EVENING HERALD RfrAllUSlIliO 1870. Published every ttvenlnn, Kieept Sunday, at Booth Jaubiw Htbet, Niur Dmrrnn. The Herald la detlvmed In Slietiandoan nnd the surrounding to, as for six eeiita a week, pay alii . o ho carriers, lly mall 9tM n year, or 56 cents n month, imyable In advance. Advertise luents cftnnfMcordlng to space and position. The uublfauete reserve the right to change the kflftlllon of advertisements whenever the pub "Hon of news demands it. The riant la leeerved to reject any advertisement, whether iialil for or not, that the publishers may ueem Improper. Advertising rates made known upon application. iCntered at the pontoCuce at Shenandoah, Pa., as second class mall matter. TKLKPHONK CONNECTION. "All the News That's Fit to Print." Evening Hersld THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER SO. 180T. iturimr.to.VN statu Tinicitr. ra tmatomc. .Tamhi S. Hkaork, Or Weatmoi eland. FOIt AUDITOR ORNKRAI., ItKVI (?. MCOAULMV, Of Charter. KHl'UlII.lOAN OOUNTV TIOKHT. FOR JUWIK, 1I0.V. 0. 1. ItHOUTKL, Or Pottsvllle.' FOR DIINRirr, IltMTMR S. Al.MHKlUT, Or Orwlgsburg.; t ron moil dirkotor, , Jons Rowm, Sr., Or Tronioiit. FOR JURY COMMIWtWNKn, JoIIK Ax'BTOCK, Of Muliaiioy City. TALK about gold; there's plenty of it ! The Treasury oflleials positively refuse to exchange tho yellow metal for greenbacks, having now more gold than it can comfortably accom modate. AtTOUNKV OKKKKAI, McCoiimick, tho state's legal adviter, is in "the dumps," and refuses to advice tho Capitol Commission ; all because things are not going tho way of Ban & Dave. "Wirit the close of the present week the short-cropped base ball champion will go to the rear, and in his place will bob up tho long-haired foot ball crank. There are several Oriole rooters here who wish the change had been made a week sooner. In suggesting seasonable advertis ing a writer says "it's better to intor- ost ten people thoroughly in one article than to merely catcli the oyo of a thousand people." Eye-catching is merely the beginning of an adver tisement, and the advertiser who thinks it is the end fools himself bauiy. llecord. This afternoon Thomas Ii. Hicks assumes the duties of postmaster of Philadelphia, and at tho same hour his Democratic predecessor walked out. Tho latter, however, leaves the office with a good record, and one which tho new incumbent might fol low with profit to himself and the public. TllK appointment of Kichard Ii. Koch Esq., to the position of Addi tional Law Judge was oxpecter'i and the formal announcement of the action of the Governor in tho cam occasioned no surprito ns the II KHALI) intimated several days ago that the appointment had been decided upon. The iltness of Mr. Koch for the oilice is conceded even by those who, for various reasons, opposed his appointment. His ability is unquestioned and we predict for him a successful career as a jurist and a nomination and election to tho oflice next year. It is somewhat singular that trusted employes and public oflleials will be gin pilfering from their employers, borrowing a dollar, then ten, then fifty, or a hundred or a tlioubatiil; never paying back a penny; falsify- inghe books, and keeping up thir ' systematic robbery and at the same time going to church and perchance superintending Sunday schools, with not the remotest regret for what they are doing. The hair in such men's heads retains its natural color, but when they are found out those obon looks turn white in a night, the form becomes feeble, and the man is like himself no more. It is not re morse that wrought those remark able and sudden changes; it was the apprehension of being found out and the fear of prison cells. Sinck the Introduction of the chemical engine in ShenandoHh, ptir chaned'by the Rescue Hook & Ladder Company, every town in the region of any jirominnnee line followed the example of, Shenandoah and added this important adjunct to their lire department. Pottsville, Allentown, Hazleton and Minereville are among the number, and now Wilkeslmrre hag oome in line. The people of Shenandoah, etpeoially those who have been at thenieroy of the flames, fully appreciate the progressive spirit displayed by the Ileseue hoys in purchasing the ohemioal engine. This was qliown very plainly at the time of the test, and when a com mittee of prominent oltizens ap peared before Council in behalf of an additional appropriation 1n favor of the company. Shenandoah has the most efficient Are department in the coal regions, and the ooinpanlee are pro nipt (nul ever ready to respond to an alarm. A MILLION DOLLAR BLAZE. Fireman Driven on by Heat at the National Capital. Washington, Sept. 80. Fire broke out In thr control p"Wr itatlon of the Cap ital Tr.Ttlon company a few minutes before 7 o'clock last nllltt, and In JO minutes the magnificent tlx story structure was doo- "d. The building occupied the entire block from Penn sylvania avenue to C street and from Thirteen and a Half street to Four teenth street. The lteat was so Intense that the firemen were driven from the adjoining streets. When It became evi dent that no efforts could save the power station the department turned Its attention to the adjoining property, but the names leaped across Four teenth street on the west to a big livery stable and then across Thirteen and a Half street on the east and at tacked a row of three story brick houses. So fearful was the heat that the firemen could not get within reach of the burning buildings. They were driven back foot by foot until the streams from the hose pipes could not reach the Are. The entire Are depart ment wtu on the scene, but so fierce was the conflagration that their efforts were futile. The power house was built four years ago. It was six stories In height, and, besides containing the power plant of the Pennsylvania avenue lines of the Capital Traction company, was occu pied by doiens of offices. The wans began to fall by 12 o'olock, and with the decreasing heat the men were en abled to get to work on adjoining prop erty. Several houses, however, were gutted. At this hour It is Impossible to state the loss. Approximately It will be about $400,000 on the building, about (300,000 on machinery and stored cars, while the loss sustained by tenants will amount to $200,000 more, making the total damage $1,000,000. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. If you want to quit tobacco using easlh mid forever, lie ruade well, strong, magnetic full of now life and vigor, take No-To-Dic, the wonder-worker that makes weak ineii strong. Jinny gain ten. pounds In ten days. Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Iteo from your own druggist, who will guarantee a cure. 60c or fl.00. Booklet and sample mulled free. Ad. Stei'.iitg Remedy Co.. Chineo or Now York. Wnr A'cwwl tit oiimtorl. 'I'li-ccVlViliMl. Plymouth. Kngltnd. Sept. 30. The torpedo boat destroyers I-ynx and Thrasher grounded yesterday during a fog on Dodman's Point. The Thrasher broke in two, and It is expected the Lynx will do the same. Three stokers were killed and two stokers Injured b the bursting of a steam pipe on board the Thrasher shortly after she ground ed. The crews of both vessels were taken off. No man or woman can eiijuy life or accom plish much in this world while suUarinir from a torpid liver. DeWitt'a Little Early Kiicrs, tno puis umt cleanse mat organ Hci'ltiK M'li Argument 'oncTiiileil. Halifax, N. S.. Pept. 30. The argu ment before the Ttehrlng sea commis sion was concluded yesterday. The commissioner on the part of the United States find the commissioner on the part of Canada paid a high cotnpllmem to all connected with the case. The latter expressed the opinion that the conference would mark a long stip forward In advance In the matter of international arbitration. BloodfHerveFood For Weak nnd Run Down People. UMAT IT IQ I The richest ofall restoia nnHI II IO I tlve foods, becauso It re- ilnces the ossontlals of llfo that nro ex. mus tod by disease, lndlgostlon, high living, overwork, worry, oxceeues, abuse, etc. UHflT IT nnFJI By making the blood WnHI II UULO! pure and rich und the digestion perfect it creates solid Mesh, muscle nnd strength. Tho nerves being mnde strong the bruin becomes ntivennd elenr. It restores lost vitality, stops all wast ing drains and weakness In cither sex, nnd as a femalo regulator has no equal. I'rlco 60c, ortlvo boxes $2.00. Druggists or by mall. Wo can help you. Advice pud book, free. pywito Us About Your Caso. THE DR. CHASE COMPANY, 1S13 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia SAM USE'S CHINESE : LAUNDRY, IO N. Main Street. . . . PRICE LIST. . . . Collars 2c Collars, ironed ,...... 2c Culfs. per pair 4c New Shirts 10c 3lilrts, washed and ironed 10c Shirts, (torched and Ironed.... 8c Right Shirts. 10c Undershirts 7c Diawers 7C Socks 3C Handkerchiefs C2 Vests 15c to 20c Ties - 3 to 10c laundry done up daily. Mending free for regular customers. Gil II 111 JEW vorvK ; 8AHGAI9 STOflE, NO. 23 S. MAIN STREET. Cloaks, Coats, Skirts, Waists, Wrappers, Corsets, Misses', Indies' and Children's Underwear, Knit Goods, Fascinators, Clouds, dtps and all sorts of knit goods. LINEN DEPARTMENT. Toweling, Table Cloths, Napkins. Our shoe department is replete with bargains for all grades ot buyers. COME AND SEE IT. In the millinery department, may be seen all the latest styles.shapes and ready trimmed hats. A Large and Complete Line of Shawls, Blankets, Comforts, Feathers and all Kinds of Woolen Goods. CHARLES DERR, TON80RIAL ARTIST (Sbeeler'o Old Btaud.) iqq NOJiTIl MAIN STIWItT. Plnt-ultua work suomuteod. l'rowitt and pullte attendafU. ifttir cutting a pmtolty. The Dr. David No 1 them to use at once Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedv and bo )cured,lor my case was abandoned Tho I)olMiln 'to lfo Itopntrcd. Washington, Sept. 30. The presl- ilaMt1. .ttr,1if ftiA Tntlililf. la in nnilnrrt ' some repairs at the Brooklyn navy yard when she arrives there Oct. 2S. New boilers will be placed In her, new decks will be fitted and other much needed work will be done. flonernl Hoiv'h Condition. P-rtland, Me., Sept. 30. Oenernl Need 1 , the noted Prohibitionist, was still alive at midnight. The end Is liable to oome at any moment, hut yet he may Burvlve for hours. Oononrt llnrrlson in Now Yoi'K. New York, Sept. 30. Kx-Presldent Harrison, Mrs. Harrison and their In fant daughter arrived In New York last night from the Catskllls, and went to the Fifth Avenue hotel. An effort will be made to get General Harrison to open the Republican municipal cam paign at a mass meeting to be held about Oct. 12. No need to fenr the approach of croup If vou have Dr. Thomas' Eolectric Oil In the house. Never was a case that it wouldn't cure if used nt tbe outset. leraonnlly-i;oiidtictMl Toura vlrt l'cmigyl viinla Itullrond The following toura have been arranged for the sennou of 1807 : Two ten-day tours to Gettysburg, Luray Caverns, Jf-ifiinl Ilridgo, Virginia Hot Spiinp", i:!cluuuuil, and Washington, Scp tcmliei -;tt aud October J2. Iiato, $03 from New Voik, $03 from Philadelphia. The "Ulcyclist's Uest Friend" is a familiar namo for DoWitt's Witch Hazol Salve, al ways ready for emergencies. While a specific fur piles, it also instantly relieves nnd cures ruts, hrulses, suit rheum, eczema and all directions of tho skin. It never fails. C. II. Hagciihuch. Tho Anieor!? J.vynlty. Simla, Sept. 30. The Afrldl and Ora kzal deputation, which started for Ca bul to solicit the helpof tho ameer, were rudely checked nt Jelnlabad, where the Afghan oflleials turned the deputation back and refused Its request for am munition. This plain Intimation from Abdur ltahman that he Is resolved not to aBfllst the tribesmen Is a most strik ing proof of his loyalty to the treaties'. The mullahs have all along deluded the tribesmen with stories promising the ameer's support, and the tribal leaders are only now learning the truth. Household Necessity Oisciuets Candy Cathartic, tho most won derful medical discovory of tho ago, pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, Hvor and bowels, clean-tine the entire system, dispel colds, cure hoadarho, fover, habitual constipation and biliousness. Plcuso buy and try a box of 0. C.O. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and guaranUed to euro by all druggists. TO THE LAND OF SUNSHINE And J'loivers, tho Hand of America, Cali fornia. Via tho truo pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain Route," which traverses a region of porpctual suii6hino, whoro snow storms, blizzards or high altitudes are unknown. Pullman first and second class palace and tourist sleeping cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Toxas, Old nnd Now Moxico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and Novada, without chango, Quick time, low rates, and all tho comforts of modern railway Improvements guaranteed to all who pur chase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway system. For rates right from your homo, literature, and full information, drop a postal card, J. P. McCann, T. P. Agent. 510 Kail- road avenue, Elmira, N. Y., or 301 Broad way, Now York. 3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt. G. E P. Act. Did You Ever Try Electric Hitters as a remedy for your troubles I it not, get a bottle now ana get rellof. This mcdicino has been found to be peculiarly adapted to tho relief nnd euro of all Femalo Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence, in giving strength ana tono to the organs. If you have Loss of Appetite, Coiistiimtion, Hcaifache, Fainting Spells, or aro Nervous, SIcoplo&s, Excitable, Melancholy or irouuieu with lhzzy Spells. Jilcctnc Hitters is the medicine you need. Health and strength are guaranteed by its use. Large bottles only fifty cents at A. Wasloy's drug storo. Coming Events. Oct. 22. Entertalnmentand sociable under tho ampices of the M. E. church choir. Nov. 25. Thanksgiving dinner to bo given by All Saints' Protestant Episcopal church, corner West and Oak streets, Nov. 2. Annual Buppor undor auspices of ladies' Aid Society of tho Calvary Baptist cburcu, in Kobbius' opera house. Them Is Nothing so Good. There is notlilug Just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, so demand it aud do not permit the dealer to sell you some substitute, lie will not claim there Is anything better, but in order to make more nrofit he mav claim something else to Imj just bb good. You want Dr. King's New Discovery beeauso you know it to lie safe aud reliable, an 1 guaranteed to do good or ruoaev refunded. For Couahs. Colds, Consumption and for all alfoctions of J liroat, Cliest and Lungs, there Is nothing so goon as is ur, King's New Discovery. Trial hottle free at A. Wasley's drug store. Hegu- wr Bute ou eenis anu yi. uu. OruHtilzod Fdr Ii-i'lentlon. Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 30. The national Irrigation congress yesterday took no tion looking to permanent organiza tion. Rx-8eatpr, Carey, of Wyoming, was unanlmousJyf?ctd president, the Incorporation, pt national association was provided for And a constitution and bylaws were. a4p,pted. Two longl ses sions yesterday were devoted to papers on Irrigation, topics and discission, The feature of the afternoon session was an address by Hon. W. J. Bryan. lie said he was opposet to turning over large bodies of land, tOieortoratlons controll ing water rights uftiess safeguards were thrown arpund the, transaction to pro tect small holder! ofc irrigable langs. If Vnil llBTA AGAr UAII n 1 1 Hla nl.fl.l l oxyun of w hooping cough, or if you have been annoyed by a constant tickling the throat, you can appreciate the value o? One Mltltlta ClULuli IHieu u,l,Ii.l, ..Ittiu. ....1.1. ,. - .. . g.viw uuV lo iter. Q. 11. UnmuUuik. I Woman's Protector greatest protection for women is Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, woman can be weak very long alter she takes it. Disease must yield when the Favorite Remedy attacks it. There is no female weakness or irregularity which it will not relieve and cure. There is no pain or ache peculiar to .women which it will not drive away. Mrs. D. Ackorly, 262 Varick St., Jersey Uty, srtys: "Oh, how 1 wisli l could speak personally with every woman who is in anyway troubled with illness Common to our sex, for I would advise by the physicians, ji.oo a bottle Members of Our Congress Visit tho Pacific Eopublio, THE CHANGES TOE ANNEXATION. Concrossmnn Horry Positively Io olnros Thnt tho Islands Will Ho An nexed nt tho Next Session or Cou Bros.8 Unclnud Will Mildly l'rotost. San Francisco, Sept. 30. The steam- ! aViIrt A tic? m Mn n-4tfnrl itanfnrdnV ffnni ' Honolulu with Hawaiian advices to Sept. 22. Representative J. Q. Cannon, of Illinois; II. C. Loudenslager, ot New Jersey; A. S. Berry, of Kentucky, and J. A. Tnwne(v, ot Minnesota, and their families are now en route to Srin Fran cisco after a short stay In Hawaii. Senator Morgan will remain several weeks longer. During tho party's stay they were conducted to the different points of Interest and had everything pertaining to Hawaii explained to them. Many social functions were given In their honor. It has been claimed that Representa tive Cannon Is opposed to annexation. In an Interview before leaving Hono lulu he said: "You can rest assured that I have not committed myself against annexa tion. I do not care what you hear to the contrary, no man can say that I am pledged against annexation of the Islands to the United States. I am here for pleasure, and to Bee and learn all I possibly can during the short period of my stay. I can truthfully say that I am greatly impressed with my trip to Hawaii'." Congressman Berry talked freely. He said: "I was favorable to political union before I came here, and my visit has only strengthened me In my position. I am confident that annexation will come during the next session of con gress. The Hawaiian Islands will be i)re.Toryin -some'rnanncr.' Congressman Loudenslager was non committal when Interviewed. It Is un derstood . that he favors annexation. He said: "Not being on American soil, I would prefer not to talk on the subject. You will hear very shortly how I feel about the matter, for I Intend to ventilate my views when I return home. I can say that I am favorably Impressed with the American colony In Hawaii. They are intelligent and law abiding, and are worthy of their flag and country." It Is asserted In Honolulu that when the question of the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands comes before the United States senate England will make a protest. This protest will not be of a belligerent nature, and It Is alleged Is only the forerunner of a scheme to obtain control of Neckar Island for cable purposes. For some time past English war vessels have been seizing islands In the Pacific, but have kept their hands oft Hawaiian territory. In May, 1894, President Dole had reason to believe that England had her eyes on Neckar Island. He acted promptly, and on the 25th of May a vessel was chartered and sailed tho same day for the Island. Captain J. A. King, the minister of the Interior, was In charge of the expedition. The Island was reached two days later and a proclamation was read taking pos session of the island In the name of the provisional government of Hawaii. Both the United States and Hawaiian governments know posltlvelYthat Eng land does not object to the "Silnoxa tlon of the Islands. But she must have a cable landing near Honolulu, and the landing must be on British soil. Neckai Island Is practically worthless to Ha waii, and It Is believed that this gov ernment will readily cede the barren rock to please England. IT IS EASY TO TELL. People who fail to look after their lioalth aro liko tho carpenter who neglocts to sharpen his tools. People aro not apt to get anxious about their health soon enough. If you aro "not quite well" or "half sick" liavo you over thought that your kidneys may be tho oauso of your sickness 1 It is easy to tell by setting asido your urino for twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates au unhealthy condi tion of tho kidneys. Whou urino stains linen it is ovidonceof kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate, soanty supply. paiu or dull aclio In tho back is also convinc ing proof that tho kidneys and bladder nro out of order. There is satisfaction in knowing that the great remedy Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot, fulfills every wish in relieving weak or diseased kidneys and nil forms of bladder and urinary troubles. Not only does Swaiup-ltoot give new life aud activity to tho kidneys the cause of trouble, but by treating the kidneys it nets as a tonic for the entire constitution. If you need a medicine take Swamp-Hoot It cures. Sold by druggists, priee fifty cents aud one dollar, or by sending your address and the name of this paper to Dr. Kilmer & Co., liingliamton, N. Y., you may have a sample bottle of this great discovery sent to you free by mall. No w JtiiHey'-": pootnt iCIotilton. Trenton, Eept. 30. The latest revised returns and estimates this morning in dicate that the nntl-gambllng amend ment to the state constitution has been beaten bv from 5,000 to 10.000. The amendment giving women the right to vote at school elections Is beaten worse than the anti-gambling amendment, while the ad Interim appointment amendment Is probatily defeated by a close, margin. Certainly yo don't want to sutler with dys nensie. oonstination. siak liMulnnha aallnnr skin and loss of appetite. You have never tried DeWitt'a Little Earlv Blsera for tbau, complaints of, you would liave been cured. They are small pills hut giwt regulators. 0. II, ilagenbueb. HOMp.VRD BOUND. Tho President und .'U Party T.pnvo Mnnsnohusottfi Tor w n ilimton.. North Adams, Ma"., Sept. 30. The presidential party snld good-by to Adams last nigh.. Two hands fuinlshfd muslo and about : or people witnessed their departure. T . i"lal train was backed down the tu.ik to a point In front of the I'lunl.e'.t tophlenee at 10 o'clock, and In a fo.v second the party had boarded It When President and Mrs. MoICInley npi jured they weie wildly cheered. In less tlfan a min ute the party was on board and the train moved on, rrosldent MoKlnley Btandtng on the platform, his hat off, bowing his farewell to the people. Tho party consisted ot President and Mrs. MeKinley, Miss Mabel MoKlnley, At torney General and Miss McKenna, Clerk George Cortelyou, Steward Sln ctare and two maids. The train was run over the Boston and Albany tracks to North Adams, where It wns switched to the Fltch burg road and oontlnued over the Fltchburg to Troy, going via the West Shore route to Jersey City and Wash ington. The party expect to arrive In Washington early this afternoon, thn trip being timed to suit the president and the convenience of the passengers. When the train pulled Into North Adams there were several hundred people waiting at the depot. The presi dent bowed his acknowledgment of the cheers through the car window, and was finally forced to go out on the car platform and shake hands with the people. No stop was made between Wll llamstown and Troy. "I have nothing in the Btoro that sells so well or gives such satisfaction as Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild Strawberry. I always recom mend it in cases of summer complaint or bowel trouble of any kind." C. A. West, Kainsborough, O. Soiit to Pi 'ihoii Vor LMiol. Berlin, Sept. 30. Herr Stadhagen, a Socialist member of the relcliBtag, has been sentenced to six weeks' Imprison ment for libeling Colonel Wtndhelm, police president of Berlin. Herr Stad hagen coupled Colonel WIndhelm's name with that of Baron Von Luetzow, sentenced last June to two months' Im Qrlsonmcnt for defrauding the Imperial irrny service fund. Dr. Miles' Nervine Triumphs, Excessivo Nervousness from Childhood La Grtopo Brings on Heart Weakness, SEV. B. P. SEAREY, pastor M. E nr church, Buchanan, Ga. writes s Due. 10, 1893: " In childhood I was aflllctcd with excosslvo ncrvousnoss, which, almost dovclopcd Into St. Vitus dance. I partially recovered, but at college, it gradu ally grow worse. Close study aggravated tho troublo; any unusual exertion caused trombllngnllovor. In 1890 I bad a sovcro attack of La Grippe which brought on heart wcaknoss. I Lad been almost constantly under treatment for nervous troubles, and changed climates fre quently without avail. Last Fobruary I bo gan taking Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine and Nervo and LI vor Pills andslnco then I have been studying moro and working harder than for years and tho good effects that havo resulted seem to be permanent." Dr. Miles' Remedies aro sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantco, first bottle benefits or money refunded. Book on Heart and Nerves sent f reo to all applicants. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, led. FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS -IN- Brussels, Ingrain Rag Carpet. ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF OILCLOTHS. O IN OU.R LINI OF O FURNITURE of every description we cati save you many dollars by giv ing us your trade. All bargain seekers should take advantage of this opportunity. L. MA1SEL, 108 EAST CENTRE ST., SHENANDOAH, PA. M. SPOONT, Agt. SHENANDOAH GROCERY STORE, GEO. WALAITIS, Prop. Successor to wfflUQunsG'nnini. 105 S. Main Street. Headquarters for a full and com plete line of groceries. W-Nervine COTTOLBNB. "SK Dyspcpsia-prooi Dyspepsia, the thief that steals i ot lite s pleasure, lias no accomplice more pernicious than lard. Bar every lard-soaked thing out of your diet, and make j uaicisui unu. ma umi. luuuiv It, uy eating Ule appe- i tiziug and digestible food that i.i prepared with The cenulno Cotlolene Is sold overyw with our Undo murks "OMnlmf" nnd iH'nnr Mn. Nnt mlurntt nni IT L.t tl In iihv ...... THE N. K. FAIKuANk COMPANY. Chlcjn.l. Faust Wheel Hade to Fit. A bicycle, in many respects, is like a suit ot clothes. If you $o not appear willi ease an1 grace upon your cycle, it is because it don't fit you. With ease aud grace also comes power. Secure them all by ordering a special wheel, measured to fit by the home manufacturer. A guarantee goes with every wheel. Patronize home industry and secure a reliable wheel. . FAUST BICYCLE WORKS, - - - - Repairing of all Kinds. BRANDONVILLE, PEN IMA. BRANCH OFFICE : 120 SOUTH JAP.D1N STREET, - - SHENANDOAH, PENNA. I CANVASSERS WANTED IN THIS VICINITY FOR Harper's Book of Facts In Combination With HARPER'S WELL-KNOWN PERIODICALS Good Commissions and a New Field First Come, First Sen'cd Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers, New York City. A "BIG" The workingiuen can save money by making their purchases at our store. We are offering an excellent shoe at the re markable low price of For which other stores are asking gi.50 and $1.75. Other goods in proportion. We make a specialty of repairing. Our New Stock Has Arrived and ... . . . Bargains Are Offered in Every Line. PLOPPERT'S SHOE STORE, 10S NORTH MAIN STREET. Two doors above Merchants' Bank. WM . 11 It Wasters m mm flakes Want is an old saying, as true as it ever was. But whether it is true or not there's no WW mm earthly use wasting money. Especially rjfe in shoe buying. mM mm mm ouitic siuies cjiurye ior name ; sumc iui style ; some for greed. ijIT4 We're Not Selfish. mm We're satisfied with a, little profit ; we know how to put in style without putting in price ; we don't charge' for name. We charge simply and solely for shoe all shoe good shoe. Our School Shoes are good examples of our fair-pricing. Youths' shoes, 75c, $1, $1.25. Boys' shoes, 90c, $1, $1.25, 1.50. Children's shoes, 50c, 75c., $1, $i.25K Misses' shoes, $1, $1,25, $1.50. They're built well ; built to withstand the tough usage they get. Shoes you'll 3i ii iff lili pi be glad you bought : shoes we're glad to mM handle. c DUSTO'S BARBER SHOP 1 Attentive nd 11(1111111 toiuwrlnt artlata olwoya In attendance. Neatest Shop In Town. W. Q. DUSTO, Prop. Ferguson House Block. 1 Factory S 3 mm iiiiiiililllM COTTOLBNB. F' away so much- your digestion proof aeaiiwt here in one to ten nnnr.,1 vnnw tin. ! ' Ar,t ( cotton-plant wreath oil I nllmf un,- Mn.lnnnlH t. I , uuuul, UJ 6) St. Lnnlj. NewYnrb Ul...r ES SAVING ! mm 81 hoc Store, J. . IV1 oyer, IV! gr. roasTWtar' BP aim mm pi Bicycles for sale or Exchange. One 100 KonU; '87 "Kanpe" wheel In fine comlitluu, one ladles' or mlaStw' J60 "Creneent' wheel In irood condition, tor saving fund shams oranjthli.it uscfulto nrlvote family. Al. one Kents' (wcond-lmud wheel In fair condition to exchange for banjo. Or will sell either or all heap. Terms to reliable persons. GUY Ds STEJ3NEE, No. 103 West Clwry St., . Shenandoah, I'a, t! mam- u mm