The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 01, 1897, Image 3

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And rest for tired mothers In a warm bath
with Ci'Tioi'itA SOAr , anil a single application
of CtmounA. (ointment), the groat skin euro.
CtmcuitA ltEJtEniES afford Instant relief,
and point to a speedy cure of torturing, dls
flguring.humlllatlng, itching, burning, Weed
ing, crusted, scaly skin and scalp humors,
with loss of nair, wnon an eise raws.
8oM througnonttht world, rorrss Dsno AMD Cain.
r.,BM. rror., 110.10a.
- ' How to Cur Skln-TortnttA DblM,fn.
and Hair TtMsUflcd by
a.tXi Jverroxit JUtaieiAiinB fliorn-
bj Abuse and other ISscewiea an J Indli.
cretion. Thtu uutoKlu tuut url
restore iXMt vitmitr laoui or yuan a. and
fit a maafnrctndr,butlnet or it vrrlaBft,
Prevent lnuutiily end (tontrali -lion if
taken In time. TLblr no bIiowh iminmllAte Improve
raenianaouectsa uuiiiii waureuiuniei i -a. in
cist upon hfifinsr tht cnuine AJax a'ubwta. They
bare curod thouMnds npd will otira ron, , Wo cle a
txjiltlro written gunrantee to effect a care In Bach case
or refand the money, l'rioa 60 cents per package, or
six package (full treat meat J for SfaJji. lit innil.ln
plain wrapper, npon receipt ox price, mrcuiar iree,
For itale In Bhennmloab. Pa., nt A. V(U) ley's
Relieve and Cure
s Head Troubles
g Stomach Disorders'
s System Irregularities
li? formula?
of noted
s "For every III, a special pill." 2
SLZ If not nt Drug Stores, write
Bronx Chemical Co.1Yonkers.N.Y. S
S: 3
p- Health Book Stalled Free. jg
Cn. .uiiiM tmff
idVJ "uo EFl'ECTa AT Of THEN
Cures general or special debility, wakeful
ticj, spcrmatorhosa, emissions, Impotency,
paresis, etc Corrects functional disorders,
caused by errors or excesses, quickly restoring
Lost Alanhood In old or young, giving vizor and
strength where lormcr weakness prevailed. Con
venient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate.
Cure is Quick and.Thorouoh.
JJon' It dectived oy tmitationt! insist on
CATON'S Vltalliers. Sent sealed il your drug,
gist doew not have it. Price $ 1 per pkge, 6 lot 93.
with written guarantee of complete cur.
Information, relerences, etc, Iree and confidential.
Send us statement ol case and 25 cts. for a week's
trial treatment. One only sent to each person. '
Sold nt Klrlln'a drug store, Blicnnndonh, IPn
Grocers can tell
you why those
who buy SEELIG'S
for it. You can't
keep on selling a
poor thing to the
, same people.
Bared by
using Seel-
can buy cheap
'coflee and make
it delicious bv a
-little oi this admixture.
Only Is possible, whether aa a test of
excellence hi journalism, or for the
measurement of imantitlea, time or values;
Record . . .
After a career of ncnrly twenty years of
uninterrupted growth la Justified In claim
lut: that tho atamlard first established by
Its founders Is the one true test of
A Perfect Newspaper.
To publish ALT, THIS NBWS promptly and
succinctly ami In Ilia moat rondublo form,
without ollsiiin or uirtlln bias; ta discus
it significance with fnilikiinui, to keep AN
besides n cotuplete recoitl of current
thought, fancies and discoveries In all de
partments of human activity In Its DAILY
KDlTIONSof from 10 to 11 l'AUKS, and to
provide the whole for Its patrons at tho
nominal price of OXI5 CKNT-That was
from the outset, ami will continue to be the
aim of THIS BKC01SD.
One oentmornlnsf newspaper In the TTnlteil
oTHfiiS'loW: rtil LKAD3 W,,KKB
Witness lis lunrlvaloil average dally circulation
i uTOnii jw,a, wjiin, aim an average
exceeding 130,(XX) copies for Its Sunday
editions, while Imitations of Its plan of
publlentlon in every lmiHirtant olty of the
(-uiiiiiry iciuy 10 me iruiu oi sue aswrtlon
that In the quantity nijd quality of Its con
tents, and In the prlee at which It Is sold
The Itecord hag established the standard hy
which excellence In Journalism mint be
The Daily Edition
Of The Itecord will ho sent hy mall to any
nddrera for JB.OO per year or 30 cents tier
The Daily and Sunday
Editions together, which will give Its readers
the host and freshest Information
iijpf nil tluit
.(jay Jft tjb
a going on in the worm evuv
year InoliHllug holidays, will be g
si wjn year or M cents per month!
Rocord Building,
Philadelphia, Fa.
Dookro Unoquivooally for tlio Frco
Ooinage of Silver.
Hut tlio MoLonn Cnudlilnto fbraovor
uor, It. T. lloimh, Wns AVItlidrnwn
In tho Ititot-OHt of Inrty Harmony.
Hontco L. Cliiiptiinii Nominated.
Columbus, July 1. Tho Democratic
state convention here yesterday wun
one of tho moat memorable political
occasions In tho history- of Ohio. It
waa a convention of unanimity on
principles and of differences on men,
especially on those who were candi
dates for places on tho state ticket.
In the contests for favorites It was
also a convention of enlurance, as the
delegates took no recess and were In
session continuously from 10 a. m. till
almost that hour last night.
It was a free silver convention
throughout. Every candidate whoso
name was presented was announced as
orthodox In silver doctrlno as the car
dinal principle for his favorable con
sideration. While there were some dif
ferences of opinion about adopting the
anti-trust and the Cuban resolutions,
there was not a dissenting voice In tho
convention to the declaration for the
free and unlimited coinage of silver at
the ratio of 16 to 1, without the co
operation of any other nation.
While there was no place on the state
ticket accorded to either the stiver Re
publicans or to the Populists, yet repre
sentatives of both those elements co
operated with tho convention, and an
Informal fusion was perfected. Out of
the 956 votes cost for supreme Judge
there were 822 for John J. Harper, a
silver Republican.
It. T. Hough, the favorite for gov
ernor, was slaughtered because of the
opposition to the rural districts to the
McLean men using the large delega
tions from Cincinnati, Cleveland, To
ledo and other cities to dictate the head
of the ticket. Those running next were
Chapman, Welty and Sorg. Welty's
name was not presented after his
friends learned that Chapman had been
agreed upon as the compromise can
didate. Hough's name was withdrawn
before the balloting began, and the
name of Sorg was withdrawn before
the result of the first ballot was an
nounced. Although the McLean men had been
In conference during the night and
morning, and had agreed to go to
-Chapman, they scattered their vote on
tl first ballot and did not "concentrate
da'.'Oliapman on the second ballot any
more than necessary to nominate, sq
as to dissipate a much as possible the
report that McLean was naming the
stite ticket.
;t la conceded that the McLean men
h8l an understanding with Mr. Chap
tnm and his managers before the con
vention met, and the vote of the strong
M3Lean counties for Chapman bears
ut the report. In addition to the state
tl'ket nominated there Is an Impeded
arrangement for John R. McLean for
senator with the state candidates, as
wn as the party organization for him.
StU, It Is reported that ex-Congressman
Paul J. Sorg will also be In the
1eId fb'r senator.
'rhe McLean men did not name their
first favorite for governor or hold the
resolutions as they had fixed them, but
these concessions were made In the In
terest of harmony. They wanted noth
ing In the platform but the declaration
fr free silver as the paramount Issue,
but thoy would not vote against anti
trust and Cuban resolutions when once
Presented. And they claim all the favor
ahd co-operation with Mr. Chapman
that they could have had with Judge
Ijlough, without entailing prejudice
flrom the rural districts for having ar
bitrarily used their power.
i w nen ic oe
5Br7rCBfhe i
When It became necessary for the
co rallr Cu Cfiapman on
ballot In order to end the
solid vote of Highland
county, the home of Hough, went with
that of the delegations from Cincin
nati, Cleveland, Toledo and other cities
that were strongly for whatever Mc
Lean wanted.
The full ticket nominated Is as fol
lows: For governor, Horace L. Chap
man; lieutenant governor, Melville D.
Shawj supreme Judge, J. P. Sprlggs;
attorney general, W. H. Dore; state
treasurer, James F. Wilson; board of
public works, Peter H. Degnan; school
commissioner, Byron II. Hurd.
The silver Republicans held a con
ference last night and expressed great
Indignation. They said It was true
they had announced that they did not
want a place on the state ticket, but
the announcement was not made till
after they were told they could not
have It They appointed a state com
mittee "to -call a convention to nomi
nate a separate ticket. The Populists
also announced that they would have
a separate ticket. The Prohibitionists
will have two separate tickets, sojthat
there will be at least six state tickets
In the field.
Old You liver
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your
iroumesr it not, get a Dome now and get
relief. This medicine has been found to be
Deculiarlv adanted to the relief and cure of
all Female Complaints, exerting wonderful
direct giving strength and tono
to tho organs. It you have Loss or Appetite,
Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, or
aro Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy
or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters
Is the medicine you need. Health and
strength are guaranteed by its use. Large
bottles only fifty cents at A. Wasley's drug
Heavy uii'.ioui liouse Jteoolpts.
New York, July 1. Tho receipts at
the custom house here yesterday were
tl.902,200.85. The receipts for the month
ending yesterday were $14,728,772.55,
and for the fiscal year, also Including
yesterday, $120,003,153.08. The recetptB
for the year ending June 30, 1896, were
$116,001,824.00. There was a rush at the
close of business yesterday afternoon,
owing to the fear that action might bo
taken on the pending tariff measure.
A Household Neceaslty.
Cuscarcts Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, act gently and
positively on kidneys, liver and bowels.
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure
Headache, fever, habitual constipation and
billousnosa. Please buy and try a box of
0. 0. C. to-day j 10, 28, ISOcenta. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Itarvnr'd'H Ilnaolmll Victory.
New Haven, June 30. The Harvard
baseball team defeated Yale yesterday
by a score of 10 to 8. Harvard was out
batted, Yale getting twice as many
Jilts, but Flncke's unsteadiness in the
box gavo the crimson many runs and
cost the game.
Hucklen'e Arnica Salvo.
The best Balve in the world for cats,
bruisu, sores, ulcers, salt rheam, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded, l'rico
28 cents per box. For sale by A. Waaler.
buldotr. Health, A Manual
on which thousands of dol
lars have Immmi Nivnt tii
make It thorough nml rellnhle. It gives symp
toms of all diseases and treatment for the same.
Munyon'i Ilemedles, n separate cure far each
Mostly 25o. If In douiit. write to 1'IIOF. M UN
YON, IVB Aich street, Philadelphia, Ta., for free
medical advice.
Rxpelloil jd"t i iiin ,mi, '.le.
lloston, July 1. Alvlr. Dlllftwny, son
of President C. O. DIllanRy, of the
Mechanics National bank, committed
suicide by taking poison at his home
In Dorchester. Young JMllaway, In com
petitive examination, secured an ap
pointment to the West Point Military
academy, but was expelled for a breach
of the rules before hla course was com
pleted. Wlint do the Children Drink?
Dont glvo tliom ton or codec. Have you
tried tlio now food drink called Grnln-0 1 It
is delicious and nourishing and takes tho
placo of coflee. The nioro Qrnln-O you glvo
tho children tlio more health you distribute
through , their systems. Ornln-O Is rnado of
pure grains, and when properly prepared
tastes like tlio choice, grades of coll'eo hut costs
about 1 as much. All grocers sell it. 15c.
nnd 25c.
Nntlniitu i.i . ,,,.1,-h , .'T.qtini ;rtn.
Clevalcnd, July 1. lite he,id4ua.tore
of the national Repulithan committee
are to bo located In Cleveland. They
will be transferred from Washington
to the famous Perry-Payne building In
Cleveland, where Hanna conducted thf
'national Republican campaign. The
Washington headquarters will be kept
open, but will be In charge of an at
tache of the national committee.
Motbors w 11 find Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy especially valunblo for croup
and whooping cough. It will give prompt
relief and is safe and pleasant. Wo have
sold it for,! years and it has never
failed to give the most perfect satisfaction.
Q. W. Richards, Duqncsnc, Pa. Sold by
Qruhlor Bros., druggists.
, Agent and Bottler of
Porter and Weiss Beer.
203 W. Coal Street,
t lLi r- rvi a k.1 r t f. i
rji i w - ,
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking !
13 N. Jardin Street.
We offer two assortments o
glassware for 5 and 10 cents
that cannot be beat any where
for the money in town.
Meluskey & Son,
105 S. Main St.
pepQa. Railroad.
May 29. 1897.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the abovi
ruiM.uwui 1 inicuuYiiiD, ,iurnsHiwa nan I 111 t
adelphla (uroad street station) at 8 0S and 1109
a. ra. and 4 20 p. ra. on week days. Sundays,
6 08 a. m., 010 p.m. For l'ottsvllie and Inter
mediate stations only 017 a. m, weekdays.
Sundays, 9 43 o. m.
Trains leave Frackvitle for Shenandoah al
1040 a. ta. and 12 81, 5 41, 752 and 10 47 p. o.
Sunday, 11 18 a. ra. and 5 41 p. in.
Leave rottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10 IS
a. ra. and 12:03, 5 13, 7 25 and 10 20 p. m. Hunday
ai lu tv in., u j. tu.
Leave Phlladelnhla. (Broad street station). In.
Shenandoah at 5 67, 8 35 and 10 19 a. m 4 10 and
T I p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 50 a. m.
Leave UroaU street station, Philadelphia, toi
Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean drove, Lorn
llranch, and Intermediate stations, 6 50, 8.S5
11.30, a. m., 8.30 and 4.00 p. in. week-days. Sun
days, 6 25 a. in.
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Express, week-days, 3 20, 4 OS, 4 60 5 15, 6 50,
7 83, 8 20, 8 83, 9 50, 10 21 (Dining Car), 11 00 a. m,
12 00 noon, 12 &5 (Limited 1U0 and 4 22 p.m.
Dining Cars), 1 40, 280 (Dining Cor) 8 20, 3 60.
4 00,500, 5 66 (Dining Oar), 500, 702, 7 43, 1000
p, in., 12 01, night. Sundays, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 5 15,
820.8 83,9 50, 10 21, (Dining Car), 1185 a. m.
12 85, 105 i Dining Car) 2 30 (Dining Car), 4 00
(Lim!ted4 22 Dining Car), 5 20, 5 56,(Dlnlng Car)
8 5, 7 02, 7 43. 10 0(1 p. IK . 12 01 night.
Kxpress for Roston without chuuge, 11 00a m,,
week-days, and 7 43 p, in., dally.
For Baltimore and Washington, 3 50, 7 20,8 (2,
1020, 1123 a. in.. 1209 (12 31 Limited Dti
Ing Car), 112. 818, 4 41 (519 Congressional
Limited, Dining Car), 5 17, 553 (Dining Oar),
7 81 (Dining Car) p. in., and 1205 nljrl t
week days. Sundays, 8 50, 720, 912. 1128 a
m., 12 09 112, 4 41, (519 Congressional Limited,
Dining Car), 5 53 (Dining Car), 781 p. m.
(Dining Car) and 12 05 nlghl.
Leave Broad street station, Philadelphia (via
Delaware river bridge), express, 9 20 a. m. and
7 05 n. m. daily.
Leave Market street Warf, express, 5 00, 8 50
a ra., 1 00, (Saturdays only), 2 00, 4 00, 4 20 and
5 00 D. m. Sundays. 800. 8 45 and 0 45 n. m.
Accommodation, 8 00 and 8 20 a. m., 8 20 and 4 20
p. ro., weeic uays. cjunuays, uo, a 15 a. in., anu
4 00 and 5 00 p. in.
For Cape May, Anglessea, Wlldwood and
liony ueacn Bxprcss, 9 00 a. m., 4 05 p. ra,
week days. Sundays, 9 00 a. in. Cup May only
a gu ii. in. cHtiuruuya.
For Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avalon and
moiie uaruor. ttxpreea, v w a. ra., i M p. ra.
wceauaya, nunuays, viuu. in.
Wnm U ..... 11.. t . 1. . KM a KA -
OTIU.I. tuilld I1.J1IUD, u W, DIM 111. ,
2 00, 4 CO, 5 00 p, m. week days. Sundays. 8 45
J. B. HcTfumsoir. J. R. Wood.
tleu'l Manager. tien'l Foaa'g'r Ag
Many Think!
When It was said to tho womnn : " In
sorrow slmlt thou bring forth chil
dren," that a perpetual curso waa
Eronounoed, but tho thrill of joy f olt
y every Mother when sho clasps to
her heart lior babo proves tho con
trary. True, dangers lurk in tlio
pathway of the Kxpeotant Mother
nnd should be avoided.
"Mother's Friend"
So prepares tho By stem for tho chango
taking place that the final hour is
robbed of nil danger nnd pain. Its
use insures safety to tho life of both
Mother and child, and makos child
birth easy and recovery moro rapid.
Bent by Moll, on receipt of rrlce.ftjOO PEIt POTTLE.
Woo. To Expectant rdothern," msllfK! free, con
taining valuable Information and voluntary tastl
monlals. The Bridrteld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Os.
Piles or Hemorrhoids.
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Soros.
Boils & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Tetters,
Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00.
Sold by druggists, or scut poet-paid on receipt of price
ncrilUtIS'BED,CO., Ill a IIS VfllUn8t.,SwVcrrk.
For ealo at Povlusky's drug store, 23 East
Thin renicd.v bclnir in
jected directly to the
seat of thoRO dlsenses
of tho enlto-Urlnnry
Organs, requires no
clinngo of diet. Cnro
srnaranteed In 1 to 3
dnyn. Mmnll plain nnclc-
S. P. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
ilR-THggL604 H. Sixth Sf .
Side Entrance on Green St., PHILADELPHIA, PA.
(x uuuki wiu,biumiow man 11 u n& iiit(- wu
templatlng marrlacc. If you aro ft victim of
-Prlvnto nioo'ic'oe ttioBadoBtraycrioftho
iTIiTaiD UldCadSa human rAr.n which d c-
'trrivminfl nrtrl hndtr. ntirf unfit, vmi tnr thn
duties of life, call or write and tie naved. Hours:
Dally. 9-3 (Vps, -9 Sun., H-lii. Send 15 eta. In
stamps for Hook with worn tettlmnnliili
jbipoiinn quuQKi ana jtui&o Ansiiiuieia
A tbiid. Trr akd UPK WOMAN'S RELIEF.
AlwttTi nrnmnt and reliihU. At oil Imitations.
Ooi '.tttim'm Tuir 1'it.i.tiavnrl mvt ruiikktb.
AttlruiF ttorci. orient dirret (sttlfd). urlco. SI.
CatovHpig Co , BoituQ, Mum. Our book, 4c
For sale nt Klrlln'0 drug frtorennd Shenandoah
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
IN EFFECT MAY 29. 1897.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows :
For New York via l'hiladelolila. week dnvo
210, 5 30. 705 9 51a. m., 12 33, 8 10 and 0 07 p
m Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week ,lnv
5 86, 7 03 a. m., 12 S3 and 3 10 p. m.
For Beading and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 5 80, 7 05 a.m., 12 33, 3 10 and 0 07 p. m. Sun
days, 2 10 a. ra.
ror rottsvllle, wecK days, 2 10: 7 03 a. m nnd
12 83, 8 10, 5 07 nnd 7 35 p. m. Sundoys, 2 10 a. m,
For Tamaqua and Mahanov Citv. weetr ,iiv
2 10, 6 30, 7 05 a. ta., 12 S3, 8 10 and 0 07 p. in
Sundays, 2 10 a. ra.
for Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Iewlsburir.
week davs. 3 25. 5 SO. 11 80 a m ami i ox n .H
Sundays, 8 25 a. m.
For Mahano) Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 8 25, 5 39.
7 05, 9 51, 11 80 o. m., 12 33, 3 10, 6 07, 7 25, 9 55 and
11 An n .. U.....1.. n in a n 1
- -mv .. uuiiunvn, A jii, o M a, JU.
For Ashland and Shnmokln, week days. 3 25.
5 38. 7 05. 1180 a. m.. ft 07. 7 ok .n,l a in V ,
Sundays, 8 25 a. m.
roriiaitlmore, waslilngton and the West via
Tenninal, Bhiladelphia, (1. fc H. V K.) at 3 3o!
7 65, 11 25 a. in., 3 10 and 7.27 p. l-.. Sundays
8 20, 7 00, 11 28 a. m., 3 48 and 7 27 p. m. Addl-
tiuuui iruiua trum i weniy-iourtn anu CLeet
nut streets station, week days, 10 30 a. m. 12 20
12 16 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. m.
TAve New Ynrlr via T-liilAflAlnKI,,
diiys, 1215, 4 30, 8 00 a. in., and 1 SO, 4 80, 9 00 p.
l. rjundays, a oo p. m,
LeAVe Nv Vnrlr vtn TntiMi Chiml. ...T.
days, 4 00, 9 10 a. in., 1 80 and 4 15 p. ra.
Leave Philadelphia, Beading Terminal, week
days, 4 20, 8 35, 10 10 a. ra. and 1 42, 4 05, 6 30, 1 30
i. in U .. . I .... 11 or, ... ' ' '
Leave Readlng-week ilny's, 1 83, 7 10..0 08, a. m.
12 Wra., 4 19. 6 00 and 8 20 . m. Sundava. laa
s ...
eave Poltsville, weekdays, 2 85, 7 40 a. in.,
12 SO and S 12 p. in. Sundays, 2 85 a. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8 18, 8 48, 11 38 a.
m., 1 88, 5 51, 7 20 and 9 43 p. ra. Sundays, 8 18
a. m
Leave Mahanov Cltv. week dnv. !' m n is
9 12 11 47 a. ra., 2 17, 5 Is, 0 17, 741 and 10 08 p. ra!
Sundays. 12 35, 8 45 a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 12 35, 2 40.
4 00 530,9 28. 10 26, 1169 a. HI., 2 32, 5 32, 9 98
7 67, 10 22 p m. Sundays, 12 10, 2 40, 4 00 a. m.
wwii- i iiimiiiMpun, weeK uays, IX, JU-SJ a
m., 4 00 and 11 30 p. m. Sundays, 11 SO p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf nnd
South streetwhnif fnr Atlnntln mtv
Weekdays Express, 900 a. m., (Saturdays
only, 1 80) 2 00, 4 00, 4 So, 5 00 p. in. Aooummo.
uuiiuii, dvj a. m., o in, o au p. m.
Sundays Express, 8 CO, 900, 10 00 a. m.
Accommodation. 8 00 a. m.. 4 45 n. in.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, corror
AtiniiMv aim Amanitas aveuilwv.
Weekdays Bxnress. 7 00. 7 45. 9 00 a. m 8 SO.
5 80 p. ra. Accommodation, 4 35, 8 15 o, la., 4 10
p, m.
Sundays Express, i 00, 5 30, 8 00 p. ra. Aocom
modatlon, 7 15 a. in., 4 15 p. m.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
tl Jf
Eeinarkablo Eaco With Columbia
and Pennsylvania Froshmon.
HtttColllmhln'B llont I.nppod UieAVIn
lilnir llont. nt tlio Finish, nnd l'onn
siylvnitlfi Was Only Half n T-onatli
llolilntl tlio Sooniul Crew.
PotiKhlteepste, N. Y., July 1. Cornell
won by three-fourths of a length; Co
lumbia second by one-third of a length
.over Pennsylvania. The olllclat time:
Cornell. 9 mlns. 211-5 sees.; Columbia,
9.22 3-6; Pennsylvania, 9.25 1-6.
The freshmen race over the two mile
course here last evening between three
American crews, rowing with purely
American methods, was one of the
most remarkable In the annals of boat
racing In this country. It was Inspiring,
magnificent. The freshmen of Cornell,
Columbia and Pennsylvania rowed
with their heads as well as with their
bodies, and showed science that was
surprising. It was anybody's race until
the Instant the flag dropped, and the
fact that but two seconds divided the
first and last crews, and the boats
lapped over each other very nearly a
half, Is evidence of the character of the
struggle. That such a struggle was
watched by only a small Bleed crowd Is
a misfortune for those who missed see
ing It.
The lime is not record breaking, be
couse Yale made the same course In
9.19V4 Wednesday, but both Columbia,
finishing second, and Pennsylvania,
finishing third, made better time than
did Harvard and Cornell, finishing In
the same places last Wednesday. The
feature of the race was the wonderful
spurt made by the Columbia young
sters In the last half mile, when they
closed up a gap between themselves
and Cornell so fast that had there been
another eighth of a mile to row they
would have been in first place. A sec
ond feature wag the remarkable row
ing of the Pennsylvania Crew, which
had been said by its trainer to bo in
very bad shape. This crew Is a very
much Inferior crew to the Pennsylvania
'varsity crew, and the critics are won
dering whether Ellis Ward has not
something "up his sleeve" for tomor
row's 'varsity race. The only criticism
on the race made last night was (""at
Dr. Walter Peet, the referee, kept the
crews waiting so long at their stake
boats with their oars dipped that thd
nervous strain took off at least two
seconds from the time.
After Referee Peet, In his clumsy
boat, which seemed to want the whole
of the river to turn In, had kept the
crews waiting at their stake boats for
some five or six minutes, the young
sters showing the strain they were un
der, the pistol start was given and the
crews were off. Pennsylvania caught
the water first with a swift stroke
that shoved the nose of her boat clear
ly ahead of the others. Cornell and Co
lumbia started a trifle moro easily, and
Cornell fell slightly to tho rear of the
New Yorkers. All started at a 36 stroke,
but Cornell, true to the Courtney train
ing, dropped down to 33, while Colum
bia kept It up at 35 and Pennsylvania
was hitting away at 33. At the eighth
of a mile Pennsylvania was leading the
Columbia boat by an eighth of a
length, and Cornell was a quarter of a
length behind the Columbia boat. At
the quarter Cornell had drawn up even
with Columbia, while Pennsylvania
had her quarter length lead.
Slowly and surely the Cornell boat
gained. Columbia, too.was coming
along, and the Pennsylvania lead of a
quarter of a length was reduced In tho
next quarter to a bare eighth. Then the
Quakers did light for life, and down to
the end of the first mile there was a
terrific race for a place. So this con
tinued for another halt mile, down to
the mile and a half point. First the
nose of the Pennsylvania boat would
begin to draw away from the Columbia,
and then Columbia would draw up on
Entering the last half It was clearly
seen by the condition of the men In
the three boats that there would be a
memorable struggle. At this point Cor
nell had a lead of a quarter of a length
over Pennsylvania, and Columbia was
an eighth of a length behind Pennsyl
vania. Columbia's stroke oar caught
a crab at this Juncture and lost about
four strokes, but quickly fell In.
Whether this had any disastrous effect
upon the boat or not vas not ap
parent from the observation train, but
Just following It Columbia hit up the
stroke from tho first 35 they had been
rowing uniformly during the race to a
faster SO. Cornell had made the lead
three-quarters of a length, and ware
still going when that spurt started,
and when it was fairly under way had
a length 'advantage.
Then the boat of Columbia seemed
to falrlv lift Itself out of the water.
Pennsylvania responded with a "i
stroke, but the lonu shell of the New
Yorkers fairly lifted Itself along and
went by the Pennsylvania boat and
after the Cornell shell like a thing be
witched. On It went, the bow lapping
the rudder post of the Cornell boat
and creeping up towards the stroke
oar. Frantically did the little 10-year-.old
coxswain call to the crew, and well
did they respond, but just as the nose
of the boat lined even with the stroke
oar of the Cornell crew the two boats
crossed tUe line, and Cornell was a
winner by thrjfe-quartere of a length.
Pennsylvania whipped on the last five
or six strokes and finished only half
a length behind Columbia. Not a man
In any boat was distressed .after this
remarkable exhibition. t
If It required au anuual outlay of $100.00
to iusure a family against any serious oonae
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during tlio year there are many who would
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Constantinople, July 1. A collision
took place In the Dardanelles yesterday
between the German vessels Itembeck
and Berthllde. The former sank al
most Immediately, and II of her orew
were drowned, while a boat thjU was
iseni to me rescue Dy the Austrian
Euardshlp wbb capsized, drowning two.
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These sneaking diseases that undermine
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