The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 22, 1897, Image 4

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    We are right
Allowing no new papers to
get past its'. We get them
nil iwV'tvould like to se
cure your order tor some
paper or periodical and we
will guarautee fair treatment
and prompt delivery.
North IVljaln St.
Anil l'loMern, the IIhikI nf Aiiinrlcin. Cull
Via tho trno pathway, "The Iron Mountain
llouta," which traverses a region of perpetual
mnsliino, where inow storms, blismrda or
high nltitiul arc unknown. Pullman first
and Rorond clam jtalaco and tourist sleeping
cars to poinU in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and New Mexico, Arixona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Nevada, without change. Quick time, low
rates, and all the comforUof modem railway
improvrmenta guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via the Missouri l'aclflc railway
system. For rates right from yonr home,
literature, and full information, drop a postal
card, J. V. McCanu, T. P. Agent, 818 Hall-
road avenue, Elmira, N. Y., or 891 Ilrotf
way, Now York.
8-8-tf W. E Ifoyt, G. E. P. Agt.
When you want good roottug, plumbing
gas fitting, or general tlnsmithlng dono call
on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Centro street
Dealer ir stem 1-tf
Hrpn!t In ISi-iifltnit'M Iron strike.
Remllng, Pa., June 22. The first
break in the strike at tho Heading
iron works occurred yesterday, when
the company was enabled to resume at
its plate mill with ICO men. Nearly
1.300 are still lying Idle.
Dentil of Cnptnln Itoyt-ott.
London, June 22. Captain Boycott Is
dead. lie vt ns about 55 years of age,
and It in.e Onrush bolntt th"
lli-Ht ii ii ii 'ulijiUiJ to the "boycott" in
1 1
Telegrapli Operators AVIU l'lenlc.
The telegraph ojierators employed on the
Shamokiu division of tho Heading railroad
will picnic at Allenwood on Jills- 3rd. A
Moral time is anticipated by all as tho brass
pounders are a jolly lot of fellows although
they do a tremendous lot of tick business.
"IKuil Stuck" for bugs. Used by U. S.
Ciiveimueut. A liquid insect powder. Won't
stain. O-14-30t-eod
A special lot of printed
silks in choice new colors,
now 2ic. per yard..
For capes or dress waists,
in rich brocades, 39c. to
$1.00. Satin Duchesse
and Faille Silks in all
grades at low prices.
This department is so
complete that no descrip
tion would do it justice ;
we are the leaders in this
line and our goods are
marked at rock-bottom
The McCall Paper Pat
terns are the best in the
world and the prices are
only 10 or 15c.
Undertaking in - -
- - all its Branches.
Open Day and Night.
Cor. White
and Lloj'U
f Stables,
-JVo. aj Went Centre Street.
Ta (i 1 e t n n r e
known the country over as the surest cure lor
thin lUngi-mus illseane. Mun-
ynn's Kemeillpa, a separate f. II W lv
cure for eaeh disease, for sale
at all druggists Montly Inc. Winn In dnobj,
CATARRH Mnnyon.llWl Arch
, 1 " 1 1 1 1 ' street, rhlladel-
phla, ra., for free medical advice,
(Continued from lint Page )
tlemen In attendance- nu:ert in tne gar
den vestibule; the yeomen of the guard
on duty In the grand hall and vesti
bule. After dinner the queen proceeded
from the grand salon to the ballroom
to receive "her cupU, the envoys and
their sutlas, the Indian princes, th
officers of the Imperial forces and ot
the native Indian escorts and the offt
era ot tho queen's German regiment.
The colonial premiers, with thelt
wives, were presented to her majesty
ljr Air. Chamberlain, secretary of
slate for the colonies, and the suite of
toyal and other guests were presented
severally by their chiefs. The great
officers of state attended in full court
dress. Mesdames Whltelaw Held, Nel
son A. Miles and Ogden Mills were
presented by the queen's special com
mand. In the house of commons yesterday
an address of congratulation to the
queen was opiiosed by Irish members,
Mr. Dillon, chairman of the Irish par
liamentary party, being especially
vehement. When an amendment by
Mr. IterSmond, the Parnelllte leader,
Was put the antt-Parnellltes left the
house, but they returned for the main
question, and on the sneaker saying:
"The ayes have it," the anti-Parnell-Ites
shouted loudly: "The nays have
It," whereupon a vote had to be taken.
Mr. Halfour then moved that the ad
dress be piesented to the queen by the
whole house, to which John J. Clancy,
Parnelllte, said that after what had
occurred the motion was absurd and an
absolute untruth. A vote was then
taken, and it resulted In the adoption
of Mr. liallour's motion by 411 ayea
to 41 nays.
A large number of jubilee honors
have been conferred by her majesty.
Sir John Blundell Maple Is made n
baronet, and the same honor Is con
ferred upon Sir William MacCormack,
M. D., president of the ltoyal Collego
of Surgeons, James Pender, son of the
late John Pender and M. P. for the
middle division of Northamptonshire,
and Samuel Wllks, M. D., president of
the Royal College of Physicians, and
physician extraordinary to her ma
jesty. Wyke Bayllss, president of the Royal
Society of British ArtiBts, and Profes
sor William Crookes, vice president of
the Royal Society, are made knights,
and Hr Francis Henry Jeung presi
dent of the probate, divorce and ad
miralty division of the high court of
Justice, is made a K. C. li.
The Duke of Connauglit was appoint
ed colonel of the Sixth Dragoons (In
nlsklllins), and Prince Edward of aaxe
Welmer has been made a field mar
shal. The Duke of CoburB has been
appointed admiral of the lleet.
The order of the Grand Cross of St.
Michael and St. George has been con
ferred upon Wilfred Laurler, Sir Rich
ard Cartwrlght and Sir Oliver Mownt.
The order of knlcht commander of St.
Michael and St. George has been con
ferred upon Lieutenant Governor G. A.
Klrkpatrjck, of Ontario, Hon. C. Da
vles and Sanford Fleming; Deputy
Minister J. M. Courtney, Auditor Gen
eral J. L,. McDotifrall and Deputy Post
master White have been made com
panions of the order of St. Michael and
St. George.
All the colonial premiers, William E.
Lecky, the historian, and Sir Herbert
Maxwoll, the author, have been made
privy councillors. The Prince of Wales
Is made grand master and prlncipnl
knight of the Grand Cross of the East;
an earldom is conferred upon Baron
Egerton. of Tatton, and peerages are
conferred upon the Earl of Glasgow,
Viscount Downe, Justice Lopes, the
Right Honorable Ion Trant Hamilton
and Sir John Burns.
The mayors of Leeds and Sheffield
are made lord mayors, and the lord
mayor of London, Georgo Faudel Phil
lips, 1b made a baronet; Bancroft, the
actor. Is knighted, and the chief Jus
tices of Manitoba, Montreal and On
tario, Messrs. Taylor, Taggart-Talt
nnd Haggerty, are knighted.
Among the large number of lettpra
and telegrams of congratulation re
ceived by Queen VIdtorIa Is the fol
lowing from the president of the Un
ited States:
"Great and Good Friend: In the
name and cn behalf of the people of tho
United States I present their sincere
feilcltaticns upon the GOth annlveisary
of your majesty's accession to the
throne of Grat Britain.
" express the sentiments of my fel
low citizens in wishing for your people
the prolongation of a reign Illustrious
and marked by advance In science,
arts and popular well being. On be
half of my countrymen I wish par
ticularly to recognize your friendship
for tl'.e United States and vour love
of peace exemplified upon Important
occasions. .
"It Is pleasing to acknowledge the
debt of gratitude and respect due to
your personal virtues. May your life
lie prolonged and peace, honor and
prosperity bless the people over whom
you have been called to rule. May lib
erty flourish throughout your empire,''
under Just and equal laws, and your
government continue strong In the
affections of all who live under it.
"And I pray God to have your ma
lesty In his holy keeping.
"Your good friend,
A Bluok llouiior AdvortlHOH Irolnnd'w
Voon Dill'iliK Vlotorlu'w Nolan.
Lublin, June IS. At a meeting held
near College Green yesterday, In con
nection with the Jubilee, a black ban
ner was displayed with the statement:
"During Victoria's reign one and a
half millions of people have starved
in this island; three millions lmw
been evicted, and four millions havo
been compelled to emigrate."
A body of undergraduates who
marched out from the grounds of
Trinity college carrying a union jack
came Into collision with the crowd, ami
there was considerable fighting. Philip
Callen was severely wounded in the
head, and several others were more or
''. injured. Only with difficulty did
the police restore order. The caupe of
the trouble was rivalry In singing na
tional airs. After the rumpus the
crowd paraded the streets and de
stroyed the decorations.
One dose of Dr. Fowler's Ext, of Wild
Strawberry will check any case of dlarrho- a
if taken at the start.
Ask your grocer for tue "Royal Patent'
Sour, and take no other brand. It is the best
flour made.
tlnpiMttllilgtt Tlinitlglimit the Country
ChrnnleliMl (or Hasty l'ernsal.
A. J. Welker, of llollertnwn, hat lcon
granted a patent for a key fastener.
The property of James Shields, on Iiast
Centre street, is being beautified by a coat of
A branch of the Itailrondera' Y. M. C. A.,
was organized Sunday evening at Port
A flag stone pavement is being laid on tho
.Timlin and Cherry trcot sides of St. George's
Lithuanian church.
Pa trick Mauley and Jack Jlalier. two
Locust Gap uprinten, are matched for a 800
yard dash July Bth for $0.'
The Lost Creek libel case against Jimmy
O'Neill will, from all repotta, prove very
Interesting, if it ever comes to trial.
1 localise she could not induce the man alio
loved to marry her Agnes L. Schulrit, a
wealthy Heading girl, drowned herself.
Ml Margaret B. Jleddall's name was
omitted by mistake from the published Hat of
grammar school graduates ou Saturday.
The Klnggold band of Heading is furnish
ing the music at the commeucemeut exercises
of Hucknell University, Lewlsburg, this
Sheppton dogs do not appear to respect the
clergy. Hev. J. N. lluck, of McAiloo, while
visiting there, was severely bitten hy one on
the leg.
Peter Sellluky fractured Michael Kiddle's
skull with a heavy club, at Ltiserue bor
ough, near Willtetuarra yesterday, niddle
will die.
John Donnelly, of Summit Hill, aged,
about 14 years, was drowned on Saturday
afternoon while bathing in the cistern at No.
10 colliery.
Prof. John Jones, of Mahanoy City, has
made arrangements to give nn orchestral
concert at the Miners' hospital during the
early part of Jnly.
Work upon the erection of n new Catholic
church whs commenced at Mnuoh. Chunk
yesterday. It will be located on West Broad
way close to the old one.
On noxt Thursday evening thero will lie a
big tempemnco meeting in Ashland under
the auspices of tho local Catholic Total Ab
stinence Beneficial Union.
Preparations are under way for the annual
ramp meeting to he held at Mountain Grove
The grounds will bo improved, and tho
Ixmrd walk will ho oxteuded.
Nicholas Hrecker, formerly foreman at tho
Morriam colliery, takes tho place formerly
held by Supt. Adam Boyd as foreman at
llurnsido colliery, Shamokin.
Mrs. Mary O'Dnnnell, of Washington
street, Ilazlrtnn. while on hor way to Drifton
Suturdnr nl' ., was struck by a Lehigh
Valley ..n and instantly killed.
Tho huylkill County Medical Society
will meet at Tumbling Kim on Tuesday,
July 0, Dr. S. S. Cohcu, of Philadelphia will
raid a paper on "Cardiac Medicaments."
Hev. Frank llolliugshead, of Hucknell
University at Lewisburg, has accepted a
cull to the Ashland Baptist church, which
has been without a pastor for soiuo time.
A tailless calf was born at linker's station,
Northumberland county, last week. Tho
Mahanoy American has had one in its
sanctum ever sinco Tom Joyce left there.
The Lehigh Valley Constructing Company,
of South Bethlehem, has been awarded tho
contract to dig a canal from the St. Lawrence
river to tho Grass river in New York state.
A charter has been granted for an electric
railroad between Baston and Bcthlohem.
When completed it will be possible to rido by
trolley from Siegfried's briileo to Phillips
burg, N. J.
Peter Waskal, who is supposed to have
murdered Michael Urban at McAdoo over
a year ago, but who was novcr captured, was
killed by a fall of coal in tho mines at Pitts
burg on Friday.
Tiio members of tho West Hazleton Council
aio troubled over tho disposition of a dead
dog found recently in tho borough limits.
The matter has grown so serious that it may
be taken to couit.
Thomas Donahue and Tutrick Miillln be
came engaged in nn altercation in a I'itts
tewn hatyroom Saturday evening. Mullin
was shot twice in the abdomen and died.
Donahuo was committed to jail.
Every businoss man in Mt. Carmcl, has
signed a petition which will bo forwarded to
tho P. & It. C. & I. Co., asking for better
time for tho collieries of tho company in that
district, as they claim there is a discrimina
tion. Another Sheliumlouh Scandal
Evorybody says it is perfectly scandalous
about Womor, tho shocdoaler, because ho
doesn't give other dealers a chanco. That's
all right, we'ro not in business to ploaso
dealers, but tho public with our 1000 pairs of
ladies , gents', misses', youths' and children's
shoes, at your own price, 121 N. Main
street. 0-10-lm
Licenses TruiiMforied,
Tho license held by Bridget Kelly, in the
liist ward of Tainaqua, was transferred to
John Glovor.
The license held by Louis Vicofsky, in tho
First ward of Shenandoah, was transferred to
Enoch Cibulski,
Tho licenso of John Stond, In tho Middle
ward of Gilborton, was transferred to
Anthony Skalonjlnuas.
Tho license of Mucho Illasi, in tho Fifth
ward of Mahanoy City, was transferred to
Uhaldo Bias!.
The licenso of Matthew Farrell, in the
West ward of Gilborton, was transferred to
Henry Miller.
Whou bilious or costive, cat a Cascarcts
candy cathartic, cure guarautced, 10c, 25c.
MnrrlAge Licenses. a
Andrew Belaucin, of Wm, Pcnn, and Do-
borah Antolllk, of Shenandoah.
Morgan Morgans and Tilllo Leib, both of
Milton D. Naglo and Katie E. Miller, both
of Auburn.
Martin Koberts and Carrie Myers, lioth of
MBlianoy City.
Thomas Bovine, of Pottavillo, and Liastle
Parker, of Shenandoah.
Samuel E. Deeblo. of Sheppton, and Anuio
Kriek, of Hazletoti.
Dents ltcrorrferi.
From Wm. Mareinkiuniez et al., to Joseph
Ruduimki et al., premises in Shenandoah.
I'rom Jacob J. Walborn ot al., to Lucetta
Ihompson, premises in Iiyon township.
From Joseph Shoener and wife to Sarah
Shooner, premises in East Brunswick
lor w xs ..T
V'ZT A.Lt. NATriv. 'di
of tho Globe for
1TEUEALQIA and similar Complaints)
presort Doa by eminent pbysioianarj
OnlvKi nnlin nn TraUo Mark " Anchor,'
i: Ad. ltlcliter-JtCo., 21 i I'carlSt.. Kcw York.
1 3 Branch Honses, Own Glassworks,
SS & 50 cu. EudoKud & ruuouiuiundcd by
A. Wflslpv 10, Tt Main Ct
H. HaeenDuch, 103 N. Main St.,
r. f.p. Kinm, 6 tf. Main St
, snenanaoah.
OCTlf i? PFJfal? SisTi Si i stf isxxSisLiMlLLiL!
FREE -WTrnTd " " ' $ 2B Gold Watches.
(Outing 1697) tfll llgjll SOAP
For particulars send your name and foil afldreMto WPAPPFRS
Lever Iltos,, Ltd,. IIoUon A Hsirlson 8U., New Yo.k. TT Vf s-rfsx-
Mrs. Thatcher, of Tamaqua, is circulating
among town acquaintances.
Mow Hose Ilovan, of Mt. Carmel, was on
tertalnod by town friends yesterday.
Miss Jennie Ileildall. of Tumsqtia, Is hclng
entcrt'lnrd by her many friends here.
Andrew Melnskey made his appearance on
the streets this mora lug, after several days'
Miss Gertrude C. Reese has entered the
employ of the Progress Ilargaln store as
Arthur C. Morgan has returned from
Plilladeliihla to rest after his medical studies
and examinations.
Juhn Smith, of the Kendrick House, has
entered the employ of his brother, in the
lissement of the Titman building.
Edward Amour, of the Schuylkill Traction
Company, is confined to his home In Qirard
vllle, by a severe attack of neuralgia.
John J. Beach, formerly of Philadelphia,
was a callor at the HuitALD office to-day.
Mr. Heach is now engaged iu business at
Mrs. James Ilrennan and sous, Thomas and
Frank, of Washington, 1). C, are the guests
of the former's mother, Mis. Connors, on
East Centre street.
Mhnea Nellie Haugh, Annie Tlmmlus, Annie
Glblln and Lizaiei Jones, wero noon passen
gers to Kutztown, to attend the class day ex
ercises of tho Normal school.
Mrs. O. W. VanFoseen anived to-day from
Ilethlclicm, and will attend tho festival in
All Saints' church tu-nlght. He". VauKosscn
is still iu Dethlchem, but much improved in
health. f
Interesting I'lro Statistics.
Firo statistics compiled by the several
chiefs of firo departments of BoBlon, New
York. Philadelphia aud Chicago provo that
for each twenty, fires to which they havo
been called sixteen could havo been put out
with twenty buckets of wator had it heeu
used insido of threo minutes of discovery.
Publication of tlieeo facts is working a revo
lution in firo protection aud small ox
liuRuisliers quickly reached and discharged
aro now being extensively adopted through
out the gicat cities. Great saving of prop
erty and reduction in rates of insurance re
uniting thorofrom, Boston Underwriter.
tVcntlierly lJrlclt Works Sold,
At tho Carbon county court house Saturday
nfternoou Sherilf Setser sold tho property of
tho Sehmoll k Millor Company, Ltd.,
Weatherly, to C. J. Settler, of Pittston, for
11,300. Tho property was sold subject to a
mortgago of $10,000. Tho successful bidder,
himself a bondholder, bought the property
for theso lattor people Tho property sold
consists of ten lots in tho borough of
Weatherly, upon which aro two brick kilns
complete, rollor cars aud all machinery
necessary to manufacture brick. Another
tract of 70 acres similarly occupied was also
included iu tho pie.
Killed by a Horse.
Tho homo of John Bowmau, of Sheppton,
was saddened , Saturday by the sliockiug
death of thoir .six year old son. A horso
owned by a map named Henry Hildcrbraudt
was tied to a post in the neighborhood of tho
unfortunate boy's home and tho little fellow,
who was playing at tho time, ventured too
close to the vehicle. Tho animal kicked him,
fracturing tho skull, death resulting almost
Ouster Sought.
The court at Pottsvillo has granted au
order on, Thomas Devlin, Peter Murray,
Patrick Konna, Charles Gloason, Edward
Doylo and Andrew Gallagher, lilytho town
ship School Directors, for them to show
causo next Monday why they should not bo
ousted for failing to organize within tho
timo roquired by law.
Ileduceil Hates to San Francisco.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company an
nounces that, foi tho Christian Endeavor
Convention to bo held in San Francisco July
7 to 12, it will sell special tickets from all
points ou its system at greatly reduced rates.
Those tickets will bo sold Juno 27 to July 2,
and will pormit of stop over at Denver and
points West. Returning, passengers must
reach original shirting point not later than
August 17, 1897.
For speclflo ratos, conditions, and full in
formation apply to nearest ticket agent.
Hundreds of precious littlo ouos owo their
lives to Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, tho
sovoreign cure for croup and all other throat
or lung diseases.
Mr. Catherine Timmous, wife of Luke
Timmous, of Brownsville, died yostorday
afternoon, at 4 o'clock, from inflammation
and paralysis, from which she had suffered
about four weeks. The decoasod was 20
years of ago and deavos two children. The
funeral will take place at 10 a. m. ou Thurs
day. Mrs. James Burns died at her homo iu
Riven Run on Sunday after a short illness.
Deceased will be interred at Girardvillo to
morrow. Emma, wife of Harry Evans, of St, Clair,
died at that place Saturday evening. She
was 21 years of age and hud been married a
little over a year. Tho funeral took place
this afternoon.
Attacked tho Wrong Jtall.
Joseph OasparaWicz and Joseph Dowlls
wore held in f8O0 lwiil each before Justico
Toomey for assaulting Andrew Connelly.
The assault took place last Saturday night iu
the First ward while Connelly was returning
to his home, aud who was considerably
beaten liy mistake.
It.illroad HallUtH.
The "Brownie" watchmen at the Slienan
doah end have issuod a challenge for a game
of ball with the "Hrowuie" watchmen at the
Hadoton end of the Lehigh Valley Railroad.
The game is to he played at Lakegldo, on
July 5lh.
Aminuehitloii Mooting,
President T. B Rellly, of the Annuncia
tion Literary Society, has called a special
meeting to lie held at 7:30 p. m. sharp, to
night. A full attendance is required.
Joseph Towuscnd, of town, and Miss Mary
Swawy, of Ilratidouvllle, were married yei
terday afternoon at the residence of Joseph
Diihto, ou South Jardln street, Rev. T. Max
well Morrison. luster of the First Presby
terian church, officiating at the ceremony.
j Miw Mnry Dusto was the brlileMimiU and
' Joseph Tempest the groomsman.
j Anniversary Day,
Twenty-one years ago to-day, on the 22nd
day of Juno, 1870, (Jo. JI, Tth Regiment, N.
(I P , organized in town, was mustored into
service. The company was romposed of 08
men, many of whom are still living.
i IlOOD'3 PILLS uuro LlTer 1Kb.
Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache,
A. pleuir nt laxative. All Druggists
4 First Print, each of $100 Cash.
20 S09nd " " " $'00 Pierce Special Blcjcles.
Tho Tax on ltecr.
There is much curiosity ns to why the
to on beer wits made fcl.ll n I, urrel In
stead of $1.48 or (1.60. '1 ho rate niloptcd
sounds n good donl ns If the sciiutc com
mittee wns Imitating the Imrptiln counters
In the dei uruuent stores, but there Is a
deep nnd Important significance to tho 11ft
uris. They were ndoptid for the suko of
coiiM'tilctioo In uinthciiiutlciil ciilctihitlons.
Ono himdml nnd forty-four Is tho multi
ple; of , 11, 4, 0, 8 nnd 12, which tiro tho
divisions umxI by tho brewers in tho sulo
of beer. In estimating nnd computing the
taxes upon fractional lirts of u burrel
$1.-11 la much more comonhmt thun $1.60
or $1.40 or $1.48. Thus the tux on half a
barrel of beer will be 72 cents, tho tux ou
ii quarter of n barrel SO cents, on n third
of n barrel 48 cents, on u sixth of n barrel
24 cents, nn nn eighth of n Imrrol 18 cents.
Even cents nnd no fractions enter Into the
mlculutlon. Chlcngo Record.
AInhiinoy City Teachers.
At n meeting of tho School Board held last
eveniug the following now teachers were
elected : Miss Carrie Hassell, Maudo Skeath
and Margaret John, Two of tho old teachers,
Misses Kate Beokerand Mary Wren, failed to
make application for reappointment. Miss
Carrie Walter, an old teacher, failed to bo re
appointed on account of non-residence.
Accident at ShviiHiidonh City.
Aliout 2:30 o'clock this afternoon John
Csypllnskl had his right leg fractured in two
places by a fall of coal at tho Shenandoah
City colllory. The injured man boards ou
Poplar street with n brother aud has a wife
uhI six children residing in tho old country.
IIo was taken to tho Miners' hospital.
T1MMONS. On the 21st Inst., nt Brownsville,
l'a., Catherine, wife of Luko Tinmions, aged
2G years. Funeral will tnko place on Thurs
day, 2ltli Inst,, from the family residence In
ltrownsvtlle. High mass at the Annuncia
tion church, Shenandoah, at 10 a. in. Inter
ment In tho Annunciation cemetery. Rela
tives nnd friends respectfully Invited to at
tend. DOVE.-On the 21st Inst., nt Shenandoah, Pa.,
Agnes, wife of John Dove, aged 23 years, G
months nnd 10 dnye. Funeral will take place
on Thursday, 21th lnt., nt2 p. ,., from tho
family residence, 117 South Jardln street. Ser
vices at the residence. Interment In tho Odd
Fellows' cemetery. Relatives and friends re
spectfully Invited to attend. G-4!-2t
FOH flALK A flrat-cinm saloon; ko(kI paying
place. Location South Main street. Apply
utthUofllcG. 6-22-2t
FOK KKNT. A brick dwelling, 2G Kost Oak
street. Elfiht roomi. Apply at 20 South
White street, or 28 Wost Lloyd street. 0-22-3t
Xf ANTISIi. A younc man for permanent
T position Catholic preferred. Call on or
address. AV W, Helm, 308 South West street.
TTTANTKO. Acttvo reliable man to travel
U and solicit orders for nursery stock:
permanent employment; expenses and salary
or commission. For terms address tho H. 0.
Choso Co., South ienn Square, Philadelphia.
TAOll BALK. Lot 30x150. situate on Went Coal
I? street. Two single houses, ono on the
front nnd tho othor on the rear of lot. For
price and tenm apply to T. It. Itcddall,
Attorney-at-law, corner of Main and Centro
streets. 428-tI
ceased. Letters of administration on tho
estate or James L. Man beck, late of Union
township. Schuylkill countv. Pennsylvania.
deceased, havo been granted to the undersigned,
resldlmr in said townshln. to whom all nrrRnnn
Indebted to said estate are rerf nested to mako
payment, and those having claims or demands
will maKu Known the same witltout delay.
S. O. JI. IIoLLOPETPUt, Administrator,
Attorney, Shenandoah. Pa.
May 21, 187. 5-35-Gt-oaw
Scaled proposals will be received by tho
uimerEMKiieu, uiu ioniroiier oi scmiylltlll
county, at Ilia office at Pottsville, lVima., until
2 o'clock p. m. Monday, June 2Stli, 1897, for
furnffililntf moats, flour, trrocerlos, driijra, inui.
nil irons vet-ciaines, ice, coal, etc., for tliu
ipiarter cmllin; September 30th. 189", to bo used
nt the Kchuyllclll County Almshouse, nt S. 1 my I
klll Hucn nml the Schuylkill County Pyixoii,
nt Pottsville, l'a.
The hoard reserves the right to reject any or
all bids.
A schedule of tho articles nnd probable
amount of each required, will be furnished on
application to tho Directors of the I'o r, tho
Prison Warden or the Oontioller.
11. R. Sevebs,
6-22, 21, Controller.
Will open on Saturday, June
19th, with nn entire new stock of ladies'
ami gent's furnishings, fancy goods,
notions, hosiery, ribbons, laces and em
broideries, Indies' nnd children's waists
aud wrappers, table cloths, toweling and
napkins. A specialty in ladies' corsets,
the celebrated H. & II. corset, long steel,
being protected with leather covers.
Having been engaged with tlie New York
1'rogrcss Hat nut Cop Company, for
many years, which has dissolved, busi
ness, nnd whose stock I huve retained,,
consisting of 800 dozen diiTercnt stylos
of cans, will be disposed of at the
following prices : Children's and meu's
caps, s cents and upwards ; ladies' and
miases' taut o'shautcrs at leso than half
tile cost of manufacturing. Every pur
chaser of Ji.oo worth of goods, all
marked in plain, lowest cash figures, will
receive a cap free. I,arger purchasers
will he presented with a finer quality of
cap iu proportiou to the amount of their
One lot of drcs foods at exceedingly
low figure. Also a lot of child reu''s
nobby suits at bargain prices.
27 S. Main Slreet, Shenandoah, Pa.
Cable Fencing
Best Quality Qretest Variety.
Fencing, Gates, Poultry Netting.
PletM ad tihrntH with Drat Ittttr.
New Steel
1 Greatest if
W$M t -a -a fflw
fe M s-. hes Nm xi tt iwmm
Ever litul in this section is now going on at
our store. We've bought the entire stock of
n retail shoe store that failed.
The goods will be sold without regard to former
price or their real value.
There are a great many very fine shoes in this stock,
nnd the former owners would weep if they
could see the little bits of prices we are uow
Comc quick for the goods can't last long
when people know what we are
...Shoe Store, S
mm , nttMi
Remember vc are now at the new stand, No.
12 West Centre Street, (Perjvuson House Block) the most
central location in town. We have competent journeymen, ever
willing to cater to you In the best of taste, stvle and workman-
ship. If you want to look dressy, you must also have a neat ?
facial appearance. We can fill all these requirements. Soliciting 1
your patronage 1 remain, i
Lager and
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt.,
West Coal Street.
Cured by this Branular effervescent anil stlmu.
lant. An Instant cure for sour Btomaclis nnd
headaches, which often accumulate from havinc
a night out.
'7 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah.
Olt SHKItll'F,
Subject to lippubUenn rulta.
poit allKKIPl',
Ok Oitwiflnnimn.
Subject tn Republican rule. .
A genuine welcome wait ye at
Cor. flatn and Coal Sts.
Ulna. .l.l1... I.. a.
conutantly on tap. Oitofce omuoranco drlub
and ctgnrs.
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking1 i
13 N. Jardin Street.
Wanted-An Idea
Wbo no think
of wm. sl&tpto
tblBg lo r4twitf
ma lilt ot two hand! tuTenflonJ nanUT
We are already prepared to cater
to tlie trade with a splendid line of
Ladies' Sulphur Stone Shirt Waist Sets,
Gent's Shirt Sets, Paper Cutlers,
Silver Hat and Clothes Brushes,
Glove Buttoners, Etc., Ete,
We call special attention to ottr
large and complete line of Sulphur
Stone Novelties. Largest stock iu
the locality.
Watch, Clock and Jewelry
Repairing neatly done.
Jewelry - Store,
1 12 N. flain St.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer-.
We offer two assortments of
glassware for 5 audi 10 cents
that cannot be beat any where
for the money in town.
Meluskey & Son,
105 S. Main St.
The Rosy Freshness
3?!f."J e'vtoftneM of the skin In iavn.