The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 02, 1897, Image 3

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0! the Face.
Mrs. Laura E. Mims.of Smlthvlllc.Ga.,
soys: "A small pimple of a strawberry
color appeared on my clieelc; it soon
began to grow rapidly, nolwHhstand
lug all efforts to clieck it. My
eye oecame lemuiy
inflamed, and was 60
swollen that for quite
k while I could not
see. The doctors
said I had Cancer of
the most malignant
type, and after ez-
hansting their efforts
without doing me
any good, they cave
up the case as hopeless. When in
formed that my father had died from
the same disease, they said I must die,
as hereditary Cancer was incurable.
"At this crisis, I was advised to try
S.S.S., and in a short while the Cancer
began to discharge and continued to do
so for three months, then it began to
heal. I continued the mcdiciuc n while
longer uutil the Cancer disappeaml en
tirely. This wnt several years ngo and
there has been no return of the disease."
A Real Blood Remedy.
Cancer is a blood disease, and only a
blood remedy will cure it. j.''S.jS.
guaranteed purely vegetable) pjnta
blood remedy, and never falbr f,o,-jjen
manently cure Cancer, Scrof ulaTEcxenia,
Rheumatism or any other disease 'of the
blood. Send for our books
on Cancer and Blood Diseases,
mailed free to
any address.
Swift Specific
Co. Atlanta, Ga.
AuIj jservou S)un f ailing Altai
ory. I ni potency, 81eeple nesi eto., canted
by AbORQ and other Kioewea end India
cretlons. Thty quieklv and tureftf
restore Lout Vitality In old or toan. and
At a man for ntudy, buine-m or marrtagv.
PrnTAnt IninnfAr and ConnimPtlon tf
taken In time. Their tit A ahowa lmmedlnta improve.
men; and onecta a cuius wuere ail oraen iau. in
ist upon having the genuine AJax Tablete. They
hare cared thousands end will cure xou. Wo ole a
toaltlve written guarantee to effect a care In each case
or refund the money. J'rlce OO cent per packaee.or
lx package full treatment) for 9Zo. Br mall. In
plain wrapper, upon receipt of price. Circular fre-.
Forantolii Shenandoah, Fa., at A",
and Klrlln'a, DructlsU. ' ,
so 3
r- : u i. five
Cures central or special debility, wakeful
nc, epermaterheca, emissions, Impotency,
paresis, tic Corrects functional disorders, by errors or excesses, quickly reitorlag
Lost Manhood In old or young, giving vizor and
strength where former weakness prevailed. Con
venient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate.
Cure is Quick, and Thorouoh.
lion't te deceived by imtt&tioKt: insist en
CATON'S Vitallzers. Sent sealed il your drug,
gist doe not have it. l'rlce $ I per pkge, 6 lor 95,
wllh written guarantee of complete enrt.
Information, references, etc., free and confidential.
Send ua statement ol case and 25 cts. for a week's
Slid treatment. One only sent to each person.
Sold at Klrlln'a tlriiK store, Blienandoali,
That's why they enjoy their OOPPEtt
Any grocer can tell yon why customers
keep coming back fof SIJEilG'S.
Oniric a pact'.
Only Is possible, whether as n test of
excellence In journalism, or for the
lnefistirement of .iimiit.ties, time or value;
Record . . .
After a career of nearly twenty years of
uiuiiivrruiHcu prowin ih jiiguueti in ciniin
iiitf that tlie standard 11 rat eatahlUhed by
i ka summers m uie ono true ical oi
A Perfect Newspaper.,
To publish A1,T. TUB NKWS promptly and
succinctly nnd in tho most rondnblt, form,,
without elision or tiortla'mi blast jp Ulaonaa
Its algiilflaaiic with frnnkinwa. tffkperlrAN
Ol'KN WY15 1'Olt I'UufjtJ AllUSHS, to give
iHwidea a complete reeoul of current
thought, fancleti and discoveries in nil de
Iwirtnienta of human activity iisiu DAILY
(DITIONH of from 10 to U l'AUIIS, ami to
provide the whole for lis pntrona at the
nominal price nt ON 15 CKNT-That was
from the outset, nnd will oontluue to be the
nun of Tilts ICKCUUU.
The Pioneer
Oneeiii nioriiln&r newRiwiiier In the UnHfl
Rtntwj The Keooril, fctlll J J CADS W1IUKK
Witness Its unrivaled average dally circulation
exoeeallng 160.0(1) eonlea. and an nvsraca
exceeding 130,000 ouMm fnr Its Sunday
editions, while linltaHona of Its plan of
publication In every luitKJrtnnt elty of the
country testify to the truth of tho assertion
tlwit In the quantity and quality of 1U eon
tents, ami in the price at which It Is sold
'Sim Heoord has established the standard by
which excellence In Journalism iinast be
The Daily Edition
Of The lteonnl will li nonl l.v mall tn inv
addreas for 88.01) per year or 'JR.' cents per
The Daily and Sunday
lUltluna toswlher. which will ulvelt renders
the Leal anil frA.hoi. i,ifnr,itAni, nf ii it
U li)gin In Hib world every day In the
ffSS UrSludliiK hojldayt, wffl be ent for
1 1.00 a j ear or W cants pr month.
Record Building,
Philadelphia, Fa.
No Strong Evidonco Agaiust tho
Dead Man's Miatross.
Th Man Whom tlio Mtirilcrod Mnn
Unit Thrnsliotl.nnd Wlm I8nl.C!0totl
of Complicity In tlio Torrllilo Crlnio,
Cntitiot llo Located.
New York, July 2. Tito developments
In the Qultlensuppe murder case yester
day were not startling. It la pretty well
established that the mutilated, headless
body whose fragments were found In
parcels In Mast river and the Ogden
woods Is that of William Quldensuppe.
The police appear to consider the Iden
tification satisfactory. Mrs. Nack, the
muscular Bavarian woman with whom
Quldensuppe was living, will be charged
with murder, even though no stronger
evidence against her Is obtained. Her
conduct since Friday, when Qulden
suppe disappeared, has been suspicious,
and her statements contradict them
selves, and some of them have been
disproved by the police. Still thore is
no direct evidence against her.
The man Martin Thome, who Is said
to have been a rival of Quldensuppe In
Mrs. Nack's affections, and who once
received a beating In a light with the
bath rubber, is not to be found. Ills
name Is brought Into the case because
he is the only bitter enemy Qulden
suppe Is known to have had.
Mrs. Nack bears up very well under
the terrible accusation. Search of her
house yesterday did not materially
strengthen the case against her. The
pollen are tracing her movements on
Saturday, the day after Quldensuppe
droped out of sight.
Mrs. Nack was arraigned before a
police magistrate yesterday afternoon
She was accompanied by a cordon of
central office men and hor lawyer. She
was visibly nervous; she clutched her
hands and her face was remarkably
pale. She listened with the eagerest at
tention to all the proceedings. Her at
torney objected to his client being held.
There was no proof that she had had
committed a crime. It had been
vaguely hinted that she had been In
strumental In the killing of Gulden
suppe. There was no proof that the
body was Guldensuppe's. Even If the
body were Quldensuppe's, what proof
was there that the man had been
killed? He might have died a natural
death and the body cut up afterwards.
It was no crime to cut up a dead body.
The magistrate decided to continue
the preliminary hearing from day to
day, until the matter Is settled.
Inspector O Brlen, In charge of the
detective bureau, said last night that
he did not care to speak ofllclally when
asked as to whether the body Is that
of Guldensuppe, but admitted that to
be the conclusion he had drawn from
the evidence at hand. He positively
declined to answer the question as to
whether the murder wns committed In
Mrs. Nack's apartments. When the
woman Is arraigned today O'Brien says
he wilt have all the witnesses present,
Including Mrs. nicer, the Long Island
City shopkeeper who has made a state
ment to the effect that she sold to n
woman, whom she has substantially
Identified as Mrs. Nack, the piece of
oilcloth from which were cut the parta
which were wrapped around the sev
oral parts of the "body when subse
quently found. O'Brien seemed to ex
press some doubt as to whether Mrs
Ttlger will consider her memory or Im
pressions strong enough to swear to
the identification In court. If she does
not a material link In the chain of
evidence against the prisoner will have
been lost.
O'Brien said that he has caught
the prisoner In many contradictions In
the course of his Interviews with her,
while on the other hand she has been
able to corroborate some of the asser
tions she nan made. Hel said that he
has found the original of the telegram
which Mrs. Nack said Quldensuppe had
sent to her on Saturday afternoon, ask
Ing her to go to the baths and tell the
superintendent to put another man In
his place there temporarily. If this
telegram Is genuine, and was In re
allty sent by Guldensuppe, It Is suf.
tlcient proof that Quldensuppe was
alive after the first portion of the dis
membered corpse was found In the
water of the East river, for it was sent
some time after that.
As to the story published yesterday
that the head of the corpse had been
taken away from Mrs. Nack's flat In a
valise. Acting Inspector O'Brien said
that he had no knowledge. He had not
heard anything about the finding of tlio
head, as had been reported. Coroner
TuthlU also Bald that he had not heard
that the head had been recovered, and
he said that he would 8uy bo no
tified had such been the fact.
Did You ISver
Try Electric Bitters as & remedy for your
troutiiesr u not, get a pome now anu get
relief. This medicine has been found to be
peculiarly adapted to tho relief and cure of
an t emaie (Jompiaints, exerting a wonueriui
direct Influence In giving strength and tone
to the organs. If you have Loss of Appotite,
Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spoils, or
aro nervous, uioepicss, r.xciiuoie, mouiucuuiy
or troubled with l)iy Spells, Electric Hitters
Is tho medlclno you need. Health and
strength are guaranteed by Its use. Large
bottles only nuy cenu ai a. tvasiey s urug
"Killiolil l'lisliu'ltoHlmis,
London, July 2. A dispatch to The
Standard from Constantinople says
that Edhem Pasha, commander-in-chief
of the Turkish forces In Thessaly,
has tendered his resignation of com
mand to the sultan on the ground that
under the proposed peace conditions ho
will be unable to guarantee the dis
cipline of the army.
A Household Nooeulty.
Casoarets Candy Cathartic, the most won.
deiful medical discovery of the age, pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, act gently and
positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. Please buy and try a box of
0. 0.0. to-day; 10, 25, 60 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Mlloa l'riilHoVDrttlNh feoinlcrs.
London, July 2. The Dally Mall pub
lishes an Interview had by one of Its
correspondents with General Nelson A.
Miles, of the United StateB army, after
yesterday's review at Aldershot, In
which General Miles Is reported as hav
ing said: "I nover saw a finer Ipt of
soldiers. They oan stand comparison
with the best troops In the world.
Their discipline must be admirable to
enable them to maneuver so well In
such a small place. Bngland hus Indeed
a right to feel proud of her army."
tlucklen's Arnica Salve.
The beat salve In the world for cats,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheam, fever soies,
tatter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively ourta piles,
or 40 pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. 'Price
SS cents per box. for sale by A. Waaley,
In Wilkcsbarre LifeInteresting to
the Public at Large.
Many ri reader of this In Wllkosbnrre lias
seen tlio large wntch sign, Hint bungs out at
No. 40 North Main street. It Is there to toll
tlio people who sco It that Ilobert W. Ha'glit,
watchmaker, etc., can be found ut that loca
tion, and perhaps you may doubt the follow
ing, in which case you can always find Mr.
Itatght, at his address ready and pleased to
verify It. Watchmaking as It Is called, Is no
doubt thought to bo a comparatively enay
business on tlio constitution or a man, out
this la not the caso. Tlio constant stooping
position maintained while at work brings
wltli it many acnes ami pains, sticit positions
in Unto effect the action of the kidneys, and
this is just what it did in the case of Mr.
Haight, and he lwgan to look for a remedy
that would relievo. At last lio was rewarded .
One day he read of Doan's Kidney Mils.
Nothing was claimed for tliem, hut that thoy
were a kidney cure. All the ills that flesh Is
heir to were not set down as being subject to
their wondrous influence, and this Inspired
confidence In them. The symptoms described
by kiduoy sufferers wero his symptoms, lie
began taking morn, nireo or inur noses
brought a chango, and day by day ho grow
better, now ho says : "I am entirely over my
trouble. Homo remedies I have used, but
found hut little relief of a temporary nature.
My greatest trouble was lameness and stiff
ness in the back, with sharp, shooting pains
in the region of the kidneys. I consider
Doan'a Kidney Mils a good and safe remedy,
and I recommend them to others." No
better proof of merit can be offered than tlio
plain facts as stated by those who know by
experience Call on Mr. Ilaightlf you doubt
Doan's Kidney Mils are for salo brail
dealers. Price 50 cents. Mailed by Foster
Milburn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. Solo agents for
tho U. S.
Kemcmbcr the name Doan's and tako no
Deftsvr iminiiiulM uoiiunil ,iui-.
London, July 2. Last evening, at tho
Hotel Savoy, Chauncey M. Depew gave
a dinner In honor of General Nelson A.
Miles, of the United States army. Mr.
Bradley Martin and a distinguished
company of Americans wero invited tc
meet General Miles.
If it required an annual outlay of $100.00
to insure a family against any serious conso-
quences from an attack of bowel complaint
during tho year there aro many who would
feel It their duty to pay It j that they could
not afford to risk their lives, and thoso of
their family for such an amount. Any ono
can get this insurance for 25 cents, that bo-
ingtho prico of a bottlo of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Eemody. In
almost every neighborhood somo onobasdicd
from an attack of bowol complaint beforo
nicdicluo could be procured or a physician
summoned. One or two doses of this remedy
will euro auy ordinary caso. It nover falls.
you afford to tako the risk for so Binall
an amount, tor salo by uruuicr isros.,
HEUVOUSUlHI,IT, reanltsor
Helf-nbuse, Hpeclul DUeaapa, 'Var
icocele, Htrletnres. No Cutting-.
Hmalt Undeveloped Ontaairff Ijost
Manhood Kestored. Dl flfin DfllOnH
Oil re Uuarnnteed uluuu I uiuuil
Itnnltenaes. Freia cnaea cured In4
'to today a. Send 10 eta. slampifnr hook
"-r-nith.nnlvlriiameineiil hnnk Hvnnalni?
Health is Wealth.
the original; all others imitations.
fa sold under positivo Written Gnarontce,
ness, Night Losses, Kvil Dreams, Inctt or uonn.
flnnnn. Nnrvonannaa. rjisaltnde. all Drains. Yoath.
fnl Prrnra or KTmflid vn lino of Tobacco. Onium.
or Iiqnor, which leads to Misery, Consumption,
Insanity and Death, At store or by mail, $1 a
box, six fort!; with -written cunrnntec to
euro or rerutitl pioiiey. Hnmplo pack
age, containing fiyo deysr treatment, with full
instructions, 23 cents. Ono sample only sold to
eacn person. At storo or uy man.
tSTRcd Ubel Special
Extra strengtn.
11 a box: six for 3. witW
'inrnMlnSlrun. Af Cm.
uvriirfn cuoraniei
fiBFOREorbymaiU v
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug; Store.
peppa. Railroad.
May 20. 1897.
Trains will leave Shenandoah alter the abov.
date lor WlKgans, uuberton, Kraotvllle, Dart
Water, St. CltUr, Pottavllle. Hamburg, Beading
Pottatown. PhoenlxvlUe. Xorrlatown and Phil
adclphla (Ilroad atrect station) at c 08 and 1103
a. ru. and 4 20 p. m. on week days. Sundavs.
SOB a. m., 3 10 p. m. For Pottsvllle and Inter-
mraiaie euuioua only n a. m. week days
Sundavs. 9 45 a. m.
trains leave rrocKviue lor Hlienandoah al
1040 a. m. and 1281. 5 41. 7 82 and 10 47 m
Sunday. 11 13 a. m. and 5 41 D. m.
lave roiwvine lor Hnenandoah at 10 15
a. id. anu i2.uo, a xo, v ana iu vu p. m. Sunday
Leave Philadelphia. (Broad atreet station), tn
Shenandoah nt 5 57, 8 85 and 10 19 ft. m 4 10 and
T i p. m. weeK uaya. Hunuaya leave at 0 SO a. m.
Leave Ilroad street station, Philadelphia, toi
Sea Olrt, Aabury Park, Ocean Grove, Lom
urancu, nuu iiitermeuiaie stations, o DO, 8.73
a. iu.,e.ou aim p. in. woesxiays. bun.
uuyii o o . 111.
Leave Ilroad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Kxpress, week-days, 3 30, 4 Oo, 4 50 5 13, 0 60,
7 ua, o M, a i, v ou, iu zi turning uor), 11 00 a. in,
12 00 noon. 12 85 (Limited 100 ami 4 72 n m
Pining Cars), 140, 2 30 (I)inlng Oar) 3 20, 3 50.
4 00,3 00, 594 (Dining Car). 600, 702,7 , 1000
p. m.t Vi Ul, Bie- ounuuya, a -JO, 4 uo, 4 OO 5 15,
8 20,8 33,0 50. 1021, (Dl, Ing Car), 1135 n, ro.
1285, 105 iDiiilng Car) 200 (Dining Car), 4 00
(i.itniteui winning ur;, o-juLua,(i)ining Oar)
OWl, ( V4, , IV. iv w I. ill., uui llllflll,
Kxpress for Itoston without change, It 00 a m.
weeK-aays, anu 4 aa p. m., uauy.
For Baltimore and Washington, 8 50, 7 20,8 S2,
1020, 1123 a. m., 12 09 (13 81 Limited Oil
ing Car), 112, 818. 4 41 (519 Congresalonal
T.lmlt,!. TM 111 11 1- furl At? AM nir.ln r,.-,
781 (Dining Car) p. m., and 1205 nlgti
wcck uaya. puiiuaya, o ou, I 20, V id, IISS ft
ra12 09 1 12, 4 41, ( 5 15 Congressional Limited,
Dining Car), 8 55 (Dining Car), 731 p. ju,
lliuiUK t,vri auu 10 nigui.
Leave Ilroad street station, Philadelphia (via
Delaware river bridge), exprees, 9 20 n. in. and
7 05 n. ro. d.llv.
Leave Market atreet Wnrf, exprees, 5 00, 8 50
a m., 1 00, (Saturdays only), 2 00, 4 00, 4 20 and
5 00 p. m. Sundays, 8 00, 8 45 and 9 45 a, m.
Accommodation, 8 00 and 8 SO a. in., 3 20 and 4 20
p. in., week days. Sundays, 8 00, 8 13 a. in., and
4 00 and 5 00 p. in.
For Cane Mar. AnclaaMMi. Wltilivnn.1 .ml
jiuiiy ucacn luprees, iw a m., 4 05 p. tn.
weekdays. Sundays, 9 00 a. in. Cup May only,
1 80 u. m. Saturdavs.
For Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avalon and
oiuiio imruur. xvspresfl, .w ft, ul., 4 p. m.
nEcmuMj. DuiwnjB, ui a, ill.
Weir K111 1 ur. 1 1 Rvt,-A-. im o psrt M
uj, iu a w a 111.,
2 00, 4 CO, J 00 p. m. week days. Sundays. 8
n. ui.
J. D. Hdtciiinsoh, J. R. Wood,
Oeu'l Mauager. Qto'l Paaa'g'r Ag
The shopkeeper who cheats us by lying
with regard to tlio quality of his goods, and
tlio grocer or the butcher who gives ns shot I
weights, Is a llilef. However, their knavery
touches nothing bnt our pockctboolc. There
Is another widespread form of misrepresenta
tion of a far more dangerous ond villainous
We refer to tho false stateinetitsnud worth
less guarantees that frequently accompany
medicines. To guarantee a medicine to cure
Is to brand It lis a quack product. If wo earr
gtiarautco everlasting life, fur In a large
majority of oases peopto die of disease, tlio
proportion of violent or accidental deaths
being very small.
The Shaken havo always been known as
a most upright and honorable people, and
their success In the mauufsctute of medicines
has also been well known. It Is therefore
nut surprising to find them pursuing a very
original and novel plan for the introduction
of thoir remedy for dyspepsia.
These God-fearing people, whose motto has
always been "Try all things and hold fast
that which Is good," havo put Upon tho
market ten cent sample bottles of tliclr pro
duct, or sufficient to give it a trial.
The Shaker Digestive Cordial Is so prompt
in its action that for tho trivial sum of ten
cents, a person can usually dotermlno as to
whether or not It meets the requirements of
bis case. There are forms of dyspepsia
which It won't help, but these aro very ntro.
In most cases tho first doso rol'ores all dis
tress, and an Increase of appetite at once
All druggists havo it, and tho noit tlmo
you are troubled with indigostion send out
and try this popular and successful product.
It represents nearly a hundred years of pa
tient investigation and study.
Piles or Hemorrhoids.
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds. .
Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
Boils & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Tetters.
Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of- Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and Jl.oo.
Sold by druggists, or sent post-paid on receipt of price
ircsrllltl 78" MID. CO. , 1 1 1 Jt 1 1 1 Ullua St., Sew York.
For sale at Povlnaky's drug atore, 28 East
ucmre atreet
A Tattvn. Tstra ivt tin WOMAN'S RELIEF.
AlvaranrnmritiTifl reliable. Avoitt ImitationM.
Out ClTDN'l TAN IT 111 Lt Slid SAVE RitOHETI.
Alilnio- ttiirt-t nrMtititr4rt 'ilrdt. nrle. II.
CAT" 1 Bpeo. Co , Ooiton, Man. Our book, Ac
For sale at Klrlln's drug store and Shenandoah
urui; store.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinitj
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer,
IN KFFKOT MAY 20. 1897.
Trains leave Blienandoali as follows :
For New York via Philadelphia, week ilava
210, 534. 703 U 51 a.m., 1283, 3 10 and 0 07 n
ill n ii in... t n, . u ... ui.
For New York via Maucb Chunk, week days.
580, 7 03 a. m 12 83 nnd 3 10 p.m.
For Iteodinir anil l'lilladeliilila. week ,W
6 iu, u ou. i wu a.iu., u oo, a iu ana o u, p. m, gun-
uavB. A iu a. ui.
For Pottavllle, week days, 2 10, 7 05 a. m., and
12 83, S 10, C 07 and 7 35 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For Tamoqua and Mahanoy City, week days
210,586, 70S a. m.,1283, 810 and 0 07 P. in.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
for wiiliamsport, Hunbury and Lewlsburtr.
Sundays. 8 23 a. m.
.it i i. j m, u Ml u uvi ax itj a. in., u i ui i n. it.
For Mahanoy Plane, weekdava. 210. n .toa
7 0S. 0 51, 1180 a. m 12 S3, 8 10, 6 07, 7 20, 9 SO and
ii iu j. ui. ntiiiuuvM, iv, a ja a. m.
For Aabland and Sliaraokln, week days, 8 28,
5 80.7 03. 1180 a. m.. 0 07. 723 and OM n m
Sundavs. 8 23 a. m.
iiui.iuiuiD. unaiiiKiuil UIiU IUO VeftVin
n. & O. It. It., through trains lea" i Reading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (1. & H. V X.) at 3 20.
, im, ii u a. iu., u iw nun u. i, ounaays.
O Ort r nn 11 OA a m o , a ., . , i . .
u My i UU . . i.. 111. , u ,u t 1 1 1. , I Jl. Ill, AUtlf.
iionai iraina irom i weuiy-iounn nna fjr.fwt
nui streets station, weeK aays, iu so a. tn, 12 20,
1. IU 0 V I'.UI. IJ 11 1 1 11 1. J B, A IT!. O JQ III iu.
Leave New York via Phlladelnhla.
days, 12 15, 4 80. 8 00 a. in., and 1 80, 4 SO, 9 00 p.
111. ouuunya, u w I). III.
Ieave New York via Mauch Chunlr. dmV
days, 4 00. 9 10 a. m.. 1 30 and 4 15 n, m.
Leave Phlladeliihla. Keadlnir Terminal. wkaIc
days, 4 20, 8 83, 10 10 a. m. and 1 42, 4 03, 80, 11 30
i. m. oaiiutiya, iioui. m,
ieave iteaaine.weeicuava. i so. 7 lo.ianH. a. m
12 00 m., 4 19, S 00 and 8 20 p. m. Sundays, 105
B. ,11.
Ixiave Pottsvllle, week days, 2 S3, 7 40 a. in.,
12 SO and fl 12 n. in. Sundavs. 2 85 a. m.
Leave Tanuuiua. week daya. 3 18. 8 43. 1128 a.
m., 1 85, 5 51, 7 20 and 9 43 p. m. Sundays, 8 18
I.eave Malianoy City, week days, 12 20, 8 45,
9 12 II 47 a, m., 2 17. 3 18, 0 17, 7 41 and 10 08 p. m
Sundays. 12 JS, 3 13 a. m.
I flkVA rl nhnhrlV I'ldtta nrauali- l m rm ISM O in
4 00 600.9 26. 10 25, 1159 a. ru., 2a 53t iSH,
.i,iviii in. ouuuaya, is w, 2 to. f uua. tn.
Leave Wllllamaport, week days, 7 41, 10 20 a
ui., i uu auu ii jo p. iu. nunuaya, 11 tai p. ro,
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warl and
houiii street wnari lor Aliantlo City.
Weekdays ltmreaa. 900 a. in.. (Salurdav,
only, 100)200, 4 00,4 30, BOO p. in. Acoommo-
uation, a uu a. ni., o la, o bu p. in.
Sundaya Kiprees, 8(0, 900, 10 00 a. m.
Aecominodatton. 8 00 a. m.. 4 45 n. tn.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, corccr
Atiitiiiiu nun AiKnitaoB avenues.
Wuilril.v. It.iima. "m Oil ftm. ... f
jm 1 . --J, w, , -av. WW ... , 11. , WW,
5 SO p. m. Accommodation, 4 35, 8 IS a. in., 4 10
p. in.
Sundays Express, 4 00, 5 30, 8 00 p. iu. A coo in
UluUUkluIl, w 111. , ill J,, m.
1 Parlor Cars on all exprees trains.
n J9
Today's Raoo Botwoon Oornoll, Co
lumbia and Pennsylvania.
t Is llnlloveil Tlint lletter Time AVII1
bo Mmlo Tlinn In l.nst M'cclt'n ltnco
liotwiHin Cornoll, Ynle nnil llnrvnrtt.
Throe Styled of Stroke".
1'oughlteepiile, N. Y., July 2. The seo-
ond 'vartilty race over the Hudson
river four mile course of the crews
from Columbia, Pennsylvania and Cor
nell will take place, tide nnd water per
mitting, this afternoon between the
hours of 6 and 7:80 o'clock. It is of
as great Importance as the race won
from Yale and Harvard lust week by
Cornell, because the successful crew
rows In It, and Its defeat or the smash
ing of the time records made In that
race will mean the raising of the ser
ious question as to whether Columbia
and Pennsylvania should not be ad
mitted to future contests In which Yale
and Harvard take part with Cornell.
The best Information here leads to the
belief that Cornell will not be defeated,
but It Is also said upon like good au
thority that her crew will have to row
as they never rowed before, and that
with any kind of favorable conditions
the records of last week will be cut
under. This Is the opinion openly ex
pressed by Coach Cowles, of Columbia,
and concurred in by the rest.
The. conditions for the last two days
.rave been remarkably jrood fit the hour
set for the race, nnd the Indications art
that they will be repeated today. In
the drawing for positions yesterday
afternoon Cornell had her usual good
luck, and drew the outside course,
where the ebb tide flows strongest.
This Is the third consecutive time that
Cornell has drawn the outside position.
Columbia drew the shore and Pennsyl
vania drew the sandwich, or middle
place. It Is asserted, and with some de
gree of truth, that the position that
Cornell has held In the last two races,
and will hold this evening,- gives her
considerable advantage over the other
crews, the tide assisting her. In a
small measure to overcome this ad
vantage, the stakeboats were moved
further out In tho stream Wednesday,
and may bo today If the length of the
course will permit.
The ofllclals of today's contest are:
Referee, Harris R. Reynolds, of Pough
keepsle. Judges on referee's boat: Cor
nell, Benjamin Ido wheeler; Pennsyl
vania, James Bond; Columbia, Guy
Richards. Timekeepers: Cornell,
Charles S. Francis; Pennsylvania,
Joseph M. MItcheson; Columbia,
Charles II. Mopes. Judges at the finish :
Cornell, F. O. Schofleld; Pennsylvania,
Charles S. P.otts, M. D.; Columbia,
Harold II. Oddle.
The crews of Columbia, Pennsyl
vania nnd Cornell are all rowing very
fast. Perhaps the most notable Im
provement has been made at Columbia,
where the disheartening experience of
last year had made It almost Impos
sible to get up enthusiasm. There Is
plenty of It there now, and Mr. Cowles'
remarkable work has had great effect.
Pennsylvania Is rowing the fastest
looking boat on the river and the
longest stroke. Columbia Is rowing the
fastest stroke, and Cornell the neatest,
prettiest and slowest.
There has been lengthy discussions
In the newspapers over the principle of
the strokes used by each of the crews,
and the experts here have attempted
to give descriptions of the strokes.
Xast night the three coaches gave for
the first time brief descriptions of their
Mr. Cowles' stroke, rowed by Colum
The forward reach Is with straight
arm and back, the-back In a perfectly
natural position. The catch Is quick
nnd Is fdllowcd Immediately by a hard,
steady finish of the slide, the swing
of the body going back a little beyond
perpendicular, with hands finishing on
the same level on which they wore
when the blade entered the water lit
tho beginning of the stroke. The re
covery la a slight drop of the hands
Into tho Inn, sufflclont to clear the
blade of water, then a quick shoot of
tho hands, followed by a slow forward
movement of the body and the slides
together until body and slides are In
the same. position as at the beginning
of the stroke. The length of the slide
varies from 16 to 18 Inches."
Mr. Ward's stroke, rowed by Penn
-"We are rowing the longest stroke on
the river, averaging 34 and going to
36 on spurts of ten, then going back to
31. The men aro reaching further tlmn
any other crew, although they do not
move their bodies so much as the
others, but use the full length of the
slide, 22 Inches. Tills can be seen by
watching the angle of the oars, and not
the bodies. The lee drive Is also the
greatest of all the crews here. The for
ward reach finds the legs well drawn
up to the armpits, the back almost
perpendicular and tho arms at fuil
stretch. The catch Is easy, the blade
being slightly Inclined as It strikes the'
water. When the blade Is fully In tht
force of the legs, slide and back Is ap
plied with all the energy possible. Tlx
blade slides out of water easily, and
the recovery Is almost Instantaneous.
yot not checking theboat."
Coach Courtney's Cornell stroke:
"A long reach forward, followed by
a vlolous lunge with the blades that
places them quickly, firmly Into tho
water, before the application of the
power, which begins Instantly. The
elide goes back under the straightening
of the legs, and the body gradually
assumes an upright position, then a
backward tilt, the elbows bending from
the straight arm at the commencement
of the stroke until they are at the side
at Us conclusion. The shouulders
through this movement are well set,
and do not round. At the conclusion
of the body and arm movements, which
are coincident, there comes a quick,
Increased application of power, almost
n Jerk, and the downward motion of
the wrlsU which lift the blades and
form the beginning of the swift recov
ery. Thus there Is no checking of the
speed of the boat, and every Instant
of the blades' submersion Is utilised."
The Weather.
For eastern Pennsylvania
Bey, Delaware and Maryland: (Jenar.
any tair; warmer; southerly winds.
There Is Nomine an (loud.
Til ere Is nothing Just as good as Dr. King's
New Dlseovury for Ootuwmptlan, Coughs anil
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Many women
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firoach of the
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quently it is a
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that make motherhood possible, need
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They know that there is a sure and sale
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Woman should know herself. She should not
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Having studied under some of the best
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