The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 21, 1897, Image 1

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    VOL XII .-NO 232.
No. 15 East Centre Street.
All of this
want to
We nave
Rag Carpets
83 Oil Cloths and linoleum a Specialty, ffi
If in need of Dry Goods we have a Large nnd selected stock to buy from.
P. J. MONAGHAN, 30 S. Main Street.
FALL. OF 1897,
Carpets, Oil Cloths,
Linoleums, Rugs, New
Special Sale of
Is a way-up point of elevation
not easily reached, out : : : :
Is up there, and has been up there ever since its existence.
So do jiot wonder at the popularity of Columbia, but call for
Columbia and see that Columbia is presented to you.
Thomas H. Snyder,
e imw nnnnirrri i 2
r. W I . II n r r. I X 3
iiiiiii uniii iiiu 1 1
Old White Oats. I
Sewing Machines
Only $19.5.2:
. . . Warranted for Five Years. .
To cnsu buyers or on tile Installment
pluu. Come mid see Uie largest stock In
the county to select from at prices that
defy competition.
1B97 - '98
From 40 Cents and up.
Window Shades,
Draperies and Covers
Bargains In all kinds of
S North Main St.,
9 Shenandoah, Pa.
S3 South Jardln St.,
Shenandoah, Pa.
,. aw
. It will pay all who
in this line to buy here.
Just Received.
Tho I.Uiol Suit Ilcaumrtl I,nto Thin Afl
noon nt l'nttnvlllp.
Special to Hvbkiko IIewauj.
rorreviu.K, Sept. 21, 4 p. m. TI10 lllwl
onto of the Commonwealth against J. Jorome
O'Neill wo returned before Judge Savldge
this afternoon at 3.05 o'clock. The case was
Axed fur nine o'olook this morning, but In
stead of bring culled n civil suit was tried
which occupied the atteution of the court tin
til tlio hour stated. Tlio principals nnd
Mictr Btmill nrmy of witnesses nil put hi nil
nppenmnce this morning, nnd tho Galling of
tho civil crbo was a disappointment to
majority of thorn.
1110 nrst witness colleu to tlio sUiuu wns
V. It. Colo, editor of tho Minors' Journal.
IIo wns subpoenaed by tho prosecution. Tho
witness stated that ho could not tell who tho
Lost Crcok correspondent to tho Journal was
In Juno of tho present year. Ho testified
that ho kDow of tho defendant, Mr. O'Neill,
but did not know his first namo nor his place
of residence. lie did not know whether the
Journal had a correspondent at Lost Creek or
not, as that branch did not como under his
department. Mr. Foster attends to that de
partment. This was tho last witness called when our
report closed at 4:00 o'cloek. There will
likely bo no further delay In tho trial. The
court has decidod to hold day nnd night
sessions, and Immediately after a recess of an
hour (probably at 5:30) tho oaso will njrnin
rosuino this ovonlng. Judgo Savldge h de
termined to wind up theso suits this week nt
as early day as possible.
ICendrlck lloimo Free Lunch.
Purco of poo, soup will bo sorved. froo. to
all patrons to-night.
Itpnnle-Troutmnn Nuptial.
At tho rosldcnco of the bride's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Kmauuel Troutman, on Wost
Cherry strcot, a pretty homo wedding was
solemnized last oveulng at 8 o'clock. The
contracting partios wero their daughter, Miss
Sno Troutman, nnd David Ronnie, of Mt.
Cnrrool, a former resident of town. Tho
wedding took placo in tho parlor of tho resi
dence and was witnessed by only tho inti
mate friends of tho brido and groom, and was
performed by Itov. Eobort O'Boylo, pastor of
tho Trinity Reformed church. Mr. Konnio
nnd his brido wero attended by Miss llnttie
Morris, nnd her brother. Alexander. After
congratulations had been tendered a wedding
feast was partaken of. Numerous presents
wero presonted to tho happy counlo. Thoy
loft for Mt. Carmol to-dfty whero a neatly
furnished home awaits them. Last night tho
Grant Band tendered them a serenade.
Illrthilny Surprise.
Quito an enjoyable timo was had at tho
residenco of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Fish
burn last ovening, near tlio Turkey Kun col
liery, it being tho thirteenth birthday of
their daughter, Gertrude. Tho young lady
was greatly surprised when her Sunday
school class, accompanied by some of their
friends and ttneher, walked in, among whom
wero : Mioses Lizzio Joucs, Nolllo Baugh,
Annlo Timmlns, -Mlnuio Pall), Llzzlo Lcmm,
Mnrcclla Davis, Bertha Swlndt, Lilly Housor.
Jano Markcl, Gertrude Fishhurn, Mrs. Mary
A. Lowls, nnd Masters Romoo Illakcr, Joseph
I'owell, Charles, William and Jamos It. Fish-
oii ru. Games, singing and othoramusemonts
wero Indulged in, after which refreshments
wore sorved, when all retired to their homos
greatly pleased with Miss Gertrude as n
Halloon Ascensions Come High.
Mons. Itohorto, of balloon ascension and
parachute famo, now scots promiuonco by
resorting to law. Through tho refusal of the
management of tho Independent Social Club
to pay him tho stipulated contract prico for
two ascensions at Columbia nark last Satur
day, which ho failed to fulfill, ho has brought
a chargo against sumo of tho membeis for
selling liquor without a license at their
picnic. Tho warrant was sworn out boforo
Justice Toomcy yostcrday. Tlio club mem
bers waived a hearing and entered $803 ball
for their appoaranco at court. '
Found by tho I'ollce.
At an early hour this morning tho police
found a man lying in n semi-conscious condi
tion near tho Heading passenger station. An
investigation showed that ho was consider
ably bruised and cut about tho head and face.
Tho man is unable to give an account of
himself and docs not know how ho received
the Injuries, Ho was taken into custody by
tho olTicors and removed to tho lockup, where
ho was made com fortablo. This morning he
was sent to tho Miners' hospital. It Is the
opinion of the police that ho fell from a
moving- train or a trolloy car. His name or
residenco is not known.
Miner Ilatlly Injured.
An accident, which may result fatally.
occurred at tho Shenaudonh City colliery tills
afternoon. William Wollokanltas, In com
pany with, several othor workmen, had fired
a blast and was returning to noto the re
sults when, without a moment's warning, he
was buried under a fall of clod. Both of
his legs wero broken and his skull fractured,
lie also sustaiuod internal injurios. Wollo
kankas was sent to tho Miners' hospital.
Death or Mm. Castle.
Mrs. William Castlo, ouo of tho oldest res
idents of Mahauoy Piano, died at her home
at that placo at 0:00 o'clock this morning.
Tho deceased was tho mother of Baggage
Master William W. Castle, of the Slienan
doah branch of tho P. & E. railroad. She
leaves a largo family.
An Amusing Incident.
An amusing incident occurred on tho
mountain road lending to the cemetery yes
terday afternoon. A farmer seated In a car
riage was leading a horse In tho rear, and
when half way up the mountain the rear
horse refused to proceed further and pultod
the man from tho carriage. Tho horse at
tached to tho carriage proceeded up the hill
on a run, while tho other animal took an
opposite direction, leaving the farmer to
ponder over his laughable predicament.
AirenU IVunted
In every town in Eastern Pennsylvania. New
Blot machine. Strictly lawful device. Per
mitted every whero. Secure territory quick
Address box 10, Allentown, Pa. 8-SO-at
Deslgimtloug by the ArchbUhoxi.
Bev. Charles Cuvauaugb, who slilco his
ordination last May has been curate at St
Vincent do Paul's church, Mlnersville, and
Bev. Corrlgan, of tho Overhrook Seminary.
have been designated by Archbishop Ryan to
take the post graduate course at tho Catholic
university, Washington, from this areh
dloeeee. The term commences October 1st.
The Vacant Judgeship,
A delegation of members of the Bar and
others left Pottsville this morning for Harris'
burg, where they will appear before Governor
Hastings and urge the appointment of B. If
Kooli, Esq., to the vacaucy on the Bench
caused by the death of Judge Wetdinau.
Council Decide! a Belter Water Supply
is Of greater Necessity.
The Solicitor and Chief Burgess Are In.
sttucted to Secure an Injunction
Against the lakeside Railway
For falling to Lower
the Tracks.
Thn. TlfirnnfflilrirtmiMI 1,1,1 n .tiaaIoI muf.
ing last night ahd, while it was a brief one,
lb wh nun f ii i.iin mnar. l in nirr u n t rt fi.n mn
fll fJKtllf. ftf fiAAatntt sutttljw. (Im f..
""""- nut uw iiuiiu tins year.
About a score of paving contractors wore In
uuemiRnconciue meeting, prepfireil to ex
pound the virtufcsof tbcirrospecttvo methods
for Tirnvtclltlf hftttnr rnaAa Imf rV..,Il
elded UiaVundlr existing 'circumstances, it
womu oo oi mora general benenc to devote
its enemies nnd rmtmirrnft (nnn im firntrnmAnf.
of tlio water works than to street paving.
Tho following members of Council woro in
attendance: Mefers. McGulrc, Coakloy, Lally,
Itnnhm. MncrnffrtA (llin.m.l,A. ctfH.i,1...
uuvuulf.W., U.lUUgllll,
James, Nlswentr, Gable, Brcnnan, Hand and
. ...
After roll mil PrnaMnnt. ! ofnfn.l
that tho meeting had been called for tho pur
pose oi consiuering tn0 paving project and
receiving bids,, and any othor business that
wuuiu o caucn 10 inoaitonuon or Council.
rhcro was a momentary sllenco followed
by amotion by Mr. Jnraos that Council go
Into oxccutlvo sossion to consldnr ttm
question. Tho motion prevailed and all
except tho members and soorotary of Council
retired, nmonc tlinsn In rntronf 1,ntn ti,A
score or more of contractors seeking tho
paving contract.
Aftor tho occutivo sessiou the door was
again opened and tho oxlled ngaln resumed
their work nt tho rear of tho Council
chamber. Whon order was restored Pret ideut
Strnughn aroso nnd said : "I will state, for
tho benefit of tho gentlemen in tho rear, thnt
Council has decided to defer tho paving
question, for the reason that they nro about
,n i...ti.i .i . , , . . . .
iu umm uuuwiur rtwervpir anu mo uemautt
for wator seems to bo greater than paving at
this timo. Wo are sorrv to nut Ihn i
tho inconvenlanco, but it Is something that
cannot ho avoided."
A briof sllenco followed tl in rpmnilr
Thoro was a drnwlns .put of watches
fovidentlv in ..nn ivlinf. limn tliA-ravltn.f )m!.
loft for more eongonial climates) and somo of
tho contractors left tho chamber posthaste,
whllo others tarried to listen for
Mr. Bnnlim tna tT.n tirst tn inMilr ami l.n
spoko on tlio condition of Kast Contro street.
Ho was followed by tho Chief Burgess, who
StatFll thl.t. tlin ln,,.,l, n(l l.n.l t
served on tlio Ikealdo Electric Railway
wimpany to fower its track between Rowers
and Union streets.
Fiuallv Mr. IjiWv mnml 11,0 fi.ur
Burgussand Borough Solicitor bo empowered
to cet nn fnliinr.t.lnn in Mtlmln wilt,..nn
COUinauv from rnniilnr. If. nnN fl.n
borough after tbrco days ndditional notieo to
unci-us ituuks. muis motion prevailed and
Council adjourned.
Nelsweuder's, Cor.SIaln and Coal Sts.
Bean soup, free, to-night.
Hot lunch to-morrow morning.
Meals servod at all hours.
Auspicious Opening.
Wobollevo tho mombors of tho Oimoron
Clemens Company will ogrco with us when
wo say that tho oponiug of its ono-week en
gagement at Ferguson's theatre last night
lar exceeded the most sanguino expectations.
When all parts of a houso become so packed
that stauding room becomes almost as much
n demand as a Klondike stako claim it is
time to sit duwu and, like Napoleon, reflect
ovor tho couquorable possibilities. But the
success attainod was not wholly with tho
patrons. Tho vast audienco left tho theatre
as woll pleased as any that ovor left tho hall
after witnessing a performance given by nny
cotnpauy that can bo named at star prices.
11 can no trutntully stated that no company
has given performances at popular prices
with equal satisfaction. Louiso ' Arnott al
wnys crowded tho theatro nt niatineo and
evening, but, in tho languago of tho day.
she would not bo in it with tho present
combination. It is tho strongest that has
over visited tho town and wo predict a
patronago it morits. Mr. Clemens is a
brilliant actor and has oxccllcnt support iu
Mr. Willard Lee, Miss Kathcrlno Crego and,
In fact, tho entire company. The selection
of tho support has been judicious and in
perfect harmony with tho expectations of tho
patrons of tho theatro. Ouo fact should
bo emphasized the management strictly
adheres to its announcements. Its stage
equipments are completo, iu fact superior to
tho facilities afforded by tho homo manage
ment, and all scenic productions may bo
looked for in metropolitan stylo so far as tho
company is concerned. To-night "All the
Comforts of Homo" will bo produced. It is
In lino with tho repertoire of standard plays
by first-class companies. There Is n rich
harvest of entertainments at popular prices
whllo tho Cameron Clemrus company re
mains horo and wo would not be surprised to
hear of an early re-engagement.
When bilious or costive, eat a Casoarets
oandy cathartic, cure guaranteed, 10c, 35c
Tho Ijimp Still Causing Trouble,
Tho explosion of the lamp In a shanty on
East Raspberry alley on Sunday, which called
ont tho fire department, Is still causing
troublo. Tho second act took place In the
office of Justice Tooiuey last night when Joo
aud Agnes Paulobinski swore out a warrant
for tlio arrest of Llaele aud William Paulo
binski. Agues charged the defendants with
assault and battery. After hearing both
Bides of the story Justice Toomey discharged
William aud hold LIzzio in $800 bail fur hor
appearance at court. A cross suit then fol
lowed by which Joo Paulobinski was held iu
$800 bail on oath of William Paulobinski, for
hitting the plaint!!! on tho head with an axe
The throwing of an oil can about tho lloor
and tho explosion of tho lamp wero tho
causes of the tire.
District Jiirora.
Messrs. Samuel A. Beddall, of ;
Peter Gorruan, of Jlalmnoy Ulty, and II. L
Daddow, of St. Clair, are drawn to do duty
as Jurors of the U. S. District Court for the
week commencing October 18th. Asa P,
BlakslM, of Maueli Chuuk, was also drawn.
lilcUert's Cafe.
Our free lunch to-night will consist of
oyster soup. Special luneh to-morrow morn
A Lehigh Valley I'liglno Crnshp Into
Cnr nt Ashlnml Ijist livening.
Speelnl to ICvhhixo Ubrald.
Ashland, Sept. 81. At the Intersection of
iuu iracKs 01 ine souiiyiKiu Traction Uom
pauy and the Lehigh Valley railroad nt this
place an aoeidont occurred last evening in
which fifteen passengers and the orew or the
trolloy car had a very narrow escape. The
sceno of the accident is near the railway
station nt this place.
Trolloy car No. 41 of the Ashland branch,
duo nt this place nt 7:15 p. m., wns gliding
over tho rails nt n moderate speed. In charge
of Moternian John CSirav nnd rvmJiiri..
Thomas Gniighnn. It Is not customary at
this orosslni! for tho nomlnrtnr (n rnt, tn fl,.
railway tracks in search of appronohing
trains, ns thev hnvn n wtiln lnit! ftr ii,a
tracks on either bUIo. But It seems that this
timo two passenger cats partly obstructed
tho viow, and unaware to tho orew, Just as
tho car reached tim rallwnv trai.lf. ... anmt..
ongino approached and struck the front plat-
juriu 01 ine ironoy oar, tnrowlng it over on
one side and smashing It. Tho motorraan
umned In tho nlnk nf timo nr ti.n i
passengers the majority were women, and
for somo timo oxcitement ran high. Many of
thorn fainted nnd shriakml tn,. .r .in
voices whllo others su tiered more or lem
from the suddon ahook. One of the
passengers, John Momn, of Lost Creek,
had ana nf 1iU hhIiTa. ,ii.tnAn..i
--...... ui.iw.ivu.
Ho was Immediately sent to tho Miners' Hos
pital. Two of tlio lady passengers, Miss
Mary Lally, of Gilberton, and Miss
Brcchonv. of Mnhnnnv I'lmm .nll'n,i ..,.,
from tho schock and had to bo removed to
tho Locust Mountain Houso and medical as
Bistauco summoned. Dr. Itassler was callod
in and after administering restoratives they
Tho CSCann nf tbn nnouni.nn, ,!
, ' " a uuu .u lilUlY
Was miraculous, nnd mnnv ,if til,,. 41
their doomhad como.
Former Townsman's Financial
Through l'lro.
FirO dostroved tllA nvtmialrn wr-0 ,.r .t.
Mnyor & Landis Filo Company, at Twentieth
Btroet and Allegheny avenue, Philadelphia,
early yesterday morning, and within a few
minutes thereafter A. Lincoln Landis, the
treasurer of tho company, was arrested,
charged with starting tho fire. Tho loss oe-
Casioucd 1)V thn h1jl7A In ABflmnto,! t l..nn
- '""t". l.w fMU.UUO.
Tho plant was to have been sold yesterday
uuuoi luruciosure, uqi was postponed.
Tho Mayer & Landis File Company was
organized about two yoars ago with A. B.
Fritz, a Buriuc Cltv tmnVnr i, ....'
dent; Hnrry Mayer, of Philadelphia, vioe
president A. Lincoln Landis ns treasurer
and H. A. Swalni as secretary. Tho lattor is
well known to tho readers of tho Hekalp,
as a former rcsjdenOX rmntjflah for n
number of years. Ho removed to PiSUadol-
pllia about two rears nirn. nml Ma inc. 1
flro of yostcrday will bo received with mucli
ieiiroi uy ms many irionus pore.
Tho burned buifdlni? wn. ItiRitrnil r,,r on
000 and tho stock for $7,000.
Injured in u Itunauay.
An OXCltiniZ Itinawnv n.wttrrA.1 at Tnl-
sonsthis morning, iu which Charlos New,
tho West Contro strnot ImlKlmr l
juries about tlio Bhouider blade, cuts nnd
bruises about thn fire. Mr. Va nniu ...
gaged in serving a customer with meat when
thp horso took a sudden fright nnd made n
dash for liberty. By tho larrl ua hn wns
tlirOWn Over bis Rpnt.nn tlw.m..nt lrA,.i,.i.i
crawled to tho front and grasped tho reins.
as a point on tho way to Mr. New's barn, tho
destination of the runaway horse, ho turned
suddonly and broke ono of tho front wheels.
rni.lfl .1.. . .... ...
iu.. uiion mu urivor our wuo neui on to tlio
reins, nfter boing dragged a distance of
fifteen yards, when ho was compelled to let
go. As tho horso readied tho barn it censed
running. Tho wagon was comnletelv
Frisky Hursc,
A horso tied tn n. rtnaf. I
residenoo sliied this morning utnn approach
lug team. Tho animal
pavement and freed itself from the post by
louring mo unuie. lieloro it could he cotton
under control it waa runnlne ilmm wi,n
street to Coal, whero it was afterwards cap
tured. Tho damago done was sllizht.
Jr. O. U. A. M. Attention.
All members of Mol. Jonnl ntrs Cnnnpll tJn
307, Jr. O. U. A. M. are urgently requested
to bo present at tho noxt regular mooting,
voopi. hi, as ousiuoag oi importance will ho
transacted. By order of
E. A. Dohkbtv, Cuuncilor.
Attest : Wm. Reeves, Seo'y. o-81-flt
ltendy For Iluslness.
This was thn nnnnlm rlnv nt flm Kaw V,.V
Bargain store, at 23 South Main street. A
glance at tho stock will convince everybody
mat it is nn entirely new ono, nnu contains
no shelf-wnrn trnnds. Thn nnw sfnrn tu lian.l.
quartors for ladles, conducted ou a metropoli
tan system whero you can nurelmsn aim rut
Delegates to Stuto Council.
Yesterday William James, renrasentin
Council No. 307, and Frank Webster, ns a
delegato from Shenandoah Valley Council,
left town yesterday for Altooua to attend the
Jr. 0. U. A, M. State Council. They will be
In attendance tho entire week.
For Sale
Two pool tables, in good condition, can lie
bought very reasonable. Apply to John
Medaills, 103 South Main street. 0-15-tf
Stone Throwur.
John W&Sftll was tha dAfAndnnt In a ....
assault and battery before Justice .Toomey
last nlaht. Joe Zemanaki eharvna tlm f,,r.
mer with throwing stones at him. ona tubulin'
siriiung nun on ine Head and inflicting
- . " ,
TllA flAtnnilfLnt fnntUluul Mm
scalp wounu. The derenuant furnished
bail. Both are residents of Turkey Run
. ; .wu
rflflhlnnhi nf fP,lrt'v linn
Royal makes tlio food pure.
wholesomo and delicious
Absolutely Puro
SOVM. SUQNa rawof S 00., KiW YOWt.
Sheriff Marlln and His Aids Will M
Brotifthi lo Trl-l
The Great Strike in the Anthracl coal
Region Is PraeUoally Ended la
Dtfeat For atrikatt, and the
Troops May be Soon
Haaleton, Pa., Sept . TJnhwsj nn
foraeen developments occur the an
tliraclta coal strike in thla region la
ended. Yesterday 1,100 men, half of the
full complement, returned to work at
tne Honey Brook collieries of the Le-
lllull and Vtllaha.rra fnmnanv as A4A
800 of 1,300 aUPardee's Lattlmer mines.
wnue tne uranberry, Crystal Ridge and
Harwood collieries of the same com
pany and Coxe's collieries In the Drlf
ton district remained at work. The lat
ter -were to have settled the question of
etrike yesterday, but at the request of
ine operators nam nrr until tint
Thursday. The Haael mines of the Le
high Valley company are considering
the nueatlon of returning tn wnrir .n.i
will-probably do so. Nearly 5,000 strik
ers have returned or will do so today,
and a little less than that number are
till out. With lnrtlonHnno In hmr W
their Joining the workers.
The onlv lnrldantM nf waArnav war
small outbreaks at Lattlmer and Bok
ley, both of which -were nulcklv sub
dued, and the serving of warrants of
arrest upon Sheriff Martin and a num
ber of his deputies. At Lattlmer a band
of women attemnteil tn drivn nut th.
300 Italians who returned to work. They
were armed with olubs and stones, and
moved on the engine house and the
company Btores. The raid looked for-
blddlntr for a tirn. nnrl warn nnt an ,1 rwl
until three companies of the Thirteenth
reelment. with flnri ha vnn.ta t.a.1
pressed back and dispersed the crowds.
a numuer or nuttier valley miners who
wanted to return to work at Lattlmer
Were driven buck hv ft. hnnv nf Annul
strikers who met them as they cange
over tne mountain, a mile or more
from camp. The disturbance at Elckley
wns an attemnt bv Btrlknra tn Intimi
date tha men who wanted to work, and
it, too, wns quieted down by the troops
without violence.
The break of the strike Is practically
ntv y "B operators, as in only
onar6TS.two instances have the demands
of tnTnioiJ5fctIL granted, although
several rnmnnnffiriMrrTra ir-rtml-ril to
consider the grievances.
xne warrants for the arrest of f1h
Martin and his deputies were laaued
by Judges Lynch nnd Bennett at
Wllkesbarre. Thev- woro rv.i iiaya
last night, and no resistance was made.
xne writs contain 78 names, Including
the sheriff's, nnd the latter has agreed
to deliver all the deputies for a hearing
mis arternoon. A comnanr of tha
Ninth regiment will escort them to
Tha information unon the "tifmirth of
Which the warrants were fanued wn
made by Isaac G. Kokert, of Wllkes
barre, and declares that "on -r about
Sept. 10 James Martin and 78 others
did then and there, at the village of
Lattlmer. feloniously, wilfully and of
their malice aforethousrht. kill and
murder 24 man."
General Gobln nermltted flip tutt-vi
or tne writs because he thinks the civil
authorities are now able to handle thn
situation. The arradtml wlthrimwnl nf
the troops Is now being considered.
Lehigh Valley Men on Strike.
Scranton. Pa.. Sent. 81. Fnnr him.
dred men and boys emnloved at the
Heldelbersr colllerv No. 1. nf the T .fiYi 1 it. Ii
Valley company, at Avooa. nnlt vnrt
yesterday. They have several griev
ances, but the principal one la said to
be excessive dockasre. Suiierlntnndenf
Connors and Assistant RiinAT-nfanlan
Owens refuse to concede the demands
or the men. The strikers are mostly
Polos nnd TfnnB-firlnna nnrl at a n.....
InCT last nlerht warn ndr1rAaa,l Viv n.a
tors In their native tongues. They were
reminded or the fate of their country
men at Lattlmer and urged to stand
firm for their rlehts. lint Vonn within
the law. The men at No. 2 colliery also
re i used to go to work today, making
the total number of workmen out ahnnt
Ohio Minors Heemme Work.
Dellaire. O.. Serjt. 21. All tha Wira
coal mines located on the Baltimors
and Ohio. Cleveland. Unin anA
Wheeling, Toddling banks in Belmont
county, were started yesterday, opera
tors paying the 56 cent rate. Two thou
sand miners returned to work.
At Ki'iielilnnkl'. .Vrcatla Cufe.
Sour krnnt. nnrk snd mashnd tuitntjio. rM
during aud between the acts to-uight.
riot luncu to-morrow morning.
Minor Court Note.
Kngleliart Hummel, nf the Fointh ward ol
Mlnersville, was appointed inspector to fill a
1 u. u. i'eiery was recoinmenaea ror ine SIK.i
. . r,t i. , f-
. ujii uncut 01 1 niL'i nunrMW 01 urwiggDUrs.
I .1 . 1 , ..
ui nn uie vavaiicy cuuhuu uy tuo reaignstioii
of F. I.. Horuiug, who moved to Phlladul
pbls. It was endorsed by the Town Council
Juliu Potts, of Urwinsburg. was nipir.le ,
a committee in the estate of his tou, Jams
Potts, who was declared a lunatlu hut week.
The estate amounts to 1,600.
John W. Woodward, of Mlnersville, ws
aniwiuted tax uolleotor of that horunsli. tn
fill the vacancy caused by Ivor jenes not
lluehhsU Opens.
Ilucknell Uulversity opened last Thursday
with a vory large attendance. Thn greatest
increase is noted iu tho Collegiate Department
in which eighty-four new students were en
rolled, making 833 iu all In that dupartmeut
aud '150 in the entire University. The foot
ball team is iu training and will apeu the
season at Lewlsburg Sept. S3, with the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania. Miss Eveline J.
Stanton the new principal of the ladies'
Institute aud dean of the College Women, as
sumed her work at the opening of the term
Ask your grooer for tho "Roynl Patent'
dour, and take no oth r brand It is the best
flour made.
We have
jut received
. line 'of . . .
Which we are selling at prices that
Will astonish you. Come nnrl
"e the elegant goods we
are selling at
10 Cents a Yard.
Henrietta, Cashmere, Plaids and all
the latest goods at half price.
29 South Main Street.
New Fall Goods
Are arriving dally and we are now busy getting
tot srare ana stows ready tor the
greatest Fall trade we're had
In years.
We llttVCf Ihn latnat nflTnld i,, T..ll T,.
Goods. Every conceivable roloruig, '
most excellent quality.
A most beautiful liuo of high grade
Fancy Novelty Dress Goods.
purso winners.
An immmiai nstcisvf mnti r
signs in our popular Hue of all wool hi icic
And so wo might extend the list .il .nost
iudefiuitely; some medium prion!, smue
costing more-, some selling ver lc,
Te time and season is now ap
proaching when every woman will
consider nml nnwl., ..u ... -..i. .i.-
can best purchase her FAI.I, WllAr?
Our experience lias tamjht ui how
to anticipate the wants o) all and wc
think wc have done so.
Our Store
Isa morloMi nu. .1,1,1 . ...
tiling sought !v the most skillfull
A Bedroom Suite
in oak, consisting of
eight piec-s, neatly
finished and design
ed ; our or ice is
This is the same suit for
merly sold at $30. Other
goods In our store are sold
on the same proportion.
10S South Main Street.
Water to 1 Shut Oir.
Nutioo is herobv siveu to water roiisinnpis
of the Borough water works that Immiiinng
with September 18th. the witter will bo hut
uu iruui 1 p. m. ioo:su n. in. mmirum 11 1. ni.
to 4 p.m. ThlsscUodulu will cuutiuui' until
further notice.
A. I). (! MII.B.
9-7-tf f'hairuiau WaU i utniuittee.
Qucsreu stimaUte liwr, kidneys snd
owels. Never sicken, weaken or erirte. 10c.
When the weather is exuviae
V6u watcli the thermometer tu-t e
how bl(jh or how low it will
Other times you forget all uliout
It Wiion you need anything on
watou the prices aud tho good.-.
When your wants are xupplieil
you forget all about them. Now
you want
We arc the thermometer to
Silage your huiug. Wo liiaUe.
ie prl.-e (.t ,'o,)ds to unit the
times Utt-i i.t - movosulong uiul
you : tl.e ' i-iiuUt.
3 south M.iin
rs . . . .vi.M