The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 06, 1897, Image 3

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Itching, scaly, Weeding palms, shapeless cilia,
and painful tinker ends, pimples, blackheads,
oily, moth) skin, dry, thin, and falling hair, Itch,
log, scaly sralps, all yield quickly to warm bathi
Tilth Cutin iiA Sosr, and gentle anointing
with Cuticuiu (ointment;, the great akin cure.
T ie.f throttghfratths wr-itd. ToTTtaDiuo axdCbiu.
Com , Holerropi , Hotton.
r Uow to Vrodnc. Soft White ItsnaV fret.
C Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
I J Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
Boils it Tunaors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rh sum & Tetters.
EChappec Hands.
Fever B isters.
Sore lui s & Nostrils.
O Corns & Bunions.
Stings Bites or Insects.
Three Siiea, $c, 50C- anl $1.00.
fiold by druggists, or a, post-paidonrecelptof price
UCarilBEtS' SEP. 1 0 ; 1 1 1 1 J William BL, IT.w York,
For sal nt Povli sky's drug store, 2J East
Centre street
vJ r Nervous Dhvaita Falling Wom
ffv sfil or, fmpritency,Hleeple88nes,Bto .caasM
it I I Ih,..i inrl nfkar F'tmiBAa nnrl Initio.
detlons Thev tjuicktu and sureltf
rdstoroijOBt vitality in oiu orjoanif, aa.i
lit a man for utmly, bivunefls or roorrlnffe,
lrfivnt Irian find Oonftamntion if
t taken la sitae. Their tirt shown imnrndlnte ImproTO
tnent a.d bffefts a CUKE wrr nil ethers tail. In
sintupou haftng the Renufne AJax Tablets. They
.have cired thousands and will cure )ou. We sire a
' positive written traaraqteo tn offect a cure In eaeu cose
lOrrefundthamoney. .Price CO entp per.packeae, or
tstx packages full treatment) for Spltfk Br m Ail, In
.plain wrapper, upon receipt of price. Clronlar free.
ForwnJoIn Shenandoah, Pa., at A. Wnsley's
lid Klrlln'fl, DrtiKgista.
C .hj general or special debility, wakeful
c :33. Frcrrcsiorltcca, emissions, lmpotency
; areata, ctr. Corrects functional disorders,
imei -rors or excesses, quickly restoring
Lost ftlanticod In old or young, giving vigor sud
.''ngtrt where former weakness prevailed. Con.
Micnt package, simple, effectual, and legitimate
Cunt: is Quickano Thorough.
r-tt be deceived cy imitationt: Insist on
CAfON'S Vitalize. Sent sealed if your dmj
y st dotik not liivc it. Price ft per pkge, 6 for S3,
v.;h written guarantee of complete cure.
I .' -imation, references, etc., free and confidential.
Jnd Uf sta? rocnt of case and 25 cts. for a week's
Cm. trcttinr t. One only sent to each person.
CtO tf.': C-...LCaTClN,MA89
Bold at KIrlln's drup; store, BliLiiuudoah. Pn
A tBiFtt. TMitv ivd lArie WOMAN'S RELIEF.
AlvArsnrnmrtsnd rpltnblc. Avovl Imitations.
flot r a rim's r near Pnumnrl mvt RtOkKTl.
AtdrtiiT stoTfl, orenttlirrct (e)rd), Drift, 11,
CiTow r , liofltoo, Mua, Our book, 4c.
For v!e r.t K'r's drug store and Shenandoah
urui: store.
BSAflTiTirS7a'(fcFa"vo s saf
at Porlnsky's drug store, 28 Eft'
Centre street.
are liffht, fluflV little rinn
lets iust the thin, curly
cutting that gives taper
to a cork.
I Could anything be more
suitable tor a bed r
For sale by all dealers.
Armstrong Cork Co., Plttshurg, Pa. "J
A Handsome Complexion
ts ono of the greatest charms a woman can
possess. Fozzohi's COMrUiXioif 1'owduu
gives it.
TTTT-". TTltfCe
JflC lll'ICO u the mmt extenslvels
..I ,An i n n.l oiMaIv i-Mul tirsnai)ir ntili.
llslied In PennaylVBiiU. Its dloueloii of pub
lie men and public measures Is ln'the Interest
of public Integrity, honest government and
prosperous industry, nnd It knows no party
or iieisonal allesrianoe In treating public
Issues. In the broadest and best sense
family and gemral newspaper.
tttt" nrvnT7r
111E lllUJjdnlnia in have the largest
elreulatlon by deserving it, and claims tliat It
Is unsurpassed In all the essentials of a Ereat
metropolitan newspaper. Stieolmen copies of
wiiy tKiition win uo seiu irmi w iuy w
ini: iiietr auurew.
TERMSDAILY, W.OO per annum; tl.CC
ir iour niontusg su eeuw per nionin; uir
llvered bv oarrlern for ft mnts iHr week
HUNDAY HD1T10N, Urge, haiulsouu'
i.t mi ooiutnns, eiegausry iiiustmeu
beautiful colored suppleuient ti.00 per an
. ' i'" "'""ini i w win, ir iiuviu.
Address all letters to
Wanted-An idea S3
Protect your Idemi; tl.-v tirin- uu wealth
Write JOHN WJtUUEHiiUBN (t Co "AteatAHor
SOTtiS"; 4uuiu- H l'. "'"' 1. prise iSi
uii list ol (no tiuaared luveutluus wuufsd.
h a
Nominations- For Mayor
Greater Now York.
In Acc-entlng tlie Vnfloits Ndlnlnn
tlons Tentlei'mt Him Aft-. (lexirtreDe
u In roil illniHtiir tho Only Cnniildnto
of Trtio .letrarnoulnn Dotnoornoy.
New York. Oct. G. Henry George ac
cepted the nomination for mayor of
greater New York at Cooper Union
last night, it wag in the same hall
anil before many of the same people
that he accepted the nomination 11
years ago. In 1886 he received 68,000
votes. It was the greatest outpouring
of the people seen In this city during
the present campaign. The doors were
opened at 7:15, and in less than two
minutes every seat In the big hall was
occupied and the aisles, as far as the
police permitted, were crowded. Hun
dreds were turned away during the
next IS minutes, and by 8 o'clock sev
eral thousand, unable to gain admlH-
slon, assembled outside and held open
air meetings in the plaaa, .which were
addressed by several local speakers.
Henry George's appearance before the
meeting was the signal for an outbunit
of cheering that lasted three minutes.
Jerome O'Neill, of the Central Labor
Union, presided. In hte opening speech
he mentioned the Chicago platform.
whereupon the entire audience rose to
its feet as one man, hats and handker
chiefs were waived in the air, and the
cheering continued for several min
utes. The secretary then read a tele
gram from C. A. Walsh, secretary of
the Democratic national committee, ap
plauding George's candidacy. A simi
lar telegram was - read from Senator
Benjamin F. Tillman.
Charles O'Connor Hennessy, In mak
ing the nomination of Mr. George, said
simply: "I have no speech to make,
but I nominate for mayor of the great
er New York Henry George."
This was followed by a frantic out
burst of cheering, and the nomination
was made by acclamation. William
McMurtrie Speer then moved that an
executive committee of five be ap
pointed by the chair, with power to add
to their number, to select the remain-
ng candidates on the ticket and to
carry on the campaign.
The only restrictions placed upon the
chairman in the naming of the com
mittee were that the names should bo
acceptable to Mr. George. Tho resolu
tion was passed. The secretary then
read the platform, which was adopted.
The platform declares allegiance to
the principles enunciated in the Chi
cago platform, denounces the "so-called
regular Democracy for refusing to
afllrm that document, and "sends greet
ing to that matchless leader, William
Jennings Bryan." It further declares
lor municipal ownership of street light
ing plants, street railways, ferries,
telegraphs and telephones, and de
mands cheaper gas and cheaper car
fares. It deplores the massacre at
Hazleton, Pa., and declares that "the
execrable perversion of law by which
that bloody deed waB given a hollow
semblance of legality exists in this
It Is said that Henry George wrote
the platform.
John B. Foote, the Bropklyn delegate
who protested against the nomination
of VanWyck in the Tammany conven
tion, was called upon to address the
meeting. AVhlle Mr. Foote was speak
ing Henry George, accompanied by ex-
Congressman Tom L. Johnson, of Ohio,
entered the hall. The audience again
arose, with more fervor than ever be
fore, if that were possible, and for
soveral minutes there was a wild hur
ricane of cheering.
A. B. Cruikshank, of the United De
mocracy, then formally tendered the
nomination on behalf of his organiza
tion to Mr. George. He tried to make
a speech, but the people were so anx
ious to hear Mr. George that they
would not listen to htm.
Charles Frederick Adams, on behalf
of the Democratic Alllanoe, then offer
ed to Mr. George the nomination of the
organization which he represented.
James T. Garvey, of the People's
party, and John H. Crosby, of the Man
hattan Single Tax club, also nouneu
Mr. George of ills nomination by their
respective, organizations.
The rising ol Mr. ueorge was me
signal for another outburst of cheer
ing. The band played "Half to the
Chief and "There'll Be a Hot Time
In the Old Town Tonight."
Mr. George said: "Fellow pemo-
orats, men who voted last year for
William Jennings Bryan, I accept your
nomination. From now until election
doses I am yours. Aye, and after
election, too, I am a Democrat. I can
not divide into parts the questions
which I as a citizen have to deal with.
For the same reason that I oppose this
monstrous tariff In all its forms, for
the same reason that I would vote
wherever I could for the abolition of
that tariff, for that same reason I am
opposed to the interference with Indl
Vidua! liberty which you see here In
New York. I am a Democrat in the
Jeffersonlan sense, because I believe in
the principles and stand for the phll
osophy of Thomas Jefferson. Upon that
point my life lias always been clear
and consistent. It was for that I voted
at the last election. Because the Chi
cago platform represented the Idea of
giving to the great common people
what belongs to them, that I stood for
it, voted for It and was sorrier that I
tva3 ever before when It was defeated.
"This nomination has not been sought
by me. When first urged to accept a
nomination I said I would take no
nomination until the great city con
vention had acted, and If In the mean
time they wanted an answer it must
be no. That convention lias been held,
tt raiutnrnil the will of Mr. Croker.
fresh from the English race track, a
man who has grown rich, and on what?
He dictates the Democratic nomina
tions, and as a Democrat I say it was
not a Democratic nomination. The
regular Democracy, the Democracy of
Thomas Jefferson, tenders me the nom
ination tonight. Now I accept. Such
stringlh aa is left In me, such ability
as I still i.uiv wield. Is for your cause.
How William the Conqueror
Throne of Engl and-Great
ments Due to Cear Heads
and Strong Ne Prves Intel
lectual and rhysi
Giants made by
Greene's Nervui
In a recent sermon a leading New
York clergyman declared :
"There is a sense In which might still
rules the world, not the might of barbarous
battle, but the might of arm and streugth
of manhood serving the ends of a high
and noble purpose.
" It was the lnviudble might of William
ine uonqueror at muisc, newingms
almost aione to victory- ana me
throne of England. It was the
strength of the mighty physi
cal manhood of Grant that
crushed the rebellion, and that
enabled him even in his
death agonies to draw
his pen, now mightier
than the sword, and
snatch from the laws of
death the crownltnr vic
tory of his matchless
" l or the mind and will of man
to reign supreme, strongarmsand ac
tive feet, rapacious lungs, muscles of
steel and nerves of whipcord are
needed. If immortalwork has been
d'Hif by men In precarious health,
if Demoitheues with his slight
phvsluue, and Homer and Milton in
their blindness so schooled their
pov. ers as to obey an Imperious will,
what might they not have done had
tuey possesseu strong docucs r
" wnat is tne matter
American people They
are old at fifty, and are
worn out just when they
ought be just worn in.
Ten hours a day work,
ten minutes for lunch,
a hastily eaten dinner,
soastobeofftothe club,
the theatre or the party
unt II the morning hours
this is unnatural. It
Is suicide We need
more rest, plainer food,
more outdoor exercise,
ana.HDOveau.more j
sleep. Ilenjamln
Prnuklln once said, vK
m. iiuun aLcip -
ior a man, seven 11
for a womar. and V
elsdit for a fool.1 I
ncTvise you to take eight. The dally
record of those who die from overwork
nnd uuder-rest 13 something opalling."
Dr. Greene's
For the Blood and Nerves.
This eraphic description oi the
condition and habits of the Ameri
can people is fully warranted by
with the aaawjn ssrv . , 1 twsvwui rssremi
uie tacts. jNoimng uutsotne pow
erful scientific influence can save our people from racial decay. Such a scientific
agency has been discovered in Dr. Greene's Nervura, the sovereign remedy for Nerve
and Blood derangements and all diseases arising therefrom. Are you exhausted in
body and mind? Are you discouraged and despondent? Is it hard work to think
and impossible to clearly remember ? Do not be discouraged. Dr. Greene's Nervura
blood and nerve remedy will bring back your strength and ambition, and enable you
to march in the battle of life with the intellectual and physical giants of modern times.
Dr. Greene's NerVura is sold bv all druiirists. If vou do not understand vmir ren
dition, Or are worried about your case, Dr.
..i. t-. X' T 7 1. rv;... 1 in
14111 Ob, lien iuii. uiji,uuii ytw receive
I am a JJemoora't, not a silver Demo
crat, nor a gold Democrat, but a Demo
crat that believes In the cardinal prin
ciples of Jeffersonlan Democracy."
Mr. George spoke for 25 minutes. Im
mediately after the conclusion of his
speech the meeting was declared ad
journed, nnd the crowd quietly and
quickly quitted the hall, but not before
many of ihe most enthusiastic had
climbed over the press tables to the
platform and took turns In shaking the
hand of Mr. George.
On the outside great crowds listened
to the speakers who were addressing
two overflow meetings at the north
and south ends of the Institute.
London Times DMIUos Goorco.
London. Oct. G. The Times comment
ing editorially ihis morning on the "In
creasing seriousness of Henry George's
candidacy for the mayoralty of greater
New York," says: "It is humlllatlnf?
to think that there is any possibility
of hist being the first mayor of the en
larged New York. No doubt In past
times there have been worse candi
dates. Mr. George Is honest, but he Is
the nominee of the sllverltes, and what
Is worse, he can only be returned by
his winning the support of dangerous
classes, who will afterward demand
ther price for their services. The vic
tory o Mr. Low, who is a scholar,
capable man of business and upright
citizen, would be an Indirect gain to
trood government everywhere."
Trains lonve flhenandoab as follows 1 j
For New York via Philadelphia, week days.
210, 53a. 70S 951a.m., 1203, S 10 nnd 0 07 p
m minuays, z tu . m.
For New York via Mnuoh Chunk, week days.
5 86, 7 OS a. m., 12 83 and S 10 p. ra.
For Reading and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 5 86, 7 OS, 9 61 n.m., 12 33, 3 10 and 6 07 p. m, I
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For l'ottsvuie, weec uays, z tu, y oo. u ai a. m.,
12 33, 3 10, 6 07 and 7 35 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For Tamaaua and Mahanoy City, week davs
210,536, 7 OS, 9 51a.m., 12 88, 8 10 and 0 07 p. 111.
Muuaays, -e
For wiiuamspori, uunuury ana jewisburg,
week days. 8 26. 5 36, 11 80 a. m.. and 7 26 n. 111.
Sundays, 8 25 a. m. j
For siaiiano) r lane, weetcaoys, z is. a as. sue,
7 06, 9 51, 11 30 a. m., 12 33, 3 10, 6 07, 7 26, 9 55 and
11 40 p. m. Sundays, 2 10, 8 26 a. ra. .
For Ashland and Shamokln, week days, 3 25,
5 36, 7 06, 11 30 a. m., 607, 726 and S56 p. m.
Sundays, 3 26 a. m.
Far IlaHltnore. Washington and the West via
11. & O. K. R., through trains lea-1 Heading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & R. V K) at 8 30,
7 56,1136 a. m., 3 10 and 7.27 p. u.. Sundays,
8 30,700,1136 a.m., 8 46 and 7 27p.m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 10 30 a. ra. 12 20,
12 It 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 185, 8 38 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00 a. m., and 1 80, 4 30, 9 00 .
m. Sundays, 5 00 p. m.
Leave New York via Maueb Chunk, a eek
days, 4 80, 9 10 arm.. 1 80 and 4 11 in, m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week
days, 4 30, 8 36. 10 10 a. in. and 1 42, 4 06. 6 80, U 80
p. 111. Sundays, 11 80 p. m.
Leave Readlng.week days, 1 85, 7 10, 00s, a. m.
12 00 m 4 19, 6 00 and 8 30 p. in. Sundays, 186
a, ra.
Leave Pot tsvi He, weec days, 2 85, 7 40 a lu.,
12 80 and 6 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 35 a. m.
Leave Tamaqiia, week ity, 8 18, 8 43. II a.
m., lit, 5 81, 7 20 and 9 48 p. m. Suiulas 8 In
a. in
Iiave Uananov City, week days, 12 20. S 13,
S 12 II 47 a m . 3 17. 5 18, 6 17, T 41 and in ' ,, sl ;
Sundays 1J2.4 m. I
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week ihn 12 31, ' In. I
400 6 30,936. I05. II M . ni . 1V-1 :i 1 HH
757, 10 22 V Ul. SilinUyx. IJ 1 , .' 10. I 00 11,
Leave Wtlllaiusport. weok dsy, 7 1: 1 Ju a
m 4 uu ana 11 au p. 111 runways uai m
Leave Pklladeluhia Chestnut street war and
South street wbait for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Ksprees, 9 00 a. 111.. 2 00, 4 00,
5 00 11. m. Accommodation. 800a 111., 630p.m.
Sundays Empress. 900, lu uo a. in. Accommoda
tion, 8 00n. in., 4 45 p. in.
Returning leave Atlautu. City detiot, eon er
Atlantio ana Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 9 00 a.m., 8 80, 5 30
p 111. Ai-ooniniiMlatloi,. 8 IS a. ra., 4 05 p. 111.
Sundays Express, 4 ')0, 7 HO p. m. Aooom
modation, 7 IS a 111., 4 IS p. 111.
Parlor Cars on all axpmr lialns.
For further information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Heading Railway ticket agent
or address
(leu'l Hunt , Gen'l Pass'r Agt.,
Reading Terminal, Philadelphia.
Won til
T Dr.
Greene invites you to write him at is West
. , , . i . . , -
me dcsi mcaicai auvicc tree 01 cuarge.
Is sold under positivo Written Guarantee,
by authorized agents only, to care Wenk Womory,
Dizziness, Wakefulness, Fits, IJystorin, Quick
ness, Night Lueses, Kvil Dreams, l,ack of Confi
dence, Norvousness, Lassltado, all Drains, Youth
ful Errors, or Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium,
or Liquor, which leads to Misers', Consumption,
Insanity nnd Death. At store or by mail, $1 n
box, six for tS; with written guarantee tc
euro or refhnd money. Sample pack
ugo, containing livo dnyBr treatment, with full
instructions, 28 conts. O: o sample only sold tr
eacn person, ai storo or py man.
tSTRcd Label Special
Extra strengtn. 1
For Imrjntency. Loss of
PnuTAi. Lost afanhood.
Bterility or Ilsirennessj
Jl a uoxi eix ior o, wun
ivp nun SHsrHBip
in raraln WlrlAvn. At fltlll
MUl-uncor by man.
Tor Sale at KIRIIN'S Drug Store.
Those who once
keep coming uacK
tor it. inis ad
mixture makes
the flavor of cof
fee delicious.
All Grocers.
Itow to Restore Lost Manhood and
Perfect Development.
This great work, plainly written by a high
medical authority, shows how manly vig ir
can be regained and obstacles to mar r Ian
removed. It is a modern work for men who
suffer from nervous debility caused by over
work, youthful indulgence!, or later excesses.
It points out how to be cured of nervoueneta,
despondency, lmpotency, at hem, without
Interfering with business.
This great entitled "COMPLETE
will be mailed free, in plain, sealed wrapper,
to the address of any since te inquirer by the
Erie Medical Company, 64 Niagara Street,
Buff alo, N. Y. NoC.O.D. scheme; no deception.
DR. THEEL, 604 North
Sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Side Entranoe on Green St. "CURE eUARANTEED "
lh. ..! sTliiiillia. llfklllfl.iz bik.Hl
Ul AavlTllllIlK Blirumiiiiiutui a.ijiiu
only ii rudunt
tlx year lfoittMl
aarjT, tattt'lthstii(l-
VvruiHunrA In flrrmnnT.
lu-rwhut oilier iuUely i.ilvei iU.
iHervous Debility M?eVU5:
' 1st lll.enaesl'erniaueutly Cured In
4 to 1 n Jinya. Nlrleture, Varicocele and
HI (inn nnicnU f'rlisi.yorSoDdarT,oowd
ULUUU ruikJurs ny entirely pew memou,ex-
cluslveir my own, in au 10 wu uui ..PArriswr
advice to vunnir snd iild, slnsleor niarrleil and
those eonleiuiilatlniuurrle.andlstlieoiily
Wk unmerciful FuUe Inlltule.,
Electrlo nell swindles, so-called Former i elluw
soJterer'sfreeadiiceoifreeprescr ptlon hiiuiliijai
and Advertising, llooiora wllh tin lr l"kei
auiimntees & profemi d kuowlodgo & i x pin Ii in u
WBlOhthoyilllotrKii . Yes read truth at all
Uwral ltwlllsaveyoufromfailliix : ntciili.; Ii uid
M.."L. , .h,ioHJ,.,. llniirMdut v Q 1,1 11: l. HH
ftoJiSundsy.B ia. Jloiirsforexamluatloiiand
hbchhi 1 mar
1 mtr
W best by
adding a lit-
tie of Seelig's
coffee. 2C a packge. I
The Principal Aim of the New
Greek Cabinet.
The Various l'iirtlo Will Aid the Now
Premier III III KfTorta to Settle, tlin
Claims of Turkey anil Sucnrn the
Withdrawn! nf Turktnli Troop.
Athens, Oct. 6. The boule met yes
terday, but Its proceedings attracted
little Interest. M. Zalmls, the new pre
mier, declared that the objects of his
government would be to seruie the
evacuation of Thessaly and to fully
and radically reorganize ttfe countty in
order to Injure evacuation. To carry
out this time was nccerBnr; , he until,
and he asked the chamber to posipune
futher business for the present. M.
Delyannls, M. Karapanos nnil .M IX II
georgls announced that their respective
parties would support the government.
The chamber then adjourned amid
cheering for General Smolensk!, min
ister of war.
The cabinet regards the vote of con
fidence accorded to M. Zalmls as equiv
alent to an -acceptance of the treaty
by the chamber, and hsus, therefore,
notified the doyen of the diplomatic
corps that the government Is prepared
to negotiate for the execution of arti
cle 2 of the treaty and to regard the
acceptance of the treaty as an ac
complished fact.
Article 2 and article 8 of the peace
convention constituted the real battle
ground of the rival envoys during the
long negotiations which culminated at
Constantinople with the initiating of
those artcles on Sept. 16.
Article 2 provides that an Interna
tional commission of the- mediating
powers, composed of six members, shall
be empowered to make the necessary
arrangements to secure the rapid pay
ment of the indemnity and to prevent
any injury from being done to the
rights of former creditors. Under Its
terms the Greek government Will sub
mit to the boule a law, to be previously
approved by the powers, denning the
duties of the commission. According
to this law the collection and employ
ment of revenues sufficient for the ser
vice of the new and old loans will be
subjected to the absolute control of the
Article 6, after providing that the
fetftte of war shall cease as soon as the
preliminary treaty of peace Is signed
(a condition fulfilled on Sept. 18)-. fur
ther provides that the evacuation of
Thessaly shall take place within a
month beginning from the date when
the powers shall have recognized the
provisions of article 2 as fulfilled. The
mode of the evacuation of Thessaly and
the restoration of the Greek authorities
will be fixed, article 6 provides, by the
delegates of the great powers.
It is piovlded In article 9 that in the
event of disagreement In the course of
the negotiations between Turkey and
Greece the oontested points may be
submitted by one or other of the parties
Interested to the arbitration of the
representatives of the great powers at
Constantinople, whose decisions shall
be compulsory for both governments.
Puiall Dieeantinns often nrevetit (treat mis
chiefs, be Witt's Little Early Risers are very
small nills in sice, but are most effective in
preventing the meat serious forms of liver
nnu stomach troubles, iiiey cure constipa
tion and headeene and regulate the bowels.
C II. Hnseubuch.
Gi-norul Let- For s-enator.
Illchmi mi, Va., Oct. 6. Consul Gen
eral expects to return to Havana
probably some time this month, but
does not expect to be retained there
thn.uKh the administration. Although
his consular office prevents his an
nouncing himself a candidate for the
United States senate, to succeed Mr.
Martin, It Is plainly Inferred from Inci
dental conversation that It is his In
tention to make the contest when the
time comes. As he Is a gold standard
Democrat and Senator Martin a free
.' I' v r:i the race will be one of na
l 1 ini u .
Certainly you don't want to Buffer with dys-
ucrinia. constitution, sick headache, sallow
skin and loss of appetite. You have never
tnea Hewitt's Little liariy letters ior uiese
complaints or you would have been 011 ml.
Tbey are atnalfpllU but gieat regulators. C.
11. iiageiioucu.
Hi'uIhI .Mtinli'i- oiff-'tntoit Ih biii''.
New York, Oct. 8. Peter Lynch, a
laborer, beat his wife Into Insensibility
and then killed her by cutting her
throat at their home at New Brighton,
S. 1., yesterday. Lynch then cut his
own throat. His condition Is serious.
Jealousy is said to have caused the
murder, which was-committed In the
presence of the couple's weeping chil
dren. Tho "Rlcvclist's Ilest Friend" is a familiar
name for l)eVitt' Witch Hatel Salve, al
ways ready for emergencies. While a specific
for piles, it also instantly relieves and cures
cuts, bruises, salt rheum, eczema aud all
affeotiona of the skin. It never fail. C. II.
The Gtildein.iippe "Murder Trials.
New York, Oct. 6. Judge Wllmot M.
Smith yesterday set the trial of Martin
Thorn, accused of the murder of Will-
lam Guldensuppe, for Oct. 18, in the
Queens ti-unty court. Long Island City.
Mrs. Nack will be tried after Thorn's
nase shall be settled.
ituntiingsores, ludoleut ulcers sud similar
troubles, even though of manjfsrear'i stand
ing, may be cured by using Hewitt's Wicth
Hazel Salve. It soothes, ttrengtbeus and
heals. It is a groat pile cure. C. II. llagon
t;ver u i i
ii Minute
Indianapolis,, Oct. 6. The Pennsylva
nia brole Its record between Louisville
and Indianapolis yesterday. The train
left Louisville at 2 p. m. and reached
this city at 4:08 p. m a distance of 106
miles in 101 minutes. Five full stops
and two slowdowns were made.
To heal the broken and diseased tissues, to
soothe the irritated surfaces, to instantly re
lieve and to M-rSMoently core la the lotaaiou
or ne Witt's w Itflh Basel Helve, t.. H. Jlagen
Mti'kutw'n Murtterer Awnlprnort.
I ovi i , N. H., Oct. S. Joseph P. Kelly
uiis arraigned in tne mauTora county
com t y tei-flay afternton, chairrci
.ilh tt.i murder Of Cashier Joseph A
n i'-.., of ihe Great Tails Na'l nal
i ? lnersworthi He pleaded not
;;;.!.; aud was remanded tor trial.
Monienls are usclesa if trifled away ; uud
1 1 v ire OangeMUsly wasted if ceosumt'd by
. .y ni causus wltete One Jttiiinte Cough Cuic
..,iikl hiiug immediate relief, t). H. Hsgeu-
,n h. r. ii. r hrii-u'tl WttbTHohhcry. c, uat., Oct. . W. H. Pon
ton t i uf i he Dominion bank branch
In tc, lili li was robbed of 130,000 a lew
weeks an", was arrested yesterday on a
churge of committing the robbery.
I No mau or wouiau oau enjoy life or acconi
I plish much iu this world while suffering from
ii torpid liver. DoWitt's Little Early Uiaers,
i the pills that cleanse that organ
" How much does the baby
weigh" is only another wny
of asking, " Is he healthy anil
strong'" When a baliv is
welcomed. into the world with
loving ean and forethought,
hi chances of health and
strength are increased a hun
dred fold
A prospective mot Iter cannot begin too
irly to look aftei her own lie .illh ,ml phys
ical condition. This is sun.- to be reflected
In th" baby Any w ikncsoi m rvous de
pression, or lack' nf vigm on the mother's
pirt -.liottM I) ovvrcnme cailv during the
etpi ctiul tiim- by the use of Dr Pierce's
Ptvorite Prescription, which piomotes the
perf ct health ,ind diength of the organism
sp.cially concerned 111 motherhood.
It makes the coming of baby absolutely
safi and coinp-irativelv free from pitln; ren
ders the mother strong and rh'-trful, and
tt'insmita healthy vigor to
tu - child.
No other medicine in the world has been
sue ii an unqualified bk isiug to mothers and
thsir children. It is the one positive spe
cific for all weak ami diseased conditions
nf the feminine org itnsin. It is the only
ni"dicine of its kind devised for this one
purpose by a triined it: J educated fpecial
ist in this particular 11 Id
Mrs. V. B Cannings, of No 4 o Humphrey St.,
Rt. Louis. Ma, writes : " 1 am now a happy
mother of a One. healthy baby irirl Peel flint
yj ir Favorite Prescription' and little Pellets'
nave l5-ie me more good than anvthing I have
ever taken. Three months previous to my con
fiueincnl I began using your mediciue. I took
three bottles of the ' Prescript ion.' Conse
quences were I was onlv In labor forty-five min
utes. With my first baby 1 suffered 18 hours,
then had to lose him. He was very delicate and
eilv lived is hours. For two years I suffered
s ujlst agony, and had two miscarriages The
Favorite Prescription ' saved both my child and
mvsIf. Mv baby Is not yet three weeks old and
' do not think I ever felt better In my life."
pei7i7a. Railroad.
OcTOHlH 1, 1A97.
Train will leave Shenandoah after the abc
date for Wlajntlis, GHllierton, Praokrllle, Dat
Water, St. Oblr, Potts villa. Hamburg, lletdtn,
Poststown, Phoetilxville, Nnrrlstown tadVbl
odolphla (Uroad street station) at SOU and lint
a. m. nnd 4 20 p m. on week days. Sundays,
0 08a. ni.,3 10 p. 111. For Pottsvllle sm) Inter
mediate stations only 917 a. m weekdays
Sundays, 9 45 n. m.
Trains leave Fmckvllle for Shenandoah
10 40 a. m. and 12 31, 5 41, 7 62 and 10 If p 1.
Sunday, 11 13 a. m. and 5 41 p. in.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10 If
a. ui. and 12-3S, 5 15, 7 25 and 10 20 p. in. Honda.
10 40 a. in., 6 15 p. in.
Leave PhlladelpMd, (Broad street station), f.
Shenandoah at 5 57, 8 85 and 10 19 a. ni., 4 10 and
p. ni. week days. Sundavs leave at A 50 a. in.
Leave Broad street station, Philadelphia i.
Sea Glrs, Anbury Park, Ocean Orave, Lor.
Branch, and Intermediate stations, 6 50, 8.55
11.39, a. m., 8.80 and 4.00 p ra week-days. Sun
days, ft 25 a. m.
jxave Hroad street Station. Philadelphia.
Exnress. week-dav A 30. 4 On. 4 M fi tit. a !WV
, " , " m, - w, .u i 1 uir, ia uu i. Ill,
12 00tiooii. 2 85 f Limited 1 on hiiiI 4 9 tn.
no Q 1. 0 m. n In ihni . 1 m .. 1 . ,. .. ...
DlnlngOars), 1 10, 280 (Dining Car) 320, 850.
1 uu, ouu. a. 10 tinning uari, o uu, 7 uz, 7 13, luuu
p. m., 12 01, night. Sundays. 3 20, 4 05, 4 50 6 13,
BW.awi.ijau, iu2t, (in lug uar-j, 11 so a.
1285, 106 .Dining Car) 280 (Dining Car),
(LimiteiU 22 Dining Car), 5 20, 5 56, (Dining
4 00
nil Car). 5 20. 5 5B.( Din uir Car)
6 85, 7 02, 7 13. 10 0(1 p. in.. 12 01 night.
Axpress ior jtogton wittiout clinnire, 11 00a m.,
week-days, and 7 43 p. in., daily.
For lI..ltlmoie and W'ashiiiQ'toii. 3 SO. 7 20. 8 32.
10 20. 1123. a 111.. 1209. 1231 (DUimr
sloual Limited. Dining Car, 0 17. 055 bin-
111s uw, vai luimnK uart p. 111 , aim izuk
nhrht weekdays. Sundays. 3 60. 720.912.1123.
a. m., 1209, 112, 4 41, ISIS Congressional Ltln-
lteu-, irinuigirj,ui mining carj, 731 luin
IngCarj p. 111. and I2 05iilght.
Leave Ilroad street station via Dolaware river
bridge Express, 7 05 p. in. dally.
Lenve Murkct Street War Exnress. 8 50
2 00, 4 00,5 00 p. in. Sundays. 8 43, 9 43 a. 111.
(accomniotiation 4 au mm sou p. in.)
For Cape May, Anglcsen, Wlldwood and Holly
Ll I . J.... I .1 f 'I . I , ..... .. 'It .. . I I
Stone Harbor Express, 900 a. tu., 400, p. 111.
week days. Sundays, V 00 a. 111.
For Somers Point Express, 8 50, a. in., 2 00,
4 00, 6 00, p. m. week days Sundays, 8 15 a. ni.
Ji ii. uuTCHureoN, j. it noon,
uen'i .Manager. Men'i rose r Agt.
A genuine welcome watts you at
Cor. riain and Coal Sts.
rinei wuhkoj-s, iJeera porter And ale
ooi stonily on Up. Choice emperitnce drink
And cifrartj.
IvV-dt,iv uv'Fi'r "
A. Kmfa .nil aim fntt.r fklltni
With Tsrnr end Pennyroyal Tilla and other Jik
hhhiihi Alw..l,uvth. beat and sVbld dtUD
pctntminl. OiiarantMd superior to all otktn. laitwd
tbu tal In tha mukH, A No L rutleolsis, i cts. l. S T
IfXTDrek Os.noatoD,lteaa.
W .V .P 5 Ln 1 Cs5
illllillllllllllllllll' ' I IIMI1
vigor 10 tne wnoie Demy. All arams and losses are checked frmammily. Unless pm n,
are properly cured, their condition often worries them into Insanity, Consumption or Dt li
Mailed sealed. Price tt Der bos: 6 boxes, with Iron-clid level uarantee locureoi rcfnn titao
money. U-oo. Send for free book.
For Sale al KIRLIN'S
as so
riR. W. II. Y1NOST,
Graduate and Late Resident House Burgees of
the University State of N. Y.
If KADQtTAtrTnts : Hotel Franey, Shenandoah
Calls n'gbt or day promptly responded.
Office ICgnn building, cor er of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Shenandoah, Pa,
Corner Market and Centre streets.
Leek Box 66, Mabanoy Clly, Pa.
Having studied under some of the best
masters ft' London and Paris, will give lessons
on the vtolln, mandolin, guitar and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address In eare of Strouse.
the jeweler Shenandoah.
Only Is tmasible, whether as a test o
excellence In journalism, or for the
measurement of quantities). Mine or tables
Record . . .
After n career of nearly twenty years o
uninterrupted growth Is justified in claim
lug that the standard first established bv
Its founders Is the one true test of
A Perfect Newspaper
To publish ALL THE NEWS promptly nnd
succinctly nnd In the most readable form,
without elision or partisan bins; to dlscusi
Its significance with frankness, to keep AN
besides a complete recoid of current
iiuiuKiu, isncies nnu tnsooveries in an de
partment of human activity In tts DAILY
EDITIONS of from 10 to 14 PAGES, and to
provide the whole for tts natrons nt the
nominal price of ONE CENT That was
from the outset, nnd will continue to be thu
olm of THE RECORD.
The Pioneer
One cent morning newspaper In the United
States, The Record, still LEADS WHERE
Witness Its unrivaled average dally circulation
exceeding 150,000 copies, nnd an overage
eeeedlni; 120,000 copies for Its Sunday
editions, while Imitations of Its plan of
publication lu every Important city of the
country testify to the truth of the assertion
that In the quantity and quality of its con
tents, nnd In the price at a'lilch It fs sold
The ftecord has established the standard by
which excellence In journalism must bo
The Daily Edition
Of The Itecord will be sent by mail to any
nddress for 8.00 per year or 25 cents per
The Daily and Sunday
Editions together, which will (five Its readers
the best and freshest Information of all that
Is going on in the world every day lu the
year Including holidays, will be sent tor
$1.00 n year or 115 cents per month.
Record Building,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Cured by this granular effervescent and stimu
lant. An Instant cure for sour stomachs and
headaches, which often accumulate from having
a night out
7 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah.
are progreenve and keep Informed of S
the World'a- l'rogrorw. The well in- E
formed and thrifty Housa-wife will
always keep E
In the huae, ne a standard remedy fur
Bpralns, llruhies, Crumps, Rheumutlhin, s
and all adieu and puins
Price 25 ctj. and 50 els. psr battle. E
Prsn.-r.rt by II I. HACKEIT 1 CO., Philadelphia -
lllll!llllllimiliUIIIlllllllllln '
They hive teod thef'-t .ffi
ana hav cured tu u - '
cases of Nervous JW.,-- - mi u
as DbUity, Dullness, bl epic s-
tisrfart. ani4 imnirl a hralil.w
Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO.. Cleveland, 0-v
Druir Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
t'tiavf of i-onstioatkn. ( nocar t an tl-- Mfi I.iia
- vrli f trrliif.hyt rau- i uu nataml r sultfc ham
.. Hontn- ii HM, ftrVilork. sit
- V V . , s,-s-V v