CZEMA Most Torturing, Disfiguring, Humiliating Of Itching, Imrnhiff, blooding, scaly skin nnd scalp humors is instantly roliovcd by n warm bath with Cuticuiu Soap, a singlo application of Cuticuka (oint jnetit), tho great skin euro, and a full doso of Cuticoiu Resolvent, greatest of blood pnrillers and humor ouros. (yticura RRMF.DIE3 gpoodlly, permanently, and cconomloally euro, when all olso falls. Pm-tir Dioti ln Cnm. Cotr , Rote rrtM.,Boitn. BUT " How to Curt Ever Skin ma Wood Humor,- tree, PIMPLY FACES &V?3ua " HUMPHREYS' No. No. No. No. No. No. 1 Cures Fever. 2 " Worms. 3 " Infants' nitynses. 4 " Diarrhea. 8 " Nauralgin. 9 Cures Headache. No. 10 rNo. 11 No. 12 Io. 14 t ii Dyspepsia. Delayed Periods, Leuohorrea. Skin Diseases. .No. 18 Cures Rheumatism. No. 16 " Malaria. No. 20 " Whooping Cough NO. 27 " Kidney Diseases, No. 30 " Urinary Diseases No. 77 " Colds and Grip. Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt or price, 25c, or 5 for $1. Dr. IIuMrnnETs' Homeopathic Makuaii of DisriSEs Mailed Fbee. Humphreys' Med. Co., Ill -William 8t.,N.Y. lror Bale at l'ovlnnky's drugstore, 23J East ucntre street MADE ME A MAN A.1A TAnLIiTS POSITIVELY CUIUS jlumi jverroH jmiwiiii- van ins wim- ory. im potency, BieepieaiineaB, bio., cnuwu by AbuiiQ and other Excesses and lndlt c ret ions. ZViep vuieklv oncf Murvtu restore ixt vitality in oia or young, sua fit a man for study, baslneaa or marriage. lmvnnt Inaftnltr and Can m motion ll taken In time. Their n shows immediate Improve ment and effects a CURB where all others tail. In sist upon ha Tin u the eennlno AJax Tablets. They have cured thousands and will cure yon. We oWe a rosltire written guarantee to effect a oura In each case or refund the money. Price 60 cents perpackoq?, or lx packages full treatment) for $ZM). lly nasiLia plain wrapper, upon reoelpt of price. Circular free. AJAX REMEDY CO., "SSSgiSr For sale In Rlicnandoah, Pa., at A. Wasley's nnu K.iriurs, urucgisis. LIFE' MMVfGORVlTAlTIYS EATM tJOW uo EFFECTS AT 0wTHEH CLTOM'G HITilLIZER Curei general or specie! debility, wakeful ness, sperisaterhcea, emissions, Intpotency, paresis, etc. Corrects functional disorders, caused ly errors or excesses, quickly restoring Lost Manhood In olJ or young, giving vizor and fitrentli where former weakness prevailed. Con venient p-idnge, simple, effectual, and legitimate. Cunc is Quick and Thorough. Pjh'I Is dfceivrd by imitations: insist 0B CATON'3 Vitalize. Sent sealed il your druit fist doe not have it. Price $ I per pke, 6 for $5, with written Etiarantee of complete cure. lnlnrin.ittnii. references, etc.. fiee and confidential. Jiend us statement of case and 25 cts. for a week's (rial trejtment. One only lent to cadi person. CATON MEO. CO., BOSTON, MA8i. Bold at Klrlin's drtiir store, Slienniuloali, ' Fa If wo can sell yon one sc. package of who en 19 admixture we'll be satisfied. You'll buy more for it will touch the spot. Grocers have SEELIQ'S. has added alltticofSeel- z's to ordinary rcollce Knows a Fraud drink that twill fJieasc iieriiusDana. Single tandard Only Is possible, whether as a test of excellence In journalism, 1 or for the measurement of tiuan titles, titrioor values; nnu The... Philadelphia Record ... After n enrrpr of nenrlv twentv vears ol uiilnterriinted growth Is lustlfleu in Claim hitf that tho standard first established by us loiiimcrs is tue one true ictn 01 A Perfect Newspaper. To pulilUh ALT. THIS NI5WS promptly and giiecinctly and in the most readable form, without elision or partisan bias; to discuss lt siunlflenneo with frankness, to keep AN Ol'UN KYH l'OU PUBLIC AI1USH8. to irlve lnwlilt'8 a complete rccoid of current iiioiikiii, laneies ana uiseovcncs in an iKirtmciita of liuinan activity In its DAII. KDlTION'Mof from 10 to II l'A(ll, and to provide the whole for Its ikttrons at the nominal prico of ONI? CI5NT That was irom tne outset, anil wilt continue to uo in nlin of THIS KUCOUI). The Pioneer One oent morning newspaper In the United ikttw. Tlx Reounl, irifll LRAIW 'ITfeRK Witness lis unrivaled average dally olreulatlon oxccMlinu; lfiO.OOO copietf, and an average m fmk 1 1 1 0. 120.000 contas for Us Sumlav tliions, while Imltutlona of its plan of publication In overy Important olty of the country testily 10 inu iruiu m m wtochuh that In tlie quantity and quality or itsooii; .....I I., il.a ..l,u. nt .vl,l.,lt If la anil rrim ftmuirtl imii Mituiil I.IimI tho standard by whieli OKwlleiiLe In Journnllom iinwt be lueasureu. The Daily Edition Of The Iteoord will be sent bv mall to any uddrene for 98.00 per yar or 90 cents per IllOlltll. The Daily and Sunday ftditlonk together, whloh will give Its readers thu bMitaiid freshen iifnnfi!illon of all that Is Koine on In the world entry day In t ytt lueludlnK hg1ida-, 311 te sent f a year or OS cents per mputli Address THE KEC0BD FUBLIBIIIN0 CO., " Record Bulldins, PhlladelphU. Fa wU7rt Greatest Oonvontion in tho History of tlio Organization. FULLY THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND VIhUoih IIiivo Alrondy Itcnutiod Snii IVnnolsco. mid Several Trnln I.ond. nru lin Itoiito Meetings Crowded to SuIIociUlou. San Pranclaoo, July 10. Yesterday's proceedings and the incidents of the great Christian Kndeavor convention huve fully demonstrated the fact that never before in the history of this or ganization of phenomenal growth has any of Its annual gatherings been rowned with such success. It has re- qtllred-the efforts of a big squad of po lice to Keep the people away from the monster halls In which the meetings are being held. For more than an hour before the time Bet for the opening of the services lost evening the streets near Woodward's and Mechanics' pa vilions were literally packed with men, women and children eager for admis sion, and almost before sundown the buildings, capable of accommodating 20,000, were so crowded that the fire authorities positively refused to admit any more of the Endeavorers or their friends. Thousands of people from the east poured Into town yesterday, and It l! estimated that not less than 35.00C visitors have already arrived, although several trains are still delayed. Slumming parties through China town are being organized and are prov ing a service of peculiar attraction. Today seems to have almost touched the high water mark of religious fervor NEW PENNSLYVANIA LAWS. Soino of tlio Monsiiros Whlolt Have IIcolveii the Gavomor's Slirnnltire. HarrUsburfj, July 10. Governor Hast- nga yesterday approved the Pooht bill creating a state board of dental exam lnersv. The board la to be composed ot five experienced dentists, whose duties shall be similar to those of the state medical examiners. The governor also approved a number of other bills, among them authorizing married wo men living apart from their husbands, under agreement, to convey and en cumber real estate without the Joinder of their husbands; making valid the diplomas of physicians Issued by any reputable college or university In an other stato or foreign country which have been Improperly registered; au thorlzlng courts to Increase the num ber of members of town council or school directors; amending an act of 1891 relating to the purchase of bridges by counties; amending the ballot law by specifying Stow the names adopted by political bftiles may be protected, etc.; providing for the purchase and display of United Btates flags on public school buildings; for the destruction of wildcats, foxea ad minks. A number ot bills were vetoed, among them: Providing that legal advertise. ments published In any county that contains a population of over 70,000 persons who emigrated from Germany shall be published In one Qerman news paper: granting annuities to Jacob H, Howell, of McClure, and Solomon Thomas, of Mlfllin county, privates In Captain David Mitchell s Independent company of Pennsylvania militia. There is a time for everything: and tho time to attend to a cold is when it starts. Don't wait till you have consump tion but prevent it by using One Jtimito Cough Cure, the great remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and nit throat and lung troubles. C. II. Hagenbuch, National Kducatlonal Association. Tho Pennsylvania Ballroad Company an uounces that on account of the meeting of the National Educational Association, at Milwaukee, Wis., July 0 to 9, it will sell con tinuous passago tickets from all points on its lino east of Pittsburg and Erie to Mil waukee 'at rate of singlo fare for the round trip, plus $2.00 membership fee. Tictetswlll be sold and will be good going only on July S, 3, and 4, and will be good to return, leaving Milwaukee July 10, 1, and 12, 1807, only, except that by depoiltlug ticket with Joint agent at Milwaukee on or before July 12, and on payment of fifty cents, an exten sion of return limit may be obtained to leave Milwaukee until August 31, 1897, inclusive Cereal Coffee Drinkers TilSWAltE! If you have been deceived and tried one of the cheap bran substitutes now on the market, claiming to bo the original and to have great food value, and you got a pound of poorly roasted bran for your 25o and a poor, weak, sicklsh drink (what can you expect from bran), don't bo discouraged but try GRAIN-O. It is made from solid grain, nicely browned and 2 pounds for 25c. Uraln-0 takes the placo of coffee at the price. Oct a package of your grocer to-day. Tlio I'resmlKiit ' uiiintei" Trip, Washington, July 10. President Mo KInley will spend most of his summer vacation on the shores of Lake Cham plain. He will leave Washington on Aug. 1, and go dlreqt to Lake Cham- plain. Burlington, Vt., will be his nearest town. His party will consist of the members of the presidential family, of Vice President and Mrs, Ho bart, Seoretary Alger and. family. Sec retary and Mrs-Porter and probably of several other members PC omciai so ciety. The president will maka quite a prolonged stay, laBtlng several wee(?H at least. What do the Chlldreir Drink? Dont gtvo them tea or coffee, Have you tried the new food drink colled Grain-0 ? It is delicious and nourishing and takes the place of coffee. The more Grain-O you give tho children tho raoro health you distribute through their systems. Grain-0 is ruado of purd grains, and when pjoperly prepared tastes like tho choice grades of coffee but costs about 1 as much. All grocers sell it. ISc. and 36c. Cliuririul With ullelifouu Crime. Look Haven, Pa., July 10. John Cushon, one ot the men who found the body of 6-year-old Edna Crlder, of Haneyvllle, who was feloniously as Multed and then murdered, and Paul Kratzel. son of a German physician have been placed in Jail on suspicion ot having murdered the ohlld. The om cers claim to have strong circumstan tial evidence against the accused. arlp-Colds-Ifeuilache. Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and La Grippe whon Laxative Iiromo Quinine will cure vou in one day. Put up in tablets con venicut for taking. Guaranteed to cuie, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents. vot sale by Klrlin's Pharmacy. Until IfidlL'toti tor .Miii'dot'. New York, July 9, Martin Thorn and Mrs. Augusta Nack have been In dicted by the grand Jury for murder In the first degree In connection with the Quldenauppe case. They were brought up to plead today, and both pleaded not guilty. Thorn denies the statement of Joseph G art ha, a barber, that he had confaMed the murder to uartna. When bilious or costive, eat a Cascarete candy cathartic, cure guaranteed, 10c, 25c The chair made vacant by dentil la always a aad re minder. It In pecially sad when It is niothcr'R clialr. AH over this broad laud there are vaca-1 chairs that would still be occupied bv healthy, happy, radiant mothers If women would but realize the importance of keeping well in a Womanly way. Women cannot too soon understand that It is little less than a crime to neglect the health of the organs to which are intrusted the perpetuation of a healthy, robust race of litiman beings. By neglect of these organs a woman ruin her own health, de stroys the happiness of lier home, and fails in the performance of the most sublime duty that she owes to the world. The best medicine for women who are weak where Nature demands the most strength is Dr. Pierce's l'avorite Prescrip tion. It acts directly upon the organs that rualde motherhood possible. It cures all weakness and disease that exists there and stops all distressing, debilitating drains. It Tjreoares a woman tor motherhood and in. antes a healthy baby. It makes the coming of baby easy and almost painless. Drug gists who offer something "just as good" are either ignorant or dishonest and in either case are not to be trusted. "I lifld been a great sufferer for years with fe male weakness," writes Mrs. John Downie, of No. J41 Lexington Avenue. Bddystone, Delaware Co., Pa. "Could not walk three squares without terrible suffering. I also had a pain In my left I side for seven years until I used Dr. Pierce's I Golden Medical Dlscorery, 'Favorite Prescrip tion' and ' Pleasant Pellets.' My pain lias left me altogether. Itave had no symptoms of it at I all for two years. Can walk two or three miles at a time and It does not hurt me. I cannot recom mend Dr Pierce's medicines highly enough. My daughter also has used your medicines with great benefit. She was operated upon for appendicitis and had fainting spells from it. She took the ' Golden Medical Discovery," ' Favorite Pre scription,' 'Bxtract of Smart -Weed,' and the ' Pleasant Pellets ' and has not had any faint ing spells for one year. When she commenced to take it she weighed 95 pounds now she weighs 140 pounds " . Constipation I It is the fountain-head of ujany diseases. It causes impure blood and all manner of disorders arc the result. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipa tion. Promptly. Surely. Permanently. They never gripe Drttggtti sell them. FOR THIS WEEK We offer two assortments o glassware for 5 and 10 cents that cannot be beat any where for the money in town. A FINE LINE OF GLASS LAMPS. Meluskey & Son, 105 S. Main St. P. J. CANFIELD, Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinitj -For- BARBEY'S ( Beer and Porter Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. pera. Railroad. 8CHUYKILL DIVISION. July 1. 1897. Trains will leave Shenandoah after the abort date for WlgcanH, Qllberton, Frookvllle, Dar water, at. uiair, i-ottiviue. uamourg, Kcaaint adelphla (broad street station) at 60S and 1103 a. m. and 4 30 p. m. on week days, Sundays. fjQSa. in., 3 10 p. m. For l'ottsvlllo and Inter mediate stations nniy v ll a. m. weeK (lays. Trains leave rracKvme tor anenanuoan 10 40 a. m.Bnd 1281. S4I. 7B2 and 10 47 d. Hundav. 11 13 a. m. and S 41 d. m. Leave l'ottsvlllo for Shenandoah at 1019 a. m. and 12:03, S 15, 7 25 and 10 30 p. m. Sundar i iu w a. nr., v to p. in. T.invA VhlladAlrihln. fTlrnAfl street ntAtlnnl. fm Shenandoah at 5 57, 8 ssand 10 10 a. m.. 4 10 and 7 i p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 60 a. m. Leave II road street station, l'hlladelnhla. lu. riea uin, Aaoury i-arK, uccan urove, ini urancn. ana intermediate stations, u oo. K.Z3 11.89. a. m.. 8.80 and 4.00 n. m. week-daw. Run. uuy,-o..u. in. Leave ilroau mreel station, Philadelphia, FOIt NEW YOItK. ISinreas. week-dava. 3 20. 4 0. 4 no IS 15. dm 7 aa, 20, 8 S3, 9 50, 10 21 (Dining Car), 11 00 a. m, MiAiiioun, iLiumeu ivu aim 4 p. 111. Dlnlnir Cars). 1 10. 2 80 (Dlnlnir Car) 3 20. 3 50. 4 00, 500, 5 58 (Pining Car). 0 00, 702,7 43, 1000 00. 5 00, 5 CO (Dining Car). 0 00, 7 02,7 43, 10 00 1. in., 12 01, night. Sundays, 8 20, 4 (a, 4 50, 5 15, 20,8 83,0 50, 10 21. (Dining Oar), 11 fU , m, 285. 105 Dlnlnir Car) 2 80 (Dlnlnir Car). 4 00 Hiiiiiii, . ui uvf V a-'ti'l UK ultl J A 35. 7 02. 7 43. 10 00 p. in.. 12 01 nlirlit. ICxprees for Boston without change, 11 00a ni., weeit-uayB, uuu , io p. in., uauy. WASHINGTON AND THU SOUTH. IT,,. lUflmnm .ml Il'..l,lnn(n ft RA 1 'rt Q 19 JU 4V, 11 4D, U. in. W, . ill, 1 IK, ii IS, 111, iu IV Congressional Limited, Dining Curl, 017. G(H tl)IningUarl,7 31 IIMiUuk Carl p. in , and 12 US nlglit week day. Sundays, 8 00, 7 W, II, II M, a. in., 1209, 1 12, 4 41, 1515 Congreiwional Lim ited, Dining Car, 055 jDlning Our, 731 Din ing uurj p. in. anu iz wi ingot. l'OU ATLANTIC CITY. Leave nroad street station via Delaware river bridge ISipresa, 4 45, 0 20 00 minutes n. m, 2 187 ruliiiitiwl. 3 34 00 miiiuttiol. 7 OB 100 minute n. in. Sundays, 4 15, 0 20 (00 minutes a. lu , IK 187 inlnutMi, 7 05 p. in. Leave Market street wharf Express, 8 00, 820, 9 40. a. in., 100 Saturday only, 160 76 minutes, 3 CO, 3 40 75 minutes, 4 00 70 min utes, 4 30 176 minutes. BOO 170 minutes 5 80 70 minutes p, m. Sundays, 5 00, 730, 8 00 flS liiinOtes, 830 75 mhiutse, 900, 9 45 pfiniii- utraj a. 111. anu i ou p. ill. ei.u I a. in. and 4 30 p. ni, 81.00 exeursiou train, 7iJu. 111. uaiiyv For Cane May. Anirleeea. Wlldwood nnd Hollv Ikaeh Express, 9 00 a. m- 230, 406,5 00 p.m. week days. Sundays, 8 30 a. 111. Cape May only, 1 30 p. m. Saturdays. Excursion, 7 00 a. 111. dally. ForScalslo City, Ooean City, Avalon and Stone Harbor Express, 9 10 a. in., 2 30, 4 20, 5 00 p. 111 week days. Sundays, 8 50 a. in. Exeur siou. 7 00 a. in. dailv. For Somers 1'ofnt Express, 700, 8 20, 910 a. in., 1 ou, u uu. 1 uu, o ou, o au p. m. weeic uaya Sundays, 5 00, 7 00, 8 00, 9 00 and 9 43 a. m. J. II. IIUTriimsox, J. It. Wood, Ocn'I Manager. Gen'l Pass'g'r Agt. Wanted-An Idea I Who can think ot some simple thing to patuit? Protect your Idaasi they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKWEKDUBN & CO., Patent Attor neys. Washington, 1). 0., for their li.SUO prlsa offer auu. i vi mu iiuiiuxa uiTeuuuus wauMXX. Every Wife fools an indescribable) dread of tho danger nttondniit. upon the most criti cal period of hpr life, Beoominp a mother should ho a source of joy, but tho suffKriugand danger of the ordeal makes its anticipation one of misery. Mother's Friend a thoroughly tested remedy, gently prepares the system for this period, lessens tho pain, and removes all danger. Its use insures a safo and hap py termination of tho dreaded event. 91.00 TEH BOTTLE at all Drug Stores, or Bent by mall on receipt of prico. RnnVC Containing Invaluable Information of uyyj? Interest to all women, will be sent to rnCC ay address upon application, by The Bradfleld Begalator Co., Atlanta, Qi. Health is Wealth. DR. E C WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT THE ORIGINAL, ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS, Is soldundor positivo Written Ounrnntcc, byauthorisad agents only, to euro Weak Memory, Dizziness, Wakefulness, Fits, Hysteria, Quick ness, Night Losses, Evil Breams, Lack of Confi dence, Nervousness, Lnesitudo, all Drains, Youth ful Errors, or Excessivo Vm ot Tobacco, Upturn, or Liquor, which leads to Misery, Consumption, Insanity and Donth. At store or by mail, $1 a box, six for $5; with written uunriuitce to euro or reftinrt money. Bnmplo pnek ago, containing five days treatmont, with full instructions, 25 cents. Ono samplo only sold to oacu person. At storo or uy man. tgrrtcd Label Special Extra Strength. l'or impotency, ixes otwrr Pnwflr. Tinfif. Mnnhoorl. Hrm-ilirv nr I U UUA, PI , Vt "I'y, frt mimI. nn.fnva. A t ntsiriYtn 111 vriiii-n EiiuruHiiH"ii, SEpunuor by mall. for Sale at KIRIIN'S Drue Store. AWN'S TANSY PILLS A TRiib. tktte lien nvB WOMAN'S RELIEF, Al fcTi Dromnt md tHble. Attni Imiiatkms. Oet CATI!lTASir I'll LUlnd BAY t RIOKKTI. 5atoi 8 Pico. Co, BotoD,Mait. Our'boukic For sale at K"Hn8 CLrng store ami Slieiinmloali urujr store. PHILA & READING RY IN EFFECT JULY 2. 1897. Trains leave Shenandoah ai fnllown For New York via Philadelphia, week days, 210, 5 38. 7 05 9 51a. 111., 12 33, 3 10 nnd 0 07 p I Dununm a. m. For New York via Mauch Chunk, week davs. 5 80, 7 05 a. m., 12 83 and 3 10 p. in. For Heading and Philadelphia, week days, 2 10, 5 30, 7 05 a.m., 12 S3, 3 10 and 6 07 p. m. Hiin- uays, a lu a. ni. For Pottsvllle, week days, 2 10; 7 03 a. m., nnd 12 33, 8 10, 0 07 and 7 25 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 o. m, For Tamoqua nnd Mahanoy City, week days 210,5 80, 7 05 a. m., 12 83, 3 10 and 6 07 p. in. Sundays. 2 10 a. m. For W'llllamsport, Sunbury and Lewlslqrg, week days. 3 25, 5 30, 11 30 a. m.. and 7 25 p. m SundavB, 3 25 a. m. ForMahano) Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 8 25. 5 30, 7 05. 9 51, 11 80 a. III., 12 33, 3 10, 5 07, 7 25, 9 55 and ll-iup. m. Bunanys, z lu, a 1 a. m. For Ashland nnd Shatnokln. week days. 3 25. 5 30,7 05, 1180 a. m., 6 07, 725 and 9 55 p. m. Sundays. 8 25 n. in. 11 . . 1 1 i I. .. . , . i. , ... .it u. ... .v., iiiruuKil truiiiB it-0--i lieadlllg terminal, I'liiiaueipnia, ii'. ic. if ic.) at IS M. 7 65, 11 26 a. m., 3 10 and 7.27 p. t Sundays, 8 20,7 00,1120 n. m., 3 46 and 7 27 p.m. Addl- nut streets station, wcck days, 10 30 n, m. 1220, 14 10 s ?u p.m. cf unuays, 1 no, stp, m. TBAINS.FOU SHENANDOAH. Leave New York via Phlladelnhta. upplr days, 12 10, 4 30. 8 00 a. m., anil 1 SO, 4 30, 9 00 p. m. Httndavs. 5 00rj. m. Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, eok days, 4 30, 9 10 a. m., 1 80 and 4 15 p. m. Leave Phlladelnhia. ltcadincr Terminal. wrk days, 4 20, 8 35, 10 10 n. m. and 1 42, 4 05, 0 80, 11 30 p. m. snnuays, 11 uu p. m. Leave jteadlna.wecR da s. 1 83. 7 10. 0 On. a. 111 2 00 m., 4 19, 6 00 and 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 185 in. Leave l'ottsvlllo, week days, 2 S3, 7 40 a. 111., 12 30 and 6 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 85 a. m. Leave Tamanua. week days. 3 18. 8 43. 11 28 a m., 135.5 51, 7 20 and 9 43 p. m. Siindays, 8 18 a. iji Leave Ulahanoy City, week days. 13 20. 8 45. 9 13 11 47 a. in., 2 17, 5 18, 6 17, 7 41 and 10 03 p. m. Sundays 12 30, 3 45 a. m. Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 12 33, 2 40, 1 oou, vu. lUAii 11 ov a. in., iiiii, Dun, 7 57, 10 22 p m. Sundays, 13 40, 2 40, 4 00 a. m. Leave WUllamspart, week days, 7 42, 10 20 n m., 4 00 and 11 110 p. m. Sundays, 11 30 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf nnd B011111 street wnaii lor Atlantic uity. wecicdoya Kxpresfl, 8 00, 9 00, 10 15 a. m., (Saturdays only. 130) 2 00. 3 00. 8 10. I 00. I 3n. 5 00, 5 40, 7 00 p. m. Accommodation, 8 00 a. m., 5 30, 0 30 p. m. Sundays Express, 730,8(0, 8 30, 900, 10 00 a. m, in p, m. Accommodation, sum. 111. 4 45 p. m. 31.00 excursion trau to foot ol Mississippi Ave. 7 00 a. 111. daily. Iteturning leave Atlantio City depot, corrcr Atlantic aim Argniisns nvenuea. Weekdays-Express. (Mondays only 0 15 a.m.) 7 00,7 45,8 10,9 00, 10 15, 11 00 n. In., 3 80, 4 30, 5 30,730,030 p.m. Accommodation, 4 25, 815 a. 111.. 405 p. in. ......UHja iuiiw, uuu, 1W, UUU, UUU, UUU, 7 00, 7 30. 8 00, 9 30 p. m. Accommodation, 7 15 a. 111.. 5 05 p. m. SUM excursion train from foot U..n4.. IFntM.. ft W, . VI K (VI IV, An., 01 Mississippi avo., oniy, wetKdays, uuu p. 111, Sundays, 0 10 p. m. Parlor Cars on all express trains'. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. jyt AV. II. YINGST, VETERINARY SURGEON. nrndruitemid Late Tteeldent Houso Surgeon of the University State of X. V. IlKAUquARTBHas Hotel Eraney, Hlienamloali THUEE YEAR COUIiSK. Calls night or day promptly responded to Q 8, PHILLIPS, M. D. Ofttei SO W4 0M)tre street. Can be consulted at all hours. M. BimiCK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Egan building, corner of Main and uentro streets, Buenanuonu. J. II. POMEIIOY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Shenandoah, Pa. E. W. SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Corner Market and Centre streets. )l!OF JOHN JONHH, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 06, Mahanoy City, Pa. navlng studied under some of the best London and Paris, will give lejssons masters I li on the violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal culture. Terms reasonable. Address la care of Btrouao, the jeweler, Shenandoah. MM a 1 TERRIBLEJOYAGR. Story of a Survivor of tho Wreokod British Ship Travolor, THE VESSEL PLAGUE STRICKEN. HeeniiKo Jnvn, l'evor Una Deolinntod tho Crow tlio ItiliiililtmitA or Itodrl iritpj! Ixliitid nt 1'lrst IlefttMPtl to Voi" mlt the Survivors to Lnud. Liverpool, July 10. A correspondent has had an Interview with Mra, An drew Christie, widow of Captain Chris tie of the wrecked British ship Trav eler, which went on the reefs oft the Island ot Hodrlgues, In the Indian ocean, 330 miles northeast of Mauritius, on Feb. 4 last. Airs. Christie tells a terrible story of the sufferings of the BurvlvorB. Almost Immediately after the Trav eler left Java for the Delaware Break water the Java fever broke out and spread rapidly. Everyboard on board was more or less affected, Including the Christie baby, which died aiJ was burled at sea. Another victim leaped overboard and was drowned. On Dec. 14 the chief officer died, and on Dec. 28 Captain Christie, leaving only ten men to man the ship. Second Mate Hitch then decided to steer the Mauritius, and when the Traveler finally approached Rodrlgues Island only he and two seamen were nble to work the ship. A pilot who put out from the Island, mi learning the state of affairs, re fused to go on board and returned to the shore, where he spread the report that everybody on the Traveler had the yellow Jack. Hours passed and no assistance came. The second mate, fearing that the Traveller would go ashore, launched a boat and took the sick sur vivors with him with a view ot land ing them. Tlie governor and Inhabitants of the Island rushed down to the shore and threatened to shoot them If they land ed. Mr. Pitch appealed to them, Im. plortng them If they were Christians not to behave Inhumanly. He Bald that his men were too weak to pull back to the ship, nnd that If they succeeded In getting there they would probably be drowned. He asked for assistance to take the Traveler out of her danger ous position, and begged for medicine. His appeals were roughly Ignored, and he was obliged to put about. and go back to the vessel, which they final ly reached almost dead with exhaustion and dlspalr. The last man had scarcely quitted the rowboat when It was swept away ana lost, No assistance came, and that night the Traveler was carried upon the reefs and wrecked. The next morning the Rodrlguors sent a pilot and brought off Mrs. Christie, her surviving child and others, and then, with the assistance of blacks from the Island, the surviv ors were taken to a desolate sand isl and In the vicinity, where they were kept for 22 days, living In huts made of leaves and with nothing but leaves to He upon. 60 fearful were the uodrlguers of contact that the food for the survivors was transferred from boat to boat be fore It was finally left upon the beach of the sand Island. Blacks were sent to cook It, but no physician came for fortnight, and even when lie did come, according to Mrs. Christie, he did not land, but examined the sick through a gllKis from his boat. Meanwhile two had died, and the sec ond mate wns the only man strong enough to dig their graves. On the 22d day, renllzlng that the monsoon WPUld spon submerge the sand Island, the Uodrlguers moved the unfortunates to Rodrlgues, where they remained two months, and were well treated. From that point they were carried to Mauri tius and then proceeded homeward. A True Remedy. W. M. Repine, editor Tlskilwa, 111., Chief." say. : "Wo won't keen house with out Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, coughs and Colds. Experimented witli many othors. but never cot tho true remcdv hintlf wo used Dr. King's New Discovery. No othor remedy can tako its place In our homo. as in it wo have a certain and euro cure for Coiiglts, Colds, Wliooping Cough, etc." It is idlo to experiment with other remedies, even Iftheyaro urged on you as just as good as Dr. King's Now Discovery. Thov are not as good, hecnuso this remedy has a record of euro, and bosldos is guaranteed. It nover falls to satisfy. Trial bottles frco at A. Waslcy's drug storo. A Sin-prise rtfr Murk iliiiiun. Cleveland, July 10. The surnrlsa of the day came when -Dan R. Ilanna, the manager oi ai. a. Hanna & Co., re ceived a message stating that every single miner employed at the com pany's mines had gone out. Ho Hanna people have been confident of their ability tp hold their men.. Information received here shows that the shutdown pf the Wheeling division of the B. & O. railway Is absolute. Unless coal be gins coming Into Cleveland In a few days, the situation will be serious. The lighting companies fear the city will be left In darkness, the director of pub lic works is alarmed over his ability to keep tlio. water supply going, the streetcar companies fear a suspension of travel and manufacturing concerns with orders to fill are fearful lest their plants will have to shut down for want of fuel. Free 1111. Seud your address to II. E. Bucklen & Co.. Chicago, and get a free samplo box of Dr. King's New Lire Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These nills are eaav in action and are particularly effective in the oure of Constipatiou and tifek Headache. For Miliaria and Liver troubles they navo been Koved invaluable. They are guaranteed to purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but bv eiviiietone to stomach and lovel. greatly invigorate the system. icuguiar im wo por box. soul by A. Wusley, druggist. A L'oiiuty Ti'ehHiirtfr sliorr. latoria. Ore., July . B, L. Ward. county treasurer of Clatsop county, is short In his accounts about $80,000. The county will lose nothing, as ward's bondsmen will make good the deficit. His friends say he used the money in his mercantile business. John Griditi. ot Zaueaville. 0 . says : ''I never lived a day for thirty yarn without suffering agony, until a box of De Witt's Witch Havel Salve cured my piles." Per nllai and rectal troubles, outs, bruises. sprains, eczema aud all akin troubles De Witt's Wlteli Haxel Salve U unerttlalled. C. U, Hagenuusii. Tliu .V..'.iier. For eatrn Pennsylvania, Nw Jer sey, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia: Fair: contin ued high temperutuie, with prospects of thunder storms; southerly winds, becoming northwesterly. A Household Necessity. OMoareU Candy Cathartic, the moat; won. derful medical discovery of the age, pleasant aim reiresinug to tue taste, act gently and positively on kidney., liver and bowels. cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of J. u u. to-uay ; 10, 88, 50 cent.. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. A Build fs A USEFUL LIFE RENEWED Udney Y. Wilson Was Hear Death's Door. Doctors Failed io Kelp Him A Home Remedy Suc ceeded in Saying His Life. . From the Evening Actcs, Detroit, Mich. Udncy Y. Wilson, contractor and builder, looking after my building contracts. I Imvc worked many days In the rain and cold to complete some building. About two yrnrs ngo i noticed I could not pvt around as I should, and commenced lo have a sever., pain in my linek. I tried the usual remedies with out getting any relief, and for nearly a year I Biiflered Intensely. I kept up as long a. I could, as I-fmd several contracts for building, that had to lie completed. "At night I could nut sleep. My physi cian said it was my kidneys, and every day J went out doors tliey would keep me awake nearly all the following night. Instead of getting better I became worse, and worried a great deal nliout my work. The doctor Mid I must quit work and go to lied, or lie ,would not be respon.lhle for my life. "All the medicine. I took only helped me temporarily. Some days I would reel better and go out a day only lo he again con fined to my bed for week, at a time. One day my wife suggested that I try Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pill, for Pale People, and I laughed nt the iden. Filially when I got into such a condition that I would take almost anything In the hopo of relief, I tried the pill.. Tliey helped me from the start, but I would not acknowl edge It and said It was the other medicine, hat had just commenced to work. I disliked living in Detroit, Mich., at 87 Jlinh Stri-et, 1 neipcu me, 111 nnu no cuiinurnre in mem. West, said regarding Dr. Williams' Pink 1 Wm'ii I could not carry on the imposition inn a. t..i i , i 11. 1 mi v farther, I told my wifr that the pill. Mil. for l-ale People: "For years I have,H;ri. ,,,,, lnp T took three boxes before been out of door. In all kinds of bad weather, , t WM ,?,. ,.,irl. and e now keen them tin ii;'ii:ii:ii!Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimilllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllll!3 x w B ua r-a- I .v -.JV-. z FOE SALE EVBBWHEEB. " ' 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' r IllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllltli For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug; Store, Shenandoah, Pa, Ha ANDY 10 i 25 50 CURFCOHSTIDATIOH IGl kJiM m ettt,i ad P KjBl IHf.Ii m m PB ABSOliIITRLY rilURflNTRED lo " nr ciseof eonstlpallon. raicarrts in the Ideal Laxa nuouuuiCiUl UUrinHniLDt; tre. rr-rerrrlp or prine.lmt rnuw easy natural result.. Sam pieann nooainirae. Ad. m i:;;i,im. kkiikim t "A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OP SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO Summer Heat Wears You Out HOP BITTERS I W,LL BRACE YOU UP. ) THE BEST OF ALL TOaCS.nrsi Tor over 25 yoars it has been curing thousands of cases of ' Biliousness. Indigestion, Malaria, Hervous Prostration, Kidney Troubles, &c. It Purities the Blood, Gives you an Appetite, and Helps you Digest what you Eat. Take it now and get your system in snaps to stand tho cold weather. PRESCRIBED BY ALL EMINENT PHYSICIANS. HOP BITTERS CO.. ISLE-W YORK. . Sold at KIRLIN'S Drug: Store, Shenandoah, Pa. A Great Magazine Offer l FOR 1 The regular subscription price of uemoresrs Magazine, .Judge's Library." and Funny Pictures' s 3-30 DEMOREST'S MAGAZINE' laby far the best family luagaalne Of OUr llllllUh la 111 w litn 1 tlw, luuiilir..! ,....1 11.. ....(...TV" literature are ho fullv iirHwnv.1 fu. it, i..Jl tending ;to a similar scope and purpose wliloli oaii ooiiiiiariTwlil, It uu ns niree pattern ooupou. , . IUDGES LI BRARY' l monthly magailne of tun, flllad with IlliutnUioiu In .Hnatn. ami replete with wit and limnorf lu ootitrlbuto?. ZT, uZ iLA "rTZ?2S. Illustrators. 'FUNNY PICTURES' U another liurnorom monthly i there U a 1bu-Ii In every line of It. A'lreeoi these magailiieii are lianUsomely hoWwi up. You .houTU not mU this iliaiioe Cut here ami raturu Coupou properly filled out. PuWisKihg Co., 110 fifth AVqiwq, Nqv York. For tlw eneloaed $.00 plcuwe send Ilunoreat'i FaUy NMUllne. Judae's Llbrarv (araagasliieol fun), and Funny Picture for oue year m peTyour oSarT i-iorary A'flHie.. Date Experience, E to own up that Dr. Williams rink Pill. ! in the housi' all the time. " I tim not prepared to say that Dr. Wil linni"' Pink PilN for Pale People will cure everything, hut I know tliey will cure kidney trouble! nnd general muscular weakness, as they cured me. " I now recommend them ro everyone In my neighborhood, where I formerly made sport ofall proprietary remedies." U. Y. Wilson. Subaerilied and .worn to before me, a Not ary Public, this fourth day of March, l7. JtOBKKT E. IIUIX, JR., Notary Puhlie, Wayne Connty, Michigan. An analysis of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People show, that they contain, In a con densed form all the element, necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shi'ttered nerve.. They are an unfailing spe cific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia par tial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neural gia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after eflect. of la grippe? palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, all form, of weakness either in male or Temale, and all dlsense. reuniting from vitiated humor, in the blood. Pink Pill, are sold by all dealers, or will lie rent post paid on receipt of price, 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.60 (tliey are never sold In hulk or by the 100) by address, ing Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Belie, nectady, N. Y. m a wm n a 0 m m- m m m S wureitro whu hlaui are progressive nntl keep informod uf 5 tlio World's Progress. Tlio well in- H formed and thrifty IIousc-wl fo will always keep RAINBOW LINIMENT I in tlie house, as a standard remedy for s Sprains, Bruises, Cramps, Rheumatism, E and all aches and pains. 2 Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. per bottle. E Prep-rcrt by II. i. IIACKETT & CO., Philadelphia. Vvi.en in dujt w:at to u-;e for Nervous Dcb.iity, Los cf Power, I miKUcncy, A trophy, Varicocele and other weaknesses, from any cause, use Sexine Pills. Drains checked and full vigor quickly restored. If neglected, r.eb trooblei remit r.l.llr. Mailed for $1.00;G boxes $5.00. With $5.00 orders we give a guarantee to cure or refund the money. Address PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland O. CATHARTIC ALL DRUGGI5TS-r o., t:niraro, Jlontresl. t'nn.. or Ken Tors. sn, Fort 1 We will send all three to you fo one year tor $2.00, or 6 mo. for St. publlatied ; there I. non i anu prone, itwiuon and , no puDiioauon pre I'osf-offloe.. State