The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 04, 1897, Image 3

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rlnjMes, fclotelios, blackheads, rod, rougli,
oil, motliy skin, Itching, scaly snojp, dry,
thirl, and falllmr hair, nuil baby blemtsbos
jiroventod by CtmctmA SoAr, iho most
ctTcellvo skin purifying and bonntlfylng
soaj). In tho world, as woll ns purest and
Rwootost for toilet, bath, and nursery.
6aArA1 ioM ihrotiftfiOTit th world. Fottik Dura
ADOnBM.Coir.,BoltrO! , 1lMtOT),U. 8 A,
aa'Ilowti I'rmnl FactHamori'mttltdfrct.
Piles or Hemorrh
FISSU16 & FlBtUlQfc.
Burns & Scolds.
In WnundB & Bruises.
sit : :
w- outs 5c bores.
Bolls St Tumors,
jff Eczema & Eruptions.
.. Salt Rh mm & Tetters,
j Chappst Hand?.
FoVor Blisters.
Soro Lli? & Ntfstrils.
Q Corne & Bunions.
Stings Bites Of Insects.
".Tlim. r: .rr. tnc. nnd .oo.
.. . . , . ,...,
ncxriiBKis' , m nmm8L,i.wtr,
For sal' nt
Povli sky's drug store, 28 East
ucntre Btreet
orations. J7i tjuUklu and surely
rtttoro Jjoet Vitality in oia or yoang, anu
4t n man f nr ttiH hnInWI fir rorUTtflSA
k TtisnnD en I fVm BM m r)M1n If
taken In Urns. Their no nhnws lramedtnto Improv. I
Rent aud vfleeti a CURB where nil others tail. In
Bistnmu harms the penulnf Ajax TaDieis. iney
hare ojreclthoaiands and will euro you. . t eie a
positive written guarantee to effect a onreln each case
orretund the money, l'rlcooo jentf ir rackaee,pr
six Backnsea trail treatment! for VUu. Dr tnail.i
plain wrapper, npon receipt ut price. Inrcular rree.
0 lira
ajaa LU.,
70 ll-arbora gt
ltltr, 111.
For sale In Shenandoah, Po., nt A. AVasley's
and ji.irun'8, urueeisis.
K Conn," !ttiaie6'
r.iitrn central or special debility, wakeful
rest, r.crmatorhrca, emissions, laipotency,
I .ires's, t:c . Corrects functional disorders, -y errors or excesses, quickly restoring
I. nit Manhood In old or young, giving vizor and
M'ff ih (: former weakness prevailed. Coa-
uteni p-iulc-w;e, simple, effectual, and legitimate.
Cur.c la Quick and Thorough.
Ptn't ht deceived cy imttationt; Insist on
(" NTON'S Vltallltrs. Sent sealed il your drut;.
I o fSr nnt have it. Price $1 per pkge, 6 lor 5,
vilh written guaranteo of complete cur.
3 iliHtnatinr. icferenres. etc.. free and confidential.
r--nd lit s(.ti'tiicntot enseand 25 cts. fur a week's
IrwunrtH. thic omy sent to each person.
CATO.- '1CD. CO., DOCTOli, MA8Q.
Pold at Kirlln's druc storo, Shenandoah, Ya
A tiiiiltifi lira un WOMAN'S RELIEF.
Aiwa Dramri anu rruaoie. ji iwi jihmpm,
Ai1.iir atrtrra A, wn( illrrrt farnl-ll I. Ilrif,. II.
Catok Krao. Co , Bmttin, Mail. Our book. 4c.
For sale ut Kirlln's drup; storo and Shenandoah
aruc store.
SSAFEAtia SURE. lKalo.r3R'T.0UAkfS SAfI
Foi at Povlnslry'a drug store, 28 JCt.
Centre street.
-EoatjiblV the only direct bencnt
Yr.n,til fmm n
j "t it i . u..t ti.t
is a good night s sleep ; but that
liolns thinirs next lav. Don t
you think so?
Dealers sell them.
Armstrong Cork Co., Pittsburg, Fa.
-A'Hahdsomo Complexion
Is ono of tho greatest charms a woman can I
possess. Fozzoni's CourLBXiON Fowdbb I
gives it.
lie most extensively
Jreulated and widely read newspnaar pul
llaneu 111 i'ennayivania. lis uiseusaion or pub
lic men and publio measures Is In tho Interest
of pulillo integrity, honest j;gvernment and
proaiwroualijijustry.aiKl It knotra, no party
or iieiaonal nUftfenue In .U-eMIne public
Issued, in tne Droaueai ana uei seiian
family nnd central newspaper.
Tnn Tmmo
1 nC 1 11UEO am. to hnve the lamest
circulation by deserving It, and clulma that It
is unsuriiaaaed In all the essentials of a creat
IDV Calll
Iropolitan newspaper. Speolinen copies 01
lV"'b0"e'1' ,rM tOBnyoue"eud-
ins their address.
X JUlVi'lO-DAII.Y. 8J0O per annum; tl.00
for four months; B0 ounta per month; de
livered by carriera for 6 cents ner woelc.
HUNUAY KDITION, B8 largtt, liandsome
paces 8M columns, elvRonllV illustrated,
iauiiiuicoioreu aunpiemeiil K.UU per an
num t 6 cents per copy. Dally nnd Sunday
t-.w )tt nuiium ; du oenis per montn.
Address all letters to
UfnntCfLAn Moa Y&SPJX'&r
UlllUU Mil lUUUhliibpktMi
iuf ydd weahb.
ls4 hit t too humtrou luTtmtloiui vuieil.
Torriblo Exporionoo of a Wrookq
Grew OIF Atlantio Oity.
Hero I o Ilut 1'tttllo EITorts of Ufol
Savors to llonoli tho Imporlllod Monl
During tho Storm Itosonoil After
tlto Storm Abiitod.
Atlantio City, Oct. 4. Tho crew of the
schooner wrecked off Longport Hatur
day night wore rescued yesterday and
landed on tho beach at Ocean City,'
Tho luckless craft was the Henry May
Captain W. O. Perry, from Portlan
Me., with a cargo of railroad tics.
For nearly 24 hours tho captain an-
his flvo men faced death. That the
did not meet It Is llttlo less than
miracle. The otory of their dread ex '
perience was told by Captain Perry
after food and warmth had restored
him. The vessel ran into the violent
northeast galo which raged along the
coast Friday night when off Uarnegat
She was headed for Delaware break
water, but the storm grew In fury and
she sprung a leak. All hands were
called to the pumps, but they were
feeble against the roaring waters.
Head on tho weakening vessel drove
crazlly beforo tho storm, when a crash
sounded abovo the screaming of wave
and wind, and the panting mariners
knew that tho sails had gone. A mo
ment later the ship swirled in a tre
mendous sea and capsized. This was
off Longport.
Men n while the schooner was sighted
from shore, but the task of rescue then
was hopeless. It was clear that no
boat could bravo the sea for more
than a few minutes. The Ocean City
life crow determined to try, and Peck's
Beach crew turned In to help. The
lifeboat was launched, and almost Im
mediately a huge wavo broke over her
and flung her angrily back upon the
Banda Agaln and ngaln wa9 the at.
temot made, only to meet with the
Some rebult.
Eventually the futility of tho work
was recognized, and the would-be res
cuers wore despairingly compelled to
abandon It. The news of the wreck
had spread and the beach was thronged
with persons, helplessly gazing at the
tossing hull. Sho drifted slowly down
the coast, her ahchor chains dragging
and wave after wavo breaking over
her. When she capsized a thrill of
horror went over the onlookers, but a
moment later the forms of the sailors
were seen clinging to the plunging
Captain Perry tried to give some no
tion of what they felt as they watched
the falling attempts at rescue. Death
loomed before them, but they prayed
that it might be balked. Night fell
like a death pall. With the cold be
numbing their faculties, and exhaus
tion creeping over them, they clung to
the spars with the desperate love of
life known only to those who have
faced death. Thus the awful night
passed. With the welcome sunlight
came a lull In the storm, and they
knew their prayers had been heard
At the first streak of light the weary
watchers on shore put out a boat,
safely reached the wreck, and carried
the weakened seamen back to earth.
There was a burst of joy that Is akin
to tears when the gallant boat crunch
ed against the sands and the storm
bound sailors were lifted out. Women
hugged life savers, men danced madly
about, and a cheer went up louder than
tho breaking waves.-
Captain Perry says this Is his last
sea trip. He thinks the hull of the
schooner Is worth saving. She was
owned by the Berlin Mills company, of
Ilor Crow of Forty-llvo or Plfty Won
ISvldontly Drowned.
Halifax, N. S., Oat. 4. Tho British
barkentlne St. Peter, before reported
having passed at sea and making for
Halifax in distress, arrived here yes
terday. She was partially dismasted
In a hurricane that struck her on the
night of Sept. 8, compelling her to put
about for Halifax In order to repair tho
damage. Captain Skallng brings the
startling report that the storm through
which his vessel passed was the cause
of sending to the bottom a four masted
Iron sailing ship, which must have car
ried a crew of at least 45 or 50 men.
The St. Peter and the other vessel had
been sailing within sight of each other
all day on the 8th, but never came
wlthlri hailing distance.
when evening closed in the big ship
could be plainly seen from the deck
of tho St. Peter. Her lights were In
slsht for some time after dark. Then
the hurricane swept over the ocean, and
the crew of the St. Peter had all they
could do to keep their vessol afloat,
Bhe was thrown on her beam endS( and
remained In that position for ten hours,
during which tho crew were lashed to
various parts of the deck work. Spars
and sails were carried away, as well
as the deck load, and nearly all the
water casks.
When the St. Peter righted herself
on the 9th nothing was to be seen of
the four masted ship sighted the day
before, but shortly after the barken
tlne passed the floating wreck of a
ship's deck and deck house, which the
crew Identified ns belonging to their
sailing companion of the previous day.
llnoklen's Arolcs Salre.
The best salve (n the world for cats.
bruises, sore, ulcers, Bait rheum, fevor sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all akin emotions, and nositlvoly cures piles,
1 . . . . . .
or 40 pay required. It M guaranteed 10 givo
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
85 cents per box. For Bale br A. Waaloy.
The Aiitl-RumliUnir Amoudmont.
Trenton, Oct. -4. The latest figures
from the different county seats indicate
that the antl-gambllng amendment
may have been carried after all by a
majority of 100 or 300. It will require
the otflclal figures to positively de
termine the result.
nouaehold Hecesslty
Qucarete Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, act gontly and
positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure
JioodaoUo, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. I'loase buy and try a box of
C. 0. 0. to-day ; 10, 36, 60 conts. Sold and
guaranteed to care by all druggists.
rersonally-Uouducted Tours via l'ennsyl
vnnla ltullroad.
The following tours have been arroncod for
the season of 1807
Two ten-day tours to Gettysburg, Luray
Caverns, Natural Ilrldge, Virginia Hot
Springs, Bicbmond, and Washington, Sep
tember 38 and uctoocr iz. uuu, foo iron
Now York, fOS from Philadelphia.
If you have ever seen a little child in a par
iivsm of whoonlne couik. or if you hav
Py whooping cougk or if you have
een annoyed by a conatant tickling in the
throat, you can appreciate tho value of Ono
Minute Cough Wire, wuieu gives quioit ru-
!"!' u. u. uagenoucn,
Hot"; mid SureicTI Tftstuatc. ot UullaU V
N. Y No nther physician has had a moil
extensive practice or greater success In thl
treatment of women s uiseases. no oilier
inch nerfi-ct and scientific remedy for these
ailments has ever been devised. It lias re
stored health, strength and womanly power
to tens of thousands of women.
Women who would understand their own
powers and possibilities should read Doctor
I'ieree'a taousanu page musiraiea oook.
The People's common sense Aieaicai
Adviser." It is the most interesting and
5nlleh.tetil.iir book of the kind ever pub
lished. A paper-bound copy will be sent
absolutely free to any one sending ai one
cent alamos to pay the cost of mailing only.
f Vlriss, Worm's uispcnsary medical as-
uciuioii, iiuttaio, jn. x. ror a nanasome
loth-bound copy send jl stamps.
Thousand! of happy men pronounce this
work the means of their phvsfoal salvation.
It gives the latest scientific facts concerning
it describes tho only known method of at
taining fullest natural manly vltfor.
It points out Homo Treatment for all ex
cesses and sexual disbarments.
It shows how to cure nervousness, hope
lessness, despondencv.
AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT" sent froe. In
plain wrapper, sealed securely, to tho address
of any sincere inquirer, by the Krie Medical
Company, 64 Niagara St., Buffalo, N. Y.
itSHt 1 Ba&sllalbi PHILADELPHIA, PA.
Nelf-nlup. Hpeclnl il:uief Var
icocele, HLrloturei. lVo Citttlntr
Niunii umieveiopeii uriranitvi.011
Innllcnvea. Freah caiei cured In 4
'tolOilaya. ScndloctB. atampafor hook:
Qaaclta&xakeXnBtltutea.iuclr tricks & acucmea.
Steel I Pennyroyal Treatment
is tho oriRinal and only FRENCH
safe and reliable care on the mar
ket, l'rice. $1.00; sont by mail.
Qennlno sold only by
S. P. KIR1IN, Shenandoah.
That's why they enjoy their COFFI5B.
Any EToeer can tell you why customers
keep coming back for snnZ.IG'3.
Tralna leAve Shenandoah as follows !
For New York via Philadelphia, week days.
2 10, S 88. 7 03 9 M a. m., U 83, 8 10 and 6 07 p
1 Bunuays, z iu a. m.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
o us, 7 On a. m., L ms ana a 113 p. m.
For KemllnB ana i-nuaaeipnia, wceic unys
2 10. 5 80. 7 03. 9 61 a.m.. 12 33. 8 10 and 0 07 n. m
Kiiniluva. 2 10 a. m.
For Fottavine, weeic aays, i lu, 7 w, u si a. m.,
11 S3. 8 10. 8 07 and 7 25 D. m. Sundavs. 2 10 a. m
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days
z 10, o bo, 7 ua, a oi a. m., u la, a iu ana o U7 p. m.
Bundavs. 2 10 a. m
For Wllllamspon, Hunbury ana iewlsburg,
weeic aays. a o uo, ix j a. m.t ana 7 zo p. m.
Sundays, 8 25 a. m.
n ( r I Ill I. n 1. writ
ror nuaiutiiuy & luuo, weeuttj., iu. a t uw,
7 05. 9 W, 11 80 a. m Ii 83, 8 10, 6 07, 7 25, 9 85 and
11 40 p. m. Bunaays. .iu,Kx) a. m.
For Ashland and Shamokln. week dava. 3 25.
586,708, 1180 a. m., 807, 723 and 1 55. p.m.
Bundava. 8 25 a. m.
For Baltimore, washlnirton and the west via
B.&O. II. It., through trains Ie-i Readme
Terminal, rnuaaeipnia, ,1 ec . u al aaj,
7 55, 11 28 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p. im. Sundays,
o JU, I W, uai n. (11,, o o U11U I -1 l. HI. AUUl-
lionai irains xrom xweniy-iounu ana unest-
nut streets siauon, weec aays, iu ou a. m. jzu,
12 10 s o p.m. aunaays, i bo, -as p, m,
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 1215, 4 DO, nooa, m., ana i bu, I bo, 00 p,
m. Sundavs. 5 00 n. m.
Leave New York via Mauoli Chunk, week
days, 4 80, 9 10 sum., 1 80 and 4 15 p. m.
Leave l'hlladelnhla. Reading Terminal, week
days, 4 20, 8 85, 10 10 a. m. and 1 42, 4 05, 80, 11 SO
p. m. nanuays, 11 tj . m.
Tave KeadlnK.week days, 1 85, 7 10,10 03, a, m.
12 00 m., 4 19, 8 00 and 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 185
a m.
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 235, 7 40 a. m.,
n uu ana o u p. m. Dunuays,
Leave Tamaaua. weeic aavs. a xo, b aa. u xo
m 1 88, 5 61, 7 20 and 9 43 p. m. Sundays, 8 18
a. m
Iave Mahanoy City, week days, 12 20, 8 45.
9 12 11 47 a. m.. 2 17, 6 18, 6 17, 7 44 and 1008 p. m.
Sundays. 12 26, 8 45. .m. ,
jeave aiananoy -iiio, we. ubj.,,..,
400 8 80.9SS. 1036. 1159 a. in., 232, 532, 888,
7 67, 10 22 f m. Sundays, It 40, a o, 4 ou a. m.
Leave vllliamsKirt, weK uuya, i iun
i 4 00 and 11 80 p. m. Sundays, 11 80 p. m.
Ttave Philadelphia Chestnut street war and
South atrectwhaif for Atlantio City.
Weekdays Express, 9 00 a. m., 2 00, 4 00,
6 00 p. m. Aoeoiuroodatlon, 8 00 a. m., 8 30 p. m.
SuiKtays isjprees, v
ays Ejpress, 000, 10 00 a. m. Acoomnioda
8 00 a. in . 1 45 l). m.
tluil, 8 00 a. m., 4 45 p. m.
Ileturnlng leave Atlantio City depot, corner
Atlantio and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 90, 9 00 a. m., S DO, 5 80
p. m. Accommodation, S IS a. m., 405 p. m.
Sundays Express, 403, 780 p. m. Accom
modation, 7 15 a. ra., 4 15 p, m.
Parlor Cars on all pxpreaa trains.
For further Information, aimlv to nearest
Philadelphia and Heading itnllwny ticket agent
or auurasa
I. A. Hwiioiiiii. Rnaofr J. Wax far a.
Qsn'l Sunt., fJen'l Porfr Agt.,
Keauing Terminal, j'biiaueipma.
tin' I.lttli' Wolntiinnn Succumbs to
Mm l.urli, thp I hllndolphln Flyer.
1'iuUdelphla, Oct. 4. Frank Star
m' k, of this city, on Saturday per
formed one of the greatest oyollng
fcati "t the season when he defeated
the h r tofcre unbeatten long dlstaneo
king "t i-yrledom of '97 Jimmy Mich
ad Hi!' tioard track nt Willow Grove
was the scone of the contest. For 47
minutes and a small fraction besides
the two great hour racers struggled
fi.r the victory, and when Starbuck's
5vh". i fln.illy shot over the finishing
' 11m hf winner by about tan feet, tho
cnMius-lasm of tho 8,000 spectators,
j wl ii ad constantly grown from the
i st irt . r the race until It reached its
he in ht in the last mile of the magnlfl
j ec nt riding, broke forth.
Si ir. i'ly had the wheels shot across
j the tape than fully one-half of tho
spr. taturs leaped over the fences,
sv armed ncross the field nnd mado n
rush for the only man who had this
year cinnuered the midget, who Is In
deed n phenomenon of cycledom. On the
far turn Klarbuck was stopped by an
enthusiastic crowd and for nearly ten
minutes ho was given such an ovation
as few athletes have over received. Half
a dozen men grabbed him and In an In
stant he was on their Bhouldors and be
ing carried across the field. Thousands
Bwarmed around the victor, each trying
to wring his hands, from one of which
he waved an American flag, while tho
stands fairly shook with applause, and
the enthusiasm was so Intense that tho
announcers finally. In disgust, gave up
the effort to tell the time of the red
Iettor event In cycledom of tho season.
During the excitement the sextetto
struck a man, and all the riders wero
thrown and slightly hurt.
Starbucks time was 47.02 2-5. Mich
ael's time, 47.02 3-5. But for the strong
wind all records would have been
For eastern Pennsylvania, New Jer
sey nnd western Pennsylvania: Fair;
slowly rising temperature; light south
erly winds. For District of Columbia,
Delaware and Maryland: Fair; warm
er; easterly winds, becoming southerly.
For Weak nnd Run Down Peonle.
UiUJIT IT IQ t Tho richest of all restora
WflHI II IO I tlyo foods, becauso it ro
places tho ensontlats of lire that aro ex
hausted by disease. Indigestion, lileli 11 vine.
overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc
UUAT IT nflFCI By making the blood
WHMI II UUCOI nuro and rich and the
digestion perfeO-lt creates solid llesb,
nmsclo and strength. The nerves being
made strong the brain becomes astlve and
clear. It restores lost vitality, stops all wast
lng drains and weakness In either sex, and
ns a female regulator has no equal. Price
60c, orflvo boxes 82.00. Druggists orbymnlL
WO can neipyou. Aavice anaoooic, ireo,
Wrlto Us About Your Caoo7
1613 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia.
Onlv Is nosslblo. whether ns a teat
excellence In Journnllntn, or for the
measurement of quantities, time or value
.Record . . .
After a career of i.cnrlv twentv vc
uninterrupted crowth Is Justified in claim
itei c-rowt i in instilled in claim i
lng that ihe i standard first established by
Its founders Is the ono true test of
A Perfect Newspaper
To publish ALL THE NEWS promptly and
succinctly nnu in tno most renuauie jotih,
without elision or nnrtlBait bios; to discuss
besides a complete recotu oz current i
tliniiirlit fnnolf.. .ml fllacoveries in all de
partmcnta of human activity in Its DAILY
EDITIONS of from 10 to 11 PAGES, and to
provldo the whole for Its putrona at th.
nominal price of ONE CUNT-That was
from tho outset, anil will continue to be tb.
aim oi Till. KIX'OKU.
The Pioneer
One cent morning newspaper In the United
States, The Record, still LEADS WUERH
Witness Its unrivaled average dally clrculatloa
exceeding loo.uuu copies, anu an average
eicecdlnt 120,000 copies for Its Sunday
editions, while Imitations of Us plan of
publication in every important city oi me
country testify to the truth of the assertion
that In the quantity and nuallty
tcnts.nnd In the price at hl
of Its con-
ft. 14 . .,.1,1
Tlin lecnrd baa eatabllahed the standnrd bv
which excellence In Journalism must be
The Daily Edition
Of The Record .will be sent by mall to any
address for 13.00 per year or S5 cents per
The Daily and Sunday
Editions together, which will five Its readers
tho best and freshest Information of all that
Is going on In the world every day In th.
year including holidays, will Wo sent tor
l. una year or no cents per montn.
Record Building,
Philadelphia, Fa.
The first of American Newap.i-
pers, CnARIliS A. DANA.TWitor.
The American Constitution, the
American Idea, the American Spirit.
These first, last and all the time.
Dally, by mail, - $6 a year
Dally & mall, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper In
the world
Price 5c. a copi.
Address fUE sun. Hew York.
Torriblo Soones in tho Traok of the
Manitoba Conflagration.
Tho ITIros Cnmo Upon Thoin In Two
Dlrootlons, UuttliiK OfT tlio Usenpo
of Two Womon nnil PIvo Clilldron.
Many Prtmlllos Itumoloss.
Winnipeg, Man., Oct. 4. The prnlrlo
fire which raged all over tha country
on Saturday, being fanned and driven
by a gale of wind, died out during tha
night and yesterday morning's sun
dawned upon a terrible seens of death
and devastation. Farm houses, Imple
ments, crops nnd live stock were every
where consumed, and many farmers
lost their all.
A most lamentable story comes from
Beausejour, 40 miles east of this city,
where two women and five children
named Moreski were burned to death.
Fire came upon their house, which was
In the woods, from two dlreotlons sim
ultaneously, and shut off all means of
escape. Only a few charred remains
were found.
There wero many narrow escapes.
Carcasses of horses, cattle and sheep
are lying all over the district and a
number of families of foreigners are
homeless and utterly destitute.
At Bagot, 70 miles west, the Cana
dian Pacific railroad station and seven
cars, tho Dominion Grain oompany's
elevator, with 20,000 bushels of wheat,
Iiawrle's store, Hiffglnbotham's, Bu
chanan's and Link's stables, a cold
storage warehouse and Farmer Wal-
dron's farm buildings and crops were
totally destroyed. The little town was
practically wiped out of existence.
At Stony mountain flro ran up to the
Canadian Pacific railroad platform,
where by desperate efforts Its progress
was stayed. Much hay and grain was
consumed in this district.
In the Lake Francis district, north
west of the city, there was also Im
mense destruction of crops. A young
farmer named Markham wa9 terribly
burned while trying to save his prop
erty. At Oakland, on the Portage
branch of the Northern Paclllo railroad,
several hundred cords of wood and
thousands of tons of hay wore licked
up. Just southwest of this city there
Is a large hay marsh, and fire was
driven over this in a terrible manner,
consuming everything In Its course.
Nearly every farmer lost his hay and
their grain and Implements.
There were large herds of cattle pos
turing on the marsh, and today the
charred carcasses of tho animals dot
the ground every few paces. Jack rab
bits and prairie chickens were also an
nihilated. The people In this city wero
anxious for some hours, as It was fear
ed that the fire would come Into the
suburbs, where many valuable resi
dences aro located. A timely change of
the wind averted this threatened dan
ger. Ohio's l'loroo Prnlrlo Flro.
Columbus, O., Oct, 4. A special from
Chicago Junction says; The prarle flro
is still raging here. The flames have
reached the gardens and village of the
Hollander's Celery company, and hun
dreds of men aro fighting to keep the
flames from entering the village. Over
3,000 acres of farm land lie In waste,
and many families have deserted their
homes, leaving crops and stock to per
ish In tho flames. Tho damage already
done amounts to thousands of dollars.
Dout give them tea or coffeo. Have you tried
tbo new food drink called Qrain-O? It is
delicious and nourishing and takes the place
f cofleo. Tho moro Grain-0 you tive the
children tho moro health yon distribute
tnroucu incir systems, urain-u is maue oi
puro grains, and when proporly prepared
I..,.. ni. .i, !,! .. f r. w
Uoifjil nau tuu viiuivu ajinuvo vs. vuuvu mu v
I costs about I as much.
All grocers sell it.
15c and 25c
Trenton Siilvutlonlits'Arrosteil.
Trenton, Oct. 4. Captain Hurdman
and three lieutenants of tho Salvation
Army were arrested laBt night by the
Pllce tor disorderly conduct In singing
ana piayinirinusicui ljiBtcuintinis in mo
streets. They had been warned to de-
plat, but Ignored the warning. They
spent the night In cells at police head'
quarters, where they kept up the Blng
Small precautions often prevent ereat mis-
cbloia. uowut's .Little isany i.isers are very
small Dills In size, but are most effective iu
preventing tho most sorious forms of liver
and stomach troubles, xney cure constipa
tion and headache and reeulato tho bowels.
O. II. Ilaccnhuch.
Tom Johnson to Sfiimp Far Oool-cro.
New York, Oct. 4. Former Congress
man Tom Li. jonnson, or uieveiana,
has come to this city to work for Henry
Goorge. Mr. Johnson has won lame by
his hustling campaigns in Ohio. Mr,
George declares he Is In the fight to
stay, and that ho will win.
Certainly vou don't want to suffer with dys
I nensia. constipation, sick headache, sallow
I skin and loss of appetite. You huvo never
triod DoWitt's Little Early Klsers for thoeo
I complaints or you would have been cured,
They aro small pills but great regulators. O.
1 II, Haccubuch.
Mrs. Atklnrion MustStand Trial.
ninnvllle. "W. Va., Oct. 4. Mrs. Myra
Atkinson, wife of the governor of West
Virginia, must stand trial on a charge
nf foreery. Judge iiuzzara, in me cir
cuit court, handed down a aecicion
overruling her demurrer to the indict
ment, and the trial began today.
Tho "Bicyclist's Best Friend" la a familiar
name for DeWltt'a Witch llaiei salve, ai
wava ready for emergencies. While a specltli
I for piles, it also instantly relieves and cures
cuts, liruisea, sail rneum, eczema anu uu
auections or tno skid, it nover tans. u. ii
I llagenbuoh.
Tobn(io()"rntrnut Ulnter Dead.
Richmond. Va.. Oct. 4. Major Lewis
Hlnter. a oillllonalre cigarette manufao
turur, uieu dhiui-un uigm ni vvPHl'
brook, Ilia country home, near this city.
IJrlght's disease was the cause of his
death. He was 73 years old and a vet
eran of I lie Confederate army.
ilunnlniiBoroe. indolent ulcers and simlla
trouhlas. even thouch of many year's 8tand
Incr. may bo oured by uuug uewltl s Wletu
Uazel Salve. It soothes, strengthens and
heals. It is a groat pllo euro. U. 11. llngen
Won a 'Vlotlm of RnrirlflrH,
Harrlsburg, Oct. 4. A post mortem
examination of the body of George It
Pyne, late chief page ot the house ot
representatives, was made yesterday
by four olty physicians. It disclosed
that death was due to a blow on tha
head. Inflicted by the burglars who as
saulted and robbed Mr. Pyne recently
in an Atlantic City hotel. The dead
man's friends will endeavor to appre
hand hie assailants and punlsb them.
To heal the broken and diseased tissues.
Du mall' 0 n tair footlie tlio frrltnted surfaces, to lutUutly ro
ll; mall, ill jcar neve and to permanently on re is the rolnsioo
or uewui'8 wituuiiaxeisuiYO. u. it. iiugeu
i uucu.
k WontSErS
Devotes Much of Her
JVom IAe Evening
ln. John Tdnscy, of ISO Maker Street,
Detroit, Michigan, is one of those women
who always know Just what to do in all
trouble nnd stateness. One that il a mother
to (hose In diitress. To a reporter she said :
"I am the mother of ten children and
have raised eight of them. Hcvornl years
ago no had a serious time witli my daughter,
which began when she was about sixteen
years old. She did not have any serious
illness but seemed to gradually wnste awny.
Having never had any consumption in our
families, as wo come of good old Irish and
Scotch descent, wo did not think it was that
disease. Neither did she have a hacking
cough, yet she grew thinner nnd paler each
day. Our doctor called tho disease by nn
odd immo which, as I afterward learned,
meant lack of blood.
"It is impossible to describe the feelings
John nnd I had as we noticed our daughter
slowly pnsilup away from us. As n last re
sort I was induced to try Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People, made by the 1'r. Wil
liams Medicine Company, Schenectady,, N.
Y., which I understood contained in a con
densed form nil the elements necessary to
givo new lilo and richness to tho blood and
peppa. Railroad.
Trains will leave Bhenantloah alter the nbovt
date for WlKgans, Gllherton, Frnokvllle, Dark
Water, St. Clair, Pottsvllle. Hamburg, Re .din
Potlbtown, Fhoentxville, Xorrlstown and Phi)
adelphla (Iirond street station) at C 03 and 1109
a. m. and 4 20 p. m. on week days. Sundays,
6 03 n. in., 3 10 p. m. For I'ottsvilln and Inter
mediate stations only 9 17 a. m. week days.
Sundays, 9 45 a. m.
Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah al
10 40 a. m. and 1281, S4I, 7 52 and 10 17 p. a,
Sunday, 11 13 a. m. and 5 41 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah nt 10 15
a. m. and 12:03, 8 15, 7 25 and 10 20 p. in. Sunday
at 10 40 a. m., 5 15 p. m.
Leave Phllndelplria, (Ilroad street station), I.
Shenandoah at 5 57, 8 85and 10 10 a. in., 4 10 and
f p. m. week days. Sundays leave nt 6 50 a. to.
Leave Broad street station, Philadelphia, iu.
Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Lom
Branch, and Intermediate stations, G50, R.35
11.39, a. m.,3.80 and 4.00 p. m. week-days. Sun
days, 8 25 a. ni.
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Ripress, week-days. 0 20, 4 On, 4 00 8 15, 6 50,
7 83,8 20,833,9 60,10 21 (Dlnliu; Car), 11 00 a. m,
12 00 noon, 12 85 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p.m.
Dlnlnc Cars), 140, 2 30 (I)lnlng Car) 3 20, 8 80.
4 00, 5 00,5 50 (IMntllK Car). 6 00, 7 02,7 43, 10 00
in M i- 1 n n rw"i t rut t m K
8 20,8 83,0, 10 21. (Di. tnff Ctu), 11 35 n. in.'
12 35,105iDinlnir Car) 2 CO (Dining Car), 4 00
no. t w, 4 iu uw p. m., ui minis.
KxprcBS for Jkmton without change, 11 00 ft m.,
ecK-uays, nnu w p, m., tinny.
For IJtltlmoro nnd AVashliieton. 3 CO. 7 20. 8 32.
10 20. 1123, n. m.. 12 (W, 12 31 (Dii.iiiR
Cnr), 1 12. 3 18, 4 -11, 5 19 Ooncres
slonnl Limited. Dining Car, 017. CM Din
lng Cnr, 7 31 Dining Carl p. m., nnd 12 05
nigui weeic unys. nununys, if ou, 7 wm. v iz, 11 xi,
n. m., 1209, 1 12, 4 41, 515 ConKreflslonnl Lim
ited, Dining Car, 0 M Dining Car, 7 31 Din
ing Car p. m. nnd 12 03 night.
Leave Broad street station via Dclnwnro river
bridge Ks press, 7 05 p. m. dally.
LfCavQ -Market btreet won isxpros., oj
00. 4 00.5 00 p. m. Sundays. 8 45. 0 45 n. in.
(accommodation 4 30 nnd 5 00p m.)
For Cape May. Apglesea, Wild wood nnd Holly
T7nnA1. Clnn Into. rlt.r rnn.n Ai.n.nn nnil
Stono Harbor Exprea?, 9 00 a. ra., 400, p. m.
weeic unys. ounuays, u w n. m.
lor Homers roint express, aw, a.,
00, 5 00, p. m. week days, Sundays, 8 45 a. ni.
Gen'l Manager. Oen'l lass'g'r Agt.
A genuine rrolcomo waits you at
Cor. lain and Coal Sts.
Plneat whlskevs. beers, norler and ale
constantly on tap. Choice emperance drinks
ana clears.
Celebrated Female
I'owders never tall
'ju.iwO lAcliMucclare tlma
nfe and iura ran.r'faillna
wllh Taaiy m Pennyroyal 1111a and oiher lik"
nwruvliMi Alirav. huvthe h-at and avo d dlMD
polntmHlt. Cuaranteed aupertoV to all othcra ltottlTAa
SeUct In the martrt, ANoTl. 1'articulan, 4 CU. Dr.afS
9lX. lluk Bay. Bortoo, Maaa.
and all
For Sale at KIRLIN'S
25 so mmMaL! DRUGGISTS
ABSOLUTELY GDARAKTEED !? ru s ""orron.llpatloti. Carsts an the Meal laxa
nilOUIiU llllll UUHUHH 1 BLU ii,, . ih n r rip or arlpe.bBt raaae easy natural r-glts. Sstn.
pie anil tHMkltt free. Id. RTFUI.If: IH nt 111 I ((.. I'hlraito, Montreal. Can.. ..r New , ik sr.
Time to the Benefits of
She Helps Them.
Kenvi, DHntt, Mleh.
restore shattered ncrve.i. Before she had
taken half a box, there was a decided change,
and after three months' treatment you would
not have recognised her, as her health was
so gri ntly improved. Bhe gained in flesh
rapidly nnd soon was in perfect health. I
have always kept the pills in the house since
and have recommended them to every one I
could. I have told many mothers about
thrm nnd they have made sonio wonrlrrlul
cures. One of the girls had a vouhk lady
friend that came to the house almost every
day, and she was a sight. Honestly, she
seemed Hlmoet transparent. I did not care
lo have my daughters associate with her, na
I was afraid she would drop dead some day
when they were out on the street. I recom
mended and begged her to take Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People and told
her of their sterling qualities and how tho
cost was slight, boing only 60 cents a box or
six boxes for $2.60, at any druggist's. Final
ly I Induced her to try them.
"They helped her wonderfully, and un
doubtedly saved her life. out. now recommend-;
them to other young women.
"Every mother in this land should keep
these pills in the house, as they are Rood for
many other ailments. I don't believe in
doctoring and never spent much money in
medicines, but I can recommend Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills to every mother that has
a daughter just coming into womanhood."
Graduate and Late Resident House Surgecr ot
tho University BJtate, of.J. Y.
llRADQUAnTEHS illotel Franey, Shenandoaa
Calls night or day promptly responded.
OITlce Kgan Imllrilnpr, corter of Main and
Centre stroets, Shcnnndoali.
J. 11
Bhenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre streets.
Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Having studied under some of tho best
masters li' London and Paris, will give lessons
on tho violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal culture.
Tcrme reasonable. Address In care of Strouse,
tho Jeweler Shenandoah.
Agent and Bottler of . .
Porter and Weiss Beer.
203 W. Coal Street,
are progrosns'e and keep luformoil of
tlia World's Progress. Tho well in- H
formed and tlirlfty Ilouao-wlfo will
always Ueej) E
In tho Iioums at a sdindard remedy for S
Buralns. Brulees. CraniiM. ItlioumatlBm. iS
aolies and )aiiis. 2
r-'"2!icli. aHdtOcts.perlieMir.
ii i.) II. 1. HACKEIT & CO., Paiudelphla.
.'. ..j.. in doubt to use lot
r.c, l ULbilh Lii cf Power,
1 1;' :i..icy.Auuphy,Varicoceleand
un.jr wcaane:
firm an, ra Ita
use Sesine i'HW. Drains checked
and lull vigor quhfiy restored.
If BUkmaT. .oca IruAir. rcaall faUnr.
Mailedfor$l.on;6boics6.00. With
$SM order!- we (five a guarantee lo
cure or refund the money. Addreae
ut. mcuiuinc.t.u.lcieveianoUr
Druir Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
f.a.a-Q a-. .a .