The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 31, 1897, Image 3

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is-..-- -
Much Knife !
The use of the surgeon's knife is bo
coming so general, resulting' fatally
In such a large number of cases, as to
occasion general alarm.
Mr. William Walpole, of Walshtown,
South Dakota, writes;. "About
three years a c o. there came under
iny left eye a Utile blotch about the I
size of a small pea.
It grew rapidly, and
shooting pains ran
In every direction.
I' became alarmed
and consulted a
good doctor, who
pronounced it can-
tccr, and said that it
'must be cut out.
This I would not
consent to, havintr
little faith in the
Indiscriminate use of the knife. Read
ing of the many cures made by S. S.
S., I determined to give that medicine
a trial, and after I had taken it a few
days, the cancer became irritated and
began to discharge. This after awhile
ceased, leaving a small scab,' which
Anally dropped off, and only a healthy
little scar remained to mark the place
where the destroyer had held full sway.
A Real Blood Remedy
Cancel is In the blood and H Is folly
to expect an operation to cure it. S.S.B.
guaranteed purely vegetable) Is a real
reuieay ior every
diseaseof the blood.
Books mailed free;
address Swift Spe
cific Co., Atlanta,
111 V "
Cures general or special debility, wakeful
neas, cpcrmalP'!iCL.i, emissions, impotency.
paresis, etc Ccnccis functional disorders,
caused by errors or excesses, quickly restoring
Lost Manhood Jn eld or young, giving vigor and
strength wlicro Icrmrrvc-ilincss prevailed. Con
venient package, cimple, effectual, and legitimate.
. Cune 13 Quick, and Thorough-
Din t be tfcerved by imttations; insist On
CATON'S VlUIIzcrs. Sent sealed il your druR.
Cist do not have it. Trice f I per pkge, 6 for 53,
with written guarantee of complete care.
Information, riferemrt, et., tree and confidential,
bend ue statement ol case and 25 ct. lor a week'
trial treatment. One nuly sent to each person.
For snlo at P. P. I. Klrlln'eJ drug store and
8henandoali drui: store.
Relieve and Cure 3
Head Troubles
Stomach Disorders
System Irregularities
'il fiiviitiilas
of lloti'il
"For every III, a special pill."
If not nt Drug Stores, write
Bronx Chemical Co.,Yonkers,N.Y,
lloallli Hook Mailed Free.
Tor Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dig?, Homl
500 Pago IJoolc on Treatment of Animals
nnd Chart Kent l'rco.
crap j Vovers.rpriBciiiiong.Innnmnmtlon
A.A.I Spinal Meningitis, milk Fever.
JLII.Mralns, l.aiiioucns, lthcumatlsmv
:.(!.I)lcnuer, Mnsnl Discharges.
I). I). Hots or (.rubs, Worms.
l'..K..-CniiuhH, I leaves, l'nrilmnula.
P.P. Oollo or (srlpen, Ilcllyaclie.
l.(3.9IUcarrlaEe, Iicmarrlinses.
II. II. Urinary unit Kidney Diseases.
I.IHruplivo DiHennen, Mange.
J. It Discuses of Digestion. Paralysis,
.single Bottle (over 60 doscsX - . ,00
tablo Cnae,' with Specifies, MannaL
Veterinary Cure Oil and MedJcatoi 87.00
Jar Veterinary C'uro Oil, - 1.00
Sold feyDruritl.Ut or ot prepaid anywhere and la any
4aulUy an receipt of prlea,
IIlHrURETS'lIEO. CO., lit ii lllMlin BL, SawTork.
In luo 30 yean. Tho onlr BnceeWul remedy for
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
nod Proitration, from over-worfc or other causes.
91 per tUL or fiviala and lareo vial powder, for $5,
Sold hy UrnfirUti. or ol postpaid on rclft of price.
IUXrilI.KVS'BKD.CatXlt AllSWWUnSk.KawTerlw
For salo at l'ovfnsky's drug store, 28 Kast
Centre street
Agent for
Shenandoah arid Vicinity
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
poll BliIIIPf,
Or Obwiosbuwi.
Subject to llepulilloan rules.
inn i?c
Stoals Away with Arms and Ammu
nition for the Cubans,
The Stonmsr Sotnu-en Her I,oml rrotit n
Tliir ntid n Schooner AVliIc-h Kltitled
tlip ltovanuo Cut tor Colfhx General
Nunoz on ltoiit d.
Wilmington, N. C, May 8L-The
Messenger today prints a detailed ac
count of the loading of the tug Alex
ander Jotios and her departure with
the schooner John D. Long on a Cuban
filibustering expedition. The tacts vtete
obtained from a member of tile crew
of the Alexander Junes, which return
ed to port several days ago. Ills story
substantially Is as follows:'
On Thursday night, May 13, the
Jones took on a cargo of r I lies, mu
ohetes, rapid fire guns and ammunition
at the viliarf ofThe Wilmington, New
hern and Norfolk railway, In the south
ern limits of the city. liefore she had
entirely finished her cargo a report was
started that officers were approaching
and that the revenue cutter Morrill was
getting up steam. Taking alarm at
this, the Jones pulled out and started
down'the river at 10:45 p. m., and In it
few hours crossed the bar and anchor
ed outside. The schooner John D.
Long, having meanwhile been loaded
with coal and other material at the
Wilmington and Wcldson railroad
wharf, was shortly afterwards towed
out to sea by the tug Jacob Brandon,
going past the revenue cutter Colfax.
On the schooner were General Nunez
and another officer of the Cuban army,
a Cuban pilotand Captain John O'Brien,
of the filibustering tug Dauntless. At
the sea buoy they went on board the
Jones, anchored near by, nnd Captain
O'Hrlen took charge of the expedition.
A hawser was fast from the
Jones to the schooner, and early Fri
day morning the tug steamed to the
south with her tow.
On Thursday morning, May 20, the
filibuster Dauntless hove In sight and
came alongside the Jones and the
schooner. She coaled from the schooner,
took a cargo of arms from the Jones,
and, with Captain O'Brien In com
mand, headed for the Cuban coast,
about 60 miles away. The Cargo car
ried out of here was valued at $78,000,
and Is said to have been the second
largest over landed In Cuba.
W. 11. Johnson, Newark, O., kits, "Ouo
Mlmito Cough Cure saved my only child from
dying by croup." It lias saved thousands of
others suffering from croup, pneumonia,
bronchitis and otlior serioiiH throat and lung
troubles. C. II. Kagcubuch.
Ucwpcrnto Convict ML...
gait Lake City, May 31. Itlchard
Harvey, recently from California, was
convicted of burglary last Monday and
on Saturday was sentenced to prison
for three years. While being hand
cuffed in thecourt room he made a
break for liberty, knocked down sev
eral bailiffs and was finally shot in
court and dangerously wounded by
Deputy Sheriff Hurt.
"Thoy nro dandles' said Titos. Rowers, of
tho Crocket, Texas, Enterprise, while writ
ing about DoWltt's Llttlo Early Itlscrs. the
famous little pills for sick headache and dis
orders of tho stomach nnd liver. C. II.
Attnulclupr Commissioner Cnlhqnn.
Havana, May 31. Ip a leading ar
ticle El DIarlo Do La Marina makes a
scathing Indirect attack upon Commis
sioner Calhoun hy criticizing articles
which have appeared In a Washington
newspaper over the signature of Mr.
Pepper, who, In the guise of an Inti
mate friend of President McKlnley and
Mr. Calhoun, accompanied tho latter
to Cuha. The paper maintains that
many Incidents of the Interior working
of the mixed commission, which are
wholly private, have been divulged In
Mr. Pepper's letter, thus tending to
compromise Mr. Calhoun. The paper
also resents Mr. Pepper's unfriendly
attitude toward Spain in his reports
on the Cuban question.
A True Remedy.
W. M. Itenine. editor Tiskllwa, III.,
"Chief," wi.vs : "We won't keep house with
out I)r King's New Discovery for Consump
tion, t'xUuhs and Colds. Experimented with
many other1', hut novcr got tho trap remedy
until wo Used Hr. King's Now Discovery- No
oilier remedy can tnko Its place in our homo,
as in it wo have a cortaln anil stiro euro for
Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc." It is
Idle to osporiment with other remedies, even
If tfieyare urged on you ne Just ns good us
Dr. Kind's Now Discovery. Thev nro not as
good, hecnuso this remedy has a record of
cures nnd besides is guaranteed, u never
falls to satisfy. Trial bottles freo nt A.
Waslcy's drug storo.
Atlimtlo City lis Plcusirrrs am! Hotels.
Wo have received from tho General Pas-
jwnjfcr Department of the Philadelphia and
Heading Hallway a neatly arranged booklet
descriptive of Atlantic City, containing a
complete list of hotels, their location, rates,
cU)., and showing several illustrations of
seasido scenes, and also telling sotno of tho
manifold advantages which mako "The
Hoyul Heading Rotito" tho favorite lino of
travel to tho sea.
Copies can ho obtained by sending a two
cent stamp to Mr. Edson J. Weeks, Genoml
Passenger Agent, Handing Terminal, Phila
delphia. Some lor ten, some for twenty and some
.for thirty years liave suffered from piles and
thou huvo been quiokly and permanently
cured bv ttsluir DeWltt's Witolt Hazel Salve.
tlie great remedy for piles and all forms of
kin diseastM, U. Jl. ilageubucn.
Attempted Sulolilo lit uourt.
Oshkosh, Wis,, May 81. -Judge Bur
nell sentenced I'anker T. C. Shove, of
Manitowoc, wis., convicted of Illegal
banking, to pay a fine of $2,000 and the
oosts, whicli amount to almost tho
same sum. Shove attempted to ad
dress the court and broke down. After
receiving his sentence he took out a
knife with the evident Intent to com
mit suicide, but he was overpowered.
Do you sera toll nnd scratch, and wonder
what's the matter? Doan's Ointment will
Inttsutly relieve and permanently cure any
Iteuy disease of the skin no matter of how
Decoration liay Snowstorms.
Milwaukee, May 81. Many point In
Michigan and "Wisconsin experienced
the novelty of Decoration Day snow
storms yesterday. At Menonlnee,
Midi., It sn"wed at frequent Intervals
all day, sometimes quite hard. At
liayfteia, Wis., sufficient snow fell to
cover the ground, and the thermometer
dropped to SO. At Oshkosh, Wis., snow
fell In the morning, and at noon the
thermometer registered the lowest In
many years at this season.
II' v .
Why suffer with Coughs, Colds and La
Qrlppe when Laxative Ilromo Quinine will
cure you in one dav. Put un In tablets con
veulent for taking. Guaranteed to cute, or
money refunded. Price, 96 cents. wor sale
by Jvlrlin 0 i uaruuxcy.
Isn't it a pity that so many women go
through life as nervous, fretful Invalids, ah
ways In a sick -bed or on the verge of it
They are to be sincerely pitied for the
great majority have in them the making of
healthy, amiable, capable wives and moth
ers. These cases become sadder still when
It Is realised that the sufferings they endure
are unnecessary. Any woman can be healthy
and amiable and helpful if she will take care
of the health of those delicate organs that
are essentially fe'minine.
The greatest known medicine for women
Is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. II
cures all weakness and disease of the or
gans that make wifehood and motherhood
possible. It allays Inflammation, soothes
pain, and restores calm and strength to the
shattered nerves. It prepares for wifehood
And maternity. Over 90,000 women have
testified to its virtues.' Druggists sell it
" I commenced using your medicine three days
after my child wss torn," writes Mrs. A. J. Bry.
ant, of wilbmhain, Hampden Co., Mass. (care of
Weslevan Academy). " It was the fourth one.
and I never got up so strong and well. I can do
11 mv own work
11 my own wont.
I have recommended my
ids to try the ' Favorite Prescription.'
If somebody was offering to give away
gold mines for the asking what a scrambling
there would be I When a mine of health is
offered there Is Mjme lively scrambling too.
Over 680,000 people hurried to get Doctor
Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser at
$1.50 per copy. It has 1,008 pages with over
300 illustrations. Something over 90 of these
pages relate to diseases peculiar to women.
This book may now be had free. Send 31
one-cen'. stamps, to World's Dispensary
Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y., the cost
of mailing only, and get the book In paper
covers ; or, send 31 cents for cloth binding.
That's why they enjoy their COrPBB.
Any grocer can tell you why customers
keep coming back for SBBLIC'S.
Only Sa. p.ek.K., S
Graduate nnd Late Resident House Surgeon of
tho University State of N. Y.
HnAnqtlABTEns t Hotel Praney, Shenandoah.
Calls night or day promptlv responded to.
Office : 80 Wost Cc'ntro sti ret.
Can bo consulted at nil hours.
jyr M. BURKE,
Olllce Ecnn bulldlnir. corner of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
j h. pomeboy;
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market nnd Centra streets.
Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Havtne studied tinder some of tho bout
masters 11' Loudon nnd Parts, will give lessons
011 tlia violin. nuitidolln. D-ultnrnnd voenl culture.
Terms reasonable. Audroas.ln care of Strouse,
the Jeweler. Hhennudrjnh.
Wanted An Idea
Who can think
of Homo simple
Protect your Ideiut thy mar lirinir you wealth.
Write JOHN WKDDEUllUttN & CO., Patent Attor
neyi. Washington, D. O., for tbelr fl.&X) prize offer
and list of two hundred lurentiona wanted.
peppa. Railroad,
May 10,1307.
Trains will leave Shenandoah alter the abovi
date (or Wlitgnns, Qllbcrton, Prnckvllle, Darl
Water, St. Olnlr, Pottsvllle. Hnmburg, Beading
Pottstown, Phoenlxvllle, Norrlstown and Phil
ndelphla (Broad street station) nt Cos and 11 00
a. m. and i 20 p. m. on week days. For Fotti
vlllo and intcrmeuiate stations v i t a. m.
For Wtr-crnns. OUberton. FrackvlHe. Dan
HWI, . A U,H,(IID, (1. UO, V T. III, MU
810 p.m. For Hamburg, Beadtnc;. Pottstowti
Phoenlxvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia at 0 S
H3. m.,8 10 p. ra.
, 1 ' . o. ,tl ,t ........ j 1 1 .I.rd n IK n .
Trains leave rrneicviiie ior snenatiuoan a)
10 40 a. m. and 1281, 6 41, 7 92 and 10 47 p. m.
Rtmriav. 11 13 a. m. nnd S 41 rj. m.
Leave l'ousviuo ior emennnuoan n xu iu
a. m. and 12.03, 5 13, 7 35 and 10 20 p. m. Hunda)
si 10 40 a. m., S 15 il m.
Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), fo:
Shenandoah at S 57 and 8 35 a. m., 4 10 and 7 1
p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 50 n. m.
Leave Broad street station, Philadelphia, lu
a tt-d . . i . . . nni. ,i n-A.... T A.
OTO UIII, .in i j m j 1. 1 u , unuii v, I U , u , juM
Branch, and Intermediate stations, 8.20, 11.14
a. ml, H.30 ana 4,uu p. m. weeic-oays.
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Express, week-days 3 20, 4 Oo, 4 50 5 15, 0 50,
t us, a au, o sa, u ou, iu 21 i uiniuir iiri, ii uu n. m
Ii 00 noon. 12 35 (Limited 100 and 4 22 u. in,
DlniiiK Cars), 1 40, 2 80 (Dtnlnir Oar) 8 20, 3 50,
4 00,5U0,5 66(I)lnliiirCar), 600, 7 02,7 18,1000
p. m., 12 01, nladit. Sundays, 8 20, 4 OA, 4 50 5 15,
o a v w, ju-i, vi;, ,ii ij,.,
12 85, 1 05 iDlniiiK Car) 280 (Uiiilns Car), 400
ii.iimnwM xi inning vw), o ju, ooo tuiitiutc uiri
6 85, 7 02, 7 48. 10 OU p. m , 12 01 nlg-lit.
Express for Boston without uliuusre, 11 00a ra.,
weeK-uays, auu ? ia p. in., uauy.
For Baltimore and Washington, 8 SO, 7 20,8 12,
10 20, 1123 a. in., 12 CO (12 31 Limited DIl
Ihk Car), 112, 818, 4 41 (519 Uonirreeelona!
Limited, Dining Onr), 0 17, 6 56 (Dining Car),
7 31 (Dining Oar) p. in., and 1206 nlghf
week days. Sundays, 8 50, 7 20, 012, 1128 a.
m., 12 09 1 12, 4 41, ( 5 15 Congressional Limited
Dining Car), 6 56 (Dining Car), 7 31 p. m.
l'iiiuig i.wri nnu ix w nigm.
Leave Broad street station, Philadelphia (via
ueiaware river uriugej, express, 7 us p. ro.
lU,MdMl 17 . .Hnuu Q RA ...
2 00. 8 00 (Saturdays oulvl. i 10 nr.d 5 to n. nil
Sundays, 8 46 and 9 48 a. m. Accommodation,
s w, a. in., ami i ju p. in., weeK uays. Biinuays,
8 15 a. m.. and 4 00 n. in.
For Cajie May, Ansjlewea, Wlldwootl and
Holly Beneh, and Sen Isle City, Ocean City and
Avuiun nipreM, vuu a. m., uu p. ru. weeic
uuys, miiiuays. v w a. ill.
i. m. weak days. Sundays, 8 4s a. m.
. II. IIutoiiinsok, J. It. Wood,
Oen'l Manaeef. Qen'l PoM'e'r Air
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvet softness of the skin Is Inva
riably obtained by thors who use Posxomi's
Gemplexion Powder.
Tho Bosult of Imperfect Digestion of Food.
Every living thing, plant or animal, cou
taius within itself the germs of certain decay
and death.
In the human body these germs of disease
and death cklled by scientists Ptomaines )f
are usually the results of Imperfect digestion
of foot) ; the result of indigestion or
The stomach, from abase, weakness, docs
not promptly and thoroughly digest the food.
The result Is n heavy, sodden mass which
ferments ( tho first process of decay) poison
ing tho I)1(mm1, malting It thin, weak, and
lacking in red corpuscles; poisoning the
brain causing headaches and 11 11 in the eyes.
llad digestion irritates the heart, causing
palpitation and finally bringing on disease
of this very important Organ.
Poor digestion poisons the kidneys, causing
llrlghl's disease and diabetes.
And this is so because every organ, every
nerve depends upon the stomach alone for
nourishment and renewal, and weak diges
tion sliows Itself not only in loss of appetite
ami ilosh, but In weak nerves and muddy
The great English scientist, Iluxlep, said
the best start In life is a sound stomach.
Weak stomachs fail to digest food properly,
because thoy lack the proper quantity of
digestive acids (lactic and hydrochloric) and
pep(ocenlc products ; the most sensible
remedy in nil cases of indigestion, Is to take
after each meal, one or two of Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets, because they supply in a
pleasant, harmless form all the elements that
uveak stomachs lack.
The tegttlsr use of Stuart's Dyspopsla
Tablets will cure every form of stomach
trouble except cancer of the stomach.
Thoy Increato ilesh. Insure pure blood,
strong nerves, a brlcht eye and clear com
plexion, because all these result only from
wholesome food well digested.
Nearly all druggists sell Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets at SO cents full sized package or by
mail by oncloslng price to Stuart Co.,
Marshall, Mich., but ask your druggist first.
A. ITj Jiervout Jucaen tailing Mem
ory. Impolener,HeenleMtneM,eto .cauoed
hr Atititin nnti nthnr T'lftMOM nnd Inrll.
cretionn. They qulcktt) ttitt sxtrvlt
reetoro Lent Vitality in
a om
1 orronntf, and
fit a man for study. buinea or morrinne.
l'rftTnt InuAniTv nnd fVinaiimntfnn if
taken in time. Their e how inniedinte improve
msnt and effects a OUHE where all ethers tail. In
lfttapon bavins tho genuine AJx Tablets. They
narecureu tnoasanaeana win care yoa. ue cive a
poeitire written guarantee to effect a cure In each eaes
or refund the money. Price DO centj wr package, or
rix paekaeea (full treat meat) for Sft.50, liy mail, in
plain wrapper, upon receipt of price. Cjroular free.
TTnv mIa tti nitAnnnitnal, ln K,. A IVfulao
and S. 1. Klrlin, DrugRlsts.
A Rontnuo wolcomo waits yon at
Cor. nain and Coal Sts.
Finest whlakevs. heers norter and ate
constantly on tap. Choice cmperance drluk
and cigars.
Tea m 3 to H Iro.
If you want to hlro a sale and rollahle
team for drlvlngorforworklngpuriioflcf
pay Shields' livery stable a visit. Team,
constantly on hand at rcasonahlo rates
No. 410 East Centre street.
Opposite Beading railroad station.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
For New York via I'liMadelDhin. week davs.
2 10, 5. HI, 7 05 0 51a.m., 12 33, 8 10 nnd 6 07 p.
m Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For Now York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
5 30, 7 05 a. m., 12 33 nnd 3 10 p. m.
For Heading and l'hlladclnhla. week davH.
2 10, 5 30, 7 05 u,m., 12 33, 3 10 and 0 07 p. m. Him-
U H, & IU U. 111.
For l'ottsvllle, week days, 2 10; 7 05 a. m., and
12 33, 3 10, 0 07 and 7 25 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 n. ro,
For Tatnaqua and Mahanoy City, week days
2 10.5 30. 7 05 a. iu.. 12 38. 3 10 and 0 07 n. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
m ., ,........d,.v. ., milium; uuu JjVWlBllir,
week days, 3 25. 5 36. 11 80 a. m.. and 7 23 m
Sundays, 3 25 a. m.
For Mahano Plane, weekdays. 2 10. 3 25. 5 36.
7 C5. 0 51, 11 30 a. in., 12 38, 3 10, 0 07, 7 25, 9 55 ana
ii iu p. ni. Biinuays, z iu, a n a. m.
For Ashland and Shamokln, week davs, 3 25,
5 30. 7 05. 11 30 11. m.. 0 07. 1 25 nml 0 FA m
Sundays, 3 25 a. m.
ror Kaitunore. wasmngton and tho Wett via
u. it. ii., uirougii trains leo"i iceaclng
Terminal, lMilIadclphla, (P. Sc It. V K.) at 31),
, i, u i. iu., u ,g unu t.n p. u aununys,
3 20, 7 00, 11 26 a. m., 3 46 and 7 27 p. m. A ddl
tlonal trains from Twenty-fourth and CI ost
mit streets station, week days, 1030 n, in. 12 20,
12 It 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 35, 8 23 p. m.
Ia-hvo New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15. 4 30. 8 00 a. m., and 1 30, 4 80, 0 00 p.
m. Sundays, 5 00 p, m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, vi oek
Leave Philadelnhta. lteadlnc Ternilnnl. unnlf
days, 4 20, 8 35, 10 10 a. m. and 1 42, 4 05, 6 30, 11 30
in. dmiui.vB, ii uu y, iu.
Leave Itoadlng.wrek davs. 1 85. 1 10.10 OS. . m
12 00 m., 4 19, 6 00 and 8 20 p. in. Sundays, 183
a. in.
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2 35, 7 40 a. in.
12 30 and 6 12 p. in. Sundays, 2 35 a. m.
I am-. Tr, iimi. i...i..l .1 .. .... 0,0 a in , I na ..
in., 136,5 51, 7 20 and 9 43 p. m. Sundays, 8 18
a. in
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 12 20, 8 45,
9 12 11 47 a. m., 2 17, 5 III, 6 17, 7 41 and 10 08 p. m.
Sundays. 12 25, 3 45 a. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plann, week days, 12 35, 2 40.
400 630,926. 10 25, 1159 a. m., 232, 532, 638,
i.iiiiiii in. 0iiiiuuo, ii ivi, j iu, , wa. rn.
Leave wllllamsport, week days. 711, ID 20 a
m., 1 00 and 11 30 p, m. Sundays, 11 30 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and
BouiiiMreciwiiari lorAiiantio city.
Weekdays Eznress. 0 00 n. m . 9 00 fSnfnr.
days only, 8 00), 4 00, 5 0(1 p. in. Aeooumioda-
tlull, S UU . Ul., O 1.1, D OU p. m.
Sundays Enpretw, 900, 1000 o. m. Aeoom
tnodatlon. 8 00 a. in.. 4 45 n. m.
Itetiirnlng leave Atlantic City depot, con er
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Exnrew, 785, 9 00n. m., 880, 5 80
11. If,. AWUMlimMlitklUll, 1,S1D ft. HI., 4 10 11. 11
Sundays Bipress, 4 00, 8 30, 8 00 p. in. Aooom
tuodatlon, 7 16 . m., 4 15 p. ra.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
to iu 1.4.1. .ri uuiur l.Kln llAlit Ml. Ill
1 1 1 " iU.MnrniiiiN i"iaaiit odor, ri 1414 uuii
IilIVH HAlIt 'I'll.MOi'un.ovaadsindriitr. Mini
tiatrfrnm falling out ktidproinotevgrowthil CKIm botiV
tllutwaied Treatbe oa Hair oaapplioaiionrilktu
For sale by Shenandoah Drug Store, Kir) In
Drue Store,
Foi t Povinsky's drug store, 38 Kes
49entre street.
Celebrated remain
l'oivuers never fall.
MfButil .uiwliflur fAllliis
with Tmmj reooyroyal Dili ftnd olher llkf
nokitmeot Guar.utMd luiMriur to bll other. lVifltiwU
the U In the market, A No L lVtlculUI, i CU. Dr.g.X
ruoeuit .1. Aiwny. uuy mc u,w, iuu .uiu uwt
i via, wi mr. UotWO, UU.
Negotiating For the Return of Bonds
,. Stolen Nineteen Yoars Ago.
Vor the llettiru or SeetiHttp Vnltitn
nt $3,717,700. Which Wpw Stolen
hjr Jliiini.v llojif nml O t Iici'k I'foin
the Mniilinttan ltnnk, of Xoiv York.
New York, Slay 81. Nlnotecn yenrs
ago the country was startled hy the
report of the highest hank bmglary
known In the lilstoiy of the wond. It
occurred Sunday, Oct. 27, lft's. The
Manhattan Ravings Institution, of this
city, was robbed of securities valued
at $2,747,700 and $11,000 In cash.
With the exception of a few of the
bonds offered for sale some time ago,
none of the securities has been recov
ered. It was believed that they had
been burled or destroyed.
That the securities are still in exist
ence Is known here. A short time asro
negotiations were opened between men
aid to represent the butirlars and
President Joseph rtlrd, of the Man
hattan Savings Institution, for their
The burglars have made a demand
for $50,000, and no questions to be ask
ed, with the understanding that the se
curities are to be handed over In good
shape, and that Immediately upon their
delivery the money shall be paid In
President Bird, who at the time of
the robbery was paying teller of the
Manhattan Shavings Institution, said to
day that $60,000 had been asked for the
return of the bonds, and although the
bank officials would like to get them
back, he declared they would not pay
that amount. Continuing Mr. Iilrd said:
'Many of the securities are worth-
lesstoday, I should say, since' the gov
ernment oame to our assistance some
time ago, and by an act of congress
authorized the secretary of the treas
ury to reissue duplicates In place of
the stolen United States bonds. There
was a number of other bonds Issued
by cities and corporations, however.
Some of these are due soon, and of
course we would like to have the orig
inals, as It would make It easier for
us to collect the moneys Involved. I
refer particularly to the Yonkers city
7 per cent coupon bonds. There were
$118,000 Yonkers bonds stolen, and out
of that amount we have received $98,-
000, which leaves $20,000 due."
Mr. Bird stated that he believed the
offer to be made In good faith, and the
case has been placed in the hands of
the bank's counsel. Those who par
ticipated In or were concerned in the
robbery were Jimmy Hope, John Hope,
Patrick Shevelln. the watchman of the
bank; William Kelly. Peter Emerson,
alias "Banjo Pete,"John Nugent, a po
liceman; "Eddie" Gearing, alias "Ed
die" Coodle; John Tracy and "Johnny"
Dobbs. Of these Jimmy and John Hope
are living in this city. Tho others are
all Cither dead or In prison.
Itlicumutlsm Cured In n Day.
'Jfystio Curo" for Elictimatism nnd Nou-
ralEia radically euros in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon the system is remarkahlo and
mysterious, it removes at onco tho causo nnd
the disonso immediately disappears. Tho
first doso greatly benefits.
T. P. Anthony, ox-l'ostmastor of Promise
City, Iowa, says: "I boucht ouo bottlo of
'Mystic Curo' for Rheumatism, and two dosos
of it did mo more good than any modicino I
ovortook." 75 cents.
Sold by C. II. Hacenbucli. druccist. Slion-
lliintlntr Dowti'Murdorout Inillnim.
Duck Lake.'N. W. T May 31. The
transport party which left for tho
scene of Indian trouble yesterday re
port that Captain Gagnon, with a seven
pounder field gun, arrived before dark
Saturday night at the bluff where the
Indians are entrenched, and fired seven
shells Into the bluff. At dusk, -when
everything had quieted down, Almighty
Voice yelled to the police that they
were doing well, but would have to do
better. The nine pounder was trained
on the bluff at 0 a. m. and got her
range of the second shot. A transport
la leaving with picks and shovels for
the purpose of throwing up earth
works to enable the men to advance
on the bluff under cover In case they
are not successful in driving the In
dians out with shells.
Ilinr Iu Trout a AVI Te.
(From Pacific ITenltli Journal.)
First, get a wife j second, bo patient. You
may have great trials nuil perplexities In
your business, but ilo not therefore, carry to
your home a cloudy or contracted brow.
Your wife may liavo trials, which, though of
loss magnitude, may be hard for her to hear,
A kind word, a tender look, will do wonders
in chasing from her brow all clouds of
gloom. To tills we would add always keep a
botto of Chamberlain's Cough llemedy in
tho house: It is the best and is sure to bo
needed sooner or lator. Yourwifo will then
know thst you really care for her and wish
to protect her health. For salo hy Qruhlor
ilros., druggists.
Coming Hvciits.
June 8. Grand cantata by tlie 1. II. ehurch
choir, in ItObbins' a pent house.
June IK. lee c resin festtral under the
auspices of tho Famous Itese Itell Club, In
Kobhius' opera house.
Don't Tobacco Spit and. Smoke Your Life
If you want U quit tobacco using easily
and forever, be made well, strong, magnetic,
full of new life and vigor, take No-To-lac,
the wonder-worker tlist makes weak men
strong. Many gain ten pounds iu ten days.
Over 400,000 eured. Buy No-To-Dao from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
cure. BOo or $1.00. Booklet ami niupl
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Itemed y Co.,
Chicago or New York,
l'roteat Agulust Siiniliiy lliisolmll.
Syracuse, N. Y., May 81. A mass
meeting of nearly 6,000 people was held
laat night to protest against Sunday
ball playing. The platform was filled
with prominent business and profes
sional citizens. Addresses were made
by Chancellor James II. Day, of the
Syracuse university; James U. D rooks,
dean of the college ot law; Professor
John II. Commons, city corporation
counsel; Rev. V. IS. Oberlander, Ilev.
II. N. Kinney and others. A oommlttee
was appointed to carry out the .pur
pose of the meeting.
Mr. R. I. Davis, a prominent liveryman
and merulur t ot Goshen, Vs., lias this to say
on the subject of rheumatism I "I take
pleasure in rccommendiug Chamberlain's
Fain llalui for rheumatism, as I know from
personal experience that it will do all that is
claimed for it. A year ago this spring my
brother was laid up in lied with Inflammatory
rheumatism and suffered intensely. The
first application of Chamberlain's Pain iialtu
cased the pain and the use of one bottle com'
pletely cured him. Fur salo by Uruhler
liroa., druggists,
Rev. Dr. Jonathan
Whitely's Widow
But She lias Been Cured Long May She Live and Long Live the
Remedy to Which She Owes Her Life.
Vom the Oatette,
The following interesting interviews con
cerning the effioocy ef Dr. 'Williams' Pink
Pills for Psle People, have lately been re
ceived at the office of this newspaper.
The first embodies a conversation with
Mrs. M. A. Whltely, the widow of the Into
Rev. Jonathan Whltelv, P. D., an ciuinfiit
divine of the Methodist denomination. Mrs.
Wiitsly spoke as follows :
" I consider it my dntv to tell for nulili-
cation the immense Ix'nefit I have derived
from Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Three years
ago I was stricken by paralysis, and lay help
lesi for months. I was at, last advised to try
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which after many
mHgivings I concluded to do, as I had lost faith
in all medicines. The first box helped me
much, and the continued use of the pills has
worked and is working wonders. To-day 1
Iiavi. (Irlvan turnlvn nittna tvillm,., rtl.... r
cannot say too much fa praise of Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for thoy have done me a
world of good.'
Mr. JoTin W. llealtV wkn la n Hnn(,arfn,
and builder of Meadviile, of the highest
ivniKM-ini,iiii,v, guys:
J ' Although I have passed the meridian of
life. I am srlad rn lia rK1 n t !,...,
but little or uo use for medicine of any kind.
ut .my fife Is not so fortunate. During
the last few years she has been a sufferer
from dropsy and disease of the heart, and at
times suffers greatly. A few months aeo
she began taking Dr. Williams' link Pills
for Pale People and has been greatly bene
fited by their use. Site experienced a numb
ness and coldness In her limbs and st times
could scarcely walk by reason of poor cir
Summer Heat Wears You Out.
For over 25 years it hao teen curing thousands of cases of
Biliousness, IndigesSion, iataria, Nervous Prostration,
Kidney Troubles, 5c, if Purifies ihe Stood, Gives you
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Take it now and get your system in shape to stand the cold weather.
Sold by p. p.tD. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Fa.
Sometimes needs a reliable, monthly, regulating medicine. Only harmless and
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Thcr are prompt, aale and certain In result. The nennlne (Ir. rral'i) never dUap
nolat. Bent any where, St.00. Addreu jesii SI Jicias Co., Ueveljnd, O.
For Sale by P. P. D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa,
of "y ttmsyimwwfgemm all
125 504 -mimm DRUGGISTS i
pie and honklet free. Ad. SWlMMi ItKMH'Y !..! hluin. t. I'm., or Vtr lnrK. m.J
A Great Magazine Offer
The regular subscription price of
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Funny Pictures"
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JUDGES LIBRARY' Is a monthly luagaslne of fun, fllled with Illustration. In carloatura
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'FUNNY PICTURES' Is another humorous monthly ; there Is a laugh in every line of It
All Uifee of these inagaalues are handsomely gotten up. You ahould not mlaa this chauue
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Cntjhere and return Coupon properly filled out.
Dcmofcit PubiiakiiAg Co., 110 TiftK Avrwie, NtW York.
Vwthe fneloMd M.00 ptoasa send Dsmoiast a Family Magajlne, Jitdcs's Library
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Meadvtlle, IH.
culation of the blood. All thei-e on pleasant
symptoms have disappeared nnd I confi
dently hope to see her a ill woman ere
long. I Mill also take the liln rty to speak
for a brnthi-r-iii-lnw of mine. (J. V. Myer,
ulin reuidei nt rhenkliyvillr. Mercer Oo.,
I'm. So crcnt whs his iitiliction l.y reason nf
immjiIii. in the face nml n fit m t..l Iu caking
ilium nt tlie lyxfem that InM w u ler lie lvos
lie. Dr. Will in ti i -' I 'ink 1'ills
lor i'aie I'tuple have made Inni a lien mini
nnd he is us one rescind from the very jaws
of death."
Sir. Prentice Fry, of Muuhille, testifies
as follow :
"My wife nnd daughter have been falling
In In ullll lor some time aid the treatments
of phyi inns in their cnsis have hern fruit
leis. So much hns been snid nt Pr. "W illinms'
Pink Pills fi r Pale People flint I letohfd to
try them, r.nd myself and family will slnsys
be gh.d tl at Providence threw mrh a medi
cine in onr wsy. The pale faces and weited
cheeks of my ife nrd datightir l:ave dimp
penrcd,. ami the ruddy glow of health has
reHppenrid. Pen ennnot ricord my feelings
In the matter, and all I run say is thst I
trust all w ho are bowed clow n by the heavy
hand of physical Infirmity Mill Itarn thst
there Is a remedy that cures nnd places suf
fering humanity where they enn erjo this
enrthlv existence. Ood Mess the malicr ol
Dr. Williams' Pink Pilli for Tale People."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
are sold hy all dealers, or will be sent post paid
on receipt of price, 50 cents a box. or six boxes
for $2..ri0 (thev are never sold in bulk or by
the Km) by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Schenectady, N. Y.
nro progressive and keep iiiformpil of E
the World's Progress. Tim well In-
formed nnd thrifty Houso-wifo will
always keep 5
In tho houso, ns n standard remedy for
Sprains, Bruises, Cramps, llhouiimtism, E
and all aches and pains. E
Price 25 els. and GO cts. per liollle. E
Prepared by 11. J. HACKETT & CO., Philadelphia.
W will mi all tiww to you for
om pr fr $2.00, r 6 mo. (or SI.
1 'on (-office. .