stieet. yesterday.
The victim was descending a flight of stairs
when hor foot caught in the carpct.pretipitat
ing her to the liottom. Slio fell on her head,
receiving a severe laceration of the scalp.
For Weak nnd Run Down People.
UUAT IT IC I Tho richest of all restorft
WI1HI II Id I tlv.e foods, because it re
places the essentials of II To that nro ex
hausted by disease, Indigestion, high living,
overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, otc.
digestion perfeqf It creates solid llcsh,
nniscle and strength. Tho nerves being
made stroug the brain becomes astlve and
eleur. It restores lostvlUilitv. btonaall wast
ing drains and weakness in cither sex, and i
ns a lernaio regulator nns no equal. 1'rice
We., orllvo boxes 82.00. Druggists or by mall.
We can help you. Advice and book, free,
Write Us About Your Case.
1512 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia.
The undersigned has
arrived with a carload of
strictly Pennsylvania
Horses. Among them
are, workers, drivers and
general purpose hoiss.
The load also contains
a number of EXDRA
public sale will take
place on
. . A HOT MEMBER. . .
The 1897 "Laara"Heatep.
A lilcasitig design made with sliding 'feed
duots and triplex grate which removes all aslita
and clinkers, Viuished in Kuaaia iron, is gas
tiglit awl has oruaraeuted nickel feet, skirt
foot rails aud shaker.
Our price means a saving to
you of $5 to $6, if you
you buy here.
123 S. MAIN ST.
Agent rrosiMMiletl by Ills HoiiiUtnell For
fttmrtage In Accounts.
Anthony Wlsloaky, until teccntly in tho
employ ol the local Singer Sewing Machine
( oinpatiy s agency, was arrested last
a cliargo of emherr.lcnieut. He was
mltted to the lockup and this morning re-
leased by Justice Tootncy under fftoo halt
furnished by George Ret Ik and Hiram
Rublnski. Wisloski, it is alleged, was about
$250 short in bis accounts with the company
and his bondsman. John Horg, made good the
shortage. A warrant was then issued for
Wisloski's arrest.
If you have ever seen n little child in a par
oxysm of whooping rough, or If you have
been annoyed by a constant tickling In the
throat, you ran appreciate the value of One
Mlurtte Cough Cure, which gives quick re
lief. C. II. HaKenbufh.
IMnrriuge I.leenses.
James F. Bonslngcr and Llllle A. Sclmi k,
both of Walker township.
Charles Ilbensperger stpl Cordelia li.
achock, both of Walker township.
llaury Soult and Annie Utclintan, Wh of
St. Nicholas.
John Ilriblk, df Minerrrllle, and . Mary
Waskn, of Pottsvllle.
Ask your grocer for the "Itoyal Patent'
dour, and take no other brand. U Is the best
floor made. "
Alartlii'Tliopnti TVIU1 l'o(poiiit.
New York, Oot. 18. The trl4 of Mar
tin Thorn, accused, with Mra. Augusta
Nack, of the murder of TV'llliam Qul
densuppe, a Turkish bath masseur, in
June last, has been postponed until
Nov. S. The date originally set
the trial was Oct. 18, but upon
affidavit of counsel for the defense
that material witnesses could not be
prootired at so parly a date Judge Smith
granted an application for postpone
ment Mnliec ClffilloiiKOH Corbott.
Pittsburg, Oct. 15. M. J. Connolly, on
behalf of Peter Maher, last night Issued
a challenge to James J. Corliett to
fight for the heavy championship of the
world and' a side bet of $6,000, to take
place before the club offering the larg
est purse. Connelly will meef-Corbett at
any time at the-office of the Police
Gaaette to arrange details. It Corbet t
does not accept the challenge It Is
open to uny man in the world.
Tliryo Yen f lit' Drought.
Sydney. S. . Y., Oct. 16. During, n
speech on ihe prerentation of the bud
get ,of .;iv flouth U'alea the premier.
Sir Oeoipfo If. Held, aald that the great
drought of th last three years had cost
the oniony thniisatldifif .head of cattle
and 2,f sl"np; but, fie added, the pros
pects of Hcriicitlfure were better, the
wheat area being over a million acres.
MI t.imirriiM Now mi Anioi'lbnn.
New York, Oct. 18. lQvangellna Coslo
y Clsneros has a'dnpted this country
as her home. She signed her declara
tion Of intention to become a citizen of
the United States yesterday afternoon.
She went to the naturalization bureau
accompanied by Irs. J. Ellen Foster.
Under the terms of her oath she has
renounced all allegiance to Spain.
linhy Uui'iiod to Ironth.
Wllkesbarre, Pa., pot. 16. James
Henry Dlsner, aged 2 years, was play
ing around a bonfire In the yard of
his parents' home, this city, When his
clothes caught fire and he wag burned
to death.
t oimrosMinnii I'lllmiii scrronMy .
r.Iorrtstown. N. J:, Oct. 1. Congress
men Mahlnn Pitney is in a critical con
dition nt his homo here. He Is suffer
ing from typhoid rover, and last ovon
Intr it was .said his condition was serl
t in.
Retire prom Busir;ss.
Stock of Clothing.
I will positWcely retira from businsxs on or about
January lsst, 1QS7. The anormous stock of Clothing
for Mn', Boys' and ChMdrn's wear, Purnixhing
Goods, etc., must ba sold, and this great sale will
commence at once and continue until every garment
and article in the store is turned into money. The
stock of Clothing consists of new, clean, stylish and
the best ready-made garments in the market, and all
of this season's productions.
10 & 12
Physical Culture
Paine's Celery Compound.
Miss Lucy II. Hitchcock, lei turer, depart
ment of physical culture. Women nChristian
Temperance Union. Vermont, wrote on .May
10, last :
"It affords me pleastiie to add my testi
mouy with orders regarding the healing
effect of Paine's celery compound upon an
exhausted nervous system."
Aug. 12, 1807, she wrote: "Asa ruleM do
not endorse medicines, but I believe Paine's
celery compound to be a dill'eront order from
the ordinary medicines. Facts cannot lie
Disputed. I have derived so much lieuefit
from tho compound that I am glad to heartily
recommend it, hoping others similarly
nflllctcd may be relieved. Any medicine
that will relieve suffering humanity is a
mensing to the world. ,
A blessing to the wotld .' I
.Paine's celery compound has beau proven!
to be the one great remedy that really makes
people well. This estimable woman, whose
Christian work is earnestly directed toward
the betterment of others, and whoae eminence
in tho W. C. T. U. makos her advice of great
value, plainly indorses l'aino's celery com-1
pound. I
The amount of poor health ou every hand !
is something shocking to everyone who stops
to think. Hundreds Of men and women nil
.every neighborhood aie to-day carrying
about with them a'needless load tif ailments
that a thorough refreshing of their nerves, a I
purifying of their blood, more sleep and!
more regularity iu the bodily functions would .
completely do away with. Paine's celery
compound will do all this for sick anil ailing
nieu und women.
WJhichwill W sold at 25 per cent, below cost. We have
tremendous line in JNfen's, Boy and Children's,
which you can buy at your own prices. v
The Reliable
Shenandoah, Pa.
S. Main St.,
Lecturer Endorses
A "hear-say'' reputation may do for other
renieilie- . l'liiue's rolcry compound Js best
known from the mouths of men and'wonieu
whom it ha made well they are iu every
it v, town and village in the country.
No one can pass the newspaper bulletins
without being remitted by how slight a thread
the best of men hold on to life. The slight
ups and downs in health from which people
recover make them forget that there is a
limit to the body's elasticity and endurance.
The habitually exhausted nervous system at
last loses its power of recovery and pffers no
resistance to disease.
"Prevent disease," is the watchword of the
best medical thought of to-dy. Careful
meu and women do not wait until they are
flat on their backs as people once did. The
more intelligent part of every community
has found out the inestimable benoflt to bo
derived from Paine's celery compound, when
one is worn-otic, nerve-tired and "out-of-sorta."
The littlo ills the beginning of neuralgia
and rheumatism, the "all-gptie" and tired
feelings show the immediate need of purify
ing the blood and refreshing the nerves. Tho
direct and energetic way Paine's colory com
pound oven onie-i. sick and nervous headaches
dyspepsia and heart troubles, as it does all
other nervous disorders, has compelled tho
admiration of the medical world tfrom the
Headaches, rheumallt-m. neuralgia, lifeless
feelinss and debility, cannot persist when in
telligently met snd corrected by this greatest
of nerve and brain strongthcuers. No rem
edy ever kept the confidence of so large n
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