The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 09, 1897, Image 2

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IWTAllt.ISlHIl) 18T0.
Published every Kvenlnir, Kieep Sunday, M
otrtn JXRniK Htbkict. Nf.h Chktkb.
The Herald Is deilveied InHlienanUtmn mid tin
eiimmndlnir towns for U cents week, pay
able to ibe carriers, lly mull W OO n year, at T
cents a month, payable In advance. Advertise
meuU c!irKd aooordlnir to space and position.
Tim publishers reserve tlie rlIit to change Hip
million of ndnrtliwtnciite whenever the pub
fb-atlnn of news demands It. The right I"
irwrnd to reject any advertisement, whether
paid for or not, that the publishers may deem
Improper. Advertising rates made known
upon application. ,
Kntered at the poitofllco at Bhensndoab, Pa., as
second class mall mutter.
"All the News That's Fit .oPrlot.
Evening Herald
Fill DAY. JULY 0, 1907
Whkn John J. Ingnlls declared
tlitvt the deoaloguo hud no pluoe In
polities, he evidently hud In viow sev
eral loonl politicians, judging from
recent events.
Tub railroads have inaugurated the
customary summer excursions to the
seashore, and if the warm weather
continues the indications are they
will be well patronized.
Chairman Edwards has issued a
call for a meeting of the county ex
ecutive committee to-morrow morn
ing, at Pottsville, for the purpose of
selecting dates for holding the Hu
publican county convention!
Asionu those members of tho Legis
lature the Philadelphia Inquirer feels
called upon to compliment upon their
record during the last session, wo fail
to note any from this neck of the
Thk circulation of the IlBRALD is
double that of any other paper in
Shenandoah, and has now for several
months been at tho highest level it
has enjoyed since the period in which
it was the only one-cent newspaper
printed in this town.
PrBMC sentiment is already so
strong against any changes being
made in the present corps of public
school teachers, that it will have tho
effect of blocking the well laid
schemes of a few malcontents. The
wholesale dismissal of janitors nnd
janitresses set the people to thinking
Now that tho tariff bill is out of
the way, it is the hope of the office
seekers that the President will pay a
little attention to their claims, some
of whom have become very impatient.
To make matters worse the President
has decided to take a two-months'
Thk New York Press lately ex
pressed the conviction that "tho ad
vertiser who gets his money back
with intorest is he who takes advan
tage of an enormous circulation to
reach all classes."' In other words, it
is with advertising as with farming it
doesn't pay to So things in a small
way. .
In various sections of the state,
where there is at this time a rush to
the naturalization courts, the judges
aro more discriminating than form
erly. Especially is this tho case in
Lackawanna county, where Judges
Archbald and Edwards have adopted
an iron-clad rule that inability to
read in the English language was an
absolute disqualification. If such u
rule were adopted in this county
there would be fewer naturalization
papers issued, as the majority of
thoso applying are invariably accom
panied by an interpreter to answer
the questions propounded
Sknator Quay having received an
invitation to go to Europe, thinks his
fences are in sufficiently secure condi
tion to enable him to leave matters
connected with his side of tlie house
in the hands of hisspeciallieutenants
vvhom he thinks fully competent to
see to their successful management.
Ills impressions, it uppears, are that
he is going to have a quiet "walk
over" of it, as far as the state nomin
ations are concerned. This has given
rise to the oft-repeated story that
the Old Man is about to retire from
politics, but so far he has remained
In tho saddle much to tho discomfor
ture of his political opponents.
The Coal Strike.
Bomo Interesting and important
facts ns to tho effect of the Wilson
tariff law upon coal mining and upon
the miners themselves are brought
out by the coal miners' striko which
is now agitating the country. The
Wilson law reduced the rates of duty
on coal from 75 cents per ton to 40
cents per ton. This is just about the
amount of reduction in miners' wages,
of whioh complaint is now being
made and emphasized by the strike
inaugurated on July 4th. President
ltatchford, of the United Mine
Workers' Association, in a communi
cation to the New York Ileruld, indi
cates that the wages of miners have
been reduced since 1803 an average
of 30 cents per ton, whioh is just
about the amount of the reduction in
duties made by the Wilson law.
Curiously this reduction in wages
is thus coincident as to time and
amount with tlie reduction in tariff.
That the reduction in wages was a
direct result of the tariff is, however,
accurately shown in another and
equally striding series of fu'otei.
Prior to the enactment of the Wilson
law tho eastern cities and manufac
turing establishments were supplied
with coal largely from the Virginia
and West Virginia mines.
As soon iw the Wilson law was en-
acted, however. pohI from Nova
Scotia invaded tlie pastern market,
driving out the Virginia and West
Virginia product, and compelled the
milieu of that section to 11ml a market
elsewhere. Tile result was that their
coal went wert instead of east, us it
formerly had done, and, with reduced
railroad rates, wan laid tlown in the
markets of Cinoinimti, Chicago, nnd
other western cities at such low rates
that a coal war, followed by a rail
road rato war, wag precipitated.
The natural result of this and the
reductions In prices which followed
wag a reduction in the wages of coal
miners, all of which is thus clearly
traceable to the Wilson law and its
reduction in duties on' coal.
Don't Tobacco Spit nnd Smolce Your Life
If you want to quit tolwcco using easily
and forever, bo mado well, strong, magnetic,
lull or now lire and vigor, tttke No-To-ltsc,
the wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Jinny gain ten pounds in ten days
Over 400,000 cured, ltuy No-To-llao from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
cure. 00c or fl.00. Booklet and suiuple
mailed free. Ad. Storllng Kenieily Co.,
Chiuago or Now York.
lleollnt-u to Anmlfciititiitn.
Atlantic c.ty. July 9. At yesterday's
session of the class bottle blowers con
vention the proposition to amnlRamate
with the American Flint Glass Work
ers union or the American Federation
cf Lnbor were defeated. In a propo
sition to unite with the latter associa
tion alone the vote was close, lacking
only four of the necessary two-thirds.
Tho Wenthor.
For eastern Pennsylvania, New Jer
sey, TJelaware and Maryland: Fair;
southerly winds.
It lioals everything oxcupt a broken heart,
may bo said of Do Witt's Witch Hawri Salve.
Piles and rectal diseases, cuts, burns, bruises,
tetter, eczema and all skin troubles may be
cured by It quickly and permanently. 0. II.
"Lord lloroxl'ord" Atraln In Trouble.
Atlanta, July 9. Sidney Lascelles,
alias "Lord Beresford," of Georgia, a
shrewd Bwlndler known throughout the
country, who was recently pardoned
out of the stato penitentiary and Im
mediately established himself In busi
ness at Fitzgerald, the Grand Army
colony In Georgia, Is again a defaulter
and fugitive from pustlce. Lascelles
Ingratiated himself with the people
of Fitzgerald, and quickly became one
ot Its most popular citizens, marrying
the daughter of the wealthiest man in
town. Last Friday he left Savannnh,
and has not bee seen since. Warrants
have been Issued for his arrest for
cheating and swindling. His pecula
tions from citizens of Fitzgerald and
non-resident wholesale houses amount
to about $10,000.
Mr. W. II. Smith, edUor of Tho Argus,
licnton, Pa., recommends a remedy for
diarrhooa which ho has used with magical
effect. "Sovcral weeks ago," bo says, "I
purchased a bottlo of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Kcuiedy. and alter
using less than ono-tbird of the contents the
rosults wore magical effecting an entire
euro. I heartily and cheerfully recommend
tho remedy to all suffering from diarrhoea."
This remedy is for salo by tiruhler liros.
Won III Admlror'N Wogcr,
New York, July 9. Eighteen months
ago yesterday Frank Burton left the
city hall for a trip around the world.
He began the Journey as tho result of
a wager made by two prominent sport
ing men In this city. One, who was an
admirer of Burton, declared that he
could go around the world, starting
without a cent In his pocket, and make
the trip without begging, borrowing or
stealing a dollar. Each of these two
men staked $5,000 on the trip. Yester
day afternoon Burton walked into the
mayor's offlce, his Journey completed.
He comes to New York with $3,000
earned on the trip, and last night re
ceived $2,500 of the money wagered.
The young man carried proofs that he
carried out the terms of the wager.
He was 111 with typhoid fever for 14
weeks in Shanghai, and was wrecked
on the steamer Angiemaud in the In
dian ocean. The steamer was a total,
Commander Mullau's Punishment.
Washington, July 9. The president
yesterday disposed of the case of Com
mander Dennis Mullen, of the navy,
lately in command of the Pensacola
navyyard, who hud been found guilty
by court martial of drunkenness on
duty and recommended for dismissal
from the navy. The president ap
proves the sentence, but mitigates it
by providing that Commander Mullen
be placed r-.t the foot of tho list of
eomrnandeis In the navy, and be sus
pended form rank and duty on one
half of sea pay for five years. The
practical effect of this sentence prob
ably will be to prevent the olflcer from
ever becoming a captain, a place which
he otherwise would have attained In a
day or two by the retirement of Cap
taln Bartlett.
Thousands Suffer From It at This Season
or the Year.
Hot woather dyspepsia may he recognised
by the following symptoms: Depression of
spirits, heaviness and pain in the stomach
after meals, low of ilesh and appetite, no de
sire for food, bad taste In the mouth, espec
ially !n the moruiug, wind in stomach and
bowels, Irritable disposition, nervous weak
ness, weariness, costlvencss, heailacho, iwlpl-
tation, heartburn. It is a mistake to treat
such troubles with "tonics," "blood purifi
ers," "cathartics," "pills," because tlie
whole trouble is in the stomach. It is indi
gestion or dyspepsia and nothing else.
All these symptoms rapidly disappear
when the stomach is relieved, strengthened,
and cleansed by Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet.
Tlioy should be taken after meals and a few
carried In tho pocket to be used whenever
any pain or distress is felt in the stomach.
Tliey are prepared only for stomach troubles.
Etuart's Dyspepsia Tablet are endorsed
by such physicians a Dr. lUrlaudson, Dr.
Jeun'sou, and Dr. Mayer, because they con
tain the natural digeatl'-e acids and fruit
essences which when taken Into the stomach
cause the prompt digestiou of the food before
it has time to ferment and sour, which is the
cause of the mischief.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are pleasant to
take and unequalled fur invalid, children
and every persou altlteted with Imperfect di
gestion. It is safe to say they will cure any
form of stomach trouble exeept cancer of the
Nearly all druggist sell Stuart's Dyspep
sia Tablets, full sited packages at 60 cents.
A book ou stomach troubles and thousands
of testimonials sent free by addressingStuart
Co., Marshall, Mich.
"I hare no appetite," you my, "and the
little I do eat does me no good. At flrit it
feels cold and dead in my stntnarh and by
and by I have mhos slid pniustlintsometiiiu's
go to my chest and back. I feel weak, low
spirited and out ofsoitsall over. I fancy
the demon of dyspepsia has got me." That's
the nay you talk and no wonder. Hut w,tlt
a moment. Let us reasonjogether. Perhaps
thus far your stomach la merely tired. You
have been eating too much, eating the wmng
thlnri, and ii regularly. You have given it
ton much to do, and like all living tilings.
vbu overworked, It stops at length from
sheer exhaustion. There may nut be an
actually diseased condition as yet. Still it is
nature's warning, and you mutt heed It or
worse will follow. "But I must eat or
starve," you say. True enough, but safety
usually lies In middle courses. litre l one
for you. Yon don't need drastic purges or
exciting stimulants. Your condition Is one
easily relieved If we go about It gently, and
sensibly. The tired stomach won't work
under whip and spur. It has probably bad
too much of that already. What yim reqnlie
is something that Is at once a food and a
digester of food. Such an arliclo is the
Shaker Digestive Cordial, discovered and pre
pared by tho Shaker Community of Mt.
IrflmiHin. N. Y. Taken right afVer eating, so
aa to mix with the food, It does the stomach's
work for It, gives It the advantage of further
rest,-strengthens you in a natural way, and
soon enables tho stomach to do full duty.
There Is nothing else like this simple, safe,
certain and palatable remedy. Yet tho
Shakers respect your doubts, and authorlie
druggists to sell a trial bottle for teu cents.
KulironTTv i oiiu- cutuisr t'onl.
Chlcffo. Ju'y 9. Railroad companies
yosterdsy Issued orders to confiscate
all coal being; carried over t'ir lines.
The order carried confusion in Its ex
ecution, and local coai companies who
expected to receive special shipments
to meet the demand of the day were
thrown on their resources to ovrcome
the difficulty. In addition to the con
fiscating order, the price of common
soft coal Jumped 40 cents a ton. Fully
16,000 carloads from the mines In
southern Illinois were confiscated by
'.ie raP.rond companies.
"I cravo but Ono Minuto," said tho public
speaker in a husky voice; and thou ho took a
dose of Ono Minute Cough Curo, and pro
ceeded with his oritnry. One Minuto Cough
Curo Is ii- ( "cd for throat and lnug
irotii -ei i . u. jingcnimcn.
j miMJiuiuimuiiiuiJiuimiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiimii
1 IT'S
s 2
To sell you shoes if 3
It: we can get you into 1
our store. Once you2re 3
here, see our shoes and S
know our prices, you'll 2
: do the rest. 3
And to bring you to the 2
St: store is why we print
gj; this "ad" every day. ES
!: We want your first 3
order ; we're pretty
Sz sure of the next, and
the next, if we get 2
Z that. We know there's j
jjr no store in this town 2
JC: that is doing, or that
can do as well ior you
r as we. If everybody
else knew it as thor-
ougly as WE know it, 3
g our store would be 3
It: several times too small.
For example. Ordin- 3
SE: ary stores ask 25c and
50c more than we do 3
5; for them, and get it, jj
S too. They don't get zS
fSz it as often as they used S
g to, because we have 13
so much of their busi- S
S ness. And the charm 2
that does the price- 3
: lowering is Factory z
S Price. 3
: Women's tans, $1, $1.25,
St: $1.50 and $2.00. 35
2r Misses' tans, 75c and $1. 2
It Men's tans, $1.25, 1.50
jjE and $2.00.
Boys' tans, $1.00, $1.25 3
El and $1.50. S
Checks for amount of pnr- 2
Zr chases made, are given every 2
customer. $25.00 worth entitles
r yon to a handsome Parlor Lamp, 3
I Factory I
E ' StOrCa 2
St: 1
J. fl. Moyerf Mgr. 2
: 3
g -
sz nimmmminmmmmmimninmmnmTnim 5s
Xtttloiml Tjini?iio.
t rittrbuiK- Nov. Votli, I; PlttshurB.
4. At flnciunnll 'In. Inniit I, 6; Phlliido-
pbl.i. :i. At 'bli.iK H" innlnirs) Chluai
it. HriKlon. 1. At HI J.nulK llrnnklyn,
Bt. Louis. 0. At l.miltvlllo -Louisville,
ll.iltttnoif . 3 Ai llovoland Ulcvolu
10; WnshiiiKton f.
ltuMcrtt Lookup.
At Scrnnton Toronto. 5, 8orantont SJ
At Wllktslwrrr-Biirrnlo. 3; WIlkosbilMNy
1. At gprlngncld-Springueld. 11; SNM
ru-i'. 1 At Providence Rochester, ljjf
l'io lii m e, s.
Aliunde T.pnirue.
At Hertford (10 innings) Athletic, M
Ilartfoi il, S. At Newark Newark,
Ptcrrn. t. At Norfolk Ijimcastor,
Norfolk. I. At Itlcbmond Itlclimond, '4i
Reading, 4.
Wholo Ffliiill.v llm-ncd to Death
Pinevllh, 7ty July 9. Hugh Joeseul
and family ot live, who live 15 tnlM
northwest of this place, were buined ti
death Tuesday nlsht, being unable ti
escape from their cottage, which waul
fired by an incendiary over their heads
The dead are: Ituh Joeson, the fath
er; Mary Joeson, his wife; Fannie Jo"M
son, 14 years old; John Joeson, 10 yeaH
old, Muttgle, 6 years old, and anothel
daughter 8 years old. The remains ofl
all six were found In the debris.
Jinny Heat Dcnllm In St. Louis.
St. Iku1s, July 9. Yesterday was thrl
11th day of the 100 degree street heat
In at. Iouls. By 8 o'clock Ir the after
noon seven people had died from thf
heat, one tnnn attempted suicide, and
there were at least four out of the mam.
prostrations which will prove fatal
Animals are suffering as badly ns men
It Is estimated that over 100 died on th
strets Wednesday.
Fill a bottle or common glass with Uriui
nnd let it stand twenty-four hours; a seill
mcnt or settling indlcnlos an uuhcnltld
condition of tho kidneys. When urini
stslns linen It is positive evidence of kidney
troublo. Too frequent desiro to urinato or
lin In the back, Is also convincing proof
that tho kidnoys nnd bladder are out of
Thcro is comfort in the knowledge bo
often oppressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
lioot, the great kidney remedy, fulfills overy
wish in relieving pain in tho back, kidneys,
livor, bladder and every part of the uriuary
passages. It corrects inability to hold urine
nnd scalding pain in piming it, or bad effects
following use of liquor, wiuo or beer, nnd
overcomes that unploasaut necossity of being
compelled to get up many tlmos during tho
night to urinate. Tho mild and tho extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Hoot Is Soon
realized. It stands tho highest for its won
derful cures sf tlie most distressing ensos. If
you need a mcdicino you should have the
best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents nnd
ono dollar. You may havo a snmplo bottle
and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Men
tion Evbnino Ukrald and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hinghamton,
N. Y. Tho proprietors of this paper guaiantee
the sonuiness of this offer.
" Votornli An'd'WIfo SulWiltf.
Lawrence, Mass., July 3. John Lo
iran and wife were found dead in bed
at their home tonight. The bodies
were decomposed and evidence of prus
slo acid poisoning was found. Logan
was a veteran of the late war, having
served with distinction throughout the
entire four years. Mrs. Logan was a
weaver. They probably committed
Cereal Cotl'oe Drinkers 1H5WAKE!
If you have been deceived and tried ono of
tho cheap bran substitutes now on tho market,
claiming to bo tlie original nnd to havo great
food value, nnd you got a pound of poorly
roasted bran for your 2oo nnd a poor, weak,
sit'kish drink (what can you oxpect from
bran ), don't bo discouraged but try GUAIN-O.
It is made from solid grain, nicely browned
and 12 pounds for 25c. Grain-0 takes the
placo of coffeo at J tho price. Get a package
of your grocer to-day.
llrttli Iniircted rov Miu-ilcr;
New York, July 9. Martin Thorn
and Mrs. Auirusta Nack have been In
dicted by the grand jury for murder In
the first degree In connection with the
Guldensuppe case. They were brought
up to plead today, and both pleaded not
guilty. Thorn denies the statement of
Joseph Gartha, a barber, that he had
confessed the murder to Gartha.
What ilo the Children Drink?
Dout give them ton or coffee. Ilayo -you
tried tho new food drink called Grain-O? It
U delicious nnd nourishing and takes the
placo of coffee. Tho more Graln-0 you give
the children tho more health you distribute
through their systems. Graln-0 is made of
pnro grains, and when properly prepared
tastes like tho choico grades of coil'eo but costs
about ns much. All grocers sell it. 15c.
nnd 25c.
Klllea l- j';iitodlnjr JiorifXcno.
Lock Haven, Pa., July 9. Mary Mar
llzelll, asc-d 12 years, was fatally
burnod yesterday by the explosion of
a can of kerosene. The child, despite
a warning from her grandmother, at
tempted to hasten a slow fire by pour
ing kerosene on It. The vapor ignited
nnd the can exploded,
Somo timo ago tho one-year-old child of
Mr. M. K. Lindsloy, of Franklin Forks,
IV, had a very severe attack of colic. She
Buffered great paiu, Mr. Lindsloy gavo her
a dose of ("hamborlaln's Cello, Cholera nnd
Diarrhoea Remedy and in ten minutes her
distress was gono. This is the best medi
cine in the world for children wheu troubled
with colic or diarrhoea. It never fails to
efTeeta prompt cure. When reduced with
water and sweetened it is pleusaut for them
to take. It should be kept in every home,
especially during tho summer months. For
sale by Gruhler llroe., druggiste.
IliilT Itaten to Toronto via Poiiimylviinln
For the Kpworth League International Con
vention, to lie held at Toronto, Canada, July
15 to 18, the Pennsylvania Kallroad Company
will sell special tickets from all points on its
Hue to Toronto and return ut rate of slnglo
faro fur the round trip. These tickets will
lie sold and good going July 14 and 15 ; good
to return, leaving Toronto not earlier than
July 10 nor later thaii July Hi, 1807, and will
be good only for continuous passage from
Toronto on date stumped.
For further iuformitiou apply to ticket
lluruing, itching skin diseases instantly re
lieved by De Witt's Wituh liasel Salve, un
equalled foi cut, bruises, burns. It heals
without leaving a cr. u ii. nagoumicji
Persons Leaving Town
During the summer can have the IIkk.u.p
mailed to them by ordering it at thisnfllce,
either lu jierson or by letter, at 88 cents ler
mouth, if you are going to enjoy yountelf
amoug the cool breeses of the sea shore or
some mauntaiu retreat, ou't' forget that
your enjoyment will not be complete uuleee
you have the Hkralu sent to you.
Wheu bilious or costive, eat a Cases rets
candy cathartic, cure guaranteed, lOo, 35c
f the Breast.
Mr. A. H. Crausby, of 158 Kerr St.,
Memphis, Tenn., says that his wife
paid no attention to a small lump whidt
appeared in her breast, but it soon tle
vaioned into a cancer of the worst type,
and notwithstanding the treatment ofi
. , . 1 nnMtJ...,M1 friJ
me um jiujio.i-.aua, it ,wufc.Mw- w
Spread and grow rapidly, eating two
holes in her breast. The doctors
soon pronounced
her incurable. AJ
celebrated New York
specialist then treat
ed uer, dui sue con
tinued to grow worse
and when informed
that both her aunt
and grandmother had
died from cancer he
cave the case up as
Sotneone then re
commended S.S.S.
nnd tlioiitrh little hone remained, she
lieinin it. nnd an imnrovement was nc-
.1,1 -r. eoremnmeneedtohealand
when she had taken several bottles it 1 ?-2 V(
it .1 a! 1 -4 1ll,M.n1, A..1H-?vn, ,l1 hllong.
when she had taken several bottles it
oral ve.irs have clanseu. not a Sign 01
the disease has ever returned.
A Real Blood RemedyJS,, '
b o c5 i... -W ,;W.i!M
o.o.ij. ;uu,.. j. -y "
is a real blood remedy, and never fails
to cure Cancer, Eczema, Rheumatism
Scrofula, or any other blood disease.
Our books
will be mailed (F
free to any ad 'W. yfbt.
ilrnnn Swift . 81V sV i tBl
nlcific Co bluM Msf BtWsf
S.l., r, "
Auama vra.
Personallr-Uoiidt.cted TCour. vl Peiinsyl.
vanla liullroail.
That tho public havo come to recognize the
(net that tho best and most convenient
method of pleasure travel is that presented
by tho I'onusylvaula Railroad Company'?
personally-conducted tours. Is evidenced '
the increasing popularity of these tours
Under this system the lowest rates are ob
tained, for both transportation and hotel ac
commodation. Au oxporiencod tourist agent
and chaperon accompany each tour to look
after tho comfort of tho passenger.
The following tours have been arranged for
tho season of 1897 :
To tho north (Including Watkins Glen,
Niagara Falls, Thousaud Islands. Moutreal,
Quebec, Au Sable Chasm, Lakes Chamnlaln
and George, Saratoga, and a daylight rido
down through tho Highlands of tho Hudson),
July 27 and August 17. Bate, $100 for the
round trip from Now York, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, and Washington, covering all
expenses of a two weeks' trip.
To Yellowstono Park on a spocial train of
Pullman sloeplng, compartment, nnd observa
tion cars and dining car, allowing eight days
in "Wonderland," September 2. Eate, $235
from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
and Washington ; $230 from Pittsburg.
To Niagara Falls, excursion tickets good to
return within ten days will bo sold on July
22, August 5 and 10, September 4 nnd 10, nt
rate of $10 f.-om Philadelphia, Baltimore,
and Washington. Theso tickets include
transportation only, and will pormit of stop
over within limit nt Buffalo, Eochostor, and
Watkins on tho return trip.
Two ten-day tours to Gettysburg, Luray
Caverns, Natural Bridge, Virginia Hot
Springs, Richmond, and Washington, Sep
tember 28 and Octobor 12. Rato, $05 from
New York, $03 from Philadelphia.
"My mother, my wifo and mysolf uso
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy whenovcr
troubled with a cough or cold. It is tho
medicino of our homo. I do not know how
wo could do without it. Wo feol that it is
an indispenslblo article Tho people iu this
viclulty, too, nro beginning to learn of the
merits of this excellent medicino. I never
lose an opportunity to testify to its value for
it has saved many a doctor's hill in my
family. W. S. Musser, proprietor of the
Musser House, Wilhelm, Pa." This remedy
is famous for its cures of bad colds. Try
it and you too will recommend it to your
frionds. For salo by Gruhler Bros., druggists.
A Drowned 'Mmf'H Identity.
New York, July 9. The effects found
an the body of a man picked up In the
North river were brought to the coro
ner's office yesterday. Among them
were several letters in the Swedish
language. One of the letters, addressed
"Brothr Alfred," was signed "Otto
Johnson, Clermont, Pa, There was also
a passport, No. 15, made out at Flytt
singberg, and dated April 8, 1893. A
postofllce order for $100 was sewed up
in the dead man's vest, and In his
pockets was J10S.M In cash and a $50
confederate bill.
Don't nauseate your stomach wilh teas ar d
bitter herbs, but regulate your liver and sick
headacho by using thoso famous little pills
Known us wo win slihio ririy Klscrs. u. II,
Nino Juvenile 'J .".fill lollms.
New Yorki July , Nine children dlod
suddenly yesterday, and their deaths
were due indirectly to tho heat. Seven
persons were prostrated In the streets.
A 12 mile an hour breeze was blowing
over tho city last night, lowered the
temperature considerable!' and at 11
o'clock the temperature was but 73
degrees and the humidity down 80 per
Vim, vigor and victory i-thcso aro tho char
actBristite of De Witt's I.lttlu Knily Risers,
tho famous little pills for constipation, bil
iousness and all stomach aud liver troubles.
0. II. Hagenbuoh.
8 1 o 1 o 1 1 1 o "sTtiTCv.- iii oil iT ir o n t h . '1
Columbia, S. C, July 9. Shortages
amounting; lo $15,000 of the moneys due
by county dispensers to the state were
brought lo llht by the dispensary
hoard of control yesterday. The books
are In such state that no report can
be made of all the shortages, but it is
probable that the total sum will be
much larger. The bonds given by the
dispensers who have fell behind In
their accounts are In each cajtg worth
less. The showing has Greeted a sen
sation. Hives nro not dangerous to life, but thoy
nre a prolific brecdor of iniery and profanity.
Doau's Ointment gives instant relief, oven In
the worst cases of this aud other exasperat
ing diseases of the skiu.
Killed liy mi Outraged lliixliuinl. '
Kansas City, Mo., July 9. ar. A. L.
Ilergtr, one of the best known physi
cians of Kansas City, was shot late
yesterday afternoon by John Sclilegel,
a grocer. He was taken to a hospital
and died shortly after his arrival.
Schlegel declares that Dr. Harger had
assaulted his wife a few days ago.
when Mrs. Schlegel had gone to his
office as a patient.
Pure blood aud a good digestion are au
insurance against disease and suffering.
Burdock IllooJ Bitters keeps tho blood pure,
the digestiou perfect.
mt.iriiwi ''"Wrt il Tin y ii-nnnr
jpraflt 'I l hm thn (li-drr of tlu. l;avon
Wnii a 4
YniU. July . -I'rn'll t Vine- w:,
"f (1n ibiy In tin. atm k rnHrl(..
Int.. "i tlie Iff 1,111 t ennfei,.,,, ,,
tin sinnlp Btncc of the bill, t'.f
Hilton of which linn formed pin i
er m nil. lie n In the rnonl ttisi...
K. 1 lie In inlniillon In retrn riled us n
ftsvotelile Inl'nenee on values, but. he-.
iM bei n previously dlseottntod, renllslnrf
HIM Were to be looked for In the niitmul
otder of thli.KH. The noictlon did not de
velop ltnmi dlntely nt the nnen np nv lv-
taWrVrrnl sustnlnlns; Influent cs whl. 'i 1
Gilted in ii rally nfter the enrlv il . i
ISt carried prices Mnernlly to the hi 1-
est ot the rtiiy end St. 1'iuil to M'a. r.p
htjrheet of the present movement. Tho
ntHfettcen irr of only temporary effect,
lOWMfer, In checking the reactionary
euderjey In the market, nnd In fact only
lUTWd to nccentuate the dealre to take
BfWtlK Mostng bids:
BMWt A Ohio... ()4 LehlKh Valley..
ChM. & Ohio... lC'd N. J. I'entral.. M"i
UI1SM, cic I'll
TWI. . , i
son.. 11)0, N. Y. Central.. ir."'.
lTw?4 Pennsylvania .. f
. 14 Itnndlnir tl'i
Ik Krle A V. 13 St. Tuul Wj
All gust's paid.
I General Mm-Uotn,
Phllanplphla, July 8. Flour tlrm; wln-
ter superfine. J2.7Wi2.90; do. extras, 3
I.S: Pennsylvania, roller, clear. M.75(ff3.M:
do. trni -'t. J3.v;i4i western winter,
h?r. l.7..i, 3.90; do. straight. S.96r4.10;
im. etrn. s.inn,s.4(i.
live flour
,. n'l.- 'V.',',.:
.- t ,
at. 7l!ff74v.P.; No. 2 red. July abd
W.; ao. Decerauer, 74Mi'.
i. nu Bteudy; steamer corn.
No. 2 mixed, snot nntl
W. iS0!4c.: No. 2 yellow for local
trade, I4e. u.its tlrm; No. 2 white ollp-
rarlotBt 2r,U(, .No ;2 wnltp Jub.
o. do- AllR,,.t September and October,
MffjBr. Hay m modrate supply; choice
thnothy, iU for larire bnlcs. Beef cuilt;
1lt'f tlAm"' '''-r'- Pork dull; famllv,
UMWflMM. Iird dull; western stnin"i1.
Hotter steady; v.estcrn creamer;',
o. factory. T'.'iilO'i.c.: HlBlns
13c- fttt!oii creamery. 9i(ffl2c.; N-v
york rt(lirVi loill-.; do. creamery. 11S
lSe.: fancy ptlnts Jobbing at 17ff?20fi.: do:
P9'tr IJnnsylvanla, wholesale, lflc. Cheese
jiw.ret, mw.t .Lint-, iiii(78c., Kiiinii,
1 flkaov. 7U7.c- nurt sklm. .IffiRlAe. : full
RKlms. Jiie. Ekks steady; New York
nfcO, lNRMsylvanln, 12(iel2c: western.
fresh, BJMTMc. Potatoes quiet; Long fsl
oid, JHrJiX; Southern, new. ?2f2.2C. Tat-
w quiet; city. 3,e.; country, 3Wo., ns to
jullty. Cottonseed oil steady; prime
crudo, 20c; do. yellow, 23l4j2ln. Petro
leum dull. Itosln quiet; strained, com
mon to good, 2CWfi'2c. Turpentine quiet
at $1.721461.75. Kico (inn. Pig iron quiet;
southern, J9.26fil0.60; northern, $10012.
Copper quiet; brokers, $11.12Vt; exchange,
JU.12tMUl.25. Tin dull; straits, $13,750
13.90; plates weak. Bpolter quiet; domestic,
tl.25til.35. Urolcers call the lead market
strong at $3.85, while tho Metal Excbango
calls the market lint at $g.G7tt3.72tt. To
matoes, Savannah and Charleston, per
carrier, $1.261.50; Florida. T5c.0$l. Long
Island cabbage, per barrel, 7580c. Cof
feo closed barely steady; August, $G.i'0,
September, $6.80(66.85; December, $6.93;
January, $7.05; March and April, $7.10;
May, $M5.
Llvo Stock Market!).
New York. Juls- 8. European cables
quote American steers at lWlOfic; shcp
at MKf!l2c; refrigerator beef at 8i4f9Hc.
Calves very dull; veals lower; about 100
head unsold; veals, $lftO; fdw, $6.25r'no
buttermilks sold. Sheep firmer; lambs
higher, all sold; sheep. $2.86??4.40; lambs,
l5.G2!iJU0. Hogs dull nnd lower at J.COfft.
Kast Liberty, Pa.. July 8. fnttlo
Heady; extra, $1.90iB'5; prime. vi . it.sO;
common, f8.aoft3.40; bulls, stags unci cows,
l2Ij3.XK common to good fnt oxen, $20
3.73. Hogs steady; primo pigs, $3.70J3.73;
best light Yorkers, $3.G5f8.70; good York
trs and medium weights, $3.60iff3.G3; com
mon to fair Yorkers, $8.55ii73.G0; hcavr
hogs, $3.50,Tj3.55; roughs, $2.2ofl3.15. Sheep
firm; choice, $3.954; common, $2.C0
1.25; spring lamt3, $1.2.ri!Q5.50; veal calves.
Hucklen's Arnica Salve,
The best salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, aud
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or ruony refunded. Price
25 cents por box. For sale by A. Wasloy.
Coming Kvents.
July 10. Ice cream festival under auspices
of Camp 40, Daughters of America, iu Itob
blns' opera house.
July 13. Grand honefit peformanco of tho
dramatic cantata "Rebecca" by request. To
bo given for tho benefit of John Hall,
"They don't mtke much fuss about it."
Wo are speaking of Do Witt's Little Karly
Risers, the famouslittlo pills for constipation,
biliousness, and. all stomach and liver
troubles, They licver gripe. C. H. Hagen
bueh. Divinity Mnilcnc l)i-oviiu?i.
Greenfield, Mass., July 9. Walter L.
Miller, aged 16, a colored student of
Moody's school, was drowned while
bathing In the Connecticut river last
evening. Young Miller was fitting for
the ministry with the Idea of returning
to work amonff the colored people of
Teunessee, his native state.
For Weak and Run Down People.
UUAT IT 111 The richest of all restorft
nilttl II IOI tlve foods, because It re-
E laces the essentials of life that aro ex.
austed by disease, indigestion, high living,
overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc
digestion perfect It creates solid tlesb,
rrtuscle and strength. The nerves being
made strong the brain becomes native and
elear. It restores lostvltality, stopsall wast
ing drains and weakness In either sex. and
as a female regulator has no equal. Price
60c, ordve boxes S2.00. Druggists orby mall.
We can help you. Advice and book, free.
fwrlte Us About Your Case.")
1513 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,
Agent and Bottler of , ,
Porter and Weiss Beer.
. 203-jWi-Coal Street.
Sick Headache.
Neuralgia and Extreme Norvousnoss,
f-VER since I was eighteen years old
until I learned ot Dr. Mile-,' Itcstora
tlve Remedies, I suffered from sick
hoadachenndextreme norvousnoss ami dys
pepsia. In time lteart dlsoaso dovolopcd. I
was treated by sovoral doctors with no ro
ller Severe palpitation with pain In left
breast, shortness ot breath, and smothering
spalls made me most miserable. I pro
cured Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine and
New Heart Cure nnd took them alternately
ij directed. Improvement began at once
mid Increased so rap
idly that Inside of six
...onthg I Increased
thirty sit pounds la
weight. All pain in
the heart Is gone, aud
the nervousness has
wholly left mo,"
Mas. CnAs. KwArr,
"7. German St., Little Falls, N. Y., Nov. 7,'05.
Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug
lsts under a posltlvo guarantee, first bottlo
wnoflts or money rof unded. Hook on Heart
. nd nerves sent f reo to all applicants.
PR. MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind.
A gonuino wolcome wal.tayon at
Cor. Haiti and Coal Sts.
Finest whiskey, hcom porter nntl ale
cnffltAntly on tap. Choico emporance drinks
Wanted-An Idea Ss&S
Protect your Id onus tlirr may bring you wealth.
Write JOHN WEDDF.HltUHN & CO., Patent At tor
neya, Washington. 1. O., for their $t.8U0 prlzo otTetf
ind list oJt two hum I red lnvnntlouB wanted.
pon smrniFP,
Op OnwioeBuaa.
Subject to Republican rules.
Ok Port CAnnost.
SubjeM to Republican rules.
A Handsome Complexion
Is ono of the greatest charms a woman can
possess. I'ozzoni's Complexion I'owunu
gives it.
Cured by this granular effervescent and stlmu
luiim ju iiituiiifc 1'iiru nir hiiiii iuiiieiii itixi
headaches, which often accumulate from having
7 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah.
Teams to Hire.
II you want to biro a safe and reliable
team for driving or for working purposes
pay Shields' livery stable a visit. Teams
constantly ou hand at reasonable rates
No. 410 East Centre street.
OopnslteReadrng.rall 0'dntatlon.
tho most extensively
circulated ami widely read iicwHpnpcr jul
Hshed In Pennsylvania. JtgdlflctisHion of pub
lic, men nnd public measures la In tho Interest
of public Integrity, honest government and
prosperous Industry, and It knows no party
or peisonat allegiance in treating public
Issues. In tho broadest and best eeiiRo a
family and general nows paper.
alms to bavo tho largost
circulation by deserving It, ami claims that it
Is unsurpasMxl In all the potentials uf a great
metropolitan newspaper. Specimen copies nt
any edition will be sent free to any one send
ing their aildreed.
TERMSDAILY, J8.00 iwr nullum; 1.M
for four months; 30 cents per inoutli; de
livered by carriers for G cents per week.
SUNDAY HIirriON, 32 hirgu. banilMime
pages '11 columns, elegantly llblstrulpil,
beAUtlful colored supplement $2.00 per nu
mini; 5 cents per copy. Dally nnd Sunday,
fS.OD per annum ; CO cents per month.
Address all letters to
riillions of Dollars
Go un In smoke overy year. Take no
rukg but get your houses, stock, fur
nature, etc., lusureil iu lirst-clase ro.
lttble companies as represeutail by
hAVIn FATIiT Insurance Airen'
UAyiU rAUJl, 130 Soutb Janlln 8
Also TJfo and Accidental Ooropanl e
HtH& da. FDRMWOMAirs SArv
ikrnn Become Co .Phila-Pa.
t Povlnsky's drup; storo, 28 IS&n
ttontre street.
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvety softness of the skin Is Jnva
riably obtained by thars who use I'ozzoni's
Complexion Powder.
iu il. i.uu.inl 1,1 l.l'.l.'o II . I It SI I. III.
t'AM', ! ilvw lmntili.i,K, ileauiit wlur $1 14) . (toll
I.IIK'N 1IAIK TO.M'roniov.ln.lniir. .loin
balrlromf ailing out Untlprnmot upgrowth i-l Wtt hullln
I. 111! AI lUIK'ANT CO ll Kulton nt N Y CDCC
llutflrtied Treatise oa Hair onAppliuationrllLL
I'or sale by Rbenandoah Drug Store, Klrllu
Drue Store.
Celebrated Vorunla
'owdora never fall
$s tad iur (i
Willi Taiuv t renQTnial rtUi anil
reinedini). Alwava huv the beat aftd avttl.1 dUap.
polfitmaet Guarantoad luparter to all otkara, lwitfva
thfbCfTlq tba market, A noVl. lluUculan, CU. Ut.U.IB,
LX. OUt uar. UaeUm, Uwa,
bv e iv;i v ii i w 4
Er- Restores
t,r i'iTt!iiitiiifVT