The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 21, 1897, Image 4

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Allowing no lew papers to
get pnst us. We get them
nil We would like to se
cure your order for some
pnper or periodical and we
will guarantee fair treatment
and prompt delivery.
North Main St.
Wo make a specialty of Gasoline, 60c
In live gallon lots delivered. Mica and
U. S. axle grocBO.
...Also Headlight Oil, 150 Fire Test.
ROBERT YEAGER, 38 Biieimmloali.
&a1! orders promptly Attended to.
Well Kiii.vii iiivcuiui' lleml.
Boston, July 21. James F. Uabcoek,
Inventor of the Are extlrifruliitier bear
ing his name, and a well known lect
urer, died yt-ittprday at litis home In
DorcheBter, aired 63 years. He had
filled several state offices.
The postotllce department has estab
lished free delivery service at Ocean
Grove. N. J.
France will strengthen her navy, a
credit being voted by the chamber by
a big maturity and without debate.
Miss Jean In&elow, the distinguished
poet and novelist, Is dead at London.
Hhe was In her seventy-seventh year,
Mrs. Drake walked out of a third
story window In New York Monday
night, but an awning saved her from
serious Injury.
M. Zlnorleff, Russian ambassador at
Stockholm, has succeeded Count Je
Nelldoft at Constantinople, who In turn
goes to Rome.
British and Russian steamers are (jo
ins to search the Siberian coast for Mr.
Andree, who started on July 11 to cross
the Pole by balloon.
Cashier Henry Taylor, of Monroe &
Co., New York, was sentenced yexter
day to two and a half years at Sing
Sing for embezzlement.
Hugh McCandless, a farmer near
Sharon, Pa., and his family were
shocked by lightning Monday, and two
of them ate In a serious condition.
We offer our entire stock of
at the following- reductions :
50c Kind Now. 39c
75c " 44 59c
$l.oo " 44 79c
I.25 " 44 98c
1.50 " " $1.12
They are all the finest
styles and shapes in the mar
ket. See Our Window Display
Undertaking in - -(
- - all its Branches.
' Open Day and Night.
Cor. White Mansion
and Lloyd (House
Streets, Stables,
Shenandoah. J MAHANOY CITY.
-No. 7 Weat Co re direct.
K(HeiiliiRn Throughout the Country
Ohmnlelml lor Unity I'eruml.
The funeral of the 1st Patrick Mslone. of
Mt. (Wlion, will take place to-morrow mora
inn. The rrk t Mslmnnr City on SatunUy
afternoon will lw the . o of a lint game of
haw 1U between the team of Frarkvllie
and Jacksona. There Is bitter rivalry be
tween tbeae clubs.
A doed was filed with tbe Heconler from
Samuel 1 lower, administrator, to Frederick
Emerlcli, premises tn township.
The Commissioners have received a blank
form for the alien tax report. It was sent
from the State Department.
Severn Post, G. A. U of Stahanoy City,
will hold a camp fire beginning Thursday,
A u gust 8th.
Col. P. II. MotiaBhaii, of Olrartlvllle, lias
Just been notified that lie has been appointed
Inspector at Irge of the 18th District of the
a. A. It.
The Pottsville Council refused to elve the
policemen a week's vacation with y.
A letter trom lruy McDonald, the Mt.
Carinel pugilist, now in San Francisco, state
that he has contracted the gold fever and
will leave for the new fields In Alaska.
John Metcalf, who was Injured at the
Gillierton croming, by being run dowu by a
coal train, is improving rapidly and expects
to lie at work in a few weeks.
The Mahanoy township school lioaril lias
not yet made its appointment of teachers for
the ooinins year.
The large grain elevator now being erected
by Hoppes Bros., at Mahanoy City, is rapidly
Hearing completion.
The M. E. Sunday school, of Mahanoy
Plane, will bold their annual picnic on Satur
day, July 31, at Lakeside. Tho Mahanoy
"Cornet Baud will accompany them.
Delano is talnng enre of some of tho fresh
air fund children from Now York.
The Phoenix Fire Company will hold tbolr
auuuil picnic at Columbia Park on August
William Davison, formerly mine foreman
at the Sprlugdnle colliery has accepted a
position as inside foreman at the Seaman
colliery, near Malseville.
Dr. E D. Longacro has assumed chargo of
the Commercial lintel stables.
"After suffering from dyspepsia for three
years, I decided to try Burdock Blood Bitters.
Two lottloi cured ino entirely," Mrs. G. C.
Taborg, Oneida County, Now York.
Tim People's Opportunity.
From Pottsville Republican.
Charles T. Straughu, of tho Slicn.mdoal
Evening Hehald, and genial Georgo Brill,
aaiistaut train dispatcher of the L. V. rail
road at Delano, nro full-fledged candidate
for delegates to the Iiopubllcon Slate Con
vention. They will be opposed by that pail
of beauties whoso unsavory record is written
in tho proceedings of tho late Legislature,
Senator Coylo and Sergeant-at-Arms Wyatt.
The lattor will have tho "boss" at their
backs, but wo have faith to beliovo that the
honest Kepublicans of tho Thirtieth Dis
trict will tako advantage of this opportunity
to express their contempt for these two
"great" political "pretonders" by relegating
them to private life and electing Mossrs.
Straughu and Brill, who are gontlomcu with
clean hands and clear scads, as well as lic
publicans who ennnet be trifled with by local
pothouso politicians or swayed by state
"bosses," Wo may he mistaken, but for the
good of tho llepublican party, and the sake
of public decency, we hopo not, Thoro is
not much to bo dono by the coming conven-
tion, but what is done should bo dono by
men whoso actions will not bring disgrace,
and perhaps defeat, upon tho party.
Ss'ornml Schools Are Cut.
Thi Slato Normal schools will each have to
get along with $5000 loss than they asked for
in tho next two years. Yesterday their re
presentatives appeared before tho flovcrno'
to show causo why they should get 10,000
each, and they brought facts and figures to
tho front to provo that they couldn't possibly
take loss. Tho Governor intimated that
tliey might not get anything, and
llnally compromised by agreeing to
f3r,000, thus saving $05,000 to tho stato
will bo given to tho smaller charities.
Tho dogrco team of Wyomissing Council,
No. 30, Degree of Pocahontas, of tho Inde
pendent Order of Red Men, of Pottsville,
will bo in attendance at tho Wigwam of tho
Juniata Council, No. 31, at Bean's ball
this evening. Tho meeting will bo called
to order at 7 p. m. Tlireo new members will
bo initiated into tho secrets of this order. An
urgent request is oxtnded to nil members to
bo present as this will bo a raro treat for all.
Thousands are suffering excruciating
misery from that plague of tho night, Itching
I'ilos, and say nothing about it through a
sense of delicacy. Instant relief in Dean's
Ointment. It never fails.
Marriage Licenses.
Arthur H. Moore and I.lna Kohrbach, both
of Tremont.
Walter Potteiger and Annio Boidor. both
of ToworClty.
Harry Machemer and Kate Teter, both of
George Miller and Sallie TamoH, both of
George I-oonhardt, of Girardvillo, and
Katie Mctainger, of Mahanoy City.
Appointed General Agent.
Janios J. Itolley, of St. Clair, county prasl
dout of tho A. O. II., has been appointed
general agent In tho counties of Schuylkill.
Northumberland, Columbia and Carbon for
the Iowa Life Insurance Company, and
entered upon his duties on tho lBth hist. Tho
Iowa company's plan of insurance has been
adopted by the State officers of the A. O. II.,
to whom the matter was referred at the last
State convention, when tho question of insur
ance among the members was strongly urged.
The Cnriior-Stnne Found.
Tho corner-stone of tho old capitol build-
lug was fouud and will bo opened by
Governor Hastings. The stone was in tho
northwest corner of the building. It will be
turned over by Contractor Itorke to the board
of public buildings and grounds to bo stored
away in the state library with other relics.
Letters Grunted.
Letters testamentary were granted Samuel
I.owonstein on the estate of Solomon Lowen-
stein, late of Tamaqua, deceased, also to II.
Malouo, on the estate of Patrick Malone, late
or Mt. Carbon, deceased. Letters of admin
istration were granted to Elizabeth SUller on
t'ic estate of Levi SUller, late of Schuylkill
Haven, deceased; also to Augeline Ileckert
on the estate of l'red. Ileckert, kite of Tower
City, deceased.
Taiiiiniiiii's Hlectrlo Itoiut.
Work on the Tamaqua & Lansfonl Electric
railway is beiug pushed to completion. The
comnsuy secured the right to cross the tracks
of the P. & li. aiul Jeisey Central oom
lianies. Complications are expected, how
over, with the Tamaqua Council. The com
pany has failed to furnish a bond guaran
teeing to pave between and eighteen inches
on either side of the tracks. The Council
also refuses to accept the Trail In the bor
ough limits, which the company want to put
due headache, bad
taste lu the mouth, coated
tongue, gas in the Htoinach,
dLLltii Hllit llMllUfHttoll lo
not WfMtkvn. lull have tonic
2S renti.
Tii only I'llli to Uke Willi J loot! 'I tiaiauixtrma.
Lactated Food by Far
Best Summer Diet.
Children Fed on it Keep on
Steadily Growing:.
(live Strength to Overcome
Bowel Disorder.!.
Diet That
Excludes Bytry
Chance of
Infants "Not Doing Well'
Improve on It.
Babies must not slop eating greedily
steadily because of hot weather.
If tbey do, mothers should tako alarm.
Any interruption because of heat, loss of ap
petite or indigestion, should compel the im
mediate attention of mothers to baby's food.
There it where the trouble lies.
Kvery day of retarded growth Is a lasting
setback in the child's development. A week
that does not show a gain In weight and site
is lost and cannot be made up, as each day
and night during those early years has its
own alloted growth to answer for.
Summer and winter alike a healthy baby
should show a decided gain, week by week.
During those Important first fow years,
when tho child is rapidly developing, no
pains should bo spared to secure food of
absolute purity and sufficiently nourishing
to make sure of completo and healthy
The purest, most nutritious and tho most
easily assimilatod infant diet is lactated food.
A poorly fed baby may sometimes increase in
weight and grow fat, hut tho flesh is flabby,
the blood poor and thin, tho skin whito and
tho temper irritable. Tlioso aro often tho first
symptoms of "rickots." By feeding tho little
one upon lactated lood, which is declared by
physicians to bo the most perfect substltuto
for pure and healthful mother's milk, tlioso
symptoms aro oasilyavoided.
,'Too many infants ato literally starved bo
cause tho mother's food doos not agreo with
them, and some mothers are obstinately fool
ish enough to cling to broast milk when tkoy
porcicvo its insufficiency.
When Infuuls throw up their milk or when
they are not keeping up their strength, espec
ially during hot weather, It is plain thoro is
trouble with tho food. Childron "not doiug
well," when fed with this splendid nutri
mout gradually cry loss and loss j their sleep
bocomes sound by night, and by day they aro
bright and noisy and happy. Such is tho
great differenco between babies that aro
nourished by lactated food and those that aro
poorly, because improperly, fed.
Lactated food has saved thousands of infant
lives from cholera infantum, colic and fatal
diarrhoea, Physicians prescribe lactatod food
to be kept always on hand and used at onco
upon tho first indication of looseness, losj of
strength, or if baby is not eating well and
growing on its present diet.
Lactated food is easily within the means of
tho hurablo6t home in tho laud. It isjustnow
a necessity in every family, whoro there aro
young childron.
Tt'ntlonnl Jcmriio.
At Chicago Philadelphia. 9: Chlcaeo.
0. At Louiuvllle -Washington. 6: Louis
ville. 1. At Cleveland Cleveland, 7; Hal-
tlmore. 2. At PlttHbure First came:
Pittsburg, 4; Hrool.lyn, 1. Second gain":
Pittsburg, 3; Brooklyn, 0. At Cincinnati
First game: Boston, 9; Cincinnati,
Second game: Cincinnati, 12; Doston, 1.
Hnxtorii J, outrun.
At Springfield Sprlngflold, 11; Duffalo,2,
Atlantic- J.onuuo.
At Lancaster Lancaster, 17; Heading". 4.
At Hartford-Hartford, S; Norfolk, 0. At
Newark Newark, S; Richmond, 5.
IMionncraphlu Apponl Fruitless.
Ilarrlsburg, July 21. Governor Hast
ings has refused to respite Peter Waa
sil, alias "Terrible Pete," who la to ba
hanged tomorrow at "Wllkesbarre,
Wassll talked into an Edison phono
graph In the Wllkesbarre jail Monday,
and yesterday afternoon the cylinder
was brought to Ilarrlsburg by the pris
oner's counsel. After listening to the
statement. In which Wassll accuses his
brother-in-law of the crime of which
he waa convicted, the governor de
clined to Interfere with the sentence of
the court.
Vlm. vinor and vlotorv :-r.liMui urn tl ,.l,or.
aotorUtlta of Do Witt's Little Katly Risers,
the famous little pills for contipttioii, bil
(outness ami all stomach and liver troubles.
C. 11. Hageubnch.
, wind oil Ills I'u 11 Amount ut the Arbi
tration This Morning,'
The arbitration In the case of William P.
Williams, the plumber, against B. G. Hess,
was heard in the law oflloe of M. M. Burko.
this morning. The suit arises out of n dis
pute over tho payment of the prloe of the
contract to tit out two rooms with hath tubs
in tho bouses owned by the defendant. A
lialanoe of f7S was still due Mr. Williams,
who was awarded the full amount this
morn log. The arbitrators wore Messrs. John
A. Iteilly, James Giant and K. W. Shoe-
nutker, Esq. The plaiutin was represented
by M. M. Burke, Esq., aud the defendant by
T. Jt. Bedilall, Esq. Rumor has It that Mr.
Hess will now resort to appeal.
(Gti!ved a I'lutterliig Offer.
John O'Doimell, formerly of Hasleton but
now editor of the Maluuioy City American,
has received a flattering offer from the Phil,
delphia Evening Telegraph to take a position
in the business department of that paper.
Mr. O'DouuolI Is yet undecided about accepting.
Mine Ilmpi-ctor Stein lirgpil for Chief of
the Ittireiiu of Minns.
The numerous friends of Mine Inspector
William Htein are very doiirons that ho lie
appointed Chief of the Bureau of Mine,
bring well satisfied that ho would discharge
the duties of that Important ofllce to the
satUfartion of all concerned. The announce
ment tn last evening's IIkiui.d that the
position would likely lie tendeied him by
Governor Hastings, who has the appointing
nowor, caused many expressions of approval,
and was the principal topic of conversation
among tboie engaged in and about the
mines as well as tlpise in other walks of life.
Mr. Stein lias, since emigrating to Americs,
exhibited that spirit of liberality which Is
characteristic of the Scotchman. Being a
close oliscrvcr of mining mutters, ho is in
every particular well fitted to fill the rcpon
Bible position of Chief of Mines and Mining.
Ho has iiad an extensive and varied ex
porience in both the bituminous and anthra
cite mines, and Is consequently familiar with
all the systems of mining in connection with
these coal deposit.
Mr. Stein Is now serving ills third term as
Mine Inspector of the Sixth district, and lias
been Instrumental lu improving the condi
tion of the collieries tn his district and has
tlie confidence of the worklngmeu, olllcials
and operators to the extent that they would
be pleased to see hlln appointed to this new
We are Informed that Mr. Slelii has been
engaged as a miner In the bituminous mines
of Scotland for twenty years, and was for
two yean in a mlntrfg engineer's ofllce in
Glasgow studying mine surveying. In the
anthracite mines of Pennsylvania be has
been actively engaged for the past twenty
six years In Varied tenacities.
If the position Is offered him Mr. Stein will
likely accede to the desires of ills friends and
accent, and the Hkhai.ii with otliors would
i1o pleased to congratulate him in his new
f field of responsibility.
When bilious or costive, eat a Cascarcts
candy cathartic, euro guaranteed, 10c, 25c.
Items From tho lllg Town Otcrtho Moun
tain Chronicled.
Maiunov City, July SI. Francis Wor
nick, forraorly of town, but now a Philadel
phia pollco, is visiting friends hero.
Jacob Swift, a Sbamokln constable, arrived
here yosterday with a warrant for tho arrest
of Michael and Andrew Uercan, who skipped
from Sbamokln after defrauding a Polish
storekcopor of $62. Tlioy wcro given a
hearing before 'Squire May and scltlcd tho
coso by laying cost, part of tbo bill aud giv
ing security for tho balance
Charles Semllltis, of West South alloy,
brought suit against four of his countrymen
for assault and battery. Tlio former was
badly used up. Tho usual disposition was
made of tbo oase.
Thomas Balnbridgo and Thomas Morrcll,
two respected residents of Morea, tbe lattor
a colored man, were before 'Squire May last
cvoning charged by Anthony Morccovich
with tlio larceny of $8. It is claimed tho
nionoy was taken whllo tho men were In con
versation at tbo Moroa store Thero was not
sufficient ovidenco aud tlio men woro dis
charged. For tlio past several weeks a number of
people have been engagod in cracking stono
on tbo mountain, with a view to selling tho
samo to Wallaco & Jouos, tlio paving eon
tractors. Tho stono orackors demand tho
samo prico paid last year, 00 cents a ton de
livered and 50 cents a ton at tbo pilo. Tbo
contractors rcfuso to pay more than 85 cents
a ton delivered. Somo of tho mon havo
cracked ns much as forty tons.
About 0 o'clock last evening, Irviu
Brocker, aged 10 years, climbed a telegraph
pole, and when about twenty feet from tho
ground, attempted to reach a trco by a limb,
when tho lattor broko and the boy fell to tho
ground, landing on his .head and shoulders.
He was picked up uucousclous and is in.
jured internally. Ho may not recover.
Burning, itching skin diseasos instantly rc
liovcd by Do Witt's Witcli Hazel Salve, un
equalled foi cuts, bruises, burns. It hoals
without loavmg a scar. C. II. Hagcnbuch.
Complaint Atrulust Amorlcnn StenmorH
Ottawa. Out., July 21. The Richelieu
and Ontazlo Navigation company have
complained to the minister of customs
that American steamers are reported
to be carrying excursions between
Canadian points, contrary to law. The
steamers evade the law by merely call
ing at an American port en route, thus
giving tlio coloring of international
trade to tho proceeding. It Is probable
that the practice, which has been
largely patronized by church picnics,
and which extends all over the St.
Lawrence, even down to Montreal, will
be suppressed.
Jnfomnl Muchluo Vov Edhem I'nslin.
Buda Pesth, July 21. The Pester
Lloyd says that Edhem Pasha, com
mander In chief of the Turkish forces
fn Thessaly, was the recipient yester
day of an Infernal machine, which ex
plodod while it was being opened, se
verely wounding Edhem Pasha's arm.
Kills RoacheB, Fleas, Motlia ami Hfxlbujrs Non
poiuonoua; woii'tatftin. Largo buttlun, tt drug
gietu aud er-iuuriii 3b cents.
The undersigned has purchased
the entire stock of FINK FURNI
TURE of M. Spoont, and I am
determined to relieve myself of it
at a snennce; wnereDy you
Our stock is large and varied aud
has not decreased any.
Rev. L. D. BASS, D. D, Manager.
Pittsburg, Pa ; Toronto, Canada; New Orleans,
1m.j New York, N. V. ; Washington, D. C
8au FraiieUco, IM. , CulSMp, lit. I 8t.
Ioul, Mb., and Denver. Colorado.
Tlm are thousaniUi of lxwIUoue to be filled
within the next lew tuontlw.
Address all applications to UNION Tkachkhs'
AouKciia, HulUburg, Pa.
Charles Jones left town yesterday after
noon for Marvlns Ferry, Ohio, where ho will
permanently locate.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Wurm loft this morn
ing for Hamburg to visit friends.
William Pooler, of St. Clair, was warmly
received by his many friends bore last even
ing William Walker, the victim of tho accident
at Win. Peun colliery on Monday, Is Improv
ing very nicely.
Miss Margaret Beddall has gono to Port
Carbon and Tamaqua to visit friends.
Grant Dodsou, of Green Point, Long
Island City, Is visiting his brother, Howard
Dodsou, on North Main street.
William Butler, of West Lloyd street, is
still lying in a critical condition.
Mrs. lialph Oliver, ol North Main street,
whose life was despaired of, is now' improving,
Joseph Beddall, of Tamaqua, transacted
btistucss in town yesterday.
Miss Llllio Boddall, of Wni. Pcnn, passed
through town this morning on her way to
Pittstou to visit friends.
Itev. Cornelius Laurisln and daughter,
Annie, wcro Pottsville passengers this morn
ing. Mrs. Herman aud Mrs. Davenport woro cn
talnod by Ashland friends last oveuiug.
Miss Gortrudo Davis, of Cramer Hill, N.
J., is tho guest of Miss Lizzie Williams, on
West Oak street.
Martin Shoelor, proprietor of tbo Central
House, loft on a' Western trip to Columbia
City, Indiana, this morning,
Mrs. Cummlngs, of South Knioriok street,
Is visiting friends in Philadelphia.
II. S. Albright, of Orwigsburg, a leading
randidato for Sheriff, circulated nmoug the
local politicians this afternoon.
Qulolly Married.
At the homo of tko brido In Lost Creek at
noon to-day. Miss Sadie Itcose and William
Jones were united in tho holy bonds of
matrimony. Tho weddlug was strictly
private, only a few of tho immediate rela
tives of tho contracting parties being in at
tendance. The brido is a daughter of tbo
lato Joseph Beesc, who for many years was
iusido foreman at Packer No. 2 colliery.
Sho lately resiguod her position as a school
teacher m West Mahanoy township. The
groom is at present employed as a firo boss at
Packer colliery No. 2. Rev. T. Maxwoll
Morrison, pastor of tbo Presbyterian church,
of town, officiated. Au elegant wodding
dinner was served. Miss Florence ltocro,
sister of tho brido, was tho bridesmaid, and
Mr. James Scott supported the groom. Tbo
couplo left this afternoon on an extended
wedding tour. Besides thoso present from
tlio immedleto neighborhood, wero noted:
B. It. Joues, Misses. Katio and Emma Jones,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scott, Mr. William Scott,
of Tamaqua ; Mrs. John Reese, of Ohio ;
Mrs. T. W. Spurr and daughter, and Mrs.
Kronquost, of Milwaukee, Wis.
Speedy Justlco In Virginia.
Richmond, Va July 21. -Joe Fife, a
negro who attempted an Insult upon
Mrs. Murks, of this city, on Thursday
morning last, and on that afternoon
attempted the same crime upon Miss
Russell, of Norfolk, who was visiting
In a suburb of Richmond, was tried In
the hustings court yesterday. A verdict
of guilty, with the death penalty, waa
returned bv tho jury, and Fife was
sentenced to banc on Aug. 26.
Ilcorannlzlnir ( IiIihi'h righting Force.
London, July 21. The Daily Mall's
Berlin correspondent says that China
Is about to reorganize her army on the
lines of the German military, and that
orders for rifles have been placed In
Germany. A new Chinese fleet Is to bo
constructed, half of the contracts for
the new vessels going to England and
half to Germany. The Armstrongs will
supply the suns for the new fleet.
The Biggest Possible Values, Who Believe
That Money Saved is Money Earned, Should
Come to
Which Will Commence Saturday Morning at
9 O'clock. We are Bound to1 Close Out the
Balance of Our Stock of
Men's and Boys'
Spring and Summer
No matter at what sacrifice, everything must tro:
noining reserved, you wil?. do
mm mane yuur bciccuous oi inese supero Bargains,
Remember we are now at our new home.
. . . The shopping palace for the people.
The Acknowledged Cheapest Clothiers and Hatters
In the County.
Tlie Woman
Washing Powder
finishes her work as
fresh and bright as
her house is clean.
Largest package greatest economy.
The N. K. Fair-bank Company,
Chicago. St. Louis). New York.
llostou. pmiaacipuia.
And Flowers, tho lhitnLof America,
Via tlio truo pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
Itouto," which traverses a region of perpettinl
sunshine, where snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes are unknown. Pullman first
and second class palaco and tourist sleeping
cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and Now Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Nevada, without change Quick time, low
rotes, and all tho comforlaof modern railway
Improvements guaranteed to all who pur
chaso tickets via tho Missouri I'afllfio railway
tystcm. For rates right from your homo,
literature, and full information, elrnpn postal
card, J. I McCmin, T. 1. Agent. Mil Kail
road avenue, Klmir.i, N. Y., or 391 llroad
way, New York.
2-3-tf W. K. Hoyt, O. E. I. Agt.
.'Dead Stuck" kills roaches, ants, mnthsnnd
bedbugs. Non-poisonous. 25 cents. (i-ir-3t)t
well to get in the push early,
Wlio Uses
Hardware Store.
Agent and Bottler of
Porter and Weiss Beer. )
203 W. Coal Street,
---GO TO
Meluskey & Son,
105 S. Main St.
Evan J. Davies,
13 N. Jardin Street.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbcy's Bohemian Beer.
Teams to
".??u WftD.,,'9 Illre 8 aal nl reliable
bi for driving or ter working inriK.l.
ly SliU uV llyry stable n vl.n. tUui!
coiMtantly on hand M rwwonnblo ruUg
No. i0 But Centre street.
Opposite IUaillncrall o natation,