The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 16, 1897, Image 3

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0! the Breast.
Mr. A. Et. Crausby, of 158 Kerr St.,
Memphis, Tctin., says that his wife
paid 110 attention to a Rtimll lump which
appeared in her breast, but it soon de
veloped into a cancer of the worst type,
nnd notwithstanding the treatment of
the best physicians, it continued to
spread nnd grow rapidly, eating two
holes in her breast. The doctors
soon pronounced
her incurable. A
celebrated New York
specialist then treat
ed her, but she con
tinued to grow worse-
anu wuen lnionncil
that both her aunt
and grandmother had
u died from cancer he
'gave the case up as
Someone then re
commended S.S.S.
and though little hope remained, she
begun it, and an improvement was no
ticed. The cancer commenced to heal and
when she had taken several bottles it
disappeared entirely, and although sev
eral years have elapsed, not a sign of
the disease has ever returned.
A Real Blood Remedy
S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable)
is a real blood remedy, and never fails
to cure Cancer, Eczema, Rheumatism
Scrofula, or any other blood disease.
Our books
will be mailed
free to any ad
dress. Swift
Specific Co.,
Atlanta Ga.
LADBES so too mow
Steel Pennyroyal Treatment
is the original nnd only FRENCH,
safe and relinble enro on the mnr.
kot. l'rlco, yuxi; eont by mail.
Genuine sold only by
S. P. KIRUN, Shenandoah, Pa.
wow cr,'noTs ATUK---rHefi
Cures general or special debility, wakeful
ness, f pcrr.iatf-'taj, f ialodionj, impotcncy,
paresis, etc. Cormis functional disorders,
riid by errors or excesses, qmcUly relorini
Lost MunhnoJ Jn r Mot vcunfr, giving vigor ana
strenttli vUisfur-rwcikwxs prevailed. Con
vcmcni paclsc, si.i.j.le, rbVuual, anil legitimate.
Con: is Quick ano Thorough.
fSTii.ciFi "77r" h ."titnlixns; insist on
CAT ON S Vluillieru. .vt sralnl il ynnr druc,i .llnwit. i lie- Jl yt pket.blor JS,
v Ih wrllfrn fiiisro'iife of complete cure.
jnl.K-rn.-i:.iiii, rtlir. int., eic, (ire and rniiftdenliat.
Senu us alalun:. nl of .a&c md 25 cu. fur a week's
(txul Ircalu'-nt. I rc nnly nt to e.n h rrinn.
SoldntKlrlln's drill? store, Shenandoah, In.
E Relieve and Cure
Head Troubles
Stomach Disorders
System Irregularities
-7 formula
of noted
"For every ill, a special pill," 2
JE; " not at DrtiB Stores, wrlto
Bronx Chemical Co.,Vonker3,N.Y. :3!
; Health Hook Mulled Free. 23
No. 1 Cures Fever.
No. 2 " Worms.
No. 3 " Infants' Diseases.
No. 4 " Diarrhea.
No. 8 " Neuralgia.
No. 0 Cures Headache.
No. 10 " Dyspepsia.
No. 11 " Delayed Periods.
No. 12 " Leuchorrea.
Mo. 14 " Skin Diseases.
No. IB Cures Rheumatism,
No. 10 " Malaria.
No. 20 " Whooping Cough
No. 27 " Kidney Diseases.
No. 30 " Urinary Diseases
No. 77 " Colds and Grip.
Sold by Druggists, or sent prepaid on
receipt of price, 25c, or 5 for $1.
Dn. Humphbeys' Homeopathic IIandai.
or Diseases Mailed Fiiek.
Humphreys' Med. Co,, 111 William Bt.,lT.Y.
J'or sale at Povlnsky's drug 'store, 28 East
Coutro street
The first cf American Newspa
pers, CHARLES A. DANA.Iiditor.
The American Constitution, the
American Idea, the American Spirit.
These" first, last and all the time,
Dnily. by mail,, - ' $6 a year
Daily & Sunday, by mail, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday Newspaper In
the world
Price 5c, a copy. By mall, $2 a year
Address THE SUN. New York.
onus ma..r
I!ttiWc;uJ-,t' Qptciric Co,PmupA
tit rovlnsky's drop; etoro, 29 Ita
Ccatre street,
IIow tlio Stoamor Again Avoidod
Govornmoiit VobsoIs,
With tlio ISvldont Intention oTTIirow
liiK (iovernmcnt O Ulcers OfT Tliclr
Gtinrd Tlio Vesmnt Now l'robnlily
Uliloiulml by Cillmn IiiHiirnouts.
Tampa, PI a., June 1G. A vnscel sup
posed to be the Dauntless came Into
Hillsborough bay Monday night and
took on a cargo of arms and ammuni
tion ftom a schooner lying: at anchor
oft the mouth ol the Alalia river anil
then sailed away. A report wan stent
out Monday that the Dauntless had
sailed for Key West with an expedi
tion. It was circulated by those In
terested to throw the officers off thsdr
Ruard, and the Dauntless came In at
night and got her cargo. The two
boats were tied up until about II
o'clock, and In the moonlight could hi'
plainly seen from the river front.
J. 13. Cartaya and Charles Sllva arc
the only ones wjio are known to be
aboard, and they came up from Key
West. The schooner came Into' the bay
and anchored Saturday afternoon. Her
name la not known. She was two
masted and of about 130 tons. Her hull
was black, and she was evidently well
loaded. Quite a number of men went
from West Tampa, striking across thu
country and proceeding to a point
on the bay shore, took to boats near the
place where the Colonel Calleros ex
pedition embarked. The expedition was
well planned, nnd was gone fully 12
hours before the authorities or Span
ish consul knew that anything was
going on, so completely were they
thrown off their guard by Monday's
shrewd ruse. The Dauntless had an
engagement to go on the ways here
on Monday, and had a government
vessel come upon her unexpectedly she
would have had a good excuse for be
ing in Hillsborough hay.
The whole affair was worked very
quietly. The mysterious schooner left
about daylight yesterday morning. No
one seems to know what boat this Is,
Borne aBsert that It Is the Adams,
which received her load from the Bis
cayne, and then rnn up Into this har
bor to meet a steamer which would
take the munitions to Cuba or out to
sea to the Dauntless. There Is also a
rumor to the offeot that the schooner
halls from the neighborhood of Car
rabelle, and received her load at n
point where the railroad crosses the
river. The presence of Captain Par
lln, a prominent citizen of Carrabelle,
In this city for the past few days addg
strength to the rumor. Since his ar
rival he has been In conference with
parties formerly very active In the
filibustering business.
A dlepatch from Key West says: A
tug resembling the Dauntless paBseil
through the harbor yesterday morning
about 0 o'clock, and went through the
northwest -channel. Her smokestack
was pnlnted red. The Clyde tug went
out Monday night with a load of coa
In bags. The schooner Adams, that
left i n Monday with n load of arms,
has m.t been heard from yet. No gov
ernment vessels are In port.
TKnninr.E Accident. It is a terrible ac
cident to be burned or fioaldeil ; but tlio pain
and agony and tlio frightful disfigurements
cm ho quickly overcome, without leaving a
scar by using DeWitt's Witch Salve. 0. II.
)(!lltll i1 .Ju.liio Vlli-el-uld.
Bt. Mary's, Kan., June 1C Judge J.
B. Fitzgerald died here yesterday after
a short Illness. He was prominent In
Kansas Democratic state politics, as
he had been In Ohio before coming
here. While police judge of Cincinnati,
several years ago, he drove the gam
blers out of that city, and his life was
several times endangered by them. He
was formerly prominent In national
Irish affairs.
Dr. Anccll Acronmlilo to Turkey.
Washington, June 16, A cablegram
received at the state department from
the United States charge at Constanti
nople states that the sultan has issued
in Irada announcing the acceptance of
Dr. Angell i Mini ttr from the United
States, and Mr. 'fcrrejl hag accordlng
v cl d for home.
Anyoiio who sudors from that terrible
plaguo, Itching Piles, will appreciate the
immedlato relief aud permanent cure that
comes through tlio use of Doau's Ointmont.
It never fails.
lfntal l'lirht lKilweeii Nuiuliuors.
Sholbyvllle, Ind June 10. Ira Old
ham and Elmer Huffman, neighbors,
are dying as the result of a fierce
fight. Oldham had taken up several
head of cattle running at large be
longing to Huffman. The latter de
manded the release of his stock, and
a battle onsued. Oldham's Bkull was
crushed with a stone by Huffman, who
was af forwards assaulted by Andre v
Oldham with a wagon wheel spoke. It
Is believed both the Injured men will
dlo. Apdrow Oldham has pot been
VYhy suffer with Coughs, Colds and I,a
Grippe when Laxative Brouio Quinhio will
euro you in ono day. Put up in tablets con
venient for taking. Guaranteed to cuie, or
money refunded. Price, 25 cents. vor sale
by Kirlin's Pharmacy.
A Stt'Iko of I'nbuloux Kloliuoss.
Denver, June 10. A strike of fabu
lous richness has Just been made In
tha ninth level of the Gregory Bobtail
mine nt Central City, Gilpin county,
this state. Th real value of the ore
found oannot be learned, as the oper
ators of the mine refuse to divulge It,
and have placed an armed guard at
the mine, but It Is known that the vein
struck Is two feet In width, and Is so
full of wire gold as to run many thou
sands of dollars to the ton. The Greg
ory Is being worked by New York man.
One ilow of Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild
strawberry will cheek any ease of diarrhoea
if tttkon at the start.
Hiii'Kliw' Coureaslou of Murder.
Kingston, It. I., June 10. William
Brown, colored, Iihb oonfessed that ho
murdered "Aunt" Martha Watson, also
colored, Oct. 6, 1885. On the night re
ferred to a one armed burglar went
Into the house, seized the woman by the
throat and heat her with the stump
of the other arm. The burglar de
manded money, and Aunt Martha said
she would get It If he would release
her. She was released and jumped
from a window and eecaped to a neigh
bor's. The burglar fled. Three days
later Aunt Martha, who was SO yearn
old, died of her Injuries. In an ante
mortem statement the woman said
Brown was her assailant. Brown was
taken to Cranston prison yesterday af
ternoon. Don't neglect a cough because the weather
Is pleasant; before the next storm rolls
around It may develop Into a serious diffi
culty beyond repair. One Minute Cough
Cure Is easy to lake and will do' what its
name Implies. C. It. IlAgenbuch.
A healthy
woman expert
ences the trreat-
cst happiness of all
Her life wiien uer first
born nestles in het
neck. Motherhood ii
a woman's duty ami
should be her joy.
There are thousands
of women to whom
motherhood is a tor
J,i3p ture Viecause of weak.
,. v MMS nnd disease of
the organs that make it possible. This Is
wrong and need not be. If a woman will
but study the physiology of the organs dis
tinctly feminine, and learn to take the prop,
er care of her health to take the propel
remedy for weakness and disease peculiar
to her sex, motherhood will become an un.
alloyed pleasure, where now It Is dreaded
and avoided for its pains and dangers.
The best medicine for a woman to take
during the period preceding motherhood It
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It Is the
only medicine for this purpose Invented by
a regulnr'y graduated, skilled and expert
specialist In the treatment of the peculiar
diseases of women. It cures all weakness
and disease of the organs that perpetuate
the race. Ifmakes them strong and vigor
ous. It rids the expectant period of its
usual discomforts. It insures baby's health
and makes its coming easy and almost pain
less. It is the discovery of Dr. R. V. Pierce,
chief consulting phvsielan of the Invalids1
Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo,
N. Y. Women who wish to know more of the
"Favorite Prescription" should write him.
Frederick Frederick, of No. Itt4 S. Second St,,
Camden, N. J., writes: " My wife Is a customer
of yours. She has used ' Favorite Prescription ' to
prevent miscarriage. She had a sickness last
July, and suffered untold misery from a severe
pain. I repeatedly told her to use your medl'
tines, but she persisted in going to a so-called spe
cialist, whose treatment only made her more sick
and miserable. Then she used the 'Favorite
Prescription ' and was cured."
'Pleasure. It is a matter of health alone.
Nothing else. A healthy man can't be un.
happy if he wants to. Much sickness is
caused by constipation. Dr. Pierce's Pleas
ant Pellets cure constipation.
Forcory Clmi'fro Dismissed.
Genesee N. Y., June 10. The Indict
ment of forgery against John N. Bates,
an attorney of, Wis., was "nolle
prossed" In the county court yesterday,
Mr. Bates was an attorney for a Mrs.
Curtln, who bequeathed several thou
sand dollars to Charles Lewis Bobin
son, a minor. After Mrs. Curtln's
death Mr. Bates still continued tp look
after the estate. Young Robinson's
legacy was In the county treasurer's
infnnt fund. In the fall of 1S9B, It was
alleged, Mr. Bates came to Geneseo
and forged an order for $855 on young
Tloblnson's estate. The Indlctim-nt was
based upon this allegation.
Motliors will find Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy ospcclally valuable for croup
and whooping cough. It will giro prompt
relief ami Is safe and pleasant. Wo hare
sold it for several years and it has never
failed to give tho most porfect satisfaction.
G. W. Itlchards, Duiiuosno, Pa. Sold by
Gruhlor llros,, druggists.
pepia. Railroad.
May 29.18(7.
Trains will leave filicrmnilo;li oiler tho abnr.
data for wlggani, Ullbcrton, FrnckvIIlo, Darr
Water, St. Clair, I'ottflvlllo. lfamburg, IteaJInp
Pottstawn, Phocnixville, Norrlstown ami Phi'
adrlpliln (Brood street station) lit 60s nnd 1103
it. m. anil 4 20 p. in. on week days. Sundays,
0 08 ft. m., 3 10 p. 111. For Potts flllo anil Inter
mediate Btatlons only 9 17 a. tu. week days.
Sundays, 9 43n. m.
Trains leave Froekvllle for Shenandoah '
1040a. m. and 1281, S41, 7S2 nnd 1047 p. at
Sundny, 11 13 a. m. nnd 5 41 p. m.
Lcavo Pottsvlllo for Shenandoah nt 1015
a. m. and 12:03, S 13, 7 23 and 10 20 p. m. Sunila;
1 10 40 n. m., 5 15 p. m.
I,cve Philadelphia, (Broad street station), fo
Shenandoah at 5 37, 8 SSnpd 10 10 a. ra 4 10 and
7 p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 0 60 n. m.
Leave Broad street station, Philadelphia, lui
Sea Qlrt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Loni
Branch, and Intermediate stations, 0 5o 8.25
11.30, a. m., 8.30 and 4.00 p. m. week-days. Sun
days, 8 23 a, m.
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Express, week-days 8 20, 4 0o, 4 50 S 13. 0 30.
7 83, 8 V; 8 33, 9 50, 10 21 (Dining Car), 11 00 ft, in,
12 00 noon, 2 83 (Limited 1 00 and 4 22 p.m.
Dining Cars), 140, 2 80 (Dining Car) 3 20, 8 50.
4 00, 3 00, 5 55 (Dining Car), 0 00, 7 02, 7 43, 10 00
p. m., 12 01, night. Sundays, 8 20, 4 03, 4 50, 5 15.
820,8 83,950. 1021, (DUdng Car), 1185 n. m..
12 83,105 Dining Cnr) 230 (Dining Cnr), 400
(Limited 4 22 Dining Cnr), 5 20, 5 50,(Dnllig Car)
6 33, 7 02, 7 13. 10 00 p. 111 . 12 Of night.
Kxpress for Boston without change, 11 00 n m.,
week-days, and 7 43 p. m., dully.
For Baltimore ond Washington, 8 50, 7 20,8 11.
1020, 1123 a. m., 1209 (128) Limited Dli -ing
Car), 112. 818. 4 41 (519 Congressional
Limited, Dining Car), 6 17, 6 55 (Dining Car),
781 (Dining Car) p. m., ond 12 05 nlgl t
week days. Sundays, 8 60, 720, 912, 1123 a
m., 12 09 1 12, 4 41, (5 15 Congressional Limited,
Dining Car), 6 55 (Dining Car), 731 p. m.
(Dining Car) and 12 03 night.
Leave nroftd street station, Philadelphia (via
Delaware river bridge), express, 9 20 11. m. ond
705 p. ro. dally.
Leave Market street Warf , express, 5 00, 8 50
a m., 1 00, (Saturdays only), 2 00, 4 00, 4 20 and
5 00 p. in. Sundays, 8 00, 8 45 and 9 45 a. m.
Accommodation, 8 00 nnd 8 20 . in., 3 20 and 4 20
p. m., week days. Sundays, 8 00, 815 n. m., and
4 00 and 5 00 p. in.
For Cape May, Anglcssca, Wlldwood and
Holly Beach Express, 9 00 a. m., 4 03 p. -in.
weekdays. Sundays, 9 00 a. m. Cap May only,
1 80 p. m, Saturdays.
For Soa Isle City, Ocean City, Avalon and
Stone Harbor. Express, 9 00 a. m 420 p. m
week days. Sundays, 9 00 a. in.
For Homers Point. Express, 5 0Q. 8 50 a m.,
2 00, 4 CO, 5 00 p. m, wpek days. Sundays. 8 13
a. m.
J. B. IIOTCnntsoK, J. B. Woon,
Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Pou'g'r Ap
Gnnliuti nnd Late Illdiit Uovse gnrgeonnf
the University State of N. Y.
HRMK11MKTBH8 : Hotel I'raney, Shenandoah.
Calls night or day promptly responded to
Oftteet 80 Wet Centre st eet.
Can lie ormmiltfid at all hour.
jyr M, BURKE,
Ofllee-Rgan building, corner of Main aud
Centra streets, Sheuandonh.
ShonandoAh, Pa,
Comer Market and Centre streets.
Lock Box 65, Mabanoy City, Pa,
Having studied under some of the best
masters le London and Paris, will give lessons
011 the violin, mandolin, guitar and vooal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address In care of Strouse,
the Jeweler. Bheuandoab.
Instantly Relieved and Permanently Cured
by Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
A New Dlseovery, But Not a Patent Med
Dr. Hed well relates on Interesting account
of what he considers a remarkable cure of
ncute stomach trouble nnd chronic dyspepsia
by the use of the new discovery, Stuart's
Hyspepsla Tablet.
He says : The patient was man who had
stifle red to my knowledge for years with dys
pepsia. Everything he ate seemed to sour
and create acid and gases In the stomach ; be
had pains like rheumatism In the hack,
shoulder blades and lirqbs, fullness and dis
tress afler eating, poor appetite nnd loss of
flesh ; the heart liecamo affected, causing pal
pitation and sleepless 11 ess at night
I gave htm powerful nerve tonics and blood
remedies, hut to no purpose. As an experi
ment I finally bought a fifty cent jwokage of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at a drug store
and gave them to him. Almost Immediate
relief was given nnd aflor he had used four
boxes ho was to all appearances fully cured.
There was no more acidity or sour watery
risings, no bloating after meals, the appetite
was vigorous and he has gained between 10
and 12 pounds In weight of solid, healthy
Although Stnart's Dyspepsia Tablets are
advertised and sold In drug stores yet I con
sider them a most valuable addition to any
physician's Hue of remedies, as they are per
fectly harmless and can be given to children
or invalids or in any condition of t lie stomach
with perfect safety, being harmless and con
taining nothing but vegetable and fruit es
sences, pure pepsin and Uolden Seal.
Without any question they are the safest,
most effective cure for Indigestion, bilious
ness, constipation nnd all derangements of
tho stomach howovor slight or severe.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are made by
tho Stuart Co. of Marshall, Mich., nnd sold
by druggists overywhoro at fifty cents per
Littlo book on stomach diseases mailed
free, address Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich.
s. roll beddall;
Op Pout Cxnnos.
' Subject to Republican rule.
Sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Side Entrance on Green St. "CURE GUARANTEED "
i neoniyts-enuine, umieBiu nuiii
nil Ad vi rtiKlni'NtirfltilUllnriilla..thri
only Urmlunte & ltctzlntereil with il'j
years I'rucut'aice mix yenn xioipiim
Ex pcrtoneoln Germany, mitwHhaliiml
Ittfif what other rulacly atlvcrlUe,
Nervous uewiitY a' assv nri'S
lnl l)laenetileinminnll v Cured In
4 to 10 )nyi, Stricture. Vnrlcocclo and
HI (inn DniCntl rrlm&ryorScrondary,ctircd
DLUUU rUIOUH by entirely iirw method, ex-
cliifllrrlymy own, In 80 to P0day. ERRORS OF
Shrunken vroanawiliy Restored. Bend fi two cent
stampafor book "Truth. only ti-uomedlcnj
book advertised rIvIdr valuable information and
ndvtco to young and olil tnalc or married and
frooKinaioxpoMca unmerciful A iiite Jiuuine.
Electric Itelt nvlmlle BO-callcd Former fellow
pulTcror'a froo advice fcfreo prescription IiudiIhiri
nnd Alvert1tmr Doctor villi their t'tike
Kunrrtiiteenifc professed knnwlcdRO & experience
wlilchtneydoiiotpoBscBH, Yc read truth at nil
hazard I It will eavo you fromfalllnelntotbo bands
of quarks and pretenders. Hours dally 0 to 8 1 IVk
6tol)i8unday,U-12, Kotir for examination tmd
treatment of BO-callcd Incurable and UntiKcroiiN
case 8 dally from 1 U to M. Wed. and Bat. nights f i
in 10. Forsworn tetimonlnUeeeveryt?atur
ay' 1'hUiu Time. Treatment by mail
That's why they enjoy their COFFUB.
Any grocer can tell you why customers
keep coming back for SUliLlG'3.
Only So. ptckaf t
IN KPFEOT MAY 29, 1807.
Trains leave Shenandoah aa follows:
WW Maw YVii-lr vt lhtln.lll.ln t- .1
- u m. ' iwivi I'lllll, Vl'CK Mil y.
2 10, 536, 7 06 9Bln. m., 12 83, 3 10 andOOT 11
in Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For New York via Mnucli Chunk, week ilnvs
S 08, 7 03 a. m., 12 83 and 3 10 p. m.
For Heading nnd Philadelphia, weok ilnys
2 10, 8 30, 7 03 n,m., 12 33, 3 10 and 0 07 p. in. Sun'
itaca 9 in n m
For l'ottsvllle, week days, 2 10; 7 Off a. ro., and
12 88, 8 10, 0 07 and 7 2J p. in. Sundays, 2 10 a. m,
' " r"l"i iy, wK nays
2 10, 8 3, 7 Ofi a. m., 12 33, 8 10 and 0 07 p. in.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For Wllllnmsport, Siinbury and Lowlslurc- flflVM .1 Ort 5 .Hi 11 Qt a in 1 A. -
Sundays, 3 25 a. m.
ror siaiiano) t'lane, weekdays, 2 10. 3 35. 5 36
7 Off, 9 31, 11 80 II. 111., 12 33, 3 10, 0 07, 7 26, U Wn&u'
1140 p.m. Sundays, 2 10, 8 25 a, in.
For Ashland and Shamnklu, week ilnrs 3 28
nan. 7iys. linn u. , r. irr tin .i . '
, , ' 1 1 " -' ' MMM U. IU.
Sundays, 3 26 a. m.
For Ilaltlmore, Washlnirton and the West via
Terminal, Philadelphia, (1". & It. Ii K.) at S'iT
7 S3, 1120 a. m 810 and 7.27 p. i Bundnys!
8 20, 7 00, 11 20 a. m. 8 46 and 7 27 p. m. A Sift
Honal trains from Twenty-fourth and CLest-
nill ntrMta utfltlnn nut in OA- ,n
12 16 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 136,8 28 p.m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 13 IS, 4 80, 8 00 a. in., ond 1 80. 4 30, 9 00 p.
ni. Sundays, S 00 p. m.
T .111 Van, Yn,1, rln 11.,..!. ,
.i.. . ,w, ' , . , .i.i.iii. rfimiiK. - eei
days, 4 80, 9 10 n. in.. 1 80 and 4 13 p. m.
Leave l'hlladelphla, HeadliiK Terminal, Meek
p.m. Bandars, 1180 p. m.
Iave KeadliiK.week days, 1 M, 7 lO.'O OS. n in
I 00 m., 4 19, 6 do and 8 SO p. m, Sundays, 1
. Leave Pottsvllle, week ilnys, 236, 7 40 a.m..
12 80 and 612 p.m. Sundays, 2 86 a. m.
-' --" "-'1 nsv&imou,!!. LI Mi ft
m., 1 36, 8 91, 7 20 and 9 48 p. m. Sundays. 3 18
a. m
lAtave Mnlianoy City, week days, 12 SO. 8 46
9 li U 47 a. m.. 2 17, 5 18, 17, 7 41 and 10 08 p. In,
Suudays 12 25, 3 41 a. m. 1
Iave Mnlianoy Plane, week days, 12 36. 2 411
4 00 880.9 36. 10 28. U 59 a. in., 2 32, 6 81 638
767,102211m. Sundays, 12 40, 210, 4 00 a. m.
LtMTe WllllAiuiort, week Any, 7 42, 10 20 a
m., 1 00 and 11 30 p. in. Sundays, 11 30 p. in.
TiAfLVM 1'l,lln,fnlt,l,lu ri,A.ln..t A . .
a ii . i -v........ u.iwil iMimi Wri 11U
South street wlinif for Atlantlo City.
IPulrJaiu . . n nn ,n , .
V tiSVL, Tl,: . , m-i taturiiays
!" f' 1 00. 4 & 4 80 5 00 p. 1,1. Aoouwini
dntlon,8 00 a. 111., 8 18, 080 p, in.
Sundays Bspreas, 8(0, 900, 1000 a. in
Aueomiuodatlon, 8 00 a. in., 1 16 p. 111.
, vur b lenve Aiianne uiiy uepol, onrrer
Atlantle nml Arknnsas avenues.
3 30 p. 111. Aeoomiiiodatlon, 4 28, 8 18 a. m.. 410
Tl , 1
SumlayH Kipress, 4 00, 8 80, 8 00 p. m. Aceom
mndatlnn, 7 16 a. 111., 4 IS p. m.
Parlor Oare on all express trains.
Wanted-An Idea
Who en think
or some simple
thing to patent!
Protect your ldM
wnte joiiir wma;
aud list ot two hundred
gray mm mimti
U it tyotui li J.KI.'a 1I.V1H All.ilt
V I . '' itf,liriii'i, Hiutnl tulor Ul Lull
I(r,i;' II A lit TO.Mt.' riuov.liindrutt. -loi
ilrfroin falluia ttut and pronmiMarowth $1 0ft hot lit
.111 II llll('A.'r 411 108 Knltan L. N V mrr
halrfroin fElluigttut ftnd promniMRrowth
llluatmtitd Trati on Hair oaappllMtiortTliKE
For sale by Shenandoah Drug Store, Klrlln
Pniff Store.
tlonflnnod by Later Reports From
Madeira Island,
Wrw Wnlhlnst on Dpok, Arm In Arm
AVltli n 1'nssiPiiKor, Whn IIo Stitl
dcnl.r llroke Awny nml I,onp.'rt Over
Ixmfil I.omlDll Slooksi Nut Airccteil.
London, June 16. The offlcln'fi of the
Union Steamship company, to which
the steamer Scot belongs, confirm tho
announcement that Barney Burnato.
the South African "Diamond Klnsr,"
committed suicide by Jumping over
board while that vessel was on her way
from Cnpe Town, which port she left
on .Tune 2 for Southampton by way of
Uarnato, who had been In III health
for some time, seemed to Improve after
leaving Cape Town, but he was never
left alone, and some one was contin
ually detailed to watch him. Monday,
after lunch, he seemed to be In kh1
spirits, and was walking up and down
the deck, leaning on the arm of a pas
senger. Suddenly Barnato asked his
companion to tell him the time, but
before he received a reply he wrenched
his arm away ami Jumped overboard.
The fourth officer jumped overboard
after him Immediately, but he failed
to save the life of the South African
speculator, as heavy seas were run
ning and the Scot was steaming at the
rate of 17 knots an hour.
As soon as possible the steamer was
stopped, a lifeboat was lowered and
pulled to the spot where the two men
were last seen. The fourth officer was
rescued In an exhausted condition, and
later the body of Uarnato was re
covered, floating head downward. His
remains have been embalmed, and
will be brought to England on board
the Scot. Mrs. Barnato and her chil
dren were also on board the Scot.
Although the Stock Exchange was
excited by the news of Barnato's death,
there was no panic. The Barnato com
panies were not allowed to fall much
before they found buyers. The opinion
Is expressed that the death of the great
South African speculator cannot have
much effect upon the market, as Bar
nato has paid little direct attention to
business recently.
Don't thin vnur blood with msaafmii nr
poison it with bluo-mass ; but aid Nature by
using DeWitt's Littlo Early Kisors, tho fam
ous littlo nllls for contlnntinn. lillinimnnta
and stomach and liver troubles. They are
iMirciy veguiHuio. u. ii. iiHCenuiiGU.
JnlillH Hopkins' 1'lmt AVuiiiiiii I.-'J.
Baltimore, June 10. Commencement
exerciEes nt Jtihns Hopkins university
yesterday wore rendered doubly Inter
esting by reason of the fact that, for
the first time, the degree ot M. D. war
bestowed up n the graduates, and also
because one of the recipients is a
younR woman. She Is Miss Mary Sc
cord Tackard, a resident of Bayonne
N. J., a graduate of Vas:nar, and the
only one of her Hex In a cIiisb of 16.
A nousehold Necessity.
Qiscnreln Qmily Oitliartlr. tlio most won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleasant
and refreshing to tho tnsto, act gently and
positively on kidneys, Vivcr and liowols.
cleansing tlio entire system, dispel oolils, cure
headache, reVcr, habitual constipation and
biliousness, l'louso buy nnd try a box of
C. (J. O. today; 10, 25, BO cents. Sold and
guaranteed to cure by all druggists.
Single 1'ilrn for tho llniuiil Trip.
Tho I'cunsvlvanla ICailrnad nomnnnv nn.
nnillirns Mint, for tho F.lnlifomill, Tnt!nl
Saengerfost, to bo held in Philadelphia,
Jtmo 21st to uii, 1887, It will sell oxcursion
tickets to Philadelphia from all points on its
lino Juno IDth to 23d inclusive, good to re
turn until Juno 20th. IS'17. inclusivn.
singlo faro for tlio round trip. No rate, how
ovor, will he reduced to loss than fifty cents.
There Is a Class of l'coplo
Who are Injured by tho use of coffee.
Recently there has been placed In all the
grocery stores a "now preparation called
OUAIN-O, made of pure grains, that takes
the placo of coffee. Tho most dolicatc
stomach recelveg It without distress, and hut
few cau tell It from coffee. It does not cost
over i as much. Children may drink it with
great benefit. 15 cts. anil 35 cts. per package.
Try It. Ask for GHAJN-O.
Tlio Xotliorlnnils'ISIoafloiis.
Amsterdam, June 16. The results of
tho Hectlon to the second chamber of
the states general of the Netherlands
are, ho far as known, the return of 20
Cathiilics, 22 IdberalB and 13 Orthodox
Protestants. At least 4R second bal
loting will be necessary.
liucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salvo in tho world for cutt,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhoani, fevor sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or ao pay reiiuirod. It Is guaranteed to give
porfect satislaction or mouy refunded. Price
25 cents per box. Por sale by A. Wasloy.
Coining Kvcnts.
Juno 10. Ice nrnsm fnallvil im.W il,n
auspices of tho Famous IJaso Ball Club; in
jbuuuiim uperu uouge.
Juno 10. Ice cream and strawberry fes
tival, in the Presbyterian capcl.
June 88. Ice ereatu and Strawberry fes
tival under the alisploes of the All Saints P.
B. churoh, in the basement of the church.
Dr. King'B Hew Discovery for Consumption.
This is the best medicine In the world for
all forms of Coughs and Colds and for Con
sumption. Every bottle is guaranteed. It
will cure and not disappoint. It has no equal
for Whooping Cough, Asthma, Hay Fever,
Pneumonia, Ilrouohitts, La Grippe, Cold In
the Head and far Consumption. It Is sHfe
for all ages, pleasautto take, and, above all,
a sure cure. It Is always well to take Dr.
King's New I.iTo Pills In connection with Dr.
King's New Discovery, as they regulate and
tone the stomach and bowels. We guarautee
perfect satisfaction or return money. Free
trial Imttles at A. Wasley's drug store, ltegu
lar siae 50 cents and f 1.00.
National Itdiicntlonul Association.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company an
nounces that on account of th muiiu. ..r
the National Edneatlnnal,... .
Milwaukee, Wis., July 0 to 0, It will sell eon.
un nous passage tickets iroin all iminta on iU
line east of PitUhurg and Erio to Mil
waukee at rate of singlo fare for the round
trip, plus $8.00 membership feo. Ticket will
be sold and will be good going only on
July 8, 8, and 4, and will lie good to return,
leaving JiuwauKoe juiy 10, 11, and 18, 18U7,
only, exaeitt that bv deimalti lis Mitbaf .,m.
Joint agent at Milwaukee on or Wore July
111 .. . . . 1 . . . n a.
" lwiiiwiv ui nny ceil is, au exten
sion or return limit may lie obtained to leave
Milwaukee until August 81, 1887. lnolusive.
Don't Tobaoco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco usiug easily
and forever, be made well, strong, magnetic,
full of new life and vigor, take No-To-Ilac
the wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Mauy gain ten pouuds iu ten days
Over 400,000 cured, liuy No-To-IUo from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
cure. Sue ur fl.OO. Booklet aud sample
iiuucu nn, au. Hturllug Kemcdy Co.
Chicago or New York. '
Mr. James .ilcMillen, of Champaign, Has Followed the Shoemaker's
Trade All His Life Every Day at His Bench Working with Appar
. ently the Same Vigor as a Voting Man A Sketch of His Life.
From the Uau
At tlio advanced age of eighty-five yours,
James MeMillen, of 112 West Washington
street, is one of the most active men in Cham
paign, Illinois. Mr. MeMillen Is a pioneer
oltisen of the oity, and his form is ns fiiiuilinr
on the streets as that of any ritircn of the
town. All his life Mr. McMillrn Ikm fol
lowed the trade of shoemaker, uml every il.iv
finds him at his bench, bending over his uei k
with apparently the same ipir he ei in
tnanded when he was a young man.
He has a little shop on North Wright slre' l,
In tlio vicinity of the University of Illinois,
and hp is the official shoemaker, as H nere,
for the students of that institution.
About a year ago Mr. MeMillen was absent
from his bench for several weeks, ami his
familiar form was missed along the strei Is.
The looal newspapers announced that he
was dangerously ill. For months he was a
sufferer, but finally he appeared again nt
his shop, and has lost but very few days
Bince then and none, perhaps, on account of
sickness. His friends were surprised to see
him out again, and they were more surprised
when he told them the cause of his recovery.
There was no small amount of local inter
est in his case, and a reporter visited him,
to have him relate the story.
"1 feel," said the spry old gentleman,
"that I owe my lift to Dr. AVilirams' Pink
Pills for Pale People. Something like a
year ago it appeared to me that I was almost
a physical wreck. I was suffering from a
disease of the kidneys. A thick scurf had
formed on the bottoms of my feet and my
ankles were terribly swollen, and lnllameil.
In fact, they reached such arondltion Hint I
could not walk, nnd it lookfed aa though my
days were numbered.
iiiiitiitiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii' ' ' riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiK
m i1"11 iih'iwwi im 'swwjmiisWBasMsTi'1
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drup; store, Shenandoah, Pa,
"lWPgj- ------
25 SO
SRSfU.TITGrV ATHDHVTiUUn to cure anv..
Dyspepsia, Malaria, Sleeplessness,
Nervous Headache, Biliousness,
Kidney Diseases, General Debility, Eic.
Ask your Druggist to get them
through his Jobber, or send
a Postal Curd to
Sold at KIRLIN'S Drup;
A Great Magazine Offer !
The regular subscription price of
uemoresrs Magazine,"
.Judge's Library," and
"Funny P Miirae" in i,
Cut here and return Coupon properly filled out.
Dcmot Public, Co., HoTiftK AvCKue, NcwYork.
vJSgS f ut)? iunyPferr 1orno,TyrSrti r?X1&2' Jud'', Ubrry
f CTiimpofirn, 111.
"I rend in the newspaper testimonials from
people who claimed to have been eunil of
kidney trouble by the nwi of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pule 1'eople, and thought that
it would do me no linnn In give t hem a trial.
I bought n hot ot' tin in at tlie druir store and
began tnk.ui!; ihein nreording to directions.
It may seem Mnnii.-c, but it is a fai t Hint I
felt (lie benefit of them almost as soon as I
to take them. Afler had taken a
ti u lis my imnnl disehaiges bwnme almost
-s l,i i, k ns tar and 1 noticed at the same
tune lli it the pain and soreness were leav
ing my kidneys.
"A w days Inter Ins swelling began to po
out of my nnkles, and at the end of fio
weeks It had entirely disappeared, inking
with it that terrible scurf which had formed
on the bottoms of my feet and causid me so
imieh trouble. I continued to gather my
Inst strength, and at the end of six weeks I
felt entirely recovered and resumed my nork
at the shop. I think I took from four to five
boxes of the pills and have taken none since."
Mr. McMilIen'g residence on West Wash
ington street, is more than a mile distuni.
from his slurp, hut nearly every day he walks
the entire distance, morning and evening,
ami he could not do this if that swelling
still existed.
Mr. MeMillen has no hacVwardness in talk,
ing of the merits of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
Dr. Williams' Pink 1111s for Pale People
contain in a condensed form, all the elements
necessary to aive new life and richness to the
blood and restore shattered nerves. Pink
Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent
post paid on reueipt of price, SOcents a box, or
six boxes for $2..TO (they are never sold in hulk:
or by the 100), by addressing Dr. Williams'
Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
urn progressive) ami keep informP',i,,' '
tlio World's Progress. ThStvcll'rtu 5
formed nnd thrifty Ilouso-wlfe will
always keep s
in tno liouso, as n, atnndani reined v fur :
Sprains, Bruises, Cramp?, KlinumutKm, r
ana nil ncnes aim pains.
Price 25 els. and 60 els. per bottle. i;
Prepared by H. i. IIACKETT & CO., Philadelphia
When In dcuut vihnt to use for
Nirtuin lKbihiy. Loss if Power.
I'-'pi tcm y.Alrophv.VaritocelcanrJ
oihcr weaknesses, from ny cause,
use Scsine rills. Drains checked!
and full vigor quickly restored.
. . St0"1 '""Mm "ll r.l.llr.
a'ledforJ1.00;0boxcs$5.00. With
55.00 orders we give a guarantee to
1 , sss
rnf r .,uHniAt,
Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
We will sid all three to you for
oae yar tar $2.00, er 6 mo. for SI.