The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 26, 1897, Image 2

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Published every Kvenliiic, KirpRtimlay,t
Mourn Jabdin HrBitin1NKAB Cbstbk.
Tim Herald In ileilrnetl liiHlienandimn and ho
siir-miidliiE towns for six cents a welt, pJ"
all o tlie carriers. H mBll JB.OC a y aar, at
mt a month, payable In advance. Advertise
units oliftrued according to tpaae and ixwIHon.
Tlie publisher reserve ilie tlglit to olianire Uw
i I .... ,.i ..(.wtiumMb tvliAtiAver the nub
lloatlon ol new demands It. The right Is
nwerrcd to reject any advertisement, whether
mid for or not, Hint the publisher may deem
Improper. Advertising rates uinde known
Kiitercd at the MMtntflre at Shenandoah, Pa., a
second cum man matter.
"All tfce News Thai's Fit lo Print1
"Evening Herald
lm-asim- is one "f ttip n-liii'vnu'iitH to
which President McKinluy hikI tin-
UpputiHoan imrty were commltteil.
Tlie next atpp to bp taken In for cur
rency rpfonn. and that will rome in
due time. Tlie message of tlip I'resi
dmit sent to Congress Just liefore ml
journnipnt is evidence that Hip ires
ent administration will fully redeem
Its pledges, and that the confidence
of the people was not misplaced.
Kven In the moat severe cases of sprain or
bruise, cut or Imrn, Thomas' llclectrle 011
Klvo almost instant relief. It Is the ideal
family liniment.
MONDAY. JULY 86. 1887.
The New Tariff Low.
The Dlngloy tariff bill passed the
Senato on schedule time Saturday
afternoon, vrlth a majority of ten
votes In Its favor, and shortly after
wards the President attached his
siKnature. The Dlngley bill was re
ported to the House on Maroh 10 and
became a law on July 84, four months
and five days after it was llrst reported
to the House. That Is a record of
which the Republicans may feel
The bill glvos to the farmers the
protection on wool and other farm
products which they had asked, the
House rates on first and second class
wools being restored, and a highly
satisfactory rate to the wool sections
of the mountainstatosbeingadopteU
Our Democratic contemporaries, as
well as the leaders of that party in
Coiii;res,s, have made many falsi)
statements in referenco to the sugar
schedule. In the shape that the bill
passed the House it is generally con
ceded that it was not in any way nd
vantageous to the trust, but that on
the contrary it took away from the
trust the advantage which it had
under the Wilson law. Stripped o
all technicalities, the cold facts are
that as the bill left the House the
rates on refined sugar were 13$ cents
per hundred pounds greater than the
rates on raw sugar. Of course, the
rates on different grades of raw sugar
are different, but taking the miiiibu
of pounds of any grade which wore
required to make a hundred pounds
of refined sugar it was found that the
rates were on an average of 12i cents
per hundred pounds less than those
on refined sugar. This means that
the sugar rellnors of the country,
whether in the trust or out of it,
were allowed a difference of 12J cents
per hundred pounds, or J of a cent a
pound, difference between raw sugar
when imported and refined sugar
when imported, thus giving them an
opportunity to import raw sugar at &
of a cent a pound less than the rates
at which refined sugar can bo im
ported. It is generally conceded that
the cost of refining sugar is not loss
than about J of a cent a pound, so
mt thni'eaa really given to the
sug-nr refiners aro simply tho bare
difference botwocn refined and unre
fined sugars, or tho cost of rofining.
Tho rates agreed upon by tho con
ferees made precisely the same differ
ence between raw and refined sugars
that tho House bill made when it was
passed by that body. The conference
report did increase the rates on re
fined sugar slightly, but it also in
creased the rates on raw sugar, thus
making the difference in tho rate of
duty between raw and refined, or tho
''differential," as it is called, precisely
what the House bill nmdo it originally
- 12 cents per hundred pounds, or &
of a cent a pound.
It is true that sugar-trust stock ad
vanced during the time the bill was
in consideration by the conferees and
after it was presented to the public,
but this is easily accounted for. Tho
sugar trust, kuowing that tho new
bill would certainly advance the rate
of duty on sugars as a protection to
American producers, has been bring
ing into tho country as rapidly as
possible sugar in enormous quanti
ties, getting it in, of course, under
the comparatively low rates of the
Wilson law. It has scoured the world
for sugar and had in stock by the
time the conference report was pre
sented to the public over 700,000 tons
of raw sugar, or, in round numbers,
1.500,000,000 pounds.
On every pound of thissugar which
it had in stock it was perfectly appar
ent that it would make whatever
profit there was between the tariff
rates of tho Wilson law and the in
creased tariff rates named by the
Dingley law, or an aggregate profit
calculated at about 12 million dollars.
Is It surprising that sugar stook went
up in view of the fact that this or
ganization would make upon the
sugar which it had brought into the
country 13 million dollars by the
mere advance which the framers of
this bill have found it iwtceawtry to
make in tariff rates in order to pro
teetthesugarproducersof the United
Htates and bring a revenue to the
ifovernment 1
The advance in sugar-trust stook
was not due to any permanent advan
tage which the new tariff bill gives
the trust over the old law, nut, ontne
contrary, the differenot) between raw
and roflned sugars under the new bill
is, as already indicated, 12i cents per
hundred, while, under the Wilson
law, It is 38fc cents per hundred
pounds, thus making it apparent at
once that the permanent, "uiueren
tial" or difference in tariff rates
which the sugar refiners get under
the new law is far lens than that tin
der the Wilson law, while this loan to
the trust in offset by the mere tern
porary advantage in tlie advanoe In
prices which It is able to make upon
the enormous accumulation of sugar
u hid. it has on hand.
The njieedy completion of this
Unj-n siutt WViie m i-iH.T.
ChleaBo, July 2d. James O'Donnoll.
who lives the life of a recluse, shot Into
a crowd of small boys who were play-
Inn ball near Ills home yesterday after
noon. Thomas Good, aged 12, and
Frank Spears, a Red S, colored, were
badly wounded. Spears will probabl
die. As soon as the shooting became
l:nnn an angry mob of neighbors sur
rounded O'Donnell's borne, where he
had hidden. The timely arrival of a
ngtrol wagon saved his life, but y a
narrow margin, as the mob surrounded
the wagon, and the officers were forced
to flsrht to protect their prisoner.
o'Dnnnell said the boys annoyed him
with their noise.
It heals everything except a broken heart,
may be said of I)e Witt's Witch Ilatel Salvo.
Piles and rectal dlsMMea, cuts, bums, bruises,
tetter, eczema and all skin troubles may be
cured by It quickly and permanently. 0. 11.
Found A-iliyxlnl ,1 In A Hmnll Hold
; tti m V-.tcliili'f. V A
New York. Jul) At n small hi-tel
In Wrstih i Hl(i".i'. on U' noiili-
"a-teui bmmdiiiy uf the U, 1'nlili i
Hulllvntl, -f jenrp nf u;i'. nnil 111" ple'l
first i-ouln. Annl" Siilllvn n. v ie rmiii.1
dead. They been iiM'hyxi.U' il lv
I I'jmnla' Iiik e.iif.
The cousins had grown up tngetln r.
and firm time In lime the tnllt of the
neirhliMH lu d In en Unit young I'.it
rtek and Annie, althmiKh close blood
relative. Inti nded to nuiey each other.
The father di elated the marriage Im
possible. The vllliiKc priest was con
sulted, and he declared that the ehureh
would hover sanction such n union.
The young couple seemingly bowed to
this decision, and after that they were
not seen much together. Saturday
evening Miss Kulltvun left home for a
short vacation, whether by accident
or design she met her cousin, Patrick,
and after walking about for a time
they finally stopped at the little, hotel
at Westchester. There they drank a
glass of beer each, and sat chatting
until bedtime. Then Sullivan, who was
well acquainted with the proprietor of
the road house, said that he and his
cousin had just been married, and that
they were going to leave Unlonport
on account of the trouble It would
cause In the two families. They were
given A room for the night, and In the
morning, when the smell of gas was
discovered, tho Sulllvans were found
asphyxiated In the window-less room.
A ("To 7Ti hi v.e .almy.
Londcn, J 1'y 20. The Paris corre
spondent of The Dally Mall says thai
Germany lins protested to the United
States against the annexation of Ha
waii by the latter country. Germany,
the correspondent says, desired n
triple control of the Islands by America,
Great Ilrltaln and herself. Chagrinee"
at the result of her protest, Gormany
sounded Japan, but the latter decline".
to be a party to any concerted action
believing that the United States would
respect the rlrhts of Japanese emi
grants In Hawaii.
Thousands nro sulfurlnc oxcruclatlnv
misery from that plague uf tho night, Itching
l'iloe, and say nolliiiiK about it tliroiigh u
sense of dolicacy. Instant relief in Dunn's
Ointment. It never fulls.
TCx-MtiiNti'i- Terrell'M Itotiirn.
New York, July 2C. A. XV. Terrell
ex-minister to Turkey, arrived to-day
from London on his way home. To
every question concerning the eastern
complications he would answer that In
was still In the employment of the gov'
eminent, and could not express any
opinion or state a fact that could be
construed as containing an opinion.
Insist on the
The best Washing Powder
made. Best for all clean
ing, does the work quickly,
cheaply and thoroughly,.
largest package greatest economy.
Bt. Louis, Now York, Uoston, Philadelphia.
UrUHT IT ICI Tbo richest ofnll restow
aiiirii iu-i tlve food.
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using onsllj
and forever, bo mado well, Btrong, magnetic,
lull of new life and vigor, tako No-To-Uac,
tho wonder-worker that makos w enk men
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-IJau from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
cure. 50c or ?1.00. Booklet and sample
mailed frco. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.,
Chicago or New York.
Two Killed on tno Hull.
Utlca, N. Y., July 20. John Phelps,
aged 28 years, a clerk, and his wife,
nged 17, were Instantly killed by a
train on .the West Shore rallrond last
night. They were seen struggling be
fore the train struck them, and It Is
thought the man Intended to cause the
death of his wife and himself. He had
been heard to threaten her.
Pnti'il Holler ICxjiloslon,
PunxButnwney, Pa., July 26. A boil
er explosion Saturday night In the
lumber mill of KIpp & KIsor, at Cor
tez, killed Pete Duff and seriously In
jured 10 others. The mill Is badly
wrecked. A 11-foot piece of boiler was
blown 400 feet. Two hundred men will
be thrown out of work.
Before the Public--A Scranton Store
keeper Testifies.
Scranton is greatly interested in the home
testimony that Is being brought forward in
favor of tbo "little conqueror." Oiir rcpre
seutativc investigated anotbor enso in tbnt of
M-. Daniel Mohr. who has a little store at
No. 33S Summer avenue, Hydo Park. Mr.
Molir is a fiuo, muscular, woll-built man
who looks as though no burden that any
ordinary back in railed upon to bear would
prove too great for bis and still a few months
Fill n battle or common glass with urine
and lot it stand twentr-fnur httuinja sedi
ment or settling indicates an unhealthy
onndltlon of the kidneys. When mine
stains linen It Is positive evidence of kidney
trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or
twin in the back, is aUo convincing proof
that the kidneys and bladder are out of
There is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills every
wish In relieving pain in tlie liack, kidneys,
liver, bladder and evory part of tbo urinary
passages. It corrects inability to hold urine
and scalding pain In pissing it, or bad effects
following use of liquor, wiuo or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to sot p many times during the
night t nriiL.tii. Tlie mild and the extra
ordiinry eject of Swamp-Root is soon
realised. It stands tho highest fur its won
derful cures ef tho most distressing cased. If
you need a medicino you should havo the
best. Sold by druggists, prico fifty cento and
one dollar. You may have a sainplo bottlo
and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Men
tion Kvbning Herald and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer A Co.. Blngliamton,
N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee
tbo genuine of this ollur.
UlectriKMiteil III n Snloon.
Philadelphia. July 26. Frederick Blent-
zle. an aged man, who acted as super
intendent In the saloon of his brother,
August Plentlze, at the northwest cor
ner of Fifth and Lehigh avenue, was
electrocuted Saturday evening by the
current which supplied light and fur
nlBhed motive power for the fans In
the snloon. Death was Instantaneous.
Through accident the victim made his
body a conductor of the current by
placing one hand on a swlthboard and
the other on an Iron radiator and In
stantly his life was blotted out, his
only struggle being an Involuntary
Khuflllng of the feet.
Themis a tlmo for everything ; and tho
time to attend to a cold is when It
starlR. Don't wait till you havo consump
tion but prevent it by using Olio Minute
Cough Cure, the great remedy for coughs,
colds, croup, bronchitis and all throat and
lung troubles. C. II. Ilagcnbuch.
Surrrii-T.. . TiTTiinrs' M ool I lis.
Clarkhburg. V. Va.. July 2C The
miner's meeting advertised for yester
day was a great success from the min
er's standpoint. Over 100 men said
they would Join the union, and a meet
ing will be held today. There Is no
doubt thnt all will go out by Tuesday.
Mr. Mahon says 40 national organizers
will be represented at Wheeling on
Tuesday, and that action will be taken
that wir cause a settlement at once or
a general strike will be called for.
tlcfllri) or tho Miihhoh to Itcnoli tho
Northwostorn Kldorndo.
Snn Francisco, July 2S. The desiro
nf tho gold struck throng to reach the
diggings In the Klondike district re
sembles for all the world the craze of
easterners to reach California In the
days of '49. Thsre Is little or no meth
od In thlB longing of the marses to
reach the Kldorado in the great un
known territory In the Northwest.
People who have had no experience In
mining, or have undergone none of the
hardships Incident to such as will fol
low a trln to the Yukon country, arc
clamoring for passage and straining
every nerve to secure funds necessary
on which to make the trip. Many nro
making sacrifices In order to visit the
land that promises so much.
Every steamship ofllce In the city is
literally overrun with people seeking
Information concerning the Klondike
country. Those who have the money
do not hesitate to pay for passage,
trusting In many Instances to good
Jtxir, in ly IrfiW-Itnte I i urrloi vln I
sylviinm nnil.
Ik r eim-d cull etiiMnre iiih thai nf
in N'eu Jersey In inimim-r rixnrt.
Misuiie I'it.v is the iint popular nr.iKhle
resnri- in Aim-rum. and Cnpn May, Hrn I-lo
City Ocn City, Aviibn, Anlown, Wlld
tvou , ini'i Molly lleiieh ib net full far short of
Atlantic ('it 'n li'gh Htan.lnrd.
Tb IViin-ylv.iiiia id Cimipiiiiy Iiiih
itrtangod for xi ui-hioiiM to the wiiImhv fioni
f'.t-l tf.lM,,!! lti,!l,.f,,lil, Slll'llltllllnHll.
il.,,!.!,!,, ,i I,,.,.,,,,,,,. iitiooS(ii elielini ! mBue strong-tile i brain becomes n
stations on branch ioiiiIk), nil August 5 innl
Kxeurshin ticVet. Rood for 10 days, will v
sold t extirnuly low nilei.
l'.ihieiitii-rs limy, if I hey so dedrr, go lo At
lantic C'i y via the new Delaware River
Rridge Route, tie only all-ra 1 line from
points in IViinsylvsiim io Atlantic (lily. i
For information in regarl to rates, time of
tmlin. Ac., consult small bills or apply to
nearest ticket ngctit.
For Weak and Run Down People.
linpfiiiaft It. re
places tho essentials or lire Unit are rc.
imusiea uy disease. Indigestion, high living,
overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc.
UHflT IT nflFQI Uy making tlie blood
mriHI II UUCOI pure and rich mid tho
digestion perfect It creates solid flesh,
musrie nuu sirengin. Tho nerves being
made strong the brain becomes astlve iind
clear. 1 1 restores lostvltnllty, stopsnll Wast
ing drains and weakness In cither sex. and
ns a re'nmlo rogtilafbT has no equal, l'rleo
60o., ornyo boxes J2.00. Druggists orbymntl.
Wo con help you. Advice and lioolt, free.
fw7ltc Us About Your Cnso
UUCuostnutStreot, Philadelphia,
Ctn,,1lt, ..e tl,n rl,.lta I. ,1, l,w,t TVi
CliiinipluiiHlilp PimimittH.
Xiitloiml 1, ensue.
V.. L. Po. W. I. Po.
Rotten IB ta .707 Philadelphia 87 it .448
Cincinnati 48 38 .057 Chicago .... IK 44 .443
Haltltttoni...8 M .848 Irmtsville. . 84 41 .4M
New York.. .41 HO .00) Brooklyn.... 82 48 .401
CleTland....42 tU Mi Wa.ihiugton.8 44 .878
llttabnrg.. 85 80 .473 St. Lottis 17 60 .M
At Onleago New York, 7; Chicago, a At
ltttMbnra Plttsbure. 16: At St
IauIh Bt. Uinta, 7i Washington, 5. At Louis
ville Boaton, 5; Louisville, 2. At Cleveland
(forfeited)-Olevnland, 0, Philadelphia, 0.
At St. Louis St. IiOuis, 4; Washington, 8.
At Cleveland Baltimore, 6; Cleveland, 5. At
Cincinnati First game: Cincinnati, 7i Brook
lyn, 4. Beeond game: Cincinnati, 11; Brook
lyn, 4. At Chicago Cliloago, 1 ; Louisville, 0.
Koitorii Loiieuo.
W. L. Po. W. L. Pc.
Buffalo 48 83 .634 Providence. .88 38 .620
Syracuse,... 46 81 .607 Soranton....l 88 .500
SiriiiKaeld. .40 81 .688 Montreal ...Wl 40 .Ml
Toronto.... 41 84 .517 Wllktnbarre.20 40 .808
At Montreal Montreal, 17; V ilkeabarre, 0. uck , Blve them food on which to
,,ZT":"r!l pI'A.L s I subsist during the coming winter. The
Second game : Providence, 10 ; Toronto, 5. At
Buffalo Flint game : Springfield, 7 ; Buffalo, 2.
Second game: Buffalo, 11; Springfield, 0.
At Buffalo-Springfield, 4: Buffalo, 1. At
Sy mouse Syracuse, 8; Providence, 2.
Atlantic I.cuguo.
W. L. Po. W. L. Pc.
Newark ....60 88 .002 Pateron....40 41 .493
Lancaster . . 48 32 .000 Norfolk 85 89 .473
lint ford.... 48 88 .611 Athletic Ill il .447
Richmond... 87 80 .607 Beading SO 60 .343
At Philadelphia First paine: Norfolk, 2;
Atldotio, 1. Second game: Athletic, 9; Nor
folk, 3. At Lancaster Lancaster, 0 ; Newark,
4. At Hartford First game: Hartford, 81
Richmond, 0. Second game: Hartford, 8;
Richmond, 0. At Patorsou Patersou, 6; Bead
ing, 4.
At Paierson First game : Paterson, 8 ; Bead
ing, 6. Second game: Patemon, 2; Heading, 1.
At Newark First game: Newark, 3; Ath
letic, 0. Second game : Newark, 0; Athletic, 0.
"They don't mike much fuss about it.'
We aro speaking of I)e Witt's Little Early
Risers, tlie famnuslittle pills for constipation.
biliousness, and all stomach and liver
troubles, They never gripe. C. II. Ilagen
buuh. DcitlUild-4 All-o.llUi IllloieiMlolloc
Madrid, July 20. It is estimated that
General Maximo Gomez, the leader of
the Cuban Insurgents, has reaffirmed
hi determination not to accept a com
puimlse with the government, but to
ago ho could not lift u bushel of potatoes for adhere to his demand for the absolute
a customer. Ileitis by trade a quarrymau,
which taxes the muscles of thp body, lie
overtaxed tin m once nud strained the kid
neys, and catching a cold at tbo time, it
settled there, causing kidney disorder, and
with this be has been troubled more or less
for tho imst 12 years. Colds h says, always
went right to tho back, and according to the
varying of the weather and his work he
would have alternate sharp and du'.l pains in
the back. Lifting heavy things or stooping
positions caused pnln in the back which was
also always stiQ in the uioruiug. J nave used
all kinds of things said he, but nothing ever
helped me liko Doau's Kidney Pills. Thoy
havo completely Iiauishod all my pains
They deserve the highest praise and are sure
to lie a winner when people And out what a
great medicine they are, and It will not be
long liefore they flud it out. Roth my wife
and myself feel thankful for the good Doau's
Kidney Pills have done me, and we both
heartily recommend them to any one suffer
ing with kidney diseases. This is but .he
investigation of one case in Scranton. There
are many more that we have investigated,
some of which have already been published
and more will follow. Dean's Kidney Pills
are accomplishing wonderful results right
here at home where it is very easy to prove
such statements as above. The pill are fur
sale by all dealers. Kuster-MUburn Co
Hutfklo, N. Y., are sole agents fur the United
States sod will mail same on receipt of price.
which is within reach of all, only 60 cenU
per box,
Itoinember the name Doau's and do net lie
persuaded to take any suWitute
Or OHWiasBUaa,
Subject to HptifIIBn rul.
Or Post Carbok.
Subjoct to Ilepuhlloan ruls.
Wanted-An Idea SSs
ProUot your Idewj tlmr may lirtog you wa&lux
Wriu JOHN WKCDEKDlIRN rxi.. I'staol Attyr
Mis. WunlogUM, I). 11.. tat thalr ll.SD prise otti
1S4 lut t two liiuulrsd luTKatkUiS waaCod.
Independence of Cuba.
Poui-oil OH on n Slow Pirn.
Wilmington, Del.; July 2fi. Mrs.
1 ranclska Soberlnslsi poured oil tin a
slow lire yesterday. Then she set the
nil can on the stove. An explosion fol
lowed and she was burned to death,
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption.
This is the best medicine in tlie workl for
all forms of Collides and Colds and fur Con
sumption. lOvery bottle is guaranteed. It
will cure ana not disappoint, it has no equal
for Whooping Cough. Asthma. Hay Paver.
Pneumonia. Bronchitis. Ln Qrlnne. Cold iu
the Head and for Consumption. It is safe
for all ages, nleasaut to bike, and, above all.
a sure cure. It is always well to taxo iJr.
King s New Life nils iu connection with Dr.
King's New Discovery, as they regulate and
tone tho stomach and bowels. We guarantee
perfect satisfaction or return money, rree
trial bottles at A. Waaley's drug store. Itegu
lar sitt 60 cents and $1.00.
Hotel PI1-0 lit. Itlellllelil Sprlnir.
Utlca, N. Y., July 2C Fire goon after
midnight almost completely destroyed
the Spring House, at Itlchfleld Springs,
only a small part of the western corner
being left standing. The lire broke out
in the landing; At the time there were
100 cufsls In 4he house, 70 of them
from New York and Philadelphia and
100 employes or the hotel. Kvery per
son In the building, as far as known,
escaped. The night before the hotel
was the scene of one of the season s
most billllant hops, which broke up at
midnight. An hour later the cry of
fire was heard. The flames progressed
slowly through the various parts of
the hotel, and except the employes,
who occupied quarters In the vicinity of
the laundry, everybody had ample
time to get out.
Two Thou'-niid M llos on UIc.vpIpi.
St. Louis, July 20. The 26th United
States Infantry bicycle1 corps, which
reached this city Saturday night, com
pleting their 2.000 mile ride from Fort
Missoula, Mont., in 40 days, 35 of which
were actually spent oh the road, are
encamped at Forest Park. The bicycle
corps left Fort Missoula, Mont., Juno
14, 36 In number. Lieutenant J. A. Moss,
Surgeon J. M. Kennedy and Edwnrd
H. Hooz, the official reporter, and 20
soldiers selected from the four com
panies stationed at Fort Missoula.
During the trip one of the men was re
turned to Fort Missoula on account of
not being able to keep up.
F.xeelsior, which leaves on Wednesday
next, has n full passenger list, but big
bonuses are being offered every day for
a berth on the vessel.
More people are anxious to co to
Alaska and the Yukon country than
can possibly be accommodated at tho
present time. It Is belioved by many
thnt the vessels now fitting at Snn
Francisco, and destined for Dawson
City by way of St. Michaels, will never
reach the former place. The river be
gins to freeze about Sept. 10, and It is
not possible for vessels leaving Snn
Francisco after August to reach Daw
son City for at least five or six days
after the extreme cold has set In.
A dispatch from Seattle says: No
greater crowd ever assembled on the
wharves of Seattle than that which
witnessed the departure of the steamer
City of Mexico for Dyea yesterday. On
tho Mexico were 2S3 passengers who
left to seek their fortunes In the Klon
dike. At a conservative estimate there
were fully 8,000 people on the wharves,
showing that, instead of abating, the
Klondike fever Is more virulent than
over. In addition to her passengers,
the Mexico carried 1,800 tons of freight,
consisting almost entirely of outfits of
the gold Beekers, and 48 horses.
Why stiller with Coughs, Holds and
Qrippo whou Ijitutlvo limine Quinine will
ciiri! von In one dav. Put tin in tablets oon
vcnioiltfor taking. Guaranteed tocuie. or
money refnniled. Prioe, SS cents, "or sale
by Klrlln's Pharmacy.
Thne '0-Vnot tofpedn boats arTTto be
Im'it In this ci untry fur a SouthAmTl
enn gt vernmeTit.
It v. Dr. Malcolm McGregor Dana'
dhd at his home In Drooklyn yester
day. t Wns 80 ye.irs old.
Tho AmprJc.Mi Na lonal Jewish Chau
tauqua opened its first summer assem
bly at Atlantic City yesterday.
John Griffin, a cold storage house
laborer lit Buffalo, N. Y was killed by
nmmrnla fumes. Ills body was burned
as If by fire.
The Chlttinden collection Of old
stamps, worth ts.000, has been
from Dr. J. Uruee Chittenden's house
in New York.
At St. Cloud, Minn., Janv-B II. Mfty
bury, a lnnal Sprinter, ran 1R0 yftfds
Saturday In 112-5 seconds redticiug
the world's record 1-5 second.
CharleB 11. Kunkel, a carpenter In
the Lehigh Valley railroad car shops
at Allentown. Pa., had his head caught
between a pulley and the floor. He was
crushed to death.
Only Is possible, wlwlber ns n test of
excellence In journalism, or for tho
measurement Of ipinutltles, tlmo or vtihnwt
Record . . .
After n cattvr of nrnHy twenty ytntm of
iiNintmiitcHl Krmvtli in jtifttlflfMi In elftlin
hiK tliitt tlm HUtntUrtI flrnt intftltltnliftl hy
Its found en Im the one true tent of
A Perfect Newspaper.
To publish ALT. THIt NKWS promptly and
succinctly nnd In the mont readable form,
without ellhlon or partisan bins; to ilineuiH
lt Klgitlflcnuee with friinkiietw, tn keep AN
Ol'Mff ICYIC l'OU POI1I.10 ABUSItH, to gtvn
hetddea n complete reeoid of elirrent
thought, fancies and dlMxiverles in nil do
lmrtmeuts of human nctlvtty In lt DAILY
K1MTIONS of from 10 to 14 PAtlHS, mill to
provide the wlinlo lor its imtriiiis nt the
nominal price of OXIC CISNT-Tbat win
from tlie otitxet, nud will coiitbiuo to be the
aim of TUB BKCOltl).
Dr. Miles' Nervine Victorious.
Physical and Mental Exhaustion Civos
way to vigorous Activity.
DroppocI Thi'oncU a T'rcstlo.
Marietta, O. July 26. As an excur
sion train was returning from'Zanes
vllle, O., last night the trestle work
over a .bottom land three and a half
miles from Marietta g tvo way, and two
of the four coaehes won dropped to a
corn field below. The coaches were
filled with people, but no one was
killed. About 16 persons weie badly
Injured, and all were more or less
bruised. Miss Npllle Purdy, of this
city, will probalily ale. One of the
coaches took lite, and some of the pas
sengers were singed before they could
escape. All the Injured were brought
to this city.
Iteduceil Kates to Mt. (Sretua via Peliusyl
vaiila ltatlroad.
For the United Ilretliien camp meeting at
Jit. Gretna, !'., August 3 to 13, 1807, the
Pennsylvania I'ailroad Company will sell ex
curslon tickets frjm all points on its system
east of Pittsburg and hne, and west of and
Including Philadelphia, to Mt. (iretua and
return at red 11 ceil rates. These tickets will
im sold August 1 to Ann list 12 in elusive, good
tn return until August SO, 1887, Inclusive.
For siwclllc rate, conditions, ifes., apply to
nearest tloket agent.
lkiruing.ltoblng skin diseases instantly re
lieved by Tin Witt's Witch Hanoi Sslve. un
equalled ftn cuts, bruises, burns. It Itenls
without leaving a scar. C. II. Ilagenbueh.
Negro Shoots n Ticket llrokor.
St. Louis. July 26. George Hermann,
who has charge of a ticket broker's
office opposite the Union static, was
fatally shot last night by a negro
named Matthew Hancock. The latter
went into the ticket olflce and demand
ed money, and when It was refused
shot Hermann Ave times with a re
volver. A crowd of cabbies and other
Uangerson about the station chased the
negro with the Intention of lynching
I1I111, but he was finally rescued hy the
police and locked up at the Four
Vim, vigor and victory t-tlieso aro the char
acteristics of Do Witt's Little Early Itiscrs,
the famous littlo pills for constipation, bil
iousnoa and all stomach and liver troubles.
C. II. llaecnbucb.
Special SM'i-Moii -Mny Ho 'Accessary.
Trenton, July 20. The discovery has
ben mnde that Sept. 23, the date fixed
ov the recent legislature for the special
election to pass upon the constitutional
amendments is nlso the first day of
registration for the fall election In
cities of over 40,000 population. These
cities are Newark, Jersey City, Pater
son, Camden, Trenton and Hoboken.
The question has been raised whether
the election ofl'.eers will be able to per
form the douiile duty and whether it
will not he necessary to call a special
session of the legislature to rectify the
matter In some way.
John Grifhn. ot Kanesville, O., says : 'I
never lived a day for thirty years without
siifiorinir aconv. until a box of Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo cured my piles." For
piles ami rectal troubles, cuts, bruises,
snnilna. eczema and all skin troubles De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled. C.
II. IhlL'cnbnch.
Low Itnte Uxcursions via Pennsylvania
Tho Pennsylvania Kailroad Company will
run a scries of ten-day excursions to Niagara
Palls, leaving Philadelphia, Ilaltimoro and
Washington on July 22, AugUbt 5 and 10,
and September 4 and 10, An experienced
tourist agent and chaperon accompany each
excursion tickets, good for return passage
on any regular train, exclusive of limited
express trains, within ten days, will be sold
at $10 from Philadelphia, lialtimore, Wash
ington and all points on the Delaware Divi
sion; ?0.70 from Lancaster; 8.00 from
Altoona and Uarrisburg; $8.35 from Wilkes-
barre; fo.SO from Williamsport; and at pro
portionate rates from other points, A tdop-
over will be allowed at liutllilo, llochoster,
and Watkins returning.
A special train of Pullman parlor cara and
day coaches will be run with each excursion
For further information apply to nearest
ticket ngent, or address ueo. W. iloyd
Assistant (lenonit Passenger Agent, II road
Street Station, Philadelphia.
Kioiiridou To Atlantic City.
Tlie Philadelphia aud Heading railway
will run an excursion to Atlantic City, on
Thursday, July 28th. Tickets will be good
for ten days and good only on trains lea vine
hem at 8 64 a. ni. aud 12 38 p. in. Fare for
round trip from Slieuandoah is $8.M. tf
A Valuable FrasorlpUsn.
Editor Morrlsou of WorthimUm. Ind.,
"Huu," wriUa: "You have a valuable pre
scription iu Kloctric Hitters, and I can cheer
fully recommend it fur Constipation and
8iek Headache, aud as geusrsj system tonic
it has no equal." Mrs. Annie Stehle. 2626
Cottage Urove Ave., Chicago, was all run
dowu, could not eat or digest fowl, had a
backache which never left her and felt
tired aud weary, but six' bottles of Electric
Hitters restored liei health and renewed her
strength. Prices 60 rents aud fl.00. (let a
bottle at A. Wasley'a Drug Store.
Aired Kx-('onlnlei'iit Hand,
Savannah, Ga., July 20. General La
fayette McLawi, the oldest Confeder
ate major general but one, was burled
yesterday with military honors. The
First regiment infantry, Georgia vol
unteers, First battalion, Georgia vol
unteers, the Chatham artillery (the
oldest artillery company In the coun
try except one), and one troop of the
first regiment of cavalry, the famous
Jeff. Davis Legion, and two divisions
of naval militia, escorted the remains
from the clinrch to the cemetery.
ItfHiruiinlzliitc Miiill'iiii Solium O union
New Yorw. July 28. J. P. Morgan &
Co. aro soon to undertake the reor
ganisation of the Madison Square Gar
den coii.pany. The garden will prob
ably be sold on the foreclosure of the
second mortgage, subject to the first
mortgage of 1, 260,000 and unpaid taxes
1 f about $100,000. A new company will
then be organized, with a capital stock
Of $1,250,000.
Coming liven!.
July 81, Ice cream festival uuiler the
auspices of Owl's Aiuetiosu Volunteers in
Wilkinson's ball.
Aug. 1. Ice cream festival in Robbing'
Qpera house uuder tbo auspices of the "Y."
"I cravo but One Minuto", said the public
speaker in a husky voice; and then he took a
aoaeoi uno jiiinuto lougn uure, auu pro
ceeded with his oratory. One Minute Coueh
Cure Is unequalled fur throat and lnng
troubles. CM. llagoubucu.
Persons Leaving Town
Duriug the summer can have the Hrkald
mailed to them by ordering it at this office,
either in person or by letter, at 26 cents per
month. If you are going to enjoy yourself
among tho cool breezes of tho sea shore or
some mountain retreat, son't forget that
your enjoyment will not be complete uuless
you havo tbo UKitAl.P sent to you.
When bilious or costive, eat a Oasearets
sandy cathartic mire guaranteed, 10c, 36c
' rin, tfiutuu.
Por eastern New York: Partly cloudy
weather; northerly winds, shifting to
easterly. Eastern Pennsylvania, New
Jersey and Delaware: Partly cloudy
weather: variable winds. For Mary
land: Partly cloudy weather, with
proHpects of light local thunder storms
MoB lay afternoon: variable winds.
Cereal Gon'ee Drinkers HI'.WAICI'.I
If you have been deceived and tried one of
the eheap bran substitutes now on the market,
claiming to be the original and to have great
fowl value, and you gat a pound of poorly
roasted bran for your S60 and a poor, weak
sli'kish driuk (what can you expect from
bran ), don't be discouraged but try ClltA IN-O
It is made from solid grain, nicely browned
and 2 pounds for S6e. (Iralu-O takes tb
place of coffee at i the price. Get a paokage
of your grocer to-day.
EV. W. T. nOUOK, tho pas
tor of Grace U. 11. church, Carlisle
Pcnn., writes September 28, 1895: "1
always enjoyed good health until In 1802, at
which tlmo my duties as a clergyman woro
of a peculiarly trying nature, subjecting
mo to soveral severe nervous shocks which
together with overwork and anxiety, Im
paired my general health and nervous sys
tem. Indeed I was In such a condition that
tho mere sight of a largo congregation so
wearied mo that it
would rcqulro n day
or moro for mo to re
cover from tho ex
haustion. It affords
mo groat plcisuro to
say that Dr. Miles'
Kcstoratlvo Nervine
and Restorative Tonla
have done mo untold good. I preached
thrco times yesterday and I feel as fresh
and vigorous this Monday morning as I
over felt In my life, thanks to your remedies.
Dr. Miles' Kemedlen aro sold by all drug
gists under a posltlvo guarantee, first bottlo
benefits or money refunded. Rook on
Heart and Nerves sont free to all applicants.
DU. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind.
Restores .
, Health
The Pioneer
One cent morning ucwupnpcr In ttm TThIImI
Stfit tw, Tim ltccnnl. Mill I,IA1)3 W1IKUK
Wltnetfl Its unrlvnlwl nverftpo dully circulation
exceeding lfi0,000 conies, nnd im nvenifto
excelling 120,000 copies for Hs 8umlii'
editions, while imitations of Ha lim of
publication tu every Important city of tlio
country testify to the truth of theitwertlnn
thnt In the (iimutlty nnd quality of Its oon
tents, nud In the price nt which Histoid
The ltecord has established the standard hy
which eicellence In journalism lmmt bo
The Daily Edition
Of The Itcoord will ho sent by mail to an
address for $3.00 per year or 25 ceutn per
The Daily and Sunday
Kdltlnim together, which wilftflvo its renders
tho best and freshest Information of all that
Is going on In tho world every day In tho
year Including holidays, will bo sent for
$1.00 a year or 35 cents per month.
Record Building,
Philadelphia, Pa.
A (,'oiuuno wo, co in o watts you at
Cor. nain nnd Coat Sts.
Finest whttcuys, beers porter nnd nlo
cot stanily on tap. Choice emperance drinks
and cigars.
millions of Dollars
Go up in smoko every year. Take no
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
nlturo, etc., insured In first-class re
liable companies as represented by
Also 1,1 fo and Accidental Conipanl ent
of any two newspapers in Shenandoah,
and steadily increasing, is the magnet
that draws advertisers to the
The Homes-asp-
" oT the people ; that's what makes the
Herald such a valuable advertising
medium. It's a wide-awake newspaper
iind prints all news promptly and accurately.
Our Job
Is second to none in the interiorQfiji'TrJ
state, we are prepared to.gcyMjrjfrOt
any description in the best pOsilWo man
ner and at the lowest prices consistent
with good material and firstclass work.
Drop us a Postal
and our Solicitor will call on you and
take your order. Ever' business man
should have printed stationery, and the
place to get it is at the office of the
Evening Deralb,
8 Soutb 5avbfn Street.