The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 01, 1897, Image 2

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Pahllshed every Hvwilng, Biwpt Sunday, at
Room Jammh HTninrr. Nbar Orhtbb.
The lteritlil In leitvtied.lnShenftnlonn end Iho
iirrviuiKIInK towns (of ill cents week, pay-
Mh! o the mrrlerfL Ilv mall 48.00 a venr.
eeutaa month, payable In advance. Advertise
ments enargeii acconnng io apace ami position.
Tlie publishers renetve the right te change the
kosltlon of advertisements whenever the pub
' tl6n of news demands It. The tight Is
teserved to reject any advertisement, wliether
nalii for or not, thnt the publishers tuny Ueem
Improper. Advertising ratos niade known
upon application.
Entered nt the postodlco at Bhensudoah, Pa., as
eoond eles mall matter.
"All the News Thai's Fll to Print."
Evening Herald
" Of Wentmotelaud.
Lkvi Q. McOaulbv,
Of Chester.
for judge,
Hon. 0. P. Hboutbi,,
Of 1'otUville.
Of Orwlgsburg.
John Rowb, 8ii
Of Treraont. .
Joujf Akstock,
Of Mahafloy City.
Pnnsi.DB5fTMcKiJfi.KY has travoled
considerably since March 4, and has
yet to And himself in the enemy's
TK railroads are employing 100,000
more men than at this time last year.
It is hard to keep the run of all the
Items of Republican luck.
Twenty thousand boxes of Cali
fornia fruit are marketed dally in
New York city. The MOors who paid
75n for an onion never dreamt of such
n possibility.
Joaquin Miller, is enjoying him
self at a Seattle hotel, and at the
same time supplying his newspaper
syndicate with picturesque accounts
of imaginary adventures in Alaska.
Will the Pottsville Chronicle
please state its opinion of the state
and county platforms of its party 1
A suffering public awaits this im
portant piece of information.
The curd for overproduction is con
sumption. Give tho mass of the
people the means to buy what they
want by steady employment and
eood wages arid there will bo no
trouble from overproduction.
Some of tho Kansas papers think
this year's Thanksgiving Day should
cover two days and include the sacrl
flee of two turkeys, there being too
much to be thankful for in a single
day and one turkey per family
Everybody will be glad to see Kansas
ho enthusiastic.
fun prediction of Robert Bonner,
5f New York, two yours ago, that the
time would como when a horse would
be bred in this country that could
cover a mile in less than two minutes,
was verified last week when Star
Pointer paced that distance in 1.593.
No achiovment is ever so great that
no effort is made to exceed it.
Speculation as to the putting in
service again of Gordon planes is be
ing Indulged in. Gordon planes aro
not likely to be put in operation
again except in case of emergency,
and what is more, it will not be very
long before the Mahanoy plane will
be dispensed with also, and the coal
and freight transported via Tamaqua.
The coupling of the name of Con
gressman Bailey of Texas with the
cowardly assassination of Prentice
Matthews fourteen years ago, in Co
piah county, Mississippi, comes upon
the country with startling effect
Nothing short of the most conclusive
proof will be accepted. Matthews
wis a leading Republican during tho
stormy and bloody era in Mississippi
politics some twelve or fifteen years
Tub question of street paving is
one that lias received much ventila
tlon recently in town, especially by
those who have visited Mahanoy City
and viewed the improvements made in
that borough. There are many who
believe that tne Borough Counoil
would act wiwly in paving at least
one or two squares each year, instead
of the plan in vogue here for many
years. This is a subject that our
Borough Fathers might give some
consideration, with niuoh profit to
the municipality.
Thb prooendlngs of the Democratic
state convention at Reading yester
day were of a nature similar to that
which oharaeterlzed the conventions
of that party in this eounty years
ago. Congressman Krmentrout, one
rr the best nolitical acrobat in the
state, presided temporarily, and a
row was precipitated through the in
aiutanna of some of tins Law rue dvle
gation for fairer treatment on the
committees than had been accorded
them. The feoling between the fac
tions was at such a pitoh that little
was necessary to provoke open hostili
ties and the chip was knocked off
the Hhmilripr by n, lint lipartfSd
secretary and the fun started.
The pocewllntfii for i time were dis
graceful in the extreme, revernl per
sens beiiiK knock! down tuul their
clothing torn and the Heading police
lmd to be oftlled In to restore order.
Shades of Thomas JelTerBon and
Andrew Jackson defend us I The
proceef'diiKH were enough to entice
those pat rlot to rise from their graven
to repudiate the party that haB de
generated to the low degree the
storm-tossed and shipwrecked Demo
cracy has readied In its mad worship
of false prophots.
In eases of burnt, sprain!, scalds, or nny of
the other accidental palm likely to conic to
the human body, Dr. Thomas' Kclectrlc Oil
givs almost Instant relief.
Ti'rtl tne, mm .10 i uuk.
Houston, Tex., Sept. 1. Near Appleby
Station the trucks of the sleeper on a
Houston, Bast anil Veat Texas pas
senger train Jumped the track near n
ourve, carrying the sleeper and day
conch off the track and practically de
molishing both. T. D. Moss, of Clerno,
wbk killed, and M. L Illchards, of
Tamson, fatally Injured. Seven others
were very badly crushed.
KiiRlnoer mid Klifw- v"w
Akron, O., Sept. 1. A Cleveland, Ak
ron and Columbus engine Httacneo to
a southbound freight train on that road
exploded at Fredericksburg, killing the
engineer and fireman and badly scald
ing H. B. Shank, the brakeman. The
dead are William Thornley, engineer,
and Ijouls Drown, fireman, both of
Mount Vernon.
Frederick Woghen committed suic ide
nt Torrlngton. Conn., Sunday with
flames and knife.
Fifteen Cubans arrived In New York
Monday. They had been prisoners at
L'euta for two years and a half.
A wounded negro was found on the
top of a train at Poughkeepsle. lie is
supposed to have been shot at Haver-
Three robbers tortured Liouls Simons,
a Chicago mill: dealer, and then stole
all his savings, leaving him bound nnd
The clews to the murderer of Sexton
George Stels, In Brooklyn, are scarce.
Two men arc under arrest, but there
Is little evidence against them.
Tho contract for 20 of the 30 locomo
tives to be built In. this country for
the Japanese government has been
awarded to Brooks Locomotive works.
Dunkirk, N. T.
Travelers nre frequently troubled with
dvseutory, diarrhoea or other bowel com
plaints brought on by chango of water and
diot. Ono. dose of Dr. Fowler's Ext. of
Wild Strawberry will bring relief.
Tl.u i uii it ;,i Imh (Jlsnoros.
Washington, Sept. 1. Consul General
Leo's Investigation Into the circum
stances attending the arrest of the
young Cuban girl, Evangeline Coslo
Clsneros, have resulted In sweeping
away a great deal of tho romance that
attached to her case. He cabled the
state department yesterday from Ha
vana that the girl Is not the niece of
the Marquese Santa Lucia, but Is the
daughter of a poor and respectable
Cuban named Augustln Coslo. Her
mother's name was Clsneros. More
over, General Lee reports that this clrl
Is not an only daughter, nor has she
been raised In wealth and luxury, but
Is one of five or six children.
Nlcnrncua Merolinnts Want Gold UnIs
Managua, Nicaragua, Sept. 1. A
meeting merchants, which was largely
attended, was held here yesterday. Res
olutions were adopted deploring the
present financial condition of Nicara
gua, and petitioning the government
to place the country on a gold basis,
estimating the present paper dollar or
sliver dollar at 30 cents gold, asking for
the issuance of gold certificates In their
place, and at this valuation, and re
questing the government to export and
sell the present silver coinage of Nic
aragua. CMldren IMayeif With .Intolies.
Fort Wlngate, N. M., Sept. 1. While
playing with matches In an old out
building used as a storehouse little
Alice Winstone and Harry Arnold,
aged 3 and 4 years, set fire to a can of
oil, causing an explosion. Alice was
burned beyond recognition. Harry was
badly burned about the head, and will
probably die.
.niol.nurlii'H l'robnblo Victory.
Columbia, S. C, Sept. 1. Democratic
primaries were held In this state yes
terday to name a candidate for a
United States senator to fill the va
cancy caused by the death of Senator
Earle. From returns thus far received
McLaurin will be nominated by a con
siderable majority over Evans and
Irby. Evans will double Irby's vote.
Neuralgia of the Heart
Vanquished by Dr. Miles' Remedies.
118. SIDI.EY, of Torrlngton, Conn,
Suffered from Just such a complica
tion of disease as the ex ton. lvo ex
perience and investigations of Dr. Miles
have proven, result from impairment of the
nervous system, Mr. J as. 11. Bldley writes
Oct. 38, IBM; " My wife was taken sick with
neuralgia of the heart, nervous exhaus
tion and liver trouble. Although attended
by two pliyslclanB she grew worse, until she
was at death's door. I thon began giv
lug her Dr Miles' Restorative Norvluv
and Dr. Miles' Now Heart Cure, and she
Improved so wonder
fully from tho first
that I at onco dt
lnlssed the physicians
She now euta and
sleeps well and dow
ner own housework
We have recommend
ed your icmodlts to u
great many In our city, and every one has
been very much benefited by them."
Dr. Mile' Beaicdles are sold by all drug
gists under a positive guarantee, first Ixittle
benefits or money refunded. Book on Heart,
and Nerves sent free to all applicants.
The Road to Klondike
is a long nnd hard ono.
It's much easier to get
from your grocer. Sold every
where and cleans everything.
Chicago. 8t. Louis. New York,
Ilntl Been n I'ulillo liittortnluor fbr
Over Sovout.v Yonra,
New York. Sept. 1. Mrs. John Draw,
the aotrees, died yesterday afternoon at
With the passing of Mrs. Drew there
has parted one of the links that unite
the present generation with the grand
est galaxy that has ever Illuminated
the American dramatic firmament. She
was contemporaneous and appeared
upon the American stage In leading
parts with the elder Booth and Forrest.
flth Macready and Edwin Booth, with
Florence, Clarke and Owen, of those
who have passed away, and with Jef
ferson and Couldock, who still survive.
She was In her day an "Infant prodigy"
on the English and American boards,
and the most famous of Mrs. Mala
props, winning laurels also as Julie de
Mortimer, Ophelia, Desdemdna and
Pauline, not to mention characters In
more recently written plays.
The wife of one of the foremost actor
managers of this country, she bore
three children who won distinction In
the dramatic profession John Drew,
the late Georgle Drew-Barrymore and
Sydney Drew. Sevonty-ono of the 77
years of her life she was a familiar
figure to playgoers. With practically
no education la the accepted sense,
she was r'i tro6s of rare Intelligence
and r"'-ment; "I got my education,"
she Mire said, "from reading and from
associating with and listening to the
conversation of clever people."
Mrs. Drew was born In London on
Jan. 10, '1820, and six years later made
her debut as Aglb In "Tlmour the Tar
tar." Her mother, an actress, brought
her to this country a year later, and
she performed at the Walnut Street
theater, Philadelphia, playing the Duke
of York to Junius Brutus Booth's Rich
ard HI. In one play, written expressly i
to exploit childish precocity, she had
five different characters to portray.
In 1SD3 she came to Now York, and
here married Henry Hunt, a popular I
vocalist, from whom she separated.
She subsequently married a comedian
named Monsop, and after his death i
married Mr. Drew. Her last engage
ment was with "Tho Sporting Duchess"
how to'find out.
Fill bottlo or common glass with urine
and let it stand twenty-four hours ; n sedi
ment or settling indicates nu unhealthy
condition of the kidneys. When urino
stains linen it is positive evidenco of kidney
trouble. Too frequent desiro to urinate or
pain In tho back, is also convincing proof
that tho kidneys and bladder aro out of
Thoro is comfort la tho knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, tho great kidney remedy, fulfills every
wish in relieving pain in tho back, kidneys,
liver, bladder and evory part of the urinary
passages. It corrects inability to hold urine
and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects
following uso of liquor, wino or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to get up many times during tho
night to urinate. Tho mild and tho extra
ordinary clTect of Swamp-Root is soon
realized. It stands tho highest for its won
derful cures f the most distressing cases. If
you need a medicino you should have the
host. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and
ono dollar. You may have a sample bottlo
and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Men
tion Evknino IIkbalD and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Ilingliamton,
N. Y. Tho proprietors of this paper guarantee
tho genulnoss of this offer.
Vrc-lii U'OtM to Competo.
Washington. Aug. 31. Secretary Gage
has made the first experiment with the
Tarsney law providing for the competi
tion of architects In the design of pub
lic buildings by inviting eeveh archi
tects to submit competitive designs and
estimates for the Norfolk, Va,, build
ing, for which there Is an appropria
tion of 1190,000. Heretofore all the de
signs have been made by the govern
ment architects. It Is the Intention of
the secretary also to "Invite architects
to submit plans for the new Ellis Isl
and Immigrant station, which Is to cost
1500,000, nnd for the public building at
Camden, N. J. A majority of the arch
itects Invited to compete for the plans
of the Norfolk building are residents of
No man or woman can enjoy Ufa or accom
plish much In this world while suffering from
a torpid liver. DoWitt's Little Early Risers,
the pills that cleanse that organ, quickly. O.
II. Uagenbuch.
A I'm. t . ' ' ' I ri s ,
London, Sept, 1, A dispatch to The
Dally Newe from Tfthreog confirms the
news of heavv fighting between the
Kurds and Armenians on the frontier.
The commRnder of the cavalry of the
Kurds was killed, according to the re
port, and his son anrrowly escaped
The loases of the Kurds are variously
estimated at from S00 to 800 killed and
wounded. The Armenians claim to have
lost only SO.
To lieal the broken and diseased tissues, to
soothe the Irritated surfaces, to instantly re
lieve and to permanently cure is tho miissiun
of DoWitt's Witch Haiel Salve. C. II. Hagen
buch. (rlKii: Atiws WorUorH.
Washington, IIJiL, tpt. 1. One hun
dred strlktm mtft trowd of miners
accompanied by tht mine superintend
ent, Frank jttraaaer, on the way to
fitart the mine. yeterda A battle
with rooks, fist' nd clubs took place
btitweeji the men just outside the city
limits, mjd number were painfully
Injured, . tfupeHntppaant straser'c
pcalp wh 'fVt frofti blow wth a ojub,
and he wai 'liruttad about the liody.
He, wltft morft wtre followed: tu
town 1 th aiujrtry 'Strikers. No ar
rests have been nda,
Moments are ucelew If trifled away ; and
they are dangerously wasted if cemuiineif by
delay in caws where One Minute Cough Qure
would bring immediate relief. O. II. llaeu-buch.
I'crsonally-Oonducted Tours via l'ciniAyl
vanln ltullroail.
That the public have come to recognize the
lact that the best and most convenient
method of pleasure travel is that presented
by tho Pennsylvania Itallrond Company's
personally-conducted tours. Is evidenced by
tho increasing popularity of these tours.
Under this system the lowest rates are ob
tained, for both transportation and hotel nc
oommodatlon. An experienced tourist agent
and chaperon accompany each tour to look
after tho comfort of tho passenger.
Tho following tours havo been arranged for
tho season of 1807 1
To Yollowstono Park on a special train of
Pullman sleeping, compartment, and observa
tion cars and dining oar, allowing eight days
In "Wonderland," September 2. Kate, $B33
from Now York, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
and Washington j f230 from Pittsburg.
To Nianara Falls, excursion tickets good to
return within ten days will bo sold on Jiuy
22, August n and 10, September 4 and 10, at
rate of $10 f.-om Philadelphia, Baltimore,
and Washington. Thcso tickets include
transportation only, and will permit of stop
over within limit at Buffalo, Kochester, and
Watkins on the return trip.
Two ten-day tours to Gettysburg, Luray
Caverns, Natural Bridge, Virginia liot
Springs, Richmond, and Washington, Sep
tember 28 and October 12. Rate, $03 from
Now York, f03 from Philadelphia.
Why sufl'er with Coughs, Colds and La
Grlppo when Laxative Bromo Quinine will
cure you iu ono day. Put up in tablets con
venlcnt for taking. Guaranteed to cute, or
money refunded. Price, 25 cents. wor sale
by Klrlin's Pharmacy.
A Complete Tour via the l'onnsj-lvanlti
Tho Yellowstone National Park is unques
tionably the most interesting region on the
globe, for withiu it is displayed tho greatest
collection of nature's manifold wonders. !
deed, this mountain-bound plateau, liiiili up
on the summit of the ovcrlastine Rockies, 1
a veritable playground for tho world's giant
forces. To stand and gazo upou them in all
their marvelous manifestations, tho great
geyser upheavals, tho flerco steam blasts, tho
terrible leap of tho river, and tho awful
canon, is a revelation, an experience to be
had at no other point on tho earth.
Tho personally-conducted tour of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company, which
leaves New York on September 2, affords tho
most satisfactory means of visiting tids
wonderland and viewing its marvelous
features. Tourists will travel by special train
of Pullman smoking, dining, sleeping and
observation cars in' each direction. Eight
days will bo spent in tho Park. Stop3 will
also bo made returning at St. Paul and
Chicago. Tho round-trip rate, ?235 from
New Ydrk, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and
Washington, $230 from Pittsburg, covers all
necessary expenses.
For detailed itineraries and full informa
tion apply to ticket agents. Tourist Agent.
1100 Broadway, New York, or addross Geo,
W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Broad Street Station, Philadelphia.
Household Necessity.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, tho most won
derful medical discovery of tho age, pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, act gently and
positively on kidneys, Hver and bowels.
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. Please buy and try a box of
C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Xay Itato Excursions via l'ennnjlvan.
Tho Pennsylvania Railrotur Company wi.
ruu a series of ten-day excursions to Niagara
Falls, leaving Philadelphia, Baltimore and
Washington on July"22, August 5 and 10,
and September 4 and IB. An experienced
tourist agent and chaperon accompany each
Excursion tickets, good for return passage
on any regular train, exclusive of limited
express trains, within ten days, will bo sold
at $10 from Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and all points on tho Delaware Divi
sion; $0.70 from Lancaster; $8.00 from
Altoona and Harrisburg; $8.25 from Wilkes-
barre; $5.80 from Williamsportj and at pro
portionate rates from other points. A stop
over will bo allowed at Buffalo, Rochester,
and Watkins returning.
A special train of Pullman parlor cars and
day coachos will ho run with eacli excursion.
For further information apply to nearest
ticket agent, or address Geo. W. Boyd,
Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad
Street Station, Philadelphia,
Tho "Bicyclist's Rest Friend" is a familiar
name for DeWitt's Witch Hasel Salve, al
ways ready for emergencies. While a specific
for piles, it also instantly relieves and cures
outs, bruises, salt rheum, eosema and all
affections of the skin. It never fails. O. If.
Honvy Frost til T.IIolilirnn. '
Detroit, Sept. 1. A heavy frost is re
ported to have visited the northern
part of the state Monday night. At
East Tawas a great deal of damage
was done to vegetation, and the re
mainder of the crop standing was ruin
ed. The frost through that section of
the country was general. Reports of
damaging frost also comes from a few
points in couthern Minnesota, North
Dakota and Iowa.
KniiwiH city Salooim Raided.
Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 1. Ten sa
loons In Kansas City, Kan., were raided
by the pullce Monday night, and W.000
worth of liquor seised and poured Into
the gutters. Saloon furniture and fix
tures filling ten big drays were seized
and carted to police headquarters,
where tney will be burned. Similar
notion vdll be taken against 70 other
Small pteflantions often prevent great mls
ehlefs, DeWitt's Little Burly Risers are very
small pills In slse, but are most effective in
preventing the must terious forms of liver
ami stomach troubles. Tliay sure constipa
tion and heartache and regulate tjie bowels.
C. II. Hugenbueh,
N -J
Ilonllntr on AVnll Stroot Clinrnetrr
'aert by Oremt Irreurillnrlty.
Now York, Ait. 31.-trodV's stock m ir
Uct wo characterised by grent In m
Inrlty. prices of mnny stocks rem IninR
rornarktbly stable, even on large ini
actions. While the price movement of
others was wide nnd erratic to tho lost
der,rce nnd quite Independent of nny son
rnl tpfliiencp ot harmony with nthors.
Sn,;ur was the senontlonnl feature and
ovrrcd a range of nearly rlgM rmlnts
uurlng the tiny. There wns no news re
arardlng tho slock received during the da;
that waB not known at the opining 0
tho mnrkot. But the Ipocdlatlve traders
drew nome deflection from- the facts n!-T
ready known tntvt led to very oxoltcd
trading In the stock. The spvu'itlon
turned on the probable benefits to th - In
dustry from the treasury department' i
Intorprctntlon of the clliuse of the tarirf
bill disci hnlnatlng agnlnst sugar from
foitntrles that pay an export bounty. Tho
lie'Ief that this clause would be admin
istered so as to Insure the exclusion from
competition of Dutch refined sugars gave
ulnar stock lis strength today. Cloalnn
Hallo. & Ohio... 10 Lehigh Valley.. 80',
Chesa. Ohio... tt N. J. Central... W
Del. A Hudson.. 119 N. Y. Central.. Wi
D., L. & W 100 Pennsylvania .. 50V4
Krle 17Vi Reading, 2d pf.. S3
Lako Erie & W. E4 St. Paul Co
Gonornl Mnrkots.
Philadelphia, Aug. 31. Flour weak; win
ter superfine, t8.B0e3.75; do. extras, J3.WO
4; Pennsylvania roller, clear, Jl.GO4:f!0!
do. straight, $4.856.10; western winter,
clear, Jl.604N.80; do. straight, $4.85G.10;
city mills, extra, M.7BHT4. Rye flour steady
nt f8 per barrel for choice Pennsylvania.
Wheat firm; contract wheat, August, SftB
SCMc; No, 2 Pennsylvania and No. 3 Del
aware red, spot, 9797Uc; No. 2 red, Sep
tember, MHc.; do. November, 9194c. j do.
December, 9i?ic. Corn quiet nnd steady;
steamer corn, spot, 38Vi033Ha; No. 2 yel
low. 38HWC. : No. 2 mixed, August and
September, 3494Sfa5c Oats quiet and
steady; No. 2 white, carlots, 26V426c; do.
August, September, October nnd Novem
ber, 262Cc. Hay quiet; choice timothy,
$12?12.G0 for largo bnlcs. Beef firm; bcof
hams, $27.BO08. Pork steady; new mess,
$1010.75; family, 11.5012. Lard stendy;
western steamed, $5.20J6.25. Butter firm;
western rreumcry, lJJ19c; do. factory,
RSfllr.; Elgins, 19c; imitation creamery,
106 18c; New York dairy, 1017c; do.
creamery, 136190.; fancy prints Jobbing at
1821c; do. extra Pennsylvania, whole
sale, 17c. Cheese quiet; large, whlto, 9c;
small, do., 9c; large, colored, 9c;
small, do., 10c; part skims, Bt06Kc; full
skims, 3y.4e. Eggs firm; New York and
Pennsylvania, 1719c; western, fresh,
16V417c. Potatoes llrmfcr. Tallow strong:
city. 3V4o. bid, 4c. asked; country, Z,i
3K. Petroleum steady; United closed nt
73c. bid. Rosin steady; strained, common
to good, $l,45fT1.0O. Turpentine firmer nt
2980Uc Tomatoes, per box or crdto,
as to quality, 25C0c. Long Island and
Jersey cabbage, per 100, $2(62.50. Tho
metal market, according to tho Metal
Exchange report, closed quiet, but firm,
for pig iron warrants, with $G.C0 bid nnd
16.75 asked. Copper closed quiet nt $11,100
li.OU. 1 111 UU1I III fl.U'UI.OV. 1.UUU HllHUtj
Cottonseed oil quiet, but stronger; prlmo
summer yellow, 27(827t4c.: oft summer yel
low. 2MT27c: butter grades, 3(W33c; prlmo
summer white, 29c; prime winter yellow,
33ff34c. Coffee closed steady; October,
$G.30; December, $G.G5; January, $6.75;
March, $0.95; April and May, $7; July,
Llvo Stools Mnrlfots.
New York, Aug. 31. European cables
quote American steers nt lOTiflltic. ; re
frigerator beef at &WS9C. Calves quiet
and steady; venls, $5W7.2u; grassers and
buttermilks, $3,505(4. Sheep lind lambs
quiet; steady all round; sheep, $23.75;
lambs, $4'i5.S7V4. Hogs weak at $4.40514.75.
East Liberty, Pa., Aug. 31. Cattle slow;
prime, $5jG.03; common to good fnt oxen,
$204. Hogs slow; prlmo pigs, $4.0304.70:
best light Yorkers, $4.C04.C5; best medium
weights, $4.55(?4.G0; grassers and stubblu
hogs, $4.30(&'4.40; heavy hogs, $t.304.40;
roughs, $3iQ3.75. Sheep stendy; choice,
$4.031i4.10; common, $2.5003.40; choice
iambs, $5.105j5.35; common to good lambs,
!4Ji5: veal calves. S6.EQittC.75.
it uu iiaiu out suuu u iiiuu uuiiii iuu par
oxysm of whooping cough, or if you have
Kaon om.nn,1 K n 11. ! fn 41.-
Tf nn liui 1.11.1 I
throat, you can appreciate tho value of Ono
Mllltltn Pnnrrli Pilfo wMM. rrUtoo nil J fir
lief. C. II. Haceubuch.
Cuming Event a.
Sept. 15. Ico cream festival under auspices
of Patriotic Drum Corps, Iu Bobbins' opera
Dout give them tea or coffee, Havo you tried
tho now food drink called Graln-O? It is
delicious and nourishing and takes tho place
ef coffee. Tho moro Grain-0 you give tho
children tho more health you distribute
through their systems. Grain-0 is made of
puro grains, and when properly prepared
tastes like tho choice grades of coffee bnt
costs about 1 as much. All grocers sell it.
15o and 25c.
Ah'uornm, 'lirulu Milpnicnrs. i
Chicago, Aug. 31. The railroads and
elevators In and around Chicago are
being literally swamped" with the un
precedented movement of grain from
the west. The railroads not only have
every box car In Bervlce, but are board
ing up Btock cars, and rigging up other
equipment In vain efforts to) handle the
tralllc. The total shipments from Chi
cago to tho east via lake last weak
amounted to 199,138 tons, of which
192,266 tons were grain. Total rull
shipments to the east last week footed
up 61.SS4, compared with 57,633 tons
for the proceeding week, nnd 63,179
tons for the corresponding seven dayj
of last year.
linnklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
nil elr-ln nnmtlnn. a J nltlMn ,, nil..
or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to give
porfoct satisfaction or mony refunded. Prico
S5 cents per box. r or sale bv A , Wasley,
, . ' . -
Now C'yollnir JtuouriU.
London, Aug. 31. The bicycle raco
for the gold vase which was begun at
Catford on Saturday, when A. K. Wal
ters beat Stocks by one mile In six
hours' riding, was continued last even
ing. LaBt night Walters did the nrst
33 mlleB In 1 hour S minutes and 58 3-0
seconds, still breaking the world's rec
ords. Walters covered 00 miles and 770
yards In two hours, and 88 miles 006
yards in three hours. The score for the
nine hours was; Walters, 261 miles and
1.G8G yards; Stocks, 246 miles and 220
ynrds. Walters did not stop at the end
of the nine hours, but continued rldliw
In an attempt to break the record fbr
100 miles, which he succeeded In doing,
covering the distance In 3 hours 2G mln
uteg and 63 3-5 seconds.
For Weak nnd nun Down People.
UJUKT IT IQ I The richest of all restore
WflHI II IOI tlve foods, because It re
places the essentials of life that aro ex.
haunted by disease, Indigestion, high living!
overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc
digestion perfocit It creates solid flesh,
muscle and strength. The nerves being
made strong the brain becomes astlve ana
ylaar. Jt restores lost vitality, stops nil wast
ing drains and weakness in either sex, and
as a female regulator has no equal. Price
60a, orllye boxes 82.00, Druggists or by math
Wo pan help you. Advice and book, free.
Wrlto Ua About Your Case."
1533 Chestnut Btreek Philadelphia.
If the Doctor
Did Your Cooking,
There would never be an ounce of
lard used in your kitchen. Cotto
leno would take its place. As a re
sult your food and your health.
would both be Improved. Why"1
not becomo your own doctor,
and use
loo genuine wuiiuionu is nuiuvvmjwuoii) , uuo w, wu
pound yellow tins, with our trado-mnrks "ntlolena" and
titer' t html in eotton-plnnt toMalh-on every tin. Not
m,n,nnt.AH tfanM in ftnv nther wav. Mndo onlv bv
Can have the double satisfaction of putting:
them iiito some of the prettiest Oxford
Ties we have in the store, and putting
money into their pocketpooks at the same
A number of Black Oxfords that sold for $1.25
and $1.50, sizes 2 to 4, we've cut to 75C a
pair to close them out. All widths ;
medium toes ; perfect foot gear. Fine
I enough for street wear : exceptionally
good for house wear.
5 S Wo'vo Just a Few
Of Russet leathers, too, that sold for $2.00
and $2.50 ; any
SI, da, Some
good toes, and very becoming.
Men who still like to wear nanow-toed shoes
have n veritable harvest in some russets
and blacks that we got $2.25 a pair for.
Any pair now for $1.39. Finest shoes we
ever had in the store.
Checks for amount of purchases made, are given
every customer. $35.00 worth entitles you to a
Factory Shoe Store, I
.U. A.
e r&mmmmmmmmmimmmriMmmmmmmmx 3
Unity Untried,
rittsburg, Aug. 31. Unity was raided
yesterday by detectives and a num
ber of detiutlos who are guarding the
De Armltt coal mines. Twenty-six ne
groes, among them three women, were
arrested and brought to the Pittsburg
jail. Other arrests are to follow when
tho men who aro charged with mis
demeanor can 'jo located. The county
oHlclals have for some time past been
laying the ropes to break up tho law
lessness of this place, and tho raid
yesterday was made on warrants" Is
sued on the strength of charges made
by detectives who have for two weeks
or more been living among the camp
ers, gathering evidence. The charges
against the prisoners Include crime ot
all sorts, from murdor down.
A Valuable Prescription.
Editor Morrison of Worthinaton, Ind..
"Sun." writes: "You havo a valuable.
scriptlon In Electric Bitters, and I can cheer
fully recommend it for Constipation and
Sick Headache, and as a general system tonic
it has no equal." Mrs, Annio Stehle. 2023
Cottage Grove Avo., Chicago, was all run
down, could not eat or digest food, had n
oacKacue wmcu never lelt nor and felt
tirc"d and weary, but sir bottles of lilectric
Hitters restored hei health and renewed her
strength.' Prices 50 cents nnd 81.00. Get n.
bottle at A. Wasley's Drug Store.
KH!'Uiiiui,.t&. hiiu X' itmtfM,
Tnc'omd, Wash., Aug. 31. The Japan
ese steamer. Just arrived, brings news
verifying the reports cabled of severe
earthquakes In Japan on Aug. G, fol
lowed by a tidal wave and gteat Hoods.
A thousand houso3 were Inundated and
200 persons were killed and Injured.
Sixty-five Chinese village were Inun
for those who will go tu-day and get a pack
age of GKAIN-O. It takes the place of
couce at about 1 tho cost. It is a food drink,
full of health, and ran bo given to the
ciuldrcn as well as tho adult with great
benefit. It is made of puro grains and looks
and tastes like the finest grades of Mocha or
Java coUeo. It satisfies everyone. A cup of
uraln-U Is better for the system than a
tonic, 1causo its benefit is permanent. What
oofleo breaks down Grain-0 builds up. Ask
your grocer for Grain-O. 15c. and 25c.
. . Agent and Bottler of . . .
Porter and Weiss Beer.
203 W, Coal Street,
St, Louis, Now York, Montreal.
pair you can have now for
are the new toes : all are
Moyer, Mgr.
.5 3
Only Is possible, whether as n test o
excellence In Jotirnrtlism, or for the
merviuremcnt of iuantltles, time or values
Record . . .
After b career of nearly twenty years o
uninterrupted growth is Justified In claim
ing that the standard first established by
Its founders la the ono true test of
A Perfect Newspaper.
To publish ALL Till! NISWS promptly nnd
succinctly nnd In the most readable form,
without elision or partisan bias; to discus
ttx slglliflcnnce with frankness, to keep AN
besides a complete record of current
thought, fancies and discoveries In all de
partments oi unman activity In Its DAILY
EDITIONS of from 10 to 14 PAGES, mid to
provide the whole for Its patrons nt the
nominal price of ONE CENT That was
from the outset, and will continue to bo the
uiiii ui xtir. itttuuiiD,
The Pioneer
One cent morning newspaper In tho United
oth'fVllow: LKA,)S mimK
Witness Its unrivaled average dally circulation
exceeding 100,000 copies, and an nverngo
exceeding 120,000 copies for Its Sunday
editions, while Imitations of Its plan of
publication In every Important city of the
country testify to the truth of the assertion
that In the quantity nnd quality of Its con
tents, and In the price at which It is sold
The Record has established the standard by
which excellence In Journalism must be
The Daily Edition
Of The llccord will be sent by mall to nny
nddress for J3.00 per year or 25 ceuts ncr
The Daily and Sunday
Editions togethcr.whlch will plvelts renders
the best and freshest Information of all that
Is going on In the world every day In the
year Including holidays, will be sent for
s 1.00 a year or 35 cents per month.
Record Building,
, Philadelphia, Pa.
Cured by this granular effervescent nnd stlmn.
Id... , ( ., . i tnw ..,. I
headaches, which often accumulate from having
a night out
7 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah.
Teams to Hire.
If you want to hire a safe and reliable
team for d rl vl ng or for work 1 ng pur imsrs
pay Hhlclds' livery stable a visit. Twtms
constantly on hand at reasonable futva
No. 410 East Centre street.
Opposite Reading roll a dsUtloa.