The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 10, 1897, Image 2

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Published BTery livening, lCicapt Sunday, at
' Moo-rn .Unmu Sthbst. Neab Crktbk,
The Itiirnlil Is ileltveied In Shenandoah .imt the
surrounding towns for six aeiitx a wpek, pay
B11 . o (he curriers, lly mall H.OO rt year, or W
cents month, payable In iwurnuw. A4Uw
ments.Qharel aeaoijiUnK to pA and ptmmm.
The publisher rerve the right to change the
e pi
o i
Monition of advertlHAiiimtfi whenever the Itult-
1 xiUMi o( news demands it. The right 111
e v
ifwerCKl to reject An
ny ni
advertisement, whether
m 1.3
Ihk. , n iiuij inn. .tro ium int.Tn ..
mproper. Advertising rates mmle
ulil form-no, that the publisher T M
uioti Aonllealton.
Holered at the postoftle at ShensnJeftli, I'd., as
second class mall matter.
"All the News Thai's Fll lo Print."
Evening Herald
jAilKS S."fflUQ0J,
lirfVt O. Mr-CXtft.KV,
Of Chester.
uupijui.ioan county Ticicur.
tor JO nan,
Hon-. 0. P. Bhcutbl,
Of Pottsvllle.
HtBBTHRlS. ' Al.BBiaili',
Of prwigburg.
Johx Rown, Sr.,
pf Treiosut.
JOHN uNST$CK, .' -
6f MaUoney City.
Somk Amorican bnrbers .would
liavo a sdrlous time following their
avocation In Paris, wlioro bnrburs and
hair drossera are now obliged by the
police to take sanitary precautions in
carrying on tjheir business. Elabor
ate regulations liavo been sent out
requiring them to use only nickel
plated substitute pulverizers
for nowder nulls, to cover the hair
out oil with sawdust and have it re
moved at once, to wash their hands
before tackling a customer, and to
place all metallic instruments, razors,
shears, combs, cutting machines, &c,
In a solution of soap and boiling
water for ten minutes beforo they are
Tint Republicans of this county
, -and the Democrats as well, for that
matter have beon considering the
advisability of adopting some other
motliod than that now in vogue in
making nominations. Under the
present delegate system it costs
candidate a small fortune to secure
the nomination, and the nominee is
not always the choice of a majority
of his party. At the Kepublican
convention of Lackawanna on Tues
day a committee was appointed to
prepare a plan, to be submitted at
next; year's convention, for a system
of making nominations by popular
vote. Vhat' i's known as the Craw
ford system is doubtless contemplated,
which is the only way of making
jhomlnatipi)8 to w'hioli any political
"party should consent. In Lancaster
county, whore , Republican nomina
tions are made by popular vote, the
system is ' entirely satisfactory, and
when a man receives a nomination
there he is known to be the choice of
a majority, or at least of a plurality,
of his party. It is the only just and
fair way, and the plan cannot be
adopted too soon in Schuylkill county,
for the good of both political parties.
Postal Savings Bank.
The Chicago Record has prepared a
bill providing for a Postal Savings
bank system, whioh will be presented
at the next session of Congress. The
purpose of the measure is to secure a
banking system that will bo available
for all classes and in all towns of the
country where a post office is located.
The bil authorizes depositors, over
12 year? of age, also married womon,
to keep an account that will not bo
subject to attachment. No deposit
less than one dollar will be received
and two per cent, will be paid in in
terest. The deposits are to be limited
to $300 per year. The advantages to
be derived front such a system are ob
vious and the bill should receive the
endorsement of every man and
woman in the country.
The scheme Is not a new one.
Postal Savings banks exist in differ
ent countries of the world and in all
places they have been the means of
promoting thrift and industry, be
sides strengthening lie stability af
The national government whieh flnds
in the reserve funds ready and inu
terial assistance when government
bunds are marketed. The system
furnishes absolute seeurity against
loss, which In itself has bean one of
the most djsooliraging features to ac
cumulation of ilKHiuy by wage earners.
It educate thlr lUMSMte n the bank
ing business aiui tlvs grater assur
ance against want and poverty. It
discourages speculation, and reckless
expenditure of money, aud educates
the young and untrained to a knowl
edge of the use and value of money.
The bill further provides that each
postmaster shall be constituted a
lianker, with the postmajiter general
of the United States the controlling
power, anu wuu wnom uepowtors
direct In balanoing their ao
. annually. The . laboring
people areslAUght to feel a direct iwr-
sonal intereWOSuJhe stability of the
, ii ' .1 .. ii.ii
country, urn. proiutmug jHtinoiiui
in tending to solidify tlKpeople.
It is a mnwure-tliut is tu4gnitil for
the workers of the nation and should
be passed.
flolil Mlii'-' In ev Yor' fat.
Saratoga. N. T., Sept. 10. Valuable
(told bearing rock has been discovered
at Woodlcwn park, owned by Judge
Hilton, of New York city. Mining by
lilt son. A. 1. Hilton, will J begun.
Mies Lulu A. Lvtle, a negress, ha i
been admitted to t. bar at Memphis.
The annual encampment of the 8onn
of Veterans opened yesterday at In
dianapolis. John IS. Burchell has been appointed
vice consul of the United State at
Sydney, N. S.
No written aUMCC exists between
France and lUn, nd It 1 alleged
that not even a verbal treaty was made.
Ocean tramp steamers are hurrying
to tlil country iron! hll quftrtnH to
help oarry trraln ft)bi lals country lo
ftflrtpe. "
The British authorities will Inform
the United States government when
anarchist are known to be embarking
for this country.
One painter was killed and another
fatally Injured by a fall from a scaf
fold In Hie train shed of the Pennsyl
vania railroad at Jersey City.
The Madrid courts on a leital tech
nicality have deprived Queen llegent
Christina of Spain of a fortune of $4,-
000,000 left her by Don Alessandto Soter.
Advices from St. Michael's, Alaska,
state that SO men have died this sum
mer In the gold regions of scurvey.
and that food can not be bought at
any price.
Certainly you don't want to suffer with dys
pepsia, constipation, sick neauacne, saiiow
skin and low of appetite. You have never
tried DeWltt's Little Early Risers for these
complaints or you would liavo been cured.
Tbey are small pills but great regulators. O.
11. llageubucu.
A i'mii'iTlfUl .Mo'iilt's norlllop.
Moscow, Sept. 10. A fanatical monk
has given another curious Illustration
of a form of religious delusion now rag
ing In many parts of Vtussla. The priest
In question had himself burled to the
armpit In ' a cave near the town of
Uralsk. He hoped to find salvation by
mortifying the flesh, and asked his
friends to return to him In a week,
when he expected to have found the
object of his desire. They consented
to the arrangement, but on returning
found him dead.
To lie Sont Itaolc to Africa.
Colon, Colombia, Sept. 10. The au
thorities, having decided to repatriate
the African laborers recently Imported
to work along the line of the Panama
canal, will send them back to Africa.
After the epidemic of berl berl broke
out among them they gave such serious
trouble by refusing to work, demanding
wages without work and committing
other offenses, that the government
was obliged , to send troops to quel!
the disturbance. Ordenls now restored.
W.vomlnu'M Terrible l-'orost J'lra.
Buffalo, "Wyo., Sept. 10. The forest
fire which has been raging for some
days In the lllack Horn country con
tinues unabated, and Is spreading rap
idly, fanned by a high gale. Already
about 20 miles square are reported
covered, and millions of feet of Um
ber are destroyed. The settlers have
fought the lire constantly until forced
to give up. Unless something Is done
by the government there Is no limit to
the loss which may be sustained.
But the Trumpet's Clarion Note
Sounded by a Scranton Citizen.
At first only tlio faintest echo reached to
tlio coal regions. It camo iu tlio onward
march through tlio Stato awakening echoes
of good cheer to many of each triumphal
step. Now 'tis hero, and tlio trumpet's notes
of truth aru dally sounded aud doubt re
mains no more. This tiiuo 'tis iu Scranton,
tlio bustling cry of tlio miners. At 1120
SInrion street retidos Mrs. J. Filz aud her
evideuco is added to that of many another
in this region. This is how sbo tells it:
"After being troubled six years with kidnoy
disorders, I onoday noticed an ad vortisemont
of Uoau's Kidney Pills. My best efforts to
get rid of my trouble had failed but I de
termined to try onco more, and got a box of
pills at Matthews Bros, drug store, aud I am
indeed glad of this determination, for Doan's
Kidney Pills are all that is claimed for thorn.
Tlio arc easy to tako and leavo no disagrce
ablo after efiect. My affection varied some
times, worse than others, but I havo never
been free from tlio troublo iu all thoso years.
The warm weather seemed to affect mo worso,
anil during that season the passage of uriue
was accompanied by severe pain. I had con
siilenible pain iu my back at night, and upon
rising iu tlio morning my limbs and back
wcro stiff. I had stomach trouble, too, but
that together with all tha other ailments has
vanished. I havo told my friends about the,
great good Doan's Kiduey Pills have done
me, and I shall always praise them and use
them niy."lf when necessary, althounh I
havo no need of them at tho present. Three
Ihixos of Doan's Kidney Pills havo made me
fuel strong and well."
For salo by all dealers. Price CO cents.
Mailed by Fpitor-Milburu Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Solo ancuts for the U. S.
1 IE
Rag Carpet.
of every description we can
save you many dollars by giv
ing us your trade. All bargain
seekers should take advantage
of this opportunity.
Dyspepsia, the thief that steals away so much
of life's pleasure, has no accomplice more
pernicious than lard. Bar every lard-soaked
thing out of your diet, and make
ayspepsia ana tne mis tnat tonow it, by eating the appe
tizing and digestible food that is prepared with
The eenulne Cottolene la sold everywhere In one in ten nnnnit rellnir Urn. K
e wim our irnuo iimrftB -nmoiene nnu
every iin. noi guaranioea lr sola in liny
Faust Wheel
Hade to Fit.
A bicycle,
clothes. If you do not appear with
is because it don't fit you. With ease and grace also comes power.
Secure them all by ordering a special wheel, measured to fit by the
home luanulacturer. A guarantee
home industry and secure a reliable
- - - - Repairing; of all Kinds. - - - -BRANDONVILLE,
SUcht Kino at tho Openlnrr Followed
by 1'ito lonal Declines.
New Yo '-. Sot. 9. The market re- i
spond I; .vr quotations In London
with ii li-.-Uional rise at tho opening, ns .
it r. . .mien yesterday with a decline.
The advance In Illinois Central extended I
to H& and In Southern preferred a point, i
and tho latter stock held remarkably 1
firm all day, In face of heuvy liquidation t
all through the market. Tho market sank I
quite weakly under the heavy realizing
movement In tho morning. London buy- t
ing Invited realizing sales, and It Is likely
that the failure of a targe outside broker- :
nir- liAuaa liaa anm-i. 1, 1 M e in il -xitfli hn '
heaviness on account of the liquidation
entailed upon agents on tho floor. The
decline extended to 1 In St. Paul, 1 in
Northern Pacific preferred, and an aver
ago of a point In n large number of lead
ing slmreB. Closing bids:
Bnlto. & Ohio... 1SH Lehigh Valley.
Chesa. & Ohio... Xk
N. J. Central... DGV4
N. Y. Central.. 112W
Del. & Hudson.. 119
D., L. & V 158
Erie 177t
Lake Drle & W. 20V4
Pennsylvania .. C0
Heading, 2d pf,. 33?i
St. Paul 101
Crmornl Mnrlcpt.
Philadelphia, Sept. 9. Flour well main
tained, winter superllne, $!!.403.G5; do. ex
tras, JS.05fii3.6G; Pennsylvania roller, clear,
J4.Wfil.75; do. straight, $1.75fr5; western
winter, clear, $l.R)'i4.7j; do. straight, $1.73
40; city mills, extra, $3.GS&3.!K. Ityo flour
scarce and llrm at 13.30 per barrel for
cholco Pennsylvania. Wheat tlrm; con
tract wheat, September, Jl.OOffil.Ol; No.
2 Pennsylvania and No. 2 Delawuro rod,
Bpot, $1.019441.02; No. 2 red, spot, $1.00
1.01; do. September, $1.04H; do. October,
J1.031,,; do. December, Jl.01. Corn quiet;
steamer corn, spot, 34't4f35o.; No. 2 yel
low, W&e.; No. 2 mixed, September, 30
361-.C. Oats llrmcr; No. 2 whito, cnrlots,
ZCVac; No. 2 white, September, 24VtHiJ24c. ;
October, 25c; November, 2.riffi2lic. ; Do
cembor, 2Cc. HUy .quiet; cholco tim
othy, $12 iff 12.60 for largo bales.
IJeef firm; beef hams, J27.50fc2S. Pprk
quiet; family, JKifaH. Lard dull; western
steamed, W.20. Putter steady; western
creamery, 12fjlCc.; do. factory, 812c.;
Elglns, 18c; Imitation creamery, 10tfl3c;
New York dairy, 10(61CV4o.; do. creamery,
12&18c.; fancy prints Jobbing at 1821c;
do. extra Pennsylvania, wholesale, 17c,
Cheese stoady; laige, white, 9c; small.
white. 9ltc. : large, colored, 9c; small,
colored, !ic; part skims, GUfffc; full
skims, SHSile. Eggs quiet; New York and
Pennsylvania, 174flSc; western, fresh, IGc
Potatoes llrm; Jerseys, ?1.S02; Long Isl
and, $i.2C; sweets, 1. 68 1.75. Tallow weak;
city, 3i8"c.; country, 3ff3c-. as to
quality. Petroleum dull, easy; refined,
New York, J5.70; Philadelphia and Balti
more, $6.C5; do. In bulk, 3.15. Pig Iron
warrants quiet at J8.07. Lake copper
quiet at 11.1011.25. Tin dull at 13.5
13.60. Spelter quiet at ?4. 26ft 4.30. Lead
quiet and firm at 4.35e4.40. Tomatoos,
per box or crate, as to quality, 30B00o.
Long Island and Jersey cabbage, per 100,
2.IWS3.50. Coffee closed barely steady;
September, 3.90; October, 5.95; November,
K; December, 0.30; March. J8.35fl0.G6;
May. $fl.700.7B; July, i.S0.
Llvo Stook JUnrliots.
New York. Sept. 9. European cables
quote American steers at llftl2c; refrig
erator beef, !ft9c. Calves quiet and
steady; veals, J548; grasscrs and butter
milks, I3.73iyt.25. Sheep firm; lambs bare
ly steady; sheep, 34.37V4; lambs, t&C.25.
Hogs tlrm at 4.HM34.75.
East Liberty, Pa., Sept. 9. Cattle
steady; primp,' 5.10; common, 3,40
3.70; common to good fat oxen, 104. 'Hb'ga
steady; prime pigs. 4.694M.S6; best York
ers and good mediums,. I.460t.fO: grass
crs and stubblers, 4.1A94.16; heavy, 1.3043
(.40; roughs, J2.75fi3.75. Sheep dull; choice,
I Ifi 4.10; common, f2.S04S.40; choice lambB,
5. 200. 50; common to good iambs, 4Q5.10.
Fill a bottle or common glass . with urine
and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sedi
ment or settling lndlets an unhealthy
jonditlon of the kidneys. When urine
Mains hiion it Is positive ovSlene of kiduey
trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or
pain In tlio back, is also convincing proof
that the kidneys and bladder Rre out of.
mere is comiorc in me Knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Ufljer'i Sympp-
oot, the great kidney remedy, fulfils overy
wish in relieving pain In the Inuk, kidney),
Uver, bladder and every part of tho urinary
passages. It corrects inability to hold urin
sul scalding pain In passing it, or bad effects
(Mowing use of liauer, wjtie or beer, and
overnomes that UHPtf AV''" of ue'"
Impelled to Bt'3pny Jrijes during the
ignt iu iinuirw. xiw mini aim tuo extra.
ill miry effect of Swamp-ICoot is soon
lined. It stands tUe highest for its won.
rful cures f the jaiast dtttressipg cases. If
a need a mwllctae yon should have the
t Sold bydruntUts, Hce fifty cents and
lie dollar. Yofl bh .Jiw a sample bottle
id pamphletMtjfpMe y ' mail. Mm
n Kv8K(Ng.UjvLfi ajul send your
Id reus to Dr,
pe., Dinglmmton.
. Y. The proprietors of this neper guarantee
to genulnees of tblsT offer.
'Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the
Lbhsio & have, AsUnud, Pa
is printed oh
ever sek.
your digestion proof against
crr i nraci i?i ciHorwrfanl wre.lll oil
oinor way. .Muuo only by
St. Louis. New York. Montreal.
in many respects, is like a suit ol
ease and crace upon vour cycle, it
goes with every wheel. Patronize
L'hnrtrcrt With llluliwny Itobbbry and
Atrocious AHMiult nt C'npo May.
Cape May, Sept. 10. No hearing was
had yesterday In the case of tho high
way robbery and atrocious assault on
Henry Hussell and his son, Isidore
ltussell, a postponement being made
to Monday, and 2,000 "ball being re
quired of Ernest II. Keidel, tho only
one of the five charged with the crime
who has been secured. Those who are
accused are Ernest H. Kqldel, Nelson
Z. Graves, Jr., and L, II. Van Dusen,
all sons of wealthy cottagers here.
There are two others, as yet unknown.
The charge Is that they met ltussell
near the Lafayette hotel, where he had
been giving an entertainment In mes
merism and clairvoyance, and attacked
him, knocking him down, damaging his
clothing, and taking from him 20 in
cash, and afterwards knocking down
his little boy and abstracting from his
pocket (1.67. Hussell shouted lustily
for help, and was severely choked for
It. Colonel Tracy, of the Lafayette,
and others heard the cries, however,
and rescued him. It Is said that Kel
del's parents are worth 3,000,000.
Warrants are out for Graves and
Van Dusen and the unknown parties,
but they have left tho town. Tho sup
position Is that the young men wcro
1'atnlly Wounded by Um-irlors.
nochoster, N.Y., Sept. 10. At Church
vllle. a few miles west of Rochester,
Wednesday night Mrs. George Smith
was shot and fatally wounded by
burglars. Mr. Smith, who Is a man of
wealth, was at the samo tlmo over
powered by two masked men, who
bound and gagged him and by threats
compelled him to give them 1.3C0 which
was In tho house, and left him helpless
to give the alarm.
Bituminous Coal In Idaho.
Soda Springs, Idaho, Sept. 10. Much
excitement prevails here over the dis
covery of what seems to be nn exten
sive deposit of coal four miles from this
city. Tho coal is bituminous, and the
tests made thus far prove It to be of
excellent quality. Idaho Is now en
tirely dependent upon Wyoming and
Colorado for her coal.
Tho Wouthor.
For District of Columbia, eastern
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware
and Maryland: Fair; continued high
temperature; variable winds.
Xntloual Loatryio.
At Philadelphia-Philadelphia, 5; .Chi
cago, 4. At New York First game: Pitts
burg. G; New York, 4. Second game: New
York. C. Pittsburg, 2. At Boston Boston,
13; St. Louis. 0. At Brooklyn Brooklyn,
7; Cinolnnatl, 1. At Baltimore Baltimore,
3; Louisville, 2. At Washington Wash
ington, 9; Claveland, 8.
Kastoru Lcairuo.
At Syracuse Syracuse. 3; Scranton, 1.
At Torontp First game: Torontq, 14;
Springfield, 10. Second game: Springfield,
20; Toronto,' 5. At Montreal-Montreal, 12;
Providence, 3. At Buffalo Buffalo, 3;
Wllkesbsrrc. 2.
Atlantlo Loncuc.
At Paterpon Norfolk, C; Patcrson, 3.
At Hartford Hartford, 5; Lancaster, 0.
At Klehinnnd Richmond, 8; Athletic, 3.
At Newark Newark, 4; Heading, 2.
Moments are useless if trifled away; and
they are dangerously watted If consumed by
delay in oases where Onp Minute Cough Cure
would bring immediate relief. (J. H. Hagen
buch, It May lio (Jiiut tiiiiooifu. On.
Atlanta, Sept. 10". A question haa
been sprung here which may result In
Chattanooga, which has long been
known as one of the leading cities of
Tennessee, becoming a Georgia town,
Doubt has been thrown upon Hie ac
curacy of the survey of the boundary
line between this state and Tennessee,
and If the theory of eminent legal au
thorities here Is confirmed Jt may bo
found that Chattanooga Is on Georgia
soil. This view In shared by Colonel W.
A. Wlmbish, special commissioner of
the state for the Western and At
lantic railroad, who has looked Into the
question In his official capacity. TJie
publication of this fact has aroused
much Interest here, and It Is not un
likely that It may result In the next
legislature providing for a re-survey
of the boundary.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever, be made well, strong, magnetic,
full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Itec,
the wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bao frpm
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
cure. SOe or fl.00. Booklet aud sample
mailed free. Ad. Sttrliug Remedy Co.,
Chicago or New York. d
Just try a 10c box of Oftsearets, tlie finest
liver and bowel regulator ever made.
LnynnMi to lnxlnt on Equal Itoprcsolit
iitlon tn tho Uonernl Confferenoe.
Cfilcago. 8pU 10. The thm-Iteraia
says: "Rebellion hat broken out in the
Methodist Episcopal church. The lay
men demand equal repreentfttlon with
th ministers In the great quaaren
rifftl legislature of the church. Three
tlunys have tho ministers voted on the
nuestliin and defeated It, and the lay
n on have lost patience.
'The church Will he brought faco to
face next week with a revolt that will
probably overshadow the question of
women delegates In the genifal con
ference Representatives of Pennsyl
vania and New Jersey conferences Is
rued. an address for the change. Lead
ing laymen of Indiana have called a
state convention to meet at Indianap
olis nott Wednesday to consider the
qn"8tlon. A lay convention, represent
ing the Cincinnati I conference, sent
greeting last week to the Indiana con
vention and urged the calling of a na
tional convention.
"The laymen of the central Illinois
conference have called a convention to
meet at Canton Sept. 17, and that meet
ing will probably take action In tho
matter. Another big lay convention
will be held In Daltlmoi-next month,
and If not forestalled by tho Indianap
olis convention It Is expected to Issue
a call for a national convention of
Methodist laymen, 'to make plans to
bring the ministers Into line."
ISxport JSvldonc In I.uotgort's Trial.
Chicago, Sept. 10. Both the morning
and afternoon sessions of the court In
the trial of Adolph L. Luetgert were
consumed In the taking of expert testi
mony. Thoroubh chemical analysis ths
state must establish not only the pos
sibility of a human body being dis
solved by the action of caustic potash
heated to the boiling point, but also
the fact that the bits of bone, hair and
flesh and the scrapings of pinkish
brown material from the vat In the
sausage factory are portions of the
body of a human being. If they can
demonstrate these two propositions be
yond a reasonable doubt one of the
most Important points of their case
will be accomplished. Professor Mark
Delafontalne, one of the experts, sold
that the bits of flesh might be human,
but they might also bo the flesh of an
animal. The bones, he was Bure, were
human bones.
To hoal the broken and diseased tissues, to
soothe tho irritated surfaces, to instantly re'
licvo and tn permanently euro is tho mission
of Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo. C. H. Hagen
buch. Coming Kvents.
Sept. IS. Ice cream festival under auspices
of Patriotic Drum Corps, in Bobbins' opera
Conentomifetl VV.-dor oYlloo IIoo.
Detroit, Sept. lO.'-The annual meet
ing of the Concatenated Order of Hoo
IIoo was called to order yesterday at
10 o'clock by its presiding ofllcer, "The
Grank Snark of the Universe." H. II.
Hemlnway, of Tomahawk, Wis. Gov
ernor Pingree gave an address of wel
come. Reports followed from the snark
and the schrlvenoter.tho latter showing
a balance of $2,000 In the treasury. The
Society of Hoo Hoo, or the Order of
the Black Cat, embodies the festive
and social features of all the lumber
dealers' organizations, cif the country,
and boasts of a membership of nearly
Struck Oolrt While VTiMvliisr nWoll.
Santa Fe, N. M., Sept. 10. Reports
from Golden, South Santa Fo county.
Bay thnt In sinking a tubular well to
secure a water supply the drill passed
through E0 feet of solid quartz, every
foot of which shows free gold. Some of
the gold nuggets are as largo as grains
of whont. Tho discovery was made on
Virgin ground nt a depth of 350 feet.
Heart Disease Cured.
IIEtf a woll known minister at tor
suffering for years with heart dis
ease, Is cured, tV Is not surprising
that ho should publish tho fact) for tho
benefit of othors. Rev. J. V Smith, 1015
Fulton St., Baltimore, Md., wrltog: " For
years I suffered from a severe form of hoart
disease. I used Dr, Miles' New Heart Curo.
and my heart is now In good condition.
Recently, other afflictions camo upon mo.
Thoro was humming, painful sensations on
top and back of my head. ' Fifteen min
utes roadlng would
mnVo mo. almost wild;
thoro wore pulling and
drawing sensations In
my legs -nil the time,
so that.Ii could not sit
Still. In this condi
tion I began taking
Dr. Miles' Restorative
Nervine and Its effect was simply won
derf ul. I heartily commend your remedies
Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee,' first bottle
benoflts or money refunded. Book on Heart
and Nerves sent tree to all applicants.
Pit. MILES MEDIOAL CO., Klhkart, Ind.
Furniture : House
o TO -o
121-123 N. MAIN ST.,
o mhn o
k Health JM
Don't Go to Alaska
All Grocers Sell It.
Cleans Everything.
Chicago. 8U Louis. Now York. Boston. Philadelphia,
o at Mm
of any two newspapers in Shenandoah,
and steadily increasing1, is tlyfeijiagnet
that draws advertisers to the
. i ; !
It Goes v i
Into 1
The Homes 2---
ol the people ; that's what makes the
Herald such a valuable advertising
medium. It's a wide-awake newspaper
and prints all news promptly and ac
curately. 1 1 '
'Our Job-
Is .second to none in the interior of the
state. We are prepared to do work of
any description in the best possible man
ner and at the lowest prices consistent
with good material and first-class work.
DrTop,us a Postal
- and our Solicitor will call on you and
take your order. Every business man
should have printed stationery, and the
place to get it is at the office of the
Evening Derail
8 South JatMn Street
Tours to the Koittll.
Two very attructivo early Autumn tours
will lio run by tlio Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, leaving Now York and Philadel
phia September 28 and Octobor 12.
It is hardly nccoasary tn say that these
outings are planned with tho utmost care,
and that all arrangements are adjusted so ns
to afford tho best possible means of visiting
eacli placo to tho best advanta'go,
Tho tours each cover a period of eleven
days, and include tho battlefield of Gettys
burg, picturesque Blue Mountains, Lnray
Caverns, tlio Natural Bridge, Virginia Hot
Springs, the cities of Richmond and Wash,
tngtun, and Mt. Vernan.
Tho round-trip rate, including all neces
sary expenses, is fOJ from New York. $03
from Philadelphia, and proportionate rates
from other points.
Eachjtour will bo iu chargo of ono of tho
company's tourist agents.IIo assisted
by an experienced lady as"(jhaporon,' whose
especial cbargo will bo ladio unaccompanied
by male escort. .
Special train's of parlor cars are provided
for the cxclusivo uso of each party, in which
tho entire round trip from Now York is
For detailed' itinerary apply to Ticket
Agents or to Tourist Agent, 1100 Broadway,
New York, or Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant
Geueral Passenger Agent, Broad Street
Station, Philadelphia.
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption.
This is tho best medii-ine In tho world for
all forms of Coughs and Colds and for Con
sumption. Kvcry bottle Is guaranteed. It
will curo and not disappoint. It has no equal
for Whooping Couch, Asthma. Hay fever,
Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Cold in
tho Head and for Consumption, It is safo
for all ages, pleasant to take, ami, above all",
a sure cure. It is always well to tako Dr.
King's New Lifo Pills in connection with Dr.
King's New Discovery, as they regulate and
tone tho stomach and bowels. Wo guarantee
perfect satisfaction or return money. Free
trial bottles nt A. Wasloy's drug store. Regu
lar sizo SO cents and $1.00.
Special Sunday Excursion to Atlantic City
Via Pennsylvania llnllroad.
The lat of tbe Pennsylvania Railroad
Company's popular Sunday excursions to
Atlantic City will be run on Sunday,
September 12. Tho round trip oxcurslou rate
will be greatly reduced, as can be seen from'
the list given below, and everything possible
will le dope to make the excursion thor
oughly enjoyable, A special train will be
provided, running on schedule given below,
to and from Atlsntle City without change of
cars, thus avoiding the transfer through
Shenandoal (.. . m, $ 2 00
Prnekvllle t:5 " 2 IK
Ht. Clair 4;iy 2 ao
l'ottsville s:qo " 2 10
Hehuylklll Haven 5:0J) " 2 10
Adamsdalo 5jl8 " 2 00
Auburn 0J8 " 1 SO
Returning, special train will leave Atlantic
City 0:00 p, 111. same day, making same stops.
Dout give them tea or cotTee. Ifave you tril
the new food drink called Qralu-O? It is
delicious and nourishlngand tpkes (he place
ef codec. Tho more Grain-0 yoji give tlio
children the more health you distribute
through their systems. araln-O is made of
purj) grainy and when, pwpetjy prepared
tuqtas like tlie yholee grades of eofntf but
costs about 1 as inutli.' All grocers sell it.
15c and 26c
Only Is possible, whether as a tft o
excellence In journalism, or for the
measurement of quantities, time or values
Record . . .
After a career of nearly twenty years o
uninterrupted growth Is Justlnou in claim
Ing that the standard first established by
Its founders Is tho one truo test of
A Perfect Newspaper.
To publish ALL THR NKWfl promptly and
succinctly ami in tlio most readable form,
without elision or partisan blasj to disciiRx
its Rlimlncnnco with frankness, to keen AN
OPKN FA'K l'OU l'OHLIO AllljsiCS, to' give
besides n complete record of current
thought, fancies and discoveries In nil de
partments of human activity In Its DAILY
KOJTlONHof from 10 toll i'AOBS, and to
provide the whole for Its patrons at tho
nominal price of OKI! CKNT-That was
from the outset, and will continue to be the
The Pioneer
One cent morning newspaper In the United
Witness its unrivaled average dally circulation
exceeding 100,000 copies, and an nvernge
expeedlng WXO copies for Its Sunday
editions, while Imitations of Its plan of
publication in every Important city ot tbe
country testify to the truth of tbe assertion
thnt In tbe quantity nnd quality of Its ou
twits, and in tbe price nt which It Is sold
The Record has established tbe standard by
which excellence In journalism must bo
The Daily Edition
Of Tho Reonrd will be sent by mall to nny
ndilrejts tot SB. 00 per year or 35 cunts per
The Daily and Sunday
RdltlolM tomther, whteh will pi ve Its readers
the beet and fresbeot Information of all that
is going on In tbe world every day In the
year Including holidays, will bo sent for
tl.00 a year or 3 cents per month.
Record Building,
Philadelphia, Pa.
nilllqns of Dollars
Go up in smoke overy year. Take no
risks hut get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., Inshrod in first-class re
liable companies as represented by
DAVIft FATIST Insurance Airen.
U1Y 1LI rAUOl) 120 Bouth Jardlu Et
Also LI to and AcetdonUI Oompanl est