Pimples, blotchc. h n. fcliouls ml, rough, oily, tnothy sMrt I - il sculp, dry, thin, and tailing halt ' . i i likuiinlic" prevented by CctkuIu t-nAi-, the inott effective ikln purify, log and beautifying soap In the w orld ns trell as purest and sweetest for tollot, bath, and nursery. Ii1dthrooghoatth world. Pottir T. AwoO. Ooitr., Bole ITopt , Uoetoo oj-'Uow to tkiatlf the 8kln,'free BLOOD HUMORS Permtnfotty Qurttt br UUTICUllA Kti G MEDICS. HUMPHB CURES No. 1 Fever, Congestion. No. 2 Worms. No. 3 Infants' Diseases. No. 4 Diarrhea. No. 7 Coughs & Colds. No. 9 Headache. No. lO Dyspepsia, Indigestion, No. 1 1 Delayed Periods. No. 12 Leuchorrea. No. IS Croup. No. 14 Skin Diseases. No. 18 Rheumatism. No. 19 Catarrh. No. 27 Kidney Diseases. No. 34 Sore Throat. No. 77 Grip & Hay Fever. Dr, Ilumpliroy' nomoopathlo Manual of Diseases at your Druggists or Mal)od Free Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of (Sets., COcts. or $1. Humphreys' Mod. Co., Cor. William ana jounuts., new lorn. Tor sal nt l'ovli riky'a drug store, 28 East centre street MADE ME A MAINS AJ X TA3LET5 rOSITIVELY CURB JL is Hereon HUeata Falling Mem Of jr. Jm potency, HleeplemneBs, etc.. cuaMMl hyAUuw and other Kxoenses ana Iniit t'-euont. unejf tjuictiiu unit murvr, tMtnrA rftf. Vitality in old or Tounir. nn 41 n man fnt at tirl v. himl nM nr tniurlflad. r Invent liiBanfty and Oomumptlon it lakealu -lrae. Their nse how immediate inqnroyo- In. eietutton baring tho Genuine Ajmc xaoiets, The hatra o trttA tlinnaan.ta nttft tsriil stllFA TfMI XV A ITWn A poeitlvo written (tnaranWe to effect a ure tn each oase or refund the money. Price 00 oentf .per.nackoae, or six packaged lall treatment for $XBD, ltr malLin plain wrapper, upon racelpt of price Circular xrcte. AJAX PRMRnV CO.. """r?-8 - -- - - - IBlCBfJU, tali For rWilo !n Shenandoah, Pa,, at A. Wasley's ViMVlSOaYlfALIIYS fiscal ervcoTS at THEN C ATOM'S inTJLLIZER Cures tenersl or special debility, wakeful neii, iperraatorhGca. emissions, impotency, furcsta. etc Corrects functional disorders, caused ly i Tcrj or excesses, quickly restori.2 Lost Monf ood in c 'd or young, giving vigor and trengtli wheie former weakness prevailed. Con t aent pac1cir;et simple, effectual, and legitimate. Curs is Quick, and Thorough. fh".' be deceived iry imitation!! insist on CA.TOH'S Vitamers. Sent sealed il your dm. f"t dtiri nnt hive it. Price $1 per pkge. 6 for 95, V'th written guerantee of complete cure. I (formation, references, etc, free and confidential, bend Ufc htJ'r-.'iicn! ef case and 25 cis. for a week's trial treatn'enf. Ono only sent to each person. C i Mttl, CO.. rUTmi, MASS Bold at Klrliti'a drug store, Shenandoah, Fa THE - SUN. The first of American Newspa pers, CHARLES A. DANA.Editor. The American Constitution, the American Idea, the American Spirit. These first, last and all the timet forever. Dally, by mail, - $6 a year Daily & Sunday, by mail, $8 a year The Sunday Sun Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper In the world Price 5c. a copy. By mall, $2 a year Address THE BON, New York. RATON'S TANSY PILLS 3 A thhp. Hi'i MFK WOMAN'S RELIEF. Iff AUtr-promiHind rtlUbU. Arod ImitutionJ. i mO rinifTAMT Film and eavaMOBiTi. 0Aiiiriiir MitrM orMtit direct (Mmled), Prk cum,, Hftic Co , fksstoa.Mu. Our book, ic For sale at Klrlin's drug tatoroand Shenandoah uruc store. ,, I., i ,..r I . .-.!.'. iAl S' S' I . . Imfim ', '.uhI u io ?l II . ..hi .. . V H'rwinovM ilMntlmri. in uniroui aiiduioiuiilMgrowihf) Mi. 1 sil s.HK M IIHIOA.N T CO 10S Fulton .U, S V CBL'fT ninsiraiod Traatikii on Hair on applioatKMi I nss For sale by Shenandoah Dru. Store, Klrlln Drug Store, HAVE YOU READ THE TIfllES PHILADELPHIA -THIS MORNING ? TTm TTTITTTO 1I1E 111'IEO s the roost extwwlvoly circulated and widely read newspaper pub lished In Pennsylvania. Its discussion of pub Uo men and publie measures la In the Interest ot public Integrity, lioness government and prosperous industry, and It knows so party or peisonai allegiance In treating publie Issues. In the broadest ami best sense family and ventral newspaper. THE TIIITP 1 X1C 1 11UEO alma to liave the largest circulation by deserving It, and claims that it la unsurpassed In all the essential of a great metropolitan newspaper. Specimen oopii any edition will be sent free to any one send ing their address. TERMS-DAIWT, HM per annumi 1.00 for four mouths; 80 emits per month; de ilXSJS?1. .V1 Jrrle 'or 0 twiits per week. SUNDAY EDITION, U large. Uandwme I'og" J1 eolumns, elegantly IlluUrctssl, beautiful colored supplement MOO pr an num; 5 Bents per copy. Dally audSHnduy f8.00 per annum ; 60 oent per month. Address all Utters to THE TIMES, rillLADBLFHU. (piciira mm Tho Columns Advnnoing Against tho Mahmoukis. TRANSPORTATION DimOULTIES. Lnokof Wntwrnml a Motintnlnotis nnd Alntoit Pitthlon Country Mnka tlio .Uiidortiildiiir Most iformldnblo Tho Unoiny's Loss til Thursday's Flirlit. Bombay. Sept. 20. Advices from the front show that the various columns are advancing against the Mahmoukis from Panjkora and Shabkadr. As yet they have met with no serious opposi tion, hut the difficulties of transporta tion In a mountainous and almost pathless country are Immense. An other formidable obstacle In the way of rapid movement Is the lack of water. The brigade of General Jeffreys has not Joined In the advance. On Satur day it left camp at Anayat, with 16 companies of Infantry and four guns, in order to re-attack the enemy at the village of Damota. The enemy made a desperate resistance, but were driven out Into the hills. The British de molished their towers and captured 400 mule loads of supplies. As soon ae the troops began to retire from the village the enemy reappeared In force. The re tirement, however, was effected with great precision, the native troops be having splendidly. Two Sikhs were killed and six wounded. It is now known that the enemy's loss during the fight on Thursday last between the Hounds and the Second brigade of General Sir Blndon Blood, in the valley north of Anayat, was very heavy. The trlbs engaged did not press the brigade during the retirement, but fresh tribesmen appeared. Captain Ryder's company of Sikhs virtually owed their lives to an Afrldls sergeant of the guides corps, who, when the Sikhs had exhausted their ammunition and were desperately cutting their way back through the enemy, dashed up the hill under a heavy nre with a supply of cartridges. He arrived Just In time, as the swordsmen of the enemy were al ready among. the Sikhs, who were ab solutely unable, after the heavy climb and the hard fighting, to continue a successful struggle. Lieutenant Watson was thrice wounded while gallantly leading a handful of Buffs, who routed a large body of the enemy that was trying to storm the village In which General Jef freys, with guns, had taken up a posi tion. Uuvklen's Arnica Halve. Tho beet salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhettm, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, akllblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or inony refunded. Prlco 25 cents por box. For sale bv A. Waaler. All Kits' 'ltt'oords Urolton. Blue Hill Obesrvatory, Mass., Sept. 20. All kite records were broken here yesterday afternoon when the topmost kite of a string of seven, J1 of the Ilanrnv tyre, with tour miias or wire, attained an altttude ot ivtOiS feet above s,en level, or 9,M feet above the summit of the hill. An aluminum box was sent up containing an Instru ment for recording pressure, temper ature and humidity, and was swung 130 feet below the topmost kite. At the highest point the Instrument recorded a temperature of 38 degrees, while at the same time It was 63 at tne sur face of the earth. At a height of 4,000 feet the humidity rose rapidly. A GREAT SURPRISE IS IN STORE for those who will go to-day and get a pack- aco of (JKA1N-U. It takes the place ot coffeo at about J tho cost. It is a food drink. full of health, and can bo given to the children as woll as tho adult with great benefit. It is made of pure grains and looks and tastes like the finest grades of Mooba or Java coffeo. It satisfies everyone. A cup of Qrain-0 is better for tho system than a tonic, because its benefit is permanont. What coffeo breaks down Graln-0 builds up. Ask your grocer for Grain-O. 15c. and 35c. Gotioral Leo to Return to Cuba. Washington, Sept. 20. General Fitz- hugh Lee, consul general to Cuba, had a long consulatlon with the president at the AVhito House Saturday. General Lee gave his own views very freely to the president, but after the Interview was very reticent about the nature of the report he had made. It Is under stood that nt the conference the prest dent strongly urged Consul General Lee to retain his office, at least for the pres ant. and to return to Havana at his earliest convenience. The president's action is construed to mean that he thinks It unadvisable to make a change at this Junctiure. General Lee will re turn to Cuba probably about the mid dle of October. Small precautions often prevent great nils- nliints. DeWltt's Little liirl v Klsors are verv small Dills in size, but are meet effective in provouting the most serious forms of liver ami Blomacn troubles, xney euro oonstipu- tion and hoadacbo nnd regulato tho bowels. C. II. Ilagenbuch. Sows of tlio OolU Hunters. Seattle, Sept. 20. Sylvester Scovell, the correspondent of the New York World, arrived yesterday on the steam er liosalle. Mr. Scovell brings the news, whloh will come with comforting as surance to thousands of people who have friends on the pass, that at least 2,000 men, with complete outfits, will get through to the Yukon, though ha believes that only a small fraction of these numbers will reach Dawson City before winter. He believes that 2,500 men have gotten over the Chllkoot pass and have gone on down to the mines. These men have, however, with few ex ceptions gone through with little or no supplies. Provisions are not to be had In the gold fields. Rnrialnlv von don't want to suffer with dys pepsia, coustipstlou, sick headache, sallow skin and loss of amwtlto. You liave never tried DeWltt's Little Bsrly lllfers for these complaints or yon would nave been cureu, They are small pills but great regulators. 0, II. Itagenbueh. 'Kriigr ?foV'i .Inline. Stockholm, Sept. 20. Saturday being the tw, vty-flfth anniversary of the ac cession vf King Oscar II to the throne, the cltj yas brilliantly decorated and the stri is were crowded with sight seers. Tne royal family and princely personages, the foreign envoys and oth era were present at a Te Deum which was chanted In the chapel attached to the castle. At the conclusion of the re llploua ceremony his majesty received dsnutatlons from many parts of Sweden and Norway. One of these deputations presented his majesty with the sum of 220,000 crowns, which sum had been raised among the people. The king has decided to devote tne money o combating tuburcuiar diseases. No man or woman can enjoy life or accom plish much in this world while suffering from a tornid liver. DeWitt's Little Early Risers. the pills that cleanse tlxit organ, iiuiokly. C. II. Ilagenbuch. When lovo knocks at a wo man's heart he usually comes in disguise. Doesn't want it known whst he's up to. If she knew nil about the little rascal, would she let him in ? That's a question. Women are apt to look upon love snd marriage as purely a matter of sentiment and af fection. That is pretty nearly right ; yet there is a practical side to it too : and the best way to preserve the ideal aspect of marriage and maternity is not to forget the practical part of it. A woman cannot be a thor oughly happy wife and mother unless the distinctive physical organism of her sex is in a healthy and vigorous condi tion. The best friend that wo man ever had is the "Favotite Prescription," of Dr. R. V. Tierce, tuifti uonsuuing my sician of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. V. The " Prescrlotion." is a perfect and infallible remedy for every form of "female weakness." It cures by restoring health and strength to the Inter nal organism, which cannot be restSlied by "local applications ; " thus the cure is radi cal, complete and constitutional. Dr. Pierce's eminent reputation as a phy sician of wide learning; and his special knowledge of the delicate and Intricate or ganism of women, accounts for the unpar alleled confidence, which women place iti his "Favorite Prescription," over every fMii.r t-m,w it. nm- obviates the neces sity of dreaded "examinations" and the stereotyped "local treatments." Dr. R. V. Pierce, Dear Sir : I suffered fourteen years with female weakness, nervousness, and general debility, trying everything I could find to help me all to no avail. I then heard of Dr. Pierce's medicines and although I was thor oughly discouraged, I thought I would try once more to find relief. I took your " ttolden Medical Discovery" and" Isvorlte-PresCTipiion, 'anuioo raise OBunot ue given kji mc .iiv. ve me. I am now free from the former troubh i. Very sincerely yours, (Mrs.) Box 46, Saratoga, Santa Clara Co., Cat BRITISH TROOPS REPULSED. Overwhelmed by Xunilorn, Thoy Are Compelled to Hotront. Camp Annyat, via Panjkora, Sept. 18. Severe fighting haB taken place be tween the second brigade of General Sir Blondln Blood's division and the Momunds. The British loss was 140 killed and wounded. The brigade had moved out to at tack the Momunds In the valley north of the camp, to punish them for the assault Tuesday night upon tho force of General Jeffreys at the foot of Pawat Pass. The Bengal Lancers found the enemy entrenched on the hills about eight miles distant. The Thirty-fifth Sikhs was ordered to make the attack. The Sikhs drove the enemy Into the hills, but eventually fell back before superior numbers. The enemy then advanced against the left flank, drove back the cavalry and surrounded a company of Sikhs. The cavalry charged brilliantly and re lieved the Sikhs, and the guides, com ing up, swept the enemy back. The force halted for some time, destroying tho enemy's towers, and then retired. A company of Sikhs on the hills to the extreme right was hard pressed and was running short of ammunition, when the genera.' ofleer commanding moved the guides forward to their re lief, which was gallantly accomplished. The guides carried the wounded Sikhs back and executed the withdrawal In good order, though the enemy pressed them hard. Darkness came on before the force reached the camp, and the guides, with General Jeffreys and his escort of Buffs, became separated from the col umn, which passed them In the gloom. General Jeffreys remained with the guns and took up a position in a village. The enemy had occupied a part of the village, and the escort not being strong enough to expel them they had Inflict ed considerable loss on the little party before Major Wortledge, with two companies, each composed of Sikhs and guides, came up and compelled them to retire. The "llicyclist's Best Friend" is a familiar name for DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo, al ways ready for emergencies. While a specific for piles, it also instantly relieves and cures cuts, bruises, salt rheum, eczema and nil flections of the skin. It never fails. J. it. Hagenbuch. Pliilndolphlti'H Xnw Postmaster. Washington, Sept. 20. The presi dent today appointed Thomas L. Hicks postmaster at Philadelphia. The new postmaster, who Is at present head of the bureau of highways of Philadel phia, will probably assume his new duties Oct. 1. He was strongly urged by Senators Quay and Penrose for the postmastershlp. At Senator Penrose's urgent request the president on Satti' day named John I. Shaw, of Clearfield county, for consul at Baranqulla, Co lumbia, and A. G. Seyfert, of Lancaster, consul at Stratford, Ont, If vnu have ever seen a little child in a par oxysm of whooping cough, or If you have been annoyed by a constant tickling in tho throat, you onu appreciato tho value of One Minute Cough Cure, which gives quiok re lief. 0. II. Ilagenbuoli. BROM-KOLOA ALCOHOLIC, NERVOUS AND BILIOUS HEADACHES Cured by this granular effervescent and stimu lant. An instant esire ior Bour siomacus uuu headaches, which often accumulate from having a night out JOHN F. CLEARY, BOTTLER OF CARBONATED DRINKS, 17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah. WM. SCHMICKER, JR. Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity -Por BARBEY'S Beer and Porter Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. 79 And the Little Conqueror Appsars. The Experience of a Wilkes barrc Citizen. Thirty years Is a long time to struggle against an unseen foe, and this has been the experience of Mr. J. J. Miller, a ritlsen of Wilkesbaare, residing at 45 Church strict, much could be told shout tho rin iiiiiilaiirc) surrounding Mr. Miller's rmr, how he en listed during the war with tho !"Snd Pa Volntiteers, the exposure and hsrdihips of the campaign, etc., right through to the rc celval of ills honorable discharge, a life time in Itself, but this it not the object of this short story of human existence, and we will let Mr. Miller glvo the facts as ho told them to our representative. Sniil he : "I have suffered for over thirty yenrt from tin kidneys. Exiwsurc during tho war added tn my complaint until It became a cniillrint'il disease. As for remedies rrcoiuuievttsd and prescribed by physicians, I have usod ton many to mention. Doctors have had my Inck thoroughly blistered, and tortured me in many ways without any relief at all. 1 used to get up as often as twelve times in a night to pass urine, and it was s high red color, containing sediment. Tho urine burned In passage. I could not bend or stoop, and it hurt me to turn over In lied. I bnd a stinging pain in the back and most severe headaches. I got some Doan's Kidney I'll It, at Tuck's drug store snd began taking them. They helped me tho second day of use, and I went at them for keepa. I found 1 bad a genulue klduey cure. I took nearly three holes, and I feel like a young man. I nm hi good in my back as a new horn child, and thank God I am cured. I test my hack every day and It is all right. No sir, I would not lie without uoan s Kidney mix II 1 hail to go 100 miles for them anil pay (10 a box. 1 recommend them everywhere, and am al ways afraid people won't t8t them thor oughly, and I always tell them to take at least three boxes. Positively to much praise cannot be credited to Doan's .Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers, prlco 50 cents. Mallod by Fostor-Mllbtirn Co., lluflalo, N. Y. Solo agents for the U. S. Weakness of Men Quickly, Thoroughly, Forever Curml b7ftnwporfctsdiolntlflo method that oaonot fall nnUit tha oaio Is beyond human aid. You feel lot- Erored th flnt day, feel a tatflt every Atj, eoon know yonTMir a. oc among men 1 In body, mind and neart I Dralm and loeeea ended. Ever? obstacle to happy married life removed. Nerve f avasi viu. snrsv. whan failing or loit, are restored by this treatment All weak portions of the body enlsrged nd strength ened. Write ferour book, with explanation, ana proofs. Sent seated, free. Over 2,000 references. ERIE MEDICAL C0nuTri LADBES C0Y0UKH0W DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S Steel Pennyroyal Treatment in thft nrifflnrtl nnd onlv FRENCH safo and reliable care on the mar ket. Price, f i.uu; sent uy mau. Uenmno sola only by S. P. KIRLIN, Shenandoah. DEADSTOCK BUGS Kills Kosohes, Fless, Jlotm and Bedbugs. Slon. pulsniHins; won't sUln. ljrgo boities, i nm' Bi.t. Mill Krocers, cents. CURE GUAR ANTE CD Nelf-iitiuss? Hpcclitl J!leusea, Vnr Icocele ritrlctnrce. Ko Ciatttng. Nrouil untiovcioiteu -ir. ini(Vj.iii MunhotMl ltc atoi-rd. HI nflf! DniPnU Uiii-o Ouuri.titced DLUUU TUIOUH tin nil cnaei, Frexh ciise cured In ! Ftoiuiiiyat. bt-naiucts. tttampsiMr jiooc "'rriith.'ronlvtrueinedlca book ExDoslnir QunckadsfakeluatltutcsitUulrtrlckAAachemea, A Handsome Complexion Is ono of tho greatest charms a woman can posses). Pozzoui's Complexion I'owdhk gives it. If we can sell you one 2c. package of tin 9 admixture we'll be satisfied. You'll buy more for it will touch the spit. Grocers have t'EELlO'S. PHILA & READING RY IN EFFECT 3K1TKM1)EK 1. 1U97 Trains leave Shenandoah as foil own : For New York via Phlladelnhln. week da vs. 2 10, suo, 7uo ai a, m., izaa, a u anuuw p For New York via Mauch Chunk, week (1a va. 5 30, 7 oo a, in., iz an onu a iu p. m. For Reading and Philadelphia, week (Uy, 2 10, S 30, 7 05 a.m., 12 33, 8 10 and 6 07 p. m. Sun davs. 2 10 a. m. For Pottj vl lie, week days, 2 10; 7 05 a. ra., and 12 S3, 8 10, 6 07 and 7 35 p. in. Sundays, 2 10 a. ra, For Tamnqua and Mahanoy City, week days 210,5 30, 7 05 a. m.,12 33, 3 10 and 6 07 p. m. SundavH. 2 10 a, in. For wiuiamsport, Hiinoury ana iewiat urjj, weeK aays. a jo. o at), u w a. m.. ana i to p. m Sundays, 3 25 a. m. For Mahanox Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 3 Xff. 5 36. 7 05. 0 51, 11 30 a. ra., 12 33, 3 10, 0 07, 7 36, 9 55 and 11 40 n. in. Bundava. 2 10. 8 2ft a. m. r or Aguianu anu anamoKin, wees aay 8 25, 536,706, 1180 a. in., 607, 725 and 9 Sundavs. 8 25 a. m. For Baltimore. Washington and the Wctvia 11. ot. j. iv. it,.. uiruuKii iiiifl in i xtSMUsii i i. r ( t il. l. t . . i Terminal, i'miaueipma, ir. & k. if k.) m aau, 7 65. 11 26 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p t. Sundays, n nn e An au .. n i. .1 H msr u a .11 B I AJ, 11 4U I. IU., O tti UUU I l (I, 1U. AUUl- tionai trains irem iwensy-iounu anu uuetw- nut streets station, weetc days, iuou a. m. 12 20. 12 H 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 28 p. m. TRAINS FOR SHKNANDOAH. Leave New York via Phlladelnbla. week days, 12 15, 4 30, 8 00 a. m., and 1 So, 4 90, Q 00 p. m. BtinuAys, o iw ii. in. Leave New York via Msuoh Chunk, Keek days, 4 SO, 9 10 a.m.. 1 80 and 4 Up. no. Leave Philadefnbla. Retwllnsr Terminal, week days, 4 , 8 OS, 10 10 a. m. and 1 43, 4 OS. 6 80, 1 1 80 p, m. aanuays, ssisup. m. Irfuwe IteAdlne.week davs. 1 38. 7 10.10 08. a. nr. 12 00 m 4 W, 800 and 8 30 p. tu. Sundays, 185 a. in. Leave I'ottsvllle, weeK days, 2 86, 7 40 a. ill. Is m) anu o is p. m. sunuays, so . ns. Leave Tamanua. week days. 8 18. 8 48. 11 II m., 1 38, 5 51, 7 30 and 48, p. in. Sundays, 8 18 a. m Iave Malianoy Olty, week days, 13 30, 8 45, 9 13 11 47 a. in., 2 17, 5 18, 0 17, 7 4 1 and 10 08 p. m. Sundavs. 12 25. 8 45 a. in. Leave Malianoy Plans, wk days, 13 85, 3 40, too ow,v. iujs, u m a. in., zss, em, ass, 7 W, 10 22 Bin. Sundays, IS 40. 1 40, 4 00 a. in. Leave wllllamsport, week days, 7 43, 10 30 a oi., , uu anu u isu p. m. nunuays, it au p. m ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street war and Boutu street wuitii ior Atwusie mty. Wtwkdavs Exuresa. 800. (00. 10 V, a. m (Saturdsye only, 180) 200, 8 00, 4 00, 5 00, 5 40 li. in. AoeouiiuodaHon, 8 00 a. lu., 8 00, 8 80 Ik m. Surulava Ei ureas. 7 80.8(0. 9.00. 10 00 a.m. Accommodation, 8 00 a. ro., 4 45 p. m. II. 00 excursion train to foot or Mississippi Ave. 7 ft) A. tn. (lftllv. ltetumlng leave Atlantic Olty depot, eon or Atlnntlo and Arktuuas avenues. WeekOays-EipreM, 7 00, 7 45, 900, 1015, a. m., 3 90, 6 80, 7 80, 9 80 p. in. Aoooiumodattou, 4 as, sua. m., un p. id. Hiniil.v. Rnre.. 4 00. 8 00. 5 00. 7 00. 780. 8 00,980 p. m. Aoaommodatlon, 7 15 a. w., 505 p. tn. $1.00 exeuniou train from foot of Missis sippi Ave., only, weekdays, 8 00 p. ni., Sundays, 8 10 p. in. Parlor Cars on all express trains, mi ijH " has added r ilittlcofSccl lg'3 to ordinary coffee knows s i grnna armic itiai v will please her lmsbaml. 5 May Be Sent by the Government If Deemed Necessary. SECRETARY ALGER'S ACTIVITY, 11 n HfMtrt or tin' War Drpnrtment In vetlitlitlntr Mpthotln For llsMOhlltir Dnwnnn City Should the Iiilisliltfllltfl lio Threatened With Starvation. Washington, Sept. 20. Two repre sentatives of the North American Trading and Transportation company, Mrrsrs. rorteus B. Weare and Michael Cudahy, of Chlcahy, of Chicago, arrived here yesterday. They came at the special tpnuest of Het'tetary of War Alger, who desired to confer with thorn In regard to the question of sending relief supplies to the gold seekers In the Klondike country shuuld the in vestigation now being made by Cap tain Hay, of the army, show such measures to be necessary. Shortly after their arrival In. the city the two gentlemen went to the residence of Secretary Alger, where they remained In consultation with him the great part of the evening. The possibility of the need of government aid to the miners during the coming winter was broached by Secretary Alger in a cab inet meeting during the past week, the secretary feeling that the Interests of humanity dictated that some feasible plan whereby aid could be extended should be determined upon, In the event it was found necessary. Last night's conference was mainly a pre liminary one, in which, however, the whole question was gone over In a very thorough manner. Mr. Weare, who lias spent aome time in Alaska, was able to give the secretary much information bearing upon the topog raphy, climate, distances from place to place and other conditions which would have to be confronted If aid were un dertaken. Secretary Alger said today that nothing nnal had been determined upon, and that nothing would be until a report had been received from Cap tain Ray. The latter Is supposed to be now at Dawson City, and his report is expected here about the middle ot October. An Important matter upon whloh Secretary Alger especially desired the opinion of Messrs. Weare and Cudahy was the feasibility of a locomotive sled designed to draw logs and other ma terial over ice. This has been In suc cessful operation In the logging camps In Wisconsin, and its adaptability to this work Influenced the secretary to believe It might be put Into practical operation In Alaska should relief measures be necessary. The representa tives of the Trading company had ex amined a drawing of the sled and had Its working briefly explained to them. and they expressed the opinion that it might be feasible for the purpose con templated. Secretary Alger's idea Is that the sleds might be taken up to St Michaels by ship, but even If .tide were 4-nci jjosslble hf believes they oould be tHken tileCemeal over the Chllkoot nass and thence to tiuVXukon. Messrs. Weare and Cudahy any tnVsjeore ample pro visions for 5,000 men foFISYif year at St. Michaels, and they bellewWf found necessarv the sleds could beTOJsed to transport these supplies to Da' during the coming winter. Secretary Alger has received a letter from .jp superintendent of construc tion flWrsSjiuiatentee of the sleds in which the writer says he understands that the Yukon river frsjeaea solidly enough to be used as a road. ano hat between White pass and Port Selkirk, ot distance of 350 miles, the land la prac tically levci and a good wagon road can be easily made. That, he says, Is with in 200 miles of Dawson City, and the river would furnish the road the rest of the way. Household Necessity Cascarets dandy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, set gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy 'and try a box of C. C. C. to-day: 10, 25, BO cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Is It GiildHiiHUpp llen'.li Mnrfk? New York, Sept. 20. Coroner Haa- leiri, of Newtown. In Queens county, has In his possession a plaster cast which he believes fo be the death mask of William Ouldensuppe. It was found in a swamp a few hundred yards from the cottage In which it is alleged that Ouldensuppe was murdered. The caat Is ot plaster or pan, anu tne frag ments, It Is stated, show the outlines of a human face. A number of men, under the direction ef Coroner Haalem. have begun u search of the pond, with the Intention, If possible, of finding other parts of the cast, or the head it self. The araudest Remedy. Mr. II. I!. Groove, meroltant. of Cliilhowle. Ya.. certifies that ho had consumption, was given up to die, soughtall medical treatment that money could procuro, tried all cough remedies be could hear ot, but got uo relief; spent many nights sitting up in a chair; was induced to trv Dr. King's New Discovery. and was cured by use of two bottles. For past three years has been attending to busi ness, and says Dr. King's New Discovery is the grandest remouy ever inaue, as it oas done so much for him and also for others In his community. Dr. Klug'B New Discovery is guaranteed for Coughs, Colds and Cou sumntion. It don't fall. Trial bottles free at A. Wesley's drug store. M uso wan Mitat Move out. Trenton. Sept. 20. Ex-Mayor Frank A. Magowan has been informally noti fied to vacate the mansion, which was recently sold at sheriff's sale, the sale having been confirmed by the court of chancery. If Magowan fails to comply with this Informal notice an applica tion will be made to the court for a writ of ejectment. Running sores, indolent nlcers and similar troubles, even, though of many year's stand ing, may be cured by using Ds Witt's Wieth Haael Salve. It soothes, strengthens and heals. It is a great pile care. C.H. Hagen bucb. A New Turkish Minister; Constantinople, Sept. 20. Ferrough Bey, councillor of the Turkish embassy at St. Petersburg, has been appointed Turkish minister to the United States, in succession ' to Moustapha Tachsin Bey. The foregoing dispatch, con flicts with the statement in a, cable gram from Constantinople on Sept. I, that Moustapha, Tachsin Bey would be succeeded by Rlfaat Bey, former councillor of the Turkish embassy In London. Don't Tebaoeo a pit and smoke Your Llf Away. If you want to quit tobacco using easily aud forever, be made well, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, tako No-To-Bvc, tho wouder-worker that makes weak men strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over lOO.OOO cured. Bay No-To-Bao from your own druggist, who will guarantee a cure. ftOo .or $1.00. Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. A Fortunate Escape STORY OF From the Ctipptr, A reporter called upon Miss Lillian War ner at her home, 416 St. Paul Street, Hurling- ton,Vt., and begged the favor of an interview. The young lady is a musician and a pianist of considerable renown, and has her time fully occupied by engagements to play at concerts and other entertainments that arc eiinitantly taking place in the city, snd the strain upon fhe strength snd nervous energy of the pianist can be easily inmgined. " I never could liave stood it cues, out I hsve something now," ssid Miss Warner enthusiastically, "that braces me fur my work. Some little time ago I was utterly unable to sttend to my duties, owing to a disarrangement of the nervous system that effected my eyes with sli the rest. They be came so weak snd troubled me so that I fin ally went away into the country to rest. The benefit obtained from the change of scene anil freedom from care was, however, merely temporary, and upon my return to work I rapidly lost all that I had gained and more." " Hut did you consult n doctor T" "O yes, indeed; I put myself under the care of Several doctors, and even tried many remedies recommended for cases like mine, but the medicines had no laming effect, nnd it looked as though nervous prostration was to be my portion. "I was about ready to 'throw physic to the dogs' when I first heard of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, nnd H was with bat small faith in any benefit to be derived from them that I at last made up my mind to try them. " Hardly had I taken the first box before I experienced a great relief from the wesk- pei7i7a. Railroad. TOHUYKILL DIVISION. Skftbmbeh 18, 1897. Trains will leave Shenandoah after the abo. date for Wlggans. ailherton, Kruokvtlls, Don Water, St. Clair, Pottsvtlle. Hamburg, Itovillii. Pottatowii. l'lioenlxvll e. PiorrMtnwn inai'ti adclpbla (llroad street station) nt 808 and 11 OB a. m. and 4 20 p m. on week days. Sunday, 8 08 a. m., 3 10 p. in. For-I'ottsvllle nnd inter- meillate fetations oniy v u a. in. hwk Sundays, 9 45 n. m. Trains leave KraeKviiie ior nueimuuoAn a 1040a. m. and 1281, 541, 7 52 and 1047 r. Sunday, 11 18 o. m. and 5 41 p. tn. IjCHVe 1'OtlBVllie .Or ctih5,M'w., nw ,w iv a. in. anu i2:uo, a to, . ono iu iu. ohihiii 10 40 a. m., 5 15 p. m. ..... Leave l'ldladelutxrt, (Broad street station). hcunndooh at 5 87, 8 ftftand 10 19 a. m., 4 10 and ' u. m. week days. Sundays leave at n ou a. ro. Leave Broad street station, Philadelphia, ... Sea Qlrt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, I mi U . ,,, tiljtrmm lit. HSHCIOnfl. I O 1 1 8V, U. III., O.OU allU S.W p IU weK.-uy.. uays, s as a. m. t Leave Uroaa street station, rniinueipma. FOlt NEW YOUK. Bxureas. week-days 8 20. 4 On. 4 BO ft 15, 6 00, 7 S8. 8, 8 88, 960, 1021 (Dining Car), 11 CO a. in, ISOOnoon, 230 (l.lmllotl iw nnu Ha p.m. nlnlno- nnral. I to. 2 30 (Dining Car) 3 20. 3 SO. 4 00, 5W), 5 58 (Dining Car). 0 00, 7 02.7 43, 10 00 p. m., 12 01, night. Sundays, a ai, un, 4 nu a 10, 8 20. 8 38. 9 50. 10 21. (1)1 iue C'nrJ, 1135 n. 111., 12aM05 Dining Cur) 280 (Dining Car), 4 00 (Limited 4 22 Dining Car), 5 20, 5 5S,(l)lning Car) u uu p. m . n ul nigiif. niit onnugo, 11 uu a m.. week-days, nnd 7 48 p. riDfirailyi WASHINOTON AND THIS SOUTH. For lf-ltimorc nnd Washington, 3 M, 7 20, 8 32, 10 20, 1123, n. ill., 12 00, 12 31 (Dluillg Car), 1 12, 3 18, 4 11. 5 19 Congres sional Limned. Dining Car, 017. CM Dln Ing Car, 781 Dining Carl p. 111 , nnd 12 03 njrht week days. Sundays, 3 SO, 7 20. 9 12, 11 28, a. m., 1 13, 4 41. BB OongreMloiml Llm ItwL Dining C;.'l, tlMnlng OarJ. 731 Din IngCnr p. m. aiw W OS trJ ffbt. FOIt ATLANTIC CITY. - N Leave Drond street station via Delaware river bridge Express, 9 20 n. 111., 2 38 and T OB p. tu. iiauy. Iave Market Street Wnrf-Expreas, 5 00, 8 SO a. m., 1 50, 4 00, I 20, 5 00 p. m. Sundays, 8 00, 900, 9 45 a- m. (accommodation 4 30 and 5 40 p.m.) 1 00 excurMlon train, 7 00 a. 111 Sundays only. For Cspe May, Anislesen, Wildwood and Holly Beaoli nxpress, 9 00 a. 111., 2 30, 4 05 p. 111. week days. Sundays, 8 20 a. m. Fxcurslon, 7 00 a. 111. dally. For Sea Isle Olty, Ocean City, Avnlon and Stone Harbor lCxprese, 9 iu n. tn., Z3U, i-u, p. 111 weeic uays. sunuays, ow a. in. uxcur slon, 7 00 11. 111. dally. r or ssomers l-OIIU lixprcee, o w, o w, u. m., 150. 4 00. 5 00. n. m. week days (Sundays, 7 00, 8 00 and 9 00 a. ni. I. II. 1 1 ITTHH I MS. IK. J. IC WOOD. Gen'l Manager. Oen'l Paee'g'r Agt. A genumo welcomo waits you at JOE WYATT'S SALOON, Cor. naln and Coal Sts. Plnest wlilskeys. beers, porter and ale ponstantly on tap. Gholco omperance drinks ABU cigar. II illll.iii.tilt.l.lllilllll.lll.lllilKu SlU'-Vi ' 4a , . ,nr 5 FOB, S-cVX.S F.VBKY WH?3Rr; - 3iiii!ifMinitiiiiiiiiiiitii' I 'liit'iiintimMUHi'"""" asaniwUastM nee i rUbl, saonthly, resuUtlne ntiletn. Onif haralM0ft&4 tbe purectdrtsga ahould b um1. If you waat ih bi, gel Dr. Foal's Pennyroyal Pills Thay are prompt, safe snd esftsln In rentt. The rssslne (Dr. Fsal's) never disss, neiat. Usui siiwhora. Si. St. AaOress BaL Masuotsa Co., ClemUnd, u. For Sale al KIRLIN'S ANDY , 2S 10 miMUrWi DRUGC1STS jAbSOLUTELY GUARANTEED tZiZZWZ.Xr:!',: Hiu nu iNnisir. trw, tn. loirialsliti ur. flfl'l 'WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO LADY TELLS THE HER RESCUE. IhtrltntUm, VU ness snd nervous troubles with which I was afUicii J, snd my eyes grew stronger every d." " Are you laking the pills now f" was the nAt query. "No; as I told you the first box helped me u great deal, nnd after I had taken six boxes I fell so well that I left off the medi cine entirely and have not taken any now for some weeks. 1 am able to attend to all my duties and feel as well tu can he. while my eyes continue to improve right ahmg. I do not even mind the long walk from my home to the business part of the city. Miis Wurner furtker said that Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills for Pair People build up the svatein, gjving a lasting effect nnd nut merely a fictitious strength Tor tin. time bc- f)r. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People arc an unfailing specific for such diseuw a Inm motor ataxia, partial paralysis, St Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, ner vous headache, the after effect ol Ih crippc pnlpifutii'ti ot the heart, pale snd sallow cum plexioni., that tired feeling resulting from n r vons prostration, all diseases riMiliini; fnnn vitiated humor in the blood, such us ti rutula ohronlc erysipelas etc. They nrc uKhm - pi citn for (roubles rieculiar to females, pui li n- -up preiudon, irregularities and all form ef ui uk ness. In men tiny effect a radical ciin mull eases arising from mental worry. over'ik or exciwi of whatever nature. These pills are manufactured by the lr Williams' Medicine Company, Kchcntctariy, X. Y., snd are sold only in boxes liearinc the firm's trade-mark and wrapper nt ci a liox or six lioxes for $2.50, and are nun -ld in bulk. They tnny be hrd of nil Inunts. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JJK. W. II. YINQST, VETEUINARY SURGEON. Ornduate and lAte Resident House Surge, v the University State of.N. Y, HtuiKiuARTans 1 Hotel Prnney ."Shenandoah TIlltKU YKAU.COUItSK. Calls night or day promptlv 'respondea SI. M. I1URKB. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ottlce Bfcan building, corner of Main and Centre streets, Shenandoah. T " POMRUOY, ATTORNEY-AT-LA'WJ Shenandoah, Pa. E. W. SHOiaiAKKU. - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Corner Market and Centra streets. "pftOF JOHN JONHS, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, . Lock Box (!6, Mahanoy City, Pa. Having studied under some of the best masters fp London nnd Purls, will give lessons on tlie violin, mnmloHn, gultarand vocal culture rrasonalile. Addrcas In care of Straus, nananau. nUlions of Dollars do up in smoke every year, Tako no risks but get your houses, stock, fur iiituro, etc., insured iu flrst-class to liablo companies as represented by iVTrt FAIKT durance flifcti' ATli.' rAliai, 120 South Jai'tl.i .,t Also Life an AeetJanis.1 Cumiwrtl eat Tho Rosy Froshnos. And a velvet softness of the skin ' rlably obtained by tbors who uso V Complexion Powder. i&mr P8LLSY : Alio sunc. aim 4a. icr-wdmau s sate F01 st Povlnsky's drug store, 28 Ea Ceatre street. Celebrated Vi it, l'owdors i t "E3ssrrsii3"ira or-' I' t(l m ufu sUiil irur itJ' r 1. .2 with Tiwy "iU reuDTroyal n.itt mu otr.i - i mwrilMl. Alwftvabuvth. best .nil STbi'l 'i asp Mntznertt. -Uu.MnteeU superior to all UWs. r;'niy is usr. uof,ntaiM. I FN WHO READ - nro iri'ri'o -'.ve Mini ki"ep info. nu'-l .1 ; tlio World's l'ronrHr--. Tim mi'1 -fcrnieil and thrifty ilounu-wiie v.nl lilvvnyn Keep - RAINBOW LINIMENT in tlio Imu-p, 8" m atiiiuluril iviimiy t -r - Siirains, Hruises, (Jsiniip.-, 1IIihuih.4U-;ii. ; Hiid all aches ami iunu! --s - " Prlc 26 els. mid 50 tls. esr bolli- Prp"5d hy II. 1 lUCXETf CO , Phluo-luin , Drue Store. Shenandoah., Pa. CATHARTIC 1 UVI mil. Sttai I II.. t HimtTO, TltiNU'fMl. I orc nik. till. 1 f 1