EVENING HERALD IWTAnt.ISIIHU 1870. FnMlthed every Evening, Kxcept Sunday, si Betrrn Jarmn Htrrot, Kus Cbiithr. The Herald la dellveied InHhenanUonn and the surrounding towns for six oents week, pay able to the carriers. By mall 18.00 n year, or 3S eoaii a month, payable In advance. Advertise ments charged according to space nnd position. Ths pabtlthers reserve the right to change the fioltion of advertlsementa whenever the pub lesUon of news demands It. The rtaht In row ed to reject any advertisement, whether paid for or not, that the publishers May deem improper. Advertising rates made known unon annlleatlon. Mnteted at the postoftloe At Shenandoah, !'., as second elass mall matter. TELEPHONE CONNECTION. "All the News That's Fit to Print." Evening Herald THURSDAY. MAY 8T, 1887. The Marquis I to and Marquis Kitlo, of Japan, are In the country on the way to Queen Victoria's jubilee. Count Hilo .lank is not in the teniae, lteing left at home. And now the bicycle is cliiirgod with injuring the furniture trade by the manufacturers of Grand Hupids, Mich., the centre of the furniture limnufacturinK trade. A Mexican silver dollar is worth a fraction over 47c, and gold in Mexico 1r quoted at 101). Tile three silver parties in this country at o ready to argue that it is an ideal condition. When war is made on women, children and the class engaged in tilling the soil, as is now tlio case in Cuba, a recognition of belligerent conditions should not be long de layed. ' Not content with starving the Americans now in Cuba the chiv alrous Spanish dons will collect heavy duties on the food supplies the American nation will send for the sutleiing ones. A MAJoniTY of women who have committed suicide in Uoston recently have been described as not beautiful. The Coroner will find that this strange circumstance is calculated to Toduce his fees. HitKAT Hkitaix has a surplus this vear of .800,000 and will devote 300.000 of it to the increase of postal and telegraph facilities. Of course the remainder will be invested in an other battle-ship. Sbix'sk, of Arkansas, says President McKinley will sign a free silver bill before his administration ends. Jones talks glibly of violated pledges, but his experience has been entirely out side of the Republican party. Thky have a "Jack tl.e Peeper" in Emporia Kansas, who has a penchant for peeping into bed-room windows about bedtime. As the women of the city have bought all the pistols the hardware stores hud it is probable something will drop in thiitvtown be fore long. Thk shortage in the Illinois state treasury has started the legislature to investigating and among other matters disclosed was the fact that Emma F. Altgeld, wife of Ex-Governor John P. Altgeld hud sold the state $Ur8 worth of furniture which the investigating committee claims to have evidence to prove was second hand stuff. Altgeld is the man who while loudly advocating free coinage of silver made all his leases with ten ants on a strictly gold basis and the present revelations are no cause for surprise. As manv of' our devotees of the wheel are subjected to annoyance from the source referred to by a cor respondent touring Europe we quote what he says about the means adopted by their Herman confreors to rid themselves of a nuisanco: "for the benefit of American cyclists -vvho may occasionally be ann6yed by yelping, snapping curs in villages and suburbs through which they may pass with their wheels, I will men tion what German cyclists do under such circumstances. They carry with them a small ilask filled with ammonia. To tlio neck of the bottlo is fastened a rubber or other squirtor, and a few drops of the fluid thus directed against the nose of a bark ing jumping dog induces him to turn tail and ilee instantly. Thore is ab solutely no injury to the brute, but it is an elfeotual quietus.1' A tklkgiiam in the daily papers yesterday announced that Miss Carry Parker had graduated from the Clin ton high school in Indiana after a four years course of great discourage ment. The reason her lot was ex ceptionally hard was that she was colored and wan ontraciised by her mates on this account during the en tire course, and, on two occasions, when she resented insults, she was expelled from school, not because she was in the wrong, but, as the trustees said, "to keep peace in the family." Despite all the difficulties she en countered, she persevered to the end and triumphed over all her adversa ries when she delivered her graduat ing address. She is the daughter of a laboring man and, it is stated, will enter the mission field and devote her life to teaching the heathen. Having the grit and twrseveranoe to go through four years of ostracism there is not muoh room to doubt that she will make a success of her chosen work, and the admiration whioh her patience under perMoution has evoked is well-deserved, ami a strong rebuke to the narrow-minded bigotry of her -white school mates and their equally bigoted parents, NUGGE TS0F NEWS. John D. Rockefeller has cancelled the deal wheiolij- he obtained cot'trnl of the ore carrying traffic at Cleveland, O. Police Interfered with a hallelujah weildl.iK at Salvation Army barracks In Htldg. r ort. Conn., and the Joyful event ended abruptly. As the reault of a whisky drinking contest In Chicago Jacob Conrad la dead, Joseph nchm dying and Carl Elsleben In a critical condition. A desert prospector has arrived at Banner Cat., almost Insane from suf fering, and reports the loss of his two companions, who may have perished. Special Agent Moore, of the treasury department at flan Frsnctsco, lia written the department strongly flvls Ing an Increase on the duty of opium. The naval committee of the French ctmmber indorses ,M. Lmekroy's plan for an additional expenditure of 100,- 000,000 francs for naval Inrfrovementa. Sick lies.ilae.he can lie nulckl v and com plstsly overcome by using those famous little pill known as "Hewitt's Little Ksrly ltiten." C. II. Ilsgenbuch. PrcMliytet'liiii "''ni-inl A" " ci-.ilily, Hagle Lake, Ind., May 27. The ex odus from the general asrembly has al ready begun. Yesterday the meetings of the women's foreign missionary jexecu- tlve committee closed and a number of delegates left at once. The assembly has finished most of Its Important work and has settled down to routine business. The desire to reach the end was seen In an unwillingness to en dure long debate even upon Impor tant matters. Calls for Invitations for the next general assembly have al ready been made. The probability is that the majority of the commissioners will favor Philadelphia. The decision will not be rendered for a couple of days. Tkerislk Accident. It is a terrible ac cident to he burned or Resided ; but the pain ind agony anil tlio frightful disfigurement otii lie quickly overcome without leaving a uar by using DeWltfs Witch Salve. C. II. llagciibuoh. llrntiii't 'i rented li.v Kobbers. r.ockvllle, Md., Mav 27. Thomnv Englo.'.d, living near here, was found yesterday in an unconscious condition a short distance from his home. Early In the evening while attending to gome duties about the farm he was attack ed, severely beaten and tortured by four men In an effort to compel him to divulge the whereabouts of a large sum of money which It was supposed he had about the house. The assertion of England that he had no money pro yoked the men, who removed his shoes and stockings and the clothing fron. his arms. Talcing; lighted paper thes' applied It to the expotied parts and to his ears, burning him terribly. He was thrown Into an old house and left In an unronsclous condition. 'Tliev are dandles" said Thos. llnwers, of the C-,iuket, Texas, Kntcrpriso. while writ ing shunt DeWitt's Little Kurlv lilecrs. the famous little pills for sick headache and dis- raers ot tlio stomach ami liver, v. u. Ilngeubueh. JfotnliiHU'u "by tlni lM'OMKtont. Washington, liny 27. The president sent a list cf nominations to the sen ate, among them the following: Charles Burdett Hart of West Virginia, min ister to Colombia; Francis S. Jones of Louisiana, secretary of legation nt Duenos Ayres, Argentine Ilepubllc; John G. Thompson of Illinois, assis tant attorney general; James Edmund Boyd of North Carolina, assistant attorney general; James S. Fruit, collector of Internal revenue for the Twenty-third district of Pennsylvania. A bottlo of I)r, Wood's Norway Pino Syrup in tho houso saves doctors' bills, saves trouble, and very often saves precious lives. Gives nlniost instant relief in cases of coughs, ;oMs, or lung troubles of any sort. Lilo Sonteiico for Jirutaltty. Paris, May 27. The three days' trial of Gregolre, a house painter; Mile. Deshayes, his mistress, and Mme. Gre golre, his mother, all charged with In human brutality toward Pierre Gre golre, son of the male prisoner, In De cember last, when the revelations made caused a sensation In Paris and earned for the child the name of "Le Petite Martyr," has Just ended. Gregolre was sentenced to the full penalty, impris onment for life at hard labor, and Mile. Deshayes and Mme. Gregolre wore con demned to fivo years' Imprisonment at hard labor. Intense feeling was mani fested against the prisoners. Jtallwny TolcpmphorH oniclnls. Peoria, Ills., May 27. Tho Order cf Itallway Telegraphers adjourned sine die after an nil nlcht session. W. V. Powell was re-elected grand chief; T. M. Plerson of Indianapolis, first assist ant grand chief; James B. Finnan of Baltimore, second assistant grand chief; II. B. PerhJm of Cripple Creek. Colo., grnnd secietarv $nd treasurer and editor cf the official organ; L. A. Tanquary of Pueblo, Colo., Charlea Daniels of Atlanta. William White of Toronto, S. C. Mahany of St. Louis and C. L. French cf Cumberland, Md., grand executive committee. An Abuondliijr Minister. Washington, May 27. Itev. A. G. Harrison, pastor of the People's Taber nacle, and his family have disappeared from thc-lr home here, and it is report ed that the leverend gentleman is $9,000 short In his accounts. He was given entire tharrce cf the church funds, and according to the charges failed to pay bills. W. L. Bruon, the builder of the tabernacle, Is a loser to the extent of $7,000. When Mr. Harrison learned that an investigation was to be made by the church he departed hastily, leaving his household goods. Sprin Is the season lor new lifo In nature, now vigor in our physical systema. As the fresh sap carries life into the trees, so our blood should give us renewed strength and vigor. In its impure state it cannot do this, and tlio aid of Hood's Sarsaparilla Is imperatively needed. It will purify, vitalize and enrich the blood, and with this solid, correct foundation, it will build up good health, create a tfood appetite, tone your stomach and digestive organs strengthen your nerves and over coine or prevent that tired fooling. This lias boon tho experience of thou sands. It will bo yours If you tako Hoo Sarsaparilla jx cine ami nimri 1'iirlfler. Hold by all druggists. Sb u rsu cure nausea, Indigestion, 1 1UUU 9 I Ills tiiiiousncsi. ucenu, STO'CK AND r'KQ'DUC MARKETS. Notable Activity nnd atronr'.h In the Dealing " Willi M 1. New Vork, Mny 2i;. The r k market was notnhl. active nml xl.ong In tht early I ours of trndlng today. The n.il maloti ot the dealings somewhat sub.iid-1 after the neon hour on account of tht announcement of additional shipment el 1800,000 in rold tomorrow and on profit taking r.nd some weak spots Atyoleped In the list, which served somewhat It oheck the rising tendency. Prices of most stocks were, nevertheless, fllt firmly held until the close, and substMi tlal net gains were the rule as the result of the day's trndlng. There was quite a largo number of shares sold Ik re fot London account, but they rep.'i aented nothing but arbitrage operations by pro fessional trnders, the . higher level of prices here offering a sufficient margin of profit tn invite tho operation. There, was n marked broadening tendency to speculation, many usually tnnttlvs shares coming Into demand in gaining prtoui. Closing bii's: Ilnlto. & L.lo... Lehigh Valley.. 1$ Chcsn. ft Ohio... Uiv N. J. Central.. W Del. & IluiHon'Moa N. Y. Central.. WH l.. 1,. ft V lt;t Pennsylvania .. 5 Erie 12'n Heading 18U Lake Uric ft W. 18 ft. Tntil 76Vi All oss'ts paid. Mx-dlvidcnd. (Jeneml Mnrkntw, Philadelphia. May 26. Flour dull: win ter super., I2.7K62.Mi do. extras. I3l.jti Pennsylvania roller, clenr, M9i4.10; do, straight. U.MM.tb: western winter. Clear. M&4.10; do. straight. t4.lO04.2S: city mill. extra, tt.SSfe3.S0. Hye Hour dull, but steady, t SO U9T barrel. Wheat weak; contract wheat, May, ll4Q82o.! do. July, 74-:.i875c; No. 2 Pennsylvania and No. 2 Delaware red, snot, 88o.; No. I red. May. "Mic; do. July, 7B?;c; do. Sep tember, 71V4c; do. December. 11ic. Corn dull; steamer corn. siK)t, 27'5i28c, ; No. I yellow for local trado. Sic.; No. 2 mtxed spot, 28! 20c, Oats quiet and barely steady; No. 2 white, carlots, 2u,i26c; No. 2 white, clipped, carlots, 26'ift2Gi,tc.; No. 2 white, Muy, June and July, 25Vt5f iOc. Hay steady for desirable grades, choice timothy, 114 for large bales. Beef dull: beef hams, SKK823.60. Pork quiet; Tamlly, HO.ROWl. Laid weak; western steamed. 18,90. Buttenflrm; western cream ery. 1K.l5tc.; do. factory. V,ict 10c ; 131 glns, 15'.i.c. ; Imitation eroamery, 94ftI2c. ; New York dairy, KKjtHi'.c. ; do. creamnry, W.lB'Ac.; fancy prints Jobbing at 1720c; do. extra Pennsi;.ima, wholesale. 16c. Cheese easy; large New York, S"4c. ; fancy, 9c.; part skims. Wt'Hc; full skims, 2Mi3c. Eggs dull; New York and Penn sylvania, 12c. ; western fresh, lie. ; south ern, lU'ilFfllc. Potatoes quiet: southern new. $34(3.50. Tallow quiet; city, 2tt3c.; country, 34i3Wc, as to quality. Cotton seed oil quiet; prime crude, 20c; do. yel low, 2.1''.i21e. Pig lion quiet; southern, $9.25n0.25; northern, J10312. Copper steady, brokers, 111; exchange, SIO.SOS 11.26. Tin firm; straits, H3.60i'iilS.G0; plates steady. Spelter steady; domestic, $1.15 4.25. Lead closeil steady at $3.26&3.30, ac cording to the Metal Exchange, while loading brokers call tho market firm at tSAiM. Caf.iage. per crate, Mc.gj$l; do. per barrel. 75SI80c. Tomatoes, per carrier, $1.60fffl.7!. Coffee dull; May, $7.25; Juno, $7.1B; July, $7.20; September, $7,204(7.25; December, $7.26. Live Stock MnrkotK. New Vork, May 20. Peeves fairly ac tive, generally etcady; natlvo sides, $4.40 (35.15; stags and oxen, $3.4504.70; bulls, $2.50ifj3.00; dry cows, $1.85(fr3.tio. Calves active; veals, $4W5.50; buttermilk calves, $8.504. Sheep steady; yearlings and lambs stronger; sheep, $3.505j 1,W; year lings, JI.7545.G5; lambs, $CC.00. Hogs llrm at $4,108-4.40. East Liberty, Pa., May 28. Cattlo sup ply light; prime, $5.10Ji5.23, hulls, stags and cows, $2n"3.75; common to good fat oxen, $304.10. Hogs fairly nctlve; prime medium, $3.90413.95; best Yorkers and plus. $3.8543.!0; common to fnlr. ?3.W)fc3.9ri. heavy, $3.P0(5.8r; roughs, $2.50t3.25. Sheep steady; choke, $4.20S'4.25; common. $2. 80ft 3.40; common to good lambs, $itfi4.75; spring lambs, $3G; veal calves. $CiC.23. HOW TO FND OUT. Kill a bottle or common glass witli urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sedi ment or settling indicates an unhealthy condition of the kidneys. When urino stains linen it is positlvo evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in tho back, is also convincing proof that tho kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. Tliero is comfort in tlio knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Itoot, tho great kidney remedy, fulfills every wish in relieving pain in tho back, kidneys, liver, bladder and ovory part of the urinary passagos. It corrects iuabillty to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. Tho mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Iioot is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures f tho most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have tlio best. Sold by druggists, prico fifty cents and ono dollar. Yon may havo a samplo bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Men tion 1:vknino IIeuau) and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., liitighaniton, N. Y. Tho proprietors of this paper guarantee tho gcnulnoss of this offer. AssiNhI'ihkcJ at HI Supper Tn'.ro. Tampa, Fin., Mny 27. William Ed wards was assassinated at his home near Trilby. Ho and his two childion were eating supper when parties aon cealed in the woods flred through a window, killing Edwards instantly. He wub a one armed ex-federal soldier. This Is the Bevenlh man killed in the Whltehurst-Whidden-Stevenson feud. Bud Stevenson was assassinated in his field two months ago. It was thought EdwardB did It, and ho was marked by friends of Stevenson. l'res l'llln Send your address to II. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free samplo box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merit. These pills are easy in action and are particularly eflectlvo in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they havo been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to lie purely vegetable. I hoy do not weaken by their action, but by givlngtonetostoinacli and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular siae 36c per box. Sold by A. Wasloy, druggUt. ' Murderod by IiiilliuiH, Miles City, Mont., May 27. The body of John Hoover, the missing sheep herder of John Berrlnger, was found about two miles from the ranch with two bullet holes through Ms body, and his dog killed by his side, both having been killed by Indians. The Indians are making preparations for trouble, and the sottlers are growing uneasy. Tho Wenthur. For eas'ern Pennsylvania and New Jersey: Fair; slowly rising tempera ture; north to northeast winds. For Del aware and Maryland: Generally fair warmer; northeasterly winds. There In u Clans of I'eople Who are injured by the um of coffee, Recently there hits been pbwed iu all the grocery stores a tiew preparation called (1UAIN-0, made of purs gmlut, that takes the place of oorfee. The tnot deliotte stomach receives it without distress, and but few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over iH much. Children may drink it with great benefit. 15 cts. and 25 eU. per package. Try It. Ask for GRAIN-O. 8. E. EVANS, OF IOWA. Stricken with Paralysis and Afflicted with Heart Disease, Is Made Comfortable by Dr. Miles' Remedies. D It. MILES does not claim that his Restorative Remedies will porform miracles, nor yet euro all forms of long standing complaints. Rut in cases where impaired nerves or a diseased heart causes the trouble, Dr. Miles' Rcstorativo Nervine and tho New Iloart Curo will always give roliof, and If the caso Is not too far gone, if thore Is vitality to build on, will effect a complete cure. Veteran S. E. Evans, a prominent G. A. R. man of Maquokta, Iowa, was stricken with paralysis ten years ago and confined to his bed for months, under tho caro of physicians constant ly, until tho cost had eaten up his homo which ho was obliged to sell to pay his bills, and was yet compara tively helpless when an additional affliction camo on in the shape of heart trouble. Mr. Evans writes: "If It had not been for Dr. Miles' wonderful Remedies I would have been in my grave three years ago. I know that at my ago and with a con stitution broken down in tho service, (I served through tho lato war in the 23d Michigan) I cannot reasonably ex pect many years more of life, but I know that as long as I can obtain Dr. Miles' Remedies, these years will be passed in case and comfort. Tho doc tors decided four years ago that they could do nothing for me. In addition to my paralysis which rendered my limbs almost useless, I had heart trouble, causing sinking spells which camo on two or three times a day, and I TO THE LAND OF SUNSHINE And Flower, the Ilanil of America, Cali fornia. Via the true pathway, "The Iron Mountain Route," which traverses a region of porpetual sunshine, whero snow storms, blizzards or high altitudes aro unknown. Pullman first and second class palaco and tourist sleeping ears to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Toxas, Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah anil Nevada, without change. Quick time, low rates, and all tlio comfort of modern railway improvements guaranteed to all who pur chase tickets via tlio Missouri Pacific railway .system. For rates right from your home, literature, and full information, dropapoetal card, J. 1. McCunn, T. P. Agent, C10 Rail road avenue, Klmlm, N. Y., or 301 Broad way, New York. J-tf W. E. Hoyt, Q. E. P. Agt. Iimd severe attacks of grovel and kidney trouhlo; and unable to get it medicine or doctor to cure mo until I used Hop Bitters. and they cured me tn a short time. A DtSTlfHlUlMIRP Lawvku op Waynk Co., N. Y. Colorless ani Com. A young girl deeply regretted that slio was so colorless aud and cold. Her face was too white, ami her hands and feet felt as though the blood did not circulate. After one bottlo of Hop Hitters had been taken she was tho rosiest and healthiest girl in tho town, with n vlvaoity and cheerfulness of mind gratifying other friends. Wanted to .M uVdor tho Czar. Berlin, May 27. The Lokal Anzelger, of Alx-la-Chapelle, publishes a dispatch from St. Petersburg saying that a young artisan has been arrested in the park of Tsarskoe-Selo, 17 miles soutli of St. Petersburg, where the summer residence of the emperor is located, with a dagger and a revolver In his possession. The prisoner said he wanted to murder the czar, become fa mous, and be hanged like other "heroes." nrlp-Colds.IIendnrbe. Why sufler with Coughs, Colds ud 1 Grippe ivhen. Laxative Ilrnmn Quinine will onre you iu one day. Put tin in tablets eon venient for taking. Guaranteed touuie, or money refunded. Price, 88 oeuts. "or tale by Klrlm'e Pharmacy. How to Treat a AVIfe. (I'nmi 1'nclflu Health Journal.) First, get a wife ; second, lie uttlent. You may have great trials and iierplexities in your busiuess, but ilo not therefore, carry to your liomo a cloudy or contracted brow. Your wile may have trials, which, though of leu magnitude, may lie hard for her to lieur. A kind word, a tender look, will do wonders In chasing from her brow nil olouda or gloom. To this we would add always keep a bottle of CuawberUiu's Cough Kemed y iu the house. It is the best and is sure to 1 needed sooner or later. Your wife will then know that you really care fur her and with to protect her health. For sale by Gruhler I tiros., druggist. wsm wsm wm wm Tm sssMhbH MswlrssW bbbbbbW it would scorn that my breath had loft mo. I could got no sleep of any con- sequenco for tlio smothorlng spoils that strangled mo when lying down. I commenced using Dr. Miles' Nerv ine and afterwards the Iloart Curo with a result far beyond my expecta tions. I can get around very nicely now with a cane, seldom having a symptom of tho sinking spells, and sleep soundly all night long. I tell all my friend of tho good I received from Dr. Miles' Remedies and numbers have used them and all havo been greatly benefited." It is a fact, established by skilled physicians who prescribe It and cor roborated by trained nurses who ad minister it, that Dr. Miles' Restora tive Nervine restores health to tho in valid by building up the strength of exhausted nerves, gives new hope and confidence, clears tho brain, strength ens the memory and drives away sleeplessness, melancholy and tho blues; makes the step active and clas tic, sending busy people about their duties In buoyant cheerful spirits, with their old time vigor and renewed energy. Dr. Miles' Remedies make people happy by their unquestioned power over disease and ability to restore sick people to health. Dr. Miles' Remedies aro sold by all druggists under a positive guarantee that tho first bottle will benefit or the money will bo refunded. Rook on the Ileart and Nerves Bent frco by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. ...iisneliusottH JIiir"Mo. llower's i.otr. Uoston, May 27. Tin- Bradford man uscript history of the New Plymouth colony, the document for the posses sion of which Massachusetts had long been anxious, was formally presented to tho commonwealth of Massachu setts by Hon. Thomas F. Bayard, ex nmbassador to England, before a Joint convention of the legislature yesterday. The ceremony of delivering the man uscript took place In the spacious chamber of the house of representa tives, and was of a most Impressive nature. Besides the members of both branches of the general court, many prominent onirials of tho state and other distinguished citizens were pres ent, while tho galleries of the house were filled with spectators. Tho actual presentation was prefaced by an ad dress by Senator Hoar, followed by speeches by Mr. Bayard and Governor Wolcott. Don't thin your blood with sassafras or poison it with hliie-maw! but aid Nature by using DoWltt's Little Jiuly Risers, the fam ous little pill for constipation, biliousness nnd stomach and liver troubles. They aro purely vegetable U. II. Ilagenhucli. iiunic i-nniiro IMiuwes Throo Suicides. Chicago, May 27. Sick and dis couraged over his Inability to meet payments on his home, Alexander T. lleckett, formerly a clerk In the Na tional bank of Illinois, which collapsed a few months ago, shot and killed him self yesterday. This Is the third sui cide resulting from the failure of tho bank. W. 11. Johnson. Newark. O.. tnvs. "Ono Mluuto Cough Cure saved my only child from dying by croup." It has saved thousands of others suffering from croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and other serious throat aud lung troubles, v. II. Ilagenhucli. Tlio Texu ."Flood. El Paso, Tex., May 27. The T.ie Branrja continues to rise, and an army ot men are strung out m Sixth street working on the new levee that was thrown up Monday night. Yesterday a!! the bells In Juarez were rung to cat' out the people to check a -break In the Juarer levee, and the Mexican troops sta,tlon) in Juarez were put to woj-k to save the Mexican end of one of the Interpatlonal Street car bridges, the approaches to which were being washed out. The bildge was saved, as was also the Juarez levee. Every wagon In Bt Paso Is engaged moving people from psrts ot the city endangered by the Hood, It hi feared that th Ml Paso street levee will break. If an a nnrtlon of tho business part ot the city will be iiooueu. ror every (puirter in a man's poeket there are a dosen utes; and to use essh ono m such a way as to derive the greatest bene- "' question every one must solve for himself. We believe, however, that no uetmr use could lie made of one of tin quarters tliau to exchange t for a bottle of Uuunberialn's Cuke, CJjoleia and Diarrhoea Remedy, a medicine that every family should be provided with. Fomleby GrulilerBros., druggists. INDICTMENTS AG..NST JOHNSON The llidinnn Itanlccr Invented Other' Piniild in Spci'uintlon. Indianapolis, May 27.---The federal grnnd Jury found 15 Indictments against John F. Johnson, late president of the State National bank ot Logans port, Ind. He is chained with violat ing practically every section of the na tional banking law, Including forge y. It Is found that the directors of the bank cannot be lndlrtfed for titupldlty ftjltl Incompetence, which the ft lerRl authorities indicate Is the chief trouble With thm. Hank Examiner Caldwell yssterday afternoon found in private box In the vault of tite wrecked Stats National bank at Laporte some prlvte corres pondence belonging to ex-President John F. Johnson, which throws some light on the channels which absorbed the missing money. Mr. Johnson was Interested with ex Untted States Treasurer J. N. Huston, of ConnorsvlllB, Ind., In a phosphate bed in Virginia, and the loss In this di rection will probably amount to $100, 000. The ex-presldent was also an ex tensive Investor in oil and gas land lenses near Gas City, Ind., but Just what sum was sunk In this enterprise is not known. Kla dealings In Colorado and Wyoming mining stocks swal low ;d up another big sum, the pre cipe r.i.iount of wHkh the- bank ex-on-iner Is yet Unable to detenr.ine. Heavy losses were made In wheat Sfiei ulnllon. It Is believed 'that Mr. "Joltni'on's FhortaRe, which already f$B'ii;i $.r.i'(j0. wilt not be tr.crrssed by ftlr her i nnlnaiions. The 'rerrganl zatloti of the lun't is not thought p a siblo, ftnd a reei Ivor will be appointed. liven eiturrh, that dread breeder of i 8 imiilluii. jiieciiniln to the liosllug Inilueiif of Thomas' Krlrvtrtr till. t'nj .tin '! Aorji ' t't Kew TSr&, May 17. The Jmy l:i tl: case of UOi-tsJn Bawr4, Heed, wh. has been tn trial In th United Isiate. circuit since Thursday loct on thi charge of having fal.ed to rrnvldi proper food lor the crew of the iul: T. F. Oakes. of which ho was niastet on the voyage from Hong Kong to thlf port, brouglU in a verdict yesterday oi "not guilty." Don't Tobacco Spit and Brnoke Your Ufa Away. If you want to quit tobacco using eally and forever, ho made woll, strong, magnetic, full of new life and vigor, tako No-To-Ric, tho wonder-worker that lunkos weak men strotig. Many gain ten pounds in ten days. Over 400,000 cured. Buy No-To-Hic from your own druggist, who will guarantee a cure. COe or $1.00. Booklet and sample mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., Chieaco or New York. Coming KventH. May 20. Ieo cream aud strawberry festival in IJoblilm' opora house, under tho auspice of the societies of Trinity Reformed church. Juno 8. Gnind cantata by tho P.M. church choir, in Rohhins' openi houso. June 12. lee cream festival uniler the auspices of tho Famous liaso Il.dl Cluh, in kobbins' opera house. A Household Necessity. Cascarcts Candy Cathartic, tlio most won dcrful medical discovery of tho age, pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, net gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing tho entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Chnrjrcd With J)ri'iiiiil!ii(j CiTdllors. Chicago, May 27. Ozarow W. Clapp. once a well knnn and wealthy board of trade operator, and his son, Dwlght O. 'n; ' . rre ar-pT id yesterday at the rerjuctt r.f the New York police de partm. nt. cha,-rc .1 wllh being fugi tives from justice. It Is said they are wanted In New York to answer to a charge of Illegally transferring prop erty tor the purpose of defrauding creditors, tho amount Involved being $10,000. Hueklen'H Arnica Halve. Tho best salvo In tho world for cut hruisoa, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fover soios. tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, coins, sm all skin eruptions, and positively curis piles or jo pay required, It Is guaranteed to givi perfect satisfaction or mony refunded, l'rlri B5 cents per box. For sale bv A. Wasloy. Hnbo'H Jfninrl;tiM iv-ipnpo, Brooklyn, Mny 27. With her 4-months-old child clasped In her arms, Mrs. Elizabeth Hennlng yesterday Jumped from the roof of the three story tonement house In this city, where she lived. She was Instantly killed. The child escaped without a scratch. Her suicide was due to III health. ttflXHASES BloodHerveFood For Weak and Run Down Pooplo. UHflT IT C I The richest of all restorft II1HI II Iu I tive foods, because It re- Jilaces the ontentials of life that are ex tausted by disease. Indigestion, high living, overwork, worry, excesses, abuso, etc UHnT ITnnFSI making the blood WnHI II UUCOI pure and rich and the digestion perfect It creates solid flesh, muscle and strength. Tho nerves being made strong the brain becomes nttlve and eloar. It restoros lost vitality, stops all wast ing drains and weakness In either sex, and as a female regulator has no equal. Price 60a, orflve boxes 82.00, Druggists or by in nth Wo can help you. Advice and book, free. Write Us About Your Cao7 THE DR. CHASE COMPANY, 112 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia, That's why they enjoy their COFFEE. Any grocer can tell you why customers keep coming back for SBBXJG'S. Only to. ft pMktfft. A genuine welcome waits you at JOE WY AIT'S SALOON, Cor. Iain and Coal Sta. JMiimI whiskeys, hsfi porter and lf oorvHtantly on tup, CM er.tTMw drliiW and utirurH. Team s to Hlra. If you wnnl to hire safe and reliable twin for driving or for working purixm I ay Shleldn' llvsry stable a vllt. Teams constantly on hand at reawinahle ratM JAMES SHIELDS, No, HO Bast Centre street. Opposite Reading railroad station. Sick Headache. Neurslgif r.nrl Ltrsr,itj NerVOUttlBB EVKH since I was elpliteon years old until I learned of Dr. Miles' Uestora ttve Itemedlcs, I suffered from sick headache and extreme nervousness and dys pepsia. In time heart dlseaso doveloped. I was treated by several doctors with no re lief. Severe palpitation with pain In left breast, shortness of breath, and smothering m'Ti M.T10 rre Mint miserable. I pro cure!; Pr. Milm' K'ltnrnlve Nervlno and !,'ow ileart Pur; vml ijol. them alternately u din i "i. )i'i nvi.ir.it began at onco (ffjfSWHand Increased so rnp-lftk-.jv Bp. Jhii 'd!y that Inside of six .rates' , Months I lncroased I thirty six pounds In Kjirel.tut. All pain in Rosioros , the heart Is gono, and Halth ; Ithe norvousnoss has wholly left me," Mns. OriAS. KNArr. 7. German 8t, Little Palls, N. Y Nov. 7,'M. Dr. Miles' Remedies aro sold byalldrug 'sts under a positive guarantee, first bottlo onofitrf or money refunded. Book on Iloart id nerves sent free to all applicants. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. AWN'S TANSY PILLS A Tmxn. t it its Airn a itu WOMAN'8 RELIEF. Atw&vi nrfmnt ind rtinbl. Avovt Imilattont. fist PaTOsT'B TAltir PlLLl tnd 1AVK IKOkKTL. At lrt.tr atiiiM. ttrMiit illrt rwsid.. nricte. At. Catojt tip io. Co Doiton, Man. Our book, 4& Cor sale nt 1. 1'. I). Klrllu'fi drug store and Shenandoah drug tttorc. -A Only 'Is iKMfttlric, whether a a test of excellence In journnllHin, or for tlio menu ii re m en t of quantities, time or values: nnd TllG. Philadelphia Record . . . Affcr n enrcer of nearly twenty years of uninterrupted growth is justified in claim lug that the standard first established Jiy its founders is the one true test of A Perfect Newspaper. To publish AUj THE NEWS promptly and fuiccinetly and In tho most readable form, without elision or partisan bins; to discuss IU HlKnllk'nuco with frankness, to keep AN Ol'KN IfiVK FOR PUBUO AUUSKS, to give besides a complete rccoid of curicnt thought, fancies and discoveries In all de partments of human activity In iUDAllW KDITJONUof from 10 to 11 PA a ICS. and to provide the whole for IU patrons nt tho nominal price of ONIfi CENT That wan from the outsrt, nnd will eoutluuo to be tho aim of THE KKCOKD. The Pioneer One cent morning newspaper In the United Mates, The Iteconl, still I.BA1M WIIKIH5 OTIIltltS FOLLOW. Witness Its unrivaled nverngo dally circulation exceeding lfiO.ooo coplen, and an average exceeding 120,000 copies for It Hundny editions, while imitations of Its plan of publication in every Important city of the country testify to the truth of the assertion that In the quantity and quality of Its con tents, and In the prleo nt which it Is sold The Itecord has established the standard by which excellence In journalism must bu mens tired. The Daily Edition Of The Iteconl will bo sent by mall to any address for 83.00 per year or 23 cents per mouth. The Daily and Sunday Millions together, whleh will give IU readers the beat itnii freshest Information of all tlint is going on In the world every day in the year Including holidays, will bo sent for $1.00 a year or 39 oent per month. Address THE RECORD PUBLISHING CO., Record Building, Philadelphia, Fa. A Handsome Complexion is one of the greatest plmrms a-womao can possess. Pozzoxi's CoUfLBXiON P6d&u gives it, HAVE YOU REALW PHILADELPHIA 1 JLIUEaJ THIS MORNING? THE TIMES ! the moat extensively circulated slid widely rwl newspaper pub lished In lNMHwylvSttla. lt iIImiiimIoii of pub lic men Slid public measure Id In the lntereet of public integrity, honest government and prosperous Industry, and It known no party or jwiaonal nllaglanee In treating public iMueg. In the broadest mid bust senee a family and geiural newnpajwr. THE TIMES alma to have the large I circulation by deserving It, aud claims tliat It Is u mi ii r i u wjsed In all the enei!feMe at & stmt met roi Md I tan newpaier. Spe4men ooplw of any edition will be went free to any one send In t? their ad drew. TERMS DAILY, J8.00 per annum; tlJDO for four mouths; SO eenttf ier month; de livered by carrier for 6 oenta per week. HUNHAY MirriON, 32 large, handsome iMtgos424 columns, elegantly Illustrated, bwautlful colored supplement 52.00 per an num; 6 cants per copy. Dully and Sunday, K.00 par annum ; 00 cents per month. Address all letters to THE TIMES, ruiiansu-HM. OA DIVIDEND oK M m To omi Mttauri. WOULD TOO 0 IE em rikiHxtal Osw. m tfubtn mmt. "' r Tgrallr