1 ffgXyrr MOTHER! Tho sweetest nnd tho most expressive word In tbe English language and tlio one nbout wlifoh the most tender nnd holy recol lections cluster is that, of Mother she who watched our tender years; yettlie life of every Expectant Mother is beset S- Mother's Friend bo assists Nature in the change taking placo that the Mother is enabled to took forward without dread or gloomy forebodings to the hour when slio ox- Forli-ticno tlio the Joy of Motherhood. Ib use insures safety to the lives of both Mother and Child, and she is left stronger after than before confinement. Bent by Mall, on recolrt of price, tl 00 per bfnV tie. Hook to ' Kxpectaut Mothers " will bo mail ed free on request, to any lady.contslnlnp: val uablo Information and voluntary testimonials. The llrjdflcld Itrgnlitor Co., Atlantt.Gs. 3CLD BY ALL ORUQCISTB. sac Barney Barnato Leap3 From Stoaraer and Is browned. THE SUICIDE'S BODY EE00VEEED. Health is Wealth, IIIm Itomnrhnblu HIro to rnbulotm Wonltli In tlio Di-vnlopinctit of South AfVloii-A l'ortiuio of fJ500,000,000 Aninssed by n I'oof Hliiiwmuti. London, June 1. A special dispatch from Funehal, Island of Mndelra, oft the west coast of Morocco, naye that on the arrival there yesterday of the British steamship Scott, which left Table bay (Cape Town) on June it for Southampton, It was announced that Barney IJarnnto, the South African "Diamond King," ho was among the passengers, committed suicide by leap ing overboard. Ills body was rerovered. The Dally Telegraph, which an nounces the death of Barnato. says Old tissues of the body are not properly re. on the authority of a news arjency that placed by new. The lung tissues are npt POUR BOXES DID IT. The murderer who. at dead of nfcht. creeps, stralthilv out to bury the dead nnd mangled bodv of In victim tnspnes men with horror nnd dread There is a murderer abroad who yearly slay9 one-sixth of all the human race who go down to untimely deaths. This dread monster is called consumption. The approach or consumption is now ana insidious, l'irst there is n slight disorder of the digestion. The appetite is poor and the nourishing properties or the rood are not properly assimilated. The blood becomes thin and impure. The body begins to starve. DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT THE ORIGINAL, ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS, i.nU,n,w nnaitiro Written Gtinrnntcc. hyanthorlted agents only, to euro 'Weak Memory, . DiralnoM. Wakefulness, Fits, Hysteria, Otiicfc- about 80 j i sees, Nteht Lowes, Evil Dreams, liack of ConU- Barnato fnl Errors, or Uxceesivo bso of Tobacco, Upturn, p linnnr. which leads to Misery. Consumption, Insanity nnd Death. At etoro or by mail, $ 1 a box, bS for 5; with written enarantco to euro or refund money. Sample pncli nrro. contalnlne five darsr treatment, with full instructions, zo coniB, una eauiuiu uuij bw w each person. At Btoro or by mail. . tSTRcd Label Special I Extra bironnm. 'For Imnotency. horn of l'owar. Dost Manhood, Bterility or narrenncRsJ w$l n box! six for 5. with tnmlMlnfflllflTB. At fitO! iUl-uiiCor bymau. SoW at KIRLIN'S Drup; Store he fell overboard. The late Barney Barnato was in many respects the most remarkable speculator of the century. Of nil the Englishmen who have taken part in the devlopment of South Africa two only have secured a worldwide repu tation. These have been Cecil Rhodes and Barnett Isaacs, more often and leBS respectfully styled Barney. Bar nato was an assumed name, a sort of stage name, for he began his life In South Africa by exhibiting a trick don key some it years ago. He was then ears or age. was an Kngllsh Jew, and Illustrated in an exirnoruinary way me Mehlv soo-k,n 0r j look one bfil. Mveoucll Up to the left me together with all the distressing symp- properly nourished and are inert and half dead. In this condition they offer a good soil for the germs of consumption which invade and attack them. This operation is promptly reversed by Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It invigorates the digestion and appetite and makes assimilation perfect. It builds up and purifies the blood. It makes new and healthy tissue to replace the old, inert mat ter which it causes to be carried on. it drives out all disease-germs. Thousands of coses given up as hopeless have been cured. Miss Laura Piersel, of Bast Bethlehem, Wash ington Co., Pa., writes: "I must write you tel ling you or the great benefit derived from the use of your ' Golden Medical Discovery.' Last sum mer my friends thought I was surely going into consumption, and having tried doctors with no satisfactory results ana nearingyour meaicine so financial genius of his race. point where his fortunes began to de- mm .t-IFE' aViliOBYlTAtllil JjOW wu GrVEOTS ATV" THEM CHTOM'S TZTIAItlZER Cures general cr'spcclal debility, wakeful ness, s.'ermoj.oruan, emissions, Impoteney, n.re.L. etc. Corwts functional disorders. caused by errors or excesses, quickly restoring a ntt Manhood in old or vwDcr. eivine vltror and strength where former vrealcoesc .prevailed. Con venient package, simple, effectual, a4 legitimate. CUBE 13 yUlCK AND IHOnOOftH. Ptn't deceived ty imitation!! hujw 9 CATON'S Vitalize. Sent sealed il your dm pillo nn hwa i. I'nce St per pkge,6lor$5 wltli written guvranteo oi complete cure. InfnrmafiAfl. references, cis.m tree and confidential. Send us itateraentoi cm d J tit. for a week's Jtlial treatment. DM only tent to each wrion. ' CATON ME3. CO., O037QN, Sold t Kl rlln's drug store, Bhenail'loah, ! torus, and in fact the cure seemed almost rnlrac ulous to all who saw me." Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Tellets are tlnv. sugar-coated granules that are an unfailing and permanent cure for constipation. THE LATE A!SV HAH.NATQ- clinc he made money by leaps nnd bounds, and In 1895, when his good fortune was at Its zenith, It was est! mated that he controlled Interests worth In the neighborhood of 100, 000.000, It was the fashion to call him most inTfinate tnenns. wut tney iiKea him thoroughly and believed in him, oven when keeneyed English financiers began to look askance at his enter prises nnd openly to predict his ulti mate collapse. Barnato's private generosity was frequently expressed, nnd In the au tumn of 1895 he sent $75,000 to the lord mayor of London for distribution among the London poor. Barnato took a prominent part In the complications Immediately follow ing the Jameson raid, and subsequent ly subscribed $20,000 to the fund which paid off the fines Imposed on the raiders. About a month ago it was rumored that his health was suffering from the severe tension of speculation, and in the latter port Of May It was reported from Cape Town that he was sqfferlnsT from nervous prostration, and had been placed by his friends under re straint. This was subsequently denied Remarkable Success of a New Pile Ottre l'coplo who have suffered foT years or months from tlio pain snd inconvenience of that common disorder, piles, will look with skcptlcinm upon the claims of the makers of tlio new riscovory for cure of all forms of piles, known under the name of Pyramid Pile Cure ; nevertheless the extraordinary cures performed by tills remedy aro such as to warrant the investigation of any sufferer. As a raw in point the following letter speaks for Itself: Mr Henry Tliomss of sub-station No. 3, Hosark Ave., Columbus, Ohio, writes as fol lows: Pyramid Drug Co: Uentlemen-rl want yon lo use my name If it will be of any use to yon. I was so bad with the piles that I lost work ou that account. Nothing did me any good I read in Cincinnati of the many cures of plu by the Pyramid Pile Cure and I 'went to a drug store and asked for it. The drug clerk told me lie had something else that lie thought was better, but I told lilm I "satsil to try the Pyramid first. The first 1kx helped me so much that I tried another and then to complete the cure used two more boxes making four iu all. I am now completely cured. Have not a trace of piles and I had suffered for four years with the worst form of protruding piles. I suffered death from piles, but I have found the Pyramid Vile Cure to be Just as represented. I have recommended It to several of my friends and I nm thankful to be able to write you what good the remedy has done for me." Physicians recommend the Pyramid Pile Care because it contains no opium, cocaine, or mineral poison of any kind and because it is so safe and pleasant to use, being palu less and applied at night. The patient is cured in a surprisingly short time with no Inconvenience whatever. The Pyramid Pile Cure is sold by drug gists at CO cents per package, nnd if there is auy constlimtlon It is well to use the Pyra mid Pills at the some time with the- Pllo Cure, as constipation Is very often the cause of piles and tlio pills effectually remove the costive condition. Price of pills Is 35 cents per package. Write to Pyramid Drug Co., Alblou, Mich., for little book ou cause and euro of piles-. 6cut by mall free. HAWAIIAN ANNEXATION. A Treaty to That End Now Only Awaits Sipaturo. TO BE BUNT TO THE SENATE SOON. jJlOlt SIIKKIFF, S. ROLL BEDDALL, Ov Pout Oakbon". ' Subject to Republican rules. that Barnato was surferlng from a slight attack of Cape fevor not likely prove serious. . . ...,.,,,i.'. i aSCTWif WimTI 11 mimmVmiJ-iSe height, every man, yy ""M"""" -S in London wjth ST "Tnrv Tift THE WORK -. vested it In "Knfllrs," the last of those It nix y-x it i TV S 2 periodically attack po ST KKltNl 1 I I S land, the "South sea 12 IV J 11 J bX V-' - flraf i?nr months It HOMCEOPATHIC fE pEMEDIES Relieve and Cure E Head Troubles 127 formulas! - Ctnmioh fllcnrrlare I of noted I the richest man In the world. At that by his London representative, who said time he was virtually the king of the London money market. In the autumn of 189S, when the boom In "Knmrs, the shares of the com? parntlt!ly new gold mines of the Transvaal, Sot)j Africa, was at its pman ana cniid money to nyet n- Tho prnzo vf financial fevers which neorvfttive Pne bubblo" being tho ms tho oontroll Ing passion In peQpa. Railroad. SC1ITJYKILL DIVISION. MAT !. 1897. Trains will leave Shenandoah after tho abovt date for WlgRanst Qilberton. Fraokvlllo, Dar) Water, gt. Clair, PottHville. llnmburg, Heading ,)......, , I I .. I M ... ,, .1 1)1. C London, and It was adclohln (ilroad stroot station) at 6 08 ond 11 03 1 A r 3 scarp&' Iess, rampant in tPar,,,s bndrf It S&To $n0A I 111 1In- Th0 "k'TW went to Ullheari1 of mediate stations only 17 a. m. weekdays. - ficures, and fortuiios were made In a Sundays, 8 45 a. m. pOlt HHHUII'F, H. S. ALBRIGHT, Ok Obwigsduho. Subject to Republican rules. KJfllH I llMiMn PHILADELPHIA. PA. "CURE GUARANTEED." "3 ai;uvul jiiiiiijirrx remittor Meir-iibus Hpeclul J)lenbci, Tnr leucele, Htrlcturv. Xo Cuttlnrj. Nmull lTmIfvcloiel Orirnn ts Iot Manhooil Jtcatnred. D pnn DfllCnU iittecil ubuuu i uiuwii reh can on cured In 4 rullDciH. b trim rn fur 1 tonic rueinpfltcnl houkKinoRlnt? 6Kw33MIn all iie Prei tej&r'''rriith, only true i s Stomach Disorders SEE System Irregularities "For every ill, a special pill." JJ If not at Prug Stores, writo St Brora Chemical Co.,Yonkers,N.Y, 5 Health Hook Mailed Free. n. , I 1. )lt , o, i al Arams icn.n viuk&Yiuv u, ouciiuuuiMii - ..... , 1040a. m. ana 12 ai, o il, 702 ana 1047 p. re :3J Tho center Of this tremendous fli)an" Sunday, 11 13 a.m. nnd 3 41 p.m. - cial outburst was Barney Barnato, anu taye ':"sViir i i . ' he was conservatively estimated at '5,.'n - - that time ns worth between JIOO.POO,- TeavelUiIladelnlila.tllrqad sjroet station), fo 3 3 t 10 40 n. rii., 5 13 n. m. Iave Plllladelnlila. t 000 nnd JIGO.000.000. Among Ilia assets Shenandoah nt S67. 8 33amU0 J9a. m., 4 10 and 2 was a bank orlcinally capitalized at 7 1 n. m. week days. Sundays leavo at S SO a. m. icave nroaii eprocc siatioii, i-niiaueipnia, lui 3 tl2.000.000. In a very few months Its Sea flirt. ABburv Park. Ocean drove. Tim capital stock rose In value to $45,000,. Branch, and Intermedloto stations, B 5", s.55 nnii I1.B9, a, ro.,S,80 nd 4.00 p.m. week-days. Sun- UUU. S 25 a. III. Barnato wns uom in j-,unuun, x.itviu Is Known as to his early life, except that he received his Instruction from a private tutor. Instead of attending 7m,82 ,833, 950, lo 21 mining Car), 11 oo a. m, the miblic schoolrl. tip wns a younger isuunoon, ji iwmimi iuu nrais p.m. lavs. cave Brodd Street Station, Philadelphia, FOR NUW YOltK. Kxprcss, wock-ilays 3 20, 4 Oo, 4 SO 3 13, 6 50. iMiiiUUUUilUIUUUUUUU HUMPHREYS 1 Cures Fever. 3 4 8 Worms. , Infants' Diseases. Diarrhea. Neuralgia. 9 Cures Headache, No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Jo. No. No. No. No. No. No. Sol receipt Dn. HournnBYs' HoiiEorATnio Mahtjaii of Diseases Mailed Fuse. son, and nt the ago of 20 went tP South Africa, then a much more Kftvuge m' rltory than it Is now, and scantily nupulated by Englishmen or parsons of English descent, to seen ins fortune, The Kimberly diamond mines were Just bislnnlng to ue productive. With the IIUlo capital lie couiu spare ne w denllnc In diamonds In a small way. H9 was ClevflF pnu pushing. Dliilnir Cars). 1 40. 280 (Dlnlnir Cur) 3 20. 350. 4 00,SOO,5BO(tlllillBCar), 000, 7 02,7 13, 1000 i. in., iz ui. niiriit. nununys. J au. i w. ou. d la. Sfl,88!),0ri0, 1021, (Di, ing Oir), 1135 n. m., O Hi. o OH 1 -1, ' J III., 12 03,105 jnng Par) 2 30 (Dhiliii; Car), 4 00 ii.imitciM raiiiiiinK war), u-ju, uDo.tuiiuug uar ai, 7 02,7 43. looup. m.. ljoinlsht. Kinross for Jloston without chauire. 11 00 n m, week-days, and 7 13 p. m., dally. FOR WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH. 10 20. 1123 a. m.. 12 03 (12 31 I.Imitnd Dii . Kvcrythlng ho touched hj (nflde sue- Ing Car), 112, 818. 4 41 (319 UonKressloutl cessful. in live years ,,e had parnJ lYS&h uiiuuh" iw.i... v" i wceK aayc. punuays, a ou, ? aj, u iz, iiss n to liurchase Shares in the mines from I m., 12 00 1 12, 4 4), I Hit Congressional Limited, . .1 . t-. . I nittlnn, flarl ft RS Mllnlnv fln.l t n n (Uining uar; ana u 00 nigui. IO 11 12 14 Dyspepsia. Delayed Periods. Leudhorrea. Skin Diseases, 18 Cures Rheumatism. FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Lcavo Urorul street station. lMilladotnhla fvia ueiaware river uriugoi. express, v AS a. ill, ami 7 03 tj. to. dilv. lavo niariccs street iarr, express, 000, sou n m., 1 ou, leaiurnaya only), 2UU, 1 uu, imniul 3 00 p. 111. Sundays, 8 00, 8 43 nnd 8 43 ft. m. 16 20 27 30 77 which tils merchandise had come. Uu fore another five" years had elapsed his holdings at Klmborly had become very large, and when the Transvaal gold holds wore discovered he had profits lo invest In them. In 1S86 Barnato was a definite monoy cower In South Africa, and began to be snoken of as the rival of Cecil Ilhodes. Accommodation, 8 00 and 8 20 0. m., 3 20 and 4 20 Unlike W temperament unu even mre fbond SOOpVm. '--- UnlIKe in persvinui iiinwiiufj, ui iw p0r Cape Mny, AnglCMca, Wlldwooil and men started In to ue pot opponents, iiony iieocn miiress, vw a, in., ii p. m, but In 1888 they reached ttlS poncluslop matSriayT" M ' Q,pl,I,yon,y . , i.i ihnl rnalr raannrttlva I . . .. t . . ...... , . . , TTwInnm, TllcnncAQ I 3lin"""MM'"' . 'f.y.,i,u ruroco ibio v.iky, uimniii viiy, Avaion aim w...... j Interests coulU P6 OCSl promoiBB ny Btone iioroor. jwpross, v uu . m i m v. r-j 1 I ...i ti. no Ti, ....... I weekdays. Sundays. V 00 a. in. uoius unu ui ip, coniuiiiiiiB i h" For Rbmer. Point. lUnress. 8 00. 8B0 a m, m. weoic uayg. sunuays. s 40 Malaria. Whooping Cough Kidney Diseases, .1 by Drngfiists, or Bent prepaid on consolidated mines were the result, one 200, 4co, ooo p. n PtofypricA.;or5forS?. ' "TTT""' SHtrrc of the kind In tha world, Barnato repeatedly and persistently denied tho story that he began life In Gen'l Manager. J. II. Wood. Clen'l I'aJurVr Ag Hurapareys' Med. Co., Ill William St., K.Y. South Afrlca by exhibiting a trioit PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ueuire street 1 TUB - SUN. ders entirely familiar with his career In that part of the world who have P.B persistently and repeatedly asserted till to be the fact. There Is no truth, D It. YV. II. VINO ST, Tho Ural of American Newapn- VETEHINARY SURGEON. however, In the story that he was ever I atuduaU ond It nssldent Howe 8nronef a down or A juggisr in a wandering I the Unifvrsj.tF State ef xi. v. show. He frequently took part In prl- HKAnQUAnTBBt-.Hi.t Frpney, Shenandoah, vate WMtriraw ror .u- TlIHHIt nuAIt COurtflK. pera, CnARIjIiS A. DANA,I$litor. fe aMmy i this direction. Calls night or day promptly responded to and his favorite rolw) In later yearn were Othello and Wathlas In "Tho Hells." Although Barnato represented Kim berley twice In the Cape legislature, he had little time to give to politics The American Constitution, the 1 American Idea, the American Spirit. These first, last and all the time, and little Interest In that field of ac tivity. Cecil linoues uses weaitn oniy Q 8. 1'IUI.UTS, M. D. Office I 80 West Centre nti ee. Can be entiUd at aU hours. forever. Dally, by mall, - $6 a year Daily & Sunday.by mall, $ a year JJ- M. BUIIKK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Egan building, corner of Main an The Sunday Sun 'as a means to political control. Bar nato aspired only to such control of men as oomeg from being fabulously rloh. His record In the Cape legtsla- Centre streets, 8heandoah. ture was quite devoid of Incident. When the tremendous Increase In his mining Interests oalled for the estab Hsjliment of a London branch, it took Ihe form of the Barnato bank. From tliat date he spent moat of his time In London, living at first in man apen J H.FOMBKOY, . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Shenandoah, Pa, the world is the greatest Sunday Newspaper In Mr1 ,own re,,,,,, but moving final. ly Into a magnificent mansion over. looking Hyde Park. While In Africa he was married and PflCe 5C, a tOpy. By Hiall, S2 a year had three children, two none and a Address THE BUN, Hew York. alL DRIIS MBfii! For 'AMSY PILLS! &re ahq suar. sua 4a. iqh-wsmaw 3 SMt ,UAri- wiuw specific worniLA,fA St Fovlnsky'a drug store, 38 lit Centre street. to have, boundless faith In the future of the Transvaal, and his personal popularity among all classes of Afri kandera will very great. In London, where he wbb constantly besieged by JjJ W. SIIOBMAKBIt, - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Corner Market and Cwitre streets. pUOF JOIINJONDS, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Tiox S3, Mahanoy City, Pa. Having are saved by nsing Seel- ifj'shccaupe yon. Lean buy cheap rcoiicc ana make it delicious by a tlittlo or this admixture. Grocers can tell you why those whobuy SEELIG'S Veepcotningback for it. You can't keep on selling a poor Uitng to the same people. MAKER. PHILA & READING RY IN EFFECT MAV 29. 1807. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows : For New York via l'hlladehihla week davs. 210, fiSd, 7 0S B SI a. in., 12 St, 310 and 0 07 p m Sundays, 2 10 n. m. For New ork via Mauch Chunk, week iIavh. S 36, 7 OS a. m., 12 93 and 3 10 p. in. For Koadlng and I'll! lade nbla. wcok davs. 2 10, 5 3D, 7 03 a.m., 12 33, 3 10 and 0 07 p. in. Hun days, 2 10 n. m. For Pottsvllle. week days. 2 10: 7 05 a. ro.. and 12 33, 8 10, 0 07 and 7 21 p. 111. Sundays, 2 10 a. ro, For Tamaoua aim juauanoy citv. week dnrs 2 10, SUa, 705 a. m., 12 33, 3 10 and 007 p. in. Sundays, 210 a. m. ror winiRinspon, amiDiiry anu iewialiirg, week davs. 3 US. 5 Bu. 11 30 a. m.. and 7 25 n in Sundays, 3 28 n. m. For Alaliano) r lane, weekdays. 2 10. B 25. 5 33. 7 09. 0 51, 11 30 u. in., 12 38, 3 10, 0 07, 7 25, 11 55 una 11 iu p. in. nunuuvM, j, iu, a m n. 111. vox Asiuaiiu anu aiianiokin. week uavn. 3 25. 535, 705, 1130 n. ro., 0 07, 725 and 9 5.1 p. in Suudavu. 3 25 a. m. For llnltimnre, Washington and the Wot via ii. ALU. n. it.. uirouKu irnins ioa-i Jtea imk Tcrnvlnal, I'hlludt-lnhia, (P. & It P .K) at 3 SO. 7 55,1120 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p. i Bunenva, 3 20,7 00,1128 n. m., 8t0 and 7 27 p.m. Addi tional trains xrom Twcntyrourth and CI ret nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20, lilC01Vlt.UI OUIIUHH, 1 aj, O 1 p, ID, TRAINS FOP. SUKNANDOAH. Leave Now York via 1'lilladelnhla. nsek days, IS la, 4 30. H TO a. ra., and 1 30, 4 30, 9 00 p. i. aunuavs. o uu u. m. Leave New York vlo Ktauch Chunk, veek uays, uu, v iu a. in., t uu anu iioani. Leave Phlladelnhta. lteadinir Terminal, nnnl; days, 4 20, 85, 10 10 a. ra. and 1 42, 4 00, 0 80, 1 1 art lu. nnnuays, ll uu p. m. Leave lteadine.week days. 1 35. 7 lO.'O 08. a. m 12 00 m., 1 18, 6 00 ond 8 30 p. ro. Sundays, 136 a. in. Inve I'ottsville, weekdays, 235, 710 a. 12 SO and 6 12 d. m. Sundays. 2 85 a. m. Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8 18, 8 48, 11 28 a, m., 1 96, 3 SI, 7 20 and 0 48 p. in. Sundays, 8 18 A 111 Leave Mabanov City, week davs. 12 90. 3 4s. 9 12 11 47 a. m., 2 17, S lit, 6 17, 7 tl and 10 OS p. m. Sundays. 12 3d, s 4i a. m. Leave isiananoy nane. weeic days. 12 33. 2 40. 4 00 080, 9 2S. 10 26. 1150 a. in., 2 82, 582, 688 7 or, iupm. ounuays, iz iu, siu,iw a. m. l,eave wiiuamsport, weeic uays, 7 4X, 10 20 a ra., uu anu 11 au p. in. ounuays, ll sv p. ro. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and Bouin street wuari xor Aiianno miy. Weekday Eipreas, 903 n. m., (Saturdays only, 1 80) 2 00, 4 00. 4 80, 600 p. in. Aooommo- ileHon, sou a. m., 6 io, s so p. m. Sundays Eprt, 8(0, 900, 1000 a. Accommodation, 8 00 a. in., 1 15 n. m. Heturnlng leave Atlantic city depot, corter Alianuo anu Arkansas avenues. Wulr.laM RnMiu 1 eft T AR M n ... U S 80 p. in. Aosonimodatlon, 4 25, 8 IS a. m., 4 10 p. m. Sundays Bxpross, 4 00, S 80, 8 00 p. m. Aooom rnoaaiioii, 7 ib a. in., io p. in. l'arlor Cars on all express trains. Tho I'rofOdont, It In Asmcl'ted, 1141 Asmtirnucen That the Tn-Bt.v Will Promptly Acoeptoil by tlio Upper 1Ioii arCouirrenn. WashiiiRton, June 15. The officials at the sin if department steadfastly re fuse to make any statement as to the negotiation of a treaty providing for the annexation of Hawaii, and at tho Hawaiian legation the same silence Is observed. However, It Is known that the treaty, though not yet signed, Is drawn up ready for signature, and as the president Is fully aware of Its scope there is no reason to doubt that he will authorise Its signature. In this case It is expected that the docu ment will be sent to the senate fur Its action very soon, even within a week. It Is said In some well informed quar ters. If this be the case It may be taken for granted that the president has takin steps to assure himself of a favorable reception for the treaty in the senate, and to guard against such a mishap as befell the arbitra tion treaty this session. The treaty is on the general lines of the treaty negotiated during the ad ministration of President Harrison, and withdrawn by President Cleve land. It provides for annexation with out the exaction of conditions on the part of the Ilawallnns as to the (orni of government to be vouchsafed to Hawaii, leaving that question to be entirely disposed of by the govern ment of the United States. The Unit ed States will agree, however, to as sume the debt of the present Hawaiian government, but will come Into pos session of all the Hawaiian crown lands and other possessions! Several senators have received defi nite Information concerning the exist ence of the treaty, and are well ac quainted with Its terms, though they refuse to discuss the matter, having received the information in confidence. The knowledge of the existence of the treaty has been communicated to mem bers of the committee on foreign re lations and also to members of the finance committee. In the Itepubllcan caucuses the subject of the treaty had been hinted at, but In rather a vague manner. Senators asserted that there wore In progress negotiations looking to the annexation, but they would not aver that they knew a treaty had been drawn, nor would they give any an. surances that It would soon be sent to the senate. In private conversation with other senators, however, they gave lnforma tlon that was definite enough to satisfy those with whom they talked that the treaty was not only to be sent In, but that it was now already drawn, and only awaiting the signatures of the officers of the two governments to com pleto It, It Is known that the approval pf the committee on foreign relations Is assured, as elcht members of the committee have approved Its terms. This will enable the committee to speedily report the treaty to the sen ate, so that it mny be taken up im mediately after the tariff bill Is dis posed of. The senate has boon canvassed to a certain extent by senators favoring an nexation, and while there (ire some senators who are non-committal, the supporters of the proposition any they believe that they can count upi.n the two-thirds vte necessary to Insure ratification. The especial friends of the president about the senate say that the treaty has been made In accordance with his views, and that It would have been bent In some time ago but for his ex- uctlons as to details. The Republican senators were In caucus for more than three hours last night, nnd when adjournment was reached not very much progress hud been made. The Hawaiian treaty prop osition was passed over to be con sidered at another caucus, as several senators expressed the opinion that if It was truatiiat a treaty of annexation was to be sent hi, It would be absurd to enact legislation looking to the ab rogation of the treaty of reciprocity. Senators who were aware of the prog ress of the annexation treaty did not feel at liberty to give the caucus full Information. Although there was much reticence observed, It was believed the president would be consulted today on he subject of the proposed treaty, WORKING AT HIS TRADE ALTHOUGH EIBHTY-FIVE YEARS OLD. Mr. James McMillen, of Champaign, Has Followed the Shoemaker's Trade All His Life Every Day at His Bench Working with Appar ently the Same Vigor as a Young Man A Sketch of His Life. Prom the Uatelte Chnmprtign, JtL "I road in the newspaper testimonials from people who claimed to have lirrn rnr"d of kidney At tlio advanced age of elglity-flve years, James lleMlllni, of 118 West Washington street, is one of the most active men in Cham paign, Illinois. Mr. McMillcn is a plonrcr cititen of the city, and Ids form is ss fumilinr on the streets as (hat of any cltlsen of tin town. All his life Mr. McMillen fol lowed the trade of shoemaker, nnd every dn v finds him at his bench, lending over his mi k with apparently the same viftor he com manded when he was a young man. He has a little shop on North Wright street, in the vicinity of the University of Illinois, and lie is the offieial shoemaker, as It were, for the students ol that institution. Ahout a year ago Mr. McMillen was absent from his bench for several weeks, and his familiar form was missed nlonir the streets. The local newspapers announced that ho was dangerously ill. nor mourns no was n sufferer, but finally he appeirea n.-iiii nt his shoo, and has lost hut Very fi w days siuee then and none, perhaps, on aeeount of sickness. His friends were surprised to see him out again, and they were more surprised when lie told them the cause of his recovery. There was no small amount of loeal Inter- eat In his ease, and a reporter visited Mm, to liR7e him relate the story. 1 reel," sum the spry old gentleman, 'that I owe my life to Dr. Williams' I'ink I'llls for Pale Peonle. Something like a year airn it annenred to me that I was almost a physical wreck. I was suffering from a disease of the kidneys. A thick scurf had formed on the Iwttoms of niv feet and mv ankles were terribly swollen and inflamed. In fact, they reached suoh a condition that I could not walk, and it looked as though my ays were nuinuereu. Wanted-An Idea Protect your Idaasj tbsr may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WgDDERUUUN ft CO., latent Altor nays. Waabtogtou, D. C. for their tl.SQO prise offer idnev trouble by the use of Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Pale l'eonle. nnd tliui;lit that it Mould do me no harm to pie tin in a trial. I liouiiht a box of them nt the ilrua i..r. ami lej;nn taking them iiccnnliin: in due, nous. It mnv i i in ' i I'niiL'P, hut it h n in! 1 list I fell the l in lit of them almost ;i. as I lii'L'n'1 to i-il... iliem. After I li:.d tnken a lew pilN in in in d dlscharex Iipraine almost nt him k in t.ir and I nolle.! ut the name time th il the pnin and soreness were ieav. inir my Kidtif v. ' A few da- Inter tha swelling bean to go out of my ankles, and at the end of 6ve weeks it had entirely disappeared. Inking with it that terriMe scurf which hud formed on the bottoms of my feet and eaui d me so much trouble. I continued to gather my lout stretiL-tli, and at the end of six weeks I felt enti,-. .y rccoored and resumed my work nt the vl.np, I tii ink I took from lour to five boxes of ll.e pilh nnd have taken none since." Mr. MeMillen's residence on West Wash burton stiff, is more than a mile distant from his skin, but nearly every day he walks the entire .litnnee, morning and evening, ami he could not do this if that swelling still cxi-ted Mr. McMillen has no backwardness in talk ing of the met its of Pr. Williams' Pink Pills. Ir. Williams' Pink Pills for Pole People contain in a condensed form, nil the elements necessary to sive new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent post paid on reuefpt of price, 50 cents n Imjr, or six Ikixcs for $2.80 (they are never sold in bulk or by the 100), by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Seheneetady. N. Y. lttlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!l'!ll'f I ..XL -wfwi nre progress! vo niul keep inftrrievi.v;;,u the World's Progress. The v 11 i'-s formed nnd thrifty House-wilo w . always keep RAINBOW LINIMENT P in tlio house, ns a standard remedy fi Sprains, Bruises, Clumps KlmuiiiuiUin. and all nches and pnlns. H Prlco2Bctt. and 60 cts. per bottle. s Prepared by II. J. HACKETT & CO.. Philadelphia. . FOE SALE EVEE V WHERE. 1 " Siiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir miiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiuiMiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiu'i EVERY WOMAN Soaetlmes nco! a reliable, monthly, regulating medicine. Only harmless 0&4 the purest drugs should be used. If you want the beet, get Or. Peal's Psnirsroyafi Pills The? aro prompt, safe and certain In remit. Tbe cenalno (Dr, Tears) Dererdlsap For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug: Store, Shenandoah. Pa. ANDY CATHARTIC 1 CU R F TO HSTI DAT JflM 10 25 50 f ALL. A DRUGGISTS t rile and knnllft Tree. Ad. KTFKMMi Itminil ( (1.. Clilrauo. Montrc.il. Can.. nrXetr York. ' sit. " " " ' 11 r- r -y-y r tt r n tr tr rr nh m tt 'A HAND SAW IS A GOOD THING, BUT NOT TO SHAVE WITH." ltuvklon's Arnica Salve, Tho best salvo in tho world for cntp. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhunm, fever sores, ni.nnai in,i. ni,iii.in:., all skin eruptions, anil positively curtB plies. oi .10 pay reiiuirou. it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salo by A. Wasloy. Coinlnt; Kvcnts. Juno 10. Ioe cream festival under the auspices of tho Famous ltaso lkill Club, in Iiobliltis opera house. June 10. Ice cream and strawberry fes tival, in tho Presbyterian oapel. June 38. Ice cream and strawberry fes tival under the auspioas of the All SxhiU P. H. oliuroh, In the basement of the church. Dr. King's Hew Discovery for Consumption, This is the licet medicine iu tho world for all forms of Couglu anil Colds and for Con sumption, livery bottle is guaranteed. It will cure anu not disappoint, it lias no equal for Whooping Cough, Asthma, Hay Fever. Pneumonia. Iironohltis. La Qriiine. Cold lu the Head and for Consumption, ft Is safe for all ages, pleasant to take, and, above all, a sure cure, it is always wen to take Dr, King i New life tills In connection with Dr. King's New Discovery, as they regulate and tone the stomach and bowels. We guarantee perfect satisfaction or return money. Free trial bottles at A. Wasley s drug store. Kegu tar Blut so cents and fl.w. studied under some of the best flatterers, beggars and projectors of all masters h London and Paris, will give tenons snrtH nf eniomrUoa lia nnallv became on tiievioiiii.inamioun, Kullarancl vocal culture. ., , ,i, . ,, ' ,. Terms reasonable. Addr UUIUI lUHltCMIlur U Ull B.TMl ... ureee in care of Btrouse. I the Jeweler. fJbenandoau. Tho Rosy Froshnoss And a velvety softness of the skin Is lnva rtably obtained by tboe who use PoszoNi'a Complexion Powder. GRAY HASH mi mil iJTii. '" u,.l"ul..r . I.IJl'.' MAIil .111.111 V "'. 1 " il.M.liiiriutMw, pImmhi odor. VI te t boll,. I.KB'M ll.Vllt TMOrinivedndru loii hsir f urn (sllinii out and proiuol m growl h f 1 0J1 WtlF llliumud TresUM uu lUir oasppUutiaarnbla For sale by Shenandoah Drug Btore, Klrlln Drug Btore. Nutlonnl IMuoatloiiRl Aaoe(tlii. The l'eunsylvanla Itailroad Compauy air nou noes that ou aeeount of the meeting of the National Kduoatloual Association, at Milwaukee, Wis., July 0 to 0, It will sell coa timioiia passage tiokets from all points on its line east of Pittsburg and Erie to Mil waukee at rate of single fare for the round trip, plus tS.OO membership fee. Tickets will be sold aud will be good golug ouly ou July 2, 8, and 4, and will be good to return, leaving Milwaukee July 10, 11, and IS, MOT, only, eseept tliat by depositing ticket with Jolut agent at Milwaukee ou or before July ik, auu ou payment or any oeat. an extant sion of return limit may be obtained to leave Milwaukee uutil August 81, 1897, inclusive, Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. If you want to quit tobacco using easily and forever, be made welt, strong, magnetic, full of new life ud vigor, take No-To-lktc. tbe wonder-worker that makes weak men strong. Many wlu ten pouuds in tea days. Over 400,000 cured. Iluy No-To-llac from your own druggist, who will guarantee a cure. 60c or $1.00. Ilooklet and sample mailed free. Ad. Btcrllng Remedy Co , Chicago or New Yolk. IS THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. FT It SURE CURE FOR Dyspepsia, Malaria, Sleeplessness, Nervous Headache, Biliousness, Kidney Diseases, General Debility, Etc. Ash your Druggist to get them through his ,)oliber, or send a Postal Card io BOULTON HOP BITTERS CO., NEJnZ YORK. IF I Sold at KIRLIN'S DruE Store, Shenandoah, Pa. A Great Magazine Offer 1 3 FOR 1 The regular subscription price of usmoresrs Magazine," .Judge's LlbrarY." and Funny Pictures1 is 3-30 FOR 1 We wUI mi all three to m for one year far 52,00, or 6 mo. (or SI. 'DEMOREST'S MAGAZINE' Is by far the be family mamalne published; them Is none of our nionthliiw lu which tbe baauiiful and the luefuli pleasure and profit, huhtoa and literature are so fully presented a In Domorest'a. There I., in foot, no publiootlon pre-tending-to a similar scope and purpose whloh on oompofe with It. Every nusnber w 'JUDGES LIBRARY' Is a monthly magasliie of fun, Oiled with Illustration lu oarloekure Sl?uatratow.W W humor. Its contributors are tbe beat of Americas wUeaoil 'FUNNY 'PICTURES' Is another humorous monthly; there Is a lauch In every line of It. All throe of Ihew inagailnes ore handsomely gotten up. You should not miss this chance to secure them. Cut liere aud return Couon properly filled out. Dcmorxust PuMi-sKtag Co., 1 lo TiftK Akm New York. Porthe eiuduwd .$2.00 nleoM send DUOfS)l's Family Hacaslne, Judge's Library (amagMlMt fun), and Funny Pie tures lor year i pi TourffK Nuwe.. l'of-offlce . Date State