The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 05, 1897, Image 2

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Published ovoty Krenlne, Kxeept Sand , at
s Sooth Jabuir Stum, Km Osbitrr.
Tke Kbrnlrt Is derlvned lntthenandosn mid the
surrounding towns for el i Milt week, pay
obi . o Uie vftrrtera. lly mall W.OO rt yesr, or as
oouts n month. pnyalile In lulranco. Advertise
meats charged ncoordlng to spaoe find position.
The iiublisliprs reserve the right to change the
position of advertisements whenever the pub
"ullon ol news demands It. The rlitht Is
lAorved to reject any advertisement, whether
Vld (or or not, that the publishers may deom
improper. Advertiolng rates made known
upon application.
Kittored at the postolllce at Shenandoah, l'a., as
second class mall matter.
"All the News Thai's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
ituruiiLicAX statu Tioicirr
tor tbrabuhrr,
Jambs 8. Hicacom,
Of Wesimoteland.
Lhvi a. McOaulmv,
Of Chester.
Hon. 0. P. Hkciitim.,
Of lUsville.
, Of Orwlgebiirjf.I
tor poor nintioroR,
John Itowit, Sr.,
Of Tremont.
!Joun AtrffrooK,
Of Malmnoy City.
SiiitNANDOAii -will ho well ropre
So sentoiLfltJUiHtate firoiuon's conven
tion at AVilkesbarro this week. On
Thursday, the day of the pnrtulo, the
Columbia Hoso Company will be in
line, fully uniformed, and it goos
without saying that they will prosont
u flno ftppearantre. The citizens of
Shenandoah are proud of their vol
unteer fire department. Associated
together for a public purpose those
men serve the interest of the town
without pecuniary reward, and they
do it as cheerfully in wintor's blasts
as in the heat of summer. They
Should be supported in every under
taking, as it is a matter of public in
terest. The Miners Organizing.
Prior to nnd since the termination
of tlie miners' striko in thp Lehigh
region, Presidont Fahoy, of tho
United Mine Workers Of America,
has been very successful in organiz
ing the men in that region. He has
placed a branch of the organization
in almost every town nnd hamlet in
that section of the nnthracite'region,
and is continuing the good work. The
men now realizo that to properly
combat the operators with a view to
a settlement of the grievances it is
necessary to organize. It is not a
-matter of ohoice, but necessity drives
them to it. In no other way can they
expect to soourd redress. This was
the universal sentiment of the several
thousands of employes of the Lehigh
and Wilkesbarro Coal Company, who
met at Wilkesbarro on Saturday to
discuss the best means of remedying
the grievances they claim exist.
Prom the newspaper reports it is
learned that tho meeting throughout
was characterized by good order and
sound judgment, and tho absence of
vituperative denunciation and rant
ing appeal on tho part of the speak
ers was agroeably conspicuous. In a
clear nnd incisive way tho grievances
of the men were stated, one speaker
Baying, "To-day wo are scattered, and
what is the result ? We aro now ob
liged to beg from tho company what
we should demand as a right. If we
jwere properly organized this would
ifdt be, and we should organize and
form a union, for in union there is
strength. There is no ufeo trying to
Hot Justice the way things aro now,
because at prosont were we to declare
' a strike there would bo three men to
(take tho place of every one that quit
The grievances specifically stated
at the meeting are charged against
the Lehigh Valley and Wilkesbarre
Coal Company, but thoy probably
exist at most of the collieries in that
region. They aro : Kxcossive and un
fair docking, by which the men are
compelled to mine a large per cent,
of ooal for which they receive no
pay ; excessive oharges for powder,
one of the speakers alleging that the
company pays only $1 per keg for
powder for which the miners are
charged $2.75 ; and the third and most
obnoxious one is the company store.
This is the miners' side, and from
their staiuli)oiiit their grievances ap
pear to be just. They see in organi
zation the only hope of redress. The
sentiment of the men was expressed
by one of their number in this
manner: "There would be no neces
sity for organization or strikes in
this valley if the operators would
only treat us fairly. If future trouble
is to 'be averted in these great ooal
valleys, tho operators must abolish
the dishonest docking system and
pay us'for all the coal we honestly
mine; they must either sell us powder
at the usual dealer's profit or let us
buy powder where we can to the best
advantage ; they must either sell us
the necessaries of life at the regular
market rates, or permit us to deal
where we please. We will not miieh
longer consent to he robbed at all
The miners have presented their
side of the case, nnd what are the
operators fjolng to do about It t Pub-
lie sentiment will sustain the minors,
if nil they say Is trite. Thp opera
tori, however, pan avoid a repetition
of the Jiattinicr nffnir if tliey will
meet their employes half way anil
eome to an omienblo settlement.
Have you enmche. tnotliaclio, sore throat,
pains or swcllinui of any sort ? "W fow appli
cations of Dr. Tliomus' Ei'loclric Oil Will
bring relief almost iiKl.iut'y.
The Mnnirolui PrnliMn TMt-es.
Winnipeg:, Man., tvt. 5. Report! con
tinue to pour In from all parte of the
province of destruction by prarle fires.
In some district not a fanner escaped
loss. Appeals have been made for aid
for those 'who sustained loss in the
btinh country east of the city. Two
women and Ave children lost their lives
and irnny other families had thrilling
ewapes from Arcs whloli hedged them
in. Several families lost homes, crops
and all live stock, and as they are new
settlers, are left destitute. At one time
tliu lire ran to within 100 yards of one
of the principal resident portions of
the city, and firemen had to b called
rprsnimlly-Coml acted Tour vJrt Pennsyl
vania ltallroAtl.
The last of the early Autumn tours to the
historic Upper South via the Pennsylvania
Railroad will leave New York and Philadel
phia Tuesday, October 12.
This tour covers a period of eleven days
during the height of the sen sou, when the
Autumn foliage is most, beautiful, and in
cludes the battlefield of Gettysburg, pic
turesque lllue Mountain, Lurny Caverns, the
Natural llridge, Virginia Hot Springe, the
oities of Richmond and Washington, and Sit.
The round-trip rate, including all necessary
expenses, is t05 from Now York, f68 from
I'hlladolphia, and proportionate rates from
other points.
The tour will be in cbargo of one of tho
company's Tourist Agents, lie will be as
sisted by an experienced lady as Chapsron,
whose especial charge will bo ladles un
accompanied by male escort.
Special train of parlor oars will bo provided
for the oxolusivo use of the party, in which
tho entire round trip from New York Is
For detailed itinerary apply to Ticket
Agents or to Tourist Agent, 1100 llroadway,
New York, or Geo. V. Hoyd, Assistant
General Passenger Agent, Broad street
station, Philadelphia.
Firtoon to Twonty Thousand Pooplo
Drowned lu China.
Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 6. The steamer
Victoria brings news of the most dig
aBtrous floods that have visited China
for many years. Sixty villages near
Tung Chow, containing over 80,000 In
habitants, have been destroyed by
floods, and the people drowned or
forced to flee. There is no means of
finding out how many thousands have
been drowned, but the number Is es
timated by Chinese authorities at 15,
000 to 20,000.
The flooded district Is within 12 miles
of Pekln, the capital of China. As a
rule Chinese ofllclals make very little
stir when a calamity like this happens,
but the proximity of the disaster has
resulted In its being brought to tho at
tention of the emperor, who has or
dered that all possible relief be given.
I Pplfln hfivo lippn nllnwpd smnh nhpltprns
they can find on the city walls, but
thousands are without protection
against the rain, which continues to
All Assassin's Confession.
Bombay, Oct. 5. Damodar Chnpekar
Deccanl, a Brahmin advocate, and 23
others have been arrested for tho mur
der of Plague Commissioner Rand and
Lieutenant Ayers, while engaged last
June in the Poonah district in enforc
ing the sanitary regulations. Tho ar
rested men havo confessed the mur
der, Deccanl apparently being the
principal In the crime. He has also con
fessed to having tarred the queen's
statue In this city last year, and ac
knowledges other offenses. He be
came embittered because the author!
ties at Simla declined his offer to en
list In the Indian army.
"Wrookcd by n Split Switch'.
Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 5. Passenger
train No. 2 on the Louisville and Nash
ville railrond Jumped the track at Riv
erside Park, Just outside the city, killed
Gus Boyd, a colored fireman, and ser
iously Injured Jim Brown, engineer. A
split switch, It is said, caused the ac
cident. The engine turned over and
caught the fireman.
To Anyone Afflicted With Files.
Tho Pyramid Pile Curo, the now, painless
remedy which has been so remarkably suc
cessful In curing every form of piles and
rectal diseases, has recently been placed on
sale at druggists and it is safe to say that
when its extraordinary merit becomes fully
known, there will be no such thiug as sur
gical operations for tho curo of this obstluate
and common trouble.
Mrs. M. C. Ilinkly, of 601 Mississippi St.,
Indianapolis, Ind., says : I bad been a ter
rible sufferer from piles for IS years and no
remedies lienefitted me, until I saw an ad
vertisement of the Pyramid Pile Cure; I got
a package, also a package of Pyramid Pills
aud used both according to directions. I was
astouislied at the immediate relief obtained
and now I honestly believe tho Pyramid to
be the only certain cure for piles.
That you may realize how bad I was, I will
say that I was confined to my bed and went
before the college physicians here who said
my case was a new one to them and wanted
seven or eight hundred dollars to undertake
aeure; tbe great pain had brought on a
rupture, and I knew an operatlou would be
death to we on account of blood poisoning.
Nearly everyone here knows of my terrible
uttering from piles and I feel that 1 cannut
praise the Pyramid Pile Cure enough and the
Pyramid Pills also. My husband will join
me in highly recommending the Pyramid,
my daughter was cured by one box only.
For several years I weighed but about 90
pounds, now I weigh 160 and feel in perfect
This seems to be the universal testimony
of every sufferer from piles who have ever
tried the Pyramid ; it is the safest, most
painless pile cure yet discovered ; contains no
opiate, morphine, cocaine or any poisonous
ingredient whatever, has a soothing, healing
effect from the first application, and the
moderate price places it within the reach of
everyone Deeding treatment. The Pyramid
Pile Care is sold by druggists at 50 cents and
fl.00 per package aud the Pyramid Pills at 26
cento per box.
Scud to Pyramid Co., Albion, Mich., for
free book on cause aud cure of piles,
....4.M.t4M .,.. I .,....i
Health Is what makes a woman
beautiful. Beauty Is another name
for health. Find a face that Is fair,
cheeks that aro rosy and full, eyes
that sparkle, a form that is well
rounded and symmetrical and you
will find perfect health.
It Is sad to think there should be
so many sufferers among women.
They are the real martyrs of the
world. They endure pains, aches
and aeonles In silence, when there
Is neither need nor necessity for
their torture.
makes women attractive by making thtm
healthy end strong. It bulMs up tna nerves,
makes the blood rich and pure, strengthens
the organs that are often weak, and stops the
wastes that tear down the system. It cures
the endless chain of female troubles. It Is
the best friend that woman ever had.
A daughter of Mrs. Christina Deal, of
Jonesport, Ate., suffered, greatly from female
troubles. No doctor could help her. Dut Dr
David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy made her
strong and well. It will make thousands of
other women perfectly healthy If they will
only try It.
$1 abottle; 6 bottles J3. Of nny druggist.
Tlio Rending Platform Done Up lu
Short Pnrncrrnplis.
From the Butter Cltlien.
And hero Is the platform of the Dem
ocratic convention at Reading boiled
down to short paragraphs!
We look with alarm upon tho abund
ant harvest.
Wo depreciate the general advanco In
We denounce tho Increase of the
price of wheat.
We notice with regret that men are
returning to work.
We view with sorrow tho decreaso of
the price of silver.
Wo take no stock In tho report that
there Is gold In the Klondike. ,
We regard with horror the stifling
smoke from the factory chimneys.
we regret the return of good times.
Wo denounce those who would ask
men to work.
Wo brand as an Imposter the advance
agent of prosperity. ,
We again assert that tho tariff Is a
We refuse to believe that this nation
Is prospering.
We arraign as liars, villains, cut
throats and horse thieves all who do
not worship William J. Bryan.
Any attempt to drive the wolf from
the door will be considered a blow at
foreign Institutions and the cardinal
principles of our party.
We rejoice that we have at last gain
ed a victory over William P. Harrity.
We decry the use of any money other
than silver in the purchasing of dele
l'res Pills
Send your addres&Jo II, E. Bucklen & Co.,
Chicago, aud get a free sample box of Dr.
King's New Life Fills. A trial will convince
you of tliuir merits. These pills are easy in
action and are particularly effectivo in the
cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For
Malaria and Liver troubles they have been
tiroved invaUwble. They are guaranteed to
be purely VMstaUe. TtoT do not weaken
by their actfon, but by giving tone to stomach
and liowels greatly invigorate tho system,
Itegular size 35c per box. Sold by A. Wasley,
When you want good roofing, plumbing,
gas fitting, or general tinsmithing done call
on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centre street"
Dealer Ib stores l-tf
WW 11
It Is mttmltedihat the Klondike srolfl
mines will yiekfiibout j2,oon.noo in gold
next spring. '
A bullet wig fired Into the hnuse of
Judsjs llrubattr, of Lancaster. Pa.,
but Whither y accident or design Is
not known.
Whll"MIH. ffcothiB, of Paterson, N.
J., was at chtrch thieves entered her
house ami stile property valued at
about $6,000. I
A severe tymoon raged over Japan
last month, d mollshlns; 3T6 houses,
damaging 7,776 others and 14,048 were
submerged. Ma ly people were killed.
The finding of the body of Charles F.
Wing, ail ftttoney of Oreenvllle, Ky.,
In the river at St. Louis, has started
theories of mu dr, suicide and acci
dent. No man nr wnrrfcn nan pnlov life or accom
plish much In thli world whilo suffering from
n torpid llvor. uswitt's Little jsnriy Kisers,
the pills that cleanse that organ
Tho Most Rndicnl Admit It.
One of the most radical freo trade
papers In America Is the Philadelphia
Record. In the Issue of that Journal
Sept. 12 the following editorial admis
sion Is made of the benefits already
being derived from the passage of the
Dlngley bill:
"Leading dry goods merchants of
New York say that there has been
nothing like the present boom In that
line since 1S9. and that the year bids
fair to break all records In the amount
of sales. Bxuberant as such expres
sions might ordinarily Beem, they can
not be deemed extravagant In view of
the fact that reports of New York trade
unions show an Increase since one year
ago of 31 per cent In the number of
men at work, and a similar Increase
among men In like position throughout
the country would exceed 310,000, while
every week adds many establishments
to the active list. There need be no
question as to the stability of a pros
perity based upon the agricultural re.
sources of the country and a steadily
increasing employment or. us iauor."
A fact often overlooked, or not always
understood, is that women suffer as much
from distressing kdnoy and bladder troubles
as tho men. Tho womb is situated bapk of
and vory close to tho bladder, and for that
reason any distress, disease or inconvenience
manifested in tlio kidneys, back, bladder or
urinary passago Is roiftako.attrlbutcd
to fomalo weakness or womb trouble of some
Tho orror is easily rnntlo and may bo as
easily avoided by setting urine asldo for
twonty-four hours ; a sediment or sottllug is
evidence that your kidnoys and bladder need
doctoring. If you havo pain or dull aching
in tho back, pass water too frequently, or
scanty supply, with smarting or burning,
thoso aro also convincing proofs of kidney
trouble. If you havo doctored without
benefit, try Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot, the
great kldnoy remedy. Tho mild and tho
extraordinary effect will surpriso you. It
stands the hlghost for its wonderful cures. If
you take a medicine you should take the best.
At druggists fifty conts and ono dollar. You
may havo a sample bottlo and pamphlet, both
sotit freo by mail. Mention Evening limn
ald and sond your address to Dr. Kilmer &
Co., ningbanitop, 3J. V. The proprietors of
this paper guarantee tho genuineness of this
A Contest liotwoon tho Bulls nnd
Honrs, and tlio Honrs Win Out,
Now York, Oct. 4. Thcro was little mora,
ID today's market than a running cqn-i
test between the bulls and bears. In which
the bulls were successful during the early
part of tho day, but In which the boars
turned tho tide later, and put the oppo
nents to rout, wiping out all the gains
of the earlier trading. There was every
thing In tho bulls' favor in tho oarly
market,' the lively buying on Saturday
having apparently reassured foreign cap
ital, so that prlcos of American securi
ties on the London Exchange were ad
vanced before tho opening hero. Prices
of the .international stocks opened about
on a parity with tho London higher level.
The mass at orders In tho hands of com
mission houses, and which wero put Into
execution immediately, showed that the;
home public as well as the foreigners boi
lleved that the market had turned again
and that reaction had come to an end.
Tho higher prices invited heavy realiz
ing sales, and the bears added tho pres
sure of short selling under which the ad
vances melted away in most cases, tho
not losses being, however, for tho most
part fractional. Closing bids:
Dalto. & Ohio... 17 Lehigh Valley.. 80
Chesa. & Ohio... N. J. Central... Wft
Del. & Hudson.. 11714 N. Y. Central.. 110
D., L. & W 157V4 Pennsylvania .. C7
Erie 1714 Reading, 2d pf S2V&
Lake Krlo & W.. J94 St. Paul.,,,,,,., P7J4
General Markets.
Philadelphia, Oct. 4. Flour weak;
winter superfine, J3S3.26; do. extras, $3.25
3.76 i Pennsylvania roller, clear, $4,200
4.35; do. straight, ll.S5S4.D5; western win
ter, clear, 4.264.40; do. straight, 4.450
4.G5; city mills, extra, 53.2503.50. Ryo
flour firm; choice Pennsylvania, (3.30 per
barrel. Wheat dull; contract wheat, Oc
tober, 91091Hc; No. 2 Pennsylvania nnd
No. 2 Delaware red, spot, i2t3Q2c; No.
2 red, spot, 81fl911So.i No. 2 red. May,
Sl'sc; do. October, 03c; do. December,
92c. Corn quiet and steady; steamer
corn spot, 2S1430c.; No. 2 mixed, Octobor,
3131!4c.; No. 2 yellow, for local trade,
34!408Gc.; October, 32c; November, 3&c;
December, aiVsC Oats quiet and steady;
No. 2 white, carlots, S6427o.; No. 2 whlto,
clipped, carlots, 2727V4c.; No. 3 white,
26c; track mixed western, 2g'21V4c.; track
white, state and western, 2!32c. Beef
steady; beef hams, $20027. I'ork steady;
family, $1814. Lard steady; western
steamed, $1.8214. Butter steady; cream
ery, 14fiJ42c.; do. factory, lSo,; Elglns,
3So.; imitation creamery, 1216o.; New
York dairy, 1219c.; do. creamery, ll2Sc.;
fancy prints jobbing at 2427o.; do. ex
tra Pennsylvania, wholesale, 22J2Sc.
Cheese quiet; large, white and colored,
Mit)lc,c.; small, white and colored, 014c;
part sklmB, CHOTo.s full skims, 3Vi4o,
Eggs steady; New York and Pennsylva
nia, 15lS!ic. ; western, fresh, 18U017c
Potatoes weak; Jerseys, $MJ$,26; Long
Island, $2.0ft2.60; sweets, $ltfl.62H. Tal
low quiet; country, 2H3Ko. Cottonseed
oil dull; prime crude, 2121Hc; do. yel
low, 24024140- Turpentine firm at 3814
SSc. Pig Iron warrants quiet at $797.26.
Lake copper quiet at $11.25. Tin quiet at
$ll.Gt71L7S. Spelter quiet at $4.20(.30.
Lead weak at $1.2004. 2C. Tomatoes, per
box or crate, as to quality, 70c.jl. Cab
bage, Long Island and Jersey, per 100,
$ljj6. Coffee closed dull; October, $5.96;
December, W.4E; March, $6.76; May, $4.86;
July, $6.9607; September, $7.
Llvo Stock Markets.
New York, Oct. 4. Beeves more active;
steers and bulls generally higher; native
steers, $4CS.30; stags and oxen, $2 50
4.2S; bulls, $2.7&3.60; dry cows, $1.9003.40.
Veals, Ho. lower; other calves steady;
veals, $608; few, $8.26; grassers and butt
termllks, $3.7601. Sheep and lambs slow;
sheep, $2.6004.26; lambs, $(.8606. Hogs
firm at $4.6004.90.
East Liberty, Pa., Oct. 4. -Cattle slow
and lower; prime, $601,06; common, $3,400
1.70: bulls, stags and oows, $1.6008.76. Hogs
steady; prime medium weights, $1.6004.66;
best Yorkers, $1.4604.60; heavy hogs, $1.30
04.40; pigs, $1.3004.46; grassare, $1.2601.36;
roughs, $ts4. Sheep slow; eholee, $1,200
4.26; common, $2.6003.40; choice lambs,
$6.3006.60; oommon to. good lambs, $lg$
(.16; veal calves, $6.6007.
How's Your Cough 7
Pan-Tina cures it, 25c. At (irubler Bros.,
Buuontlotinl QunHflontlon Vor Voters
Ilns nil uvorwiiPinuiid .,injtr,i, .
xi.,,.. Trr.n iirt r, funnprtlcut's
"little town" elections were held
f,.,lnO tttid tvhllp In nntnp sections' Of
the state there were surprising turn
overs, the results show that the change
from the vote of a year ago Is not
great. The Indications are that the Re
publicans generally held their own,
making enough slight gains In numer
ous places to counterbalance the larger
Democratic gains In a few towns. The
constitutional amendment wnicn pro
vides that voters must be able to read
any portion of the constitution and
statutes of the state, and must-also be
able to write, was passeu overwhelm
ingly. License prevails generally, and
few of the towns cnangea meir ihjbi-
l,.n rn H.A llnunr mlMtlntv Tn ftflW
London Cyrus C. Beckwlth, a Demo
crat, won out lianauy m tne mayoralty
contest and the town went Dnmocratlc.
Idlddlctown experience1 a Democratic
sweep, as did Norwallc and South
Up to Date for Fains and Aches.
Everybody says Hed Flag Oil, Sso. At
Oruhler Bros,, drug store.
Tours to tlio South.
Two vory attractlvo oarly Autumn tours
will be run by tho Pennsylvania Itailroad
Company, loavlng Now York ahd Philadel
phia September 38 and October 18.
It is hardly necessary to say that these
outings are planned with tho utmost earc,
and that alt arrangements are adjusted so os
to afford tho best possiblo means of visiting
each place to the best advantage
Tho tours each covor a poriod of eleven
days, and include tho battlefield of Gettys
burg, plcturesquo Bluo Mountains, Liiray
Caverns, tho Natural llridge, Virginia Hot
Springs, the cities of llichmond and Wash
ington, andMt. Vernan.
The round-trip rate, including all neces
sary oxponscs, is $05 from Now York, $03
from Philadelphia, and proportienato rates
from othor points.
Each tour will bo in chargo of ono of tho
company's tourist agents. He will bo assisted
by an experienced lady as Chaperon, whoso
especial chargo will bo ladies unaccompanied
by male escort.
Special trains of parlor oars aro provided
for tho oxcluslvo use of each party, in which
tho cutlro round trip from Now York is
For detailed itinerary apply to Ticket
Agents or to Tourist Agent, 1100 Broadway,
Now York, or Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant
Genoral Passenger Agent, Broad Street
Station, Philadelphia.
Don't Tobaoco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forovor, bo mado well, strong, magnetic,
full of now life and vigor, tako No-To-Bic,
tho wonder-worker that makes woak men
strong. Many gain ton pounds in ten days.
Ovor 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bao from
your own druggist, who will guarantoo a
curo. 50c or $1.00. Eooklot and samplo
mailed freo. Ad. Sterling Bcmody Co.,
Chicago or Now York.
Coming Kvents.
Oct. 22. Entertainment and sociablo under
tho auspices of tho Jl. E. church choir.
Nov. 25. Thanksgiving dinner to bo given
by AH Saints Protostant Episcopal church,
cornor WCBt and Oak streets.
Nov. 2. Annual supper under auspices of
Ladles' Aid Society of tho Calvary Baptist
church, in Bobbins opsra houso.
Momontsaro useless if trifled away; and
they are dangerously wasted if consuniod by
dolay In cases whero Ono Minuto Cough Curo
wouiu urtng immeuiato roller, o. 11. llagcn
Sknfruny Trail Imirncl!onllo'.
Victoria, B. C Oct. B. J. J, Mc
Arthur, who went over the Skaguay
trail for the Dominion government, says
that the Sknguay trail is an imprnctlc
able one, horses dying and being killed
by hundreds, there being no food for
them beyond the summit. Alexander
trainer, who has also been on the Do
minion government survey, says that
the Stlckeen route Is the best.
Consumption is tho natural result of a
neglected cold. Dr. Wood's Norway Pino
Syrup cures coughs, bronchitis, asthma, and
all lung troubles down to tho vory border.
laud of consumption. ,
CUlcnco'H (.'oniinlsTtfon'ors ArrCsfcdJ
Chicago, Oct. E. The entire board o,f
commissioners of Cook county was' ar
rested yesterday on warrants taken
out by the Christian Citizenship League
of North Harvey, a Bmall town ad
joining Chicago. The county commis
sioners Issued a liquor license to Haps
Peetz, of the town of Bremen, Whose
saloon lies within the two mile limit
of the village of North Harvey. It
Is claimed the act of the board was a
violation of the local option law, which
gives incorporated cities and villages
the right to prescribe prohibition dis
tricts. Dr. Miles' Nervine Victorious.
Physical and Mental Exhaustion Gives
way to Vigorous Activity.
EV. W. T. nOUCK, the talented pas
tor or urace U. B. church, Carlisle,
Ponn., writes Septombor 28. 1805: 11 1
always onjoyed good health until in 1892, at
which time my duties as a clergyman were
of a peculiarly trying nature, subjecting
mo to several sevoro nervous shocks which
togothor with overwork and anxloty, Im
paired my general health and nervous sys
tem. Indeed I was In such a condition that
the mere sight of a largo congregation so
wearied me that it
would require a day
or more for me to re
cover from the ox
haustlon. It affords
mo great pleasure to
say that Dr. Miles'
Restorative Nervlno
and Restorative Tonlo
have done mo untold good. I preached
three times yesterday and I feel as fresh
and vigorous this Monday morning as I
over felt In my lite, thanks to your remedies.
Dr. Miles' Remedies aro sold by all drug
gists under a pssltlve guarantee, first bottle
benoDtfl or money refunded. Book on
Ileart and Nerves sent freo to all applicants.
DU. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
Celebrated Female
Powders never fall.
' 1U.U L1r iWtr. tLw
vitb Taor Fid I'enDTToyti
nmadiot). Alvayi buy tbe bet, ud void dlup
St beit In th market, A No. L liullCllUxi, 4 .
Digestion's Friend
Packing-house lard, with nil of its impurities nnd offensive
qualities, has been supplanted in the kitchens of thousands of 2
discriminating housewives by COTTOI13NE, the use of
which means better food, better health.
ta pure vegetable oil, combined with wholesome,
digestible beef suet. It is endorsed by physicians
as healthful and recommended by cooking experts
ns preferable to oil animal fats for shortening aud
frying purposes.
Tho (if nalno Cettelens is sl J evtrrnhf ro la oris to tf n ponnd
yellow tins, Willi our trade-murks "Cottoltm" nd Kr' hrad In
rorrnn-rjfrtnt wrMtA on overr tin. Not euarsnlced If sola la any
S other way. Made only by
jg Chicago. BULocU. Now York. Montreal
Faust Wheel
Hade to Fit.
A bicycle, in many respects, is like a suit ol
clothes. If you do not appear with ease and grace upon your cycle, it
is because it don't fit you. With ease aud grace also comes power.
Secure them all by ordering a special wheel, measured to fit by the
home manufacturer. A guarantee goes with every wheel. Patronize
home industry and secure a reliable wheel.
- - - - Repairing of all Kinds. - - - -BRANDONVILLE,
Harper's Book of Facts
In Combination With
Good Commissions and a New Field
First Come, First Served
HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers, New York City.
of any two newspapers in Shenandoah,
and steadily increasing, is the magnet
that draws advertisers to the
It Goes
The Homesfe
oi the people ; that's what makes the
Herald such a valuable, advertising
medium. It's a wide-awake newspaper
and prints all news promptly and accurately.
Our Job-
Is second to none in the interior of the
state. We are prepared to do work of
any description in the best possible man
ner and at the lowest prices consistent
with good material and first-class work.
Drop us a Postal
and our Solicitor will call on you and
take your order. Every business man
should have printed stationery, and the
place to get it is at the office of the
Evening Iberalb,
And Flowers, tlio Ilund or America, Cali
fornia. Via the true pathway, "The Iron Mountain
Route," which traverses a refeion of perpetual
sunshine, whero snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes are unknown. Pullman first
and second class palace and tourist sleeping
oars to points In Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and Now Mexico, Arlsona, California,
Oregon, WashIiiBton, Nebraska, Utah and
Nevada, without change, Qulok time, low
rates, and all the oomfurtsof modern railway
Improvements guaranteed to all who pur
chase tlckoU via the Missouri 1'aoiflc railway
system. For rates right frpm your homo,
llWusture, andull information, dropa postal
oard, J. r.McCsun, T. I. Agent. 810 Rail,
road avenue, Elmlra, N, Y., or 391 Uroail.
way, New York,
3-1-tf Y. . IJoyt, Q, U p. Agt.
8 Soutb Jatbln Street.
Pan?JAn'ln8ratnr e.CT' nd sllmu
inns. All instant cure for sour stoiimolm nil
uZ"heh ,U,a "uUtefroTuiv".
17 and IP Peach Alley, Shenandoah.
Wanfed-An Irion
Who can think
oi some sjrapia
tiling to pilenW
you wealth.
Pliant ittor.