The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 20, 1897, Image 2

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KMT.VIll.IHIIIil) 1H70.
Published every Kvenlng, Rxrept Sunday, at
Muirrn JmniH Hnmwr, Nsts Cskthb.
The Herald In deilvcierl In KhviinnuoHii nud tb
surrounding town for six cent a wek, pay
able to the carriers. By mail 18.00 n year, or 9ft
cent a month, payable In advance. Advsrtlee
mnnts charged according to sink and position.
The publishers reacrve the right to change the
Jiosinon of advertisements whenever the pub
leatlon of news demands It. The right 1
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
nnld for or not, that the publishers may deem
lmproier. Advertising rates made known
upon application.
Kntcreri at the nostofMoe at HheiHindoah, Pa., as
sceond class mall matter.
"All lite News That's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
THURSDAY, MAY 80, 1807.
Thk fad of walking barefoot on the
dewy gram has iiHtl a short run In
thin country. About the best thing a
person can do for health lmfore break
fast is to take a cup of corTee.
Kdhkm Pasha points with pride to
the fact that his army commits no
atrocities. Oen. AVeyler, whose
whole policy is one of extreme
cruelty, should compare results with
the Turk.
Mb. Hryan says: "We now have a
hnrmoniotis Democratic party." It is
hardly necessary to add that the re
mark was not made in Shenandoah
nor in the neighborhood of Congress.
Mr. Bryan should furnish a geographi
cal diagram.
Thkkk may be little eolisolation
in the knowledge that Hon. John
AVanamaker has at least two fol
lowers in this county in his advocacy
of the organization of a new party
by dissatisfied Republicans. The odi
tor of the Pottsvillo KcpuMican is
one of them.
It is not generally known that two
varieties of the spider family are
utilized as laborers, though not in a
ci editable line of human industry.
They are gieat producers of cob
webs, and are supplied to wine cellais
at 10 cents each to give the bottles an
appearance of ajje in a short time.
Npidei- raising for this purpoto it
c irried on in Pennsylvania, iib well as
vt'i irn AiiTvn vnnnvrw urn to.
ceived from the Odd Fellows Orphan
age recently established near Sun
bury. Tile institution is now pro
pared to recoive inmates, and four
are expected this week. That suc
cess has finally crowned the efforts ot
those who have zealously advocated
the erection of th e home is a source
of much pleas are to the members ol
the fraternity in this section, and it
will no doubt rocelve substantial sup
port and encouragement from those
not members of the order.
It is said the output of tho Cripple
Creek gold mines for tho first foui
months of the present year was over
70,000 tons, with an avorajjo value of
afi0 a ton, or $3,(500,000. During the
same period of 1WHJ, the Cripple Creek
product only reached $1,875,000, so
that the increase over last year has
been enormous. It looks, too, as
though Leadville will soon show the
same percentage of increaso over its
lWKi output, and the situation in the
other districts of that state is almost
as satisfactory.
Politics and Christianity.
The question us to whether poli
tics can be conducted on strict Chris
tian principles or whethur a politician
can be a Christian, are very important
ones in a republic like ours, where
every mun is a politician in a certain
sense, where the government is of tie
people, by tho people and for the
people. These questions have occu
pied the attention of public men in
various walks of life, and the public
generally have given the subjoct con
siderable thought.
Among the great number who have
expressed an opinion, that of lloger
A. Pryor, one of the judges of New
York, is worthy of reproduction at
this particular time. Judge Pryor
needs no introduction to our readers,
as he is well known throughout the
country. When asked for an opinion
upon tliis subject, he said :
"To answer this question one must
Know what you mean by a politician
If you mean a man who resorts to
every kind of nefarious and dishonest
or corrupt practice to climb into polit
ical power, I answer most emphati
cally that such a politician can not be
a Christian. Yet I believe that a poli
tician can be a Christian and that he
always should be one.
"A good politician one who de
sires that all government hall Ixi ad
ministered In such a way as to secure
the richest blessings and the highest
good to the greatest number of tile
people governed will necessarily ap
ply the morality of the Gospel to the
conduct of government and to the
relations of citizens to the govern
ment. For example, 'Love thy neigh
bor as thyself is as applicable to gov
ernments as to individuals, and if so
applied by iiolitioinng of all nations
would prevent us from ever again
knowing the horrors of war. o that
other great fuiMlamentMl principle of
the (Jospel, 'Thou shalt love the Lord
thy (Jod witli all thy heart,' should
be the guiding principle of nations
Hitd of those politicians who dictate
national policy. Again, the maxim,
'Render unto Caesar the things that
are Caesar's,' obliges the citizen to
discharge faithfully Ills duty to his
"It will readily be seen by these
illustrations how politics and politi
I'imix may be purified and exalted by i
thus tin eel Ij apphing 1 he obligation
and precept laid down by Christ to
all political u Hairs. Every politician
who would do this would Ire a true
Christian In the enne In which we
are now employing the word. I
think, therefore, that all clergymen
of every oent and creed should Incul
cate the most rigid morality In all
political relation ax well its Indi
vidual conduct. They should esteem
ucli teRchlng one of their prime
functions and duties."
Not only pile of the very worst ktml run
ho cured by DeWltf s Witch lintel Salve, bat
ecsemn, scaMs, burns, bruises, bolls, ulcer
and nil other kin troubles can lie Instantly
relieved by the same remedy. C. II. llagcn
bnch. flnmu-lnl i'll' In Ycnerunlh.
Caracas, Venezuela, May 20. A fi
nancial crisis recently burst upon the
market of Caracas. liuropean exchange
has advanced to 8 per cent and 9 per
cent. The banks refuse all commer
cial operations. It Is said that the
government Intends to export gold In
order to effect the payment of the
Veneauelan debt, which Is largely -held
Don't neglect a cough becan-w the weather
is iiiciuMtit; tHTire the next storm roll
aruiiud It limy develop Into a serious diffi
culty beyond repair. One Minute Couch
Cure Is easy to take and will do what Its
name implies. 0. It. llageuhui-li.
Ideutennnt farrow Attain Aeiultteil.
Pittsburg. i!ay 20. The case ot Lieu
tenant Edward S. Farrow for conspir
ing to defraud the Mutual Reserve Life
Fund association of New York, was
concluded shortly before noon, yester
day, and the Jury retired. At 4 o'clock
the Jury returned a verdict of acquit
tal and placed the costs on the Insur
ance company.
Jtev. win. isiout, wtarton, out., was
completely cured of scrofula after seventeen
physicians bad failed to give, him relief, litir
dock lllood imttrjdld it.
'rosifytoi-lnii tloiioi-nV Aiwoiulily.
Ragle Lake, Ind.. May 20. The 109th
general assembly of the Presbyterian
church has taxed the powers of the
committee on entertainment to the. ut
most. The Interest In the question of
moderatorshlp has been lively all day.
The ireneral opinion seemed to favor
Dr. Henry C. Mlnton, of San Fran
cisco, as a representative of the far
west. Another candidate Is Dr. Shel
don Jackson, the United States com
mlssloner of education In Alaska. It
was rumored that his name was to he
presented by ex-President Harrison.
The main work of the general assembly
during ts- ten days' seslons will be
called with the missionary and benevo
lent work of the denomination.
Try flrnlii-fl Try Oraln-O !
Ask jour grocer to-day to sliow you i
incksge of OKAIN-O. the new food driul
tliilt lakes tho place of cotteu. i'lio chlldroi
may drink it without injury ns well as tin
ndn't. All who try it, like it. QKAIX-0
has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java,
hut it Is made from pure grains, nud tin
niest delicate stomach receives It wituou
distress. tho price of coffee. 15c and 2I
cts. per package. Sold by all grocors.
I'lnir oe I.?'" n . ,i Mu-coi-jioi-ntloiif.
Lunplng, Mich., May 20. Oovcrnoi
Plngree satd today that it the members
uf tho legislature want to get through
and go home the last of May, as con
templated, they must first puss a law
to get at least 11,000,000 more out of
corporations. Otherwise he will call
an extra seslon.
llucklon's Arnica Halve
The best s.ilve in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, sultj-lieum, lover soroi.
tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin oruptions, and positively cures piles
or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to giv
perfect satisfaction or mouy refunded. I'ria
26 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasloy.
A Disorderly Colored Convention.
Lancaster, Pa., May 20. The final
session of the Afro-American Republi
can league was one of wild disorder,
and the assistance of the police was
required again and again. Resolutions
wore ndopted upholding civil service
when properly applied, denouncing the
crime of lynching, advising the negro
to patronize their own men in business,
and deploring the riotous conduct of
the proceedings, putting the blame for
It on paid agents of high political lead
ers. Reading was selected as the place
of next meeting.
Experience tenches the impor
tance, of special cure ot the health.
And fixed among the impor
tant principles of hygiene and health is
the acknowledged necessity of a good
Spring Medicine.
Just nb firmly established by the ex
periences of millions of people, is the
positive fact that Hood's Siti-fapuriihi
is " far and awny " the best blood puri
fiorand spring medicine overproduced.
The necessity is found in the im
pure, condition of tho blood at this
season, owing to the closo conlhie
iiient and breathing vitiated air in of
fice, store, shop, Huttso, schoolroom
or factory ; oxceesivo cntiug and drink
ing too rich and hearty food; lute
hours and social indulgences. "With
the lilood thus thick and impure, the
machinery of life grinds hard.
Hood's SHrsaparilia pttrillos, vital
izes and enriches the bloil, builds up
and strengthens the nerves and tones
the stomach. It oils up the machinery
of the whole body; the liver takes up
its work anew, the kidneys resume
activity, the ache goes out of the back,
the bowels are regulated, the appetite
restored, the focal Is rolished and as
similated. Don't wait till you are thoroughly
sick in-fore you Iwjgiu to take a Spring
Lock the door before tho horse is
Take Hood's Sarsnpanllu now as n
preventive ami it will pay you a thou
sandfold In health and strength through
the coming Bummer.
Sold by all druggists. $1, tdx for $5. Prepare! only by
C. I. IIootiA Co., Lowell, Mtuis. The One True Blood I'unuYr.
President McKlnley may go away
for an outing on the dispatch boat Dol
phin In June.
The senate naval committee unani
mously recommends that the price of
armor plate be fixed at $100 per ton.
The new policy In the postofflce de
partment Is to establish as many post
offices as possible whenever any rea
sonable amount of business can be se
cured. It Is thought In New Orleans that
there will be no further damage done
by the overflow. The loss, whlie
an ountlng to millions, Is not so scifous
as in many previous years of overllow.
Don't Touaooo Spit and Smoke Your Life
If you want to quit tobwen using ennlly
and forever, lie made welt, strong, magnetic,
full of new life and vigor, take No-To-ltac,
the wonder-worker that makes weak men
strong. Many train ten pounds in ten day.
Over 400,000 cured, liny No-To-Ilio from
your own druggist, who will guarantee a
mire. 50c or $1.00. Ilooklet and sample
mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co.,
Chicago or New York.
To Itetlueo runners' Taxes.
I'hllllpsburg, N. J., May SO. The
Warren county board of assessors has
decided to knock off $466,000 In assess
ments on the farm lands of the county.
This amount, or as much of It as pos
sible, will be added to the assessments
In the various towns.
Death Penalty l-'or Train Wreckers.
New York, May 20. Governor Black
festerday signed the bill providing the
Jeath penalty for train wreckers who
cause death.
For every quarter in a man's pocket
there are a doseii uses; and to useeaoh one
in such a way us to derive the greatest bene
fit is a question ovory one inutsolo for
liimelf. We lielleve, however, that no
betler use could be made of one of these
quarters than to exchange it for u bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Itemed)-, a medicine that every family should
be provided with. For sale by Qruhlor Urog.,
l'ntut l'lro Destroy .1,0110 lloti'o.
Victoria, 13. C, May 20. -The steamer
Dmpress of India, from Yokohoma
bilngs news of a fire which completely
destroyed the town of HoehloJI, In the
silk district of Japan. Nearly 4,000
houses were destroyed and between
40 and 60 lives were lost. AH the houses
were frail wooden structures, and the
fire took but a short time to sweep
the town, giving the helpless members
of the community little chance to es
cape. There Is Nothing so Good.
There is nothing just as good as Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs ami
Colds, so demand it and no not permit tin
dealer to sell you sonio substitute. Ho will
not olaim there is anything better, but in
order to make moro profit he may claim
something else to bo just as good. You want
Dr. King's Now Discovery becnuso you kno
it'to bo safe and reliable, and guaranteed to
do good or money refunded. For Coimhs.
Colds, Consumption and for all affections of
throat, uncstnna Lungs, thcro is nothing so
good as is Dr. King's New Discovery. Trial
bottlo freo at A. Waslcy's drug store. Itegu
l.i r si.o 50 cents and $1.00.
Glass l-'ui-toi-Ios Will Clo-o Down.
Pittsburg, May 20. The conference
between the scale committees of the
manufacturers and green bottle makers
ended last night after definitely de
ciding not to change the rulo for the
summer shutdown, and the factories
will close during July and August, as
heretofore. The other suggestions will
be submitted to the convention at At
lantic City next month
Resinned by IfeqiH'-t.
Washington, May 20. Judge A. D.
Montgomery, of Kentucky, one of the
five members of the Dawes Indian
commission, by request, has presented
his resignation to the president. Thoma3
Needles, of Illinois, who was a candi
date for commissioner of Indian af
fairs, is being considered for the of
fice by President McKlnley.
ltolll'H Spiituiibo Couui-motl.
Omaha, Neb., May 20. The supreme
court of Nebraska yesterday confirmed
the decision of the district court which
sentenced Henry Roln, the defaulting
tlty treasurer of Omaha, to 13 years
In the penitentiary. Doln, who was
jut on bail, has disappeared.
"Wo always tako several bottles of
Hood's Satsaparilla in our family every
spring as a tonio and blood purifier and
we find that it overcomes that tired feel
ing gives new life, and keeps us well all
summer." WM. KtNQBL, 813 Bth Ave.,
I'corla, Illinois.
Excellent Spring iYlodlclno.
"For a number of years I have taken
Hood's Sarsaparilla in the spring, not for
any particular ailment, but on general
principle, that the system needs a tonio
at this time, and I have always found
Hood's Sarsaparilla a most excellent
spring medicine." Hakon Hammhii,
Engineer, Pottstown, Pennsylvania.
That Tired Feeling.
"I was troubled with that tired feeling
all the spring. I purchased three bottles
of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and when I had
taken about half of it I was feeling well
again. I believe Hood's Sarsaparilla to be
an excellent blood purifier and tonio."
Miss Oka K. Mokoan, Busey, Illinois.
Builds up the Health.
'We take Hood's Barsaparilla as a
toniein the spring. Two ot our children
bad tonsUitis and their blood was in a
hid condition. Hood's Serfs parilla built
them up, and we have taken ft again this
spring with much benefit." Mrs. P. H.
Cahoon, Pleasant Lake, Mass.
N. U. If you tleelde to take Hood's
Sarraparllla do not be induoed to buy
anything else Instead. There is no sub
stitute tor Hood's.
Monit xitouitLii iron spain.
Liberals Will No Longer support the
(lovernment's 1'ollo.r.
Madrid, May 20. At a meeting of
Liberal sens tors and deputies yester
day Senor Sagasta, former premier,
made an Impromptu speech, In the
course of which he said:
"Wa have 200,000 troops In Cuba, but
we are not even masters of the ter
ritory trodden by our soldiers. At the
same moment Carllsm Is organising It
self In the peninsula and menaces us
with a new war, thanks to the Impunity
It enjoys, while the seeds of separatism
are germinating in some of the prov
inces. "The picture could not be gloomier.
We have war In Cuba and In tho
'Philippines, and we have almost a
civil war at home. The government Is
na., responsible for them, but It Is un
fortunate In Us administration. Re
forms In Cuba will not solve the Cu
ban problem."
8enor Sagasta severely reprobated
the conduct of the government In finan
cial, lHilltlcal and diplomatic emergen
cies, and said:
"It is In this way that a new conflict
has arisen with the United States. Wc
wish to know, what has become of tho
10,000,000 of the former loan, since 8,000,
000 are still due the army. In Cuba no
Important problem has been solved,
and there has only been an aggravation
of long existing Ills.
"In the face of this situation the
Liberal party has decided to break
the truce it has accorded to the gov
ernment during the last two years.
The government has exlsfcd until now
because of the complaisance of tho
Liberals. Henceforth the Liberals will
throw alt the responsibility upon the
The speech, which wa greatly ap
plauded, portends stormy sittings for
both chambers. Many Liberals pre
dict that Senor Canovas will be thrown
frjim power within a fortnight. Po
litical passions are thoroughly ex-
Thcro Is n Class of People
Who are injured by tho use of coffee.
Recently there lias been placed lit all the
grocery stores a new preparation called
OUAIN-O, mado of pure grains, that takes
the placo of cofleo. lho most dollcntr
stomach receives it without distress, and but
few cau tell it from coffee. It does not cost
over i as much. Children may drink it witl
great benefit. 15 cts. and 2!i cts. per package.
Try ft. Ask for GRAIN-O.
Aiwoiikpi' Mlfwlius With n l-'ortuno
Boston, May 20. Albert M. King, the
19-year-old messenger of the Boylston
National bank. Is missing, together
with about $20,000 In cash and a $10,000
United States certificate not negotia
ble except between banks. King start
ed for the cleaMng house at 10:16
o'clock yesterday morning to settle
the balance existing there against the
bank, and on the way. according to in
structlons, transacted other business
Involving something like $15,000. King
has been employed at the bank about
two years, has carried as much as
$100,000 of the" bank's money at a tlmo
on previous occasions, and has never
lost a dollar
Tho bladder was created for ono purpose,
namely, a rcceptaclo for , the urino, and ns
such it is not liablo to any form of disease ex
cept by one of two ways. Tho first way is
from imperfect action of tlio kidneys. The
second way is from careless local treatment of
other diseases.
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys
is the chief cause of bladder troubles. So
tho womb like tho bladder, was created for
one purpose, and If not doctored too much
is not liablo to weakness or diseased, except
In rare cases, It Is situated back of and very
close to tho bladder, therefore any pain,
disease or inconvenience manifested in the
kidneys, back, bladder or urinary paseago is-l
often by mistake attributed to feiualo weak
ness or womb trouble of somo sort. The
error is easily made and may be ns easily
avoided. To find out cprrcctly, set your
urine asido for tnonty-four hours; a sedi
ment or settling indicates kidney or bladder
trouble. The mild nud tho extraordinary
effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, tho great
kidney, liver and bladder remedy is soon
realised. If you need a medicine you should
havo the best. At druggists fifty cents and
ono dollar. You may have n sample bottle
and pamphlet, both scut free by mail
Mention KvnxiKO Herald und send your
address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., ltiuglinmton.
N. Y. Tlio proprietors of this paper guarantee
tho gcnuluess of this ofl'er.
Trninp' Torrlblo Itovongo.
Montlcello, Ky May 20. News has
reached here of the cremation of a
farmer named ThomaB Diddle, his wife
and three children, on White Oak
creek, across the line In Tennessee.
Some tramps had asked permission ot
Diddle to build a fire In his barn to
keep them warm during the night. Did
dle refused to allow them to do this,
and ordered them to leave. The same
night Dlddle's house was destroyed by
fire and the whole family roasted allvo.
It is supposed the tramps applied the
torcn to the house out of revenge.
"They are dandies" said Thos. Itowers, of
the C-ockct, Texas, Enterprise, while writ
ing about DeWitt's Little Ksrlv Itisers. tlio
famous little pills for sick headache and dis
orders of the stomach and liver. C. U.
AIoKInloy Kociilvos Postal DolcgiitoM.
Washington, May 20. The delegates
to the International postal union were
given a reception'at the White House
last night by President and Mrs. Mc
Klnley. Besides the delegates, there
was Invited the members of the foreign
embassies and legations, the Justices
of the supreme court, the members of
the cabinet and a number of senators
and members of the house and ladles
of their families. Colonel Bingham
made the introductions to the presi
dent, who In turn presented, the dele
gates to Mrs. McKlnley. President
and Mrs. McKlnley had assisting them
Mrs. Hobart and the ladles of the cabi
net. Between 400 and 500 guests were
Souie for ten, some for twenty and some
for thirty years have suffered from pile, and
then havo been quiokly and iwriunimntly
flnvul U nl llAWIIu Wltnl. Ilu..l Ul.,
V...V.. f.J W (, ,'V.,. ,fA,M IIIHI EMI ,
the great remedy for pilus in J all forms of
skin illMuues. v. II. lliueiuiucb.
Town 1 mt i'u.vo4l li.v UiO n-enon.
Brass, Guinea Coast, May SO. An ex
pedltlon, presumably French, as French
officers and men actively took part In
it, has captured and burned the town
of Wa-Wa, In the Doussu country. A
hundred men were killed and 200 made
A Household Necessity.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, act gently sutl
positively 011 kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleausing the entire system, dispel colds, oure
headache, fever, habitual constipation and
biliousness. I'ltuse buy and try a box of
('. V. C. (o day ; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and
guaranteed to euro by all druggists.
father Time lias
to halt when he
meets n woman who
knows how to take care
a( her health. Time
can't make her seem
She may be the
mother of a family;
that makes no dlffer-
Sh In IwiUlld to
be young because her heart is ycaiig and
there la rich, young blood circulating lit her
veins. She doesn't need cosmetics and face
powders and skin-preservers. Pure blood
is the only true skin-presetver.
But when a woman's blood is full of bll
Ioub impurities, she can neither look young
nor feel young. Her whole constitution is
poisoned with bad blood. It permeates ev
ery part. It paralyzes the nerve-centres;
weakens the stomach; Irritates the heart,
preys upon the lungs and bronchial tubes
It reduces a woman to a state of weakness,
nervousness, irritability, dejection and mel
ancholy. Such a woman can't possibly bt
youthful, no matter what her age may be.
She needs the youthfulness of highly vital
ised blood. Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical
Discovery will give it to her. It will help
any woman to get back her youth and
freshness again.
It gives the digestive and blood-making
mgniiRand the liver power to produce good,
pure, healthy blood, It gives color to the
checks, and sparkle to the eyes; drives away
pimples and blotches; wipes away wrinkles;
rounds out emaciated forms, and creates
firm, natural, healthy flesh.
Mrs. Uebecca V. Gardner, of Grafton, York Co.,
Vs., writes- " When I was married I weighed i
pounds. I was taken sick and reduced hi health
and hroke out with a disease which my doctor said
was eczema. I!e treated my disease but failed to
do me any good, and X fell away to oo pounds.
began using Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery, and thank God and you, 1 began to lm-
firove. Now I weigh 140 potiuds and have only
nken two ixittlcs, I cannot say too much about
the medicine. Mv husband saysl lookyouugcr
1 han 1 did the first time he saw in 15 years ago."
It H111 Ilcsultod in n Split In tho Pop
ullHt ltnnks.
Topeka, Kan., May 20. The agita
tion for the enforcement of tho pro
hibitory law in Kansas, renewed re
cently by the State Temperance union
as a result of open violation of the law
In Topeka, has developed a split in
Populist ranks. Governor Leedy ap
peared at Hamilton hall, where the
temperance people held a second big
mass meeting. At the first meeting
the governor and his police commls
sloners were roundly denounced for
failure to enforce the prohibitory law,
Governor Leedy startled the audience
by a little denunciation of his own. He
declared that the State Temperance
association had fallen Into the hands
of agents of tho railroad and corpora
tlons, and that they were making of It
a political weapon against the Popu
list administration, Instead of an In
strumentality for good. He declared
that If the temperance people were
honest In their agitation of the liquor
trafflc would be very quickly abolished.
The governor's remarks provoked a
retort from ex-United States Senator
Peffer, who deplored tho governor's at
tack upon the temperance people, and
Intimated that the state administra
tion was not sincere In its attitude
townrd the liquor traffic.
Annie L. Dlggs, another Populist
leader, spoke In the same strain,
though she declared that Governor
Leedy was doing as well as any other
governor since John A. Martin, a pro
nounced temperance man.
Ask your grocer for ao -Royal Tatcnt
0our, and take no othor brand. It isthebesl
Bour made
Sixty Piunltlos Homeless by Plnmo,
Jersey City, May 20. A fire which
started at 1:30 o'clock In the morning
at Newark avenue and First street
burned all through the night. Sixty
families have been rendered homeless,
and the damage to the tenement houses
they occupied Is estimated at $100,000.
No fatalities have been reported, but
two or three were Injured by a falling
Why suffer with Couehs. Colds and Iji
Qriiiiio when Laxative llrouio Ouiuiue will
cure you in ouo day. Put up in tablets ion
venicnt ior laKing. uuarautcca to cute, o)
money refunded. Price, 25 cents, "or salt
iy Kirlin's Pharmacy.
sti-iunoi- Sti-nfidt-d on n Itoor.
Chicago, May 20. The steamer E. M,
Peck missed the harbor entrance In tha
dense smoke which was blown on the
lake frpm the city, and Btranded on
Hyde Park reef five miles south of the
harbor. The Peck was running at good
speed, supposing the harbor to be di
rectly ahead. Before she stopped she
had run out four and one-half feet
forward. Forty men were sent out on
the tug Charnley to Jettison the coal
cargo and they threw It Into the lako
as 'fast as It could be shoveled.
Iiich and poor alike Buffer tlio tortures that
come with that terrible plague, Itching Piles;
rich and poor allko find distant relief nud
porninnent euro in Doan's Ointment, Your
dealer keeps it.
Kentucky' Autl-Mob Law Pasnod.
Frankfort,. May 20. The legislative
fight of two winters Is ended. The
house passed the anti-mob bill yester
day, thus removing all possibility of
an additional extra session, and the
senate silver minority fought through
another whole day without allowing
the fusion bill to pass. This makes
the bill's passage at this session, which
ends Friday, an Impossibility. The
silver Democrats, with this fight set
tled, feel that the candidate for ap
pellate court clerk to be nominated
here June 2 cannot be beaten by any
fusion of the gold Democrats and Re
publicans, and are more than ever de
termined to reaffirm the Chicago plat
form at that state convention and to
keep out ill but Bryan DemooraU.
Ithouinutlsm Vured In n Day,
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically euros in 1 to 3 days. Its
notion upon the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause and
tho disease immediately disappears, The
first dose greatly benoflts.
T. K. Anthony. ex-Pattmaater of Promise
City, Iowa, says: "I bought one bottle of
Mystic cure fur Klieiimatixtn, and two doses
of It did me more good tlutn any inedichio I
ever took." 76 cents.
Sold by C. H. Hageubucli, druggist, Shen
sndoah. Oerinnu Soldiers KlUod on tho Ball.
Cologne, May 20. A train conveying
a detachment of reserves from West
phalia to Metz ran off the rails yes
terday between Hllloshelm and Gerol
shelm. Nine soldiers were killed and
IS Injured. The accident was caused
by the train breaking In two, the rear
portion subsequently overtaking and
crashing Into the front part.
No need to fear the approach of croup if
you have Dr. Thomas' Kclectrlc Oil In the
liousu. Never was a case that it wouldn't
cure if uacd at the outset.
Dullness Lotl by New .Ior-n.v Cantltil
rtlid Chicago tin-.-A Pinal Holly.
New York. May 19. The llimni-ts shown
by the many htiiiidnrd Hlmres rnthor
stormy vicissitudes of the day's stork
market was iulto remiirknblc, eon-Mde:--tng
the eHlence of two HUrh renters
of depression ns New Jersey Central all
day und Chicago Uhh in the lute dealings,
ufter the receipt of news of the defeat
In the Illinois leglnlnture of the bill per
mitting consolidation of gas companies.
To estimate the extent of the Inlluom-e
tlint might have been exercised upon
the general msrket by these two stocks
It must bo considered that the two ab
sorbed over 81,000 out of a total of 160,000
shares dealt In on the exchange for the
day, Chicago Qos alone being credited
with 63,000 shares. The demoralisation In
this stock carried prices generally below
the close Inst night, but a final rally lu
the mnrket brought many prices bnrh
near to lust night's close, or fractionally
above It. ( losing bIdK:
Bnlto. A Onto... 11 Irfhlgh Valley.. 23!4
Chesa. A Ohio... 16 N. J. Central.. 78t4
Del. Hudson. .10W4 N. Y. Central.. W)a
V., L. A W UUi Pennsylvania .. M.?
Drie 12 Heading 1S
Lako Drle & W. St. Paul 7S
All asst's paid.
Ounoml Mnrkota.
Philadelphia, May 18. Flour wenk; win
ter superfine, $2.7604; do. extras, $8.15
3.40, l'l-nnsylvanla roller, clear, JMil.15;
do. stralgl t, J4.S09f4.3n; western winter,
clear. $44i4.LD; do. rtrnlgbt, f t.sioT4.". city
mills, exti-.i. :i.25ir..50. Hye Hour n'mv 11 1
$2.6fi, 2.60 per 1(0 lbs. Wheat weuk, con
truet Wheat, May, SlHiK3e.; do. July, 74"i
4C....:. ; No. - Pennsylvania and No. 2 Del- red. snot, !-0e. ; No. 1 noi them
spring, spot, SHiXT'.c.: cCo. 2 red, May,
7D1, r.i 60. July, tiKi:; do. Benlmibr,
2Tkc. ; do. December. 74c. Corn qui. t nud
sie.iuy; Kleti:-rer torn, snot, hshzhv. ;
No. 1: . -How for local trade. 314iSl'fr. , No
2 wi- u, spot. 29(41; iS'ic. Oats riu.l; No
2 wdilu. em-lota. HTLc; :;0. 2 white Hip-
pod, eurlots, 27',iC-: do. May, 274l27V4c; 00.
June und July, 26Vti-28Uc. Hay In mod
or.-.le demand i oho-io tlmuthy, $14 lor
Inrire bales. Beef quiet; beef bams, $23f(C
lorK nun; Tuinlly, Ilo.KMill. Lm-a
steady; western a termed, 24.06. Hotter
nrm; western creamery, U1&U0. ; do. fac
tory. 7Vtfj'104c.; Hlglns. 14c; Imitation
creamery, 9i,tul2c. ; New York dairy, 10ff
lie; do. creamery, ll&Hc; fancy prints
Jobbing at 17620e. ; do. extra Pennylva
nla, wholesale, 16e. Cheese steady; large,
sWiWic.: small, 9lfil0'.o.; part skims,
Wiu.; full skims, :'i&3c. Dggs firm;
New York and Pennsylvania, lie.; west
ern, fresh, 1014Sillc; southern, OJJIOc. Po
tatoes quiet; New York, 95c.(ifS1.26; sweets,
J1.2Mi2. Tallow easier; city, 2 15-1 (Wf 3c.;
country, 3 1-lMHHc, as to quality. Bosln
firm; strained, common to good, $1.G7
1.70. Pig Iron dull; southern, W.2W10;
northern, JW12. Copper steady; brok
ers, 111.12; exchange, S10.904rT11.26. Tin
tinner; straits,' $13.4Mil3.G6; plates weak.
Spelter quift; domestic, 4.1(Kif4.20. Lead
business hangs fire, with the Metal Hx
chunge CHlllug the market dull at 23.22H
S.37H, and brokers calling the market
firm at Tomatoes, per carrier,
$l.B0i2. Cabbage, per crato. Jliyt.25. Cof
fee steady; July, 17.25; August, $7.20; Sep
tember, 27.35; November, $7.10; December,
27.4067.46; March, 17.55.
LIvo Stook Market.
New York, May 19. Beeves slow and
generally lower; native steers, tl.SSR;
stags and oxen, !2.90ri4.50; bulls, $3.1
5.75; dry cows, $1.7503.66. Calves fairly
active, but prices hardly ns strong at
Monday; veals, $44(5.26; few tops at $6.50.
Sheep stpady; yearlings firm and lambs
dull and lower; sheep, $S4.50; yearlings,
$4.50ij6.37,4: lambs, $Ofi0.76. Hogs steady
at 5164.26.
Bast Liberty, Pa.. May 19. Cattle
steady; prime, 26.1006.26; bulls, stags and
cows, $203.75; common to good fat oxen,
$2ifl.l0. Hogs fairly netive; prime me
dium, $3.80j3.R5; best Yorkers, $3.753.S0;
heavy, $3."0ii3.&0; common to fair York
ers, $3.7Wt.76; pigs, $3.753.t)0; roughs, $2.70
63.26. Sheep steady; choice, $4.15?4.23;
fair, $3.5503.80; choice lambs, $4,904)5.10;
common to good lambs, $4j4.75; veal
salves, $5(05.50.
For Weak and Run Down People,
WHAT IT Therlcbestofnll restorft
W nH I II IOI tlve foods, bocauso ft re
places tho essenttals of life that aro ex
hausted by disease, Indigestion, high living,
ovorwork, worry, oxcestes, abuse, etc.
WHAT ITIMFSI By making tho blood
WrlHI II UUCOI pure and rich and the
digestion perfect It creates solid tlesh,
muscle and strength. Tho nerves being
made strong tho bruin bocomes active and
siear. It restores lost vitality, stops all wast
ing drains and weakness In either sex, and
as n female rogulator has no equal. Price
60c., orflve boxes 52.00. Druggists orby mail.
We can help you. Advice nndbook, free.
fWflto Us About Your Case.
1612 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
k (licit ord' rn fur our Imrdj
Nurmry Stock. Uii'tMisu
Mid Balar to t liosA tearing
h ni(f or coniminuion t( lo
cnl Kg puts. rmancnt ?in
plorinPtit. The bimluess
r daily lenrneil. AdtlreM
t:h- (.;. (.'HASH 1:0,
l4Ji3o leno Bq.. J' Mia,
In4S hours Oonorrhtea nd
dlMinn-sli-ouitlia urtnaryor-
cane, rre tflbv Hants 1 alWrfHinY 1
(-apaincHwiuiouunconYfniencuiliuLfi f
l'rf.-e 1 I . of Abb JirueytntH, V" V
or P. ). ilm-JOHl . Nrn York
peppa. Railroad.
jAMtunv 18,1897.
Trains will leave Rhenamlnnli nfir Him -K,...
date for WlBgans, Gllliorton, Frookvllle, Dir.
water, Bt. uialr, 1'ottsrllle. Hamburg, ltcadlnr
4 uw,unu, iiiwiiiAvitic, iiurriBiown ana rur
adelpbla (llroad street station) at &U3 and 1105
a. m. and 4 20 p. m. on week days. For Pott
Title and Intermediate stations 9 17 a. m.
- 1 171 nni . n 1 in . r.
Water Hi. Olnlr. lnttavlll nt rw in ... ...
8 10 p.m. Kor Hamburg, Heading, Pottstowr
Phoenlxvllle, Norrlslown, Philadelphia aid 8
145a. m Slop. m.
Trains leave l'rackvllle for Shenandoah s
1040 s. m. and 1231, 5 41, 752 and 10 47 . a.
Sunday, 11 13 a, m. and 5 41 p. m.
Leave I'ottavlllo for Shenandoah at 10 It
a. m. and 12:03, 5 15, 7 28 ond 10 20 p. m. Sunda)
' 10 40 a. m., 5 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), fo
Shenandoah at 5 67 ond 8 1W a. m., 4 10 and T 1
p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 SO a. m.
Leave llroad Btreet station, Philadelphia, tu
Sea Qlrt, Anbury Pork, Ocean Drove, Lon
Ilranch, and Intermediate stations, 8.W 11.14
a. m., 8.110 and 4.0S p. m. week-days.
Leave llroad Wree Station, Philadelphia,
Eipress, week-days 3 30, 4 On, 4 SO 515, 6 50.
T.3.8 . H 33. 9 60, 10 21 ( Dining Chr), 11 00 11. in,
1J 00 noon, 235 (Limited 100 and 4M p.m.
Dliilng Cars), 1 40, 280 (Dining Car) 3 30, 3 60.
4 W, 5 00, 5 50(l)lnliiKC'ur), 0 00, 0 00,812710 00
I' JJ'a 12 0I' night, Sundays, 3 30, 4 06, 1 60 5 15,
8.8W.9M. 10 2t, (1)1 ing Car, 1135 a. m.
12 35. 2 30 (Dining Oar), 4 00 (Limited 4 32 Dining
Oir), 5 30, 5 56, (Dining Car), 6 36, 6 60, 8 12, 10 00
p. 111 , 12 01 night.
ltipreiM for lkwtou without olmnge, 11 00a in.,
week-days, mid 6 50 p. 111., dally.
For Ilaltlmore nud Washington, 8 50, 7 20,s . 2
1030, 11 W a. III.. 1209
(5 19
real i.unitnu D,
lug Cur), 1 12, 3 IS, 4 41
" S .wi, "I. 3 In, 4 41 (S19 Coimrumlons)
'In r, Piling Car), 6 17, 855 (Dining Or),
. tyMM.iK , j, m., ami isurj nurhl
week days. Sundays, 8 60, 7-20, 912, 11 3B t.
m., 1209 I 12, 4 41, ( 5 It Congressional Limited
Illiilng Car , (Illiilng Our). 7 40 p. m.
(DIuIiik Cur) and 12 05 niit'rt.
Leave llroad street stutlo ., PhilaOelnhla (via
Dehnvare river bridge), eiproMt, 70 p. .
lveMorket street I'erry, express, 8 51 n in.,
2 00, 4 10,5 ( 0 p. in Sundays, 8 45, S 4 a. m.
AeeoiumoduUun, 8 00, 8 20, a. hi., 3 30 und 4 30
P- ";i wesk days. Sundays, 8 00, 8 15 a. in., 4 00
Jiul 5 00 p. 111.
.,K,1r ,(.5B,e, ,aJrl Angleeo, Wlldwood und
IlyllyUeouh, and Sw Isle City, Ocean City and
Avuloii-Kipfess, 9 00 o. m., 4 00 p. in week
days. Sundays. 00 a. m.
For Somers Point Kipress. 8 50 a m 4 10
p m. week days. Mundaj Htbn 111.
J. II. IIutoiinmmi, J. JL W0011
Oou'l Manager. Geu'l l'ans'g'r Ag
Heart Disease Cured.
'HEN a well known minister after
suffering for years with heart dis
ease, Is cured, It is not surprising
that ho should publish the fact for tho
benefit ot others. Kev. J. .1' Smith, 1045
Pulton St., Ilaltlmore, Md.. writes: "Tor
years 1 suffered from a sovoro form of heart
disease. I used Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure
end ray heart Is now In good condition,
ltc.-ently, other afflictions enmo upon mo.
Timi.-o was humming, p.ilnful sensations on
top ni.d buck of mv h -ad, Fifteen min
utes reading would
mako me almost wild;
there were pulling and
drawing sensations lu
my legs all the time,
B- Fteetorcs
so that I could not sit
1 still. In this condi
tion I began taking
1 Dr. Miles' Hestoratlvo
Nervlno and Its effect was simply won
derful. I heartily commend your remedies."
Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by till drug
gists undor a posltlvo-guarantec, first bottlo
benefits or monoy refunded. Hook on Heart
and Nerves sent free to all applicants.
DK. MILKS MEDICAL CO., Elukart, Ind,
A Tiiin. Titrs amd uric WOMAN'S RELIEF.
AlwtTi Prompt ind rt HftbU. Aiwt mffaftOM.
Get UATitw'i Tax iv PiiLiitnd ivi bl-ureti.
Al rims itni-ei. n rural tllrrrt faeftlnl). nri. II.
Catok SriO-Co., Uotton, Mrtit, Our book, 4a.
For Bftlo nt P. P. 1. KirHn'n drug atoro and
tSlicnandoal. drug store.
Only is po-wlble, whether as n tost ot
excellence In Journalism, or for the
imoMuroinent of iiunntltleH, time or values:
Record . .
After a enrcer of nearly twenty years of
uninterrupted Rrowtb Is instilled in elnlni
Inir that the standard llrst established by
Its founders Is the ouo truo test of
A Perfect Newspaper.
To publish ALL TUP. NHWH promptly nmt
Eilceliietly nud In the most readable fi-rm,
without elision or purtlenii bias; to illseun
Its xlirnlflcanro with frankness, tuleepAN
OP1SN 15VI5 l'OH PUHLIC A11USUS, to L'ive
bckldes n complete rocoid of ciirient
thought, fancies and dlseoverlcs In nil de
partments of human activity In Its DAILY
HDlTlONSof from 10 toll PAUISS, and to
provide tho whole for Its patrons at the
nominal price of OXH CUNT-That was.
from the outset, nud will continue to bo tho
nlmof THK KKCOIU).
The Pioneer
One cent morning newspaper in the UnltriC
States, The ltccord, still LUADS WllHltli
Witness its unrivaled nverairo dally circulation
exeeediiiK 100,000 copies, mid an averniro
exceedliiK 120,000 copies for Its Sunday
editions, while imitations of Its plan nf
pillillimtlon In every important city of the
country testify to the truth of the assertion
that In the quantity and quality of Its con
tents, and In the price ot which It Is sold
Tho Iteeord lias established the standard by
which excellence In journalism mint bo
measured. The Daily Edition
Of Tho Iteeord will ho sent by moll to any
nddrcss for $8.00 per year or 2.1 Scuts per
The Daily and Sunday
lidltlon together, which will givo Its readers
the best anil freshest Information of nil that
Is going on in the world every day In the
yenr Including holidays, will be scut for
51.00 a your or 35 cents per month.
Record Building,
Philadelphia, Pa-
A Handsome Complexion
Is one of the greatest charms a woman can
possess. Pozzoni's Cohclsxiom Pdwnss
gives It.
THE TIMES s the most mtr-niti-ir-
draulated and widely rood newspaper pub
lished In Pennsylvania. Its discussion of puli
Uc men und publle measures Is In the Interest
of publle integrity, honest government anil
prosperous industry, ond it knows no party
or tieisonal allegiance In treating publle
issues. In the broadest and best sense u
family and geniral newspaper.
circulation by deserving It. nd elsliiis that it
Isuusuriuuwcdiiinllthe eaMlilinls ot a great
luetrofiulltan iiewsistpar. Snsuhiittn copies of
any edition will lie sent free to any one send
ing their address.
TERMS-DAILY, MOO ir annum; $1 0
for four liionllw; SO cents per mouth; de
livered by carriers for A cent ner week
SUNDAY KDITION, 32 larie? VamK?,;
lwgss-iai columns, elegantly Illustrated,
lieautlful colored supjilemi-nt $2.00 ,,er 1,,,.
nums S cents wr copy. Dally and Sunday,.
KMX) per annum ; 50 cents ior month.
Address all letters to
TocwfutoiMMt WOULD YOU 01 as
DUt&lhlr. Partlauloua fraa. IiUtmi. IVual-
Clul C'0.1 MA DMrbora HtrH. ChUt, 111.
a -