The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 22, 1897, Image 1

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    gnmnji intiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiin!
Cftolit tniintti became of itihtovm
large circulation and render) tick
To reach the fuhlic through a pro
preisive. dumiHen. influential journal :
mt tie UfcKA.) columns. 8
rttulli to iU advertitert.
VOL. XIL-NO 120.
Baby I
Selling from $4.00 and
We have still 48 bicycle suits and will close them out at
out prices for want of room to display the beautiful patterns
we carry in stock. A bargain for bike riders. Also a fuli
line of belts, golf leggings and bicycle gloves. Call at
once, as this snap will nttt last long.
15 Bast Centre Street.
Never in the history of this store hns there been such a magnificent display of
opniiK "ry ouous ami uic prices at. wiutii hc iuc bciuu lui:ui wuic ucvw ou iviv.
It will pay you to look through our stock of stople and fancy dress gbods for
spring wear high-grade fabrics can be yours for much less money than you would
expect to pay. Fine all-wool Henriettas, 45 inches wide, in black and colored, at
45c, 50c., 65c., 75c. and $1.00. Fine novelty dress goods from 25c. to J1.50 per yd.;
high-grade silks, uie iest mat skiUul weaving can produce at less uian city prices.
Ladles' Dress Skirts, a large stock to select from, at $1.00, $i.35, $i.5o,
$1.75, $2.00, $2.75 and $8.00.
Children's White Dresses, a larce line, from 25c. to $2.2?.
CARPETS. Onr entire second floor is devoted to this branch of our business
and is packed to its utmost capacity with the choicest designs and best makes of
the leading manuiacturers.
Buttcrick paper patterns, the recognized standard of the world, always in stock.
Fashion sheets free.
P. J. GAUGHAN, 27 N. Main St.
Elep-ant line of new effects in DRESS STUFFS con
sistiW of BLACK and COLOREHTSILKS for Waists and
Skirts. Also Wool and Cotton Dress Goods of all the latest
hew cnnrETS. oil cloths i window siuto
For the Spring Trade.
North Main St.,
Shenandoah, Pa.
Lager Beer, Porter and Ale.
All the product of this brewery are made of
pure malt "and hops of which we buy the best
and endeavor always to
that can possibly be produced.
and Decorating !
-Thomas H. Snyder,
S3 South Jardln St.
Shenandoah, Pa.
No Trouble
-To Have Good Bread if You Use-
linjoynble Kvenlng of the Methodist Kpts-
copnl Christian Hnueavor Society.
The sociable hold in tbo lecture room of
the Methodist Kuisconal ohurolilatt oveiilug
tinder the auspices of tlio Christian Kndeavor
Society connected with the church was a
moat enjoyable- event The attendance was
large and everybody appeared to enter fully 1
Into the spirit of the occasion. Many lnenT
bors of other churches wore present. The
followlnc program was rendered : Singing by
the society, prayer, by the pastor, address,
Itev. llecbucr; male quartette, Messrs. George
Boxby, Fred. Jay, Edward Bceso, Benjamin
Jonee, Charles Hilton and Charles Bashore;
recitation, Mia Elizabeth Heebnefi solo,
Miss Maud Uilpln; quartette, D. J. Price,
M. D., Misses Ilelon l'rlco and Eva Powell
and Charles Bashore; recitation, Guy Keipor;
Instrumental trio, Misses Bailie Beddall and
Anna M. lleebnor and Fred. Ilutton: solo,
Miss Edith Morgan; mandolin and guitar
duett, Messrs. Shoemaker and Lawson. After
tbo above ice eream, strawberries and cake
wereserred', The affair was no successful it
will no doubt be followed by othor ovenM of
a similar character under tbo auspices of the
Fine cut carnations and rosebuds, for
boquots. At MoitoAJt's Bazaak to-day.
Ohnrch Specials.
Thero will bo no services in the First
Baptist church lo-morrow morning or even
ing. The postponement of services is caused
by the Baptist Convention of North Eastern
Pennsylvania which will conveno at Malia
noy City, so as to enable any members who
may wish to attend tbo convention.
Kev. James Moore will preach tbo funeral
sermon of tlio late Mr. Tallentyro in the
Primitive Methodist church to-morrow
evening, at 0:30 o'clock. Tho subject will bo,
The Only True Judge."
Itov. E. II. Smoll. of Schuylkill Haven.
will preach in tho German Lutheran ohuich
on West Cherry street to-morrow evening,
Rev. John Urnhler, tho pastor, being still
indisposed. Tho sermon will bo in English.
Itov, Alfred llccbner Preaches in the M.
E. church to-morrow. Subject for tbo morn
ing sormon, "Tho four great Certainties in
Kollglon." In the evening, at 0:30. tho
subject will bo, "Ono of tho Beatitudes."
Tho bible class for young men at 2 o'clock.
At 3:30 the pastor preaches at Yatosvillo. A invitation to all these services.
Saturday oveulng will close the SehonDe
orchestra dancing school for tho neason.
Lovers of good music and daucluc should
take advantage of this last opportunity. 3t
Tho Christian Endeavors.
Last evening tho Youug Teonlo's Society of
Christian Endeavor of tho Evangelical
church, of Frackville, paid a fraternal visit
to the Y. I'. S. C. E. of the M. E. church at
Mahanoy Plane, when an interesting pro
gram was carried out. W. IS. Middlcton was
piosldcnt of tho meeting and delivered tho
address of welcomo. Miss Ida M. llepler,
corresponding secretary of tho County Union.
and Miss FlorencoS. Klchards, superintendent
ot tlio junior department, both of Delano,
were present and spoko 011 their particular
departments of work. Tho oveuing proved
to ho 0110 of much pleasure and profit to those
lllckert'K Cafe.
Our freo lunch to-night will consist of nice
chicken soup.
Prediction of Better Times From an
Authorlllve Source.
One Who is lu a Position to Judge Gives
Figures Upon Which His Own Opin
ion la Based and Claims to
Have Other Authentic
Fall of
William Aker, of East Coal street, had his
right hip badly bruised and index tinier of
his right hand broken yesterday by a fall of
coal in a breast of the Keblcy Bun colliery
yestoruay. Alter and Lis butty. Henry
Hollobach, were engaged in tostlus the ton
coal just before putting in a prop when tho
coal fell. Akor was knocked against a
battery prop. Hollobach escaped injury.
Smith & Ileitis Ilestaurnnt.
Hard shell crabs and nice lobster can -be
had at our restaurant.
Its Parents round.
The two-yoar-old child that was found
sleeping In a clump of bushes on Locust
mountain' 011 Thursday evening, belonged to
a Lithuanian family in tho First ward and
was restored to Its parents last ovening,
The little wauderer had been missing from
lionio since last Monday. Tlio parents were
mucii overjoyed by tuo return of tbo child.
Just try a 10c hoi of Cascarets, tho finest
liver and bowel regulator ever mado.
"Jlebecca" lleliearsal.
All who aro to take part in tho cantata
"Bebecca" are requested to meet for rehearsal
with tho Schoppe orchestra at Bobbins' opera
house on Monday, 121th inst , at 7:30 p. m.
W. E. Phillips,
E. Coor-Eis,
T. Hall,
When bilious or costive, eat 0 Cascarets
candy cathartic, cure guaranteed, 10c, 25c.
An Ash llln lllaze.
An ash bin on East Apple alley was found
in a blaze shortly after nlue o'clock last
night and caused considerable excitement in
that vicinity, as tho bin was located close to
a stable in which coal oil was stored,
bucket brigado extinguished the fire.
Kev. Win. fctout, wlarton, Ont., was
completely cured of scrofula after seventeen
physicians had failed to givo him roliof. Bur
dock Blood Bitters did it.
"Daisy Flour,"
Hade by Aqueduct Mills A Blended Patent Flour
Made of the Best Grades of Hard Spring and Winter
The Greatest Opportunity Shenandoah Has
Ever Known For Big Values-Collossfil,
Stupendous, Ho Word Adequately
Describes It.
' Wedded To-day.
Tho marriage of Miss Annie gweenoy to
Bryan 'McCarthy, both of Brownsville, was
sslsnwised In the Annunciation eh u roll this
morning, The ceremony was-witnessed by
many friends of the contracting parties.
Bedding plant, such as geiaulurus, ver
benas, fuchiias, etc., at Payne's nurseries,
aimidville. 5-lU-eod
Contest Court Adjmirnn.
After holding a short session yesterday
morning the Lyon-Dunn contest court ad
journed until Tuesday at 10 a. 111. Only a
few witiieases were beard yesterday, some of
them being persons who had made out ballot
and voting chock lists.
Orders for flowers from Payne's nurseries.
left at Morgan's Bastr, will receive prompt
attention. 5-lH-eod
Humors of better times have been so fre
quent lu the recent past and fslled to ma
terialise with equal frequency that the
peoplo are now disposed to accept any pre
dictions, or report, In that connection with
any degree of faith, but the IIeralii to-day
received a report from such eicellent au
thority that it feels justified In mylng that
the next two weeks will wind up the siege of
hard times from which this roglon has suf
fered for tbo past Ssvoral months.
A renorter of tlie rarer to-day met a
gentleman who is excellently informed on
mining attain and was assured during the
conversation that ensued that beginning
with tho second week of Juno, next, opera
tions in the mines hi this region will revive
to the oxteut that the people may anticipate
thrco-quarter working time for the balance
of the year.
Is this statement hated merely upon
what you think should take place, or upon
facts within your knowledge which warrant
a statement to the people that an improve
ment is near at hftttd ? asked the reporter.
You may piihlwh what I say, but I have
no desiro to be quoted in tho matter. How
over, you can stntfr that Information comes
from tho very Mjst authority that better
times for this ronton, or at least bettor work
ing time, may bOjJookcd for in tho second
week of next mouth. They may make their
appearance durin tho first week, but I. do
not look for the Improvement at that time.
W hat I su v is not'liaMMl nnon mv individual
opinion, or what I think should take place,
nor what I Would like to see, but upon
facts gleaned from authorative sources
coupled with iny own knowledge of the
course of current events and what I sin
cerely believe mutt transpire. In the first
place, tho quota Of anthracite production for
tho current your is fixed at 40,000,000. In
my opinion this quota will bo increased
rather than reduced. Five months of tho
year have already elapsed and but 13,000,000
tons of antbraelto havo been produced,
leaving 27,000,000 tons to bo prepared. This
leaves an avorago of about 1,000,000 tons of
coal to bo produced during each of the seven
months for tho balance of tho year, or an
incrcaso of about 300,000 tons per mouth
more than has been produced duriug tho
past five months."
But don't you thiuk tho great demand for
tho smaller sizes of coal and tho production
mado by tlio many wasbcries will have tho
effect of holding down tho mine operations,
and thus rcduco iu proportion the improve
ment yen anticipate for the men who depend
upon insido operations ?" ventured the reporter.
No, I do not. And let mo say that tho
importance of washerios is much exngcratcd.
It is truo they havo mado groat headway in
recent years, but their productions aro not
near what some peoplo imagine. - Asa matter
of fact I know that tbo combined wnshcries
of tho sixth anthracite district havo not
produced an aggregate of 350,000 tons."
rtreen's Itiulto Cafe Free T.unrh.
Oyster soup, free, to-night.
Hot lunch on Monday morning.
Meals at all hours.
Free continuous pbonograpii entertainment.
All tho latest songs and band marches.
Schuylkill llcproscutiitlveH.
Our Mahanoy City and Pottsvillo contem
poraries are at loggerheads over tho way in
which tho two Sonators from this county
voted on the Wller labor bill, granting to
employes the right to join labor organizations
without molestation from their employes.
All tho Philadelphia pipers credited Senator
Coylo with dodgiug tho question, as being
present and not voting. Tho Senator s own
paper, tho Mahanoy City Araorican, denies
this and says he voted for tlio measure Hero
is what tho Pothsvillo uepubliuan says on
tho quostiou : "Tho Senator from tho
Thirtieth District was "sponging" freo rail
road passes out of a railroad lobbyist on tho
lloor of tho Senate at Harrisburg tho other
day, and dodged tho voto on tho Wller labor
bill. Senator Losh, from this district, was
present, aud voted for tho bill on final pas-
sago. Such is tho record of tho Senate,
however much Coylc-would like to havo it
oxpunged. Senator Losch did vote iu favor
of tho amendment placing both Union and
non-Union mon on tho same footing. Coylo
voted against the amendment. When on the
following day tho original bill came up on
final passage Senator Losch voted for it
Senator Ceyle, although present, fulled to
record his voto. When you see it in tho Re
publican, it is correct." Tho Journal and
Chronicle are lust as severe iu their criticisms
of Coyle's apparent duplicity. In vlow of
tbeso statements, somewhat at variance-, it
will require the official record to prove to the
Senator's constituents that ho voted for the
By the big purchase of the stock of a big
retail shoe store, we will have on sale at
our store (Factory Shoe Store) Cor. Main and
Centre streets, bargains that stand without
a peer. This dealer wm known only to carry
a high clan of goods, bat the closing up of
their business hss brought to yon bargains
that can never again be duplicated. The
selling of this steok started yesterday and
the throngs of buyers that luvaded our store
have been enthusiastic in their praise as to
their beauty. Substantiality and superiority
of tliis lot and the low prices at which we aro
offering them, friends and neighbors are
sending friends and neighbors, aud soon the
whole town and surrounding country will be
here to share the bargain feast. We would
by all means advise you not to delay. In
ovcry stock, no matter how large, thore is
always a first choice. You are therefore
advised to be among the first aud lie ou band
as early In 'the day as possible. Two
guarantees go with each purchase, our
guarantee and your money refunded If you
are not erfectly satisfied with your pur
chase. Aud don't forget that each purchaser
gets checks for handsome parlor lamps.
Nelswcnclfr's, Cor. Coal anil Main SU.
Grand Army beau soup to-night.
Hot lunch ou Monday morning.
Meals served at all hours.
rimioiiH ThroiiKhout tho World Bo
caitHo of Ills Wntor (Juro.
London, May 22-A dispatch to The
Daily Chronicle from Paris says that
Father Sebastian Knelpp, well known
throughout the world because of his
AdvertlseU Letters.
Letters addressed to the following named
people remain uncalled for at tho local post
ofliee : Gyrus Confer, Leo J. Clark, W. C.
Manderfe, John T. Thomas, A. Moran.
l'ctlt Jurors.
Among the petit jurors drawn for the
term of Quarter Sessions, beginning June
agth, Shenandoah is credited with but two,
as follows; Harry Tempest laborer, and
Joseph Parry, laborer. Pottsvillo has ten on
the list.
Complete line of roses in monthlies, hybrids
and hardy perpetuals, all colors from I" to t
years old, at Payne's nurseries, airanlvllle.
At Kepcliinski's Aronile Onfo.
Oyster soup on Monday morning.
Abattoir Completed,
The abattoir of Armour A Co. ou East
Centre street has been completed and ar
rangements are being made for the eoetitmr.
Eighty-eight tons of ice have been stocked
In it and the supplies eommeneed to arrive
to-day. There are three horses and two
wagon In the stables. The staff of employes
re it. ij. .calmer, manager ; H. A. Miner,
Chicago, esshier; Samuel ltonwnot, sales
man ; Jacob Wludle, Girardville. stuok
house keeper ; Harry Johnson, teamster,
Indulge In Fisticuffs White Discussing
Our Senate's Action.
But the Seconds Decide That a Meeting Is
Unnecessary, Though the Duko of
Tetuan Boxed Senator Comas'
water cure, is dead. He had been suf
fering for some days from Inflamma
tion of the lungs, and received the last
sacrament of the church a week ago at
Woerlsholfen, Suabla. Subsequently,
however, he rallied, and It was thought
oarly In the week that he would re
Prosbytcrlnn ionornl Assembly,
Eagle Lake, Ind., May 22. Yester
day's session of the Presbyterian gen
oral assembly was opened by the pre
sentation of a gavel to the moderator
by General Harrison. The gavel was
composed ot hardwoods oak, poplar,
blaok walnut, birch and maple. Tho
oak, he said, renresented the Calvln
istlc frame of the church; the poplar,
the free civil government fostered by
the church; the black walnut, not
painted nor hidden, stood for Christ's
love of finish or Individualism; the
birch, with drooping branches and
clinging leaves, typified the sheltering
care of the church for-the Iambs of
God, and the maple, with Its message
of sweetness, stood for the retiring
moderator and his sermon. The various
pieces of wood were all historic. The
chairmen of the various committees
were announced, Hon. John Wana-
maker being named as vice moderator.
Good Ciaino AsNlireil.
Lovors of tho diamond will bo treated to
an exciting game ol ball at the Hotting
park to-morrow afternoon, the contestants
boiug the Famous team and the Lost Creek
nine. This team carried the flag of victory iu
all the games of last season and has been
Broatly strengthened by tho addition of
several of tho beet players of last year's
Chorry street nine.
No HWrieticp.
Joseph Yuslf was last evening arraigned
before Justice Toomey on a warrant sworn
out by Ellis Supowits, who says he saw the
defendant knock down a child lielongiug to
Harry Martin aud afterwards kicking It.
After hearing the plaiutlfl aud four wit-
ises Yusif was discharged for want of evi
dence, and the case dismissed.
Illegal Cur Hiding.
John Bock was arrested near the red
bridge shortly after noon to-day ou a charge
ol illegal carrldlng, preferred by C. & I
Policeman Peter Kreiger. Justice Toomey
committed him to jail in default of payment
of tine and costs.
Kendrlck House Free Luneh,
Mock turtle soup will lie served free, to all
patrons to-night. -Free
muslo by the electrical piano.
Notice Is hereby given that a meeting of
the special police olttcere of the borough of
8hesandoah will be held In the Council
chamber on Monday evening, the Mtli lost.,
to make arraugemeuts for Decora t ion Day.
All are upaeted to atteud.
A. P. Tabok,
t Chief Duigess.
l'lowurst l'loworol! l'lowerslll
Beautiful, fragrant, blooming. All varie
ties, Largest lot ever shipped to town. Will
arrive next Tuesday morulug. At Ooelett's,
30 South Main street. 4t
Absolutely Pure,
Celebrated for Its great leavening strength
awl henltbfulneas. Assures the food ,affHlHt
alum and all forms ot adulteration common to
the eltgAi brands.
awYAi. hVkiso rownia co. new tobk
Madrtil, May M. In the Spanish sen
ate yesterday there wm a heated and
tumultuous debate rssrardlng the reso
lution passed by the United States
senate to recognise the Cuban bellig
erents. The debate was fallowed by an
excited discussion In the lobbies. This
led to a dispute between the Duke of
Tetuan, the minister for foreign affairs,
and Senor Comas, a LtbersU senator,
which ended In the duke boxing the
senator's ears. A great commotion en
sued and the sitting of the senate was
The exciting incident which culmi
nated In this free right waB provoked
by the statement of the Duke of Te
tuan that Senor Sagasta's speech the
other day to the Liberals had contrib
uted to bring about the vote In the
American senate.
General Llus Pando said: "Bvery
thlng now happening Is due to the oow
ardlce and feebleness of the govern
Senator Comas said: "You will dis
cuss that tomorrow."
"We will dlsouss lt' replied the
Duke of Tetuan, "but I will accept dic
tation from nobody."
"Nor 1, either," retorted Senator
Comas, at the top of his voice.
At this point the Duke ot Tetaun,
pale with excitement, boxed both ears
of Senator Comas and fell exhausted
to the floor. The son of Comas threw
himself upon the duke and struck him
a heavy blow with his list. Several
senators Intervened, and a general scuf
fle ensued, with great confusion, and
It was some time before order was re
stored. The Duke of Tetuan subsequently re
signed as minister of forelcn affairs
as a result of the above incident, and
Senor Canovas, the premier, will take
the portfolio ad Interim.
The Liberal senators held a meeting
and decided to attend no more ses
sions of the senate until full satisfac
tion has been accorded to Senator
Comas and the Liberal party by the
Duke ot Tetuan. The bitterness grow
ing out of the affair resulted In the
sending of a challenge by Senator
Comas, and Its acceptance by the duke.
Seconds were selected to arrange the
preliminaries. The seconds came to
gether, and after a conference decided
that as the aggressions were reciprocal
a duel was unnecessary.
Senator Comas is Professor Comas,
who In June last, In the Spanish sen
ate, supported the amendment to the
address asking that treaties with the
United States might be cancelled, on
the ground that they were a source
of conflict, and endangered the peace
of Spain and the United States. He
made a speech bitterly assaulting the
United States and welcoming the con
flict, which he looked on as inevitable.
Senor Canovas, Senor Sagasta and the
president of the senate had a long con
ference on the suject of the Tetuan
Comas affray late yesterday afternoon,
but all maintain the greatest reserve.
The senate resumed Its session last
evening, but no reference was made to
the Incident.
Senor Jloret y Prendergast, a former
minister, asked the government on be
half of the Liberals In the chamber of
deputies to submit all the papers relat
ing to the rebellion In Cuba and td the
diplomatic relations with Spain with
the powers.
Senor Canovas, the premier, reply
ing, said the government could only
attach credit to such Information as was
sent by Captain General "Weyler. He
severely blamed the American news
papers for disseminating false news,
and cited as a case in point recent
statements attributed to Consul Gen
eral Lee. The premier continued:
"Spain's relations with other powers
continue cordial, but the advice which
the Americans are offering to us as to
Cuba cannot be followed, because Spain
will never accept any Intervention in
a matter wnlcli peculiarly concerns
herself. The documents which have
been asked for would only refer to this
advloe. The government has accepted
full responsibility for everything which
has been done by Captain General
Senor Moret y Prendergast asked If
It were true that the United States
senate had recognised the belligerency
ot the Cuban Insurgents.
The premier replied that the report
to this effect was not a surprise to
him, as it was a question of creating
more difficulties for President McKln
ley In connection with the tariff bill,
but he said he believed President Mo
Klnley, like Mr. Cleveland, would de
cide for himself In suoh a matter.
Senor Canovos said that the ex
changes of opinion between Spain and
the other European powers on the sub
ject of Cuba had always been unoffi
cial. The powers had shown great re
serve In defining their views, and this
attitude has led the government to be
lieve that they were unwilling to offer
any effective Intervention between
Spain and the United States. The ex
change of views liad been friendly, but
Spain had refused the preferred medt
The guarded tone adopted by the
premier in reference to the belligerency
vote of the senate has made a pro
found impression, but the general opln
ion in the lobbies Is that President Mc
Klnley and Secretary Sherman will not
allow the senate to drive them Into
conflict with Spain.
m. That Show Which
Ir Way the Wind
Low prices coupled with big
values is the combination that wins
your trade. We offer you the
largest and finest line of Spring
and Summer Goods consisting of
Notions, etc. Art in style, high
merit in quality and at panic prices.
You can get style always by paying
for it. But you can get style at
this store by paying a modest living
price for it. Seasonable and Rea
sonable is our motto, and we live
up to it strictly and enable our
customers to benefit by all it means.
29 South Main Street.
Noar Post Office.
Tublic Library Notice.
All persons having books of tbe public
library Will please return them at once.
No more books will be given out until Thurs
day, June 10, 1SBT.
By order of the committee,
8-17-0t Librariau.
Tho FAMors will sell at special reduced
prices 2000 pair of pants for tho nest ten
days Oo and see them. They are all this
season's goods.
In town. Lowest prices to the frade.
Sailor Hats ioc., 15c, 25c, 35c,
50c, $1.00, and $1.25.
Children's trimmed from 50c. up.
Infants Lace Caps and Hats from
15c. up.
Black Morie Sash Ribbon, No.
80, all silk, 25c. per yard.
fflS. J. J. pitliY,
26 South Main Street.
Nest door to the di-aiid Union Tea Co.
The Olotlitng Slaughter House.
L. Kefowlch, the one price clothier, re
ceived from a big elotulug r ml teste over
$18,000 worth of cloitilng which mas to in
90 days to raise money. Coins and see the
prices. You will be astonished. All new
goods made up this summer. No. 10 aud 18
South Malu stmt. it
Spring is here and everybody
wants to be in harmony with the
season. It would be well to seize
the opportunity we offer for getting
at our prices. Our prices tr a
perpetual pleasure to patrons.
25 South Main Street.
CENTS per yard for a good
Rag Carpet worth 45 cents.
Call and see the new line of
Velvets, Brussels and Ingrain Car
pets just received.
10 S. Jardln
The human system is a great
deal like a house it must have
a thorough renovating at least
once a year. Now is the time
of the year to clean out your
With Iodide Potash ig the Ideal Blood
Purifier, System Toucr and Appetite
Sharpener We recommend Fowler's be
cause we know its cooipositiou aud can
truthfully say it is
6 South Main Street.