The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 27, 1897, Image 4

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In your Stationery, for you
are often judged by the kind
of paper Hiid ink you use in
your correspondence. We
have just the kind that you
should use to be correct in
style. Engraved stationery
a specialty,
North Main t.
T he Store
That's Always Busy
Because shrewd dollar savers
take advantage oi our tempt
ing offers. Look at our in
ducements for the present :
llaby Carriages
Iron Bedsteads
With Spigots
t 1 8 Bast Cntr St
Hlc.wln Slixlmp.
One of our fair lady cycllata collided Willi
n barber pole which itanda 111 front of
Ktiouse's pool room, on Kast Oak atieet. last
evening. Fortunately she eacaiHsd without
l'aniienlilii IHu1vm1.
In niiiitlier eoluinn of to-duy'g issue nn
lioiiueeiueiit ia made' of the dissolution of
partnership between V. V. Monacliati anil Kivihiind. of the New York Pro
gress I'ap Company. Sir. Moniighnn huscn
hhkoiI iii the saloon business, on South Main
street, while .Mr. Freibiuid's future iuten
tiuns lire not yet known.
OimrHlloii lVrloriued.
An operation waa performed upon Mrs.
Sparrow, of North Chestnut street, by Dr. J.
1'ierie Koberta yesterday, with limrked ue
i's. Mrs. Sparrow had been (tittering from
an nbeii on the left knee which Involved
:iu i.pi imiK at the kuee jolut. The patient
is lining well.
On Duty Again.
Krink V. MiDi r.aott, s?enerul manager of
the 1'. All. telegraph olUue, has returned
"Vroni a vaeiuioii of two weeks and this morn
rStf Kiv ftneS-. b position at the oftlrc.
Tlieodore.f. Keller.Vwho filled the place
duriiiK Mr MeOeruioU's ulwcuce, bus
turned to Ashiauu.
Hoard ifiiinpeiXCitiislit
William Xonelskl was uVested last night
liy l'olicenieu Kester and lllter for trying
to get away without paying board bill of $5
to Mrs. Muiy Suierhak, a wiiilw. lie settled
the case Iwfore Justice Shoenikur by giving
a power of attorney.
Will Sull for llurol
Among the passengers who will set sail for
Europe on Siitnrilny will bo Knttch I.ockctt
of Wilmington, Del. Ho will slok reeupciH'
tion for a short period ainontf tho liealtli
resorts of tne old country. Mr. kockott will
lie remembered as tho obliging clerk, fur
many years at tho Forguaon House. r
PeniiHj-lvunlii Knlnlir- Tomplnr.
Kaston, Pa., M.-'.v 27. Yesterday's
session of the Oram! Commander' ot
Pennsylvania, Kn hts Templar, elect
ed riflli cis as follows: Klght eminent
mmiminili-r, Hunv M. Van Zandt of
Ilai i i -liuiff : vety eminent deputy
Ki inil i (immander, Henry II. Kuhn ot
Jiilm-t nvn; eminent grand Kencralls
Mini' i. James B. Youngaon of Pittsburg;
eminent grand captain general, Adam
H. SohniPhl of Reading; eminent grand
prelate, Thomas W. Boyle of Union
town; eminent grand senior warden,
Thomas F. Penman of Scranton; emi
nent grand junior warden, Ezra S.
Harriett of Philadelphia; eminent
grand treasurer, John J. Gilroy of
Philadelphia: eminent grand recorder,
William W. Allen.
M nun inout to CSTouol limn.
Danville, Pa., Mav 27. -There was
dedicated hero yesterday the $2,500
granite mrmiment to the memory of
Colonel Prank K. Haln, who held Im
portant positions on the Heading, the
Lackawanna and other railroads be
fore he became general manager of the
Manhattan Elevated railroad, In New
York city. Thousands of railroad men
attended tho unveiling of this monu
ment, which was erected by the em
ployes of the New Ycrlt Elevated rail
road. Kplo3lnu; 'lioH'cu- ril 'i'.vtj.
Ilenovo, P., May 27. Two men were
Instantly killed and three others serl
loualy Injured bv the explosion of a
boiler in the sawmill of Joseph Haney
at Glen Hazel, Elk county, yesterday.
The dead are William Ji hnson, the
fireman, and a man named Schaffer,
both of Ileynoldsville. Joseph Haney,
the prnpilctf r, and two other men who
nere nenr the buildlnj at the time of
the explosion were seriously Injured by
llvlna di b' Is.
Undertaking in - -
- - ail its Brandies.
Open Day and Night.
Cor. White 1 Mansion
itllU L.IUYU
Streets, (
Shenandoah. J
-Xo. 17 Wet Centre street.
llHftlHtnltigH Tlmtttglimit the Ooimlry
lllirmilrlMt lor llty I'erHml
To-rlny I AM'ermion Day Mamon were
eeli lu-Hteil In nil the Cntli(llr rrttirrhM.
The rvpnlin at Packer Nl. ft colliery at
IHpaliHiinnck, are nearly eonipleted. Rumor
wy niwratiuin will be returned in a few
The animal parade and review of the
police department of New York city will
take place In Madison Square on the after
noon of June lit.
Fifteen hundred people were dtmppolntrd
by the non-appearance of the ladiea have Imll
vluh, of New York, which waa Mlieduled to
play at Allentown yesterday.
(Julie a number tit hnnteit have lieen un
the niountainn south of Ixienit Oap the pirnt
ew dnya In an endeavor to nhont sonic atcora
that have eaeaped from the Kehler Hr.. of
l.ociiHt ))le. The lonerii ofl'er live dollars per ,
head to the person who brings them in.
Captain Jack Crawford, ome a resident of
this town, gave one of hia liyrder talks to the S
people of Wllllhmsport on Monday ulbt.
This Is the second time that bo has been I
therein the last month. The newspa pcrs
devote col inn lis to him, and be seems to have '
captured the town. I
Mnry Seharick was at larked by two vicious
dogs during recen hour at the lllg Mine
Itun school, and before help arrived slie was
badly bitten on the face and body. Iter
screams brought her brothers, who with the
assistance of her schoolmates, rescued her
from the mad onslaught of the ferocious
The dimensions of the new tunnel to be
driven from the mammoth bed to the Holmes
bed, In the Ijawreuce colliery mines, will lie
twelve feet wide, seven feet high above the
rails, and Are feet high to spring of arch ;
ditch two feet wide and eighteen inches deep.
When this is completed It will give new life
to this collier'.
An oil stove was overturned in the house
of Contractor (Jeorge Hall at Mluersville,
and set fire to some of tho furnishings. A
member of the family quickly threw up the
window, and grabbing up the stove In a large
rug. threw It to the road below. Itefore the
stovo was thrown out, however, the oil which
was spilled upon the carpet and rugs took fire
and was only extinguished after considerable
Ouhw ret stimulate liver, kidneys and
h.iwols. Never sicken, weakon or gripe, 10c.
Lehigh VtlUej 1'ilulllcci.
Philadelphia Stockholder.
Anmmncemeht of tho formal recording
of an $3,000,0000 mortgage executed by
tho Lehigh Valley Coal Coniimny, gavi
rise yesterday to some Inquiry as to the
purpose of creating such mi obligation at
this time. An official of the Lehigh Valle
Itailroad Company informed The Stockholder
that the making of this mortgage wiii in pur
suance of the arrangement recently entered
Into with Drexel & Co., for the funding of
the Lehigh Valley Itailroad Company's float
ing deb. The gentleman quoted further
stated that the Coal Company is indebted to
the Itailroad Company to the extent of $5.
126.009 for advances made, and that the
mortgigo will practically wipe this in
debtedness from the balance sheets of both
companies and leave tho Coal Company
nearly 18,000,000 available for future re
quirement; in other words, the transaction
means that the Coal Company's indebtedness
is to be liquidated by mortgaging its uniii
i cumbered property, and that at the same time
provision is in nil o for the Coal Coiii'suiy',
future cash requirements. Tho Oirard Trust
Company is made trustee under the mortgage
As it involves no assumption of additional
obligations, hut is merely au adjustment
which will work to the advantage of both
the Kailrond and Coal companies, tho making
of tho new mortgage had no effect whatever
upon Lehigh Valley securities in tho market.
When you want good roofing, plumbing
jas fitting, or general tlnsmithlug done call
on E. P. Gallagher 18 West Centre streot
Dealer ir stc-oa 1-tf
The Ginln-() Law Suit,
Rochcstor, N. Y., May St, 1807. The great
$20,000 damage suit instituted by a Mil higun
Cereal Company against the Genesee Pure
Food Company is at an end. Thoy settled it
aud took it out of court for tho ridiculously
small sum of $500, and as a practical result,
Grain-O is in greater demand than over. Tho
now plant, only just completed, is to be
duplicated, so that not only tho old friends of
tho delicious food drink, which completely
takes the placo of collee, hut tho new friends
it is making every day, can bo supplied. The
buvorago which tho children, as well as the
adult, may dring with benefit, will bo furn
ished in unlimited quantities. Suits may
come aud suits may go, but Grain-0 goes on
forever. N. Y. Mall and Express.
Ask your grocer for no "Koyal Patent
Hour, and tako no other brand. It is the best
flour mado.
Deeds Recorded.
From John Wolfgang to Paul Wolfgang,
premises in Begins township.
From Paul Wolfgang and wife to John
Wolfgang, promises in Valloy Vlow.
An Birly Pay.
Tho employes of t' e P. & It. C. & I. Co. in
this district will receive their wages at 11
o'clock on Saturday morning.
The Day-Light Store.
Shirt waists and proper dress stuffs,
lielts, waist setts, ties, collars,
etc., are fast finding buyers at
tempting prices.
Muslin Underwear, Corsets,
Gloves and Handkerchiefs in
all correct styles at right
Sheeting Muslin
One yard wide, 4c per yard.
SHEETING Double width,
2j4 yards wide for i2 cents
per yard.
Extra value ; a hundred new
choice styles, 5c per yard.
Dress Ginghams
Choice new effects now 5 cts.,
were 10 to I24 cents.
New Silks.
We carry a superb stock and
not a piece that's not proper in
price or style.
The MoChII Vatterns.
More than five hundred new
styles constantly in stock at
10 or 15 cents, no higher.
Carpets, Window Shades, Lace Curtains
and Upholstery Goods at Reason
able Low Prices.
As follows:
4 First Prlres, oaoh of $100 Cai - - $ 400.00
20Seoond " " " $100si8?ABlcjolfl.,OOO.Og
40 Third " " " $ 25 Gold Watering - 1,000.00
Cash and Prizes given each month -
Total given during 12 mos. 1897, 1400000 WRAPPERS
.TO OBTAIN THEM- I KwmratM,R,U?;o4cboflh,ldlrtrW4
'Xkrtt:.t7..;:V I
nil me ion immnii m (
SOAP." Tlic (culled "tJon
Itniif") nroto lifiHonU pnMiign
fully tmlil mrliiM'tl mIHi ti
plirrtof tmprrntittliiff Compel
linfu full tinmn nml nilurPNN
jhiI JJ,e, J
ntm Jlie number of Coupons
l.,.vt lima.. I, III.
Nfff l oris, innriiuii wo
itiarlted on oiitslilo
rniprr (top tiff hantl rirner ) Willi niniti
OI IIIO IIPIIOl i t.lMiipriin'i i""""
No. ol
New York t'lly, llronlilyn. Long
ntidstiiteii lslntid NeWjJcrsey.
New York tmto (ouiM oj;jk. r. aw,
BrooktynLnnpjitul Stalin Itlamiut.
PeiTnsvl v aula, JleliivVnret n'"r,v-
ItlllUf CSl tirBlllIlL HUU
trict of t'nliimb
The New llltBliliid Mtnle;
Th Blolire the oslebfjtB.I Meree Hiieclnl.
m l'sllern, mTd lu fieo. N. Wewe Oo.. t.nial
f.lo, BiMtan snd New York. Fitted with lUrtford
'rteee. Plrrt Clmse Nlekle Lmn., N Dewirtam
JMI, Stendtnl OieleaieUr. and Hunt Lsce Saddle.
Xntloitnl l.HKiie.
At Pittsburg Baltimore, 10; Pittsburg,
S. At Cleveland-Cleveland, 4; Philadel
phia, 2. At Louisville Louisville, 6; Bos
ton, 4. At Chicago Chicago, 6; New
York, 2.
Hiwtern Lciiirno.
At Scrnnton-8prlnpr!!eld, 9: Scrnnton. .
At WllkMbarre Providence. 19; Wllkes
barre, 3. At Rochester Rochcstor, 6;
Buffalo, 3.
AtliinMo I.o.igite.
At Lancaster Lancaster, 11; Heading,
7. At Hartford Hartford, 6; Norfolk, 6.
At Pnterson Paterson. 6; Richmond, B.
At. lliiliulMlii1iln Vlrst emtio: JfewarK, u,
Athlotlo, 8. Second; (fume: Athletic, IB; New
ark, 10.
IaMl Despite the Governor.
Harrisbursc, May 27. In the senate
yesterday Mr. Grady Introduced a reso
lution Instructing the chief clerk to
have printed 6,000 copies ot the rejHirt
of the Andrew's senatorial Investigat
ing: committee. A concurrent resolu
tion to the same effect passed both
branches of the legislature, but It was
vetoed by the governor. Mr. Grady
Htated that the governor vetoed a
similar resolution because he said It
would cost "00 to have the report
printed, but that It would cost less
than $100. The resolution passed. It
does not have to bo sent to the gov
ernor. Do you scratch aud scratch, ami woudor
what's the matter? Duhii's Ointment will
Instantly relieve and pennsuiontly cure any
itchy disease of the skin no matter uf how
Ioiik Htamling.
Tiimmpm's Kli'drlc ltmul.
Work has been started on the olectric rail
way between TamHipia and Summit Hill
The ilUtance is nearly seven miles, and wil
draw from a pomilatlot. of 12,000 people, cm
bracliiK tho towns uf Lansford, Summit Hill
and the milling patches alonj! the Panther
Cieek Valley. Yesterday the Tamaipia anil
Iuisfoid Stieet lhiilway Co. put a large force
of men to work, and the road will he pushed
to completion as rapidly as possible. 'Un
read Is supposed to ho completed ami roauy
for travel by Sept. 1st, at which time the
citizens or Panther Creek Valloy will bo
afforded an accommodation which they have
been eagerly expecting for a long time. Two
gangs of workmen havo been started ono
at Summit Hill to work towards Lansford,, two aud ono-half miles
out towards Tamaqua. The first work to be
done will bo grading and ballasting. Tho
power hoiHo will bo built In connection with
tho Lehigh Coal & Navisatlou Co. shops at
Jr. ). V. A. M.i otlri.
Tho members of Jfaj. Jennings Council
Xo. ail", Jr. O. U. A. SI., aro hereby notified
to meet In their hall on Memorial Day, May
80th. at S:30 a. in., to participate in the
parade and ceremonies attending tho day.
All members are urged to bo present, lly
order of
Stephen Trecibmbo, .In., Councilor.
Attest : WlLMAM IEekves, Seo'y. 5-27-2t
Miihnnoy City Graduates.
Tho twenty-first annual commencement
of the Mahauoy City High school will be
held at Kaier's opora house, ilahanoy city,
this evening. Tho oxorcisos which will he
of a musical and literary character will ho
participated In by the graduates and othors
among whom are the following: Miss Una
Hawthrone Lyon, Miss Matilda Clousor,
George It. Knapp, Miss Katlo Gorman, Miss
Maraaret Donohue, Miss llattle.A. mgen-
stosc, Miss Emma Oliver, Otto Langcy. Ed
ward C lieeso. Miss Clara U. llaugnuoy,
Miss Margaret V. Collins, Miss Mamo
OTIrlen, Mias Jennie M. Hornsby, A. Ld-
ward Perry, William C. Ilornshy, Clara 1..
Iteed, Kov. L. L. Lohr, J. II. Davis, Prof.
John Jonos, V. Iloyerand William II. Evans.
Cuiup 'I'-' i Attention!
All members of Washington Camp No. 112,
P. O. S. of A., are requested to attend the
uoxt regular meeting, in Egan's hall, corner
of Main and Centre streets, Tuesday oven
Ing, June 1, 1887, us business of importance
to each member will bo transacted. The
members are also requested to meet at 0
o'clock, sharp, on Saturday, 21)th lust., to
take part in the Memorial Day exercises.
Ily order of John Calk, Pres.
Attest : J. S. Williams, Seo'y. -It
Tho Contest Colllt.
Witnesses from St. Clair. New Cuttle, North
Wayne, 'Delano, Schuylkill Haven and
Fnukville were examined In the Lyon-Dunn
"contest court yesterday. Most of the wit
nesses were election officers. It was learned
that Mr. Tillman, who was Judge of the
election at the St. Clair South ward poll, is
dead, and William Tiilmau, who is one of the
inspectors, is now living in St. Louis. At this
poll while 278 votes were returned there were
not that many It's marked after names of
voters. W. II. Price who kept the liallot
check list could not tell why this discrepancy
Itase Hull Chat.
The Demorest club of Wllliamsport passed
through town this morning, en route lo l'otu
vllle. "Gappy" Martin, one of the players,
remained in town until, noon and had a
pleasant time with the "rooters" who cheered
him when he played here a few years ago.
Miss Senior
Having secured a
Is prepared to meet her trleiul with
Chestnut : Street : Styles
i fc. i t.. runnnj I
for a
oe jnn nn
Tim 1 (tonllH'tUOT WllO Mlldl lfl th
I.nrrt Niiuihcr ofooojpons from
tliedi-inutintilolili r SUerssidM
The A C'imptitora vrho send la ths
next Jjaraesi. nmnuBrnwi "-
mng from '
district In nbleli tlwjr
rpHldeitlll Kaeil tbobitb m Ypn"r-a
im A lAfly'SOTEnniiaiEMrii fierce
l-l I.Uuln n,li.Bilin I
Next I.nrKCStNiiniherilo eonpors ,'r"m thedle-
1 lie III I imwwiu".ww
2. The Competitions wlllCloee the Lnstllny ft
Knell Month daring IK, Oenmns rjeelt too Isle
(or one month's competition will be pnt Into toe neil,
:l. Oomnotltiirs who ohtsln wrapners from ilneold
soip in dealer', stock will tie dleaiASed. KmplorjM
ot terer Brothers, Ltd., snd their femlllee, w de
barred from coinprtlnir.
4. A prlntertllntof WlnneCTlnOomrltorsahmot
will be (.irwnrdod to Competitors in about 11 ds alter
eaoh competillon olosee.
, Iier Ilrothere. Ltd., will endeeror to nward the
rtbieslalrlrtotho liestot their ebillty and JudBMnt,
hut It Is understood that all who oomrnte aT to M
cept the awnnl of Irfter llrotherS, Ltd., M final.
I.UYI3U HKOS.i Mil., NcwY'ork.
The directors of tho Mshanoy City Athletic
Association met at tho Mansion House hist
evening and elected James P. Foley watch
man. The mrk gates have been closed un
til the formal opening on Decoration Day.
Hoy P. Anstock, of town, lias graduated
from the Spring Garden Institute nt Phila
delphia after being there two years, although
the course is a three-year one. He received
the first prlso for still life drawing and sec
mid for architectural drawing.
Fred. Hatch, of Pottsville. while trying lo
cut off Harry Parmloy hi a race at the park
last evening, collided with the lattcr's wheel
and was thrown several feet In the air, but
escaped serious Injury.
t'H-di nnd I' AllnMing:.
Bethlehem. Pa., May 27. National
Hank Examiner Channlng Bingham
has sworn out warrants for the ar
rest of John U. Melxell, cashhr, and
Willis H. Hoch, teller of the South
Bethlehem National bank, upnn the
charge of embezzling funds of the
bank. The amount ot the embezzlement
Is not yet definitely ascertained, but
from what has been thus far discovered
It Is stated to be $8,000 or $9,000, which
amount will not materially Injure thi
bank. The entire loss will be madi
good, it is Bald that Cashier Melxel1
left town early Tuesday for parts un
known. On Tuesday the teller's cash
account was short about JS.000, al
though It had been correct the day
before, and Hoch had disappeared. Yes
terday he returned and restored $5,210
of the missing funds. The embezzle
ment was discovered on the' semi-annual
vlBlt of Examiner IlinF.hiim.
which was unexpected. It Is said that
Melxell has been dabbling In stuok3.
SnlvntlonNtw Vforsdilp DNordcrly.
New York, May L. Frederick De la
Tour Booth-Tucker, commander of the
Salvation Army In the United States,
was last night convicted of maintain
ing n disorderly house at the big army
bnrrncks in West Fourteenth street.
Sentence was postponed until June S,
and the commander was liberated on
the same ball aH he has been under.
Booth-Tucker was defended by ex
Mayor A. Oakey Hall, 'who quoted from
the Scriptures to show that Miriam
was the first hallelujah lassie, and that
trumpets, cymbals, harps, castanets,
cornets and timbrels were used by tho
ancient Hebrews In the worship ot God.
The judge's charge was unfavorable to
the defendant. The Jury was out five
Opening lit Lakeside.
Great attractions at tho opening nf Lako
side on Saturday, May 30th, consisting of
huso ball (Ilirnesvlllo vs. Tamaipia, and
Delano vs. Earuesville, two games.) A
good orchestra furnished by Prof. Jones, of
Mahanoy City.and all are invited to enjoy tho
music aud dancing. Uoat racing on the
lako. The new steamer Albany will make
hor first trip of tho season. Tho merry-go-round
will also mako its appearance, with
good music. 5-!ii-ut
Kvldcntly a Fulce.
Many newspapers of the region are publish
ing a story to the effect that one Alice Ilricc,
or Ilright, said tu be a resident of Itlngtown,
is suffering from a malady resembling hydro
phobia and that it was caused by shock oc
casioned by a cat jumping at her when she
opened a cupboard door. The story proceeds
Tho sight of water or animals provoked tho
attacks and her sufferings were something
awful. She had to be pluionod to a bed and
confined to a dark room. Her agony is so
tun ihlo that it is feared alio will hao to ho
smothered if she docs not soon die." Daniel
I). Ilrcisch, a well known resident of King
town, was in town to-day. He says he knows
of no ouo in or near Itingtown named Ilrice,
or liright, and tho story is news to tho people
of that place.
Ascension Hay Service.
In tho Tiinity lieformed church, on West
Lloyd street, Asceusiou Day services will he
hold this evening, at 7:80 o'clock, Kov.
Itobert O'lloyle, the pastor, will preach.
Subject, "Tho Ascension of Christ."
Committed to .Tall.
Dauiel Iloreu, of Ceutralia, was this morn
ing committed by Justice Toomey tu the
Pottsville jail in default of payment of flue
aud costs fur illegally riding on a freight
train. C. & I. Policeman Krelger took him
Corrected for lliu "Ilerulil" Dully by Stark
llrolbers, limbers, IIrhii Iluildlng.
Am. Tobacco T0i 71
Atchison 10J2
Am. Sugar Itef 1I 111
Can. Southern -17 1!
Jeisey Central
North Western ..........
C. II. & Q
Chicago (las
Hi. l"ul m
Huek l.lsml ,
Omaha .
('. ('. C. A m. L.
American Spirits
I). .V II "
11. 1.. A:W
Lehigh Valley ,
Gen. Kleclrle
like Shore
Uiuls & Knob -
Mo. Pacific m.
National lail
Ilalt Ohio w
N. Y. Oeutml
U. S. leather -
Xo. Pao.,Oom
No. l'ao. l'fd
Pacific Mall -
Tenu. u & I
Texas Pacific
Union Pacific 4.
Wabash PHD .
Wratern Uulun
South. Hw. Pfd
Cues JtOhlu
W. I Krle .,,
U. 8. Hubber ,
Ohloafo MaiKM,
N1KQ, cbosiira.
Wheat, Hept..
Oat. Sent..
Pork, Heut..
.1. W. Johnson spent to-day at Pottevlllc.
Mrs. Thomas Dots, Sr., spent to-day in
J. Harry James, of Ashland, was a vlsltn"
to town to-day,
L A. Heaver, of Mt. Carmel, was a town
visitor yesterday.
Miss Edna Ford was entertained by Fntck-
vllle friends yesterday.
W. J. Ports attended the Pottsville elvll
eon 1 1 to day as a witness.
Mrs. Slinos Schloss, of North Main street,
Is lsltlug relatives In Philadelphia,.
Editor Gnllennan, of the SliMnoltIn DIs
patch, was the guest of towu relatives
Mr. and Mrs. William Meyrlak, and
daughter, and Mrs. Schley, were passengers
to Tieinont to-day.
Miss Lizzie Edwards, of North West street,
who has been seriously 111 for some titne, Is
c mvalciK'ing.
Mrs. Thomas Thatcher, of Tamarpm. is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Duughcrtv, on
West Oak street.
Misses Maggie Adams, of Wltllamstown,
and Salllo Hughes, of Ashland, wero the
guests of town friends yesterday.
Mrs. Itoliert Oliver, nf North Main street,
who has been confined to lied by lilting fur
the past three mouths, was seen on the streets
Dr. Harry 8. Clauser, of Forty Fort, P.,
Is the guest of his mother, on West Centre
street. Harry is looking lietter than ever.
Which ho claims Is largely duo to the nourish
ing practice he enjoys in his new field.
Arthur Spero, of Wil I la import, manager of
a syndicate of 45 clothing houses, of which
the Famous here is a branch, is in town look
ing up business interests. Mr. Spero, though
young lu years Is old in experience, and his
knowledge of the clothing business is by no
means meagre.
A Monster Killed.
A farmer from tho Catawissa valley stated
this morning that he had killed a black
snnko measuring over 5 feet on ono of tho
Glrard Estate farms. Tho reptile had been
coiled up In the street and made efforts to
escape when pursued by its captor.
lUiOOMK. On the 25th Inst., Ulliabcth. wife of
Albert H Itrooine, aged -11 years. Funeral
will take place on Friday 2Mb Inst., at 2 p. m.,
from the family residence, 118 West Oak
street Services In All Saints' church. Inter
ment in Oihl Fellows' eenietery l'elatUes
and friends rcprctfnlly invited to nttend. 2t
-rrr 4
Skins on flro with torturing, disfiguring,
itching, burning, bloedlnp, scaly, and pimply
humors, instantly relieved by a -warm bath
witliCiTU t uA SOA1-, a single application of
CCTicriiA ointment , the great skin cure,
and a full dose of C i tr t ox Kesolvent.
I. .otd throushont the world. PnTlis p. r 0. Conr.. Role
lropa., Iloilon. " How to Cure Torturing Ilumon, iree.
BABY'S SKIN 8",f155r1cic!!.,8,,odA?.ca,,'
A V NTKI), Active reliable man to trnvil mid
I Holleit nnlcrs for nursery Mock; perman
ent employment; expenses nnil salary or
eo jimiaMmi. Kor termn luldrews tlio It. C. Ohaso
Co., South lVnn Square, Philadelphia 5-U13
IiiOlt HAT12. I,ot 30x150, filtuato on West Coal
; btrcci. Two Kindle, housea, one on tlto
front and the other on the rear of lot. For
price nnd term- apply to T. H. lieddall,
Attorney-at-law, corner of Main nnd Centre
utreetH. 42rtt
DISSOLUTION NOTIC13. Notice la hereby
Kiveu that tlie purtnerHhi) lately exlHtiui;
between 1 R MonaKtian aud Nicholas Krel-
band, of Shinandoah, Pa., under tho title of
the "New York Projrresn Can Company, of
Shenandoah, Pa.," wan dissolved on the 2Gth
dav of Slay, A. J. 1807, by mutual conieut.
Ali di bts o win if to the Haul partnership are to
he rceeived by tho wild P. 1'. Monnghau, and nil
demand on the eald partnership are to be
presented to NUholat Frelband for payment.
Shenandah. Pa., May 20th, 1897. 5-27-3t
Grand Army Men !
If you want tho reg
ulation Grand Army
and Sons of Veterans
suits, tile only place to
secure them is at the
One-Price Clothing
House, No. io South
Main street. These
suits arc guaranteed in
every respect. We
have been headquart
ers for these suits for
many years, and we
stand ready to return
your money if they do
not hold their color.
The price is right,
the goods are guaran
teed, and the com
mand is,
Forward I March I
TO Tim
10 South Main Street,
L. UBFOWICH, - Proprietor.
Also a full line of Clothing, and
Children's Novelties a specialty. We
have no competitors.
A flluSICflli pEAST I
A Brand production of
the beautiful cantata
Will he jrlvcn on
JSy a Choir of 6o Voices
Assisted by the
Tint production will I trivet, for the Iwnefit
- - of the -
Piimitive Methodist Church.
Admission, - - 25 Cents.
"OOtD Dtir.T.'
This is the Package-
remember it. it contains
Washing Powder
that cleans everything
quickly, cheaply and
For economy buy 41b. pnobage.
Chicago, St. Louis, New York,
Boston, Philadelphia.
Sale of Shoes
liver httd 111 tbi section is now going; on at
our store. We've bought tlrtf' (Tfrtlititock of
n retail shoe store ihut foiled. ' .
The goods will be sold without regard to former
price or their rettl value.
There are a great many very fine shoes in this slock,
and the former owners would weep if they
could see the little bits of prices we arc now
Come quick for the goods can't last long
when people know what we are
...Shoe Store,
Will remove on June 1st to
(P(irguso2i House lllocU.)
We offer two assortments of
glassware for 5 ana 10 cents
that cannot be beat any where
for the money in town.
Meluskey & Son,
105 S. Main St.
We are already prepared to cater
to the trade with a splendid line of
Ladles' Sulphur Stone Shirt Waist Sets,
Gent's Shirt Sets, Paper Cutters,
Silver Hat and Clothes Brushes,
Glove Buttoners, Etc., Ete.
We call special attention to our
large and complete line of Sulphur
Stone Novelties. largest stock in
the locality.
Watch, Clock and Jewelry
Repairing neatly done.
Jewelry - Store,
112 N. rial n St.
poll SHKHU'r
Or Ouwkwhiha.
Subjwt to ntubllftn ruln.
A. Moyer, Mgr.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
, -"ft?:
Beer and Porter
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking !
13 N. Jardin Street.
Or roar 0rbo.
Hubieet to ItepulilUain mleo.