The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 23, 1897, Image 3

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Soft, 'White Hanrtawltli Shapely Nails, Lutw
rlnnt Half with Clean, Wholesomo Boalp, pro
duced byConoimv Soap, the most effective
tlcln purifying ana beautifying soap In tho
world, as veil as purest and sweetest, for
toilet, bath, and nnrscry. Tho only prcvontlvo
of Inflammation and clogging of tho ronra.
ftojtrU told throughout the world. Pottii VttklJ
Chim. Cost., Bole Vropi.. lloaton, V. 8. A.
ar-'IIow to Purify and Beautify lh Skin, Scalp,
and lIatr,"TniUfd fr.
Piles or HomoprholcJs.
v Fissures & Fistulna,
Burns & Scalds.
Wounds & Bruises.
Guts & Sores.
Boils & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Totters.
.Chopped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00.
Bold by druggists, or sent post-paid on receipt of price
IICIlrilBKIS'BKn.CO., HI IllVfllllaMSt.,X-Tart.
For snlo at Povlnaky's drug Btore, 28 Bast
Centro street
jl U, jfervouB juait c aning wan
ory. Impotncy,HloeeMni6to., canned
bj Abutve and other Eicmmi and Indis
cretion. Tht quickly aurf turelu
rwttoro unfit v .tamr in oiu orjonng. iuia
, UI
1 iMnt inttnniir una innpumDiiDn 11
taken in time. Their nA ahows immnfUnte Improve.
ulrtupcm hOTtnn the semi, no AJax Tablets. They
b&Tt) cared thoaoanda nnd vrlU care you. .We k1 a
meat ana eiiea uuius wnero auomers intu in-
IMMltlve written ftnarontee to effect n cars In each caw
or rotund the money, l'rlce 60 cent per nackase, or
sUnackxaseA (fall treatment, for Br ma I Lin
llaia wrapper, tinon raoelnt of price, Wrcnlar ire.
For sale In Shenandoah,
nnd Klrlln's, Druggists
Fa., nt A. Wasley's
On iJm.ta.,-tr virtu l
caTON'5 vurr&LiZER.
Cures general or special debility, wakelul
lien, spermatorhesa, emissions, luipotency.
paresis, etc. Corrects functional disorders,
caused by errors or excesses, quickly restoring
Lost Manhood In old or young, giving vigor ana
trngth where former weakness prevailed. Con
venient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate.
Curie is Quick and Thorough.
Den t be deceived tv imitationi; insist Co
CATON'S Vltalliers. Sent sealed if your drug
gist doew not have it. Price $ I per pkge, 6 for S5
with written guarantee of complete cur.
Infilrmaiion, rclerences, etc, free and confidenUal.
rSend us statement of case and 25 cts. for a week's
trial treatment. One only sent to each person. '
f-txihl at Klrlln's drug store, Shenandoah, Pa
Grocers can tell
you why those
wholniy SEELIG'S
keep coming back
for it. You can't
keep on celling a
poor tiling to the
same people.
Gars aiio sure, x'.hq 4c.rsR"wa.'Uirs sati
tiUAf"!' Wi.m Sptciric Co.Preu,P
at Fovlnaky'a drug store, 28 K
Centre street.
A Handsome Oomptoxion
la ono of the greatest charms a woman can
possess. Pozzoxi's CourLsxioM Powdub
girea it.
A TBI ID. link Ann stavtr. WOMAN'S RELIEF.
Alwart nrnmnt and mliaht. At alii liattntittnM.
Oft tlATOH'l TllisT Hills nA nvt itntisi
At ilruff nlnrfs or Mitt dtrfct f aoalnd I. ntin: at.
Catuh tSl'KO. Co , Botton, Mem. Our book, Is,
For salo at Klrlin's dnist store and Shennntloali
Uruir store.
The first ut American Newspa
pers, CIIAltleJiS A, DANA.Iidltor,
The American Constitution, the
American idea, the American Spirit.
Those first, last and all tho time.
forever. -
Daily, by mall, , $6 a year
Dally'& mall, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper In
the world
Pries 5c. a copy. By mall, $2 a year
Address TIIE SUN, Hew York.
In ii. J c..i,ir l,i l.i:t.'ff II. UK All.ttl-
lvn.lmriiilHK, putMnloiloi VI u i btni.t
I.1HM lIAIIt l(!rmnva,tindrutf. kttms
balr r mia f ill oat km prtiranie growl h tl (IW-bnhM
J.r.i; M H1IICANT CO 1W Fullon st., W V CDCC
For sale by Buenandoah Drug Store, Klrlln
Drug Store.
Wanted-An Idea
ean think
soma almoin
tblog to patent?
mim mmi mi
Kg Bavcdby
" using Seel-
rf ly's because you
cuu buy cheap
coffee nud make
a it delicious oy a 11
little or tills admixture. 1
Unvoilod With Pomp in Ohiotvjo'a
Lako Front Park.
III tlio United State HopronontH tho
"llliirk Knglo" Itnll.rlitir tlio Hroken
ItnultH or tlio l'odoral Troops Ilororo
Atliuitrt on July SiS, 1801.
Chicago, July 23. The John A. Logan
monument In Lake Front park was
dedicated with much pomp yesterday
afternoon. A few minutes pant 1
o'clock John A. Logan third, the 5-yeur-old
grandson of the "Black Ragle,"
nulled the silken cord which parted the
veils concealing the nianlflccilt likeness
of the great commander as he rallied
the broken ranks of the federal troops
and led them on to victory before the
city of Atlanta, July 22, 1861.
The reviewing stand was filled with
notables, Including; Governors Tanner
of Illinois, Scofleld of Wisconsin, Mount
of Indiana, Ilolcombe of Nebraska,
with their staffs, Secretary Algor and
the Judges of the supreme nnd circuit
court. Tho Logan famllv Mrs. John
A. Logan, Major and Mrs. AV. F. Tuck
er, Captain and Mrs. John A. Logan,
were almost the last to enter tho stand.
The monument was presented by
Henry W. Blodgett, and Governor Tan
ner, In a short speech, accepted It on
behalf of the state of Illinois. The
orator of the day, George It. Peck, then
paid an eloquent tribute to the soldier
statesman, with whom he served as a
comrade In arms.
After tho exorcises at the monument
there was a grand parade and review,
over 2,000 men being In line. The sur
vivors of General Logan's old regiment.
the Twenty-first Illinois volunteers, led
the van, proudly bearing the old regl'
mental Hag, tattered and torn ly 200
Confederate bullets. Then came the
grizzled veterans of the G. A. It., with
bare heads, In honor of the first and
Idolized commander in chief. With the
veterans marched the ex-Confederates,
200 strong. The pageant on land was
supplemented by the finest marine dis
play ever seen on Lake Michigan.
An Incident of the paraae that caused
much comment was the disagreeable
reception accorded to Governor Tan
ner, of Illinois, at frequent points along
the line of march. In mora than a
dozen places he was hissed loudly.
Cheers were given him, too, and in
front of the reviewing stand on Mlchi
gan avenue a flattering greeting was
given him, but at other places, notably
at Jackson boulevard and La Salle
street, ho was met with a storm of
Quite a number of people fainted In
the crush on tho streets whllo viewing
the parade. Tho majority of them were
women, but only thrco cases are serious
and they are men. James Jepson and
Edward Hunt, both elderly men, and
James Connelly, a private of Battery
B, Third Illinois artillery, are in a
precarious condition from the heat.
Shortly after S o'olock last evening
Mrs. Logan and her party left the
Auditorium ai.nax tor tho Coliseum.
An immense throng had gathered to
witness, In the Coliseum gardens, the
fireworks, which wero on a par with
the lavish and beautiful displays shown
at Intervals during tho World's fair.
At the conclusion of the spectacle the
crowd turned to tho Coliseum, where
for over an hour Mrs. Logan, Secretary
and Mrs. Alger and Sculptor St. Gau
dens received the thousands who press
ed Into the building.
The statue of General Logan, which
was designed by St. Goudens, Is the
largest equestrian statue In America.
The figure of General Logan, as it
stands on Its granite pedestal, Is dress
ed In the uniform of a major general.
He sits erect and bareheaded, with his
left hand grasping the bridle rein. With
his right hand he bears aloft the flag,
The endeavor of the sculptor was to
reproduce as nearly as possible the
scene presented as Logan rallied the
troops before Atlanta after General
McPherson's death. From the base to
the top of the horse's withers is 11 feet
3 Inches, and to the top of Logan s
head Is IS feet 11 inches. The entire
expense of erection and unveiling was
$80,000, of which tho Btato appropriated
T-"SSSK A Valuable Prescription.
SKdltor Morrison of Worthiugton, Ind.,
sun," wrltos: ' You liavo a valuaulo pro
scription in Electrio Bitters, and I can cheer
fully Tocommend it for Constipation and
Sick Headache, and as a goneral system tonle
it has no equal." Mrs. Annio Stelile, 2025
Cottage Grove Avo., Chicago, was all run
down, ooulu not eat or digest rood, naci
baokaobe which never left her and felt
tired and weary, but six bottles of Electrio
Bitters restored het health and renewed her
strength. Prices SO cents and f 1.00. Get a
bottle at A. wasloy's Drug Store.
Toll llontlrt For Ainnkii,
Washington, July iS. Benator Cartr,
from the committee on territories, yes
terday reported' favorably a joint rso
lutlon authorising the oonatruotlou. '
toll roads In Alaska. The revolution
authorizes the secretary of the Interior
to grunt right of way 200 feet wide.
Franchises are to be limited to 20 years.
Another Drop In Silver,
New York, July 28. Another drop in
sliver was recorded in the home mar
ket yesterday, the price quoted listing
ouft an ounce, mere was a inunceu
absence of demand for the metal, Tho
value of th. Btlvcr In a silver dollar,
according to yesterday's price, Is just
a fraction over 46 cents.
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption.
Tills is the best medicine in the world for
an forms ot uougns nmi uoius ami lor uon
sumption. Every hotllo is guaranteed. It
will cure and not disappoint. It has no equal
for Whooping Cough. Asthma. Hay Fever,
Pneumonia, llroucbitls, La Grippe, Cold in
the Head and for Consumption. It it safe
for all ages, pleasant to take, and, above all,
a sure cure. It is always wall to take Dr.
King's New Life Pills In connection wltli t)r.
King's Now Discovery, as they regulate and
tone tlio stomach and bowels. We guatanteo
perfect satisfaction or return monty. Free
trial bottles at A. Wasloy's drug store. Rtmu
lar size SO cents ami f l.uu.
The smallest
grain of Aniline
will color a tori
of wine. A
grain of per--nanganale
potash will red
den seven thou
sand times Its
weight of water.
The most trl.
fling disorder
will disarrange
every organ of
the body and
cause eventual
disease and
death. It is the
little ailments
neglected that
make the big
diseases. Most
serious diseases
have thplr l.
ceptlon in a disordered digestion and faulty
nutrition. This is true of that most deadly
of dlsenses consumption. It is also true
of nervous prostration and exhaustion and
also of all forms of wasting disease. Ail
ments of this description may not only be
prevented but cured by a resort to the right
An unfailing cure for all diseases, thaV
have their origin in disorders of the diges
tion and faulty nutrition is found In Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It
cures digestive disorders, restores the appe
tite, Invigorates the liver, purifies and en
riches the blood, builds healthy flesh and
muscle and drives out disease -germs. It
cures 98 per cent, of all cases of consump
tion. Thousands have testified to these
facts. Druggists who suggest substitutes
are dishonest.
Mrs. Ursula Dunham, of BUtersvllIe, Tyler Co.,
W. Va.. writes! " I should have been dead hart It
not been for your medicine. I was nearly dead
when I began taking Sr. Pierce's Golden Medl.
tal Discovery.
1 nau a pain
a pain In my side all the
elite, and grew very thin.
ut little none
ictite, a
The 'Golden Medical blscove
the pain, restored my appetite, and increased
prumpuy curea
my weight"
j-m . iciu d nuitucuui lice uuuk. lac
People's Common Sense Medical Adviser,"
rt- nl , - -1 . 1 t .,..
win De sent papcr-Douna, lor twenty-one
cents In one-cent stamps to pay the cost
of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce,
uuiiaio, . Y. For nanasome, durable
cloth covers, beautifully stamped, send tea
cents more (thirty-one cents in all), to pay
extra cist for this style of binding.
Teams to Hire.
If you wnnt to lilro a safe and reliable
team for driving or for working purposes
pny Shield' livery stalilo a visit. Teams
constantly on hand at reasonable rates
No. 410 Bast Centre streol.
Opposite Reading -rail o dstatlon.
Celebrated FomfVlf
3'owdera never toll,
"lon ileclore tfieio
lafe and mre (after falling
with Tan r.d rennyroyal Xlll and other like
Ea-w-M raneaieij. AJwajiDUTiue phi du tvuia ''
rbot in the itim A No. J. I'arUcoJari 4 oU. Cr.&T
ViX U9X oir uortofi. au.
peppa. Railroad.
Jolt 1, 1897.
Trains will leave Shennndonli nfter thn hnt-.
date for Wlggans, Gilbcrton, Fraokvillo, Darl
Waters St. Clair, Pottavllle. Hamburg, IUadlna
Pottstown, I'hoenlxvlllo, Norriatonrn and Phil
adelphla (Mroad street station) at COS nnd 1103
a. m. and i 30 p. m, on week days. Sundays,
o us a. m., 3 lu p. m. For rottsvllle and Inter
tnedlato atatlons onlv 917 n. m. iveolr tlnva
Sundnys, 9 43 a. ni.
i raiiin leave rracKvuie lor Hiiennnuoah al
10 40 a. m. and 12111. 5 41. 7 52 and 10 47 n. m.
Sunday. 11 13 a. m. and S 41 n. m.
iavo l-oiwviue ror mienanuonli at 10 It
s. m. anil iUi, a 13, 7 Si and 10 SO p. in. Sunda;
ai iu su n. in,, o 13 p. m.
Leavo Plilladelnhta. (Broad street ntAtlnnl. fn
Shenandoah at 5 57, 8 SSand 10 19 a. m., 4 10 and
ii p. m. wees Hays, aunuays leave at 0 BO a, rn,
Leave Broad street station, Philadelphia, to
Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove. Lon
Branch, and intermediate stations, 0 50, 8.53
11.39, a.m. ,8.30 and 4.00 p. m. week-days. Sun
days, 8 IS a. in.
ixiave liroau btrcct motion, Philadelphia,
Emres. week-davs. 8 20. 4 OA. 4 .'in K1S am
7 33, 8 20, 8 83, 9 60, 10 2t (Pining Car), 11-00 n. m.
it uu iiuun, j2ij ii,imi(cu iuo aim Ti p. m,
Dlninir Cars). 1 40. 280 (Dlnlnc? Carl S20. am.
4 00, 6 00, 5 Co (Dining Cor), 8 00, 702,713, 1000
p. m., 12 01, nlglit. Sundays, 3 20, 4 0.1, 4 80, 8 13,
8 20, 8 83, 9 60, 1021, (QUIng Car), 1185 a. m.
12 S3, 103 i Dining Car) 230 (Dining Car), 400
jiiui,eui 6 liiiiiik turj, a aj. a 00,111 ning unri
6 85, 7 02, 7 43. 10 00 p. m.. 12 01 night.
uxpress ior jioston wiuious cnauge, 11 00 a m.,
wrck-uujB, unu c I. in,, uaiiy.
For Baltimore and Washington, 8 60, 1 20, 8 32,
10 20, 11 28, n. m.. 12 09, 12 31, 1 12, 3 18, 4 M, 3 10
rongresslonal I.imlttHl, Dining Carl, B 17. 055
Dining Car, 7 31 Dining I'nr p. in , and 12 05
nignt weeic aays. uundnys, 3 60, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23,
a. m., 1209, 1 12, 141, 515 CongroMlonnM.lm
Itcd, Dining Car, 053 Dining Oar, 731 Din
ing Car p. ni. and 12 05 nlglit.
Leave Broad Btreet station via Delaware river
bridge Express, 4 43, 9 20 90 minutes a. m, 2 33
87 minutes, 3 32 90 minutes, 705 90 minutes
n. m. Sundays, 1 45, 9 20 W minutes a. m., 2 S3
0, UlUlUVl SJ , I IU !, Ul.
Leavo Market street wharf ExDress. 5 00.
8 20.940. a. m.. 100 (SaturdnvH onlvl. 150 173
uiiiiu,csj,a w. o w 1,3 miuuira , uu i,u min
utes, 4 20 175 minutes. 5 00 170 minutes 5 80
Itu ininuieHi p. m. nunanys, ouu, v u, hw l io
minutes, 8 30 75 mlnateel, 000, 943 75 min
utes a. in. and 4 80 p. m. il.00 excursion train,
. w n. ra. uaiiy.
For Capo May, Anelasea, Wlldwood and Holly
Beach Exnroiis. 9 00 a. 111.. 2 80. 4 05. 5 00 11. 111.
week days. Sundays, 8 20 a. m. Cape May
oni v. luun. m. aEuranvn. icxeurtiimi. 7 uu a. ni
For Sea Islo Cltv. Ocean CItv. Avalnn nnd
Btono Harbor Bxprees, 9 10 a. m., 2 30, 4 20, 6 00
1J. ni wnkustk oununys, oui a. m. jsxour
slon. 7 00 ft. m. dally.
For Somero I'olnt Express, 7 00, 8 20, 940
m. . w. o w. i uu. d uu. a au n. m. weeic iiavh
Sundays, 5 00, 7 00, 8 00. 9 00 and 9 45 a. m.
. 11. IlUTcmusoy, J. R. Wooo,
Gen'l SlanaKer. Gen'i l'ass'g'r Agt.
HIE Ul'lEd the iniwt extenelvely
olroiiliileil and wldtdy road' nawsiiaper pub
lUhed In lennsylvama. lis dlseiiHon of mil
Ho men and public measure Is In the IntereHt
of publlo integrity, boutwt government ami
prosperous Industry, and it known no jtnrty
or iwisoiial Blgfnnoa In treating publlo
Issues. In the broadest and best aetiM a
(amlly and general uewspaiier.
IX1JU, to have the largest
circulation by deserving It, nnd claims that It
is uiisurnasned In all the esMentlals of a uraat
inetronallUin newsnaiter. sneolmeii oonle
any edition will bo sent free to any one send'
ing tueir aoMrass.
i x-iVl'ljDAILY, J8.00 per annum J1.00
ior lour inoninsi ou cents per inontli; de
livered by carriers for 6 cents uer week.
SUNDAY EDITION, 98 large, Iwmlsonw
liogea xW oolumM, elegantly illustrated,
beautiful colored supplement lx.00 ir ait
num; 6 cents ir eopy. Dally and Sunday,
I&.00 per annum; SO osnts per mouth.
Address all letters to
Of the Knife.
Mr. Lincoln Nelson, of Mnrslifield, Mo.,
writes: "For sis years I have been s
sufferer from a scrofulous nffection of
the glands of my neck, and nil efforts
of physicians In Washington, D. C,
Springfield, 111., and St. Louis failed to
reduce the enlargement. After six
months' constant treatment here, my
physician urged me to submit to a re
titoval of the gland. At this critical mo
ment a friend recommended S.S.S.,
and laying aside a deep-rooted preju
dice against all patent medicines, 1 be
gan its use. Before I had used one bot
tle the enlargement began to disappear,
and now it is entirely gone, though Inm
not through with my second bottle yet.
Had I only used your S.S.S. long ago,
I would have escaped years of misery
and saved over $150."
This experience is like that of all who
suffer with deep-seated blood troubles.
The doctors can do no good, and even
their resorts to the knife prove cither
fruitless or fatal. S.S.S. is the only
real blood remedy; it gets at the root of
the disease and forces it out perma
nently. S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable)
A Real Blood Remedy,
is a blood remedy for real blood troubles;
it cures the most obstinate cases of
Scrofula, Eczema, Cancer, Rheumatism,
etc., which other so-called blood reme
dies fail to touch. S.S.S. gets at the
root of the disease and forces it out per
manently. Valuable books will
be sent free
to any address
by the Swift
Specific Co., At
lanta, Ga.
URPJiy'Q Fon EiTiiF.11 sex.
UiiUll O Tills remedy bclnc In-
Jcctcd directly to tho
seat of thoHO dlscnics
of the Oenlto-Urlnnry
Organs, requires no
change of diet. Cnro
guaranteed In 1 to a
ays. NmnllnlaliiTinrk-
iTH TTT fro use, by mnll, 81.O0,
W J&Jtiarjoia only by
S. P. KIRLIN, Shenandoah.
Rev. L. D. BASS, D. D. Manager.
Pittsburg, IHi : Toronto, Canada ; New Orleans,
u... , iH., . A., ,, iu,lllllll)ll, JJ.
San Frnnclseo, Cal. ; Clilcngo, ill. : St.
Louis, Mo., and Demur, Colorado,
There are thousands of positions to bo filled
within the next few months.
Address all applications to Vhiok Tkachbus'
aukscik-s, snitsuurg, I'o.
Side Entrance on Green St., PHILADELPHIA, PA.
Young, old, sin pie ormarrtnJ & those con
templating marriage. If you arc a victim of
Prlvaln nicaiene thnsodestroycrsoftho
riltttlt) UI&Dd&OO humsn rare which do-
Btrnv mlnil and hivlv. nnH linflt vnil f Ar thn
Jntles of life, call or wrlto and lie saved. Hours!
ahy,D-3eVRs, fl-Dt Bun.,ll-l'J. Send 10 cts. In
stamps for Book with sworn testimonial
Exposing; lnnclta and Fnko Institutes,
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinitj
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows
For New York via Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 5 30. 705 9 64 a. m 12 83, 8 10 and 6 07 p
m Sundays, 210 n. m.
For New York via Maucli Chunk, week days,
v uu, , iwui , uj Ml,,, 1 ig I. III.
For Keadimr and Phlladelnhln. week ilnv
2 10, B 86, 7 05 a.m., 12 33, 3 10 and 0 07 p. in. Sun
days. 2 10 a. m.
ror rottsvllle, weeic Onys, 2 10; 7 05 a. m., and
do, o iu, u vt aim i jo p. in. Biimiays, 2 10 a. m,
For Tamaaua and Mahannv Oltv. wjm.1t ,in,,a
210,5 86, 7 05 a. m., 12 33, 310 and 0 07 p. ui
Sundays. 2 10 a. m.
Kor Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lewlslunr.
Sundays. 8 25 a. m.
For Mahano Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 8 23, 6 36,
7 06, 8 51, 11 80 a. in., 12 88, 8 10, 6 07, 7 23, t) S3 and
-v i. in. ouiiuuTn,d iu, a -n a. in.
For Ashland and Slinmokln. week ri.v s
l VIM II DA - a nf m . ' I
w, , w, ug n. m., uu(, 4 jo ami voa p. UL
Siindavs. 8 25 a. m.
For Baltimore. Washington and tho West via u. ic, through trains leu-1 IteadiiiK
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. it K. 17 Ji.) at 8 X,
. , 1 1 "i I., ui., a iu mm i.zi p. iu. nununys,
8 20, 7 00, 11 26 a. m., 8 46 and 7 27 p. m.!
ftlnnnl irntn. fmm T,L'c.,,...,n.i .11, , rn .
......... -- ....... ....... -U....1. 1,11., l.llVBt
nus streets station, week days, 10 SO a. m. 12 20
12 18 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 28 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
uays, 16 ia, s ou, e w n. in., aim 1 so, 80, 9 00 p,
m. Sundays, 5 00 p. m.
Leave New York via Maucli Chunk, week
dftye, 4 SO. 9 10 a. ui., 1 30 and 4 16 p. m.
lnve I'hlladelpbla, lteaUlug Terminal, vteek
days. 4 20. 8
10 10 a. in. and 1 42, i OS, 6 80, 1 1 80
ii. in. Sanda;
niHlayn. 11 80 n. m.
Keadine.week days. 1 35. 7 10.10 OS. a. m.
12 00 m., 4 19, 6 GO and 8 20 p. in. Sundays, lag
a. in.
Irfiave Poitsvllle, weekdays, 2 35, 7 40 a. in,,
12 SO and 6 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 85 n. m.
m., 1 36, 5 01, 7 20 mid 9 43 p. m. Sundays, 8 18
a- in
I,eAve Mabanoy Cit1
9 12 1147 a. m.. 2 17. 5
y City, week days. It so, 3 45,
17, 3 In, G 17, 7 41 and 10 08 p. m!
Sundays. 12 26, 3 45 a. m,
Ixnve Mahanoy Plane, week days, 12 33, 240.
4 00 6 30,936. JOSS. 1159 a. ra 232, 5 3l! S8I!
. , i" i i, ouiiuuyo, in w, a u, 4 uu a. m.
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 20
m 4 00 and 11 80 p. m. Sundays, 11 90 p. m.
I.en ve Philadelphia Chestnut street warl ami
cu.u s.iees wuaii ior AttAuiie uity.
WeAkilnvn RinrM, a no om mi.
fflnlimlnv. ntilt, I ttOl O m 'aikl 'o 1A t ivt ' , mJ.
6 00, 5 40, 7 00 p. m. AeeouinuHlatlon, 8 00 u. m
580, 680p.m.
Sundays Express, 780,8(0, 8 80, 900, 10 00
a. m , 4 45 p. ra. Aoooininodatioii, 800a.m.,
4 4S p. m. tl.QO excursion train to foot of
Mlseiselpnl Ave., 7 00 u. m. dally.
Keturulng leave Atlantia City depot, corcer
Allan. ia aim AiKuiimu avenuee.
Weekdays Express, (Mondays only ft 45 a.m.)
700.7 41.810.9 00. 1015. 1100 n. m.. 8 80. ISO.
5 80, 7 80, 9 SO p. m. Aeoomniodauou, 4 23, 8 16
a. ui., tu3 u. in.
U.....1-..1. ic -a in. Arm Km i. i, oi.
HHI1U.J, 1 . . 1 11 ', u uu, , V-1, WW, U w, U UU,
7 00, 780, 800, 9 00 p. m. Accommodation, 716
a. in., 5 03 p. m. 11.00 excursion train from foot
of Allselsatppl Avu.,niil, weekdays, 6 00 p. m 10 p. m.
Parlor Cars ou all express trains.
A Now York Publishor Who Says
Ho Owns the Territory
rr. ,T. Arltell, Who Ortrniilxprt nnd
Su-tnlned nn Kxplorlnji KxpcKlttlon
In 180O-III, Will Vvohh Ills liilm to
tho Itloli Seetlon. -
Now York, July iS. W. J. Arkell, of
the Arkell Weekly company, of this
rlty, announced last night that he ex
pected to claim the gold fields In the
Klondyke district, by right of discov
ery, for the estate of R. J. (Have. Thli
Is the latest and most Interesting phase
of the excitement prevailing here o-er
the recent iftscovery In the far north.
Glove was the explorer who headed
the expedition to Alaska In 1190-91, or
ganised by W. J. Arkell, of Leslie's
Weekly. The party consisted of (Have,
K. II. Wells, of Cincinnati, historian
and photographer; A. B. Schanz, of
Indiana Mineral Springs, Ind., astrono
mer and historian; I'. H. Pierce and
John Dalton, ot San Francisco. Thirty
Chllkat Indians were also wtth the
After the return of Clave and his
party from the frozen north the ex
plorer was sent by the Century com
pany to Africa to study the slave trade.
He lived among the natives for some
time, and on finishing; his work re
turned to the coast. When about to
Rail for the United States Clave con
tracted a fever, which resulted in his
Before leaving for Africa (Have told
Mr. Arkell tlittt he had staked out
claims in the Klondyke district, and
on his return he Intended to go again
to Alaska and spend the remainder of
his life there, for he believed it to he
the richest oountry In mineral deposits
on the face of the Rlobo.
Up to that time Mr. Arkell had known
nothing of the mineral wealth of Alas
ka, and paid small attention to the
scheme. Olave gave the name to the
lake In the Clillkal valley, near the head
of the Yukon.
Mr. Arkell said that, as he Btarted
and sustained the expedition, ho be
lieves he l)t8 claim by right of discov
ery to the Klondyke territory, and If
no succeeds in establishing his olalm
It will be on the theory that In "un
discovered" countries, where maps are
filed with the government by the dis
covered, as was done In this case, It
gives the explorer certain Interests that
may develop. Mr. Arkell said that he
had received telegrams from Schanz
and Wells, two members of the first
expedition to Alaska, claiming their
Interests in the event that the gov
ernment should recognize their right
by discovery.
Mr. Arkell proposes to organize an
other expedition at once to the terri
tory discovered and explored by Glave
and party. This expedition will be
headed by Mr. Arksll's brother, Bart-
lett Arkell, who will bo accompanied
by his brother-in-low, Harry P. Hall,
of Pittsburg, and a number of news
paper men.
Difficulties: of TrniiHportntlon Acnln
Pointed Out.
San Francisco, July 23. The Alaska
Commercial company's ship Bertha ar
rived from Unalaska yesterday with
500 tons ot concentrates from the Apollo
mine nt Unga and a bar of bullion from
the same source, but brought no gold
from the Klondyke region. Captain
Hays, of that vessel, Bpoaklng of the
Klondyke boom, said:
"The fact that the new gold fields
are 2,000 miles from St. Michaels, and
that the difficulties of transportation
are Innumerable, cannot bo too forcibly
Impressed upon Intending prospectors.
Tho newspapers will be responsible for
tho loss of many lives and a great deal
of suffering and hardship If they do not
Btrongly advise the publlo that the
HIver Yukon, now that the mountain
torrents have ceased running, Is very
low, and consequently much of the
5,000 tons qf supplies now awaiting
transportation cannot possibly bo con
veyed to thslr destination for some
The Messrs. SIoss, of tho Alaska Com
mercial company, are equally frank.
One of the firm said:
"What we most foar Is that the ex
citement will cause many people to
rugh northward without properly con
sidering how they are to live through
tne winter after they get there. We
have now about "5,000 tons of provisions
on the 1 ukon, and we are sending
large additional quantities, but we are
not able to say whether the supply
will be equal to the demand, nor when
the supplies will reach their destina
tion wlih any certainty.
"It Is fur this reason, principally, that
we have declined to carry more than
the usual complement of passengers
on the Excelsior on this trip. We could
have easily constructed accommoda
tions for another hundred, but prefer
red to utilize the space for supplies to
feed those already there and on the
Cereal Coffee Drinkers 1115WAIIE!
If you have been deceived and tried ono of
tho cheap bran substitutes now on tho market.
clalmiug to bo tlio original and to have great
food value, and you got a pound of poorly
roasted bran for your 36e and a noor. weak.
sickislt drink what can -you expect from
bran ), don't bo discouraged but try Glt.UN-0.
It is made from solid grain, nicely browned
and 2 pounds for 36o. Qralu-0 takes the
place of coffee at 1 the price. Get a package
or your grocer to-day.
lSleotrlolty Kin-' I'.levUleil '.iri1h.
New York, July 83. The Brooklyn
Standard Union says: "Negotiations
ar now pending between the elevated
railroad system of this city (Brooklyn)
and the Manhattan, of New York city,
and various electrical companies for
the equipment ot all lines with electrio
motors for propulsion. At present the
companies seem to be moat favorably
Impressed with a system which la about
to be employed on the elevated roads
of Chicago."
Uucklen's Arotoa, Salve,
rri,A l.iif i . i. 1., r
-i.u kwv -tiro iii niu tttjiui Lui gum,
uiuiwv, awv, i, in,!, anib iitwu mt layer sores,
tetter, chapped hands, eUtlMaUw, earns, and
-. i - - .1 1' n line, iiv, yu.tiveijr ou.vo UllOu,
- i. -1,. I .... ii Tl ... :. 1 . 1
w iiuii., lu-iuiiou, All la WJ KIVO
1E.II..II r i i , . .
i.,oiiovii miuamuviuu ur muuy reiuntieu, i neo
36 eenta per box. For sale by A. Wasley.
A .Talon Woiimh'h Tlutlm.
Parkersburg. W. Va., July t8. Will
iam A. Beatty, the wealthy oil operator
victim of the veniroance of Un TTUnh.
ins, who threw vitriol on him three
weeks asro. died veaterilav Til. u,ir
left several days ago without seeing
him. Mrs. Illtchlns is still at large.
John driftm. ot Zauesville, O., says : ''I
never lived day for thirty years without
suffering agony, until a box of I) Witt's
Witoh Haaol Salve cured my piles." For
piles and rectal troubles, out, bruises,
sprains, i-czuuiaaud all skin troubles De
Witt's Witch llaitul Halve is unequalled. C.
II. Uagoubuch.
SIS'- . . I VTXX7r.'MANH- J J
is the test tnfV of
modern chemical science to
culinary art The best
use it because the food prepared
with it is more appetizing,
healthful, and economical.
Tb'Oottftlenetrads.n.arks re-"CVffn"an6. itter'i
,1, w.wn-sw. wTiti on every lln.
Cliltago, Yeff Tetk, rhlladsiphls,
pOlt SIlBltlPP,
Op OMwrasmnva,
Subject to ttetiublkian rules.
Op Port Cabbok.
Subject to nepubllenn rules.
Wanted-An Idea
Wbo ean think
of some simple
Protect your Mst they mar brine you wealth.
Write JOHN WEPDEUDURN ft CO., Patent !?:
?SVliW-V1!nR,ln' I- c.-.,or ,h?lr 1-8 Prl" ottel
vod list ot two hundred hivantlona wanted.
Ciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-- niiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiimiiiiitiimmiiiiiiiiiiiip
Sometimes neols a reliable. Monthly, regulating medicine. Only harmless o&4
the purest drugs should be used. It you want the best, get
Dsr Psai's Pesnrayroyafi Pills
They are prompt, safe and certain in result. The eennlno (Dr. reel's) never dtup.
uolnt. Sent anywhere, 31.00. Address P sax, Msuciaa Co., Cleveland, O.
For Sale al KIRLIK'S Drutr store, Shenandoah, Pa.
10 BMSSTs. mi'BJW Tl'l Illilll'l iWUlsisPE All f
25 SO
ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED '? cnre anjeaseorronstlpallon, Caseirtts are the Ideal Lai.I
nuuuuuiCilll UUttnnHiririU tre. nmr crip or canso essynatnralrMults. Sam-i
pie anil booklet free. Ail. KTKUMM) IIKMKIIY t).. Chlracn. JInntreal. Can., or New Tort. su.t
Summer Heat Wears You Out
For over 25 years it has been curing thousands of cases of
Biliousness, indigestion, Malaria, Hervous Prostration.
Kidney Troubles, &c. It Purifies the Blood, Gives you
an Appetite, and Helps you Digest what you Eat.
Tale it now and get your system in shape to stand the cold weather.
Sola at KIRLIN'S Drugstore, Shenandoah, Pa. z..
A Great Magazine Offer
The regular subscription price of
"Demorest's Magazine,"
.Judge's Library." and
Funny Pictures" is 5-3
FUN NY. PICTURES' Is another humoroua,
All three ol tluwe lies are haudauiuelv uu..;, v7..iT.. "1 I'"?8' "
to secure them.
Cut here and return
Demorcat PuiiKiKg Co.,
Cured by this granular crTferveseent and stimu
lant. An Inasant cure for sour storeaelu arul
heailnclien, wbleh often accumulate from bavins:
n night out.
17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah.
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvety softness of the skin Is Inva
riably obtained by thoro who use Posxoiu'a
Complexion Powder.
nro proRrearive mill keep inforinpl i"
tho World' Progress. Tito e in- 5
formed and thrifty llousa-wl fo will
always keep 2
In the house, as n, remedy fur js
Spralna, Bruises, Cmnip, Illinuni.itUni, S
and all aches nnd pnln
Price 25 cts. and BOclt. per belli.
Prcp;r;rl by II. J. IIACKETT & CO., Phlladilll.i
We will ssfld all three to w fo
one year (or 52.00, or 6 mo. for SI
" .... ..... uiw, ,ii U(M,
Coupon properly filled out.
110 f'iftk AVCrc, NCW York.