The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 12, 1897, Image 3

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    Bkin on flro 'With torturinc, dlillRurlng,
itching, burning, bleeding, i i , tn.l pimply
humors, Insnntiv ri'll'cl by a vr.rin luiUi
with Ci TH i nA B"r, osinpto application of
CuTlcvllA (oluitm'un, the crest skin eure,
and a full dose of i iiici ha Uksom est.
J. ,M tbroosKont Ihs wM . IHittss n. C. Cosr . nni
Wer., Morton. " HowtoCnw Torturlm llnmof. frw.
BABY'S SK1H ""HSi ftJSSftl'SlJr-
1 Cures Fever.
Infants' DlB-nBae.
0 Curos Headache.
No. 10
No. 11
No. 1'
No. 14
Delayed Periods.
Skin Diseases.
No. lB'Gure Rheumatism.
No. 10 " Malaria.
No. 20 " Whooping Cough
No, 27 " Kidney Diseases.
No. 30 " Urinary Diseases
No. 77 " Colds and Grip.
Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on
rocelpt or price, 250., or 5 lor $1.
Dn. IlDMrnriKYs' HoiiEorATma MuroAit
of Diseases Mailed Fuee.
Humphreys' Med. Co., Ill William St.,N.T.
For snlo nt Povlnsky's drug store, 28 East
Centre street
Air. v.nwu. r(.A.. FAillna Mem.
' s 1 orr, ImpoUncr.SlecpleMnesi.fito-ciinBed
3,1 bx Atluso and other Eictwses end Indls.
T restore lent vitality In oia or ronnu. onu
. lnt .Tntnttftv and Oon.nmDtlon If
taken'to time. Their ms shows Immediate Improve!ilii COHB where all others loll. In-
Ut upon lis this the genuine AJax Tablets. Ther
here eared thousands and will cure rou. we srte a
rotltlre written guarantee to effect a euro In each case
or refund the moner. Mice 60 centf per oacsaire, or
sUpackauee (full treatmeutl.for $160. Br mslhla
For sale In Shenandoah, ra., at A. Wesley's
Ana Junius, Druggists.
Cures general or special debility, wakeful
ness, spcrmatorhoia, emissions, Impotency,
paresis, etc. Corrects functional disorders,
fauced by errors or excesses, quiddy redorinz
'tost Manhood In old or young, giving vizor ini
strength where former weakness prevailed. Cog
venient puluge, simple, effectual, and legitimate.
i Cunt is Quick and, Thorough.
),t7 tt dictivfd cy imitationx: Insist on
CATON'S Vitalizes. Sent sealed 11 your drug,
glit dock not have it. Price f I per plcge, 6 lor $3,
wim written guaranrpp oi complete cure.
Information, references, etc., free and confidential.
Send us statement of case and 26 cts. for a week's
.trial treatment. One only sent to each person. '
Bold at i'lrlln's drtiR store. Shenandoah, Tn
That's why they enjoy their COFFIiB.
Any grocer can tell you why customers
keep coning back for SEBLJC'S,
Oalj So. . p4clr. S
Srs alio sjbe. stKOAcms'OMans swt
OUAf-t" Witrox Specific Co, philaPa
at PoTinsky's drup; store, 28 Eo
Centre street.
A Handsome Comploxion
Is one of tbe greatest charms a woman can
possess. I'ozzoni'b CosirLcxiON 1'uwDini
gives It.
A ruin. T.n. urn nr. WOMAN'S RELIEF.
Alwart Dromisland rUbt. Arvkt JmttatiM.
Civum'm TisTtr I'll f land SAVtt IHtOKKTa.
Atrinitf turei.ortmtWlrret fwalnl). prk, SI,
Catoi Hpbo. Co lloatuB, Mail. Our Lok, 4&
For sale nt Klrlln's drup etoro and SJienandoah
druj; store
The first ut American Newspa
pers, CHARLES A. DANA,ISditor.
Tho American. Constitution, the
American idea, the American Spirit.
These first, last and all the time,
Dally, by mail, - $6 a year
Daily & mail, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday Newspaper In
the world
Price 5c. a copy. By mall, $2 a year
Address THE SUN. New York.
u iu u.iur.l uuiur uy l.KI.'a ll.VIIC All. Ill
' V N"l'. iiii, odoi. l l ' !'" '
I.UIVN IIAlIt T.MUrmii..d.ndriilf. Moy.
lialrfrttmf.lltnaaatanduroinolwsrowth 1 l'll"A'i'coiiiKuiunM.. S v CRTC
llu.u.Ud Trs.lU, oa aa applloalion 1 1st. a.
For sale by Bhenandoah Drug Store, Klrlln
Drug Store.
Wantetl-An Idea SSS
Brs. Waaklagtqn, I). CL. for lhlr ll.iui prtso offer
smd list of two nusdrsd InTsotlous wanted.
Wx Mill
Abandon Hopo of Drawing Ooko
Workers Into tho Strike
It Will lie Atlt1.ei1 by gftmuol Gam-
por, M. 1. IfntohfUrd mid M. M.
flnt'lniul, nntl tlio Striken Kxpeot
Client ltoMilts From It.
I'lttBbursT, Atie. IS. The fact Just
made public that the men at work In
the Spring Mill mine of Dempster, Uoyd
& Co. were getting 69 cents lias further
complicated the strike situation. This
rnte has been paid since July 16. There
are 09 men at work In this mine and
200 mine wagons are mined every day.
This Is dumped directly Into the ten
ders of the locomotives on the Penn
sylvania railroad. An effort will be
made by the strikers to get the miners
out, but the lntter say they will con
tinue at work until forced out.
The latest movement of the strikers
indicates that the miners' leaders have
abandoned nil hope of drawing the
coke region Into the strike, and have
adopted a plan of using the cokers to
assist the strikers in a more profitable
Arrangements are being made for n
big labor meeting In McKeesport on
Saturday evening, which all the strik
ing miners in the' Turtle Creek and
Monongahola valleys are expected to
attend. The speakers engaged nre Sam
uel P. Onmpers, president of the Amer
ican Federation of Labor; Jl. P. natch
ford, president of the United Mine
Workers, and M. M. Garland, presi
dent of the Amalgamated Association
The strikers expect great results from
this meeting.
In order to net the men out ngaln
the strikers will make dally marches
from Camp Victory until they regain
lost ground. The striking miners who
were former employes of the New York
and Cleveland Gas Coal company met
yesterday afternoon, formed a perma
nent organization ana appointed a com
mittee from each mine to take charge
of the strike at those mines. Follow
ing the organization they attended a
meeting at Turtle Creek addressed by
Mrs. Jones, of Chicago, at which 3,000
miners and their wives wore present
from the different sections of the dis
trict. The first meeting held by the strikers
nt Irwin yesterday was poorly attended
by the miners of that district, as all
were at work. Marchers to the number
of about 1,000 came to the meeting
from Shaners, Sutervllle and other
parts of this district. The strikers pro
pose to camp at Irwin and use their
best endeavors to get the men out.
Burning, Itching skin diseasos instantly ro
liovod by Ue Witt's Witoh Hazel Salvo, un
equalled fot cuts, bruises, burns. It heals
without leaving a Bear. C. U. Uagonbuch.
Saw llor Atwnllnnt I.vncliod.
Ashevllle, N. C, Aug. 12. Bob Urack
ett, tho negro assailant of Miss Kittle
Henderson, was lynched yesterday af
ternoon. Tuesday night a mob broke
into tho Jail and commenced to battor
down the steel doors that led to the
cells. The doors soon yielded and it
was then discovered that Brackett had
been spirited away by the ofllcers. All
the other nrisoners In the jail were
liberated. Pursuit of the officers was
soon commenced, nd a crowd caught
up with them nt Terrell Station, on the
Southern railway. At IIomphlU'H
schoolhouse Miss Kittle Henderson, the.
negro's victim, was sent for, and when
she arrived tho negro was strung up.
Penth of Bishop Einliry.
Philadelphia. Jiug. 12. Bishop James
Crawford Kmbry, of tjjp African Meth
odist Kplscopal churaft, flU! gj. hjs
home in this city yesterday, Ha haq
been sick for four months, his health
being b.tdly shattered as a result of
his work among the churches In South
Carolina and Florida. Death resulted
from Inllanirnatlon of the stomach
Bishop Rmbry, hp J)atJ filled his ofllco
only since May, 183&, wa fiafcf fp ng
the leading theologian, writer and phi):
osopher of his race. He was born lit
Maryland in 1834.
Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and La
liippe whan Ljtxativo Uromo Qninino will
nuro you In ono )ny. Vol up 'n toblots con
vonkmtfnr taking, fjuarftntepd to cuie, or
monoy refunded. Prico, 8B conts, Per salo
by Klrlin's I'harmacy.
Tho Oroat KnrClinunkos In India.
San Francisco, Aug. 12. Details of
the great earthquake in June, which
made nil India tremble, received In
Orient mall advices, confirm the orig.
lnal reportB of Its severity. In north
ern Bengal, Assam and Cftchar the
shocks continued for soma time. The
mortality in the Cherra hills is estl-
mated at from 4,000 to 6,000, At Go
Para a tidal wave destroyed tho ba
zaar, and six lives were lost. The
earth Is Assured and the country is cov.
ered with mud and sand. The topo
graph office at Cherra and all Pucca
buildings were destroyed, and tho na
tlves were forced to flee for their lives.
Similar reports are received from many
Other places.
It heals everything except a broken heart.
may bo said of Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve,
l'ilos and roctnl diseases, cuts, bums, bruises,
letter, coseina and all tkiu troubles may bo
cured by it miickly and pormgneutly, 0. II.
Xho l'risjon Sliootlner.
Boston, Ausj. IS. Herliert A. AVlllIs,
the young Taunton murderer, whose
desperate attempt to escape from th
state prison at Charlestown, assisted
by his brother, Everett, resulted In his
being shot by the guards, is reported
as being very low at the prison hos
pital. The phynlclans state that they
do not see how he ran possibly survive
his Injuries. Everett WUIs, who WM
also seriously wounded, has a oharice
to recover, and Turnkey Darling, of the
prison force, who received two bullets
in the affair, is mill in pmwrioua
Don't nauseate your stomach with tens and
littler lierlis, but regulate your liver and stek
lieaditolie by uaing those fjitnouf little pills
known as Do Witt's Little Early Kleare. (i II.
Aal Couplti .Miii-dofud by Itotibutx.
Itellefontaiae, O., Aug. 12. The mu
tllated bodies of David Deltrieh an4,
wife were found In their home yester
day, three miles south of the city, on
the Carlisle pike. They were found by
a granddaughter, Mrs. Bllzabeth Wat
tun, who went to the house on a visit.
The bloody ax was found, showipg how
they had been murdered. The motive
was robbery, as the house had been
ransacked throughout. The old couple
,iad not been seen since Monday, and
t is possible they were murdered ou
tfonday night.
MTI.m. Ann't Vlt.IrA mlAll fllGft filtAllt It."
We are speaking nf l)e Witt's Little Hurly
ItlSerS, Vile lBIllUUHIllhin iriuivi vwiJfm..wii,
blllnn.nesa. anil all stomach and liver
troubles, They never gripe. C. II. Jlagen
The Hon
1 rules the world.
' i'. w npprcolnto
lli.:d;,np i to which
the ex p octant
mother Is exposed,
anil tho foreboding
with which s li o
looks forward to tho
hour of npproaoh-
57 i ng motherhood.
By tho use of
"Mother's Friend"
the body is mado to yield pleasantly
to the change, Itendache and nausea
aro dispelled, tho depressed and nerv
ous feeling yields to ono of hopeful ex
pectation. Danger to life of mother is
avoided, and she passes through tho
trial quickly and her recovery 1b rapid.
8cnt liv Mall, on receipt of price, $1.00. Hook
to "Expectant Mothers" freo upon application.
The Ilrtdllcld He Rulstor Co., Atlants, (la.
ft .licit unler for rmr ItnTily
NiiTBrj Stock. KlpjUHf
nd Bafarx to thoM leifloir
home, orenminlMion to lo
cal nfftMits. I'ffrmflnc-tai em
ployment. Tbe tii.flln.fM
want I r iarnM. AdtlrfM
Tlif ll.CS.CIIAHKrO.
lHo. Pennttq., 1'I.Ilu,
Millions of Dollars
Go up, inlsmoko ovory year. Take no
risks bnt get your houses, stock, far
nituro, etc., insured in flrst-ol&ss re.
UAblo corapnnlos as represented by
Also Life and Accidental Oompanl est
I Quickly. Thoroaghly, ForoTcr Cured
method that cannot fail
volt.i the onto li beyond
hnxnan aid. You feel im-
Srored the flrit day, feel
eneflt ererjr day, toon know
. rounelf a kins amonr men
J In body, mind and heart
Drain and loiiet ended.
Ererr obstacle to happr
married life remoTed. Uerre
force, -will. enereT. when
failing or lout, are reitored by thli treatment AH
weak portion of the body enlarged and strength
ened. Write for our book, with explanation! and
proofs. Bent sealed, free. Orer 2,000 references.
Teams to Hire.
If yon iranl to hire a safe and reliable
team for driving or for working purposes
pay Shields' livery stable a visit. Teams
constantly on hand at reasonable rates
No. 410 East Centre street.
Opposite Reading rail o dstatlon.
peptya. Railroad.
July 1, 1897.
Trains will leave Shennndnah nftor 11,a .h.m
date for Wlcaans, Oliberton, Fraokvlllo, Dark
Water, St. Olair, Pottsvllle. llamburg, Reading
Pottstown, PhoenlxvlUe, Norrlstown and Phil
adelphla (Broad street station) nt 6 03 nnd 1103
a. m. and 4 20 p. m. on week days. Sundays,
6 08n. m.,a 10 p. m. For Pottsvllle nnd Inter
mediate stations only 917 a. m. weekdays.
Sundays, 9 45 a. ni.
iruins leave rracKviuo lor Shenandoah al
10 40 a.m. and 1281. 5 41. 7S2 and 10 47 i m
SundAy, 11 13 a. m. nnd 5 11 p. m.
Leave I'ottsville for Shenandoah at 1015
n. m. and 2:0i, S 15, 7 25 and 10 20 p. m. Sunday
Leave Phlladelnhla. mronil ftlrr.Rt .inilnn lm
Shenandoah at 5 57, 8 35nnd 10 111 n. in., 4 10 and
7 1 p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 0 50 a. m.
Leave Broad street station, Philadelphia, lot
Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove. Loni
Branch, and Intermediate stations. 0 50. R.25
11.39. a. m.. 8. SO nnd 4.00 n. in. weelrilnv. .
days, 8 25 n. in.
sheave uroau street station, Philadelphia,
Kmresi. weokKlnva. 0 20. 4 av 4 M K ia. a hv
7 88, H 20, 8 83, 9 50, IU 21 (Dining Car). 11 00 a. m.
12 00 noon, 123.? (Limited 100 nnd 4 22 p.m.
Dining Cars), 140, 200 (Dining Car) 820, 350.
4 00,5 00, 5 50 (Dining Cor), 6 00, 7 02,7 43, 10 00
p. m., 12 01, night. Sundays, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50. 6 15,
8 20,8 33,9 50, 1021. (Dining Car), 1185 n. ra.
12 85, 105 (Dining Car) 2 80 (Dining Car), 4O0
(Limited 4 22 Dining Car),5 20, 5 66,(Dlnlnc Car)
0 85, 702,743, 10 00 p.m.. 12 01 night.
Kiprees for Boston vltliout cliange, 11 00 n in.,
week-days, aud 7 4a p. ra., dolly,
For Baltlmoro and Washington. S 50. 1 20. 8 82.
10 20, 11 28, n. m.. 12 09. 12 31, 1 12, 3 18, 4 41. 15 19
Tessionai Limited, Dining CnrJ, 617. 653
liE latrj, i oi ll'injllg HT p. m , nnu
night weekdays. Hundnys,860, 720,912,1123,
a. m., 1209, 1 12, 4 41, 515 Congrraalounl Urn-
., 1209, 1 12, 4 41, 5
uining o-orj, Tilt linn-
Leave Broad street station via Delaware river
bridge Express, 4 15,9 20 90 minutes a. m,238
n imnmcsj, atrc nu minutesj,7u uu minutesi
p. in. Sundays, 4 45, 9 20 00 minutes a. ra., 2 33
iamyo wnrisei street wiiori isxpress, oou,
820,940.a. m., 1(X1 Sat'Udays (inly, 160 175
minutes, 3 00, 3 40 75 mlnntesl, 4 00; 70 min
utes, 4 20 175 minutes, 5 00 170 minutes 6 80
70 minutes) p. m. Sundays, 5 00, 7 SO, 8 00 175
minutes, 8 30 75 minutes), 9 00, 9 45 75mln-
u.mj u. i. nmt ay ji, in, 9,.uu V.VUIS1UU ,11,111,
7 00 a. m. rial I v.
For Cape Slay, Anitlesen, WIMivood nnd Ilolly
,ik3ih;u ibxprees, v w a. m., zuu, sua, our p. 111.
week days. Sundays, 8 20 a. m. Cape May
only, ISO p. m. Suturduys. Itxcurslon, 700 a. in.
KorSealslo City, Ocean City, Avalon nnd
Stone IIorborDxpress, 9 10 n. m., 2 80, 4 20, 5 00
p. ra weekdoys. Sundays, 8 50 a. m. Uxcur
slon, 700 a. m. dally.
I'or so rn era i-oint iupress, 7 00, 8 20, B40
n.m., 1(50,3 00,4 00,5 00,6 30 p. m. week days
duiiuiiya, u w, i w, o w, w uu ana y S3 a. m.
1). li
J. It. Wood.
Gcn'l Maunder.
Gcn'l I'oss'g'r Agt.
, Agent and Bottler of . .
Porter and Weiss Beer.
203 W. Coal Street,
WJantcrl fln Irion
Who can think
of some simple
uiiiuu nn iuuu thlsgtVpatentl
seys, WasblDgjton, 1). c.fur tbelr ll.tJO prise ofTel
sud list of two hundred tuveatlous wanted.
For Weak nnd Run Down Peoplo.
UlUnT IT IC I The richest of nil reslorft.
ntlH I II IOI tlve foods, because It re
places the essentials of 11 To that are ex.
linusted by disease, Indigestion, high living,
overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc
WHAT IT DOES! &aManiitSe
digestion perfect It creates solid Uesh,
nrusclo nnd strength. The nerves being
made strong the brain becomes at tlve nnd
olear. It restores lost vitality, stops all wast
ing drains nnd weakness In cither sex, and
an a femnlo regulator 1ms no equal. Price
00a., or llvo boxes 92.00. Druggists or by mall.
Wo can help you. Advlee and book, froo.
Wrlto Ua About Your Cnso.
1S13 Chestnut Street. l'hlladelphla.
Cured by this granular effervescent nnd stimu
lant. An Instant eure for sour stomnelisnnd
headaches, which often accumulate from lmvlng
a night out.
17 nnd 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah,
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Op Port Cahiion.
Subject to Republican rules.
Of OnwjasnuBO.
Subject to Republican rules.
Steel Pennyroyal Treatment
Is tho orleinal nnd only FRENCH
Rttto and reliable euro on tho mar
ket, l'rice. Jl.iiu; sent ay mail.
Gonuino sold only by
S. P. KIRLIN, Shenandoah.
Side Entrance on Green St., PHILADELPHIA, PA.
Younff, old, stnple or married & thono con
templating niarrlaeo, if yoa aro a victim of
.BLOOD HUI5UN Kxcese.rSf
Private Diseases human race which de-
'trnvmlnilfindliDdr and unfit rou for the
duties nf life, call or write and bo aared. Hours.
lilli3jevg, il-fliSnn..ll-ia.fien(tWcts,m
tirnrw fpnboic Willi . swQPnCeitluoilW
x pes tug iuiickb auu x uuu mmiuici,
Kills Roaches, Fless, Metbs and Hedbngs Non
poliononsi won't stain. l,arse bottles, at drug-
sists and vrocers, 25 cents.
Trains leave BhcnftnUonh aa follows ;
For New York vliA JliUadolplita. week days,
210, 580, 704 0 5 a.m., 12 83, 3 10 and 0 07 p
in Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For New Yo
'ork via Maueb Chunk, week davs.
3 30, 7 0,1 a. m., 12 S3 and 8 10 p. m.
For Readlnir and Phlladelnhla. week riava.
2 10, 5 33, 7 05 a.m., 12 03, 3 JO and 8 07 p. m. Sun-daj-s,
2 10 o. in.
For PotUvllIo. week davs. 2 10: 7 OS a. m.. nml
12 83, 8 10, 0 07 and 7 23 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
r or iamoiua ana aiauanoy wily, weelc flays
210. SIM. 7 01 a. m.. 12 33. 8 10 and (107 n. m
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
ror wiinamaport, Hunbury and Iiewlsburg,
weelc davs. 8 25. fi 8a. 11 SO a. m.. and 7 inn m
Sundays, 8 25 a. m.
ForMahanos Plane. weekuavs. 2 10. 8 23. KM.
7 05. 9 31, 11 00 a. m., 12 33, 8 10, 0 07, 7 25, 9 55 ano
11 ,11 p. ui. ouuuuvg, & iu, omi, in.
For Ashland and Shamokln. week davs. 8 25.
530,703, 1180 a. m., 6 07, 725 and 5 65 p. m.
Sundays, 8 25 a. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West via
is. o. li. It., through trains le-i Reading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (I', & R. U X.) at 8 30,
7 55, 1126 a. m., 810 ana 7.27 p. i. Sundays,
8 20,700,1126 a.m., 8 45 and 7 27p.m. .Addi
tional trains irom wimty-ipurtu ana unest
nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a, m. 19 20,
12 It 8 40 P.m. Sundays, 1 86, 8 28 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, veek
days, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00 a. m., ana 1 80, 4 80, 9 00 p.
m. Sundavs. 5 O0 li. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, weak
days, 4 80. V 10 .m., 1 80 and 4 Up, so.
Leave Philadelphia. Readlnir Terminal, weak
days, 4 30, 8 85, 10 10 a. m. and 1 42, 4 Off, 6 80, 1 1 ,10
p. m. aqnujiys, nwp.w.
Leave Readine.week days. 1 35. 7 10.10 08. a. m
11 00 m., 4 19, 6 00 and 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 185
a. in.
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2 35, 7 40 a. m
12 SO and 6 12 p. in. Sundays, 2 85 a. m.
Leave Tanuwiua, week days, 8 18, 8 48, 11 26 n.
m., 1 85, 5 51, 7 30 and 9 48 p. in. Sundays, 8 18
Is. in
Ixnve Mahanoy Oily, week days, 12 30, 8 45,
0 12 U 47 a. ru., 2 17, S 111, 0 17, 7 41 anil 10 08 p. in!
Sundays. If 38, 8 45 a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 1235, 2 40,
400 530.9 24. 1025. 1159 a. ra., 232, 592, 685,
1 67, iu as p m. Hunuaya, is iu, z 40, 4 00 a. in.
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 742, 10 30 a
m., 4 00 and 11 SO p. m. Sundays, 11 30 p, m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wart and
South street what! for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Rxpreas, 8 00, 9 00, 10 45 a. m.,
im,uruB uiiijr, luoj A uu, aw, u tu, 4 uu, 4 SO
00, 5 40, 7 00 p. m. Aocoiniuodatlon, 8 00 a. in.,
a ou. u mj ii. in.
Sundays Jtipress, 780, 8 CO, 880, 900, 10 00
io, l w, o wt a ww, a I J, iv U
AnKAiiihiiuluHim B IV n ...
, 4 4 p.
4 45 n. in. 8 1 00 excursion train to foot of
Mleslasippl Ave., 7 00 u. m. dally.
Returning leave Atlantto City depot, corner
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Kipremi, (Mondays only 6 45 n.m.)
n m ,ji Qif, n fvi mm ... own ion
5 80, 7 30, 9 30 p. ra. Accommodation, 4 26, 8 16
a. ra., 4 oa p. in.
Sundays Ksnress. 8 80. 4 00. 5 00. 600. 6 80.
7 00,780,8 00,9 30 11. ra. Accommodation, 715
a. m.. 5 06 p. m. tl.OO excursion train from foot
nf Mississippi Ave, only, weekdays, 600 p. ill ,
Sundays, 6 10 p in.
Parlor Curs on all express trains.
Tho Oapturo 6 Abu Hamod by tbo
British Forcos,
Tim Totnl HrltNH l,nn Wns Tivpnt.v
oiif Killed nnd Hlxty-ono Wotinilpd,
Ainonir tlio Dtmit lltilntt Two ltrltlHli
Cairo, Aug. 12. OHIclal dispatches
from Assouan, on the Nile near the
First Cataract, gives details of the cap
ture of Aim Ilamed on Aug. 7 by the
Anglo-ISgyptlan troops under Colonel
Hunter, after an 18 hours' march from
Colonel Hunter kept all his prepara
tions for the attack a strict secret, In
order to prevent the spies of the khallfn
In the Soudnn from getting wind of
his plans. He declined to allow nny
newspaper correspondent! to accom
pany the columns to the front
After carrying the high ground over
looking the town the Anglo-Hgyptlan
troops advanced to the attack upon
the village. A stubborn house .to house
fight ensued, and Colonel Hunter was
obliged to bring up the artillery be
fore It was possible to carry the po
sition. The total British loss was 21 killed nnd
CI wounded, of whom the Tenth Soudan
ese batalllon lost 14 killed, among them
2 British ofllcers, and 34 wounded. Ma
jor H. M. Sidney fell mortally wounded
while leading his men to the attack,
nnd died In five minutes. Lieutenant
Fltz Clarence was shot nlmost at the
same moment through the heart. Three
Egyptian olllcers received severe gun
shot wounds.
Colonel Hunter in his dispatches,
highly praises the steadiness and. daBh
of the troops throughout the engage
ment. The village Is a network of
crowded houses and twisting, narrow
1il leys, so that most of the fighting was
done at the point of the bayonet.
The dervishes repeatedly charged
through the narrow streets. Finally
their cavnlry, having lost over half
their number, fled precipitately, follow
ed by about 100 Infantry. These wero
nil that escaped. The dervish com
mander, Mahommed 'Zeln, was cap
tured. Another well known emir stub
bornly defended himself, with his fol
lowers, In a strongly fortified house,
and was only killed at last when the
house was destroyed by the artillery,
A large number of prisoners, arms,
standards, camels and horses, with
other property, were taken. The Nile
at Merawl Is In a most unpleasant
state from the corpses floating down.
The Inhabitants, as-during the advance
of the Dongola expedition, have shown
every kind of rejoicing at their deliv
erance from dervish oppreslons.
The garrison nt Abu Ilamed has been
much increased since the khalifa's de
feat of the Janllu tribe and the cap
ture of Metemnen by his forces. On
the other hand, Colonel Hunter's troops
wore assisted In capturing the town
by some friendly Arabs from Murad.
At present the general situation la
as follows:
The khalifa continues to reinforce
the army of occupation at Metemneh
under Mahmoud. Both sides of the
river have been fortified. Mahmoud re
cently sent reinforcements to Berber,
but recalled them on hearing of tho
advance by Colonel Hunter, upon Abu
Ilamed. He now threatened to advance
on Jakdul, a village held by friendly
Arabs, but It Is expected that tho ar
rival of the gunboats at Abu Hamed
shortly will prevent him from leaving
Metemneh with any considerable force
Household Necessity.
Oiscnrcts Candy Cathartic, tho most won
dcrful medical discovery of the ago, pleasant
and rofrosmng to tbe tasto, act gontly and
posltlvoly on kidneys, Hvor and bowola,
cleansing tlio entire system, dispel colds, cure
hondaclio, fever, habitual constipation and
billonsness. Floaso buy and try a box of
C. C. C. to-day ; 10, 25, 50 conts. Sold aud
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
1'rlMuiior'H Ilrlof Liberty,
Atlantic City, Allff, 19, Knoch Shaw,
the city Jail turnkey, was attacked
last night by a prisoner, who tried to
escape. The turnkey was seriously In
jured In the scuffle, and was taken
home In the ambulance. J, A. Ander
son, a prisoner who was arrested for
larceny, asked Shaw to come to his
cell to mop the floor. As the turnkey
entered Anderson snatch.ed. the mop
ana jammed tne handle of It Into
Shaw's stomach, lacerating It severely.
Then, shoving tho Jail official over an
iron bed, he dashed out of the prison.
A large crowd gave chase and he waB
captured about a square away. Tlq
turnkey is severely Injured. Internally-,
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
aud forever, bo mado woll, strong, magnetic,
full of now life and vigor, tako No-To-Bac,
tbo wondor-workor that makes weak men
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Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bao from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
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mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.,
Chicago or New York.
Another rotolllo. ltolibory.
Tunkhannock, Pa., Aug. 12. The sec
ond postofllce robbery In this county
within a week occurred at FqrUntan
Tuesday morning. Burglars ufw open
the safe and carried oft 1100 In stamps
and (20 In cash. The other robbery
oocurred at Vose, where similar work
was done. In both Instances the office
waB located In a ' general store, but
there was not a great amount of mer
chandise taken. It Is believed that an
organised gang Is at work,
Dont give them tea or ooQee. Have you tried
the new food drink called Qmin-O? It Is
delicious and nourishing and takes the place
f ooDee. The more Qraln-O you give the
children the more health you distribute
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tates like the sboiee gradas of oolfee lnit
ousts about t as tnueli. All grow re sail It,
15c and Sfki.
Ill 111 11 1 Tni'turetl hy .Tttveullofi.
Qrapevlne, Tex., Aug. li. Monday
evening a little negro was killed by
two other little negroes. The murder
ed child was but t years old. The others
were 6 and 8 years of age. They tor
tured the little fellow hy burning him
all over with a hot Iron, which caused
him great suffering, and to stop him
from crying they took him by the head
and feet and threw him off a porch
some thice feet high and then Jumped
on him and mumped lilm to death.
If your dealer tells you tliat something else
li "just as good" as Poau's Olutmeut for
Hives, I'ln Worms, Itching l'iles, or other
itchiness of the skin, tell him you want tbe
original. It is safe ; nover-fatliug.
O woman ! lovely woman ! nature made
tliee to temper mail ; we had born brutes
without you." Woman more than merits
all the good things Hint have been niid of
her by the wits and pot ls of all times.
When man lauds woman and her charms
nnd virtues, be lias in his mind's eye an
ideal. That ideal is always a healthy wo
man. No man makes pretty speeches and
witty toasts about woman, with the picture,
in his mind of a weak, sickly, nervous wo
man, tortured by pain, and suffering from
depression and despondency. It is in llu
power of every woman to be some man'':
Ideal if she will but build up and guard
her womanly health.
The best of known remedies for all forms
of diseaae peculiar to women is Dr. Pierce's)
l'avorlte Prescription It works directly on
but one set of organs in a woman's body.
It allays and eradicates pain. It soothes in,
flamniation. It invigorates and purifies. It
restores complete health to the organs dis
tinctly feminine and banishes weakness,
depression and despondency. It Is the dis
covery of Dr. R. V. Fierce, chief consulting
physician to the Invalid's Hotel and Surgi
cal Institute, DutTalo, N. Y. If you wish to
know more about it write to him.
" This Is to tell you," writes Sister KUsa L. de
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"that I bad been ill for twenty-one years and
was finally cured by your medicines, the ' Golden
Medical Discovery rand 'Favorite Prescription. "
It is as easy to be well as 111 and much
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cause of many forms of illness. Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. They
are .Jlny, sugar-coated granules. One lit
tle Pellet " is a gentle laxative, two a mils!
cathartic. All dealers in medicines.
sis t . 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
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Having studied nnder some of the best
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Terms reasonable. Address In care of Hlrouso.
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