The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 25, 1897, Image 2

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wrAiu.wniii) ir:o.
PaMhlied every Rvn1nf, Kirpt fttimlfvy,!.
South Jardin ti?kt. Nhak Obivthii.
TIic II oral. I Is dvltveiCKt It.Hheimndottii ntid the
Htir'-oitnilluK town for nix cents a wwk, py
Kbla t the carrier). By itmll IB.OO h rer, or 96
wit n month. M)nh1f) In imIvimicw. AdVerttM
mmits rhntKon ncourdlnv o Aoe ftnd position.
Thf imhliwhers reserve the right to change tbe
Imaltlon of advertlpineiite whenever the pub
lontton of news dwmnndu It. The tmm itt
rttwrrml to reject nny Advertisement, whether I (or or not. thut the publUhem may deem
mproper. Aurertlitnfc rate made known
upon application.
Kntvred at the totofl1oe nt Shenandoah, Pa., im
soooml c1am roAlI matter.
"All the News That's nt to Print."
Evening HrlcJ
TUESDAY. MAY 88, 1807.
Ax Atlanta man gave Ills wife u kiss
anil llien deserted ler. Some him
lunula are- not even thnt generous.
Tiir Baltimore "News" HfBriiiR
that Sjiouker Heed 1ms ilIITleulty In
s,u'llii g c oneotly. He liivs no trouble
in couiiting however.
A Ohia girl lias been sleeping for
twenty days. No Ohio ninn Iih slept
that many days sine Mr. JfeKlnley's
election, unless lie 1ms already got
bin appointment.
Amithku evidence of the growth
of the protective sentiment in the
Mouth was found in the pierelico at
Washington last week of a delegation
from several of the Southern states
urging that the proteotlvo cIhumj of
tin- Dingley billon rice beinaintined
and the lower rates named by thy
nmi'iidment of the Senate Committee
Tmk number of terrible mimkvs
seems to be on the lncieai-o according
to the daily press, and the charaotei
of each crime is more Jekjli and
Hyde-like. Statistics show that the
ini-reahe is abend of the growth of
population. Minor crime follows in
its footstep. Is there not a general
laxity hi business and morals no
c untable for the awful record beyond
ii 1 1 ordinary human weakness?
"lloiutowixtt from the future" is
what the Florida "Times-Union," a
Democratic paper, truthfully calls
the recent development of the enor
mous importations of foreign goods.
With a hundred million dollars'
worth of foreign goods coming in
during a single month, as was the
case in April, it is easy to see that the
country will be so filled with imports
by the time the new Wingleyhvw goes
into effect that its tariff earnings for
the first few months must bo light,
and that the country is, as thisDemo-
cratio paper accurately puts it, "bor
rowing from the future," by this pro
Thk importance of watching legis
lation affecting building associations
was shown on Thursday, when the
proposition -was mado to tax state or
national building association stock
on which quarterly or annual divi
dends was paid. To make certain
that the act would not involvo local
building associations, Mr. Claroncy
proposed the following amendment,
which was adopted : "Provided,
'That nothing in this act shall be
taken to require the payment of any
tax upon any unmatured stock of
building and loan associations upon
which periodical payments are re
quired to be mado, or upon any such
stock which shall mature and 1b in
process of payment."
In a recent address dellvorod by
Justice Dean, of the United Stater
Supremo Court, that learned jurist
had this to say in reference to jury
duty and verdicts rendered: "I would
take the banker from his desk, the
editor and professorfromtheirchairs,
the preacher from his pulpit, and put
them in the jury box ; there, under
oath, to well and truly try or a true
deliverence make according to the
evidence ; I would make shirking
jury duty as odious as skulking In
time of war ; instead of leaving to
them the sole part of criticising and
denouncing courts and juries, I
would inflexibly compel them, as the
law intended they should, to por
forni their part in the adminis
tration of Justice, wheiever they
were sober, intelligent and judicious.
I would make jury duty hb impera
tive and as certain as payment of
taxes on a house and lot. Tfie pres
once of such men would raise the
average of conscience and intelligenr
as indicated by the verdict, and have
it represent the intelligence anil cm-
science of the general public. In
stead of wholesale denunciation from
the most trivial evidence, and instead
of stating the real eaue their own
default in duty 1 would give them
the opportunity to learn for them
selves how both courts and juries,
with the light they have, strive to ar
rive at the truth, under the law and
the evidence ; if they have not all
the light they should have, It is be
cause those who oarry the light 'hide
it under a bushel.' "
I had severe Hitselu of gravel m kidney
trouble ; ami u liable Ui get a )M!aie or
doctor to cure me until I used Hop Hitters,
and tbey cured me in a short time. A
DlHTimiUlHIlKD Lawvkk ok Waynk Co.,
n. y.
Colorless and Onr.n. A young girl
deeply regretted that she was so colorless and
and cold. Her face was too white, and her
builds sod feet felt m though the blood did
not circulate. After oue bottle of Hop
Hitters had been taken she was the rosiest
n ml healthiest girl In the town, with s
ivueity and cboerfuluess of wind grstifyjug
Oilier frlendi.
Clovernnr Atkinson, of ncnnrlA ham
biokon the innrd in colonels, having
si on his staff
A tiipslsed yacht wai washed ashore
from i.ravesend bay, and .It la feared
that Its three occupant! have been
drow ned.
A IS pound wildcat and a Jamaica
negro fought to a finish In a ring at
Tampa, Pla Sunday. The negro won
after a bloody battle.
The supreme court haa deoMed that
the president can remove Federal officii
holders at his discretion, notwithstand
ing the tenure of office.
Rheumatism Ollred In ft tiny.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures In 1 to 8 days. Its
actum upon til system is remarKame and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause ami
the disease Immediately disappears. The
first dnse greatly lieneflts,
T. 1'. Anthony, ex-lNistmaster of Promise
Citr. Iowa, says: "I houaht one Imttle ol
'Mystic Cum' for Rheumatism, anil two dose
or u am me more goon tbau any medicine I
ever too. 7S cents.
Sold by C. II. Ilageiibncli, druggist, Shen
TlntTix &tr sliVtiJfii'ifTrtlKirm
New Yorki Mtvy 26. Leader Schoen
feld said last night that he was san
guine that the tailors' strike would be
short lived, and would end In a vlcory
for the tailors. Three large contract
ors have already capitulated,, and a
number are expected to agree to terms
today or tomorrow. This morning 3,000
members of the rainmakers union
joined the strike. A number of the
Progressive Tailors have signified heir
willingness to Join Issue with the strik
ers, '.ut the union, as a whole, Is op
posed to a strike at the present time.
The Lithuanian tailors decided to re
main out until the demand for a 36 per
cent Increase In the dally woge scalo
Is conceded by the contractors.
I-'or every quarter in a man's pocket
here are a dozen uses; find to use each otic
n such a way as to derive the greatest bene
fltisa question every one must solve for
himself. We Indieve, however, that in
better use could he mado of one of these
quarters than to exchange it for a bottle or
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera anil Diarrhoea
Remedy, a medicine that ovary family should
Iki provided with. I'orsaleby tlruhlerllroa,
C'rfrpl'H Tliront I'n ft -rn'JIuiiibort.
London, May 25. Referring to the
expected trial of Stgnor Crlspi for com
plicity In the Hank of Naples scandals,
the Home correspondent of the The
Dally Mall says: "Two months ago
Slgnor Crlspi had an audience of King
Humbert, and complained bitterly of
he campaign against htm. He declared
that he would defend and justify his
connection with the transactions In
question. and then added: 'Permit me to
tell ycu plainly, sire, what the upshot
will be. Two persons will go Into exile";
I as a poor man and you, sire, with
your millions.' "
i'reo l'llls
Send your address to It. K. liucklen A Co.,
Ihicago, and get a free sample box of l)r
ICiug's New Life l'llls. A trial will convinci
vou of their merits. These pills are easy in
iction and are particularly olfeetivo in the
lire of (Jqnutipation nnd Sick Headache. For
Malaria and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable They are Kiiaranteed to
10 purely vegetable. They do not weaken
iy their action, lint by giving tone to stomach
mil bowels greatly invigorato tho system.
Uegular si.o "Joe per box. Sold by A. Wasley,
A lir.-i J.e.iKUillve .--eHioll.
Trenton. May 23. Tho special session
if the '.t gl-.'Iaiuro convened at 12 o'clock
today, end a bill providing for a spe
cial e'ectlon on Sept. 28 to pass upon
the three constitutional amendments
passed by the regular session was In
troduced and passed by both houses
under suspension of the rules. This bill
corrects the much discussed error. The
legislature was not In session more
than an hour.
A bottlo of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
3yrup In tho houso saves doctors' hills, saves
trouble, and very often savos precious lives.
Gives almost instant reliof in cases of cough;,
colds, or lung troubles of any sort.
C'onitVil'B r.nelMK Shell "WIcokcd.
Ithaca, N. Y., May 25. While the
first 'varsity boat crew of Cornell were
practlrlng yeBterday their shell struck
a log and was Immediately ripped In
two, fll'.lng po that the occupants were
forced to take to the wntor. Luckily
the launch was not far away, and
those aboard came to the rescue with
life preservers. The drenched oarsmen
were soen dragged safely aboard the
launch. No one was Injured, but the
boat was practically destroyed. The ac
cident to the boat was a great blow to
Courtney, as It was the one Cornell
rowed In last year at Poughkeepsie,
and at Annapolis this year. It was an
excellent craft, and cost ?600.
I): yon scratch and scratch, and wonder
what's the matter V Doan's Ointment will
instantly ruliove and permanently euro any
itchy disease of the skin no matter of how
long standing.
SiiKnr Klutt iiiiveiiie.( ec on Trial.
Waehlnsti.n, May 2D. President
Heniy Q. Havemeyer, of the American
sugar refining company, was placed on
trial in th criminal court this morning
on the indictment charging him with
having refused to answer questions put
to him by the senate committee Inves
tigating the sugar trust. District At
torney Davis thinks two days will suf
flte In v hiuh to finish the hearing. TVie
defendant will contest every step. Mr.
Havemeyer and Mr. John Searles, the
secretary of the company, whose trial
on a similar charge is expected to fol
low promptly that of Mr. Havemeyer,
reached ihc city last night.
Is tho time when you should take- a
Spring Medicine to purify your blood,
give you good appetile, sound sleep,
steady nerves and perfect digestion.
That scrofulous taint, that skin troti-
ble, that liver dif-
A floulty.tliatbillous
I CliCCi tendency, that
tired feeling, are
all cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Givo
this medicine a fair trial and you will
realize its positive merit. It is not
what wo s'ty, but what the people who
are cured say, which proves that
Sarsaparilla 2
sloe. C. I.Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Hj) nillr. C1,re '"'ver Ills; easy to
rlOOCl S FllIS take, easy to opcrut. asc
Lleon-ep Granted by Tvr War Soore
tnt'lo MlniM'il lie Itevokrd.
Vashlngten. May 2li. In te-.pense to
an application by Kecietary Alger, the
attorney general has rendered an
opinion as to the power of the war de
partment to Issue licenses for the erec
tion of religious chapels on military
reservations. The opinion waa catted
forth by an application for a license
for the erection at Wept Point of a
Iioman Cathode chapel. Secretary La
inont Issued such license to Archbishop
Corrlgan, but this was revoked by
Secretary Alger on April 2 last, and a
new license granted In Its place pre
scribing the dimensions of the proposed
chapel. The attorney general enter
Into a careful analysis of all the tawa
which can be regarded as having the
ilightest bearing on the subject, with
the result that only one, the act of
Tuly 22, 1892, relative to leasing un
used government property, Is found to
have any application whatever, and
that act limits the lire of a lease to live
years. He says In part:
"It seems certain that permanence of
right Is forbidden by the act, and
hence It would seem that an occupa
tion which contemplates permanency
or contemplates duration longer than
five years Is forbidden by It. A church
edifice would seem to contemplate such
"It Is proposed that the church shall
be the property of the government.
This condition cannot be complied
with. It is very clear that the secretary
of war has no power to accept n dona
tion of property for the government
certainly not to accept It with the limi
tation proposed, Its use in perpetuity to
tloman Catholics.
"That these licenses granted trans
fend the statute is plain. The statute
provides for a definite term, with a
power of even revoking that. The li
censes provide for no term, and really
commit the government to a practical
perpetuity. It would be 1(114 to deny
this Idle to deny that you do not ex
pect to exercise, nor Is It expected that
you will exercise the power of revoca
tion In emergency. At any rate the gov
ernment would find Itself embarrased
either to endure a perpetuity of right
In the license or exercise an Invidious
power. The license should therefore be
revoked and the petitioner remitted to
Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit toliaoco using easily
mil I'oiovor, ho mado well, strong, magnetic,
full of now lifo and vigor, tako No-To-Hic.
the wonder-worker that makes wonk men
strong. Many twin ten pounds in ten days.
Over 400,000 cured, liny No-To-fiao from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
cure. 50c or $1.00. Itooklot and snmplo
mailed lrco. Ad. bterllug IJemedy Co.,
Chicago or New York.
Oppoottlpn to the Hell Telephone.
Chicago, May 25. The Times-Herald
says: Steps looking to the formation of
a powerful alliance In opposition to
the Bell Telephone company are to be
taken In Chicago this week. Here are
the main things contemplated: A na
tional association of the 1,000 operat
ing telephone exchanges: long dis
tance toll lino connections connecting
the great commercial centers In a field
now occupied exclusively by the Cell
company; connection In the near fu
ture of nn opposition telephone ex
change In the city of Chicago; co
operation for resisting any action the
Uell company may take In tho courts
In reference to the Uerllner decision.
All these matters will be brought
promptly to the attention of the pub
lic by a meeting which will be held
here next Thursday, Friday and Satur
day. It Is estimated that the total at
tendance will between E00 and 1,000
Fill a bottlo or common glass with urine
and let It stand twenty-four hours; a sedi
ment or settling indicates an unhealthy
condition of the kidnoys. When urino
stains linen it is positive evidcuco of kidney
trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or
pain in tlio back, is also convincing proof
that tho kidnoys anil bladder arc out of
There is comfort In tho knowledge so
often cxpiessed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
Iioot, tho great kidney remedy, fulfills overy
wish in lolioving pain in tho back, kidneys,
liver, bladder and every part of tho uriuary
passages. It corrects inability to hold urine
and scalding pain in passing it, or had cflects
following use of liquor, wine or beer, and
overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to get up many times during tho
night to urinate. Tho mild and tho extra
ordinary nlfect of Swamp-ltoot is soon
realized. It stands tbo highest for its won
derful euros uf the most distressing cases. If
you need a medicine you should havo the
best. Sold by druggists, prico fifty cents and
one dollar. You may havo a sample bottlo
and pamphlet both sent freo ley mail. Men
tion Kvkkino IlKitAT.i) and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., llinghamton,
N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee
the gcuulnuss of this olfor.
Sirs. Ao'ktnn Oc-f Iloe DIvorco.
Dover, Del., May 25.- The house of
representatives yesterday afternoon,
hy a vote of 8 to G, passed the bill di
vorcing Mrs. Laura Crocker Acklan
from her husband, William H. Acklan,
of AVashlngton. The bill recently
passed the senate. The divorcee Is a
daughter of ex-Judge Crocker, the
Cleveland millionaire. She mas mar
ried to Mr. Acklan last June and after
the marriage accompanied her hus
band to Kurope. Soon afterwards they
separated, and in March of this year
Mrs. Acklan came to Delaware with
the avowed Intention of taking up a
residence here In order to apply for a
divorce. The case was productive of
many sensational charges ,of corrup
tion against the members of the legis
lature, which were not sustained.
A Household Necessity.
QwcareU Candy Cathartle, the most won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, set gently and
positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dlsiiel oolils, oil re
Itcadaehe, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. 1' buy and try a box of
C. C. (J. to ilxy ; 10. 86, 90 emits. Sold and
imntiiteod tn cure by all drugiilUi.
Homing lSvents.
May SO. Ice vieini and strawlierry festival
in Itubbins' opera house, under the auspiio
of the societies of Triulty lloformed church.
June 8. (Iraiid cantata by tho 1'. M. oiiu rch
choir, iu BoWilus' iqieni house.
June 12. Ice cream festival under tbo
auspices of the Famous llase lbtll Club, hi
Ituliliiiii,' opera house.
lluohlen's A ml oh fulvn.
The Imst salve in the world fur cot.
brulkM, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever oier
tetter, rhupped hands, ohllhlalns, corns, aud
all tutu eruptions, aim positively ouies j.nw.
ot Jo pay required. H is guaranteed Waive
perfect satisfaction or mouy refunded. 1'ricc
36 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasley,
The People s Favorite.
A Man of Affairs, Who Has Long Been a Leader in Pol
itics, and Whose Popularity Extends Beyond
the Umita of His Town, Relates
An Experience.
Alderman i;RY, Atlcntown, Pa.
It would bo difficult to find a mon popular city ofilcial than tho gentle
man whoso portrait appenra above. F.e has been so closely identified with
all that relates to the wcil being of A'.lcutown and Lehigh County, and been
in public life so long that his nuroeroiu friends will bo particularly interes
ted In what ho has to say. Ills neighbor, Mr. II. IL C. Smith, In comment
ing on Mr. Fry's case says: "It was pi tiful to look at him, he was so nervous
and wasted. IIo told mo every day ILat ho could not livo long. I watched
this enso from day to day and noted the changes. Tho doctors could not
help him, but since he began taking Dr. Miles' Nervine I never saw a man
change so. lie now looks better than he lias in ten years. Everybody asks
him what brought about the change and he answers, Dr. Miles' Nervine. "
Mr. Fry sends us tbo following statement, dated May 11, 1805.
"In June 1804, 1 was terribly afflicted with nervous rheumatism, which
was particularly severe in tho shoulders. Physicians said it was tho result
of Li Grippe which I had in 1801. They claimed my spino was affected,
and this would weaken my nerves. I took medicines from many doctors
without relief. Last November I commenced taking Dr. Miles' Itestorativo
Nervlno and Ncrvo and Liver l'llls. I took flvo bottles of tho Ncrvino and
several boxos of pills and tho result is a perfect enrc. I am as well now and
feel better than before I was sick. I am now 04 years of ago. I cannot
praiso your medicines too highly, and would adviso all thoso afflicted with
nervous troubles to use them. " Geokgib ITuy.
The testimonials received by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co. verify tho old
saying "truih is stranger tkanjktion." Hero is ono of tho best known men in
tho community where ho resides, "so nervous and wasted it was pitiful to
look at him," who by taking a few bottles of Dr. Miles' llcstoratlvo Nervlno,
is brought to tho enjoyment of better health tlian ho had before his sovoro
illness. His friends look upon his restoration as littlo short of a miraclo.
"What a lesson for all readers not in tho enjoyment of good health. Profit
by Mr. Fry's experience. Dr. Miles' Itestorativo Ecmcdlcs will euro when
doctors and other remedies havo failed to givo relief.
Sold by all Druggists. Book on Heart and Nerves, Frco by Dr. Miles Modlcal Co.,Elkhart,lnd.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
(aiidnur Delimits Itoirers.
Orillla, Ont., May 25. In the presence
of fully 10,000 people Erastus Ilogers
proved yesterday that he Is a very fast
sculler at two miles, as he-came within
a length and a half of defeating Jake
Gaudaur. The race was for the cham
pionship of America, the Fox challenge
cup, $600 a side and a purse presented
by Orillla. Iloth stroked very slow, on
account of tho unfavorable wind and
weather. The return home was n fine
struggle. Both men were very tired,
and Gaudaur said after the race that
he suffered greatly from cramps In the
forearms, caused by handling his oars
In the rouJi water. Ilogers pulled a
very plucky race, but was unable to
pass the champion. Gaudaur son. ho
never rowed a harder race In his life,
but he was satisfied ho could beat
Uogers eaelly In smooth water.
"Fhero Is n Class of lVoplo
Who nro injured by tho use of coffee.
Ucccntly there has been placed in all the
grocery stores a now preiamtion called
(IKAIN-O, inado of pure grains, that takes
tho place of coffee. The most delicate
stomach receives It without distress, and but
fuw can toll it from coffee It does not cost
over i at much. Children may drink it with
great benuflt. 15 rte. and 35 ct. per package.
Try It. Ask for QltAIN-O. .
Cutlets Will I'ihy Football.
Annapolis, Md May 25. It is au
thoritatively announced here that Sec
retary of the Navy Long is not averse
to allowing the annual football games
with the West Point cadets, which
were prohibited by former Secretary
Herbert, on the plea that they created
bad feeling between the soldier boys
and the naval cadets. The games will
be revived this tall.
"They are dandles" said Tlios. Rowers, of
the C-ocket, Texas, Enterprise, while writ
ing about DeWltt's I.lttlo Early KUers, the
famous little pills lor sick headache and ills
orders of the stomach and liver. C. II.
Clinrireil W illi'nir litnlunr ,"'ottr
New York, May 26. llev. William
Michael Hicks, former dean of the Epis
copal cathedral of Qulncy, Ills., and
who has held charges at Savannah.
Or., and St. Joseph, Mo., was arrested
last Saturday, charged with annoying
Dishop Potter's household by persist
ent applications for a ministerial D"st.
It was alleged that Mr. Hicks, who Is
an Englishman and a preacher of rare
eloquence, Is Insane, and an effort had
been made to Induce him to enter St.
Johnsland, a retreat for Episcopal
clergymen on Long Island. Yeaterday
Mr. Hicks consented to enter the re
treat, and the charge against him was
Try flritlii-Ot TryOmln.OI
Ask your grocer to-day to show you a
package of (1UAIN-0. the new foul drink
that takes tho place of voifoe. The children
may drink it without injury ss well ss the
adult. All who try it. like It. GUAIN O
has that rich seal brown of Mocha orJaK,
but It Is made from pure grains, and the
most delicate stomach receives it without
distress, j Hie price of coffee. 15c and 96
cts. per package Sold hy all grocers.
And l'lmvcrs, tbo I In ml itt America, Cali
fornia. Via tho truo pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
Iioutc," which traverses a recion of neriietual
sunshine, where snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes arc unknown. Pullman first
nnd second class palaco and tourist sleeping
cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Nevada, without change. Quick time, low
rates, and all tho comforts of modern railway
Improvements guaranteed to nil who pur
chase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway
system. For rates right from your home,
litemtiirc, and full Information, dropa postal
card, J. I. McCnnn, T. P. Agent. 510 ltail
road avenue, Khnira, N. Y., or 391 llroad
way, New York.
2-3-tf W. 13. Hoyt, O.-E. 1 Agt.
Why suffer with Coughs, -Colds and La
tlrippe when Laxative Ilromo Quinino will
cure yon iu ono day. Put up in tabids con
vonlontior taking. Guaranteed tocuic, or
money refunded. Crlco, 25 ccnU. wor fnle
hy Kirlln's Pharmacy.
Still Amiln at Liberty.
London, May 26. Charles Still, the
ex-detectlve of York, Ia who was ar
rested at Glascow on April 2t, upon a
warrant demanding his extradition to
the United States, to answer a charge
of receiving stolen money, was dls-
charged at the Mow street police court
yesterday. A representative of the
United States embassy announced to
the court that the governor of Penn
sylvania had cabled the embassy that
the charges against Still had been
W. 11. Johnson, Newark, O., savs, "One
Minute Cough Cure saved my only child from
dying by croup." It has saved thousands of
others suffering from eroup, pneumonia,
bronchitis ami other serious threat ami lung
troubles. C. II. Hagenbuch.
Hank Wrpoker-r.-eniic'iy 1'iii'iIiiihhI.
Washington, Muy 25. The piesldent
has pardoned, In o,Jer to restore to
citisenshlp, Harry 11. Kennedy, sen
tenced In Pemiavt vnnla In tan -..
imprisonment for misapplication of na
tional uana runqs. Kennedy was sen
tenced in 181. and President Cleve
land oommuted his sentence to seven
years Imprisonment, with deductions
for good behavior.
Molllboiio KcmpH Imprisonment.
Washington, May St. Philip Mc
lOllione, recently convicted of taking
valuable documents from the congres
sional llbraiy, appeared in the criminal
court yesterday and withdrew his
motion for a new trial and received hla
sentence. Juda-e Ilrnrilpv lmnnu,i
of $300, without Imprisonment, and Mo-
aiinone promptly paid it and was re
leased. A rv-m.w ti i. . n.i
chlent to be burned or so tided ; but the min
and agony and tbe frightful disfigurements
tan Imj quickly overwme without leaving a
hear by using IMVItt's"With Salve. C. II.
Mlwioiif'Tftniik VTrt ekor Pn-iln-ipd.
IT' sin illy, Mo, Mr., J,, 14mer
C. HiUlley, who last yi j In cm n feur
years' senterce In the state peniten
tiary fur Illegal banking nn cashier uf
the Kensas City Bntp Iei.t nnd Hav
ings bank, which fnllrd In 1(!M. owing
deporltors over I2.000.0P0, hn.i been par
doned by Governor Stephen'-.
DHiiinllKliliia; tho l-'iinioim Tomb.
New York. May 25. The ork of de
molishing the city prison, better k. n
" tlta Tombs, was begun yesterday. A
mtwli larger prison Is to be erected on
the same site.
Tho Wonthep.
P6r eastern Pennsylvania, New Jer
sey, District of Columbia, Delaware
and Maryland: Generally fair; slightly
cooler, northerly winds.
A Supreme. Court Decision Kfroet n
ltully In Stock )eullnip.
New York. Mar M. Today's rally In
the stock market was attributable to tho
decision of the supreme court In the In
terstate commerce case. The market had
derived strength last week on rumors re
garding this decision, but It sold off again
this morning before the decision was an
nounced, on account of doubt being
thrown upon tho reliability of last week's
information. In all the early dcillnrs
the hand of the professional trnrtcr .vus
plainly cvld-nt. Tho morning wns given
over to depression on account of rceoits
thnt tho Nebraska maximum freight case
would not oe decided by the supremo
coiut until fall, tho decision In the Inter
state commerce case being also In doubt.
It Is an Illustration of the Inconsistencies
of proi-sslonal traders working for a
ahoit turn In the market that In tho ep
wiird movement that ensued upon the de
cision of the Interstate commerce c.- se
the postponement of the Nebraska t, re
was ofTorcd as a bull arrument on t: c
ground thut the lower courts Injimii'on
stands, ami will stand until the dc-lsi
of the court In October. Closing bids-
Chcsa. Si Ohio.,. lCfc N. J. Central.. Tin
jjoi. a iiuason..uM . t. contrai.. i.:
D.. Ii. A W Pennsylvania .,.!
Hrle 12 Heading
iaue isrie ft v. lStt St. Paul -4
All asst's paid.
fSonornl Mtirkota.
Philadelphia, May 21. Flour steady rvln-
ter super., Jif.Y&tra; on. extras, S3. 1503. 40;
state roller, clear, $44.16; do. straight.
J4.awi4.3u; western winter, clear, 44.15;
do. straight, Jl.2504.35; city mills, extra,
J3.26flS.50. Ilye Hour quiet at $2.1602.50 por
Darrei. u neat steauy; contract wheat.
May, SsSM683Vic. ; do. July, 780'7OKc. ; No. 2,
Pennsylvania anil o. 2 Delaware red,
spot, i fSfiSSlic; No. 1 northern spring,
spot, HK&S6V4C.; No. 2 red, May, 80c.; do.
July, 77!Ac.: do. September, 72Vic; do. De
cember, 73itc. Corn quiet and steady;
steamer corn, spot, 28&28c. ; No. 2 yellow
for local trnde, 31c; No. 2 mixed, spot, 9
fl29l4c Oats quiet and steady; No. 2
white, 2CHc; No. white clipped, car
lots, 264c; do. May, June and July, 25
&26c. Hay steady for choice stock; choice
timothy, $14 for large bales. Beef steady;
beef hams, $23.50. Pork quiet; short clear,
$9.60f 10.75- family, $ll.60il. Lard easier;
western steamed, $4.02. Butter firm;
western creamery, 11&15C. ; do. factory,
TWfilO'io. : F.lglns, 15c.; Imitation cream
cry. !iH'!2c. ; New York dairy, 1014c. ; do.
creamery, 115fl5c. ; fancy prints jobbing at
L'liLOc : do, extra Pennsylvania, whole
sale, 16c. Cheese weak; large New York,
SViOc; small fancy, 9a9i4c.; part skims,
5(!j7'ic; full skims, 2Vt3. Kggs steady;
New York and Pennsylvania. 12V4c. ; west
ern fresh, 12c; southern. 10Hllc. Fo
tntoes nulet; New York, 95c. (fell. 25; sweets.
$1.25jj2; southern, $3&3.50. Tallow quiet;"
city, 2fi3c. ; country. MtiVsc Potroleuin
dull; refined New York, $8.20; Philadel
phia nnd nnltlmoro, M.15; do. In bulk,
J3.G5. ltosln.llrm; strained, common to
good, $1.75. Turpentine dull at 27V427c
Itlce Btcady; domestic, fair to extra, AYt
(EfCe.; Japan, tYMlc- MoIaBses steady;
Now OrleaiiB, open kettle, good to choice,
234T28C Pig Iron dull; lake brokers, $11;
exclmngo, $10.S0(8U.26. Tin dull; straits,
$13.10013.55; platos easy. Spelter steady;
domestic, $4f4.26. Lead closed easy at
$3.15iSr3.25, according to the Metal Ex
change report, nnd steady at $3.12, ac
cording to tlio report of tho firm Dxlng
the selling prlco for western miners and
smelters. Cabbage, per crate, $1; barrel,
cabbage, 76JtC0c. Tomatoes, per carrier,
$l..ri0ji2. Coffee quiet; June, $7.20; July,
$7,1557.20; August, $7.15; September, $7.20
67.25; October, $7.20; December, $7.25;
Janunry, $7.36; February, $7.36; March
Livo Stnok Mnrkcitfl.
New York, May 24. Beeves active,
slightly tlrmer; native steers, $l.1(Ki5.15;
stags and oxen, $3.50$!4.56; bulls, $2.85
3.60; dry cows, 23.80. Calves active:
veals, $4ifjf5.25; buttermilk caives, $3fpS.80.
S.ieep and lambs fairly active; sheep,
J3.Mdtfl.50; yearlings, $4.505.4O; lambs, $
(jG.75. Hogs firm nt $44.25.
Fast Liberty, Pa., May 24. Cnttlo
steady; prime, $5.1065.25; bulls, stags-and
cows, J2S3.76; common to good fat oxen,
$21,10. Hogs ruled slow; prime medium
and best Yorkers, $1.90; common to fair
Yorkers, $3.80&3.SS; heavy bogs, $8.80j
S.85. Sheep steady; choice, $4.204.26;
common, $2.8003.40; common to good
lambs, 4ft4.86; spring lambs, $66; veal
calves, $5.50G.
How's This?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Iteward for
any case of Cntnnb that eon not be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
K.J. CHUNKY & CO. Props, Toledo, O.
V e Hie undersigned, have known V. ,J. Cheney
for the Inst 11 years, nnd believe him perfectly
lionorablo In nil liiiriineHq trmi.5iMI,iia ,l n.
anclal y nlile to carry out any obligations made
y uit?ir iirm.
Whkt & Tiiaux, Wholesnlo Druggists, Toledo, O
WALUINO. KlHNAV & MAltVIV. XVlx.ln.lntl I,,,.
glt, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Curs Is taken Internnlly, acting
llroclly upon the blood nud imioous surfaces ot
the5tem. Price 73c. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggist. Testimonials frco.
nun s Family 1'llla arc tlio C(t,
Itomoyn Will Not lib Hlsmlsved,
Washington, May. 25. The president
has remitted the sentence of dismissal
imposed by court martial on Captain
llomeyn, Fifth Infantry, who after a
sensational trial was convicted re
cently of assault on Lieutenant O'Brien
of the same regiment at Fort MoPher-
son, Go. In view of the fact thot Cap
talr. llomeyn will retire by operation of
law on June 1, the president believes
that the ends ot justice will be se
cured by his severe reprimand.
Sick headache can be quickly and com
pletely overcome by using those famous little
pills known as "DeWIU's Little Early
Itiwrs." C. II. llaueiibuch.
ThlovliiK .MfMKo!iKi'iiotiii'iiMto'llbtmi
Boston, May 26.- Albert M. King, the
young bank messenger who decamped
with $30,000 belonging to the Uoylston
bank, was brought back from Par
mlngton, Me., today In the custody ot
oRlcers. The money was recovered.
For Weak and Run. Down People.
IMHflT IT ICI Therlobestofall restorft
miHl ll la I tive foods, because It ro
places the essentials of life that are ex
hausted by disease. Indigestion, blgb living,
overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc
digestion perfect It orwttes solid flesh,
muscle and strength. The nerves being
made strong tbe brain becomes astlve ami
slear. It restores lost vitality, stops all wast
ing drains and weakness In either sex, and
as a female regulator has no equal. 1'rloe
60a., or flvo boxes J2.00. Druggists or by mall.
We can help you. Advloe and hook, free.
fwrlto Ua About Your Case."
1612 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,
D?. Miles' Nervine Tnttmphs.
Emoksho N"r.'ouius: frjm Childhood.
La Grippe Bringt on reirt Weakness.
,EV. n. P. SBAItBY. pastor M. B
church, Ilnchanan, Ok. writes
Dec. 10, 18B5( " In childhood 1 was
aCllctcd with excessive nervousness, which,
almost dovokpod Into St. Vitus dancn. I
partially recovered, but at college It gradu
ally grow worse. Close study aggravated
the trouble; any unusual exertion caused
tri r.llng all over. In 1SD0 I had a sovoro v
it : b of J.a (Jrlpi -. vhlrh brought on heart!
! I Lan teen almost constantly!
c C'iS t-iittjr treatment fori
' : L ' ''. - r ... ... ....
rjifj-t dunged climates re- "
3 qnnatly without avail,
I i.u.-,! rennmry i oe-
gan Mining Dr. Miles
(WoratlvB Nervlno
and Nerve and Liver
l'llls and stneo then I
iftve born studying more and working
'.ardor than for years and the good offoct
bat have resulted seem to be permanent,"
Br. Miles' Itemed I os are sold by all drug
Ists under a peslttve guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money refunded. Book ou
Heart and Nerves sent free to all applicants.
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO,, Elkhart, Ind.
Altrnva nrnmttt mil totUhl. Jiwuf imsVifijMi
Oct OATOJl'l Tilt IT 111 LJtftnri HI VI KEflltTI.
'A I dniit itatrci, or tent tlir (tnlfd , rrt, 1 1.
Caion iPsc. Ou , Botton.Mata, Our book, iu
i'or solo nt P. P. 1. Kirlln's clniff store nnd
Sliennlidonli ilniff store.
Only Is possible, whether as a tnst of
excellence in journalism, or for tlio
menfiurenicnt of quantities, time orrnlumt
Record . . .
After a career of nearly twenty years of
uninterrupted grouth Is justified In claim
ing that the standard first established by
Its founders is tlio ono true test of
A Perfect Newspaper.
To publish ALL Till! NEWS promptly nnd
succinctly nod In the most readable form,
without elision or partisan bins; to discus
Its slgnlflciinee with frankness, to keen AN
pi'KfJ ICY1! FOIt I'UOUO A11USBS, to give
besides n complete reooul of current
thought, rnncles ami tlisoovsrlas In nil de
partments of human activity In its DAILY
KDlTlONSof from 10 to 11 1'AOltS, and to
provide the whole for Its patrons nt the
nominal prlco of ONK CKNT That was
from the outset, and will continue to bo tin
aim of THIS i:i-Olil.
The Pioneer
Onp cent morning nowsnper Iu the United
Stntcs, The ltecord, still I.1SADS WHKItlS
Witness Its unrivaled nvernge dally circulation
exceeding 100,(KIO copies, and an nvernge
exceeding 120,000 copies for its Sundav
editions, wlillo imitations of Its plan of
publication In every lmmrtant city of the
country testify to the truth of the assertion
that in the quantity and qun'lty of Its con
tent, and in tlio price nt which it is sold
The liccord has established, tbo stnndard by
which ctccllcnio In journalism innnt bo
The Daily Edition
Of Tbo Iteoord will 1ms sent by mail to any
address for $8.00 per year or 25 cents per
The Daily and Sunday
ltdltlons together, which will givo Its reader
the lAst and freshest Information of nil that
Is going ou In thn world every day In ttm
year Including holiday, will bo sent for
$1.00 it year or 35 cents per month.
Record Building,
Philadelphia. Pa.
A Handsome Complexion
Is one of the greatest charms a woman eon
possess. I'ozzoni'b Compluxion 1-owoua
gives It.
Is the most uteuslrslf
virouuwu aim wiueiy retwi newspaper puo
HsUed In PeiuMiylvains. Ita dlsousslon of pub
lic! men and public measures Is In the Interest,
of public Integrity, honest government und
pralerous Industry, and it knows no party
or peisonat aJlagbitou In treating publi
Issues. In tbe brotwlest and bust sense u.
family and geiural newsiiaiier.
'" i-mii-vJ alms to have ths I
clroulanoil bv desarvliifl It. mul nlofnu. I
Is tiiisuriMiMcd lii all Urn - ,r a 0
inctroiHillUn newiaer. SueallniMi SOJiKaTV
any edition will be sent free to aay oni imX
tun inuiriHHires.
TERMS DAILY. SLUG T6r annum i ft 1 not
for four moiiltis; 80 octiiU r mouth; do
llvered by Caution for 0 osnk per week.
HUKDAY KD1TION, 82 large, liamlsome
i.--Jil wiiuiHits, teguilliy llllulrstwl.
Iteauufiil eolored supplement 12.00 por ait
iniitfj 6uiU jier oopy. lully and Sunday.
15.00 ir annum; 80 cents per mouth,
Addresa all letters to
S ingle '
tandard -
n Iff To oar tiMomtr. . WOULD YOU OARS'
SMU.MjUlaaiMthlr. r.iil.ol.n fru. lllHiilWitt
i em Flnanolal Cu iu Putlioia Knil, alM, Itt,