if zyi l Outdoor " Games will I Ihdulgfcl jjn nt ioftRt CqriUje next two months. WH buy bfc bull goods now ? Tbpjs will be good uejct year.. We 'ftr'dlTei'lhg d 40 per cent. 'rtductjtohi $tf glte 'l2rlMl goods liiiVder to; WWftlkAit our stock. Remember oft-M'afl bse ball goods HOOKS & BROWN : 4- Kfoflh Matin Stt ' GASOLINE, OIL, jm'i WAGON GREESE.- '; Wo mako a specialty 'of Oasollno?G0c! lid flVo tjiloa! lots' dollvfird. ! Mica and' U. S. axle groese. ...Also Headlight 011,150 Fire Test. ROBERT YEAGER, M Kiwt Coal St., Mlienandoah. Mail onIr,prphiLUy .flttentfed to. r . . i ii. i iiL i r- f THE LEUTGERT TRIAL i.i.i . "inn t ? rtiia PtUoAk&k JUwJh Son Give Hvi- (.ii tlihit'Bi Myt'rn; III Fathor. ' Cfilrago, Aug. 31. The trial of Adolph Leutgert, the sausafte maker, for the alleged murder of his wife on May 1, began, i,n,,arri8pt, )Ss(te,rjB,yi ,tTPo,' wit nesses were examined Dledrlch Blck- neae. brother of Mrs. Leutgert, and Louis Leutfrert, the 12-year-old son o the iKocsjsed. Thfc 'testlnibtiy of, $lot liese tended in the main to show the alleged Indifference of Leutgert to the fate of his wife and the alleged disincli nation to report to the police the mat ter of her disappearance. Louis Leutgert, who la a remarkably bright lad -fot- hi- age,. WausJed Some thing of a sensation In concluding his testimony, and It Is believed made counsel for the prosecution- rtsret, Jiav tng placed him on the stand. The boy had already been examined twice ,0,3 to his knowlpflgiUof hI9i mother's dis appearance, and In neither case did he refer. p having heard his mother about the h?u8e fl,fter $Jfta.d beWserit fo bed. Vestferday ,h,'rflpounte4, how ,he had Bona jto clroiiR.oriit.hei,evenIhgi of his mother's disappearance. He returned home about lfllSuBnd found hlsmother., to r,h;Otn hBidetolriired Vhat he had 'seen at the circus. While engaged In this conrak)ti:''He"AlB, ' his father- en tered the room and ordered hlm,tp bed, Lattf. '.iWflaM li Hikrd his father de scending the rear stairway in the di rection of the sausage , factory. This portion of his testimony was Identical with that given, at the preliminary hearings. But yesterday he continuedby naylng that atte'r' he had been asleep fo- a long- tlm'e he was' suddenly awakened, by ,hparjngi a rustling of skirts In. his bedroom. He called out. "Is that you. fltthert"1 hut his1 mother's voice. revert. i'WM.,lt Is, me..',' , , Assistant State's Attorney McEwan asked him why he had not tdltl this be'- tare. He said no one had asked him about It.. ,'- ' "I asked you If you had hard your mother vafter yoti ' left hor1 ' in the kitchen." said the attorney for the state. "I thought you meant if I had seen her again." tae the boy 'e :re'ply. The defense refused to cross-examine the- brfy, And' tho' oourt aajburried ffjr the diy. When you want good roofing, plumbing, gas fitting, or general, tinsmltrdng dono call on E. F. GalliRhor ' 18 West' Centre stroet D aler iv ata"fv 1-tf Sfliyi LEE'S CHlKESE1: LAUNDRY, lO N. Main Street. . . . PRICE LIST. ... Collar! 2C Collars. Ironed 2c Cufli, per pair 4C New Shirts ioc Shlrta. washed and Ironed ioc Shirts, starched and Ironed 8q niht5lilrts lie Undershirts ji Urau-ers I.... jc Socks., i 3C Handkerchiefs .. ca Vests ISC to 30c Ties 3 to ioc Laundry done up dally. totrtublfir cuMpmers, Mending free mi SHENflNDOflH GROCERY STORE, (VAN HORN & O'HAREN, Props.) Successors Iq ',. ' piiUSPY. & soil; 105 S, lyii'fi Stpjeet. Headquarters for a full and com plete line of groceries. O'HARA'UIVERY ! BOARDING AHD SALES STABLES. Undertaking in - - - - all Its Branches. Open Day and Night. Cor. Whlfei 1 1 Mansion and LI6yd I House , Streets, Stables, 4 Shenandoah. MAHANOY CITY. fg FOR A FEW DAYS M g IS Mrs of Soap for M E. B. FOLEY, PITHY POINTS. ThriinfehbtH ' 'ttl'ri ' 'dtfiiitVy OhmnlnlMWhr1 IIKty t'eruml. TJils In 6t !"y-,, r , , , The I'. A It. collieries; returned work thin morning, To-morrow, w tbel' day for reitmtl!i f voters. Heo'that yeiu- mint Is on Mie Ift. The PlillKdelnhiN siwl Itatittnc CotrriMiiv put a new turntable 65 feet long 'In lit CMta- wlM. one of tit lttt Wi tlKl road. The 'IHiirinany Club, of lMttevllhi. W no tnore Mneu 'charMof rnbTlic 'ml tlipli) g were nrongut sgnlost a huthliir.or.It men). hers. i.i, Incnsier comity's annual Teachers' Insti tute opened yeatenlay with a larue attend- A,citrot for tlx new Hlgl) iSohool lwlltl- ingnt York has leen aivsrtlwl io J,. Seeliritt's Sons for $118,700. William h. Irwin, of (lentte county, win sppolutol by the Uovormtr trustee of the rhlllIttbHrg Miners' Hntpital. I HecaiiM he Imd beeu arrested for hroakhfe n window pane young Charles Miuwer, of Jtatl A lien town, took poison with fatal rettilt. i I'toiniiient husluess men of I'ottavlllo will play baseball on Saturday atld turn tlio gate nioucy into the treasury of the town hospital. Lost A gold lminngmm, bearing the initials "J. O. Taylor" was found, and owner oau liHTe mine by sallittK at 1S8, North liuwera street. 1 ;' " ' ' The 'article referring "to au 'ccftjertt to George Tliompsoil yesterday Ws Wrbd'c if's jb the lrty lijured. It was one of jtr. 'Tliomiwon's brothers who was injured. The annual session of the State Orange will beheld , In Jlarrshurg Croni Jo'ovemlier 0 to 12, ami the Xntipnal QraiiRe will inoe in the aaino city from N'oveiuber 10 to IS. , , Tho Lincoln Grand Army Poet, of $haiiMr kj,u, ha comuleteil arrauxementa fr.the eduction of a $10.0p0 granite eolleEa)i)i)upi)- mem, to tie unveueu on tbprlay, 18WS. Mike Strapraah is In the count,; prieopi t,he sell'-oonftwseilnitirderer of AM.tn.; Jlprixlii of $ek, a una)) town iaar fmuffma, XJia crime was committed late ou,iur,day STopr ing. Tiom Darrett, of GlrftrdviltoYiu'nd' Joe Scully, of the Fingerboard, will shoot a mntuh on tho,WiId,tlAtiroubd& next Bahir (hty for $35 a, aide, ,iKaeh,lnun .tUl shoot' at isix hUds. ' i ' I I.M' on) . i '! I The West Pittaton Sehool Boardiwas deadi locked, for All iweeks .oSeriitho'oliNition ef A Isupqtlnteqdunt. ' fofn, itheBcusclfodls'ialid' it compromi8.o WW) effected , by tie), election ot I'rof. C. IJeiairisH)uof Towabdaj ' Tbo old,.Sucarlot .mliui.rtvhioh haibeen filled with water for years Mvastapncd nil Saturday. Tho valves on tho six horo holes which wero drlcn hy the Lehigh Valley Coal Compani 1 ittnio weeks fa'gSi itte Kll turned on. "'' ..-yy-. kqv. rat nor Jiooin wm maxo a number ot improvements' to tlio idhurtli property at Mahanoy Piano. The church and pastoral residence will bo fitted up with electric lights, a now pavement laid and other, .improve- Melitji rfip'. , ' ,' ;,),), in. ' ..,'.,, yi; At: Viikft)rre, JHie Agnus1 Ctiviin toeW and' iihta Mary .Fetherstone '.andi Mlta ,IHDIUIMI& VC11 Ul IUC U19IO.UUVU Ul . Jlorrjsstiy, received the .white 'vtilh . HisliOjV'j At the AHeutown raoes on Saturday last Krlck, o Sinkiuc Spring, won'the que n1161 ktate championship amate'ur'j $:V&. In the half-mile opoli aroatcur, ilcGlnfo', of Maha noy City, liuislied third. Iri tli'ono 'niilp opcu McGihtV also fiillshed'th'lrd; , Constable Joseph Dealer. , yesterday sold tbo gopdsi and possessions of Lonkfly-A KrlJ- on, u firm of sti'mniiliin.'aEvUts nd alleged umkers for JiUngari.iuB, Jlolea apd, othon oreigners. This firm has been 'doing bun- hess in' Now' York, I'Dttsvillo Un'd Mz'lolon. I A load of shot frdm"Farm6r' Francis llo- lluger'si gun.i ,nti Duboistown', Lycoming 6ouuty,ijhnictellpainfnlliiyiln,dB'in't,ijn hbUldiraniid Arms,prGeorgo,( SY. iK!eyeiiia' Suuhury railroad brakemanj 'who 'was; IdofeJ liig ior roasting ears m liqiingcrys porn. neiu. ' "For three , 'years t siirfcre'd'i'i I from fialti Rheum. It cdverod my hands) to.iklr'ab' ex, tent that 1 could notnyash thcju.n Twoi.hot. tics of Burdock Blopd liitter .purcd mc. Libbie Young, , Popes 1H11b,i.S1j. .Lawrence County, N. Y. . " , - . . . . ii 1 1' l .1,, iiin.l l.' " ' ,7hu ConluTmiliiV ..I Tht anthracite! cAa;l,fao','3jclu'(et liudidoeB Uotsliovy much ,c'h'npgei from . the conditipn heretofore repprtedl, ThorAW a little stir-ap aimong the deaiers,in the city some of whom ore said to bq plaqipg orders for Septembef delivery, as the loxpoctatioil is that befovi Very longednsuUiers itit bp praparii)g,o byy vlutur atipplTos. 'A'll interests in tbe tradoiaro now hoping forcoldet weather aud the ,us,ui(j pai Dins, u no iuci mat uiero , was over dining Hi July, when nearly 4,000,G00toils Was Mint to market by all the compUiiies 'and July, 18B0; exbfeeded hy'iJ2(!,u()(),tnsnd that this output was (lctuonstratod to bo in excess of actual demand, is having a somewhat,' auverse mnuenee ti)is ineutii, it Is Hot yet known whether an jiivreaaeiio pneds Will he erderod in September, the tositibn' bfth.b, managers of the companies biS 'hat subjiit not being developed- Tho hopeful fuel I u 2 in tho traJo continues and operator,)' arbl' uuucipuuug n urisii ueiuanu as iiucunin advances, particularly as so many industrial establisiiuients, heretofore, idle aro resumibg work. A bomcwhat bettor demand for anthracite is reported at Bufl'alo and Chicago 1 .1 At fcU ..-.' . . rt T. mm pricoK tuure uru.uuuuaugeii ym urm. it ls.r4ptedhowevor, Cqtli East andWoaf, "that tliM-e isaJeftldernaiidjfurTjhetthut than for tliq Jargqridtfinestic slzca.i V ' . f J 1 i ' i ' ' ' , , llunillngBOtw. indolent ultters and similar troublcst veiitliongh of lukny year's .staud- rng rhaj! bdouredby yslng JJoWitlls Wicth Haze), Salve, t It soothiii, sffengtiiehs and nea is. it Ha, wu, pile cure. U. a. xtagen. buch. lurrlnge Licenses, ' 1 John, Miller awl Carrie Ludwlg. Barry township. , .-, David Bta'liler, PotUvillS, and Sarah Wag ner. Lebanon.- . "iifinn I,..' Qeotge Ji.l'rontman dndlillrinle E. D-ivls. Cl,n..n ...Iruil. 0I1DII.UUU.U, , 1 George A. Steldleand Gertrude M.t'FeKfiH Pottavilie. -'' T; T 'to George Wagner, St. C4ff. ad MaiiWJ Malteru, Iiueravflle. L..V U ' ' T I Lust of tile BiKuiu.J-, On Sitnday, ntV!Mi aat'M of tJie't&keji to AtlaMa CftS nhla A IteaiWrtllway'rttfcuta. A's hereto i fore, the rata ftjr ihe round Ulp will be the m ry low one of ws 50, good for Sept. 5th, only, going at 8:10 a. m. As this will be the last one, you should not fafl to .take it In, as Atlantic at this season is eyes note delight, ful than in the hotter wontlu. of Iuly and August and travelog, is tfot MDtHsfatauiug By all means '"take it - A- r5t t . '!".,-''.' m ' A I'uinobs IlBVepigfo. J t . Thai world's fiURoui M WicliiLwr. iniaWted ifroiuf tier Ulan, iluA MklMrilnalt JOtract.tj ntlr . on ' draught tt ..ni nilii cafe, 20 oith Main street. 13-tf . . ' 5 AiiMhxr : night WsaMT latilwtttwfr of (;h Property owurs at the MtMr of fiastnut, and Poplar itraeU and. Wiiity nro aknaliugj ........rbfeta,,,..,! .,-.. (L.l...? ' 1 I WVIIJlUHftlVT IRVIUMWI B1IGCV S M' ' TTTI CASTOR I A For Infants . aiiS Children.' TllfM-i llffllll ft ' 'l -rjL ,1'J'JU It C3 tTsry mutt. uiti.u(j ui uiu uiiijur Vlicuviqu, t?gUU,,&Q, that lbuieh.pl'Jort may cpme hack, from' the' watqriiHS pliiceaand think of fillingiupl'tlb'd cpal bins. Tbo fact that there was1' over' . I ') i's rr WIHNYflla'fs l"tly.""ll c.ir"olln3 IIIUM IUI1 U . obW.,,1 Oio J.lootl. mth Monti v l;o. Wlion In irtimr ilsiilit, writ to Prof Munyan, 1,1 In hi 'A'. HJi'i . I'Ol.ITIOAI. POINTS. i ! ,WihW.Tft'lWI '(.P'ax'lAiW 'Its' WelW urged by his many political and personal! friend 191900109 8. canitldatei fwfttlie Renip' eratlc ifomlnatiou for r1trf.'"'ieiirt4WWliV he Senate. In tbisl e OHmtHs ."of Maha- iiiftr- Uity, t'Hir'HllmmiWePenimidiit.'An(l will make antstirrc fight fur. tfienielnlHilfltm Chairman Klkin will open the KeuuMjeanl seh'eRd4'n'ftrtersiil,hlla'u'elpTlla''t,l1Mw Oli'WitlHiit street. ' " 1 ' ' ' , ." " Prtilfcl'! Itetdr'Aho of the' Iptter'carricirs for Mahanoy Wtj1. fs a' cahdtciate for the pMtnmsterslla't'thhtulftfe., John M'ntKlii., llori. Wllllhili '!'.' 'Joties aWd' liayid ahWiaiii WA'&SaM kbtil 4kfiAlflf,MlnanfA ' 1 Jmlfe,HelM!el,,has,lhot'Vot given flU'lH 'thnatiofflrtlo httt "ndlfifnatioii he wltr"4'c oetlt'.,,1ItH'ifalllh,hiieB(lu,ii fts'to whether hlelMmH'fesnaiWxr on IMfh 'ifcVe'ts Svlll ,bo presented to' the' Stdrottiry bf llto Comlnoiv- Wealth njfhWMeefslbii at'ati early day. ', ,, whotio VMt'dtaif ho'lfehra1' id'evel-y 'ltetlAtiil. can CorivWhtldrf "ih" sUbcttiihg ' 'dbHttpiifays delegates, is said to bo an independent caffdi date for PdbrDfreKtot.' " '" ".'"' TUC local polfilfciahs ard altelifly' layiu'i thel r ploui ' fdr mixt" yeofs ' contest, whetf a fwll 'ebuhti-'Hckct.'rioiigressronai. Senatorial fthll'Iis!(ltWb iibminktf6iis Ms 'lb Wmndoi To-iadtroW Is the1 ist1! fla to' Tcgfstriltro'rt'. KveryMepifblfcatt dtcr 'bttbs' it't6"hlmsr Alid ibis' pArty to 'see' 1 that' 'h Is' 1 nanio 1 aprl .ia i.jutu.aj.4:A'U iUi.i i i ) T HIIVU UIO ICILinilUll UUUB. ' Tberelare vefj' few"arnBS Vrtoiitl'oitell 1 In foauecMon' xrith UegNtatlVe' 'ftbmlna'tloil 'lii Miis district. 1 116rt6vcr, It Wearlyyct. The free stlVBf" neJAibliohhs'lire, cdrnlipj JHifc to thblrold lbrf; while tlio'goTDeW, oifttaTeHiatiiibn'thtf'!1."1 Tile alitti iKtidh' pf IteaQlhg MiO'Dehlofrath) stt eomniltteft nt TWtorday'HvUl" hardly '7MVo a1 to'nd(Mcy"li "inn .iiciu uvn u. Tho woods are full -tof' Senatorial AMrauls on the IiopubrtdHn'iiMo of tlicliouse.' Aijlbn those mehtlOilefl ltt'thls Councctldil'firo'Hat-rl-on Ball, of Mahanby'Cify; 'FrabV ' KMrtner,' Loftyi John C. Mcairiiiiss,Fr!fckVilltfr Josiehh McDonnell, AsMatiU.'ana John' 'DI'Kersl iifcr and Charles 'Weldy. TaihftViu'i'.' fto '$hcnlln doah 'aspirant has fls yet oiitercd'Uio list.' fo be' success fill' the1 Republicans rii flit nominate' a piol'" candidate 1 1,111 '' ! The Republican hton'frtces' Wcro in' dohfer louceat'PotflvillbtliUnlb'rnliiL'i ; ' 1 .Asia, rtHlill lil hU"rHi4irft k'fatn' 'H'lllWMit eleeHoi., t,.o P.etMullcau' leaders arb''fdt'uiltf inw lws. to tho advi'ntAib fafiberiArft.1'" ' Tho VauauiakerpeopIb1afe-anxious6f 'dil1-' othcr organ in this' 'County.' TherbV'lotS "61' Ln nf-i. t - " " ' ii 1 - 1VJ. 'Millholland'. M. fc. Doylo" an4"M'. J! hawlor, of town,' are Id attendance 'at he1 boHiocratio state convention to-day at 'li'oad-' Irttr. i l , . ... , . , ' " " I 'Abb result oh recent hhppebiHgi( in pblltck1 benator coyie announces tnat ne is now autl Ouay. If'hohad'llrtlshedthdwordaili! Wid Antiquated, hd would have been' within thtj" hohUdsiof'trotli.t -: 1 ' ' ''' i 'The ' Nortllombetfand' county Dbtnp'dflits1 hteld.thciTlodnvontibn yestirfay a'nt!"hohiTii itod Siimuol'Artmanj 6f 'Mlltdn, fdi-'egistct1 and Becordorj Charles 'O'Cbmibr. df'Trdt'el'-1 tdn, for Jury Comhltssldoef; 1 Tho fedlhtibfiS' idoptcd indorso tbe Chicago platfornl',' favbr' WiHidni.J. 'Bryhn 'tts tlio'loglcal caVi'di'dAte tdr President ill' 1000. declare 'for the' free aha' nulimited 'coinage of bbth'gdldUnd ailVet;' aVl he ratio of .10 tol, and 'denounce'tho state and natiouali administrations. '' ' A doseorFonler's'Kxt.'ofWlldtrattforyi rings iih'medfa'to rtlief innH'casot'df cramn- i!iAt(lre,s'siI6ciflc''fiu'f sunimcrl'coni'pjaiu't ii,al ,fF,, . ,,. . , , , l ., . , ,ll r-' -II Y 'in '. ' Miss Ella Flail entertaiued'about thirty f her friendsat hor rosidcnco irtn' West Mlih'a'-1 iloy avemio last oVening!.' Tho mnaic' fUr' tiis)icd by Prof-. Wright aud YipliUist Hiirry Cook, was.greatlyi admired, , Mra. Martin . Bcckof.i.df East Pine- street!'! wa, to-day admitted!, to' tho insane aopaH'1; pent of, Uio Sohuylkill .county almshouse. - Tliq Ipngilooked fonand -anxioubly awaited school deskti arrived hero yesterday and' fill1 ;Uoi)ai od,,iupositloii iu tilooXor the) ppeuing' qf i tho publia i schools to-morrd'. Tlio iparpehinl schqol, cflnneetcd with'Stl Fiedclis church wfls,al8.o epeiiod with adnerea(jd atJ?niimiimnuinrihndiriihHinii t,r th m,v ilftT-t ' 1CM114M JfPPIVMl" UlL'l lU9b.UUl. " ' Ppnf .Tnniwf nmlMiatrb. ,vlll MnJ..' fu.r. aaar.e'l ooncorta.at IligbiPolntpark next Sun lay afturnoQn and itvening, iThey trill be1 sted by baTqral siembers of the ScboppU orchestra, of Shcnapdoah. 1 TU,,,,.a Vnrria ,1. nt ll. unuivo kuiiu, u., ...W'.IVWI Ul IUD U1UI1- son Hou&e harbqr, shop, , and i Miss Ms.mo Jfvers. wcrp qujetly 'lunrried iat tho Ih'M. parsqnago Jat eveuing. ',Tho pasto,.' Ilevi' Higgilisoii, performed the cerenrqnyi i m i A largo npmber of friends.gathered.atitha! ljehii!b.tation.iasteVGninir'td bill', frnod. bw to ijrg. Pjisciila.Sey.ippHr.iwljQileftifori'iDerfl ver, ppl., ,to mahfl her future .horflei IiMrs! Spymeur vas a, resident ofj.towu:. fbr.ilup. wars of 3fl years. iand .epjoy.cd 'a larBelaiv lUaiutanccahin, J - -1 1 in.rl A,)art;ei numheri,,pf .cyclpradpurneyDdn to c6mp.mMt(pgatLakcsldet9rtlBjri,,'i .mi lr M fs Mamo JJivlrtpn.or,tertainia I a nurai bcr of her friends at her hompiii,Ca.tawissn street last evening. . A.shooting'niatch.' took' place at Kllalffcbwuti onBaturdur between' ibtfetili ''arTfflthB.''hnu'. ,.iiai.u, j. uiaitu nag .ui cm m vuuAli.i;u, nt ehoot at 5 birds. Tho contest was won by .Davis killing ifour, while Griffiths killed enly ono It was witnessed by a large crowd and considerable money changed handa. Frederick, a six-year-old isori of" William Price, died at tho family resldtinco last night of dropsy. At midnight the, hoy' Was soized' with violent cdngkiug whieh aroUsed the father. i froim his elumbor.i To. 'redncen the' coughlng'the father, went, for seme iwaterandl: wlinbeHturiiMlltbfche8lak bedsidtl of his. on lieJiad, already! .become s, cotpje, The aath iaa tadblw. to thoifanaily. n ii n william Iloliuski, a First ward salo4h weeper, was the defendant in a case before rac, uin, inn oxLeaUiig I (iup ,tp .mipaM.M.Amoag, tta, oxbiath jjnuprs Jp ,taf illnesses who testified wei Itnesses wlio testified were the three chil dijeu of the plaintiff who were, brought hpmo on Sunday ' artemoou In ah intbiicated uusidition front the effects of flrinU receid at IMInrVi's Irorae'. fhe ybuwgest' ' or th witnesses Is but Si yqara tif ago. Owing-to the hbsence of 611 e pf MieprimipWIwItueeesths cfise Has been continued. ' John T. WliAlea',' Ksn., of l'otta. vile, whn'reptesentetl the defendant, ased that tho same be excuvetl on the ground that lie ( tkiHusWhad not glVeil'the drink to tbo cupiaren, out ins wue, ana mac it was un known to 111 Torofsky aud ilo- linski iiitreil ittd" cave befarb the "ln'jwiljuli,, DqtipsM OOVfl I IlH -iiiT'iirri77.Jr'-'im"fwiirrnrf it-.. r-, Sunday aad,,awA fPRHrl'lMii, Upon feeing refused he threatened tits! 'saloonkeeper and hit wife with personal Injury. Torofski was held in tpbOlkii'fpr hlsappekraticqat court. Crt luiCblHck was, before Justice May last evening bbargtod wtth Waault and battery by AudrW Hbdock, VfcCqlllck became mad whehrawakiAfl MVjtr'hU Meep hy nudock andau4hll,(eifii''btlng in which he Was'aWlsW byhtt' wife. McCollick was heldTn 80u hall.'" ,, (l Nlco ltipe ,ltiiHi, i,0ft0,,Uak;, daily. 4d mi Direct froMi tJ, orebfltdi, CpjupncjHg this fnorii- .,m'W,fPnMW ,aloon. Uvt in' UJiiLt mm SherifT SoWt' spont several liours in towti today. i iPhillu iStatef WEt Coat stiWet, U Vh tne sli.k Hat. ul .1 .;! tl I': ; k i;, - Frank Pnppttt .has retnrneil home from Atlantic Citv. .'.lIM 'Hnsffpiailmlbr tWliea Msrifarroffclty! flfl(lslstvelliiril'i'' , ""'i.' ,Mat,. MihltUhr lias nnternlltlie oMptey'of U. ft J. Sleeel. the stove dealers. inn' n ey, pas given wrin, tq oauniiierv ,i " MNs'lnBa M'ngha.ii W returned hyi, from a three weeks visit to I'ottsvillo. , IjiwihiK ' JlWrhlfft'-nlf IMiV 'fWIt t'rlsct.l liasilendltiiswverIl(ls!niJu',Mlllcrsvl1te.'' '' ' ! Miss Maggie KerBdson.'lurNew- York',"I v(,lji; iirWiiuntliar oh,Vst Olicrry Htrtet. , ..ii.Sffltgaiii.gfijthaJlloekey hoMltnll sbin ul pnyslclaus, lMIMCplim, s.vlP B"ft pi his (mrtiiu.! M,l , j1M ., , ' C. It. Anderson', well' known In tho nev Wp'er1 clrclea 6f this CoutitJ'; slleilt tills after-1 . hMIw IliaaliilllawVleft' yesteWlsy fVrf iJock Jlavnisl whertnlsllb w4ll ' eiitfb 'the1 Stafe Nqrmali sehoolnil ..hi .I. l,i i , i ,. , MlsstoCornUolfi.pntetWiiedAbiiHtaO: of hor friends at her residoncc.,ou,, '(tiP,V Cotiroy, of 'AyWaiu,' qroVohstifcuoUs on our stfetilH'laSt'fcVentug.11' "' ' 1 '' ' ' 1 Mn'andiMrSi 'J. "0lalidb',kci(ior;'fWa6h Ingtou, ii). (is, aro visitors at' tbo'Keiper residence qu.JJast Wne street.., Harry ,p, i'riqpiainhife find dapglitert.'of Eff'M'HiM11'' Mr MMt.v-iTouij rJuun, up. west Lloyd street. , ,,,,,, IWMid Mrs!' Clattos Trliikei. itr. and Mrs.'Oedrge Trinkel and M." (J'ilarU' w wer county seat visitors vosterdar, . Misa Iliazto lteese, cashier at the Furhhus Clothing IIqu4e,,cujoyed a pleasant ride 'in the valley yesterday afternoon. , - Miss Mabel MllUngtou returned to her home in Port Carbon .yesterday. fi,ie;was,the guest of Miss Marid Milllclrtp. ' Mil MiseS.MagglQhUobertsand Lizzie BrooQ have ,renrno(lfrpm j.R.wepkeKVislt aiiuaig friends iniSt. Ol-ilr umVU'dttsvillo, :' Uul'T'E. Tioihtiy, a or, lid iei torntul polltician.-fif AVeSffVifMrfli IriteihrJatarWitsbnifoiiiUMaluliireH1 Jbliriltpaua'nt'John' 'wallers,' Mlty ore gUesW iof towiii friends, reiurncil- in the inV.' Miss liannah K. Davis left to-dayKfefr Blo'oli'ishb'nr'. wliore sdSflll Sidfcr imS! iscli661,!bavrugt. succesmilyk'iiaeiod 'thif ' ex. amiP.a.Uona. , .,i.,nir- Mr. nnd Mrs. Daniel Bachman and daugh. iter,' 'EihWA. and Mis Clara Watts, of La;Wrenci Miss., are tho gucsU'of Mrs. Jpbn Bitler of ,We"at L.leyd-'streotyt , "rlf.. mill jirjiia. SW 1 the tttatp KorniAl sVlliqol!itHioonUbu'r. Sbe Iwtfk WO'mphhliJd' AS ir. 'ni Itinito'fl'nVUjy Misses'N'elliennd.DehaStahton.'' ' c" .i'. Mm'.' David irBi'dr'PlfladflWJiaiiaoebBi irMtti'Af'Pirtlft, tianicd by,. rir. cLG.' Palmor.. Mrsi- Beiuaiain Gi,cJia)-d?,-ahd, Mrs,. mtHvcrif; yostct Iday.at Maysvitio.pnrkHnQar iiharookin. . i Geprga ifpr, pf Ppttsviilc, sbeipgiV,Qin he,siadft)u'fiut9vt:hy hj jHopd, jjfeiy lafucr. lie is tho guest of the latter at tbe nhler raihlenca rrm Wnfifc Charrv ti4hi frii.A,brSnl liVAat irtiil' nti ' TfvIA'- AlArl P'finlrJPriAYpSJ.Pir 4)id the a: Vei-aaryoeleVrailou pfitJjfl KeformWOrfahi Ilomdlat thafDlace.".,"' ' . ' ' 'J MM J ' JUradita-n 'and; .dauEhtorf;Mi MifhiiS jad1' iay, V(r6.,jipon pa63eugoMtX Wrauolp'hia.'iiIis.''lMamp; will Yeuialrf 'at' Vest CliostBrji wheeowiJ'ertotle Stato formal schdoi as a student. Mjsq-Mara Ppraqtoy jpado her .flratjttppear ncoj .Op 'tlio' (Sjrcefjl iast;;evemng 'aftcf, an bscneo of two woojfa. She had met with a licycle accident atlaianpy- tity, and is still ompelled to sack support qn, crutches., , , . M(S!)0S A'piilq IvWoll land, Jlaty. A.. Ma SijiQugUof ilfhihldelpbiar, are 'jguests; at the esldcncp of Mrsr,Mary Doilgljdjy,. on st' .'e'u't're street.' 'iVofn (jrquns ladles are seriously biuking pf'enib&rkiug'iD' thU' tailO'rlnc'husi- M " :,,;;' " Mr. apd -Mrs, ,Hug) DIDonnoil and"daugh cr, Edith,,dripartcd from thwli'thls1 'morning for'thefr wptiir 'hqm.o'ii'ri.'atirilbal, Mo. Ttliiy ha'd" spent several days here at the rqsidolicoof Mrs. Mary' Dougherty,' ori'rWpst Centrd'streetJ' '" ' '' ' ,'' .,' ,',',,,.,',, I JUss .Marj- Grnbler has loturned, ihonic from, llbiladilrthia.iwhdro' 'she had 'Ijebn' iln umate ot Dr'PrlcoV'taivate 'libsoitll" for' scyera )voel;8un'Jcrsfiing piedicai treatmcut. ne young laay was greatly, oeneuttBQ.' ' 1 r, Oi A. lt,'ly.' , i 'I " eafurday''nfet,'epUniUtl.','lslfi; A. S. .and .Lapsfpnl, la .the .place .whcrei xiu iWll bb held: ''tet,vtlils1(5pciSl))h iihi.'JMldeU pnia & Kcaume, ltauway lias arrangciiito sell . . . . Ul '4 ' . ' k ' 1. special oiojurjjtpfl, Uckejs at li single, Xa'e rkteD cenf si, fqntho .round trip, gopd goiug Sept. 4th, and returning Septj fitp. ' A. special' trailr'tvill" hi'aVq'Latsnjrll ttWrniirg afjtl clovV; p,.? Saturday). Sept. a(hi . i ,81'4t.' 1 1 .'Ht n .U' l , l n-i.' -nr.--- Miners' lxamlurnc Uoarill I Th btf ,'Mibera' 'fiiamfnini TlnWiV 4kP Wli ,distrlctVlli'mcet on Saturday next for" the nuroose of .issuinir certinoatea itb"thdii who 'hi liiake applieaHopridsutceasfHW1 leUbuitilitib'Ai .i i ,' i i.. ..i. .' ,!." .ij'i f(( I ; i S(jick , Spring.,, in ,l,,lf, Workmen Ithlsf mprriingAinorthed, "sjiffn1 Biii.iiiK ,icr ,v w,tHiww,niin W.VPpiiabJa.BrBivery stable. - dllie'ilpw". is W r,ne. 'ul ii ,'" M ,i i,i. mil' 1,1 fi ' oi ,i! , "l I null lvi., .io i.illl II -i 1 1 i ! Just try a '10d hox''of CascarW,' thtf ntifot liver and howbl iclinlatttr eveVmide'. ' I ... .trT . ... ,.,.) , ii,i,iiiiiiM ,1 Din-liur Hi-ialr.lfoti,'J")it)prt.rm. nt... 'break' tffim,, fhR ,o,ppty Mil , (w.-FHfre,u , ,'SundKy nlKht. Five prisoners triads '...xll.! i, 'their' ofeape' Wl ;trfr n;gHt ' jrfiltfr'j-iViS'-lbji(ie)j,,un1 lp , t)iq" jaU .Aint'll iVesierftayd ojfternoon, wlilieiitho iprmohars' who eg-: .oape'a"'ra.de, a' wttr) 'trie;' ,hoth .the, pptqr, n(l')nner,ipora,i.jS!hW .rirlacmprBi vho.-cseapedi &re"the'''Bohan'' ridn' brotheVs',' chdrSW' with 'tHfe" ifjrui: fier pf,.euty,i.aharlff i?ahey;- J., t) finenn. ehutHed with rapec JarrfS HrlsU' ,:tpiiiVch4ii' it'foebf., -m 'M ,tent to kill. Wnan"1he"nhjht' Jaifer?! Maitliir entered- the--corridor to make-l his rounds Spenpf ivho. .wastAvlkng7lr the corridor, jumped upohurtm 'drM clapped his Juinda bask of htmjiHe was ,at jfaicelafi!l y the two BoHannon Mtherti "rralBed.f)lJ1fVi'llrfl the rear" 'of the cellsT vUiW triertJoUnfl hm. riir ;?TTrrrrr"r , jor ovor ; f tbo Glebe W RHEUMATISM. HEUBAL'CrlA tad similar Ufotil, MEDICAL LAW! Jirescnbc J by eminent phyT(j(iii DR. RiDHTER'S . r -n - - f-r i.i -a va a vi I.LEH, )7orM rcouwocil I JtnuurkaMvsacuiuriill JOab'Ki niiliio wlpi Trade Alark" Anchor. ' I IF. A4.ilUBfer,Co.( StftPcarlSt., Wmt Mutt. I 31 HIGHEST AWARDS. 13 Branch Homes. Own GIiswmii. i&suci. udond&iiieouiaMti4eaty A. Wasley, 106 B. Main Sft. 1. Hagentmcn, 103 N. Main St., e.u. jtiriin, 6 B. Mala St. ,.' itmenandoah. b'i.t4L I Coll iMDfB"afomnhCnmpln MvSS1 "BSE" 3s VWfe mi WE ,!,-, KILLED B MQQNtilNERS XW.o.bnirtirrl DenilJ i l.rinJHrpih unnti j wo fain ,;Llt,tleiHocIt, Ark., Aug, ,uty United. States rrfarshals ore dead tvp.jare.Berlouslylnlured and two rnoro i,arB, )mssing as arosuit or wi rtttaric on a,,npffl,pf ofllcers Uyft band or moon shiners In, Pone qrjurit.Tiit! ltnd nro J3I F. Tayloiriiof d'tjduliy,'ftrTd Joe pmlsorliiDf aiime ounty Theoundedi kr ttwirtSBfrjiw'-tJrotjhifa.-' -The names1 , bf thV sAfeslrtg men are 'ndt given, but' tlfey1 -arei tfuiiposedr 'to-tow deputy Bhe'rlff a oil'Sercb'obuBty. '" '' ' ' 1 '" 1 '' . 'llylr, I 'Oils dfVVhe murdered ' men, WftH Wl'yeart"firttps. -a'nd was tholn'effl Viltl'rri6.h ''lri',8e(ifsy teoUrttyJ ' Dodshh was' a"vl Unbvtl rfetftit'y, 'and !liaJbem 1ft fr"fWr'tb' rnooslHei,'irr, arsl'TIle slielofflcMfs bre'-H' lallrhooshlierl rAW xVlreti'ttiV'tfrlbllt' ttftn.fr 'Actired. had tt'titiroiiteYtte'fo'WltHlri 30 yi Tlfeiy yafds"Af ah 'mHt.MtiWiletlrt Wheh' they' were Tdylbf- dHU dead lh r, Jljl .shaner ,iarnV;c(unterfwtflr4v i;Tio nWP 'of the; ltfcrfItJl"trisksdS' Ttvasi'btdn'Ght b rtheniooEoadivi. .'Tiijmn .wjjq n.dldinihjf John lOhUMIlf iitvo idfl.tho" mosti despec Wtfc'ch'a'facters' irV lhat;'pnrt?'dtTh6'tfuj?i- fity, ,Ml lr, IliilJ 1lt '.lllif l li I- III, I" m ' i yll n il i,iiinn ,1 nliw , iim i , , ,, i . "a'moheitl lltoaatintt.i!ii, 'li tjlie iflYchajtiUdjat Wpmr; .oy.ery,' roprning. Noi J&tiNortkMain atrebt.- ' ' ' tWO-tfri III ,. . J-llVt IH.lU-.I&ft ,J,.,1 I. ' ' Hit by Stone. ' ' ' 1 WitherTiVifus,1 1 ah 1 Haft" Cpal"' rtrfcet hoy, ;itft'i.'Ui.',..Ujli JAM 'U V,,''t1,.U,1 nil h number ihoy, Iwii ,Kjini',;jiii n i" I'll I'iiinr' M-rr i" 'nil' ir-r .1 till . II' ' II. ' .J Scrofula In its thousands ot, torins Is the moit tcr rjbld nflllctlort ot tlio human race. Salt, riRurn1e'oTosl,oriipt(flns)hqll8, humow( swellings, etc.) orJsiuatp in its foubtnlHt, and are cured by the grcati and ibnly. Trud Blood Buriller,. Hood'Bi Sarfcaparllla: Tho' advanced' theory 'fcf today' that' tuherl ciiIosfs,''6r" fedrishmptibn, is curable by prorAr1 'nutrition J cjird and; purifying ,thd blood, finds confirmation In tho experi ence of tnany, jsv-ho have been, cured by MQffijflg vSai;sapariM.& iHbod'siP'llBv'fluib sick heaaache. tie. i.nii in hi 'iiii m 'i 1 ii '"1 'I'"" m'iihj iiinwjr blotlilng UouHe, 10a North fciltroiUrecJl'litlH Vllle. , nli',- ,lerr .). fcfU-l ff ANTKPtA, glrL for igenpral,. housework. 4(rN4rtli'Maln struet. .ii".,r .n;i xr r.-i- H i m ,r: 1 i,J n ',...!, '.l.i.,'i ,',,!: ii, ipit SAJ,l?,-r-Ai,arge tofli-iPf .secpnjl.hanft 1 , furniture apu, carie;tsr os .gopd a,"fiw. iU'beold' Br,srtrnieb.r FoVfiirthcf 'IliHifi nation cull at tho Heuald ofllce. I8-KVU" Hiyu" nAiiiw-cncap, qi tiesiraiuor ' nusincss :.lnroT)nrtvii Kimt OeiitrdiatniiltjldAmilvitty I. M. llurke. Attorney, Kuanbuilding. Iitt-fi-tfi A- piitl i, I r'.iiiW'.'H, XTOTICH.OF. PURClIlASBl-IKfllK'O 141'iftJtM.V 1 glveil.to all parties ioctnddfqddi that, ,li havol (ins nay pmcnnicu ino uuicner uasM1qtis.ttiifire fixtures, ftock, &c , of A. P. Tabor at Shcnan flonli, Maimimy City, and 3Ilneravllle,i' I ilitnaricloah; lJit Aui n8,35So3Sod i ' i iii, j il.7i,,'i 'iifl in i.uu HO WIlOJI IT MAY 'CONCERN ITfils Is'ti': iL i certify tiiat wp, Jiimps i F, O'lielimernrM . Ii, VanUorn.liave this flay disposed, pf ,uur rOterv hu<ic-is at 110 Houtll Mhln street', Klu'ii andrtali, Ph., WiOoArjJei A. Wnlaitls, wbo 'Wlil ifuiiifii(i .iiv Mivtiuea;uf nq nunii iJiiicaji .in ',: ' - ' KuYKmSp7m SticnaoiloalM Pa:( Atrg. isj!l897'i'ins !8-3t ' i; mi : , i . . i i : T I , ,,. PROPOSALS:' I'MnA'Jafk rool.-ul ln tl.a l.l'lf lili.'.'l.' of1 two' (il fjocks of houses in Hbe'flMfdr.ili: .Specifications can bo seen nt Ko. 223 aitjCentre'l Hireei. ah nius must op ui ocioro i p. in. on September 1st, 18U7. Tlio committee reserves tlio right to 'Aelept 'Or1 reject 'any ir nil Lids, wblL-li(iiiiist be sent tq aloye nildrQSF,IINo. fU)s VT,rw "?t u'.rf.u" " '"."X llVi XBf ..mil 1 1 4-27-ft ' i Ml' iChnlillmn'of'ttHidillilt'W , ' Mill .1.11 Till ill. IIII I 'K.'3t.' l..(.in;'t', "l n'lii!' lllds will 'bo received bv''tlio frderaiirned oWiluitteo bf the Hheuandonli Heliilol I!MM Mr doaUprtboi school year of J897.0Si Jllils.niuulf 'ttiiillbfrlee. Tbe committee will liieet'ilrVTuW ijiiilllimeo. i nyipyentng ng, August 81st, at WWrnWlhr, no liifln will hn fnimGl.mi1 ifltbMsfi) am renervestiieriglit to.rejcci J. P. Iliriflltiq, j , Jobkph A. Coi-oiiMjr, .ThovaijIiIIhwihn, T. a Jamim, 'CnnoMia jWvn, Hn:t sill ki'1 hi , rn.ili ,' ilnC.omilllttlWili iwi,n i urn ii mm ,rm CHARLES iDERR,, 1 " ' TQNWrifc i'A i ' "jrilcT1-ir'''f ' 'T IHIl.t.r. ni.l Slon.l I j 109 NORpiZ-.MAIN STIWEW? C 1 T -ill I Ctil4PtiMEIrtAlY, SPSS10! open .in. uUot.ll 'dayii nnd'11 '"nigHt 'exports''''': v, ij . foutj.jfio1t)!is:tvHu:1wS',Q, nieuts, or gia m cash ' Finished sttidcnttj whai rwould-fe- like positions in New York, will please, riddr "JW,;.BW6t.,1ot SlieiiailUOail' ii-imnvi-.n rtii-iiw. yaq i. , l.ii" .. ,i ia liMArf un 'll.it",nTi fM. hcMenu EVAN JrMVIES; i iii. oiiiii iluw iiiiiiiu'Ih A Tun HVRDvniu Tioen. a. fdvrjrlie . rcnoeziV.oUB for inoon- ! m saf W0UJJS; mi Ano:vhV'"vvKYw uai ofrthisionportiwiw. , p,; tlas made ftrrxiigenieiits b,ffan eltver good hard ..' Pea Coal' at ' "' "'' SI.80 per' io'i)' ! fiil!Ul(i!lU(iiUiiiitUilllUiiaiuiiiuiiuiiiiiiHiutwiiij:i : 5 38 .3, ,t))?ii,i,1,i,l)!to,.,Honie.' ifcnt3 '' rl;,fi,wsWve i I, ysniivAwx ' ti ihq 'IS .3. d, 9i .1 "t i.Aumuuber lllll'.l ! 1 iif(iut'rir. fciCStli In J"' gw lllll ll SLk tTfg .1 '.in .11, liietlitiui toes : I;." onottch1 for 53 SI"1 liifn mc.-i 1. R6olV'rdr house n .! t I 1 I"' ' 1 JWt"'i' ,'Potv , . Of Rnsset leatrierrf. tob, tliAtjiSla fo?l$-Wbj '""''"ainl.sp':' tiny pair jru can "aVe now fof 3 5 1 Z3. SI.39. ; ,S6lhe. rii',3S 11. 'ii'iiii. '.noiHSfloy.tops.iAlidlvery beeo.viinE;,,,,-, iCS , i,fnWftdl(n.M .inW.(i firi' i.L E, t-I . j AWJXiW'lfl Hr ,l wear nuriuw-iucm niw patntSi. ii 'A io -1' mid 'blacks that we cot $2.25 a pair, for,. S, ',cii,..ir 1.. b"'"i''A4h!palrin6SX' for $1.39. Finest shoes, we X . "no:, ,,nr.., 1 tf&'uiW tile' store. fO'llMU'l'lJllI ,l)j,nril'i ,,r.'l ,1H, llill C-'1-m.i 1 I11J ii' ulnil 'j'II Inn. '' , , 35 5 3? Checks for nuiqtitit of.11i1roh.1scs inade'. ( iirelv6h I fc. tivYcry6iist6mcn $43.ot e;i:rffw;5pm ; , parlor- i .-,'-( 'jiit .I. ui; in CLuSltoOth; OUR B LU .IrTLA WI tfeU ITT 1 ' " ' ' " " , , iii ( , i j i , I llMrpiioc'-Store;i 3 ,,,,,, .. . , , n 'j ., 'i " 1 1 'iii' '-'2 ... i tnniJiiiA. ryioyoir, .IVigr. ""'fa 1 vsmtm , ., , I , ' ', . , ' 111 i ,. .,,1'H,, .fit ,l.lVHll lllK,UJtA ' . v GASOLINE: SMffEfg a BELOW COST: iiW;;-1. , , ' ( . I V'l HI I,' Ii , ,' i.l - - . 'i , -t i.ll.l.- , . . ' - , . '. . SWA'EffiSH 'fiiRD WARE' -: $JQ0 i,l -i -i Ih'.bli.'j'n! .r): 'il mvj.Y ill i,u ' j ' ' v ." ,,-,' .. lll'j'iJ .HK'irllr.lJll ,H-iJn lo Illli'.i 'I .VJ.'I I a , 'JV'.llOff J 'XT 7 A TV 'VVjA loil , lmiir imn.j I'. 1 1 -liiW.I j. 1 1 1 1 ' - ' .ll-i) Avy .1 mi"iiI ,,, Uli ''" '' p ' ii- i''WV ''dl 1 ' 'I, i',"lWiv(-'.. .'il ',1 'ill ,AAili'. m&ti&yswd. .' SHQiES,",! , in i ,n, i 1 ' ii.- .i 1 .1 ., -,rn r, I .i.nii I I If'S-ott rir'in lieed b'f ' footwear Wait' , L.Z ' of 'hargajn,; "it ml'i; iCb'rP R E RT' 1 1 d o1 'l'',fW'i' ry'fSoM' , ,, -,H i ii ,',-hT ;ri-i i 'Tnr.T Xwoldoora, nh6Vo .Jfef clihtitsTnahli. ' " " " taixsi Wh'eei' ,,', , ,1 ll. IiF 'I'l Ul! ' fii 1 1 i n i.i, , T .,i ' mii'i , .,:', i.,' Aihicycie! clatlies'ji I'Iff you dOnotiapD'ear1 with I is'be?cdrii4e"'it'd6H,lI 'fit'Vo'ii. 'Wtli 3?jF?.' T11 a?.1 .3 ene1, .e' paMvheel,.'.nieasured- to.'it'.by the. hqTOe.-jnaMUfaciurer.nt A-guarantee, goes with every wheel; Patronize home industry and securca reliable wheel. ! -, ,f i,, I.,-- .ii ',1 t.-i .i'. i ;r ir . , .-. i. ...... Inn n F?eplrr)iz 3 R AIN QP fi VI i BRfiCII OFFICE t 120. SOUTH J ARD IN ItPR T,H E; 'NEXT TWO ; WEEKS : t "1 lit":; iriii'if fui I'l I If .'(II'MI il ' i,;i i -n ,..il fii vi.r. 1 , mi .i'-.i,iii i" in lu'i in li"i Kin jii.Mi ',.-,1 -Mil 1 1 i ll'.lll'. -VI"' 'I 1' Ml . ! I 11 I I'll . Garpet. ; At,?S At ?kA. t)?P . CLOTHS. nil (111! II . IIU.II 'i'tfyU-ttNife 6p- 111- '.I.'I I .ill '..,') -I' I,"l ' I -J.I 111 i of every description "ivt ' chri ' ing. us your, twde. "All larKiIn'! IsiVpt-rirMl arVnlillWlU U.V,Uif7A'k' ' i IiTMfTTr TV'fv "y fflvWHWaiy l-i 11 ..III nil (1 1,1 rrr- i," ipB EAST CENTRE ST.', SHEHANOW,, PjJ. ,f " , ni-n it,- M. SPOONT, Age. u hi fi m t,f - , i 1 1 " 1 1 . h ; .i . .ii 1 ; IS 1-1 '''firi'i tj ' ' l . aW ST pf;M,Uje(,pwttwwfc.Qdol' err, .wilt, v7,W.,iv '.& m"ti.ie' sipre. ' 'wis olf rt , ,,V l,.l. , , vi ,v)ii-7irn hii'. i'l ! i'1' iil' S3 perfect foot near." Finer street" W,ear;::m'6MfC(ll'tUy wear. 1 " . ,. Palrn Ii -rtre the new mi aU are 1 sr. 1 1 ..1..,,, v r fc' worth cuUtlos youto.a S' EE' ERTIBB STOCK'DR-,1' ('o. E;:: 1 " ' 1 . n f M-.t 'of Black' Oxforasx that IMM'fP m'taV'S,?Si:i'' -l -ml i.l J. i . I -ii iu ? i i . 'i in I? ) i , Ti u hi I, ill J"Y - j-. ,ii I" , , i .,i ,, 1 1 .1 i ' .. "l i r.i ' , i .,. i- i ro.n-.r. . i' , ,, i.i ii.ii.ua. .George Ploppert, ; the leadiilg shbellcalety' is yisitjlig pw.'Vjar. aVir, ; Boston for the purpose 'bf -'.pur liiism'a n'eV Stbck of , imitiU, he . returns with , Jiuudreds mmk I U .1.13 MM SH.O Ej SThO RE, Wxiisi 1 " " , ni'.i 'i ; . ' : ' ' i ii 1 ' 'Mtf."W''chab nlftry'hrSrrii' ricviVr. ..J WtlitiuA 0w4 lull J-f of alt Kinds. HiE, .htiZi l 4" ' 1 - ' .i . i i BTREBT:,' - "snENANDOAH.'.TPENNi Ana we must revive jt-.i.i-,How ?u i By . oiTei'tng4ow idnd catcltynducjemeut3; tR&wvift, . i FOR THIS WEEK Oj?..i.torti,9jf-j Ma.r,d, Wq.Qd ., ;.;,;.Kltpben Chairs .,, Vtextsi of our atritnrfl sto9.tw still large and varied, and must be closed out at a sacrifice. Wo are the recognized cheapest furniture hotjRf, ru; SbejtobjDqili'cF misconstrue our place with others. If you do it jfi money out of your nrtWiWi "'!"" ' '": '-'If EBWWil' UN THE COUNTY,, Everything la tbe Tonsorlal Line CORstenlly, on Hand. Fergilsoa Honsd Block ' ' BERBER SljdK TREET. -Ill' II"! llll .'" -II . I , ':'"' '. - 7 "., ii.. i . .,. '''"'" i 'l ' TA,:..:.'.' 1111 i 1 S WW(.'l?ISg easeintfiirrace Unonvour cvale.lt Uolow Lo'iltgh Valloy depot, iioxt to ' Dulius' butcher sliop,