The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 05, 1897, Image 3

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And rest for tired mothers In a warm bath
wlthCtmacru BoAtsandaslnglottppllcatlon
of Cimotmx (ointment), tho groat skin euro.
CunotmA Remedies artord lnitant rollof,
arid polnttoftBpoedy cure of torturing, dls
flgurlng.humlllating.ltclung.bumlng.bTeed. lag, crusted, scaly Bkln and scalp humors,
Willi 1088 or nair, wnon an eise rails.
Sola throaihootth. world. ronsaDaua and Cntu,
r- I'ropt.. lioaion .
r ' Uow to Cora skln-Torturd DiW,"ffee.
Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scolds.
Wounds & Brulsae.
Cuts & Soros.
Bolls & Turgors.
Eczsma & Eruptions.
Salt Rh mm & Tetters,
EChnppec' Hands.
Fever Blister.
Sore LIdb & Nostrils.
O Corns & Bunions.
Stings k Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00. ,
Bold by druggists, or Milt postpaid on receipt of prlco
UlMFlIBBVS'llED.lO ,111 lit niUImBL,!tIrk.
For sal nt I'ovli sky's drug store, 28 East
Centre street)
JlrJi JVeiTOUf JMrairr uiiiuk bww
cry. Impotencr.SleeplesBnesi, etc., camed
bj Atfatf-and other Excerwea and Indis
cretions. Thcv quickly ami surtljf
restore Lost Vitality In old or yoanff. and
H a man lor etnay, Dullness or miMTingw.
Prevent lnBOnltr ond Contmmptioa if
taben In Abae. Their tiw fthows immediate Iroproye-
taeat &ua bneets a uuuu wnoronuoiuere jau. m
1st upon harm? the penuino AJax Tablets. Thar
hare oared thousands and will cure yon. We Rie a
positive written guarantee to effect a euro in each case
or refund the money. Trice 00 cents per package, or
eupacKasos nan treatment i ior s.ou. ur mwu"
plain wrapper, upon receipt of price. Circular irw.
Caleago, III.
For sale In Shenandoah, Fa., at A, Wesley's
ana mrnn's, uruggists.,
? vibubvual mm
Cures general or special debility, wakeful
ness, spcrmatorhiEa, emissions, Impotency,
parcels, etc Corrects functional disorders,
c..:ied by errors or excesses, quickly restoring
Lest Manhood In old or young, giving vigor and
strength where former weakness prevailed. Con
wnicnt package, simple, effectual, and legitimate.
Cunc is Quick and Thorough.
A' be deceived by imitations: Insist on
CATON'S Vitamers. Sent sealed II your drug
git dot. not have it. Price ft per plcse, 6 lor 15,
jvith written guarantee of complete cure.
1 lwmaii.n, .Tferenccs, cte., fiee and confidential.
bmil vm statement of case and 25 cts. for a week's
tnal m-stmrnt. ' ue only sent to each person.
c.vroM wo. co., pooton, ma a e.
Sold at Klrlln'a drug' store, Shenandoah. Fa
A TtttD. f tin iKTMArit WOMAN'S RELIEF.
AIwtTi nromnt and reliable. Avovl Jmttoiiotu,
flat I'lrnx'l tmir Pri.l.xsmrl lAVst REQltRTS
At itriio ilnrn, nr mnt stirrit fiieiil. nriee. II.
Catobt 8 no. Co., Uc-itoo, Mai. Our book, 4c
For sale at ICIrlln's drugstore ond Shenandoah
a rue store.
at. Povlusky'g drug store., 28 Ea
Centre street.
jfssibly the only direct benefit
to be expected from u
is n good night's sleep ; but that
helps thincs next day. Don't
you think so?
Dealers sell them.
Armatrone Cork Co., Pittsburg, Pa.
A Handsome Complexion
la one of tho greatest charms a woman can
possess. Fozzoni's CoMrmxioN Fowosn
gives It.
ttit; tttwcc
IflC JHUEO t, tite mot extensively
circulated and widely reiul newspaper pub
. llsbed In Pennsylvania, ltsdlseusslon of pub
llo men and publlo measures Is In the Interest
of public Integrity, honest Rovernnaent and
prosperous Industry, and It knows no party
or personal allegiance In treating public
Issues, In the broadest and beet sense a
family and general newspaper.
A HL. 1 IITIIjO alms to have the largest
circulation by deeervlng It, nnd claims that It
Is unsurpassed In all the essentials of a great
metropolitan newspaper. Specimen" Doplea of
mi ouuiun win tie eeui irtx) w iuy uu kiui
ing sueir auureas,
; , V lk,-nAII.Y, 13.00 per annum 1.00
for four months t SO oents per month ; de
livered by carriers for 0 ' onto per week.
SUNDAY HU1T10N, 38 large, liandsome
Iiiir hi columns, elegantly illustrate,
leautlful colored supplement tSLOO per an
jmraio cents per tepy. Dally and Sunday
w.w nullum , uu cnis per moiiiu
Address all letters to
Wanted-An Idea
Who ean think
or some airapit
Protect rour Idtast ther mar brine you wealth.
. Write JSllN WKUDBHBUIUTA OO - Patent AuK?
Hers, Wuhlmlon, 1). C, (or their (I.Buo prise oltef
muuk ua. w4 inv uusuwi inTsauuua w auie
'.1 -FEV
n J
An Interview With Ex -Mayor
Hewitt on tho Oontosti
Monntllilo tho Soth Low Tlcliot Is
Flllod Out 'nml ArrntiiromoutH Aro
roi-roatott 1'or Vormnlly Opciilnn tho
CnmpnlKii oTIIoiiry Oooriro,
New York, Oot. 6. Tho commltteo on
organization of the Citizen's Union met
last night nnd received a report from
the executive committee, recommend
ing candidates for city, county and Ju
diciary ofllces on the ticket headed by
Seth Low, among them the following:
President of the council, John II. Schu
man; comptroller, Charles S. Falrohlld,
ex-secretary of the treasury; district
attorney, Austin O. Fox; president of
the borough. Robert M. Hoquet. The
report was adopted. Mr. Sohuman Is a
Republican, and was a delegate td the
convention that nominated General
The politicians are eagerly discussing
a published Interview with Abraham S.
Hewitt, one of tho organizers of tho
County Democracy In 1879, former con
gressman and mayor during 1887 and
1S89. Mr. Hewitt Is now In London, and
the Interview was sent by cable. Mr.
Hewitt sold:
"I am an old man and a back number,
but If any message from me will havo
Influence at this crisis, the greatest In
the history of the city's government, I
shall gladly send It. Tho only Issue Is
whether Now York Is fit for self gov
ernment, whether a majority of her
citizens are honest. Will they give tho
city good government by electing Mr.
Low, will they turn It over to plunder
ers by returning Tammany to power, or
will they put Into effeot the crazy
vagaries of socialism by electing Henry
The Republicans should nave sum-
clent patriotism to withdraw General,
Tracy. I believe In his heart General
Tracy wants Mr. Low elected, yet
there he Btands, the tool of Senator
Piatt, the only factor In the fight who
can prevent the election of Mr. Low.
"I believe Judge Vanwyck will poll
tho full Tammany vote. He Is one of
the so-called 'best men' In Tammany,
but I consider them the worst, because
they know better. On the other hand
I do not think the nomination of Grady
will cost Tammany any votes, because
a man who would vote for public plun
der would not be deterred by a Grady
on the ticket. No official can rob tho
city treasury, but they can rob citizens
by blackmail and by forcing them to
pay for legislation, and that Is what
the success of Tammany Halt means.
Henry George represents socialism.
When he ran against me he proposed
to have the street cars carry working
men free, but he did not explain who
was to pay for tho transportation. I
cannot believe that he will poll more
votes than before. Only the foreigners
are socialists. Americans expect to
support their government, and not to
have the government support them.
'When I ran for the mayoralty on
the Tammany ticket It was not because
was a Tammany man, but because
It was necessary to beat Henry George.
Many Republicans supported me, and I
was elected by their votes. Afterwards
when I ran as an Independent the Re
publicans kept a candidate In the field
purposely to beat mo. They succeeded,
and they will beat Mr. Low If they keep
General Tracy In the field. That Is
what Senator Piatt Intends to do, and
that Is all he expects to do. I cannot
understand how General Tracy can
consent to be a cat's paw to pull Piatt's
chestnuts out of tho Are.
Arrangements havo been completed
for the Henry Georgo mass meeting
nt Cooper Union tonight. Henry Georgo
was first nominated for mayor of New
York city nt Cooper Union on Oct. B,
1880. Consequently tonight will bo the
11th anniversary of the event. At the
Cooper Union meeting Mr. George will
make his speech of acceptance, and
prosent a platform on which he will
make the race for mayor. It was the
Intention to havo Judge Gaynor pre
side at tho meeting, but he has another
engagement. An Invitation was then
extended to Ernest II. Crosby, a son
of Rev. Dr. Howard Crosby, and ho
will probably act as chairman.
The chairman will first tender to Mr.
George a nomination In behalf of the
people. This will be done, so that It
can be said that Mr. George was first
placed In nomination by tho people, ro
gardless of politics.
When this has been done Abraham
II. Crulkshank will convey the nomi
nation to Mr. George In behalf of the
United Democracy. Then Charles
Frederick Adams will tender the same
nomination to Mr. George as tho nomi
nee of the Democratic Alliance. Mr.
Adams Is the sliver party candidate
for chief Justice of the court of appeals.
Mr. George will then be ready to ac
cept any other nomination that may
bo presented to him. When this Is over
Mr. George will make his speech of
accoptance. He will follow with his
platform, and will then name his cam
paign committee.
Mr. George was officially endorsed
for mayor last night at a meeting of
Local Assembly 1663, Knights of La
bor. Every mention of Mr. Georges
name was greeted with the wildest en
thusiasm. The executive committee of
the People's League, the local organi
zation of the Populist party, also nomi
nated Mr. George last night.
Household Necessity
Cascarcts Candy Cathartic, tho most won-
dorful medical discovery of the age, pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, act gently and
positively en kldneyi, liver and bowols,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. Please buy and try a box of
0. C. 0. to-day ; 10, 25, 60 conts. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Personalty-Conducted Tours via Pennsyl
vania ltullroud.
The following tours have been arranged for
the season of 1807 :
Two ten-day tours to Gettysburg, Luray
Cuvorns, Natural Uridge, Virginia Hot
Springs, Richmond, and Washington, Sep
tember 38 and October 13. Itate, f 05 from
Mew York, foo from 1'hlladolphla.
If you have ever seen a little ohlld In a par
oxysm of whooping cough, or if you have
been annoyed by a constant tickling In the
throat, you can appreciate tho valuo of Ono
Minute Cough Cure, which gives quick ro-
iiei. u, ii. iiugenoucn.
Metolior (?( nnimijreti.
Auburn, Me., Oct. 5. In the Meloher
Hadley breach of promise case the Jury
returned a verdict of J1.789 for the
plaintiff. In this case the plaintiff was
a man, the widow who jilted him hav
ing since married another.
Uncklen's Arnica, Salve.
The beet salve in the world for oats,
l.t. nlfiAM wilt vriOBiTn fvaw arwAtl
Utter, chapped liandi, cMlbUins, corns, and
11 siVlsi kvrlntlnni nil TiUllflvnlv mm TillAJl.
or ao p&y required It i guaranteed to giro
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Wee
85oenUperbox For aW by A, Waalcy,
Eternal Vigilance.
" Bterna! vigilance In the price of lib rty."
It I the piice of everything worth having.
11 18 U1C 1IU
of life Itself. A
man needn't be
always looking
for danger,
afraid that
something will
happen to him:
but a wise man
will form a habit
of care about the
Important things of
It Isn't half so
much trouble to take
care of yourself as It
is not to. A man
who follows regular,
healthy habits, feels
good all the time.
Life Is worth living
to him. Hut a man
who "don't want to
bother" with taking
care of himself hns
more pain and mis
ery crowded Into one
day man a goon
healthv. heattv man
who lives right
would ever know of
In a whole vear.
When a man's stomach U out of order,
and his digestion don't work ; when his liver
gets to be sluggish and won't clear the bile
out of hi 9 blood, It 13 time for him to look
out for himself. He gets no nourishment
out of his food. His blood gets thicker nnd
thicker with impurities. Ills nerves get Irri
tated. He loses energy and fighting force.
He may say, " I can stand it, I will feel
better to-morrow; " but the chances are he
will feel worse to-morrow and worse still
next day. He ought to put himself right at
once. He needs Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical
Discovery. It Is made for Just this condition.
It rouses up the digestive and nutritive
organs, and gives them power to extract
from the food alt the nutritious elements
and transform them into rich, nourishing
blood. It enables the llvor to cleanse out all
bilious impurities and pour into the circula
tion an abundance of highly vitalized blood,
full of the life-giving red corpuscles which
build up healthy flesh, muscular strength,
and nerve-energy. It does not make flabby
flesh. It is the only suitable tonic and
strength-builder for corpulent people.
"complete MANHOOD."
Thounds of happy men pronounce this
work the means of their physical salvation.
It gives tho latest scientific facts concerning
It describes tho only known method of at
tnlnlng fullest natural manly vigor.
It points out Homo Treatment for all ox
cesses and sexual disbarments.
It shows how to cure nervousness, hope
lessness, despondency.
AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT" sent free, In
plain wrapper, sealed securely, to the address
of any sincere Inquirer, by tho Krle Medical
Company, 64 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y.
jUJtvuutt jijujf iJL,i'r i, remits or
8ell-abue. Nttecln! J)lcaieit Var
icocele, (Stricture. No Guttlncr
1 Mmtill Undeveloped Orfraniit: r.ot
Manhood Jleatarcd. D1 phn DMCflU
lln nil cnes. Freih cuiei cured In A.
ftn 1 0 days. St'nd 10 cts. stamps for Hook
"Truth. ''onlvtruemeriir.fil tMwiIrKTnoitntr
QuitcUa & fake Institutes. their trie la & schemes.
UIIUI? O Tills remedy being in.
Jccted directly to the
seat of thoHo dlaenscs
of tho Genlto-Urlnary
Organs, roquiros no
change of diet. Cure
cunrantecd In 1 to S
:days. Smnllplalnpack.
fT TT TT TT" by mnll, 81,00,
tL? sold only by
S. P. KI1UIN, Shenandoah.
That's why they enjoy their OOFFBB.
Any grocer ean tell you why customers
keep comlog back for SOBUG'9,
Oal So. a pack.f a. t
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows :
For New York via Philadelphia, week days.
j. lv, ouo, 4 uo tioia. m,, uoj, oiu anaouy p,
i rjuuunvB, m iu n. ju.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week davs.
o oo, t w a. in,, jla m mm a iu p, ui.
For Iteadlnc and Philadelphia, week days.
210.080.703, 961 a.m.. 12 33, 8 10 and 0 07 p. m.
HiindaVB. 2 10 a. m.
For rottsviue, we etc uays, z iu, 7 oo, u oi a. m.,
12 S3. 8 10, 6 07 and 7 35 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m,
For Tamaqua nnd Mahanoy City, week days
210.586, 7 05, 9 51a.m., 12 83, 8 10 and 6 07 p. in.
Sundays, 2 10 a. in
For winiamsport, wtintmry and jLewiBburg,
week days. 8 25. 0 86. 11 SO a. m.. and 7 25 n. m.
ounuays, a a. m.
7 CS. 9 St, 11 80 a. m 12 S3, 8 10, 0 07, 7 29, 9 S3 and
For Ashland and Shamokln. week dava. 8 26.
5 30,7 05, 11 80 a. m., S07, 723 and 55 p. m.
Sundays. 8 26 a.m.
T f T 1 .1. .. t. . I 1 - 11 II
I. Jt IV. .... HHUUXU .IOI11B 1 AkCUllI
Terminal, ruuaueipnia, ir it. if -K.) ai u?u,
Y no, ii jo m., iu anu u. im. Dunaays,
a no. 7 uu. ii m a. m.. o so ana v ? o. m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty.fourtu and Chest
nut streets station, weeic days, 10 so a. m. 12 20,
12 10 8 10 p.m. Sundays, 1 86, 8 28 p. m.
Teave New Tors: via Philadelphia, voak
days, 12 15, 4 80. 8 00 a. in., and 1 80, 4 90, 9 00 p.
a. nunuays, own. in,
Tavfi New York via Mauoh Chunk, wcvak
days, 4 80, 9 10 n.m.. 1 80 and 4 IS p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week
days, 4 20, e t, iu iu a. m. anu i t uo, o bo, ii
n. in. nnnunvs. ii ou n. in.
Tave Hendine.week days. 1 85. 7 10.10 08. a. m.
12 00 in., 4 19, 6 00 and 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 1 85
a. m.
Lave l'oitsvuie, weeE uays, JU, 7o a, m..
12 BO anu o 12 p. m. nunuays, z oo o. m.
LeaveTamoaurlfweek daya.8 18. 8 48. 1128
m., 1 88, 5 51, 7 20 and 9 43 p. m. Sundays, 8 18
a, m
v li.l rtl I , - - iqm n ,k
9 12 11 47 a. m., 2 17, 5 Is, 6 17, 7 44 aud 10 08 p. m.
Sundays, u 2R, a a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 12 38, 2 10,
4 uu oou. v 20. iu jo. ii vj a. ra., ous, o
m mm IniU J I, In .lit IM.
I Of, JUtffiP IU. HUllUOj Of .A -V, " V, VJ . .11.
l.eave ivuuamsporf, ween uayg, t sz, jusu a
m., 4 uu anu ii j p. m. Dunuays, ii ou p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street war and
South street wharf for Atlantlo City.
Weekdays Us press, 9 00 a. m., 200, 4 00,
SOOn. m. AoMmmodatlon, 8 00 a. m., 0 30 p. m,
Sundays Kxprees, 900, 10 00 a. in. Accommoda
tion, 8 00 a. m.,4 43 p. in.
Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, corner
Atlantlo and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Ripress, 7 88, 9 00 a.m., 8 80, 6 00
p. m. Accommodation, 8 15 a. m., 403 p. m.
Sundays Rxpress, 4 00, 7 80 p. m. Accom
modation, 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. m.
Parlor Clara on all exprsas trains.
For further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Reading Railway tlok.t agent
or address
Oen'l Him it., Oen'l Poss'r Agt.,
Reading Terminal, Philadelphia,
of tho Expectant
Mother dangers lurk,
and should bo avoided.
Friend "
so prepares tho system
for tho chango taking
place that tho final
hour Is robbed of all
Danger. Its use insures safety to the
lifo of both mother and child, and makes
child-birth easy and recovery mora rapid.
Mother's friend' is tho greatest
remedy over put on tho market, and all
our customers pralso it highly."
W. II. KING & CO., Whitcwrlgtit, Tex.
Sent by Mall on receipt of price, $1 PtR BOTTIX.
Book "To Expectant Mothers" mailed free.
TJiidortxround TrnnnU For New'York.
New York, Oct. B. The action of the
park board In refusing the plans for
underground rapid transit, In this city,
because the proposed tunnel would In
terfere with the growth of four or five
old trees In Uattery park, oame near
holding up" the great project until
the state legislature could meet and
take away the power from the park
commission. Yesterday the park board
reclnded Its former action. This means
that the great underground scheme
can now be proceeded with.
A True Remedy.
W. M. Itcnlno. editor Tiskllwa. 111..
'Chief." savs : "We won't keep house with
out Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds. Experimented with
many otiiors, but novcr got tlio true remedy
until wo used Dr. King's Now Discovory. No
other remedy can tako Its place in our home,
as In it wo hnvo a certain and stiro cure for
Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, otc." It is
idlo to experiment with otlior remedies, evcu
if they are urged on you as just as good as
Dr. King's Now Discovory. Thoy aro not as
cood. because this remedy has a record of
cures and besides is guaranteed. It never
falls to satisfy. Trial bottles froo at A.
Wasloy's drdg store.
AmlinBsndor I'ntonotro'n Successor.
Paris, Oct. 5. It Is officially announc
ed that tho appointment of M. Jules
Cambon, recent governor of Algeria,
as French ambassador at Washington,
haB been accepted by the Uaited States
for those who will go to-day and get a pack
age of GEAIN-O. It takes tho placo of
coffee nt about J tho cost. It is a food drink.
full of health, and can bo given to the
children as well as the adult with groat
benefit. It is made of pure grains and looks
and tastes like the finest grades of Mocha or
Java coffee. It satisfies everyone. A cup of
Qrain-O is better for the system than a
tonic, bocauso its benefit is permanent. What
coffee breaks down Qraln-O ballds up. Ask
yonr grocer for Graln-O. 15c. and 25c
Only la possible whether as a test
excellence In journalism, or for the
measurement of quantities, time orvnlues
Record . . .
After a career of nearly twenty years o
mitiiterrtiiitrd nrowth in lusttfled ill claim
lnf? that tho standard first established by
us lounucra is trio one true test ox
A Perfect Newspaper
To publish ALL THR NISWS promptly and
miccinctlv ana in tlio most readable l.rra.
without elision or partisan bias; to discuss
Its nlcnlficnnco -with frankness, to keep AN
besides a complcto record of current
thought, fancies and discoveries In all de
partments of human activity In Its DAILY
EDITIONS of from 10 to 14 PACES, and to
provide the whole for Its natrons at th.
nominal prlco of ONE CENT That was
from tho outset, and will contlnuo to be the
aim of THE RECORD.
The Pioneer
One cent mornfnc newsnaner In the United
States. Tho Record, still LEADS WHERE
UT11111U1 rULLUIV.
Witness Its unrivaled nveraare dally clrculatiom
exceeding lou.uuu copies, ana an average
exceeding 120,000 copies for Its Sunday
editions, while Imitations of Its plan of
publication In every Important city of the
country icBliiy to tne iruiu oi mo assertion
that In the quantity nnd quality of its con
tents, nnd in the price at which It is sold
Tho Record has established tho standard by
which exccllenco in journalism must be
The Daily Edition
Of The Record will be sent by mall to any
address for (3.00 per year or 23 cents per
The Daily and Sunday
Editions together, which will give Its readers
the best and freshest Information of all that
Is troinir on In the world every day In the
year including holidays, will be sent lor
14.00 a year or 83 cents per month.
Record Building,
Philadelphia, Fa.
The first cf American Newspa
pera, CHARLES A. DANA.Editor.
The American Constitution, the
American idea, the American Spirit
These first, last and all the time,
Dally, by mail, - $6 a year
Dally & mall, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper In
the world
Price 5c. a copy. By mall, $2 a year
Address THE BUN, Hew York.
Now Mon Oallotl to Aid tlio Span
ish Promior,
A Member of tlio Cub I net Deolnres
Thnt Sngnstn Will Cnrry Out the Ite
furms IVntitlsetl hy Cnmprm Spnlu
Ilendy to VlRlit If Neoossnry.
Madrid, Oct. 5. The new Spanish
ministry 1b .constituted as follows:
Honor Sagastft, president of the coun
cil of ministers; Senor Outlon, foreign
affairs; Senor Qrolsard, Justice; -General
Correa, war; Admiral Ilerinejo,
marine; Senor I'ulgcerver, finance;
Benor Capdepon, interior; Count Xtgu
ena, public works; Senor Moret, colo
nies. The ministers, after an Informal
meeting, proceeded to the palace and
took the oaths of office.
The cabinet Is regarded as fairly
strong, although some disappointment
felt that Senor Qamezo, Senor
Maura, Senor Armljo and others who
had been looked uporras probable mem
bersmre not Included. It Is understood
that Senor Maura, who was the author
of the first Cuban home rule bill, felt
that he could not act satisfactorily
with Senor Moret, while Senor Qamaso,
who Is a relative of Senor Maura, fear
ed that his presence might imply a
leaning toward the Maura scheme of
reforms. Consequently Senor Sagasta
was compelled to take less prominent
At a cabinet council laBt evening it
was decided to appoint Senor Amos
Salvadom, minister of finance In the
Sagasta cabinet of 1895, director of the
Hank of Spain. Count Itomanones has
been appointed mayor of Madrid and
Senor Agutlera prefect of police of this
A member of the new cabinet who In
sisted that his name be withheld de
clared In an Interview that Sagasta
will carry out the Cuban reforms pro
posed by Marshal Martinez de Campos
ten years ago. These Include the grant
ing of autonomy to Cuba on condition
that Bhe shall tako over the Cuban
debt, Including the war debt, and ac
cept Spain's customs tariff.
The new cabinet minister declared
that Sagasta would not consent to a
customs union between the United
States and Cuba, and that If the former
were not satisfied Spain was prepared
to light, ns the Spanish navy was re
garded equal In strength to the navy
of the United States. Further, If nec
essary, Spain would have recourse to
Tho new minister said It was Im
probable that Spain would consent to
recognize the insurgent debt; but' Pre
mier Sagasta would not prevent the
new Cuban government dealing with It.
Dout giyo them tea or coffco. Have you tried
tho now food drink called Qrnln-0 1 It is
delicious and nourishing and takes tho place
ef coffeo. Tho nioro Qraln-0 you give tho
children tho more health you distribute
through their systems. Oraln-0 Is mado of
puro grains, nnd when properly prepared
tastes liko tho choico grades of coffeo bnt
costs about I as much. All grocers sell it.
16c and 25c
I'our l'lHliorinoii DrowncJK
Long Branch, Oct. C Four men In
the employ of Hennessey Brothers,
pound fishermen of North Lon Branch,
were arownea yesteruay wnno aoout
their work, about 100 yards off shore.
The names of the men were: Joseph
Herth, Adolph Plerson and A. Hend
rlckfon, all of Brooklyn, and George
Kobblns, of Monmouth Beach, N. J.
Three other men who were with those
named were rescued. The men had
started for the pound nets, a mile and
a half out, when their boat was struck
and overturned by a heavy sea.
Small nrccautions often prevent great mis
chiefs. DoWitt's Little Early Itisors aro very
small pills in size, but aro most effective in
preventing the meet serious forms of liver
anustomacli trouuios. luey euro constipa
tion and headacbo ana regulate the bowels.
C. II. Hagenbuch.
Minister to I'nrneimy fma Ul-iicnny
Wa&hlngton, Oct. 6. The president
yesterday made a number of appoint
ments, among them that of William It.
SInch, of Wisconsin, minister to Para
Euay and Uruguay. Mr. Finch is editor
and proprietor of the La Crosse, Wis.,
Republican and Leader, and has been
prominent In Republican councils In
Wisconsin for many years.
Certainly vou don't want to suffer with dys
pepsia, constipation, sick headache, sallow
Btin ana loss 01 nppeuto. ion niivo ncvor
tried DeWltt's Little ariy Risers lor theso
complaints or you would have been cured.
They aro small pills but great regulators. C.
II. Uagenbucn.
"Lost In AlUHftnnlco.'
St. Michaels, Alaska, Oct. 5. Six of the
crew of the lost steam whaler Nevarche
were picked up by the whaler Charles
W. Morgan, ot this city, and are still
on board of that vessel. It Is feared, that
the remaining 22 of the Nevarohe s
company have been lost on the ice, as
their ship went to pieces soon after the
captain and his wife and several of the
crew, who were picked up by the
revenue cutter Hear, left her.
Tim "ntovcllst's Best Friend" is a familiar
namo for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, al
ways ready for emergencies. While a speclflo
for piles, it also instantly relieves and cures
cuts, bruises, salt rheum, eezema and all
affections of the skin. It never falls. C. II.
HrltoifH Wiuil tlio t?nloiilnolflo Rond
London, Oct. 5. The Dally Chronicle
this morning publishes, under reserve, a
wnsfitlona! report that a strong Lon
don syndicate has sent the United
States government, through Consul
General Osborne, an offer to purchase
the Union Pacific railroad. According
to this repdrt a New York syndloate
has offered 9,000,000, and the govern
ment has. decided to sell the road at
auction on Nov. 1, believing that It
will realise at least 10.000,000, and per
haps 11,000,000 or 12,000,000.
itunuinz sores. Indolent ulcers and similar
trpublee, even though of many year's stand
ing, may be oured by using DeWltt's Wlcth
Hazel Salvo. It soothes, strengthens aud
heals. It is a great pile cure, C. H. Hagen
buch. SuIohltTlu n Corn Vlliook.
Coateevllle, Pa., Oot. 6. The body of
William J. Baldwin, manager of Charles
D. Bailey's farm, at Thorndale, whose
large barn was destroyed by fire on
Friday last, and who was supposed to
hHve perished In the flames, was found
yeqrd4ty afternoon In a shook of corn
about ontvquarter mile from the house,
with his throat cut. The ghastly
weapon with which he ended his life
was still imbedded in his throat when
found. A verdict of suicide while tem
porarily "insane was rendered.
. To heal the broken and diseased tissues, to
soothe the Irritated surfaees, to instantly re
lieve and to permanently euro it the mission
of DeWltt's Wltah Hazel Salve. O. U. Hagen
r- 1 - - a
i,lll,, rrn-r 7 i , . , B
AvteclablcPrcparattonfor As
similating ihcToodfliidUcguIa
ling llic Stomachs nrulDoweLs of
ncssandRcst.Contalns neither
Opium.Morphini nor Mineral.
Not NAkcotic.
Jmtim Seti"
Stntee Seed
IlirmSteil -
1 jrtfmr .
Ancrfcci ncmcdv forConstipa
lion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcnslv
ncss andLoss OF SlEEP.
Tac Simile SignoluTC ot
peppa. Railroad.
OcTOBna 1, 1807.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the abovi
date for WlRRans, Ollberton, Praokvlllo, Darl
Water, St. Clair, Pottsvlllo. Hamburg, Retdlns
Potfstown, Phoenlxvllle, Norrlstown nttd Phil
adclphin (Broad street station) at 6 08 and 11 08
a. m. and 4 20 p m. on week days. Sundays,
0 08 a. m., 3 10 p. m. For Pottsvlllo and Inter
mediate stations only 9 17 a. m. week days.
Sundays, 9 45 n. m.
Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah at
10 40 a. m. and 1281. 5 41. 7S2 and 10 47 11. m.
minaay, 11 u a, m. ana o 41 p. m.
Leave Pottsvlllo for Shenandoah at 10 IS
a. 111. and 12:35, 6 15, 7 25 and 10 SO p. m. Sunday
at 10 40 a. m., 5 15 p. m.
Leave PblladelpMa, (Broad street station), foi
Shenandoah at 5 57, 8 35and 10 19 a. ra., 4 10 and
T 1 p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 50 a. m.
leave iiroaa street station, I'miaucipma, 101
Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Urovo, Lont
urancn, anu intcrmeuiate stations, oou,
11.80, a. m., 3.30 and 4.00 p. in. week-days. Sun
days, 8 25 a. m.
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Express, week-dnys, 3 20, 4 OA, 4 60 5 15, 6 50,
7 83,8 20,833,9 50,10 21 (Dinlnc Car), 11 00 n. in,
12 00 noon, i233 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p.m.
Dining Cars), 1 40, 230 (Dining Car) 3 20, 3 50.
4 00, 5 00, 6 50 (Dining Car), 0 00, 7 02,7 43, 10 00
p. m., 12 01, night. Sundays, 3 20, 4 03, 4 50, 5 15,
8 20,8 33,9 50. 10 21, (Dining C.irj, 1135 a. m.,
12 33, 105 (Dining Car) 2 80 (Dining Car), 4 00
(Limited4 22 Dining Car), 5 20, 5 56,(Dinlng Car)
6 85, 7 02, 7 43, 10 00 p. m.. 12 01 night.
Express for Ronton without change, 11 00 a m.,
week-days, and 7 43 p. m., daily.
For Baltimore ond Wotdilncton, 3 50, 7 20, 8 32,
10 20, 1123, a. ill., 12 09, 12 31 (Dil.lng
Car), 112, 318, 4 41, 510 Congres
sional Limited, Dining Car, 0 17. 055 Din
ing Cnrl, 7 31 Dining Car p. m., and 12 05
night week days. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20, 9 12, 1 1 23,
a. m., 12 00, 1 12, 4 41, 515 Congressional Lim
ited, Dining Cur, 0 53 Dining Car, 731 Din
ing Car p. m. and 1203 night.
Leave Broad street station via Dclawnro river
bridge Express. 7 05 p. m. dally.
Leave JInrket Street Wnrf Expresn, 8 80
2 00, 4 00, 5 00 p. 111. Sundays, 8 45, 9 43 a. in.
(accommodation 4 30 nnd 5 00 p. m.)
For Cnpo Slay, Anglesen, Wild wood and Holly
Beach, Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avnlon nnd
Stone Harbor Express, 9 00 a. m., 400, p. m.
wcekdnys. Sundays, 9 00 a. m.
For Somcrs Point Express, 850, a. m., 2 00,
4 00. 5 00, p. m. week days Sundays, 8 45 a. m.
J, II. IIotchinsos, J. R. Wood,
Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Pass'g'r Agt.
A genuine wolcomo waits you at
Cor. fjaln and Coal Sts.
Finest whiskeys, beers, porter and ale
constantly on tap. Choice emperance drinks
and cigars.
r-XY. A C nro
'i.A?rSr tho
l.i ft.o
7 rjmmstm:
SemeHaes needs a reliable, monthly, regnlatlnc medietas. Only harmless Slid
the purest drugs should be used. Ifyou want the best, get
Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills
Ther Are prompt, n-fe and certain in result. The set. vine (Dr. Peal's) qstst dUatn
tmlnt Qant nnV.. ft 1V1 A AAw.. I . wn.n rti 1 1 , '
w.m "J " MVva v
For Sale at KIRLIN'S
. . X
ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED ? f u" "nT rVe of c"''Pe". Cssesrets are the Weal Ui..,
lilAut r ! a 1 2i ..Tv. ' ri,".,tr r,P or rripr.lMit raaae easy nalor.1 results. Mm
pie aad beeslet free. Ad. STKUMMi liKUFKV 0.. ('hlr.Ko. Montreal. C.r... oro ork. JU.,
The Kind You Have
Always Bought,
Bears the Fao-simile
Graduate nnd Late Resident House Burgees ot
the University State of N. Y.
Hkadqtmhtebs : Hotel Franey, 8henandoab
Calls night or day promptly responded.
Offlee Kgan building, corler of Main and
ventre streew, ouwiuihiuuu
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre atrcet.
Lock Box 65. Miihanoy City, Pa
3Tavlne ntudled under eomo of the beat
masters v London and Varla, will give lessons
on thevlolin.mandoHn, eultarand vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address in care of 8 irons ,
the jeweler Shenandoah.
Agent tor
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
progreceivo nnd keen informed of
World's Prnirrfias. Tim u-pII In. S
lormetl ana thrifty Housa-wlfe will
always keep E
!,,... ... 1 I 1.. A.
iii mo iuii?c, oe n BiHimnru rvmeuy wr 5;
SiiraiiiB, Bruises, Crumps, Rlieumatm,
and all aches and pains
Pries 25 els. and 60 cts. per bottle.
Prepvad by II. J. IIACKEIT & CO., Philadelphia.
.vvs WtIW AAl4illIViN lV,j VtVTViauUf v
Drue Store, Shenandoah, Pa.