The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 24, 1897, Image 3

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Instant roll f for shin-tortured tallies and
rest for tire 1 mothers In n warm bath with
CrrrinuitA Soap, anl 11 single application ol
Ctmot'nA (ointment), the great skin cure.
The only sp "sly and economical treatment
for Itching, burning, bleeding, aoaly, and
pimply humors of the skin, scalp, and blood.
U .old Ifcroartinntthe trnrid forms Dbbo asd Cam.
It'AL roW ifm iTios. 8m i Promt, torn. Itodtnn.
UJP "How u Luru I ,ry tlnliy Humor, "mailed Im.
mn M1EI mi
Piles or Hemorrhoids.
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
"Wounds & Bruisei.
Cuts & Soros.
J3oils & Tumors.
I . Eczema & Eruptions.
T, ' Salt Rheum & Tetters.
Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00.
Bold by druggists, or sent post-paid on receipt of price
UHrilims'IlLn.CO., Ill A 111 ViUUiBt.,KeliYirk.
For sale at Povlnsky's drug store, 28 East
uentre street
A I T. Vcnnu I itnnrm. FniHntf Mem
f jt oryt Ijnpotencjr.SIeepleiwnesH. etc , caused
,TI by Abuse and other incenses nnd Indis
cretions. "ei',(v"",1if -
reBtoroixtic vuaiitjinoiu orjounK. ana
fit a mna for Btud y,buslneRB or lunrrinaa.
1 JHBr,t lntnnttv nnd PnnttnmDtlon If
iaken in time. Their mo shows itnmedlnte Improve
ment and effetti a OuRB where all others lau. in-
1st upon hartng the penuino A ax Tablets. They
knnjinHul thAiian,li tnrl will RIllM V mi. ft tTlTn.fl
rotlttre written fronrantee to effect a care In each coae
or xeiunu uie inonwy. -rw voir pdi m
If nnnbanna t rflnt niftntl for 3ft Ul. llff
or xetund the money, l'rlce 60 cents per nackace, or
v.iain wranriAr. nnnn rctrAinc hi nrica. uircainr ltov.
plain wrapper, npon receipb ui itiuo.
Jik KUIUCU X WW.f CblcBgo. 1U,
For sale In flhennndonh, Pa., at A, Wasley's
and KtrUiVs, Druggists.
Cures general or special debility, wakeful
ness, spcrmctorhccn, emissions, impotency,
paresis, etc Corrects functional disorders,
caused by errors or excesses, quickly restoring
Lost Manhood In old or young, giving vigor and
strength where former weakness prevailed. Con
veoient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate.
' Cure is Quick and Thorough.
fien't de dtaived by tmtlatient; Insist on
CATON'S Vltallzcrs. Sent sealed II your drug
gist does, not have it. Price $ 1 per pkge, 6 lor $3.
with written guarantee of complete cure.
Information, references, etc., free and confidential.
Send us statement ol case and 25 cts. for a week's
izial treatment. One only sent to each person. '
fluid at Klrlln'g drug store, Shcnnudi ah, Fa
Every man s
wife -vhs lias
can tell you
about SobI-
knows a good
lu-'s. This admix-
i ture improves cheap
feoffee and makes
your husband.
vou a delicious miu. '
for little money. 2c. a pack
age grocers.
O'JAPT Wii.rx Specific Co,PmiA..P
at Povlnsky's druK store, 28 Eft"
Centre street.
Wanted-An Idea SS
TmtAot rntir liltui thtT iTiftV Itrlniz vou we a
Write JOHN WKUDEUUUUN & CO.. Patent At tor
Veyi. WatnlngUia O., for their $i.8u) price oITef
m Alwayiiprnmntind relibtt 4lvul Imitations.
i9 -i3r Catkh'iTaspt T'ILrrikI havh Hiai.
ta J3 LiAtux htorn. onnt (lirt-eKwinfili. (rne. f 1.
WBfiUW Si-iO. Co, aoUu.JUs Our ImwIl, in.
il'or sale at Kirlln's driiR Htore and Shenandoah
urutr store.
The first cf American Newspa
pers, CIIARI&S A. DANA,nUtor.
The American Constitution, the
American Idea, the American Spirit.
These first, last and all the time
iDaily, by mail, - $6 a year
Daily & mail, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper In
the world'
Price 5c. a copy. By mail, $2 a year
Address THE BUN, New Yorl:.
,,, , .. til i. i. , - ..HI.'--, 11.1 14 MI.II1-
i- k . . Ili-rix .Ih-.MMDI O U IU I-"" U
l.lllfN 1I.V1U l'lllr fMcUnJriirT..liiii.
Iki, r..mia liliv-w- aiul miiinli;aruwth tl W
l.KI'.'Sf KDH'.l 'l- 1'ulten.t., S v rDCC
r, Tit' oh Itiiir oasppliestluiiriifci-
I'ur sale by Shenandoah Drug Store, KIrllnJ
Drug Store.
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvety softness of the skin is Inva
riably obtained by thor who use 1'ouom's
Oomplexton Powder.
ecus m
Employer and Employo Discussing
a Irfydo of Sottlomout.
Doolnros That tlto Minors' Chosen
llfiH'oBontnllvo Slioulil Do llnurxeil
uh nn AnitrolilHt, nut) Is Anxious to
run tho itopo.
Pittsburg, Avtrr. 24. Miners to resume
work nt the Dl cent rate pending a de
cision ot the board of arbitration. Min
ers to resume work at an Intermediate
rate between the rate demanded and
the one paid prior to suspension, pend
ing a decision of a board of arbitration.
Miners to resume operations without a
price named, pending a decision of a
board of arbitration.
These three propositions were sub
mitted by the special committee of
railroad coal operators of the Pltls
burrr district at a conference held last
Miners to resume work at the C9 cent
rate pending; tho decision of a board
of arbitration.
This Is the proposition submitted by
the officers of the miners to the special
committee. The propositions were talk
ed over In an Informal manner by both
sides, when an adjournment was taken
until this morning.
As near as can be learned, the min
ers' officials will stand firm on the
proposition they have made.
After the conference several mem
bers of the committee of operators said
that a conference of operators, In which
are to be Included the operators of
other states, had been entirely elimi
nated from the controversy, and that
only the Pittsburg district was) being
considered. National President Hatch
ford and District President Dolan
stoutly maintained that the question
was still an Interstate one, and the
general strike was being deliberated
upon. From the best information at
hand the contending parties are still
far apart. The operators hope that one
of their propositions will be accepted,
while the miners' officials say that they
will not recede In the least from the
position they have taken. President
Dolan said he was satisfied that they
would come to some definite under
standing today.
At the afternoon session there were
present on behalf of the miners Presi
dent Ttatchford, W. C. Pearce, secre
tary and treasurer; Patrick Dolan,
district president; First Vice President
Edward McKay and Secretary William
Warner. President Ilatchford made a
statement of the case. He said on tor
mer occasions the miners went to the
operators, when, with crocodije tears,
the conditions were deplored by the
operators. Now, he said, It was differ'
cnt. The operators had come to tho
miners. He expressed himself In favor
of arbitration nt A living rate of wages.
This brough Colonel Rend to his feet.
He said that there could be no arbi
tration on the lines laid down by
Ilatchford. Ho referred to the meet-
ng at St. Louis, when Ilatchford es
tlmated that a unlvorsal'strlke and n
demand for an eight hour day and a
readjustment of tho wage question
would be tho result of the St. Louis
convention. Mr. Hend replied by call
tng Ratchford a villain, traitor, black
guard and an anarcnlst. with em
phasis he told him that setfen anarch
ists had been hung in Chicago, and
all were better than he; that if he.pre-
clpltated an Insurrection In this coun
try he would be hung, and when he
was hung he (Rend) wanted to pull
the rope. Colonel Rend left the con
ference in a rage.
In the meantime the conference got
down to work. President Ratchford
made an apology for some of the state
ments he made, and District President
Dolan made a statement. He stated his
position, which was almost similar to
that of Ratchford..
The operators then decided that a
committee be appointed to meet with
the miners' officials, and If possible
come to some agreement. A short con
ference was held with the committee,
and it was agreed to meet at 8 p. m.,
and if possible arrive at some con
clusion. The conference was held and
it lasted for several hours. The propo
sitions as stated were made and dls
cussed, and an adlournment taken un
til today,
In a statement given to the press last
night Presdlent Ratchford says
"Our purpose Is plain. We go before
the whole country with It. The man
agement of our strike thus far
been equally plain, and as conserva
tlve as it Is possible for a strike of such
proportions to be conducted. The
peaceable behavior of our miners
everywhere demonstrates a strong de
sire on their part to heed our advice
and to preserve the peace under the
most trying conditions. It is not neces
sary for me to state that an honest
public opinion Is with us, all efforts
to divert It in another direction to the
contrary notwithstanding. Our claim
Is just, which no man who has the
cause of humanity at heart can deny,
For this reason we are confident that
the rank and file of the miners, more
so than we, will win this battle."
Many of the operators very much de
plored the passage at arms between
Colonel Rend and President Ratchford.
Some of them were under the impres
slon that It would have some effect
" ' ,.t . , ..,, ..
prj the result that Is trying to be reach-
HO, -(joionei uonu lust mgni leu ior
lluffulo rt the best ot humor, saying
that he was satisfied
an agreement
would he reached,
Jloalego Worklntr Minora nntl Compel
' Thorn to SiiHpnnd.
Wellston, O., Aug. 21, Seven hundred
miners, headed by three brass bandx,
(lagged a mixed freight and paewenger
train on the Cincinnati, Hamilton and
Dayton railroad yesterday at a cross
ing in the southern part of this city,
The train came to a stop and was
boarded by the miners. Then the train
men refused to proceed, and backed
their train to the depot, where they
were ordered by the officials of the
.i . nr Tho mtn a
uv. in v.. ..w.o
route to uaK run, wnere mere was a
mine in full operation. Arriving at
Oak Hill the strikers marched to the
mine and demanded that the men come
out. This the latter did, but not be
fore being assured that no harm was
Intended if they conducted themselves
right. The Oak Hill men then held a
meetlng and Informed the strikers that
iiiev wuu u iiui vvuijv u,t., oHiiiv
was settled. They were men com-
pelled to march with the strikers
through the principal street of u
Returning to Wellston the strikers
captured tt Baltimore and Ohio south-
western freight train. Its conductor at
first refused to move his train, but
went Into Wellston When informed
that the miners viereoing to stay on
board until he did move. This Is the
second time that the strikers have
taken the mtn,out ot oak mil. HeB-l
tcrday the strikers Informed the Oak j
Hill men that If they were compelled
to mane a tnirri trip tuey wouia hiukb
It uflronnnt fur lh"m.
TrouMi' Is fi mod If nnv further at
totrtpt to rrlne coal Is made.
takes married
women through
the whole period
of pregnancy In
safety and com
fort. It Is used externally and it relaxes
tho muscles so that there Is no dis
comfort. It prevents and relieves
morning sickness, headacne ana rising
breasts, shortens labor and preserves
the mother's girl
ish form.
SI a botllo ot
Send for a Free
copy of our illus
trated D00K1CI
The Bradficld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga,
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinily
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Teams to Hire.
If you wank to hire a aafe and reliable
team for driving or for working purpose
pay 8hlelds' livery stable a visit. Teams
constantly on hand at reasonable rates
James shields,
No. 410 East Centre street.
Opposite Beading 'rail o dstatlon.
, Agent and Bottler of
Porter and Weiss Beer.
203 W. Coal Street,
peQQa. Railroad.
July 1, 1887.
Trains will leave Bhenandoah after the abovi
date for Wlggans, ullberton, Frackvllle, Darl
Water, HI. inair, I'ottsvuie- liamuurs, Jteamn
Pottatown. Plioenlxvllle. Noriistown and Phi
adelphla (Broad street station) at 6 03 and 11(19
a. m, snaiw p. in. on wees uays, rmtmays,
fl 08 a. m., 3 10 p. m. For Pottsvllio and Inter
mediate stations only 917 a. in. weekdays,
Bunaays, v o a. m.
Trains leave Frackvtlle for Shenandoah
10 40 a. m. arid 12 SI, 5.1, 7 62 and 10 47 p.
Sunday. IPI3 a. m. and S 41 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllio for Shenandoah at 101,"
a. m. and 12:3,1, S IS, 7 23 and 10 20 p. m. Sunda
si lu su a. m., o io p. m.
Leave Philadelphia. (Droad street station), (n
Shenandoah at 5 57, 8 SSand 10 19 a. m., 4 10 and
7 I p. m. week days. Hundays leave at 0 150 a. in,
iave uroaa street station, i-iiiiaueipnia, lui
Branch, 'and intermedlaW stations, a 56, a.55
11.89, a.m., 8.80 and 4.00 p. m. week-days. Sun-
days, 8 as a. m.
sea uirt, Asoury i'aric, ucean urove, i.on
ixsavo uroaa mreei station, rnuaaeipnia,
Kinross. week-days 3 20. 4 0). 4 GO "It. 6 60.
7 83, 8 20, 8 83, S 80, 10 21 (Ulninir Car), it 01 a. in,
12 uo noon, .2110 ii.imneu 1 uu ana zi p.m.
Dining Can), 140, 2 80 (Dining Car) I2J, 3 SO.
4 00, 3 00, S&S (Dining Car), S00, 7 02,71, 1000
1. in., 12 ui, mgut. aunuays, a -m. uo, 4 00, o lo,
nn una ,1 r1 mm 1111. J .. 1,-1.
12S5,l05tDIninB Car) 2 80 (pining Car), 4 00
t 1 'is .1 t nn I at nr sr r I I I I
6 85, 7 OJ, 7 48. 10 00 p. m., 12 01 night.
uxpreas ior nosion witiiout cnange, uu a m.,
week-days, and 7 43 p. lu., dally.
For ruitlmore and Washington, 8 AO, 7 20, 8 32,
10 20, 11 38, n, in.. 12 09. 12 31, 1 12, 3 18, 4 41, 3 19
CongreeMlonnl I.lnilti d, Dining Cur, 0 17. 033
Dining Car, 7 81 Dining Our p. in , and 12 03
night week duys. Sundays, 3 AO. 7 20. 12, 11 28,
?.- '"i.2(?5i !" .' K? .Uo,1?.reS",21"!1 A'.'."1"
HMi. inning uwrj.o as i)in ng uarj, 7 ai iinn-
ingunri p. in. aim izusiiigiit.
I-eave Ilroad street station via Dufaware river
liriugo-uipruss, 4 45, 9 au 1UO iiniititefi a. in, J us
b uunuieej ,
n. in. Sunda-
3 32 I90mlllllte1.703 00 lllllllltrsl
Sundays, 4 43, 9 20 90 inlnutesl n. m., 233
187 minutes!. 7 05 ti. in.
i.eavo Aiaricec street wuari n,xpresa,
$20,9 40. a.m., 1 00 teaturdaya only, 180 176
mlniitesjLSOO, 340 7 minutes, 4 00 70 mln-
j'p. ", HuTiVyrrfoo, 73o78io 178
lninuies . bju d minuiefl . uuu. u4ai7omin.
5J m- ana 1 uu p. in. ii.uu oxoursion train,
KorCa'poMiy, Anglesea.Wlldwoo.landllolly
lieaoh Uxpress, 9000. 111., 230, 405, 500p. m.
weeic uays. Buminys, au a. m. ua pe way
ifj- -' "
For Sea Isle City, Oeen City, Avalon and
obuuu iiwiKir-jkxiireeif, v lu u. 111., z uw
p. 111 weekdays. Sundays, 880 a. 111. Excur
sion, 700a. m. dally.
For Somers Point Kxpress, 700, 8 20, 940
a. m., 1 60, 8 00, 4 00, 5 00, 8 30 p. m. week days
Sundays, S 00, 7 00, 8 00, 9 00 ami 9 45 a. in.
J. 11. HUTCllINbON,
J. IL Wood.
(Jcn'l Manager.
Ueu'l Pttss'g'r Agt.
At the burning f a steamboat on the
Hudson river many years ago, many of the
passengers were drowned. Among tlio
bodies brought tip from the bottom of the
river by KntpiiUng was that of n man known
to hare been nn excellent swimmer.
Around his waist was a belt containing
nearly $800 in gold. That told the story.
"In old and chronic crm of Indigestion
(dyspepsia or gastritis it is all tho mine)
the sufferer develops a stent variety of
symptom and often dies poisoned by the
products of his own torpid and Inflamed
stomach. His food, instead of being di
gested, and so furnishing strength and physi
cal substaiico, ferments aud putrefies within
him. Tho chief process of life is arrestedat
a vital point. The more ho eat tho worse
off ho is. And yet unless he can be fed he
must olso perish. People do so die, dally, by
thousands, but Wo doctors seldom have tho
moral courage to give tho ciuse lis true
name lest wo should bo laughed at for our
inability to cure so 'simple' a thing as Indi
gestion. Simple? Why, it is tho capstone
of all complaints and tho mother of most
of them." So writes a famous Bnglish phy
Some of tho symptoms alluded to aro
these : Low of appetite; distreM after eat-
ng; hoarthuru aud palpluitioti; giddiness;
foul taste in tho mouth; the rising of nau
seous ncids and gases into tho throat; furred
tongue; spots beforo tho eyes; unaccount
able weariness and f.ttiguo; sluggish circu
lation; weakness and nervous prostration;
constipation or diarrhoea; discolored skin,
Tho sufferer's friends often advise him to
cheer up; to throw off his lethargy and eat
freely. Had advice. Ho knows better.
Jfo," lie answers, "I eatuot; my food does
mo no good." Ho is right. Food now is
gold in tho spent swimmer's belt.
Take light nourishment, followed Imme
diately by a doso of tho Shaker DIgostlvo
Cordial a new ond radical Tcmedy discov
ered and prepared by tho Shakers of Mb
Lebanon, N. Y. tho essence of medicinal
herbs and plantu cultivated by them alono.
Then continue with it. Jlolloves at once
Mid soon cures, Tleasant to tho pslato and
adapted to all constitutions.
Trial bottles which provo its merits at
ton cents. For salohy nearly all druggist
John Howard Harris, President.
College, with four courses of
study leading to degrees ; Academy,
a" preparatory school ; Ladies In
stitute, a refined boarding school ;
Music School Ior both sexes ; and
Art Studio.
For catalogue, address the Registrar,
s-e-ELewlsburg, Penn'a.
Side Entrance on Green St., PHILADELPHIA, PA.
templftltng marriage if you urn a victim of
HLUUU fUl&UFI jjy.., or
!PriYal8 DiSBaSBS uumanrs'cwh'lchde"
Rtrnvmlnd and bndv. and unfltvou for the
duties nf life, call or write and bo ssved. lloum
Dally, U-3 1 ev'Rs, fl-fi) Sun., Send 10 cts. la
Expoalnir QnttcUs and ITuke Institutes,
Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored
Weakness, Nervousness, Debility,
bnatuiirjeirain 01 viu
from early errors or later
excesses; me results ot
oTerwork. nickneai. wor
ry, etc. Full itrength,
development and tone
giten to every organ
and portion of the body.
Simple, natural methods.
Immediate Improvement
seen. Failure Impossible.
2,000 references. Boole,
explanation and proofs
mailed (sealed) froc
i C ani'tl'C Fon r.iTiir,n sex,
Lb U II fail! o This remedy lieliic in
Jected directly to the
seat or mpto uibcubcb
of the Gonlto-Urlnnry
Organs, requires no
change or diet. Cnro
imiiranteed In 1 to 8
days. Hiunllplalniinck.
TM TT Tj TE BE. y man, ai.uu,
Jt v .AHoia only by
S. P. KIRLIN, Shenandoah,
IN EFFECT JUf.Y 2. 1897.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows :
For New York via Philadelphia, week dav
210, 336, 703 9 31a.m., 12 83, 3 10 and 0 07 p
in Bunuays, 2 iv a. in.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
5 83, 7 05 a. Ill,, 12 S3 and 3 10 p. m.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 3 88, 7 03 a.m., 12 33, 8 10 and 6 07 p. m. Sun
days. 2 10 a. in.
For Pottsvllle, week days, 2 10; 7 05 a. m., and
12 83, 8 10, 6 07 and 7 25 p. in. Sundays, 2 10 a. m,
For Tamaqua and Malianoy City, week days
iu, u ou, 1 iaj a, iu., ia 0-1, a ivi aim o p. m
Sundays. 210 a. m.
For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lewlaburg,
ween uays, a so, a 00, 11 uu a. in., ana 7 23 p. 111
Sundays, 8 25 a. m.
For Maliano Plane, weekdays. 2 10. 8 23. 3 36.
7 05, 9 34, 11 SO a. ni., 12 33, 8 10, 0 OT, 7 25, 9 85 and
11 -.u p. 111. ounuuys, 4 iu, a ao . in.
For Ashland and Shamokln, week days, 3 25,
o no, 1 uo, 11 tyj a. in., o uy, y anu 9 03 p,
Sundays. 8 25 a. m.
For halttmore, Washington and the Wet via
11, AU. it. it., tnrougti t nil ns ica'-i Kcadlng
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & It. 11 K) at 8 ),
ico, iizo a. m viu ana t.t p. t, aununys.
3 20,7 00,1128 a.m., 3 45 and 7 27p.m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20,
id jo o vj p.m. ouuuays, 1 00, np, m
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, li 10, uu, uu a. m., anu 1 uu, 4 80, 9 00 p,
m. ounuays, o uu p. in.
Leave New York via A)aueh Chunk, week
days. 4 80. u 10 a.'m.. 1 au anu 1 10 n. in.
Leave Phlladelnlila. Heading Terminal, week
days, 4 20, 8 35, 10 10 a. m. and 1 42, 4 08, 8 80, 1 1 00
p. m. sanaays, 11 uu p. 111.
Leave IteodlnB.week days, 1 85, 7 10,10 08. a. m,
12 00 m., 4 19, 8 00 and 8 20 p. in. Hundays, 188
a. in.
Leave Pottsvllle, weekdays, 2 39, 7 40 a. m,
12 80 and 6 12 n. m. Sundays. 2 35 a. m.
Leave Tamanua, week days, 3 18, 8 48. 11 28 a.
m., 188,3 51, 7 20 and 9 43 p. m, Sundays, 3 18
a. in
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 12 20, 8 45,
9 12 11 47 a. m., 2 17, 3 18, 0 17, 7 41 and 10 08 p. m,
ounuays. is jo, a a. in.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 12 38, 2 40,
1 uu oou,vi. iu), uov u. in,, is ax, oux, a as,
7 57, 10 22 p in. Sundays, 12 40, 2 40, 4 00 a. 111.
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 7 42, 1020 o
m., f uu anu 11 uu p. m, ounuays, 11 uu p, m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street war! and
aoutii street wnan ior Atlantic uiy.
Weekdays Express, 8 00, 900, 10 43 a. m.J
(Saturdays only, 130) 2 00, 3 00, 3 40,4 00,4 30,
5 00, 5 40, 7 00 p, ui. Aoaommodatlon, 8 00 o. in.,
o uu, u au p. m.
Bunuoya Kxpreas, Tau, Btu, huu, vuu, iu 00
a. m, 4 45 p. 111. Accommodation, 800 a. in.,
4 43 p. in. 81.00 excursion train to foot ot
Mississippi Avo., 700 a. in. dally.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, corner
Atlantlo and Arkansas nvenues.
Weekdays Express, (Mondays only 6 48 a.m.)
7 00,7 43,810,900, 1013, 1100 a, 111., 8 80, 4 80,
8 90, 7 30, 9 30 p. lu. Accommodation, 4 38, 8 IS
a. iu., 403 11. 111.
q 1 1 aim J nn kjvi . nn n nn
7 00, 7 80, 8 00, 9 30 p.' in. 'Aoaommod'ation, 7 15
a. m.. 6 03 p. in. 1 1.00 exourslou train from foot
nf Mississippi Ave., only, wetltaays, 6 00 p. 111
Sundays, 8 10 p. in.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
M. Fauro's Plattoring Kocoption
on Eussian Soil.
Oorsooiis neeonitlons Oroot thoBj'os
of tho l'rencli ProNldent, nud tho
15iilliulitHtlo looplo Woro l'ermtt
tod to Untor tho Itoynl I'nrlt.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 24. The flnnl
prepartlons for the reception of Presi
dent Faure at Peterhof were completed
yesterday morning. The magnificent
park between the palace and the sea
was gloriously decorated with the lings
ot Itussla and France entwined. The
latter were to be seen flying every
where, presenting a fine picture from
the sea, with the cascade falling in
front of the palace, combined with the
beautiful marble terraces and orna
mented gilt statues.
The streets of Peterhof were crowded
from early morning, and were gay with
court eciupages, which were constantly
dashing through them with richly at
tired personalities, who were on their
way to the landing stage, which was
gorgeously decorated for the occasion.
Contrary to Russian custom, the peo
ple were allowed to enter the park and
to line the route followed by President
Faure and other high personages.
At 9 o'clock In the morning a seml-
phore message announced that the
French squadron was 13 miles distant,
and a cossack was immediately dis
patched at a gallop to convey the news
to the czar at the Peterhof palace. Then
the czar emerged from the palace, en
tered a carriage and drove to the land
ing stage. His majesty wore the uni
form of a captain In the Russian navy,
with the ribbon of the Legion of Honor
on his breast.
Grouped at the landing stage were
the high court dignitaries and the Rus
sian minister for foreign affairs. Count
Muravleff; tho French ambassador to
Russia, Count Lannos de Montebelloj
General Bolsdoffre, chief of the French
general staff, who Is to replace the
Count de Montebello at St. Petersburg,
and Baron von Morenhclm, the Rus
sian ambassador to France. Tho czar
conversed In French with various per
sonages for a few minutes and then
the Imperial party embarked on board
the Alexandria. The Grand Duke
Alexis, the high admiral ot Russia and
uncle of the czar, on board the Hiss-
trola, proceeded ahead. The Grand
Duke Alexis went nlongslde the Poth
ua, on board of winch was tne x rencn
president, and welcomed the latter to
Russia Jn the name of the czar.
A large fleet of pleasure Bteamers
had by that time assembled in the
roads, and the most intense enthusi
asm was manifested when the Grand
Duke Alexis and President Faure left
the Pothuau and proceeded to the Alex
andria. The czar nwnlted the presi
dent at the top ot the Alexandria's
gangway, and the moment M. Faure
set foot on the deck of the imperial
yacht warm embraces were exchanged
between the czar and the president.
Which were the signal for a Btorm of
cheers, waving of handkerchiefs and
marks of popular enthusiastic delight,
The sailors manned the ship at the
same time and gave the regulation
cheers for the czar and his guest.
When President Faure had finished
telling the story of his voyage to the
czar the Alexandria arrived at tho
landing stage, where the high court
dignitaries were again grouped to re
ceive the czar and his guest. Presi
dent Faure wore the insignia of the
Grand Collar of the Order of St. An
drew, which decoration was presented
to him by the czar in June, 1S95. Out
of compliment to his guest the czar
also wore the same order.
When the imperial yacht was safely
moored alongside the Jetty the French
president was the first to land, and
the band of the Imperial guard struck
up the "Marseillaise." The czar foW
lowed M. Faure ashore, and Immedl'
ately presented hs guest to the grand
A dptaphment pf marines, with colora
flying, then marched past the czar and
the president, who afterwards reviewed
them, the marines cheering heartily as,
they went by. A procession of 12 vic
torias and four landaus was then form
ed, The czar and President Faure were
seated In the first carriage and four
carriages were occupied by the grand
dukes. Tne remaining vehicles were
occupied by high court personages, the
ambassadors present and others.
The route to the palace was lined
with troops, and behind the soldiers
were massed enthusiastic crowds ot
people, who were frantic In their ac
clamations, which were redoubled when,
the procession having passed, the
hedges of soldiers no longer separated
the people.
Upon arriving at the Peterhof pal
ace the czar presented President Faure
to the various court officials, and then,
re-entering the victoria, his majesty
drove along to the Alexandra palace,
tho residence of the czarina. A few
minutes later President Faure emerged
from the Peterhof palace, accompanied
by General IUlderdlng, and drove to
the Alexandra palace, In order to offer
his homage to the czarina. A private
luncheon at the Alexandra palace fol
lowed. During the afternoon the French
president visited the Russian grand
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Hlirgliir Killed by an Ofllcor.
Canton, O., Aug, 23, Merchant Po
ltoeman Charlos Hemmlnger surprised
burglars In the basement ot the Isaac
Harter & Sons' Savings bank early in
the morning. The burglars' lookout
opened lire on the officer, and the latter
shot one of the men, who had been in
the cellar. The burglar died at the hos
pital later without revealing his
Identity. The burglars had a big lot
of tools and explosives in the cellar,
and were no doubt professionals. The
bank is a strong one, and generally be
lleved to contain a large sum of money.
for those who will go to-day and get a pack
age of GRAIN-O It Uikea the plane of
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The man who awaStem
from a deep sleep, just
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Is preparing to
drive ft into his
heart, has had
a narrow escape.
There au- thou
sands of grateful
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selves from the
lethargy of recklesnnesii and neglect; Just in
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The weapon with which these men have
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covery. It 1 the only known medicine J
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Taken in time, It will always ward 01T this
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rectly on the lungs, building up new,
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as good" and the druggist who says so it
" I was a sufferer for fiye or six years from indi
gestion, sore stomach, and constant headachrs,"
writes H. F. Holmes, of Gafifney, Spartanburg
Co., S. C. "I tried several of our best phyaicinus
aud found no permanent relief. By the perfla
tion of Mr. J. R. Tolleson, a friend of mine. I
commenced on the xStli September, 1895, to use
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and ' l'el
lets 'which gave me relief In a few days. Since
then I have used five bottles of ' Golden Medical
Discovery and five vials of Pellets.' When I
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sleep, had a restless uneasy feeling all the tlnn
aud my skin was yellow and dry. I weighed
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f ooa appetite, can eat anytning i wisu. i'or
wo years, while under treatment by a physician,
I ate nothing but Graham bread."
In reference to the above letter. J. R. Tolleson,
P. O. Box 173, Gaffucy, Sjwrtauburg Co., 8. C,
writes: " The above Mr. B. P. Holmes, is a good
christian gentleman, aud one whose word will
go a long way with those who know him. I use
and sell Dr. Pierce's medicines, aud 1 recom
mended them to Mr. Holmes."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure that
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gist sell th"!
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pie and booklet free. Ad. STKKMMi ItKHKIlY CO.. Chiraco, Montreal. Can.. orNen .rk. sn.
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il PlflLIJl, AI. D.
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Can be consulted at all hours.
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masters li' London and Paris, will give lessoa
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Price 2S cts. and E0 cts. per bottle.
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V. , c i (r, uoi.Ml . 11 to use lo.
'..3 . 1.,,-s if Power-
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Mailed for $1.00;S boxes 5.00. With
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1 1 DecKcita. .oen trouble, result rtulli
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