The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 10, 1897, Image 4

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    iii -ii in ri -
Allowitig no new papers to
get past us. We get them
all We would like to se
cure your order for some
paper or periodical and we
will guarantee fair treatment
and prompt delivery.
MortH Main St.
An unfailing apeciflc for cholera morhiia,
cholera Infantum, illarrhoeH anil all those
other dangerous diwawa incident to the
summer fteaaon, Is found iu Dr. Fowler's Kit.
of Wild Strawberry.
A special lot of printed
silks in choice new colors,
now sic. per yard.
For capes or dress waists,
in rich brocades, 39c. to
$1.00. Satin Duchesse
and Faille Silks in all
grades at low prices.
This department is so
complete that no descrip
tion would do it justice ;
we are the leaders in this
line and our goods are
marked at rock-bottom
The McCall Paper Pat
terns are the best in the
world and the prices are
only 10 or 15c.
. Ap-f7 West Centre Street.-
The Store for the flasses and Classes.
We inform the public that we opened our immense
MM RtlPl- 1
We think it will not be long before this will be appreciated by the people, and a visit to our establishment, which
we may add is one of the finest in the county, will convince you that in quality, style and fit, and above all the price, we
will lead all others.
Before buying elsewhere call and see us and we will assure you we will sell you better clothes for less money than you
ever bought before. One good trade brings many more, is one of our mottoes and we will always uphold our trade mark.
Cheapest Clothiers and Hatters in the County.
' Cor. Main and Oak Streets, (Franey's Bld'g.) Shenandoah, Pa.
The Homo of Hood's Sarsnpnrllla
A Wonderful euro.
" A. swelling ns big as a largo marblo
came under my tongue. I'hyHlolanssaid It
was a eeml-transperent tumor ana must u
operated upon. I felt I could not stand It,
and ns spring came began to take my
favorite spring tonle, Hood's Sarsaparllla.
The bunoh gradually decreased and Anally
disappeared. I have had no sign of Its re
turn. I am glad to praise Hood's Saraapn
rllla." Mna. H. M. Coburn, 8 Union Bt.,
Lowell, Moss. Get HOOD'8.
Hood's Pills cure Sick Headache, no.
Happening Throughout the Country
Chronicled lor Hasty Veronal.
N'ew potAloes Mil for fl.00 a htubel in
The contractors will begin paving In Slah
.'iiioy City on Monday.
The Morea strippings, wlitoli have been
Idle for some time, will again lie placed iu
All the old public school teachers In St.
Clair have been re-elected. The school term
will lie nine month .
The l'ottsvlllo Iron and Steel Works will
lie sold Wednesday, August 86th, at IS o'clock
noon. It Is said a New York party Is after
the plant.
The Greek Catholics of MInorsvllle, will
havo a big demonstration to-morrow, when
two lieaittlful altars and several flue pictures
will be consecrated.
The County Commissioners have prac
tically agreed upon the tax rate for 1896,
seven mills for county purposes, and one
mill for funded debt.
Six houses and a tract of land on North
Centre, l'ottsvlllo, the estate of the late John
Quint), wore dlsjMwed of at orphans' court
ml e yesterday for $0,015.
License transfers advortised to bo heard
Julv 12. will not ho heard until July 10. one
week later. This will bo the last day of
hearing until September.
Two men have been circulating In the
county collecting money for tho striking
miners of the l'lttsiniru region, uney are
said to be frauds. Watch for them.
Tho store houso of tho Lehigh alley
ltallroad at rackcrton. with sixteen cars and
the oloctric light plant was destroyed by
fire at an early hour yesterday morning.
Patrick Campbell, of Centmlia. was
sorlously and perhaps fatally Injured by a
fall of coal In a chuto in tho cast gangway
of tho North Ashland colliery at noon yostcr-
Kills Lewis one or Tamaqua's leading
hotelkeepere la arranging for n road race to
take place In the near future. Tho course
will be from Tamaqua to Jliddleport and re
turn, a distance of eight miles.
George W. Brewer, the champion bicycle
road racer of Schuylkill county, and hdwurd
Davis, who won first pmo in tho Glrardvlllo
race last Monday, have signed articles of
agreement to run a race, the race to be run
in heats, two miles to a heat at ilabauoy
Natalie, witli its houses, school house ami
colliery, Is to go under tho hammer of Sheriff
I'cglcv. of Northumberland county, on July
!2S. The property, It will bo remembered.
was sold once licfore, during tho term of
S;hcrifl' Noriconk, who made $1,000 In fees on
the sale. The purclmso prico was $70,000
Ask your grocer for toe Koyal Fatcut"
flour, and toko no other brand. It is thebost
Hour made.
A Hoarder's lllscovory.
Thero wai lots of beer and carousing at a
Llthuaniiu boarding houso at 231 Huckle
berry alley, last evening. Among the
boarders is a young man who has not been iu
this country very long, aud who is saving and
industrious. Last evening ho took a walk
and upon returning home found all tho other
inmates in a drunken condition and lus
trunk robbed of $23.
AThcn vou want good roofing, plumbing
gas fittiug, or general tinsmithing done call
n E. F. Gallagher 18 West ucntro street
Dealer ir stc-oa 1-tf
Tom Ilmderlek'ii Rc-nre.
Tow BrodericK, the famous, formerly of
tho torrid plain of Arinoua, but for the put
thirty yuan a resident of I .an I gam, mi
lwilly frightened thin innrtiitiR. Ill" 11-year-
old sou went out to pick huckleberries, but a
ftw i10 htOT rettiriiert home crying. Ho
pointed tu a mark on one of his legs and said
a snake bad bitten him. "What kind of n
snake was it?" asked the greatly alarmed
father. The tiny gave a description that
caused the excited father to exclaim, "A
rattler, by glory !'' and Tom didn't stop
running until he reached town. It was soon
reported about that thore was a boy dying
In terrible agony from the bite of a rattle
snake at HI Is 11 go wan aud Tom wan relct
edly stoinnl In his hurried search for a
pliy-lrian by sympathising friends. All he
could say tietweeu gasps fur breath was, "I
know the dlvils can bite: mre didn't we
have them In Arisona by the thousands."
Mm. Church nnd Stein and a reporter drove
Iwck to Lanigans with the futlier. An ex
amlnatlon set at rest all fears. There was 110
swelling of the boy's leg, nor was the skin
broken where he said he had been bitten,
hut the doctors cauterlced the place as a
matter of precaution. The hoy said the
caustic hurt more than the blto, and the
doctors thought so too. As far as Tom
llroderick Is concerned well, he is thinking
pretty hard.
Itnso Hull.
Tho Wm. I'enn drivers' base 111 team
has lieen organised with the following
players: John Vaughn, 0.; Ilees Lewis, p.;
George Stell'uer, m.; Thomas lloweu, lb.;
Harry Itoberts, 2b.; Walter Laveuberg, 3b.;
James Malloy, r. f.; Thomas Fox, c. f.;
Miohaol Welsh, 1. f. All challenges should
be addressed to James Fox, manager. Shaft
Hoy mid ltcvolver.
Thomas Hovan, eleven years old and resid
ing at Mahanoy Plane, accidentally shot him
self In tho right hand yesterday while ex
amining a revolver. The bullet passed clean
through the hand and lodged in the elbow of
a mau who was standing near.
A Lineman' 1'ull.
Daniel Walters, one of the motormen env
loyed on the Lakeside Klectric Itallway,
met with an accident yesterday while le
palrihg a wire at the corner of Main and
Ccttro street. Tho wire his ladder was rest
ing against broke and Walters dropped a
distance of about 20 feet, badly spraining on a
of lils ankles. '
Quick Meal Restaurant.
Our patrons to-night will bo entertained by
W. II. Butler, tho accordion phenomenon.
His eiitcitalnipcnt is entirely now to our
town people ami iimiild bo heard by all.
Cliitw'il Wltli TVIililnir Ci(s Kmnioyci'
New York. July !. Charles King, 21
yearn old, of Brooklyn, was arresteu
yesterday on a warrant obtained by
his employer, It. L. Woods, a manu
facturing jeweler, of Hrooklyn. Wood:!
had mlsaed about 8,000 worth of Jew
elry within the past year, and em
ployed three detectlven to trace King.
They followed him to New York, wher
they saw lilm enter three dtfTcnn
pawn shops and pledge a ring In each
nnd in 11 Brooklyn pawn shor
1,(100,0(1(1 Quarts of Ilmltlelicriles
W mtcd nt Womcr's, 121 North Main street
Higher prices paid than nnywhere else.
The Centrallu Teachers.
The election of teachers for the Ccntralin
school district resulted in three teachers whe
taught last year not being elected this term
The victims arc Brldgot Lniigliliu, Lauin
Davis and Lizzie Moore, In their stead bavi
been elected Misses Kato Flynn, Kate Cotili
Iran mid Maggie Kenny. Tlie otlieis clcctid
in addition to Principal J. II. Eisenhower,
are 11. L. Ciirran and Miss Harriet Cook,
night teachers; John Iteilly, Jerry Welsh.
and Misses Maggie Foy, Mary I.ingon and
Mary Lynch.
"If taken Into tho head by tho nostrils twe
or threo times a week, Thomas' Eclcctric Oil
will positively relievo tho most oHcnsive cose
of catarrh." Rov. E. F. Crane, Dunkirk,
X. Y.
Thomas Moakler is spending a week at
Atlantic City.
Hon. .1. scph Wyatt returned from Harris
hum lust night.
Thomas Campbell, of Philadelphia, is a
visitor to town.
Mr. and Mrs. William Uilflllnn, of Schuyl
kill Haven, are guests of town friends.
Mrs. LewU Grant, of I'nttsvillc, is a guest
of Mrs. Jane Grant, of West Oak street.
The Misses Mitchell, of Illasahiirg, worn In
town to-day to attend the Glover obsequies
Ileese Itosscraml William M. I-Mmunda. of
Mahanoy City, were visitor to town last
Miss Grace Graham has gone to Sharjtokin,
where she will spend several weeks visiting
John Medailis Is again disposing of wares
at Melnskey's cash grocery, lie has accepted
tlm position temporarily.
Mrs. Llsxle Herman loft (own to-day for
Pottsville, where she will spend several days
visiting friends and relatives
Mrs. John M. McGrall, of South Bowers
street, left this morning for Scrantoii, where
she will spend a week as a guest of friends.
Itev. James Moore spent this afternoon at
Shamoklu In attendance at the funeral of
ltev. William Opto, twutor of the Primitive
Methodist church of that place.
W. M. Brewer and J. J. Fmney and their
families are now homeward bound from their
trip by team to the OUkill mountains. Tho
latest information received stated that they
were In Now York.
C. W. Smith, the affable representative of
TJeWItt A Co., of OIiImro, closed a contract
with the II EiiAi.D yesterday. The firm has
In Mr. Smith one of the most agreeable
agents on the road.
ltev. Owen Jones, of Wilkesbarre, arrived
iu town this afternoon and is tiie guest of
W. T. Evans. ltev. Jones will occupy the
pulpit of the Welsh Calvanistlc church to
morrow. This will he a special treat for the
Welsh people.
Oascarets stimulate liver, kidneys and
bowels. Never alckon, weaken or gripo, 10c
Itlrllis and Deaths.
The total number of births in Schuylkill
county for the first six months of 1907 was
2,135, of whom 1,050 were males and 1.0S2
females. The deaths were 883 males, 010
females, a total of 1.443. In Shenandoah tho
births were 40 males, 5S females, total 107
deaths, OS males, 05 females, total 103.
Just try a 10c box of discards, the finest
liver and bowel regulator ever made.
AU Tire Manufacturers Use It.
$100,000 Gusrantoe For
Any Tire II
For Sale Only At
Bicycles . and . Sundries.
IrmE K! ui
the Franey Building, Corner Main and Oak Streets, last Saturday, and we
invite the inhabitants of the county to call and see us. It will not be long
before our new store will be a household word among the masses as we
will endeavor to sell
Church Notices.
Itev. James Moore, the pastor, will officiate
at the services In the Primitive Methodist
church to-morrow, preaching at 10 a. m. and
0:80 p. m. Morning subject. "Tho Holy Flro
of Ihe Temple." Evening subject, "Whom
Wo Preach." Sunday school at 2 p. m.
Itev. J. Craighead, of Portland, Pa., will
preach to-morrow morning and oveuing in
the Olivary Baptist churcli, soutli janun
street. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Everybody
A quarterly meeting and communion
services will he hold In tho United Evangoli
cat church, on North Jardln street, to
morrow. Iu tho morning the pastor, ltev.
I. J. Kelts, will preach. In tho evening
Itev; C. 1). 1 tuber, of Har.leton, will preach
and assist the pastor in the communion
ltev. John Owen Jones, of Wilkesbarre,
will preach in tho W0M1 Calvltilsttu Metho
dist church to-morrow morning at 10:00 and
evening at 0:00 o'clock. Sunday school at 2
p. m. Itev. Jones is au eloquent pulpit
orator and the attendance at these services
o morrow will no doubt bo very large.
Itev. W. K. MacNeal, pastor of the Glrard
vlllo M. E. church, will exchange pulpits
with Itev. Alfred Heebnor, of tho M. E.
churoh of town, to-morrow evening. Service
at 0:30. Tho ofllcers of tho Junior Christian
Endeavor Society will be publicly Installed
by the pastor at tho close of tho morning
Sabbath school in the Presbyterian church
at 2 p. in. to-morrow. Preaching service will
be conducted In the evening, at 0:30 o'clock.
The public Is cordially Invited to tako part.
in the morning Kov. T, Maxwell Morrison,
will preach in tho Presbytorian church at
Mahanoy City.
Deeds ltecortled.
Wm. H. Byorly, executor to J. Harry
Filbert, premises In Schuylkill Haven; David
Fcnstcrmacher executor to Salllo D. Mil),
premises in Schuylkill Haven; Wm. H.
Foose et. ux. to George W. Glse, trustee,
premises iu Schuylkill Haven ; G. W. Glse,
trustee, to Kato Fooms, premisos iu Schuyl
kill Haven ; P. W. Shacfcr, by executors, to
C. W. Baukos. M. I)., premises in Middlcport;
Henry Porklns et ux., to Emma Jones, prem
ises iu Tamaqua : Henry Perkins ot ux., to
Jno. F. Kleckncr, premises In Tamaqua;
Edw. Coylo, et ux., to Anthony Samkewctz,
premises in Shenandoah ; John Falicy, ctux.,
to Vlucent Navitsky, premises in Slienau
dooh ; A. B. Karterman etrrxx., to Hughes B.
Hans, premises in Asbland ; Peter lluknio
wlcz et ux., to Ellk Polinshinsky, premises
iu Shenandoah.
The undersigned lias purchased
the entire stock of FINE FURNI
TURE of M. Spoont, and I am
determined to relieve myself of it
at a sacrifice; whereby you can
Our stock is large and varied and
has not decreased any.
Charge of Non-Support Against, a Former
Shenandoah Itesldent.
Miiiajcov City, July 10. A warrant was
issued here yesterday for the arrest of F.
Eisenliuth, who is charged by bis wife, Mnry
E. Elsenhiitli, with noil-support and threats
to kill. He was arrested at St. Clair and
gave ball there for trial at court. Eisenhiitb
left his wife and children here about three
weeks ago. He was formerly a resident of
Shenandoah aud a member of the C. & I.
police force.
The recently organised local union of the
Carpenters' and Joiners' Brotherhood of
America Installed Hie following nillcers lat
night : President, Augustus Weber; Vice
President, Charles Miller; Conductor, Theo
dore Koch; Wrden, Daniel Becker; Corres
ponding Secretary, Lewis Ulehanla; Finan
cial Sccrctury, ltalph Fowler; Treasurer,
Henry Hoglegante; Trustees, Adolph Tliinn,
Fred. Kleitsch and Charles Shocner.
The it-port that tho breast work of No. 2
reservoir of the Mahanoy City Water Com
pany, which burst about two years ago, liad
burst again was unfounded.
A pleasant surprise was tendered Mr. and
Mrs. D. J. P. James, of East Pino street, last
evening, In honor of tho tenth anniversary
of their wedding.
There Is a lack of harmony between the
members of the Citizens hand and It is feared
tho resignation of several will follow.
Howard Biirchlll has hern arrested on a
charge of assault aud battery and gave lil
for trial at court. He rescued a pet dog be
longing in his father from 11 dog catcher.
Tlie Jti mollis ol llio Iwitv IE. A. Glover
lllil lit Kent,
At two o'clock this afternoon llio funeral
of the bile ltobert A. (Hover took place from
tho family residence, llttl South Jiirdln hlnet.
and was attended by, relatives Hiid friend
from many parts of the county and distant
points, including tho memlmrs of Shunuu
douh Lodgo No. 511, F. & A. M., and the
Knights of Honor I.wljie. of town, and also a
doletratioh from tho Iioyal Arch Mason
Chapter of Minersvllle. The serviies were
held at tho residence. Uev. T. Maxwell Mor
rison, pastor of the First Presbyterian
church, officiating. Interment was made
witli Masonic rites In the Odd Fellows' cem
etery. The pall bearers were Henry Hammer
and S. A. Phillips, of Mincrsvillc, and F. J
Port. Hon. John W. Morcan, Alexander
Klncaid and Mine Inspector William Stein,
of town.
The remains of I.llllo, infant daughter of
Tom aud Louisa Uall, of South Bowers
street, were Interred in tho Odd Fellows'
cemetery yesterday afternoon. The child's
death was duo to convulsions.
The funeral of Edward, tho lS-voarDld-soir
of Mrs. Elizabeth Yodkois, took place from
the family residence on East Oak street, this
morning. The child has been a sutlercr ot
heart dlscaso for over a year. Services were
held in St. Caslincr's Polish Itomau Catholic
church. Iutermcnt was mado In the An
nunciation romctcry.
Solomon Lowcnstein, about C9 years old,
died at bis home 011 West Broad street, Tu
maqua, nt 0 p, in., yesterday. His survivors
are a wife, two daughters. Mrs. David Fisher
aud Miss Emma Lowcnstein, and one son,
Samuel. Mr. J.owcnsteln camo to Tamaqua
from Germany about 45 years ago, and has
beeu successful as a cattle broker, ncemnulat
ing considerable money.
James Goldsmith died on Wednesday night
at tho Mountain View Hotel after a short
Illness. Deceased was a shoemaker and for
many years resided in Palo Alto. Ho was a
member of tho 20th New York Volunteers
and hud a good war record.
Schuylkill Traction Company.
Schuylkill Traction Company reports
gross earnings for May 1897, 7.113; do. 189(1
$9,850: decrease, $1,743; net earnings, $2,011;
do, 1890, $1,127; decreaso, $2,113. From
January 1 to May 31, 1807: Gross earnings,
$34,741; do. 1890, $38,525; decrease, $3,781;
net earnings. $11,399; do. lfeUO, $10,082; He
crease, $5,283; from October 1, 1S90, to May
31, 1897: Gross earnings. $00,435; do.!895-'00,
$82,518; decreaso, $2,083; net earnings. $22,.
725; do. 18n5-'90, $311,020; decrease, $3,705.
Marriage Licenses.
Benjamin Keller, Hometown, and Emma
Frederickson, Uanto.
Joseph Leluskey and Anna Bonsi, both of
Undertaking In - -
- - all its Branches.
Open Day and Night.
Cor. White
anu uioyu i
1 1
Shenandoah. J
IOST. Monday evening, Mb lnt.. on I.loyd
i street, between Main and Chestnut, a
IHwkelliook containing a sum of money. Tlie
Under will be suitably reworded by returning
same to the IIunAI.D ofllco. 7-7-3t
AOKNT'S Outfit tree. No capital needed.
One ngent one day sold fifty bicycles.
Weekly sales y blK proOts. Wo make a high
irade bicycle b low ns $21.60. Write quick,
.;...l.l.. l.rrllnrv. ALPINE CYCI.B CO..
Cincinnati, Ohio. 6-20,3,10,17-lt
fANT12l1. Active reliable man to travel
V and sollelj orders for nursery stock;
iwrniaiieiit employment; expenses nnd salary
01 eommUsloli. For terms address the It. C.
Lbase Co., South fenn Square, Philadelphia.
l1j censed.-I.etter ot administration on the
citute of Joseph K. Kehler. Inteof SliennndoHli.
.ehtivlkill county, Pennsylvania, deceased.
havo been grunted to tlie. unuerslgucu, reslul g
In ntd horotnrh. to whom all ucrson? Indebted
to said estate are requested to make payment,
and thoe having claims or demands will muke
known the same without ueiay.
M. II. and O. 8. Keulkb,
Shenandoah, Pa., June 20, 1897. 6-20-ct-oaw
""--Wns opened ou Saturday, June
igth, vitnlt entire new stock of Indies'
and gent's furnishings, falicy goods,
notions, hosiery, ribbons, laces and em
broideries, ladies' nnd children's wnists
mid wrappers, table cloths, toweling and
napkins. A specialty iu ladies' corsets,
the celebrated II. & II. corset, lougstccl,
being protected with leather covers.
Having been engaged witli tlie New York
Progress Hat nnd Cap Company, for
many years, which has dissolved busi
ness, and whose stock I have retained,
consisting of 800 dozen different style
of caps, will be disposed of nt the
following prices : Children's and men's,
caps, 5 cents nnd upwards ; ladies' and
misses' tain o'shauters nt less than half
the cost of manufacturing. Every pur
chaser of $1.00 worth of goods, nil
marked in plain, lowest cash figures, will
receive a cap free. Iargcr purchasers
will be presented with a finer quality of
cap in proportion to the amount of their
One lot of dress goods at exceedingly
low figures. Also a lot of children's
nobby suits at bargain prices.
Lady Cuirks in Attkndanck.
27 S. Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
new store room in
V'rifihili'rfhJ A iii'i-. ....