EVENING HERALD IKTA11LIS1IHU 18T0. Published every ICrmlng, Kiospl Stinilny, at Sooth Jardik Dtnn, Nbar Owrran. The Herald Is tleitveietl lnHhennndMa and tbt surrounding; towns for nix cents n Mk, nay ahle U tho carriers. Ur mull 18.00 a nw, or rutfl A month. payable in rwiranee. Advertise msnts oharirardln to space and position The publishers reserve the rlRlit to ohanire thr ixxlHnn of advertisements whenever the pub filiation ol news demnnds It. The rlcnt U n ii reserved to reject any navemsemeiii, wneiner psiil (or or not, that the publishers may deem mnrouer. Atjvertlstnff rates made known upntl application. Rntared At the postoftlM At Shsnntiuowh, P., af second elas mail matter. TKLKl'HONH OONNHOTION. "All the News That's Fit to Print." Evening Herald FRIDAY, JUNE 4. 1887. Tin Jb the way the llazleton I'laiit Hpi'aker iut it : 'Tretentlinir to 1 mirh a great friend of tlie laboring clauses, Senator Coylp fulled to word liln vote on the final pawHfre. of tlie "VWiler Labor bill in the leginlatnre last week. Yet he endeavored to hide tlie official record and uhleld hiiinelf by indncing some of the Philadel phia newspapers to state that he was ' present and recorded himself in favor of the measure." Qpkkjt Victouia luts become greatly enfeebled, not in body only, but in mind ii1m; at least, snioh is the report. If we remember rightly, the jubilee will occuron theUiindof June, and tlie occasion will lie one that the English people will render memor able, for the Queen has a strong hold upon the affections of her people. She has been a remarkable woman ever since her advent to power, and, her years considered, she is still n notable character. Hut evidently she has about reached the length of her tether, and should now lay down the sceptre she has wielded so long and so well. She can now do it trui -e fully, and retire witli dignity. A twelvemonth hence, or even sooner. tho infirmities of age may so pros trnto ljor that she Will be able to lay ntiide her grout honor fully conscious of what she is doimf, Willie ahe is in such possession of her faculties at) will enable her to appreciate the feel ing that will be displayed by her people because of her magnanimous surrender of her crown to her son. MANY of the statements made by Dr. Swallow, editor of the Pennsyl vania Methodist, published ut Harris burg, are doubtless made on hearsay evidence, nevertheless one of these exposes.referringto a Schuylkill eouit tain, demands more explicit Inform ation, and the Dr. should not be slow in furnishing the names of the parties referred to. Until this is done we are somewhat reluctant to believe that any Schuylkill county "statesmitii" would be guilty of the fraud charged. Here is what tlie Methodist editor says : "A gentleman in this city did tho work as paster and folder of two men, one from Wayne county and anothor from Schuylkill county. Each got SfG a day. These men never pre tended to bo present, or to super vise the work. The two paid Mr. Hoke 1.50 a day. He wanted 8.00. Their representative refused and pocketed the 0.25 apiece of the people's money, 10.00 a day for do ing nothing. We understand that Mr. Hoke made his bargain with Mr. , and never met the men whoso work he was supposed to be doing." Can any of our readers supply the name left blank, or that of tlie sup posed folder ? "flodern Scriptures." Itev. James Benton Werner, a na tive of Allontown, and now pastor of the leading church at Lexington. Mass., delivered an able sermon on "The Modern Scriptures," His re marks are quite appropriate at this time in view of the apparent increase in the ranks of sensational journal ism. The reverend guntleuiun said in part: "We can no longer wait for age to tell its tale to age ; the times are big with significance. The daily paiiers are our modern scriptures, given of God and profitable that his servants may bo thoroughly furnished unto all good works. ' In the newspapers as in nothing else we free whathumatiity is. There, as in a mirror, stands portrayed the image of mankind. Curiously enough, it is precisely here that the greatest objection is raised against the press. We are told the papers are not ilt to read. It is a wholesale condemnation that facts do not sustain. There are chapters in the Bible I should not like to have a child of mine peruse. Any fair judgment passed upon the press must be based on the best not on its vulgar, hut on its respectable sheets papers which speak of hu manity just as it is ; nothing extenu ate, naught set down in malice. Better jiapers demand better men and women. "Ho long as humanity is what it is tfl.CHASE$ BloodHerveFood For Weak and Run Down People. UfUAT IT IC I The richest of all restora WnHI II IO I tlve foods, because It re- IilacM the essentials of life that are ex utusud by disease, Indigestion, high living, overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc. WHAT IT DOES I fckffiS digestion perfect It creates solid flesh, muscle sod strength. The nerves being wade strong lha brain becomes astlve and Isar. It restores lost vitality, stops all wast lug drains aud weakness In either sex, and as a female rsc ulaRir has no equal. Pries 60c, orave boxes KV00. Druggists or by mall. We pan help you. Advloe and book, free. - "write Us About Your Cage. THE DR. CHASE COMPANY, lUJChftflnut Street, PJiiUwlslphla. the press will have to continue to show ns many things it would be pleasanter not to behold. Hut it is necessary to look on them if yon wish to make men and women Ivetter. There Is no better text book 111 the pathology of the soul than the press. We need to cultivate a genuine sym pathy for mankind, and that is what the newspapers are trying to do to acquaint men witli each other ; to bring them closer together; to put thetu into touch one with another. "No doubt the newspaper are far from being what they-ought to be; but they are pressing forward toward the mark of a high ideal. Preju dice will give way to interests, criti cal judgment to vital sympathy, and in lending a helping hand to the work of their Improvements the shrug of the shoulders will be quite forgotten, for the newspapers do tell the ftory of humanity, and tlie story of Immunity spellg out the word of God and that who dares despise f" Tkhrimjc Acoiiirnt. It ii h terrible ac cident to be burned or scalded ; but the iwlu Mini agony and tlie frlglitfbl dtsflfnrementi can bo quickly overcome without Imvlttt war by using DeWitt'a Witoli Salve. C. 11. lUgenbach. The Ctml Trade. Prom award's Coal Journal. It is figured out tluvt tho output for the first six months will lie not more than 18, 000,000 tniis anil the general opinion is tlmt the market will surely require 40,000,000 tons for tlie year, thus leaving 4,000,000 ton to be produced during each of the last all mouths, but at there la not likely to lie an opportunity to move as mneb as 8,000,000 tons dining November and December, owing to natural impediments, there will be all the more to be done during Jnly, August, Sep tember and O.tobor and these mouths bid Pair to show grant activity in tho coal trailo. Although 5,000,000 tons of coal have lieeu prut licet! in one month, we aro assured that he conditions aro such that this cannot well ho kept up for any number of months owiug to circumstances in connection with the car supply, etc ; It therefore appears that tlie several regions will be worked pretty well up to their normal capacity during the slim mer and fall, ami that those who desire to have their coat come forward without delay would do well to placo their orders early. It seems to be positively assured that there will be no reduction in prices, but that the mar ket will strengthen as the year advances. Itching Piles, night's horrid plague, is instantly relieved and permanently cured by Doau's Ointment. Your denier ought to keep it. Catholic Societies Olllcers. The German Catholic Societies, at I'ottr ville, elected Charles J. Jaegle, of Pittsburg, president by a vote of 71 to 30. The presi dency was theonly ofllce for which there was a contest. Tho newly-elected president is a uowspaper man by profession and was born in Freiburjf, Iladeu, Germany, in 185J, and is consequently in his .40th year. Ho emi grated to this country in 1800, locating at Pittsburg, where lio lias since continued to reside Ho has bcou identified with the newspaper business since 1878, for tbo past sixteen years haviug beeu manager of the I'ittsburger llcobachter, a daily German Catholic newspaper of wido influence. He lias been active in the work and organization nf German Catholic societies for many years. The other olllcers aro : First Vlco President, John Wagner, Scranton; Second Vlco Presi dent, Christian Ihiby, Pottsvllle; Itccording Secretary, Joseph L. Alhtccht, Scranton; Corresponding Secretary, John Fink, Pitts burg, Pa.; Treasurer, Michael Kracmcr, Scranton, Pa. Just try a 10c box of Discards, tho finest liver and bowel regulator over made. ICeiil Kstato Transfers. Tho following tlccda woro filed in tho Re corder's otllco yesterday : From Wm. Maley to M. .1. Purccll, premlsos in Shenandoah ; If. J. Aregooil to John White, premises in Shenandoah ; Joel Ma-shall and wife to II. J. Arcgood, premises in Shenandoah ; O. P. Ilechtor ct al. to John Iterkheiscr, premises in-OrwIgsburg ; Dauiel Shepp to G. V. I. Cnterline, premises in Tamaqua ; Ellas II. Amberger and wile to Ilyman Uuhinsky, premises in Shenandoah ; Frank Worner, sheriff, to Mahanoy City School ltoanl, premises in Mahanoy City ; M. Bright et al, monitors, to David Jcll'rics, premises in Mahanoy City ; Wm.Kearctal to Mahanoy City School District, premises in Mahanoy City. Is tho season tor now llfo in nature, new vigor in our physical systems. As tho fresh sap carries Hfo into tho trees, so our blootl should givo us vonowed strength and vigor. In its impure state it cannot do this, and tho aid of Hood's Sarsnparilla is imperatively needed. It will purify, vitulizo and enrich tho blood, and with this solid, correct foundation, it will build up good health, cronto a good appotito, tone your stomach and tligostivo organs, strengthon your nerves and over come or prevent that tired feeling. This has been tho experience of thou sands. It will bo yours if you take Hoo Sarsaparilla cine and Wood I'unfl. r Sold by all druggists. $1. u nut 1 IV nausea, indigestion, HOOCTS J" ' "ii' -h V. cents. A MUSIGfllt FEAST I A grand production of- tlie Iteautiful cantata.. "REBECCA" -Will be given on- BOBBINS' OPERA HOUSE, SHENANDOAH, PA., By a Choir of 60 Voices AtwisteU by tho SCII0PPE ORCHESTRA Tb production will be Ivcit for tlie benefit - - ul tlu) - - - Piimltive Methodist" Church. Admission, - - 25 Cents. BASEBALL GAMES YESTERDAY. Sntlonnl T.'pHiino. At Phllaaelphla-Phllndelphin. 1(1; ritts bum. 1 At New Torn Flrnl Kiimc; Ni w Yiuk. (: Louisville, 1. Second gum.': New York, 10; Louisville, 0. At Uronklyn M Louis. 1. Hroc.klyn, 0. At Boaton lion ton, 0; Cleveland, 1. ICimti-i'ii I.enirtie. At Syracuse rtuiise, 4; Springfield, . Atlantic I.eniriiP. At Ilcndlnu HctidlnK. 6; Wchmond, 4 At Piit.Tmm Athletic. 10, Tatt'ison. 4. A1 Lmnciister Utiuur ttr, !; Nor.'olk. 4. Newark Newark, 13, Hartford, 10. At Looking to I'lnnl Adjournment. UarrlRburg, June 4. The first ate; I toward final adjournment was taken j at last evening's session of tlie liouss by the adoption of a resolution making tlie order of business at Monday night's session senate - bills on second read Thls disposes of over a hundred bouse bills on the calendar for second read ing, unless the rules committee fixes a time for their consideration. Many members voted for tlie resolution with out knowing Its moaning. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. If you want to quit tobacco rising easily and forever, be made welt, strung, magnetic, full of new llfo and vigor, take No-To-Ttao, tin wonder-worker that makes weak men Strang, SMiiy gain ten pounds in ten days. Orr 400,000 itd. Bay No-To-Itoo from your own druggist, who will guarantee a cure. 80c or $1.00. Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad. Sterllug Iteinetly Co., Chicago or New York. Dr. Swnllow Tor StfitiS Trcnittror. Altoonn, l'a June I. At the Prohi bition convention yesterday Qulncy Lee Morrow predicted Ur. Swallow's election as state treasurer. He said it was no longer a question as to whether the saloon should live or die. but whether the church shall live or die. The finance committee reported that $10,000 would be needed for cam paign work, and Dr. Swallow started the subscription with $1,000, and a to tal of $3,180 was raised. The platform, after the uvual denunciation of the liquor traffic, arraigns the state ad ministration for lavish expenditures, calls for the reduction of salaries and for a rigid system of economy, de mands Interest on state deposits, op poses granting money for sectarian purjioses, and favors arbitration be tween laborer and employer. The nom ination of Dr. Swallow for stAte treas urer was makde by acclamation. W. W. Lathrop, of Lackawanna, was nom inated for auditor general. Tbcro Is a Class or People Who are Injured by tlio u&e of codec i'eccntly there has been placed in all the grocery stores a new preparation called (IIIAIN-O, made of puro grains, that takes the place of codec. The most delicate stomach receives it without distress, and but few cau tell it from coffee. It does not cost over 1 as much. Children may drink it with great benefit. 15 cts. and 38 cts. per package Try it. Ask for GItAIN-O. Lyon-Dumi Contest. Several votors wero allowed to logalizo their ballots cast during the Lyon-Dunn election in contest court yostciday by sign ing affidavits, while two were denied tho privllego for reasons presented. Matthew McOiunis, of Port Carbon, whose vote bad been questioned on ago, was allowed by court to stato for whom ho voted. IIo re plied "for Jutlgo Dunn." Mr. Whalen ob jected to this, suggesting then that tho cou tcstaut bad not closed bis case Tho court responded thafho had overruled tbo objec tion and to further remarks from Mr. Whalen stated that tbo ruling would stand. Marrlnire Licences. Chas. II. Kobol and Klla llciubach, both of I'incirrovo. John Hoffman and Gortnulo K. llass, both of I'incgrove. Matthew Nccly and Snllio A. Lovans, both of Gordon. Joseph Swoat and Anuio Zavacky, both ol Mahanoy City. Thomas Mattes Another Cliniigp. Dauiol J. Thomas, who reccutly resigned the siiperinloudcncy of tho Dodsou Coal Co's colliorios at Morea, and later accepted tbo suporintendoncy of an individual mine iu tho Shamokin district, will uow resign that position to assumo tbo inauagemont of the Merchants Hotel, at Mahanoy City, whlob ho purchased yusterday. Mr. Thomas moved to Sluunokin some weeks ago. Hemmed to .Slieiutndoali. From Ashland Teletfrnm. Mrs. M. P. Klllott, for many years a resi dent of our towu, moved with lior family to Shenandoah, whore her son, John, is em ployed as a clerk in Levi lEcfowlch'S cluthing store. When bilious or costive, eat a Cascarcts candy cathartic, euro cuarantoed, 10c, 20c A Prortw-lwitul l tiiulorT"ltoi Indianapolis, June i. Jesse Way wai sentenced to seven rears In the In diana state prison yesterday. Way was sentenced for counterfeiting. Ilf Is 80 years old and has spent 48 yeart of his life In prison, ohlefly for the crime for which he was yesterday sen tenced. The Little Conqueror Arrives and People Are Talking. Surprise, wonder and admiration follow in the track of the little conqueror. People are talking alwut it everywiiere, aud such cases as that of Mrs. J. II. llutler, a resident of I'ittston, are getting to be every day eminences. Our representative called on Mrs. Butler at her place of residence, Xo. 180 Searie street, aud she gave the followlug brief account of her case, shestys: "About a year ago I began to have severe paiui in my back in the region of the kldueys. Sometimes the pain wm worse than at others, and with each attack It grew more severe. The last attack I had felt so I could not lift anything at all that had any heft to it, and the hardest part was to rise from auy stoop ing position. I can only describe the pain as a -.onUnuoiis dull one, Interspersed with sharp piercing ones in the small of my back. If I attempted to rise from a obalr after continued sitting I found it a difficult matter. I mauagetl to get along in this way with uy household duties, for I was deter mined not to give up, and I felt many times as though I positively must. I read of some of the cures ptrformed by Doau's Kidney 1'ills, and comparing the symptoms described with mine I concluded the pills would help me, aud I procured a box aud began to take the m rcguisrly accord lug to directions. Within three days I felt bettor anil continued to improve every day. I must admit they have perfectly cured nut, and tills iinnsh souuer than I could have anticipated possi ble. I am perfectly satisfied with tb results, iml glad to be able to Inform ether sufferur about Uoaii's Kidivey IMHs, so that they may know what to use who are In tuelr condi tion." Far sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Mailed by Foster-Milburn Co., llufl'ulo. N. Y. Hole agents fur the V. 8. "Q0LD DUST.' Dirt&st Enem Largest packsgs-grentcst economy. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chloago. St. tools. New York. Uoston. PMIatMptilo. THIEVING TLLLER ABSCONDS. A Ituillf In Delaware's Cnpltnt llobhed of 9118,000. Dover, Dl., June 4. William Bogga, payitirf teller of the First National bank, of this town, Is a defaulter In the sum of 8,PC0. The peculations have .extender; over a period of ten years, iiui pnoriHire i ocn. K i by false entries that escaped the eyes of the bank examiner. Mr. Hoggs has been employed In the First National bank for over IB years and hat always been regarded as per fectly honest and upright In alt his dealings. He was not known to have any bad hanlts and always seemed de voted to hlf family. Bogjrb left town Saturday evening without previous notice, and his ab sence caused an Investigation. Two letters wero received from him yester day. Thev were mailed from New York, nnd both were written upon let ter hcadB of the St. Cloud hotel. One, to the directors of the bank, gave Infor mation as how they should proceed to discover the amount of the shortage nnd tho other, sent to Mrs. Hoggs, acknowledged his guilt and stated that he saw no other means than to end his remorse by death. The hank officials, however, believe that Hoggs Is on hlK waj'to South Amerlcr as he was known to have- at least W.000 In gold on his person at the time of his departure ONE OF TWO WAYS. The bladtlor wbb created for ono purpose, namely, a receptacle for tho urine, and as such it is not liable toany form of disease ox cepl by ono of two ways. Tho first way is from imperfect sotion of the kidneys. The second way is from careless local treatment of other diseases. CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kldiioys is tho chief cause of bladdor troubles. So tho womb liko the bladdor, was created for ono purpose, and if not doctoral too much Is not liablo to weakness or diseased, oxcopt in rare cases. It is situated back of and very closo to tho bladdor, therefore any pain, dlseaso or incouvcnicnco manifested in tbo kidneys, back, bladder or urinary passage is often by mistake attributed to fcmalo weak ness or womb trouble of somo sort. Tho error Is easily nmilo and may bo as easily avoided. To find out correctly, Fct you urino U8itlo for twenty-four hours; a sedi ment or settling indicates kidney or bladder trouble Tho mild and tho extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swatnp-Koot, tho groat kidney, livor nnd bladder remedy is soon realized. If you need a medicine you should havo tbo best. At druggists fifty cents and ono dollar. You may havo a saniplo bottlo and pamphlet, both sent frco by mall Mention Kvkninci Hkuald and send your address to Dr. Kilmor & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The proprietors of tiiis paper guanmtco tho genuinens of this offer. Clini'Kcii w mi itflblilmr the MiiIIh. New York, June 4. Walter John ston, a clerk In the railway postal ser vice was arrested yesterday upon a charfre of robbing the malls. He liao charge of the mall route between thlfc city and Hackettstown, N. J. He con fessed that he had been robbing the malls from May 27. He lives nt Wash ington, N. J., nnd has been In the em ploy of the postal Bervlco for three years. It Is believed that the amount of money secured by Johnston was comparatively small. Mothers will fpid Chamberlain's Cough Itemody especially valuablo for croup and whooping cough. It will givo prompt relief and is safe and pleasant. Wo have sold It for several years and it has never failed to givo tho most porfect satisfaction. G. W. Itiohards, Duqnesue, l'a. Sold by Grublor Bros., druggists. Coiinlui lult UiVornmoiit lioutPt. New York, June 4. One of the most oxtenslve counterfeiting plots ever dis covered by the secret service bureau of the postoftlce department was brought to light yesterday when Rich ard O. D. He Queens and his wife, Eugenia, were arraigned before "Com missioner Shields, charged with Issu ing counterfeit bonds of the Costa Hlcan Rovernment of the denomina tion of 100 pesos. He QueenB has a printing establishment In this city, and he waB arrested there. No plates, dies or other counterfeiting tools were found In the rooms. Mrs. lie Queens denies knowledge of any counterfeit ing scheme, and her husband refuses to make any statement. It Is said that $1,250,000 of the fraudulent bonds have been floatct1. Not only piles of the very worst kind an le en rod by DeWItt's Witch Ilasel Salvo, but ecsema, scalds, bums, bruises, bolls, u Iters and all other skin troubles can he instantly relieved uy the same remedy. C. 1. 1 lagan bucli. Sir. llryuii Jji Tour the World, St. Louis, June 4. Albert J. Enrlght, a St. Joseph. Mo., business man who Is at the Planters, was at Lincoln, Neb., immediately before he arrived here. While there he was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Bryan. Mr. Iiryan haa an nounced his intention of making a trip around the world, so Mr. En right says, He oxjieots to leave within a short tlma, and will be abroad several months. Ills family will accompany him. Tohneco MitKiiiitoM' Cimsplrnoy Trlnl. New Yort- June 4. District Attorney Olcott said today that he would piob ably move the trials on Monday of the members of the American Tobacco company, who are Indicted for con spiracy. If the case does not proceed on Monday It will on Wednesday, he said. The men are accused of having consplrt-d to corner the cigarette market. Kreu chronic diarrhoea succuuihs tjulckly to Dr. Fowler's Ext. of WiW Strawberry, nature's own specific fur all bowel complaints. ii (f 'OOtD DOST." is. ;vv rr.i y- GOOD PROGRESS CN THE TARIFF SoiintorTllimnn Defends HtmsolfiVom Xownimpor Attnoks. Washington, June 4. The senate again made good progress on the tariff blil yesterday, covering about ten pages of the metal schedule and al- n...f ..-,. ,latl,, It Tim fnrmnl nntltflflt agallsf the measure was maintained, hut all amendments tending to change the bill as reported were voted down and the finance committee iJtalned. Hefore the tariff bill was taken up Senator Tillman, of South Carolina, gave the senators another hour of ex cltliisr controversy over the proposed Fiignr Investigation. He defended hlin self from published charges relative to his administration of the governorship of South Carolina, and then moved that the committee having charge of the sugar resolution be discharged from further consideration of It, thus bring ing, the subject directly before the sen ate. There were frequent lively ex changes between Mr. Tillman, Mr. Oal llnger and Mr. Jones (Nev.), but In the end Mr. Tillman withdrew his motion. The house proceedings were enlivened by a single incident, the attempt of Mr. Terry, of Arkansas;, to secure consider ation as a privileged matter of a reso lution for immediate .jpolntment of the committee on foreign affairs. In order, as the preliminary whereases re cited, to permit notion on the senate Cuban bellleenercy resolution. It wns rulod out of order, and an appeal taken from the decision of the chair was laid on the tab'.e by a strict party vote. Mr. Simpson, the Populist leader, was ab sent and several bills were passed by unanimous consent. The Frye bill to prevent collisions on certain harbors, rivers and Inland waters of the United States and the senate resolution -forL- the relief of the El PaBO flood suf ferers, amended so as to make the ap propriation of $10,000 available out of the unexpended balance of the ap propriation for the Mississippi flood sufferers, were passed and the confer- fence leport on the Indian approprla tlon bill was passed. W. II. Johnson, Newark, O., savs, "Ouo Minute Cough Curo saved my only child from dying by croup." It has saved thousands of others suffering from croup, pneumonia, bronchitis nnd other serious throat and lung troubles. C. II. Hageiihuch. Summer Excursion Iloilto Hook. On Juno 1 tho Passenger Department of tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company issuod tho 1807 edition of its summer excursion route book. This work is designed to pro vide tho public with short descriptive notes of tho principal summer resorts of Eastern America, with tho routes for reaching them, and tho rates of faro. There aro over four hundred resorts In the book to which rates aro quoted, and over fifteen hundred differ ent routes or combinations of routes. It is compiled with tho utmost care, and alto gether is tho most complete and comprehen sive handbook of summer travol ever offered to the public Its 210 pages aro inclosed in a handsome and striking cover, iu colors. Several mnpi, presenting tho exact routes over which tickets are sold, aro bound in tbo book. It is also profusely Illustrated with lino half tone cuts of sccnory along tho lines of tho Pennsylvania railroad and elsewhere Any doubt as to whero tbo summer should bo passed will bo dispelled nftora careful ex amination of tho couteuts or this publica tion. On and after June 1 it may bo procured at any Pennsylvania Itallroad ticket office at the nominal price of ten cents, or, upon application to tho goneral office, Broad Street Station, by mail for twenty cents. "They aro dandies' said Thos. Bowors, of mo urocaet, loxas, r.ntorprise, wlillo writ ing auout Downi's t,lttIo linrlv Itlsors, tho famous llttlo pills fur sick headacho and dis orders of the stomach and liver. C. II. llagcuhucli. Donles Stories of Cimllllmllsm. London, June 4. The Brussels corre spondent of The Dally Chronicle says: "Governor WahlB, of the Congo Free State, will not return here. It Is re ported that he will be created a baron In recognition of his services to Bel gium In Africa. In the course of un Interview Governor WahlB has given a positive denial to the statement that in the campaign under Baron Dhanls the troops were provisioned with hu man flesh. lie spoke very bitterly uf the charges brought against his ad ministration by the missionaries, and rererreu to Missionary BJoblom as "an honest fanatic." Sick headache uan be nuiuklv and com pletely overcome by using those famous little pllU known as "DeWltt's Little Karly inters." u ii. liagenuucli. Woman Shot by n Constable. Buffalo, June 4. Charles Linke shot and fatally Injured Mrs. Ida Strohaur yesterday afternoon. Llnke Is a eon stable, and Has sent to the Strohaur residence to remove a sewing machine upon an attachment. The woman de clares that the shooting waa deliberate, while Llnke says it waa accidental. Llnke has been locked up. The hos pital surgeons say the woman cannot recover. Tlave you earache, toothache sore throat, ptlmi or swelling of any sort? A few applications of Dr. Thomas' Uoleotrle Oil will bring relief almost Instantly. Alitl-'ivtuetosuopu IIUI Killed. Ottawa. Out., June 4, Sir Oliver llo wat's bill to prohibit the exhibition In Canada of kinotoscop pictures of the Corbett-ntsslmmons prize fight was praitlcally killed Iu the senate. The sciiHtuiH lefused to take the bill serl iously. Amendments were ptupotsed and adopted providing that no news paper In Canada shall be allowed, to publish accounts of prise fights, and that no foreign newspaper containing an account of a fight shall be admitted into Canada. Loaded with these amendments the bill Is practically death "Burdock Blootl Bitters entirely cured me uf a terrible breaking out all over iny body. It Is a wonderful medicine." Miss Julia Elbrldge, Box 35, West Cornwell, Conn. ORGANIZED LABOR'S RIGHTS. A. C iweThnt Oee to Unfriend's House of Lords for Sett lenient. London, June 4. A case of much In terest to trades unions has taken an othci siep In the weailsmne path of lecnl solution. Two shipwrights, named Fined and Taylor, were employed In 1894 t,. repair the I'.rlllr.h ship fitin Woller, then lying at Mlllwall dorl.s, London. The Ilollermakers' union ob jected to shipwrights workl'ig on an Iron ship, and their delofrate. Allen, ob tained the discharge of Fined and Tay lor by threatening a strike of the boller makors. Subsequently Flood and Tay lor sued Allen for wrongfully and ma liciously obtaining their dismissal, and were awarded 40 damages. Allen ap pealed to the house of lords, on the ground that there was no evidence ahowlmr he had acted mnllcloualy or had Induced the company to discharge Flood and Taylor. Fight judges of the high court of Justice were summoned by the house of lord to consider the ense, and the have Just delivered opinions on the question of law, as to whether the evi dence wns sufficient to constitute cause of action. Six of the Judges were In favor of the right of action against Allen, nnd two were opposed to It. The houre .r lords wbl now take time to consid-r the euro before rendering nnnl J'ldsrment. Justice Hawkins. In behalf of the ma jority of the Judges, cilsd cases in sup port of their view that any language which attempted to destroy the tice dom of will of another amounted to intimidation. Some lor ten, some fur twenty and some fur thirty years have suffered from piles and then have been quickly and perm tnently cured by using DeWltt's Witch llascl Salve, the great remedy for piles and all to rn,s of skin diseases. C. 11. llakenbiich. I"x-(3o et inn' A i-e d, i llen'tlt Cblcign, June 4. -i;-'!cvonv r John P. AUlte'd del les the oba:&e. brought against him In the report of the special committee of the state senate on Wed nesday. The former governor enters Into a detailed denial of the charges tnd says: "So far as the report is con cerned, it Is not simply unfair, but Is absolutely untruthful. The testimony on which the report Is based was shown to ha untruthful. It Is Intended slmpl for political effect." Mr. James Perdue, an old soldier residing at Munroe, Midi., was severely aflllcted with rhetimatUin but received prompt relief from pain by U9ing Chamberlain's Pain Halm. IIo says : "At times ray back would nolio to badly that I could hardly raise up. If I had not gotten relief I would not bo hero to wrilo those few lines. Chamberlain's Pain B.ihn basdoiio mo a great deal of good and I feci vory thankful for it." For sale by Grtihler Bros., druggists, Atlantic City lis I'lensures anil Hotels. Wc have received from the General Tas- senger Department of the Philadelphia and Keailing liailway a neatly arranged booklet doscriptivo of Atlantic City, containing a complete list of hotels, their location, rates, etc., and showing several illustrations of seasiilo scenes, nnd also telling somo of the manifold advantages which tuako "Tho Itoyal Heading Kouto" tho favorite lino of travel to tho sea. Copies can bo obtained by sending n two cent stamp to Mr. Edson J. Weeks, General Passenger Agent, Heading Torminal. Phila delphia. A Household Necessity. Cascarcts Gindy Cathartic, tho most won derful medical discovery of tho ago, pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, net gently and positively on kidneys, liver nnd bowels. cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. PIcuso buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day ; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold aud guaranteed to euro by all druggists. .TohiiHtowu'H (i. A. 1.'. I'nrntle. Johnatnwn, Pa,, June 4. There wore thousands of people In this city yes terday when the Thirty-first encamp ment, department of Pennsylvania, O. A. It- commenced. There was not a single hitch to mar the arrangements that wore t.o successfully carried out In the pnrnde of the O. A. It. and the Johnstolvn Fire department unless It might be Mia failure of Commander-in-Chief Clarlison to arrive In time to view the spectacle. An escort of po licemen clenred the way along the line of march with little difficulty, as the thousands of spectators formed one of the most ort'erly crowds that ever witnessed a parade In Johnstown. WHAT IS THIS DISEASE CALLED DYSPEPSIA ? Like n thief at night, it steals iu upon us unawares. Tho patients havo pains about tho chest and sides, and sometimes in tho back. They feel dull and sleepy ; tho mouth has a bad taste, especially iu tbo morning. A sort of sticky slinio collects about the teeth. Tho appetite is poor. There is feci ing liko a heavy load on tho stomach ; some times a faint, all-gone sensation nt tbo pit of tho stomach which food does not satisfy. Eyes aro sunken, tlio hands and feet booomo cold and feel clammy. Aftor awhile a cough sets Iu, at first dry, but after a few months It is attended with a greenish col ored oxpectoratlon. The patient feels tired all tbo while, ami sleep does not seem to afford any rest. Aftor a time ho becomes nervous, irritable and gloomy, and has evil lorebodiuss, There Is a giddiness, a sort of whirling sensation in tho head when rising up suddenly, Tho bowels becomo costlvoi the skin Is dry and hot at times; the blood becomes thick and stagnant ; tbo whites of the oyes becomo tinged with yellow j tho uriuo Is scanty and high colored, depositing a sediment after standing. There is fre quently a spitting up of the food, sometimes with sour taste and sometimes with a sweetish taste ; this is frequently attended with palpitation of the heart ; the vision bo- conies impaired with spots before the eyes ; there Is a feeling of great prostration and weakness. All of these symptoms are in turn present. It is thought that nearly one- third of our population has this disease in some of its varied forms. It has been found that medical roeu have mistaken the aaturs of tkU disease. Some havo treated it for a Liver Complaint, some for Dystmmla. otiiars for Kidney Disease, etc., etc, but hou of the various kiuds of treatment Iwve beau attended with success. Now, the Shaker Dlgestivo Cordial eautes the food eaten to be digest). Tills will cause an appetite for more food, and this being digested will result in an Increase of strength, an increase of flesh and an Increase of nerve power. Tlio tired, weary feeling will give way to vigor aim courage. The pale, thin and emaciated will recover their color and plumpness, becauso red blootl and fat are tho result of properly digested food. A teu cent trial bottlo will produce a re sult. IU good eflect will be realised at once iou win not nave to take a tloseii bottle, to flud out if it Is doing you any good. Try it and turn give prnlw to the Shakers of Mount Lebanon, New lork, for the relief that you ouiain. Georgia's Fair Authoress Tells Why She Urn Dr. Miles' rtettoratlvo Remedlos, THE NAMF, of Mrp. J. F. linrwell, fneo Julio F.imn.i Flenmilng) It a familiar one in tho state of Georgia. She writes) " 1 1 is with pleasure that I oxpiess my gratitude for the wonderful beneilts I have received ftom Dr. Miles' Itestorattve Remedlos, especially the Nervine, the Nerve aud Liver Pills, New Heart Cure aud Antt Palu Pills. Actual oxpcrlenco has taught mo their great worth. No family should bo- wltbout them. They bure fully restored me from a compllca t Ion of disorders chief ly a (Tec ting tho heart, nervous system and kidneys. When I trav el I always take one of your Antl-Pnln Pills before entering the cars and thus prevent swimming of the head and nausea, to which I have been subjoct for several years." Dr. Miles' Kemedlcs are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottlo benefits or money refunded. Book on Iteatt and Nerves sent tree to all applicants. Dlt. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. AWN'S TANSY PILLS A .rtTvrrT iitniiTi WOMAN'S RELIEF". AlwavrMnttnd rrHiblt. AreM mfloto. 0t (hTfiH'i Tamt rti.Lna.ruJ iave bkuksti At rlruir atnrM. nrunt iltrrct fa(lxi t. nrtM. CI. Catow 8ro. Oo , Button, SI a. Our book, 4c. For en Ic ftt Kirlin'ff dniK store out! Shennmlonh druc store. FOR THIS WEEK We offer two assortments of glassware for 5 and 10 cents that cannot be beat any where for the money in town. A FINE LINE OF GLASS LAMPS. Meluskey & Son, 105 S. Main St. Evan J. Davies, LIVERY AND Undertaking ! 13 N. Jardin Street. "TjlOU SII15WKF, S. ROLL BEDDALL, Op 1'oitT CAnno.v, Subject to llepublloan rules. Lauer's Lager and Pilsner Beers, Finest, Purest and' Healthiest. Chris. Schmidt, Agt., 203 West Coal Street. BROM-KOLOA ALCOHOLIC, NBRV0US AND BILIOUS HEADACHES Oured by this granular effervescent and stlmti. lant. An Instant cure for sour stomuohs and mxulAolies. whleb often accumulate from having a night out. JOHN F. CLEARY, BOTTLER OF CARBONATED DRINKS, 17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah. millions of Dollars Go up In suioko very year. Tako io risks but get your liotiaw, Uoalc, fur niture, etc., Insured In flnt-olass re. liable companies m represented by DAVITi FATIST Insurance AR-en. UaV1U rAUai, 190 South Jardin Ht Also I.lfo and Aeoldental Compnnl tw A Handsomo Complexion ui mo trejicu cnarms a won LT?T ,r ira uourusxioN 1 ft.IV. 1,. DIVIDEND V J . Jl T. tm wbun : WOOLI to invxbt sio oa mr. PAID IN OCTOBER would too ai aa la UIU nami ; VMVAUDS Dirt- DMstkir. r.iUtul.pi tnt. sadUatt, West llJ MH M rtc.rb.tu atrMV Cbdna. Hi. a K