The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 01, 1897, Image 4

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The Homo of Hood's JtjrsafjArllla
A Wonderful Cure.
" A swelling as big as a large marble
Camo under my tongue. I,liysle;iii''.nld It
Was nfleml-lrsnspnrent tumor iml must lie
operated upon. I felt I could not stnnd it,
and as spring came liegAit to tako my
favorite spring tonic, Hood's BarsH partita.
The bunoh gradually decreased and finally
disappeared. I have h& no sign of its re
turn. I am glad to praise Hood's Ftarsapa
tllla." Mrs. II. M. OOBORN, 8 Union St.,
Lowell, Mass. Got HOOD'S.
Hood'8 Pills cure 8I0I1 Headache. 25o.
Offices, stores, societies, etc.,
with all the books neewwary
to do their business. We
keep a full line of Day
Books, Journals, Ledgers,
Cash Books, Order Books,
Pens, Pencils, Ink, etc., con
stantly on hand. A trial
order solicited.
North ISlaln S5t.
We maio a specialty ot Gasoline, 60c
In live gallon lots delivered. Mica and
U. S. axlo greeso.
...Also Headlight Oil, 150 Fire Test.
82 Knot Coftl St.,
Mali orders proiurtIy attended to.
In a Very Bad Condition.
"Jly blood was in a very bad condition
and I was so tired all the time that I was
hardly able to go up or down stairs. I was
also troubled with sores and pimples on my
face. A friend advised me to tako Hood's
Sarsnparllla, uud I did so, Tho eruptions
havo now disappeared and the tired feeling
has left me." Miss IIkka Carlson-, 180 N.
12th St.. Fhlladolpbia.
Hood's Tills act easily and promptly.
Killed Ii.v u "liuyollHt.
Washington, Oct. 1. Zephanlah
Junes, one ot the oldest and most re
uppptcd builders and contractors in the
city, was killed yesterday by injuries
resulting from a collision with a mld
dlo aged bicyclist named Iteuben F.
Gray, who Is employed as a clerk In one
of the branches of the government
rrlntlng ofllce. Mr. Gray was arrested
and held to await the result of a cor
oner's Inquest. Mr. Jones was 83 years
old. but exceedingly active and vigor
ous. After serious Illness flood's Sarsaparilla has
wonderful buildinc up power. It purifies
the blood and restores perfect health.
Ask your ernrir n
Lho "Koynl ratont'
nour, and tako no oth.
f is the best
ar made,
Undertaking in - -
- - all its Branches.
Open Day and Night.
Cor, White
and Lloyd
Shenandoah. J
15 Bars of Soap for
E. B..
Our Fall
Our stock was never more complete. Young man, buy yourself a nice light felt coat ; we have just
what you want. We give you a good fit and a good coat at a very small cost. Dark Overcoats in
Beavers, Kerseys, Cheviots, Chinchillas and Mountenacks to suit everybody. Buy one now while the
sizes is full ; you save money and we get your custom.
Blouse Suits, Junior Suits, Reefer Suits ; a collection of the
5,000 Pairs of Single Pants, different kind, buy
niiKnlna Throughout tlie Ooutitr)
UhrmitfllMl for llnnty l'eru.Jil.
Tin- new Indue of Klka will be instituted at
Ashland this evening.
UeailiiiK elty's retail coal denier lwve
raised prires In cents a ton.
Iiniimkin i negotiating for the locating of
a hljr slitrt factory in tl it town.
Hohert Hnhh, of Turtle Creek, claims heir
ship to 800,000 worth of land In West New
tun. Evan Pugh, a Are boss, was killed by a fall
of rock in Clear Spring eolllery, at West
Ilroukvllle wheelmen have procured an In
junction agalnstnti ordina nee etaettiig license
fees for bicycles.
Judge lleehtel will sit In court mi Saturday
morning at 10 o'clock to hear petitions for
A New York sewing machine Arm alms to
establish a shirt factory at Heading that will
employ 100 hands.
The fallen nliuttnent of a bridge at Wash
ington street, Pottsvllle. blockaded Heading
trains near the freight depot.
John 11. Leisenring, candidate for Mayor,
has accepted the appointment of tax collector
for the county In Hatleton.
Dr. J. 11. Mlnton, a Craysville druggist, ap
pears to be dying of blood poisoning due to
.i alight scratch on his finger.
lMttsburg was nnder such n pall of com.
binetl smoke and fog yesterday that electric
lights were burned from morning till night.
Governor Hastings has signed the death
warrant of Herman Scliults, the Pike county
wife murderer. The day fixed for the execu
tion is Tuesday, December 7.
Jesse and William Major have purchased
the washery and leased the coal bank of the
Sheafer Kstate at Middleport, and will com
mence operations immediately.
Directors of the Philadelphia City Trusts
yesterday inspected Uirard estate properties
at Uirardville and llrandonville, and left for
home via Taraaqua, Lunsford and Munch
On June 29, 18B7, a temporary loan of
$110,000 was made from the Miners' National
Ilauk, of Pottsvllle, by the County Coruiuis
.doners. It was due September SO, and was
promptly twill in lull.
The wedding of Thomas A. Slattury, P. A
It. Station Agent, at New Philadelphia, and
Miss Lucy Hooney, daughter of the late
Michael ftoouey, Is announced to take place
at 0 o'clock next Wednesday.
After long litigation and a former reversal.
Simon Yon Steuben yesterday got a verdict
nt Eastern for $2737 against the Jersey Central
Hailroad for damage caused by a locomotlvi
spark that burned his barn at Dryland.
A $5000 penalty will bo Imposed by tin
state upon each street railway corporatioi
within its jurisdiction that fails to rcpor
within three days as to its operations for last
year. These companies exist In the main on
paper only.
Warning to Nervous 1'nrcnU.
Nervous mothers and fathers mako their
children nervous and under these Influences
a good bring up" is Impossible, in
citement surrounds such children from thoii
earliest years. The father aud mother take
turns in being cross, and disputes over trivial
matters are frequent. The puzalo is that the
household stays intact under those conditions,
hut it generally does and tho children suffer.
Do you expect such children to grow up Into
e.ilni, useful men and women? Isn't It a great
injustice to give young lives such a handicap?
This condition of things can bo remedied, but
the local doctor has nothing in his cabinet
that will smooth tho troubled domestic pea.
Such things are beyond his reach. Dr.
Greene, the great specialist, of 35 Wost 14th
Street, Now York City, discoverer of tho
wonderful Norvura, will give you advice
that will tako tho cloud from your homes.
His remedies sootho excited and oxcitablo
nerves quickly. They were discovered after
yc.n- of research, nnd aro of wo; y. ah nervous ViKmi consult
tals great Hpecialiitrff ,., ,.i..
I nothing to do tl
you can't call oil him
rite hi ML
d his advice, will bo tiven
charge. Don't go on liringini:
T your children in such unwholcsomo at
Itriiillne'H New Circular.
The Heading has issued a now ciau-'ir to
ake clfect to-day. The prices aro tie samo
o October of hut year. They represent an
nl vance over the present circular of 10 cents
ii broken, egg and stove, coal and 15 cents on
All thoaa ereeninz. crawlins. Btineliiz sati-
sations that combine to make up tho torturoe
of auy itching disease of tho skin are
Instantly relieved and permanently cured by
Doan's Ointment. Tako no stubstltute.
Doan's never fail.
To Work To-morrow.
All the collieries of the P. & Ii. 0. & I. Co
in this district will bo operated to-morrow,
making six three-quarter days for tho week
Tho employes at tho collieries will be paid at
1 p. m. to-morrow.
Tor Infants and Children.
Tht tie-
1: n
, slgutart
Goods Are all In.
9LOUIS GOLDIN, Proprietor.
A. l'oln Attempts to Commit Suicide on a
Mai t andy Crrr, Oct. 1. List evening, as
a ear on the I-ftkoslJo Kloctrlo Hallway was1
approaching the Lehigh Valley depot. Con
ductor Gillespie noticed a Hungarian acting
in a peculiar manner. A Lehigh Valley
train due at 0:311 was coming down the tmck
and the Hungarian took a position between
the rails. Glllesplo understood tho Hun to
say "Good bye, Mr. Conductor." Ho jumped
from his car, grabbed tho Hun, and pulled
him from the track Just In time to save his
life. Instead of thanking tho conductor the
Hun said, "What's tho matter with yott?
Why you no let me gof
Mr. and Mrs. William Kroti shall mourn the
loss by death of their 14-inonth-old daughter.
The funeral will take place on Sunday after
noon. Thomas. 0 year old son of Kellet,
of lkistnn liun, died last evening from
The 10-year-old son of Charles Flail was
run down by a carriage on Centre street aud
reci lv d an ugly wound on the forehrnd.
Charles II minger arrived homo this morn
ing from Dubois, la whero ho spent three
weeks visiting relatives.
Co. K, 8th Itegt., N. G. P., has been noti
fied to assemble at Its Armory this evening to
receive pay for tho timo spent at Camp
A Sure Care for Coughs and Colds.
That's what Pan-Tina is, 26a. At Gruhlcr
Bros., drug store.
Heeds Kecortled,
From Lucctta Artz to Minnie Ehrhart,
premises In Tower City ; from P. W. Sheafer
and wlfo, attorney for various parties to
James Murphy, premises In Gilberton ; from
Frederick Miller and wlfo to William
Schwartz, premises in North Manholm town
ship; from William Maley and wife to
Michael Purcell, premises in Shenandoah,
two deeds ; from Marsarct Ityan to Daniel
Ilyan, premises In Mahsnoy City; from
James Murphy to Benedict Stanofskl alias
Michael Norklccvicz, premises in Gilberton:
from William M. Thomas to A. S. Seaman ot
al, premises in FmckvIIlo ; from Daniel
t rack and wlfo to A. S. Seaman et al. prem
ises in Frackville j from Mary Jane Snyder
and Michael Snyder to Chas. M. Hornburgor,
promises in Miuorsvillo; from Anna Sbrocdcr
to John Koons, premises in Shenandoah,
Up to Date for Pains and Aches.
Everybody says Eed Flag Oil, 25c. At
(j rubier Bros., drug storo.
Tours to tho South.
Two very ntti-ictlvo early Autumn tours
vill be rim by the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, leaving New York and Philadel
phia September 23 and October 12.
It Is hardly necessary to say that these
outings are planned with tho utmost care,
and that all arrangements are adjusted so as
to afford the best possible means of visiting j
each place to tho host advantage. '
Tho tours each cover a period of eleven
days, and include tho battlefield of Gettys
burg, picturesque Bine Mountains, Lnray
OavcTns, the Natural Bridge, Virginia Hot
Springs, the cities of Klchmond and Wash
ington, and Mt. Vcrnan.
Tho round-trip rate, including all neces
sary ospensos, is fG5 from Now York, $03
from Philadelphia, and proportionate, rates
from other points.
Each tour will be In chargo of ono of tho
company's tourist ngonts. Ho will be assisted
by an experienced lady as Chaperon, whoso
especial chargo will bo ladies unaccompanied
by male escort.
Special trains of parlor cars aro provided
for tho exclusive use of each party. In which
tho entire round trip from Now York is
For detailed HhncQigrapply to Tickot
Agents orJoJ&foist Accnt. 1100 Broadway.
w York, or Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant
General Passenger Agent, Broad Street
Station, Philadelphia.
To heal the broken and diseased tissues, to
sootho the irritated surfaces, to instantly re-
nove ana to permanently cure is the mission
of DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo. C. H. Hagon
buch. A ltle Hank.
At Haven Itun yesterday a beautiful species
of red tail chicken hawk was shot in ono of
tho wings by James McLaughlin, of that
placo. Tho wound disabled the bird and it
was afterwards caught. It measures four
feet from tip to tip of the wings. Before the
bird was finally subdued it Inflicted an
ugly cash on the back of McLaughlin's left
hand, tho ontlro length. The bird is now In
possession of grocer T. F. Miles, to whom it
has bcon presented.
When yon want good roofing, plumbing,
gas fitting, or general tlnsmlthing done call
on E. F. Gallagher 18 Wost Centre street
Dealer in ste-'es 1-tf
New Register.
Landlord Weidensaul, of the Ferguson yes
terday started another new register. This is
the second since he has become proprietor of
the hotel.
Personally-Conducted Tours vis Pennsyl
vania Railroad.
Tho following tours have been arranged for
tho season of 1807 :
Two ten-day tours to Gettysburg, Lnray
Caverns, Natural Bridge, Virginia Hot
Springs, Klchmond, and Washington, Sep-
I tombor 28 and October 13. Bate, f03 from
Now York, f3 from Philadelphia.
finest in the cities. Please the little fellows, please your pocket book ; and this is just the place that everybody gets pleased both in price and quality;1!
a pair. See our elegant line of Hats, all styles and strictly new prices. Positively the lowest on everything. H
Illtt Thnrdnr nt Tronton'd Fnlr.
Trenton, Oct. 1. Dig Thursday of the
Inter-State fair was more than a usual
success in several respects. The at
tendance was larger than on any
Thursday for several years, there be
ing 00,000 persons on the grounds. The
attendance of politicians was large,
and every person of political note was
present with very few exceptions.
Among the notable absentees were Vice
President Hobart nnd United States
Senator Smith. Governor Griggs and
Senator SewSTl were the more promi
nent of those who were presont. Col
onel H. Kuser, of Governor Griggs'
staff, gavo an informal lunch, In which
more than M0 prominent persons took
part. There was Interchange of pleas
antries by the leading Republicans and
Xo DUnrder nt St. Mlohnolm.
San Franclsoo, Oct. 1. The revenue,
cutter Menard. Hush arrived from
Alaska yesterday bringing the latest
news from St. Michaels and the Yu
kon. The steamer C. H. Hamilton, be
longing to the Chicago corporation, was
unable to ascend the Yukon river above
tho Flats, near Yukon. Her passengers
and cargo were awaiting the arrival of
the Alaska Commercial company's
light draught steamers Margaret and
Allco for transportation to Dawson
City. At St. Michaels, despite the pres
ence of over 300 passengers, order pre
vailed, and the presence ot the reve
nue cutter Bear was regarded as an
additional guarantee to prevent any
o:r ill nati?'
ef the Globe for
ITETTOATITA jin. , ...
- - - kuu Bumiar uompiauu8
preioribed by eminent phTrickn j i
E ""nun uuui nvumraauij uitvHiuii
WftrU ruAims.1 I TV...t.-1.1. 1
IP Jtd.IUehUrACa.. SlSlwlKL. Kow York, i
13 Branoh Honttt, Ova Gluivoris,
ZS&SOcU. EndonedArKomiuoailedbT
A. Wasley, 106 IT. Main St.,
C. H. Haeentmch, 103 N. Main St.,
.r.r.D.Klrlin, t s. Main St.
anenandoah. .
m "rBjiiti 1
ni7 t3iru-rrD.cs '
i ANnirm? j, arniirinniT. v,.t .
L 0y'lTperMlaAHtooiiirh rnmnlnlnm. I
IJlOIl KENT. Two small dwelling houses.
C Apply toT. T. Williams, 128 South Jimlin
street. 10-l-2t
FOR HALI5 A valuable property, 27 and 29
West Goal street, Ahcnnndoah, Pa., t
offored for salo. Double block, liowio and
stable on the rear. Apply to Samuel ltobcrts,
West Cherry street, Shenandoah, I'a. 9-30-tw
ITiOR KENT. Stare and dwelling. Two show
windows. No. 120 North Mn!n street.
Apply to C. W. Newbouser, 123 North Main
screci. v-Xi-ll
OR BALK. Two houses, ono double and
other single. "Will be sold clicnn. Annlv
toItev.J. A., 229 North Jardin
street. i
"ClOIt SALKhejtpf- iU desfraMoT business
jLL.-Jirciierty on ISnat Centre street. Apply to
M. al. liurke, Attorney, Kgan build. ng. S-G-U
PROPOSALS. Sealed proposals will be re
ceived by the undersigned, Controller of
Schuylkill county, for the panting of 15,000 to
20,000 feet of (ioorlng nt Schuylkill county
almshouse with ono (1) coat of Filler and two
(2) coats of varnish. Painter to furnish labor
and brunhes and county to .furnish material.
Bids to b In by noon of Saturday, October 2nd,
1807. Tho rejection of any or all bids reserved
by the undersigned. 11. It. Severn.
0-28-U Controller.
Proposals will be received by the undersigned
for the erection of n two-story parochial school
building. Plans can lie seen at the parochial
residence. No 229 North Jardin Btrect, Shenan
doah, or at tho office of the architect Frnnk X.
Kellly. All bids to be In prior to October 8, 1W7.
The right Is reserved to reject ony or all bids.
9-2S-7t Kev. J, A. Lenarkjewicz, Pastor.
Sealed proposals will bo received by the
undersigned, the Controller of Schuylkill
county, at his ofllce at Pottsvllle, Pa., until 2
p. m. Thursday, October 7, 1897, for furnlihl-g
one hundred (100) gallons of filler, more or less,
and on. hundred (100) gallons of varnish, more
or less, for use In varnishing the floors of the
new hospital building at the Schuylkill county
almshouse at Schuylkill Haven, Pa.
lllda must bo at prices delivered at tho alms
house, the right being reserved to reject any or
ll U1US.
B- R. Severs,
County Controller.
Sealed proposals will be received by tho
undersigned, the Controller ot Schuylkill
county, at bis office at Pottsvllle, Pa., until 2
Fi. m. Friday, October 15. 11507, for f urnlturo and
urnlshlng required at tho Schuylkill county
almshouse at Schuylkill Haven, Pa. A list of
the articles required with Information concern
ing the same will he furnished at the office of
the County Commissioners or County Con
troller. The right Is reserved to rejeot any or all bids.
11, It. Sevebk.
10-1-4-a County Controller.
And we used that power, to the effect that we bought all our goods for this fall
at our own figures, consequently we. are in a position to give you more goods
for less money than any other dealer in our line. Our assortment is complete in
all kinds of material and styles and we can fit anybody from 4 years up to
lo4 years.
fWe you a line of Men's Suits from $3.00 up, which can't be beat.
Why, we are strictly in it.
Come and see the latest styles. We give you a better hat for less money than
any other house.
Comb and
Our immense stock, whether you buy or not. We
assure you beforehand that our prices will induce you to buy, whether you are in. want of
Clothes or not. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. -
the: acknowledged
cheapest clothiers and hatters in the county.
Cor. Main and Oak Sts., Franey Building, Shenandoah.
And Flowers, the Hand of America, Cali
fornia Via tho true pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
Route," which travcrsos a region of perpetual
sunshine, whero snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes aro unknown. Pullman first
and second class palaco and tourist sleeping
cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and Now Moxico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Nevada, without change Quick timo, low
rates, and all tho comforts of modern railway
improvements guaranteed to all who pur
chaso tickets via tho Missouri Pacific Tail way
system. For rates right from your home,
literature, and full information, drop a postal
card, J. P. McCann, T. P. Agent, 510 Rail
road avenue, Elmira, N. Y., or 301 Broad
way, New York.
3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt, G. E P. Act.
N. Y. Board of Health on Wine.
Dr. Janes of the New York Board of
Health says:
"I take great pleasure In testifying to the
superior qualities of tho Port Wlno produced
by Alfred Speer of New Jersey. After a
prolonged trial I recommend I' ns a supo-Ior
wino for tho sick and debilitated."
It is kept in casks to a great age before
bottling, and though higher in price is far
superior and more reliable than other wines.
HOOD'S riLLS cure Iilver Ills,
Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache.
A. Dlcos-nt laxative. All Drusglsta.
Everything New and Stylish.
Everything new and up-to-date. Double Breasts, Single Breasts, Square Cut, Round-Cut Frocks,
and Prince Alberts. Anything you want we have, Cheviots, Plaids, Blues, Browns, Grays, Cashmeres
and Mixed Suits by the hundreds, You're invited to examine them, it don't cost you anything ?
to look over our immense stock of goods.
We 'have them in ail
Pheasant, Quail and Rabbits.
(Sheelcr's Old Stand.)
Flrst-clans work guaranteed. Prompt and
polite attendants. Hair cutting a specialty.
styles at prices to suit you
Pheasant, Quail and Rabbits.
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardin St.