The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 08, 1897, Image 3

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Boft.'Wlilto Hands with Shapely Nails, Luxn
riant Hair with Cloan, Wholeaoiuo Scalp, pro
duced by CtmoimA Soap, the most effective
(kin purifying and beautifying soap In tho
world, as well as purest and sweetest, for
toilet, bath, nnd nursery. Tho only prcrcnth o
of Inflammation and clogging of the l'mtra.
BoAr It told throughotit th world. rorrta I1, I l. t
CtllH. Corf . Bole l'ropt.. Boitnn, If. t. A.
arMHov to Vurtfr and BeaUf tUt Skin, Belp,
and Ilalr," mailed fr,
BABY HUMORS V,clri"A':sjI,:t
No. 1 Cures Favor.
NO. 2 ." Worms.
No. 0 " Infants' Diseases.
No. 4 " Dlnrrhcn.
No. 8 " Neuralgia.
No. 0 Curos Hoodaohe.
No. lO " Dyspepsia.
No. 11 " Delayed Periods,
No. 12 " Leuchorrea.
Mo. 14 " Skin Diseases.
No. 18 Cures Rheumatism.
No. 16 " Malaria.
No. 20 " "Whooping Cough
No. 27 " Kidney Diseases.
No. 30 " Urinary Diseases
No. 77 " Colds and Grip.
Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on
receipt of price, 25c, or G for 51.
Dit. HuMrmtKYs' Homeopathic JUnuai.
Humphreys' Med. Co,, 111 William St.,K.T.
For sale at l'ovlnsky'a drug store, 28 East
Centre street
&rvoua JHseaMe ailing aiora
ory. Im potency, H leepleMneH etc, caom4
hv Abulia and other Exombc una Incus
crfttioaj. They quickly and aunty
restore Lcmt Vitality In old or roan a, and
lit a raaa for study, btmnea or tDwrrlflga,
1'rpTHnt Inmnnltr and Coniumption if
taken In tlme.Tholr iiko thowi immediate improTO
ment and effects a CURB where all others tall. In
Ut upon hfttiim the penal no AJax Tablet. They
have cured thousands and will care yoa. We rite a
noaUIre written ftnaranted to effect n care In each case
or refund the money. Price DO cent per nackaqa, or
pU packages (full treatment! for IUO. By malum
lafn wrapper, upon rocelpt of price.
4 iTmrirwrm oh.
Caleir. I1U
For sale In Hliennndoal), Va., nt A. AVaaley'a
and Ktrlin's, Druggists.
Cutci rentrr.l or fpeclal debility, wakeful
ness, apormatcrliccii, emissions, Intpotency,
paresis, etc. Unreal functional disorders,
aucd hv error or excesses, quickly restoring
l.ot Manhood In oU or young, giving vigor and
strength v.-licreiir.ncr weakness prevailed. Coa
siiifil picta-e, simple,-c"ncctml, and legitimate
Cunt is Quick and Thorough.
.' te derttvfd ty iftitatient: insist on
CATON'S Vitnlizcrs. Sent sealed il your drug
pisl dor ml have ft. l'rli-e $1 per piece. 6 for $3,
Willi written guarantee of complete cur.
1 ilorinatinn, telrremcs, etc., free and confidential,
frend ua statement ol case und 25 cts. for a week's
flUial ircstmrnt Oucouly s-nt locai h person.
Sold nt Klrlln'a drug store, Sliennmlonh, IPa
Tlioce who once
lor it. a, ins ad
mixture makes
tlie flavor of cof
fee delicious.
All Urocers.
Only Is possible, whether ns a teat of
tuxiielltico In JourimUflin, or for tho
iiiotuMremeiit of quuntlUcH. thno orvuluufl;
Record . . .
After a career of nanrly twenty ycara of
uninterrupted growth 1h Justlflt'U luchitiii
ti.K tlmt tho Htaiulrtn! llret cainbllahcMl by
ltu loiinucrn is tno one true test 01
A Perfect Newspaper.
To publish ALT. THR NBWH promptly and
HiK'chictlv nnd lit tho most rondablo forol.
without llalon or nnrtUau bins; to dlunss
. i in til. f..i...nuu . .. I . .
IVM BIWIIIIlVl.lll'U .!'! 1 , t 1 1 It.-W.. IU ILVIWIII
iiositlca a compieto revotn ot current
thought, (uncle uud discoveries In all le
'imrtinents of humnii activity In its DAILY
JSMTIONSot from 10 to It l'AUKS, and to
provide the whole for IU patrons at the
.nominal prlco of ONB CltNT That was
iront the outaet, and will ooutinuo to be the
id m of TIUC KKCOltl).
The' Pioneer
Witness Its unrivaled average dally circulation
eKoewlIng 1(0,00) onpltw, nnd an. uvMKt
ertxMdlng 11,000 copies for ft Sunday
mlltlons, while Imitations of Ita plan of
iuhliatlon In every inqiortant city of the
Country tuatlfy to the truth of tluf assertion
that In thequuntltyjiud quality of t con
tents, and In the price at which It Is sold
Tlie Iteenrd has dstnbllahed the standard by
whleli euxdleiiui In Journalism must be
The Daily Edition
. Of The Itttcord will be aent by mall to any
, nddretwi fur 98.00 per your or 36 cents per
The Daily and Sunday
wllllllvits readers
in imju ami uws'i!
inanmijBi nil i
OHKoii li
t far
'ti.ura year
x Record Building,
Philadelphia, Fa.
JP best by
adding a lit-
tie of Seelig's
S tO uiusuaijr I i. M
coffee. sc. apackgcl
Bin anronu; ovary
loi efiftanS' insiitlt
Of tho Murdor and Butohory of
William QuldonBuppo.
Bho Wn In I,ovo With Thorn nml Wan
AiixIoiih to Hot Itld of Hor Vorinui'
I.over Thui'ii 8ny llo lltts No l'onr
or Kontli.
New York, July 8.Thcre Is no longer
a mystery about the tragedy which
first came to the public knowledge on
June 26, when boys playing on the pier
at the foot of Mast Kleventh street dis
covered lloatlng In the river a bundle
which contained a portion of a bunion
body. Martin Thorn, according to the
detective bureau, has confessed that he
planned with Mrs. Nack, and himself
committed the murder of William Qul
densuppe. a Turkish bath masseur, and
the former lover of Mrs. Naok. There
are some Inconsistencies In the story
given out by the police, and which Is
alleged to have reached them nt sec
ond hand.
According to his confession, the mur
der of Quldensuppo was committed on
Friday, Juno 25, In the house at wood-
side, L. I., which had been rented by
Mrp. Naok ostensibly for a "baby
On Monday, the statement says,
Thorn went early to the Woodside
house, and hid In a closet on the upper
floor and waited the arrival of Mrs.
Nack. and Quldensuppe. lie took off
his 'Shoes so that no accidental noise
could spoil his carefully laid plan.
It was between 10 and 11 o'clock In
the morning when Mrs. Nack and her
victim, Ouldensuppe, drove up in the
surrey which has been mentioned In
the previous stories of the mystery.
Thorn heard Mrs. Nack ask Gulden-
suppe a few questions about the house,
and heard Quldensuppe answer. Then
Mrs. Nack Bald, according to the con
fession: "Willie, don't wait for me. Go
through tho house and see how you
like It."
Thorn, concealed behind the door of
the closet, heard Guldensuppb's steps
on the stairs as he complied with the
woman's request. Carelessly Gulden-i.
suppc opened door after door, until hen
came to tho closet where Thorn stood.
As the door sprung open Thorn shot
Guldensuppe right in the head. lie
died almost Instantly.
Then Thorn dragged the body to tho
bath tub and sent Mrs. Nack away.
After her departure he dismembered
the body. When Mrs. Nack returned,
a few hours later, they took the body
away, and aB""they crossed the river
Thorn threw the parts overboard.
The confession does not explain how
one portion of the body was found in
the woods.
Mrs. Nack was desperately in love
with Thorn, and this is believed to be
the mollve for her plot to put Gulden
suppe out of the way. For the sake of
Guldensuppc she originally left her
As tho police figure It out, Qulden
suppe was murdered Friday morning,
Juno 25, at Woodside. At 5 o'clock of
the same afternoon, they think, "Mrs.
Nack went to Long Island In a light
wagon, and She and Thorn carried, the
head, upper portions of the .trunk and
legs of the murdered man to the river,
and from a ferryboat threw them Into
the water. On Saturday, according to
the police, the man and Jhe woman
went again to the Woodside house in
the surrey, loaded In the second half
of the trunk and Guldensuppe'a cloth
ing, crossed the ferry to Weehawken,
drove from there to Cliffslde, which Is
at the back and north of Weehawken,
then crossed the One Hundred and
Twenty-fifth street ferry, and on to tho
point near Washington bridge, where
tho lower section of the mutilated body
was found.
Martin Thorn Is 32 years old. Ills
features are strongly German in type,
and he looks youneer than his age.
giving the impression of being an even
tempered, good natured man. After his
arrest he appeared cool, collected and
at ease, no matter-yvhother it was tjo-
ing questioned, navmg nta portrait
taken at police headquarters, or before
the maglstrntejp court. To Acting In
epecior u uriuu 'inorn nam mat. jiu
had no fear of death.
A Household Necessity.
Discards Candy Cathartic, tho most won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, act gently and
positively on kidneys, liver and bowels.
cleansing tho entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness, Please buy and try a box of
(J. CO. to-day: 10, 25, SO cents. Bold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Iteduced ltatea to Ban Francisco.
Tho Pennsylvania Itailroad Company an
nounces that, for tho Christian Endeavor
Convention to be held in Ban Francisco July
7 to 12, it will sell special tickets from all
points on its system at greatly reduced rates.
Tliaso tickets will be soldi June 27 to July 2,
nml will permit of stop over at Denver and
points West. Uoturnlug, passengers must
reach original starting point not later than
August If, 1897.
For specific rates, conditions, and full In
formation apply to nearest' ticket agent.
Free Villa
Send your addrcaa to H. K. JJucklen & Co.,
Chtmirn. and aet a free sainulu box of Dr.
King's New Life Pills. A trial will ponylnce
vou of their merits. These Dills aru easy in
action auu are iiarticuiariy enecitve in me
euro of Constipation and Sick Headache. For
Malaria and Liver troubles they havo been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to
be purely vegetable. They do not weaken
bv their action, but by eivine tono to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate the system.
Kegular size sua per uox., .noiq uy A, w asioy,
CiiHhtoi lloirniau Acquitted.
Baltimore, July 8. The Jury In the
United States court yesterday acquit
ted Assistant Cashier Edward Hoffman
on three Indictments charging him with
making false entries and with mlsap
proprlating the funds of the People's
National bank, of Hagerstown. On the
fourth Indictment, charging him with
a false entry of a (12,000 aheck, the
Jury dlagrd. Hoffman will give bond
to appear for trial on the remaining
Indictment, and the oase will go over
until the Ootoher term. It 1b doubtful
whother tno ease will ever come up
again. The amount of the alleged mis
appropriation was $16,000, all of which
was lost In speculation In peaches,
A True Remedy.
W. Jf. Repine, editor Tiskilwa, 111.,
"Cliiuf. " savs : Wo won t keen house with
out Dr. KIiir's New Discovery for CoiiBinnn
tlon, Coughs anil Colds, Experimented with
maiiv others, but never irnt the Into reinhlv
until we used Dr. King's flow pWcovery. J'o
other remedy eait take itatlstKJl) our home.
as in it we have a certain apit sure cure for
Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc." His
Idle to oxnerimiuit with other remedies, oven
if they are urged on you as Just as good an
nr. Ivlns's New Discovery. Thov are not as
good, because this remedy has a record of
cures ana uesuies s guarantees, ii never
falls to satisfy. Trial bottles free at A
Wasley'a drug store.
Mo woman
the rfsht to
nervous, fretfu.
burden to her hus
band. If she is, il
i. due to her owr
Ignorance or nee
lect. If she will
fc take proper care
of herself and look
after the health of
the delicate organs that rtre the most import-
nt parts of her physical make-up, she will
soon De a neaiiuy, amiaoie netptnate, in
stead of a burden to the partner of her joys
and sorrows. No women who Htiffers from
weakness and disease of the distinctly wo
manly organism can be a good, helpful wife
to an ambitious man It is easy to keep
these organs healthy and vigorous.
The most woncWfttl medicine for women
Is Dr. l'ierce'a Favorite Prescription. It
acts directly on the organs that make her a
woman. It cures nil weakliest and disease.
It allays inflammation, soothes pain, and
permits the tortured nerves to resume their
natural condition. It atopt all weakening
drains and the woman who has hithetto
been nervous, weak and fretful becomes
robust, helpful and happy. Thousands of
happy women, who were once pain-tortured
and miserable, testify to its virtues. All
good druggists sell it.
"t write you these few lines to let you know
the good your ' l'avorlte Prescription did my
wife, writes Dennis II. Connelly, ltan., of Cleat
erv i
own work until she took two bottle of ' Favorite
Prescription.' She took her Doctor's medicine
but It did her no good. Your medicine la the
beat my wife ever had."
Have you a good reliable medical book
in the house? Time ought to be one in
every family in the world. Of all the med
ical books published there is not one so
comprehensive and reliable as Dr. Pierce's
Common Sense Medical Adviser. In all its
I.ooS pages there is not one sentence that
may not be readily understood. No phy
sician in the world has been a greater bene
factor than has Dr. Tierce. The best he
knows is in this book. It is illustrated with
over roo plates and drawings. It talks about
hundreds of ailments and tells you how to
cure tnem. you may nave tins book tor the
coat of nailing it. If you want the book
in caner covers send at one-cent sUqids.
to cover the cost of mailing onr. For cloth
cover send jt stamps. World's Disprtisarj
Medical A"nciaunn. liattalo, N. y.
Tho TluAtlmitoTtifk.
London, July 8. Greco-Turkish af
fairs appear to be entering an Inter
esting stage. Yesterday the porte dis
patched a circular to Its representa
tives abroad containing a skillful de
fense of the Turkish case, and declining
to consider any frontier line in Thes-
Baly northpf the-IUvSr PerjeloV, Which
It regards tis the natural JJoundnry". It
appa6rs'tha4tttjie mlttan .Jias convinced
himself that the povrers' will' not resort
to coercion, and has decided to test
tho aliened concert of Europe to tho
.What do the ClilltlreisUrlnk?
Dont give them tea or cofTeo. Have you
tried the how food drink collod Grnln-O? It
is delicious and nourishing and takes the
place of ,coffeo. Tho more Graln-0 you glvo
the children the more health" you distribute
through tliolr systems. Grain-0 is made of
paro grains, and wlion properly prepared
tastes llko the choice grades of colleo hut costs
about as much. All grocers sell it. ISc.
and 2Sc.
MtnorH Drlvou from "Work.
Wheeling, W. Va., July 8. Yesterday,
armed with pick handles and clubs, the
striking Wheeling nnd Lake Brio min
ers at Long Itun, over tho river, pro
ceeded to DUIonville, a short distance
away on the same rond, and forced the
working miners at the latter place to
come out on strike. The deputy United
Btates marshals from Cincinnati had
not yet arrived.
Hives nro not dangerous to life, but they
oro a prolificbreederof misery and profatilty.
Doau'g Ointment gives instant relief, even in
the worst cases of this nnd other
ing diseases of tho skin,
Noted Frontdi Artist Killed.
Honflcur, France, July 8. Joseph
Dantan, the well known French painter,
was killed yesterday by being thrown
out of his carriage, owing to the bolt
ing of the horse attached to It. The
legs of Mme. Dantan, his "wife, who
was wlh him, were both broken. Dan
tan, who wns born In 1818, was the son.
of Joan Pierre Dantan, the sculntor.
who died In 1SC3. He was decorated
with the cross of Jio Legion of Honor
in"l880. 5-. .
- r f
"They don't mko iiihuiilr f)Ss about' It."
Wonre Tlpenking of TJb'Wtt's' Little Rarly
Kisera. thu famous Ittlo pi Is tor constipation.
biliousnoBS, nnd all stomach -and liver
troubles, They nevor gripo. C. H. Hagon
Snl!"lurVii i'uIYPtJ Mi.) vv C)ii)iiiIhsIoii
jonuoi), juiy s. The Mniquls of Sal
isbury yestciday afternoon received
the United Stmpfc iirionetnry commis
sioners, Messrs. AVolcott, Stevenson
and Paine. They wore presented to the
prime minuter, by united States Am
bassador Hay. v
Why suffer with Couehs. Colds and 7
Grippo when Laxative Ilrnmo Quinine will
cure you in ouo day. Put up in tablets con
venlent for taking. Guaranteed to cuie, or
money refunded. Price, 25 cents, "or sale
by Kirjln's Pharmacy.
Side Entrance on Green St.. PHILADELPHIA, PA.
Vm.nn Aid ilnnila AatnaT.liwI A llinaa itnn.
templRitng 'marrtarft If you sro a victim of
Private Diseases tissZXEWSi
trnvmfnditnd bndv. and unfit vou for tho
(Jutie nf life, call or write and be aavM. lloursi
Dally, 0-3 1 'Vgs, I-0s fiun.. il-tJ. Bend 10 cts. In
H tamps for Boole with worn teatl rannlnla
JQxpoalnv Quncki and X'ake Inatltutei.
A tiid. TIB urn lira WOMAN'S RELIEF. '
AItvtinr(MiiDtt.d relitlilit. Atuvl miviIkm.
At drutr tUtrei orient din el (wkiu), price, f I.
For Bale at Klrlln'a drug store and Shenandoah
uniff store.
peii7a. .Railroad.
May 30.1897.
Trains will leave Shenandoah alter the abor.
ato for WlKKims. Cllljiartou. Froekvllle, Dsrl
rater. St. Clair, l'ottlrllle. Ifambilrir. iteadln.
Fottatown, l'hoenixvlllo, Norristowu and Phi1.
adelphla (Uroad street station) at COS and 11 OS
a.m. and 4 20 p. m. on week days, Sundays,
0 OB a, m., 3 1pp. in. For l'ottertlie and inter
mediate stations only 917 a. m, week days.
Sundays, 9 45 a. in.
Trains leave rrackviiie ror mienanaoali al
1040a.m. and 1231. 541. 7 62 and 1047 n. m.
Sunday, 11 13 a. m. and 5 41 p. ra.
xAve s-oissviiio lor puenanupau ai. 1U la
a. m, and, o 10, YK ana 10 su p, m. Sunday
al ltj'40 a. m., 6 15 vjn.
Leave Pldladslnllta. (Rroad street htattnnV tn
Shenandoah Jto 87, g aSand 10 19 a. pi., 4 10 and
T I p. m. wefik days. Sundays leave at KSO a. ro.
Laaye Uroad street station, Philadelphia, iw
Sea (Hii, Ashury Park, Ocean G rovj), Loni
iiraneu, anu imernieuiaie stations, 0 50, H.S5
11.39. a. m.. 8.80 and 4.00 n. in. weck-dAvs. Rn,,.
days, 8 25 a. in.
Leave Uroad Street Station, PJdlaiitfda,
FOR "NHW Ybll, ji
Express. w'eck-iays 89(1, 4(tt, 4 50X13 T0,
7 83, 8 a, 8 83, 9 50, 10 21 (Dlnlnir Cnr)7n 00 ftThi
1200 noon, i23A (Limited 100 and 4 22 p. in,
pining Care), 140, 280 (l)lnlng Cur) 3 30, 350.
4 00. 5 00.5 65(11 In inrttar). 6 00. 7 Oi. 7 43. 10 00
p. m 12 01, night, Sumlava. a 30. 4 (, 4 50, 5 ,
t JOV 83, 9 SO, 10 Si . ( III-uig Carh U a. in.
1285.105 illldnfir Cr) B0 (Plnlwr Car), 400
Vi.tiniiotii nimnuguarj, o ju, a rjo.tiJiniuir uarl
aim t frt 1 m inrvi.. ... lorn ..i..i..
Express for Huston wltliout change, 11 00a in.,
wevt-uisyB, nun , ta p. in., uauy.
ln the PATHWAY S
of the Expectant
Mother dangers lurk,
and should bo ovoidod.
so prepares tho system
for the cltonqo taking
placo that tho final
hour is robbed of all
Danger Its use insures safety to the
lifo of both mother and child, and makes
child-birth easy and recovery more rapid.
"'Mother's friend' is tho greatest
remedy ever put on tho market, and all
our customers praise it highly."
W. II. KING & CO., Whitcwright, Tex.
8ent by Mall on receipt of price, SI PfR fiOTTlL.
Hook "To Expectant Mothers" mailed free.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Steel Pennyroyal Treatment
Ib tho original nml only FRENCH,
enfo nnd rnlinhln enro on the mar
ket. Price. fl.n; sent by miiih
Genuine sold ouly by
S. P. KIR LIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
Trains leave Rhenandonh as follows:
For New York via Philadelphia week dava.
210, 5 30. 705 0 fit a.m., 12X1, 310 and 0 07 p
m Hundaj's, 2 10 n. m.
For New " ork via Mauch Chunk, week dnvs.
5 , 7 05 n. m., 12 83 and 3 10 p. m.
For jtenuing aim i'liiindcipiiia, week days,
10. S 30. 7 05 a.lll.. 12 33. 8 10 nnd 0 07 n. m. Hun.
dAys, 2 10 n. m.
For I'ottsvlllc, week days, 2 10; 7 05 n. tn., nnd
12 ai, 8 10, S 07 anil 7 '2t p. in. Mondays, 2 10 n. in,
For Tniumiun nnd Mnhnnov Cltv. week dnvs
210,5 30, 7 05 a. m., 1283. 3 10 and G07 p. in.
Sundays, 3 10 a. m.
ior wuuainsport, niiiinury nnu l.owlslnrn,
week dnvs. 8 25. A 80. 11 30 a. m.. nnd 7 25 n. m
Siindnya, 3 25 n. m.
Jror Mniinno I'lnnc, weekdnya, 2 10. 3 25 5 30,
7 05. 9 51, 11 30 H. 111., 12 33, 3 10, 0 07, 7 25, 9 55 and
it iu p. in. diiiiuuys, iu, ii M n. IU.
For Ashland and Shnmokln. week davn. 3 25.
5 30, 7 05, 1130 a. m., 6 07, 725 and 0 55 p. m.
minuaya, a . a. m.
For ilnlthnore. AVashlngton nnd tho Weft via
H. AO. It. It., through trains lea") Heading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (1. it R. V R.) at 3 20,
7 55, 11 20 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p Sundnya,
3 20,7 00,1120 a. m., 3 40 and 7 27 p. in. Addi
tional tralna from Twenty-fourth and CI est-
nus streets ainiion, wec.K anys, to uu n. m. J2u,
12 U 8 40 p.m. Hundnys, 1 M, 8 23 p. in.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, 4 30, 8 00 a. in., and 1 80, 4 30, 9 00 p.
tu. Sundays, 5 00 p, m.
Lenvo New York via Mnucli Chunk, cok
days, 4 80, 9 10 n. m., 1 30 and 4 15 n. m.
Lenve Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, tcck
days, 4 20, 8 85, 10 10 a. in. and 1 42, 4 OB, 8 30, 11 30
in. cmnuuys, ji ou p. m.
Leave lteadlnc.weck days, 1 35, 7 lO.'O OS. a. in.
12 COm., 4 19, 000 and 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 185
IS. 111.
Leavo Pottsvllle, weekdays, 2 85, 740 a. m.,
12 30 and 6 12 p. in. Sundays, 2 35 a. m.
Leave Tnmnntln. week days. 3 18. 8 43. 11 23 a.
m., 1 30, 5 51, 7 20 and 9 43 p, in. Sundays, 3 18
a. In
Leave Mahanoy City, week daj-s, 12 20,3 45,
ill! m. in., z it, o jn, i) jf, 'ill anu tu us p. m.
Sundavs. 12 25. 3 15 a. in.
Leave Blahnnoy Plane, week days, 12 85 S 40,
400 080,920. 10 25. 1169 a. In., 232, 532, 088,
i of, ju pni, Dunuays, w -iu, u, uu a. m.
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 7 42, 1030 a
m., 4 00 and 11 30 p. m. Sundays, 11 30 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wart and
South street whntf for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Express, 8 00, 9 00, 10 15 a. m.,
(Satunlnva only. 1301 2 00. 3 00. 3 40. I 00. I 3n.
5 00, 3 40, 7 00 p. in. Accommodation, 8 00 a. in.,
5 30. 0 80 p. m.
Sundays Express, 730, 8(0, 8 30, 900, 10 00
a. m., 4 15 p. m. Accommodation, 8 00 n. in.,
4 45 p. m. 81.00 excursion train to foot of
Mississippi Ave., 7 00 n. m. dally.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, con or
Alinniio aim Arkansas nveuuoa.
Weekdays Express, (Mondays only 0 45n.m.)
7 00,7 45,8 10,9 00, 1015. 1100 a. m.. 380. 4 80.
5 30, 7 SO, 9 30 p. m. Accommodation, 4 25, 815
a. in., iiu p. m.
Sundays Express. 3 30. 4 00. 5 00. tt 00. 0 30.
7 00, 7 80, 8 00, 9 80 p. tn. Accommodation, 715
a. in., 5 05 p. m. 81.00 excursion train from foot
of Mississippi Ave., only, weekdays, 000 p.m., s,u iup, in,
IJarlor Cars on all express tralna.
Omdiialenml Late Resident Hoimsb Surgeon of
tho University State of N. Y.
HBAnquanTEBS : Hotel Proney, Shenandoah,
TllltltlS YEAR COUItflRj.
fSos nlgit or day promptly responded to
0 8. PHILLIPS, M. D.
Office: 80 West Centre stioet.
Can be consulted at all hours.
Oftlce Kiran bulldlngr, corner of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
il pomkhoy,
Jjl W. flllOltilAKHIt,
Owner Market and CentttsteetaJt
Lotik Box 65, Mahanoy City, l'a.
navlng studied under some of tho but
masters IV London and Purls, will give lessons
on the violin, mandolin, guitar and vooalculture.
Terms reasonable. Addreaa In eare of Sirouse,
the Jeweler, Shenandoah.
Tho Nurnbflr of Mino Strlkors In
creased by Fivo Thousand
Hut the Opurntoi's Aro .lust ns Confl
dont ofSuooiM An Aro tho Men Who
Aro Demntidlitir Hotter l'n.v f 'or Tlinli
I'lttsburR, July 8. Sixty hours after
the Inauguration of the great coal
miners strike a comparison of state
ments from both sides engaged In the
contest show favorable results for the
illggpi-s. Discounting th3 miners' offi
cials announcements by the operators'
opinions, there seems no question that
the workmen have scored a decld.-d
advantage IVt this district, and it Is be
lieved that ua the Plttsburs district
goes ro goes the country. Conserva
tive estimates place the number of
miners now striking In this jlistrict at
rrom to men, an increase
of about 6,000 over Tuesday's record.
This leaves but from 3,000 to 5,000 men
still working.
The key to the entire situation, from
present appearances, lies In the success
or defeat of the strikers In securing
the co-operation of the men now work
ing for the New York and Cleveland
Gas Coal company. Without these men
the strike can hardly succeed, because
they will be able in a measure to supply
the demand long enough to tide over
the present embarrassment. Patrick
Dolan, president of the Pittsburg dis
trict miners, Is confident that liefore
the present week closes he will have
succeeded In getting all of these men
to Join the ranks of the strikers, and
when this result Is effected the battlo
will be praotloally won.
The operators are Just as confident
of success aa the miners are. and last
night Issued n statement claiming n
large accession of men in different
parts of the district and a heavier ship
ping list than usual. One thing slightly
In favor of the operators Is tho freeing
of navigation on the Monongaheln
river, which went Into effect yesterday.
Ten million bushels of coal which have
been stocked In . the pools above here
awaiting this event will be brought to
this harbor and be available for the
present demand.
Notwithstanding the advantages
claimed for the operators, the consensus
of opinion appears to be In favor ot
the miners, inasmuch as the operators
enn hope only for temporary relief with
their present facilities, and the miners'
officials seem to be in a fair way to
effectually cripple even these by con
stantly adding to their number from
the ranks of those remaining at work
when the miners' headquarters were
visited last evening the officials were
In lilgli glee over tho result accom
plished during the day. "From all re
ports I havo received," said President
Dolan, "there aro no more than 3,000
miners at work In the Pittsburg dis
trict. From reliable lieutenants In the
field reports received say that more
than 8D per cent, of the nggregnto num
ber of men In the district havo Joined
In the movement for higher wages.
The best news received wns that the
men working under contract at the
Pan Handle mines of M. A. Ilanna
& Co. had quit work, and that .also
Robbing First Pool miners were Idle,
and no coal was loaded at the mines
of tho Pittsburg Gas Coal company at
Snowden and Gnstonvllle. Tho strike
Is a greater success than the one of
1804. If we can get the men at tho New
York and Cleveland Gas and Coal com
pany out we can settle this tight within
a week, and I believe we can do It."
Leading operators In the district pro
fess to tnke an entirely different view
of the situation. They admit that tho
miners have-succeeded In getting more
men to strike than they expected, but
say they are not worrying over the
outlook," and that the strike will not
last a week. None of them aro pressed
for coal, and have offers from oper
ators whose miners have not Joined In
the movement to help them out. Ex-
Senator Camden, of.Wflit Virginia, has
plenty of coal, and Is now trying to
lease cars to take It to the market.
Pittsburg operators whose mines are
Idle have requests for their individual
cars. One operator sent 100 cars to
West Virginia on Tuesday.
The strike has already benefited the
West Virginia operators, nnd If It con
tlnues for a few weeks they will bo
enabled to dispose of a large quantity
ot coal.nt good prices.
Ilorolo Sailor Iloiim-od.
Baltimore, July 8. Captnln George A,
Illnes, of the schooner Hilda, was last
evening presented, at his home In this
city, with n gold medal and certificate
ot honor by Mr. Arthur ltobpon, the
local agent of the Compagnle Generale
Transatlantlque. The honor was con
ferred upon Captain Illnes by the offi
cials of the French- line In recognition
of his brayjary In rescuing four of the
shipwrecked crew of Uie Vllle de St.
Nazalre, which foundered off Cape
Hatteras last winter. Captain RtnoB
picked up from a lifeboat the captain,
steward, doctor and one passenger of
the ill fated steamer several days after
the wreck occurred.
Don't Tobacco Spit and. Smoke Your Life
If yon want to quit tobiipco trning easily
and forever, be mad well, strong, magnetic,
full of new ltTo'Btid vigor, take Nw-To-Hae,-tlie
wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong, Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Ove-r-MOO.OOO euwl. Hny Wo-To-ilae front
your own druggist, wlio will guarantee a
cure. SOe or 1.00. llooklet and mmple
maileil free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Cou
Cliieaeo or New York.
Yoiuiu'ltoJjHrt llDiiuei-'Dylnsr. , .
New York, "duly 8. Hubert IWwin
Iionner, son of Itolert Ilonner, the pub
lisher and horse breeder, Is said to be
dying at his summer home In Arvene,
I I. About two weeks ago Mr. Iionner
fell and s eerlbusjy injured.. On
J Sunday he bm st a blood vessel In hl
lunge, lie is now dangerously in. jsir.
Iionner Is about 36 years old, .and Is. a
graduate of Princeton. ' '
llucklen's Arnica Salve.
The beet salvo In the world for cut,
bruiteg, sores, ulcere, salt rlieam. favor, sores,
tetten chapped haiule, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and noaitfvelv cures nllns
or jo pay required.' It is guaranteed to give
perfect satUfttlon oj- nionajefunded. Price
an eeuw jier upx. for sale h A. Wasjey.
HIiiui. NuidK-H Seriously m.
London, July l-Urno, Lillian Nor
tuca. tne prima donna, Is til at. the
uoiei iMvoy. ume. tforicaa sxeaull
-.Hon baa grown raewfit fbras during
the ntfrtt, anC now ocoasUtns har
friends the greatest anxiety. Iter phy.
piiusii rv -in oonsiant attendance.
There La a time fur -everything : and the
time te attend to a cold Is wliMi it
starts. Don't wait till you have consump
tion uni. prevent u oy using (ino MinuUi
tVuigh Cure, the great reinody for .nughs.
j colds, i iniip. Iirniii hitis and all throat uud
i lung troubles V 11 Hiigi-ubui h.
looks ahead. She is never without a
supply of Cottolene. The
health without medicine.
family is much better
every way since she
look for tks trd-mrks "Polloum." and tlMr't Aat U MHM-ptssI -er erery Mo.
Chicago, New York, l'lilladelpliln, Pittsburgh.
We offer two assortment o
glassware for 5 and 10 cents
that cannot be beat any where
for the money In town.
Meluskey & Son,
105 S. Main St.
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug:
25 SO
iP'Jftl IITPI V ftlTIP JNTPRn tn cnre an
i.i.uuuusuu uuiiiiiiuiijui u, p. nPTrr
pie and Booklet free. Ad. KTKItl.lMl KKMUlV
Summer neat
Por over 25 ycara it has been curing thousands of oases of
Biliousness, Indigestion, Malaria, Hervous Prostration,
Kidney Troubles, 5c. St Purifies ihe Bioou, Gives you
an Appetite, and Helps you Digest what you Eat.
Taie It now and get your system in shape to stand the cold weather.
Sold at KIRLIN'S Drue Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
A Great Magazine Offer
'Jhe regular1 afibacription price of
uciuuicai o rnnguuus,
.Judge's Library." and
Funny Pictures'' is 3-30
DEMO REST S MAG AZ I N E' la by far the best family msvgulne published : there la non
pTouriiiontTIllM ht wI.iolttI.elHiauHful and the luoful, piesseu mid profit, faehton and
literature are so fully preMiited aa In Demore.'.. There I., In fswt, !,. publication ore -lSSSr1
,"lrP"' 'lw''lt. KvJfyuumberooi?.
IUDGES LIBRARY" la a iiionthiy magaslne of fun, nlle.1 with Illustration b, eerioature
mustrRtow humor, lie contributor are the best of Ainurioan wita and
'.FUNNY.PIQTURES' la another humorous monthly there la a lauuh In ,tbh
-r rz "- w MwMuiui;ij bjutscii up. i oil snouiil not iiilastlltli
I"" .r m'
. "Qttt here attd retunt
Dcmo!wt PufalUKiKg Co., 1
result is
off in
Evan J. Dayies,
Undertaking !
13 N. Jardin Street.
Wanted-An Idea
Who can think
of some simple
thlus; to patent?
Protect your Id fax: thr mar brlnir tou wealth
Write JOHK WEUDKRDUUN CO., Patent Attor
oeys. Waahlngton, D. C for their 1.8oo prlio offer
and list ot two hundred Intentions wanted.
are pniRnnelvo nntl keep inforiripil of
tbo World's Progress. Tho well in-
formed and thrifty Houswlfp will
alwnys keep
In the house, ns a einndartl remedy for s
Sprains, Bruises, Cramp?, Itbeuiuatlstn, E
and all riches and pains
Pries 2B cl. and 60 eta. per bottle. E
Prepared by H. J. HACKETT & CO., Philadelphia
.Vf.icn 1 1 iltLj'. what 10 u.e lot
i.trvuLs J ichi'nv, l.ohs (f Power,
laioicncy. Atrophy, Varicocele and
other weaknesses, from i.ny cause,
use Scxine Pills. Drains checked
and full viifor quickly restored.
If Dfllc4. tiKb IrasbMs TMBll rtullT.
MailcdJorSl.O0j6txxes$5.O0. With
J5.00 orders we give a guarantee to
cure or refund ihe money. Address
PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland. O,
Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
rascof constipation. Cmrarfts art the Meal Ijxa-i
irrlp nr cripe.nni ranie rnsynnturainsiills. Nnm-(
!.. Clilrnco. Can.. orNen York. un.j
Wears You Uut
We will sand all three to yoa fo
one year tor $2.00, or 6 mo. for SI.
bis uhano
Coupon properly filled out.
10 Fiftk Avcc Ncv York.