The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 30, 1897, Image 3

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    l'lmplos, WoHios, blackheads, rod. toi t;1i,
oily, raothy skin, itching, scaly scalp, dry,
thin, and falling hair, and baby blemishes
prevented by ConcniU. BoAr, tho most
effective- skin p trifylng and beautifying
po.ip In tho woild, us well as purest and
swoctost for tollut, bath, and nursery.
PoAr la told thronetioat trie world. TdtTiB Dura
a'Uow to Preterit rc Humor' mailed nt.
Ul I !m 5314 3?" V'
g" U nfl LOH tm a W
Part I. Diseases of Horses.
Part II. Diseases of Cattle.
Part III. Diseases of Sheep.
Part IV. Diseases or Hogs.
Part V. Diseases of Dogs.
Part VI. Diseases of Poultry.
Samo book in better binding BO eta
HCHrilUtia'BKD. CO., Cor. Milium Joko8u.,.1Vrl
and Prostration from Over
work or other causes.
Humphreys Homeopalhlo Specific
No. 28, In uso over AO years, tno only-
successful remedy.
For sal at l'ovii sky's drug store, 28 Kast
u.nire Bireif !
orr. Jmpotencj, Sleepl essneiw, etc . canned
VJ AUUflf una oi ner tuivmvm muu uuw
cretlons They quicklu and Burvlu
rmtoro Loet Vltnlltr in old or rounii, am)
fit a man for studr. Dualnesi or marriage
Invent Inuanitr and Consumption if
taken in tliflo. Their us .hows immediate Improve-tnentaudbSoctsA-GUltS
where nil others fail. In
lit npou han the eennlno AJaa Tablets. Thej
hnu n iMAk.....,1. ..nil nlll mm tin ETlTfl n
posture written Guarantee to effect a care in each case
or retnnd the moner. Price CO cents Der pocltage, or
slipsckases Itull treatmentl for ClSX Ur mciU. ln
fclafn wrapper, upon receipt or prloe. CIroular Iree.
For sale la Shenandoah, Pa., at A. Wasley's
anu ivirnn's. Druggists.
icy rHSST
TCart ptr.crnl of special debility wakeful
sywrraatorhoca, emissions. I m potency,
furcbUi etc Corrects functional disorders,
c nst 1 t.y errors or excesses, quickly restoring
I ot Manhood In eld or young, giving vlpor and
errcnjztb wltcre former weakness prevailed. Cua
v .tent jockagc, simple, effectual, and legitimate
CUAZ 13 Quickand.Thorough.
Pnt be Ateeivtd by ttnttationti insist on
r A TON'S Vitalizes. Sent sealed ilvouriW
t -i dret n-tt have It. Price $1 per pkge, 6 for $5,
uil It tvHUen misrantce of comnlete cure.
1 ilorniatinn. references, etc. free and confidential.
f-rrd Iff i?nj''ntF case and 25 cts. for a week's
ttw trea.iaer.i, Uuc only sent to each pcrbou.
Bold at Klrlln's drug Btoro, Shenandoah, In
A TttlKD. TRUff XKXi tFE WOMAN 8 KtLlfcr ,
n.t PiT.n'i Pn Ianrt kivi UkflKKTS.
Atdt-utr ahint or MDt titrf et (teftlcd). Ilrn. 91.
Oatok Ki'KO. Co . liottnD, Maw. Our book, 4c.
For sale at Klrlln's driijr. store nnd Shenandoah
druc store.
SaUAP"!' Wi-ok SstCIFIC Co.PHlLA.P
yoi aS Povinsky's drug stortij 28 E'
uentre aireet.
r.- -
make pretty scenery, biit
ye don't 'like miniature ones in
our beds, do we r
A i
keep3 its shape l.zcause of the
curls inside.
Your dealer handles them.
Armstrong Cork Co., Pittsburg, Pa.
. Sf' ''t
A genuine welcome waits yotvat"" '
Cor. lain and Coal Sts.
Ftneat whiskeys, beers, porter and ale
constantly on Up. Choice emperance drink.
and cigars.
A Handsomo Oomploxion
I. nnn nf the srraAtest charms a woman can
posses. Pozzohi's CourusxiOH I'owdbb
gives it.
f Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
a B
Spanish Promior and His Oabinot
Step Down and Out.
Tho J.tbcrnl T.ondor leavers tho Itoonll
of Gonornl Woylor, nnd Ills Accos
slou to l'pwor Will Hon litlosa lloFol
iowod by Homo Itulo For Cuba,
Madrid, Sept. 30. The Spanish cabi
net has resigned. The queen has ac
cepted the aablnet's resignation, but
has asked General Azcarraga to con
tinue In ofllcd until a solution of the
crisis Is found. Her majesty will sum
mon the leaders of tho various parties
and the presidents of the ohambers to
day to consult as to tho situation. Senor
Bagasta has been telegraphed for, and
It Is believed that the Liberal leader
wilt hn nnltefl to form n. cabinet.
It Is said that Senor Sagasta Is In
favor of superceding Captain General
Weyler and of grnntlng autonomy to
Cuba immediately. Senor Gamazo wm
probably be minister of foreign affairs
ln th(J new cablnot.
The ministry whose resignation has
Just Tieen announced was constituted
a8 follows: Prime minister of war, Gen-
nrnl MnmAtn Aynnrrnpft! fnrplffn flf.
fairs, the Duke of Tetuan; marine,
near Admiral T)on Joae M. Bernneer:
finance, Don Juan Navarro neverter;
commerce and agriculture, Don Aure-
llano Xilnares Itlvas; colonies, Don To
mas Castellano; home department, Don
Fernando Cos-Gavon,
United States Minister Woodford, the
Duke of Tetuan and the president of
the senate, the Marquis Paxo de la
Merrzed, held a long conference yes
terday, and General 'Woodford present
ed to General Azcarraga the members
of the United States legation. Owing
to tho cabinet crisis the Cuban pour
parlors have been postponed.
Oniclals Bolloyo tho Clinnco AV1I1 Ko-
sult ln licnoflt to Cuba.
Washington, Sept. 30. The news of tho
Spanish cabinet crisis was brought to
the attention of the officials of tho
state department and diplomatic of
ficials through press dispatches from
Madrid. It Is surmised that Mlnlstor
Woodford's failure to cable the depart
ment was attributable to the fact that
It was after nightfall in Madrid before
tho news became known. It cannot be
said that tho event caused surprise
among the officials of the state depart
ment or among the members of the
diplomatic corps ln Washington. A
careful inspection of the cable news for
tho past few weeks had left tho gen
eral Impression that the cabinet erect
ed ln haste after the assassination of
Prpml.r Pflnnvns nniild not be exnectod
jQ BUrvive long.
There were several reasons for this
expectation, but perhaps tho principal
one was tho belief that the dissensions
among the supporters of the govern
ment caused by the personal encounter
between the Duke of Tetuan, the min
ister for foreign affairs, and one of tho
leaders of the dissident Conservatives
had not been healed, but had been only
bridged over temporarily. The dissi
dent Conservatives at the tlmo insisted
upon tho resignation of the duke as a
condition of their further support of
the government. As the government
depended not upon a homogeneous
party, but rather upon a union of vari
ous tlements generally opposed to lib
eral ideas for Its existence, this was a
threatening condition, and a crisis was
averted only through strenuous efforts
of conservative leaders.
High officials In the administration
expect that a Liberal cabinet, under
the leadership of the veteran Sagasta,
will be erected on the ruins of the Az
carraga cabinet. If this should be the
case the future Is held to be full of
promise for Cuba, for it is recalled that
the Liberals have not hesitated to ex
press their opposition to the great ex
penditure of human life and vast treas
ure ln the effort to carry out the re
presslve Conservative program for the
conduct of the war. It Is not believed
that the Liberals are prepared to go
to the length of promising freedom for
Cuba, but from the expressions of the
leaders of the party It Is hoped that
they are willing to grant so liberal a
measure of home rute and autonomy
to the Island that of Spanish over
elgnty nothing would remain save a
spread In the way of a few preferential
duties, and perhaps the power of ap
pointing gome officials corresponding to
the governor general of Canada, named
by the British crown.
General Azcarraga ln a long Inter
view with the queen regent yesterday
explained the situation. It is believed
that he asked her majesty If she was
ready to confirm the government ln
necessary powers in view of the at
tltude of the United States. After the
Interview he summoned the cabinet.
The meeting waB attended by Senor
Reverter, the exoommunloated minis
ter of finance, and Senor Cos-Cayon,
minister of the Interior, both of whom
tendered their resignations. Shortly
afterward the premier tendered the
resignation of the entire cabinet
Dout zlvo them tea or coffee. Have you tried
the new food drink called Grain-O? It is
delicious and nourishlngand takes the place
of coffee. The more Graln-0 you give the
children the more health you distribute
through their systems. Grain-Ola nmdo of
pure grams, and whon proporly prepared
tastes like the choice grades of coffee hnt
costs about 1 as much. All grocers sell it
lSe and 36o.
Wo Do Not Want Groeulniul.
Washington, 8ept. 30. The state de
partment oltlclals ridicule the story at
tributed to Canadian sources that the
United States government Is negotia
ting with Denmark for the acquisition
of Greenland. It is positively denied
that the United States has any designs
upon territory in mat pari 01 ui worm.
To heal tho broken and diseased tissues, to
soothe the irritated surfaces, to instantly re
lieve and to permanently cure is the uiUslon
of DeWitt's Witohllascl Halve, u. u. nagen-buoh.
Thousands Daily Endangering
Their Lives.
And Neglecting the Happiness
of those depending on them.
A great Many People will not
Heed Advice.
An Interesting Talk that
must Prove Valuahle.
And May lie the Means of
Rescuing You.
Ercryono knows what a hoaJacho Is, Fen' tho Bcrlouinoss of this aflllction Head
aches, especially when tho tendency Is for them
to become, chronic, show a eeriom derangement
ot the system. They as a rale- result from a
wearing out and general giving away of tho
ncrvo tissue of tho brain. Excess ln living. In
working, disregard ot the laws of health. In
sufficient sleep, tho continual wear that accom
panies ourexlstence, Inattention to all warnings
that something Is wrong, are tho causes ot this
general wearing away ot those wonderful and
most intricate parts ot the human body the
Tho ontlro body depends upon the nerves.
When they are affected, a person Is continually
sick. They aro weak, tired, sleepless, and
nervous, and havs no ambition to undcrtat e
any task. This can and should bo remedied at
onco. Dr. Greene's Nenrnra blood and nervo
remedy will do it, and at the same time bulid up
tho entlro system. No other remedy will so
quickly and certainly strengthen your nerves,
invigorate your blood, and correct tho action ot
all your organs. It will make you well and
strongas It has done thonsauds of persons; as It
did 'Mrs. W. A. Cutler, ot f9 Orchard Street,
Worcester, Mass.
"A year ago," she says, "I fell 111 with nerv
ous prostration and neuralgia, which affected
my wholo system. My digestion was also very
poor. After eating I would bo taken with a
smothering sensation, while tho palpitation of
the heart was terriblo.
"Sevcro nervous headaches made my lite
miserable in connection with theso other
troubles. I was in a fearful condition, and bo.
camo greatly discouraged. I consulted physi
cians and treated with them, but with no benefit.
Nothing I took done mo any good.
"1'inally as a last resource, I commenced to
uso Dr. Greeno's Nervura blood and nerve
remedy, which had been wonderfully praised to
mo. With the first bottlo I noticed an Improve
ment, and persevering ln Its ute, I continued to
steadily gain In overy respect.
" My nervousness was soon enred. The
neuralgia, headaches, palpitation ot the heart,
indiifoition and all my complaints entirely left
me. All this was accomplished by Sr. Greeno's
Nervura blood and nervo rejnedy.
"This wonderful medicine did for me what
all tho doctors and their medicines could not
do. I wish to urge all sufferers to try It "
It will build up, replenish, restore to health
those wasted and shattered nerves. With these
healthy and acting in a normal condition, head
aches aro an Impossibility and the terriblo ulti
mata catabtropbies resulting from nerve head
aches are of course effectually rendered Im
possible. For aching heads, throbbing brains
and nervous agonies no nietllclno has over been
discovoredthat could begin to compare with Dr.
Greene's Nervura blood and nervo remedy. It
cures, and curcsquickl)'. It Is harmless, though
unparalleled, In its effectiveness. It Is not a
chance proscription or an Injurious, stupefying
arug, nut u is a careiuuy compounueu, favorite
prescription of one of America's most famous
doctors, by tho discovery of which ho has
achieved his fame.
Why lose tiino in trvlne uncertain and
untried remedies, when hero Is a physician's
Prescription, a ulscovery roailo by the crcatcst
living specialist in curing nervous and chronic
diseases, JJr. ureeno, ot 33 west 11th Street,
new i oiK city, it vow take tins mcu cine, vou
can consider yoursolf under Dr. Greene's direct
professional caro, and you can consult him or
write to mm about your case, freely and with
out charge. This is a guarantee that this
mcdlcino will euro, possessed by no other medi
cine in mo worm.
Cured by this granular effervescent and stimu
lant. All lnRwnf euro lor euur ecoiunciui jtnu
hendaches, which olten accumulate from having
night out
17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows :
For New York via Philadelphia, week days,
10. 5 80. 703 0 51a.m.. 1283. 3 10 nnd 0 07 n
ra Sundays, '1 1Q a. m.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
5 36,705 a. in., 12 83 and 8 10 p. m.
For Reading and Philadelphia, week days,
210,980,705 sum., 12 33, 8 10 and 6 07p.m. Sun-
unys, a iu a, rn.
For PotUville, week days, 2 10; 7 05 a. m., and
12 33, 3 10, S 07 and 7 25 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m, .
For Tamaaua and Mahanoy City, week davs.
210.580, 705 a. m.,1283, 810 and 607 p. ra.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For wuuamspon, Banbury and Lewleburs,
week davs. 8 25. 5 88. 11 SO a. m.. and 7 25 n. m.
Sundays, 8 25 a. m.
For Maliano) I'lane, weekdays, 2 10. 8 23. 5 3D,
7 03. 9 5i, 11 80 a. m., 12 S3, 8 10, 07, 7 25, 9 55 and
1 1 m p. m. Dunuays, zivtK) a. m.
For Ashland and Shamokln. week dars. 3 25.
5 30, 7 03, 11 SO a. ni., S07, 72S and 9 55 p. m.
Sundays, 8 25 a. m.
For Baltimore. Washington and the Weat via
B. AO. It. It., through trains les-i Beading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (1. & It. II K.) al 8 20,
7 55,1126 a. m 810 and 7.27 P. La. Sundays,
8 20, 7 00, 11 24 a. m., 8 46 and 7 27 p. m. Addi
tional trains srom xwenty-iounu ana unest
nut streets Btatlon, week days, 10 80 a. m, 12 20,
u in a 40 p.m. nunuayg, x do, a si p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, iz 10, 4 bo, b uo a. m., and 1 80, 4 BO, 9 00 p,
m. Sundays. 5 CO u. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 80, 9 10 a.;m.. 1 80 and 4 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Beading Terminal, week
days, 4 20, 8 85, 10 10 a. m. and 1 42, 4 05, 6 80, 11 30
p. m. Sandays, 11 30 p. m.
Leave Readlne.week days, 1 85. 7 10.10 08. a. in.
12 00 m., 4 19, 6 00 and 820 p. m. Sundays, 1 96
Leave Pottsyllle, week days, 2 85, 7 40 a. lu.,
12 80 and A 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 85 a. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8 18, 8 48, 11 28 a.
m., 1 86, 5 81, 7 20 and 0 43 p. m, Sundays, 8 18
a. m
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 12 20, 8 45,
u u u a. m., z u, o in, o 17, y it ana iu us p, m,
Sundays. 12 25. 8 45 a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 12 85, 2 40,
flu DW,v, iuju, 11 w n. in., 20s, dds, ow.
7 57, 10 22 m. Sundays, 12 40. 2 40, 4 00 a. m.
Leave Wllllnmsport, week days, 7 42, 10 20 a
m., 4 00 and 11 30 p. m. Sundays, ll 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street war
South street wharf for Atlantlo City.
weeuuays isxpress, vw a. m., zuu.
4 00,
fS 0(1 ri. in. Aceommodatloii. 8 CO a. m.. ft UO n. in
Sundays Express, 9 00, 10 00 a. m, Accommoda
tion, a uu a. m., 4 43 p. m.
Beturnlne leave Atlantic City denot. corner
Atlantlo and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 8n, 900 a.m., 8 80,8 80
p.m. Axxniinuiuiioi(, o 10 a. m., 400 p. m.
Sundays ltxproM, 4 00, 7 80 p. m. Aooom
mndatlon, 7 15 a. in., 4 15 p, m.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
For further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Beading Itallway tloket agent
or address
I. A SWKIOABtl, Bdsoit J. Wbbks.
O.en'1 Sunt, Gen'l Pasa'r Agt.,
Heading Terminal, Pklladelphla.
Wanted-An Idea
Wbo ean think
ot ionic itmpie
Protect your Ideaaj ttrv niny lrtug you wealth.
oeyi. WsUhlngum, U. O., fur their t,8U0 prlso offer
4ti4 llat oX two humlrod limntlou wauled
Tlio I roseu t MxocitivoB Itotiomliintod
liy Ace nmntlnn.
Boston, Sept. 30,-The Ilepublioan
state convention of Massachusetts
nominated candidates for state offloea
yesterday. There was a large attend
ance of delegates, and the plans of the
state commlttf for the conduct of the
session, as perfected at previous meet
ings, were carried out. The ticket Is as
For governor, Roger Woloott; lieu
tenant governor, W. M. Crane; secre
tary, William M. Oltn; treasurer, B. P.
Shaw; auditor, John W. Kimball; at
torney general, Hosea M. Knowlton.
The foregoing are all renomlnatlons.
The nominations were all made by ac
clamation. Colonel A. II. doettlng, of Spring
field, was the temporary chairman. In
the permanent organisation W. S. V.
Hopkins, of Worcester, was made chair
man. Colonel Melvln O. Adams, chair
man of the committee on resolutions,
presented the committee's report, vtfhlch
was adopted. United States Senator
Henry Cabot Lodge renominated Gov
ernor Itoger AValcott, and the motion
was carried with a great demonstra
tion of enthusiasm.
MnnolillHott Gold Domnornts.
Doston, Sept. SO. The second nnnual
state convention of the national Demo
cratic party will be held In Faneull Hall
In this city today. The convention will
be presided over by Moorileld Story, of
Urookllue, and It Is understood that
the following ticket wilt be nominated:
For governor, William Uverett of Quln
oy; lieutenant governor, James 13.
Cotter of Hyde Park; atate secretary,
Bernard M. Wolf of Boston; treasurer
and receiver general, Horace P. Tobey
ot Wareham; auditor, Harry Douglas
of Great Harrington; attorney general,
Willlnm MrCleneh of ChlcopM.
Itnnninc sores. Indolent ulcers nnd similar
troubles, oven though of many year's stand-:
Inc. may bo cnnxl by usiiiK Dewitt s Yvictli
Ilazcl Salve. It soothes, strengthens and
henls. It is a grout pilo euro. C. II. Iliigon
huch. Emperor 111 IiimWnimt-iit illations.
Berlin, Sept. 30. Tmperor William
ha sent to the North German Lloyd
Steamship company a congratulatory
telegram upon the record made by the
new steamship Kaiser Wllhelrn der
Grosse from Southampton to New
York. He soys: "Your announcement
surprised me. This unequalled achieve
ment bears testimony to the sterling
character of the yard In which this
German ship was built, and is worthy
the exalted name which the vessel
bears. May cur shipbuilding Industry
always rrtss onwards, as It Is now
doing, und remain unequalled."
Small precautions often prevent great mis
chiefs. DeWitt's Little Early Hiscrs aro very
small pills lu slzo, but are most effective in
preventing tho meat serious forms of liver
and stomach troubles. Thoy cure constipa
tion and headache and regulate tho bowels.
C. H. Ilagcnbuch.
Now Orlonim' Yellow Fovor Victims.
New Orloans, Sept. 30. Yesterday
was a record breaker in the number of
new cases of yellow fever reported,
while the deaths equalled ln number
those of any day since the yellow fe
ver was first discovered in the city.
The increased number of cases has
caused no general alarm, because tho
increase of deaths has not been In pro
portion. The death rate Is a trine under
12 per cent, when five or six days ago
It was shown to lie above 15. There
were three deaths and 24 new cases.
Tlirco lillilron L'i'onmtd.
Alma, Neb., Sept. 30. The farmhouse
of A. L. Gordon burned Tuesday night,
consuming three children. The chil
dren wore loft alone ln the house by
the father, who went to tho barn. He
returned In 20 minutes to And his home
ln ilames. Gordon was dangerously
burnai ln his efforts to save the chil
dren, and may die.
iiofiiifi Friend
Is a liniment for expectant mothers
to use externally. It softens the muscles
and causes them to expand without dis
comfort. If used durinpj most of the period
of pregnancy there will be no morning
sickness, "no rising breasts, no headache.
When baby is born there will be little
pain, no dancer, and labor will be short
and easy. $1 a bottle at druggists.
Send for a Free copy of our illustrated
book about Mother's Friend.
The Bratlfleld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Men who suffer from the etrects ot disease, over
work, worry, from 'bo follies of youth or the ex.
coises ot manhood, from unnatural drains, weak
nas or laok of development of any organ, failure of
vital foroes. unfitness for marriage, all inch men
should "come to the fountain head " for n scientific
rootbod of marvellous power to vttallie. develop, re.
store, and sustain. Wo will mall without cliarso
In a plain sealed envelope a ramptilet that
Tells It All. Nothing sent unasked. No expo
sure, no aecepuon. Address
m vm H ami
Steel 1 Pennyroyal Treatmeni
is the original and only FRENCH
hat a nnd TAHahla enre on tho mar
ket, l'rlen, f 1.00; sent by moil.
uenoine soiu omy uy
S. r. KI1UIN, Shenandoah.
Every man's
wife whe has
knows a good
your husband
HlziivuLiavitidif 1 x, results or
Hell'-ubuie, Hpeclul Ill.eases, Var
icocele, niriciurci, n u uuiiinr.
Hnu 1 untlevelouea lrarnnsdBX
.f-rue00,.fM.,a BLOOD POISOH
lu nil rnieis rrtn cnuem rureu in l
lolOdayi. St ndiut'in lamim for Hook
Quack ft laku JUlUlute'jthiU Utlltt A evUvuv.
Ti fan fell vaul
5 'about Seel
Iff'a. This admix
ture Improves cheap
coflec and makes
I youadellciousariuaii , m
for little money. 2c. a pack-
Dolivorod at tho Labor Convention
at Chicago.
A Itosolutlon to That HlPjot Votod
Down Artor Several Itndlonl Ariru
moiits Wostorn Dolofratos Stiaoeeil
In Forotnirn 1'roe Silver Amondmont,
Chicago, Sept. 80. There was a lively
row at the national labor convention
yesterday, and for a time during the
proceedings It looked as If an exchange
of blows could not be averted. Dr. H.
Taylor, one of Mayor Harrison's
oablnet oftlclals, was the cause of the
disturbance. Dr. Taylor was present as
delegate, and he wanted the privi
lege of speaking ln regard to the plHt
form which had been submitted by the
committee on resolutions. But the ma
jority ot the delegates seemingly did
not wish the doctor to speak. The del
egates expresed approval, however,
when the doctor said: "I am highly
gratified at the money plank ln the
platform." The money plank ln the
platform calls for legal tender money
to be Issued direct by the government.
change came when the doctor an
nounced that the time had not come
for the attempt to establish the sys
tem of national paper money. The doc
tor quickly followed this announcement
ith a plea to have the 16 to 1 Idea put
in the platform, to the exclusion of the
money plank already presented. The
audience instantly turned against him,
and an uproar ensued which did not
cease till the speaker sat down.
The three days' session ot the con
vention ended yesterday afternoon ln a
climax of Incendiary speeches. K. M.
BanniBter, of St. Louis, chairman of
the convention, resigned the gavel to
Introduce a resolution advising strik
ers ln general to arm themselves for
resistance when necessary.
B. It. Creedon, of Idaho, was one of
the most radical speakers. He said:
'The time has come for radical meas
ures. If we adopt this resolution it
will make the St. Louis convention the
largest gathering of worklnkmen ln
the history ot the world. Every ad
vance of the human race has been
gained with guns, and we must use
them. This Is the best thing that has
been introduced Into the convention.
It is what the people expect."
M. McCartlry, of Chicago, opposed
the resolution as a matter of policy on
tho ground that it was not well to
warn the public of their Intentions. He
said: "General Miles has already
asked that tho army be increased to
226,000 men, and we don't want to give
tha people any warning before we go
at them, or that recommendation will
be followed. It Is poor policy to dis
cuss this ln an open convention, be
cause we can never beat the capitalists
If we allow them to prepare. We must
catch them before they are ready."
E. M. Bannister, speaking ln defense
of his resolution, said It was right that
arms should bo met with arms. This
convention, he declared, would never
have been called had it not been for
the Hazleton murders, and some action
must be taken.
A motion to lay the matter on the
table was carried after McCarthy s
speech about its being poor policy.
The western delegates secured a free
sliver amendment to the platform. They
Bald they were empowered to announce
that if It were not passed not a cent
more of money would come out of tlw
west to assist the eastern men in
strikes and other troubles.
for thoso who will go to-day and get a pack
ago of UKAIN-O. It takes the place of
coileo nc about i tho cost. It is Q food drink,
full of health, and can bo given to the
children as well as the adult with groat
henofit. It is made of pure grains and looks
and tastes like tho finest grades of Mocha or
Java coffoo. It satisfies cvoryono. A cup of
Uraln-O is better for the system than a
tonic, because its bonoflt is permanent. What
oolloe breaks down Grnin-0 builds up. Ask
your grocer for Grain-O. 15c. and 25c.
Families Mndo Homeless liy l'lro
Ironton, O., Bept. 30. This city -was
threatened with destruction last night.
At 7 p. m. the sawmill of Newman &
Spencer was discovered on fire. Before
tha Are deparytment reached the' scene
the flames had extended to the lumber
yards. The fire wiped out the mills
and the lumber yards or the Penn
Lumber company. Word was sent to
Catlettsburg, ABhland and Portsmouth
for relief. About 20 families were soon
rendered homeless. Two business blocks
on Second and Third streets and the
St. Joseph's church, parochial schools
and parsonage, Columbia Hall and the
Belfast iron works were destroyed. Al-
tocether six squares were flame swept,
The loss is estimated at $300,000 to $100,-
Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild Strawberry lias
beon used for forty years and has nover yet
failed to euro a case of diarrhoea, dysentery,
or summer complaint in any of its various
Tlio"Kxpoi,tHllMiiri-co. '
Chicago, Sept. 30. Hog or hp man
That Is the Ibbuo ln the Luetgert case
at present, and according to the view
of the case adopted by the Jury is the
fate of the defendant likely to be. The
defense yesterday introduced evidence
to prove that the bone which Dr. Dor
eey, the osteologist of the Columbian
Museum, declared was the femur of
a woman, Is nothing but the bone of
a hog. The witness who declared this
Is Dr. W. H. Allport, professor of an
atomy in the North Western university.
Professor J. A. Welsener gave evidence
In support of Dr. Heine's testimony In
connection with the experiments with
human bodies made tn the vats In
the Luetgert factory.
Uoekten'a Amlcu fialve.
The beat salvo tn tho world for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fever sores.
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
1 1 f i : , t l L. 1 1
nil Dniu uiu,HuuhBuu yu9ji.ivoijr uuivs piieo,
or ao pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
So cents per box. For sale by A. Waaley.
Wrookod by Snoutnuooua C'oiifliustloit
Santa Crus, Cat, Sept. 30. At
o'clock in the morning a disastrous ex
plosion, which wrecked several build
Ings, occun ed at the works of the Cal
lfornla Power company, presumably
from spontaneous combustion. Eight
mills, including the colntng, mixing,
glazing and parking houses, and their
contents, consisting of valuable ma
chinery, and about 800 tons of powder,
were destroyed, the lose aggregating
about $160,000.
Letter Cnrrlor Itolihod the MnllH.
Jersey City, Sept, SO. Richard Drum
.Tiond, a letter carrier ln this city, Is
jndw arrest, charged with robbing the
malls. He has been In the postal ser
vice for several years.
The secret of happiness, "Keep your llv r
right." Burdock Dlood Hitlers U nature's
remedy for complaints of the livoc or bowels.
Down Drakes, nnd Reverse I "
When a train is discovered rushing on to a
inrmitu col
lision, it ia a
thrilling in.
sunt as the
w n 1 1 1 e a
' ' Down
and reverses
his lever.
Brakes alone
are not
enough ; the
whole pro
pelling pow
er of the en
gine must be
reversed and
made to work
In the oppo
site direc
tion. That is
how it is
with disease.
There are
times when
the system Is flying along the track of dis
ease at such a frightful pace that no ordinary
methods will prevent disaster. There are
plenty of medicines which act merely as
Wakes to "slow up" the disease and put
iff disaster for a little while; but that isn't
enough. What is needed ia a medicine that
will instantly reverse the entire wasting,
degenerating process.
When people are losing flesh and strength
and vitality, with the life oozing out of theti
dayafter day, they need Dr. Tierce's Golden
Medical Disoivery, which acts directly upon
the vital forces, completely transforms the
entire nutritive organism and totally re
verses tile wasting, debilitating process
which is at the root of all diseases.
It enables the digestive and blood-making
organs to supply the circulation with an
abundance of pure, healthy, red blood. It
stops the wasting of tissue, builds up solid;
muscular flesh and healthy nerve-force.
Miss Mary Whitman, of Hast Dickinson,
franklin Co., N. Y., writes: "For nearly ten
months I have had a bad cough, and Instead ot
getting better, It grew wotse, uutll I was advised
by a friend to try Dr. Tierce's Golden Medlot
Discovery. I hesitated at first, for It seemed 10
me nothing would give relief only death. My
parents were anxious about me, and I was said
to have consumption. I tried your medicines,
and before I had taken many doses there was a
frent change. When the second bottle was emp'
had no eouvh and was a (treat deal stronger. "
perjpa. Railroad.
SEi-rEMimn 13, 1897.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after tho ahovi
dato for Wlggans, Gllbcrton, Frnokvllle, Dark
Water, St. Clair, Pottsvllle. Hamburg, Itesdlnc
Pottstown, Phoentxvllle, Norristown and Phil
adelphia (Broad street station) at 6 03 and 1105
a. in. and 4 20 p. m. on week davs. Sundavs.
6 03 n. m., 8 10 p. m. For Pottsvllle and inter
mediate stations only 9 17 a. m. week days.
Sundnys, 9 43 a. m.
Trains leave Frackvlllc for Shenandoah al
10 40 a. m. and 1281, S41, 7 62 and 10 47 p. m.
Sunday, 11 1ft a. m. and 5 41 p. m.
Leave Pottsvillo for Shenandoah at 10 10
a. m. and 12:33, 5 15, 7 25 and 10 20 p. m. Suuda)
I 10 40 n. m., 5 15 p. m.
Leave PhlladelpMa, (Broad street station), fr
Shenandoah at 5 57, 8 85and 10 19 a. m., 4 10 nnd
7 ' p. ra. week days. Sundays leave at 0 50 n. ra.
Leave Broad street station, Philadelphia, 10.
Sen Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Lon,
iirnncn, anu lmermeuinse stations, 000, s.7o
11.39, a. m., 8.80 and 4.00 p. in. week-days. Sun-
ays, 8 25 a. m.
Leave Broad Street Stntlon, Philadelphia.
Express, wcek-dnvs 8 20. 4 Oo. 4 50 B 15. B 50.
83.8 20,8 83.9 50.10 21 (Dinlmr Cnrl. 11 00 a. tn.
2 00 noon. ,2 as (Limited ICO nnd 4 22 n. 1,1.
Dining Cnrs), 1 40, 2 30 (Dlntnj; Cor) 3 20, 8 50.
w, u w, 00 turning i;arj, ouu, t vrzt 1 i:j, luco
. ni., 12 01, night. ijundaj'B, 8 20. 4 05, 4 50 5 15,
o,ooo,viw, iu .1. Uli nig uinj, 11 uo n. 111.,
1285, 103 .Dining Cnr) 230 (Dining Car), 4 00
lL.innHHi4 ruining tjnrj,0'JO, ooo.iuinlug Cnr)
l, , U, , ,, 1UUI II, III., iMULIllgUt.
Express for Boston without cbnnce. 11 00 n m..
week-days, and 7 43 p. 111., dally.
For Baltimore nnd Washinirtoii. 3 50. 7 20. R 32.
10 20. 112:). n. 111.. 12 Oil. 12 31 ll)l..lnir
Oar). "112, 3 18, 4 41. 519 ConpreB
Kiomtl Limited. Dining Cnr, 017. 053 Din
ing Cnr, 7 81 Dinlna; Cnrl p. m., nnd 12 05
lilgntwoeKUays. Bunuays, 1 60, 7 20.912,1128,
a. 111., l-jua, 1 ix, 4 41, 10 ia uona-rowrionnl I.lm-.
lieu. Dining uarj, em tinning oarj, TSI tinn
ing Car p. in. and Ut Oil night.
Leave Broad street stntlon via Delaware river
bridge Express, 9 20 n. m., 2 33 and 7 OS p. in.
Lenvo Mnrket Street Wnrf Express. 5 00. 8 60
a. m., 1 50, 4 00, 1 20, 5 00 p. m. Sundays, 8 00,
9 00, 9 45 n. 111. (accommodation 4 30 nntl 5 40
p. 111.) $1:00 excursion train, 7 CO a. m. Sundays
iror unpojuay, Angicscn, wiittwoounndiiouy
Bench Express, 9 00 a. in., 2 00, 4 05 p. in.
week davs. Sundavs. 8 20 a. m. Excursion.
7 00 n. m. dally.
For Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avalon nnd
Stone Harbor Express, 910 a. m., 2 30, 420,
p. m wecicuaya. sununyB, sou a. m. excur
sion, 7 00 n. m. dally.
ror ttomers point J5xpress, . UO, a 00, n. m.,
1 m inn K nn ... .1... u I....-
"V, -M W, U W, 111. n L'Clk UIIJO,
7 00, 8 00 nnd 9 CO n. m.
I, B. Hutchinson, J. It. Wood,
ucn l .manager. uen'l 1'OMS'g'r Agi.
Wanted-An idea
Who can thin
ff no me simple
tlifiitf to Datent?
Protect your MoARt ttnT may bring you wealth.
it ino u u 1 1 li ? uvuruiu v s vw.t a diciib avtifi -
oeyi. Washington, D. C, fur their i,8uu prlte oftel
ma iut oi two aunareu inYuuugas waniii.
CelebnitPtl FeiusH
lwdera never full
i isO anil itir I after fftillDd
with Tanty tnd rennyroyal IlHi nfl other II kr
rrmediMt. AIwavibuthc bout a id VOld dleap
ointment. Guaranteed uperlor tool! otheri. .lwtiveu
' i 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( I f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s 1 1
SoottlDjw needs a reliable, monthly, regulating medicine. Only harmless &&4
the purest drugs should be usau. If 70U want the best, get
Or. Pe?asFs PenntfoaS Fills
They are prompt, sale asd certain ln result. The csnulae (Dr. Peal's) never llaap.
nolot. Seat auyvhare, 11,00. Address kxi. Masioisa Co., Clevelind, O.
For Sale al KIRLIN'S
j in
25 Sb
.......i.... " V V -1 " L 1
Oradnat ami Lote Itesldent House Burger n ,,f
the University State or N. Y.
IIsADquiBTltBS. Hotel Franey. Shenandoah
Calls night or day promptly responded.
Office-Rgan building, cor er of Main and
Centre street, Shenandoah
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre streets.
Loek Box 65, Mahanoy City, Pa.
g studied under
of the best
give lessons
if Loi
andon and Parts, will
en the violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Addi
i In care of Strouse
lie Jeweler Shenandoah.
. Agent and Bottler of
Porter and Weiss Beer.
203 W. Coal Street,
Two Carloads
oL .
Brought to town to be sold
at a sacrifice, the property of
a bnkru pt manufacturer.
They are all solid oak with bevel
plate mirrors, shelves around the
top, neatly carved and highly
polished, and will sell at
Furniture : House
121-123 North Main St.
riillions of Dollars
Go up in smoko every year. Take no
risks but get your houses, stock, far
ni ture, etc., insured in first-class re
liable companies as represented by
riAVTTi FATIT durance Agent.
UAYIIJ rAUai, 120 South Jardin SI
Also Life and Accidental Oompani eat
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 1 ret
., .. . 1 1 . .rw. ! . r. , r '
tlio World'd Progresa. The . 7 r-
K formetl nntl thrifty Housa-wS fo will b-
in the liotifp, na a stiindanl remedy for
Bjinuna, Bruises, Cmmp., lUioumatism, 2
nntl till aches and pains.
Price 25 cti. and 50 cti. per bollie.
Prep'rtd by H. J. IIACKETT & C3.. Phllsdelflila. r
Drue Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
sp'erDe,Ctocn.aru f" Ve,',,',
...i..tii.Kii. nuniresi, lan., or new lorfc.