The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 01, 1897, Image 1

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cire"l,l't r""tir' r'- '- K 1 K ,, 'l''
I ifc "thisoueen a.MMosioT I jersIIbostons our coit opeSgoFK
Bf .Knf - . ltcfowlch's Hull To-night, nets lit Pottsvlllo to-day.
iMiirMfirti Sewing Machines LjerLr ast VTiTTTM TiTF s l.1-2,4!2rto,,, T Vft;'1 thp WTfil WEtK
sH SI19bbbssbHsbbbbbbbbbbu . ... t9Ar
HIV Xflf umy cpi.
TnF Ml Worrantcd for F,vc Ycars-
Do Not Forget That We Are Selling at tlie-Old Price.
Ub-To.Date Hatter and Gcnto' Furnisher,
No. 15 East Centre Street.
FALL. OF 1397'.
Carpets, Oil Cloths,
Linoleums, Rugs, New
Special Sale of
Is a way-up point of elevation
not easily reached, out : : : :
Is up there, and has been up there ever since its existence,
So do not wonder at the nooularitv of Columbia, but call for
Columbia and see that Columbia is presented to you.
It will pay you to purchase your
We have the largest assortment of
prices. Oil Cloths and linoleums
Don't be Mistaken
Thomas H. Snyder,
Old White Oats. I
Tocasu buyers or on the installment
plan. Come and see tile largest stock iu
the county to select from at prices that
defy competition.
Thai's the time for you to buy them, for
our line is complete, at ur old prices. All
people are aware that Woolen Underwear
has gone up iu price by the tariff.
Window Shades,
Draperies and Covers
Bargains In all kinds of
North Main St.,
Shenandoah, Pa.
supply of these goods from us
Carpets in all grades and yet at old
cheaper than elsewhere.
but Come at Once.
23 South Jardln St,
ShcnnndoaVi, Pa.
JE: Just Received.
An Important Meeting to be Held
ltcfowlch's Hull To-night.
Tills ovcnlng the Shenandoah Soldiers'
Monument Asioclatlon will meet again In
liefowleh's hall, at 7:30 o'clock, pursuant to
the adjournment taken at tho meeting held
two weeks ago. On that occasion a report by
tho flimnco committee was received and the
coniniltleo given two weeks additional time
In collect outstanding money nud tickets.
According to the accounts there is a fund of
at least $1,000 in hand and thoro seems to bo
a strong sentiment in favor of pushing the
project to completion. It is believed by
many that during the winter arrangements
can ho niado to havo a monument ready for
unveiling on next Memorial Day. It is
urgoutly requested that tho representatives
of all organizations interested attend the
meeting to-night.
lltckort's Cafe.
Our freo lunch to-night will ho special.
Vegetable soup to-morrow morning.
The Verlscope.
Ferguson's theatre was little short of being
crowded last night whon the Terlscope pic
tures of the Corbett-Fiizsimmons fight at
Carson City, Nov., were exhibited. It was
the largest assemblage of sporting men seen
in this town in some time, although that
clement did not make tip the entlro audience.
The exhibition Was Tory satisfactory as a
whole. Somo of tho viows are not as dis
tinct as they should bo, yet it is possible for
ono to get a better idea of the contest from
all tho pictures than from tho written uc
eounts of It and tho audience last night loft
the tlieatro satisfied.
ma cut in riticu
But not in quality. A. SO cent black cash
more half hoso at f 1.00 for five pair. At
MAX LEVIT'S, 15 East Centre street.
Mary, wife of Patrick Matthews, died at
her homo on North West street last evening,
ged 25 years, 4 months and 5 days. Sbo had
been ailing thrco years and confined to her
bed slnco last July. Chronic pnoumonla Is
given as tho cause of death. The deceased is
survived by her husband and two children
agod respectively four and two years. Sho
was a daughter of tho late Peter Shectz and
her mother, seven brothers and a sister re
side In New York City. Tho fuuoral will
take place on Tuesday morning, at 0 o'clock.
Iligh mass will bo celebrated in tho Annun
ciation church.
Kendrlck House Free Lunch.
Oyslcr soup will bo served, free, to all
patrons to-night.
Five l'er cent. Above HksIs.
The fullowing collieries drawn to return
prices of coal sold iu September to determine
the rate of wages to bo paid for work dono in
the last half of September and first half of
Octobor report as follows:
slIoiiKownu. V. & It. C. & I. Co. 2.55-8
St. Nicholas. ' 2.57-3
Tunnel nidge, " 2.65-2
Itlchnrdson, ' 2.71-7
Otto W. A., " 2.70-0
The average of those prices is $2.05-0 and
tho rate of wages is llvo per cent, above tho
$2.50 basis.
The Schoppe orchestra will bold their
usual dancing school at Eobblns' opera houso
on Saturday evening. 0-20-4t
A Marriage.
A report reached town yeterday that Hiss
Ida M. Palmer, formerly of Wm. Penn, had
been married at the homo of her parents in
Parsons, Luzerne county, on Wednesday, It
was confirmed by a rotative of the young
lady last evening. Hiss Palmor is a daughter
of Richard Palmer, late insido foreman at
tho Wm. Penn colliery, The bridegroom is
John McClure, a young druggist of Philadel
At Kepohlnskra Arcade Cafe.
Cream of tomato soup will be served, freo.
Shooting Match.
Many members of the Groenleaf Bod and
Qun club, of town, engaged in a shooting
match with their fellow brethren of the Mah
anoy City club at High Point park this after
noon. In a practlco shoot yesterday after
noon a number of tho home team distil
gulsbcd himself by killing 11 out of 12 birds.
How's Your Cough 7
Pan-Tina cures it, 25c. At Oruhlcr Bros.
Seized by the Sheriff.
The place of business which was conducted
as a cigar stand and oyster bay by Adam P,
Smith, on South Main street, was yesterday
closed by tho shorill. It is stated that Smith
was one of the many losers by some of the
recent business failures in town.
Why weary your throat and patienco with
that wretched cough when a bottle Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup will cure you promptly.
Injured While House Cleaning.
Sirs. Thrash, of Ellangowan. was seriously
injured while engaged in house cleaning at
her homo yesterday. A leg of a chair upon
which sbo was standing broke and In tho fall
to the floor Mrs. Thrash's left arm was broken
in two places botweon tho wrist and olhow.
Dr. Stoln reduced tho fractures.
For Sale.
A first class restaurant. For further in1
formation call at tho Herald office. 0-23-tf
Pressing the Suit,
An officer from Harrlsbnrg was in town
yesterday subpoenaing witnesses to appear
In the Wyatt-Joyce criminal libel suit to be
tried at Harrlsbnrg. The visit led to a ro
port that Wyatt had been arrested on
charge made by Joyce, which was without
Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil 75c the pint, at
tho ClTY DBUa Stoek, 107 South Main
street. 0-27-Sw
Coroner's Inqnest.
Deputy Coroner Manlsy and a jury last
nigbt held an inquest in the case of John
Welsh, tho miner of Ellangowan who died
from the effects of injuries sustained In the
Manlo Hill colliery on Tuesday. The jury
found that the victim was squeezed against
the low side of the headiug In which he was
working by a falling lump of coal and that it
was a ease of accidental death.
36 and 00 cent silk neckwear is something
that can't be had outside of Philadelphia
and New York. Our designs are rich and
properly designed for this fall. At MAX
MSVirS, 18 East Centre street.
Wanted. "
A good girl for general housework. Refer
ence required. Apply at once at Bickort's
"I have used Salvation Oil for frosted feet
aud backache and found It to be tho best
remedy and cure for palu on earth. Mrs.
Maggie Kleder, Mt. Pleasaut, Westmoreland
Co., Pa.
A Fatal Result of the Shenandoah
Colliery Accident.
Joseph Poff Died This Morning, Ilia Condi
tion Haying Changed Suddenly Yes
terday Bis Father, the Other
Victim, Has Also Suffered
a Change For the
Joseph Poff, one'of tho' victims of tho ex
plosion of mine gas in a breast of the Shen
andoah City colliery on tho morning of tho
24th nit.,- died At; tho Miners' hospital at
Fountain Springs this morning, at eight
o'clock. Tho Indications are that the father
of tho young man, Teter Poff, Sr., who suf
fered in tho samo explosion, will also suc
cumb. Tho fatal result was a surpriso to the
friends of the victim. For several days
after tho sufforers were takeu to tho hospital
thoy remained In a precarious coudltiou, but
a change for tho hotter set in and hopes of
recovery became strong. Yesterday, how.
ever, thoro was a sudden chango and the son
commenced to sink rapidly last night.
Tho romalns wore sont to town this after
noon and removed to the family residence on
North West street. The funeral arrange
ments will be announced to-morrow. Joseph
Poff would havo been 22 years of ago on the
23rd of noxt mouth, lie was an active and
popular member of the St. Michael's Society.
Poter Poff, Sr., tho other victim in tho case
is 52 yoars of age and it is probably his age
and long service in tho mines that makes his
caso wqrso, as lie did not suffer as much from
tho explosion as bis sou did. Tho latter was
ujurcd internally. In answer to an inquiry
this morning as to the father's condition Dr,
J. O. Iliddle, of tbo Miners' hospital, said
that tho patient seemed to ho doing very well
until yosterday, when a change for the worse
set in and his condition became dangerous.
The exploslou from which tho men suffered
took place while they wore in an old breast
searching for sheet iron. They found it and
were digging tho sheets from their old
fastenings when the lamp of ono of them, it
is not known which, ignited tho gas. At
almost tho same instant the father throw
himself face-down in tho breast, hut the son
tried to dash through tbo gas. It was for
this reason that tho son suffered tho most.
Both wero badly burned on the head, faco.
hands and arms. The son was also burned on
tho back down to the waist. Much sympathy
is expressed for tbo family of the victims.
Our 25 aud 50 cent suspenders for ono year.
At MAX LEVIT'S, 15 East Centre street.
Hold for Assault,
Mrs. Lutsio Burankus, of Whito street.
last night appeared as complainant against
Mrs. Michael Igo and her two daughters,
Maggie and Katie. The case was heard bo-
fore Justice Shoemaker and each of tho de-
fondants wero bold In $50 bail for trial at
court. The complainant alleged that she
lives near tbo accused; that yesterday sho
found tho youngest of Mrs. Igo's daughters
in an empty coal shanty adjoining that
owned by tho complainant and the child was
drawing coal through an opening in tho par
tition. Mrs. Burankus also said she ordered
tho child away. Tiie latter called for ber
mother and Mrs. Igo and another daughter
appeared and assaulted the complainant.
Mrs. Jiuraqkus produced a handful of hair
WDlcli sue said tuo defendants bad pullod
from hor bead.
If you feel out of "repair," havo hoadacho
and constipated bowels, take Dr. Bull's Pills;
tbiso will euro and build you up again. Tako
only the gonuino, Dr. John W. Bull's Pills.
Tho Flynn Funeral.
Tho funeral of the late Richard Flynn
will tako place at 10 o'clock to-morrow morn
ing from his late homo, in Connors' patch,
and proceed to St. Joseph's church, Girard-
villi), where a High Mass of Requiom will
be celebrated. Interment will be made at
St. Joseph's cemetery.
We are lteady for Vou
With tbo finest lino of shoos of every des
cription over shown in Shenandoah. Our
fall and winter enamel and box calf shoes for
men are beauties. They are built for wear
and thoy will give wear better buy now
and bo iu style. Goodyear hand sewed,
doublo sole, Scotch edge and English back
stay. Our qualities and prices not nficctcd
by the now tariff.
Smpp's Nkw Suoe Stork,
2t 17 North Main Street.
Signs of Prosperity.
A gentleman of authority stated to-day
that the deposits in tho First National Banc
of town aggregate more now than at any
other time during tho past two years and the
individual deposits last month amounted to
f 2 10,000.
I.etters a ranted.
Letters testamentary were granted to
Poter An rand and Geo. Kolb on tho estate of
Elenora Spiese, late of Taumqua, deceased
Letters of administration wore granted to
Emma M. Kistler on tho ostate of Emanuel
B. Histlor, late of Mluprsvlllp, deceased.
OasoareU stimulate liver, kidneys and
bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe, 10a,
Hunk Iletlres From Iluslness.
The stockholders of the Government
National Hank, of Pottsvlllo, have decided
to plaro the bank in liquidation and retire
from busluesa alter September 30, 18B7. W,
H. Hunttlnger, the vloe president, has been
selected to attend to tho settlement of the
bank's affairs.
Murrhign Licenses,
Joseph Fen nock and Annie Orlosk!
of McAdoo.
Robert J. Tlndle and Maggie Brlukman
both of Pottsville.
State Liquor League.
At the" annual convention of the Stato
Liquor League, held in Reading this weok,
P. P. McGuire, of Tremont, was elected re
cording secretary, and M. O. Maloney, of
Pottsvlllo, delegate to the national convex
tlon at Annapolis, Md., next month.
S wit's Condo woolen ribbed underwear
takes the plaee of the finest silk underwear
made. We sell the best at fS.OO per suit,
We also havo them in cheaper grades. At
MAX LEVIT'S, 15 East Centre street.
Itev. J. A. Leuarkiewiee transacted busi
ness at Potlsvlllo to-day.
Wllllnm Wilcox, of Eflgorton, W. Va., is
tbo guest of town friends.
tieorge sciiciuy, or Wilmington, ixi., is a
guest of friends in town.
Harry Levy returned from New York this
afternoon, where ho spent New Year.
Mrs. Mlohaol Ryan, of Mahanoy City, was
the guest of town relatives last evening.
Miss Effle Scott, of Pottsvlllo, is a guest of
Mrs. John Roberts, of West Lloyd street.
Mrs. John Tohln, of Mt. Carmel, is tho
guest of Mrs. John Hughes, on West Coal
Mrs. John W. Bartach and son, John, are
visiting relative at Kutztown and Phila
delphia. Mr. and Mrs. James Hood, of South Bowers
street, will celebrate their tin wedding
anniversary to-night.
John Martin, tho popular station agent for
tho 'Tennsy," loft to-day for Sunbury and
other points on bis annual vacation. Base
ball will get a rest, but fish will suffor.
Miss Jennlo Brennan, a charming young
lady of Mlnorsvillo. is tho guest of tho
Griffiths family, on West Oak street.
Mrs. T. D. Davies, of North Jardln Btreet,
returned homo last evening from Columbus,
Ohio, whoro sho was tho guest of relatives
for tho past two weeks.
II. A. Acker, general manager of the
Grand Union Tea Company, with head
quarters at Reading, was registered at tho
Ferguson Houso to-day.
Louis Rabinowitz has sufficiently recovered
from hisroccnt scvoro attack of rheumatism
to enablo him to go to Plymouth to enter
upon bis clerical duties again.
Miss Sallio Griffith, of Philadelphia, who
has been visiting tbo family of T. T.
Williams for tho past sovoral days, returned
to her home this morning, delighted with her
Daniel Duffy, of St. Clair, was a visitor to
town to-day.
JusticoW. H. Shoemaker and wife aud
Councilman M. L. Shocmakor and wifo en
Joyed a drivo through tho Catawissa valley
this afternoon.
Rov. F. F. Kolb, of Aihurtis, formerly
pastor of tho Presbyterian church, who was
horo attending the anniversary of tho
Masonic lodge, loft for homo yostorday.
Tho latest 4-ply linen collars 10 cents
straight. At MAX LEVIT'S.
Somo or tho Illg Things Which Will be
Exploited on Sunday.
Next Sunday, October 3, tho Philadelphia
Sunday Press will print exclusively an In
side viow of tbo groat Ilazlcton strike. It is
prepared by staff correspondents and illus
trated with photographs taken especially for
tho Sunday Pross. Another oxclusivo feature
will bo an articlo by Lieut. Peary, detailing
Ills thrilling experiences in tho Artie Seas.
Tho special commissioner of tho Sunday
Press in Honolulu will also have an article of
absorbing iutercst. Then thero will be pagos
of other good things to bo found in no other
Sunday papor, including tho best foot ball
news and comment, and every reader will
recolvo freo the words and music of the
latest musical success, "Tho Qnccn ol tho
Bicycle Girls." This song cannot bo bought
for loss than 40 cents. Order next Sunday's
Press to-day.
Half wool shirt and drawers, 50 cents.
Shirts, 25 conts. At MAX LEVIT'S.
Thompson to Stump tho Stato.
Harrlsburff, Oct. 1. William n.
Thompson, of l'lttsburg;, the independ
ent candidate for stato treasurer, start
ed yesterday on a tour of the state,
accompanied by Thomas A. Watltins,
of Pittsburg-, who may become chair
man of the campaign committee. They
made the state capital their first stop-
pine place. Mr. Thompson will open
his campaign with a mass meeting
next Tuesday evening at Oarnegle Hall,
Allegheny City. He proposes to hold
three meetings at Philadelphia and will
ylslt the county towns and all the
large cities and boroughs of the state.
' J'dlson Iu tlio Mflh. '
Groenaburg, Pa., Oct. 1. Tho family
of Jacob Martz, of noar Sardls, con
sisting ol nine persons, are in a crit
ical condition from the effects of drink
ing nillk supposed to have contained
poison. One member of the family
died on Sunday, and none of the others
were able to attend tho funeral owing
to their serious condition. Martz con
ducts a dairy, and the family drank
milk from an unused can, It is believed
something in the milk caused the sick
ness. Tho County Pays tli Costs.
Pittsburg, Oct. 1. The grand Jury
yesterday Ignored the bills against the
mine leaders who were charged with
riot and unlawful assembly by T. B.
DeArmlt, as a result of trouble at
Unity. Among those named in the four
informations were Patrick Dolan, WWW
(am Warner and Cameron Millar. Thu
costs In the casq was put on the county,
A Mighty Nice Thing for Coughs.
What? Pan-Tina, 23c. At Gruhler Bros..
drug storo.
John Welsh Hurled.
The funeral of John Welsh, ot Ellangowan,
who died from injuries received at the Maplo
11111 colliery last Tuesday, took place to-day
Tho lemains were followed by a largo con
course of friends to the Annunciation church
where High mass was celebrated . Interment
was made in the parish cemetery. The
funeral was under tho direction of O'Ifara
A now dlsoovery, Fleece lined shirt and
drawers, 76 eents. At MAX LEVIT'S.
Royal makes the food pure, - -
wholesome and dtllclous.
sovai swiKa rowMs oo hiw ymk.
Bean Haters Cap'ure the Lea.ue Char
IljnsMp Por 189r.
While the Men o! the Hub Were Filing up
Winning Runs In Brooklyn the
Baltlmcreans Were Being De
feated by the Wash
ington. Brooklyn, Oct. 1. Although Doston
has one more game to play with Brook
lyn and Baltimore will play two more
with Washington at the Monumental
City, the race for the League pennant
of 1897 practically came to an end with
the conclusion of yesterday's game at
Eastern park. Boston won the game,
while Washington trounced the cham
pions, which leaves Boston the undis
puted champions for 1S98. Even should
Baltimore win both games they can
only attain a percentngo of 700 points.
Should Brooklyn win from Boston to
morrow the latter would still havo a
percentage of 704.
The excitement of yesterday's game
was extraordinary. In the second In
ning, when the Bostons scored five runs;
which gave them a safe lead, men and
women alike arose in their seats and
yelled frantically. When the lead be
came so great that there was no more
hope for the home team the most faith
ful Joined the Bostons and their rooters,
and for a time nobody could hear any
thing but people yelling "B-o-s-t-o-n."
Young Dunn was put In the box to
fool tho new champions, but Captain
Griffin might as well have stood up a
wooden man. The bean eaters had their
batting clothes on, and the faster Dunn
tossed them across tho plate the hard
er Captain Duffy' men could line the
leather out. The only trouble was that
the batting was all on one side. The
home team could do but llltle with
Klobedanz, the Boston twirler. About
tho only time they hit him with any
effect was In the third inning, when
they scored all their runs.
The Helding. like the batting, too, was
one sided. Brooklyn made only four
actual errors, but then somo of the
players are guilty of some of the most
stupid plays seen In many days. Bos
ton's work in the field was Blmply mar
velous. Nothing seemed too hard for
them to get. Lowe and Long alone cut
off four hits by their brilliant neldlng.
Score by innings:
Boston 0 5 2 1 0 2 1 0 112
Brooklyn 0 030000003
Annonnconinnt' or Boston's Victory
Itoooivcil With CheorHiit IMmlloo.
Baltimore, Oct. 1. The "ghost of a
chance" that Baltimore had to win the
pennant for next season vanished early
In yesterday's game, when the sena
tors fell upon Dr. Pond's curves, batted
him out of the box, and took a good
long lead In the fourth Inning, after
which the orioles seemed to lose heart
and played listlessly and without am
bition. In the meantime the score board
waB showing how easily the Bostons
were taking their game away from
Brooklyn, and the last vestige of hope
slowly died out In the breas's of th'
handful of faithful rooters who PtlU
clung to the belief that Brooklyn might
take one from the leaders and give the
birds a chance to catch up by winning
all four from the .senators.
It Is not saying too much to assert
that the result is not altogether unwel
come in Baltimore, for the reason that
it Is generally admitted that Boston
was proved to have the better club In
the recent remarkable series played in
Baltimore, and all lovers of the game,
no matter what their prejudices, aro
content to see the trophy of the cham
pionship fall to the lot of the best team.
The outcome of both games was watch
ed, however, with great Interest, and
wherever crowds gathered bulletins
were read to them. In almost every
Instance the news that Boston had
clinched it, and that the championship
was no longer in doubt, was received
with satisfaction, and in some cases
with cheers. This was notably the case
at Plmllco, where the result by innings
was read auring the trotting races in
progress there. On Sunday morning
the orioles will depart for Boston, with
the hope that they may at least save
the Temple cup, and gathor In tho lion's
sharo of the gate receipts. Score by In
nings: Washington 2 012400009
Baltimore 1 000020003
Other Gnmo Ycwtordny.
National LeagueAt New York:
New York, C; Philadelphia, 5. Eastern
League (Stelnert cudI At Toronto
(called, darkness): Toronto, 12; Syra
cuse, 1Z.
Nelswender's, Cor. Stain nud Coal Sts.
Oyster soup, free, to-night.
Hot lunoh to-morrow morulng.
Meals served at all hours.
Schuylkill's New Jmlgo.
Richard II. Koch, appointed Judge to suc
ceed the late Mason Weidman, is the re
cipient of many congratulatory epistles
from different parts of the state and ooanty,
He expects his commission iu a day or two,
but he will not assutno the duties of bis
oftloe before Monday, the 11th Inst., when he
expect to assist Judge Beehtel iu motion
ooii rt. Mr. Koch is disposing of Ids law aud
other business pending iu ills hands, and has
already tendered his resignation as president
of the Solniylkill Electric Railway Company
Ilreen'a Itlalto Oufo.
Puree of pea, free, to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning,
Presbyterian Notice
The pastor wishes to announce that all the
regular services of the church will now lie
resumed. He hopes to see a large attendanos
at the mid-week prayer aud song service this
evening at 7.a0 o'dook, in the newly reno
vated and carpeted ohapel. There will also
be a meeting of the teachers and ottloers of
the Sabbath school Immediately afterward
Stamps Ilelow Cost.
Three S-eent stamps for S eents to all
purchasers at the City Dbuq Stork, 107 ,
Main street. 9-97-Sw
When bilious or costive, eat a Casearets
oandy oathartifl. cure guaranteed, lOe, SSe.
1 he cloak busi
ness starts off iu
good shape, our
show rooms are
not without their
full complement
of customers.
Ask any of your
friends why they
bought their gar
ments at our store
and they will
tell you we have
the most com.
plete line in town, the best service and
most fashionable deslens. Flv-Front
Jackets of Kersey, Cheviots, Serge and
Loverts, iu all the newest Fall shades,
lined throughout with taiTeta, plain and
brocaded silk.
Misses and Children's Coats aud
Jackets, trimmed with fur and braid.
Handsome tailor-made Kersey and
aud all-lined Bouclo Jackets, siugle aud
double, plush and beaver capes, empire
front aud back and handsomely trimmed
with braid. Perfect fit guaranteed.
Competent salespeople in atteudauce.
Read and Ponder and Learn to Sara Honey.
We will sell yon a handsome
Made tip as follows :
Several big high back
cane seated chairs
An Extension Table
neat design
Side Board with modern
This got is nn ornnmont to everv
106 South Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
uouuty Chairman Shav voste."
with tho County Commissioners tha certifi
cate containing the nominations by tho Re
publican party.
lo-morrow is the last day to oay your noll-
tax, entitling you to vnte next November.
1 nc term ot AVil m I t p.iitmaster expired
ni iiitli hi i, and Cu'iirrettam.m Rrumm has
lamed his successor, butsofarthe commission
has not been issued.
Wm. II. Zwei'ig. president of tha Prohibi
tion County Convention, (lied the nominees
of that party as follows : For Sheriff, Wm. Y.
rayne, larmer, iiutlcr township; Poor
Director, Peter E. Detweiler. dentist.
Schuylkill Haven; Jury Commissioner, Wm.
G. Thomas, fire boas, Gilherton.
It Is said Statu Cuairman Elkln wilt ha nn-
pointed U. S. Marshal for the western dis
trict ot the state.
Secretary of tho Commonwealth Martin
will make sovoral chances in bis denirtmnnt
Senator Pe 'oso called on tho Prnsidnnt. f
day, and as irosult it is expected Pennsyl
vania wil reeelve sovoral annointmentn.
among tlv ("iumher will bo Consulships.
Tl. .1.- L ...
uw uuivKttwn iuu recent iiepuDUcan
county convention will elect tho delegates to
me nexc state convention. Thoso from this
district will probably bo selected from Maha
noy City and Gilberton.
Just try a 10c. box of Casoarets, tbo findtos
liver and bowsl regulator fr'rormeft of E Hl
L. r, S. Notice.
Tho committees of the Lithuanian. Pnlt.h
and Slavonian Citizens' Societies aro re
quested to meet on Saturday evening, Octo
ber 2, 1807, at 7:30 o'clock, in Levi Danosky s
hall, on South Main street. By ordor of
josEpn ATaiKERON, Pres.
Momenta are usgImm if trlflwl awa i and
they are danaerouslv wastad if iwnsnmnil h
delay in oases where One Minute Cough (!uro
wouiu Dnng unmeuiate reuol. I . ii. llageo
When the weather is extreme
on wutoh the thermometer to see
how high or how low it will go.
Other Umee yqu forget all about
iu When you need anything you
wutoh the prioes and the good.
When your want are supplied
you forget all about them. Now
you want
We are the thermometer to
Suage your buying. We make
lie price of goods to suit the
times. Biuineaa moves along and
you get the benefit.
25 South Main Street.