rn-iiTfiTHfnWii iiirWinnTaBaaBBgHMtiB CirCTTTP II CD AT Tb CY ClNIrill iiCKALLr j mTAHI.ISIIHl) 1H70. Published every K veiling, Ktcept 8undy, at SOTTtn JARDIH HTRKIFT. NlHAn CEWTRK. The Hnrnlit la dellvei ed In Hhenandonn and the surrounding towns for six ciit i week, pnv able to the carriers. By -0 Jf"'. f cents a month, payable In advance. Aarettiae mentg charged according to space and position. The publishers reserve the rfaht to change the position of advertisement whenever the pub llesHon of news demands It. The right Is rMrvct to reject any advertisement, whether paid lor or not, that the publishers may deem Improper. Advertising rates made known upon application. Kntared at the postoftlce at Shenandoah, Pa., as second class mall matter. TKL.KPIIONR CONNECTION. "All the News Thai's Fit to Print." Evening Herald WEDNESDAY, JULY 7. 1807. Crops generally are in a most promising condition. A country blessed with three abundant crops In succession Is no place for croakers. TlIK political battle this fall is only n skirmish line. The one a year hence, with Congressional and Legis lative candidates in the field, will be a hummer. TlIK latest Brooklyn bridge jumper succeeded In jumping to death, we know of some Schuylkill county "statesmen" who, politically speak iiur. are on a fair road to reach the fame result. It is said the Mahanoy Plane post ofllco has been promised to three different parties by the ox-Senator. This Is Olid way but not a very "promising" one to make votes for state delegate. Ax alliuiportantquestion just now will the salary remain at ten dollars a week, or will the school plum drop in the locality In question ? It will reach a final settlement to-night, at the Board meeting. TlIK future rulers of Great Britain, Germany, Russia, Grooco and Uou mania will bo descendant of Queen Victoria, and there is a large reserve for contingencies in her seventy grandchildren and great-grandchil dren. TlIK proprietor of a large New York dry goods store says : "Tlie women are the buyers, and I believe that most of them care moro for the ml vertisenients than for the news." It would be nearer the mark to say that many of them look on the advertise ments as news as ' a good advertise mailt always is. In the death of It. A. Glover, whicl occurred this morning, Shonandoal loses one of Its most xroininent and influential citizons a loss we can ill afford at this time. Identilled witl every movement tending to advance the interests of tho town and its people, ho made a most exemplary citizen. TlIK HkkaIiD has made arrange ments with one of the most versatile political wcifBHtti the county Avheceftyour reatfercwUJje furnished vftfli a budget of nows from the county seat, detailing the doings of the politicians of both parties. The campaign is becoming interesting, on the skirmish linos just prior to the conventions, and Hicham) readers will be kept posted on these matters TlIK School Board will hold a reg ular meeting this evening. It is prob able -if the Democratic members can agree upon a "slate" that the annual election of teachers will take place and that a number of heads will drop in the basket to satisfy the craving for revenge on the partof one or two of the majority party, regardless o the best interests of the schools. TlIK North American, in calling attention to the fact that every mem ber in the Pennsylvania delegation at Washington will seek renomina tion. has this to say of our Congress man '"If Mr. Brtiuim, of the Tliirteenth, can capture a renoinina- ion he has only one Democrat to fear. Ills name Is James B. Keilly, the present Marshal of tho Eastern district, lie is tho only man who has e ver been able to defeat Mr. Brumm, and then only occasionally." What is known as the "Polish Avenging Association" has been un earthed at Wllkesbarre. Tho exist ence of the association was made known nt a hearing before an alder man, In which a prosecutor said he was afraid to push cases because his life had been threatened by the avencrers. lie then pointed out Benkovltch, who was held and placed in jail in default of 1800 bail. Some Hensational developments are ex pected when the case comes to trial. Mn. AViiiKUKD IiAimiKit, Prime Minister of Canada, says the Phila delphia Star. uHBumes without cavil or doubt that Americans love Kng land. In one sense that is true, but oan It be said that we regard the mother oountry, as he is pleased to term Great Britain, with affection and reverence t That is saying a great deal. As long as Kngland behaves herself It will be the polioy, ns it will be the natural disposition of the Americans, to keep on good tonus with her, but if she should deem it proper to deport In an unseemly manner or take liberties not In no cordance with our conceptions, It will li found that our "affection and reverence" would not In any sense In terfere with our saying to her ' Shinny on your own side, or take the consequences." International love is rarely more than skin deep. How ever cordiul jiiay be the relations that 1,0,(1 between Hl,y two nations, it re quire ntfry trilling matter to oevpr those relation, hihI convert the two formerly friendly peoples Into tli most deadly aiieiiiln. 'f lie American love the Kngltali jmt to the extent they love any other people, the dura tion of that love dependltiK entirely upon her behavior toward" us. If she's good, and continue", we will 1 just as good as she. Nearly all summer com plai nt ore due to bad blood and unhealthy bile. Dr. l"owler's Kxt. of Wild Strswlorry cures by attacking the root of the Iron hie. It never falls. BASEBALL T3AMES YESTERDAY. Xntlmmt Lomcim, At Philadelphia Moslnn ft. rl,li,i.i. phln. t At Ilrookl.vn - New York i- Ilrooklyn. 5. At I'lltshiirff lltil,nr . Cleveland, . At Cincinnati-Cincinnati! 10; llalllmore, 3. lSnxtorn T.pnutip. At Ttuffalo Toronto. 11; HuiTala. 4. Al nochester Synwnwe, 14; lKwhwter, . At rrovtdooce-Fliiit Rama ; 8prtnneld, ; Prov Motion, i. Second game: lYovidencn, T; Springfield, t. Atlnntlo T.pneiio. At Newark Newark. 7: Aihinti i a, Norfolk-Heading, 6; Norfolk, 5. At Well-mond-Mehmond, S; Lancaster, 3. At Iat-craon-Pateraon. 1; Hartford. 6. Fertilisers. Telephone to M. Ulrlch & Son, Ashland, Pa., when you have a dead animal. They will haul It away at short notice, free of elm ri?e. 0-7-lm Donlo-, 1'uricliiK " Soiiutor'H Nnmo. Washington, July 7. S. 1. Williams, a young: man whose Dome Is In Ills uuirek, N. D., but who formerly held a clerkship In the treasury department In this city, was arrested yesterday on a charge of forging the name of Sena tor William E. Mason, of Illinois, to an application to the Pennsylvania rail road company for two round trip passes from Washington to New York city. Williams protests his Innocence. The police say they caught Williams by means of a decoy letter. "They don't nnko much fuss about It." Wo are speaking of Do Witt's Littlo Knrly Risers, the famousllttle pills for constipation, biliousness, and all stomach and liver troubles, They never grlpo. C. II. Ilagen bucli. Pntnlly Stnlihod IIIh Itrotlicr. Jit. Holly, N. J.. July 7. Henry Lem on, who was recently discharged from state prison, fatally stabbed his broth er Charles Monday night at Medford. Hie latter had stolen the affections of his best girl during Henry's sojourn In prison. When the men met a quar rel ensued, during which Henry drew a knife and stabbed his brother seven times about the body, and then fled, lie has not yet been recaptured. The injured man cannot recover, as any one of the wounds Is sufficient to cause death. Thero is a timo for everything ; and the time to attend to a cold Is when it starts. Don't wait till you havo consump tion but prevent It by using Ono Miuuto Cough Cure, tho great remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis and all tliro.it and lung troubles. C. II. Itagcnbucli. Persons Lending Town During the summer can havo tho Hehalo mailed to them by ordering it at thisolUcc, cither in person or by letter, at 25 cents per month. If you nro going to enjoy yourself among the cool hrcezos of tho soa shore or somo mountain retreat, on't forget that your enjoyment will not bo complete unless you havo the Hkralo sent to you. Vim, vigor and victory :-thoso are tho char acteristics of Do Witt's Littlo Enily Kisers, the famous littlo pills for constitution, bil iousness and all stomach and liver troublos. C. II. llngcnbuch. Plio Wontfior. For District of Columbia, eastern Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia: Generally fair; continued high temper ature; variable winds. For New Jer sey and Delaware: Showers on the im mediate coast: vailable winds. "I crave but Ono Minuto," said the public speaker in a husky voice; and then ho took a close oT Ono .Miuuto Cough Cure, and pro ceeded with his oratory. Ono Miuuto Cough Cure Is uiicquulled for throat and lung troublos. C. JI. llngcnbuch. 'J'.llllll' " t'ti-i' .Moro 'lli itvcrlt". Detroit, July 7. Proprietors of the 20 breweries in Detroit are each planning to sell out lo a syndicate composed chiefly of English capitalists. The con siderations nre to be cash and stock and bonds of the now corporation. Nearly all the brewers have signed an agreement for tho above purpose. A result of the consolidation will be a rise In tho mire of beer from J4 anil tD per barrel to $C. Three Ti illiliiien Killed. Woodsvllle, N. H., July 7. A freight train on the White Mountain division of the Huston & Maine railroad was wrecked by a washout at a point four miles north of this station. Three mep were killed and the engine and three cars woro badly wrecked. The dead are: Patrick Lenuon, engineer; Bert Pebbles, fireman, and O. S. Lange, brakeman. HOT WEATHER DYSPEPSIA. Thousands Suffer From it at This Season of the Year. Hot weather dyspepsia may be recognized by the following symptoms: Depression of spirits, heaviness and pain in the stomach after meals, loss of flesh and appetite, no de sire for food, Iwd taste in the mouth, espec ially in the morning, wind in stomacli and bowels, Irritable disposition, nervous weak ness, weariness, costiveuess, headache, inhi bition, heartburn. It Is a mistake to treat such troubles with "tonics," "blood purifi ers," "cathartics," "pills," because the whole trouble is in the stomanh. It is indi gestion or dyspepsia and nothing else. All these symptoms rapidly disappear when the stomach is relieved, strengthened, and cleansed by Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Th.y should bo taken after meals and n few carried in the pocket to be used when6Vor any pain or distress is felt in the stomach. They are prepared only for stomach troubles. Stuart's Dyspejisia Tablets are endorsed by such physicians as Dr. Harlandson, Dr. Jenn'sou, and Dr. Mayer, because they con taiu the natural digestive acids and fruit esHuoas which when taken Into" the stomach cause the prompt digestion of the food before it has time to ferment and sour, which is the cause of the mischief. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are pleasant to take anil unqualld for iuvalldt, children aud every person aftlictod with imixrfect di gestion. It is safe to say they will cure any form of stomach trouble except cancer of the stomach. Nearly all druggists sell Stuart's Dyspep sia Tablets, full siaed packages at 50 cents. A book on stomacli troubles aud thousands nf testimonials sent free by addressing Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. 1 IE1 WS OF II And Then the Right Thing In the Right Plnce Altera the Condition of a Bloonisluirg Lady. - Mrs. it. A. lira, of 7ih street in lllooms burg. Tor ten years she has suffered front kidney disorders. Many thinirs has Mrs. II ess tried, looking fur relief and cure. At last her efforts were rewarded. The little enemies to kidney disease have conquered the distressing backache, the stomach dis orders, the headaches, in fact all the nclics that follow where the kidneys fall to perforin the work designed for them ly nature. This is what she says : "The symptoms described for kiduey complaint were mine to a dot. I had pains sharp and piercing, way down low in the hack ; I suffered from headaches that were terrible In severity ; had some stomach disorder; the urine was highly coluied iuul cnio too frequently ; I was much worse after doing any kind of heavy work that required the use of or taxed my back, suoh as cleaning lioitso, etc , hut this year 1 cleaned house alone and never felt the least hit of incon venience ; thanks lo Doau's Kidney I'M. Colds alfected me and I grew nervous and weak; 1 have been so Iwd 1 would Iry any tiling to relieve the pain. I began taking Doan's Kiduey Pills, and only used them two or three days whon I began to notice they were doing me good : am alright now ; I urn glad to say t feel ixn fectly well; I earnestly recommend Doau's Kidney I'ills to all suf ferers with a pain in the small of the lock." What more can you ask than testimony like this? I'lalu, truthful endorsement Is what the proprietors of Doan's Kidney Pills are placing before the public and no medicine of mcdern times can produce such testimony as that which is being published about tho littlo kidney conquerors. Doan's Kidney I'ills are sold by all dealers. Price 50 cents per box, or 0 hoses for $8.50 Sent by mail on receipt of price. Foster Mllburn Co., solo agents for tho U. S., Buf falo. N. Y. 'X Hi' l nil ill icioioi i. Calcutta, July 7. All sections of the community r.re In a state of anxious expectancy ns to the development ,if the early future. It Is rumored that all the mill hands up the Hoogly have struck work, and that they are pre paring to march 8,000 strong to rein force the rioters here. The government haB ordered the military to Intercept them. When bilious candy catlinitlr cr costive, cat a Casaarits .11 ro guaranteed, 10c, 25c. aswmwmmtmmmmfftmK uiuuummimuiiiuiuuiiuuiuiiiuuiuiuuuui EE 1 IT'S I EASY ENOUGH S To sell you shoes if we can get you into our store. Once you're ST here, see our shoes and SJ know our prices, you'll Sr do the rest. El And to bring you to the S: store is why we print this "ad" every day. It: We want your first E: order ; we're pretty K: sure of the next, and j the next, if we get SE: that. We know there's no store in this town that is doing, or that 2 can do as well lor you ST as we. If everybody 5 else knew it as thor- ougly as WK know it, our store would be S several times too small. 2 3 3 2 3 3 THERE ARE OUR 1 TAN SHOES For example. Ordin- 5 ary stores ask 25c and 5; 50c more than we do for them, and get it, g too. They don't get Sr it as often as they used ,5J- to, because we have 2r so much of their busi- 2z "ess. And 'the charm that does the price- 5 lowering is Factory 2 2 Price. Women's tans, $1, $1.25, 1.50 and $2. 00. Misses' tuns, 75c and $1. Men's tans, $1.25, 1.50 and $2.00. Boys' Inns, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. 2 2 Checks for amount of pur chases made, are Qivon every customer. $25.00 worth entitlos you to a handsome Parlor Lamp, I Factory 1 -Shoe I b j .Store, t J. A. Moyer, Mgr. ...SHOES AT FACTORY PRICES.,. 2 je mnimrrmimimimiimmimmimninnniTim 3 7..muum...m.is..,..Muur? Of. CROP CONDITIONS. A Verr I'tivornlilo lloport From tllrt "Weatlipi" llurenu. Washington, July 7. The weather lui"au. In Its report of crop conditions fur the week ending July 5, says: In the states if the ceneral valleys, lake legion and New Kngland the week rmllng July 5 has been very favorable to crops, the high temperatures being espwrUlly favorable to corn. In the southern states the conditions have been less favorable, the excessive heat and absence of rainfall proving In jurious lo most crops. On the Paolflr coost the weather has been most I vorable. Ill the principal corn states of the central valleys corn has made rapid growth, but In tho southern states It la suffering for rain, in some sections seriously. Excessive raliiB In Missouri have retarded cultivation. and the crop is still backward In Min nesota. In Texas, while the late corn is suffering from drought, the early planted Is matured and a good yield assured. Cotton Is needing rain over the great er part of the cotton bolt, more par ticularly the southern portions Tin. crop Is, however, generally clean ana fruiting well. A marked improvement Is reported from Oklahoma, and It Is doing well In Missouri, Tennessee. North Carolina and portions of Florida In southern Texas bolls are beginnlm; to open. The bulk of the winter wheat crop Is now harvested south of the 40th paral lelabout the latitude of the centrnl portions of I nil In 11a. Ohio and Illinois. Excessive rains have retarded harvest ing In Missouri, and caused further damage to grain In shock. Oood pro gress with harvesting has been made In Nebraska and northern Indiana, and harvesting will soon begin In Michigan. Spring wheat has continued to make henii nn favorable progiess, and Is now lng well over the southern portion of the spring wheat region. In Oregon the best crop for years Is promised. Tobacco has continued to Improve generally, but Is still In poor condition In Kentucky. A marked Improvement Is reported In Ohio, and the crop is doing well In Missouri, Pennsylvania nnd Maryland. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let It stand twenty-four hours; a sedi ment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition of tlio kidneys. When 'urine stains linen it Is posltivo cvidenco of kidney trouble. Too frequent desiro to urluato or train in the back, is also (ouviuciug proof that tho kidneys and bladder aro out of order. WHAT TO DO. Tlioro is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmor's Swamp Root, tho groat kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in relieving pain in tho hack, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of tho urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urino and scalding pain hi passing it, or had effects following use of liquor, wiuo or beor, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of liciug compelled to get up many times during tho night to uriuato. Tho mild and tho extra ordinary effect of Swamp-lioot is soon realized. It stands tho hlghet for its won derful cures ef the most distressing case If you need a medicine you should havo tho host. Sold by druggists, prico fifty cents and 0110 dollar. You may have a sumplo bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Men tion Evening HEiui.n and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ilingliamton, N. Y. Tho proprietors of this paper guarantee tho genuiness of this offer. Another Now York Ilnrbor Mystery. New York, July 7. The llndlng of a woman's leg drifting with the'tlde In the Hnst river at the foot of Ninety eighth street, on July 1, did not attract any particular attention on the part of the police. The limb was Inclosed In a black stocking, and had on a red garter. It was in a badly decomposed state, and appeared to have been dls jointed at the knee. Yesterday an. other female leg, also encased In f black stocking, and having a buttoned C'i shop covering the foot, was picked up In the bay, near tho Narrows, and turned oVer to the Port Hamilton po lice. The finding of the legs has at tracted the attention of some one who Is making a secret Investigation Into the mystery, for last night A. J. Ben oterlch, a Greek sculptor, with two of his assistants, called at tlie morgue and made a plaster cast of the limb found on July 1. If It required an annual ontlay of f 100.0(1 to insure a family against any serious conso quences from an attack of bowel complaint during tho year thero aro many who would feel it their duty to pay H , that they could not afford to risk their liven, and those or their f.imlly for such an amount. Any ono can get this insurance for 25 cents, that bo- lng tho prico of a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itomcdy. In almost ovcry neighborhood some onoliasdlcd from an attack of bowel complaint before medicine could bo procured or a phyniclan summoned. Ono or two doses of this remedy will cure any ordinary case. It never fall Can you aubrd to tako tho risk for so small an amount. For sale by (Iruhlcr Bros., druggists. Alli'tii'il oiiiili'i-Ccltors Arrostpil, New York, July ".The United States seerct rervli'p agents made four mure arrests yesterday In connection with the counterfeiting of about $500,- 000 worth of Costa Itlcan bank notes, The prlxnneis are Louis Ilausman, Mrs. Uetsy Chevln, Frederick Mora and Her man Dohn. The alleged counterfeiters were held In JS.0O0 ball each for examination tomorrow. It Is under stood that the arrests were made at the request of the Costa Itican author ities In Washington. Dohn, who Is a lithographer, Is believed to have print ed the counterfeits at his place of busi ness. Put an end to misery. Doan's Ointment will euro tlio worst case of Itching Piles there over was, and do it almost Instantly. Years of suffering relieved in a single night, (let Doan's Ointment from your dealer. National Kilueallonul AHuiirlittlon, Tlie Pennsylvania Railroad Conijiany an nounces that on account of the meeting of tlie National Educational Association, at Milwaukee, Wis., July 0 to 0, It will sell con tinuous tuwaage tickets from all points on iU line east of Pittsburg and Krie to Mil waukee at rate of single fare for the round trip, plus $3.00 membership fee. TiclvUwIll be sold and will 1 good going only oil July 2, 3, and 4, and will be good to return, Icaving'Milwaukee July 10, 11, and 18, 1867, only, except that by depositing ticket with joint agent at Milwaukee on or More July 12, and on payment of fifty cents, an exten sion of return limit may lie obtained to leave Milwaukee until August 31, 18W7, inclusive. Don't nauseate your stomacli with teas and bitter herbs, but regulate your liver and sick lieadaclie by using those famous 'little pills known as De Witt'sl.ittle Early Risers. C. II. Uagoubucb. Bottled Up! Whether in the form of pill powder or liquid, the doctor's prescription for blood diseases is always the same mercury or potash. These drugs bottle up the poison and dry it up In the system, but they also dry up the narrow in the bones at the same time. The suppleness and elasticity of the joints give way to a stiffness, the rack ing pains of rheumatism. The form Gradually bends, the bones ache, while ccrcplludc and helplessness prema turely take possession of the body, and it is but a short step to a pair of crutches. Then comes falling of the hair and decay of the bones, a con dition truly horrible. Contagious Blood Poison the curie of mankind is the most horrible of all diseases, and has al ways baffled the doctors. Their pot ash and mercury bottle up the poison, but it always breaks forth again attack ing some delicate organ, frequently the mouth and throat, filling them with eating sores. S.S.S., is the only known cure for this disease. It is guar anteed nurelv vege table, and one thousand dollars reward is offered for proof to the contrary. It never fails to cure Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism, Cancer, or any other disease of the blood. If vou have a blood disease, take a remedy which will not Injure you. Beware of mercury; don't do violence to your system. JDon't get uottieu up 1 Uur books sent tree 10 any auuress, Swift Specific Co.. Atlanta, Ga. 'crnonnlly-Ooiitliicted Tours via 1'eiiiinyl- vanla ltutlrontl. That tho public havo come to rccogulzo tlio (act that the best and most convenient method of pleasure travel is that presented by tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company's personally-conducted tours, is evidenced by tlio Increasing popularity of these tours. Under tills system the lowest rates aro ob tained, for both transportation and hotel ac commodation. An experienced tourist agent and chaperon accompany eaclf tour to look aftor tlio comfort of tho passenger. The following tours havo been arranged for tlio season of 1807 : To tbo north (including Watkius Olen, Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands. Montreal, Quebec, Au Sable Chasm, Lakes Cbamplalu and George, Saratoga, and a daylight ride down through the Highlands of the Hudson), July 27 and August 17. Kate, $100 for the round .trip from hew lork, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, covering all oxpenses of a two weeks' trip. To lellowstono Park on a special train of Pullman sleeping, compartment, and observa tion cars and dining car, allowing eight, days in "Wonderland," Septombor 8. Bate. $235 from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington ; $230 from Pittsburg. To Niagara Falls, excursion tickots good to return within ten days will be sold on July 22, August 5 and 19, September 4 and 10, at rate of $10 f.-om Philadelphia, Baltimore, aud Washington. Theso tickets includo transportation only, and "will permit of stop over within limit at Buffalo, Bochostor, aud Watkins on tho return trip. Two ten-day tours to Gettysburg, Luray Caverns, Natural Bridge, Virginia Hot Springs, Richmond, and Washluglon, Sep tember 28 and October 12. Hato, f Bo from New York, $03 from Philadelphia. FEARFUL BOILER EXPLOSION. It ItcMiUtH In Xlno Denths mill Juries to 1'lvo Others. Iu Hartsvllle, Tenn., July 7. A boiler explosion occurred on the farm of W. A. Allen, this county, yesterday after noon, by which nine people were In stantly killed and five badly Injured, The dead are W. A. Allen, James Allen, Lindsay Allen, Mock Tunstlle, Asa Harr, Porter Everltt, John Bolton, Len Barsdall and Will Allen. The latter two were negroes. The wounded are: Calhoun "Stone, leg broken In two places; George Dice, badly scalded and mangled, will die John Foley, colored, will die; Lambert Haley, colored, may recover; Sam Wheeler, colored, leg broken. Mr. Allen and bis men had just fin- isneu inresmng wneat and were pre paring to leave the field when the ex plosion occurred. Some of the victims were mangled beyond recognition, and pieces of the boiler were blown 700 yards, Lindsay Allen's head was blown away and has not been found. Wheeler, Dice and Foloy are certainly fatally Injured, Trnln WrooUed by a Wntorspout ldclimond, Ky., July 7. The south bound Louisville and Nashville passes ger train was wrecked at Harris Sta Hon, near here, at midnight. A water spout nad washed the track out at this point, and the train, which was making a low rate of Bpeed, was ditch ed. The passengers escaped Injury, but Knglneor John Clark and Fireman Frank Hutter were seriously Injured. Clark's face was scalded In a fearful manner, and Hutter'B head was torn and bruised. The men had to be dug rrom under the dirt and coal heaps, They may recover. A Dostructlvo (.'Imiilhui'st. Kllwood, Fa., July 7. Monday night one of the most frightful nnd destruc tive cloudbursts In the locality known as Duck Hun occurred. The loss In the way of cattle Is heavy, nnd the county limine, grain and buildings were to tally destroyed. Fully 50 yards of the Plttsbuig and Western tracks were washed out, and it Is reported that a number of people made narrow escapes wun ineir lives. l!x-MInlntor Niii'lliuj) Prostrated, Detroit, Mich., July 7. Hon. George Van Ness Norlhup, United States minister to Russia during a part of President Cleveland's first ailmlnlstra Hon, and a prominent lawyer and poll. tlcian, lies critically 111 at ills residence, badly prostrated by the heat. His ad vanced age, SO years, renders recovery doubtful. Killed In a Itiinuwuy Aooldout. Atlantic City. July 7 Lewis Smith, a blacksmith, was killed yesterday at English Creek, this county. In a runa way accident. He was driving a load of Iron to ills shop, when the horse be came unmanageable. He fell beneath the wheels, and his head was crushed. Kllltxl by n Skyroukot, Newark, N. J.. July 7. vlosenhlne K. Shaff.-ry, a young girl of thin city, died yesterday at the home of relatives In Kearney, N. J., aa the result of an ac cident at tin display of fireworks at Newark Monday night, when a rookct struck her. When you want good roofing, plumbing gag fitting, or general tlnsmlthlng done call on E. F. Gallagher 18 Wert Centre street Dealer lc rtc?ea l-tf wpotash! NEW YORK'S HOT WAVE, TI10 TlieiMiiotncter (Jllmbi to 108 De grees In the Metropolis. New York, July 7.A warm wave, v. Iileli Is wild to be due to a combina tion of an area of low pressure to the north nnd a high pressure area to the no u tli. strurk this city yesterday, and at nonn the thermometers on the street level registered 102 degrees, while the humidity recorded was 91 per cent. As the result of this Intense heat, there were three deaths and eleven prostra tions. Toward evening, however, th' sky became overcast, and there was a fall of IS degrees between 5 and 10 p. 111. This drop, however, was In the ther mometer at the weather bureau, wber it registered 88 degs. at 5 o'clock, and at 10 o'clook 75, while at 0 o'clock, on ihe street In the neighborhood of the city halt, it registered 83 degs. The fatal prostrations from the heat reported by the police were as follows: Maggie Klbl, CO years old, a nurse, re siding In Brooklyn, who was overcome by the heat on Avenue C; Bernard McOarry, aged 4, was overcome by the heat, fell from n fifth story window and wile killed; William Smith, keeper of the morgue at the city hospital on UlackwcU's Island, died In Central park of heart failure induced by the heat. It heal everything except a broken limit, may he said of I)e Witt's Witch llasel Salve. Piles and rectal diteasea, cuts, hums, hrnises, tetter, rrseina and all skin troubles may ho cured liy it quickly and permanently. V. II. Ilageubiicli. Dr. Liilx' Scmtoiico lteilneon. Baltimore, July 7. Tlie sentence of Dr. Joseph J. Luis, tlio Cuban patriot, has been reduced by United Stall. i Judge Morris from eighteen months lo one year In Jail. Dr. Luis was convict ed last March of conspiring to set on foot a Cuban filibustering expedition. Dr. Luis Is about 50 years old and a na tive of Cuba, although now a natural ized citizen of the United Statt-s. For some years he has been a practicing physician in New York. Snlclilo ns a Itolliiltiu Duty. St. Petersburg, July 7. Two women have been found In the forest of Zare- vosantsch Urskl. In the Taransk dls tdlct, one dead and the other dying of starvation. They were members of n sect regarding suicide by starvation as the highest form of religious devotion. Other members of the soot had pre viously disappeared, and the police have Instituted n thorough investiga tion. Biirninir. itchine skin diseases instantly re lieved by Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, un equalled fot cuts, bruises, bums. It heals without leaving a scar. (J. II. llngcnbuch. Half ltates to Toronto via Pennsylvania ltallroad. For tbo Epwortli Leaguo International Con vention, to bo held at Toronto, Canada, July 15 to 18, the Pennsylvania Railroad Compauy will sell special tickets from all points on its lino to Toronto and return at rate of single faro for the round trip. These tickets will be sold and good going July 14 aud 15 ; good to roturu, leaving Toronto not earlier than July 10 nor later than July 21, 1807, and will bo good only for continuous passago from Toronto on dato stamped. For further Inform ition apply to ticket agents. John Griflin. ot Zanesville. O.. savs : "I never lived a day for thirty years without sufferlnir acony. until a box of Do Witt's Witch Hazel Halve cured my piles." For plies and rectal troubles, cuts, nruises, sprains, eczema and all skin troubles De- Witt's Witch Hazol Salve is unequalled. C. II. HaECiibuch. l'lntio of LociiKtH In Inrtin. London, July 7. A dispatch to the Dally Moll from Bombay says that a plague of locusts In North India threat ens to aggravute greatly the sufferings from famine. NUGGETS OF NEWS. In the past four days there have been 36 deaths from heat In Cincinnati. Frances Hayes,. only daughter of the late ex-l'resldent H. B. Hayes, is to marry Ensign Harry E. Smith, U. S. N. Late dispatches say that a cyclone has obliterated the town of Lowroy, Minn., and that four people were killed and several Injured. The New York police have arrested a man supposed to be Martin Thorn, Mrs. Nack's alleged accomplice In the murder of Guldeusuppe. Ten ot the largest breweries in Al' legheny county, Pa., have been con solldated under the name ot the Penn sylvanla Browing company, with $10, 000,000 capital. A Christian Endeavor excursion train was saved from wreck yesterday after' noon two miles from Cottonwood, Cal. A trestle had been burned out, and the trnln was brought to a stop a few feet f i um the chasm. .CHASES BloodfHervePood For Weak and Run Down People. WHAT IT IQ t The richest of all restorft. nnHI II IO I tlve foods, because It re places the essentials of life that are ex hausted by disease, Indigestion, high living, overwork, worry, excugi.es, abuse, etc WHAT IT nnFl By making the blood WflHI II UUCOI pure and rich and tho digestion perfeot It creates solid flesh, muscle and strength. The nerves being made strong the brain becomes asllvo and lear. It restores lostvltallty, stops all wast ing drains and weakness In either sex. and as a female regulator has no equal. Price 60o.,ortlve boxes 82.00. Druggists orby mall. Wo can help you. Advice and book, free. Write Us About Your Case. the dr: chase company, 1513 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, CHRIST-SCHMIDT Agent and Bottler of '8 Ml mp Porter and Weiss Beer. FINEST, .' PUREST .' AND HEALTHIEST, 203 W. Coal Street, SHENANDOAH, - PA. De. Miles' Nervine Triumphs, Excositvo Nervousness from Childhood, La Crlopo Brings on Heart Weakness. ,EY. fl. P. SBAttET, pastor M. E rbureli, Buchanan, Oa writes Dee. 10, 1S0.1: "In childhood I was afflicted lth cxnesslve nervousness, which, almost developed Into St. Vitus diinre. 1 partially recovered, but at collLge It gradu ally grew worse. CIoso study aggravated the troublo; any unusual exertion caused trenbllng all over. In 19P0 I had a severe attack of I.aOrlppo which hroughton heart weakness I baa been almost constantly under treatment for n.Tvous troubles, and changed climates fre quently without avail. Last February I be gan taking Dr. Miles' Itestoratlre Nervine and Nerve and Liver Pills and slnco Lheii I Y or. '?a Miles' P Nervine Hootorcs Health have Xtfen studying more and working harder than for years and tho good edents that havo resulted seem to be permanent." Dr. Miles' Remedies nro sold by all drug gists under a posltivo guarantee, first bUlo benefits or money refunded. Book on Heart and Nervos sent free to nil applicants. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, InA A genumo wolcomo waits yon at JOE WYATT'S SALOON, Cor. rialn and Coal Sts. Finest wlllflkevfl. beers, carter anil ale constantly on tap. Choice emperanco drinks and cigars. A Handsc-mo Complexion Is one of tbo grcatost charms a woman can possess. Pozzom's Complrxion l'OWDRa gives it. Wanted-An Idea TCho can think of some simple thing to patent!1 Protect your ther may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDPEKDUnN St CO.. Patent Attor. neyn. wannington. it. j., icr ineir ii.bwj priee oirei uiu lint ui fcvu uuuiireu uitbhuou wumeu. ;OIl SHEIUFF, H. S. ALBRIGHT, Of OttWiasBUno. Subject to Republican rules. JJIOR SHKRIFF, S. ROLL BEDDALL, Of Tort Carbon. Subject to Republican rules. BROM-KOLOA ALCOHOLIC, NERVOUS AND BILIOUS HEADACHES Cured by this Rrnnular effervescent and rdlmu i ant. aii umlaut euro lor sour stomachs nnd headache, which often accumulate, from having a night out. JOHN F. CLEARY, BOTTLER OF CARBONATED DRINKS, 17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah. Teams to Hire. It you wont to hire a safe and reliable team for ilrlvlng or for working ptirpo"ea pny ShtclilV livery stable n visit. Teams constantly on lmnd nt reasonable rates UAIVII IIEUIZJS. No. 410 East Centre street. Oupnalte Heading. rail " dutatlon. HAVE YOU READ-- PHILADELPHIA THIS MORNING? THE TIMES tlio most extensively clrciilnteilaud widely read licwsiMiper ml lUbed In renmylvaula. Its dlMiisalon of pul llc men and public measures Is In tho Interest of public integrity, bonoRt government nod proiqierous Industry, and It knows 110 party or peisonal allegiance In treating public lAsues. In the broadest and best seiine a family nnd gentral newspaper. THE TIMES im9 to havo the largest circulation by deserving It, and clalmn that It biunniriuuwedliinlltlie wwentlals ot n great luetroiialltun newspaper. Specimen copies o( any edition will bu bent tree, to any one send, lng their address. TERMS-DAILY, 48.00 per nnnuiii ; 11.00 for four months! 30 eeutH per month; do llvcred by cnrrlein for 0 cents per week. SUN1JAY KIIITION, 32 lurge. handsome pages ml columns, elegantly II hut rated, beautiful colored supplement $2.00 per nn nun.) 6 cents per copy. Dally and buiiday, 53.00 per annum ; SO cents per month. Address nil letters to THE TIMES. riiiiuiiKi.riiu. riilHons of Dollars Go up In smoke every year. Take no risks but get your houses, slock, fur niture, etc., insured in flrst-oUsa re liable coiniianles as represented by DAVID FAUST, SfSSSfS AImo Llfo and Accidental Oomimnl e IANSY PILLS! wut m Safe Aim sunc. sm to. 1 ofcwoman s safe tnrtS W UA"i' Specific Co,PMim.,PA. K01 at Povlmky's drug store, 28 ICas Centre street. Tho Rosy Freshness And a velvety softness ot the skin Is Inva riably obtained by thore who use Pozzom's Complexion J'owder. JRAY HASH RESrUHfcu .1 ,i, i.a.unil ,.,i.,r u II.VIU .Ml III- U 1'T. no iIm- lirnilH., pU'Niwiil oiior flu! l.i.ll u I.HE'N HAUL TO. It: remove tUndrun". Menu tlalrtromfAlltnBoultindproiniilewsrowtliZl Cna hot lie i.kk 11 wiU'A.vr e ins I'uiton st., S y CRrp llluttrated Tretl en Hilr un application r ilk! For sale by Shenandoah Drug Store, Klrllu Drue Btore, Celebrated Temaln 1 'coders never tall. UBHSB ll'MF.JII J. il. , , femliureifrflm' wtth Taoiy fid rennynwal I'ills nA?ff,,,ir rewlll. Alwaya imy ubm .KilJ Tma 1 ma H it