si2s3iBs2Msss)M Msssssssss3SIisi EVENING HER ALB iwTAiii.i.miMo mio. Published every KTenlng, Kicept Bnmlsy, t . Ho tit n Jakdih Stkrt, Nrar Pshtrr. The llcmlil Is ltilveief InHhenMMlonri nnd the siiriiutHllnfi; towns forsls. cents n week, pnr nl. In In the curriers. Ily mull W.00 n ynr, or cent ii month, paynlile tn nxlvBiice. Advertise ments charged nceoruniKtospAceanu position. The publishers reserve the right to ehnnffc the riusltlon of Advertisements whenever the put Icotlon nt news demand It. The right la reserved to reject any advertisement, whether iitild for or not, that the publishers may deem improper. Advertising rates mode known upon application. Kiiterod at the poMofUce at Hhettaudoah, Pa., ft' serond class mall matter. TKI.Iil'IIONK CONNECTION. "All the News That's Fit Jo Prlnt." Evening Herald SATURDAY, JULY 17. 1BOT. Tiik urowth of the protection senti ment in the Soutli in a certain intllcu tion that the industries of-tiilst region are multiplying. A Boston patier sneaks of "the rt tireiapiit" of Mr. Uryan. This must 1m a misprint, for none of the deriva tives of the word retire tit tile earn. A Boston man undertakes to teach journalism by mail, and it 1b not un likely that the results will compare favorably with the journalistic misfit in Mahanoy City. An itemized statement of the Legislative expense accounts, asked for by the Governor, will cause much unpaxiness among some of the Legis lators, and their pause for reply will likelv be so prolonged that the silence will be painful. (jcvKRNOit Hastinos is after those expense bills with a big stick, and will compel the chnlrmon of the vari ous committees and the Sergcunt-at-Arms. to submit within a week de tailed statements of salaries of em ployes and other expenses. Some ol them will have a hard time explain ing on paper those big oxpense ac counts. Tiik unparalleled mendacity of t'ovlo in his eifort to hoodwink Gov ernor Hastings into signing his fake hospital scheme with the statement that he had the papers from the 1 & H. tl. & I. Co. giving him a site, when it is hIiowii that lie had nothing of the kind, shows to what straits he is reduced in his efforts to maintain his fast-waning grip on the politics of county. A more disreputable vay of trying to work an appropria tion through for political purposes has not. been developed in recent years and meets with condemnation on all sides. WilSTHKR intentional or not the fact stands that tho State Fishery Commissioners will have no money to expend for the next two years, the nppronrijitjori 'fended to- i jyfbeon made in favor of that de . rment having been omitted from the Appropriation bill. This is a much more serious matter than many persons believe, as it will completely halt the operations of tho committeo, and in a large dogree prevent the batching of tront and other fry for next year's distribution. The work of the shad hatchery at Bristol will also have to be suspended, unless the Commissioners have something in the shape of a surplus fund, which is not at all probable. This omission may have been intentional, but the probabilities are that It was due to the haste and confusion always inci int to the close' of the session. The ,.i it is that there is no way of remedying the error until the meeting of the next Legislature; which will not be until 1800. Mistakes of Some Parents. There is no greater mistake than that made by so many parents in the rearing of their sons and daughters in what is termed elegant leisure, says the Philadelphia Star. Wo know of no more pitiable object than that of a young man who has never been taught to do anything that can be turiipd to advantage in the event of necessity requiring it. And yet there are many, very many, such helpless f-rcatures in the world, who, if by an) mischance are deprived of the Mipport of their parents, or have not been the heirs of wealthy pro genitors, are confronted with the simple but stern fact that their future dependence must be upon their own efforts. They may lie of the self-reliant order, but of what avail Is self-reliance when there is nothing upon which to rely 1 The wise parent, therefore, instead of rearing his boys and girls In what has been appropriately termed the fashionable do-nothing style, will see to it that both are trained up in the way tliey should go that is, taught to do something useful, and to re spect that something, as possibly absolutely essential to their future happiness. Very much of the discomfort and unhapplnesB of matrimonial lifenow adays can easily be traced to the fact that tho modern wife during the days of her girlhood had not leen taught the all-Important duties of housekeeping, and is therefore as un lit to take charge of servants and to direct how things should be done, In order to make her home cheerful and untieing to her husband, a would lie the merest tyro to direct the making of a line watch or the building of a steamship. Teach your children how to be uwful to themselves and others. If they do not in the urr of their lives find use for such Hceomplish uier.ts, they will be noLe the worse off beeause of their postession of them. FINANCE AND TRADE. All J"nrMil-!i(ilntr Outlook Despite (lie Hroat MtnerV strike. New York. July 17. U. O. Putin A Co.'s weekly review of trade says: Rx- reiitlns; the great coal miners' strike, whlrh may terminate at any time, I hero la scarcely a ' ature of the busi ness outlook which is not encouraging. the season considered. Crop prospects have been Improved by needed rain in lome regions, and foreign advices con tinue to promise r large demand. In many home Industries, particularly in building, there is more activity than in any year since 1IH, and the week has brought a better demand In boots nnd shoes and In woolens, while the movement of freight, mainly Irofi ore, through the Bault Ste. Marie canal Is the largest In Its history. AVith money markets unclouded, there Is nothing in sight to hinder rapid Improvement when uncertainty about legislation has been removed, for the miners' strike could not last long If business and in dustries should become active. Bradstreets' review says: The dullest month In the Industrial year Is duller than usual, notwithstanding Improve ment among potters and others. This Is due to the reaction In Iron andsteet, prices of which are back to lowest points on record, a dragging demand for boots and shoes, and a threatened famine of bituminous coal. There are more coal miners out than at this time last week, and notwithstanding asser tions that arbitration will end the strike In the near future, some of the larger operators In the 1'lttsburg dis trict declare that there Is nothing to arbitrate. Manufacturers of cotton goods and their agents report trade slow, owing to higher cost cotton and low prices for goods. This has shut down a num ber of cotton mills In Massachusetts and In Rhode Island. A fairly steady business Is reported by eastern manu facturers of shoes, but this trade at Philadelphia is dull, merchnnts hesl tatlng to place orders. Western whole sade dealers In clothing report distribu tion unsatisfactory. There were 217 business failures re ported throughout the United Slates this week, compared with 218 last week, 255 In the week a year ago, 211 In the week two years ago, 212 In the cor responding period of 1894, and bb com pared with BIT In the second week of July, 1893. In the Dominion of Can-fi there were 38 failures, compared with Inst week, 33 i the week a year ngo, and 23 two years ago. Household Necessity. Ossearets Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the age, nleasani and refreshing to the taste, set gently and positively on kidneys, Hvor and bowels, cleaiisinz the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fover, habitual constipation an" biliousness. Please buy and try n box of C. C. C. to-day ; 10, 25, 50 cento. Sold and tjuamuteetl to euro by all druugiste. NUGCSETSTOF NEWS. The Missouri fruit crop Is estimated this year to be worth $20,000,000. Many of the strlglng Indiana miners' families are suffering for want of food. Parties are organlznlg In Seattle. Wash., to go to the rich gold fields of Alaska. The gold fever has seized San Fran cisco, and hundreds of old miners are anxious to rush to the Klondike re gion. ,''' Jacob Castator. otf 7oU Bnt0 k er near Ilanr.'', Mo was torturea liv tA,'-- ,,,,,., ,,, ,. badly burned. A runaway horse dashed through a bicycle parade at Williamsburg, N. Y., Injuring a score of riders and smashing dozens of wheels. George and Lettle Anderson, who were found In a dying condition on a raft near Cincinnati, are recovering, and must now stand trial for killing thrtr child. 100 Doses I ii a Is peculiar to and true SPg j. x I Q only of Hood's Barsopa- iOUllit; rlllo, and is prool of Its superior strength ond economy. Th?re is more curative power in a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparillc than in any other. This fact, with Itt unequalled record of cures, proves the best medicine for nil blood diseases is parilla The One True ltlood Purifier. All druggists. SI. j n rt'H cure Liver Ills; easy to nOOCl S FlIlS take, easy to operate. 2SC CHRIST. SCHMIDT Agent and Bottler of AND Porter and Weiss Beer. FINEST, .' PUREST .' AND ,' HEALTHIEST, 203 W. Coal Street, SHENANDOAH, - PA Wanted-An Idea I Who ofta tbititT to iatitf mar bring you wMtUb. ,800 prlw offr wan fed UNION TEACHERS' AGENCIES of AMERICA. Rev. L. D. BASS, D. D. Manager. I'HULurif, ISj Toronto, Canada; New Orleans, lM, ; New York, N. V. ; Wwhlngton, I). L, Han Pranclaco, CM. ; Chicago, 111. : HI. luul, Ho., and envvr, Colorado. There are thounandtf of pnettioiig to lie filled wlthlu the next few montlw. Addrvae all apulloatlone to Union TucHsua' Aauciam, MalWlmrs, Teams to Hire. If you want to hire a aafe and reliable, team fM driving ttt for working rirr-e ly llM' livery etaltle a vlall. Team esaatauUy on baud at rwwonnble rata JAMES SHIELDS, No. 110 But Ceutre elreel. Oppolto Beading 'rail o dilation. COiTOLfNE' The BestMs Et prepare- d the best -the best i Ce i -c ONU. idling The Cottoltne trade marks ar "Oalltttne" an4 Hrer't head in cotton-plant ureath oa ersry tin. THE N. K. FAIftOANK COMPANY, Chlcufii, New Tork, PhlUdetphU, rittikarv. THE PRAYER OF A UTEFEIloY SUFFERER Melrlilor A. Ilrck liorn KuyM under oath: "I HUflVred for OitriO year from the etfecta of H. A. II.. IlKuifl IlMfii and Iott itiHii- immxi i was quacked dv 2riiliftrtelphla,l New York city, 1 New York Htnto, l Michigan, 1 1Mtts liurg, l Baltimore 1 Con necticut and t Boston frauds. AH bad splendid testimonials, some with lnltt.ila, aome tvltb full nam en elgned. Tbey alt pretended to examine roe on consulttntc them. I hi 4 iifli.i.nMi ,oat pe and confidence, fraud. I conRulted S col lege professors, 1 mo ney refundiriK humbug conrern. All or no avail. At last wanted to commit Buiclde; twice attempted to do so. wben my frltnd hherllis said: 'Stop, you fool .' (to and consult tbe famous HR THFFI 604 North SIXTH St. Un. inHCL PHILADELPHIA, PA. lie Is honest and the beat or all. Well, let me say, none ever oxarolned ine so thorough. It was lelt to J)lt.Tlli:i:i. to brlnx my confi dence back. He U a physician and specialist none can equal, A whole-souled, a frond-hearted andthoro'irV' C'lacated physician, who knows wliptPxAtu nnd medicine coeatis, From n sk i tio made a vigorous, strong man. The -Hi vu of youthful errors In all Its horrible detii'jnnd the Blood Poison with Its terrible bolls, ulcers, pimples, blotches, sore mouth.eta, hare vanished. Jo, young and old, If yon suffer from any youthful folly or Indiscretion. to tberlaht man, to lilt. TIIIll'.I.. UU I Norlli SIXTH .Street, lMiltmlellilii. I'll. Ho will cure you, no matter who fulled. Ibis Is my prayer. Do not listen to nuy tiut a late tel. low surTerer and be suvei." Ir. Tliel Honrs, Sally 0.3, Cvgs. 0-0, Sundays 0-12, NO KAMI?, NO Al) II KERN published wtttiout tlie patient's coimcnt. Ntr1ctet se crery frimriiuteed tn till, llloutl poliion, Tiirlcoeele, a(rlvtureM cured miller irnur lintee. Lost tiiiinhoiMl restored, MninU aliriinken orftmi euliirRCil. Freeh onses riiretl In 4 Co 10 clnya. Jtellerill once, Altlleted and itnl'orliiiiiite. Toor or rtlcb, If you were robbed and victimized and wish to get cured, then send five 3-cent stamps for book " Truth," tho best for young and old, sliiale or imirrled. Only hook exposlnR iiucu. & I'nko ln-Utliites, rrcotit'eKerlptlon liiiinhue., or so-called free auvtcc,from former fellow-sufferers, etc. Hours for examination and treatment fordiintrcrnuaand so-called Incurable CAes dally lrom 1(1 tojjl AVediie'iltiyHand Natnr laya from II A. M. to 4 III., and from ti to 1 u 1, SI, Send for sworn teatlmontaji,,. m-- MURDERER BUTUfeR EXECUTED. Ho Cpui-,Bril ou tlp SenlVcild to Com inlltlnjj Ffiui- Mtit'dors, London, July 17. A dispatch from Sidney, N. S. W says that Frank But ler, the Australian bush murderer, was executed Thursday, lie confessed on the scaffold to having committed four murders. The crimo for which Butler paid the denth penalty was the murder of Cap tain Lee Weller, whom he Induced to go with him on a prospecting tour, and whom he shot after they had ar rived In the bush. After the murder f Captain Weller Butler escaped from Australia on the ship Swanhllda, but upon the arrival of that vessel at San Francisco, on Feb. 2 last, he was ar rested and subsequently extradited. Early on the morning of his convic tion Butler attempted to cut his throat with a piece of tin, but waB seized be fore he had done himself any serious Injury. Later he made the most vio lent resistance to his keepers while on the way to the court house. He fought with them like a wild boast, and was with dilHculty subdued. The murders committed by nutler are among the most cold blooded, on record. Grlp-CoIds-IIeadache, Why sudor with Coughs, Colds and La Grippe when Laxativo Brnmo Quinine wili euro you in ono day. Put up in tablets con rcnient for hiking. Guaranteed to cuio, oi money refunded. Price, 36 cents. l"or sale by Klrlin's Pharmacy. American VVTim Dlninoiiil Soulls. Henly-on-Tliames, July 17. Ten Eyck, the American, won the final heat In the race for the diamond sculls yes terday, defeating Blackstaffe, the En glish oarsman, by two lengths In a closely contested race. The American was never headed. There wag only n solitary yell to encourage Ten Eyck, while there was a continuous roar of cheers from both banks for Blackstaffe. At the presentation of the prises Col onel Frank Wallan, In presenting the diamonds and silver gilt goblets to Ten Myck, said: "This, the most Im portant prlae of the Henley regatta, Is now carried out of the country for the second time, it having once gone to Holland. I am sorrv It lias been won away from us, but we must put up with It and try to get It back." "SeoroliHr" :biiw Fatal Himnwny. Chicago, July 16. A "acoroher" was responsible for the death of Mrs. M. A. Morton, who was Instantly killed In a runaway Wednesday night. The scorcher, with elevated and bent head, while bowling along at a rapid rate, collided with the horse driven by Mrs. Morton. The frightened animal be came uncontrollable and dashed down the street, colliding with a lamppost and throwing the unfortunate woman from the vehicle. She waa instantly killed. She had been an Invalid for years. The aeorebwr was thrown from his wheel, but remounted and rode away before tie could be apprehended. The horse waa badly Injured, and died In a few moments. Alldi'oe OH' For I. o .'l!. Tromsoc, Island of Tromsoe, Norway, Julv 17. The steamer Svenskaund, which has arrived here from Spitsber gen, ie:orts that Ilerr Andree, tlie aeronaut, ascended In his balloon on Sunday afternoon. The balloon, which waa christened tbe Eagle, made a suc cessful ascent amid the about and cheers of the orowd which bad gath ered to wltneja Its departure. The weather was clear, and the Eagle waa visible for an hour, traveling In a north northeaKierly direction. Wben last seen it was moving at the rate of 2! miles an hour. Vim, vigor and victory :-tnese sre the oimr actesJstica of lie Witt's Little Karly Hiaers, the famous littlo pills for coiihtipntiou, bil iousness and all stomach and liver troubles, C. II. Uageubiicu. Will) MAO AU A FALLS. Low llule lfaeutsfun la 1'emntlrHiilrt Itnllmnd. Tin l'i iinsvlvania Railroad roinpnny will run h HTir of exiiirHiitnn to NiHg!"' Kails, liiiviiiK I'hllndelphin. llHlllmnre mid Wnxhllittun on July 83, August A nnd 10. and September 4 snri 10. An expcrh'iu'ed tourist ngent and chaperon accompany cadi excursion. K.scnmiun tickets, food for return paiwagc on any regular tnln, exclusive of limited expreni trains, within ten dns. will lie sold nt $10 from rhilndnlptiin, linlliiiiuiv, Well ington i u 1 all points on thi' 1'i'hi ware Dii ninii; $fl.70 from Lancaster; $8 (XI frmn Altoona nnd Harrishui; t 2ft from V liken 1mm; fs SO from VllHiunporl: and nt pro portionate rates from Other pointn. A ntop. uver will lie allowed st llud'alo, Hoehcuter. and V:ii kins returning. A npi'i inl train of Pullman parlor car and day enichen will bo roil with earh excursion Fur further inforniKtion apply lo nearcm ticket uncut, or adilrem (leo. W. lloyd. AasNtant (leueral Pmwoimor Agent, Ilroad Street Station, Philadelphia. It heals evcrrtliiuc Mcept a broken hen it, may he anhl of lie Wltjt's Witch Ilnrel Salve. 1'ileantid rectal (llseaae. cuts, hums, hmlstw, letter xenin and all skin troubles may he cured hy it quickly nail permanently. C. II. lliicetihuch. Tlirown I'Votn n CnfidBtro ntnl Killed. nurny, Ccd., July .17. Hy an acrldent on the Toll road, yesterday afternoon Mies Myrtle Shaw, of Plttslleld, Ills., was fntally Injured, and several others, all members of the T. M. C. A. excur sion, painfully hurt. Among them was Major 12. AV. Halford, private secre tary to former President Harrison. Just below Dear Creek falls the horses, attached to the carriage In which Miss Shaw, Major Halford and others were riding became trlghtened and over turned the carriage, with the result above stated. Miss Shaw was Injured about the head, and died In the hospltnl here shortly aftar the accident. The injuries to the others are not believed to be serious. Tho Wenthor. For eastern Pennsylvania, New Jer sey, Delaware and Maryland: Partly cloudy; southerly winds. ONE OF TWO WAYS. The bladder wus created for nno purpose, namely, a receptacle for tho urine, and as such 11 is not liable tonny form of dlseaso ex cept hy-ono of two wny. Tho first wtty is from imperfect action of tlie kidneys. The second wny Is from on rolos-j local treatment of other diseases. CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy tiriue from unhealthy kidneys is t lie chief cause of bladder troubles. So the womb like the bladder, was created for one purpose, nnd If not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or diseased, except in rare cases. It is situated back of and very close to the bladder, therefore any pain, disease or inconvcnlenco manifested in the kidneys, back, bladder or urinary passago is often by mistake attributed to female w.ekJ?nlve, $3.253.80. Sheep and lambs higher ness or womb trotihio, ot ;orc izit. The orror is onslLy'naii0 ana may be as easily , to una out correctly, set you urino asido for twenty-four hours ; a sedi ment or settling indicates kldnoy or bladder trouble The mild and tho extraordinary effect of ,I)r. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, tho great kidney, livor and bladder remedy is soon realized. If you need a medlcino yousliould havo the best. At druggists fifty cents and ono dollar. You may liavo a sample bottlo and pamphlet, both sent free by mail. Mention Kvkkinq llEBAU) and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Iliiigliamton, N. Y. Tho proprietors of this paper guarantee ho geiittitiees of this oiler. Powers Compromise with Turkey. Athens, July 1". It Is tftated hero on reliable authority that the powers have fixed the Indemnity to be paid to Tur key by Greece at 4,000,000, and have accepted a compromise giving Tiir key a more liberal line of frontier. Tur key and Greece have been left to settle the question of the oapltulatlon be tween themselves. Ittiiuiwiiy Wlfo Tnkon Hnok. Chicago, July 17. Mrs. John Brad bury, of California, who left her hus band to run away with J. Russell Ward, arrived In the city yesterday. She was met at the Santa Fe depot by her husband, and the party was driven rapidly to the Wellington hotel. Neither would talk for publication. A loorWil Sonllim l'lcot. Victoria, B. C, July 16. Only 30 Vic toria sealing schooners will go to Beh rlng sea this season, compared with 64 last year. Low prices obtained for last year's catch Is the cause. The British warships Peasant and Wild Swan leave Sunday morning to patrol the sea. The United States has five ships there. "I crave but One Mimito", said tho public speakor in a husky voice; nnd then he took a dose of One Minute Cough Curo, aud pro ceeded with his oratory. Ono Minute Cough Cure is Unequalled for throat and Inug troubles. C.ll. Ilageubiicb, DELIGHTFUL SUMMER TOURS. Two Tours to the North l I'onnsylvnnla Kallroad, For the convenience of tlioe who bcek the most attractive way uf spending a summer holiday, the Pennsylvania lWilroadCoiiwny has arranged two delightful tours to the North, under tho personally-conducted tourist system, July 27 and August 17. The points iucluded hi the itinerary and the country traversed abound In nature's beauties. No matter how much may be expected, one can not lie disappointed in Watkins Glen, Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands, Quebec, Montreal, An Sable Chasm, Lakes Charaplaln and George, Saratoga, or the Highland of tbe Hudson. Kaci. tour will be in charge of one of the compauy's tourist agents, assisted by an ex perienced lady as chaperon, whose espeoial charge will he uueacorted ladles. The rate of 100 from Xew York, Brooklyn, Newark, Trenton, Philadelphia, Harris! nr. Baltimore, aud Washington covers mil way and boat tare for the euti re round trip, parlor- uar seats, meals en route, hotel eutertalument, transfer charges, carriage hire in faet, every Item of necessity expense. Fur detailed Itinerary, tickets, or any ad ditional information, address Tourist Agent, Pennsylvania Kallroad Company, 11 WO Ilroad- way, Xew York ; 880 Fulton street, Hrook- lyn ; Assistant General Paesenaer Agent, Ilroad Street Station, l'hiladelphU. Ii'diiic'cl by pulii'H iuen Ilegent. Havana. July 17. Acting upon the suggestion of Captain General Weyler, Queen Uegent Christina lias granted pardons to the Insurgent chiefs llo gello, Camachn, Domingo, Oonwlea, Castillo, Oulllcrmo, Fuente and IMvera, Who were under sentence of death. Tin re K n time for everything i and tlie time to attend to a cold is when it starts. iJou't wait till you have eimsuuip tiou but prevent it by using One Minute Cough Curo, the great remedy for roughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. ('. II. Ifagenbtich. STOCK AND PRODUCE MAKKE 1 31 tKtially T.ow Prlewl Stoolts Aroused by n I'nlr llemnno. New Tork, July 18. The stock market, which diooped a trifle yeaterdny, was looking up a hit today, active securities eloalnK strong nnd frequently higher, while unusually aomnambulent low pric ed stocks were arouaed by a fnlr demand. The dealings, however. Indicated but a Im kndnlslcal Interest or esutlousness, If you will. Prices tended upward In the enrly trnfllng. ecenmpanled by some man ipulation In certain cheap specialties. The hours received a faoer when, during tho afternoon's dullness, they sought to pre cipitate selling of the general list. After n brief renctlon the market steadied and iilmut the best figures were attained In the lnte trading. Closing bids: Hi. lto. Ohio... flV4 Iehlgh Valley.. 80V4 M.esn. A Ohio... 1714 N. J. Central.. Wi P-el. Hudson.. IIIU N. Y. Central.. lOlfc D.. 1,. XV 1M Pennsylvania Krle HH Heading ' I.nke Krle & W. Wk St. Paul & All nsal's paid. Oonornl MnrkotH. Philadelphia, July 18. Flour firm; win ter snnertlne. $2.759x.0; do. extras, M J.26: Pennsylvania roller, clear, old, JS.70W .9u; do. new, M.WWS.00; do. Rtrnlght. old, Httt.10; do. straight, new, $8.6o03.76; west ern winter, old, $3.7BW.!K): do. straight, old. M.MJN; city mills, extra. J.10J.0. ltye flour slow at S2.2S4r2.St per barrel, as to quality. Wheat strong; contract wheat, July, TBtJTOMc; do. August. 7t?;tf7oc. ; No. 2 Pennsylvania and No. 2 Delaware red, new, spot, 778Mc; No. 2 red, new, spot, 7dW7B4c: No. 2 red, July, 81Mc; do. Sep tember, 754c. : do. December, 770. Corn Arm, but quiet: steamer corn, spot, SjsJJ) JUc. ; No. 2 mixed, spot and-July, 30 30hc; No. I yellow for local trade, tia. Oats dull; No. 2 white clipped, carlots, 25c ; No. 2 white, July. 214SSc.; do. Au gust, 2WJ1V4C. ; do. September, 230llo. Hay firm for desirable grades; choice timothy, Ji:if713.o0 for large bales. Ueef steady; family, W.SfJW9.tO: extra mess, $77.M; beef hams. J23.50j!t; packet. $339.50. Pork dull; family. 110. r.ard llrmer: western steam ed, ft. 26. Butter quiet; western creamer), 11315c.; factory, 7(S10Vtc.: Elglns, 15o.; Imitation creamery, 9H4T12UC.; New Tork dairy, 10614c: do. creamery, 114tl5c; fancy prints Jobbing at 17JS0e.i do. ex tra Pennsylvania, wholesale, 16c. Cheese quiet; New Tork large, 7V4J7Ho.; small, fancy. 7K74c; part skims, t&CHc; full skims, 214WSC. Kggs quiet: New York and Pennsylvania, 12HlSc; western, fresh, 11HW12C. Potatoes Arm; southern, new, $2sj2.2t. Tallow dull; city, 3c: country, 3c Cottonseed oil firm; prime crude, S0c; do. yellow, 2IV45i26c. Petroleum dull. Rosin quiet; Btralned. common to good, tl.65l.C7V4. Turpentine quiet at 2&826HC. Pig Iron quiet; southern, J9.2S10.M northern, $10fll2. Copper firm! lake, brok ers, J11.12V4: exchange, J1HJ11.20. Tin very dull; straits, Sl.1.7513.85; plates easy. Speller dull; domestic, I4.2S04.35. Tho market for lend shows firmness at $3,660 8.7214, according to tho Metal Exchange, while brokers call the market strong at $3.31!. Tomatoes, per carrier, Savannah and Charleston. lifil.So. Long Island cab bage, per 100, J2f3.W. Coffee closed steady; September, $6.88; December, $7.067.10 January, 7.10r7.16; March. $7.26; May, $7,36, I,lvc Stock Mnrhots, New York, July 16. Beeves actvoi-4- neors siiKiiuy iirmor; ruuKH-JUQOT higher 1 native steers. $4.3.60; stags and oxen, Mfi.4.60; built, $5.904i3.76: dry cows, iMt $.60. Cajves actK'e; veals firm; other caivfifc steady; veals, $4(96.40. Buttermilk and active: sheep, $3(8'4.B0; larnbs, 5.75. lloga easier at $3.9004.13. East Liberty. Julv 10. Cattle steady; axtr $4.SOJt4.90; common, $3.2003.30; bulls, tags nnd cows, tXitt.U). Hogs slowt pigs, (3.704f3.T5; prime light Yorkers, $3.CG3.70; (rood Yorkers end mediums, $3.0003.60; heavy, J3.45Sr3.B0: rougos, $2.2S3.15. Sheep 'irm: choice. Ji.w,'u4.ii): common, JS.KVf? 25: pprlng lambs, $105.25; yeal calves, ;06.25. "Thcv don't mike much fuss about It. Woaro speaking of Do Witt's Little Early Kiserj. tho famous littlo pills tor constipation. biliousness, and all stomach aud liver troubles, They uovcr gripe. C. II. Hagcn bueh. Persons Leaving Town During tho summer can have the Herald mailed to them by ordering it at this ofllcc, either in person or by letter, at 25 cents per month." If you aro going to eujoy yourself among tho cool hreezos of the Bea shoro or somo mountain retreat, don't forget that your enjoyment will not lie complete uuloss you havo the Herald sent to you. Tliroo ItoyK Kliti'rt by urrnln, Austin, Tex., July 17. At 2 o'clock in the morning a freight train on the In ternational nnd Great Northern yards here ran over four white boys who were sitting on the side of the track asleep, killing three of them Instantly and badly wounding the fourth. The three killed werei John Bridges, 15 years old, Charles Sweeney, 13, and L, Montgomery, 13. The Injured Is Henry Eatls, aged 16. They all were of Port Worth. The train ran over the boys as It (tame Into the yards, On leaving an hour later a nerro named Cox, of Waco, who attempted to grab a brake bar to steal a ride, lost his hold, and, falling, was mangled Into pulp. .CHASES BloodfHerveFood For Weak and Run Down People UHRT IT ls I The richest of all restore nil HI IOI tlve foods, because It re- S laces the esjontlals of lire that are ex austed by disease, Indigestion, high living, overwork, worry, excesses, nbute, etc i WHAT IT nnFJ I Hy making the blood WrMI II UUCOl pure and rich and tho digestion perfect It creates solid flesh, muscle and strength. The nerves being made strong the brain becomes astlve and alear. It restores lost vitality, stops all wast ing drains and weakness in cither sex. and as a female regulator has no equal. Price too., or five boxes $2.00. Druggists or by malU We can help you. Advice and book:, free, 1 Wrlto Us About Your Caae. THE DR? CHASE COMPANY, U12 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, P. J. CANFIELD, Agent (or Shenandoah and Vicinity -For BARBEY'S Beer and Porter Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. PRICL OF ARMOR fLAt llouso ltcfWo i . :, niieo the Unto to 9 100 Per Tn. Washington, July 17.-The house to diy ngrerd to the partial conference report on the general deficiency appro prlrtlnn bill, and then ronourred In the sen 'to amendment fixing the limit of cost of armor plate for the three battle ships now building at $300 per ton. This was the main Item still In dispute between the two houses. A strong effort was rrmlp to Indure the house to agree to a substitute proposition fix ing the limit at $400, as recommended by the secretary of the navy, but after a three hours' debate the house, by a vote of 142 to 45, concurred In the sen ale amendment. Messrs. Stone and Dnlzcll, of Pennsylvania, and Hnutelle. of Maine, supported the $400 proposi tion, which wns opposed by Messrs. King (Democrat, Utah), Underwood (Democrat, Alabama), Barlow (Popu list, Colorado), Simpson (Populist, Kansas), Cains (Democrat, Tennessee), Wheeler (Democrat, Alabama), Bayers (Democrat, Texas) 'and Cannon (Ile publlcan, Illinois). Tho open sesalon of the senate was brief and uneventful. The Harris reso lution nlallng to the Union Pacific railroad was further dlscusBed. At ls30 the senate went Into executive session, remnlnlng behind closed doors until 6f o'c'.nck. and then adjourning until to day. The secret session was devoted to an attempt to confirm M. It. McCord as governor of Arizona. The only vote taken showed 28 for and 11 against confirmation. The vote allowed eight less than a quorum, and the senate was obliged to adjnurn. Orlon-H 1-i'liiccl.lmlloncrfll.' r.ome, July 17. When the Italian of ficers whe were recently re'eased .'rom captlvl'y In Abyssinia reached Haror, and heard of the statements made by Prince Henry, of Orleans, In which the Italian army was charged with cowardice, they drew lots to decide which of them ahould meet the prince on the Held of honor. The lot fell lo Lieutenant I'anl, who nt once sent a challenge to Prince Henry. Hives arc not dangerous to life, but they aro a prollflcbreodorof misery nml profanity. Dean's Ointment gives instant relief, oven iu tho worst cases of this nnd other oxasponit lug diseases of tho skin. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JJIt. W. II. YJNOST, VETERINARY SURGEON. Graduate and Lnto Resident House Surgeon of the University Htole of N. Y. Headhvarteos : Hotel Fratmy, 'Shenandoah TIIRBR YEAR COURSB. Calls night or day proniptlv responded to Q 8. PHILLirS, M. D. Office: 80 West Centre sheet. ' ' Can he consulted nt all hours. M. IiUltKH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. OnlceKfran building, corner ot Main and Centre streets, Shenandoah, ' J. POMKROY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Shenandonh, Pa. E. W. SHOKMAKKR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Corner Market and Centre streets. )ROP JOHN JON1CS, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Rox 05, Mahanoy City, Pa. Ilavl studied under some of th o heci musters ra ir London and Parts, will clre Iospoiu on the violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal culture. Term reasonable. Auurcas In caro ot Btrouao, i lie jeweier. nnenanaoau. Double The Circulation of any two newspapers in. Shenandoah, and steadily increasing, is the magnet that draws advertisers to the EVENING It Goes Into The I1omer of the people ; that's what makes the Herald such a valuable advertising medium. It's a wide-awake newspaper and prints all news promptly and accurately. Our Job- Department- is second to none in the interior of the . state. We are prepared to do work of any description in the beat poiwiblo man ner and at the lowest price consistent with good material and first-class work. Drop us a Postal and our Solicitor will call on you and take your order. Every business man should have printed stationery, and the place to get it is at the office of the Evening Deralb, 8 Sotitb Jnvbin Street. Georgia's Fair Authoress Tells Why She Uses Dr. Miles' Restorative Remedies, HE NAME of Mrs. J. E. Harwell, (noo Julia Emma Flemnilng) Is a familiar ono In tho slato ot Oeorgta. Sho writes! "It Is with pleasure, that I expiess my gratitude for tho wonderful boneflts I havo received fiom Dr. Miles' llestoratlvo Remedies, especially theNorvlne, tho Nerve and Liver I'llls, New HcnrtCurontid Antl Pnln Pills. Actual oxperlcnco has taught mo their great worth, No family should bo without them. They havo fully restored mo from n complica tion of disordors chief ly affecting tho heart, nervous system and kidneys. When I trav el I alwiiys take one of your Anti-Pain Pills before entering tbe cars and thus prevent swimming of tho head nnd nnuset, to which I have been subject for several years." Rr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money refunded. Hook on Heart and Nerves sent free to all applicants. IJIt. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart. Ind. HAVE YOU READ- THE PHILADELPHIA TIfllES THIS MORNING? THE TIMES tlie mot extensively clrculntMl and widely rend newdimpel pul ltslied lu lVnnsylvanlii. Its dfeciifwlon of pub lie men and public measure la In the Interest of publle Integrity, honest government and prosperous Industry, and It know no party or peiBonal alleginnce In treating public Iftsuea. In the broadest and beat sense a family aud general newepajrer. THE TIMES alms to have tho largest circulation by deserving It, and claims that U is unsurpassed In all the essentials of a treat metropolitan newspaper. Specimen copies of any edition will be sent frooy to any one send ing their address. TERMS DAILY, 153.00 per annum; gl.00 for four monthr; U0 cents per month; de livered by carriers for 0 cents per week. SUNDAY KDITION, 32 larue. handsome pages Ml columns, elegantly Illustrated, beautiful colored supplement $2.00 per nu llum; 5 cents per copy. Dally and Huuday, 85.00 per annum ; SO cents icr month. Address all letters to "THE TIMES, PlIIIsAI'KLrillA. A genuine welcome waits you at JOE WYATT'S SALOON, Con flaln and Coal Sts. Finest whiskeys, beers, porter and ale coistantly ou tap. Choice cm ernnco drinks and clears. nillions of Dollars Go up in Bmoko ovory year. Take no risks but got your houses, slock, fur niture, etc., insured in flrst-class re liable companies as represented by DAVID FAUST, 120 South Jnnlln S Also Llfo and Accidental Com jianl eel HERALD.