EVENING HERALD tWTAMI.lSllKl) 1870. Published every KvenInK, Bxcept Sunday, at Boom Jardih STtmwf. Nkar Okktbb. The Herald Is deflveied InHlienandoan and the surrounding towns fornix cents a week, liv able to the carriers. Ily mall 11.00 a year, or K cent month, payable In advance. Advertise ments obarged according to spnoe nnd position. The pnblUlien reserve the rlitlit to elmnfre the t million of advertisements whenever the pub isaUon ot newa demands tt. The right la reserved to reject any advertisement, whether I tald for or not, that the publisher may deem mpmper. Advertising rates made known upon application. Bntered at the poetoffloe at Shenandoah, Pa., on seoond elass mall matter. TKI.Kl'ItONK CONNK0TION. "All the News That's Fit to Print." Evening Herald SATURDAY, MAY at, 1887. Tkk Chicago Newspaper Union ays : "To rettch a man effectively through a newspaper-one orii beat do ho through the paper he reads niot thoroughly and trusts most fully.'' This being true, Shenandoah adver tisers are never at a lotw to know where to place their announcements. Thk San Francisco Call says that the taxation of churches, colleges and all benevolent institutions for the last twenty years in California hns resulted in repressing charity, in turning many gifts to institutions outside of the state, in placing heavy burdens on private educational enter prises and crippling many others. Little encouragement is furnished for the maintenance of libraries, art galleries and museums. It is further declared that there is no state in the Union -with such poor churches as are found in California, with an average tax of more than $10 a month upon each. In his communication to the Bor ough Council, speaking of the respon sibility for the state of affairs result ing from the Flynn wall, Mr. Schali-k, counsol for tho borough, truthfully says : "Thore is not the least doubt about the most absolute power and authority of the Board of Health, through its Health Ofllcor, to enter Flynn's premises at any time to tear down that wull, and to abate that nuisance, just as I wanted them to do last fall already. Their ilat refusal to stir themselves in tho matter, and -their openly siding with Flynn, is the real cause of all this trouble. They should promptly abate the nuisance, as it is a constant menace to the health of your people, and then let the relative rights and duties of Flynn and of the borough be adjusted by court in an appropriate action at law." This is the position assumed by the Borough Council and the people of Shenandoah, excepting always the Board of Health and its legal adjunct, tho Secretary. The latter has al ready tried the case and readied a verdict (in his own mind) and it may be presumption on the part of Mr. Schalck to hold an opinion counter to that of Secretary Curtin. Tho latter has given the subject much thought, and IiIb knowledge of questions bear ing upon the sanitary laws of the state is only equalled by tho high est legal authorities. Besides, upon this particular case (the Flynn wall) Mr. Curtin has already relieved his mind and given the people of Shen andoah the benefit of his well-stocked legal brain in a lengthy opinion, and all further controversy and legal action in the matter should forthwith ceaBe, in deference to the Secretary's standing among the legal profession and health authorities of the state. Again we say, Mr. Sohalck's presump tion in holding to an opinion con trary to Seoretary Clirtin's is inexcus able. Truly, the Secretary has a fruitful mind nit. Girard's Statue. The ceremonies attending the un veiling of tho handsome bronze statue of Stephen Girard, in Phila delphia on Thursday, were of much interest, not alone to the people of the City of Brotherly Love, but to the residents of Schuylkill county as well. Hundreds of orphan children, sons of the coal diggors, have pro fited by Girard's generosity, and to his philanthropy is due much of the success attained by hundreds of our now leading citizens. Wo fully agree with the Philadel phia Star when it says there have been so-called greater men in their day than Stephen Girard greator statesmen, greater soldiers, greater scholars, greater philosophers, but we fail to recall any man who as unpie- smilingly was the author of more genuine good. Girard no doubt was unconscious of tho amount of bene fit he was about to confer upon the orphan boys of Pennsylvania when he devised his large property to the city of Philadelphia with general in structions as to the disposition to be made of it. Happily the duty of making this munificent gift practically useful was entrusted to men who performed that duty in a manner that has entitled them to unstinted commendation. Girard College, withit two thousand wards, well eared for in body and in mind, is a monument than which no prouder eould liedesirwl by any man, while at the same time it is an insti tution without an equal of its kind in the world. As a philanthropist in his own spe cial line, Stephen Girard stands with out a peer. There is but one Girard College, and in all probability there will never be more than one. Hiohly endowed, admirably managed and having always material to keep its capabilities in full operation, it is de stined to outlive many generations of men. Who shall say for how many years Gl rani's benefaction will con tinue to pour out the priceless boon of a good education and the comforts of a home to thousands of orphan boys, and thus fit them for usefulness throughout their whole lives ? The memory of the friend who thus thoughtfully made provision for their future should be cherished by them with profound reverence. When they oongregated, pupils and gradu ates, to do honor to his memory at the unveiling of lilt? gtatue on Thurs day, every boy and every man of them 110 doubt thanked Ood for liitv. ing sent them bo true and tried a friend. llmv to Trent n Wire. , (Prom Pacific Health Journal.) Pint, get a wife ; second, be patient. Yon may have great trials and perplexities In your business, but tlo not therefore, carry to your homo a cloudy or contracted brow. Your wife may have trials, which, though of leas magnitude, may bo hard for her to liear. A kind word, a tender look, will do wonders in chasing from her brow all clouds of gloom. To this we would add always keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Coitgh Itemedy in (lie house. It is the best and is sure to be needed sooner or later. Your wife will then know that you really care fur her mid wish to protect her health. For sale by (Irulilcr tiros., druggist. Sunday Specials. Services in the Trinity Iteformed church to-morrow at 10:00 a. 111., and 0:30 p. 111. Sunday school at 1:80 p. in. Itov. Kobeit O'Boyle pastor. lingular services will bo held in the United Evangelical church, North Jardln street, to morrow at 10 a. 111. and 0.30 p. ni. Preaching by the pastor, Itev. I. J. Kelt. Sunday school at 1.30 p. 111. Services iu All Saints' 1'iotestant Epifcopul church on Went Oak street to-morrow. Holy lhichnrist at 8 a 111. Ilpgiilarsurvic4atlu:is0 a. in. and 7 p. 111. Tho rector will ofliclato. Sunday school at Si p. 111. Primitive Methodist church, James Moore, pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a. m subject, "Ood the Source of all Life." Suuday school at 2 p. m. Preaching at 0:30 p. 111. The fiiuoml sermon of Mr. Tullcntiro will be preached. Subject, "The Outy Tiue Judgo." Everybody iuvited. Services In tho Presbyterian church to morrow at 10:30 a. in. and 0:30 n. 111. Sun day school at 2 p. 111. Tho public cordially Iuvited to attend. Methodist Episcopal church, corner Oak and White streets. Ken. Alfred Ueebuer, pastor. General class meeting at 0:15 a.m., led by John senior, buinum nt 1U:30 a. 111. by the pnstor. Sunday school nt 2 n. m., Or. J. S. Callen, Superintendent. Sermon nt 0:30 p. m. by the pastor. Seats are frco. Everybody welcome. Calvary Ikptist church, South Jardln trcet. Preaching to-morrow at 10:30 a. m strut 0:30 p. 111., by A. H. Wyitkoop, it Chester. Sabbath school at 2 p.m. 11. Y P. V. Tuesday creniiii. at 7:30. Wednesday evening, genoral prayer meeting at 7:30. everybody welcome. St Michael's Greek Catholic church, WW Centre street. Itov, Cornelius I.aurisiu, pas tor. Matatiuum service 0 a. 111. High mass iu a. m. Church of the Ifoly Family, (Gorman I!. C. ) North Chestnut street. l!ev. A. T. Schut llchofcr, pastor. First mass S a. in., second mass 10 a. in. St C. sioilr's Tolish R. C. church, North Jardin Direct. Kcv. J. A. Lcnarklrwicz, pastor. First mass 8 a. m., high mass 10 a. ui., vespers aud benediction 4 p. 111. Church of tho Annunciation, 218 West Cherry street. Kcv. II. F. O'Keilly, pastor; Kcv. Henry Naylon, assistant pastor. First mass, 7 a. m., second mass, 8 a. m., high mass, 10 a. m, benediction, 7 p. m. Keheletli Israel Congregation, corner of Oak and West streets, Hov. Henry Jlit- nlK, pastor. Saturday services, s to ion. m., and 3 to 5 p. 111. Sunday services 8 to 10 a. 1:1.. and every weekday morning from. 7 to8a. in. No nco 1 to foar tho approach of croup if you have Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric Oil iu tho house. Never was a caso that it wouldn't cure if used at the outset. Itolilunl unil Hurled to'Dcntn. Pittsburg, May 22. E. S. Flelsher, a well known real estate man, was rob bed and murdered while on his way home shortly alter midnight. The deed was committed on the Lincoln avenue bridge, In the east end. After relieving Flelsher of his money and valuables his assailant threw him over the bridge Into the ravine, 00 feet below. When found half an hour later he was still living, but died on his way to the po lice station. There Is no clew to the murdeier. During the colder season impure humors accu mulate in the blood. The surface of the body being chilled, the pores are closed and clogged, and impurities which might pass off in perspiration are forced back into the blood. Besides this, winter's hearty food, fats and sweets, contribute more impurities. This briefly explains the existence of Spring Humors those unsightly eruptions, painful boils, annoying pimples and other affections, which make absolutely necessary the use Hood's Sarsaparilla at this season. But with some people, impurities in the blood cause very different symptoms. The kidneys, liver and bowels are overmatched in their efforts to relieve the clogged sys tem. Dizzy headaches, bilious attacks, failure of appetite, coated tongue, lame back, indigestion or that tired feeling are some of the results. From the same cause may also come scrofula, neuralgia sciatica or rheumatism. All these troubles and more may properly be called " Spring Humors," and just as there is one cause, a cure is found in just one remedy, and that is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the impure blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla enriches that which is weak and thin. Hood's Sarsaparilla vitalizes that which lacks vitality. Hood Sarsaparilla leads in Merit, Sales and Cures. For your Spring Medicine to prevent or cure Spring Humors, and build up your health, take Sarsaparilla Sold by all linnets. Price $1 i six for $5, Prepaved only by C. I, Hooil & Co., Lowril, Mass. Tho Iiest fining Modlcino. nuggets of news. Six bulls fought all night near Lex ington, Ky., one being killed and tho others badly Injured. The Interstate commerce commission has sent Senator Cull 0111, of Illinois, a letter which opposes the pooling bill. The four cannon missing from West Point have been traced to New York, and the capture of the thief Is ex pected. Senator Morrill, of Vermont, chair man of the senate finance committee, Is Indtsposd at his residence In Wash ington. Secretary Sherman's reply to Sir Julian Pauncefote'e note relative to the Cretan blockade did not recognise the powers' authority In Crete. The Society of Daughters of the Con federacy have placed a silver star In the spot where Jefferson Davis stood when Inaugurated president of the Con federary 38 years ago. Philadelphia's harbor police have re covered the bodies of Eleanor and Jes sie Davis, ho were drowned on Sat urday last when the launch David W. Sellers wen-, over the Fairmount dam. There Is Nothlng'soGoed. There is nothing just u good as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, so demand It and rto not permit the dealer to sell you some sulwtltute. He will not claim there is anything liettor, but in order to make more profit lie may claim something else to he just as good. You want Dr. King's Now Discovery because you know it to lie safe and reliable and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For Coughs. Colds, Consumption and for all affections of Throat, Chest and Lungs, thcro is nothing so good as is Ur. King's New Diicovory. Trial bottle free at A. Wasley's drug store. Regu lar size 0 cents and $1 00 Coming Kvcnts. May 30 Ice cream and strawberry festival in Itobbins' opera house, under the auspices of the societies of Trinity Reformed church. Juno 8. Grand enntntahy tho P.M. church choir, in Bobbins' opera house. Juno 12. Ice cream festival under tho auspices of the Famous Base Ball Club, in Rohhins opera house. I had scero attacks of gravel and' kldiioy trouble; aud unable to get a mcdiclno or doctor to euro mo until I used Hop Bitters, and they cured mo In a short time. A Distinguished Lawyer op Wayne Co., N. Y. Colorless anp Cor.n. A young girl deeply regretted (hat sho was so colorless and and cold. Her face was too white, and her hands and feet felt as though tho blood did not circulate. After 0110 bottle of Hop Bitters had been taken sho was tho Tosiest and healthiest girl in tho town, with a vivacity and cheerfulness of mind gratifying other friends. KiiK'.uml miu riio Trniihvniu. London, May 22. The Chronicle says It understands that Dr. W. J. Leyds, who has been here for some time on a confidential mission for the South African republic, will take back to the Transvaal Mr. Chamberlain's pro posals for a settlement of existing dif ficulties, and that thore Is every pros pect for a settlement that will be ap proved both In England nnd at tho cape. Vtacklen's Arnica, Salve. Tho best salvo in tho world for cuti. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever suios, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, aud all skin eruptions, and positively cures nilca. or jo pay roqulred. It Is guaranteed to give pericct satisiaction or tnouy rctundcu. 1'rlco Bo cents per box. t or salo by A. Wasloy. lOHKO (il'tlllt'tH .tlu.v.Ullll Conro Hlun. San Francisco, May 22. It has leak ed out here that the concession obtain ed by Jesse Grant and his associates from the Mexican government for land surroundlngthe famoushot springs of Tia Juana, across the boundary line, covers also a privilege for running "a lottery and gambling devices. It Is said that Grant does not Intend to en ter the business, but that eastern peo ple are prepared to take control of this feature of the concession. It is said they will build the finest gambling house In the world at the springs, to cost $2,000,000, and to include every game of chance known, with a lottery connection. Sudden'lJcntli orTi JudKo's "Wife Halifaxr N. S., May 21. Mrs. Dixon, wife of the late Judge Francis Dixon, of Washington, D. C, suffered a stroke of paralysis of the brain at a hotel here yesterday, and died a few hours later. ANOTHER DISHONEST BANKER. Arrestert on aCHarsteor Misappropri ating S'joi.ntio. Locansport, Ind., May 22. Sensa tional developments In the State Na tional bank failure are coming to light every hour. Yesterday afternoon Dank Examiner Caldwell swore out an affi davit charging John F. Johnson, presi dent of tin State N Clonal bank, with ombesilement, misappropriation of funds anc with Intention to deceive and defraud the bank and the bank examiner. Forgery in also charged to President Johnson, arid the examiner thinks that the amount will run up to $201,000. He Is alleged to have embezzled $100,000 of the bank funds, $81,600 Of which was concealed In the certificate o deposit, and $46,000 In the Individual ledger. Every avenue of escape has, It Is said, been cut off by the marshal. President Johnson Is charged with forging the names of prominent busi ness men to a total of 30 notes, repre senting $201,000. The money, It Is al leged, was Becyetly borrowed from the funds of the bank. Property is being deeded to the stockholders by Johnson, and he Is making every effort to save himself. President Johnson has pro tected one ot his private creditors In the person of a one legged boy named Charles Heitznian. He was guardian of the boy, and had $3,700 of his money. To make the boy safe, or nearly so, he has deeded to him property In Gob City valued at about $3,400. Tho downfall of Mr. Johnson cannot be fully explained. He would make no statement for publication, and waited quietly at his home for the officers to arrest him, the arrest being made this morning. ONE OF TWO WAYS. Tho bladder was created for 0110 purpose, namely, a recepbiclo'fur the urine, and as such tt is not liable toany form of dkoase ex cept by one of two ways. Tho first way is from imperfect action of tho kidneys. The second way is from cureless local treatment of other diseases. CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys Istho chief cause of bladder troubles. So tho womb liko tho bladder, was created for 0110 purpose, and if not doctored too much Is not liablo to weakness or diseased, except in rare cases. It is situated back of and very close to tho bladder, therefore any pain. disoaso or inconvenience manifested in the kidneys, back, bladder or urinary passage is ofteu by mistake attributed to fumalo weak ness or womb trouble of some sort. Tho error is easily made and may bo as easily avoided. To find out correctly, set you urine nsiiio for twenty-four hours; a sedi ment or settling indicates kidney or hladdor trouble. Tho mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swainp-Itoot. tho great kidney, liver and bladder remedy is soon realized. If you need a medicine you should havo tho best. At druggists fifty ceuts and ono dollar. You may havo a sample bottlo and pamphlet, both sent free by mall. Mention Kvknino IIerai.p and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Tho proprietors of tills paper guarantee the gcnulncss of this offer. A Ki'W Four Milo Trotting; ltocord. Oakland, Cab, May 21. Lucretla Borgia, brown colt, 4 years old, now holds tho world's record for four miles. The colt yesterday, splendidly ridden by Jockey Clawson, covered the dis tance In the wonderful time of 7:11, and that, too, In the face of a strons wind blowing down the backstretcn. The record for four miles against time has stood for 21 years, having been made by Ten Broeck, the celebrated distance horse, on Sept. 27, 1870, at Louisville, Ky. There Is a Class of People Who aro injured by the use of coffee. Recently there lias been placed in all tho grocery stores a new preparation called GRAIN-O, made of puro grains, that takes the place of coffee. Tho most delicate stomach receives it without distress, and but few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over as much. Children may drink it with great benefit. IS ets. and 25 cts. per package. Try it. Ask for GliAIN-O. Two jvMc-ii iiy iiintiiiiirf, Mllford, Del., May 22. James Clifton and Asa Walls were struck by light ning and Instantly killed on Houston Huddson's farm yesterday. During the heavy storm of the afternoon tho men Eought shelter in a small outbuilding. Only a few moments later n bolt of lightning struck the building. Both men were in the path of tho bolt and suffered Instant death. Tho structure was burned to the ground. Huddson himself, who was nearby, was severely hurt, and a horse, cow and a hog were killed. Clifton was a Well known resi dent of this town, and Walls a promi nent farmer. Both men were 40 years of age. "They aro dandies" said Thus. Bowers, of tho U-ocKet, lexas, enterprise, while writ ing about DeWitt's Little Early ltisers, the famous little pills for sick headache and dis orders of the stomach and liver. C. II. Ilageubuch. Kmrlnoor .Moliruy Must Stand Trial. New York, May 22. United States Commissioner Shlc.'ds yesterday ren dered his decision in the case of En gineer George Mobray, who is under Indictment in Baltimore charged with having been engaged In a filibustering expedition to Cuba on the steamship Woodall, which left Baltimore In June, 1886. He will be tried in the United States district court on the second Tuesday in June. Ball was furnished in $2,600. tlrip-Colds-IIeariache. Why suffer with Coughs. Colds and La Grippe wheu Laxative Brnnio Quinine will cure you in oue day. Put un in tablets con venientfor taking. Guaranteed tocuie, or money reiunuou. rrico, cents, " or sale by Klrlin'g Pharmacy. Kvldence Against l.oiltftert. Chicago, May 22. In a sewer leading from the vat in which Mrs. Luetgert's body Is supposed to have been destroy. ed the police yesterday found a clot of matted hair, similar In color and ap pearance to that found last Wednes day. Part of the hair Is eight Inches long, and of light color, but the most of It Is only four Inches In length. Dr. Carl Klein, Mrs. Leutgert's dentist, re ported that he was unable to Identify the porcelain tooth found by the pollcs, If the plate, which he says would with stand the action of the aold, is dis covered Dr. Klein will be able to say whether It Is the one he made for Mrs Leutgert. Try Grulii-O I Try Graln-O I Ask your grocer to-day to show you a package of GUAIN-O. the new food drluk that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without injury as well as the adult. All who try it, like it. QRAIN-0 has that rich Mai brown of Hoolia or Java, but it Is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives it without distress. 1 the price of coffee. 16c and 35 cts. per package. Sold by all grocers. 1 The Hon htmtel needs stead nerves. If he mis ses the lion's eye, his life Is surclj lost The lion- hunter is not the only man who needs . - ti if a 1 m - c man nnur. sdays needs them. He must have them if he would besf the strain of business com petition and be successful. A man with shakv nerves stands a mlehtv poor show In the business world of to-day, where he must hit the bull's-eye of fierce competition many times lu a day. Steady nerves are dependent upon pure blood, and to have pure uioou one must, nave a pericci ui cestion. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery goes to the seat of the trouble. It is not a sedative, it makes tne nerves steady b furnishing them with proper nutriment. 1 corrects all disorders of the digestion. It invigorates the liver. It makes the blood rich and pure in nutriment. The nerves re. ccivc their proper nourishment ffbtn the blood and soon become strong and steady. Business men recognize the value of the "Golden Medical Discovery" and thou sands have testified to its virtues. Drug gists sell it " Having suffered for several years with indi gestion," writes : Samual Walker, Rto., of Park- esbure. Chester Co., ra " I concluded to try your valuable 'Golden Medical Discovery. Af ter taking five bottles. X was entirely cured. 1 also suffered from bladder trouble, which wsi also cured by the ' Discovery.' I feel like anew man." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is a book of I,oo3 pages and over three hundred illustrations, some of them colored, all fully explained. Thit book is free. It has been selling for $1.50. Now you may have it in all its usefulness, and In strong paper covers, for 21 one-cent stamps, which pays tne cost 01 mailing oy, or in cloth binding for .it stamps. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo. N. Y. STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. Now .Torsey Central nnd Chicago Gns Loud In Fractional Gains. New York, May 21. The stock market was relieved today of some part of tho pressure of hoavy liquidation In the coal ers, and especially Now Jersey Central and In Chicago Gas, which has been tho heaviest drag upon It for several days past. Tho latter stock showed some Btrength today on a renewal of faith in favorable action by tho Illinois legisla ture on the consolidation bill. New Jcr Bey Central nlso recovered about two points from tho lowest of the day on nulte a heavy movement. Underlying strength of the market was thus allowed to assert Itself to soma extent, and was helped by Borne special strength In In dividual stocks, with the result that the day's trading brought fractional gains nil through the list. Closing bids: Balto. & Ohio... ll',4 Lehigh Valley. 23H Chesa. & Ohio... 16 N. J. Central. Del. & Hudson.. 103V& N. Y. Central., 71Vi 892 D., L. & W 148V4 Pennsylvania 61 Brie 11 Reading 17J4 Lake Krle & W. 13 St. I'aul 74 "All asst's paid. ISGonornl Mnrkots. Philadelphia, May 21. Flour slow: win ter superfine, $2.75(03; do. extras, 53.158 3.40; Pennsylvania roller, clear, $404.15; do. straight, $4.204f4.30; western winter, clear, $4i4.20; do. straight, $1.2504.35; city mills, extra, $3.25Q3.50. Ilyo Hour slow at $2.25512.50 per barrel. Wheat dull; con tract, wheat, May, 82i43S2o. ; do. July, 75&75Uc; No. 2 Pennsylvania and No. 2 Delawnru red, spot, 87'4c; No. 1 northern spring, spot, S5ViSSGc.; No. 2 red. May, 7STtc ; do. July, 7G"sC.; do. September, 72c.; do. December, 73e. Corn quiet and steady; Bteamcr corn, spot, SSUO 2S')4c.; No. 2 yellow for local trade, 31 2114c.; No. 2 mixed, spot, 291iiS'294c. Oats higher; No. 2 white, cnrlots, 20V4O.; No. 2 white clipped, carlots, 2i"Wc; do. May, June and July, 25V45i2Cc. Hay quiet; choice timothy, $14 for largo bales. Beef quiet; beef hams, $23iS23.50. Pork dull; family, $10.50SU. Lard qulet; western steamed, $1.45. Butter firm; western creamery, ll15c; do. factory, 7V10V4c; Elglns, 13c; Imitation, S5412c.; New Yoik dairy, 10fl4c.; do. creamery, 110 15c; fancy prints Jobbing at 1720c.; do. extra, Pennsylvania, wholesale, 10c. Cneese quiet; large. New York, 9V409HO.; small, 10c; part skims, 4Sc. ; full skims, 2'483c Kggs llrm; New York and Penn sylvania, 124c; western, fresh, 1012c; southern, 9V4ffllOV4c Tallow quiet; city, 203c; country, Sio. Cottonseed oil quiet; prime crude, 20c; do. yellow, 23V4Q 21c. Hosln firmer; strained, common to good, J1.7"). Turpentine steady at 27U0 28c. Pig iron weak; southern, $9.7510.25; northern, $10012. Copper easy; brokers, $11; exchange, Sllll.25. Lead steady, brokers, $3.1214; exchange, $3.2003.23. Tin steady; straits, $13.45013.55; plates easy. Spelter quiet; domestic, $4.1004.25. Cab bage, per crate, $1. TomatoeB, per car rier, $1.50Ci2. Coffee steady; July, $7.20; August, $7.25: September, $7.2507.30; De cember, $7.3107.35; February, $7.407.45, March, $7.45&7.60. Llvo Slook Markets. New York, May 21. Beeves quiet and steady; native Btecrs, $104.90; oxen, $3.S0; bulls, $3.35g3.H); dry cows, $2.12403.65. Calves active; veals, $406.25. Sheep and Iambs steady: sheep, $3.5004.50; yearlings, $1.4O06.37H; lambs, JO0C.75. Hogs steady at J404.2O. East Liberty, Pa., May 21. Cattle steady; prime, $5.1005.25; bulls, stags and cows, $203.75; common to good fat oxen, $304.10. Hogs nctlve, higher; prime me dium, beet Yorkers and pigs, $3.0504; common to fair, $3.9003.95; heavy, $3,850 8.90; roughs, $2.2603.25. Sheep steady; Choice, $4.1504.25; common, $2.8003.40; com mon to good lambs, $404.85; spring lamba, $506.60; veal calves, $505.50. Somo for ten, some for twenty and some for thirty years havo sulTcred from piles and then have beon quickly and permanently cured by using DeWitt's Witch llaicl Salve. tho great remedy for piles aud all forms of sum diseases, U. II. Ilageubuch. Lost Heir t'o u Dliltodom Turns Up London, May 21. A special cable gram from Johannesburg, Transvaal says that a gentleman who has been a resident of South Africa for a score oi years claims to be a younger brother of the late Duke of Hamilton, who died May 16, 18B6, and therefore the heir to the dukedom. He alleges that he left Scotland In 1875, after killing a man In a duel, and la supposed to have died shortly afterwards. He Is said to have convincing proofs of his Identity and, it Is added, expects to return to England and claim the title and es tates. Itich and poor alike suffer the tortures that come witli that terrible plague, Itching I'll rich and poor allko find Instant relief and permanent euro in Doan's OIntmeut. Your dealer keeps it. Liquor I'rom tlio TVrooltcIl 1'iunolB Atlantic City, May 22. United States Marshal Alcott, of New Jersey, yester day replevined a carload of whisky and wine which had been saved from the wreck of the ship Francis by local seamen. The Francis caught fire at sea, and was beached near Beach Haven. The seamen claimed salvage, and upon promise of indemnifying them for their work the liquors were turned over to the marshal without trouble. There are many barrels of liquor yet floating about the sea, and almost daily yachtmen are bringing In Into the inlet Don't thin your blood with sassafras or poison it with blue-maw ; but aid Nature by using DeWitt's Little Early ltisers, the fam ous little pills for constipation, biliousness and stomach nnd liver troubles. They are purely vegetable. . . 11. uageuuucii. M-rdt -ilt 'riot lirustrrrea. I hllilpsbuig, N. J., May 2'-. Fiank lluley, a ndorious burglar, who it at Delviflcre jail awaiting the sheriff's convenience to lake him to the Trenton penitentiary, was yesterday dlscoveied In a p.ot to murder Sheriff Mackoy and then break Jail. Haley Is one of most desperate criminals In the state, and when his plans were discovered he was furious. A bar of Iron two feet long was found concealed In his bed, and he admitted that it was with this he had expected to brain the sheriff. The fellow was handcuffed nnd,takcn before Judge Morrow, who Increased his sentence to ten years and ordered hia immediate removal to Trenton. Donioorntlf' Union In TiCVYorlt. New York, May 11. At a meeting held In the Democratic club lost night the Democratic union, a straight or ganization, was formed for the elec tion of Democrats for oinolal positions under the new charter. The call was to all Democrats of Greater New York to Join In forming a Democratic union for the municipal campaign of 1897, the objects of which fire to promote harmony among nil Demoorats In the Greater New York upon all political questions affecting their Interests. Don't neglect a coug'i bVmune the weather is picaiiit; before the noxr. storm rolls around it limy drvclop into a Wiriuu illlll cully beyond lepair One Mlli'itw 'nigh Cure is easy to take i'l will do what it linuio iiupllos. C. II. Hageuhuch. II-vplou "1 ;u v .c Killrt Pour. Bt. L. iris.' May 2-'. Art ovptowk.n of rfasoliite.il esulted Li the dnatii of Jin. Ada T.,ohr, t$ years ol.t, her l-months-old l)j.by, Hugo lIo'.,nvd, 15 months o d, and William Howuid, 5 years old. Mrs. Dossle Howard and Max Gumpert wore probably fatally burned, while Henry Surmun Was badly burned In attempt ing to rescue the unfortunate victim". In order to make the fire In the cook stove burn Mrs. Mohr poured gasoline over It. Wrecked by a Cloudburst. Asolln, Wash., May 22. A cloudburst at some point as yet unknown up the little valley of Asolln creek sent a wall of water down tho valley Thursday ovenlng which carried devastation in Its track. Stock was drowned, house: wrecked, bridges washed out and orchards ruined. Tho loss Is estimated at $100,000. The valley was a contin uous orchard and garden for 15 miles above thp town. tfl.CHAS$ BloodHerveFood For Weak and Run Down People. UMRT IT IC I Tho richest of all restoro nllHI II IO I tlvo foods, because It re- daces the essentials ot life that aro ex lausted by disease, Indigestion, high living, overwork, worry, excesses, abuse, etc. UHAT IT nfir5l Bymaklngthe blood WnHI II UUtOI pure and rich nnd tho digestion perfect It creates solid flesh, muscle and strength. Tho nerves being made strong the brain becomes astlve and clear. It restores lostvltallty, stopsnll wast ing drains and weakness In either sex, and as a fomalo regulator has no equal. Price 60c., orflva boxes $2.00. Druggists or by mall. We can help you. Advice and book, free. prVflto Us AtSout Your CaBoT THE DR. CHASE COMPANY, 1612 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. peir?a. Railroad 8CHUYKILL DIVISION. jASCAnr 18,1807. Trains will leave Shenandoah nftcr the &tnv. date for WIgj;ansLGlllerton. Fraokvllle, D-r Water, St. Ulalr, Pottsville. Ifnmburg, I Until 111 PottHtown, Phoentxvllle, Norrlstown and Pl.il adclphla (Proud street statlo.i) at 6 OS and 11 03 o. m. unci 1 20 p. m. on week days. For Pott vtlle and IntcruitHllnto station 0 17 o. m. SUNDAY. For Wlerans. Ollberton. Krackvlllo. 1W u a,n , ti. vmu, 1 u,H,lllc, 1,, 11 CI, v la u. lu, n 3 10 p. m. For Hamburg, liciadlug, 1'otUtuwt Phoeulzvllle, Norrlstown, Philadelphia at 8 8 1 45 . 111., S 10 p. 111. Trains leave rraCKVllle ior mieiiandoah a 10 40 a. lu. and 12 31. r, 41. 7 52 and 10 47 n. m. Sunday, 11 13 a, 111. nnd 5 41 p. m. Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah at 10 13 a. ru. anil 12:05, 5 15, 7 25 and 10 20 p. m. Sulida- iu 40 a. ill., o 10 p. ni. Leave Phlladelnhla. fllroad street ntntlon'i '-. Shenandoah at 5 67 and 8 35 a. nu, 4 10 nnd 7) p. in. wcetc uays. HUiiunys leavo nt a to a. m Leave lirotul street station, l'hlladttlnlila. 1. Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, I,,, lirancn, ana luterineiuate stations, 8..0 11.14 a. m., 3.80 and 4.00 p. m. week-days. lveave uroau street mation, l'liuaaclpui. FOIt NEW YOltK. Kxpres. week-dnys 3 20. 4 Co. 4 50 5 15. 0 50. 7 33, 8 2., 833, 9 50, 10 21 (Dliilnj; Car), II 00 a. in, lzounoon, suo (i.inuteu 1 uu anu 4 p.m. Dlnlnir Cars). 1 40. 2 33 (Dlnlnir Car) 3 20. 3 50. 4 00, 5 00, 5 56 (Dining Car), 6 00, 0 50,812, 10 00 p. in., 12 01, night. Sundays, 3 20, 4 03, 4 60 6 15, 8 30, 8 33, 9 SO. 1021, (Dl. ing Car), 1133 a. 111., izao, zuu turning unrj, 4 w lunutcui itj uining Car), 8 20, 5 56, (Dining Car), 0 33, 6 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. in., 12 01 night. ' Express for lloston without change, 11 00 a m., week-days, aud 6 SO p. m., daily. FOE WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH. ITn. (lulllMnnA anil W a 1. I n .-4n Q Kf If Ort O 1 O miimuuiu niiu 1 1 iwm 1 lj lull, u f V,1 10 20, 11 23 a. m., 1200 (1231 Limited Dli Ing Car), 1 12, 3 18. 4 41 (5 19 Congresalone Limited, Dining Car), 617, 6 55 (Dining Car), 7 40 (Dining Car) p. in., and 12 05 nlghl week days. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20, S 12, II 23 a, m.,12 09 1 12, 4 41, ( 6 13 Congressional Limited Dining Car), 6 55 (Dining Car), 7 40 p. m. luiuiHg Kjavj anu 12 10 nigui. FOIt ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad street stutlop, Philadelphia (via Delaware river bridge), express, 702 p. rc. dully. leave Market street Ferry, express, 8 50 n m., 2 00, 4 10,5(0 p.m. Sundays, 8 45, 9 45 a.m. Accommodation, SOU, 8 20, a.m., 8 20 and 4 20 p. m., week days. Sundays, 8 00, 8 15 a. m., 4 00 And 5 00 p. m. For Cape May, AniflChxea, Wlldwood and Holly Beach, and Son Islo City, Ocean City and Avalon Express, 9 00 a. m 4 00 p. m week days. Sundays. 00 a. in. For Somers Point. Express, 8 60 a m., 4 10 S. m. week days. Sundays 8 45 a. m. .11. IltrrcmifBOs, J. K. Wood, GeiVl Manaser. Gen'l Pau'g'r Ag P. J. CANFIELD, Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity For- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. Dr. Miles' Nervine Victorious. Physloal and Me i il Tnhtwstten CIyos Way to vigorous Activity. .oC-aa."11 " ,BV. tV. T. nODOK, tbo talented pas tor of Grace U. II. church, Carlisle, l'enn., writes Soutcmlior 28, ISKii " I always enjoyed good health until lu ism, nt which tlmo my duties as a clergyman woro of a peculiarly trying nature, subjecting mo to several severe nervous Bbocka which togothor with overwork and anxiety, Im paired my goneral health nnd nervous sys tem, Indeed I was In such a condition that the more sight of a la.'ga congregation so P 'WSRy,! "varied mo that It Jj r wouid require a day on 1 "ovcr from tbo ox sllIVS!iT: .tha-.wtlon. It affords mo great pleasure to say that Ur. Allies Iletoratlvo Nervlno und Uestoratlvo Tonlo havo done me untold good. I preached throo times yesterday and I fool as fresh and vigorous this Monday morning as I over f olt in my life, thanks to your remedies. Dr. Miles' Bemcdios aro sold by all drug gists under a posltlvo guarantee, first bottlo boneflta or monoy refunded. Hook on Heart and Norvcs sent f roo to all applicants. DK. MILKS MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. AWN'S TANSY PILLS A min. Tmnv itn urt WOMAN'S RELIEF. Alwan nromnt tnd rlUbl. Avoil ImiUitiojit. rial PiTriw Tmr P1t.1t tnri mate RtnilTl. At dm it tnna. or n(tnt dirrct fuald). nrtct). ft Cato 8ro. Co., Iknton, Mrs. Our book. 4o For sale nt V. X. D. K1rlhiu drug Btoro and Shenandoah drug store. A- ingle tandard Only la possible, whether na a test of excellence in journalism, or for the tne tail re incut of quantities, time or values; and The... Philadelphia Record . . . After a career of nearly twenty years of uninterrupted growth Is justified in claim lnp that tho standard first estahlished by Its founders la the ono true test of A Perfect Newspaper. To publish AM. THK NKWS promptly nnd succinctly and iu tho most readable form, without elision or partisan bias; to discus Hi slgtilflcaucQ with frankness, to beep AX Ol'KN 1SYK FOIt PUBI.IO ADUSE9, to give besides a complcto rccoid of current thought, fancies mid discoveries In all de partments of human activity in its DAILY KMTIONS of from 10 to 11 1'AQICS, and to provide the wholo for Its patrons at thc uomlnnl price of ON'H CENT-Thftt was. from the outset, mid will continue to be thn aim of TUB K15UOK1), The Pioneer Ono cent morning newspaper In tho TJnrtcif Mates. Tho llccord, still I, ISA 1)3 WUU111S OT1I lilts FOLLOW. Witness Its unrivaled averago dally clrcu'atton exceeding 100,000 copies, and an averago exceeding 120,000 copies for Its Sunday editions, while Imitations of its plan of publication in every Important city of tho country testify to tho truth of tho assertion thut In the quantity and quality of Its con tents, and in the price at which it Is sold Tho ltecord has established tho standard by which excellence In Journalism must bo measured, The Daily Edition Of Tho Record will bo sent by mail to any address for S3.00 per year or 23 cents per month. The Daily and Sunday Killtlons together, which will give Its renders' tho host and froshebt information of nil that Is going on In tho world every day in the year Including holidays, wll) bo sent for 11.00 a year or 35 cents per mouth. Address 'the RECORD PUBLISHING CO., Record Building, Philadelphia, Fa. A Handsomo Complexion is one of tbo greatest charms a woman can possess, rozzoMi'a Couriiiion l0wia gives It. HAVE YOU READ-- PHILADELPHIA TIfflES THIS MORNING? THE TIMES Is the most extensively eireutated d widely read newspaper pub lished in Pennsylvania. Its discussion of pul llo men and public measures Is In the Interest, of publlo Integrity, honest government and prosperous industry, and It knows no iwrty or peisonal nllegianoe In treating publlo Issues. In the broadest and best sense a. family and gentral newsiaper, TIMES !,, to havo the largest circulation by deserving It, and claims that It is unsuriMissed lu all the essentials of a great metropolitan newsiwiper. Specimen copies or any edition will bo sent free to any ono send ing their address. TERMS-DAILY, (8.00 per annum; $1.0t for four months ; SO cent per mouth; de livered by oarriers for 6 cents per week. SUNDAY WHTION, 82 IarBe. handsome luges columns, elegantly Illustrated, beautiful colored supplement $2.00 per an num; 5 cents per copy. Dally nndHunday. IS.00 per annum ; 60'cents per month. Address all letters to THE TIMES, FUILADKLVMIAV DIVIDEND PAID IN OCTOBER To Ouritomra- WOULD YOU CARE TO INVEST Win OU UPWA&DSV DM- era s inBeipi uoM no ixtinxtra tureei, ucumm, iu. i K& Restor&u A