The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 06, 1897, Image 3

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8pidt Cess TmtATintHT for torturing, dlllf.
Bring, ttchltiir. burning, and scslyskln and scalp
dl.esses with loss of hslr Wsrro baths wtthCn.
Tionsi BOAtvmntlo applications of Crmonu
(ointment), (mil rail doses of CtmooBi Risol.
TNi,gretctt of blood purifiers and humor cures
U iaM thrnnirlionl fhi world. FOTIIB
Dbtto ft Ctiim. Cosp.. Polt Jiopi., Hntton,
air " now to Cure ItcMni Bkln DbMHiaHfref ,
m u m m m' r no mm Km
Part I. Diseases of Horses.
Part II. Diseases of Cattle.
Part III. Diseases or Sheep.
Part IV. Diseases or Hogs.
Part V. Diseases or Dogs.
Part VI.-f-Dlseases or Poultry.
Same book, In better binding BO eta.
lairilRKIS'niED. CO., Cor.WHllsm4 JobiiSll.,atrork
and Prostration from Over
work or other causes.
Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific
No. 28, In use over AO years, the only
successful remedy.
$1 per vial.or 5 vials and largo vial powdcr,for $S
8ol4 hs Dragging, or Mot poRtpaM on receipt of prlc.
HUnrilKETS HID. CO., Cor.lVll!l lohaSU., Hew Tors
For sale at Povfnsky's drug storo, 23 East
Centre street
by Atfute and other Exreues and IndU
cietion. quickly emd urutu
restore uon v uauix in oia or roantf, una
fit amaaforBtndrtbuBtnei or marriage.
Prevent Intnnur and Coma mpt ion If
t&keain time. Their tin shown immediate improve
ment and efleiti a OTJXU2 wbere all others toll. In
elrtnpon hartng tho nennlne AJax Tablets. Thej
nltiffi wninrwr. nnnn mmlnt nf Itrlca.
A.IAX PPMPnV CO.. '"ST".?-.
For sale In Shenandoah, Fa., at A, Waaler's
ana jvirnns, uraggists,
fjj -uo EFFECTS ATOt"-T15Erl
Cures general cr special debility, wakeful
ness sperrnatorbcea, emissions, Impotency,
paresis, etc. Corrects functional disorders
caused by errors or excesses, quickly restoring;
Loit Manhood in old or young, giving vizor and
fttf ength where former weakness prevailed. Con
venient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate
4 Cure is Quick and Thorough.
ZVwV ce deceived Sy imitations; Insist on
CATON'S Vltallzers. Sent sealed it your drug
gist doet not have It. Price $ 1 per pkge, 6 for 3(
Tlth written guarantee of complete cure.
Information, references. et. free and confidential.
Send us statement of case and 25 cts. for a week's
trial treatment. One only sent to each person.
Sold at Klrlln's drug store, Shenandoah, Pn
til SSI M M A WWt.M-jy i
MUG faCiEfr Aim cunr. MQ de. FUR"WQMAU S bAPt
TQPXitSS3 QijAPn 1' Wti-rox Specific CoPrtiuuPA
Fot At Povlnsky's drug store, 28 Ka
Centre street.
Wanted-fln Idea g
Who can thin
come elm me
thing to patent?
Protect your ideas, ther may bring you weakh.
Write JOHN WEDDEllUUHN & CO., Patent Attor
beys. Washington, D. C for their $1,8U) price otTef
sou list ox two nunareu inventions wauieu,
AtwivinramntBnd reltiblft. Avovl Imitation.
Ri riToi'i Tivir Pii.ij sate acoRKTi.
At ifrni, ahirM. n, stent dirfct rupaledt. Dries. SI.
Catciit Spec, Co , IJoiton, Mui. Our boot, 4c
For sale at KIrlln's drug store and Shenandoah
timer store.
John Howard Harris, President.
College, with four courses of
study leading to degrees ; Academy,
a preparatory school j Indies In
stitute, a refined boarding school ;
Music School for both sexes ; and
.arc ouiuio.
For catalogue, address the Registrar,
TLewisbiirg, Penn'a.
The first of American Newspa
pers, CHARLES A. DANA.mitor.
The American Constitution, the
American Idea, the American Spirit.
These first, last and all tho time,
Dally, by mall, - $6 a year
Dally & mail, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper In
the world
Frlce 5c. a copy, By mall, $2 a year
Address THE SUN, New York.
I . i, .... .ml u.ilui l,y l,i:ii'at IIAWt 311.1)1
4' V VI . itv.Oiai'mle.v, pl.awnl txlor boll
I.KR'M IIAIK ToSlOremovwdindruir. rlnM
ihti ti'im failinK wit ftnu promnt .growth fl OOit Imltl"
a.r.r. i i:iuua.K-r co m puium S v cprc
iu.iw.4 TiiiU ca lUIr ouaip!lc4tionmi.l
For ule by Shenandoah Drat, Stores, Klrlln if
Drutt Store.
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvet softness of the skin is Inva
riably obtained by than who usa Pouom's
Oosnplexloa fowdr.
Pushing tho Work on the Road to
tho Gold Fields,
Tho l'ropcctorH l'orfpotnn Organiza
tion l'or I'nslilnR tho Work, nnd the
Jf nlcontontn Stunt Submit Cnuadlnn
l'ollco rromlno llPRUlar Mails.
Seattle, Sept. 6. Tho following has
been received from Skaeuay, Alaska,
dated Aug. 28: Sylvester Scovel, of the
New York World, landed yesterdny
morning at Skaeuay by a specially
hartered tuc from Juneau, with two
tons of blasting powder and the neces
sary tools to equip seven complete
crews for rock work on the Skaguay
tatill, and as fast as horses and men
could cot at It it was started to the
In the evening there was a meeting
at the foot of the first hill, attended
by over 600 miners, who organized for
the work In front of them and elected
an exeoutlve committee, consisting of
Jtfmes Christie of Portland, president;
Philip Adams, secretary; C. A. Cramer
of Seattle, Mr. lleacock and Mr. Day,
superintendents, who selected ex
perlenced ken for the work on tho rock
hills and veteran loggers for the work
of corduroying the muddy places.
There were 30 Canadian mounted po
lice also on the trail. They heve pitched
In with a good will, and say that the
building of this trail will enable them
to get In the 70 tons of provisions in
time to build and provision the mall
stations In their territory, so that they
can operate the dog teams all winter,
and they agree to deliver the mall
every two weeks from the Klondike to
the American line. Work Is In progress
for 15 miles along tho trail, and all
travelers' packing has been suspended
until It Is completed.
There have been some kickers, as
usual, but they are so much In the
minority that they have had to sub
mit. While I believe this trail will be
complete In ten days, so that travel
can be resumed, don't start for this
point expecting to get over It for at
least 30 days, as it will take that long
after the trail Is completed to get all
the miners over that are now there.
There would never have been so much
trouble for small parties, but the
swarm of people, DE per cent of whom
were tenderfeet and knew nothing
about backing and mountaineering, has
been the cause of congestion at this
The first reports about this trail were
Inspired by HI treated parties who are
trying to start a town here, and who
are also In the whisky business. Not
nearly so many discouraged prospect
ors are selling their outfits for a song
as has been roported, but a good many
who started for the Klondike have
given ud that Idea, have turned to
town Bite buyers and are erecting all
kinds of buildings and are establishing
themselves for the winter as best they
can. One week ago lumber could be
got for $27 per thousand. Now it Is
$50, and none for sale even at that
figure. Rubber boots, heavy shoes and
oil clothing are in demand and fetch
big prices. Hardware of all kinds sells
The AlaBKan-Faclflc Express com
pany has made arrangements to open
an office here. The steamer Queen, of
Seattle, and the steamships Alkl and
Danube, of Victoria, have landed over
500 passengers, 800 tons of freight and
300 horses and mules since Aug. 25, and
still there Is more to follow.
The Klondike excitement has turned
the whole attention of the world this
way, and will result In opening this
territory as nothing else would have
done. On board the steamer Queen on
this trip are two parties, one organized
in Chicago, consisting of four gentle
men, comprising a doctor, lawyer, com
mission" merchant and assayer, all
under the guidance of L. L. Bates, who
has spent the past eight years In
Alaska as a trapper, hunter and guide.
They will stay along the coast In the
Alexandrian Archipelago this winter,
and In the spring will thoroughly pros
pect the Copper river country. The
other party Is headed by B. H. Fisher,
of I.os Angeles, Cal., and will push
Into the Copper river country this win
ter. From Xow York to Klondike.
New York, Sept. 6. A company has
been organized here which proposes to
send a steamer from New York to the
Yukon river, where they will connect
with smaller steamers going direct to
the gold fields. The steamer will start
about Dec. 1, and will carrry 500 pas
sengers and outfit and a year's supply
of provisions, and will sail via Pata
gonia through the Strait of Magellan,
covering a. distance of more than 20,
000 miles. The vessel will stop at New
port News, Va., Bermuda, Rio Jan
eiro, Montevideo,' Valparaiso and Cal
lao. Certainly you don't want to sudor with dys
pepsia, constipation, sick headache, sallow
skin and loss of appetite. You have never
tried DeWitt's Little Early Kisers for these
complaints or you would have been cured.
They are small pills but great regulators. C.
u. uagenoucn.
A'lx!pnrr KMoradb.
Sedalla, Mo., Sept. 0. J. W. Corklngs,
a Sedalla capitalist, and Leo Cloud,
an expert mining engineer, of Cincin
nati, representatives of a St. Louis
and Cincinnati syndicate, left here to
day for the west coast of Mexico to
practically verify the value of gold
placer and quartz mines which haye
recently been secured by the syndicate
through concessions and mineral land
grants from the republic of Mexico. Tho
placer mines are said to be marvellous
ly rich In scale and nugget, while the
quartz rock In the upper lodges con
tain veins of free milling ore whloh
assays $60 to $2,500 per ton.
Small nreflautious often prevent great nils
chiefs. DeWitt's Little Early libers are very
small Dills in size, but are most etfectlvo in
preventing the most serious forms of liver
ana stomacn troubles. They cure constipa
tion and headaohe and regulate the bowels.
u. 11. llagcnbucn.
S'poefly ,JuVloo73i Spain,
uarceiona, oepi. e. iiarrll,, the an.
nrchlat who, on Friday evening last,
nuempieu iu t0niBiiiiiiig uniei ot fo
lice Portal and Assistant Chief Talx
Idor as they were leaving the circus,
was tried by court martial yesterday,
and it Is expected that he will be exe
cuted at once. It Is stated that two
accomplices of Barrll also fired at the
jfllcIalB, but succeeded In making their
Pout give tliem tea or coffee. Hnvo you tried
tho new food drink called Qroln-O? It is
delicious and nourishing and takes the place
ef coffee. Tho rooro Graln-0 you give tbo
children tho moro health you distribute
through tholr systems. Graln-0 is made of
pure grains, and when properly prepared
tastes like tho choice grades of coffee but
costs about 1 as niucb. All grocers sell it.
15e and gfto.
The woman
who wears an ar
mor of good
health protects
herself against
almost all the
ordinary ills and
troubles that be
set her sex. The
woman who
takes propct
care of the
health of bet
womanly - self,
who is careful
that the organs
that constitute
womanhood are
always well and
strong, will be
happy In her
wifehood and
capable in her
The best and
most-used of all
medicines for
women is Dr.
Tierce's Favor
ite Prescription.
It acts directlr
Upon the delicate feminine organism. It
makes it strong and healthy. It cures all
weakness and disease. It prepares a woman
for her greatest jnlssion, motherhood. It
does away with the usual discomforts of the
expectant period. It insures the health of
baby and makes its advent easy and almost
painless. Over oaooo women have testified
to its wonderful virtues. More of it is sold
than of all other medicines for this purpose
combined, Women who want to know more
about it should write to its discoverer, Dr.
R. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to
the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute,
at Buffalo, N. Y.
"The best doctors In Kansas City told me that
unless I went to the hospital and bad an opera
tion performed I could not lire," writes Miss
Broohle Galloway, of Wilder, Johnson Co., Kans.
14 1 had ulceration and weakness, and each month
I would get down In bed and suffer severely for
twenty-four hours. I could not keep anything on
my stomach for fire minutes at a time. I have
taken four bottles of your 'Favorite Prescription'
and am now well. I owe It all to your medicine.
I con cheerfully recommend It to an7 suffering
as I did." t
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant .Pellets are a safe,
sure, speedy and permanent cure for con
stipation. They never gripe. One is a gen
tie laxative, and two a mild cathartic. All
medicine dealers.
Coming Events.
8ept. 15. Ico cream festival under auspices
of Patriotio Drum Corps, in Bobbins' opera
for those who will go to-day and get a pack
age Of GEAIN-O. It takes tho placo of
cofleo at about i tho cost. It is a food drink,
full of health, and can bo given to the
children as well as tho adult with great
benefit. It Is made of pure grains and looks
and tastes like tho finest grades of Mocha or
Java coffee It satisfies everyone. A cup of
Qrnin-0 is better for the system than a
tonic, because its benefit is permanent. What
coffee breaks down Graln-0 builds up. Ask
your grocer for Graln-O. 15c. and 25c.
Steel Pennyroyal Treatment
is tho original nnd only FRENCH,
saf o and reliable care on the mur-
xet. 1'nco, ti.w; seat vy mau.
Genuine sold only by
P. KIRLIN, Shenandoah.
RR.THF.gL 604 H. Sixth St.
Sldt Enhance on Green St., PHILADELPHIA, PA.
Young, old, single or married & those con
templAttng marriage. If you are a victim of
ni nnn nmcnti Xariv Abu.e.
tjluuu ryiauii r.xco.e., or
Private Diseases human mcQ which dc
jstrrwintTiil and hnrtv. and unfit vou for tho
dutlei of life, call or write and bo saved. Hours.
Dally, 03 S ov'tfs, fi-Ol Bun., Bend 10 eta. in
piBmpi lUr i-JUt whii ivturii iciKiiniiiiiuii
JQxpoaliiff Unaoki and Fake Inatltutes.
ti. i
I Grocers can tell
lnM r,1,. lime.
- . who buy Seelig's
Wiien IVennrnminfrbark
used as an
for It. Strange
though how long
it takes people to
try a new thing.
admixture to
ordinary cof
fee makes a
.delicious drink
Happyand Fruitful Marriage;
Xxtrr HAH who would know th GRAND
w inn WAt! -1 nii
Facts, thOId Secrets and
tho New Dlsooveria of
Medical Science as applied
to Married Life, who
would atone f r past fol
lies and avoid future pit
falls, should write for our
wonderful little book,
called MCompleta Man
hood and How to Attain
It To any earnest man we wilt mail one copy
Entirely lTree, in plain sealed coyer.
, Agent and Bottler of . . .
O LIlULll 22
Porter and Weiss Beer.
203 W. Coal Street,
Cured by this granular effervescent and stimu
lant. An Instant cure for sour stomachs and
headocheSj which often accumulate from having
a night our
17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah.
Celebrated remain
l'owdera never faU.
WWLauiea declare lucnt
tafofcnd .lire lifter fftlltse
With Tan,y fid 1'eSDrrojal 1111a and othr flY
reiueril,.). AiwnvibuvUia beit and afold dlwip.
aeMBWut. Guaranteed euiKtwr to all others. Hulttvelf
i'uUcuUrt, 4 ctl.
(R38.tFn Ebb Bin
Blood Poison
Contagious B'ood Poison has been ap
propriately called the curse of mankind.
It is the one disease that physicians can.
not cure; their mercurial and potash
remedies only bottle up the poison in
the system, to surely break forth In a
more virulent form, resulting in a total
wreck of the system.
Mr. Prank B, Martin, a prominent
jeweler at 926 rensylvauia Ave., Wash-
I was for a long
time under treat
ment of two of
the best physi
cians of this city,
for a severe case
of blood poison,
but my condition
grew worse all
the while, not
withstanding the
fact that they
charcrcd me three
hundred dollars.
My mouth was
filled with catlnc sores: my tongue was
almost eaten away, so that for three
months I was unable to taste any solid
food. My hair was coming out rapidly,
and I was in a horrible fir. I had tried
various treatments, and was nearly dis
couraged, when a friend recommended
S.S.S. After T had taken four bottles, I
began to get better, and when I had
finished eighteen bottles, I was cured
sound and well, my skin was without a
blemish, and I have had no return of
the disease. S.S.S.savcd mc from a life
of misery." S.S.S. guaranteed purely
vegetable) will cure any case of blood
poison. Books on thedisease
and its treat
ment, mailed
free by Swift
Specific Co.,
Atlanta, Ga.
You couldn't
"See That Hump"
in a bed of
because there is no hump. The
curl keeps the shape right.
Try them for comfort.
For sale by all dealers.
Armstrong Cork Co., Pittsburg, Fa.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Kills Itoache, Fleas, Motha and Bedbngi. Non
polaononai won't Btalii, Largo bottlea, at drug
giau and grocers, 3& ceuta.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows :
For New York via l'hllntlelphla, week days,
xu, o do, i mo v o a. m., iz oj, a iu ana o w p
m Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
S SS. 1 05 a. m.. 12 S3 and 8 10 n. m.
For Reading and Philadelphia, week days,
z iu, a uu, i vo a.m., oj, a iu anu o w p. m. sun
davs. 2 10 a. m.
For l'ottsvlllc, week days, 2 10; 7 05 a. m,, and
iz kj, o iu, o w ana y za p. m. Kunuays,,
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days.
210,530, 703 a. m.,12S3, 810 and 607 p. in.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For wllllamspoii, Sunbury and Lewlsburg,
wecit unyn. o p uu, 11 ou a. m., anu t 3 p. ill
Sundays, 8 25 a. to.
..M.I..niu lll.n. MAAV.lnn. O , ft O KM
7 05. 51, 11 SO a. m., 12 83, 8 10, 6 07, 7 25, 9 55 and
ix 4U p. id. Sundays, z iu, a -a a. m.
For Ashland and Shamokin. week dars. 8 25.
585,705, 11 80 a. m., 807, 725 and 55 p. in.
Sundays. 8 25 a. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West via
B. &0. It. It., through trains lea-t Beading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & R, If K.1 at 8 20,
7 65, 11 28 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p. in. Sundays.
8 20,7 00,1128 a. m., 8 40 and 7 27 p.m. AdUI-
hwubi trains irom rweniy.iounn ana unosi-
nut streets station, wees: aays, 10 80 a. m. 12 20,
1215 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 185, 8 23 p.m.
Leave New York vlo Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, 4 SO, 8 00 a. m., and 1 80, i 30, 9 00 p.
m. Sundays. 5 00 p. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, wnnlr
days, 4 80, 9 10 a.'m., 1 80 and 1 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week
days, 1 20, 8 85, 10 10 a. m. and 1 42, 4 05, 6 80, 11 30
p. ill. oniiuuys, llfHip. m.
Leave Keadlne.week days. 1 85. 7 10.10 08. a. m.
12 00 m 4 19, 8 00 and 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 185
a. m.
lyeave pottsvUie, wees: days, 2 85, 7 40 a. m.
12 80 and 6 12 ti. m. Sundays. 2 85 a. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8 18, 8 43, 11 28 a.
m 1 88, 8 51, 7 20 and 9 43 p. m. Sundays, 8 18
a. in
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 12 30, 8 45,
9 12 II 47 a. m., 2 17, 5 is, 0 17, 7 41 and 10 08 p. in.
Sundays. 12 35. 8 45 a. in.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 12 85, 2 40,
400 080,926. 1025, 1159 a. in., 2 82, 532, 688,
7 57, 10 22 p m. Sundays, 12 40, 2 40, 4 00 a. m.
Leave "wllllamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 20 a
m., 4 w ana 11 uu p. ra. Dunaays, 11 iXJ p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wart and
ooutn street wnari ror Atlantic uity.
Weekdays ISinreea. 8 00. 9 00. 10 45 a. m
(Saturdays only, 180) 200, 8 00, 4 00, 5 00, 5 40
p.m. Accommodation, 800 a. ni., 5 00, 8 80
p. m.
Sundays Express. 7 80. 8 CO. 9 00. 10 00 a. m
Accommodation, 8 00 a. m 4 45 p. m. 11.00
excursion train to loot ol Mississippi Ave.
7 00 a. m. dallv.
Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, corner
Atlantic ami Ancannns avenues. -
.... I? . .. n vi n ik n Aft inf.
m., 8 80, 8 80, 7 80, 9 30 p. m. Accommodation,
4 25. 8 15 a. ra.. 405 n. in.
SundavB Kxnrwa. 4 00. 5 00. 6 00. 7 00. 7 80.
8 00, 9 SO p. m. Accommodation, 7 15 a. m,. 5 05
p.m. ni.wexeursiou train irom rootoi pussis
alppl Ave., only, weekdays, 6 CO p. m., Sundays,
o iu p. in.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
t.I.Qn,nflRn Jrloa
o am think
v HS a 1 1 IU UrH 1 1 I U Li U Klie to rattntf
tome ilniple
Protect your Iduu therjnay-bring you-wealth.
Write JOHN WKDDKHUUUN CO., Patent Attor
neys. WaihlneuiPi, J). C, for their Si, Su) prize offer
aoa its. Ol two uuuurou uiToationa wanteu.
mm l
Using Every Effbrt to OurU His
Subjects' Bolligoronoy,
Tho Trlmo Mlnlitor of Xopntll Hon
I'rohlbltnd tho Clroulntlou or Cor
tit In Nntlvo Nowflpnporr-TIio ItobolB
London, Sept. 6. Tho Times this
morning publishes a dispatch from
Simla saying that further evidence has
been obtained of the desire of the
ameer of Afghanistan to prevent his
subjects from Joining In the frontier
disturbances. The llrltlsli agent at
Cabul submitted, at the ameer's re
quest, a written statement showing the
points upon which the government
laid special stress. The ameer replied
to this statement In his own hand
writing, emphasizing his previous
statements that his subjects do not
care openly to take part In the fight
ing, but have been drawn away se
cretly by the Mullahs, whose conduct
he strongly condemned.
Not the least doubt Is entertained.
the dispatch sayB, o fthe ameer's de
sire to fulfill his obligations loyally. lie
has issued orders that his troops be
withdrawn from the detached out
posts, so that they may be kept togeth
er under the control of officers who are
able to prevent them from deserting
and Joining In the fighting.
An Important step has been taken by
Maharaja Sir BIr Shamsher Jang nana
Bahadur, prime minister ot Nepaul,
who has forbidden the circulation In
the kingdom of native newspapers
which he considered seditious and hos
tile to the British government. He has
thus set a good example to the native
states generally and to the government
of India, which Is still considering
measures to check seditious writing.
Tlioy Mny Be Contomplntlnrr a Bnttlo
With British Troops.
Pcshawur, Sept. 6. No fighting of
Importance has yet occurred between
the government forces and the tribes
men who have taken part In the up
rising. The enemy are concentrating at
various points, and it Is estimated that
17,000 of them are now on the Smamana
range, but they appear loth to attack
the government troops.
It is reported that the followers of
Haddah Mullah, In the Shabkadr dls
trlct, are deserting him, and the Afrldls
are returning to Khyber Pass. The
British troops arc massing along the
disturbed line, and several columns
have been sent out In different direc
A slight skirmish has occurred near
Hangu, from which point a small col
umn was dispatched and scoured the
districts of Atagmtr, Nawlmela and
Turl. They found the enemy's posts
deserted. There was some firing, but
the enemy refused to be engaged at
close quarters.
The Subadara commanding the Mull-
agorl levies, and - 40 of his company,
which formed a part of the garrison
at Fort Lundl-Kotale, arrived at Jam
rud on Friday, and were given an en
thusiastic reqeptlon, the entire garrison
turning out and cheering as they en
tered the town. The Mullagorls cut
their way through the enemy after the
capture of Fort Lundl-Kotal and
marched to their own country, where
they burled their dead and reassured
their friends. They then proceeded for
Jamrud, which they reached In safety.
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption.
This la tho best mcdlcino in the world for
all forms of Coughs and Colds and for Con'
sumption. Every bottle is guaranteed. It
witl cure anil not disappoint. It lias no equal
for Whooplug Cough, Asthma, Hay Fever,
Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Cold In
tho Head and for Consumption. It is safo
for all ages, pleasant to take, and, abovo all,
a sure cure. It is always well to take Dr.
King's Now Life Pills in connection with Dr.
King's Now Discovery, as thoy reculato and
tone tho stomach and bowels. Wo guarantee
perfect satisfaction or return monoy. Froe
trial bottios at A. wasley's drug store, itegu
lar size 50 cents and $1.00.
AtmlnHt llnoholor PolTolnnr?;'
Boston, Sept. 6. The recent mani
festo of Mrs. Charlotte Smith against
the batchelor politician was the sub
ject of much attention from the Wo
man's Rescue league, of this city, Sat
urday. As a result a set of resolutions
was passed, setting forth that "The
American bachelor politician shirks his
duty to the human family when hq
falls to provide a home for some good
woman before he engages In the pro
fession of politics, and therefore Is not
to be trusted after he has entered o,
political arena In which , temptations
surround him on all sides, and that,
unfortunately, modern society has
heretofore given the political bachelor
too much latitude by Ignoring his pri
vate life." It was also resolved that
formal protests bo sent out against
their election.
If vou havo evor seen a little child in a par
oxysm of whooping cough, or if you havo
beon annoyed by a constant tickling in tbo
throat, you can appreciate the value of One
jiinuio uougu iviire, wnicn gives quicK
let. u. 11. iiagenDuch.
TorrlbloTStdVms ltTBllosla.
London, Sept. 6. The Dally Chron
tele's Berlin correspondent says that
fearful storms have occurred In west
ern Siberia, and that the rivers are
rapidly rising and threatening fresh
Inundations, Several persons have been
killed by lightning and a number of
farmhouses have been burned,
A Valuable Prescription.
Editor Morrison of Worthincton. Ind.,
"Sun." writes: "You have a valuable nre-
scriptlon in Electrio Bitters, and I can cheer-
tuny rocommend it lor Constipation and
Sick Headache, and as a general system tonic
it has no equal." Mrs. Annio Stehlo, 2025
cottago Urove Ave., Chicago, was all run
down, could not eat or digest food, had a
backache which never left her and felt
tired aud weary, but six bottles of Electrio
Bitters restored nor health and renewed her
strength. Prices m cents and 1.00. Get a
bottle at A. wasley's Drug Store.
Tho I'rt&itilonCa Al'oVomeCts.
Canton, O., Sept. 6. President and
Mrs. McKInley are having a delightful
visit here In their old home. Th
weather Is delightful. The president
went to ohuroh yesterday morning, ac
ompanled by his aged mother and her
sister, Mrs. Osborne, of Cleveland. The
President and Mrs. MoKlnley will re
main here until this evening, when
they will leave for Somerset, Pa., the
summer home of Abner McKInley, the
president's brother. They remain there
a day, and they may remain longer,
depending upon circumstances after
they arrive. They will reach Wash
ington the latter part of the week.
Ilueklen'a Anitcu Salve.
The best salve in tho wirid for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhenm, fever sort,
tetter, chapped hands, ohllblalns, corns, and
all sklu eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or jo pay required. It la guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. 1'rloo
25 cents per box. For sale by A. Waalcy.
1 TfarBiIisig i
Florence Sfurdivant, of Qrifidsfono Esland, Saved from
an Untimely Death Kar Dangerous Predicament.
TVoTO'On The SI. Ismn-ttioe," CtayUm, -Y. Y.
Among the Thousand islands is one mile i) prostrated. At this flme we called nn etni.
Grindstone. It is seven miles long and three nent physician, who agreed with the fiap
wlde. The inhabitant of this inland are n , nosis of our physician. He priseribrd a
well-informed class of people nlm detote course of treatment and we followi (I if tan h
tlielr energies tn farming and qiinrrvinir f'r ' fully for three months, but instead o lm-
a livelihood. In the home ot one of these
islanders resides Florence J. Sfurdivant, tin
four-year old daughter of Mr. nml Mrs.
William It. Stimllvaiit. Slip had a reniork.
ablo experience recently.'
In an interview with a reporter Mr. Stur
dlvant said: "Florence was taken sick in
February, 1898, with scarlet fever and we im
mediately called a physician. Afler two
weeks the fever subsided but Florence was
left with n very weak back. Severe puins
were constantly in the back and stomach.
The difficulty seemed to baflle the efforts of
the physician.
" Finally at the end of four months of
treatment, we found our patient completely
A genuine wolcomo waits yon at
Cor. Haiti and Coal Sts.
Pineal whiskeys, beers, porter and ale
constantly on tap. Choice emperance drlnlcp
and clears.
peppa. Railroad.
September 1, 1897.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the abovt
date for WlBBans.ailberton, Frnokville, Dart
Water, St. Clair, Pottsvllle. Hamburg, Reading
Pottstown. PhOCnlxvllle. Norrlfltnnrn nn.l Phil.
adelphla (Broad street station) at 6 03 and 1108
a. m. and 4 20 n, m. on week dava. Sumi.ra
8 08 a. in., 8 10 p. m. For Pottsvflle nnd fnter
raeiliate stations onlv 9 17 n. m. wl- ,in..D
Sundays, 9 45 a. m.
Trains leave rra06;vlne jor Shenandoah al
10 40 a. m. and 12 31. 541. 752 nml injr
Sunday. 11 13 a. tn. and S 41 n. m. '
ixyive i-onsvuie ior snenandoab at 1015
a. m. anu iz:i, 10, ZD ana 10 20 p. m. Sunday
ai iu 4U n. iu,, o 10 p. m.
Leave Plllladelnllla. fBroAd ntreet Rtntlnnl fnt
Shenandoah ot 5 67, 8 35aml 10 19 a. m., 4-10 and
j p. in. wcck uays. aunaays leave at D 50 a. ro.
Leave Broad street station. Phtlndelnhin i...
Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Lont
urnncu, anu intermcniate stations. 6 50. 8.25
' -l -1 - .w uuu ' i'. weuK-uays. nun-day.-,
8 25 a. m.
Leave Broad Street Station. Philadelphia,
Express, week-davs. 8 20. 4 On. 4 fin cm
7 83, 8 20, 8 33, 9 50, 10 21 (Dlnlne Car), 11 0) a. in,
12 00 noon, j2 33 (Limited 100 nnd 4x2 p.m.
Dining Cars), 1 40, 230 (Dinintr Car) 2J, 3 50.
4 00, 5 00, 5 56 (Dining Car). 000, 702,7 43, 1000
p. m., 12 01, night. Sundays, 3 20, 4 03, 1 50. 5 15.
8 20,8 83,9 50, 10 21, (Dining Can), 1135 a. m.
12 35, 105 tDinlng Car) 2 30 (Dlnini; Car), 4 00
(Linrlted4 22Dlning Car), 5 20, 5 56,(llnliiE Car)
6 35, 7 02, 7 43, 10 00 p.m., 12 01 night.
express ior noston witiiout ciiange, 11 00 a m.,
week-days, and 7 43 p. m., dally.
For Baltlmoro and Wnshlncton. 3 no. 7 n. R .19
10 20, 11 23, n. m.. 12 09, 12 31, 1 12, 3 18, 4 1 1, 15 19
Concrresslonal Limited. Dlnlnr. n.irl. n 17
ILriuiiiu win, , ox Ruining wari p. in., nnu 12 U
nlulit week days. Sundays. 3 50. 7 20. 0 12. 1 1 an.
a.m., 1209, 112, 4 41, f-515 Congressional Llm-
itcu, uininguarj, ooa turning Corl, 731 Din
ing Car p. m. and 12 05 night.
Lcai'O Broad Street station via nrOmvnrn ,lvnr
bridge Express, I 45, 9 20 90 minutes a. ni, 2 33
87 minutes, 3 32 90 minutes, 705 90 ininutesl
p. m. Sundays, 4 45, a 20 90 minutes a. iu., 2 33
87 minutes , 7 03 p. m.
Leave Mnrkct street wharf Exnreso. 5 00
8 20,9 40, a. m., 100 Saturdays only, 150 175
miniitcsi,3 0U,3 io 175 minutes, 4 00 70 mfn
utes,4 20 175 minutes, 5 00 (70 minutes 530
70 minutes p.m. Sundays, 5 00, 730, 8 00 75
mlnutcal. 9 00. 9 45 175 mlnntea! n rr SI on
vAnuiBiuu .rum, , w 11. in. unity
ror i,!iuuiuay, Anrricsea, llliaiyooil and Holly
Beach Express. 900 a. m.. 2 30. 4 m. fl on n
week days. Sundays, 8 20 a. in. Excursion,
For Sea Isle City, Ooesn City, Avnlnn and
Htono Harbor-Express, 9 10 a. m., 2 30, 4 20, 5 00
ii.iu wccKuuya ounuays, aou n. m. isxctir
slon, 7 00 a. m. dally.
For Homers Point Express, 700, 8 20, 940
n. ni., i.ouLu 1 w, ouu, n au p. m. week dai-s
Sundays, 5 00, 7 00, 8 00, 9 00 and 9 45 n. tn.
ucn i Manager. Uen'l Poss'g'r Act.
Wlllllllilllllllllllllllllllllir'" lllllllllllll!llllllllIIUIllllfMIIfitit
Samstlrces needs a tollable, monthly, roeulaUus medicine. Only barraleuaaj
the purest drugs should be umj. If you want the best, get
Or. Peel's FeEinroyaS Pills
They are prompt, life arfl certain la rwait. The alD (Dr. I'eul'a) oarer itui
nr.n C!antanh.Fn Si OH ArlrlfOU PviT.UaAIMVB IV flavAlanrl l F
For Sale at KIRLIN'S
. 10 4
25 50
proline, r loreucc failed.
"A brother ofmy wlfe.who resided in Oma
da. but wan visiting us, advised us to use Dr.
Willuim' Tink Tills for Pale People, and 1
purchiwd a box of the pills and hemn to
give tin in to Florence, 'fills was in O tnhcr,
IWNi. Afler ning the pills n short time we
ennliNee nn improvement. Ilir Mr iiv-th be
iran to return and her appetite mm-. i,vi,.red.
When she hud taken one box the puns in
her back and stomach ceased and her re
covery seemeii certain.
"Wo ensjerly purchased a second box of
pill and w niched with delight the change lor
the better that was being wrought daily.
Florence finally became strong enough in
walk a little. She gained in flesh and
strength rapidly. By the time she hnd used
three boxes of the pills she was evidently
well. We continued the treatment UMng
another box, the fourth, prevent the pos
sibility of a recurrence of the difficulty.
"Weramiot praise too highlv the vnlue
of Dr. Williams Pink Tills. I nm psinve
that without their use our child would linve
been a confirmed Invalid."
(Signed) William H. Stcrdivant.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
sixth day of April, 1807.
IMV. Morse, Notary PuhUe.
Dr. "Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
are sold by all dealers, or will be sent post paid
on receiptor price, 60 cents a lox, or six boxes
for $2.fin (they are never sold In bulk or by
the 100) by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Schenectady, N. Y.
Graduate and Late. Resident House Burgee
tho University State of N. Y.
llRAnqCAHTBits : Hotel Franey, Shenandoah
Calls night or day promptly responded
Office: 80 West Centre street.
Can be consulted at all hours.
Office Egan building, corner of Main and
Centre streets. Shenandoah.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centra streets.
Lock Box 05, Mahanoy Cffy, Pa-
Having studied
under some nf the heal
masters fp
London and Paris, will give lessons
on the violin. mandolin, irultarnml vnejtl eulinm.
Terms reasonable. Address In care of Strouse,
ino Jeweler Shenandoah.
circulated and widely
'S Is tbo most extiMskvely
widely read newspaptv'pub
lylvanla. Its discussion of pub-
llshcd In Pcnnsvlvailla. Its dlacliAAInii nf nuh.
lio men nnd public measures is in the interest
of public Integrity, honest government and
prosperous industry, nnd
or personal allaKiatice
and It knows no party
it-n in rrentini- mimic
Issues. In the broadest and best sense a
rainuy and ireni rnl newspaper.
THE TIMES nln to hnvo the largest
circulation by ilerierviiu.- It, nnd cl-ilms that it
is uiisurpastMKl In all flu, ea-cntlnls of a great
metropolitan newspaper. Specimen copies of
any edition ivtll bo sunt free to any one send
ing their addu-sa.
TERMS-DAILY, JSOn ier annum ;. 1. 00
for four months; HO cents per month; de
livered by carrier for 6 cents per week.
SUNDAY EDITION, 32 lurge. handsome
pages 221 columns, elegantly Illustrated,
beautiful colored supplement J2.00 per an
num j 5 cents pur copy. ITjlly and Sunday.
$5.00 per annum ; 50 cunts pur tnontli.
Address all letters to
THE TirVlfes,
nro progrofpivo and Iteep ii,roriii.-l
tho World'a Prosrohe. m, i . . "
formed and thrifty Huust-wi ! mM T
always keep
In tlfb house, as a standard inn, dy ft
Siirains, Bruisos, Cranuw, lllmtiiuuti-...,
and all aches and juiins.
Prlc 25 cts. and 50 cts. per hiltlt
Prtp;;cd by II. J. HACKETI A CO .
Drur Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
"' of "?'on. cr.ret, .1,0 i.t