The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 03, 1897, Image 3

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Munyon Looks Out for Cio
l.ittlo Ones.
Munyon never forgets the children. lie
realize a mother' responsibility and Is
evor ready to give her th( benefit of
Ills knowledge andeJ!r",tli.-i!esj. Mun-
tca'.th, width
may be ob
talned trio
from any diu-i-glst,
Is ef-
1. clp!?v exlk'
t In UiB.'iibln.
nil chi:dr...'s
dl'iinses, ami
Rives p ain and
complete in
structions re
garding tlirlr
Sickness often
comes sudden
ly, and every
mother should
be prepared by
having MUN
RIMKH whirl
sho crn get them quickly. They are ab
rV.utcly harmlecs, and so labeled there
can be no mistake.
Munyon's Colic and Crying Baby Cure
cures bilious colic, painter's colic In
children, and griping pains of every de
scription, promptly relieves hysteria,
sleeplessness, pain from teething, ana
quiets crying babies. Munyon's Bore
Throat Cure effects a prompt eure
In diphtheria, and every form of sore
throat. Munyon's Fever Cure will break
any form of fever. It should be admin
istered as soon tu the fever appears.
Munyon's Worm Cure causes the prompt
removal of pin worms, anal worms. In
testinal worms, and tape worms. Mun-
?'on's Whooping Cough Cure Is thorough.
y reliable. It relieves at once and cures
promptly. Munyon's Croup Cure posi
tively controls all forms of croup.
A separate cure for each disease. At
nil drUKRlsts. mostly 2K rents a vial. Fer
ronal letter to Prnf. Munyon. 1,IMVf Arfh
Street, Philadelphia, Ta., answered with
free medical advice for any disease.
I" aL
stt til -3
Civ w" crcots AT o them
CS.TOl-5'S izziruzeh
Cures central or special debility, wakeful
ness, spomaterha:.'. emissions, impotency,
paresis, etc. Correc.s fu.icllunnl disorders,
caused by errors cr excesses, quickly restoring
Lost Manhood In old or young, giving vigor ana
strength vhere former weakness prevailed. Con
venient package, simple, effectual, and legitimate.
Curtc 13 Quick and Thorough.
Jlan't It dtceirtti ty imitaticnti insist On
CATON'S Vitallzcrs. Sent sealed il your drui;.
gist doe not have it. Price $ I per pkpe, 6 for $5r
with written guarantee of complete cure.
Information, references, etc., free and confidential.
Send us statement ol cate and 25 cts. tor ft week's
trial treatment. ( uc only sent to each person.
For sale ot I'. P. D. Klrlin's drug store and
81ieiisiidoah dru store.
ft; HOMCEOPATHIC1 A f - 3j
j Relieve and Cure H
s Head Troubles
s Stomacrt Disorders
SH System Irregularities
1T7 formula
of noted
1,' Vrr nn--
f "For every ill, a special pill."
n If not nt Drug Stores, wrlto
Bronx Chemical Co.,Yonkers,N.Y.
Health Hook Mnllcd Free.
Tor Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hoift
SOOFago Ilook on Jrcntmrnt of Animals
and Chart bcut l'ree.
CTmra ( FcverSiCpngrcstf ons.Inflnmmntlon
A.A.iSplniil mutUEltls,JiIlll( 1'ovcr.
11.11. Strains, Lameness, Itheuinatlam.
!.UllMciiiper, fusnl Discharge.
K.I). Ilotr-or drubs, Worms.
K.K.Cnuabs. Heaves. Pneumonia
J'.l'.Cnlfo or Gripe, llellrncbc.
(i.C.DII.cnrrlntic, Ilriiioirliu ties.
II. II Urinary mid Kldnoy Diseases.
1. 1. Eruptive DUenscs. Mango.
J.K Diseases of IHgestlouf I'aralyslsk
Single Bottle (over Mdoses), - - ,(J0
tjtable Case, frith Specifies, Manual.
Veterinary Core Oil and Modlcatoii 8.0
Jnr Veterinary Cure Oil, . 1,00
Sold tiySrarsl.t., er i.ot prepaid asrwrier. sad (a any
quntUr ea rte.lpt of price.
III. HrlinET8,JIED.C0.,llt AlltUimmBt.,K.wTor.
In nnm ftl vfutt-H. Tha oni imeAAMful reined T for
Nervous Debilitv. Vital Weakness.
und Froitration, from ow-work or other causes.
VI per Titlor 6 rials and Ursa rial powder, for 99.
Sold hf lrotlti,or hdI pocipald on rclpt of price.
HlMPIIIUTS'llliD. CO., 111 All! WimanSL.KtwTora.
Fur sale nt Povlnsky'n drag store, 28 East
Centre street
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barney's Bohemian Beer.
Op OswiasKUMi,
Subject to Republican rules.
formally Opened bv the Prosldout
iu Philadelphia.
"A Oront ISxliMilt I.Ike Thin," II0D0
Oliu otl, "In nil Kiliiontloii mitt nn In
niilinttlou" IM'cnliliMit l'ciiper IJx
PIhIuh ItH AiIvntiliiKO".
Plillnilelphla. June 3. Philadelphia
yesteitliy tirnclalmed to the worltl the
ofllt'lal npi'iiliiK, by the president of the
United atutes, of her Commercial Mu
seums, designed nnd created to extend
our commerce with foreign nations.
Qreat has been the astonishment of
the foreign delegates over the exist
ence of such a colossal Institution,
which has already been pronounced Il
limitable in Its usefulness to American
manufacturers In ascertaining the
market conditions of Central and South
America and In the exhibition of their
The ceremonies, which were most im
pressive and Interesting, were given
added importance by the distinguished
character of -.the assemblage. lie
sides tire president and his party, In
cluding the members of his cabinet and
the foreign ministers, the guests In
cluded the delegates attending as rep
resentatives of their countries from
South America, Central America, Mex
ico, and even more distant points. .
The ceremonies opened with an ad
dress by Dr. William Pepper, president
of the museums, In which he explained
the benefits to be derived. In the
course of his address he said:
"Our Commercial MuseUm possesses
the most extensive collections of nat
ural products In existence in any coun
try, and We have good grounds for ex
pecting that these collections will be
continually replenished and enlarged.
These collections nre displayed so as to
enable manufacturers or traders to
study them to the best advantage and
gain the Information or make the se
lections needed for their special Inter
ests. The library receives regularly
over flOO journals of commerce and
manufactures from all parts of the
world. In many languages. These are
Instantly abstracted and oard Indexed,
nnd these cardB are supplemented by
others drawn from the advance sheets
of the consular reports of all countries,
from the responses to the vety numer
ous circulars of Inquiry sent out by
the museum nnd from the roports of
our special agents.
"The bureau of Information thus
formed contains the fullest, freshest
and most exact data on nil trade con
ditions which can be obtained. Its ad
vantages are open to nil who pay the
membership fee of $60 a year, and It Is
evident that the special reports which
are now being sent out at the rate of
750 a month will help the residents in
Canada or in the Argentine no less
than the residents In Now York or Chi
"In tho scientific laboratories con
nected with the museum all the new
products will be tested and analyzed,
and the authoritative results will help
to guide the commercial world as to
the value of the products so studied,
The course of instruction, which will
be conducted regularly In the lnstltu
Hon. will attract earnest Btudents
seeking to fit themselves for appoint
ment in tho c-jnsular service or to other
commercial positions."
At the conclusion of Dr. Pepper's ad
dresB President McKlnley was Intro
duced, amid great cheering. He said
In part:
"To have nssembled tho reprosonta
tivos of great commercial and Indus
trial Interests at home and abroad In
such large numbers Is so unprecedent
ed as to make this a most memorable
event. Chambers of Commerce and
boards of trade, mayors of cities und
governors of states, together with or
llcial visitors from 15 other nations
unitu In testifying to the Importance
attached to this undertaking.
The avowed aim of the Philadelphia
museums Is to aid in the development
of commercial nnd industrial prosper
ity. No worthier cause can engage our
energies at this hour. It is a most
praiseworthy purpose the extension of
trade, to be followed by wider and bet
ter Uk u:s of employment and easier
conditions for the masses. Such un ef
fort comn-.unds the Instant approval of
nil lovers of mankind, for with It Is
linked the prosperity of the humbleat
toller and the welfare of every home
atid fireside.
One national Industrial undertaking
prepares the way for another. A .great
exhibit like this Is an education and an
inspiration. It concentrates the atten
tion of the citlzonB, It broadens their
ideas, strengthens their confidence,
promotes tho spirit of friendly co-opora.
tlon ,and rivalry, awakens a, commentl-
able ambition and encourages effort In
the utilization of all tho forces and
processes of production.
The producer and consumer ot both
continents are here brought together in
close touch, and here taught to work
together for the common weal. In or
der that new markets may be opened
and a larger trade profitably conduct
ed the manufacturer must have tho
opportunity of becoming familiar with
the diameter of the goods desired by
the consumer. And so, too, the con
sumer should have the opportunity to
examine the goods which the manufac
turer Is anxious to dispose of to him."
Minister Calvo, of Costa Rica, was
the next speaker, and he was followed
by Henry W. Peabody, president of the
advisory board, Mayor warwlok and
ltsforo the Academy meeting, which
was held In the afternoon, the visitors
were tajten on a sight seeing tour, and
last night a banquet was tendered the
distinguished guests at the Bourse.
Mrs. McKlnley and the other ladles
of the Washington party were enter
tained with luncheon at the Bellevue In
the afternoon, and after the adjourn
ment of the Academy meeting the
President and Mrs. McKlnley were
given u reception In the foyer. A small
dinner to Mr. McKlnley was given at
the Jlellevue In the evening.
Uueklen's Arulea Salve.
Ti.o Wt aalrn in tho world for outs.
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhenra, fever sores,
tetter, oliapped hands, chilblains, corns, aud
..n Di.I nmntlnna ami nositivelv cures piles.
or 40 nay required. It is guaranteed to givo
perfeet eutleftictlon or mony reiuuueo. . rrtce
1- . 1 ..1a liW 1 WulAV
Sro ColllS per uux. rm "lnu'
I'ntiil Kxplimlmi on n'Wni'M-lilp.
Lj1s)Iki, June 3. During an exchange
Of salutes an 111 closed breach caused
an explosion nn the Austrian nian-of
war Wlen. The shock was terrific. One
of the gunners was killed and several
other were severely injured. The bar
bette was completely destroyed.
Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and La
drippe when Laxative Bronio Quinine, will
euro you in one uay. rui up iu iuia win
vwlentfnr taking. Guaranteed tooute, or
money refunded. Trice, 36 eeuts. vor sale
by Klrlin's Pharmacy.
rulesYhe world.
But few appreciate
tho danger to which
the expectant
mother Is exposed,
nnd tho foreboding
with Which she
looks forward to tho
hour of nppronoh
I up; motherhood.
By tho uso of
Mother's Friend"
tho body is mado to yield pleasantly
to tho ohahgo. Hoadaoho nnd nausea
aro dispelled, tho depressed nnd nerv
ous feeling yields to ono of hopeful ex
pectation. Danger to life of mother is
avoided, and sho passes through the
trial quickly nnd her recovery is rapid.
Bent it Mail, on receipt of prieo, 81.00. Ilook
to "Rxneatant Mothers" free upon application.
Tho Dradfleld Rcttnlator Co., A tlsnts, tls.
Coining Kvcnls.
June 8. 0 rand cantata by the I'. M. church
clioir, in Bobbins' opera house.
J nno 7 mm a. ico rrenui leslival tinner tuo
auspices of Lincoln Section No. 37, J. T. of
II. A T., in Render's hall, Win. l'enn.
J tine IK. Ice cream festival tinder the
auspices of the Famous Base Ball Club, in
Kobbins opera house.
Juno 38. Ico cream and Strawberry fes
tival under the auspices of the All Saints P.
K. church, in the basement of the oliurch.
Mothers will And Chamberlain's Cough
Kemedy ospeelally valuable for croup
and whooping cough. It wllkglve prompt
relief and is safe and pleasant. We have
sold it for several years and it lias never
failed to givo the most perfect satisfaction.
Q. W. ltiehards, Duquesne, Pa. Sold by
G rubier Bros., druggists.
AdviTtlMt munr,- on I'b-uil Cards.
Washington, June 3. The universal
postal congress held a long session
yestordny and decided to restrict In
sects, dried leaves, etc., anu otner
curios for scientific purposes, allowed
transmission In the international malls,
to thoso-sent to recognized scientists or
scientific museums. It was also de
cided to allow advertisements like, cuts
of hotels and stretches of scenery to be
placed on the address side of Interna
tional postal cards.
Something to Depend On,
Mr. .Tamos Jonos. of the druc Arm of Jones
& Sou Cowdcn, III., in spoaklng of Dr. King's
Now Discovery, says mat last winter ills wile
was attacked with La Urippc, and .her caso
grew so serious that physicians nt Cowdcn
and Puna could do nothing for hor. It seemed
to develop into Hasty Consumption. Having
Dr. King s Now Discovery in store, ami soll-
ini! lots of it. ho took a bottlo home, and to
tho surprise of all sho began to get better
from first dose, and nan a dozen dollar bot
tles cured her sound aud well. Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds is cuaranteed to do this good work.
Try it. Free trial bottles at A. Wasley's
drug store
Atlautlo City Its Pleasures nnd Hotels,
Wo have received from the General Pas
senger Department of tho Philadelphia mid
Heading Kailway a neatly arranged booklet
descriptlvo of Atlantio City, containing a
complcto list of hotels, their location, rates,
etc., and showing sovoral illustrations of
Bcasido scenes, and nlso telling somo of tho
mauTfoId advantages which niako "Tho
Koyal Bonding Bouto" tho favorito lino of
travel to the sea.
Copies can bo obtained by sending a two
cent stamp to Sir. Udsou J, Weeks, Goncral
Passenger Agent, Beading Terminal, Phila
If it required an annual outlay of $100.00
to Insure njfamily against any serious con so
quences from an attack of bowel complaint
during tho year there ate many who wonld
feel it their duty to pay it j that thoy could
not afford to risk tlioir lives, nnd tlioso of
their family for such an amount. Any ono
can get this instiranco for 25 cents, that be
ing tho prlco of a bottlo of Chamborlaln's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Betucdy. Iu
almost every neighborhood sonic ono has died
from au attack of bowel complaint before
medlclno could be procured or n physician
summoned. One or two doses of this remedy
will euro any ordinary case. It never fails,
Can you afford to take the risk for so small
an amount. For salo by Qruhlor Bros
0 ftftdH. Sixth Sf.
IB l In n u
Side Entrance on Green St., PHILADELPHIA, PA.
Younff.oM,Bln(r1eormarrlLd& those con
tcmplatlng marriage. If yon are a victim of
Private Diseases human rcn which tie-
ntriv mlml flnrt iiftilv. nnrl unfit VfiU far the
duttun of life, call or write and be saved, llouri:
Daily, U-ai UV K, Is"!! dud. oeim wcw. m
p tamps for Boo it with worn testimonial!
Kxioslns Quucki aud Fuko Institutes,
pei7Qa. Railroad.
May 10,1807.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after tho abov
dote for WlgKans, GUberton, Krookvllle, Darl'
Water, bt. mair. roiuviue. namuurg, Jteamn
i ....... . ..i. ....i ........ .. ti .
adelphla (ilroad street station) at C 03 and 1108
a. m. ana 4 p. m. on wees uays. rot roni
vllle and Intermediate stations 9 17 .
For Wlirirans. Qllberton. Frackvllle. Dr
Water, St. Clair, Pottsvllle, at 0 09, 9 43 a. m. ant
8 10 p. in. Kor Hamburg, Keoiiing. l'ottstowu
l'lioenlivllle, Norrlstowii, l'liilaJolplila at8i8
1 43 a. m.. S 10 p. m.
Trains leuvo prncitviiio lor ouenauaoan a
10 40 a. m. and 12 31. 5 41. 702 and 10 47 n.
Hunilnv. 11 111 a. m. and 5 41 n. m.
Leave 1'ottaviue xor mienanuoan n iu 10
a. in. and 12:03, 6 13, 7 35 and 10 20 p. m. Sunday
iu 4U n. m., o 13 p. m.
Leave Plilladelnhla. (Broad street station), lo
Slieiiandoah at 5 57 ami 8 36 a. m., 4 10 and 71
p. m. week days. Sundays leave at o oo a. m,
Leave Broad street station. Philadelphia. Iu
Sa dirt, Aabury Park, Ocean Grove, Lorn
Branoh, and Intermediate stations, 8.S0 11.14
a. m.t 8.30 and 4.00 p. iu. week-days.
.Leave uroau street Btation, I'unauejpnia,
Kipress, week-days 3 30, 4 On. 4 30 513, 6 50,
7 88, a 3D, S 88, 9 fiO. 10 31 (Dining Oar), 11 00 a. m.
12 00 noon, J2 85 (IJmlted 100 and IK p.m.
DintuK Cors), 1 40. ISO (Dining Cor) 8 80. 8 00.
400,500, 5 M (Dining Car), a 00, 7V2.7I3, 1000
p. in., 12 01, lllsllt. Sundays, a 2U, 4 on, 4 so 5 15,
8 30.888,9 30. 10 21. (Dl lug Car), 118 n. in..
12 85, 1S .Dining Car) 330 (Dining Oar), 4 00
(Ll7nitH 23 Dining Car), 5 3D. 5 n,(Ilnlng Oar)
6 35, 7 03, 7 48, 10 00 p. in.. 12 01 nlglit.
Kxprese for Itoaton wltliout change, 11 00a ni.,
weeknlus's, and 7 18 p. in., dally.
For Baltimore ami WaslilnEton, A 50. 7 20,8 ?,
10 30. 1138
tOJ (12 31 Limited Dti
lug Oar), Hi,
iiiit uurii a as. am, 11 in 17 VAHiisrimeiuuB
18. 4 41 (I
Limltwl. Dlnlnir Cur), 0 17. 055 (Dlulne Oarf.
I m turning uari p. in., anu 12 uo nif
week days. Sundays. 8 60. 7 20. 9 12. 1133
(Dining Oar) p. in., and 12 05 nlgkl
mM120B 112, 4 41, ( 5 15 Congrewloiial Limited
Diiilng Our), 6 53 (Dining Car), 781 p. in.
(Dining Car) and 12 OS nlgbt.
Ieave Ilroad street statlav, Philadelphia (via
ueiaware river uriugej, express, IVi I", m
Leave Market street Ferry, axiiteM, 8 50 a in.,
2 00, 00 (Saturdays only), 4 10 and 6 10 11. in.
SumUye, 8 45 and 9 45 a. ni. Aeeoianiodatton,
8 00, a. m., and 4 30 p. 111., week days. Sundays,
8 15 a. iu.. and 4 00 n. 111.
For Cape May, AngleMen, Wlldwood and
Holly Ueoch, and Sea Isle City, Ocean City and
Avaion jtxpress, vug n. ni., 4 uu p. m week
uays. Dunuays. u w a. ni.
For Sowers Point Bspreas. 8 50 n in., 4 10
?. 111. week days. HuiKlays 8 45 a. ta.
(Isu'l Mauage'r. den'l Puss'g'r Ag
Whether Helling, Imrnlnfc, bleeding, enly,
crusted, pimply, or blotchy, whether simple,
scrofnlous.orheradlUry.from Infancy to age,
speedily oil red by warm baths with Ccticuha
SoAr, gentle nolntingwltliruTioiiRA(oint
ment), the great skin care, and mild doses
of CirnouaA ni5sor.viexT, greatest of blood
pnriaerg and humor cures.
It .old throughout Pi. wrtrli. foTTSI Datrrj iJDCnlX.
fjonr., Sole Prop. , H1n
OS- "ljow to Cure k.trjr Illood HBraor,"frf.
rnoc !liiunnQ'"mn "irsii nbyniem.
rAllC nUrflUllO Uhi cored bjuuilcniigoir.
Steel i Pennyroyal Treatment
is the orifrinnl nnd only imKNCII
sate and reliable curs on tlio mar-.
ket. rrlee, $1.00; sent uy mail.
Genuine sold only by
S. P. KIHLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
Those who once
buy SEELKl'S
keep coining oauc
for it. This ad
mixture makes
the flavor of cof
fee delicious.
All Grocers.
A. uij jfervoua iteaM Failing Mam
orr. Imrtnpy.HleileDei,eto ,oaaMl
bj AUwio and other IlioeMea and IndU
crettonj, Titty iulekif und turrltt
restore jfxt Vitality in old or young, nfi
lltomrvaforPtagj,uainejti or raitrrifige.
tatcenin time. Their imA ehrs immtvliuto imnrove-
iTftvtrtE innnnuv in i . onFnuiuuon it
ii t oncniu
merit and effect n CUIUS viiern ni l others tail.
Utupon htwna tho Ran nine A lux Tftblcta.
hDs nnriui r nriM nn nm nnn nut nnra vnn . v
posit ivo written nuarantee to nffoot a care In Mch eaee
or reianatno money, i rioo ou cenw
t nackoM,or
1W mall. In
Blx packages trail treatment lor S--.
Tilnfn wrnDiier. tinftn rfwelDt of tirioe.
roular free.
9 Unrtxrp !U,
lUiato, 111.
For Bale In aiieiiandonh. I'a..
by A. M'asloy
nnd 8. 1. Klrlln, Drugitlots.
Wanted-An Idea 3
Protect your Irte&ftj they may bring: you wealth.
Write JOHN WKDDBItfWttN A CO.. JTtit Attor.
neye, w as n log ton, v. u.,ior their si.ew prize oner
and list ot two hundred iurentlODa wonted.
A genuine welcome waits you at
Cor. Main and Coal Sts.
finest whlnkevs. beers norter and ale
comtantly on tap. Choice empernuce drtnkr
rtnu clears.
Teams to Hire.
If vou want to litre a safe and reliable
team for drlvliiR or for working purposes
pny Shields llrcry stablo a visit. Toame
constantly on hand at reasonable rate
No. HO East Centre street.
Opposite Heading railroad station.
IN I5FFKCT MAY 29. 1897.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
For New York via Philadelphia, week days.
210, 530. 7 05 9 31 a. m., 13 38, 8 10 and 0 07 p
m Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For Now "V ork via Maueh Chunk, week days,
3 30, 7 06 o. III., 12 38 and 3 10 p. m.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 8 36, 7 03, 12 33, 3 10 and 0 07 p. m. Sun
davs. 2 10 a. m.
For Pottsvllle, week days, 2 10; 7 05 a. m and
12 uu, a iu, u u. anu . m p. m. nunuays, z 10 a. m,
For Tamnqua and Mahanoy City, wctc dAys
ziu, ooo, y un a. 111., 12 as, ail) anu UU7 p 111.
For 'Wliilainsport, Sunliury and Twlhl urg,
wtt uay., a do, o ix, II tyj a. in., anu 7 'ja p 111
Sundays, 3 25 a. m.
For Malianoj Plane, weekdays, 2 10. 8 36 5 30,
7 05, 9 51, 11 30 it. 111., 12 38, 3 10, 0 07, 7 35, 9 35 and
11 10 p. m. Sundays, z 10, 3 35 a, in.
For Ashland and Shamoktn, week day.. 3 25,
n.s.i, ivo, 11 a. m,, air, ijd and 9 33 p.
Sundays. 3 36 a. m.
For llaltlmore. Washington and the Wet via
II. O. It. It.. iliroiiKh trains lea'-i Kearllng
Tcrnvlnal, Philadelphia, (P. & It. If K.) at 3 20,
i .., iima iu., oiu i.uu t.t p. Lh. Dunaays.
nnn9vi1innnM .1. ...I .m ... ..
w , w, j ... iu., u uuu . i. in, nilill-
tlonal trains from Twenty.fourth and 01 et-
nut streets station, week days, 10 80 n. in. 12 30,
12 io 4u p.m. Sundays, 1 as, h ai p. m.
Iovo New York via Philadelphia, week
nays, t. 10, t ou, a uu a. in., anil 1 au, 4 30, 9 00 p.
m. Sundays. 5 00 p. in.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, vreek
days, 4 80, 9 10 a. in., 1 30 and 4 15 p. ni.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 4 20, 8 36, 10 10 a. in. and 1 42, 4 05, 6 30, 114KI
p. in. oanuH.B, 1 1 ij i. iu.
lxwve iiea'iiiiB.wpeK tinys, l m. 7 10 oon. n, ni.
12 00 m., 4 19, 6 00 and 8 30 p. ni. Sundays, 13s
a. m.
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2 85, 7 40 a. i
12 SO aud 0 12 p. ni. Sundays, 2 35 a. m.
ijeavo ininuqun, weeK uays, a ia.8 IS, 1128 a.
m., 1 30, 5 51, 7 30 and 9 48 p. m. Sundays, 3 18
Leave Mahanoy City, week davs. 12 1 rt 4s
9 12 11 47 a. m., 2 17, 5 18, 6 17, 7 41 and 10 08 p. ni
Sundays. 12 25, 8 43 a. in.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 12 85, 2 40,
1W DNi.A iu au, f ww n. iu., 40a, HUH, D Ho,
( an, iu i 111. ouiKiaye, ix iv, 2 w, 1 uu a. m.
i,eave uiiamsnort, wees uays, 7 4X, 1Q 30
fa., 4 00 and 11 80 p. m. Sundays, 11 90 p. ra.
Leave 1'liUailelnhla Chestnut streel mil &...1
South street wliaif for Atlantic City.
n.wi. ... i'.., von a. in., iBftiuruays
only, 1 30) 2 00, 4 00, 4 So, 5 00 p. m. Auooinmo-
uuiiou, aoj a. in., e 10, eau p. m.
SuiiilayaBi ureas, 8(0, 900, 1000
Aeooinmodatton. 8 00 a. m.. 4 45 n. m.
Returning leave AUanUe City depot, oorrer
Atlantle and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 00,7 W, 9 00 a. m., 3 SO.
5 80 p. in. AooommoilMUou, 4 25, 8 15 a. iu 4 la
li. in.
Sundays Express, 4 00, 5 80, 8 00 p. in. Aooom
IUIMJ1..1W11, . m. a. 111., 1 10 i. iu.
Parlor Oars on all express trains.
VM.Il.rill't..., lr.liMMII 0.IU1. ft lu . bolt
.via. HAIIt 'I'll.N IDrHinovinrlaiidriirf. .Ion. falling oui sun .otunitfi.Browth 1 HI. Until
1.1:1: M imiio.v.n i 111 ins Kuiion ., r. y rnr Trestine uu lUir oa.pptioAtioarnb
For sale by Shenandoah Drug Store, Klrlln
Drug Store.
Povlruiky's drug store, US Ha.
(lentre street.
Tho Rosv Froshnoss
And n VfIvhF U Utt IIMBU nf I1.A Blrln la Inn.
rlably obtained by tbor, who use Pohohi's
vompiaxion vwuer.
lp best by
Adding a lit-
tie of Seellg's
Spain's Pjrcmier Resigns, With His
Entire Ministry.
rite ltetlrlnK lrlin artntntor Could
Not Agfllu UiMlertnlce to ltnullIi
ItolntloitH Wttli tlio I.lbernln-Moro
riind Ifor tlio Ciibmi 'War.
Madrid, June 3. The premier, flennr
Cnnovas del Cantllln, has tendered to
the queen regent the renlgnallxn of
the cabinet, owing to the difficulty the
ministers experience In carrying ua the
government In view of the parliament
ary situation caused by the refusal of
the Liberals to take part in the de
liberations of the cortes. This attitude
of theLtberals In due to the personal
encounter between the Duke of Te-
tuati, the minister for foreign affairs
and Professor Comas, a Liberal sena
tor, on May -21.
The queen regent accepted the resig
nation of the cabinet, which has caused
profound sensation. Before iliimlly
taking this ntep her majesty neggeil
Senor ranovas to remain In office un
til today, In order that nhe might have
another opportunity to consider the
matter In council, but this only meant
that the resignation would be accepted.
Senor Canovas tendered his reslgna-
on because he could not again under
take to re-establish relations with the
Liberals. He preferred to leave to the
crown full liberty to decide as to the
best solution.
Both houses ot the cortes voted with
out debate tho financial supplies neces
sary te enable the cortes to adjourn
sine die, and granted authority for the
issue of treasury bonds and the con
traction ol loans guaranteed by the
Spanish treasury to cover the expenses
of the wars in Cuba and the Phtlllplne
Islands, with a special lion on the
revenues of Spain for the Cuban v
Rlieumatfsin Cured In a Da 7.
"Mystic Cure" for Klieitmntism and Neu-
nliia rsdlcnllr cures In 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon the system is Temnrltablo and
mysterious, it removes atonce me cause ana
the disease immediately disappears. The
first dose groatly benefit. .
T. F. Anthony, ox-Postmaster of Promise
City, Iown, says: "I bought ono bottle of
'Mystic Cure' for Rheumatism, and two doses
of it did me more good than any medicine I
overtook." TBcents.
Sold by C. II. Ilacenbuch, druggist, Shen
1'lred on by a SpunIU Crulnor.
Havana, June S. The Ward line
tcamer Valencia, which has arrived at
Clenfueges, reports an exciting exper
lencerwhlle off Guan tanamo bay. The
Spanish cruiser Itelna aiercedes sg
naled to the Valencia to display hev
colors. As the Valencia did not imme
diately comply the Itelna Mercedes
fired a blank shot, which was followed
almost Immediately by a solid shot,
falling out of range. The Valencia
then displayed her colors. It Is under
stood that the United States vice con
sul nt Santiago de Cuba has lodged a
formal protest against the act of the
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
nnd forever, bo mado well, strong, magnetic,
full of new lifo and vigor, take No-To-llao,
tho wondor-workor that makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cured. Iluy No-To-llao from
your own druggist, who will guaranteo a
enro. 50c or $1.00. Iiooklct aud simple.
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Itemedy Co.,
Chlenso or New York.
Stofou Uniiiiou Sout to Oorniuny.
New York, June 3. Two of tro
phy hrasB cannon stolen from Wtv
Point lost JIarch were shipped to Ger
many. Max Bernstein, a junk dealer
o this city, who Is under arrest charg
ed with receiving the stolen cannon
says that on March J- he bought two
boxes of phat purported, to be old brass
from Thomas M. Early, of Hlghlaul
Palls, N. Y., from whom he had bought
junk at previous tlmeg. The same day,
Bernstein says, he resold the Junh,
boxed as received, to ICahn Brothers,
who afterwail told him that the boxes
boxes contained two cannon, which
they had shlppud to Germany. Karly
and Bernstein have been hold for ex
amination. ..
Try Grnln-O I Try Gruln-O I
Ask your grocer to-day to show you a
package of GItAlN-O, tho new food drink
that takes the place of coflee. The children
may drink It without injury as woll as tho
adult. All who try it. like It. GUAIN-O
hits that rich soul brown of Moeha or Java,
but it Is made from pure grains, and the
most delicate stomach receives it without
distress. the price of ooflee. 15o and 25
cts. por package. Sold by all grocors.
Tlti-ontH or l.yiibnliiK in ouio.
Urbana, O., June 3. "Click" Mltch-
oll, a colored man, who assaulted Mrs.
T. M. Gautner a few days ago, was
brought before that lady yesterday for
the Identification. She exclaimed:
"Hang the brute; how dare he face
me?'i Her nervous prostration was so
great that ehc coulM not repeat hor
Identification in the mayor's court.
When lie was taken from the court to
jail a great crowd followed. No violence
was attempted, hut there were threats
of lynching. Sheriff McGIn -and Cap
tain Leonard, ot the mllltla, are keep
Ing a sharp lookout tor trouble.
-There Is a Glass of People
Who are .injured by the use of coflee.
Keoently there lias been placed iu all the
grocery stores a new pretw rattan eftllwl
ORAIK-Q, Wftde of pure graiix, tlist tkat
the place of cotfee. me most iIsHosm
stoiuaoh receives It without distress, awl but
few can tell it from eoflee. It does not cost
over 1 as much. Children may drink It with
great benefit. 15 cts. and SB cut. per package.
Try It. Alk for GKAIN-O.
Tost Inn I'111 Clilorluo Treatment.
Jersey Citv, Juno I. The board of
health, at the suggestion of and at the
personal expense of ex-United States
Senator McPherson, Is testing the
chlorine treatment for diuhtherla bv
Inhalation, as given to the medical
world by Dr. liracelln In the published
formula In the- medical Journals of the
country. Mr. J. J. TtuusclL of Chicaito.
has been co-operating with the health
office and physicians in applying the
new remedy, the contention being tliat
it ib superior to anti-ioxine.
flow's Tills? "
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any ease of Catarrh that eu not bo cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
r. J. CJIENKV CO , Prons., Toledo, O.
We the uuderslirned. have known P. J. CIiamav
for the last 16 years, and believe blm umfa.tlv
houorablt- In all business transactions and flu
anetaliy able to carry out any obturations loade
uy tueir nrui.
West ATuaux, Whuk-salc Druairists. Taledc
Waluisg, KiKMAK ii Makvix, Wholesale Druir
alstt. Toledo. Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting
directly upon tin blood aud niuuoua surfaces ot
the system. Prioe 73c. per buttle. Bold by all
1'iuH.m ivniinoiiwis iree.
Hull's Pauilly 1'iHs are the beat.
A man cannot rut
away from Death
If he would con
qner it he must
stand and fight
with the weapon!
of common sense
snd science. Thou
sands of men nnd
women try to cs
'cape Death's most
active agent, cop
sumption, by running away. They fle
from one climate to another, and from on
end of the world to the other, forgettinft
their demon is within them and not to be
escaped from by a change of locality. Con
sumption lis-, been pronounced Incurable.
It is not. ! is curable and without change
of climate 11 the proper remedy is resorted
to, in reasonable time.
08 per cent of all cases of consumption
are cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery. It goes to the seat of the troub
le. It cures all disorders of the digestion.
It makes the appetite keen and the assimi
lation of the food perfect It fills the blood
with life-giving elements. It Is the great
blood-piirTfisr, flesh-builder, and nerve-In-vigorator.
It acts directly on the lungs II
uot only cures co-nsumption, but nil othei
wasting diseases due to improper nuuiish
ment All good druggist sell it.
" I have used one bottle of your Golden Med
Icnl Discovery ' and am now on the second one,'
writes Amanda K. Blsnkenshlp, of Templeton
Dyer Co., Tenn. "I am pleased to say that I
have received more benefit from It than from all
the medicine I have taken from our home doctor!
In the last twelve months."
Whoever would like a complete medical
library in compact form should send for Dr.
Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser.
This is a book of 1,006 pages, Illustrated
with more than 9x1 drawings and colored
plates. Dr. Pierce is one of the best known
medical men in the United States. The
bot of what he knows is " boiled down "In
this book. He talks to you in plain En
glish of all the sickness you ever heard of.
Several chapters relate to tjie physiology of
woman's reproductive organs. This book,
until recently, sold for $1.50. At this price
680,000 copies were sold. Now an enor
mous edition in paper covers is to be distrib
uted absolutely FRBE. Send 21 one-cent
stamps to the World's Dispensary Medical
Association, Buffalo, N. Y., to pay the cost
of mailing only. If a copy in fine French
cloth with embossed covers is desired, send
to cents extra 31 cents in all.
O v L t O If
V" "''""' ;''. Wl&)
Dyspepsia, Malaria, Sleeplessness,
nervous Headache, Biliousness,
Kidney Diseases, General Debility, Eic.
As7c your Drugylst to yet them
through tils Jobber, or send
a I'ostcl Card to
Sold by P. P.tD. K.IRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
i!iiiiiii ti(ii-ii!iiPiiii;iiiiin:iiiti(iiii! .i!t'in'-iiii-
'L V,3r2-
In the
T-i m'ms
1 aa'ifoaMigi -or';i
For Sale by P. P. D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
aHSftT.lITPI.V P.TISPSKTPPn to fire nnriiKierninstlniMnn. r.-.-.i-nrcts art tl'. Ideal Ijin
lhj i ijui. uuniinii i uuu t . n .
I til anil booklet frf 0. Ail. STi UMNO IM1!!'!
A Great Magazine Offer !
The regular subscription price of
"namnraal'e Uirrnlnn
uwinneei o niBgouiiT;!
, Jwlie's Library." ami
Funny Pictures" is $3.30
DEMOREST'S MAGAZIN E" ,1s by far the best family mairaslne published! there Is none
T ourmoutElies lu , wbloh the beeutiful and the useful, pleasure and ntoflt. fashion and
literature are so fully presented as In Itemorest'a. There is. In tact, no publication pre
tendlnit to a similar aoope aud iirpoee wbieh can compare with It. Kvery number oou-
, talus a free pattern ooupou.
J U D95?. HL? ".ARY". ' , monthly maculae of fun, ailed with illustrations In carloatore
flluUreW humor. Its contributors are the beet of American wlteawl
'FUNNY PICTURES Is another humorous monthly j there U a Uuah In every line of la.
to seeure them" mlmm " handsomely ajosteu up. You abould uot mtas this abases
Cut here aud return
Dcmor-c&t Pu(oli.skirg Co.,
tlrmliinl.-and I nt Resident House Murgron of
tin t ulw-rairy Htnti- of N. V.
l"(l ll lilts Hotel Fronry, Hliinanrioah.
Tliur.l YEAK OOV1WK.
I nil- i.iiil.t or il.-iv prompllv responded to.
p H
i-iin.i.n-H m. d.
OIBw 30 West Centre -ttoet.
Can Im consulto) at all hours.
onioe -Knn building, earner
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
of Main and
Hlianandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre streets.
Lock Box 96, Mahanoy City, Fa.
Having studied under some of the best
masters Tr London and Paris, will give lessons
on the violin.inandolin, guitar and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address In care of Sirouse,
tb Jeweler, Shenandoah.
l'owrtera perw foil.
afc 11. (1 ur faftr fftlJiiLC
with Tftrnfr? ptrmymyal IMM wA cthur 11V?
it. tftla rant red iunrior to nil other. 1'OflUv
In the inarkrt, A No. 1. i"rtiCttiWI, f CW, UT.O-
n ty. isosum. hm.
rrm'ive ni Ktvii iufu nt" ! r.
tne world's i'rogres". I he vt-Il 1 -formed
and thrifty llou se-wJ l' w.i
iihvnyK keep
linupo, as a Btnmlnril jrmwiy fur
imuees, uromps', iiiiouiiiuit-iii, s
una nn acnes ami ui;s.
Trice 2S cts. and GO etc. per boltte
Prepared by H. J. 11ACKETT & CO., Phllai'. 1, Ma.
,,Whc,i fn doubt what to uac lot
Nervous Debility, Loss cf Power,
Impotency. Atrophy, Varicocele and
other weaknesses, frost any cause,
use Scxme Pills. Drains checked
and full vigor quickly rSMorod.
If oefllrcud. .mi inUMrssaltr.ltllr.
Matle.1 lor51 oo. 6 boxes J5.00. With
$5.00 order-, wc civeaguarantec to.
tne money. Address
Z CO., Cleveland. O.
t... . . .. . . .
(;., rMnu-o, Kon'nt. 1 .tn. or Nmv ork. tn.
We will mi ill thrse Is vm far
sm ynr fr S2.D0, w 6 m. lor SI.
Coupon properly filled out.
110 I'f-tK Avuc, NqW York.