The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 11, 1897, Image 3

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    1 Mil .HHmms
jfl? 'WW"
Skins on flro with torturing, disfiguring,
itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, anil pimply
humort, lnstnntly relieved by a warm bath
with Ci TicriiA Boap, a single application of
CinicmtA oliitmcnt), tho great skin euro,
and a full doso of Cuticuka IIksolvent.
Ii wild thronjthoot th votM. Tattii t).'h 0. Cobp , ftoT
'rops-i Uoiton. How to Cur Torturing IlnmotVf rt.
C Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
I J Wounds & Bruises.
Cut & Sores.
Bolls & Tumors.
Eezmn'& Eruptions.
Salt Rhaum &' Tetters.
E Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore LilrjB Ss, Nostrils.
O Coigns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00.
Bold by druggists, or sent post-paid on receipt ot price
IIUarillUtrS'IlKD.CO., Ill lltUllsiaBI.,!sTorl:,
For sale at l'ovlnsky's drug store, 28 Bast
uontro street
ifervou t aiuns mem-
ory. impotnc7,Kieepiefliinmi, oic, caufleu
brAbuna and other Exoeme and Indis
cretion?, They quick W and turrlu
restore Lout Vitality in old or roana, and
mamatt ior Bioar.Dasies or rawrmife,
Pmvftnt InnnniW find OonRumntlon If
Unln tlma Their tittA ViiMra ImmArllntn ImemtR.
rit and eSevti a CUKE where all others lall. In
upon hat-tan the pennina AJax Tablets. They
haTfl oared thoasandi and. will cure you. We cWe a
potUfre written miarantMi to effect a care in each case
or refund the money. Vrlcs 00 cents per package, or
lxraokacies fall treatment for i
malt In
l atn wrapper, tipon mfeir.t ox price, uircuiar iree.
For sale In flhenandoMi, Pa., at A. Wasley's
and KlrllrVs. Drugglsta.
Cures central or special debility, wakeful
ness, spermatorhoca, emissions, Impoteney,
paresis, etc. Corrects functional disorders,
caused by errors or excesses, quickly restoring
Lost Manhood in old or young, giving vizor and
strength 'here former weakness prevailed. Con
tnient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate,
i Cure is Quick and Thorough.
V'r ce dectivtd by imitations! Insist on
C Al'ON'S Vitallzers. Sent sealed II your drat
rit doei not have it. Price $ I per pkge, 6 for S3,
with written guarantee of complete cur.
Information, references, etc., Iree and confidential,
tSend us statement of case and 25 cts. for a week's
trial treatment. One only sent to each person. r
Bold at Ktrlln's Zdrug store, Shenandoah, Ti
MUliSfssiiUAr I VtlLTI SPECIFIC ornlLfA.
Foi at Povlnsky's drug store, 28 E
Centre street.
Wanted-An Idea
Wlio con thin
of some simple
tlitng to patent?
Protect your idewj tlW mny bring you wealth.
Write JOHN WEDDED UtT UN A CO.. Patent Attor
beyt, Washington, V. C.for their tl.RXl prlxo ofTel
and llit ot two buxtdred IiitbuUom wanted.
Aluvava nrnmntftnii t1isi)il. AltAii fmUlttioHM
n.i Pa-rmsr'at TiNIT Vll Iand KKOIirTl.
Af sTruir arnrtxi. orif-Rt illrret fswalrd). Hiirs. II.
L'atoi Ht0. Co., JimtOBi Mum. Our book, C
For sale at KJrHn's drag store and Shenandoah
urug: store.
Jobu Howard Harris, President.
College, with four courses of
study leading to degrees ; Academy,
a preparatory school ; Ladies' In
stitute, a refined boarding school ;
Music School for both .sexes ; and
Art Studio.
For catalogue, address the Registrar,
o-ia.-LewIsburg, Penn'a,
the first cf American Newspa
per, CHARLES A. DANA, Editor.
The American Constitution, the
.American Idea, the American Spirit.
These first, hut and nil the time,
Dally, by mail, - $6 a year
Daily & mall, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
Is the. zreatest Sunday Newspaper In
the worldj-
Prlce 5c. a copy. By mall, $2 a year
AddrSM THE BUN. Haw York.
hair mmiw
Hamated i Treatise o lialr onapplUtlonristt
For sale by Shenandoah Druk Store, Klrllnr'
Drug Store.
Tho Rosy Froshnoss
And a velvet softness of the skin la Inva
riably obtained by thee who use l'oxxom'a
Oeuaplaxloa rovaar.
n a
'ill A
Fearful Essult of a Oonduotor's At
tempt "Stoal u Station,"
l'o Ailil to (lio Horror or tlioCntnutro
plto tho NVrook Cntmht Tiro Prom
tho Kxploston or n Gns a'mik Kn
ttlno ntnl Cnr I)omolilicd.
Now Castle, Colo., Sept. 11. The worst
wreck In the history of the Btate of Col
orado occurred early yesterdaj'mornlnB
on the traukB of the Denver and lllo
Orande and the Colorado Mldlhrfd mil
ways, one and a half miles west of
here. After 12 hours' Incessant work
by the tvrecklnfi crews In clearing away
Ihe debris and rdooverlnu the dead
bodies of those who perUhed It Is Im
possible to more than estimate Ihe loss
of life, and not oven those known to be
dead have been Identified. The names
of many of the unfortunntes will never
lie known, , and It Is posslblo that the
number killed will always be In doubt.
Prom the best Information obtainable
now fully 30 persons iara believed to
have perished, while 185 have been
taken out ot the wreck Buffering from
serious Injuries.
The wreck was caused by a head end
collision between a Denver and lllo
Grand passenger train, running at the
rate of 40 miles an hour, and a special
Colorado Midland stock train running
at a speed of probably 30 miles. So
terrific was the collision that both en
gines, the baggage and express cars,
smoker and day coaches and two stock
cars were totally demolished and the
track torn up for several rods In both
directions. To add to the horror of the
scene the wreck caught fire from the
explosion of a gas tank on the passen
ger train, and burned so rapidly that
many passengers pinned beneath the
debris were burned to death before help
could reach them.
The most generally accepted theory
of the cause of the wreck seems to be
that Conductor' Burhank, of the Mid
land special, anticipating the time of
the passenger train, undertook to "steal
a station" and Seat the passenger Into
New Castle. Burbank escaped unin
jured, and upon orders from Coroner
Clark has been placed under arrest by
the sheriff. Midland Engineer Ostrander
Ib missing, and a thorough search falls
to reveal any vestige of his remains.
It Is thought that when he saw the
threatened danger he Jumped his en
gine and, realizing his negligence, took
to the hills.
Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Strouse, who live
a quarter of a mile from the scene of
the accident, report that when the
trains met the shock was so great as
to literally hurl them out of bed. Some
say the noise was heard and the shock
felt In New Castlo.
General Superintendent Sample, of
the Denver and Rio Grande, was In
the vicinity of the disaster, and soon
reached the scene, taking charge of
the work of removing the bodies. Ten
bodies were found In the ruins of one
car and four In another. The charred
remains of two women, apparently
clasped In each other's arms, were
found. Their heads and lower limbs
were burned off. In the dress bosom of
each was found a ladles' gold watch,
upon one of which was Inscribed,
"From Mother to Mamie."
Frank P. Mannlx, a newspaper man
of Victor, Colo., who was In the smoker
and escaped with some painful bruises
and burns, said: "Words fall to ex
press the horror of the scenes. Tho
crash came unexpectedly. Suddenly all
was darkness and confusion. The air
was filled with cinders, splinters and
heated gases. Then flames darted up
on either side. Tho scene was simply
Indescribable. The flames were In a
sense a godsend, for with their aid the
windows were located, even though the
passengers had to Jump through fire."
Of the dead only nine have been posi
tively Identified. The recognized dead
are: F. J. Koenan, mall agent, Den
ver; Robert S. Holland, fireman, Sa
llna; Mrs. Alexander Hartman and two
sons, Herschcr, Ills.: James Errlck,
Chicago; Charles Leeper, Clarion, Pa.;
William Hlnes, fireman; William Gor
don, engineer.
The Injured are: Rev. Alexander
Hartman, llerscher, Ills., both legs
broken, face cut and burned and bruis
ed; Mhw Tearl Cornell, Alclet, Ore.,
hip dislc."ited: J. C. Yeager, Toledo, O.,
Injured Internally; J. Logman, Whit
tier, Cal., slightly wounded; Miss Mary
Israel, St. Paul, slightly Injured; J. F,
Snyder, Independence, Kan., slightly
burned; D. H. McAneney, Victor, Colo.,
face burned; O. V. Tltson, Cooker,
Mo., badly cut about the head; R. H.
Brlckley, Chicago, back Injured; J. G.
Young, St. Louis, cut In the forehead;
Thomas Nash, Mohab, Utah, left arm
broken, badly burned In face; Frank
P. Mannlx, Victory, Colo., bruised and
slightly burned; R. W. Shot, Leeper,
Pa., badly bruised; Brakeman Knapp,
leg crushed) Jnnies C. Foley, express
messenger, bruised; William S. Mlsse
mar, express messenger, bruised.
Charred fragments of limbs and
bodies of a number of persons hare
been taken from tho rulno, but It Is
not likely that any more bodies wH
be positively Identified, and It seems
certain that the number killed will re
main In doubt.
Constipation is tho cause of all sorts of
serious disorders of tho biood. Strong cathar
tics are worse than usoless. Burdock Blood
Bittors Is nature's own remedy for troubles of
this sort.
A ciirlHllnti i:minivii' lliidiiiirurn.
Cape May, Sept. 11. Ex-Postmaster
General John Wanamaker Is said to be
at the head ot an enterprise the ob
ject of which Is. to srtoU out of Cape
May Point a sumier meeting place for
all the Christian Endeavor societies of
the eastern states, The place, which In
J87S was founded as a Presbyterian re
sort. Is partially owned by Mr- Wana
makcr. Itunnlng sores, indolent ulcers and similar
troubles, even though of many year's stand
ing, may be 011 red by using DoWitt's Wlcth
Salve. It soothes, strengthens and
heals. It Is a great pllo cure. C. II. Ilagen
btieh. Tho Crap Coiilinon.
Washington, Sept. 11. The Septem
ber report of the statistician of the de
partment of agriculture shows the fol
lowing average conditions on Sept. 1:
Corn, 79.3; oats, 81.6; rye, 90.1; tobacco,
75.5; wheat, 8C.7; barley, 86.4; buck
wheat, 95.1; potatoes. 66.7. The con
dition of wheat Is 11.1 points higher
than on Sept. 1, lfiSC, and 4.E points
higher than the September average for
Ihe last ten years. There Is a marked
decline In the principal spring wheat
states as compared with last month.
Tha "Bicyclist's Best Friend" is a familiar
name for DeWltt's Witch Hswil Salve, al
ways ready for emergencies. While a specific
for piles, it alsolnstautly relieves and cures
uuU, bruises, salt rheum, eosenm and all
affections of the skin. It never fulls. C. II.
The otliet
day a New
Yorker started
across Broad
way. Ho was
fin tne neruay
of ambitious,
v I eorous
youth. A puff
l of wind blew
an insignifi
cant, almost
invisible ntotn
of dust In one of his eyes. It blinded
hltu. He clatped his hands over lu9 eyes
and staggered on, only to be run down
anu Killed uy a cauie car. That man's
death was due to an insignificant trifle,
an atom of dust that was barely visible
under the microscope. It is thus with
health. Men find that they are suffering
from a trifling disorder of the digestion.
It doesn't amount to anvthlng, they think,
and time is precious. They don't stop to
correct it, but Stagger blindly on and are
run down in the heyday of ambitious
youth by death.
Ncilleeted indigestion is the first cause
of all manner of wasting diseases and
all forms of nervous disorders. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
cures all disorders of the digestion.
It invigorates the liver, Imparts a keen,
hearty appetite and causes the life-giving
elements of the food to be perfectly as
similated. It purifies the blood and
builds healthy tissue. It is the great
blood-maker, flesh-builder, and nerve
tonic. It cures consumption, wasting
diseases and all disorders of the nerves.
" I was a suflerer five or six years from Indl ges
tlon," writesi B. P. Holmes, or Oaffney, Spartan
burg Co., S. C. "also from sore stomach and
constant headache. I then used Dr. Tierce's
Golden Medical Discovery and ' rieesant rellets,'
which Iu.a few days gave me permanent relief."
"The People's Common Sense Adviser"
explains symptoms of ailments common to
every family, and suggests remedies. It
has several chapters on woman's diseases
arid weaknesses. An edition in heavy
paper covers will be distributed absolutely
free. Send the World's Dispensary Med
ical Association, Buffalo, N. Y., it one-cent
stamps, to pay the cost of mailing only.
Cloth binding may be had for 31 stamps.
Personally-Conducted Tours via Pennsyl
vania ltallroail.
That tho public have comoto rccognlzo tho
fact that the best and most convenient
method of pleasure travel is that presented
by tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company's
personally-conducted' tours. Is evidenced by
tho increasing popularity of tlieso tours.
Under this system the lowest ratos aro ob
tained, for both transportation and hotel ac
commodation. An experienced tourist agent
and chaperon accompany each tour to look
after the comfort of tho passenger.
Tho following tours havo bocn arranged for
tho season of 1897 :
To Niagara Falls, excursion tickets good to
return within ten days will bo sold on July
22, August S and 19, September 4 and 10, at
rato of $10 from Philadelphia, Baltimore
and Washington. Thcso tickets Includo
transportation only, and will permit of stop
over within limit at Buffalo, Eochestor, and
Watklns on tho return trip.
Two ten-day tours to Gettysburg, Luray
Caverns, Natural Brldgo, Virginia Hot
Springs, Richmond, and Washington, Sep
tember 23 and Octobor 12. Itato, 05 from
Now York, $03 from Philadelphia.
No man or woman can enjoy llfo or accom
plish much in this world while suffering from
a torpid liver. DoWitt's Littlo Early Kisers,
the pills that cleanse that organ, quickly. C.
II. Uagcnbuch.
Low Ilato Xlzcurslons vlrt l'ennsylvnn.
The Pennsylvania Kallroad Company wi.
run a series of ten-day excursions to Niagara
tails, leaving Philadelphia, Baltimoro and
Washington on July 22, August 5 and 10,
and September 4 and 10. An experienced
tourist agent and chaperon accompany each
Excursion tickets, good for return passago
on any regular train, exclusive of limited
oxpress trains, within ton days, will bo sold
at $10 from Philadelphia, Baltimoro, Wash
ington and all points on tho Delaware Divi
sion; $9,70 from Lancaster; $3.00 from
Altoona and Ilarrisburg; $3.25 from Wilkcs
barro; $5.80 from Willlamsport; and at pro
portionate rates from other points. A stop
over will be allowed at Buffalo, Koch ester,
and Watkins returning.
A special train of Pullman parlor cars and
day coaches will be run with each excursion.
. For further information apply to nearest
ticket agent, or address Geo. W. Boyd,
Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad
Street Station, Philadelphia.
Dr. THEEL 604 si"" st.
EaKaiM Bide entrance on
IMllladelplila, 1'a. UltUEN HT.
Hour, Dally, o..ti evgs., 0-0 1 Sundays, 0-12.
I Buffered from the sins of youthful Ignor
ance, and my mind dwelling always upon my
sad condition kept me In misery and In a state
of hopelessness tnat Beemed certain to pnt an
end to an utterly ruined existence. Yet. through
all my anxious days, every oneor which I knew
brought me nearer to the end, I did not make
known my condition to any one;
and through fear of discovery X re
signed my el t to tho Inevitable. Day
after day came and I dragged along
In my miserable career, liut I waa
not always to suffer knowing only
I myself and hopeofrellefandhealtU
and life urged me at last to look to a
friend, a confidant who would save
B. F. net- me. Becanse of my physical and
nsprac. mental Incapacity I could not dis
cern nor choose wisely In my selec
tion of that friend, and I bftcame the victim of
a quack and a dishonest man. My eyes opened
so sua i act inat mere were (nonsanoa
Who rob preying upon the fears of
Irresponsible men through their
weaknesses. But I found a friend,
?n honest man at last I knew I
ad a true friend In lr. Tlieel,
00 1 Ifortls Nlxth Nl., l'lillrs.
delBlila. after merely read
Ing his book "Truth." It revealed Dr. TheeL
to me an tne schemes or those
whose methods I had Just experienced I
felt that, although I was without the faintest
hope, he alone could enre, for his testimonials
showed sadder conditions than mlno. and they
were removed. I also had an enormous vari
cocele, but Dr, Theel also cured that without the
usoofaknlfe. This Is a wonderful tblngtodo,
and only adds to my faith In him and to my
knowledge ot his great sktlL All those aufter.
Ing as 1 have Battered I urgo to be careful, but
throw aside all fear of dlsoovery and be cured
by a great and skillful physician as Dr.Tlieel
undoubtedly Is. I am living testimony to this
assertion. It. l UKTNEl'ItAU
Sworn to before mo In Wilmington, Del.
T1IO& A. LALLY, Notary Public,
NO NAME, NO AllllltliSS published
without the patient's consent. (Strictest e
crecy srnamnteed to all. Jllnoil poison,
vurlcocele, atrtctnrea cored under nrunr
antee. X.ost manhood restored, Hraull
Bhrnnken organa cnlarffed. Fresh enses
enred In 4 to 10 days, Keller nt once,
Aflllcted and anrortunate, l'oor or Rich, If
you were robbed and victimized and wish to get
cured, then Bend five 2-cent stamps for book
"Traiti," the bestf or Touna and old, alngrle or
married. Only book exposing fUiickB& Cuke
Institutes, free prffserlpllan Itunibiig-s, or
so-called free advice, from former 1 elow-sunVp-
?rs, etc. lloura for examination and treatment
or dangerous and So rallt d Incurable cases
dally from lO fol Wednesdays and Hut urr
days (rum j) A.. SI, to 4 1. SI., and fron
UtolOJ'fM, fjeud for sworn testimonials,
Grocers can
von whv t
saved by
whnhnvSm IR'V.
keep coming back
using Seel-
for It. You can't
keep on selling a
poor thing to the
same people.
ticau buy cheap
I coffee and make
It nellrlnua hv m
Ulttle or this admixture.
A Handsome Oomploxlon
la one of the greatest charms a woman can
possess', l'oaxom's CouruxioN I'owcxa
tires It.
mm rri
BSj-- 1TBMB7 'Vwt?t
Allays Nerv
ousness, re
lieves the
Cramps and
Nausea, and so prepares the-
system that the time of recov
ery is shortened and many say
"stronger after than before con
finement." It insures safety to
life of both mother and child.
All who have used Mother
Friend" say they will never be
without it again. No other rem
edy robs confinement of its pain
free, containing vain able Information and vol
untary testimonials.
toto ay an DnuaoisTa at slop ma bottii,
Health is Wealth.
Is sold under positlvo Written Otiarnntce,
by authorised agon to only, to euro Wonk Memory,
Dizziness, WaUefulneen, Fits, Hysteria, Qnick-
neee. NlCht IjnflflOfl. Kt'tl Tlrmitns T.nnlr fifflnnll.
deuce, Norvousnces, Lassitude, alt Drains, Youth
ful Errors, or Excoesivo Uo of Tobnrcu, Opium,
pr Liquor, which leads to Misery. Consumption,
Insanity nnd Death. At storo or by moil, $1 a
box, six for $5; with Written Kiiat'imtco to
euro or refund money. Hninplopnclc
tiKe, containing fivo tlaysr treatment, with full
instructions, a cents. One sample only sold to
,h a Ann .... 1. LI
C3TRcd Labej Special
Extra Strength. I
For Impoteney, Loss ot
Power, Lost. Manhood.
Sterility or IaaironneeeJ.
tin oox; bix ior f :, wmij
fitJF-ORt or by mall. AP'
For Sale at KIRIIN'S Drujr store.
Happyand Fruitful Marriage.1
Every MAN who would know Ui GRAND
ftui iu, mo nam
Facts, the Old Secrets and
the New Dlsooverles of
Medical Sciences applied
to Married Li re, who
would atone for past fob
lies and avoid future pit.'
falls, should write for our
wonderful little be ok,
called "Complete Man.
r,M M" .1, au nuw 10 Attain
.. , anyeamest man we will mall one cony
Entirely tree, in plain sealed cover. 1 7
Kllttf Rot chef, Floris, Moths and I ted bam Non
polBonous; won't stain. Large bottles, at drug
gluts and KrocerB, 26 ccuU.
. . Agent and Bottler of . . .
LAI'S iffl mp
Porter and Weiss Beer.
203 W. Coal Street,
IN EFFECT 3K1TEMBE11 1, 1897.
Trains leave Bhenandoah as follows :
For New Ycrk via l'hlladelnhla. week clnva.
210, 5 30. 703 9 51a.m., 1283, 810 and 0 07 p.
m Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week dovs.
5 80, 7 05 a. m 12 S3 and 3 10 p. m.
For Rending and Philadelphia, week days,
3 10, 5 30, 7 03 a.m., 12 33, 8 10 and 07 p. m. Sun
days, 2 10 a. m.
For Pottsvlllo, week days, 2 10; 7 03 a. m., and
12 33, 8 10, 6 07 and 7 23 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. in.
For Tamaqua and Mahanov Cltv. week dnva.
210,530, 703 a. m., 12 83, 310 and 007 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For WIlllamsDort. Sunbnrv and Lewlaliurn-.
week dnys. S 25. 5 30. 11 80 a. in., and 7 25 n. in
Sundays, 3 25 a. m.
ForMalianos Plane, weekdays. 2 10. 8 25. 5 SO.
7 05. 9 51, 11 80 a. m., 12 33, 8 10, 0 07, 7 28, 9 53 and
it w p. m. ounuuva, 2 iu, o a a. m.
For Ashland and Shamoktn. week darn. 3 25.
53S,705, 1180 a. m., 607, 725 and S55 p. m.
Sundays, 8 25 a. m.
ror liaitimnre. Washington and the Weetvla
B. &O, R. It., through trains lea- Heading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & It. 11 R.) at 3 20,
755, 112S a. in., 810 nnd 7.17 p. u. Sundays,
a ai, 1 uu, 11 ao a. in., o 40 snu - 't p. m. AUU1
tlonal trains from Twenty-fourth nnd Clest-
nui streets station, wees: uays, 10 sua. m. 12 ao,
12 16 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 86, 8 28 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, 4 80. 8 00 a. m,, and 1 80, i 30, 9 00 p.
m. Sundays. 5 00 D. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
uays, s ou, v iu n.;m.. 1 uu anu s top. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week
dayB, 1 30, 8 S5, 10 10 a. m. and 1 , i OS, 0 80, 11 80
p. m. Sandays, 11 80 p. m.
Leave Heading, week days, 1 Si, 7 10,10 OS, a. ni.
12 00m., 419, 6 00 and 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 185
a, nx,
Leave Pottavllle, week days, 2 88, 7 10 a. m.,
It 80 and 6 12 p. m. Sundays, t SS a. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8 18, 8 48, 1J 28 a.
m., 1 80, 5 51, 7 20 and 9 48 p. m. Sundays, 8 18
a, m
Leave Mahanov City, week days. 12 90. S 48.
9 12 11 47 a. m., 2 17, 5 18, 0 17, 7 41 and 10 OS p. m.
Sundays. 12 38, 8 15 a. in.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, waalr. dnvs, 12 38, 2 10,
4 00 080,920. 10 25, 1159 aPlsHRS, Sltt, 0 38
7 67, 10 22 is m. Sundays, 12 10. 2 75, 4 00 a. m.
iave willlamsport, wees: uays, T42, 10 30 a
m 4 00 and 11 80 p, m. Sundays, 11 30 p. m,
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street was. and
South street whatf for Atlantlo City.
Weekdays Exnresg. 8 00. 9 00. 10 48 a. m..
(Saturdays only, 1 30) 2 00, 3 00, 4 00, 6 00, 5 40
p, m. Aceommouatlon, 8 00 a. 111., 5 00, 6 SO
p. m,
Sundays Express. 7 80. 8 CO. 9 00. 10 00 a. m
Accommodation, 8 00 a. in., 4 15 p. m. 81.00
excursion train to loot 01 Mississippi Ave.,
7 00 a. m. dally.
Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, corner
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Kiprras, 700, 7, 9 00, 1015, a.
ni., 8 80, 6 80, 7 30, 9 30 p. m. Accommodation,
4 2S, 815 a, in., 405 p.m.
a 1 1 j ft m Art A rtrt (v Art m nrt
8 CO, 9 30 p. m. Accommodation, 7 is a, m.. 5 03
p. in, S1.00 excursion train from foot of MImIb-
slupi Ave., only, wetiuiays, sou p. in , aunuaya.
0 w p. ni.
I'arle'r Care on all expreaa trains.
Eoturning Klondike Minors Add
More Words of Warning.
And From I'roonnt Imlloattoim It Will
Ho Impossible to Got linotittH Pro
visions to DawHoii to Savo tlio l'co
plo From Starvation,
Otter Point, 13. C, Spt. 11. The
Bteamer Cleveland Iihb arrived from St.
Michaels, bringing with her from the
Yukon gold fields a story of tdlttress
and disaster. The miners she' 1ms on
board ami officers In charge of the ship
tell the story of dlsaeter and distress
at Dawson.
The winter has set In at the mining
city of the frozen north, and the two
great stores of the place have closed
their doors, for they have nothing to
sell. Those who have been seeking
gold now must seek food or starve.
While there may be a tendenoy to ex
aggerate the actual condition of af
fairs, there can be no question that
famine treatens the adventurous men
and women who made their way to the
If fortune favors, four vessels will
be able to reach Dawson from St.
Michael's before the Yukon freezes.
They will carry provisions, but It la
by no means certain that they will
reach the Klondike. They offer the
only hope, however, for a renewal of
supplies. But even the arrival ot these
four vessels cannot prevent a terrible
famine. '
Hundreds of unruly spirits are flock
ing to Dawson, and threats of violence
are being made on every Bide. Indig
nation meetings, heavy with uttered
threats ot vengeance, are held at St.
Michael's by those who have little
hopes of advancing up the river and
less of getting back to civilization.
Drunkenness, gambling and disorder
are rampant, and conservative observ
ers predict the most serious conse
quences. Shortly before the Cleveland left St.
Michael's two of the expeditions, those
of the National City and of the south
coast, held Indignation meetings,
threatening dire vengeance upon those
who had brought them there and were
unable to carry them further. They
had been loft stranded at St. Michael's
and cannot possibly reach Dawson be
fore next spring.
The first signs of winter are apparent
on the Illver Yukon, which Is beginning
to freeze, and in a few weeks will be
closed. Enormous prices nre now be
ing paid for food at Dawson, and it
la impossible thnt more than four ves
sels with provisions can reach Dawson
before the river Is a mass of Ice.
The Cleveland brings (!5 passengers
and about $100,000 In gold dust. Thirty
eight of the passengers are from the
gold fields and 27 are carpenters re
turning from St. Michael's, where they
went to construct boats. Tho story of
the fabulous wealth of the Klondike,
Bonanza, EI Dorado and other mines
tributary to the Yukon Is reiterated by
the returning miners, but the warning
which has already been given to stay
away from tho gold fields this winter
Is emphasized by everyone In the band.
They say that hundreds of people must
go hungry this winter, and that many
will certainly starve, as the food supply
In the country is far below what wilt
be required to keep alive those already
In Dawson City.
for those who vflll go to-day and get a pack
nce of GRAIN-O. It takes tho placo of
coffco at about J tho cost. It is a food drink,
full of health, and can bo given to tho
children as well as tho adult with great
benefit. It is made of pure grains and looks
and tastes like tho finest grades of Mocha or
Javacofleo. It satisfies ovoryono. A cup of
Grain-0 is bettor for tho system than a
tonic, becauso Its benefit Is permanent. What
coffeo breaks down Qraiu-0 builds up. Ask
your grocer for Qmln-O. 15c. and 25c.
I'enoo Doolnrnd Ih'fJruirtfRy.
Montevideo, Sept. 11. It Is announced
that peace has been concluded between
the government of Uruguay and the
Uruguayan insurgents through the
mediation of Dr. Itamlrez, who re
turned here last night from the In
surgent camp with the conditions of'
Household Necessity.
Cisco. rets Candy Cathartic, tho most won.
dcrful medical discovery of the ago, pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, act gently and,
positively on kidneys, Hvor and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure;
headache, fover, habitual constipation and
biliousness. Plcaso buy and try a box of
u. u. u. 10-nay; iu, xa, ou cents. Horn and
guaranteed to cure py an uruggists.
Crnshod to Ilontli by l'nllliiir Derrick.
New York, Sept. 11. A derrick which
was being used in moving a large can
non In the fort at Wlllet's Point, on
Long Island sound, collapsed yester
dny, John Bras and William Bond
helmer, workmen, were crushed to
death and three others Injured, per
haps fatally.
- ,
Small nronautions often nrovent croat mis
chiefs. DoWitt's Littlo Early Kisers are very
small pills in size, but are most effective in
provouting the meat serious forms of liver
and stomach troubles. They euro constipa
tion and headacho and regulate tho bowels.
C. II. Ilageubuch,
TrntiHvnnlM Fliianolal Crista.
Capetown, Sept. 11. The financial slt-
Luatlon at Johannesburg, Transvaal re
public, Is critical, and tne local autnor
ltles are urging the government to
adopt prompt measures for relief. One
of the leading German firms haa re-solved-to
suspend all developments out
side of Its mining properties. The gov
ernment of the Transvaal has consent
ed to receive a comerclal deputation,
'"hlch will set forth the situation In de
tail. Hucklen's Arnica Salve.
The beet aalve In tho werid for cuts,
u.u.h , ... ' . , u.trcftB, n 1 .. i 1,1, DU1DB,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively oures plies,
or jo pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or tnony refunded. Prlco
Do cents per box. n or sale by A. Wasley,
CliarKtxi "Wl'tli i:mbo77.1eiHotit.
Camden, N. J., Sept. 11. Wallace S.
Hlsley, a well known real estate and
Insurance agent of thU city, Is missing,
and there are several warrants out for
Ids arrest. Ills office furniture has been
sold on Judgment obtained by the
banks, and constables and detectives
ire now on his trail. lie Is charged by
wo Insurance companies with appro
priating $1,000 which he had collected
ind failed to turn over.
rVtnlr,ln ,1,U . ,..,'. 1,1. .1
v,. n, ,M IJ JU4 UUU WUUb UJOVIISl mill UfS-
iwiwla, constipation, sick headache, sallow
skin and loss of appetite. You have never
tried DeWltt's Little Tisrly Itlrs for these
iiiupittiuba ur you woutu nave boat I citrHl.
They aro muallpllla but great lecukttwrs. C.
A woman
s htvom
Effects of a Treacherous Disease.
A Wonderful Gase.
From Ihe Uullelin, Aon roe, Ixt.
Mrs. Stephen Itohbins is the wife of a , Pills for Pale People had effected a rairacn.
prominent fanner living on n large ami wi ll-! lous otire with live same disease whleh
kept plantation just at the edgi' of Monroe, ' neighbor of mine had In Illinois,
La. They have resided in this community , " On (be strength of this testimonial I de
but two years, having moved here from Illi-, cidrd at once to jrlve the medicine n trial. I
nnls. The change wb made for the benefit i accordingly sent Tor a box of Dr. Williams'
of Mrs. Rnbbins' heftlth, her physicians liuv-' I'ink Pills for Pule People, and gave the
ing advised her that Itwas the mily hope of pills a thorough trial, idhl not notice any
"Three years ago this last winter," said
Airs, iiouoins, "i was very sick with tlint the first box, but knowing that I should not
most treacherous disease, the grippe. I had expect a sudden cure of such a ohronlo esse
u very severe time with it, but was able lo . an mine, I tried the aeoond box with the re
get out afler being confined to my home suit that I Immediately beghji getting belter,
several weeks. 1 think I went out too I ubikI five boxes of these Dills and was com.
soon, for I Immediately contracted a cold
ami had a relapse, which is a common occur
rence with that disease. For several more
weeks I was confined to the house; and after
this I did not fully recover until recently.
I was able to get out again, but I was quite
a dlH'erent woman.
"My former strong constitution waa wreck
ed, and I wan a dwindling mass of skin
mid bones. My blood wns thin and I had
grown pale and sallow. My lungs were so
affected that I thought I was going Into con
sumption. Duringiny illness I bad lost thirty
pounds in weight. I tried to regain my
strength and former good health by trjing
tllilerent medicines and physicians, but iioth
ing seemed to help me. Ma apiietile was
gone, and when 1 ate the fofxl it would not
stay on my stomach.
The only thing my physician said forme
to do was to take a change ot climate, and on
bis advice I oame here. At first I eemeil
benefited, but to my sorrow it proved lo be
only temporary, anil In a few months I was
in my former condition. The color had left
my cheeks, I had no energy, and life was a
linnery, I had become a burden to myself
and family. Finally I happened to read in
a newspaper of how Dr. Williams' Pink
A gonmno wolcomo waits you at
Cor. rtnln and Coal Sts.
Finest whiskeys, beers, porter and ale
constantly on tap. Choice emperance drlnkp
and cigars.
petypa. Railroad.
SHTTEMBEn 1, 1897.
Trains will lcnveSlicnnniloali nftflr thn ithnv
date for Wlggans, Ollberton, Frnokvllle, Darb
Water, St. Clair, Pottavllle. Ifamburg, Readlne
J (LtnhlMVU, JIUl-lllAVKlC, ilUmttlUWII Bnit rfllJ'
adclphla (Broad street station) at 6 03 and 1108
a. m. and 4 20 p. in. on week days. Hiindnys,
S 08 n, m., 810 p. in. For Pottsvlllo and Inter
mediate etatlons only 9 17 a. m. weelf tlnva
Sundays, 9 45 a. m.
Trains leave rrncKvlllo ior Shenandoah at
10 40 a. m. and 12 81. 511. 7 52 and 10 47 n m.
Sunday, 11 13 a. m. nnd 5 41 p. m.
Ixmve rottavuie lor hennndonli at 10 15
a. m. and 12:33, 5 15, 7 25 and 10 20 p. in. Sunday
at 10 40 a. m., 5 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), to'
Shcnnndonh at 5 57, 8 35and 10 19 a, m., 4 10 and
71 p. m. week days. Sundaysleavoat0
Leave Broad street station, Philadelphia, lo,
Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean drove, Lorn
Branch, and lntcrracdlnto stations, G50, R.25
11019, n. m 8.30 nnd 4.00 p. m. week-days. Sun
days, 8 23 a. m.
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Express, week-days, 3 20, 4 0o, 4 CO a 15, 6 60.
7 S3, 8 20, 8 83, 9 00, 10 21 (Dining Cnr), 11 0 1 a. m,
12 00 noon, 12 33 (Limited 100 nnd 4t3 p.m.
Dining Cars), 1 10, 230 (Dining Cnr) 821, 3 50.
100,5 00, 5 55 (Dining Cnr). 0 00, 7 02,7 13, 10 00
p. in., 12 01, night. Sundays, 3 20, 1 03, 4 50. 5 15.
8 20,8 33,9 00, 10 21. (Diking CnrJ, 1185 n. in.
1233, 105 (Dining Cnr) 2 30 (Dining Car), 400
(Limited 1 22 Dining Cnr), 5 20, 5 50,(DinliiK Cor)
0 35, 7 02,7 43,10 00 p.m.. 12 01 night.
Express for Boston without change, 11 00 a m.,
week-days, and 7 43 p. m., dully.
For Baltimore nnd Wnshlngton, 3 50, 7 20, 8 32,
10 20, 11 23, a, m.. 12 09. 12 31, 1 12, 3 18, 1 11, 5 19
Congressional Limited, Dining Car, 017. 653
Dining Carl, 7 31 Dining Cnr p. in., nnd 12 (M
night week days. Sundays, 3 10, 7 20, V 12, 1 1 38,
n. m., 1209, 1 12, 111, 515 CongreBslonnl Lim
ited. Dining Car, 055 Dining Car, 7 31 Din
ing Car p. m. and 12 03 night.
xmuw uruiiu Bircet Bullion via uciawnro rive
bridge Express, 1 15, 0 20 00 minutes n. in, 2 a
87mlniitosJ,3 32 90 minutes, 703 90 minutes
p. m. Sundays, 4 15, 9 20 'JO mlnutesl a. m., 2 S
Leave Broad street stntion via Delawnro river
o mi
87 mlnuteel. 7 03 n. m.
Leave Market street wharf ExnrnM. 5 on
8 20, 9 40. a. in., 1 00 Saturdays only, 150 75
minutes, 3 00, 3 10 75 mlnutesl, 4 00 70 min
utes, 4 20 75 minutes, 5 00 170 minutes 53c)
70 minutosl p.m. Sundays, 6 00, 730, 8 00 75
minutes, 9 00, 915 75 minutes n. m, S1.00
uxuurBiuii tmiii, , ij u. in. tinny.
For Capo May, Anglesen, AVildwoml anil Holly
Bench Express, 9 00 a. m., 230, 4 05.5 00 p.m.
week days. Sundays, 8 20 n. in. Excursion,
700 a. m. dally.
For Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avnlon and
Stone Harbor Express, 9 10 a. m 2 30, 1 20, 3 00
p.m weekdays. Sundays, 8 50 n. m. Excur
sion, 7 00 a. m. dully.
For Somers Point Express, 7 00, 820, 910
n.m., 160, 3 00, 100.5 00,6:10 p. m. week days
Sundays, 5 00, 7 00, 8 00, 9 00 und 9 15 a. m.
I. jiuji;iiinuh, .1. it, WOOD,
ucu i Manager. Gen'l PassVr Agt.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmiii miiiimiiuitiiiiiiimii.ii.iiiiiiiiiM:,,,, (ll lt,
? always
V 1
aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiuiiiiiiiiii liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiHimimiiiiiMiiiiiun-Hr. i,it
raffflaflffltf MTnMlasBiiWfff iTT tW n St, mm
" '
For Sale ill KIRIIN'S Drue
; r.,
- -
did BnJ hnnl l.-k iv.u. v.rt l.s .
uonstituuon wrecked.
had tried the second box, I
iu diwourageil a little with the result of
Jibtely cored, as you see me to-day, weigh
ing more than ever before."
As evidence of the truthfulness of her
story Mrs. Rnbbins volunteered to make'
the following sworn statement :
" I hereby affirm that the above statement
is every word exact and true."
" Mrs. Stkphkm Robbiks.
"Monroe La., March J, 1887."
" Subscribed nnd sworn to before me, a
Notary Public In and for the Parish of Winn,
State of LonMsns, this the JNI day of March,
1897. Amos It. Jesshps, Xotary lblic."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
contain, in a condensed form, all the ele
ments necessary to give new life and rich
ness lo (he blood and restore shattered nerves.
They are an unfailing specific for such dis
eases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis,
St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheuma
tism, nervous headache, the after efieet. of la
grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and
sallow complexions, all forms of weakness
either In male or female. Pink Pills are
sold by all dealers, or will be sent postpaid
on receipt of price, 60 cents a Imx, or six
boxes for $2.B0 (they are never sold in bulk
or by the 100) by addressing Dr. Williams'
Medicine Company, Scheneetady, N. Y.
Graduate nnd Late Resident House Burgee p
tho University State of N. Y.
H KADQUAHTErts : Hotel Franey, Shenandoah
Calls night or day promptly respondca
Office: 80 West Centra street.
Can be consulted at all hours.
OfUce Egan building, corner of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Shenandoah, Pa.
iiiiuruici-Al-LAW. ,
Corner Market and Centre streets.
7 Y-
Lock Box 65, Malmnoy City, Pa.
Having studied under some of the berl
tniLREPra l, lj,mtnn nn,l ,,, ,
on tho vlolln.mnndolin, guitar and vocal culture.
Terms renHonable. Address In care of Strouse,
tbo jeweler Sheuandnah. '
THE TIMES I, the most cxtenstvern. . I
circulated nnd widely rend newspaper pulZ1
llshed in Pennsylvania. Its discussion of pub
lic men and public measures Is In the Interest
of public integrity, honest government and
prosperous industry, and It knows no party
or personnl nlleglnnce In treating publla
Issues. In the brnndest nnd best sense m
family am! general newspaper.
JTMES , to have the largest
circulation by deserving It, and claims that It
is unsurpaa-ed in all the essentials of a groat
metropolitan newspaper. Specimen copies of
any edition will 1m sent free to any one jend
Ing their nddrcsd.
TERMS-DAILY, $100 per annum; i.00
for four months; 30 cents xr month; oe
L'.ered by curriers for 0 cents per week.
SUNDAY EDITION, 82 large, Tiandsom.
nges" 221 columns, elegantly Illustrated,
beautiful colored aiitmtrment on tw, '
nam ; 5 cents per copy. Dally and SundaJV, 1
tS.OO per annum; 50 cents per month.
Address nil letters to
vumt-n who ntm) .
aro progroaivo and kevp '.i.fornti' . i
wkj iiimuii i-roijreBS. -j ho .(. ln-
lormml nml tlirtft.v n.,.... ...a. I
, ......vj , III Vll,
keep a
m TB-fc -t V w v w .
in tlio lioiiM, as n sfnndanl wmfnlv ( rs
S.ralriB, Bruises, Crumps, Illmiiina'tl .n, a
u.iu uii nuiius Ullll juimH
Price 2B cts. and 50 cts. r r uotlk
Prenved by H. J. HACKEIf ft Cd.. Phii.,i.ihla.
, -.i In oouri' what to use for
vous ljeb:! Lo 0f power
i .'iiiitncy.A,, . hy.Varicoceleand
c..u r wcaltr,i.i.i., ir ,qi nny cause.
P's Drain checked
anwIu.'Lv,iJwau,'','r restoead.
Jailed for 1.00;0bojtei5.00. VOth
5.oo orders we give a guarantee to
i isaai . ""n llTTrWntlB Jt
Store, Shenandoah, pa.
rere,HiMir,.lion. raaesrrtB are Ihe Ideal Laxa-sv
,or !rrHi.'.'.otr,.J ,..,T ,) s T
" is.
. rH.
J-JSJ Jlsu- ..