The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 14, 1897, Image 2

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Published every Kvenlng, Kicept flundfty, at
8 South Jahdix Mtrhet, NiMaCmmw.
The Herald l delivered InBhensndosm and the
surrounding towns for six oenta n week, pay
ahl . V the cArrler. B mull W OO r year, or 30
witli n month, payable In advance. Advertise-
menu chariied neoordliit to .imce and position.
The publisher reserve the right ki change the
Dillon oi aavemseirj
entlon of nrffo del
lion of advertisement whenever the pub-
ytfttlon of news demands It. The mill la
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
fi'i for or not, that the publishers may deem
mproper. Advertising rates made known
upon application.
Kntered at the postofnee at Shenandoah, Pa., as
second class malt matter.
"All the News Thai's Fit to Print."
Evening Hesr!d
Tl'KSlUY, HK1TKKBER 11. 18B7.
Jams S. Bbaoom,
of Westmoreland.
I.EVI a. McCaolky,
OF Chester.
TOM J Dixit,
Hon. 0. P. MitoHTai,
Of Potts-llle.
Hikrtm'k S. AblWtaftr,
Or Orwigsbttrg.
Johjt ltowg, 8k.,
Of Tremont.
John Anstock,
Of Mshanoy City,
Hastings vs. Quay.
Recent political events within the
ranks of the Republican party of
this state, precipitating a factional
warfare that bids fair to exceed in
fierceness the memorable, contest of
Im'.i.k is to he deplored by all who are
anxious for party unity, not only
tin- lull hut in the more important
contest neat year, when a successor
to Governor Hastings is to be elected.
All those not blinded by partisan
tn-ling will readily acknowledge that
the Governor himself is responsible
for this state of affairs. This is
ident bv the appointment of
Daviil Martin, the Philadelphia
fuljliyist. as Secretary of the Com-
tuoiiwealth. This is looked upon ns
h.leclanititHi of war on the part of
TfcintfH. and the friends of Senntors
(Jftiiy and Penrose accept it as such.
Even the friends of the Governor
iiTe divided as to the wisdom of the
appointment. There is not much
doubt but that General Keeder was
removed to make room for Martin,
and that the offer of the oilice to
Col. Lambert was a inure subterfuge
nil the part of the Governor. But
His Excellency cannot fool the people
bj such transparent play at reform.
General Reeder's published statement
of the interview between himself and
the Governor, shows conclusively
Jhat the" $20,00Q bond-' was not the
ft-eal motive that caused the disunVsal
.Jaof Heiiator -Quay's frieilds from the
Governor's cabinet. His selection of
The leader of the Philadelphia Com
bine, a disreputable political ma
chine, as his chief adviser, stamps the
Governor as a friend of the lobbyists
and as against reform in state poli
t ics.
There is but one inference to be
drawn from the appointment, and
that is that the Governor has joined
hands with the Philadelphia and
"P!tisburg combines. and the
"SeXtenty-Slxers," and has prooip
itatecV a faotional fight that will
be more far-reaching in its results and
more general than any that has yet
Aiken place in Pennsylvania. It will
lie a battle for the control of the Re-
publican state convention next year,
the nomination of candidates for
Governor and other state officers, the
control of the Legislature, and the
election of Senator Quay's successor
in the United States Senate. Sueh a
contest is now ineyituble, no matter
how justly obnoxious to the rank and
file of the party. The war is on, and
Governor Hastings i responsible for
The motive back of all this is very
plain to those who have watched
political events during the pant six
months. The Governor's personal
ambition is the motive. He Is anx
ious to succeed Senator Quay, and he
wants his Attorney General to suo--eed
himself in the gubernatorial
chair. In his courageous vetoes of
obnoxious bills and ex)nse accounts
the Governor had the honest sup
port of the great mass of the jieople
of the state, but the appointment of
David Martin to the high position
occupied by General Boeder, whose
reputation Is inlileiuished, is, in the
opinion of an fiuu)Bge, "an affront
to the intelligence gild integrity of
the people of Pennsylvania such as
has never before been offered them
by any Chief Magistrate."
It is clearly apparent that In mak
ing such an extraordinary selection,
Governor Hustings wat actuated not
by a desire to have the vacancy tilled
by a man of conceded statesmanship,
ability and unspotted political record,
but simply to discharge, at the ex
peiihe of the public good, a rsgrsoiutl
political obligation, which, according
to his own statement, was due to
David Martin.
In this respect the Governor missed
the opportunity to strengthen his
portion, polftioMlly and otherwise.
There are any number of eminent
men in the party, whom the Gov-
rni.r might bate called io (ill the
wuti in in 1 1 1 r- cniniii 1 , liii'ii tthti
would Iirvp tfrnceil 1 he pi"itioii nnil
atlded li,.tre t tin' present winti" ml
tliinitratioii. lint iiistotnl ol -lenity-'
1 1 IK "if position hi' scl'-cN u dui'iixl-1
itod politician, whom the pc i 1- of
I'hilndi'liihia have repudiated. 1hv'
Martin will nod no political strength
to th Appointing power, but will of
necessity array the better element of ,
Krpiitiliraii. under the banner of
Quay and Venrone.
The retirement of Secretary Render
and Deputy Attorney (funeral Ulkln. .
the latter chairman of the state com-
inittee, Is justly looked upon fin a
direct slap at the regular Republican
organisation. These gentlemen will
lota nothing by the. sacrifice, they are !
oalled upon to make because of their I
loyalty to a friend. Both filled their
position with credit to themselves'
and honor to the state. The details
of the Interview between fteneral
Tteederand the Governor, and which
the latter refused to give to the ptib
lio, lays bare the true motive for de
manding the resignations, and puts
an entirely different complexion upon
the matter than that given out by the
Governor's close political friends.
The appointment of Dave Martin
settles the aspirations of the Gov
ernor and his Attorney General.
Hastings will not be United States
Senator, neither will McCormick be
elevated to the Governor's chair.
One application, of Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie
Oil takes sway the pain of the moat severe
burn. It is nn ideal family liniment.
When you want good rooting, plumbing, ,
ga fitting, or general tiiismithing dono call
m K. i . Gallagher 18 West Centre streoF
Dealer it' sto-es 1-ttf
And 1'lotierx, the Hand of Aincrlen,
Oh II-
Via the true pathwsy, "The Irou Mountain
Koute," which tra verses a region of perpetual
sunshine, where snow storing, blizzard or
high altitudes are unknown. Pullman first
and second class palace and tourist sleeping
cara to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and Now Moxico, Arizona, California.
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Nevada, without change. Quick time, low
rates, and all the comforts of modern railway
Improvements guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via the Missouri Pacific railway
system . For rates right from your homo,
literature, and full information, drop a postal
card, J. V. JfcCann, T. V. Agent, 81B ltall-
road avenue, Elmira, X. Y., or 8H1 Broad
way, Now York.
3-1-tf W. K. Ilsyt, 0. E I'. Ast.
All those terrible, itching diseases of the
nkln that help to wake life mlerahle for us
are caused by external parasites. Doau's
Oiutineut kills the parasite aud cures tlio
disease. Perfectly liar ml ess, never falls.
Nntto'iiil IjeiiKiio,
At Baltimore First wmei Baltimore,
4: Chicago, 2. Seoond game: Baltimore,
11: CMchko. . At Buookiya (called, dark
ness) Brooklyn. 8; Now York, 8. At
Cleveland Cleveland, 7: St. I-ouis, 6. At
Vashlncton -Cliulnnnti, 2; Washington,
1. At Jouisvllle Louisville, 7; I'ltts
burg, Z.
Hastem I.eHirue.
At Toronto Toronto, 15; tVIlkesbarre,
6. At Syracuse Syracuse, 6; Providence,
i. At Montreal (called, darkness) Mon
treal, 10; Springfield, 10.
Atlantic League.
At Lancaster Lancaster, 8; Heading, 0.
At Newark Newatk, 6; Athletic, 5. At
Hartford First game: Hartfori, 6; Nor
folk. 3. Second game: Norfolk, 6; Hart
ford, 1. At Paterson Richmond, S; Pat-
erson, 4.
Stands at ths Head.
Aug. J. Hogel, the leading druggist of
Shreveport, La., says: Dr. King s New Dis
covery is we only tumg mat cures my cougli,
and it Is the best seller I have." J. F. Camp,
bell, merchant of Satford, Ariz., writes: "Dr,
King's New Discovery is all that is claimed
for it; it never fails, and is a sure cure for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I cannot
say enoucli for its merits. Dr. Kiue's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds
Is not an experiment. It has been tried for
a quarter of a century, and to-day stands at
uio neau. it never disappoints, .free IrlBI
bottles at A. Wasley drug store.
Pfl.mli nc-pi'lmPdl.i Nuitiiw KRpnpe.
Pails, Sept. 14. Sarah Ilernhardt re
cently had n narrow escape from death
at Hellelsle-Kn-Mer, department of
Morbihan, while endeavoring to reach
the seashore via the cliffs. After de
scending a short distance, Mme.
Bernhardt was unable to advance or
retreat. Her shrieks for help attracted
the attention of a bather, who climbed
up to her side and seized her Just as the
boulder to which she was ollnglng
broke away, and thug she waa Raved
from ItelnK crushed to death. The
actress and her rescuer rolled down the
cliffs to the sea, where they were res
cued by a passing boat. Mme. Bern
hardt but slightly bruispd, but her
rescuer, Mi'qu's d'Harnnrourt, author
of the "ra'.cn Play." In tthlch Bern
hardt cj :" iiicd n s the Virgin Mary,
wa serlec.s'y irln-id.
By ItrtI Keitifdles.
The only snre way to cure every form of
piles Is to use a remedy like the Pyramid
Pile Cure which is applied directly to the
psrU affected and its wonderful healing ef
fects are apparent from the first application
because the medicinal properties are rapidly
absorbed by tissues and sensitive ion bra lies
of the rectum, and the cure is made speedily
and almost before the patient is aware of it,
every trace of piles has left bun.
This is one of the ressous why the Pyra
mid Pile Cure has been so uniformly success
ful. It is applied directly just where it Is
needed and where it will do the most good.
Not by the roundabout way of the stomach
nor by the harsh, barbarous methods of
various surgical operations and so-called
Direct application to the seat of disease is
the only rational way, and this is fully ac
complished by ths Pyramid Pile Cure.
If the voluntary testimony of tboussuds
who have tried this remedy Is worth soy
tbiug then no sufferer has auy excuse for
longer delaying in giving it a fair trial,
knowing tbst wben you do so the Pyramid
Pile Cure will bsve mads one more friend,
the beat possible advertisement we esn bsve.
The chief advantages of the remedy are :
It cures without pain, the cure is lasting, it
cou tains no poison, and lastly, it is the
cheapest and quickest cure yet found. Your
druggist can tell you what it has dons for
others. Sold by druggists at BOc. and f 1 per
A book on cause and i lire nf piles mailed
fifte to addicting P.tnimiil 1'iuk In,
All, ion. Mali i
PKVElN - First
,20 Seoond
FREE 40 TWrd
(During 1097)
For particulars semi yotir name anil foil sndrettto A'DDpDC
Lever Bros., Ltd., Hudson Harrison Sts., New York. V V ly" rrl-(l0
BfToi'tx Mi t Me Made to Keep Out
the 1'roncli A UHl'ClllM .
Paris, P. lit. It l.nuls,- Mlch-I, the
notorious French anarchist, Is going to
the United Bta -s In October. She will
be sccoTTina) -ed by prominent K:tl'sh
anarchl-its met they will inv'eitaku a i
speech i..u!.l:ii tour In Ameika lor thu ,
purpose of advancing the anarchist
propaganda. Mile. Michel beltves that
the prevailing labor troubles make the.
present advantageous for spreading
anarchist doctrines.
Washington, Beft. 14. It Is said at
the state department thut whatever
aotion has been taken by that depart-
ment concerning anarchists, and it is
admitted that Rctlon has been taken,
has been at the Instance of the treas
ury department, which is charged with
the enforcement of the exclusion laws,
No official information of the coming
of Louise Michel has been received as
yet, but it has been learned that some
anarchists are en route to the United
States and It Is expected that a test
case will arise through an application
for a writ of habeas corpus to secure
the release of sme alleged anarchist
who may be turned back. Secretary
Gage declined to state at present what
action, If any, would be taken to pre
vent the lnndlng of Louise Michel. TSe
matter, however, will he given serious
considers tlrn.
Atlanta the Only Itcrimoor Tln.o "Who
Flee Fviim otv Orleiuix.
Now Or'enns. Sept. 14. The an
nouncement of the ninth case of yel
low fever In New Orleans, Including the
Gelpl death, was officially made by the
board of health late yesterday after
noon. It Is probable that another case
will be added to the list, exhausting
the serious suspicious cases now under
Investigation. The ninth case Is that
of a young man, Edward McGlnley,
who had been a constant visitor at the
home where a child died of the fever
a few days bro. The board of health
took charge of the premises, quaran
tined the Inmates and took nil neces
sary steps to prevent the spread of the
disease. This Is the first case reported
up town, all other cases being In the
lower section, and In this instance, as
in all others, the origin of the case has
been traced to Ocean Springs.
Ho'ena, Ark., has set a pace which
all river towns are likely to follow, and
which will probably effect a suspension
of river traffic until the present scare
dies out. Yestorday the board of health
of that city decided that no boat from
south of Vicksburg should be allowed
to land at that port. Monroe has also
declared a rigid quarantine against
this city, and all trains are being thor
oughly searched.
Atlanta promises to be the refugr
of all people living In New Orleans
and along the coast who desire to get
away. Of the cities of the south in
danger of infection, Atlanta Is the only
one that has refused to quarantine,
and that has Invited all refugees with
in her gates.
Dr. Carter, of the Marine hospital
service, returned to Ocean Springs yes
terday from Barkley, and reports n
serious condition there. Barkley Is a
little postofllce seven miles northeast of
the detention camp. It has eight cases
of yellow fever, out of a population of
25 souls. There have been four deaths
in ten days, the last occurring on Sat
urday and other deaths are momen
tarily expected. The fever was Imported
from Ocean Springs. The town has
been completely Isolated and guards
placed around It.
Four IJrowhoil Wliflo liiltliliur.
Waterloo, Iowa, Sept. 14. Itev, Scott
Hyatt and wife. Itoyal McQueen and
Miss A. E. Ttbbetts were drowned In
the Cedar liver at Wave.rly Saturday.
The party went on m excursion. Yes
terday the bodlts of Hyatt, McQueen
and Miss Tibbetts were found in a
detp pool, clasped together. Soon after
ward Mrs. Hyatt's body was found 300
yards below caupht In a harbed w(re
fence. The theoi y Ih that the women
went In both'ng, got beyond their depth
and the men 'out i!-.e!r lives In an at
tempt at rpseu. 1
The bladder was p. rented for one punmse,
namely, a receptacle for tne urine, anil as
such it is not liable to any form of disease ex
cept by one of two ways. The first way is
from imperfect action of the kidneys. The
second way is from careless local treatment of
other diseases.
Unhealthy urine fiotu unhealthy kidneys
is the chief cause of bladder troubles. So
ths womb like the bladder, was created for
out purpose, and if not doctored too much
is tot liable to weakness or diseased, except
iu rare cases. It is qttuated hark of aud very
elate to ths buHwa, tusrefore any jialn,
disease or luconvns nsktfifeatiHl in the
kUneys, bsokMaddMr or urinary passage is
often by mistake tribwUd to female weak
nets or womb trouble of some sort. The
error is easily nuuie aud may be as easily
avoided. To find rat correctly, set you
urine aside for twenty-four hours; a sedi
ment or settling iu41ss kidney or bladder
trouble. The mUd anil Ilia extraordinary
eflbct of Dr. KUjer' jWamp-Iioot. the great
, . i a , , . 3 i ,
M)uey, liver v inssmu rvjosoy is soon
realised. If yon need a medicine you should
have the best. At druggists fifty cents aud
on dollar. You may have a sample bottle
and pamphlet, both sent free by mail.
Mention Kvb.viko IIkkai.d and scud your
address to Dr. Kilmer Ac Co., llingluvmton,
N. Y. The proprietors or thi-. paper gunytntuc
he guiuinii!, of tK oner.
Prizes, each of $100 Cash.
" " " $100 1'lww Spool.! Dlcjoles.
" " " 25 Gold Watohos.
Sunlight SOAP
Tlie Mn'ii Itiixliirwi oil Wall Street
Win For London Account.
New York. Sep'. 13. The most lnterest
1. T If t iimnei ted With tod.lV " Mock
ma.'tel tvie thut the principal support
accon'"il i'ie market ttus throtieh buy
ing on I."-? cabled from London. The
bu' '.:'(, by conurrtFBlon houses here was
good, but aside ftom that the local dperi.
ators sold heavily not only here, but In
Ijondon. The check In the decline hers
was credited to London buying, and the
London favorites displayed the greatest
s''illness until toe late for London deal
ings. Altogether London nought 50.(10'
shores. Tne stocks most largely bought
bv London were Bt. Paul. Kansas and
Texas preferred, Union raclnc and South
ern preferred. If It hod not been for tho
upward tendency of prices ut the opening,
In sympathy with the London quotations
It Is probable that not declines would be
much greatu- than they are. The rise
at the opening and a partial recovery at
the close makes the net losses In the
active stocks little less than a point.
Closing bids:
Ballo. Ohio... 174 Lehigh Valley.. 30
Chesa. & Ohio... Sift N. J. Central... 9794
Dei. & Hudson. .11 N. Y. Centrul..ll2
13., L. A W 18014 Pennsylvania .. B6i
Krte J7 Jteadlnl, M pf.. J8H
Lake Krie W. 20 8t. Pal 100
(Jeuerhl MHi'ketK.
Philadelphia. Sept. 13. -Flour very quiet:
winter superfine. .608.T6; do. extras.
M.TM-a.W; Pennsylvania roller, clear, 14.60
i4.5J; do. straight, W.sW: western win
ter, clear, I.Wf4.80; do. straight, M.sWm:
city mills, extra, $3.80ffi4. Bye flour alow
at $8.30 per barrel for choice Pennsyl
vania. Wheht unsettled; contract wheat,
September, 9JW,iC. ; No. I Pennsylvania
ami No. 2 Delaware red. spot, il!i !)'.... ;
September, $1.00; October, !tttc; Decem
ber. 9"ic. Corn dull; steamer corn, 33fc(
3U4c.: No. 2 ycl'ow, 3Hc.;,No. 2 mixvd,
September, 2(fi27o.; October, 36',ic; De
cember, 37V'. Oats quiet and steady; No.
2 white, cnrlots, Ztttc.; No. 2 white. Sep
tember to December, ZPi27c.; No. 3 white,
2.;V(26VH'.: truck mixed western. 2."'2llc.
liny steady, choice timothy. tI2if12.r,0 for
larse baleH. Beef Hrm; beef hnina. 127.60
2S. Pork wteady; family, ti::;l4. Lard
sternly; western steamed. ti.'M. Butter
firm; western creamery, 124i lsc. ; do. fac
tory, atrl2c.: Klglns. 18c; Imitation cream
ery. 10?ri3e.; Now York dairy, W'.lii'tc.;
do. creamery. 12il8c.: fancy prints job
bing nt l(W21c; do. extra Pennnylvanln,
wholesale. l"c. Cheese dull; large, white,
914c: small, while, 9is'.; large, colored,
914c: srriHll, colored, a"'.: part skims,1
CWTc; full skims, 8',4frt4c. Egg market
quiet; New York and Pennsylvania, Vile,
lSc: western, fresh. ISc. potatoes quiet
Jerseys, Jl.ftlV!?2; Long Island. .2jfi2.37;
sweets, Tallow dull: city, 30.;
country. ?3e., as to quality. Petroleum
dull. Bosin stonily: strained, common to
(rood. S1.4Vfil.i0. Turpentine wisy at
JOUc. Pig Iron warrants. f7 to 17.10. Lake
copper, to ii.35. tin, i;i.wi to ia.ju.
Spelter, $1.23 to $1.30. Lead, $l.324 to
J1.37V4. Cottonseed oil dull and barely
steady; prime summer yellow, 27iEf27V4c;
off summer yellow, 2ff27c; butter grades,
3mfl8Zc; prime summer white, 2930.;
prime winter yellow, 3334c. Tomatoes,
per box or crate, ob to quality, 43c,5f$l.
Long Island and Jersey cabbage, per 100,
$3.501. Coffee closeW barely steady; Sep
tember, $6.15; October, $.10; November,
$r,.13; December, Jfi.5O4i0.5D; March, $.76i?
$.80: May, $6.85G.30.
Llvn Stock .MnrketK.
New York, Sept. 13. Ileevea quiet:
rotiish stuff weak; good nteers steady;
others lower; native steers. 3.80B.30;
Color.idos Sfid half breeds, $3.5064.60;
stags and oxen, tt.'Mt 4.J0; bulls, J2.2Wf3;
dry cows, $1.8ftf3.20. Veals steady; other
calves lower; veals, Vc8; grassers and
buttermllkR, $3.60(84. Sheep and lambs
quiet; sheep, $2.50(Ti4.30: lambs, S5C50.
Hogs easier at $4.50rj 1.75.
Kast Llborty, Fa.. Sept. 13. Cattle In
fair demand; prime, JM16.IO: common, $3.40
63.70; common to good fat oxen. S2$4.
Ilo8 steady: prime light. Yorkers and
pigs, $1.5061.55; best medium, $4.4331.50;
common to fair Yorkers and medium,
M.35(4.45; grassers and stubblers. $4.2S$
1.35. heavy, -$l.3ift4.40; roughs. $2.75&'8.75.
Sheep steady; choice, $4.10fr4.15: common,
2.50ii3.4Q; choice iambs. $6.20ii.6.50; com
mon to good lambs, $4&5.10, veal calve.
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the name
Lessio & Baku, Ashland, Pa., is printed on
over sack.
Swindler 'Jfotvimfll-ciipos From .Tall.
Columbus, O., Sept. 11. Rev. G. F. B.
Howard has escaped, from the Ohio
penitentiary. He was trusted in the
front office, and walked away. Howard
was convicted at Clarksville, Tcnn.,
and sentenced for nine years and fined
$1,200 on 22 counts for using United
States malls for fraudulent purposes.
Ills specialty was swindling alleged
heirs to fabulous fortunes In England,
One of the chief witnesses against him
was Robert Lincoln. ex-Minister to
England. He Is art Englishman, 46 years
of age, and was convicted as Frederick
George Hurgoyne Howard.
O JI Amm JK . ...... m: ti,,bUhitWWUU3
This soepe, from a photograph taken ns the Excelsior was about soiling from
Ban Francisco with passengers bound for the Klondike, Is a typlaa! qna, Suoh
crowds are always seen wben steamers leave tho piers of Sa Frpojsao gpd,Seattls
for Alaska. Kvery steamer is crowded to lte utmost capacity. The passenger lists
show that during the first six weeks of the Klondike fever 6,686 parsons sailed from
American ports. It is estimated that about 2,000 have gone via Vancouver and
BAIti Columbia,
Colonel Guy .lack, n wealthy planter,
Is off" tilnl at Dekalb, Mies., on the
charts nf killing a man to get $21,000
Aocfirfllng to the official statistics, the
wheat hartost of Italy Is estimated at
30.onO.flOO hectolitres, against 61,000,000
liectofltrps In 18nB.
John Shanaphy and Josephine Car
son, prisoners Ih jail at New Bruns
wick, N. J., are to be married tomor
row. In Hsvana many pert! ar4 dying
from starvation, and yellow fever Is
also increasing and making ravages
among the Spanish troops.
Arnold Luetgert, son of the accused
Chicago sausage maker, is contemplat
ing putting the murder "relics" ofr ex
hibition and turning the affair Into a
source of revenue.
A sensation In Denver political and
social circles has been caused by the
demand of Norman C. Jones that At
torney General Carr retract certain
statements or meet him on ths field of
Dolit give them tea or coffee. Have yon tried
the new, food drink called Graln-O? It Is
delicious and nourishing and takes the place
ef coffee. The more Oraln-0 you give tho
children the more health you distribute
through their Systems. Grain-0 is made of
pure grains, and wlien" properly prepared
tastes like the choice grades of coffee bnt
costs about i as much. All grocers sell it.
15c and 25c.
Just try a 10c box of OMcarets, the finest
liver awl bowel regulator ever made.
Prob, .. , 1111 Andre Fake.
Logansport, lnd.. Sept. 14. A carrier
pigeon, v, Ith a, mesaage signed "An
dree," was captured here yesterday.
The writing Is In English. The bird
was first sten o fly over a small town
called Idavllle, near here, and was
next seen ttheu It alighted on Farmer
Weekwan's house in an, exhausted con
dition. Its capture waa easy, but In
getting the bird down Jt Was Injured,
and died soon after. Its right foot bore
an aluminum band, on which was In
scribed "No. 21" and the letter "A."
Under the left wing waa a parchment
containing mme badly disfigured writ
ing, nut of which only the following
could be read, "Aug. 29, Pole," and the
net was erased. Then came the signa
ture "Andree."
Piracy on tho Kill' Const.
Tangier, Sept. 14. A bold act of
piracy was recently perpetrated on the
Itlfl coast of Morocco, the victims be
ing the. captain of an Italian vessel
from.. New York, bound for Marseilles.
The Jvessel was the Freducla, Captain
Maceeta, and while becalmed and drift
ing In the current she went on the
beach of Bocoya, close to the village of
Metura. An armed band of pirates
boarded the vessel and made way with
what money and valuables they could
find, together with a lot of clothing.
They carried off tho captain and sev
eral sdJ'.ois for ransom. Before they
could l-itinn t ith a larger force a wind
came up and enabled the vessel to
Dr. Miles' Nervine Victorious.
Physical and Mental Exhaustion Gives
Way to Vigorous Activity.
EV. W. T. nouoiC. the talented pas
tor or Orace U.'B. church, Carlisle,
Penn., writes Sentember2. 1896: "I
always enjoyed good health until In 1892, at
which time my duties as u clergyman were
of a peculiarly trying nature, subjecting
me to several severe nervous shocks which
together with overwork and anxiety. Im
paired my general health and nervous sys
tem. Indeed I was la such a condition that
the more sight of a largo congregation so
wcarlod mo that It
would require a day
or more for me to re
cover from the ex
haustion. It affords
Restores .
me great pleasure to
say. t!ut Dr. Miles'
Restorative Nervlno
and Restorative Tonic
hava done mo untold good. I preached
threo times yesterday 'and I feci as fresh
arid vigorous this Monday morning as I
over felt Inmy life, thanks to your remedies.
Dr. Miles' ReDiedloa are sold by all drug
gists under a p.sltlve guarantee, first bottle
bejieflu or money funded. Hook on
Heart and N,orvos aeut free to all applicants.
DU. MH.Bg MEDICAL c6 Elkhart, lnd.
If the Doctor
Did Your Cooking
There would never be an ounce of
lard used in your kitchen. Cottc
leno would take its place. As a re
sult your food and your health 1
would both be improved. Why J
not become your own doctor,
and use
Tho genuine Cottolene is sold everywhere In one to ten
pound yellow tins, with our trade-marks "CWloJcns" and
tfer't head in eetton-plant wreath on every tin. Not
guarameea 11 soiu ia any oinvr wy,
of any two newspapers in Shenandoah,
. . -npd steadily increasing, is the magnet
.-CT. thht draws advertisers to the
"I-IPD A I Ih;
. u
It Goes
Into - .r
The Homes'
of the people ;
Herald such
medium. It's a
and prints all
- ' 1 curately.
Our Job-
Is second to none in the interior of the
state. We are prepared to do wprk of
any description in the best possible man
ner and at the lowest prices consistent
with good material and first-class work.
Drop us a Postal
and our Solicitor will call on. you and
take your order. Every business man
should have printed stationery, and the
place to get it is at the office of the
Evening IDeralb,
8 South 3atbm Street.
Tours to the South.
Two very attractive early Autumn tours
will lie run by tho Ponnsylvauia Railroad
Company, leaving New York and Philadel
phia September 28 and October 12.
It is hardly necessary to say that these
outings aio planned with the utmost care.
and that all arrangements are adjusted so as
to a lib nl the best possible moans of visiting
each plnco to the best advantage.
The tours each cover a jierioil of eleven
days, and includo the battlcfleld of Gettys
burg, picturesque llluo Mountains, Luray
CavornB, tho Natural liridge, Virginia Hot
Springs, the cities of Richmond and Wash
ington, aud Mt. Vornan.
The round-trip rate, including all nocos
sary expanses, is H from ew York, $03
from Philadelphia, and propprtionato rates
from othor points.
Each tour will bo iu- charge of 0119 of tho
company's tourist agent. Ho -frill he assisted
by an experienced lady as Chaperon, whoso
especial chargo will bo ladies unaccompanied
by male escort.
Special trains of parlor cars tire provided
for the exclusive use of each party, in wli(ch
tho ontlro rouud trip from Js'ew York is
For detailed itinerary apply to Ticket
Aconts or to Tourist Agent, HUG llrnadway.
New York, or Geo. W. lioyd, Assistant
General Paafeengor Agent, Rroad Street
Station, Philadelphia.
I'Jevtrlv imtors. ' .
Electric Hitters is medieiuesuited for any
season, hut le.rlujw more generally needed ill
the spring, when the languid exhausted
feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid aud
sluggish and the need of a tonle and altera
tive is felt. A prompt use of this medicine
has often averted lone and perhaps fatal
bilious fevers. No medicine mil act more
surely in counteracting and freeing the Vti
tern from the malarial poison. Headache,
Indigestion. Constitution. Dizeiness vield to
1 Etc trie Hitters. . Only fifty cents per lwttlc
1 at A Wanley's drug store. . , y
Men leu' A f.u KilLii'ilon.
C'.t uf Mexico, Uept. 14. The people
ilil'ol at I Puiuehj' qjuurry explosion,
1 nut 1 1 it-ring: 4 wt re .asphyxiated by tlv;
di'ti-e u.aHes gcneratii'd by the explosion.
Ami 1 1 the number were several horse
Hi' n. w'jo perished with their burses,
ond the bodies of men and horses lay
together In b horrible manner. It
scptm d an ase before the heavy at-
).iOHhi-'iv allotted the gas to rise from
over the reaves 1 in which they had been
entombed, '"-nut outside was the true
tnd nf the tragfdy. Here men, women
and children wejit and rung their hands
tthilr- those In charge of the work Stood
helplessly waiting for an opportunity
to reclaim the bodies. One hundred
pen'ile were injured by Inhaling ttie
1 1 Alii IIiuuuiV Klaietlnti. '
Cleveiuno. Pept. 14. A fdrmal tendsr
of the sei vices of the National lUpbbr
llcan league to assist In hlf election tip
the United States senate . wu made
to Hon. m. A. Haiina yaterday by
John J. SuBlvan and Melyle Hayes,
acting as a committee for til execu
tive comnvUuee of the organisation. Mr.
Haiina made a brief speech of thanks.
Cueist niqrbttt chelira Infant 11 m, diarrhoea-dysentery,
Stud all those other deadly
enemies to the little ones are infallibly cured
by Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild Strawberry.
rauuw vm; uj
BLLouls, New York, Montreal.
m. Jt 1- lvntiju was. i
S tf
'-yr fti -
that's what makes the
a valuable,, advertising
wide-awake newspaper
news promptly and ac-
' ' '
Only is possible, whether an a test o
excellence In journalftmi, or for the
metuurement of (uantUiw, time or values
Record . . .
After ft career of nearly twenty yearn o
uninterrupted growth Ih justified in claim
iiiR that the Ktandard first cBtuhltshed by
Its foumlerH la the one true teM of
A Perfect Newspaper.
To publish AM. TIIK NEWS promptly and
feueclnctly and in the most readable form,
without elision or partisan bios; to dlsciiM
Its significance with frankness, to keep AN
besides a 'coniplete reootd of current
thought, fancies and discoveries In all de
partments of human activity, lit Its DAIIA'
KUlflONfriif from 10 to 11 4IAOKH, and to
ftrovhle the whole for its patrons at the
hdpilnal pr(c of ONK C MKT That tvns
1 from the outset, and will continue to he the
a! 111 of THIt ItKCOItD.
The Pioneer
One cent mornlnff newtuHipertn the United
'miwi a "W Jtrsjuni, ,
1MB It tOOn l, Still 1-.1SAUH Wlll'.Kli
Witnew Its unrivaled average dally circulation
oxeeedlng IfiO.OOO copies, and an average
exceeding 130,000 copies for Us Hundny
editions, while imitations of its plan of
publication In every Important city of the
country testify to the truth of the assertion
that In the iiuutlty and quality of Its con
tents, and In the price at which It is sold
The ltecord has established the standard by
which excellence In Journalism must be
The Daily Edition
Of The Record will be sent by mall to onv
address for fB.OO r year or 29 ceutn per
The Daily and unday
other, which will five Its readers
Usst iimiriuauon of all tluit
world ever day in the
g holidays, will le scut or
10 osnts tier mouth,
J4.0a jrsaror
Reeerd Building,
) Philadelphia, Pa.
miltonS of Dollars
Qo up In awoke every year. Take no
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured in nrst-class re
liable companies as represented by
hAVIft PATKT Insurance Agent.
UikVlU rAUJl, Io South Jardln St
Also Lit snd Aildentl Oompaul ut