The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 17, 1897, Image 2

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1WTA1U.ISHK1) 18T0.
r Published evert Evening, Ricept Sunday, St
Kentucky Democrat wlm luul u Ko .
f Ml) )1 i- II (Minted wlioll hi- fll-eillVtl tin'
(lOHitillll. I
Tho niiumrr ia. whirh Cltfjel.m-.
ntidlili. iiihtnet ilNwtltutd tfc; taw,
for linrttsan t-nn, and the etrwlotn-
ft he HcraM 1, de.lvurd InHbenandoab snd the '' w" whith BO "ny l'UOrmt I.
nrromidiiiK totvnn for alt cemte ft wek, pfy-i hdlu-OVer oftifMaiH DAW? Rftflllllieu
'iiuamonth . imfohie in iHivnnce. Advertise- that tliey are beyond the power of
removal, have cauooit the law io hi'
coma highly unpopular, more t-spe 'I
For Weak and Run Down People.
Illll.iT IT ICI Ttio richest of r11 renton
WnHI II 13 1 tiYe food, because It re
plnces the ccqpntlfitu of lire thnt ft re ox
linn tort by rMnwtao. indljroRtton, high llvlugi
nii'i c iuiiiiiii. (nynniu in miTanvo. nuvi
mcntfl charged aooonllns tonpitc't' nml poMtton
Tb publ1r)m r Tenrrv the Tiirht to clmncv tin
prwittnn of ftil ertUeinent whenever the pub
nitlmi hi
Ueatlon or ii rwn demaixln It. The right tfl
triTNed to rJict By att prtlsement, whether
fsaia tor or not, that me publisher may ueoin
mproprr. Ad vurtialiiK rtfl made known
unon amillcalinn.
Entered at the pontofllce at Shenandoah, Pa., an
two ml clans mall matter.
"All the News Tint's Fit to Print,"
Evening Hr!d
I lillY, SKPTEMBKR 17. 1907.
if Westtnorelsnd.
HR Al-DITOk 0NKRAU O. McCau-kt,
Of Chester.
lUirim-icAN county tiokkt.
Hon. I). I. HbcOTkl,
Of I-ottaville.
lliEsTi-it S, Albright,
of Urwigsburs;.
Of Treawiit,
John AiwrocK,
of Mnhsuoy City.
ally among the politician, and if
would not be surprising if the law '
was wholly repealed orat least greatly 1
modified at the next session of Con-'
As a test case the decision will
cover a great many other Democratic
officials In different parts of the
country, Including Schuylkill county,
who do not want to give up their
Ticking Thought Vttr the MiH-vmv.
The duty we owe our children In not con
fined to good brtuging up, and the be
queathing to them of an honorable name.
We 6we them a sturdy constitution. It is a
crime to start a child In life with inherited
weakness ; but most of us, seeing aN around
the evidence of disregard of this duty in
others, are inclined to forget the urgency of
It. In living for our children, we live for
ourselves also, and in guarding against the
development of disease we Insure a rugged
old age for ourselves and the blessings of our
children. Our lives are trying to nervous
strength, and most people see themselves
losing ground without being uble to secure
efficient he'u. Nature has provided the
overwork, worry, excesses, almst'. etc.
digestion perfect It crentes solid llesb,
imiscle and strength. The nerves being
tnndfl strolls' the brain becomes tutlveam
leer. It restores lost vitality, stops all wast
Ing drains and weakness In either sex, and
as a female reetilnror has no equal. I'riee
60c., nr five boxen HOO. Druggists or by mail.
We can help yon. Advice and book, free.
Write Us About Your Case
WM Ohesttiut Street. Philadelphia,
Personnlly-Vniuliiotiil Tciiim vln IViiukjI
fvanla Illtrmtl.t
Thfit, tho public have come to rccoguine tie
(act Hint the best and most convenient
method of ploasure travel Is that presented
by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company's
personally-conducted tours, is evidenced by
tho increasing popularity of tbeso tours.
Under this system the lowest rates are ob
tained, for koth transportation and hotel ac
commodation. An experienced tourist scent
and chaperon accompany each tour to look
after the comfort of the i;senger.
The following tonrs have been arranged for
the season of 1W7 :
To Niagara Falls, excursion ticket good to
return within ten days will lie sold on July
32, Angtist S and IB, September 4 and 10, at
rate of 10 f.-oin Philadelphia, Baltimore,
and Washington. These tickets include
trarnportHtiou only, and will permit of stop
over within limit at Huffelo, ItochesUr, and
It luii in-come a question with wea
ilur iirnirnostioHtors whether we
Iiiim-nut f-ntpreil upon a s-eanon of
.lri .ugbt. which nuiy possibly be con
tinued throughout the entire month.
Their prognostications are, of couoo,
nnl (,ui--M-s. but pome of them who
Ii.'im ri .iitiii ions- us foretellers of the
hi iit.ii 'r Tin- t'lcineiits insist thut a
m r u- lnuglit. is hupcudlng.
remedies that wHl keep you well and strong.
but only a great and painstaking specialist 1
can w.iyou wnai incy are n. jusi wmcnj -,,,.,, to Gettysburg, Lnray
Nahiral Ilrldgo, Virginia Hot
Springs, Richmond, and washlnnton, Sep-
The Little Conqueror Arrives and
People tire Talking.
Surprise, wonder and adinlracion follow in
I lie track of the little conqueror. People are
talking about it everywhere, and such cases
an that of Mrs. J. II. llntler, a resident of
1'iti.iton, are getting to be every day occur
rences Our representative, called on Mrs.
Hotter nt her place of residence, 130 Searlo
slu et. mid she Kavo the following brief ac
count nf her case, she says: "About a year
nan 1 began to have severe pains In my hack
In the region of the kidneys. Sometimes the
piin wiis worse than at others, and with each
attack it grew more severe. The lait attack
I had felt so 1 could not lift anything at all
t h it had sic heft to It. and the hardest part
to attempt was to arise from any stooping
pmition. I call only descrilie the pain as a
continuous dull one, interspersed with sharp
piercing ones in the sniBll of my lis ok. If I
attctuped to rise from a chair after continued
sitting I found it a difficult matter. I man
aged to get along in this way witli my house
hold duties, for I was determined not to give
up, and I felt many times as though I posi
tively must. I read of some of the cures
performed by Doan's Kidney Pills, and com
paring the symptoms described with mine I
concluded the pills would help me, and I
procured n box and began to take tbem regu
larly according to directions. Within three
days I felt better and continued to itnnroxc
every day. I must admit they have perfectly
wired me, and this much sooner than 1 could
have anticipated possible. I am perfectly
satisfied with the results, and glad to lie able
to inform ot her sufferers about Doan's Kidney
Pills, so that they may know what to use
who are in their condition.
For sale by all dealers price 80 cents,
Mailed by Foster-JHlburn Co., llnfTalo, N. Y.
Sole agent for the U. S.
Report to sjurgteon Onneral Wyman
from tin- Stricken Dlntrlctft.
Washington. Sept. 17. The Informa
tion regarding tho yellow fever re
ceived hy Surgeon General Wyman
last night Included the following:
. There are two cases at Itaikley, Miss.,
which have existed four days. They
nre certainly sueplclouK. and one of
them Dr. W hlte thinks yellow fever.
Dr. Clulteras, at Mobile, says in a dis
patch: "One case reported, taken sick
Sunday, 13th."
The dally report of Burgeon Murray,
In oharge at Ocean BprThgs, Miss.,
ones you neeu. j.o muse who iecj nieir i ,
health sllnning awav. and who have lieen un-1 r" , '
able to secure relief, tho world-famous physi
cian, Dr. Greene, discoverer of tho great
Xervnra, offers consultation free of all
charge. His office is at 88 West 14th street,
New York City, and yn may call on him
there or write, describing your case, and
there will be ahaolqtely no charge for his ex
perienced advice. He will know instantly
the remedies required to cure you. Consult
him at once.
temtor 28 and Octolier 12. Hate, f85 from
New Yotk, $68 from Philadelphia.
lU-hel Victory hi Wiintenifiln.
San Francisco, Sept. 17. Private ad
vices received here convey the Infor
mation that after two days of hard
righting the garrison of Barrios' sol
diers at Quezalentango succumbed to
superior numbers, and the revolution
ist are masters of the situation in
Guatemala. This Is understood as the
equivalent to the end pf the career of
Reno Barrios as dictator of the Cen
tral American republic.
"I burned my fingers very badly. The
pain was intense. Dr. Thomas Kclectrlc Oil
brought relief in three minutes. It was
almost magical. 1 never saw anything like
it.-' Amelia Swords, SaundeMvillo, O.
Snrnli Iternliurdt Snubbed.
Tarls, Sept. 17. Madame Bernhardt
wanted to play at the Straasburg Stat
thcuter. The authorities, recalling the
fact that a few years ago she refused
to play in Berlin, and vowed she would
never play In Germany, have declined
to grant .er pcrniifi-ion to play in
Straasliurt "."t'l t-.;e first appears at a
Woods went into iiflireTtJerinan theater, which she refuses to
An Important Decision.
Jiiiltri' f'i of the Supreme Court,
li.i- h-i -tiled that in the single par
uulnr of prohibiting removals for
u n payment of political assessment.
he rivil service law does not restrict
wiunls. The Judge, who became
f mil- ms as the presiding Justice at
Tne trial of (iiiitenii, guvo the law a
i-1. Mi sizeii und well-developed black
iv -----
Last Saturday the att"r'10-V'5i for
ii- John fi.
-X s rotirt. nnd asked that a tem
jrar;, injunction granted them ten
lajaan restraining the Postmaster
(ii in ml from removing the tsfild
W fids from the position of Mnil
Superintendent at the Louisville post
oilier, be made permanent. The de-
i'ii liamled down denies tlie re
quest, and sets forth that neither the
. . il -ervice law nor any other law
utile statue books gave the courts
1 1 ii- right to interfere with the Presi
dent or hi.-. Cabinet in the matter of
making appointments to or removal
(nun uillce. except the removal of an
employe should be attempted for the
in pavmjjut of a political nises6-,.-nt.
This Is certainly a very important
decision, whioh will be hailed with
dvliglit by those Republicans seeking
appointment to positions now held
by Democrats and which have here
tofore, under the law's previous in
terpretation and administration, sup
pose to have been sufllclent safeguard
against the incumbent's removal.
The latter naturally feel some appre
hension, for the security heretofore
felt by them lias been suddenly taken
"'v Judge Cox showed, in the clearest
manner ponnibie that the civil ser
vice law nuver contemplated giving
to government employes immunity
from removal. It was the preroga
tiw of the President to appoint his
'abinet. and it was also the preroga
tive of the Cabinet officials to have
absolute control of the employes
whose appointment came within
their jurisdiction to remove, trans
fer or reduce the same at will. My
the sume line of reasoning, all other
ifoveriimetit appointees, having sub
ordinates under their charge, such as
the Federal oillcers in Philadelphia,
postmasters and others, are not com
pelled to retain employes in office
for life tenure. The decision is far
reaching; but it is backed up by such
an amy of eminent authorities that
it is not probable an apiieal will be
United States District Attorney
Harry Davis, a gold Democrat, Hp
pointed to his present position by
Cleveland a few days before he re
tired, appeared ia court for tlie Gov
ernment. Thepoiutof his argument
was that the judicial part of the (ltv
ernnieiit hail no right to interfere
with the mode of procedure pursued
by the Executive branch. It was
getting t be the habit to call ou the
judiciary to run about everything.
Hoverument oinefale were olaiuiing
that under the civil service law they
had a proprietary right in the offices
they held ; that a man holding an
oluce considered it as absolutely his
property, the same as if it were his
Uouae,. his dog or his watoh. He
quoted an opinion, given by Justice
fxrey, of the United States Supreme
Court, some years ago, to the effect
that equity court have no Jurisdic
tion over pp' i i t meiits to or removals
from office. A public office was
neither a vested nor a property right.
Wood, tin-man who kicked on being
...I lo'oiiLfht the -nil i
fatal Wliiils-tot-bi In liittfntin.
Fort Wayne. Ind., Sept. 17. A se
vere wind storm swept over this qity
and viciulty yesterday, doing consider
able damage an'd fatally injuring G. K.
Kockenherger. Frd Welir and Andrew
Bindeller. The man were injured by
falling bricks from demolished chim
neys. TelCBrpph and telephone wires
ivere prostrated anS considerable dam
The bladder was created for one purpose,
lmtnely, a receptacle for the urine, and as
sucli it is not liable toany form of disease ox'
cept by one of two ways. The first way is
from imperfect action of the kidneys. Tho
second way Is from careless local treatment of
other diseases. '
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys
is the chief cause of bladder troubles. So
the womb like the bladder, was created for
ono purpose, and if not doctored too much
is not liable t weakness or diseased, oxcept
In rare cases, it is situated uacK i ami very
close to the bladder, therefore any pain
disease or inconvenience manifested in tho
kidneys, lck, bladder or urinary passes is
often by mistake attributed to female weak
ness or womb trouble of some sort. The
error Is easily made and may be as easily
avoided. To find out correctly, set you
urine aside for twenty-four bouts; a sedi
ment or settling indicates kidney or bladder
trouble. The mild and tho extraordinary
effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swauip-Itoot. tho great
kidney, liver and bladdor remedy is soon
realized. If you uesd a medicine you should
have the licst. At druggists fifty cents and
one dollar. You may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet, both sent fine by mail.
Xlentkni Evkxikq IIkrai.u and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Iliiiglinmton,
N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarautco
lie genuluess of this offer.
Tours to the Soiltl:
Two very attractive early Autumn tours
will be run by the Pennsylvania Railroad
L'smpany, leaving Isow York and Plilladcl
phia Seiitemlier 28 and October 12.
It is hardly necessary to say that these
outings are planned with the utmost cure.
Alaska! Klondike!
No need to go there for
when you can get it at any grocer's.
It Makes the Dirt Fly
Chicago. BU Louis. Mew York. Boston. Philadelphia,
n 1
ge done to plate glaBs windows, barns I and that all arrangements are adjusted sous
and outbuildings.
why sojii: im.ious pkoi'lij taiu:
Biliousness is much misunderstood.
So many people have it, that 'tis worth
understanding, the more so as it is easy
enough, if you begin right.
Livrr secietes a fluid called bile. Ullo
soes to the intestines, where It performs im
portant work in digestion. Sometimes bile
passages in liver get clogged. This is bil
iousness. "Piltlousness" ia the idea that by taking a
pill which stimulates the liver, we may cure
biliousness. It is only an idea.
Pill-takiug relieves but does not euro it.
The cure can only come through thestomach.
Why 1
Biliousness is caused by the oison of un
digested food, irritating the liver. To cure
biliousness, these poisons must be got out of
the stomach. Tho only sure way to do this
is witk Shaker Digestive Cordial.
Shaker Digestive Cordial Is a pleasant,
tonic aid to digestion, prepared from roots,
herbs and wine by the Shakers of Mount
Lebanon. It helps the stotoach to digest its
food, and sweep, ont of the system all
dangerous poisons.
In this way it cures biliousness, headache,
nausea, dhuduess, bad taste, stomach-ache,
fever, flatulence, constipation, loss of ap
petite, etc., when other remedies only give
temporary roliiC.
All druggists. Ten cents for a trial lwttle.
Write fer interesting book to the The Sha
kers, 30 Reade street, Xew York.
to afford the best possible means of visiting
each iilnco to the host advantage
The lours each cover a period of elovou
days, and Include tho battlefield of Gettys.
burg, picturesque Blue .Mountains, I.uray
Caverns, the Natural Bridge, Virginia Hot
Springs, the cities of Richmond nnd Wash
iiigton, and Sit. Vernau.
The round-trip rate, including all neces
sary oxpenses, is $05 from New York, $03
from Philadelphia, and proportionate rates
from other points,
Each tour will be in chargo of ono of tho
company's tourist agents. He will bo assisted
by an experienced lady as Chaperon, whose
especial charge will be ladles unaccompanied
bv male escort.
Special trains of parlor cars are provided
for the exclusive use of each party, in which
the entire round trip from New Y'ork is
For detailed itinerary apply to Ticket
Aaonts or to Tourist Agent, 1100 Broadway,
New York, or Geo. V. Boyd, Assistant
General Passenger Agent, Broad Street
Station, Philadelphia.
The resignation of Slgnor Ascanlo
Branca, Italian minister of finance, Is
A Berlin paper states that Presi
dent McKlnley will restore American
Influence In Samoa.
The United States government will
ofTer amendments to existing patent
laws at the Brussels convention.
Governor Mount of Indiana, an
nounces that he Is determined to bring
tc ustico the parties guilty of the
lynching at Versailles.
Salmon are selling at Dawson at $10
each, one selling as high as C0. Hun
dreds ot people are feeling the pangs
of hunger in the Klondike.
United States Consul Wllske, at
Managua, Is working to secure a liberal
concession for an lnteroceanlc railway
In Nicaragua, which will facilitate
A census taken by the Indian bureau
of the various agencies shows there
are 88 demented redmen in the country,
and several of these are Idiots rather
than lunatics.
,V general strike of the Tin and
Sheet Iron Workers and Slate and
Metal Hoofers' unions of New Y'ork on
all buildings affected by the strike of
the cornice wctkers was ordered today.
An Immense sensation has been cre
ated In Berlin. Vienna and the various
German capitals by the statement that
Emperor William has entirely squan
dered the Guelph fund, amounting to
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever, bo mado woll, strong, magnetic,
full of now life and vigor, tako NoK-Bic,
tbo wonder-workor that makes weak men
stromr. Many gain ten pounds In ten days,
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Jlac lrom
your own drucaist. who will guarantee a
cure. 50c or ?1.00. Booklet nnd sample
mailed freo. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.,
Chicago or Now Y'ork.
Sooliillrtti lle.'lll-eil llu'. VI cot I ll ft,
Now York, Sept. 17. The socialists
stampeded the Hungarian meeting
held here last night to protest against
the Lattlmer shooting. A socialist at
tempted to introduce resolutions which
had been prepared and the chairman of
the meeting refused to receive them.
The result was a great clamor. There
was only one policeman In the hall and
the chairman called on him to eject
the disturbers.- Then bedlam broke
loose, and the chairman averted dis
aster by allowing the men to remain.
Quiet was restoied for a while, but
soon another outbreak occurred, and
the chairman and other ofllcers left the
socialists In charge of the hall.
says: The work at the detention rnmp
goes on rapidly. The gcranton i n II for
a physician has been met by Pr. Dunn,
and the controversy between the coun
ty and state hoards settled. Himn im
ports five casea at Scranton, and Cunt
reports that the sick doctor has ret ov
erall, and that the fumigation and rtiH
Irrfection at I'erklnston has been prop
erly atended to. It is fair to report n
oases and one death at Blloxi since the
beginning of the epidemic. Wasdln w
It has been decided by the marine
hospital aurhoiltles to establi.-h an
other detention camp in Mississippi,
somewhere In the vlclnty of Jackson
or Edwards. The camp equipage will
be sent from Memphis.
rwininlv von don't want to sutler with dys-
tumaia. cnnstlnatlon. sisk headache, sallow
skin and loss of appetite. You have nover
tried DeWitt's Little ISarly Itinera lor inese
complaints or you would have been cured.
TUey are small pills nut great regulators, o.
l.tved a Iliiiiili-eU itiiilIVii Tears,
Klmraton-, N. T., Sept. 17. Sarah
Eladuif, colored, died here yesterday
at the age of 110. She was born In Uls
ter county, and was a.slave In the fam
ily of General Sharpe's ancestors.
The Weutlier.
For eastern Pennsylvania. New Jer
aey and Delaware: Thunder showers;
much cooler; southwesterly winds, be
coming northwesterly.
Burdock Blood Bitters is nature's true
remedy for constipation and kindred ills. It
acts directly on the bowels, the liver, the
skin, and while olsansing the blood imparts
stiengtk to the digestive organs. 1
LouNoMlobel K.xiielleil From Uriisiels J
Brussels, Sept. 17. Louise Michel, the ,
notorious French anarchist, was ex- I
polled from the city yesterday by the j
police. She arrived in the murntnu .
from Paris, accompanied by Chai lutte 1 SjjgSS
TTiiiii-lllA nnd r-lrniiHnon T.nntx. for the
purpose of a fortnight's speechmakln j pjfjHS
tour In aid ot the families ot tne an- , Sgasae
ress, Baicelona, for the bomb throwing
outrage dm Ing the celebration of Cor
pus Ohristi at Barcelona in June of
last year, and in aid also of anarchlsta
exiled for complicity in the crime. The
tour was to be undertaken on the
theory that the prevailing labor dis
putes make the present time advan
tageous for spreading anarchist doc
trine. Her companions were also expelled.
flakes Want
is an old saying, as true as it ever was.
But whether it is true or not there's no
earthly use wasting money. Especially
in shoe buying.
Sonic stores charge for name ; some for
style ; some for greed:
We're Not Selfish.
We're satisfied with a little profit ; we
know how to put in style without putting gff
in price ; we don't charge for name. We Kp
charge simply and solely for shoe all
shoe good shoe.
Our School Shoes
are good examples of our fair-pricing.
Youths' shoes, 75c, $1, $1.25.
Boys' shoes, 90c, $, $1.25, 1.50.
Children's shoes, 50c, 75e.,$i, $1.25.
. Misses' shoes, $1, $1.25, $1.50.
. They're built well ; built to withstand
the tough usage they get. Shoes you'll
be glad you bought ; shoes we're glad to
Shoe Store,
A. Moyor, Mgr.
Notional I.eutilio.
At Baltimore (called, darkness) Balti
more, 4; Philadelphia, 4. At Boston
New York, 8; Boston, E. At Brooklyn
Brooklyn, 5; Washington, 4.
KiiMtei-ii I.emrito.
At Syracuse Syracuse, 6: Springfield,
3. At Buffalo Providence, 10; Buffalo, D.
Atliiutlc I.euirue.
At Bending Rending, 10; Norfolk, 3.
At Hartford First game: Hartford, 9;
Blchmond, S. Second game'fcalted, dark
ness): Hartford, 4; Blchmond, 4. At
Lancaster Newark, 9; Lancaster, 8. At
l'aterson Puterson, 15; Athletlo, 4.
Heart Disease Cured.
-Swwtw tfl
vnn noun o'nnitEti,
105 S. Main Street.
Headquarters for a full and com
plete line of groceries.
Ertfjtitlw Ifl tte Tmerlal Line Constantly
m Hud,
The "Bicyclist's Best Friend" is a familiar
name for DeWitt's Witch Basel Salve, al
ways ready for emergencies. idle a speoifl
for niles. it also instantly relieves and cure
cuts, bruises, salt rheum, ecxema and all
att'ectlous of the skin. It never falls. C. II
l'imlllHi r.'lmriioil 'With MuWloi'.
Chester, Pa., Sept. 17. A warrant
was issued by Alderman Smith yester
day for the arrest of Edward Dreadon,
of C'hadds Ford, who is accused by
Bvan Budolph of the murder of his
brother, John Budolph, on Aug. 4.
Dreadon and Kudolph were sparring,
and a blow on the head killed Kudolph.
Th? einoiu i relean d Dreadon, but it is
now that a threat of violence
was rn,!e ly the accused.
Just try a 10c bex
liver and bowel reap
- a Ferguson House Block. BARBER SHOP.
Queareto, the finest
vew made.
OUt'l. "..t, TlNIIII .iHlt.
Columbus.wfl..' Eept. 17. At 4 o'clock
yesterday afternoon three prisoners ap
peared In the guard room of the peni
tentiary and leveling I e vol vers at Cap
tain Saxbe attempted to escape. A
fight ensued. Two of the prisoners,
Botts and Clark, got away. Lincoln,
the third prisoner," wall held. Benjamin
James, sub-guard, was shot twice.
Botts is from Lucas and Clark from
Cuyahoga county.
Small precautions often preveut great mis
chiefs. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are very
small pills la sise, but are most effective la
preventing the mest serious forms of liver
and ntoiuach troiililcn. They cure constipa
tion and luailiit he nnd regulate tho bowels.
(' li llnijciihikh.
No man or woman can eniov life or accom
plish much In this world while suffering from
a torpid liver. DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
too puis inai cleanse mat organ, quicKiy. u.
11. llageuuucn.
Michael llroaks All Itocoi-d From One
to Ton Miles.
Springfield, Mass., Sept. 17. Eddie
Bald was the champion ot the last day
of the Springfield Bicycle club's tourna
ment, lie won the half mile open In
L02 2-6, the one-third mile L. A. W.
championship in .45 3-5 and the one
mile opon professional record race
in 2.05 1-5. Jimmy Michael again broke
the American record for ten miles, his
time being 18.27 4-5. The former record
was 1S.3S 1-6.
The great race of the day was the
one-third mile professional L. A. W.
championship. Cooper took the lead,
with Taylor second and Bald third.
They kept these positions until the
home stretch, when Bald, Kimble and
Tom Butler oame around the track
Bide by side. At 30 yards from the tape
Bald pulled half a. wheel ahead and
won out by a yard.
The five mile amateur L. A. W. na
tional championship record race was
the great amateur race of the day,
and the winner broke the American
record of 10.35 held by Kenna, or the
Pacific coast. K. C. Uausman did the
act In 10.33 3-5. Dawson led for the
first two miles. Dawrwii, Powell and
Mlnle dropped out In the next mile
and a half and Peabody fell in the
fourth lap. Hausman finished first,
with LudwltT a close second and Hilli
The half mile open prosessional wai
a great race, and was wan easily b)
Bald. Tom Butler led at first, witl
Bald third. At the quarter Bald pulled
ahead and won out by ten feet. Time,
1.03 2-1.
Jimmy Michael's fast ten mllei
brought out lots of cheers, and at the
start he was presented with an Ameri
can flag, which lie wore during the
ride. His first mile was the fastest,
being done in 1.44 8-5, and from tfiec
until the finish he broke all previous
American records, covering the tea
miles In 18.37 4-5.
Faust Wheel
Hade to Fit.
A bicycle, 111 many respects, is like a suit ot
clothes. If you do not appear with ease and grace upon your cycle, it
is because it don't fit you. With ease and grace also comes power.
Secure them all by ordering a special wheel, measured to fit by the
home manufacturer. A guarantee goes with every wheel. Patronie
home industry and secure a reliable wheel.
.... Repairing of all Kinds.
Woylor'a "I'lan ot'(HllllBll.,'
Madrid, Sept. 17. The government
has received a cablegram from Captain
General Weyler, in the course of which
he says that his plan of campaign la
to complete the pacification of the
west end of the Island nf Cuba before
commencing operations in the east.
Ask your grooerfer "the'Royal latent '
dour, and teke no other brand. It is the best
flour uadc.
HEN a well known minister after
suffering for years with heart dis
ease, Is cured, f. Is not surprising
that ho should publish the fact for the
benefit of others. Rev. J. .1 Smith, 1045
i-'ulton St., Baltimore, Md.,. writes: "1'or
years I suffered from a severe form of heart
disease. I used Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure
and my heart is now tn good condition.
Recently, other afllictions came upou me.
Thcro was humming, painful sensations ou
top and back of toy bead. Fifteen min
utes reading would
make lue almost wild)
there were piilliagand
drawing sensations in
my legs nil1 the tine,
withal I could not sit
hllll in tills condi
tion I began taking
Dr. Miles' lte&ionitive
Nervine uud its effeet was simply won
derf ul. I huaitlly t-iiriimontl your remedies.'
Dr. Milts' licmedii.-, aie -,u!d by drug
gists under a potu1 1 c guaianu-e, (list bottle
benuiltb or money refunded. Ho.jk on Heart
nd Nerves &eut fnc to all si,plicunu
DK. MILKS MEDICAL t o Ellikurt, Ind,
Easily, Quiokly, Permanently Restored
Weakness, Nervousue&a, Debility,
nam tn train 01 .)
from Mly rrort or UUr
iommi ; the fmuIU of
ortrweix, aiokjitt, wor
. XT, tta Full tratb,
i 4TlpiBnt and ton
t given to very organ
l and portion of the bod.
Simpl. Dtuurtilmothoda.
Jmruodiata improTomont
aoeo. Failur fnipoaaibl.
2.000 raforcacoa. Book",
iplanattun and proof
lamlod tjledj fret.
The Shenandoah College will re
open in potn uay aim
night sessions
flonday, August 23r d.
The rate of tuition for the first
four months will be $ao, in pay
ments, or $18 in cash.
Finished students who would
like positions in New -York, will
please address the President at
. . . President.
Rag Carpet.
of every description we can
save you many dollars by giv
ing us your trade. All bargain
seekers should take advantage
of this opportunity.
, f Ion
ii t -4
Mot hi and Badbnga Hi
in.. 1. urn) buttles, at dr
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvety voftuesa of the skin ii tufa
rlably obtained by thofv who uiui I'ouomi'b
.Oomplexiuu powder.
Furniture : House
o TO o
121-123 N. MAIN ST.,
o WAR o
Chestnut Coal at
Pea Coal at
No. 13 ( 15 N, Pear Allay,
Has made arrangements so he can
now deliver good hard
$3.30 per ton
SI.80 par ton