The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 14, 1897, Image 4

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Know what "Pennsyl
vania" stands for una wv want
everybody to know tlmttlic "Penn
sylvnttia" box of paper and
envelopes stands for the best value
for the price we have ever offered.
This box is made especially for us
in large quantities, for which rea
son we are able to make the price
so low. 25c a box.
Q. North Main
We make a specialty of Gasoline, 60c
In five gallon lots delivered. Mica and
U. S. axle grease.
...Also Headlight Oil, 150 Fire Test.
V nil order promptly attended to.
A H.-ptiinKoiinrlnii Wlio .Ink ml In Ills
I.nt IImir.
n.iltimore, Aug. 11. I'eter Monalian.
"1 iaiB old, was hanged here yenter
i! vy f'r the murder of his wife on May
W7. Monahan displayed remark
uiii. inrvc. and met his fate without a
titnor. lie made no confession or
statciiu nt of any kind, contenting hlm-.-
it with aayng that he had told all he
I hI in ti ll to his confessor and his God.
!1 wiim hurled In St. Peter's Catholic
I I mt. ly beside the woinan he murder
i .1 Tli" murderer spent the last night
of liii life quietly and without showing
.in anxiety whatever regarding his
at'i" "i hlng end. He paced up and
l"ii the corridor In front of his cell
until midnight, when he retired and
iu snon In a deep sleep. At 5 o'clock
In thf morning he was awakened, and
preparations for the execution were foe
min. The final rtes of the Catholic
rhureh were performed and the usual
bi i akfaat was served, after which the
condemned man spent an hour chat
ting iheerliy with those who surround
ed hmi To Frank Wachter, a member
of the jail board, who visited him
about half an hour before the march to
the villous li Ban, Monahan said:
"(iond-by, but I'll see you outside
when I ko to the scaffold. I'll wrestle
with you on the scaffold, and I'll bet
I can throw you. If I don't have time
on the scaffold I'll wrestle with you on
the green fields beyond."
This was said In a jolly air, as If
Monahan were Just going down the
bay for a picnic.
Monahan waB a confirmed drunkard
and vagabond, who lived on the pro
c eeils of his wife's labor and spent
mueh of his time In Jail serving short
time sentences for petty offenses. The
couple had several grown children, but
none of them lived nt homo, and Mrs.
Monahan earned a living for both at
he washtub. Quarrels were frequent,
and on the day of the murder Monahan
appeared after two days' absence from
lmme and demanded money. The de-
r..and wan refused, whereupon ho wont
and firm ured nn ax and chopped her
to daih. The only thing that seemed
to woiry Monahan since his conviction
to i! the Jailer refused to give him
uMilv. and finally the Jail physician
lire-, i, i d three dilnks dally for him.
Then l e hecaine cheerful and seemed
to think be was having a very easy
time of It
o IN o
Rag Carpet.
of every description we can
sive you many dollars by giv
ing us your trade. All bargain
seekers should take advantage
of this opportunity.
rl. SPOONT, Agt.
Undertaking in - -
- - all its Branches.
Open Day and Night.
Cor. White
and Lloyd
No. 17 Wtt Centra Street
Iimilug Throughout the Oomitry
riirmilelcil lor llnsty Periunl.
It I W QiiMh Victoria weight l pound.
Miiry Dongharty, of town, received a
wldieM widow penttnn.
Tlie Phncnlx Fire Oottitny are liokllng k
plenle at Cdiiinlda jmrV to-day.
At Mlneravllte, ts-U, tli cornerstone will
Ik laid for an addition to tlieCsthollo Cliureli
of Onr Idy of Jit. Onrmel.
A child's list was found on the mofiiilsln,
near tho cemetery. Owner can lisve the
mine by Applying t this office.
The Htate hospital 1ms at present ninety
nine patients receiving treatment. Sunt,
lliddle and stall' are kept very busy.
Ijinsfurd's Grand Army Veterans are mak
ing extensive preparation for tlici celebra
tion of (Irani! Army I My next month.
The selection of a design for the new Stale
Holme at llnrr inlinrg ha been deferred hy the
Otpltol t'oiiiiiilmien until next WwliiewUy.
A. A. llarr, editor of the Mount Oirmel
Star, lias been threatened with a suit for
libel by the director) of the Centralla school
The little town of Moutano, up on tho hill
to the north of Centralis, Is now to havo a
post nftlee. and Charles Msite Is to tie the
Frank K. Ficklnger lms resigned superln
tendency of the Chaniliersburg puhllo schools
to take a similar ioItlon at Plymouth,
Luzerne county.
Unknown partis gave arsenic, to a herd of
cows belong! ug to Fanner Kinstboro, near
Shlppensbtirg. Cumberland county, and three
of the animal have died.
Arrangements have been nmilo for the
unveiling and dedication of a $10.000 soldiers'
monument at Tiinklmnuock, Wyoming
county1, about Octolwr 1st.
The V. A n. C. A I. Co. have rescinded the
order to shut down Otto colliory for six
weeks, and have issued an order to resume
operations on Monday next.
bwliimilng out in the river to recover nn
overturned Ixwt at the Delaware Water Gap.
rreuerlcK U. Zitz, of Isew York, became
exhausted and was drowned.
Mrs. Jamos Trcga, of Ullbcrton. was
seliueketl by lightniug lust week while in the
act of getting a eliair from tho porch and she
lms not yet recovered from the shock.
The wedding of John Hines, a popular
young man of Ceutralia, and Miss Annie
Mctiovern, of Mt. Cannot, has been nn
noiiiieed to take place on August 18th.
Tho Sheriff's sale of tho Petin Anthracite
Coat Company's proporty at Natalie, which
was to have tnkeu place Wednesday, has
again been postponed until the 18th of
James Marblo and Thomas Seagrave, the
burglars who cracked tho post olllco safe at
Ilarnesboro, Cambria county, havo been
arrested at Lewistown, with 815 in money
and stamps in their possession.
James Dougherty, of Jiahanoy Plane, was
arrested for burglarizing tho house of Jamos
Iiossincton, at Patterson, near Mt. Oarmol
About $50 worth of goods was found in his
possession. He was committed to jail.
The approaching reunion of tho survivors
of the old Seventh Iiegiment, Pennsylvania
State Militia, at Hallway Park, Pottsville, on
Thursday, August ID, is attracting much
attention all over tho region, and promises to
be largely attended.
u Immense Audience ut Maliauoy City
Mahanov City. August 14. An immense
audience attended tho August bicycle meet
of tho MahMioy City Athletic Association in
the park yesterday afternoon. Jlany of the
slato cracks participated in the different
events, hut tho high wind which pro vailed
I prevented fast time being made. Tho races
ivsiiueii us iiiiiuws;
One tnllo novice Harry Oraeber, Ashland,
won ; C. Mahou, Beaver Jleadow, second
Thomas Gorman, Unhandy" City, third
Time, 2.43 3-5.
Two mile handicap, Schuylkill county
nilers Mcuinty, Jiahanoy City, scratch
won ; Fred. QUI, Jiahanoy City, tcratch,
secouu ; P. Ilylau, Jiahanoy City, 23 yards,
third. Timo, S.2J 2-5.
Threo mile handicap, professional Star-
buck, Philadelphia, scratch, won ; Anderson,
Nauticokc, Bf0 yards, second; William Wen-
zel, Philadelphia, 150 yards, third. Time,
Olio mllo lap race, final heat Lantz won,
McJIichaet second, Youse third. Time, 2.33
Ouo mile open, professional Anderson
won, Clem Turville, Philadelphia, second;
JossoArndt, Xauticuke, third. Tiuie,2.3'J3-5
One-lialf-mllo dash, final heat llovoo won,
Lautz second, McOinty, third. Time, 1 10.
Five mile handicap liovce, scratch, wou;
I'lchthorii, Heading, 225 yards, second; Sei
fert, liarrisburg, third. Time, 13.51.
Anderson, of Nauticokc, gave a half-mile
exhibition, paced, in 1.06 3-5. J. F.Stnrhuck,
pacod on a triplet by the Turvlllo brothers
and William Wvnzti, went a nulo exhibition
lu 2.20.
Ask your grocer for too "Koynl Patent"
dour, and tuko no other brand. It is tho host
(lour wade.
Tim Dellnentor.
Its fureca.t of Autumn fashions.with color
plate illustrations, bcinn authoritative. With
this number of the niSKszluo is boguu a do
paitmuut of uxccptloual interest and value
a page devoted to Social Observances, iu
which Mrs. JIary Cadwalader Jones brings'
tho weight of unquestioned authority to the
discussion of good form. Other serial features
begun iu this Isaue are Homo Taxidermy for
Women, by W. S. Kdwards, and "Japauese
Wjiiien,'' by Frances Stevenson. There are
two capital shurt stories, ''Thot'lobOd Housu"
No. 3 of "The Adventures of Olive
itayner" hy Slartin Orde having an amus
ingly unexpected finale In striking contrast
to the pathos of "A Jjile Renunciation," by
Cornelia Atwood Pratt, author of
"The Hook of Martyrs." Social Life iu
American Cities" Is this month devoted to an
entertaining discussion of San Francisco
society by Emma Wolf, author of "The Joy
of Life." No. IX of l)r. Orace Peckham
Murray's "Talks on Health and lleauty" re
lates to the various forms of bathing. The
clever satire of Jeanie Drake's "New York
Types" is at its best iu what she has to say of
the matinee girl. Carolyn llalstead tells
How to OrgunUe a Club; .Mrs. A. I). I.oug
street discourses upon Loyalty to Simple
stuudard in solving domestic problems; Mr.
Vtek's Flower Oardeu includes instructions
for home-made greenhouses; and Mrs.
WithersHMHi's Ta-Table Gossip, Emma Hay
wood's Fancy Stitches and Embroideries, the
reclpos ou "Seasonable Cookery," the notices
of new books, the Chlhlreu's Page, and the
illustrate! desigus for Tatting, Crocheting.
Lace-Making, etc., are all of accustomed ex
cellence. Fertilisers.
Telephone to M. Ulrich A. Son, Ashland,
Pa., when you have a dead animal. They
will haul it away at short notice, free of
charge. 7-18-lm
The Pennsylvania ltallruad Company nlves
a choice of seaside point fur the excursion
Thursday, August 19th, Atlantic City, Oape
May. Sea Isle City, Ocaau City, Avalou,
Aiiglessa, Wlldwood or Holly Ueaeh. At
lantic City twine the most jwpular takes the
crowd. Passengers desiring to go through
same day eau avoid the transfer through
Philadelphia by taklLg the new Delaware
river hrtdsje route, ths only all rail line from
points iu 1'enusyWat.U.
When you want good rooting, plumbing,
gas fitting, or general tlnsmithlng done call
on E. F. Gallagher IB West Coutro street
Dealer ic 8 teres 1-tf
Underfed Ones Can Not
Stand the Heat.
Mntiy Sfltl Mothers Learn by
Hitter IJxperience.
Wrong oo.l at Bottom of Cholera
Diarrhoea Should Never be Allowed to
Run On.
Put the Cli Id at Once on Diet of
Lactatcd Foot.
With eholem infantum tsglngns it Ts Hunt
and West this summer, It is npiHilliug to any
on who understand the subject, to see tho
carele sues of parents and nurses In tho mat
ter of infant feeding.
It is not enough to merely select a puro
nourishing food. It must he acceptable to tho
delicate, weakened stomach of the little one
high teuiperaturo makes It dllllcult for young
children to digest only the most easily asslmi-
Inblo food without Irritating their intestines
into dlarrbcBa food must lie taken in sufll-
dent quantities and with relish to keep tho
child strong, well and growing.
tactated food Is made with the oxpress in-
tention of forming a reliable infant food and
a perfect substitute, for healthy mother's
milk. An infant likes it. Fretful, peevish
babies grow strong, ruddy and healthy on it.
It has the unusual "virtue, of inducing deli
cate babies to take an abundanco of nourish
ment when other foods disagree with them,
and when retarded growth, feebleness and
intestinal irritatiou threaten tho poorly-fed
Mothers and nurses who havo used lactatcd
food all agrco that it host supplies the ma
terials for baby's rapid growth and develop
ment. It is prepared with a regard to purity,
cleanliness and freedom from any possible
source of contagion that merits all the praho
that has been so lavishly bestowed upon it hy
parents and physicians.
Lactatcd food has tided thousands of babies
through tho hot, sickly days. It should ho
iu tho hands of every parent.
The ill effects of tho intense. August heat
are fur-rcachiug. Jlany little ones droop anil
pine, without appetite and strength. Their
usual diet falls to nourish, or more often Is
wholly rejected. In this weakened condition
the mistake of overfeed ing, that anxious par
ents too often fall into. Instead of nourishing
the littlo ones, only brings on diarrhica.
And diarrhn3.i, with the temperature high
up, results iu cholera infantum.
Tho most carefully, intelligently guarded
children aro those fed on lactatcd food,
llabios, when weaning, do not throw it up.
Puny onos show n decided and immediate
gain. Their steady, healthy growth is due
to this rich nutritive that is relished evou iu
tho hottest weather.
Lactatcd food brings sound sleep. It
checks all wasting disorders during hot
weather, livery year lactatcd food saves
thousands of lives.
A baby's duty is to keep strong and well.
The paicnts' duty Is to give the iufaut tho
best food in the world that is lactatcd food.
Died In Wales.
Thero are probably few of the Welsh peoplo
of this section of Pennsylvania who did not
know Kev. Frederick D. Brans, who died In
Wales in July, and who was for many years
a Baptist minister iu Scran ton aud subse
quently pastor of tho Tenth Ilaptist church,
Philadelphia, llo was a most scholarly man
and bad been prominent in literary aud
musical circles among tho Wolsh people,
frequently being called upon because of his
great natural wit and ability to conduct
Eisteddfods, and. If we mistake not, appeared
iu that capacity iu Shenandoah. He ranked
h ifh among tho pulpit orators of his de
nomination and doservedly so, as his success
iu building up the membership of tho several
congiegatlous lie served testified. Ho was,
probably, as well known by his pseudonym,
Ednyfed, by his countrymen ns hy his proper
name. Failing health compellod htm to
relinquish his ministerial duties and he re
turned to the land of his fathers iu tho hope
that chauge of air might benefit him, hut In
this ho was disappointed as death came in
stead and ho died among his kindred in the
home of ills youth, after spending tho greater
part .of his life In the United States with
great credit to himself and benefit to his
fellow man.
No need to sutler with rheumatism, lum
bago, neuralgia, cramps or colic. Dr. Thomas'
Keleetrie Oil cures all such troubles, and does
it quickly.
Si-Muni- l''iri'lniiiU' Hiiiiirlitiir Woddort
lndlunapolls, Aus;, II, Great surprise
followed the announcement here yes
terday that Mh Adelaide Fairbanks,
only daughter of 'United States senator
Fall banks, had been quietly married
to Dr. Horace H. Allen, Jr., proprietor
of the National Surgical Institute. The
senator and Mis. Fairbanks are out
of the city, and It Is Maid did not sanc
tion the union of the young couple. Dr.
Allen Is a gmduate of Yule college, and
of one of the standard medical colleges
of New York city. lie Is 26 years old.
1'lilllpptno iVlKonoi'H Ilovolt.
Madrid, Aug. 14. According to an
ufflnial dispatch from Manila, Philip
pine Islands, a serious revolt and out
break have taken placo at the mili
tary pilson at I' In the efforts
to lestore order two Spanish soldiers
aud 73 Insurgents were killed. Many
wei e wounded on both oldes.
When bilious or oostlve, eat a Cascareta
sndy aatlwrti". cure guaranteed, 10c, Ke.
Buy Keystone flour, lie sure that the name
Lbsski & IIaeb, Ashland, Pa., la printed on
ever back.
Mnjor Msy, of Sliainokin, was a passeuger
to town to-day,
W. J. Morgan went to Philadelphia tu-day
for a visit with relatives.
William lUjfsjnliuoh left for Heading this
morning to visit friends.
Mm Schmidt, of Shamokln, visited hit
family here last evening.
Jtl! Kite llagenliuch left nt noon to-day
for Heading to visit friends.
Miss Ant'lo SchalTer has gone to Jit.
Carniel to s ptnd several days.
Councilman V. 11. SIiigHrgle paid a visit to
the county seat this morning.
Joseph Link, of North .Turd In street, is
confined to his home hy illness.
Snpt. Thomas llaird, wife and sou left this
morning for Wllkeslnrro to visit friends.
ltev. I). I. Kvnus hns changed his residence
from Poplar street to SSI West Cherry street.
JIIsmm Carrie, Dorothy and Laura llroome
are spending several days among Pottsville
Jirs. S. W. Yost, Jtrs. J. K. Kehlernud
dsughter, Ida, went morning passengers to
Jirs. W. JI. llrcwer loft for New York
City this morning to visit her sister, who is
111 at thnt placo.
Misi Katie 0 row, who was a guost of her
sister iu town for several weeks, loft for her
homo iu Wilkesbarro to-day,
Jirs. P. F. Gallagher, of Washington,
D. C, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Jirs.
J. II. Jiouaghan, on South Main street.
Oscar Decgan. a former employee ou tho
Nows-liudget, left this morning for Wllllams
port, which place ho will mako his futuro
Itov, T. JI. Jlnrrison returned from Ashury
Park, N. J this afternoon and will conduct
services iu town and Jiahanoy City to
morrow. Charles Sturm returned to town this morn
ing after a visit of seven weeks to Sau
! ranciseo, Los Angeles and other parts of
Misses Annlo Watson and Annio Jiouaghan
are home from a week's recuperation among
tho romantic hills of tho Wyoming Valley.
They were registered at Glen Summit.
Itov. Dempskl, of Scranton, a former
resident of town, is visiting old acquaint
ances hero. Ho will deliver a locturo at
Jiahanoy City to-night, and will base his
subject on tho worklugmau.
Miss Gussio Ucoso returned homo last even
ing from a two-week's visit to Pottsville and
Port Carbon. Slio was accompanied by Jllss
Carrio Ilcddall, of the latter place, who will
spnd a week here as her guost.
Walter Hadesty, of Baltimore, JId., is in
town to viow tho characteristics of tho coal
regions. Ho is being ontcrtalncd at tho
residence of Dr. and Jtrs.'J. Pierce lioborts,
on Fast Coal street. Mr. Hadesty is a brother
of Jirs. IEobcrts.
Jirs. Thomas Hough and her sister, Jirs.
Peck, and Jirs, Crossloy, of Sheffield, Kng
land, havo returned home from Philadelphia.
They had journeyed to the Quaker City, to
meet another sister, Jirs. George Ward, of
Pleosautvlllo, Ind., who cauio to towu with
them last evening.
Sunday Specials.
Services in the Trinity Kefonncd church
to-morrow at 10:00 a. m., and 6:30 p. in.
Sunday school at 1:30 p. m. Kev. Itobcrt
O'lioyly, pastor.
Regular services will bo held iu the United
Evangcllciil church, North Jardiu street, to
morrow at 10 a. m. and 0.30 p. m. Preaching
by tho pastor, Iicv. I. J. IEcitz. Sunday
school at 1.30 p. in.
Methodist Episcopal church, corner Oak
and White streets, liov. Alfred Ilcebucr,
pastor. General class meeting at 0 a. m.,
led by John- Senior. Sermon ut 10:30 a. m.,
Suuday school at S p. in., Dr. J. S. Callen,
luperiutciideiit. Sermon at 0:30 p. m.
Scats freo. Everybody welcome.
Services iu tho Presbyterian church to
morrow evening at 0:30. Sabbath school at 2
it. m. The pastor preaches at Jiahanoy City
iu uio morning.
Primitivo Methodist church, James Moore,
pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a, in., subject,
''God, theGuldo of His People." 0:30 p. m.,
subject, "The llattlcs of Llfo. or Unseen
Foes." Suuday school at 2 p. m. Everybody
Calvary Baptist church, South Jardin
street. Preaching to-morrow at 10:30 a. m.
and (1:30 p. m by Kev. J. Craighead, of
l'ortlanu, ra. Niubatti scliool at l p. in.,
Deacon J. llunn, Superintendent. 11. Y. P.
U. Tuesday evening, at 7:30. Wednesday
evening, general prayer meeting at 7:30.
Everybody welcome.
Services in All Saints' Protestant Episcopal
church on WostOak street to-morrow. Holy
Eucharist at 8 a. m. Regular services at 10:30
a. m. and 7 p. m. Tho rector will officiate.
Sunday school at S p. ui.
First Baptist church, corner of Wct and
Oak streets, Kov. IX I. Evaus pastor. Services
at 10 a. in. and 0 p. in. Sunday school at '2
p. in. Prayer meeting .Monday evenings.
Young Peoplo's meeting Wednesday oven
lugs, Class meeting Thursday evenings.
St. John's Lutheran church. West Cherry
street. Kev. John Gruhler, pastor. Preach
ing, 10 a. m. ; Sunday school, 1:30 p. m. ;
preaching 0:30 p. m.
St. Jlichael's Greek Catholic church, West
Centre street. Kov, Cornelius Laurisiu, pas
tor. Jlatatitium service 0 a.m. High mass
10 a. ni.
Church of tho Holy Family, (Germau It.
C.) North Chestnut street. Kev. A. T. Schut
tlchofer, pastor. First mass 8 a. m., second
mass 10 a. m,
St. Casimir's Polish It. C. church. North
Jardiu street, ltev. J. A. Leuarklowicz,
pastor. FirstmassSa.m., high mass 10 a.
m., vespers and benediction 4 p. in.
Church of the Annunciation, 818 West
Chorry street. Kov. II. F. O'Kollly, pastor;
Itov. James Kane, assistant pastor. First
mass, 7 a.m., second masi, 8 a.m., high mass,
10 a. in, licnodlctlon, 7 p. m.
Kchclcth Israel Congregation, corner of
Oak and West streets, Itov. Henry Jilt-
ulk, pastor. Saturday services. B to 10 a. in..
and 3 to 5 p. m. Sunday services 8 to 10 a.m.
and overy week day morning from 7 to 8 a, m.
Kxcurslon to Ocean drove.
For tho accommodation of persons desiring
to attend tho annual camp meeting at Ocean
Grove the Philadelphia & Heading Railway
will run au excursion cn August iilth, leav
ing Shenandoah at 0:05 a. m. hy special train.
Faro for tho round trip f 1.00. Ticucts will
bo good to return up to aud including Sep
tember 1st. This is the only excursion of the
season to that point.
For any of those unexpected emergencies
common to children In tho summer, Dr.
Fowlor's Ext. of Wild Strawberry is an un
failing cure. It is nature's specific for sum
mer complaint iu all Its forms.
I'otUtllla Swamped.
At a game of base bail this morning lu the
Jiahanoy City park tho home team defeated
the West End Grays by a score of 0 to 0,
HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills,
Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache.
A. clcas-nt laxative All Druggists.
nnil U1I.1J! A onml, imur Wnr IiiHLap
V particulars apply ut 20! Wtwt Coal street,
HhenaiKloab, l'u. 8-12-St
""fANTICD. Two dining room girl" nnd one
t nUlMiit rook. Apply lit the Mniwlou
House, Malwnoy Olty, l'o. Ul tl
TTUlIt Cheap, a desirable biwlnstw
1 pmiHirty on Itest Centre street. Apply to
M. M. Ilurke, Attorney, Rgsu building. 6-tf
1,10 It HUNT The line dwollliiif, Xo W West
Cherry street, with nil modern linprove
immtu. Four rooms on each floor, larce nttto
and good cellar, nn throughout Rent reason
able. ApplyatNo, MN. Main street, it-e-lw
vvfrv nan CMtimmnlnir eitv 111 the Ullitsd
Stitsumi Canada for luuamlosetmt gas lumps,
mantels and glaaswnre: small outlay required
for display and samples; very profitable to
energetic men. American Oas Control Co., 858
llrouJwuy, New York. It
Tho Deacon's Wife Told Illin In Kmpbatlo
Terms What to Hlpcct.
Old D pn eon Stubbs rotted his olbows on
tho rnll fence and watehed tho wreaths of
siiioko thnt arose from ills oornoob dpi'.
Hut ho shyly mined his eyes ovory few nio
inontfl mid glanced fondly nt n plump lit
tle wmnnti who was busily cngnRed in
picking potato bugs from tho rows of V I Ilea
on the other sldt) of tho palings.
Ho flnnlly removed tho plpo from his
mouth nnd in n drawling but earnest
tone rcmnrkodi
"I suy, wlddcr, hain't today Jlstnyoar
senue your old man got tho fever an ngur
nnhook off ills mortal coll?"
"Cum to think, doacon," tho woman
answered, ns slio nindo n grnb for n good
sized bug, "It do ho n yenr to tho day.
An n drenry your ct licz bin, donoon."
"Jlst bo, wldder," continued, tho don
con, lowering his voloo. "llev you bin
lonesome- llkof"
"I liov thct same, deacon."
"llev you hnd ftlinnkering to git spliced
agnln, wlddcrf"
"They hoz bin times, deacon, cz 1 would
llko to liov"
"I my, wldder," Interrupted tho den
con, "liov you net your mind on nny buddy
"Mof La, no, deacon, or thot is I
hain't 'lowed anybody wnuted Wlddor
"Kr I say, wldder, thoy Is onos what
would bo wlllln,"
"Who bo they, denconf" tho widow
naked with animation.
" Waal, thnr's olo Felix Foster an Farm
or Dudley an thnr's but I sny, widdcr,
I 'low I knows of ono what 'ud bo puOcot
ly wlllln."
"Who bo It, donconf"
"Waal, I 'low 'tnlnt cttikotty fur nn
olo wldderor llko mo to bo plnyln at court
in, but I inought bo wlllln to buck ng'lu
llfo's rivor with Wldder Simmons."
"La, mo, denconj I never 'spectod Bloh.
Why, course I'm wlllln, dcucon, cf you
"I'm wlllln, Just right now, wldder.
Hero oomes Parson Gndlcy 'cross tho farm,
an you nn I'll git spliced in less'n two
I'nrson Gadloy, after much surprise,
asked tho deucon nnd Widow Simmons to
join hands over tho feuco, nnd iu n short
timo tho ceremony was over.
"Now, wlddcr," suld tho deacon, after
tho parson hud offered them n blessing,
"cllm' right over tho fonco nn grab my
arm. I want to tako you homo an lntro
jucoyou to my darter Curryllno. "
"I'm right wlllln," tho widow Bald, as
she scrambled quickly over the fonco,
"but I 'low plum now, cf your dattcr
Curryllno Is sot again this pcrccdln, mo
an she Is goln to fit llko two cats, nn cf
you tako her part, deacon, I'm goln tu
ralso a lump on your head cz big as thet
cowhouse yonder. Now, hearken to mo,
deacon; you wonted Wlddcr Simmons, on
you've got to stun around an do jlst cz
Wlddor Simmons scz, nn so does your
darter Curryllno, cf Bho hcz seed 47 sum
mers nn got gray bulrs." St. Louis Post
Tho Miners nnd laborers Saving Fund Asso
ciation, of A shift n (J, Ia., will Issue until 10 a, nj.
on tho 24th day f August. A. D., 1807, a nhv
scries nt stock 0"uk scries No. 18) of not
avnini1titiv fVm ulinroti lit mlA flnllfif itni alinrn
monthly payment and llfty cents per share (for ,
first month only) for membership fee. j
Subscription and payment for same can bo '
mai to any oi tlie following directors, viz:
K. V. Iiurkert, President. Ashland.
1 Hewtlcr, merchant, Asliland.
Louis ltlltz, merchant, Ashlnnd.
C O. Iturkert, ICsq., Atty-at-I-Jiw, Ashland.
Jacob KI 1 nger, butcher, Ashland.
W C I'-Mtler, Hupt. of schools, Ashland.
(), C, (1 rue Iter, postmaster, Asldaud.
i V. Kull, furniture dealer, Ashland.
Jos. I -neper, furniture dealer, Asldaud.
M. J. Mnuaghan, merchant, Ashland,
K. C. McDonald, land agent, Ashland.
J. W. Kitz, clothier, Asldand.
George You g, merchant, Ashland.
Christ. Schmidt, agent, Shenandonh.
Or to Frank Itentz, Secretary, Ashland, la.
Itv order of the Hoard of Directors.
Ashland, August 9th, 1897. 10-12-1 1-17-10-21-23
GO TO---
Meluskey & Son,
105 S. Main St.
No. 13 and 15 N. Pear Alley,-
Has made arrangements so he can
now deliver good hard
Chestnut Coal at
Pea Coal at
$3.30 per ton
SI.80 per ton
Everything In the Tonsorlal Line Constantly
on Hand.
Ferguson Ilonse Block. BARBER SHOP.
And we must revive
it. How? By offering low and
catchy inducements to buyers.
One Lot of Hard Wood
Kitchen Chairs
The rest of our furniture stock is
still large and varied, and must be
closed out at a sacrifice. We are
the recognized cheapest furniture
house in Shenandoah. Do not
misconstrue our place with others.
If you do it is money out of your
205 East Centre St-
Below I ulilgh Vnlley depot, next to
Dallus' butuhur Hliop.
Qui have the double Bntisftictfoii of putting
them into some of the prettiest Oxford
Ties we hnve in tho Store, aiid putting
nirfliey into their pocketpooks at the same
A number of Black Oxfords that sold for $1.25
and $1.50, sizes 2 to 4, we've cut to 75C a
pair to close th.Mti out. All widths ;
medium toes ; perfect foot gear. Fine
enough for street wear ; exceptionally
good for house wear.
Of Russet leathers, too, that sold for $2.00
and $2.50 ; any pair you can have now for
$1,39. Some are the new toes ; all are.
good toes, and very becoming.
Men who still like to wear nariow-toed shoes
have a veritable harvest in some russets
aud blacks that we got $2.25 a pair for.
Any pair itow for $,39. Finest shoes we
ever had in the store.
E 3
E 3
Checks for simotStit of purchases made, are given
every customer. 25.00 worth entitles you to a
I I Factory Shoe Store, 1 1
8 3
i. J. A.
Wednesday, Aug. !8tH, ?97,
Commercial Hotel, Shenandoah, Pa.
These horses are all well seasoned and can be put imto harness
immediately upon purchase, without encountering any sickness which
is generally the case with all horses not acclamated.
If every horse sold is not as exactly represented, the money will be
refunded to the buyer. Every horse sold is guaranteed, avoiding all
risks at the hands of the bidder.
Every horse must and will be sold to the highest
bidder on the day of sale.
George Ploppert, the leading shoe dealer, is visiting
New York and Boston for the purpose of pur
chasing a new stock of
If you are in need of footwear wait until he returns with hundreds
of bargains, It will pay you.
Two doors above Merchants' Dank.
Faust Wheel
Hade to Fit.
A bicycle, in many respects, is like a suit ot
clothes. If you do not appear with ease and grace upon your cycle, it
is because it don't fit you. With ease and grace also comes power.
Secure them all by ordering a special wheel, measured to fit by the
home manufacturer. A guarantee goes with every wheel. Patronize
home industry and secure a reliable wheel.
- Repairing of
Moycr, tVIgr.
The undersigned will
arrive the latter part of
this week with a carload
of strictly Pennsylvania
Horses. It will consist
of workers, drivers and
general purpose horses
The load will also con
tain a number of Ellra
Fine Drivers. Our jmbiic
sale will take place on
One Boy's "Falcon," list $65
One Boy's "Prince," list $50
2 GENT'S "SHIRKS," Shop Worn, $35.00
all Kinds.