EVENING HERALD HHTAHl.lSIIKO 1870,- Published erery Bvenlnit, Except Hundnj', at 4 Booth Jabdih Htbkvt, Nkau Okkthk. The Ifnratil M deltveied InHlienamlonti nul the surrounding towiisforMx cent n week, pny; abU Vi ttge enrrtera. Tlx mall W.00 a year, or JB cents a month, payable lu advance. AdvertlM menta charged according to space and iioeltlon. The pubUshers rcmerre the right to change the Position of advertisement whenever the pub Xillon o( netti demands It. The right la leserved to reject any advertisement, whether paid (or or not, that the publishers may deem Improper. Advertising rates uiude known immi annllcAllnti. Entered at the postofflco at Shenandoah, Fa., as second oiass man master TELEPHONE CONNECTION. "All the News Thai's Fll to Print." Evening Herald FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1807. ltHPUIIMOAN STATU TIOKHT. FOR TREASURER, JAMHB S. TlBACOM, Of Westmoreland. , FOR AUDITOR OUNERAI., IlHVI Q. McGAUI.BY, Or Chatter. ltlil'UlU.IOAN COUNTY' TICKliT. FOR JUDOS, Hon. O. P. ItMoiiTBL, or l'ottevllie. FOR BIIHRIFF, HiirgK S. Albright, 6f brwlgeburg.! FOR rOOR DIRECTOR, John Rowb, Sr., Of Trcmont. FOR JURY COMMISSIONER, l.lon.v Anstock, Of Mahanoy City. AND that stone wall lonmiiis, but llio Health Oillcer drivvw his salary with tlio same ease and regularity. Both Republican and Democratic headquarters will be opened at Potts villo next weok, and the "rooters" will be happy. The citizens of Philadelphia are now agitated over the proposed lease of the city's gas works for a period of thirty year. v Hltius Is a messenger icady to tell the workingmen about your goods. If you have something to suy to the great body of wage-earners in and about Shenandoah, use the Herald column?. It is constantly exteudin n circulation already equaling that of any two papers published in this town. A splendid medium for reach ing folks with wages to spend. Thkhk is an association known as tho "National Association of Credit Men," who have united for tho pur pose of protecting their own interests against fraudulent debtors, but more especially against fraudulent failures. Such an association, keeping In con stant viow its primary object, is capa ble of accomplishing much good, es pecially in the fruitful field of Schuyl kill county. Business Conditions. Thoro is quite a contrast between, tho present business conditions ' in tho United States and "those at this timo in the first year of Cleveland's administration. The readers of the to' ,. i IfrfinALD are familiar with the con dition of things four years ago, In August and September of 1893 banks wore breaking, business establish ments closing, and prices falling. Now prices are rising, new banks are being organized, and business estab lishments which have been closed for four years are opening up. This statement isborno out by facts, and will be received by all, excepting possibly tho calamity howlers, with a great deal of satisfaction. The latest issue of Brudstreet's states that the threelargo cordage mills at tlsaia, Ohlo( which have not been in opera tion for several years, will be started up at once and with a full force, and as the establishments cost over half a million dollars, it goes without saying that this will give employment to a large number of mon. The East Lake Woolen Mills, Bridgeton, Pa. which have-been idle for nearly three years, will resume operations next week. The "Vead Paper Mills at Malone, N. Y., which have been idle for a year, will reopen at once. Commenting upon the improved condition of the farmers, the jmeri can Parmer, "which is a representative and conservative publication, says 'While newspaper stories have been somewhat exaggerated, it is an ab solute faot that the Western farmer's flnanoial condition is wonderfully im proved. During the past three years he practiced such economy that with a slight improvement of wheat prices last fall and fair values of cattle, sheep, and hogs, the thrifty farmer gradually reduced his debts. With good prices this fall, he is indeed pay ing off the mortgage. The fall in the interest rate is as remarkable as the other features of the riBing tide." Tho improved condition is also noted in railroad circles by increased trttiHo, and companies have made preparation for handling the same. The Chesa peake & Ohio and the Cleveland, Cin cinnati and Chicago and St. Louis railroad aompanies haye ordered 1,000 additional box cars each for their grain transportation. The Philadel phla & Reading and Pennsylvania railroad companies have also ma terially increased their equipment. The Cleveland Rolling Mills an nounce an order for 1,000 tons of bar steel for exportation to Birmingham, England. The Appleton, Wis., Paper MilU announce orders from Japan for 8,000 torn of print paper. The iron workers of the country report the demand for foundry pig iron bo great as to have practically annihilated thpir large accumulations of stock. The contrast In buslneos conditions between the opening months of the Cleveland admiiilbtratiou and the MoKinley administration is very great, and the indication for a con tinuance on this line in the future Is very bright. Moments are utelem If trifled away; mid tliov are daimeroiislv wanted if cenmimod liv delay in on nee where One Minute Cough Cuio would bring immediate relief. V. 11. llagei) b u oh. Tonohorw Must "Not ilo Coerced. Ithaca, N. Y Sept. 14. In the course of his annual adtlreaa to the students of Cornell university President J. O Schurinan made some references which have been accepted here as applying to the reeent troubles between Presl dent B. Benjamin Andrews and the corporation of Drown university. "Cor nell," observed Mr. Schurman. "recog nixes that the majority may be wrong and that the minority may be right. Therefore, absolute freedom Is the soul of the Institution. Teachprs must be free to investigate and to announce and proclaim what they have discov ered. The fencher Is not the represent ative of a corporation or the people, but a representative of the God of truth. Whlle'moncy Is a necessity to any uni versity, It Is not paramount to the free dom of a teaching staff. Better that the university be wiped out of ex istence than that truth be suppressed." Uucklen's Arnica Salve. Tho boet salvo in tho world for cut, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhenm, fever sores, In..- 1 1 1 1.!11.1..I i nil skin cruptloi s, and positively cure piles or jo par reunircd. It w euarantcod to eIvi perfect satisfaction or mouy refunded. Price 86 cents por box. For sale bv A. Wasloy. Ivlnir or ll'llltl'H s'piitonco. Lagos, Africa, Sept. 21. Drunaml, tho king of Uenln, who has been on trial at Benin City since Aug. 15 last, with a number of his leading- chiefs, charged with being concerned In th massacre of an unarmed expedition after British Consul Phillips, has beer condemned to be transported to Cala bar, a slave settlement of British West Africa. Three of the king's chiefs werr previously sentenced. Two of them were shot, and the third escaped a similar fate by committing suicide. Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild Strawberry litis been used for forty years and luu novcr yet failed to euro ft case of diarrhoea, dysentery. or summer complaint hi any of Its various forms. A I!mi;r.7iiir K.xoontlon. Key West, Fla., Sept. 21. Sllvanus Johnson was hanged yesterday for rape. The hangman bungled the exe cutlc n, the knot slipping under tho chin. Johnson struggled violently for ten minutes, and was still alive at the end of 25 minutes. He confessed hb crlme, professed conversion, and died forgiving and blessing his enemies. An orderly crowd witnessed the execution. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoko Your Life Away. If you want to quit tobacco using casllj and forovcr, ho made well, strong, magnetic, lull of new life and vigor, tako No-To-Uic. tho wondor-workcr that makes weak men strong. Many pun ten pounds in tea days Over 400,000 cured. liny No-To-I!ao from your own druggist, who will gnamntco cure. 50c or $1.00. Booklet nnd sampli mailed freo. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicaao or New York. No .Tupniicso Snlillors In Hawaii. Washington, Sept. 24. Referring to reports brought by tho steamer Peking that tho passengers saw a largo num ber of well drlled Japanese land in Ha waii, under the direction of a sergeant and divided Into military squads, air. Durham W. Stevens, counselor of the Japanese legation, says the reports are untrue ana oalsulated to cause an un justifiable Impression against Japan. No Japanese Immigrants are allowed to land In Hawaii unless they have pre viously secured the approval of the Ha waiian immigration authorities. The Japanese warship Nanlwa has been withdrawn from Hawaii, so that Japan is no longer represented by any mili tary or naval force. Six Seriously Injured nt n.Flro. Chester, Pa Sept. 24. During a fire yesterday afternoon In S. C. McCar dell's grocery store, at Third and Pen nell Streets, six persons were seriously Injured by the explosion of a barrel of gasoline, which blew out tho side of the building. The Injured are: J. N. Shanafelt, Jr., a boy who was watching the fire; Frank Coburn, clerk in the grocery store; Edward McCarey, Bob- ert Elliott, John S. McLurg and Jacob Bauer, all firemen. The unfortunate spectators and firemen who were struck by the Hying debris were hastily re moved to the hospital, where It la stated they are all In a serious condition. The building was damaged to the extent of $8,000. A 811 STORY In Wilkesbarre Life Interesting to the Public nt Large. Many a reader of this in WllkoeUarro has seen the large watch sign, that haugs out at 40 North Main street. It is thoro to tell the people who see it that Hubert W. llalght, watckmakor, etc., can be found at that loca tion, and perhaps you may doubt the follow ing, in which case you can always find Mr. Ilaiglit at his address ready and pleased to verify it. Watchmaking as it is called, is no doubt thought to bo a comparatively easy business on the constitution of a man, but this is not the case. The constant stooping position maintained while at work brings with it many aohes and pains. Such posi tions In time effect the action of the kidneys. aud this is just what it did in the case of Mr. might, and he began to look for a remedy that would relieve. At last he was rewarded. One day he read of Doan'i Kidney Fills. Notbiug was olalmed for them, but that they were a kidney cure. All the ills that flesh is heir to were not set down as being subject to their wouderoui Influence, and this inspired confidence In them. Tho symptoms described by kidney sufferers were his symptoms. lie began taking them. Three or four doses brought a change, aud day by day he grew better, now ho says i "I aro entirely over my trouble. Home remedies I have used, hut found but little relief of a temporary nature. My greatest trouble wag lameness and stillness in the liaolc, with slurp, shooting twins in the region of the kidneys. I eousider Doan'g Kidney Tills a good aud safe remedy, aud I recommend them to others." Xo better proof of merit can lie ottered than the plain fact as stated by those who know hy ex perience. Call ou Mr. llalght if you doubt this. Dean's Kidney Pills are for sale by all dealers. Fries SO eeata. Mailed by Foster Mllbum Co., Buttilo, X. Y. Sole agents for the U. S. Item ember the name Doan'g sod take no other. NEW MEDICAL DISCOVERY. A PoslUve Cure for Dyspepsia. This may lWI as though wo were putting It a tittle strong ovcmiim it I generally tboiiftM. ny the majority of eople that Dys peimla in it chronic furni 1 Incurable, or practically so. Rut we have long since shown that I)ysepia l curable), nnr Is it Mich n ditflcu't irmtter-MIt first apiKftts. The trouble with Dyspeptics I Ilt they are continually dieting, starving tltTt$Mr1ves, or going to opposite extremes Cfelio deluging tlio already ovor hunlciied ttninsoli with "bitters," "after dinner pills," etc , which Invariably increase tlio dlllleully oven If In some cases they do kIvo n slight trtiiiumry relief. Such tteattnout of the stomach simply make matters worse. What the stomaoh wants is a rest. Now how can the stomach become retted, recuperated mid at the mine time the Iwdy nourished mid sustained. This is the great secret and this is also the secret nf the uniform succom of Stuart's DyxlHiimla Tublcts. This Is a comparative!) now remedy, hut Its gueews nud popularity leaves no dotiht as to its tnorits. Tho Tablets will digest tho food anyway, regardless of condition of stomach. Tlio sufferer from Dyspepsia accordliiE to directions is to eat an abundance of good, wholesome food and use tho tablets before and after caoh meal and the result will ho that the food will be digested no matter how 1m 1 your dyspepsia may be, because as liefore staled, tho tablets will digest tho food oven If tho stomach is wholly inactive. To Illustrate our meaning plainly, if you tako 1.SO0 grains of meat, eggs or ordinary food and place it in a temperature of DS degrees, and put with it one of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets it will digest tho meat or eggs almost ns perfectly as if tho meat was enclosed within the stomach. The stomach may ho ever so weak yet these tahletB will perforin the work of dlgostiou and tho body and brain will be properly nourished and at the same time n radical, lasting euro of dyspepsia will ho made booanso tho much abused stomach will bo given, to somo cxtcut, a much needed rest. Your druggist will tell you that of tho many remedies advertised to euro dyspepsia nono of them has given an complete nnd gonoral satisfaction as Stuart't. Dyspepsia Tablets and not least in import ance in there hard times is the fact that they aro also tho choapeat and glvo tho most good for the least money. A little buk uii oauso.nnd euro of stomach troubh-s. nt freo hy addressing Stuart Co., Marshull, Mich. Gorman lliiptl'HtH of tlifa Knst. New York, Sept. 24. The conference of the German Baptists of the east, composed of churches In states east of the Ohio river and In the province of Ontario, Canada, met yesterday In an nual conference at the German Baptist church In Forty-third street. The dele gates present are from Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Massa chusetts and Ontario. Elections for tho ensuing year resulted: Bev. Edward Anschutz, of West Hoboken, chairman; Bev. H. L. Danner, vice president; Bev. Henry Gell, of Bochester, N. Y., secre tary. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common class with uriiio and let it stand twenty-four hours; a scdi mcnt or settling Indicates an unhealthy condition of tho kidnoyB. When urini stains linen it is positive evidenco of kldnoy troublo. Too frcquont desire to urinnto or pain in tho back, is also convincing proof that tho kidneys nnd bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. Thcro is comfort In tho knowledge often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Foot, tho great kidnoy remedy, fulfills ovory wish in relieving pain in tho back, kidneys, liver, bladdsr and every part of the urinary pnsstiges. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following u so of liquor, wino or beer, nnd overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during tho night to urinato. Tho mild and tho extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands tho highest for its won derail euros f tho most distressing cases. If you nood a medicino you should have tho host. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may havo a sample bottle and pamphlet both sont free hy mail. Men tion J'.vkni.no UKRAtD and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Tho proprietors of this papor guarantee tho genuiness of this offer. Tours to the South. Two very attractive early Autumn tours will lo run by tho Pennsylvania Ilallroad Company, leaving New York and Philadel phia September 28 and Octobor 12. It is hardly necessary to say that theso outings aro planned with tho utmost care. and that all arrangements aro adjusted so as to afford tho host possible moans of visiting oach place to tho best advantago. The tours each cover a period of eleven days, and include tho battlefield of Gettys burg, pictureequo Bluo Mountains, Luray Caverns, tho Natural Bridge, Virginia Hot Springs, tho cities of Klchmond and Wash lugton, and Mt. Yernan. Tho round-trip rate, including all neces sary oxpenses, is $66 from New York, $03 from Philadelphia, and proportionate rates from other points. Each tour will bo in chargo of one of tho company's tourist agents. Ho will bo assisted by aii experienced lady as Chaperon, whose esreclal oharge will ho ladies unaccompanied by male escort. Speeial trains of parlor oars are provided for the exoluslve use of each party, in which the entire round trip from Now York is mado. For detailed itinerary apply to Tickot Agents or to Tourist Agent, 1100 Broadway, Now York, or Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant Genoral Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. "I burned my fingers very badly. The laln was Intense. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil brought relief In three minutes. It was almost magical. I never saw anything like It." Amelia Swords. 9aundenivll1. n. 'll'okot SuuliKir Sent to I,.i,n May's Landing, N. J, Sept. 4. In the Atlantic county court yesterday George V. WhltL toileted for scalping nie.ta,,",-ft5 Wva"la railroad pleaded gullfct. 3 the charge ana was wnteneed jttys imprhonmnt n 1 eou"Hil'.nd to pay a fine of J100 and ettiU, Stephen Murray, of Atlantic City, indicted on a fmiiar aharge, escaped conviction nn rf the indictment by a legal technical Ity. He Is being; tried today on two other counts. TheAVfit,hor. For New Jerseyt Clearing this even ing; easterly winds, high on the coast. For eastern Pennsylvania and Dela ware: Generally fair; northerly winds, becoming variable. When billons or costive, eat a Cnumm. candy cathartic, oure guaranteed, 10c, 36c. JUDGE JStLGORE "DEAD. Willie In CotiEcrofts lie Opposed Spenltor ltc51 Quorum Counting:. Ardmi.w, I. T Sept. 24.-Jude C. B. Kllgoro died here yesterday. As a member ctingress f rum Texas Ju Ige Kligrore win one of the best known men In public life. He waB called "Uuok ' by his Intimates and attracted wide public at tention in the Fifty-first con gress by kick ing In a green balKe door that had been lock ed by order of Speaker Heed during one of the lllibustei Ing scenes that made the flmt "quorum count ing" congress JUDGE KlLQOItB. memorable. He supported President Cleveland ardently, and after he was retired from con gress the president appointed him one of the judges for the Indian Territory. Mr. Kllgore,xwas born In Newman, Go., Feb. 20. JS5. In 1S46 lie removed with his parents to Busk county, Tex., where be received a common school and academic education. He served In the Confederate army, first as private, and reached the grade of adjutant general. He was wounded at Chlckamaguu, and In 1864 was confined as a prisoner in Fort Delaware. He was admitted to the bar after the war, and In 1S7G was a member of the Texas constitutional convention. Ho was a presidential elector In 1880 on the Hancock and En glish ticket, and in 1884 was elected to the state senate for four years, and in tho following year was chosen presi dent of that body for two years. He was elected to the Fiftieth, Fifty-first and Fifty-second congresses aB a Dem ocrat. Tlio "BIcycllKt's Best Friend" is a familiar namo for DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve, al ways ready for emergencies. While a specific for plies, it also instantly relieves nud cures cuts, bruises, salt rheum, ccseraa and all Elections of tho skin. It never falls. C. II, llagcubuch. U NCLE SAM AND SPAI N Our Government's Attltudo Causes a Soiisntlou In Madrid. Paris, Sept. 24. A dispatch to The Temps from Madrid says: "Tho atti tude of tho United States has caused a great sensation at Madrid, because opinion has been lured on by the op timistic communications of the Spanish minister at Washington upon the char actor and duration of the correct at titude of the United States govern ment, and that, too, despite the sev eral warnings from Mr. Olney and Mr. Cleveland's message. The official bul letins of Captain Genoral Weyler also have received too much confidence, when the United States government was every month receiving from Its consuls and special envoys totally dif ferent news. "Tho general Impression at San Se bastian and Madrid Is that the Spanish government will try to drag tho nego tiations along, unles It rejects purely' and simply the good ofllces of the Uni ted States on tho ground of publle opin ion and upon the further ground that tho opposition would not permit it to tolerate foreign Intervention, even though amicable." London, Sept. 24. The Madrid corre spondent of The Times says: "The government organs roundly deny that Minister Woodford has mentioned an ultimatum, but the public mind Is not altogether relieved thereby. The pol icy of the government In delaying and suppressing news and directly denying the truth of almost everything In any way unpalatable must always tend to Increase public uneasiness. The us of the word ultimatum Is exaggerated. General Woodford doubtless expressed himself energetically, but between thb and fixing a period of six weeks to end a widespread Insurrection under pain of taking up the cause of Insurgents against a friendly power there Is a very wide distinction, and more especially so in the present political situation, when a change of government more or less radical cannot be distant." Certainly you don't want to sutler with dys pepsia, constipation, sick headacho, sallow skin and loss of appetite. You havo novcr irica uowiti's J.ituo isarly Itlsers for those complaints or you would havo been cured They aro small pills but great regulators. C. II. Uagenbuch. Tho Yollow Fever Scourero. New Orleans, Sept. 24. Tho local revor situation did not show any Im provement yesterday. There wore twr ueatns, and four are In a critical con dltlon. There were nine new cases re ported. At Edwards, Miss., there were 16 new cases yesterday, making 100 to aate. Ataltnta reports one case, hut the health board declares there Is no danger. A second case was announced yesieruay at Louisville. If you havo over 6cen a little child In a n.ir. pxysm of whooping cough, or if you have been annoyed bv a constant tlMrllnn i i,n throat, you can appreciate tho valuo of One fi J X s wn'ch S'Vcs quick ro- uvi. u. ii, xiuxeuuucn. Kloper's Miii-'dorous Itovongo. Bidgefleld, Conn., Sept. 24. James Kelley. about 29 years of age. residing In Lewlsboro, N. Y., shot and instantly killed Charles Mead, his father-in-law, aged 50 years, at the iatter's home in Lewlsboro. Kelley three weeks ago eloped with the 18-year-old daughter of Mead. The couple returned to Lewls boro after their marriage, but failed to receive the blessing of the bride's father. A quarrel took place, and the shooting resulted. One to five applications of Dean's Ointment will cure the worst ease of Itching Piles there ovor was. Can yon afford to sutler tortures when a simple, nover-falling remedy is at hand ? It novor fails. Torrlhlo KxploHfou orAnimiinmon. Bucharest, Sept. 24. While a battery of artillery was naming through the town of PllestI, Itoumanla, 66 miles northwest of Bucharest, an Ammuni tion wagon exploded. Four men were Instantly blown to nieces and 11 in. Jured so seriously that three have since succumbed. Bight horses were killed ana ii uauiy injured. Tho Duke of York to Crulso. London, Sept. 24. The Duke nf Vnrv has been appointed commodore of three cruisers, and will take command of me nrsi class cruiser Terrible next April. He will go with two fast sec ond claas cruisers for a 12 months' orulse, during which he will visit the principal colonies of the empire. CimtiuiiH InspootorH For Alaska. Washington, Sept. 84. The secretary of the treasury has appointed Thomas S. Luke, T. A. Marquam, Emanuel Her mann and Charles I. Both as customs inspectors at Hltka, Alaska, at per day. These appointments were made necessary by the exodus to the "Klon dike region. To Ileal the broken and dtuxuad tfauioa n soothe the irritated surfaces, to Instantly re SliSA0 I&rowneHtly wire ii the mission of DeWitt's Witch Ilaiel Salve. C. II. Hagen-buch. EVIDENCE FOR LUETGERT. Thrro WItnooa Say 'J'lu j- "nw tho Mlsnlno; Woman on Mny :i nnd Chicago, Sept. 24. Yr stordny's pro cording In the Luctgert til I i re the most remarkable that have i.n urrid within three weeks. In tin fn of. the sensational circumstantial ildenee that has been produced to prnve that Mrs. Luetrert met death In lur hus band's sausage factory on May 1, three witnesses testified that they bbw tho woman alive on May 3 and 4. One of these witnesses talked to her, and be lieved from a description and a photo graph of Mrs. Luetgert that the wo man he saw was Mrs. Luetgert. This witness waB Matt J. Sholey, a bar keeper at the Hoteb Maple, Kenosha, Wis. On cross examination by State's Attorney Deneen Witness Sholey at first fixed the weight of the woman he saw nt 180 or 140 pounds. Then he hes itated eald he got mixed up and re marked that the woman weighed 115 to 118 pounds, which was Mrs. Luet gert's weight. This hesitation and cor rection wns made much of by the pros ecution, which Intimated that It indi cated that Sholey had' forgotten the weight that probably lmd been told him at first. Policeman Henry Feldshaw, of Kenosha, Wis., also identified the picture of Mrs. Luetgert as closely re sembling a woman he saw on May 3, as did William G. Grunston, a clerk in the Grant hotel, Kenosha. Emma Schlmpke came into the court room in the afternoon to hear Bosa Glelch Impeach her evidence given on Wednesday. She was fighting mnd when she heard herself made out a falsifier. She was called to the stand nnd cross examined, and admitted that she might have told other witnesses she had testified falsely. Filibusters Captured by Spaniard. Jacksonville, Sept. 24. A Florldlan from Cuba reports that the recent fili bustering expedition for tho island was captured and that 19 men on the vessel were slain by Spaniards. He adds that Havana Is now suffering from beef famine. Yostordny's llnsobalt Games. National League At Cleveland: Chi cago, 4; Cleveland, 8. Eastern League At Providence (called, darkness): Providence, 6; Scranton, 6. At Mon treal: Montreal, S; Toronto, 2. Heart Disease Cured. 'HEN a well known minister after suffering for years with heart dis ease Is cured, ft Is not surprising that ho should publish tho fact for tho benoflt of others. Kov. J. .P Smith, 1015 Fulton St., Baltimore, Md., writes". "For years I suffered from a sevcro form of heart disease I usod Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure and my heart is now in good condition. Kccently, other afflictions camo upon mo. Thcro was humming, painful sensations on top and back of my head. Fifteen min utes reading would mako mo almost wild; thcro weropulllagand drawing sensations In my legs all tho time, so that I could not sit still. In this condi tion I began taking Dr. Miles' Kostoratlvo Nervlno and Its effect was simply won derful. I heartily commond your remedies Dr. Mllos' Remedies aro sold by all drug gists under a positlvo guaranteo, first bottlo benefits or monoy refunded. Book on ncart md Norvos sent freo to all applicants. DIL MILES MEDICAL CO., Elhkart, Ind. Shenandoah Gollege I Prof. H. G. tteed, graduate of the High school and two colleges, has been added to the faculty. Prof. Reed is an excellent penman aim snortnana teaclier. All old students should enter August 23rd. Finished students wishing positions in New York should send in their applications to Shenandoah. D. D. Gallagher is doing well and has an excellent position. for sale by Shenandoah Drui. Store, Kirlln J Drug Store. Two Carloads of SIDEBOARDS Brought to town to be sold nt a sacrifice, the property of a b nkrupt manufacturer. They are all solid oak witli bevel plate mirrors, shelves around the top, neatly carved and highly polished, and will sell at WE CARRY A STILL CHEAPER GRADE Furniture : House 121-123 North Main St. QOID DUST." Ddn't Go to Alaska FOR All Grocers Sell It. Cleans Everything, MADE ONLY BY THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago. St Louis. Now York. Boston. GOLD DUST Hi H Waste m m 1 takes w ant ii pi is an old sayinjj, as true as it ever was. But whether it is true or not there's no earthly use wasting money. Especially in shoe buying. Some stores charge for name ; some for style ; some for greed. i We're Not Selfish. wm mm We're satisfied with a little profit ; we know how to put in style without putting in price ; we don't charge for name. We charge simply and solely for shoe all shoe good shoe. Our School Shoes are good examples of our fair-pricing. Youths' shoes, 75c, $1, $1.25. Boys' shoes, 90c, $1, $1.25, 1.50. Children's shoes, 50c, 75c., $1, $1.25. Misses' shoes, $1, $1.25, $1.50. They're built well ; built to -withstand the tough usage they get. Shoes you'll be glad you bought ; shoes we're glad to handle. mi mm mm ii ma mm mm mm A "BIG" 11 Factory Shoe Store. The workingmen can save money by making their purchases at our store. . We are offering an excellent shoe at the re markable low price of For which other stores are asking S1.50 and 1.75. Other goods in proportion. We make a specialty of repairing. Our New Stock lias Arrived and ... - . . . Bargains Are Offered in Every JOin'e. PLOPPERT'S SHOE STORE 105 NORTH MAIN STREET. J Two doors above Merchants' Bank. CANVASSERS WANTED IN THIS VICINITY FOR Harper's Book of Facts In Combination With HARPER'S' WELL? KNOWN PERIODJCALS Good Commissions and a New Ffeld First Come, First Served Address HARPFR & BROTHERS, Publishers, New York Citv. Faust Wheel Hade to Fit. clothe rr n 1 , A blCu,le' w mtUiy re8Pects is like a suit of c otnes. if you do not appear with ease and grace upon your cycle it is because ,t don't fit you. With ease and grace also comes power Secure them all by ordering a special wheel, measured to T by The as iSx wavith every m pai- FAUST BICYCLE WORKS, - - - - Repairing of all Kinds BRANDONVILUE, REN IMA. BRANCH OFFICE: 120 SOUTH JARDIN aOLD BUST.' n 1 Philadelphia. . pi tiki WM mm wm ml sfia wm mm -J. A. Moycr, ISlgr. SAVING ! STREET, - . SHENANDOAH. PENHA.