W5t E" W ROUGH HANDS Ilehlnft, scaly, Weeding palms, shapeless nalli, and painful linger ends, pimples, blackheads, oily, moth; skin, dry, thin, and falling hair, Itch ing, scaly scalps, all yield quietly to warm hatha with CuTurnA Soap, and gentle anointing with Odtiouiu (ointment), tho great akin euro. (uticura It void throQstioiil th wftrM. 10 TT1I Dim AND CbiU, Corp.. Holt rropt , Dot ton, or How to Vroduca Soft, WMU Hindi," fret. ITCHING HUMORS Imtititlf rettered by Oticcsi IlXHBDlll tor . v Piles or Hemorrhoids. Fissures & Fistulas. ' I ' Burns & Scalds. Wounds & Bruises. Guts & Sores. Bolls & Tumors. Eczema & Eruptions. Snlt Rhdum & Totters. Chopped Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostrils. Corns & Bunions. Stings A. -Bites of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sol J by druggists, or sent postpaid on receipt of price lltHrilUEIS-atn.CO., Ill A lit TnUIimr.L.S.wTerk. For sale at Povln.ky's drug store, 23 Kast ucniro sireci MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURB ALT H'ervouM Jt?wc Failing Mem: tej s 1 "Ti Impotency.HleeplefinMi, etc.. cAuiea W .A I br AUnse and other Eicmm and India -rlnrA fjst Vital. tT in old or you n it. am fit a man for tudrbuatneu or ni-vrlaj-e. aa III a man I or Pbuurtuuaiuvrui ur tuHimjin, rrertnt Insanity and Ooniamptlon If tnltnn In tlm TriAi tiaA arinwM irfirnftHlrXta lmorOTth moat and etlesti n CUllE where all others tall, .In ktst upon haying the Renntno AJax Tablet. Thej hare curod thousands and will euro you, We bit a poiitive written Ruaranto to effect a cure in vach com or refund tho money. lrlce 150 cent-i per packaqe, or six packages (fall treatment for $i&k Br mnlLln For sale In Hhenamloab, Pa., atiA. Wasley's and ICIrl In's, Drug-gists. LIFEV EaTH passed. -"O ErfEOTDATOI1 THEti CATON'S UITJLLIZER Cure, general cr special debility, wakeful ness, spcrmaiorocca, emissions, irnpoisncT, paresis, etc. Corrects functional disorders. caused oy errors or excesses, qmcuy re icq Lost Manhood in older young, giving vigor frnfrth where former wreaVness rjrevailecT C caused by errors or excesses, quickly restoring Lost Manhood in older young, giving vigor and itrength where former weakntss prevailed. Con. venieat package, simple, effectual, and Iegitlmat. t CURE IS QUICK AND.TrlOROUC Den I it dtctivtd oy tmitaUontt W aw. Dsist on CATON'S Vltallzers, Sent sealed II your drur- cist doe not have It. Price $ 1 b per PKze. o tor r pkge, 6 lor f with written Guarantee of comnlet. cur.. Information, references, etc., free and confident!.!, Send us statement of case and 25 cts. for a week's (rial treatment One only sent to each person. ' CATON MED. CO., BOSTON. MAS. Fold nt Klrlln'a drug store, Shcnnndonli, P.i II we can jell Vou one ic package of Scelig's Kaflee well be satisfied. We know you'll buy more Twill touch the spot. Grocers. !V PILLS! ous KJStr; aiio kuhe. a'oc,tun"woMA)rt csn ICUSfcGUAPi' Wirax Sptomc Co,PHiuk.PA Foi at Povlnsky'a drug atoro, 28 E Centre street. A Handsome Complexion la onoof tho greatest charms a woman can pOSSCSa. POZZONI'S COMFLEXIOM POWDHB gives it. AWN'S TANSY PILLS A tbi id. tiits iid lira WOMAN'S RELIEF. Alitrart DrHfnnt anil loliabl. A i oid Imilatiota. Ri (UtukT'i Titiir I'm .Li find iivi ckorkti. At ilriitr dliirca. or kebt litrrct iMfilrtll. liiiet. 11. ClTnif 8pio. Co., UoaUB, Mat. Our book, 4c For sale nt Klrll n drupr Btoro and Shenandoah drucr store. THE - SUN. Tho first cf American Newspa Iters, CIIAlimS A. DANA,mitor. The American Constitution, the American Idea, the American Spirit. These first, last and all the time, forever. Daily, by mall, - - $6 a year Daily & Sunday.by mail, $8 a year The Sunday Sun Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in ' the world Price 5c. a copy. By mall, $2 a year Address THE SUN, Hew York. HAIR KESTOREL i.. i .it. .... i ii.ii u Mini f'. l.-homilM..-, ul-'autnt oJor. 1 1 to . Lull I.KK'H It A I It TIIMC'ruuiov.. dandruff. Moi ltl tr. in (mHiiiu um Unit i,Niiiinlaffrowtli St OH i iMiitl l.r.i: M l'.im a vr i o ins r'uiton l, r v CDCC l'lulru,d Traalu oa llair onappliiiatUl!rill& For sale by Shenandoah Drug Store, Klrlln Drug Store. Wanted-An Idea 1,1 Who can think or som simple. Protect your tdaaai tber mar lirlnir vou wealth. Writ JOHN WKUDKKUtlkNi Co" Patent iftS: Yii ; . ; . . '6UU PrUH o"t witoh mmi osl 'fITTV fjl (II m " used If SEELIQ'S Kappre. knows a rranrl I .. --,- i good drink tnat J will please her husbandA a H B KE A Oiroular Whioh Qivos GonorrJ Information Ooncorning It. DIFFERENT ROUTES DESCRIBED, It In Bstlinntoil Tlint Fifty ThoUHnml rooiile Will Mnko tlio Trip Noxt SlifltiK Tho Vnluo of Pny Streaks. I'utroloum I.nko DlHoovcred. Seattle, Auk. 3. I. A. Nndoau, the general agent of the Northern Pacific, has prepared a circular concerning the Klondike district. The circular Is full of Information, and Is In part As fol lows: "There are two established routm Into the Klondike country. One Is via the ocean to St. Michael's, thence via steamer up the Yukon to Dawson City. The mouth of the Yukon river Is CO miles from St. Michael's, and the dis tance from St. Michael's to Klondike Is 2,000 miles. Tho facilities on the Yukon consist of two stern-wheel steamers belonging to the Alaska Com mercial company, and the steamers P. B. Weare, J. J. Healy, of tho North American Transportation and Trading company, and a third boat, the C. II. Hamilton, of the latter company, which Is expected to be ready in a couple of weeks. The Yukon Is shallow In places, and It Is Impracticable to operate any steamers having: a draucht of more thiyi 4 "4 feet. "The other route, and the one which will be principally traveled, Is from Dyea, over the trail via Chllcoot Pass to Lake Llnderman, thence through the chain of lakes which you will see on any Alaska map Into Lewis river and down the Yukon to the Klondike. The route via Dyea is by steamer from Seattle running direct to Dyea, where they pack over Chllcoot to Lake Lln derman, at which place they build boats usually 22 to 24 feet long and 4 to E feet wide, which are taken through the lakes, while the provisions have to be packed over two short portages, one one and a half miles and one of about three-quarters of a mile, while the boat Is taken through the small streams. The distance from Seattle to Janeau Is 899 miles, Juneau to Dyea 90 miles, and Dyea to Dawson City 601 miles. "The Klondike Is variously estimated at from 170 to .200 miles south of Circle City, and Is located In Canadian terri tory. It is a stream about 140 miles In length, running In a general westerly direction, and the gold bearing creeks whero the richest finds have been made run Into the Klondike from a general southerly direction. "The gold streak Is anywhere from eight to thirty feet from the surface, and Is reached by sinking a shaft from two to three feet wide and six feet long down to the pay streak. Sinking this shaft and working tho pay streak are made difficult from the fact that from the' surface to tho deepest depth that has yet been reached the ground Is perpetually frozen and a process of fir ing In order to thaw out the ground Is employed. A brush and wood fire Is built In tho bottom of the shaft, which, burning all night, thaws out the ground from eight to fourteen inches. The gravel Is shoveled out during the day, and the operation Is repeated until the desired depth Is reached. The average progress In the shaft Is from eight to fourteen Inches per day. When the pay streak Is reached they drift under the ground, which does not have to be supported by timbers on account of Its being perpetually frozen. The fire. In thawing out tho pay streak, generates a very obnoxious gas, which, after the fire has burned out, must be expelled before work can be done. This Is ac complished by the use of bellows, fans and other" devices. A machine, how ever. Is being manufactured In Seattle that It is expected will expel these gases speedily. "The value of the pay streak varies from as high as a few cents per pan to as high ns $545, as one miner took out a little over $1,000 in gold from two pans, and a miners' pan contains two shovelfuls of dirt, so you can realize the richness of some of this ground, The gold Is coarse, very little flour gold exists, and It runs largely to nug gets. The value of the gold Is about J17 per ounce, 1200 per pound. The summers ure short and winters long and weather severe, the thermometer registering as low as 70 degrees below zero. There Is very little wind, how ever, and such low temperature is somewhat unusual. The great plagues In that section during the summer are the mosquitoes and gnats, which Bwarm In great numbers and are ex ceedlngly vicious, compelling people who are at ail susceptible to Insect poisoning, and In fact nearly every one, to wear nets to protect their faces and gloves to protect their hands. "It Is estimated that there will be no less than G0.000 people, exclusive of ex cursionists, going Into Alaska next spring or the early summer. The time required In making the inland trip Is as follows: Seattle to Dyea, five to seven days; Dyea across Chilkoot Pass to Lake Llnderman, ten days; to con struct a boat at Lake Llnderman, and make the trip via the lakes and rivers to Dawson City, requires about 24 days. Via St. Michaels route the time re quired Is as follows: Seattle to St Michaels, 14 days; St. Michaels to Dawson City, about 21 days, with the possibility of waiting at St. Michaels for the up-rlvor boats," The steamer Queen, which arrived at Tacoma from Alaska yesterday, brought word that the mounted police of the northwest territory arp meeting. all people bound for the Yukon couiir try at the British line, and compelling all who have not a supply of pruvls Ions to return to the coast. A I.uUo ot Petroleum 111 Alaska. San Francisco, Aug. 3. While the world Is excited over the -gold discov eries In the north, sight has been lost of another discovery that promises to be of great value. Several months ago a lake of almost pure petroleum was discovered, and samples were sent to Seattle for analysis. The report has lust been made public, and the find Is reported to be of great richness, The lake Is of unknown depth, seyeral mes wide and five or six miles In length. It Is only two miles' from the ocean. The hills surrounding are said to be rich In gold aud asphalt. It Is the ex. pectatlon of the owners of the lake to lake Its products Into the mining camps ot northern Alaska whenever the waterways will pormit. Ulectrlo Hitters. Electric Bitters Is a medlclno suited or any season, but perhaps more generally needed in the spring, when tho languid exhausted reeling prevails, wuen mo liver is torpiu ami sIhl-l-IkIi and tho need of a tonlo and altera. tivels felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted lonK aud perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely iu counteracting aud freeing the sys tem from the malarial uolson. lleadaehe. Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to Kleetric Bitters. Only fifty cents per bottle Jl at A. Wasley's arug store. GET APPETITE. IF YOU DON'T, YOU WIM. NI5VKK IHS CTUOMi OK II1UI.TI1Y. A h.i lite it one lliitm tlint you can't nfTord to ho nitliout, for without it your health, strength nnd comeliness flies out of tho window. Poor nppetllo mentis wenk stomach, starred body, tick Individual. Uuod appetite the opposite. Poor appotlto Is a sign that your stomach is too weak for digestion. You enn aid it with tho Shaker Digestive Cordial. Whun your stomach is able to digest nil the food that your body needs, you will Imvo good appetite. Not before. Good food, woll digested, means strength and a long, healthy life. Undigested food creates poison which affects the wholo body, and may giro you headaDho, dlsilncss, nausea, constipation, flatulent e languor, weakness, nicntnl depression, stomachache, fever, nervousness, ofl'euslvo broath.iuiaemia, rheumatism, etc. All those disorders will he rcliovcd if you will take Shaker Digestive Cordial. It is a pure vegetable digestive and natural iuvigorator, which aids tho stomach, purifies the system of tho poisons of indigestion aud makes you strong, fat aud healthy. Shaker Digestive Cordial does not act on tho liver, but on tho undigested food in the stomach. It cures indlgostion or hlllousuoss without Irritating the liver or any of the internal organs. At druggists. Teu cents for a trial bottle. Write for freo hook to Tho Shakers, 30 Hondo Street, Now York. Cn'unot Ilnndlo Tholr Huslnoss. Victoria, B. C Aug. 3. The steamer Queen arrived from the north yester- day. She brought no late news from the mines, but reports 400 people camped at Skagaway Bay and 50 at Dyea. They are uriable to get goods liken Into the lakes, as the packers cannot handle the business. There will be a terrible crush there when tho boats which left after the Queen, seven In number, arrive. It Is safe to say that not half the men will get away from Skagaway bay this year, and. even with the large number of horses n the way up, It will be Impossible to handle all the freight. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. If you want to quit tobacco using easily and forever, ho made well, strong, magnetic, full of now llfo and vigor, tako No-To-Bac, the woudor-workor that makes weak mon strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Bao from your own druggist, who will guarantco a cure, sue or fl.lH). jjooklct and samplo mailed frco. Ad. Sterling Itomcdy Co., Chicago or Now York. peia. Railroad. SCIIUYKILL DIVISION. July 1. 1897. Trains wltt leave Bhcnnndoali after tho ahnv. dato for Wlggans, Gllherton, Frookvllle, Dart Water, St. Clair, Pottsvllle. llniuburg, Iteadtnr Pottstown. Phoentxvllle. Norrlstown nnd Phil adclphla (Broad street station) at COS and 1103 i.m.anutaj p. in. on wcee uavs. Hiindavi.. OS A. in.. S 10 11. 111. For Pottsvlllp. mill tutor. medlato stations only 9 17 a. m. week days. nnuavB. v 43 a. in. Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah al 10 40 a. m. ana lz at. oil. IS2 ana 1047 n. as. Sunday. 11 13 a. ni. and S 41 p. m. Aave l'ou8viue lor pnennnuoali at 10 13 . in. and 12.OT, s 13, 7 23 and 10 20 p. m. Sunday luw n. iu., u ill ii. in. Leave Phlladelnhla. fltrond street station!, fn Shenandoah at 3 57, 8 83and 10 19 a. m., 4 10 and l p. m. wceic onya. ttunuays leave at 6 00 a. m. Leave Broad Btrect station. Phlladelnhla. tin Sea Utrt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Lon, urancu, anu liurriucuiaio stations, oou, H.Z3 11.89, a. m., 8.80 and 4.00 p. in. week-days. Sun days, 8 23 a. m. lave uroau street station. I'liuaueipma, FOIl NEW YOltK. Exnreas. weck-davs. 8 20. 4 0b. 4 SO 513. SfiQ. 7 83, u 2C, 8 83, 9 50, 10 21 (DInlnsr Car), 11 00 a. in, 12 00 noon, i233 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p.m. Lulling v.ars;, i w, sou lominc iari ii JU, u ou. 4 CO. B 00. 5 59 (Dining Car). 600, 7 02,7 43. 10 00 p. in., 12 01, night. Sundays, 8 20, 4 03, 4 50, 5 15, 8 20,8 33,9 50, 1021, (Dli.lng Car), 1133 a. m. 1233, 103 iDinlng Cnr) 230 (Dlnlnfr Car), 4 00 ir.tinitcu4 winning urj,o;aj, QMMjjining uuri 6 83, 7 02, 7 43. 10 00 p. m.. 12 01 night. Express for Boston without change, 11 00a m., weouays, anu i to p. m., uuiiy. WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH. i'UI AJUitiiiiuiu saliva, if niii I VS. O Ui, 10 20, 11 23, a. m., 12 00. 12 3(, 1 12, 3 18, 4 41, 5 19 Congressional Limited, Dlnlnf? Car, 017. 055 i7.T.llln.AAan.l Wa.1,l.,lnn QUI T Vi O OO miulngCarJ,7 31 UlnlngCarJ p. in, anil 1203 uluht week days. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20. 9 12. 11 23. a. m ixuv, n, i4i, tola uongrossiouai i.inv Ited, Dining Cnr, 0 53 Dining Car, 731 Din ing Car p. in. and 12 03 night. FOIl ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad street station via Dclawnro river bridge Express, 1 45, 9 20 'JO minutes a. in, 2 33 l7 minutes), az iwi lulnuiesj, vuo I'JU inumiesi p. in. Sundayx, 4 45, 9 20 I'JO minutes u. in., 2 33 ot ininuu'sj, t u.i p. in. Leave Market street wharf Express. 500, 8 20, 9 40. a. m., 100 Saturdays only, 150 75 minutes, 3 CO, 8 40 75 minutes, 4 00 70 n UVl'BJ, 1 -U IW llllllllimj. -J W IIU illlllUtCBI it l 70 minutes p. m. Sundays, 500, 730, 8 00 75 minutes, 8 80 75 mlnutesl, 900, 945 75min utefll a. in. and 4 30 d. in. 81.00 excursion train. 7 00 a. m. dally. ror (jape May, Angicson, wuuwooii anuiiouy Beach Kinross. 9 00 a. m.. 2 30. 4 05. 5 00 p. ni. week days. Sundays, 8 20 a. in. Cape May only, ISO p. m. Saturdays. Excursion, 7 00 a. m. dally. ForBealslo Cltv. Ocean City. Avalon and 8tono Harbor Express, 0 10 a. in., 2 80, 4 20, 5 00 p. in weeKaays. sunuays, sou a. in. excur sion. 7 00 a. m. dally. v. For Somers Point Express, 7 00, 8 20, 940" a. m., iou, uuu.4 uu, oiw, o wi p. m. weK uays sunuays, o w, v uu, o uu, u uu anu v 4-1 a. ni. It U. 11UTUIIIMSUM, J. It. Wood. Gen'l Manaurr, tlcn'l Pasn'K'r Act. HAVE YOU READ THE PHILADELPHIA TIfllES -.wTHIS MORNING? THE TIMES Is the most extensively alrttiuitMl ami wldolv rcAd newsnaiier liuh- UshMl in Penusylvnula. lt dlscusNUin of pul llo men and puhlie measitrw Is In the interest of publto tnteirrltv, honest Kuveruuient and prosperous industry, and It Knows no inrty or peisounl allcKinnce iitfentinir puhllo Issuoa. In the broadest -nnd bast senile a family anu gentra! nenrstiajier. TTiri tiikco 1 AlC l llUCO am to lutve the lament circulation by deserving- It, mid claims that It la unsurpassed In all the ementlala of apreat metropolitan newspaper. Specimen copies of any edition will bo stmt free to any one send Inif their address. Trn mo l JCil'10DAn.Y, 800 per annum: J1.00 for four inoutlis; 30 cents per month; de livered by oarrlerH for 6 cents per week. SUNDAY EDITION, 38 large, handsome liotjee 331 columns, eleeantly lllustratod, Iieautlful colored supplement S2.00 jier an num; 5 cents per copy. Dally and Sunday, 13,00 per annum 1 CO eejita per mouth. Address all Utters to THE TIMES, rUILADELTIIIA. 7 The sweetest nnd the most expressive B word in the English language and the one about which the most tender anil holy recol lections rlustpr is thnt of Mother the who watohod our tender years; yet the life of every Kxppctant Mother is beset & Mother's Friend so nsslsta Nat tiro in tho oliange taking plaoo that the Mother is enabled to look forward without dread or gloomy forebodings to the hour when Bhe ex- FeriencoB tho the joy of Motherhood, te me insures safety to tho lives of both Mother and Child, nnd she is left stronger after than before confinement. Sent by Mail, on receipt of price, 11.00 per bot tle. Hook to " Hxpectant Mm hers " will be mail ed freo on request, to any lady, containing vat uablo Information ami xoluntary testimonials. Tie Bradfleld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Os. SOLD DY ALL DRUGGISTS. Weakness of Hek i Quickly, Thoroughly, Forever Cured, by a new perfected ielnt!fle method that onnnot fftll T4n.e4 the oase ii beyond human Aid. You feel ira- Erotd the first day, feel a enefltevoryday, toon know yon Me! f a kins among men In body, mind and heart Drains and louses ended. Every obiUole to happy married life remored. Nerre tnrfi. will. Ai-iarirT. hn failing or toit, are restored by thia treatment All woak portloni of the body enlarged and strength ened. Writ foronr book, with eiplanattone and proof. Bent sealed, free. Orer 2,000 reference. ERIE MEDICAL CO.. E4uan.5J: DEAD STUCK for BUGS Kills Roaohes, Fleas, Moths and nlboga Nun. pulaonoila ; won't atalo. Irfrga uoitiM, lltftt and KToeeri, 36 cents. at drug- F OK SHERIFF, S. ROLL BEDDALL, Or TonT CAnBos. Subject to Itcpiihllcnn rules. pOIt SHERIFF, H. S. ALBRIGHT, Op OitwiaBBuno, Subject to Republican nilos. LE BRUM'S. FOlt lUTIIF.lt snx. Tills rcnied.v liclnrr In jected directly to tlio sear, or mono uiHcnscM of tho Gcnlto-Urlnary Orgnns, requires no clinntcc of diet. Cure iriinrntitced In 1 to 3 dnjH. Hninlliiliiliipnck. tT TT T5 T!7S oco. by mall, 81.00, U U JnJUSold only by S. P. KIRLIN, Shenandoah. RR-TtlElgl-604 H. Sixth St. Side Entrance on Green St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. fob, CURE GUARANTEED." w Younjr.old.slnpIoormarrlcdtSs those con- M tcmplating marrlaRC. If you aro a victim of .BLOOD PUI50H ...-Sf IPrivate Diseases ffisScTO atror mind and bodr. and unfit vou for tlio duties of life, call or wrlto and ho SAVi'd. Hours: Dally, 11-3 1 cVps, ft-l Bun., O-l 'J. Send 10 cts. In pt amps for Uoole with iworn tntlmnnlitlti aciioalnir Qancks and Fake Institutes Teams to1 Hire. If you want to litre a aftfe nnd reliable team for driving or for working: pjrpoaca pay HhlcUIs livery stalilo n visit. Teams constantly on liauu at reasonable rates JAMES SHIELDS, No. 410 Kast Centre street. Opposite Reading rail o d station. HilHons of Dollars Go up in smoko overy year. Tako nc risks but get your houses, stock, fur. niture, etc., insured in first-class re liablo companios as represented by r a ttttx EATieT Insurance Afrcnt 1HUOA, 120 South Jordin 8 Also Llfo and Accidental Conipanl eat PHILA & READING RY IN EFFECT JULY 2, 1897. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows i For New York via Phlladelnhla. week dnvs 2 10, 533, 7 03 SSI a.m., 1233, 3 10 and 0 07 p m Sundays, 2 10 n. ni. For New York via Munch Chunk, week days, 586,705 a. m., 12 S3 and 8 10 p. m. For Itoadlnt; nnd Philadelphia, week davs. 2 10, 8 36, 7 05 a.m., 12 S3, 8 10 and 0 07 p. in. Sun days, 2 10 a. in. For PotUvIlle, week days, 2 10; 7 05 a. m., nnd 12 Hj, a iu, u uy anu : p. in. Biinuays, 2 10 a. m, For Tamaqua and Mnhanoy City, week daya iu, a an, i wj a. in., i. im, o it unu o o, p. sunnavs. iu a. m. For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lewlslurfr, weeic aays. a -to. o tiu. ii uu a. in., ana o d. iu Sundnvs. 8 25 a. m. For Mnhanoy riane. weekdays. 2 10. 8 25. 5 36. 7 05. 0 54, 11 80 B. 111., 12 33, 3 10, 6 07, 7 35, 9 53 and ii .u p. ni. Duuuiiys, 2 iu, o -so a. m. For Ashland and Shamokln. week davs. 8 25. 580,703, 1180 a. in., 6 07, 725 and 965 p. m. Sundays. 8 25 a. nT roriiaitimore, waBiiinRton and the west via li.su. it. II., througli trains lea-i IteAdlnir Terminal, Phlfadelplifn, (P. & It, 1 X.) at 8 30, . ii, ha n. m., a iu anu t.xt p. iu, Bunonvs, 8 20, 7 00, 11 26 a. m., 8 46 and 7 27 p. m. Addi tional trains irom 'iweniy-rourtu nnd Cliest- mil streets station, weeic uays, iu au n in. JZ30, i j 10 a vi p.m. sunuays, 1 an, a 3b p. m. TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH. Leave New York via PhlladQlnhta. unalr lays, 12 13, 4 so, 8 00 a. m., and 1 80, 4 SO, 9 00 p. m. Sundays. 5 00 n. m. Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week days, 4 80, 9 10 n.'m.. 1 80 and 4 15 p. ni. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week days, 4 30, 8 35, 10 10 a. in. and 1 42, 4 05, 6 80, 1 30 p. m. Danuays, lioup. m. Iiavo Itendlne.week days. 1 85. 7 10.10 08. a. m. 12 00 in., 4 19, 6 00 and 8 30 p. m, Sundays, 186 a. in. Inve Pottsvllle, weekdays, 2 35, 7 40 a. in, 12 80 and 6 12 n. m. Sundays, 2 35 a. in. Leave Tamaatia. weekdays, 8 18. 8 48. 1128 a. m., 1 36, S 51, 7 30 and 9 48 p. m. Sundays, 8 18 a. in Leave Muhanoy City, week days, 12 10, 3 45, 9 12 11 47 a. m., 2 17, 5 In, 3 17,' 7 4 1 and 10 08 p. in. Sundays. 12 25. 3 43 a. nl. Leave Mabanoy Plane, week days, 12 88, 2 46, 4 uu ouu,U20, lun, iivtr a. iu., - tri, aon, use, 7 M, 10 22 b m. Sundays, 12 10, 2 40, 4 00 a. m. Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 20 a m., 4 uu anu n w p. m. sunuays, n au p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and Houtli strectwuaii lor Atlantic oily. wseimnye lunreas. 8 00. a on. in -is n. m (Saturdays only, 130) 2 00, 3 00, 8 10,4 00.180, a uu, Qw,fw p. in. Aooomuiouatioii, a uu a. in. o au, o au p. m. Sundays Express, 7 30, 8(0, 8 30, 900, 10 00 a. lu., 4 4i p. m. AceominoUatloii, 8 00n. ni. 4 45 p. in. 81.00 excursion train to foot o MImIssIhiiI Ave.. 7 00a. in. dally. Returning leave Atlantle City depot, corner Aiiamio anu ArKausas avenues Weekdays Express, (Mondays only 6 45 a.m-) V nn ,11 u in n nn inm 11 1.1 .. ... o (1,1 ,nA w, , , . v w, . w ,w, . . w II . II,,, u on, 1 v, 5 30, 7 30, 0 30 p. 111. Accommodation, 4 25, b 16 a. m., 4uo p. m. u i T7V.,U i1 arm son am aao 7 00, 7 30, 8 00, 0 80 p. m. Acooin mndatlon, 7 15 a. m., 5 05 p. in. Si. 00 excursion train from foot of Mississippi Ave., only, weekdays, 6 00 p. in., Sundays, 6 10 p. m. Parlor Cars on all express trains. UnntcHAn Mon S Who ean think IIUIUUU nil IUUU thlnir ton. tent some simple Protect your Ideas; they may Lrlng you wealth. Write JOHN WBtiPEHHUHN ft CO.. 1'i.u-nt Attor neys. Washington, !.'. for their l.8uu pruts oRef KM lis, 04 two uuuureu ui.umiuo rf anion GAG EXTINCTIONS SEALS. Lowieog of the Rookeries on Priby loff Islands WILLING TO STOP THE KILLING. Nnnrly All tlio Atiliiinln Cnuglit hy I'elnttlo Bonlviis Are Ifemnlm nnd I'tipi Wltnt tlie SUInn Soli Kor In I.onilon. London, Aug. J. Herman Llebes, proBidetit of A. IT. Ltebe & Co., of Ban FranclKco, which . firm, with David Ogden Mills, the New York banker, anil Lloyd Tovbs, preldent ot the Y7ells- Farito Co.'s expre.a system, compose the North American Commercial com pany, lessee from the United States government of the Prlbyloff Islands goal rookeries, has addressed a letter to the Times, In which he says: '1 and my colleagues of the North American Commercial company entire ly disclaim any desire for measures innde 'in the Interests of one national ity and against the Interests of the other,' and we do not and never have suggested that the lCngllsh govern ment should 'surrender the exercise of a lucrative Industry without receiving an equivalent, merely In order to In crease our actual and prospective prof its.' Pelagic sealing Is open to our selves nnd to the whole world, and, speaking for myself, and my colleague. should be perfectly Willing to con cur in any reasonable arrangement with our own and also with the Iirltlsh government, with a view to (either en tirely or at any rate for a given num ber of years) discontinuing the, killing of seals upon the IslandB In question, as also all pelagic sealing. 'I am In a position to prove conclu sively that of the seals caught by the pelagic sealers at least 80 per cent, are females, and the remaining 20 per cent. are mostly puf, in which the sex is not distinguishable after the skins are removed from the body. As Ihave said, the skins all oome to London to be dressed, and there Is not the slightest dlfllculty in determining the sex of the adult seal from the skins. An inspection ot them would convince all who saw them. The males are much more active than the females, who are all heavily encumbered and float at the top of the water, and are unable to escapesso readily as the males. Sir Louis II. Davles, Canadian min ister of marine fisheries, recently made statement to a representative of a news agency to the effect that pelagic sealing 'employs a large number of white people and Indians, and not less than S.OOO Canadians are dependent upon the Industry.' Where, may I ask, are the 8,000 Canadians to whom Sir II. Davles alludes as being depend ent on the Industry, unless they be the shareholders of the companies owning the various vessels. "During the last seven years our company (the so-called great monopo lists) have killed only about 15,000 seals per annum, nnd tho average price re ceived for the skins In London was certainly under 5 per skin, and In asmuch as the Bklns cost us over 3 each, to say nothing of our Invested capital, you will see the monopoly Is not very large, and had we invested our money In government bonds we should have done better. A great deal has been snid about the Americans not paying compensa tion to the' owners of the vessels seized from 1886 to 1800, a list of which vessels Is set forth In the award. The Parisian arbitrators by tholr award did not as sess any damages, but left that mat ter open for further negotiations be tween the two governments. The own ers of the vessels seized were promptly BBked to send In their claims, and did so. Every effort Is being made by the commission appointed for the purpose for assessing compensation In British Columbia, consisting of the ahlef Jus tice of Canada and a Judge of the United States, and who are now sitting there, to come to a conclusion upon the point. Whatever compensation Is awarded will be promptly paid. "Surely there Is nothing unreason able In asking that a conference be held to consider whether the regula. Hons provided by the Paris award are sufficient to protect the seal from total extinction or whether at any rate some measures cannot be tnken to preserve the lives of the female seals and tc avert the amount of destruction by the slow process of starvation of so many thousands of puns. Upon those who oppose so reasonable a request must rest the responsibility of the ultimate extermination of the seal from the Pa cific ocean by the barbarous process of killing the mothers and starving their young." . , Household Necessity. Cascarcts Candy Cathartic, tlio most won derful medical discovery of tlio age, pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansiue the entire system, dispel colds, cure heauacuo, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please bay and try a box of 0. 0. O. to-day j 10, 85, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Cluiruoil Willi Wile AlimloJ. New York, Aug. 3, Mrs. Augusta Mnhler, 45 years old, wife of August Mahler, was shot and killed In her bedroom yesterday. Her husband was arrested, charged with the murder. Mahler says his wife committed sui cide, .after having first tried to mur der him. They had lived unhappily. There was no witness of the tragedy, and the coroner Is inclined to believe Mahler's statement. Mahler, who Is 40 years old, is a bartender in Cove's bil liard rooms. He married 'Mrs. Mahler, then a rich widow, 13 years ago, and, it Is said, squnndirrd a large portion of her fortune. What do the Children Drink? Dont give tbem tea or ooaAM. Uv. yon tried the new food drink sailed Oratn-0 f It la delicious and nourishing and takes the place of cotfee. Tu mora Qraili-0 you give the children the more health you distribute through their systems. QraiivO Is made of pure grains, and when properly prepared tastes like the choice grades of oollee but oot about at muoli. All xrooers sell it. Me, aiiuase. Forest 'I'Ii'im iluur.iu til AlaTorln, London, Aug. 8. Advlcos from Orau, capital of the .'.'gerlan province ot that name, says that forest fires have been raging for a week in the Telagh dis trict, and now extend over an area ot 10 square miles. A detachment ot 1,(00 men has been fighting the Hamas night and lay Finoe the outbreak, but all ef forts to pnviut a spread ot the con liagrutlun have thus far proved un availing. (lrlp-Cnldti-lltuutuclio, Why sufl'er with Ootigln, Colds and La Grippe when IllTJrwo Quinine will cure you in one day. Put op In tablets urn venlent for taking. Guaranteed to cnte, or money refunded. Price, SB oenU. vor sale by Kirliu'g Pharmary. ir The tweet nets of the first embrace with the wo man of Ins choice will always linger in a man's miiul. It is n pity that the tveet memory should evet lie poisoned by the taint of ill-health and consequent unhappi nesn. It is sad that the flower of a happy remembrance should be obscured and kill ed by the noxious weeds of sickness and sorrow. Too fre quently tills Is the case. A woman can not be a happy, hrlpful amiable wife who Buffers from weakness and disease at the very mainsprings of her nature. Pity may grow up to take its place, but lo c itself seldom survives where this is the case. If a woman will, she may always hold her place in a man's mind ni'.r heart. If she will take the right care of herself In a womanly way she will never lose her rightful inheritance, a hus band's love. The best of all known medicines for wo men is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It acts directly on the important and deli cate organs that make wifehood and motherhood possible and makes them strong and well. It allays inflammation, heals ulceration, soothes pain and tones up and builds up tired nerves. It pre pares for almost pangless motherhood and insures healthy children. Thousand of women who were sickly, nervous, fretful invalids are now ltappy, cheerful and helpful wives as a result of its use. All good medicine dealers keep it and there is nothing- "just as good.'' Any dealer who tries to persuade you that there is, is thinking more of his profit than of your welfare and health. Dr. Plerce'a Pleasant Pellets are a safe. sure. speedy, permanent cure for constipation. They are tiny, tunr-coatcd granules. One little " rel ict" 1! s a o-entle laxative, and two a mild cathar tic. They never gripe. Druggists sell them. anu no otucr puis are as gooa, ..iliiiiliiilllllillllltllllliliriMiiiiiuii-,!Illlli;iitilM the jjfe itiiiiimi WnS always formed r Sprains, m niui mi " v 'fin 'iSm, rOK SALE EVBK."2T"WjlHCEI?.B. I'liiifiiiiiiiimiiuimmiir niiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimtiiiiiiiiii SoraotltutflneolsHrclIable, monthly, reeulatlne medicine. Only harmlwasd the purest drugs should be used. If you want the best, get Or. Peal's PeBiairosai Pills They are prompt, safe and certain In result. The eennlne (Dr. Peal's) never duup. nolat. Bent any where, 81.00. Address i'KAl.MaElolHH Co., Cleveland, O. ForSalc alJURLlN'S Druir Store, Shenandoah, Pa. ANDY CURE CONSTIPATION 10 25 SO inSfll.NTEr.Y finSRiNTRED tn ture any cawor constipation, Caseareta art the Ideal Laxa. AUOUllUlClllI UUmltluirjUlS ,. neierrlnnr!-rlne.lmtriiiiernTniiliirnlr.nlls. Km pie and booklet free. Ad. STERLING ItKlIKDV "A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY-BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH APOL Summer Heat Wears You Out. HOP BITTERS , , WILL BRACE YOU UP. ) THE BEST OF ALL TOMBCS. For over 25 years it has teen curing thousands of oases of Biliousness, Indigestion, Malaria, Hervous Prostration, Kidney Troubles, &c. It Purities the Blood, Gives you an Appetite, and Helps you Digest what you Eat. Take It now and get your system in shape to stand the cold weather. PRESCRIBED BY ALL EMINENT PHYSICIANS. HOP BITTERS CO.. NEW YORK. Sold at KIRLIN'S. Drue Store, Shenandoah, Pa. A Great Magazine Offer ' FOR 1 The regular subscription price of "Demorest's Magazine," juage s LiDrary, ana JUUfcU o LlulUlfi UUU Funny Pictures'' is &5.30 DEMOREST1 T .? W G ? MH E . la b?.JJ monthlies In whloli tlw beautiful irjar. so fully present.il a. Iu ni our literature tendlnir to a similar Mop. awl purpose IUDGES LIBRARY' Ui a monthly iaaMln. of fuH, ailed with Illustration. In caricature UhJeEators' humor. I ooatrtbutor. are the best of American wife and 'FUNNY PICTURES' la another humorous monthly j there h a laugh In every llneot It. All three of tlteae inagasiiM. are haudsomely tfoAWn up. You should not mla. thla ohanoa to secure them. Cut here aud return Coupon properly filled out. Demcrcst PufDlUktag Co., 110 Fiftk Awx NqW York. Fwtlw MMOoawl M.OO plea, mid BemarejnVl Family Magailad, Judge's Library (a magasliw ef fnnl, aitd Inay FUturs for oue year w pr your otter. ' Nh mo...... M.. l'of-ofiioe D'e " Sfafe PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. II. TINUHT, VETERINARY SURGEON. tlrmlunte and I Mr fteeldent Tlmme sturgeon of the 1'nlvrrslty Htnt.. .,f N Y. IlKAnqvARTCM : Hotel 1'rnne.v, Shenandoah. THREE YEAR (iit'lim: rails nliilit or day prmnptH r, uponded 1o Q 8. PIIILUPS. M. D. Office : 30 Weal Centre stieet. Can be consulted at all hour. M. 1JUHKR, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW. Office- Kuan building, comer of Main and Centre streets. Sltenandonh. J." POMEHOY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW flhenandoah, Pa. W. HIIOEMAKEH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Corner Market and Centre afreets. pROF JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Loek Bex 88, Mabanoy City, Pa. Having studied under some of the best masters li London nnd Paris, will give lemons on the violin, mandolin, enttarand vocal culture. Terms reasonable. Adureee In eare of Strouse, the Jeweler Shenandoah. Olcbnitnd rein-iin Vowder. never fql iMiu 1-ui. il.r.lliCm Mfe .nd fur. f.n.r fkilinf with Tsniy fid rmnyroy.l rills and other Uk. MimllMl. Alw.v. huv the bMt snd avoid diMD. oolfibrwet. OutrantMd upertor to sli other., ltoaUtvriy &.betlnthinivk, AWo. 1. rartlettlim. 4 ot. Sr.aS "Ex. OMk Bay. Bwton, Mail E m,mm nro progroaeivo nnd keep inforniod of E the World's I'roirress. The well In- World's Progress. and thrifty Housa-wlfo will uuu keep 5SRAINB0W LINIMENT 1 rfln the house, ne a standard remedy for Bruises, Cramps, Ilhoumatism, ncnes nnu pains. Prlc. 25 els. and B0 el Pries 25 ell. and B0 clt. per bottle. -r Prep'reri by If. J. HACKETT & CO., Philadelphia. CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGISTS CO.. Chicago. Montreal. Can.. nrKew York. su. FOFi 1 f We will send all three to you fo one year (or $2,00, or 6 mo. for SI. Uo tom"y ""CWli" published I there le non and the tueful, pleasure ami profit, faahlon aud Doinorwt'a. There U, In fact, no publication pre- which oauooniiMre with It. Kvery number