The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 12, 1897, Image 3

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    Initant relief for skin-tortured babies and
rest for tired mother In a warm bath with
Cutioi-ba Snxr, and a single application of
Ci'TiornA (ointmentj, tlio great skin euro.
The only speedy and economical tvatment
for itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, and
plmrly humors of tho skin, scalp, and blood.
la ftld thronnhni t IV world. VnTTrit Xinva akd CniM
ioai. t'Bi oh tvi, tnlFropTiptor, Hmtnn.
tur"llowttit,urKvry bibj llunior,"miitcd free,
Fever, Congestion.
Infants' Diseases.
Coughs & Colds.
10 Dyspepsia, Indigestion.
1 1 Delayed Periods.
12 Louchorrea.
No. 10 Croup.
No. 14 Skin Diseases.
No. IB Rheumatism.
No. 19 Catarrh.
No. 27 Kidney Diseases.
No. 34 Sore Throat.
No. 77 Grip & Hay Fever.
Dr, Humphreys' Ilomoopathlo Manual of
Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Free.
Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of 2Tits.,
Wets, or 81. Humphreys' Mod. Co., Cor. William
and John Sts., Now York.
For sal at Povlt sky's drug store, 29 East
Centre street j
A Titian. Ttm Airn iri WOMAN'S RELIEF.
AlwftT Dromnt and reliable. Avoid IvwtatwnM.
fit CiTHN'itiMiTPiLLianrl mviRtatlTl,
A I (I mk? s.tnrps. rtr Pitt ilirret (Milled ). Iirlftt. 1 1
rTni Hpkq. Co, bofton,lMi. Onrbook,4b
For sale nt Kirlln's drujr store and Shenandoah
drug store
JLtXi Jfervotts JHseoiemn auing mem
ory. Impotenojrt81oepleeBne8,eto., caused
toj Abairfi and other Kxcereeo ond Indii-
CreilODS. -jury ijwic(j awrcin
rtiBtora iHC vitality in oia or younttv mm
fit atnsnfor ntudjr.btvineAft or no wr I age.
Pramnt Inmnif nnil flnnRlimntiOfl if
tftkea'tn tlrop. Their nuA shows iramedinto Iranrove-
tnent ana neu a uuiw wnero an omen mu. id-
K" tapoa havrns the (tonnlno Ajas Tablets. The?
rsodrod thousands ind will oura you. We Rive a
FoalttTO written. guarantee to affect a cure In each caso
or ret nnd the money. lrico 60 cent? per package, or
tlx packages (fall treatment! for $5.w). 13y malt. In
plain wrapper( opon receipt ol price, uircatar iree.
3D Dearborn St,
Forsnleln Shenandoah, Pa., nt A. AVnsIey'a
W tin lUnio.,,,; toni
Curci general or special debility, wakeful
n:ss, spcrmatorhcea, emissions, Impotency,
rarcsls, etc. Corrects functional disorders,
caused by errors or excesses, quickly restoring
Lost Manhood in old or young, giving vizor and
strength where former weakness prevailed. Coo
vcitiect paricagc, simple, effectual, and legitimate.
Cur 03 Quick amd Thorough
Pen's deceived ey imitation; insist o
CATON'S Vitalize-!. Sent sealed il your drua;
cist dock not have it. Price $ I per pkge, 6 lor tS,
with written guarantee of complete cure.
Initvmallon, references, ct. free and confidential.
Send tis statement of case and 25 cts. for a week'r
trial treatment. One only sent to earh person, r
Sold at Kirlln's drug store, IShennndoah, Ta
at Povlnsfcy's drug store, 28 Ea
Centre street.
For snugncss, the traditional
is hardly in it with a man who
sleeps in a
Dealers sell them.
Armstrong Cork Co., Pittsburg, Pa.
Christ. Schmidt,
. . . Agent and Bottler of
Porter and Weiss Beer.
203 W. Coal Street,
13 -
Hi IJ k ta Visl VHK
Tho Young Ouban Rofugoo Now in
Now York Oity.
Kvon Should Tlioy Doslro nor Extra
dition Thoro Is Nothing lu Existing
Treaties That Would 'Warrant Our
Oovoriunont In Stirrotnlcrlnir llor.
Wnshlngton, Oct. 12. Opinion dlfferfl
as to WJiat complications aro liable to
arise botweon the united States and
Spain as a consequence of tho escape
of Senorlta Clsnoros from the Spanish
prison in Cuba, through the efforts of
the New York Journal's correspondent
In Havana. While tho general Impres
sion Is that Spain might make a great
deal of trouble about the matter, the
opinion of many Is that tho now min
istry will bo glad to get rid of a pris
oner they did not know what to do
with, and will not call the attention of
this government to the matter. This
will depend much upon whether or
not Spain is looking for a cause of
complaint that will technically put
this government in the wrong.
As a political prisoner Senorlta Cls-
neros would be exempt from extradi
tion, and, therefore, if extradition lft
demanded by Spain it will be based on
the claim that she was a prisoner of
war, and the complaint will be a con
spiracy in this country to liberate
Spanish prisoners of war. This would
not be tenable, for the reason that
Spain does not ofllclally admit that a
state of war exists in Cuba.
The prosecution of Mr. Hearst and his
correspondent by this government may
be demanded by Spain, and she may
recall her minister from this country
If satisfaction is not glverr, but such
a demand would bo made with the
practical certainty that It would not
be complied with and would be made
only with the intention of bringing
about a severance of relations between
tho two countries.
State department ofllclals make, light
of the prospect of any international
trouble following the escape of Miss
CIsneros. They say that, presuming
that the girl and her rescuer have
reached the United States, they can
not be surrendered even if claimed by
tho Spanish authorities.
As far as concerns Miss CIsneros, Bhe
being a political refugee, cannot under
our organic law bo surrendered, and
thero Is no clause In tho Spanish extra
dition treaty that would Berve as a
basis for a claim for her surrender.
The circumstances under which" she
may have reached the United States
cannot affect the force of this doctrine.
Tho Young Cuban Patriot Joyfully
llocolvocl at Cuban IIondquartorH.
New York, Oct. 12. Today's HeralB
says: Senorlta Evangellna Coslo y
CIsneros, the Cuban girl who escaped
from Casa de Recogldas, in .Havana,
on Wednesday night last, arrived in
this city yesterday morning. American
friends accompanied her by train from
New Orleans. On reaching Jersey City
Miss CIsneros was taken in a closed
carriage to the headquarters of the
Cuban sympathizers in this city at 56
New street, where she was Joyfully re
ceived. After a short reception she
was taken away, and no one was allow
ed to see her until last evening.
A special edition ot the local Cuban
newspaper was published, asking all
loyaUCubans to assemble at the offlce
of the Junta at 8 o'clock tonight to Join
in a torchlight parade In honor of the
young woman's delivery.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your life
If vou want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever, be mado well, strong, magnetic,
full of now Ufo and vigor, take No-To-Bae,
tho wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ton pounds in ton days.
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bac from
your own druggist, who will guarantoo a
cure. 50c or $1.00. Booklet and sample
mailed freo. Ad. Sterling Romedy Co.,
Chicago or New York.
Tho Charity CominlHslDinuf Objoot.
New York, Oct. 12. The sick and
maimed from other states and foreign
countries havo for a long time been
dumped in this city for surgical and
medical treatment at the expense of
the people of the metropolis. Of 26.G51
cases treated here, for which the city
was held responsible, 13,276 were either
Immigrants, residents of other states
or people able to pay for treatment at
home. The charity commissioners yes
terday refused to approve of bills
amounting to $1,313,471 for the cases for
which the city Is In no wise responsible,
Dont giyo them tea or coffee Have you tried
tho new food drink called Qrain-O? It is
dolicious and nourishing and takes tho place
of couee. The more Qrain-0 yon give the
children tho more health you distribute
through thoir systems. Graiu-0 is mado of
puro grains, and whon properly prepared
tastes llko tho choico grades of coffeo bnt
costs about i as much. All grocers sell It,
ISo and 25c.
Cut In Two Vy aTTratu.
Hanover, Pa., Oct. 12. A freight
train on the Frederick division of the
Pennsylvania railroad ran into a drove
of cattle that had escaped from a near
by field, killing several of the animals.
cut in two Ottis XMoei, or ijuuesiown,
who was on the bumper of a car, and
injured Augustue Misal, B. Jj. Weaver
and W. u. Downey, trainmen.
Certainly vou don't want to suffer with dys-
ccnsla. constipation, sick headacho. sallow
skin and loss of appetite. You havo never
tried DeWltt's Littlo Early Kisors for thoso
complaints or you would have been cured.
4-jiey are small puis nut great regulators, u.
II. Ilagenbuch.
A slimulnr Fntallty.
New York,, Oct. 12. Elizabeth Bowles,
7 years old, died here yesterday as the
result of a curious accident. A vichy
bottla exploded and a flying piece of
glass struck the child In the throat,
cutting the thyroid cartilage.
Household Necessity
Casoarcts Candy Cathartic, the most won.
derful medical discovery of the ago, pleasant
and rtfroahlng to the taste, act gently and
positively on kidneys, Hver and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, lover, habitual constipation and
biliousness, Pleaso buy and try a box of
(J. U. U. to-day; 10, SS, SO cents. Bold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Tho Wontlior.
For eastern New York, eastern Penn
sylvania. New Jersey and Delaware:
Threatening weather and probably
showers; cooler tonight; brisk and
high southerly winds on the const. For
Maryland: Clearing; south to west
winds; cooler tonight.
If you have ever seen a little child in a par
oxysm of whooping cough, or If you have
been annoyed by a constant tickling in the
throat, you can appreciate tho value of One
Minute Cough Cure, which gives quiok re
lief. 0. H,llageabueut
4 Flnt
20 Second
40 Third
(During 1897)
For particulars send yonr name and foil address to
tocr Uros., Ltd., Hudson & Harrison Sts.,Ncw York.
And Flowers, the Ilaml of America, Cali
fornia. Via the truo pathway, "The Iron Mountain
Kouto," which traverses n region of porpotual
sunshine, whoro snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes nro unknown. Pullman first
nnd second class palace and tourist slccpiug
enra to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Toxas,
Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California.
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Novada, without cliango. Quick tlmo, low
rates, and all tho comforts of modorn railway
improvements guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via tho Missouri I'aclfio railway
system. Kor rates right from your homo,
lltoraturo, and full Information, drop n postal
card, J. P. McOanu, T. V. Agent. 510 Kail
road avenuo, Elmlra, N. Y., or 391 Broad
way, Now York.
3-1-tf W. E. Iloyt, O. E P. Agt.
Old People,
flld Tinnijln who renulro medicine to regulate
thobowols and kldnoys will find tho truo
remedvin Electric Bitters. This medicine
stimulato and contains no whiskoy
nor other intoxicant, but acts as a tonlo and
alterative. It acts mtiuiy on tno stomacn
nnd bowels addine strength and giving tone
to tho ogans, thereby aiding Nature In tho
performance of the functions. Electric
Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids
digestion. Old peoplo llnd it just exactly
what they need. Prlco fifty cents per bottlo
at A. Waslov's drug storo.
Sulcldo After Dlscrano.
McKeesport, Pa., Oct. 12. Anthony
Steffi, aged 60, committed suicide by
shooting himself through the head yes
terday because he could not stand the
disgrace of being arrested. He was
taken into custody by Constable Rey
nolds for drunkenness at the home of
his daughter in Christy Park.
Small nrecantions often prevent great mis
chiefs. Do Witt's Littlo Early Bisors aro very
small pills In size, but nro most effective in
preventing tno most serious lorms ot liver
and stomach troubles. They euro constipa
tion and headacho and regulato tho bowels.
C. IX. Hagcnbuch.
LC UnUM O Thin remedy being, In
jected directly to the
Beat or tnoso diseases
or the Gentto-tTrlnsry
Organs, requires no
chance of diet. Care
guaranteed in 1 to 8
dnys. Small plain pack.
ns tt is. ic nce' uy """ si.oo.
j ABiduiMoia only uy
S. P. KIRL1N, Shenandoah.
How to Restore Lost Manhood and
Perfect Development.
This great work, plainly written by a high
medical authority, shows how manly vigor
can be regained and obstacles to marriage
removed. It is a modern work for men who
suffer from nervous debility caused by over
work, youthful indulgences or later excesses.
It points out how to be cured of nervousness,
despondency, impotency, at home, without
interfering with business.
This great book, entitled "COSIPLETE
will bo mallod free, in plain, sealed wrapper,
to the address of any sincere Inquirer by the
Erie Medical Company, 64 Niagara Street,
Buffalo, N.Y. No C.O.D. scheme; no deception.
nillions of Dollars
Go up in smoko every year. Take no
risks but got your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured In first-class re
liable companies as represented by
TNitrm nATicT Insurance Aerent
UttUO rAUJli 120 South Jardin St
Also Life and Accidental Oompant eat
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows :
For New York via Philadelphia, week days.
210, 586, 7 05 9 51a.m., 1283, 810 and 6 07 p.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
duo, 7 uo a. m.. mraanuaiu p. m.
For Readlntr and Philadelphia, week davs.
210,530,7 05, 951 a.m., 12 33, 8 10 and 6 07 p. m.
Sundavs. 2 10 a. m.
For Pottsvllle. week days. Z 10. 7 05. 9 51 a. m..
12 S3, 8 10, 6 07 and 7 25 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m,
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days
210,680, 7 05, 9 51a.m., 12 83, 8 10 and 6 07 p. in.
For 'Willlamsport, Sunbury and Lewlsburg,
weeit uuys, a j, u 00, ou b, in., ana izap,m
Sundays, 3 25 a. m.
tfohann. Plan. wa.lrJav. "Irt SM Ran
7 05. 9 64, 11 80 a. m 12 83, 8 10, 6 07, 7 23, 9 55 and
11 W p. IU. OUIIUUVB, A AU, O ttl Ik. m.
For Ashland and Shamokln. week davs. 8 25.
5 80, 7 05, 11 SO a. ni., 6 07, 725 and 55 p. m.
Dunaave. a zo a. in.
Ji.icO. R. R.. through trains lea-i Beading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. A It. U K.) at 8 20,
1 00, 11 a. m., a iu ana t.t p. La. aunaays,
8 20, 7 00, 11 26 a. m., 8 46 and 7 27 p. m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. ta. 12 20,
141 La o w p.m. Duuuuys, a , oap, m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00 a. m., and 1 80, 4 80, 9 00 p.
m. Sundavs. 5 00 n. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
day., 4 80, 9 10 a.'m., 1 80 and 4 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal, week
days, 4 20, 8 85, 10 10 a. m. and 1 42, 4 05, 6 30, 11 80
n. m. Sundays. 11 80 d. m.
Leave lteadlng.week days, 1 85, 7 10,10 03, a, m.
1200m., 4 19, 6 00 and 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 186
a. m.
Leave Fottsvllle, week days, 2 83, 7 40 a. m.,
12 80 and 8 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 85 a. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8 18, 8 43, 11 28 a.
m., 1 86, 5 51, 7 20 and 9 43 p. m. Sundays, 8 18
ft. m
Leave Mabanoy City, week days, 12 20, 8 45,
9 12 11 47 a. in., 2 17, 6 18, 6 17, 7 44 and 10 08 p. m.
Sundays. 12 36, 8 45 a. in.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week day., 12 80, 2 40,
400 080,926. 1026, 1150 a. m., 282, 582, 689,
7 57, 10 22 P m. Sundays, 12 40, 2 40, 4 00 a. m.
Leave Wllllamspoit, week day., 7 42, 10 20 a
m 4 00 and 11 80 p. m. Sundays, 11 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street war and
South strectwhaif for Atlantlo City.
Weekdays Express, 9 00 a. m., 2 00, 4 00,
5 00 p.m. Accommodation, 8 00a. m., 680 p. in.
Sundays Express, 900, 10 00 a. m. Accommoda
tion, 8 00 a. m., 4 45 p. m.
Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, corner
Atlantlo ana Arnansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 85, 9 00 a, in., 8 80, 5 80
p.m. Accommodation, 8 15 a. m., 4 05 p. m,
Sundays Mxpress, 4 00, 7 80 p. m. Accom
modation, 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. in.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
For further Information, npply to nearest
Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket agent
or auurees
T A Qwn.nlnn T "I I' .
Gen'I Supt, Gen'I PoSs'r Agt.,
Koauing Terminal, ranaaeipuia.
A Handsomo Complexion
is one ot the greatest charm, a woman can
gives it.
Prizes, each of $100 Cash.
" $100 Pierce Special Blcjctes.
" $ 25 Gold Watches.
Sunlight SOAP
Side Entrance on Green St., PHILADELPHIA, PA.
1 UUIIKi win, n i iv ur jiiai i tt u vu wnou jvu-
' trmplat Inn mnrrtnftc. 1 fyou are n victim of
BLOOD P0I50H -fiS'wfeSrS
IMvate Diseases $!X!2?8SFSSl3!te
Hfrnrmlnd and hod?. And unfltvou for the
duties ot Hff, call or wrlto and tio saved. Honrs!
Daily, D-3er'Ki, (l-flt Sun., fi-l'J. Bcndlocts. in
pramps for Book vlltisirom teitlmonlnls
Kxpottnn (lnncka and Pake Institutes.
You can blame
yourself if you
do n't pet real
Ijood coffee to
drink. Ordlnarv
for Scellg'5.
, A little of this
coffee la made de
licious bv adding
admixture to
r cheap coffee
, makes a delicious'
k drink and saves expense.
pepQa. Railroad.
October 1, 1897.
Trains will leavo Shenandoah after the abov
date for Wlggans, Ullberton, Fraokville, Dark
water, Ht. Ulnlr, I'ottsvllle. Hamburg, Reading
1 ukWHJn 11, iiuciii&YiiiVi nurnatunii bhu run,
adelphia (Broad street station) at 0 03 and 11 03
a. m. and 4 20 p. m. on week days. Sundays,
0 08 n. in., 3 10 p. m. For Pottsvllle and Inter
mediate stations only 917 s, m, weekdays,
Sundavs. 9 45 a. m.
1 rains leave rrncKvuie xor Buenanaoan ai
10 40 a. m. and 12 31. 5 41. 7 02 and 10 47 n. m
Sunday. 11 13 a. m. and 5 41 P. m.
Leave Fottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10 15
a. 111. and 12:05, 5 15, 7 25 and 10 20 p. in. Sunday
si iu tu a. m., o 10 p. m.
Leave Phlladelnlvfa. fBroad street statlonl. foi
Shenandoah at 5 57. 8 35 and 10 19 a. m.. 4 10 and
7 11 p. m. week days. Sundays leavo at 0 50 a. m..
leave liroad street station, l'liiiadelnbla. lui
Sea Girt, Asbury I'ark, Ocean Grove, Lonx
urancu, and intermediate stations, 0 50, H.25
11.39, a. m., 8.30 and 4.00 p. m. week-days. Sun
days, 825 a. m.
Leave liroad street station, muadclpbla,
Exrjrcss. weck-davs. 8 20. 4 Oo. 4 50 5 15. a 50.
7 83, 8 20, 8 83, 9 50, 10 21 (Dining Car), 11 00 a. m,
is iu noon, lis u.j iLimitcu i uu anu 1 p.m.
DinUig Cars), 1 40, 2 80 (Dining Car) 3 20, 8 50.
4 00, 5 00, 5 50 (Dining Car), 6 00, 702,7 43, 1000
p. m., 12 01, night. Sundays, 8 20, 4 05, 4 50, 5 15,
a nn o on r r.n mnl TM I n nir
12 85, lOStDlnlnjr Car) 280 (Dining Cur), 400
ijLtiiiiucu ruining iuri, o m.o nouming unr)
ant irno Tji invi M in ni .,ui.
U W, IU, iJ W J. All.. 4 JK
Express for Boston without change, 11 00 a ni.,
wceit-uays, aim i 4J p. zn., uauy.
Ti'nf TU1ttmn nnil Wnal.lnr.tnn l Wi T Oft Q i
10 20, 11 23, a. mM 12 0i, 12 31 ( Dining
Car). 112. 318. 4 41. F5 19 Conirres-
sionrtl Limited, DlmW Car, 0 17. 055 Din-
injr Car, 7 81 Dining Car p. m., nnd 12 05
night week days. Sundays, 3 DO, 7 20, 9 1211 23,
a, in., i iz, 4 4i, inio congressional juinv
ited. Dining Car, 6 0S Dining Car, 7 31 Dlu
ingv;arj p. in. ana izuu mgni.
jLeave Broad street station via Dclawnro river
brldce Kxnress. 7 05 n. in. dailv.
Lftvo .Market street warx isxpreas, ou
zoo, 4 00, uu p. m. sunuays, vi i; a.
(ncconimouation 4UU ana ouut). ln.i
For Cape May. Anglcsca, Wild wood and Holly
V 1, QAn TdI a l"lfir finnan rtiT Ivnlnn nnil
Htono Harbor isxprcss, uuo a. in., 4UU, p. m.
weeK unys. sunuays, v uu a. ni.
For Somers Point Express, 8 50, a. m., 2 00,
4 00, 5 00, p. m. week days Sundays, 8 45 a. m.
I, 11. Hutchinson, J. K. wood,
Gen'l Manager. Gen'I I'oss'g'r Agt.
Only Is possible, whether ns a tost of
excellence In journalism, or for to
measurement of quantities, time or values
Record . . .
After a career of nearly twenty years o
iinlnterrunted irrowth la lusti lied in claim
ing that the standard first established by
its xounacrs is tno one truo test ox
A Perfect Newspaper
To publish ALTj THE NEWS promptly and
succinctly anu in tno most readable xorm,
without elision or partisan bias; to discuss
Its significance with frankness, to keep AN
besides a complete record of current
thought, fancies and discoveries In all de
partments of human activity in Its DAILY
EDITIONS of from 10 to 14 PAGES, nnd to
provide the whole for Its patrons at tho
nominal price of ONE CENT That was
from tne outset, anu win continue to 00,1110
uimoi a ilia. jtijimiJ.
The Pioneer
One cent morning newspaper in the United
States. The Record, still LEADS WHERE
Witness Its unrivaled averatre dallv circulation
exceeding 100,000 ooples, and on overage
exceeding 120,000 copies for Its Sunday
editions, while Imitations of Its plan of
publication In every Important city of the
oounirv teatiiv to me iruui ui iiie usHeruon
that In the quantity and quality of Its con
tents, and lu the price ot which It Is sold
The ltaoord has established the standard bv
which excellence In Journalism must be
The Daily Edition
Of The Record will be sent by mall to any
address for (51.00 per year or 25 cents per
The Daily and Sunday
Editions together, which will plvo Its random
the beet and freshest Information of all that
Is going on In the world every day In the
year Including holidays, will be sent lor
51.00 a year or 83 cents per month.
Record Building,
Philadelphia. Fa.
Tho Rosy Freshness
And nyelvety softness of tho skin Is inva
riably obtainsd by thor 9 who use Poizoni's
Complexion 2'orfder- '
Wanted-An Idea
Who can think
ot some .tmpl.
Protect your tdeati th.y may bring you wsaltb.
Write JOHN WKUDXlltTOSUJ A CO.. Potent Attor.
neys, Washington, 1). O., ror their I,8UJ prlu oLTu
sua 111s 01 110 uuiuuvu invention. TV all lea.
Bitter Denunciation of England in
Ireland's Capital.
l'ho Irish IndopondontliOnKUo, Orsnn-
lzod by John itodmonil, Vigorously
Applmtd William Jlodmoml'il Hnrsli
Uttornuoos nnd Clioor Itobols lu India
Dublin, Oot. 12. Tho first general na
tion convention of tho Irish Independ
ent league, organized by John Red
mond, M. P., the Parnelllte leader,
opened yegterady afternoon in theAn
cient concert rooms here. Bight hun
dred enthusiastic delegates packed the
hall and actively participated in cheer
ing vociferously every point In the
speeches which met with their approval
and in Jeering tho names of Dillon,
Ilealy and Davltt,-as well as hissing
tho name o Mr. Gladstone when Mr.
Redmond characterized him as "the
Englishman who betrayed Ireland."
Every reference to the struggle of 1898
was greeted uproariously, particularly
Mr. Redmond's reading of the oath
taken by the revolutionists. All the
speeches paid tribute to the patriotism
of the late Charles Stewart Parnell,
and warm cheers greeted the entrance
of the Redmonds, John Parnell and
Patrick O'Brien Into the hall.
Alderman John Rellly read a tele
gram from the Independent Irishmen ot
Boston, Mass, whloh said: "We stand
by Parnell's nplloy and urge the gov
ernment to disgorge Its plunder in tne
face of the distress existing, and wo
send $100 as evidence of our good faith."
The reading of this message was fol
lowed by three cheers for the Stars and
The climax of the convention was
reached when, during a speech deliver
ed by William Redmond, he said that
when the DUlonltes rejected Parnell
they "alienated the United States, thus
killing the goose which laid tho golden
Continuing, Mr. Redmond said he
would never walk into any room to be
controlled by Dillon and Healy, though
he was for unity, adding:
'With all the royal processions
through our streets It is time for Irish
men to say something. The great mass
of the Irish people are today, and will
be until liberty Is given them, the ene
mies of England. England is a bully, a
pirate and a savage. Whether in India
or in Africa the bloody flag of the Brit
ish empire, has been advanced by plun
dering arid destroying poor people. Our
sympathy goes out to these poor peo
ple. God bless them and give success
to their efforts. Three cheers for the
men in India who are fighting Eng
Tho delegates thereupon climbed
upon their seats ana shall ted "Down
with Britain." r
The meeting had up to tlfat point
been of a somewhat mild description.
but much denunciation of England and
talk of 1703 followed, Mr. Kelly, of Man
chester, for Instance, saylngthat Ireland
would have her Jubilee in 1898 "over
the attempt of honest men to do hon
est work for Ireland."
There was also much denunciation of
Great Britain's proposal to 'give Ire
land a Catholic university. The par
ticipation of the priests in politics was
condemned, and the Healyltes were
denounced as the "assassins of Par
There was, however, no discord what
ever, the resolutions were all adopted
with enthusiasm, and the reading of a
telegram from the Irish Independent
league, of New York, was heartily
Running sores, indolent ulcers "and similar
troubles, oven though of many year's stand
ing, may bo cured by using DoWltt's Wlcth
Hazel Salvo. It soothes, strengthens and
heals. It is a great pilo euro. C. H. Ilagen
Mrs.Xinrlnon's Sorlous Chnrtro Arrnlnst
Itov. C. W. Mott.
Flemlngton, N. J., Oct. 12. The trial
of Rev. Charles W. Mott, of Philadel
phia, formerly pastor of the Baptist
churches of Stockton and Sandy Ridge,
and who was Indicted for alleged at
tempted criminal assault on Mrs. An
drew Larison, of Stockton, was be
gun yesterday. Mr. Mott is 50 years
old, and a veteran of the civil war. On
the night of the alleged attempt the
minister was in Stockton, and had been
Invited by Andrew B. Larison, one of
the membors of the church there, to
remain at his home over night. During
the evening a neighboring building
took Are, and Larison went to the fire.
It was during his absence that the al
leged assault took place.
Mr. Larison testified that he was
absent from the house perhaps ten
minutes. When he reached the gate
on his return he heard his wife scream
and ran Into the house. Mrs. Larison
testified that after her husband start
ed for the Are Mr. Mott called her to
come to a window where he was stand
ing and from which the Are could be
seen. When she reached the window
he threw his arms about her and tried
to force her into his apartment.
Rev. Mr. Mott, on his own behalf,
testified that Mrs. Larison came to the
window where he was sitting and put
her arms about his neck and asked his
protection. She was greatly excited
because of the fire. Later she became
hystrlcal, and he had to support her
to prevent her falling.
Something to Depend On.
Mr. James Jones, of tho drug Ann of Jones
& Son Cowdon, III., in spoaking of Dr. King's
New Discovory, says thatlast winter his wife
was attacked with La Grippe, and her case
grew so serious that physicians at Cowdon
and Pana could do nothlug for her. It seemod
to develop into Hasty Consumption. Having
Dr. King s Now Discovery in store, and sell
ing lots of it, ho took a bottlo homo, and to
the surprise of all she bogan to get better
from first dose, and half a dosen dollar bot
tles cured her sound and well. Dr. King's
New Dlseovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds Is guaranteed to do this good work.
Try it. Free trial bottles at A. Wasley's
drug store.
Sontonoed l'or Loso tMujitfito,
Hamburg, Oct. 18. The editor in chief
of the Hamburg Echo, Herr Itheinkold
Stenzel, charged with lese majeste
against Leopold, king of the Belgians,
was tried here today, convicted and
sentenced to eight months Imprison
ment. The offense imputed consisted
In the publication of several artloles as
serting that King Leopold habitually
encouraged gambling, that he had his
own tables at Ardennes, and person
ally protected the gambling saloons n,t
Ostend. Ther Is reason 10 Deueve mat
Stenzel, who Is at large, will endeavor
to evade the execution of the warrant
by leaving the country.
" To heal tho broken and diseased tissues, to
soothe the irritated surfaces, to instantly re
lieve and to permanently cure Uthe mission
of DeWitt's Witch Hazolbttlvo. (J. 11. llageiv
When you ffant good roofing, plumbing,
gas fitting, or general tlusmlthlng done call
on E. F. Gallagher 18 Wost Centre street
Dealer in stores 1-tf
Drnurtilnji n Prlvnto by the IIcl Not
C pnoiirnlile.
Chicago. Oct. 12. Charles Hammond,
the private who was dragged by a
rope tied to his feet from the guard
house at Fort Sheridan to headquar
ters of tlie post, began yesterday noon
to serve a 14 day sentence of solitary
confinement with bread and water diet.
This decision of the summary court at
Fort Sheridan deals alone with Ham
mond's refusal to work as a prisoner.
The finding was returned by Lieuten
ant Colonel Balnbrldgp, who was sit
ting during the sessions, and was yes
terday approved by Colonel Robert II.
Hall, the commanding olllcer of the
Captain levering, the officer whose
treatment of the rebellious private has
created such a storm of discussion in
civic and army circles alike, will un
dergo no investigation. Colonel Hall as
serts that his subordinate only obeyed
instructions as a soldier; that his treat
ment of the prisoner, Hammond, was
wholly excusable under the circum
stances, nnd that he would in no wise
censure the captain.
The whole affair will now probably
be reviewed by the general court mar
tial, which will be assembled at the
Instance of General Brooke, department
commander. Colonel Hall has for
warded to the latter oflloial a statement
of the case, and further charging Ham
mond with disobeying orders.
Tlio "Bicyclist's Best Friend" is a familiar
name for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Sslvo, al
ways ready for emergencies. While a specltlc
for piles, It also instantly relieves and cures
cuts, bruises, salt rheum, ccssema and all
affections of the skin, It never falls. C. H.
Trolley Jumped nu "Kiiilmnkiiioiit .
Cedar Falls, la., Oct. 12. A trolley
car loaded with passengers was pre
cipitated over a 80 foot embankment
three miles from this city yesterday.
One Myers a traveling man, was killed
outright and ten others were seriously
hurt. Sixteen people were in the car
at the time and all were more or less
Injured. W. H. Morton, of Chicago,
will probably die. Among the Injured
are a number of State Normal school
Uacklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in tho world for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhenm, foverf oros,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or jo pay required. It le guaranteed to glvo
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Prico
25 cents per box. For salo by A. Wasloy.
Vlrclnlii 'Wrtnlfprs Indicted.
Lynchburg, Va Oct. 12. The grand
Jury yesterday reported three Indict
ments against Thomas F. Stearns, who
was cashier of the defunct Traders'
bank here, on charges of making false
returns to the state auditor. Date last
night the grand Jury adjourned after
having found three Indictments each
against James Hancock, president; B.
E. Hughes, vice president; W. P. Rob
erts, a director, and T. E. Connell, act
ing cashier, for receiving deposits
knowing the bank to be Insolvent.
rules tlie world.
But few appreciate
tho danger to which
the expectant
mother is exposed,
and the foreboding
with which she
looks forward to tho
hour of approach
ing motherhood.
By the use of
"Mother's Friend"
the body is made to yield pleasantly
to the change. Headache and nausea
are dispelled, tho depressed and nerv
ous feeling yields to one of hopeful ex
pectation. Danger to life of mother is
avoided, and she passes through the
trial quickly and her recovery is rapid.
Sent by Mall, on receipt of prlco, $1.00. Hook
to "Expectant Mothers" free upon application.
The Iiradfleld Btgulator Co., Atlanta, (Is.
A genuine welcome waits you at
Cor. Haiti and Coal Sts.
F Incut whiskeys, beers, porter and ale
constantly on lap. Choice emperance drinks
and clears.
Celebrated FenrJU
I'owderH norer fail
"H! Vil v ti a ro "lieu
1 Bflfc rnift lure fatter faihne
with Tanty Fid Pennyroyal Illlt and other 11 kf
remfvtleai. Alwsiva huv the belt and A Void dlaaD
ro In fcrient. Guaranteed upertor to alt ether. I'mulvcTj
he best In the market, A No. 1. I'arUculaH. 4 cU. Vr.tLV
UIX. Ifek Uy, Boston, Mom.
...itiiiimii mi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 i 1 1 1
In the
StlHIIIWHHUmilUIIIIIIIH'" I "nniliiiuilllllHltmtHiWHHIHmi'1 1'imnnii?
Sometimes need a reliable, monthly, regnlattag medleln.. Only harmlua and
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Dr. Psal's PeKinrQS Pills
- - --- rfaAwMB) j itjTtiiinaa y
yor Sale at KIRLTN'S Drue Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
25 50
IRSflT.TITFr.Y RTTflRlNTPPIi ,n ru"1 "f
..uumuu . w me. ni'Tcr
Ideanil boaklttfree. id. KTKUI.lMi 11HIHIV
Palher Time has
to halt when he
meets a woman who
knows how to take care
of her health. Time ,
can't make her seem i
She may be the
mother of a family j
that makes no differ
nni She is bound to
be young became her heart is young and
there is rich, young blood circulating in her
vein. She docan't need cosmetics and face
powders and skin preservers. Pure blood
is the only true vkin preserver.
1'ut when n woman 't blood Is full of bil
ious impurities, she can neither look young
nor feel young. Her whole constitution is
poisoned with bad blood It permeate t x
ery part. It paralyse the nerve centrei,
weakens the stomach, irritates the heart,
preys upon the lungs and bronchial tubes
It reduces a woman to a state of weaVue"".
nervousness, irritability, dejection and mel
ancholy. Such a woman can't possibly be
youthful, no matter what her ace may be
She needs the youthfuhjess of highly vital
ized blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery will give it to her. It will help
any woman to get back her youth and
freshness again.
It gives the digestive and blood-making
organs and the llrer power to produce good,
pure, healthy blood. It gives color to the
cheeks, and sparkle to the eyes; drives away
pimples and blotches; wipes away wrinkles;
rounds out emaciated forms, and creates
firm, natural, healthy flesh.
Mrs. Rebecca V. Gardner, of Grafton, York Co.,
Va., writes: " When I was inarfled I weighed tas
pounds. I was taken sick and reduced in health
and broke out with a disease which my doctor said
was eczema. He treated my disease but failed to
do tne any good, and I fell away to w pounds, t
began using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery, and thank God and you. I began to Im
prove. Now I weigh 140 pounds and have only
taken two bottles. I cannot say too much about
the medicine. Mv husband says I look younger
than I did the first time he saw m ijyearsago."
Graduate and Late Resident House BurgcCD of
tho University State of N. Y.
HtSADqUAnTERS t Hotel Finney, Shenandoah
Calls night or day promptly responded.
Office Eenn bulldtnir. corner of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market nnd Centre atreets.
Lock Box 63, Mahanoy City, Pa.
studied under some of the best
masters ii London and Paris, will give lessons
on the violin, mandolin, irultarand vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address In care of Strouse.
tho Jeweler Shenandoah.
Tho Grst cf American Newspa
pers, CIIARI,ES A. DANA.Editor.
The American Constitution, the
American Idea, the American Spirit.
These first, last and all the time,
Daily, by mail, - $6 a year
Daily & Sunday ,by mail, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper In
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Price 5c. a copy.
By mail, $2 a year
Address THE SUN, New York.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : t iiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiia
are projrnr-ive and keep Informed 'of
tlio World's Progress. Tlie well in-
formed and thrifty Houso-wife will
always keep s
house, as a RfmidanI remedy for
Alumna, xjruiBee, crumps, Jtiieumatism, :
nnd nil aches and palna x
Pries 25 cts. and B0 cts. per bottle. X
Ptee-sd by H. J. HACKEIT 4 CO.. PhlUdlnsu
rof eoiiktlptlon. Cascaret. art the Mfid Laxa
snp or aripe.nui hum easy natural rfxuits.
t o., t'hlnwo. Montreal. Can., or New . urk.