The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 26, 1897, Image 3

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Bklng on flro with tottwtne. disfiguring,
Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, and pimply
humors, instantly rellOTod by a warm bath
with Cuiioi rtA BOAr, It elnglo application of
ConotmA. (olntmenti, tho great kln euro,
and a fall dose of CiTtoinA UKSOIYEHT.
Ii told Hironehotit His world. Pottm D. C. Cose Sol.
traps., Boiton. " nowtoCurs Torturing Usmort,"lrM.
JJftBY'S SKIN nfifStt?
A.ia nervout jmwt-trauma1 aiem
ory. Impotencr,HlMp1eMneM,eto.,cauetl
by AbuRe and other Kxcmsm ana Indis
cretions. THv Wick Iff ntirf anrrtv
restore Lost Vitality in old or yoane, ana
St a man for todr, buninot or ranrrlAfte,
rTent Insanity and Oonwmptlon If
i. Thetr ntWt thotra immedtnts imnroTtv
meat and effect a CUHE where all others taJ
. In.
:le a
ln upon nurlna tho srenulrm Aicx Tub lota,
have cared thousands and will cure 7011. e
podlivo nritteu Kiarantee 10 nect a cur in earn ct
or refund the money. 1'rlra CO cento per pack ace,
tlx pnckpisofi (full treatment) for $tt. lit mail,
tilnfn wrnntmr. nnon recetntof nrlca. Olroular free
CUi, IU.
For wile In Shenandoah, Pa., nt A. Wesley's
nnu iiiriin s, uruggisis.
1 imrsr .rr nmTi TirnnTTK -
EE Relieve and Cure 3
Head Troubles
.Stomach Disorders
sE System Irregularities
27 form ulna
of noted
"For every III, a special pill." 2
g- It not at Drug Stores, write t
jr Bronx Chemical Co.,Yonkers,N.Y. :
- Health Book Mailed Frco.
UFr-COTS ATOtce--rHEti
carozsrs irrriiLiZEH
Cures general er cpcctal debility, wakeful
nni, spermatc rlnxa, emissions, linnotency,
paresis, tic. Corrects tunctlonot disorders,
caused by crrorj or excesses, quickly restoring
Lost Manhood in oil or young, giving vigor and
tftrc ngttl where forirK-rwcikness prevailed. Cos
lenient pickage, simple, effectual, and legitimate.
Cunc 13 Quick, amd Thorough.
Pah'I deceived cy ttnitatienx! insist oa
CATON'S Vltallzcrs. Sent sealed il your droit
gist d,y-s tint bars jt. Price $ 1 per pkge, 6 for 119.
tvlth written suarantee of complete cure.
Information, references, etc., flee and confidential.
Send us statement of ca- tfnd 25 cts. for a week's
trial treatment. One only sent to each person.
Sold nt Klrllu'a drug store, Blirnniuloah, Pn
Grocers can tell
you why those
keep coming b&lr.
for it. Strange
though how long
it takes people to
try a new tiling.
OnH- la tioII)1o. whether na a test of
exoelleiico in journalism, or for tl)0
ineftjiireinent of quantities, llino orvftlnenj
Record . . .
After a career of nearly twenty yearn
unlnterrunted irrowth 1m Instilled in claim
hit; that tho atandarri first established by
its loiinucrs ia tuo ono iruo tost 01
A Perfect Newspaper.
To publish ATX THIC NKWS promptly and
siiwlnctlv nnd In the moat readable form.
without elision or jwirtisan bias; to Ulseuna
OPlfiN BYK FOR l'UBMO AltOSTW, to irfvo
beIU0 n complete reooid of current
thought, fancies and discoveries In all do-
Iiartnients of human activity In I U DAILY
IDITIOKH of from 10 to H 1 'AO ICS. and to
provide the whole for its iwtreua at the
nominal price oi uaij uisrs i- inat was
from the outaet, and will continue to be the
The Pioneer
One oent mornlnsr newenaner In the Unltel
8tati, The, stfll I.liADa Wllliltl!
Witness ito unrivaled average daily circulation
exoesMllnj; 160,000 ooplea, and an average
exceeding 130,000 ooplea for Its Sunday
editions, while Imitations of lie plan of
publication in every lmtiortsut eliy of the
country testify to the truth of the assertion
that In tlieauautlty nnd quality of Its con
tent., 11m! In the prlee at wllloh It Is sold
The Koc-ord lifts established the standard by
which excellence In Journalism must be
The Daily Edition
Of The Record will be sent by mall to any
address for H3.00 per year or 36 cents per
The Daily and Sunday
Tuitions together, whloli will give Its r etui era
the best and freshest Information of all that
isgelugon In the world every day In the
year including holidays, will be sent for
HM a year or 88 cants per month,
Record Building,
Philadelphia. Pa.
i W0' when'
I aT usedasun
admixture to
ordinary cof-
delicious drink, 'i,,..?
Koy Wost Exoitod Ovor tlto Killing
of a Whito Man
lloiloTliiir Thnt Ono of Tliolr Own
Color Wiw III Datitior of I.yiiuliliir-,
Tht-y Shoot Down n Cltlzon Who
Was lto-t! ti nt tlto Court IIoubo.
Key West, Pin., Juno 26. ThlB city
was virtually In the hands of a negrii
mob Thurstlny night, and a white rltl
zen was killed by the mob. At 4 p. m.
Thursday Sllvanus Johnson, charppd
with assault on a white woman, Mrs.
Murgaret Atwell, was conducted to the
courthouse for a hearing. The court
room was orowded, and C. 11. Pendle
ton, a well known cltlzon, arose and
asked, "Are there enough white men
present to hang the negro?" There was
a chorus of "yes, and tho
closed In on the prisoner. The sheriff
and his deputies drew their revolvors
and held the crowd at bay, while John
son was at once hurried back to Jail.
A big mob gathered In front of the
building, and one of the negroes cried
out to lynch Pendleton, and a rush
was made for him. Through the efforts
of himself and his friends Pendleton
made his escape In a carriage.
The negro mob then gathered again
about the Jail building to prevent the
lynching of Johnson, and opon threats
were made by them to kill any white
man that might come to the Jail. About
11 o'clock Thursday night William
Gardener, a white man, was sitting In
front of the court house, when several
of the negro mob approached him and
ordered him to move on. He arose to
obey, and as soon as his back was
turned there rang out the crack of a
number of rifles, and Gardener received
a mortal wound, from which ho died
two hours latter.
The whites are Inclined to avenge
Gardener's death, and another attempt
to lynch Johnson Is expected. A serious
conflict between the whites and the
blacks Is feared.
The mllltla Is In readiness for any
disturbance, having been ordered out
by the governor, and the United States
troops are at tho orders of tho sheriff.
Murderer I.yuohori, Perjuror Whipped
Crystal Springs, Miss., June 26. The
negro John Moses, who murdered an
old man named Strong near here a few
days ago, and who 'has been confined
In the local Jail, with a strong guard,
since Thursday, confessed to tho kill
ing yesterday, and shortly after the
guard was overpowered by a mob of
2d0 or 300 men, mostly farmers, and
Moses taken from tho Jail. With a ropo
around his neck he was dragged
through the streets to a tree near the
railroad and hanged. He was dead, or
nearly bo, when tho place of hanging
was reached. Tho mob captured a
negro preacher who had sworn that the
murderer had spent the day on which
Mr. Strong was killed at his house. For
this deliberate lie he was given an un
merciful whipping.
If It Tcnuircd an annual outlay of f 100.00
to insure a family against apy serious conse
quences from an attack of bowol complaint
during tho year there arC many who would
feel it their duty to pay It , that thoy could
not afford to risk their lives, and thoso of
their family for such an amount. Any one
can got this Insurnnco for 25 cents, that be-
lug tho prico of a bottlo of Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea llcmcdy. In
almost ovtsry neighborhood somo one has died
from au attack of bowel complaint before
medicine could bo procured or 0 puysipian
summoned, Ono or two doses of this remedy
will euro any ordinary enso. It never fails.
Can you afford to tako tho risk for so small
an amount. For salo by Qrulilcr Bros.,
Coining Kvents.
July 5. Sixth annual picnic pf tllP Qrant
Hand, of Shenandoah, at Columbia park.
Dancing music by Scboppo orchestra of 10
July 10. Ico' cream festival under auspices
of Camp 40, Daughters of America, In Bob
bins' opera houso.
July 13. Grand bonollt pcfnrmanco of the
dramatic cantata "Jloliecca" by request. To
bo given for tho benefit of John Hall.
Something to Know.
It may bo worth something to know that
tlto vory best medicine for restoring tho tired
out nervous system to a healthy vigor is
Klectrlc Hitters. This medicine is nurcly
vegetablo, acts by giving tone to tho nerve
centres In tho stomach, gently stimulates me
Liver and Kidneys, and aid these organs m
throwing off impurities In tho blood. Elec
tric Hitters improves the appetite, aids diges
tion, and is pronounced by those who. have
tried it as tho very best blood purifier and
norvp tonlo. Try it. Sold for SOc or fl-00
per bottlo at A. Wasley's drug store.
1'emnlo SwInftWu-'a Novol Sohoino.
Indianapolis, June 28. Mrs. CharlOB
C. Urown has been arrested on charge
of obtaining money under falso pre
tences. The woman had a novel scheme.
She represpnted to her victims that
four men were Imprisoned In Ring Sing,
N. Y., who knew the secret of a val
uable treasure, that she was raising
a fund of $10,000 to secure their liber
ation from prison, after which all who
had subscribed to the fund would profit
largely. It la estimated that Mrs.
Brown secured thousands from her
dupes, the majority of whom are wo
men. Some prominent people were
taken In.
Not only piles of tho very worst kind can
bo on red by DoWHt's Witch Hazel Salvo, but
eczema, scalds, bums, bruises, bolls, ulcers
and all other skin troubles can be instautly
relioved by tho same remedy. O. II. Hageu
huoh. v
Sululdo nt Mnuuru Falls,'
Niagara Palls, N. Y., June 28. Short
ly after noon yesterday a man about
SO years of age, shabbily dressed In a
brown suit, and wearing a soft brown
hat, walked Into a saloon near Reser
vation park and asked for a piece of
paper on which to write u note. After
writing the note the man walked di.
rectly to Prospeat Point, overlooking
the falls. He handed the note to a
lady. She refused to take It, and
threw It on the ground. The man then
mounted the stone work at tho brink
of the fallB and Jumped over. The note
read as (ollowsi "Cod bless all on
earth, and have maroy on my soul."
There Is no clew to the Identity of the
When bilious or costive, eat a Cascarets
candy cathartln. euro guaranteed, 10a, 25c.
Sir. James Perdue, an old soldier residing
at Monroe, Mich., was severely afflicted
with rheumatism but received prompt relief
from pain by using Chamberlain's Pain Balm,
He says: "At times my back would aobo so
badly that I could hardly ralso up. If I had
not gotten relief I would not bo here to write
these few lines. Chamlwrlain's Pain Balm
has done me a great deal of good aud I fee
very thaukful for it." For sale by Qrulilcr
Bros., drugglsU,
Mormon UltlorM It tin Tir. nfTown,
Meridian. Miss., Juno a. Elders Jly
dalch, Porneroy, l'ansli and Jones,
four Mormon elders ftom I'tah, were
run out of Meridian Thursday night.
The elders have been In the city sev
eral days arranging for mer-tlng and
on Thursday bpgan a house to house
canvass for the pnrprme nf securing
converts. This I'wnrlon of private resi
dences so arouitd th.' people that a
large crowd Rathercd. nnd when they
attempted to hold services the ciders
were notified to leave town. Th.-ry left
on the first train.
An utter collapse.
The man who has nl-
been a model of
Dusiness memou anu
dignity who would ns
soon think of putting
his feet on the tilano at
home as on the desk at his office finally
joes to pieces all at once. Bankruptcy
with it hat come an utter loss of ambition,
dignity, and health. Ill-health is at the
bottom of it all. Bankruptcy stares in the
face every business man who neglects his
health. A man cannot work on forever if
he ia suffering from brain fag, nervous ex
haustion, and debility. All these can come
tn tlir- mm whn netrlects to keen his di
gestion perfect, his bowels regular and
his blood pure.
Business men everywhere have come to
recognize Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery as an invaluable remedy. It makes
the digestion perfect, invigorates the liver,
restores the appetite, regulates the bowels,
purines and builds up the blood, makes the
flesh and muscles firm, and tones up the
nerves. It is a business man's medicine.
Tlios. T. Torbert, 8r or Old SpringhM, Mar
engo Co., Ala., writes: " I want to tell you the
good the 'Golden Medical Discovery' has doni
rue. I had erysipelas and ectcma. Had suf
fered for eight years. I tried all remedies and
several doctors, but could get no relief. I bought
s bottle of your ' Golden Medical Discovery and
tried It I used four bottles and a half. It com
pletely cured me. I have had no symptoma of 1U
return. It has been three years since my cure."
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad
viser has had a larger sale than any othel
book of this class ever offered the public.
This book of i.ooS pages with 300 illustra
tions, is full, from cover to cover.of practi
cal advice on health matters. This great
book, in heavy manilla covers, Is now of
fered free to whoever will send m one-cenl
stamps to pay for mailing only. If an ele
gant French cloth binding is desired, send
10 cents extra: 31 cents in all. World's Dis
pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y
Alwftn rtramnt and reliable. AvtAt Imitation.
flat droit-a tivir l'lLUtsnd ravi rehkiti.
Attlrui iforei. orient direct (sealed). Price. (1.
IMT Brjtp. Co., Uoiton.MM. Our books ip.
For sale at Klrlln'g drug fltoro and S,)e,pHpJpfth
drug store.
Jjn. W. II. YINfJST,
Graduaioand Lnto Resident IIouso Burgeon of
tho University Stuto of N. Y.
lIpAnquApTEns: Hotel Frnncy, Slicnnndoalt.
Calls night or day prppiptl.v rP5'Pfled to
Office: SO West Ontle stieet.
Can be consulted at all hours.
Oflloe Ksrnn building, corner of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
fjljenandoah, Pn.
Corner Mnrkct and Centre streets.
Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City, Pa.
ng studied under some of the beat
masters Ip London and PaHs. will elvo 'lessons
on the vIolln,mandoltn, guitar and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address In care of Blrouse,
tno jeweier, ouenanaoau.
pera. Railroad.
MAV SO. 1897.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the abovi
uate tor viKRns. uuoerton, mraoKvlllo, Dan
Water, St. Clair, Pottsvllle. Hamburg, Rcadlnt
Pottstown, Phoenlxvllle, Norrlstown and Pbll
adelphla (Broad street station) at 6 0S nnd 1103
a. m. and 4 20 n. m. on week dnva Rumim-.
a 09 a-m- 8 10 p.m. For Pottsvllle and inter-
uiniMn BHiiuiia uuy , 11 n. ui. weeti fiays,
Sundavs. 0 45 a. m.
-l rains leave rracKvuie lor Bnenandoan at
lusua. m. ana izui. osi. 702 and 1047 r,
Sunday, 1) 13 a. m. and 5 11 p. m.
i.cave s-ousviue ior onenanaoan at 1015
a. m. ana iz:uo, o 13, 7 -a anu 10 SO p. m. fctundaj
I u vi n. in. , u tt, J. ill.
Leave Philadelphia, f Broad street xtntlnnV In
Shenandoah at 5 57, 8 OSand 10 19 a. ro., 4 10 and
Ti p. m. wees; uuya. aunuays leave at 0 BO a. m.
4cavo jtroau Birect station, I'nuaaeipnia, 101
Sea (lit I, Asbury Park, Ocean drove, Loni
Branch, and Intermediate atatlona. A M a 9.1
11.39, a. m., 8.80 and 4.00 p. in. week-days. Sun-
uay, o jd u. 111,
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Express, week-days 8 30, 4 06, 4 60 5 15, 8 50,
( o Jt a iw, v uw, .v 1 isiiiuiK vttr, si wi a, m,
13 00 noon, J 2 an (Limited 100 and 4 32 p.m. 280 IDInincr 0r n-jo. am
4 00. 5 00, 5 56 (Dining Car), 0 00, T 04, 7 4.1, 1000
u. iu., 14 ui, iiir-ii,. ouuuuys, a u, s uo, s 0U, 0 13
H 20. 8 SB. 9 60. 1021. mi.ilnu- dxr Ills ...
12 85. 105 (l)lnlnir Car) 2 80 (Dlnlnir t rvi
i uiniteu i xi inning uer), o ju obs,(I1iiIiik Car)
u w, , w, , w w ,. ,.. i ui iiigii,.
siiXirves iur jmwiou wituout ctiange, 11 00 a m,
week-days, and 7 13 p. pt dully.
For Baltimore and Waahlnirtnn. a an T M a tt
1020, 1133 a. in., 1209 (1281 Limited Dii.
Inn. -1 111 D IO J At Kill I ,
uimiivu, unlink vur; oir, q oo (inning uari,
781 (Dining Car) p. m., and 12 05 nlgl'l
unyn. ouuuays, o ou. 7 au, V IX, 11 2B a
m., 1209 111, 4 41, (5 15 Congressional Limited
uuuiig jri, ooo turning uari, jut p. n.
IJLiiiuug varj ouu Li a nigus.
Leave Broad street atatlnn. ta
Delaware river bridge), express, 9 30 a. in. and
7 05 11. ro. daily.
Leave Market street Wsirf, express, 5 00, 850
a m., 1 00, (Saturdays only), 1 00, 4 00, 4 30 and
8 00 p. m. Sundays, 800, 8 45 ond 9 45 a.m.
Accommodation, 8 00 nnd 8 30 a. in., S 30 nnd 4 SO
P-m-. week days. Sundays, 8 00, 8 15 a. in., and
1 00 and 5 oa p. in.
.For Gape May, Angleasea, Wlldwood and
lioiiy iieacu Kxnresa, 9 00 a, m., 4 05 p. m.
week days. Sundays, 9 00 a. in. Cap May only,
1 SO n. in. Saturdays.
For fea Isle City, Ocean City, Avnlon and
iTi ni- s jo p. iu.
nwmMayp, ouiwajB,, WB. IU,
Vnr HAmM ll , lt.n.u. K net a Kn - M
2 00, i CO, 6 00 p. ra.'wMk days. Sundaya. 8 ii
ft Ills
T It II tfroiiiuanw T T U7AAn
Ucn'l Manager. Gen'l rai,g'r Aft
For Weak nnd Run Down Poople.
UUflT IT IQ I The richest of nil restorA
nilHI II IO I tivo foods, boonuto 11 rc-
Iilaees the essentials of llfo that nre ox
minted by disease, Indigestion, high living,
overwork, worry, oxcesses, abuse, oto.
digestion perfect it creates solid ileib,
irrusolo and strength. Tho nerves being
made strong the brain becomes native and
elear. It restoros lost vitality, stops all watt
ing drains and weaknoss in either sex, nnd
ns a female regulator has no equal, l'rlca
fiOe., orflve boxes J2.00. Druggists orby mall.
Wo can help you. Advice nnd book, free
"Wflto Us About Your CasoT
1513 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,
Piles or Hemorrhoids.
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds,
"Wounds & Brulsas.
Cuts & Soras.
Boils & Tumors.
Eozema & Kruptlons.
Salt Rheum & Tetters.
Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites or Insects.
Three Slies, 25c, 50c. and $1.00.
Sold by drnsglsts, or sent post-paid on receipt of prico
UCariIItIISSID.CO., ill lit Ulll.m8U,S.-rort.
Per sale at Povfnsky's drug store, 28 Kast
venire street
Steel Pennyroyal Treatment
Is the original and only FRENCH,
safe and roliable euro on the mar
ket. Price, $1.00; sent by moil.
Genuine sold only by
S. P. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
fleo. I, lSoitriiolio, Phlhi., Tn,, svronrsr
Two years ago X became tt buin-rtr frum ltlootl
at'oioii. commencing
with a lUllo lump nnd
sorconmyneckt I doc
tored. Instead of get
llnif better I crew worse.
X applied to one of our
Icatilnf bnspltaia, was
ttv.uM nine foralpriK
ttnu-. IVoiiecoaiacuro
my ruwo (my ntioto
will vx plain to all sur
fers niy condition nt
ttmt tl tpe. ) Intlns lior
rtbiii p tn to of bcftlib I
went to lr, r.
Tlic . He tied been
recomnjeniled to ite o
rM lind f)tll'l. Ii-,
Hi col. ooi 2Vri!i
NI XTH ftl I'ffl.l'hlln
Before treatment.
Informed me ba had cured lliou-mmM Ulto
imstbat he would Jlke to have in photo no
that stiepf len might seo ibo truth; for so many
to catch sufferers thnt
many ieonlo think nil
who advertise ara
quncKij, My phuo won
tuker) front poLli njilea
with pio'iramo toowi
dlstancfV. Alter three
months'" (realmriil
Stay photo speabs for
tsrwtJHlay 1 nm ft
itittnv yuufis man.
Kvrry eopo is healed,
scirs only left ua n re
membrftnt of that hor,
rlblo disease. When I i
con stilted Dr. Thrrl I
my neck and face were
swollen tlircu lliiiri
thelrnormalslze.astno ....,,
photosroph will show, AftcLr10!,I?1?ntha
1 sav suflere rs from any
J!ood I'olson or Indiscretion of any kind, malo
pr fpmalo, yoone or old, rich or poor, here U a
case nono can -quril. Will you suffer as I
did or will you listen to a former aufTerer'a
ntfvlro to pn nnd consult Aiui-i-Icii'm fri-ent
nR THFFI 604 Nf,h SIXTH St.
whose heart Is as soft nnd kind niaiiiotlicr-.
(leorgo V, Schrenobos, sworn according t law,
bftfore Charles W, Milter, Notary I'Mhila
Blgned, OKOHGK J firiinKNOriOM. llourH.
Dally U3, Kvus. G-O. Sundays 0-12.
NO XAME, NO ADHirrftS imbllshcd
without the patient's consent. HtrUt't.t v
crrcy Biinrnntt'i'il to nil IIm1 i(i.n.i
varicocele ntrU'tttt'o curetl imiler aunt
mitee IsOMt mnnhood l-eatori'il Hintill
liriinlcen oraiin enlnrffiMl. l"rcli cntc
cured In 1 to 1(1 dayi. JCelleTtit onc-n.
Anilcted nnd nnlortunnte, Toor or Iticli, It
you weic robbed and iciltnlzud and wish to get
cured, then stnd five 2-ct nt stamps for book
"Truth," the hi at for younc and 1I. tuet or
tnnrrled. Only book exposing iiiinrk A I.ike
litstltiits, fi've irecrlptiftu liiimtintE. or
SO'callcdfrec sd Ice, from runner X Uaw-nulTrr-trs,
etc. Hours fur cxamlnutton and trtaimtnt
fordaiitrerniiaiand fio-callcd Inouri.blo cast's
dally from 1(1 to 'Jt Veclnuilu aaud Hatur
ilnya from ! A. M to 4 1. Af. and Trom
U to 10 1. SI, Send fur sworn testimonials.
IN EFFECT JlAV 20. 1897.
Trains leavo Shenandoah as fnllowH i
For New York via l'lilladelnliln week dnva
S1V, UOU, t U, V-HIt, ID,, MOJ, O 1U BIIUUU1 P
m unanys, z iu a. m.
For New ork via Mauch Chunk, week days.
j ui,, w (,,., ai ui,,, u in.
For Iteadlnir and Plillndelnlila. week dava.
2 10, 5 80, 7 OS a.m., 12 33, 8 10 nnd 0 07 p. m. Sun
days, 2 10 a. in.
For Pottsvllle, week days, 2 10; 7 05 a. m., and
12 S3, 8 10, 6 07 and 7 21 p. in. Sundays, 2 10 a. in,
s-or -jamoqua anu xuauanoy mty, weeic nays
210.530. 705 a. in,. 1283. 310 and 0 07 d. in.
Sundays, 10 a. m,
For Wllllamsport, Hunbttry and IwlslurB,
wct. uuyaw, u ou, ii uu ii. in., ana n. in
Sundays, 3 25 a. m.
For aIaliano Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 8 35, 5 80,
7 05. 9 51, 11 80 a. m., 12 83, 8 10, 0 07, 7 35, 9 55 ana
ii iu i. ui. ouiiunvB, A iu, a jo a. in.
For Ashland and Shamokln. week davs. 8 25.
580,705, 1180 a. in., 007, 735 and 9 95 p. m.
niinunys, a zo a. m. ,
l'or uaitiinore, wostitngton and the West rln
11, AO. It, 11., tliroucli trains' lea'-1 Reading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & R. H X.) at 3 30,
755,1120 a. m., 810 nna 7.27 p. iu. Sundays,
O A, I W, 11 JO U. HI-, O W ttllU 4 p. IU, Atllll-
tlonal trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week: uays, 10 so a. in. 13 30,
i iu a ,w (,.iu. quiiu.j bi a uj, o ao . ill
Leave New York via Philadnlnhln. baaL-
uays, 14 'a, s oo, w b. in., ana 1 aU, 4 90, v 00 V,
m. aunaays. o w p. m.
Ieave Now York via Mauch Ohunfc. waaIt
days, i 80, 9 10 n. m., 1 90 and 4 15 n. m.
Leave rhlladelphla, Heading Terminal, week
uays, 4 -ju, o , iu iu a. in. ami 1 42, 4 00, 0 90. 11 9)
p. IU. O ClIIU uy as, il W l. 111.
Leave Readlns.week days, 1 30, 7 10, '008, a, m.
12 00 m., 119,600 and 8 30 p. m. Sundays, 1
iio iui.ijyiiO wrai, u;i, m oat f ti
v M(n u 4 j. ut. ouiiuui, too a. in.
... 1 Bo, 3 51. 7 30 and 9 48 p. m. Sundays, 8 18
in .
laintiA f nlinnrm r((n naaU IO Oft a Am
9 12 11 47 a. m., 2 17, 5 Is, 0 17, 7 41 and 10 08 p. in.
Sundays. 12 35. 3 41 a. in.
lave aiananoy I'lane, week; days, 13 35, 2 40,
00 680,93a. 1025. 1159 a. in.. 282. 582. ft Aft
dl,lUl,lll. 011I1UU) B, U SU, X 4U, lUJU, UV
l.eave Wllllamsport, weeic uays, 7 41, 10 30 a
ui., s w anu ii au p. m. nunuays, ii au p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wart and
South street whaif for Atlniitle City.
Weekdays Itxprees, 9 00 a. in., (Saturdays
only, 1 30) 2 00, 4 00, 4 So, 5 00 p. in. Aoooinnio-
datton, 8 00 n. in., 5 15, 6 80 n. in.
Sundays Rzpress, 8 (0, 900, 10 00 a, to.
Aooommodatlun. 8 00 a. in.. 4 45 ii. m.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, eorcer
Atlantic- anil Araansus avenues.
WMtVilfll-B tr.vrnua VfH OlVl. ... .an
5 80 p. in. Aooomiuodatlon. 4 25, 8 IS a. in., 4 10
p. in.
Sundays Rxprces, 4 00, 5 80, 8 00 p. in. Aeeonv
mouatioii, 7 ia a. in., 4 xo p. in.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
A Handsomo Comploxion
Is one of the greatest charms a woman can
possess. Pozzoni's CourusxioH Fdku
Bivcs It.
tho Govornmont May Sond Troops
to Bring About Ordor,
iVtMlltot-s on I In nil to Deirmiitl I'nj--
iimiit or Amount l)n, nntl Some of
tlin ltenenolitfle llollevo Tlioy Ain
llctna Doniitiiletl.
Wfuihlnsrtott, June 86. Trouble hns
broken out afresh at Port Olbson. I: T.,
whore the Cherokee freedmen pTyment
has Just been resumed, and the Wash
ington authorities have been appealed
to for assistance In averting further
disorders. News of the disturbance
came officially In telegrams received
by Secretary Bliss, supplemented by
similar advices received by the attor
ney general and the secretary of war.
General Prank C. Armstrong, of the
Dawes commission, which was Just
leaving Fort Olbson when the trouble
occurred, Joined with Indian Inspector
McLaughlin who Is supervising the
payment, in wiring the following to
Secretary Bliss:
'Considerable excitement exists
among the negroes on account of ar
rests made by the United States mar
shals. Negroes are armed, and are
threatening to attack the marshals
The troops are able to cope with the
situation and preserve peace. If the
commander has not authority to pa
trol the town and to exercise control
over the excited negroes, serious
trouble may occur. The presence and
action of the military has thus far pre
vented bloodshed. The payment lias
progrssed quietly, but these distur
bances are outside the lines, and are
between the negroes and deputy mar
shals, rrompt and decided action is
recommendwl, with authority to re
move disorderly persons and disarm
all except United States officials."
The following telegram was received
from Inspector McLaughlin:
"Agent Wisdom disbursed $14,211 of
the fourth Installment of the Cherokee
freedmen's fund Thurnday. The pay
ment progressed regularly. Som
trouble occurred outside of the paj
ground limits between the freedmen
and deputy marshals through the lat
ter executing processes of the Unltec
States district court acalnBt certain
beneficiaries, requiring them to pay tin
indebtedness to certain creditors after
receiving check and leaving the pay
ground. Two shots were fired by some
persons In the crowd, thought to have
been directed at deputy marshals. Nt
person injured except one freedman
who wns struck in the Jaw with a rlfk
by a deputy marshal. Considerable ex
citement prevailed for a time; but soon
subsided, and no further trouble Is ap
prehended," becretary Bliss forwarded the advicer-
to the secretary of war for his action
and wired the Inspector that he had
done so, and reminding him that thi
troops were on the ground, stated tha'
order must lie maintained at all haz
ards. The Individual beneficiaries of
the payment are making positive pro
tests, and a telegram wa.8 received
here yesterday from n, woman at Porl
Scott, Unn., as follows:
'"Am Cherokee freedman, guardian
for my children. Honey deposited In
bank at Fort Scott, n. F. Ware at
tached It through fraud. How can 1
pet possession?"
bhe Is only ono of a number In simi
lar straits.
Dou't thm vour blood with sassafras or
poison it with hluo-mass; but aid Nature by
using DoWltt's Littlo Early Risers, tho fam
ous llttlo pills for constipation, biliousness
and stomach and liver troubles. Thoy aro
purely vccetablo. U. il. Hagcnbucn.
Aft-ostod For WiuitltiKTIii-lr Unriiliiut
Trenton, June 26. One hundred of
tho striking Itnllnns at Morrlsvllle
were arrested yesterday and placed In
the local lockup, and 19 of them were
afterwards taken to Doylestown, to the
county Jail, in charge of a detail of
deputy sheriffs. They were, however,
released last night, and left town
quietly. There was no disturbance, and
the arrests were made for the purpose
of dispersing the crowd and to permll
Contractor Wheeler to leave without
risking any danger. Wheeler left the
Iloagland House yesterday, and before
going said that there was no dispo
sition on the part of his firm to cheat
the men, but that some days would be
required to enable them to get the
necessary funds,
The Grandest Remedy.
Mr. It. II. Orcovo. merchant, of Chllhowlc.
Ya., certiljos that ho had consumption, was
given up ta dio, soushtnll medical treatment
mat money count procure, tried all cough
remedies he could hear of. but got no relief:
spent many nights sitting up In n chair; wiib
induced to try Dr. King's Now Discovery,
and was cured by uo of two bottles. For
past three years has been nttondiug to busi
ness, and says Dr. King's Now Discovory is
tho grandest remedy ovor mado. as it has
dono so much for hfni and also for others in
his community. Dr. King's Now Discovory
ia guaranteed for Coughs. Colds and Con
sumption. It don't fail. Trial bottles free
at A. watley'8 drug storo.
A Dny nfiuri.T rogi-oss.
Wnshlngton. June 28. The senate
yesterday completed the wool schedule,
the silk schedule and the tobacco
schedule of the tariff bill, and with this
accomplished the tariff leaders had the
satisfaction of knowing that all the
schedules of the bill and the free list
had been gone over once. There now
remains only to go through the bill a
second time, passing on the Items
passed over. These are very numerous
and Important, Including hides, gloves,
coal, tea und beer. After that the In
ternal revenue features of the bill will
be all that remain. Progress was rapid
yesterday, although every paragraph
relating to carpets was stubbornly con
arlppewben Laxative ilrouio Quinine will
cure vou in one dav. Piitunln tAhleta Ann
veiiient fur taking. Guaranteed to euio. or
money refunded. I'rioe, X ostits. "or sale
uy jviniu s 1-uanunoy.
F.xiiloH ou KIIIh l iitlier nnd Son.
Drockwayvlilu, Pa.. June 86. Adam
Leek, aged 62, and his son William
aged 26, were iiistnntly killed yester
day by the explosion of the boiler In a
mall machltiB shop at Urockport, Elk
county. The building was owned by
Leek, and was demolished by the force
of the explosion. Both bodies were
blown about a hundred feet, and were
terribly mangled. Frank Luck, another
son, was working but a few feet from
his father and escaped without
scratch. The explcslon Is thought to
have been cnuscd by carrying too muoh
"lam an old soldier of the Bebvlllou. A
year ago I wan in lied all winter with chronic
rheumatism. Tlireo doctors failed to give iue
relief. Two bottler of Ilurdock Illood Bitters
put me on my feet. It Is worth Its weight In
gold." W. 11. Knapp, Litchfield, Hillsdale
Co., Mieh.
A life Saved,
Frank B. Trout Teiis a Reporter of How His Daughter's
Life Was Saved. All Parents Should be Inter
ested in This Narrative.
From the Iternlng
Using as a nucleus for his investiinitinn
the rumor that the life of the daughter of
Prank II. Tront, well known in Detroit,
Mloh., real estate elrcles, hail been saved, a
reporter oalled on Mr. Trout at his office,
lot Oris wold Avenne. Mr. Trout showed
some hesitancy In giving his opinion fur
publication, hut finally said : " Cin-itm-ttanops
and a father's love for his child
forced me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Pale People, but not until the whole medical
profession hail exhausted their skill. At
tits age of fourteen we had to lake mir
daughter from school owinc lo hor h It h.
Before this she had been In tli lust nf
health, happy aud in the best of spirits. She
began to fall away and hern me pale and
languid. She was so weak that she would
fall diiu-n in a faint every time h tried to
walk unsupported. The best nf physieinns
attended her, but she continued ti, grow
winker and seemed to b gradually faditur
"When she wa fifteen she weighed only
ninety pounds, and the doctor nid it wn
anxmin. Several physician siiid she might
outgrow it, but that it would no .Imil.t ter
minate in consumption. No doctor ue had
could help her, and we concluded ourselves,
we must loie our child, as she wui gmwiin;
weaker every day.
"We had tried all the wcll-knou u reme
dies, and finally aliout a year ago 1 bought
a hox of Dr. Williams Pink Pills for I'nle
People and took them home. That day I
had read of n ease about the same ns mv
daughter's, and decided to give them it
trial, though I must confess I did not
have much fajth. llefore she had taken all
of the first box we noticed a change for tho
better. She, however, gained strength dally
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 7 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllliiiiiiiiiiiniiiii
""US' ' VIMTff" iJSy
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug: Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
25 SO
SRSfll.IITPr.Y ffilSRflNTPPri t0 nn anrcic
..uwuu.uu. uv.,....., .uu ntp. ncrrr ci
.I..H.1 (.Mll.trn.. l.t L-TL-ltlllf! Pl'ttl-nV I II
Dyspepsia, Malaria, Sleepisssness,
Nervous Headache, Biliousness,
Kidney Diseases, General Debility, Etc.
Ask your Dvuuyist to get them
through his Jobber, or semi
a Postal Card to
j?j ire
Sold at. KIRLIN'S Drug:
A Great Magazine Offer
The regular subscription price of
.Judge's Library." and'
Funny Pictures" is $3.30
DEMO REST S M AG AZ IN E' to by ter
t!HJl?ni0!,an, Pra"n n
to" aKf '""
JUDSJilitlSRA.RXl ta5yaamliteof fun, Bllod with Illustrations In oarioature
and replete with wit od humor. Its ooiitril.utnr. th. it nr .............. .l7:.,
.. i.m
1 1 1 . . . .
'FUNNY PICTURES' is another humorous monthly; there Is a laugh in every line or It
to nun them"0 mm"Ulu tooi''y " up. You .houTd not miss tliU elutneo
1 1 1 mil 1. ntl.
Cut here and return
Deforest Purjliskirvcj Co.,
Artci, Detroit, Mich.
and looked brighter. Every one noilred
. the change, and I bought to more boxes
for her.
"When she had taken two iotr, she wa
i strong enough to leave her bed, nnd in levi
tlinn ix months wn snnictlmii.- like herpell.
: To-day she is entirely cured, nii'l it a lug,
ltron?. henlthy girl, 'weighing IW pound,
nnd h;i- in , i had a sick day since.
"I To ie.( think she ime tlom now,
I though I nluity keep tliehi in lii- house.
Mi wile in. I I have recoinm. mli-'l them lo
our in il hhor., and sent :i if to nimthrr
oitiii-gr'i mIim seems to he in th, ,imi con
dition ii m daughter. Had not Dr. Wil
lirnus' I'liik Pills. saved my daughter's life,
1 would not recommend them to nny one. 1
know they (lo nil and more than is claimed
for tin ill, iiinl I am glad to n coiihim till them
to the world. 1 know Dr. illi.ini' Pink
Pills for l'.ile People an veil mj 'laughter's
life, nnd thnt is enough for mc "'
V. TI Troitt
Subscribed nnd sworn to before rue this
fourth dn of March, 1897.
Kom itT K. Hull, Jr., JVofnrv AWfr,
Wayne Count Michigan
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pule People
ennliiin, in n eondeosed form, all the ele
ment. nrccxMiry to give now life nnd rich-iii-h
to the hlood and restore r-liHtii red nerves.
They nre nlo a specific for troubles peeulinr
to fetnitlc. such as suppression-, irregulari
ties ami nil forms of weiikne. In men they
etleet ii radical cure in all case nriwing from
mental worry, overwork or excesses or what
cvor nature. Fink Pills are sold In boxes
never in looe bulk) at W) cent a hox or six
boxes for 2.B0, and may be Imd of all drug
gists, or direct by mail from Or Williams'
Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
- nre prt'grKwivo and keep informed of E
the World's Progress. Tho well In-
K formed nnd thrifty House-wife will
always Keep
In 1. l.nnn .... r. Bt.,.1.l ...n.l,. fA.
ii, tiiu iiuubu. tie u Diiiutiuill imuciijr 11,1
Sprains, Bruises, Cramps, Itliouinnlisin,
nnd all nchos nnd pains.
Price 26 cts. and BO cts. per bottle. E
Prepared by II. J. HACKETT & CO., Philadelphia.
Virion In doLj? vh : to use let
Nervous Pcbiluy. Lt of Power.
ImpntLncy. Alropnv.V aricocelcand
other weaknesses, from any cause,
use Scxine Pills. Drains checked
and full vigor quickly restored.
If nglset6. aaof, troabfe. rcralt r.ullr.
Mailedfor$1.00;0boies5.00. With
$5X1 orders we give a guarantee to
cure or refund the money. Address
PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland. O.
of constipation. Cavnrrts an the Ideal i.njn-i
ip nr cripe.nur cause easy nntnrni results, sam-i
..n . , t V , . ,
t' o
Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
We will stfti all thrw to you for
one yiar (or $2.00, or 6 mo. for SI,
the best family maxaztue published ; there Is non
and the useful, pleasure and proflt, StAlon and
Deinorert's. TUeri is, in fitct, no pul'.ltS J"e.
wblch o-'Oo-nparewithlt. Kvy number Jon-
" - u.ou w,. liiuB.raiioiin in issnoasure
ooniributors are the best of American wits and
Coupon properly filled out.
1 10 TiftK Avvq. York.
J" '
. .............
Pcwt-ofs1o -. ......